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A06652 The actes of Christe and of Antichriste concernyng bothe their life and doctrine: diligently gathered and now taken out of his workes, by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1577 (1577) STC 1711; ESTC S116649 51,783 140

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pelfe so swete vnto him is the sauour of lucre 28 Christ when they would haue chosen hym to be their king fled awaie aloue frō them into the Mountaines and gaue him self to praier and spirituall meditations vtterly eschewing al worldly pompe glorie and dignity whiche thyng he shewed openly in ridyng simply and plainly vpon a borowed Asse accordyng to the prophecie of Zachary whiche saieth Behold the king commeth vnto thee meeke simple lowly or of pore degree He became pore saieth the Apostle that wee through his pouerty should waxe riche And he said to Pilate My kingdome is not of thys worlde Antichrist aduaunceth and lyfteth vp hym self aboue all Kynges Princes Rulers and Emperours chalengyng vnto hym aucthority and power both to exalte and depose Kynges Princes and Emperours at his pleasure which thyng as we reade he hath in tymes most cruelly and tyrantlike practised in diuerse and many noble Princes He aduanceth hymselfe not only to excelle all power and aucthoritie but also to be lorde of both realmes heauenly and earthly and that the Emperour is his Subiect as it is mencioned in his owne decrees lawes againe that if the Empire at any tyme be voide he is right heyre to the same And in token that he is lorde and kyng ouer three realmes one more then GOD hymselfe hath that is to saye Heauen Earth and Purgatory he weareth a triple crowne vpon his pylde pate This authority this Antichrist receaued of the diuell for the seruice that he hath doone hym whiche Christ vtterly refused when he said vnto hym All these thynges all the kingdomes of the vvorlde and the glory of them will I giue thee if thou wilt fall doune and worship mee This Antichrist and his adherentes that so vilely deuise the higher powers are spoken of in the Epistle of saint Peter whiche saieth They walke after the fleshe in the luste of vncleanesse and despise authorie Presumpteous are they and stubborne whiche feare not to speake euill of them which excell in worship c. 29 Christ came not to bee serued but to scrue takyng vpon hym the similitude of a seruaunté and makyng himselfe of no reputation to serue and aduaunce vs. Antichrist wil be serued and suffer kinges to giue hym water yea and saieth it were a shame if he should otherwise humble hym selfe as it appeareth in his owne lawes and decrees 30 Christ full lowly and mekely washed his Disciples feete and taught theym so likewise saiyng I haue giuen you an example that as I haue doone to you so ye should do one to an other Antichrist saieth Emperours and Kynges shall knele vnto me and kisse my feet and is not ashamed to expresse it in his lawe 31 Christ went on hys feete with his disciples both in wette and drye heate and colde to teache and instruct the people as it is euident throughout al the gospel Antichrist keepeth his feete full cleane with shoes of gold and siluer set with precious stones will not preache the word of God but saieth it is sufficient to cause other to preache as it appeareth by hys lawe Uerely after this manner mighte the Turke be Pope also 32 Christ sat at meate among his Disciples full lowly and poorely and hee did not require the highest seate Antichrist sitteth full high in a curious throne and will be serued gloriously with greate Princes and Potestates and hee wil haue men with iagged cotes to carue his morselles blasphemyng GOD with othes and committing many other vices as ye maye daiely see 33 Christ fasted and sought for the fruite on the tree to eate when he was hungrie and found none thereupon Antichrist hath great prouision made in cities and townes to gette hym of the best that maie be found and that must be well dressed and deintily to make good digestion with Spices and Sauces and sirops coloured out of kinde 34 Christ lay and slepte in a bote on the harde bourdes and had to his chamberlaines but poore fishers Antichrist lyeth full softe and easly in beds of downe where he slepeth swetely and no man may wake him vntill he haue slepte enough His Chamberlaynes are men of honour which are full ready with marshals and vshers to keepe his chambers from noyse and the Porter at the gate to keepe out the poore 35 Christ was in hilles weping and praiyng and walked in deserte feedyng many thousands both with meate preaching Antichrist sitteth in his Castelles and Towers with minstrelsie laughter and all kinde of melodie As for the hungrye and poore they shall die and starue for foode get they none of hym He thinketh it great shame for hym to followe Christes example As touchyng preachyng he doth not so muche as once dreame of it 36 Christ rode poorely and simply on an Asse and had xii poore men that followed hym one foote Antichrist rideth royally on a moyle or on a white palfrey and hath moe than .xii. followyng hym on horesebacke to attend and waite vppon hym with Sweardes bylles and halberds as it were men ready to battayle 37 Christ as de passed through cities and townes hunted fiendes out of men that they dwelled in with the woordes of his mouth Antichrist hunteth the wilde deare the foxe and the hare in his cloased Parkes with greate cries and hornes blowyng with Houndes and Rachettes runnyng besides a great swarme of Sym Shakebucklers 38 Christ praiyng to almightie God his heauenly Father in his praier called him holy Father Antichrist is called the moste holy Father of sathans children and like Lucifer taketh that name on hym His Disciples say that he is God on earth where as we are taught by Christes law that there is but one God. 39 Christ sat in the middes of the Doctors not thinkyng scorne to enquire and to heare them in the lawe of his heauenly father Antichrist sitteth in his glorious throne and ministreth his owne lawes and traditions to all menne and holdeth a small mater longe in pleatyng whiche might sone be determined by the lawe of God if hee would vse it But then his winnyng should be the lesse his lawe without profite and his consistory colde 40 Christ sent the holy ghost in feruent loue and charitie to teache them whiche were the elect and chosen of God al truth necessarie vnto saluation Antichrist sendeth out his commissions all about to curse and aske vegeaunce on them that resiste his tyranny and will for money absolue them cleane againe A paena culpa toties quoties All his doctrines haue golden tayles For money is euer the ende Geue hym money and ye haue fulfilled all his lawes 41 Christ fulfilled and kept both the old lawe and the newe and al righteousnesse Antichrist will haue his owne traditions and lawes kept But as for the
wepe and lament Antichrist saieth Blessed are thei that make mery and take no thought for thei are sure to haue a good and ioyfull portion in this worlde 46 Christe saieth My kyngdome is not of this worlde Antichriste saieth My kyngdome is of this worlde The Emperour with his Empire the Kyng with his kyngdome the Duke with his Ducherie and all other with al that euer thei haue are mine and at my commaundemente Yea my kyngdome is not onely in this worlde but also in Heauen and in Purgatorie yea and in Hell also For euen out of Hell doe I deliuer damned soules by the vertue of my Masses and the paines of diuerse there also doe I mitigate by thynges doen at myne appointemente Thus am I lorde of Heauen of Hell of Yearth of Purgatorie 47 Christe saieth that no man can come to hym that is to saie beleue in hym excepte his heauenly Father by his holie Spirite drawe hym Antichrist saieth If any will not beleue Fire Fagotte Sworde and Halter shall make hym to beleue 48 Christe by his holy Apostle teacheth that a Bishoppe whiche ought to bee the seruaunte of the Lorde Christe muste bee quiet and gentle no fighter nor tyraunte but suche one as is readie to enfourme suche as doe erre and with wholsome doctrine to reduce theim vnto the waye of truthe Antichriste commaundeth that suche as are Bishoppes should bee stoute and sturdie and couragious in the defence of his doctrine If any bee stubborne and will not relente his will is not that they should refourme hym by the woorde of GOD wherof the greatest part of them hath no knowledge at al but handle them accordyng to the Decree of his Lawe whiche is to burne them It maie not be considered whether the matter be right or not Nos habemus legem secundum legem nostram debet mori 49 Christ commaunded in his doctrine that the Tares whiche grow emong the Wheate should not bee plucked vp but suffered to grow vntil the Haruest come when the Wheate shall bee gathered of the Reapers into the barne and the Tares shall bee burnte with vnquencheable fire Antichriste cleane contrary behaueth hymself For the good Wheate he plucketh vp and burneth and the Tares he suffereth still to growe By the good wheate I vnderstande the true and faithfull Preachers of Goddes worde and so many as vnfeignedly embrace and professe the sincere pure religion of christ These as his moste extreame enemies Antichrist persecuteth apprehendeth accuseth iudgeth condemneth and giueth ouer to the Seculare power with fire to bee consumed vnto ashes By the Tares I meane Tyrauntes Persecutours of Goddes truthe commonly called Inquisitours Canonistes Scotistes Hypocrites Monkes Friers Chanons Nonnes Arkers Ankresses Uotories Uowesses Pardonners Proctours Promotours Purgatorie rakers Massemongers Pilgrimage gadders and all other supersticious and vngodlie people These as his moste deare and tender frēdes he kisseth and culleth he promoteth and auaunceth vnto high dignities promotions Bishoprickes Cardinalshippes Archedeaconries Prebendes Parsonages c. and diligentely watcheth as a moste diligente watcher and Pastour ouer his flock that no crosse no aduersitie no misfortune no trouble chaunce vnto them but all game and glee all sporte and comforte all ioye and solace c. 50 Christe taught not his owne but his Fathers doctrine and what he receiued of his heauenly Father that taught he to the people Antichriste setteth naughte by the worde of GOD excepte it bee to colour his wicked tyrannie withall He teacheth his owne deuilishe Decrees and triflyng Traditions and enforceth the peopl● euen with violence to followe them 51 Christe would haue his doctrine no further beleued then it did consente and agree with Moses the Psalmes and the Prophetes Antichrist will haue his Traditions and Constitutions beleued and obeyed though Moses and the Prophets Christ and his Apostles should saie naie For thei bee of no further aucthoritie then it shall please hym to limite and appointe 52 Christe saieth Learne of me ▪ For I am humble and meeke Antichrist saieth ye that belong vnto me muste bee stoute and lustie For I your Lorde am lustie and stoute in all quarters rounde aboute neither will I loute or stoupe either to Kyng or Kesar Yea whom it pleaseth me I will exalte and aduaunce and at my pleasure will I hym againe depose All without exception yea the verie Angelles also in heauen shall obeye me and accomplishe my commaundement 53 Christe entreatyng of Fastyng appointeth no certaine daies or tymes but leaueth it free to all that professe his holy Lawe that thei maie faste when occasion is offered and when the Spirite of God moueth theim yea and that after suche sorte as thei bee taught in the woorde of God that is to saie to mortifie their carnall affectes to subdue the bodie to the spirite and to spare out of our owne beallies that wee maie haue the more liberally to giue vnto the poore accordyng to this commaundemente of GOD by the Prophete Breake thy breade to the hungrie and leade the needy waifaryng man into thy house When thou seest a naked man couer hym and despise not thy flesh Antichriste prescribeth certain daies to bee fasted yea and that vnder paine of euerlastyng damnation as the tyme of Aduent Lent Embryng daies Saincts euens c. All these daies must bee fasted of all maner of people that bee twelue yere olde and vpwarde 54 Christe saieth My house is the house of Praier Antichriste saieth My house is the house of money He that bryngeth not money commeth not in there neither is there any place for hym 55 Christe saieth The Kyngdome of God commeth not with waityng for that is to saie with outwarde obseruaunces and externall ordinaūces at the appointment of men For beholde the kyng●●me of God is within you Antichrist saieth Weare this cappe or that Caule this graie habite or that white habite Professe this rule or that rule Faste this day or that daye Bye this Pardon or that Pardō c. and thou shalt be saued 56 Christ saieth If any man saye vnto you Loe here is Christ or there beleue it not For there shall arise false Christes and false Prophetes and shall shew great wonders and miracles insomuche that if it were possible the verie electe should be deceaued Beholde I haue tolde you before Wherefore if they saye vnto you Beholde he is in the deserte goe not ye forthe Beholde he is in the secrete places beleue it not Antichrist saieth Loe here is Christe at this Altare and at that Altare in this Priestes hande and that Priestes hande in this Pixe and that Pixe in this Boxe and that Boxe Come and see thy Maker Worshippe hym meekely kneelyng vppon thy knees Holde vp thy handes vnto hym This is he that killed thy father This is the Aplemaker of Kente If thou wilte not beleue that this is thy Maker thou shalt burne for it without redemption
lawe of God it is cleane out of his minde 42 Christ saied that men should knowe his Disciples by their charity if they loued one an other as he had loued them Antichrist causeth his chaplens to bee knowen by their habites and vestures by their long gounes and shauen crownes and punisheth them if they vse not their habites But for their couetousnesse ambition pride whoredome and suche other wickednesse he neuer punisheth them 43 Christ promiseth forgiuenesse of sinne and the kingdome of heauen vnto theym that will repent and amend their liues Antichrist saith that no man can be saued except he be first shriuen of his Priestes and Friers For they bryng in money 44 Christ would not suffer that doues sheepe and oxen for the offering should be solde in the temple of God but draue out the byers and sellers with whippes Antichrist suffereth hys Chapmen in the Church to sell the Sacraments that they should freely minister to the Christen people In his court also there is sellyng of Bishorikes prebendes free chappels benefices dignities Abbotshippes offices c. And all for money 45 Christ lay in a stable with fewe cloates betwixt an oxe and an asse For there was no place in the Innes for his parentes bicause they were poore Antichrist lieth in rich chambers with quiltes curtaines carpettes and cushins spred all aboute with sweete smelles pleasaunt odours painted walles with hanginges of clothe of golde 46 Christ would haue men to visite the poore prisoners to comfort them and to deliuer them Antichrist hath no pitie on the poore yea he persecuteth the poore Christians putteth them in prison for y truthes sake and in fine most cruelly murthereth them 47 Christ did neuer imprison or persecute any man but he cōmaūded his disciples that they should loue their enemies and doe well to theym yea and praie for them that did pesecute them Antichrist that taketh on hym to stande in christes steade and to follow his example persecuteth punisheth prisoneth and putteth to death theym that are disobedient to his voluptuous pleasures See ye not howe faste he followeth Christes steppes 48 Christ healyng the sicke and doyng miracles did for the more part euer commaunde that thei should tell no man who had healed them Antichrist altogether desirous of vain glorie worldely praise and mortall renome giueth greate giftes and large benefices to Pardoners to Proctours to Lawiers to Liers to Minstrels to Msasengers to Friers to Flatterers and to suche like Parasites to blase his name abroade his holinesse and godlinesse that he maie haue honour and worship in this wicked worlde 49 Christ had no Courtes to pleate the matters of his Disciples in for he commaunded them that thei should not resiste euill Antichrist hath his Courtes and many riche menne of Lawe to oppresse the poore and to call vnto iudgement whom he lusteth For whatsoeuer cause he will he vexeth all maner people without mercie For forgiue he will not 50 Christ bad them that he healed to go their waie and to synne no more Antichrist giueth licence to the people to continue in sinne and giueth them licence also to keepe and maintaine Stewes and baudy houses and receiueth money therefore 51 Christ refused to bee Iudge betwene the twoo brethren in diuidyng their inheritaunce as a matter not incidente to his office whiche was to preache the will of his heauēlie Father but appertaining vnto worldly Iudges and temporall magistrates Antichriste taketh vppon hym to bee Iudge in all maner of matters Spirituall or Temporall Ghostly or Worldly There is no cause whiche he will not take vppon hym to determine namely if thei bryng money He will all menne in matters from all menne to appeale vnto hym and vnto his Courte for sentence without any resistance or against saiyng 52 Christe would not bee defended in a righteous matter with martiall armoures but he commaunded Peter to put vp his swearde into his sheath For he that striketh with the swearde saieth he shall perishe with the swearde Antichriste commaunded Emperours Kynges Princes and Lordes with their Subiectes to take Sweardes Speares Halberdes and Gunnes and to helpe hym to slea all suche as will not obeye his tyrannie And this muste the Emperour doe or els he must bee periured yea and also deposed because he is no meete manne to reigne forasmuche as he stoutly defendeth not the liberties of holie Churche After this manner came it to passe that Iulius secundus bishop of Rome caused to be slaine sixtene thousande men in one daie Was not that well pastured Was not this a worthie Uicar of Christ and a noble successour of Peter 53 Christ gaue free libertie to all men to eate all meates at all tymes for as muche as that whiche entereth into the mouthe defileth not manne but that commeth out of the mouthe For all thynges are pure to theim that are pure and nothyng is to bee caste awaie if it bee receiued with giuyng of thankes For it is sanctified by the woorde of God and by praier Yea it is the doctrine of Deuilles to forbidde that to bee eaten whiche God hath made to bee receiued with thākes giuyng Antichrist plainly condemneth al suche as presume to eate Egges Milke butter or Cheese but specially Fleshe on those daies that he hath commaunded to be fasted and denounceth them heretikes This agreeth with Christe as light with darkenesse And yet haue wee been so blinded these many yeres paste through the iuglyng of our Spirituall Sorcerers that we could neuer perceiue this Antichrist till nowe in the latter daies when that manne of synne muste bee reueled and vttered accordyng to the Prophecie of the Apostle 54 Christ gaue authoritie vnto his disciples to binde and to loose saiynge Whatsoeuer ye binde in earth shall bee bound in heauen Ind whatsoeuer ye lose in earth shall bee loosed in heauen But Christ spake nothing of binding and loosing in purgatory for money concerning the soules departed Antichrist chalengeth greater power and larger authoritie For he will loose soules out of purgatory and commaunde the Angels to fetche them out and all for money For without money ye can gette nothyng of hym 55 Christ is head of the Churche as the holy Apostle Paule doth testifie and also he is the stone whereon the Churche is builded And this Church is the congregation of faithfull Christen people and the very body of Christ. Antichrist saith that he is head of that Churche and that the Sea of Rome is the stone whereon that Churche is builded Can any thing be more contrary vnto the honour and glory of GOD than thus to despoile hym of his kingdome whiche he so derely hath bought shedyng his precious bloud for it 56 Christ gaue vs a lawe whiche is the holy Scripture This holy Scripture as it
Christe will all menne to searche the Scriptures and to leane vnto them in all matters of controuersie as faithfull witnesses of the Lordes truthe Antichriste commaundeth that when any question arise aboute matters of Religion menne should haue recourse vnto the Canons and generall Councels but spicially vnto the See of Roome where all doubtfull matters are to bee decided As for the Scripture it hath no more aucthoritie then it pleaseth the Churche that is to faie the Pope and his adherentes to giue vnto it 4 Christe teacheth that all mennes traditions oughte to giue place vnto the woorde of God and that whatsoeuer is decreed of menne although of neuer so greate ancthoritie and wisedome contrary to the woorde of God is vtterly to bee neglected reiected and caste awaie Antichriste teacheth plainely that all suche constitutions and ordinaunces of men as bee decreed and set forthe by the aucthoritie of Counselles and holie Fathers whiche are alwaies gathered together by the instincte and consent of the holy ghost although thei are not nor can not bee grounded on Goddes worde are notwithstādyng good and profitable and menne are bounde vnder paine of deadly synne to obtaine and keepe them For the Churche can not erre 5 Christe teacheth that there is but one onely true liuyng and euerlastyng God whiche alone is to be honoured worship ped and called vpon by whose name also alone we ought to sweare Antichriste also after a certaine sorte confessed also one God with vs and that he is to be honoured and called vpon but not alone For he teacheth that the sainctes in heauen bothe maie and ought to be honoured and called vpō yea and that we maie also sweare by their names 6 Christe in his holie Lawe bothe by Moses the Prophetes and Apostles forbiddeth to make sette forthe or kepe any Image to bee worshipped But aboue all thinges he forbiddeth vs to make any Image of God. Antichrist saieth it is lawfull not onely to haue images and to sette them vp in Temples Chapels Oratories c. but also to worshippe theim to kneele before theim to kisse them to praie before them yea to them to knele before them to set candels before them to decke and trimme them to offer vnto them to sense them to put of our cappes vnto them and at the laste what not Antichriste also diggeth out of the ground the olde rotten bones or reliques of sainctes translateth them encloseth them in Golde keepeth them in precious shrynes and costly Clausures and setteth them forth to the people to be kissed and worshipped Moreouer he is not ashamed contrarie too the manifeste woorde of God to make the Image of the blessed Trinitie He formeth and frameth God the father like an old broken backed man with a white head winckled forehed holow eied slender cheeked sharpe nosed tothlesse wide mouthed hangyng doune lipped crooke chinned graye bearded small necked leane handed and in fine altogether monstrous GOD the Sonne Antichrist setteth forth as a lusty younge younker with his yelow lockes and God the holy Ghost he maketh like a yong lustie White flickeryng Doue But this blasphemous image causeth hee to be set in Churches and in all other places not onely to be considered but also to be worshipped vnto the greate dishonour of god the slaunder of the Christen religion the offence of all good men and vnto the glorie of all Gods ennemies But what dareth not Antichrist doe 7 Christ teacheth that the true worshippers muste worshippe God in spirite and trueth againe that they worship God in vaine whiche honour hym after the traditions of men Antichrist affirmeth that it is lawfull to worship God any maner of waie so it commeth of a good entent good mynde good zeale good deuotion c. For God casteth awaie the good intent of no man Antichrist therefore teacheth vs to worship God with Golde Siluer precious stones sumpteous vestures candels palmes Ashes bread water Salt c. With long patteryng curious singyng pleasaunt pipyng loude ringyng c. With Surplesses Copes Uestimentes Caps Coules c. with Massyng with Pilgrimage goyng with Pardons biyng with Beades saiyng c. And all these thinges he taught to be more precious and acceptable in the sight of GOD than to helpe the poore or to doe any worke of mercie For that is done but to manne the other vnto God. 8 Christ in his sweete Sermon that hee made in the mount saieth that he came to fulfill the Lawe that is to saie to accomplishe whatsoeuer was prefigured of him in the ceremonies of the olde Testament so that by his comming he hath put away and vtterlie abolished all Ceremonies euen as the shadow is remoued by the entrance of the light For as the Apostle saieth The lawe he meaneth the ceremoniall law was nothyng els than a shadow of good thinges to come The good thinges are come and geuen therfore the shadow ceaseth wherby we euidently learne that the Christians are nowe free from suche cloudy lawes darke ceremonies Antichrist teacheth that although the Ceremonies of the olde law be abolished by the commyng of Christ yet that hindreth nothing but that the Church which is the spouse of Christ may appoint what Ceremonies she wil without any offence of her husband Christ whiche delighteth in her and in her doynges as in himselfe yea and that so muche the more bicause among the christians there are many rude grosse and thei must be rudely and grossely handled and brought by little and little vnto perfection thorowe suche Ceremonies and outward obseruaunces whiche Ceremonies and Ordinaunces of Christes spouse the Churche are with no lesse reuerences to bee obserued than if they had beene commaunded of Christe her husbande 9 Christ Iesus in his doctrine teacheth that he alone is our Sauiour our Redeemer our Bishop or Pastour our head our reconciliatour our peacemaker and in fine all our hope and comfort in so muche that whosoeuer beleueth in hym shall not perishe but haue euerlastyng life Antichriste in his doctrine teacheth that saluation and remission of synnes is to bee obtained also at his handes at his Pardons Indulgences yeres of Iubile Masses Coules Pilgrimages c. Againe that he is heade of the vniuersall Churche of Christendome Christes Uicare Peters Successour the higheste Bishop the greatest Priest the moste holie and moste blessed Father to whom aboue all other the keyes of the kyngdom of heauē are committed fo that whatsoeuer he bindeth in yearth is also bounde in heauen and whatsoeuer he looseth in yearth is in like maner loosed in heauen so that whosoeuer cleaueth vnto hym can not perishe but haue life euerlastyng 10 Christe taught vs that whensoeuer wee will desire any thyng of God the Father wee should aske it in his name For no manne commeth to the Father but by hym And in the writynges of the Apostles wee reade that Christe alone is our
them euer to weare a shauen crowne 21 Christ instituted in his holy testament two Misteries or Sacramentes that is to say Baptisme and the Lords Supper whiche he added to his worde as Signes and Seales of his good wil vnto vs that thei might be the same to the eye that the worde is to the eare and so ioyned together thorowe the operation of the holy ghoste bryng saluation too the faithfull beleuers Antichrist not content with so small a number hath added fiue moe so that now they be seuen in number which are more openly knowen than they neede here to be rehearsed 22 Christe as concernyng the outward Ministerie ordained the Sacramente of Baptisme to consiste of the worlde and of the water Antichriste not content with so slender furniture hath added many thinges as the Exorcismes or Coniurations of the deuill out of the childe salte spittle crossing halowyng of the Fonte candleburnyng with diuerse other toyes 23 Christ at the institution of the sacrament of his bodie and bloud vsed only the worde bread and wine Antichrist mingleth Wine and water together in his ministration and miserably handleth the words of the institution 24 Christe appointed his holie Supper to bee a Sacrament that is to saie an holie signe of his bodie and bloud Antichriste saieth plainely that the Lordes Supper is not onely a Sacramente and holie signe of Christes bodie and bloud but it is also the thyng it self that is Christes naturall body and bloud with as good reason as though a manne should saie that the Iuiebushe whiche hangeth before the Tauerne is not onely a signe that there is Wine to sell but also that it is the Wine it self Notwithstandyng whosoeuer denieth thys hys Doctrine muste needes bee counted an Heretike and iudged to bee burned at a stake 25 Christe makyng the breade and wine Sacramentes and holie signes of his bodie and bloud altered not the substaunces of that holie breade and holie wine but thei remained in their olde nature substaunce and propertie as tofore Antichriste teacheth in his dotyng and Deuilishe Decree that after the woordes of consecration This is my bodie This is my blood there remaineth no substaunce of breade and wine but the substaunce of breade is tourned miraculously by the vertue of cōsecratyng wordes into the substaunce of Christes naturall bodie and the substaunce of the wine into the substaunce of Christes naturall bloud the accidentes of breade and wine onely remainyng without their proper substaunces O prodigious and monsterous doctrine 26 Christ ordained his holy Supper to be a remembraunce of the sacrifice which he offred on the alter of the Crosse for the redemption of the worlde that when wee behold the Sacramental bread and wine broken and shed we should call to remembraunce that Christes body was broken and his bloud shead for the remission of our sinnes as he hymselfe saieth Dooe this in remembraunce of mee Item the Apostle So ofte as ye shall eate of thys Bread or drinke of this Cup ye shall remembre the Lordes death till he come Antichrist teacheth that it is not only a remembraunce of the Sacrifice but also the Sacrifice it self of the same dignity might and power 27 Christ ordained that all that bee partakers of his holy Supper shoulde not onely eate of the Mistery of his body but also drinke of the mistery of his bloud Antichrist taketh away f●om the Communion of the Laity yea and of the Spiritualty also except they Masse it themselues and make Gods body the Cup of the mistery of Christes bloud contrary to the commaundement of Christe and contrarie too the practise of the Primatiue Churhe 28 Christe bicause he would take awaie his naturall bodye from the yearth and place it vntill the day of iudgement in the glorious kingdome of his heauenly Father ordained the Sacrament of thankesgiuyng to be a memoriall of the same Antichrist teacheth plainly that whersoeuer the consecrate hoaste is though it be in infinite places there is also the body of Christe euen the ●●ry same body of Christe that was borne of Mary the Uirgin hanged on the altare of the Crosse. He saieth moreouer that the sacred hoast beyng whole is but the body of Christe and the same hoaste beyng broken in an hundred peeces euery parcell thereof although neuer so little is but the body of Christe euen as he hanged on the Crosse. O doctrine more than twise monstrous 29 Christe in his holy woorde teacheth that the Sacramentall Bread and wine should bee eaten and dronken in the remembraunce of his body breakyng and bloudshedyng Antichrist commaundeth that the Sacrament should be heaued and lifted vp aboue the priestes head that it may be worshipped of the people hanged vp in the Pixe caried about in solemne Procession in pompes and vayne pastymes 30 Christ teacheth that the next waye to heauen is to repent vs of our former life and to beleue the Gospell Antichrist saieth that the rediest waie vnto saluation is to bye his Pardons to put on a Grayfryers Coule to purchase certaine Masses of Scala celi to truste in the praiers and intercessions of sainctes to bye the Suffrages of the Churche to prouide to bee partaker of the Monkes praiers watchinges fastinges vowes deuotions c. 31 Christ declareth in his heauenly doctrine that there is no satisfaction too God the father for our synnes but onely his helthfull and most precious death Antichrist saieth that the woorkes of penaunce do satisfy the diuine iustice and appeace his wrath kindled against vs for synne 32 Christ declareth in his doctrine that when we haue offended our heauenly Father and gone astraye from the pathes of his holy commaundementes we shoulde conuert and tourne vnto hym and make our hūble confession vnto hym and craue forgiuenesse of our synnes at his hande for his sonne Christ Iesus sake Antichrist sendeth vs vnto his Priestes commaunding vs to publish and confesse our synnes vnto hym and take penaunce and absolution at his hande with this faithe that so doyng we are forgiuen and deliuered from all synne 33 Christ saith that whosoeuer beleueth on hym although he were dead yet shall hee liue ascribyng oure iustification and righteous makyng to faithe alone Antichrist teacheth that not by faithe alone but by faith hope charity and workes together we are iustified when notwithstandyng the Apostle saieth that we are iustified by faithe without the workes of the lawe And the greatest parte of the auncient writers ascribe iustification to faith alone without workes 34 Christ by the Apostle saith that faith worketh by loue signifiyng here by that faith is the mother of charitie and that charitie issueth and floweth out of faithe as the small riuers out of the great and mayne fountaines Antichrist saith that faith is wrought by Charitie and
also that charitie is the Parent or Mother of faith so that in the matter of iustification charitie goeth before faithe Is not this that Antichriste that shoulde tourne the rootes of Trees upwarde 35 Christe saieth either make the Tree good and his fruit good also or els make the Tree nought and his fruite nought also meanyng that the Tree shoulde bee 〈◊〉 good and thā bring forth good fruit The fruite maketh not the Tree good but the Tree doth make the fruite good although we can not know that the Tree is good but by his fruites For we can iudge nothyng but by his outwarde operation yet God seeth the quickenesse that is in the roote whiche in the tyme that GOD hath appointed hym shall bryng forth his fruite and approueth the Tree to be good although it seemeth dead vnto vs The Tree is faithe whiche is the mother of al good workes and euer worketh by charitie whensoeuer occasion is offered And for this cause is a faithfull man in the Psalmes compared to a Tree planted by the riuers syde which yeldeth and bringeth forth her fruite in her time 36 Christe comaundeth that the poore should bee bidde too dinner and that wee should geue to the needy and so laye vp treasure for our selues in heauen Antichrist sommoneth and citeth them bee they neuer so poore not regardyng their lette and aduersitie but he curseth them if they come not at the time appointed and if they come they go away sorier and sicker both in Soule and Purse then they came 37 Christe teacheth that wee should not sweare at al but that we should vse in our communication to affirme yea and to deny naye For whatsoeuer is more commeth of euill Antichrist saieth if any man will receaue any Office vnder vs hee shall bee sworne before that he will be true faithfull and iuste vnto vs If any manne also haue any thyng to doe in his Courtes he must first of all sweare by God and by the holy Gospell that this or that is true againe that hee shall truely and faithfully aunswere to all suche thynges as shall be required of hym 38 Christ commaunded his Disciples to knowe his Lawe and badde the Iewes searche the Scriptures And Moses exhorted the Israelites to teache the Lawe of God to their young children and that they should haue it bounde as a signe in their handes that it might be euer before their eyes he caused them also to write it on the postes and doores of their houses Antichrist saith it is not meete for the lewde people to knowe the Misteries of Gods woorde but to beleue as Mother holy churche teacheth them without any further inquisition yea he maketh it Heresie and Treason againste Kynges and Princes to knowe Christe or his Lawes He hath digged Cesternes of his owne traditions and hath stopped vp the pure fountaynes of Christes doctrine He can not abyde that the Laity should reade the Scripture least they should perceaue his iuglyng neither can hee suffer that the Scriptures should bee painted either in publique Temples or in priuate houses The blinder the people be the warmer is his Kitchin. 39 Christe taught his disciples on this wise if thy brother trespasse against thee goe and tell hym his faulte betwene hym and thee alone If he heare thee thou hast wonne thy brother But if he heare thee not then take yet with thee one or twoo that in the mouthe of twoo or three witnesses euery matter maie bee stablished If he heare not them tell it vnto the congregation If he heare not the congregation let hym be vnto thee as an Heathen man and as a Publicane Antichriste vseth an other kynde of doctrine For if any offende and displease hym he will straight waies suche is his burnyng charitie caste them into prison there to remaine in hard and cold yrons to make theim to reuoke the truthe contrary to the truthe and contrary to their owne conscience and so at the laste too graunte to his will. But if he bee strong through the Spirite of GOD without whom no man is able to stande in suche a case and will not forsake the truthe then after long and many moste greuous tormentes secretely ministered to those constant and faithfull Martyrs of Christ at the laste he bryngeth foorthe accuseth iudgeth condemneth and in fine deliuereth to the temporall officers as to their Butchers and hangmen to bee burnte at a stake vnto ashes As for that charitable reconciliation that our Sauiour Christ gaue in commaundemente vnto as many as take vpon them to bee his Ministers he vtterly refuseth and will none of it 40 Christe saieth If thou wilte bee perfecte goe and sell all that thou haste and giue it to the poore and thou shalte haue treasure in heauen Antichriste saieth If thou wilte bee perfecte giue me thy money and I will giue thee a Pardon by the vertue whereof thou shalte bee absolued a paena culpa and make thee as cleane as that daie thou were borne Yea I will for thy money giue thee the keyes of heauen gates so that thou shalt enter in without any stop 41 Christ saieth Ye are my freendes if ye do those thinges that I cōmande you Antichriste saieth Ye shall dooe as I commaunde you For I haue power and authoritie to make lawes and after them shall ye liue 42 Christ saieth When ye haue doen al thynges that I haue cōmaunded you yet saie that ye are vnprofitable seruauntes Antichrist saieth Doe those thinges that I commaunde you and take a sure cōscience vnto you that ye are righteous in the sight of God haue deserued heauen yea if you doe all that I commaunde you ye shall not onely haue good workes enough wherewith to saue your selues but also to saue other And these woorkes are called Opera supererogationis As for myself though I doe neuer so wickedly so that through my wicked and leude behauiour I bryng many thousandes with me into damnation yet maie no man rebuke me but call me the mooste holieste Father 43 Christe saieth Whosoeuer breaketh one of the leaste of my commaundementes he shal be called the least in the kyngdome of heauen Antichriste roareth out and saieth What haue I to doe with Christes lawe I am subiecte to no lawes but all lawes are obedient to me and to my power By this meanes Antichrist doeth but seldom right but is alwaie against the right yea and against his owne lawe also as often as menne bryng him money For that loueth he aboue all thynges 44 Christe saieth Blessed are the peace-makers for thei shall bee called the sonnes of God. Antichriste saieth Blessed are they that fight and goe together by the eares for the defence of sainct Peters patrimonie for thei shall bee called the children of our Mother holie Churche 45 Christe saieth Woe bee to you that laugh now for ye shall