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A07444 The iudge of heresies one God, one faith, one church, out of which there is no saluation. Excluding all infidells, Mahumetans, Iewes, obstinate papists, and other heretikes of all sorts, and consequently all newters, who conforme themselues onely externally to any religion, from hope of participation of the kingdome of heauen. If they finally persist therein, and returne not to the knowledge and zealous profession of the true faith. By Iohn Merideth, Sub-Deane of Chichester. Meredith, John, b. 1579 or 80. 1624 (1624) STC 17830; ESTC S112660 68,232 98

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ther●fore there must alwaies be Knowledge with Faith which may direct faith in her Intention But yet that faith is safest and most lawdable which is greater in affection then knowledge as our Lord plainely sheweth where he compareth Faith to a Graine of Mustard-seed M●t. 13. which is very small in quantity but mighty in heate hereupon he ●aid to the woman of Canaan who then knew little but beleeued much O●woman great is thy faith 1● If one of these be awanting but especially the latter there is no faith but euery one that will be a Christian must bee able truly to say Nos credimus cognouimus c. W● beleeue Ioh. 6. and know One sparke of Gods grace moucth vs to seeke after the truth t●e which when wee haue found wee doe cleaue vnto it vnseperably when we haue once tasted How sweete 1 Pet. 2. the Lord is th●n nothing is able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord whereas Ignot● nu●●s c●spido where there is no knowledge there can be Rom. 8. no Affection F●ith and Knowledge are vnseparable in euery true beleeuer i● one of these be awanting in a man such a one is no● a Christian if thou diddest beleeue it is impossible that thou shouldest be negligent to attaine to the knowledge of the Reasons of that thou doest beleeue vnlesse thou shouldest entertaine Opinion for Truth which how dangerous it is in case of Saluation or damnation I referre me to those who haue hope of the life to come of which hope they are wholly destitute who are carelesse to vnderstand the mysteries of Faith which are so full of vnspeakeable comfort vnto man At the best they are but like to the Samaritanes who worshiped they knew not what But in whomsoeuer there is a true knowledge of Christ and Ioh. 4. his Gospell there must follow incredible zeale in cleauing vnto him and his truth We see in the Primitiue Church how when they once knew Christ they ran after him they forsooke kingdomes treasures pleasures parents wiues children kindred and their liues also they left and forsooke all for the loue of Christ Emperours and Kings Philosophers and Orators Noble and Ignoble young men and maidens old men and children and cleaue so fast vnto Christ that the presence of the greatest honour state and riches could not withdraw them from Christ Iouianus being elected Emperour by the Souldiers after the death of Iulian the Apostata refused it vntill they cryed out Socrat. lib. 3. Eccle. hist cap 19. that they would be Christians also Valens and Valentinian with the same Iouian being commanded Cap. 11. to sacrifice vnto Idols and to leaue Christ or their offices put off their belts and resigned their Offices protesting that they would vndergoe all torments rather then deny Christ Torments could not amaze them but that they insulted ouer their tortures The terror of death could not affright them nor any other meanes whatsoeuer drawe them from Christ yea so zealous were they that they would not beare the defacing of the faith so much as in the adding of one letter no not in the altering of one letter They would not suffer ● to be added to their 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to gratifie that monster A●rius Russia lib. 1. Eccl. hist cap. 5. Conci● 1 phes Exem●●a Ci●il ad Yestor nor change τ into to please blasphemous Nestorius in his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The defect of the like zeale in the Newters of this age sheweth them to be none of Christs Disciples Tepidum Discipulum non ama● Christus Nature hath as it were sowed this i●stinct into all men that children if they be good cannot dissemble the iniuries done vnto their parents and so likewise faithfull s●ruants cannot but defend the causes of their Lords So is it common that euery one who hath receiued a benefit from another man should vse all meanes to requite vnlesse he would incurre the title of Ingratitude With how much greater debt and more iust law then that of Nature are we bound to maintaine the honour of our Sauiour not only in words but if need so require with the effusion of our blood And seeing the honour he requireth at our hands consisteth in our true and reasonable seruice of him according to his prescript what shall we thinke of such who are so faire from seruing him that they mocke him for what else doe all dissemblers He is not Christs seruant saith Augustine Sed subsannator Irrisor qui eius se servum dicit cui servire dissimulat But a scoff●r and mocker that saith he is his seruant whom he doth dissemblingly serue Doe they not mocke him who professe Christianity with the Protestants and yet are as ready to entertaine Popish Id●latry and approue likewise euery heresie and yet are so impudent to say that there is no euill in such abhomination These men well deserue that their seruants should perswade them to beleeue that they haue an carnest desire to doe them seruice whereas they spend their whole time in sleeping drunkennesse and sporting and doe not moue so much as one finger to performe any kinde of worke or businesse Though the mighty God doth not stand in need of our thankfulnesse for what Patronage can this mortall tongue of ours vndertake for the eternall glory of our Creator what can the small drops of our praises adde vnto the boundles bottomles sea of that infinite Maiesty what will it hurt God if the sacrilegious mouthes of impious Atheists shal blaspheme him conspire as the Giants did at the building of the tower of Babel to tumble him out of heauen yet is it a matter most beseeming euery Christian most acceptable vnto God to shew a token of loue and reuerence toward his Maiesty and to oppose our tongues against their tongues who blaspheme God to persecute false Religion with word writ and sword to defend the Gospell against Papisme and so to professe the true faith that we openly renounce all kinde of heresie God requireth that we loue him with all our heart with all our soule and with all our minde for God will not haue Aluim quenquam s●cium amoris in anima hominis Any corriuall Apon lib. 1 ●n Cauti● of loue in the soule of man hee desireth to rule alone in his whole strength in all his heart and in all his bowels hee requireth thee to loue him with thy vnderstanding So that thou doest giue no way vnto error in the confession of his name thou must will nothing contrary thereunto nor giue way vnto any such thought which may alienate thy affection from this truth Then doest thou loue God truly wherein consisteth the perfection of thy faith which vn●teth thee vnto God without which thou canst not truly say that thou doest beleeue in God Now if thou diddest loue God thou couldest not keepe silence when thou diddest heare or see thy
IVDGE OF HERESIES One GOD One FAITH One CHVRCH Out of which there is no Saluation Excluding all Infidells Mahumetans Iewes obstinate Papists and other Heretikes of all sorts and consequently all Newters who conforme themselues onely externally to any Religion from hope of participation of the Kingdome of Heauen If they finally persist therein and returne not to the knowledge and zealous profession of the true Faith By IOHN MERIDETH Sub-Deane of CHICHESTER Iohn Epist 2 Vers 9. Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God LONDON Printed by A. M. for Iohn Grismand and are sold at his Shop in Pauls Alley at the Signe of the Gunne 1624. TO THE WORshipfull and Religiously affected William Drury Esquire of Watergate in the County of Suffex SIR THe principiall Motiue which Impelled mee to Consecrate the subsequent Treatise vnto your Name is the selfe same which at the first Inuited mee to Penne it and publish it to the benefit of the well-disposed Reader And that was my Zeale toward the Truth of Christian Faith which is so depraued in this Irreligious age by sundry sorts of Haereticks so dissembled by Newters so derided by Atheists so disturbed by Schismaticks that we may say thereof as our Sauiour spake of himselfe The Foxes haue holes and the Birdes of the Ayre haue nests but the Sonne of man hath not whereon to rest his head By Foxes meane the Cunning Polititians of this Age who can howsoeuer the state of Religion standeth Seruire Scenae act their part according to the time And the Birdes I doe vnderstand The vaine vnconstent light Professors of the Christian Faith who were neither of them euer soundly seasoned with Religion the true knowledge of GOD and therefore they so basely esteeme thereof as if it were a matter of Indifference what or whether a man beleeue or not And these kinde of men abound in all places and liue in greatest applause and high estimation while the zealous Seruants of Christ who will not beare the defacing of the Faith by Haeresie or the abusing thereof through Hipocrisie are exploded as the outcasts and off-scowring of the world Now sorasmuch as I haue obserued in you at all such times wherin I haue conuersed with you an affection to the knowledge of the Mysteries of Saluation by your frequent Inquisitions alway accompanied with a reuerend sobriety which the Apostle requireth as the limits of a Christian mans knowledge and also a zealous desire that other should be quitted from Ignorance I could not forbeare vpon the ioy of mine acquaintance with a Gentleman of your ranke and Eminency in these partes so well affected in Religion and so certaine a welwisher and Fauorite vnto Learning where the first is derided and the other despised that the Church and Vniuersitie may both take vp the Lords complaint against the vngratefull Iewes and apply it vnto the greater part of the Inhabitants in these Coasts I haue nourished and brought vp Children and they haue rebelled against me I could not forbeare I say in consideration of the Praemises to ●estifie my Loue and obseruance toward you to Dedicate this Booke vnto your Name and the rather because as I doubtedly beleeue you are one of those whose name God hath written in his Booke of Life For as I said before that I penned it of a Zeale I doe beare vnto the Truth so I doe dedicate it vnto you of a hearty affection I doe beare vnto you because you doe feare the Lord meditate in his Law and haue respect vnto his Commandements Such a one saith Dauid shall not be Psal 119. confounded Secondly because I am inuited hereunto by your Courteous humanity toward these my poore and vnworthy Labours the which as I haue destinated vnto you so you desire to Dedicate them to CHRIST his Church And therefore as the Daughter of Pharoh reputed Moses whom she saued from the fury of the Floods as her owne Sonne So this Treatise shall iustly challenge you for its Father by whose Christian zeale it was deliuered from obscuritie and promoted to call Israel out of Egypt and let those Israelites who by this meanes shall finde the comfort of their deliuerance call vpon GOD for a blessing vpon you and your generation And now worthy Sir I beseech the Lord who hath begunne this good worke in you that hee will performe it vntill the day of IESVS CHRIST and this I pray that your Loue may abound yet more and more in Knowledge and in all Iudgement that you may allow those thinges which are best that you may be pure and without offence vntill the day of Christ to which end the Lord preserue you Constant and zealous in the profession of the true Faith that you may in the next life receiue the Crown of Life which Christ hath purchased and promised vnto all those who continue faithfull vnto the End Your Worships in hearty Christian affection IOHN MERIDITH The Contents CHAP. I. SHeweth that God requireth truth in Religion which must be squared to the Rule of his Word and therefore Iewes Turkes and Papists whose Religion is false because contrary to the Scriptures cannot bee saued if they persist in their obstinacy and that Papists are but Pseudo-Christians CHAP. II. Proueth that Infidels and Heretiques by an Innocent life and vertuous actions if they could performe any cannot be saued vnlesse they bee Orthodoxall Christians also and the Error of Lodouicus Viues is confuted CHAP. III. Declareth that a good intention or meaning toward God avayleth not Heretiques to preserue them from damnation without the right knowledge of the true Faith where is proued that Negligence and Ignorance in matters of Faith is damnable which ought to be expelled and preuented by diligent reading and examining of the Scriptures with a detection and conuiction of the Popish politicall tyranny in prohibiting the Laity from reading of the Scriptures contayning also an Apology for our Ancestors of the Laity who for the most part dyed true Christians vnder the domination of Antichrist as is plainly proued at large and that the estate of those Papists who liue vnder Protestant Princes is damnable vnlesse they renounce Popery CHAP. IV. Proueth that an Eroneous Conscience is no sufficient bond to oblige a man to persist in a false Religion as the Papists teach but such a conscience ought to be deposed reformed or abandoned and altered according to the rule of Gods Law and therefore the case of those Papists who are trained vp in blindnesse is miserable and lamentable CHAP. V. Answereth Obiections made from the diuine Phylanthropy or loue of God vnto mankinde who say they will not condemne vnto euerlasting death such infinite multitudes of people who dye in Infidelitie and Heresie and saue but onely a few true beleeuing Christians where is plainely proued also that very few in respect of those who are to be damned shal be saued CHAP. VI. Prooueth from the Nature and Attributes of God that Atheysts
from the inclination of Gods Nature vnto mercie and that therefore hee should saue all or at the least more then h●e doth condemne I doe answere That Gods nature is not different So that he should haue more mercy then Iustice for whatsoeuer is in God is infinite he is in●initely iust as he is mercifull though in this world he doth exercise his mercy more then his Iustice And true it is that God would saue all men if they were disposed accordingly which because they are not therefore they are not saued For Actus Actiuarum sunt in patiente Arist ● de A●ima bene disposito We see it true by experience Meate doth naturally nourish but not him who wanteth digestion fire doth naturally heat but not him who doth not come neere vnto it Hony yeeldeth sweetnesse but not vnto him that doth not taste it A Medicine healeth but not him whose Malady is deadly and refuseth to admit the application of it The fault is not in the Agent but the defect is in the Patient So Gods nature in it selfe is enclined to haue mercy on all men yet he hath not mercy on all men because all men are not disposed to receiue it nay no man is by nature disposed to receiue it but contrarily to reiect it when it is offered and many wilfully shut vp the dore of their heart against it least the light of the world should enter into their black soules If an earthly King seeing his people detayned in captiuity by his Enemies should pay their Ransome and offer to set them free and to bring them backe into their owne Countrey a●d some of those should vngratefully despise this benefit and refuse to goe home The King were not to be blamed that they were not freed seeing that he was ready to deliuer them But it was their owne fault who chose rather to abide in bondage then to be restored vnto liberty It is a rule in the law and it holdeth good in this case betweene God and Man Inuito non datur beneficium So Christ paid the price of Mans redemption ●●d reg Iuris who liued before vnder the thraldome of the deuill Yet many most peruerse men will not come out of his slauery neither is the fault in God for his reuealed will is to saue all men But he will haue all those who despise him punished As a good King who loueth his Subiects and wisheth them all safety and prosperity yet for the maintenance of Iustice and preseruation of the common good hee will punish and cut of● the wicked for Iustice requireth that euery one be rewarded according to his deserts therefore as hee defendeth his faithfull Subiects so he destroyeth his Enemies Traytors and Rebels Againe euery thing as the Philosopher saith is more naturally enclined and moued vnto that which is in it selfe Ab intrinseco then vnto that which is in him from another As a stone doth rather moue downeward then vpward and that because of his inward heauinesse which enclineth downward So mans nature being corrupted by Originall sinne is enclined vnto euill at all times but if there be any good in him it commeth from another viz. from God Therefore it followeth that from this inward corrupt inclination more men or rather all men without speciall grace consent vnto sinne rather then vnto goodnesse and follow after sensuall pleasures more then spirituall workes because the soule ioyned to the body doth follow the passions of the body Ad mores Natura recurrit damnatas fixa et mutari nescia and therefore no wonder if so many troupe vnto Hell 〈◊〉 Moreouer consider the great multitude of the damned and you shall see how they runne headlong vnto death And therefore it is not strange that men should come vnto that end vnto which they labour to attaine by all might and maine and that which carrieth them thereunto is their owne peruersity And therefore in that God created a great multitude of men whom he fore knew should pe●ish thou mayest admire the riches of his goodnesse in giuing so great a multitude so many and great benefits when he did foresee that they would proue vngratefull yea and wonder at the peruersity of these men who with Gods gifts did impugne and dishonour the bountifull Giuer of them And so consider Gods mercy that thou remember his Iustice also that those whom his mercy created nourished gouerned and preserued If hee finde them vngratefull for these benefits receiued he doth worthily condemne them No wonder that a man should reape those things which he hath sowed Though all men desire to liue in health yet all men doe not vse the true medicine So likewise though all men generally desire eternall felicity yet all men doe not walke the right way to attaine vnto it for we may say with the Poet● 〈◊〉 Quis enim non vicus ab unde● tristibus obscaenis The least Village is full of lamentable filthinesse But that there are many that shall be damned and few that shall be saued wee finde it expressed by way of similitude Naturall and Morall by diuine testimonies also and examples In Naturall things we see there is more dregges of Corne Wine and Oyle then Fruit more leaues then Apples more barren earth then good land more salt water then fresh more base stones then pretious so there are more Reprobates then Elect. We see it is more easie to destroy then to build to loose then to finde to kill then to raise vnto life Many yeares passe before Man can be brought vnto perfection of body but he dieth in a moment We finde this figured also by many Examples in holy Scripture Eight persons only saued in Noahs Arke the whole world Gen. 7. 8. beside destroyed in the flood Lot and his two daughters onely preserued in the destruction 19. of the fiue Cities by fire and brimstone Ioseph onely is found iust among the Egiptians 40. Moses among the Madianites Exod. 3. Samuel among the Sonnes of Leui. 1. Sam. 3. Daniel and the three Children among the Chaldees Dan 3. Gamaliel among the Pharisies Act. 5. The fourth part onely of the Seed brought forth fruit Ten Lepers cleansed one alone giueth thanks for the benefit receiued Luc. 8. 17. Rari quippe Roni numero vix sunt totidem quot Thebarum Portae vel diuitis ostia Nili Good men are but few in number Iuuenal hardly seauen to be found in a Citie and for a certaine resolution our Sauiour saith Many are called but few are chosen Math. 20. August lib. de side ad Pe●rum multi ad fidem saith Augustine pauci ad r●gnum Many to the faith few to the Kingdome And againe hee biddeth vs hold this for a sure and vndoubted truth that all that are baptized within the Catholicke Church shall not receiue eternall life but those onely who hauing beene baptized leade a godly life for as Heretickes Iewes Infidels and Schismatickes
shall not haue the Kingdom of Heauen no more can sinfull Catholiques possesse it He saith Anselme who will be of the number of the Elect let him labour to be of the number of the fewest Saint Augustine speaking of such who were Baptized and after dyed in mortall sinne saith That they were of the great multitude of those Lib. de corrept ●t Gram. who were called but they were not of the few of the Elect. And now what sayest thou ●oolish man wouldest thou haue me to say that All are and shall be saued I cannot blesse where God hath cursed Heare Augustine Before the Incarnation of Christ 4000. yeares of the world passed away In which time all were damned except a few of the Lib. de vero cult●● children of Israell See what an infinite multitude went to Hell Saint Peter saith The righteous scarcely shall be saued where 1. Pet. 4. then shall be vngodly and sinner appeare If this will not satisfie thee heare the infallible truth Our Lord Iesus Christ confirming this conclusion one saith vnto him Lord are there few that shall be saued Our Lord answered him and his fellowes Luc. 13. Striue to enter by the narrow gate for I say vnto you many shall seeke to enter and cannot Seeing therefore the aunswere ought to bee vnderstoode and expounded according to the tenour of the praecedent Interrogation wee may conclude and vndoubtedly hold that by this aunswere the Lord determineth nothing else but that fewe should bee saued And therefore Augustine expounding these wordes saith The Lord confirmed that Lib. de ver● Dom. which hee spake that is that there are fewe who are to be saued because fewe enter by the narrow gate For in another place hee saith the same The way which leadeth vnto life is narrow and few● there are that enter by it Vpon which wordes saith Ambrose Flendum magis quam proferendum plure● damnari quam saluari Wee may rather weepe then vtter it that moe shall be damned then saued for that which is affirmed by the truth can bee reprooued by no mans contradiction But what neede I cumber you with authorities seeing our conclusion is expresly preached by our Lord Iesus Christ saying Many are called fewe are chosen Therefore Augustine shewing the small number of those that shall be saued saith Arbitror tres mundipartes fore damnand●s Lib. de ver● Cu●tu c. I suppose three parts of the world shall be damned because among them Infidels or Heretickes doe raigne but of the fourth part what shall I say but with Saint Iohn Totus mundus in maligno positus est The whole world is set on mischiefe For what are the men of our time for the most part proude co●etous luxnrious gluttons drunkards murtherers fornicatours adulterers and worse wrathfull en●ious negligent in good workes and plunged in all manner of sinnes and wickednesse and therefore they must needes p●rish Now that no man despaire I say notwithstanding the praecedent position That the Elect who shall all be saued are infinite if you consider them absolutely in themselues God said vnto Abraham I will make thee a mighty Nation and againe I will make thy seede as the dust of the earth then shall thy seede be Gen. 13. ●umbred The Angell S●al●●h the seruants of God in their forehead Ap●calips 7. whose number was 144000. of all the Tribes of the children of Israel beside a great multitude which no man could number of all Nations and kindreds and people and tongues stoode before the Thron● and before the Lambe cloathed with long white Ro●bes and palmes in their hands But if you speake respectiuely and compare them with the damned I say they are very few The drops of water that are in a Well or Riuer are infinite but if you compare them to the number of the drops of water that are in the Ocean they are very fewe And this is approued by Augustine who saith Lib. deverb D●m Non contrarius est sibi dominus c. Our Lord doth not speake contraries who saith That there are fewe that enter by the narrow gate and in another place he saith Many shall come from the East and the West and shall sit with Abraham Isaac and Iaccb in the Kingdome of heauen for they are fewe in comparison of the damned but many in the society of the Angels The Corne is hardly seene when the floore is threshed but the Masse which shall come out of this floore will be so great that it will fill the Barne of heauen For this cause our Sauiour termeth the Elect pusillum gregem a little Flocke in respect of the multitude of the Reprobate Luc. 12. Wherefore though they bee fewe in respect of the damned yet let no Christian despaire but rather labour to keepe the profession of our hope without wauering and make sure his saluation by good workes in Christ Jesus and so shall hee bee sure that hee is one of those fewe that shall be saued Now I will answere in a word or two the principall obiections which are made against this position omitting many idle absurdities whose very rehearsall were a sufficient c●nfutation of them as that of Origen who being ouer mercifull said That the diuell himselfe and his Angels should in processe of time after they had suffered long and grieuous ●pip●am Epist ad I●b Hierosol torments proportionable to the Merits of their sinnes be deliuered out of their torments and be ioyned with the holy Angels and returne to their first state and dignity in the Kingdome of heauen Of which opinion Augustine speaking saith Sed illum et propter hoc et propter alia nonnulla c. Non Immerito reproba●it Lib. 21 de ci●●● Dei cap. 17. Ecclesia But the Church did worthily condemne him for this and sundry other errors for by seeming to be too mercifull he lost mercy As also that which said that All mankinde should bee saued by the intercession of the Saints in the day of Iudgement confuted by Augustine in the same Booke and now Cap. 18. I come to the chiefe obiections The first is made from the Apostles wordes God would haue all men to bee saued They argue from the will of God and the vniuersality of the Terme All Gods will is immutable the Terme vniuersall and as the law saith Qui totum dicit nihil excludit hee that saith All excepteth nothing First for the will of God I answere with Saint Augustine When wee heare and reade in the holy Scriptures that God would haue All men to bee saued Enchirid. Cap. 6. ● though wee are sure that all men are not saued Wee must not therefore derrogate any thing from the most omnipotent will of God but so vnderstand that which is written who would haue all men to bee saued as if hee should say that there could no man bee saued but hee whom hee would haue saued Not that there is no