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A02334 Two discourses of Master Frances Guicciardin vvhich are wanting in the thirde and fourth bookes of his Historie, in all the Italian, Latin, and French coppies heretofore imprinted; which for the worthinesse of the matter they containe, were published in those three languages at Basile 1561. And are now for the same cause doone into English.; Loci duo. Polyglot Guicciardini, Francesco, 1483-1540.; Guicciardini, Francesco, 1483-1540. Historia d'Italia. Supplements.; Jones, William, fl. 1594-1595.; Jones, William, Sir, 1566-1640.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. 1595 (1595) STC 12462; ESTC S103518 37,379 145

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is contained between the towns of Luna and Parma For which so great benefites the kinges of France beeing renowmed and honoured by the Popes did purchase to themselues the title of Most christian kinges And afterward in the yeer of Grace eight hundred Pope Leo together with the people of Rome the Pope I say without anye other authoritie as head of that people didde choose Charles Emperor of the Romaines distinguishing by that name that parte of the Empire from them which inhabited Constantinople as if Rome and the West prouinces for want of succour were constrayned to bee defended by a prince proper and peculiar to themselues Howbeit notwithstanding this deuision of the Empire the emperours of Constantinople were not dispossessed neyther of the Isle of Sicilie nor of that part of Italie which running from Naples to Manfredon is enclosed with the Sea the same beeing continuallie vnder theyr gouernement Notwithstanding for all these accidents the custome was not abrogated but that the election of the pope must be allowed off and confirmed by the Romaine Emperors vnder whose name the Cittye of Rome was gouerned nay further in their Buls and Charters they did expres with these formal words the time of the writing of them Imperante Carolo Imp. Domino nostro In which subiection or acknoledgement they continued vntill the successe of the affaires did giue them encouragement to gouerne by themselues For when the power of the Emperours began to waxe weake first thorowe the dissention amongst the successours of Charles the Great whilest the maiestie of the empire remained in their handes and afterwardes by the change and remouing of the Empire to the princes of Germany whoe were not of like power to the successours of Charles the Great in regarde of the mightines of the house of France both the Pope and the people of Rome and the Magistrates by whom the citty beganne to bee gouerned though very disorderlie derogating wholy asmuch as in them laye from the iurisdiction of the Emperours they did ordaine by a solemne lawe and decree that from thence forward the election of the pope shoulde not depende of the authoritie of the emperour which yet was diuerslye obserued a longe while after according as the greatnesse of the Emperours by the successe of matters did eyther rise or fall And their power being greatly increased after that the Empire came into the handes of the Othos of Saxony Gregorye the fifth by birth a Germaine beeing made pope through the fauour of Otho the thirde whoe then was in Rome partly moued with the loue of his owne Nation and partlie prouoked by the iniuryes he receaued of the people of Rome by his decree transported the right and authority of choosinge the Emperours in the same forme they doe yet obserue it at this day to the Germaines and to the ende the Bishoppes might alwaies reserue some preheminence to themselues he did forbidde in his decree that they which were to bee chosen Emperours might not vse the title of emperor or Augustus nor any other name then king of the Romains and Caesar before they had receiued the Crowne of the empire from the pope whence the custome is growne that they come to Rome to bee crowned But the house of the Othos being cleane extinguished and the power of the Emperors growne weak by reason that the inheritance thereof did not continue in the stocke of mightie and puissant kings the citty of Rome did openlie withdrawe it selfe from their obedience and many other citties did rebell in the reigne of the emperor Conrad of Sueuia whilest that the Bishops still bending all their care by litle and litle to aduance their owne greatnesse didde in a manner absolutelie commande and gouerne the Citty of Rome albeit that oftentimes by the insolency dissention of the people they had theyr handes full of businesse which that they might the better withstand thorowe the fauour of Henry the second being then at Rome they obtained by a solemn lawe and decree that the power and authority to elect and create the Pope should remaine wholie in the cardinals And to helpe this matter a new meanes to further their greatnesse offered it selfe For about that time the Northmans of whom the first leader was William surnamed Iron-arme hauing vsurped ouer the empire of Constantinople Puglia and Calabria Robert Guicciard one of the Northmans whether it were that he might get the more aduantage vnder a colour and pretence of right or to arme himselfe with greater force againste the power of the emperors or whether any other cause did leade him therevnto he yeelded Beneuent vnto the Pope as appertaining to the churche of Rome and helde of the saide church as in fee the Dutchie of Apoullia and Callabria The which example Roger one of his successors did followe whoe hauing driuen William discended of the same line from Apoullia and Callabria and afterwards occupied Cicilia about the yeare 1130. he helde likewise the saide countries as in Fee of the church of Rome vnder the title of the K. of both Sicilias the one on the one side the other on the other side the Far the popes consenting thorow their own ambition and particular profit to nourish the violence and vsurpation of others By all these means the power and aucthoritie of the pope daily encreasing as the couetousnesse of men is neuer satisfied they did begin to depriue such kinges of their kingdomes who were not obedient to their commandements and to bestowe the same vpon others vntill the time that those dominions fel into the house of Henry the sonn of Frederic Barbaroussa and from Henry to Frederic the seconde his sonne al three of them beeing Emperours successiuelie the one after the other But Frederic being become a great persecutour of the church and in his time the faction of the Guelphes and Gibellins being growne the Pope being head of the one the Emperour of the other after the death of Frederic the pope inuested Charles Earle of Aniou and Prouence of whome mention hath beene made heeretofore to those kingdomes vppon conditions to paye 6000. ounces of golde for tribute euery yeare and that no king of those Dominions might hereafter take vpon him the title of the Emperour of Rome which condition hath euer since beene specified in the Charters of the kinge of Naples which was the cause that the kingdome of the Isle of Sicilia being possessed by the king of Arragon did withdraw it self from the yearly tribute from the acknoledgement to hold in fee of the church of Rome Moreouer report hath gotten thus muche although it be not so certain as those thinges we haue discoursed of before that long agoe the Countesse Mahaulte a moste mightie princesse in Italie gaue to the church that part of Toscane which on the one side is limitted with the riuer Pescia and the castle of S. Querico in the earldom of Siena on the other side with the lower sea and the riuer Tiber
artifices nouuelles trahisons nouueaux pieges pour atraper deniers de tous costez employer à ceste fin sans aucun respect les armes spirituelles vendre sans honte vergongne les choses sacrees prophanes Depuis les richesses estans espandues en toute leur court s'en ensuyuirent les pompes desbordemens les facons de faire deshonestes les voluptez plaisirs abominables nul soin de leurs predecesseurs nulle pensee de la maiesté perpetuelle de leur pontificat mais aulieu de cela des desirs ambitieux pestiferez d'esleuer non seulement à richesses exorbitātes mais à roiaumes principautez leurs fils leurs nepueux leurs parens ne distribuans plus les dignitez ny les prouffits reuenus aux hommes dignes vertueux mais presque tousiours les vendans aux plus offrans ou les dissipans en personnes propres à leur ambition auarice ou à leurs plaisirs vilains detestables Pour raison desquels actes estant la reuerence qu'on leur portoit du tout perdue au coeur des hommes toutefois leur authorité se soustient encor en partie pour le nom et la maiesté tant puissante de la religion estant cependant grandement aidee des moiens qu'ils ont de gratifier aux grands princes à ceux qui onr quel que puissance autour d'eux par le moien des dignitez et autres concessions ecclesiastiques De la aduient que congnois sans bien qui'ls sont en grand respect enuers les hommes et que celuy qui prent les armes contre eux ne peut attendre qu'une grieue infamie auec linimitié des autres princes qui s'opposent souuentefois à telles enterprinses et qu'en tout euenement il en recoit bien peu de gain qu'estans vainecurs ils exercent leur victoire à leur discretion vaincus ils en eschappent à telles conditions que bon leur semble estans ain si poussez eguillonnez d'un desir et cupidité d'esleuer leurs parents de bas lieu aux principautez ils ont de long temps esté par plusieurs fois les instruments de guerres feux nouueaux en Italie Mais retournant à mon principal propos duquel la tres-iuste douleur du dommaige public m'a plus ardemment tranporté que la loy de l'histoire ne me permettoit c. FIN A whole discourse cleane left out of the fourth booke beginning at the 119. pa. accor to the said impression FOr the declaration whereof and of manye other thinges which happened afterwards the matter requireth that I now make mention what right the church hath ouer the territorie of Romagna and many other places which it hath hadde possessiō of in diuers times and holdeth yet at this present And by what meanes the bishops of Rome being appointed and established only for the pure and simple administration of spirituall matters are nowe come to the managing of worldlie states and principalities And likewise that I declare as a matter conioyned heer vnto what strife and contention hath hapned diuers times thorow these other occasions betweene the popes and the Emperors The Bishops of Rome of whome S. Peter was the first their power and authoritie in spirituall matters beeing grounded on Iesus Christ being men renowned for their Charitie humility patience vnderstanding miracles were at their beginning not onely void of al temporal authoritie and power but persecuted by the same and for a long time remained obscure and as it were men vnknowne theyr name beeing for the moste part manifest to the worlde onelye by the tortures and afflictions they suffered which they endured equally with them that succeeded them For albeit that thorough the great concourse of people and the diuersitie of Nations and professions which were then at Rome small regard was taken to their proceedinges and many Emperors did not at all mooue any force or trouble against them but when they were of opinion that it was not meet to dissemble theyr publike actions or pas them ouer with silence howbeit other Emperors whether it were thorow crueltie or for the loue they did beare to their perticular gods did persecute them with all rigor as the authors of newe superstitions and the subuerters of true religion In this estate they continued beeing highlie renowmed for their voluntarie pouertie holinesse of life and martirdome vntill the time of pope Siluester in whose life the Emperor Constantine being conuerted to the Christian faith and mooued by the holy conuersation miracles which were dailie manifested in those whoe made profession of the name of Christ the Bishops were freed from the persecution which they had endured the space of three hundred years or thereabout and had liberty granted them publikelie to exercise Christian religion and Ceremonies Wherevpon through the reuerence to their holy life the diuine precepts which our religion containeth and through the readines which is ingrafted in men to followe the example of their prince whether it were as it often falleth out through ambicion or fear the name of Christians began woonderfully to encrease spread it selfe euerye where and withall the pouertie of Ecclesiasticall persons to decrease For Constantine hauing builte at Rome the Churches of S. Iohn in Laterano of S. Peter in Vaticano and of saint Paule manie others in diuers places he did not only furnish them with rich vessels and Ornaments but moreouer enriched them with great possessions and reuenues that they might in time to come be maintained and renewed and that they which exercised diuine seruice might liue thereby Afterwardes by succession many perswading themselues that by almes and guiftes to the church they shoulde easilie purchase the kingdome of heauen they either builte new churches which they endowed with possessions or bequeathed part of their riches to those which were alreadie founded and erected yea whether it were by a law or by an auncient custome following the example of the olde Testament euerye one paide the tenth part of his fruites and the reuenues of his own goods to the church wherevnto they were stirred vppe and animated with great feruencie because at the first the Ecclesiastical persons beside that which serued for their moderate maintenance did employ the rest of their goods in building and bewtifieng of the churches Otherwhiles in pittifull and charitable deeds pride and ambition being not yet entred into their harts reseruing for themselues onelie that which suffised to entertaine themselues frugality and with temperance The bishop of Rome was then acknowledged generally of al Christians superior of the church and of all spirituall gouernment as successor of the Apostle Peter both because that cittie for the dignitie and greatnesse thereof did as chiefe heade of others retaine the name and maiestie of the Empire as also that from thence the christian faith was dispersed thrugh the greater
and is at this day called the patrimonie of S. Peter Others adde that the saide countesse gaue vnto the churche the citty of Ferrara These latter thinges are not verie certaine but farre more doutfull are those matters which are written by a certain author that Arithpert king of the Lombards when their kingdome did florish did giue vnto them the Alpes called Cocciae wherein the cittie of Genoua standeth and all whatsoeuer is contained from Genoua vnto the borders of Prouence And that Linthprandus likewise K. of the same Nation gaue vnto them Sabina a country neere vnto Rome Narni and Ancona with diuers other territories Thus according to the change and alteration of the Emperors the affairs of the popes chaunged with them For they hauing at the beginning byn many yeares persecuted by the Emperors and afterwards freed from that feare by the conuersion of Constantine to christianitie they did a long while rest in quyet vnder the shadowe of their winges and giuing themselues wholie to spirituall matters did liue in base estate separating themselues altogether from the entercourse they had with the Emperors by reason of the power of the Lombards in Italie But afterwards by the fauour of the K. of France being stepped vppe to temporall authority they remayned for a long space in league and amitye with the Emperors depending verie willingly of their authoritie so long as the maiestie of the empire continued in the stocke of Charls the great aswell in acknowledgement of many benefites giuen and receiued on both partes as in regarde of the greatnesse of the emperors which afterwardes comming to decline the popes withdrawing themselues wholye from their friendship began to hold and maintaine that it belonged rather to them to giue lawes to the emperors then to receiue lawes from them Thus they disdaining to enter into their former subiection and to the ende that the emperors might not enterprise the recouering of the auncient right belonging to the empire both at Rome and other places as some of them being either of greater power or more witte and courage then the rest endeuored they didde openlie by force of arms oppose themselues to their might beeing assisted by these Tyrants whoe vnder the tytle and name of princes of those Citties which did enfranchise and set themselues at libertie they did no longer acknowledge submit themselues to the authoritie of the emperors Herevpon it came to pas that the popes taking daily more and more vppon them and conuerting the terror of spirituall matters to things temporall and enterpreting that as Christ his vicars on earth they hadde the preheminence and place ouer emperors and that to them in certaine causes appertained the care of the estate of this worlde they did manye times depriue the emperors of their Imperiall dignitie moouing the electors to chuse others in the place of those whom they had excommunicated and on the other side the emperors did eyther themselues make choise of or procure others to create new popes By reason of these broils it hapned that the estate of the church being greatly weakened aswell in regarde that the Courte of Rome remained by the space of 70. yeares in the citty of Auignon as also thorow the schisme which followed immediatlie after the pope his returne into Italy and likewise that in the citties which were subiect to the church and principallie in those of Romagna many cittizens who were of the greatest power did in their owne countrey vsurpe a tyrannicall gouernement whoe were eyther afterwards forced from thence by the popes or else where they were not of power to suppresse them they did yeeld the territories vnto them that possessed them to bee holden in fee of the church or didde geue authoritie to others to subdue them rule in their place In this maner the most part of the citties of Romagna began to be gouerned by particular lordes the most part of them vnder the title of Vicars of the church By this means Ferrara giuen firste in gouernment to Azzo of Esté was afterwards granted vnto him in title of a vicar ship and in tract of time that familie was exalted to higher titles and dignitie Likewise Bologna occupied by Iohn Visconte Archbishop of Millan was afterwards giuen him as a vicarship by the pope for the same reasons many other territories in the Marque of Ancona in the patrimony of saint Peter and in Vmbria which wee call now the dutchy of Spoleto many priuate Lords did rise being driuen thervnto some against the wil of the pope others by his consent The which alterations being likwise happened in Lombardie in the citties belonging to the Empire it chaunced some times as the state of matters did change that the Vicars of Romagna and of other Ecclesiastical places did openly withdrawe themselues from the nam of the church and did acknowledge those citties in fee of the Empire as contrarily they which did occupie Millan Mantua and other imperiall possessiōs in Lombardy didde holde them in fee of the pope In the meane while albeit the citty of Rome did retaine the name and lord ship of the church notwtstanding it was gouerned by their owne cittizens And although at the beginning when the popes did returne from Auignon they were obeied as lords notwithstanding a lyttle while after the Romaines hauing created a newe kind of magistrate which they called Banderez they returned to their ancient stubbornesse whervppon the Popes hauing verye smal authoritie left them they withdrew themselus from Rome vntill suche time that the Romaines beeing growne very poore and great disorders sprunge amongst them thorow the absence of the courte considering that the yeare 1400. drew neer in the which they hoped that by the pope his residence there there would be a great concourse of people from all partes of Christendome by reasonne of the Iubile they humbly besought the pope Boniface that hee would vouchsafe to returne thither againe offering immediatly vpon his comming to abolish their Banderez to submit themselues wholy to his obedience Vnder which conditions the pope returning to Rome whilest the cittizens did altogither busy themselues to the gain profite they receiued that yeare he tooke the absolute gouernement of the cittye vpon him fortified the castle Saint Angelo and placed a guard of Soldiors therein so that his successors vntill the time of Eugenius though with muche trouble oftentimes did notwithstanding thorowly establish their authoritie and gouerned the citty afterwardes without any contradiction These foundations being laid and by these meanes the popes being exalted to temporall authority forgetting by little and little the saluation of soules and the commandementes of God turning al their thoughtes to become great in this world vsing spirituall iurisdiction but as an instrument and minister to attain to temporall gouernement they began rather to seeme secular princes then Bishops They employed all their care and busied themselues not for the aduauncement of religion not in zeal and Charity