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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11218 A briefe resolution of a right religion Touching the controuersies, that are nowe in England. Written by C.S. C. S., fl. 1590.; Shutte, Christopher, d. 1626, attributed name. 1590 (1590) STC 21482; ESTC S100915 24,293 41

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they cannot doo they thinke vnlesse they haue the peoples heartes and they perswade themselues that the people of the other side will neuer be reconciled to their Romish Church vnlesse their religion be easie plausible and pleasant to the outward sight and delight of the flesh Hereupon haue they graunted their Bulles their dispensations and all other their licentious doctrines which geue free leaue and authoritie to commit any sinne or sinnes for as long or as short a time as they listed so that they might take their choise of pleasant sinnes to sport themselues at their pleasure and conuenient leisure which to atchieue notwithstanding they must pay good currant coyne for Behold gentle Reader the two pillers of the church of Rome viz. The glorie and riches of their proude Pope and prelates was one and the libertie preached to the people was the other So that the pope I thinke went about to builde a kingdome for himselfe on earth rather then to build a church for God in heauen Hereupon is he magnified with so many titles Hereupon after he began to growe in ambition he vsurped the tytle of Supremacie ouer all kinges princes and Emperours of the world And when the pope had all this iurisdiction and preheminence what was it els but to say with the Whore of Babylon d Reue. 18.8 Sit as Queene I wonder that all the Papistes of the world are not ashamed of their vnholye father whose kingdome whose Church whose religion is onely to preach libertie and licentious kinde of liuing to the people seeking his owne onlie glorie and renowne and not the glorie of God This is that the Iesuits fight for that the Seminaries perswade and contend for that the papistes boast of that they dare challenge al the world in disputation for the defence thereof namely the erecting of the downfalling pride of the Pope in their subtill perswasions to reconcile sillie vnstable soules vnto their Romish Sea They can paint out the honour of Rome with most princelie building in the authoritie of their Pope with more then kinglie tytles and the glory of their splendant Church with no lesse eloquence insomuch as they haue made their tongues as sweete as musicke to enchant and their reason nothing but sophistry to deceiue of whom I wish all men to take heede as of rauening wolues and to flie them as venemous serpents For the true Church of God dooth not stande in such outward glystering pompe as these men would make beleeue but in trueth of the word of God deliuered in sacred scriptures as heretofore hath bene declared But all the pomp wherewith the Romaine Iesuits Seminaries and papistes doo so aduance their proude Pope withall and calling their Church the mother Church What dooth it els represent vnto vs but the glorious state of the Whore of Babylon which was clothed with e Reue. 17.4 purple and decked with golde with pretious stones and pearles hauing a cuppe of golde in her hand full of th'abhominations and vncleannesse of filthinesse and in her forhead was written not the mother Church but great Babylon the mother of fornications and of abhominations of the earth O but I doo the Pope great iniury for he calleth himselfe Seruus seruorum the seruant of seruants but what matter is it to cal himself so in name when in deed he sheweth himself Rex regū a king of kings and a Lord aboue all nations as his title of supremacie his vsurped authoritie of-excommunication of princes his putting downe of kinges and giuing their kingdoms away to whome he list doth manifestly bewray So that this is but a mist cast ouer mens eies to blind fold men from beholding the vsurped princelinesse of the Pope In trueth the Church of Rome sauoureth of too much earthly pompe to haue any part in the true church of God though it boast neuer so much and trust in lying words saying the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord the temple of the Lord The papistes can say that concerning Rome they haue the testimonie of Paule who in his Epistle to the Romanes writeth to al that be in Rome calleth thē f Rom. 1.7 beloued of God called saints but what profiteth it thē that in times past there was a true spouse of Christ in Rome sith now and manie yeares since it is become an adultresse and hath forsaken her first loue her first faith But al this is outcountenanced with the authority of the pope being Peters successor as he glorieth And the pope he chalengeth the Apostolike Sea so that hee will be Peters successour and yet vicarius dei what is this els but to assure vs that Antichrist shall sit in the Temple g Thess 24. of God as God boasting himselfe to be God The Pharisees in Christes dayes could say who can forgiue sinnes but God and yet the Pope hee will arrogate vnto himselfe that authoritie to wreath from kinges their crownes and scepters what is this but to sit in the temple of God as God and boasting himself to be God Now how well he dischargeth the office of an Apostle I think al men vnderstand he braggeth to be Peters successour but what glory is it to be Peters successour in place and not to retaine the doctrine and performe the office of the Apostle Peter It is the maner of papistes altogether to glorie of names persons and places and such outward titles they neuer looke to the trueth of inward puritie so that al there religion is nothing els but a painted schulchre fayre to the eye but within full of rotten bones because the pope was successour to a good Apostle It followeth not no more then an vsurper of a kingdome shal be said a lawful king because he is a successour to a lawfull king Though Peter were a true apostle yet the pope may be a false Apostle and that the Pope is a false Apostle appeareth by the notes of a true and false Apostle Peter had his calling from Christ to be an Apostle and so entred Peter into the Apostleship For Christ is the h Ioh. 10.1 dore whosoeuer entereth not in by the doore but climeth vp some other way the same is a theefe and a robber therefore let the Pope shew that he entred in by the dore or els hee is not like Peter a lawful Apostle In doctrine how the Pope and Peter agree is soone seene Peter saith if i 1. Pet. 4 1● anie man speake let him speake as the words of God the pope hee blotteerth out his owne traditions his vnwritten verities and vomiteth out the puddle of his owne brayne yea he wil preache matter contrarie to the word of God and peruert the worde of God as when Paule sayth and the whole Scripture agreeing with hym that by the k Rom. 3.20 workes of the lawe no flesh shal be iustified before God the Pope and Papistes holde and teache that good woorkes are meritorious yea and that
there bee woorkes of superogation able to saue both themselues and others also they may so aboūd with such superfluitie of good workes Yea worse then all this they holde and teache and teach other to practise which is most horrible blasphemie that bad workes are also meritorious namely that treason in subiects and murthering of their lawfull Christian Soueraigne is not onely lawful but alowable yea commendable nay more than so meritorious in heauen which doctrine as it is moste blasphemous so the practise thereof is moste damnable and dangerous abhorring from nature which teacheth euerie subiect to feare and honour his prince as nature bindeth the sonne to feare and honour his father for princeps est patriae parens degenerating from the law of all nations for it is lawfull and meritorious for a papisticall Romanist treacherously to murder his holy father the pope yea rather more if of euils the least be to be chosen then it is for a sworne subiect to be false and traiterous to so christian a prince Meere repugnant to all Scripture yea contrary to the doctrine of Peter himselfe whose doctrine the pope must obey and teach if in succession hee will be accompted a lawfull Apostle of Christ harken O ye Papists and listen what Peter teacheth you follow his doctrine let not the popes bare name of holy father deceiue you any more nor the name of the Apostolicke Sea for they are but lying wordes to deceiue you Compare the Apostleship of Peter with the Apostleship of the Pope and then if you find him contrarie though he be Peters successour reiect him and tread hys doctrine vnder feete The wordes of Peter are thus be m 1. Pet. 2 13. subiect therefore saith he to euery humain creature whether it be to the king as to the chiefe or to relers as to them that be set in authoritie for the punishment of them that doe ill and the praise of them that doe good againe in the same chapter he saith honour all men loue brotherly charitie feare God honour the king againe he commandeth seruantes to submit themselues in all feare vnto their masters not onely saith he if they be good but also though they be froward If a froward maister be to be honoured and feared of his seruaunt much more ought the person of a kinde and vertuous Soueraigne be had in most reuerent estimation of all subiectes considering that the person of a Prince on earth is the image of God in heauen that she is a person of mightie maiestie of puissant magnificence and of most glistring princely royaltie who being placed in her throne by God by whome Reges regnant principes dominantur is impossible to be thrust out by the power or pollicie of men no not of the deuill himselfe nor all his adherentes for that must needes stand which God hath stablished but that may easily fall which men onely haue erected heauen and earth may passe but not one iote of the word of God shall perishe but shal be fulfilled They therefore may aswell thinke it as possible to pul God out of heauen as it is to remoue a lawful annoynted prince from beside the seat wherein God himself stablified her The vaine hope of the papists therefore dismayed and the false Apostleship of the pope confuted by the faithfull Apostle Peter let vs proceede further to compare them together n 1. Pet. 2.11 Beloued saith Peter I exhort you as strangers and pilgrimes abstaine from fleshly lustes which fight against the soule And againe he saith o 1. Pet. 1.15 As he which called you is holy so be ye also sanctified in all conuersation because sayth he it is written p Leuit. 11 4 4 be ye holy as I am holy So that Peter admitteth no vncleannesse nor dispenseth with anie sinne but reproueth all and onely alloweth sanctimonie of life and conuersation and hee bringeth in scriptum est also for the warrant of his doctrine I would all that pretend themselues to be his successours would doe the like and giue the like wholesome sound admonitions and preceptes then should not men eyther for loue or money haue pardons dispensations commissions with authoritie to commit most diuelish murder accompting that for meritorious which is most monstrous and meriteth in trueth a moste bloudie reuenge for the body and eternall tormentes for the soule if it should be but so much as conceaued in the imagination What the office of a true Apostle is Peter describeth in his fift Chapter q 1. Pet. 5.1 The elders that be amongest you I which am also an elder exhorte feede as muche as in yours the flocke of Christ not compelledly but willingly not couetous of filthy gaine but of a readie minde not as exercising lordship ouer the clergie but that yee may be r 2. Cor 4 24 examples of the flocke If Peter shewing himselfe that he is an elder doe clayme no Lordship in hys Apostleship how commeth it to passe then that the pope his pretended successour claymeth not onely a lordship and dominion in Rome but a litle of supremacie ouer all nations The Papistes answereth at christ said vnto Peter Thou s. Mat i6 18 art Peter and vpon this Rocke I will build my Church and the gates of hel shal not preuaile against it and I wil geue to thee the keies of the kingdom of heauen And whatsoeuer thou bindest on earth shal be boūd in heauen and whatsoeuer thou loosest on earth shall be loosed in heauē But can these words of binding loosing giue a supremacie and kingdome vnto the Pope and not to Peter whose successour he is For we heard before from Peters own mouth that he claymeth nor alloweth but disclaimeth and disswadeth such exercised lordship ouer the Cleargie So that neither did he affect such proud titles of honour Lordship and superioritie but sought rather as he wished all other to be examples of mildnesse and good conuersation How can wee thinke that Christ should giue such Lord-like authoritie when Christ telleth his disciples contending among themselues who should seeme to bee the geeatest The t Luke 22 25 Mat 20.25 Marke 15.24 Kinges of nations saith he beare Lordship but it shall not be so with you but he that will be the greatest among you let him be as the least or as a seruant Now if neither Peter had the superiority but forbiddeth it as teaching al humilitie being taught by Christ his maister the kings of nations are to beare the lordship his apostles should be so far from contending for primacy on earth that they should rather be as seruants appointed to minister to the Church of Christ to build a kingdom for God in heauen If neither Peter had it and if Christ also forbad it shewing the kingdomes belong to the kinges of the nations how can any man gather that Christs meaning was to giue that to Peter which he forbiddeth Peter al the rest of the apostles If
Peter neuer had this authority I maruel much how the papists can possibly conueigh that to the pope which his predecessour neuer had for they affirm the popes authority to be aboue al kings of the earth supreame head of the Church and vniuersall bishop of the whole world but how far these vsurped tytles were from the affection of the true apostle Peter the humilitie of Peter the deuine exhortation of Peter And the former commandement of Christ to al the Apostles dooth sufficiently declare for neither coulde Christ giue that authoritie of Primacie which himselfe forbad nor Peter take that which was not giuen him and which he neither vsed nor so much as desired in affection neither consequently can the Pope his pretended successour deriue that vnto him which neuer belonged to his Ancestor It cannot therefore be that the power of binding and loosing should signifie the supremacie of earthly kingdomes to set vp and pull downe whom he list for as hath bene already prooued Peter is so far from that arrogance that himselfe giueth a double charge to the contrarie namely to feare God and to honour the king as one that is woorthy to haue the chiefest roome for Christ had taught Peter and Peter no doubt learned it that Lordship and dominion belonged vnto the kinges of Nations The power therefore of binding and loosing is not committed to Peter alone but to all the Apostles and seemeth to be expounded in the xx of Iohn where Christ after hee had breathed vpon his apostles and said Receiue v Iohn 20.22 ye the holie Ghost he had said before As my Father sent me so send I you He addeth furthermore that Whose sinnes yee remit they are remitted and whose sinnes yee retaine they are retained And this power of binding and loosing of remitting and retaining was not appropriate vnto their persons or vnto their places but vnto the office of their Apostleship and vnto their preaching of the Gospell For Saint Paule saith that the x Rom. 1 16 1. Cor. 1.21 Gospel of Iesus Christ is the power of God vnto saluation to euery on that beleeueth The Gaoler demanded of Paule and Silas what he should doo that hee might be saued they answered y Act. 16.31 Beleeue in the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saued and thy houshold When Peter had preached vnto the people they began to be pricked in their hearts they demanded of him and of the other Apostles Men and brethren what shall we doo Peter answered a Act 2 38 Repent and be baptised euery man in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sins and receiue ye the gift of holy Ghost Be it known vnto you b men and brethren saith Paule that thorow this man speaking of Christ is preached vnto you the remission of sinnes and that euery one that beleeueth shall thorow him be iustified from all thinges from which he could not be iustified by the lawe of Moses So that we see that remission of sins is by the preaching of the Gospell to the faithfull and that contra Their c sinnes are retained and bound with chaines thereof that are Infidels obstinate and vnrepentant that haue no faith to take hold of saluation preached by the Apostles and pastors of the Church But say they When Christ gaue vnto Peter by speciall name the keies of binding and loosing hee thereby made Peter the Prince of the whole church The answere is easie sie for it is proued before that Christ gaue the power of binding loosing to al the Apostles and why at this time Christ said vnto Peter that he would giue to him the keies by special name the reason was as appeareth by the circūstance of the text because when Christe demaunded of his Apostles Whom say ye that I am Simon Peter answered thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God For Peter answered in the name of all the apostles and Christ likewise gaue him the keies in the name of all And so Cyprian and Augustine two of the Fathers expound it that Christ did it not for this purpose to preferre one man before an other but so to set foorth the vnitie of the Church for so saith Cyprian that God in the person of one gaue the keyes to all to signifie the vnitie of the Church Augustine saith When the Apostles were all asked onely Peter answered Thou art Christ and it is said to him I will giue thee the keies as though hee alone had receiued the power of binding and loosing whereas he being one standeth one for all And he receiued the other with all as bearing the person of vnitie therefore one for all because there is vnitie in all I trust these Fathers will satisfie the Papistes if they be not obstinately malitious and froward children that in the power of the keies of Peter gayned no superioritie ouer the rest of the Apostles Act 15 5 1 pe● 5 1 Act 11 3 Actes 8 24 Gal 1 2 cap Run ouer all that remaineth written and you shall finde nothing els but that hee was one of the twelue equall with the rest and their fellowe but not their Lorde I woonder therefore that the Pope and Papistes will force that vpon Peter which Peter neuer had nor meant to take vppon himselfe which Christ neuer meant to giue him nor to any other viz. to be the Prince and head of the Church for he hath left this tytle to no other but himselfe This that Christ saith Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I wil build my Church imprehendeth no other thing of Peter but that which Paule and Peter himselfe speaketh to al Christians for Paule maketh Christ the chiefe d Ephes c 20 corner stone vpon which they are builded together that grow into an holy temple to the Lord. And Peter biddeth vs to be liuely e 1 Pet 2.3 stones builded vpon that liuely chosen and precious stone Christ Iesus So when Peter had answered to the demand that hee was Christ the sonne of the liuing God then said Christ Blessed art thou f Mat 16 7 Simon Bar-Iona for flesh and blood hath reualed this to thee but my father which is in heauen And I say vnto thee that thou art Peter and vpon this rocke will I build my Church and the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it So that still the Church is builded vpon that confession and answer that Peter made viz. Vpon Christ the son of the liuing God also the g rocke is said to be Christ by especiall wordes in the epistle to the Corinthians And Christ himselfe sayth by speciall wordes also that he that heareth hys wordes and doth them hath like a wise man builded his house vppon a rocke so that Christ and hys word be Mat 7 24 25 the rock wherevpon the Churche of Christ is builded For the Church is not builded super Petrum but super petram that is Iesus Christ the sonne of the