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A39756 The fulfilling of the Scripture, or, An essay shewing the exact accomplishment of the Word of God in his works of providence, performed and to be performed for confirming the beleevers and convincing the atheists of the present time : containing in the end a few rare histories of the works and servants of God in the Church of Scotland. Fleming, Robert, 1630-1694. 1669 (1669) Wing F1265; ESTC R27365 219,887 314

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of duty that its surely good to draw near to him and in the close of their life can from many remarkable and convincing providences declare the truth and faithfulnes of God and truely whilst I speak here of the Christians experience I think its sad and a great short coming that there is not a more serious improvement of it for this end which is a very concerning duty on such who have tasted that the Lord is gracious O what an excellent addition would this be to their testament when they are to leave the World to leave a testimony behinde them to the faithfulnes of God in his Word and promise and thus put their seale to the same from what they have oft proven by sure experience for this should prove a singular help to strengthen others and spread abroad the fame and good report of religion yea thus one generation should declare the works of the Lord to another and transmit the memory of his goodnes to succeding ages 7. This is something which not only the Christians experience doth witnes and in every time take place but hath also a peculiar reference to these ages and periods of times wherein such particular truths should have their accomplishment for its true that the Prophets of old did not onely in their predictions hold forth in general the truth and certainty of these things which should fall out but they also inquired and searched diligently anent the time to what or what manner of time the Spirit by them did point at 1 Pet. 1 11. For it s truely clear that a piece of the Word was under the Law to have its peculiar accomplishment that part of it also under the Messias Kingdome in the dayes of the gospel should be fulfilled and we find a very concerning part thereof belongs to thir latter times and there is betwixt such periods of time and revolution of the Churches case and the bringing forth of such a piece of the Scripture to a performance a very certain and undoubted connection It s true we do not yet well understand which will be one of the last manifestations the Church shall have at the end of time when the mystery of God is finished how to sort the event exactly to the Word but it is sure and were worthy of our study and observation how every age hath something of the Scripture peculiar thereto yea carrieth forward the Lords work and design a further step may we not see how one age fulfilleth such a piece of the Churches sufferings appointed for her and puts some great tryal and sad persecution over her head which she was to meet with whilst an other age carrieth her thorow an other change and giveth her a time of rest and breathing how such a time bringeth Antichrist fordward to his hight and such a following age begins the turn of the Churches case yea every several period and revolution of time still addeth something to that excellent history of the Word and providence which we have since the beginning and bringeth forth something further into the world of the Lords counsel and design about his Church 8. The accomplishing of the Scripture is such a thing we are to look after in a special way here which concerns this militant and traveling condition of the Church for if the Scriptures were once fully accomplished and the great mystery of God therein finished there were then nothing more to doe his work of providence were at an end and time should be no more this is something that is not here perfected at once but is still gradually carrying on and then shall be compleat at the resurrection of the just and second coming of the Lord which is the last part of Canonick Scripture to be made out when both his work and his word and time shall be all finished together but whill the sainets are yet by the way they have the written word and all these pretious promises therein for present use and encouragement for that is its proper work to take them safe thorow this labyrinth of the world and when it hath brought them to land it hath no more to doe there will be then no more need for a Christian to goe to a promise and adventure upon it we shall then no more watch with the watchmen in a dark and stormy night and hope for the breaking of the day faith then shall not be at a stand how such a word shall be made out because of invincible difficulties in its way no then it hath done its worke and that which is written shall be swallowed up in that which is seen and enjoyed all the streames of our encouragement will then lose themselves in a greater depth O then it s finished and done what all the promises prophecies and threatnings of the Word was bringing forth and then no more need of something as a pledge and earnest in hand to them who have the full possession of the inheritance under whose feet the God of peace hath trod Satan and all their enemies 9. I shall adde this the accomplishment of the Scripture is something which is not onely demonstrat to a Christian by sensible influences and Gods Secret working with his Spirit but is made out to the observation of men in the way of providence and not onely witnessed by that internal evidence of the Spirit but by an external testimony which both rationally holdeth this out to the judgement and sensibly to the sight and experience and this is the strongest and most full of all outward evidences since the world must shut their eyes if they do not see it and a Christian must deny what he both seeth and feeleth if he deny a witnes to this II. We would consider the accomplishment of the Scripture as that which is the Lords peculiar work and design in the World and that great bussines which is upon the wheels of providence amidst the various changes and revolutions which are here within time for bringing about whereof the blessed thoughts of his heart are fixed and unalterable This is indeed a grave and serious truth worthy to be more noticed and laid to heart by men that the glorious providence of God which goeth throughout the earth and doth particularly reach all things which come to passe the smallest as well as the greatest intrests of men in all these doth move certainly and infallibly for the accomplishing of the Scripture which is that great thing God hath before his eyes for it is no personal intrests of men how great so ever they be that can answer this end it is something beyond the Setting up of Kings or overturning Kingdomes and nations that he doth minde amidst these varions changes which are in the World it s some greater thing then that which we most notice the Lord thereby designes how such a party is advanced and others brought low for these things come within the reach of his care and providence in so far as the
place in mens observation who do observe the judgements of their time 3. How the Scripture of God doth clearly shine upon the darkest footsteps of providence even these which would seem most strange and hard to understand so that it may be demonstrat nothing falleth out in the world or befalleth the saincts but what is most consonant to the scripture FIRST BRANCH As to the first branch of this argument I shall but instance five general promises which we finde held forth in the word concerning the church and endeavour to shew how very clear and obvious the accomplishment of them is if men do not willingly shut their own eyes FIRST Promise wherein we find the Scripture expresse is the preservation of the Church that he will be with her to the end of the world and though he make an end of other nations yet will he not make an utter end of her but while the ordinances of the sun and the moon doe last and as the dayes of heaven so shall her dayes be prolonged against her the gates of hell shall not prevail Ps 49 ver 16. Math. 16 18. Now that God hath truely verifyed this his promise is as good as his word is a truth though marvellous yet so very clear and manifest that I am sure no Atheist can deny it may be so easily demonstrat First that the Church doth continue and is kept alive to this day it doth certainly prove the truth of his promise for it can be said of her none can say it is a lye she hath outlived all her opposers the greatest of whom have found their grave in the quarrel over whose tomb that last confession of a great adversary Iulian may be written vicisti tandem Galilaee hath not this deadly and irreconciliable feed been perpetuat from fathers to children but who hath prospered in that enterprise the archers have oft shot and wounded her sore but her bow doth abide in strength as at this day this is her motto persecuted but not forsaken cast doun but not discouraged she who hath brought forth many children yet ceaseth not to bear whose age hath not marred her beauty her eyes are not dimm hor her strength failed a sight which may cause us no lesse stand and consider this great wonder theu Moses did at that which was but the shadow and embleme thereof a bush burning and not consumed for behold a church keptalive yet still in the flames and when to appearance consumed it doth arise more glorious out of her own ashes this is indeed the only Phanix and we know no other of whom that can be said hath she not born out these universal deluges which did like an inundation go over her head of idolatry and paganisme in the first times and Antichristianism with Arrianism in the after ages yet not swallowed up which may be no lesse marvellous then when she was keept above the waters in the ark and though her enemyes have oft sung her funeral song and rejoyced over the dead the dead bodyes of her witnesses yet they have risen again her drie bones have taken life and come together and behold she is alive at this day 2. Not only the Churches preservation but the continued series and succession thereof unto this time doth witnes the fulfilling of this promise that in the darkest times of her condition she hath not altogether disappeared even when she was so long hid in the wildernes but still in every age had some witnesses and though the Church hath oft cryed out for the want of Children and been heard weeping bemoaning her self because they were not yet we may say she never wanted an ofspring to this day shee did never dye without an heir and seed of her own to raise up her name even since the Covenant was first made with her in Adams family and though particular Churches have their set times which like the sun have these usuall periods their first rise their height and flowrishing and afterwards a gradual decay making way to the departure of the light yet this made never void the promise of God to the Church universal whose lamp was never put out nay shall not while the dayes of Heaven doe last 3. We must also say that the continuance and preservation of the Church is peculiar to her alone and can be said of no other interest and party beneath the sun for it is clear that there was no Kingdome or empire so firmly rooted no society so well governed by Lawes backed with power which hath had the best title and claim but time at last did prevail over it and made the same a trophee of her conquest yea the greatest Monarchies and flowrishing cities have at last yeelded so as of them it may be said nunc seges est ubi Troia fuit but time cannot to this day boast of a triumph over the Church of God though no nation no family in the earth could ever plead antiquity with her This is that interest which hath born out all these great revolutions that so oft changed the very face of the world yea hath outlived so many Kingdomes and successions thereof 4. It doth convincingly demonstrat the truth of this promise of the Churches preservation that the World yea greatest Athiests may see this hath not come to passe at an adventure nay not in an ordinary way of providence but by a divine power most discernable therein while it is so clear 1. That no interest or party had ever such adversaries as the Church against whom the powers of the World and the powers of darknes have alwayes been on foot 2. That outward advantages have usually been on her adversaries side not only 〈◊〉 great men of the earth but these of greatest parts an●●●ilities 3. That there will was never wanting to their power and their designe no lesse then to raze her to the foundation 4. That this enimity hath been rooted and irreconciliable which time to this day could never take up 5. That no interest did ever endure such violent assaults so many sharp batteries for it is observable that most of the wars and commotions of every age have been some way stated on the Churches account and what ever privat quarrels men have had among themselves yet it hath not hindred the pursuit of their malice against the woman and her seed 6. That such who have come out of her bowels even the men of her own house have oft been her greatest enemyes and lyen in wait to take her at an advantage in the day of her halting 7. That her reall friends have oft fainted in a time of her strait and stood afar off yea almost none of the Children which shee had brought forth have been then found to take her by the hand 8. That the depths of Satan in her enemyes as an angel of light have sometimes given her a sore assault so that if it had been possible and ordinary midses could have reacht their end
undoubted ●e●dency to bring forth the Churches good as though they ●d intentionally act for the same there will indeed one day be a more clear and marvellous discovery of this when the Lord hath perfected his work and the mystery of God is finished the Church brought safe to the harbour then shall it be fully manifest to what end all these storm●s and cross winds in the counsels and designes of men wee these things which in the time could not be understood but seemed perplexed and strange did really worke fo●the Churches good for then men will see with their eyes afull performance of the word yet we must say even here in every age amidst the various changes of the Churches case this hath so clear an outmaking that there is no serious observer of providence but may bear winess to it 1. That not only the Churches good but ever her greatest good hath most clearly had its rise and been brought forth out of the greatest mischiefs and hurts intended against her that if we search the Scripture and will turn over these after records of the Churches condition we shall there find the most remarkable attempts and plots such as Pharaohs last essay to destroy the Isiaelites Hamans great design to root out the seed of the Jewes that great Masterplot Sathan once had on ●oot to crush the Gospel and the Christian Church by crucifying her head yea in these last times Antichrists killing the witnesses have all as if really intended by the instruments as well as the first mover brought forth the Churches greatest good so as the after-mercy and outgate hath carried some visible proportion to her tryal and to the greatnes of her adversaryes design 2. It may be also clear if we but trace back these memorable changes● which have been up and down the earth how direct a tendency they have had to this end did not the bringing down that great image of the Monarchies witness this We finde Nebuchadnezar raised up as a rod to the Church and Cyrus for a deliverer we may see the Persian and Grecian Monarchies brought down to make way for the setting up of the Messias his Kingdome Antiochus must stand up a little for a sharp tryal and his downfal give the Church a new breathing and hold forth to after ages a remarkable monument of the judgement of God against his enemyes Peaceable Augustus most tryst with his time in whose dayes shall be aboundance of peace we finde a Titus set up to execute the judgement of God on the Jewes to make way for a further enlargement to the ●gentil Church an Nero and Domitian to help forward the Churches suffering and a Constantine to give her some rest after so long and sore an assault and at last the Roman empire mouldred down for Antichrists upsetting to accomplish what did remain of the sufferings of Christ in his Church by that adversary 3. We may oft see a very strange tryst and concurrence of things how instruments act to bring about the Lords end and advance his Churches interest even while each one doth most vigorously drive their own proper end and design which sheweth there is surely a living spirit in the wheels that ordereth these motions a supream and first mover that can thus determine them whither they will or not to serve his end and the Churches good when they most directly intend the contrary 4. We have seen how in mens plotting the ruine of the Church there is oft an unseen hand determining their judgement and inclination to fall upon that very way then which we would think nothing could have been more direct for her good and their own ruine how an Hushai hath been sent in or some have been stirred up amongst themselves upon their own interest to break the pernicious counsels and designs of others 5. We have also seen the personal quarrels of the Churches enemyes among themselves brought to such an height and to tryst so seasonably that onlookers might clearly perceive that it hath been from the Lord a judgement for their rage and violence against his poor oppressed People 6. We have seen the Churches enemies raised to a strange height all advantages favouring them until their plot and mine hath been ripe for springing and lo at that very choke something unexpected hath fallen out which did turn their former successe to their further ruine yea disappoint all this the World is ready to call some fata and malevolent conjunction which cannot be resisted and what is this in effect but the witness of mens conscience to a divine hand 7. Have we not seen some sore dash and overthrow in the Church bring forth her good and a more full victory when visible helpe and meanes have been taken out of the way that something above meanes might be seen in her condition even in that day when all hath been given for lost yea truths loseing the day upon the field bring forth her triumph on the scaffold and at the stake 8. We have seen most despicable and ordinary things made subservient for some great piece of the Lords work a very small thing made the first rise of strange revolutions that remarkable changes have been oft lying in the bosome of common providence yea truely we finde both Scripture and the observation of after ages witness that the Churches deliverance and outgate did almost never come that way by such a method and meanes as shee had most expected the same and that Gods time of working may be oft very contrary to our time of expecting I shall only add is it not oft seen which I am sure all ages can witness how mens endeavours to darken the truth by errour hath been an effectual meanes for its further clearing That the growing of a tryal a violent and sore exacting upon the Church hath kindly wrought towards her outgate and enlargement her meat hath been oft brought even out of the eater by midses most destructive thereto and a svvord must pierce the Churches heart that the thoughts of many may be discovered a time of persecution must help to cure the divisions amongst the godly and bring them together in the furnace vvhich prosperity could not doe yea it is oft seen vvhich former ages can also vvitness that the very undoing of the Church hath been Gods blest vvay to keep her from being undone THE SECOND BRANCH DOth concern these Scripture threatnings which are held forth in the word with a respect to the visible Church and against a people professing the Gospel that no priviledges they have above others shall exeem them from judgment yea and from very sad strokes he hath knowen them above the rest of the World he will contend with them most severely because of sin and such particular evils as we find the Word threatneth I touched a little some Scripture-threatnings in the preceeding argument as concerned Christians in their privat experience what I here intend is to point at this truth as it
that People hath yet been brought in to Christ 3. We have much ground from the Scripture that this day this great day of Iezreel shall be a very remarkable and solemn time which will even cause astonishment to the Nations about and make a wonderful change on the face of the earth a time of Gods eminent appearance for that People when his singular respect shall be as manifest as formerly his great displeasure and anger was a time on which many of the choisest mercyes of the Church do certainly wait the return of many prayers a large pouring forth of the Spirit even on the body of that People and all ranks not only the familyes of David Nathan and Levi but also the families of Shimei with a large outletting of gifts yea such a time wherein the converted of Israel shall then see and understand how far the glory of the second Temple doth exceed that of the first and shall be a very conspicuous part of Christs universal Kingdome eminent for the power and purity of the ordinances to which others shall look as to a most choise and excellent pattern of a purely reformed and glorious Church 4. Besids the promise of him who is not like ma● to lie or the son of man to repent there wants not some very convincing providences to confirm our faith anent this if we consider how this People are still kept by themselves amidst all their scatterings not mixt or incorporat with other Nations which is most usual through long converse that People of several parts of the earth will unite and joyn in one is not their great increase also remarkable What great multitudes of them are in the eastern parts yea through most of Asia in Africk and in these places of Europe where the Christian Church is and all this time their land not possessed but by a rabble of the Turks under whose yoke they groan and though the genealogies of particular families are at this day much lost yet there is still so much sure and evident as to the series and genealogy of the Nation that doth difference them from any other People 5. It is true the authority of the word should silence all our thoughts how so great a thing shall be brought about yet we may judge that as a mean this shall eminently contribute to the same such a convincing stroke upon Antichrist which must go before their conversion wherein so manifest an appearance of God and the fulfilling of one of the greatest promises of the New Testament cannot but then stare them in the face and with this the taking away of that stumbling block of idolatry which hath so long helpt to harden them against the profession of the Gospel I must shut up this with a sad regrate that whilest we have so clear a promise there is no more tender respect and further essay to promot the good of that People who knoweth what a blessing might attend the use of ordinary meanes since this is an unquestionable duty and men know not when they sow the seed whither this or that shall prosper alace that the usual deportment of Christians with whom they converse doth oft further help to highten their prejudice against Christianity let us long and pray more for this day a day which shall bring so great a blessing with it to the gentiles III. There are many prophecyes both in the Old and New Testament which do clearly point at a great flowrishing and prosperity in the dayes of the Gospel which I humbly conceive are not yet fully made out but shall have a more remarkable accomplishment before the close of time Isai 60. ver 13. Isai 65 ver 25. Isai 66 ver 12. Mich. 4 ver 1 2. I confesse the event will be the surest commentar and until this appear men should be sober and cautious that they darken not the counsel of God and his truth with any wilde fancy and aim to be wise above that which is written yet I must think that with sobriery and on solid grounds it may be safe to judge that there are great things laid up in these promises for the Church that we cannot now well reach yea would scarce get believed until the appointed time unvaile their meaning I shall here but onely touch ●ow it may appear these promises are not yet fully accomplished and what with a safe warrant we may expe●● in their accomplishment as to the first we would consider these things 1. That these great promises which hold forth so eminent an enlargement and flowrishing of the Church do also point at some particular limited time some period and revolution of the Churches condition which is not agreable and common to other times until which these promises do not take place 2. This promised flowrishing concerneth both Jewes and Gentiles and the word doth clearly point at some further encrease of the g●ntil Church by the calling of the Jewes which must have a peculiar respect to that solemn time of Israels restauration and Antichrists ruin a time on which the return of many prayers and the fulfilling of many promises in the behalfe of the Church doth surely wait so that as Esay and other of the Prophets do put over this great flowrishing of the Church to the dayes of the Gospel the Apostle Rom. 11. doth point at a more precise time wherein this in a larger measure shall be made out 3. We cannot find the Christian Church did ever enjoy so great an enlargement and flowrishing state as these promises seem to import for persecution and suffering hath most been her lot first from the Jewes next from her heathen adversaries and last from Antichrist whose fall and ruin we have ground to expect shall make room for so great an increase of the Church for how much power Antichrist hath in so far is the Church keepe under yea it is clear how very short all her breathings have been 4. It would appear so solemn a time of the Churches flowrishing whereat the Prophets did so oft point as it hath an undoubted respect to the dayes of the Gospel so in its full accomplishment must answer to that remarkable day of Satans binding and the Saints Reigne with Christ when the Kingdoms of the Earth become the Lords which we find doth immediatly preceede Satans last lousing and his going forth to gather his broken forces for that great battle which is to be very near the end I shall but adde we have ground to judge the Lord will usher in that glorious everlasting state of the Church even by some preparative degrees here the latter times are therefore to be reckoned the more blessed the more near they approach to the dawning of glory Now in the second place I shall but point at somethings which with a safe warrant we may understand and look after in the accomplishment of these promises It is very clear they hold forth a great enlargement to the universal Church both of Jewes and Gentiles
time for it is knovvn vvith vvhat marvellous resolution and chearfulnes these have been carried through who were called forth to resist unto the blood in their adherence to the truth witnessing to the conviction of onlookers even their greatest enemyes something above Roman Gallantry yea something above nature in that stayednes and elevation of their Spirits and as some of all rancks in the land the Lord would have brought forth to seal and witnes his truth and the work of Reformation so it hath been also clear that none wanted a large measure of support and strength for the tryall their suffering still giving a further dash to their adversaries 3. It is also manifest and may be truly matter of wonder by what a marvellous providence so many suffering and desolat familyes have been carried through without any obvious noise of their straites now for these divers yeares with such convincing chearfulnes yea the experience of many made to witnes that they never lesse knew a strait then since they were put from the ordinary meanes of their support and others who have been more sharply tryed could not reckon any such plunging strait and difficulty but have also found outgate by some remarkable providence trysted I am very sure amongst other advantages yet of these times this shall be one a large Register of Experience and remarkable confirmations of the truth of the word and promise which the godly have had under this sharp tryal that will be sweet matter for an after reckoning and a greater gain then any losse their former sufferance did occasion Yea have not seen what in an ordinary way looked as irrecoverable a stroke which a generation could not have made up hath been a mean the Lord hath choised to promote his glory and thereby declare himselfe to be God hath he not made us see how easy it is for him to turn the sharpest storm to the great advantage of his Church that he can act in desperate cases above the skill both of Angels and men and truely though we should be brought yet more low even to the place of Dragons this may uphold the shaking hearts of his People and be solid ground of confidence that Christs power and faithfulnes is this day engadged for his Church and truth he must encrease his Kingdome is upon the rising hand and shall yet have a more glorious appearance in the World what ever become of instruments the reviving of his work is not in the reverence of men and since we know the Lord hath solemnly declared war against Antichrist and all who will oppose the spreading of the Gospel in these last times yea hath past his word to the Church for the fall and ruin of that adversary fall he must though the dust of the earth should arise for that end and it is sure Prelacy must also wither that hath its life and sap from that accursed root they have this day a desperat cause in hand who do engadge their power to support the throne of the Beast for they run in the way of the wrath and vengeance of the Lord and shall surely involve themselves in that ruin though they were the greatest Princes of the earth I shall onely adde we have much ground in these times to believe that the Lord shall yet appear and make himself known in the earth by as great and convincing providences both of judgement and mercy as in any former ages and thus vindicat his glory and refute the Atheisme of this generation by such an argument as shall force iniquity to stop its mouth Now since this is sure which none can get denyed if they will but allow some serious thoughts thereanent that the Scripture falleth not to the ground for Gods way is perfect and his word is tryed Ps 18 ver 30. O is it not also sure and a conclusion well grounded that He is a buckler to those who trust in him none needs fear to venture his interests through time on the word yea if there could be any thing greater then a Heaven or eternal salvation the testimony of the God of truth might be sufficient security for the same it is a small matter how this World doth reel and stagger or what be the changes of outward things that is eneugh the promises of the Word shall certainly take place and the expectation of the Saints shall not make them ashamed FINIS For filling up some vacant pages a few Scriptures are set down pointing at the present condition or what may be apprehended to be coming concerning either sin or judgement doctrine or duty wherein each Reader is desired not so much to apply to others as to himself and not to himself but what he may be sure is his due and because there was not room for setting down the whole Texts these may be consulted and considered in the Bible only for memories cause a litle hint is given of each passage EZek. 3 17. c. 21. A Watchman to warn righteous and wicked Ierem. 1 17 18 19. Speak what I command thee iron pillar c. Amos 3 7. Secret revealed to servants the Prophets Galat. 4 16. Am I your enemy telling the truth Luk. 12 42. c. 48. Faithfull wise steward to give portion in season Ierem. 7 27 28. Speak but they will not hearken Ezek. 2 5. Whither they will hear or forebear Ezr. 7 23. Whatsoever is commanded by the God of Heaven c. Deut. 12. 32. Adde not diminish not Galat. 1 8. Who preacheth another Gospel is accursed Galat. 2 5. We gave place not for an houre Hebr. 8 5. According to pattern shewed in mount Hebr. 3 1 2. Consider Christ faithfull in his house Matth. 17 5. This is my beloved Son hear him Luk. 20 25. Give to Cesar Cesars and to God Gods Psal 2 6. I have set my King on Zion Math. 15 13 14. Every plant not planted by my Father rooted up Math. 16 12. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees 2 King 11 17. Jehoiadah made a Covenant c. Gal. 3 15. Though a mans Covenant no man annuls Isai 24 5. Broken the everlasting Covenant Exod. 32 8. They have turned aside quickly Deut. 32 5 6. Do ye thus requite the Lord Jerem 34 18. c. 21. I will give the men that have transgressed my Covenant c. Ezek. 17 15. c. 19. Shall he break the Covenant and Prosper Prov. 20 25. It is a snare after vows to make enquiry Levit 26 25. A sword to avenge quarrel of Covenant 2 Chron. 24 17. c. 24 loash and Princes left the house of God 2 King 16 10. c. 18. Ahaz altar of Damascus Vrijah 2 Chron 13 9. Ye have cast out the Lords Priests 1 King 12 26. c. 33. Jeroboams devised worship and Priests Hos 7 3 4 5. Made glad with lies adulterers bottles of wine Hos 10 3 4 Feared not the Lord swearing falsly Zechar. 5 4. Curse in house of false swearer Malach.
they should have deceived the very elect 9. I must adde this further witnes to the marvellous preservation of the Church which in an ordinary way could not come to passe that we find no other party was ever brought so low and near death to be yet alive the knife was once at the Churches throat in Isaack she did seek to adopt a bound-womans sonne in stead of a lawful heir when Abraham agreed to Sara's overture for the outmaking of the promise how near exspiring doe we finde her in Egypt when a sentence to destroy all her male issue was gone forth Yea what but a miracle could have preserved her when she was betwixt Pharaoh and the red sea How low was the Church in the wildernes and after in the dayes of the captivity even broken to pieces with small appearance of life when her face was all blurred with weeping and her enemyes made sport over her ruines at the rivers of Babylon when the Children of Edom cryed out let us raze her even to the foundation Yea could the Church be nearer the grave then when her bones were scattered at the graves mouth bnt above all in that dark night when her head and shepheard was smitten and her hope seemed to be buried in the grave with a stone put upon it when shee could get no entertainment among the Jewes was wounded in the house of her friends and the Gentils in wrath rose up against her that for some hundred Yeares the great Empire which had trod down all the nations about put forth the outmost of power and malice for her undoing O who could have thought the Church should outlive this Yea after all we finde her tost and hurried by Antichrist into the wildernes an adversary more cruel then any that had gone before where the Dragon watcht to get her destroyed but how in all these and through that long dark night she hath continued and marvellously flowrished as the palm tree under her greatest weights so that we cannot but see that which her enemies being judges will not deny that this promise to the Church of her preservation is this day fulfilled yea that it hath not in an ordinary way been brought about surely there is no inchantment against Iacob nor divination against Israel all her enemyes have been found lyers happy art thou above other People for the eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are everlasting armes else long since she should have been swallowed up may we not still say with astonishement O what hath God wrought in her behalfe SECOND Promise Which I shall here instance that God had made to his Church in the Word Of her increase and enlargement that the Earth should be covered with the knowledge of God as the sea of water and her seed be as the stars of Heaven that her bounds should be from the sea to the utmost rivers which was promised to Christ in the behalfe of his Church and that shee should possesse the gates of her enemyes Psal 89 v. 25. Psal 2 v. 8 Ifa 42 v. 4. Isa 54 v. As this prom●●● is expresse in the Scripture we must say it is no lesse clear and evident in its accomplishment that surely the Lord hath keept his Word whereto the event doth most exactly answer and though yet it be not to the full made out I am sure there is so much at this day manifest considering the former condition of the Church as undenyably proveth the fulfilling of the formentioned promise which even to the conviction of greatest Atheists may be demonstrat from these grounds 1. That vast extent which the Kingdome of Christ hath had in the World for this cannot be denyed that the greatest Empire or Monarchy could never so fa● extend their conquest as the Church hath done since the wall of partition was taken down short are the limits of the Grecian and Roman Empire considered with this whose bounds have been the ends and uttermost parts of the Earth where neither Greece or Rome did ever set up their Trophees hath not the Gospel as the sun made its circuit from the East to the West Yea crossed the seas to the dark northern nations thus fulfilling its course in order to its return again to the place of its first rising that it may as we are sure it shall once visit the Jewes again and the eastern places of the World that now are buried in a night of darknes which I think will be as sure a presage of the break of day and second coming of the Lord as the morning Star is to the World of the Suns accomplishing its course and that it is returning again to the East were it should rise hath not the Gospel now been through Asia where it did not tarry for a night for many flowri●hing Churches were there and the going back of the tyde from thence was its flowing to another part of the World which is indeed observable of the Church as it is of the sea that what it hath losed in one part it hath gained in another did the vast distance of Africk its great barren deserts or scorching heat hinder the Gospels making a visit thither so as it was once a fertil soyle and brought forth many famous lights yea something yet doth both there and in the East parts of the World remain to shew the Gospel was ●ruely in these places and hath Europe though last been least on this account Yea what do mean the late discoveries of unknown parts of the Earth but to make way for a more full performance of this promise that the Gospel might stretch its conquest over the line which surely was the gold and treasure Christ designd from thence that even America might have her day also and the voice of the turtle be heard in these lands 2. Not only the large extent of the Church as to its bounds doth witnes this but also the great and numerous ofspring of Sons Daughters which in these parts where the Gospel hath been were brought forth to Christ for we may say what Iohn saw in vision hath been very manifest to after ages an innumerable company of all Tongues Nations and Languages of whom it could be said these are born in Zion O how great a harvest of the Nations is even already gathered What a fleece hath every particular Church cast What a marvellous increase hath been in some places after special tydes of the Gospel May we not say that truth is now beyond debate that out of one and him not onely as good as dead but truely dead there hath come forth as the sand of the sea and Stars of Heaven in number the Church hath inherited Josephs blessing of the womb and the breasts in a fruitful ofspring the dew of Christs youth hath been as the womb of the morning O what a marvellous and goodly company will this once be when gathered together Then will the performance of these pretious promises be fully manifested 3.
and in their greatest strength that by a strong hand he did make room for his truth when both Law and force did withstand the same and put the marks of his wrath on such who would oppose the spreading of his Kingdome that they have been as visible as sometimes their rage and violence against the Church was yea since the Lord begun to lift up a standard for the truth and call forth his People to act hath it not been seen they have losed their ground more by underhand treaties and turning aside to carnall politick shifts then by open force and violence vvhich the French Massacre vvith other sad instances can vvitnes for indeed the Church hath still lost least by greatest opposition 2. Have vve not seen by vvhat dreadful shakings and alterations of the earth this late glorious reformation of the Church from Antichristianisme hath been ushered in vvhich hath been more strange and frequent then in many ages before hath not the Lord caused the Nations shake and the earth to reel like a drunken man to shevv men that though he suffered long in former times of the Worlds ignorance he vvill not so novv bear vvith opposing his truth 3. Have vve not also seen the Lords raising up men fit for action in these last times men of a great heroick spirit vvith some more then ordinary elevation of the same to appear for his intrest such vve may say that many former ages could not instance in vvhich the Lords helping his People to do great things his suiting them vvith enduments for the service and vvork of the time hath been most discernable Was not that excellent man the Admiral of France vvith many others in that place eminently raised up for the necessity of that time and doe we not find these Princes of Orange William and Maurice and Mauritius of Saxony whom the Lord raised against Charles the V. and caused him flee over the Alpes yea what marvellous resolution and courage did attend the actings of the confederates of the Low Countryes in latter times doe we not find Gustavus King of Sweden Bernard Duke of Weymar Lantsgrave of Hesse with many others eminently raised to avenge the Lords quarrel against that bloody house of Austria have we not also seen very great instrumemts raised up in Brittain and Ireland who were followed with wonderful successe to act for the truth against Antichristian Prelacy and truely we must say the withdrawing in such a measure of that spirit of courage and resolution which once was so visibly let forth in the first dawning of the Reformation may sadly point at a great decay of zeal selfe confidence unfaithfulnes as to the improving of opportunities for the Lord was with his People whilest they were with him and did singly follow him in his way but alace with their departing it may be said their strength hath departed from them however the quarrel is clear for an oppressed Peoples acting upon so just so necessary an account as the interest of Religion against the cruelty and violent encroachments of Antichrist wherein as the Lord hath eminently owned his People so I dare not question he will yet appear and silence the adversaryes of this truth by such an argument against vvhich they shall not debate 4. That unusual deludge of blood which for the 100 yeares past hath overflowed much of Europe can be a witnes to this that the Lord hath taken peace from men who vvould not embrace the peace of the Gospel offered in these last times and given his enemyes who had shed the blood of the saints blood to drink in great measure I am sure poor Germany can prove this which for 20 years together was a field of dead men France from the dayes of Henry the II. to the establishment of Henry the IV. hovv long vvas the Low Countryes made a stage of vvarr vvhere many a cruell Spanjard did fall under the svvord of an avenging God besids the late bloody vvarres in Brittain and Ireland and vvhat doth this declare but that Jesus Christ hath taken the fields and it vvil not be novv vvith the Kings of the earth to oppresse his Church and withstand the truth as in former times I shall but adde hovv vvonderfully hath the Lord appeared in delivering his Church at the greatest extremity hath turned his enemyes counsels and designes upon themselves brought about the great vvorks of these last times by meanes so unexpected and improbable that vve may say as to vvhat of his judgement is already execute against Antichrist hath been no lesse marvellous then that Jerichoes vvals should fall at the sound of a trumpet of ram-horn or a cake of barley bread tumbling into the host of Midian should smite and overthrow the same surely when we consider what the Lord hath done and how exactly that doth answer the Scripture we may have much to confirm us anent the further accomplishment of his word and be assured that the term of his long suffering towards Babylon is at an end war is denounced and the execution already begun which must not have a close untill judgement be accomplished into victory IV. Ground which may confirm the faith of the saints and be as a pledge in their hand of the full accomplishing of the Scripture yea that this is near is this that the day is now turned and that prophecyed victory which the Church should have over Antichrist before the end is not only begun but in a great measure advanced This is indeed a great confirmation when we see so marvellous a crisis in the Churches case her recovery from so desperat and hopelesse a disease already begun that it shall be furder perfected we are made to wonder at the greatnes of these things yet promised but why should we not also wonder at that which God hath already done for his Church in our dayes the Scripture doth shew that Antichrists ruin must begin by the word that this stroke shall be gradual and however that great work of God meet with much opposition yet it shall no more go back in the whole and must we not say in all this the word is fulfilled it hath not hitherto failed the Church but the event in every circumstance made to answer to the same Now to clear this we would consider these two First that the Churches victory over Antichrist is this day so farr advanced 2. How the Lords very immediat hand hath been most discernable therein I. The first I need but name whilest it is so manifest what the Lord hath wrought for his Church for we have seen Kingdomes and Nations subject themselves to the truth the kingdome of Antichrist grow dark with the breaking up of the light and many of his followers made to gnash their teeth being scorched with the heat and power of the gospel in how great a measure is that interest now shaken if we consider what the Lord hath wrough what a great reformation hath been in Brittain
other sinful man to be carried through creditably but as sure as ever he spake to me in his word his spirit witnessed to my heart saying fear not he had accepted my suffering and the outgate should not be matter of prayer but of praise he said also thy word was found and I did eat it and it was to me the joy and rejoycing of my heart and a little before his death after some fainting he sayeth now I feell I beleeve I enjoy I rejoyce and turning to Mr Blair then present he said I feed on Manna I have Angels food my eyes shall see my Redeemer I know that he shall stand at the latter day on the earth and I shall be caught up in the clouds to meet him in the air and afterwards hath these words I sleep in Christ and when I awake I shall be satisfyed with his likenes O for armes to embrace him and to one speaking anent his painfulnes in the ministry he cryeth out I●disclaim all the port I would be in at is redemption and forgivenes if sins through his blood And thus full of the spirit yea as it were overcome with sensible enjoyment he breaths out his soul His last words being Glory Glory dwelleth in Em●●nuels land SIXTH Witnes is that convincing appearance of an extraordinary and Apostolick spirit on some of these instruments whom the Lord raised up in these last times and these great enduements wherewith they were sent for the fervice of the Church and overthrow of the Kingdome of Antichrist a truth which we must say if not in such a measure yet hath been no lesse evident then in these primitive times when the Christian Church was planted It is clear that extraordinary gifts and enduements have been let forrh to the Church under the New Testament for with the first dawning of the Gospel there was both Apostles and Prophets raised up it cannot be also denyed that since the Cannon of the Scripture was closed yea in these late ages there hath been very extraordinary men given to the Church who had special revelations from the Lord of his minde anent things to come which though we should not now look after yet herein did the Lord remarkably condescend when some great piece of service and necessity of the Church did more call for it and truely these were led in no other path then that of the word though they had a more special discovery and immediat inbreathing of Gods minde as to the application thereof in particular cases neither did they presse upon mens conscience to credit the same but were most cautious witnessing much humble sobriety on that account It is knowen what extraordinary instruments how wonderfully called and qualified Luther Zuingliu● Calvine Mr Wishart and Mr Knox were whom God sent in these latter dayes to grapple with Antichrist and sound a retreat to his Church from Babylon likewise 〈◊〉 Beza Bacere and Martyr with divers in England such as Latimer Ridley Bradfoord c. Who indeed were burning and shining lights in their time mighty in the Scripture fervent in spirit were cloathed with the power and authority of God before which the World could not stand But besides these famous witnesses of whose life vve have something this day on publick record I must here craveliberty to set dovvn a fevv moe more late instances of our ovvn Church in Scotland to confirm this truth such as are but little knovvn to the World nor any thing of their lives published vvhich I think a great losse to after generations vvhom vve may say and this vvith a vvarrant and in sobriety were men truely extraordinary eminently serviceable in the work of the Lord yea of a Prophetick and Apostolick Spirit and such vvho through grace did not even come short of the first three I mean not only these before mentioned but also some of these great lights vvho vvere in the first age of the Church after the ascension of Christ 1. I shall instance Mr Iohn Welsh whom the Lord called forth to the ministry at Kirck cubright in Galloway and afterwards was transported to the Church of An whom Mr Rutherfoord in one of his bookes calleth that heavenly Prophetical and Apostolick Man of God and sheweth that from the witnesses of his life he had this accompt that of every 24 houres he gave usually eight to prayer if other necessary and urgent dueties did not hinder yea spent many dayes and nights which he set apart in fasting and prayer for the condition of the Church and the sufferings of the reformed Churches abroad I can also adde this from very sure information and truely anent any of those particulars I seriously studie to have satisfying grounds anent the certainty thereof that it was his use even in the coldest winter nights to rise for prayer and oft times his wife who was an excellent woman hath risen to seek after him where he hath been found lying on the ground weeping and wrestling with the Lord yea sometimes would have been much of the night alone in the Church of Aire on that accompt One time especially his wife finding him overcharged with grief he told her he had that to presse him which she had not the soules of 3000 to answer for whilest he knew not how it was with many of them And an other time whilest she found him alone his spirit almost overcharged with anguish and grier upon her serious enquiry said that the times which were to come on Scotland were heavy and sad though she should not see them and this for the contempt of the Gospel Whilest he was prisoner in the Blacknesse in a letter to a Christian lady he giveth this accompt what large joy he had to suffer for such a truth that Iesus Christ was a King and had a visible Kingdome in the World even his Church which was as free to keep its Courts and exerce discipline by vertue of an intrinsick power from Christ as any Kingdome on the earth for which he was ready to lay down his life yea would rejoyce to be offered up a sacrifice on so glorious a truth in the close of that letter he doth also forewarn that judgement was coming to Scotland which should be blood first by an intestine sword and then by the sword of a stranger and that a great sacrifice should be there both of great men and mean the fulfilling whereof hath since been very sensible and is known by many alive who had that letter long before the late troubles begun whilest he was thus prisoner two of ●●mankable passages I have had confirmed by divers worthy of credit some of whom shewed me they had them from these who were most familiar with the persones themselves they are indeed strange but we must also consider he was an extraordinary man The first was this that one night whilest he did expound the Scripture after his supper in the prison at his custome was whilest he with much power and authority was pressing
This truth may be demonstrat not only from the reall conquest of the Gospel and these excellent trophees of her victory over many noted enemyes who have after been vessels of honour but also from the feigned subjection that so many have been made to render is it not strange what a multitude doth in these times professe the truth and yet hate it and were never drawn with the cords of love How very many have courted the name of a Christian and wooed the shadow of religion who never knew the truth thereof which certainly is a convincing evidence of the Gospels conquest that so many knees should bow to the name of Jesus whose hearts were never bowed or really subdued to him 4. It is an unanswerable proof of this truth that we see the churches increase enlargement hath come to passe most punctually after that manner yea with all the circumstances as was fortold and promised so that the event doth in every thing answer the word for First it is there held out that from a day of small things vvhich men would be ready to despise it should grow up as a tender plant and spread forth its branches over the nations that the children of the desolat should be moe then of the married Wife and the glory of the second temple exceed that of the first O! hath it not accordingly come to passe 2. This great increase and enlargement of the church was to fall out in the dayes of the new testament when Christ should be lifted up that then he should draw all men after him for these promises we have thereof in the old testament doe clearly point at the times of the gospel doth not the event here accordingly answer 3. The scripture holdeth out that the falling away of the Jewes should be the riches of the gentils and that their rejection should make way for the fulfilling of this promise even the ingathering of the nations and doe not men see the event with this very circumstance 4. We find the isles and outmost parts of the earth are given to Christ for his inheritance and foretold as a special part of the Churches increase and do we not clearly see there is no place of the world where Christ's Kingdome is more visible where moe children have been begot to him by the gospel we may say then in these northern places even in these Isles of Britain Ireland which are almost the uttermost parts of the earth there being but litle from that airth and nearer the pole which is inhabited yea we may judge hath been that Thule whereof the Ancients did so much speak 5. Was it not also foretold that the church should possesse the gates of her enemyes at whose great increase the world should wonder the princes thereof see and be troubled while God is known in her palaces for a refuge and doth not the event witnes this that over all these counsels and essayes which the world hath had to hinder the churches grouth her rising hath alwayes been upon the ruines of her greatest enemyes yea these who have been a terrour in the land of the living did oft fall and break themselves in that attempt can men deny the marvellous progresse of the church how from a small beginning shee at last possessed the gates of both the east and western empire her old enemyes and do we not this day see her conquest advancing on the ruines of Antichrist her last and greatest adversary 5. As the fulfilling of this promise anent the churches increase is undenyable since men cannot contradict their sense therein we must also say this is a thing great and marvellous which no lesse then some divine and extraordinary power could bring about if we consider these things first that quick dispatch which the churches grouth under the dayes of the new Testament hath made O might not the pagan world wonder how in the space of two or three hundred years it was almost become wholly christian O strange a Dioclesian Maximus so grievously persecuting and trampling on the very name of christianity yet near that same age this great Roman empire and Emperour submitting to the gospel which was fulfilled in the dayes of Constantine 2. How astonishing was it for the churches rise and increase to be brought about upon the ruine and dounfal of the idols of the nations who had their temples and were worshipped as God that the world should be made to renounce its Bible and that religion which for so many ages was deeply rooted by tradition from their fathers these altars which were had in such reverence demolished and their temples made a ruinous heap yea the very name of their Gods should be thus obliterat was not this indeed very wonderful But Dagon hath no strength to stand before the ark of the God of Israel 3. That it should be thus advanced by such a mean as the preaching of the word even of that which to the Jewes was a stumbling-block and to the Greeks foolishnes how this voice should put to perpetual silence these Oracles that for so many ages had given a response to the world might be indeed astonishing yea that the churches increase should thus be brought about at no lesse rate then the overturning of greatest Kingdomes the conversion of so many nations should tame and civilize the most savage and barbarous cause the lion to ly doun with the lamb and even make so great and universal a change in the face of the universe 4. Doth it not speak forth some divine power the carrying on of the churches grouth and increase not only over the violence of men but over all these dreadful errours and inventions these thick mists which both in former and late times have ascended out of the pit to choke her that we may say the church hath not onely been helpt to tread upon the lion and dragon but ou the adder and cockatrice also and doth carry the trophees of her conquest over all these at this day 5. I would adde is it not marvellous how the churches increase hath been advanced in a way most contrare to all the rules of ordinary policy by which states and empires have risen not by dissimulation but greatest plaines and free dealing for Christ and his Ministers did never flatter the world to embrace the truth not by open violence but a more excellent spirit power before which men could not stand where foolishnes was made to confound and outwit humane wisdome and weaknes to overcome strength that we may say O how litle of man and much of God was to be seen therein THIRD Promise which the Lord hath given to his church in the word is the giving of the Spirit powring out of the same which is there expresly held forth promised Zach. 12 10. Ioh. 14 17. Ps 59 21. And doth concern all the times of the church though in a more full measure to be let out in the dayes of
determined upon thy people and city Jerusalem 3. Have not the Saints under a long trouble been almost the length of blasphemy in their complaints Isa 40 ver 27. My way is had from the Lord and my judgement past over from my God Daniel how pressing with the Lord was he that he would hearken and do and not defer and yet the return cometh not until the first year of Cyrus yea that cry of the fouls under the Altar How long doth it not even get a dilatory answer for thus the Lord doth oft interpose his long suffering for some time betwixt his hearing of his people and avenging of them 4. It is also clear that there are many prayers before the throne the return whereof is suspended and an answer to Christians in their particular until that time when God shall build up Zion and then the prayer of the destitute shall be remembred even as to Christians privat enlargement when the Church shall be raised up 5. We know the Churches enemyes must have time to ripen and it is not a storm of a few dayes that will purge away the filth of the Daughter of Zion too soon letting out of a sore may cause it undercot and gather new matter and truely the word can resolve us in this that one minut sooner then Gods time would not be his peoples mercy 8. It is oft seen when there is some remarkable work of God on foott in a land and some great outpowring of the spirit how Sathan setteth up some usual counterfeit thereof and bringeth forth something of his work in such a time with a very strange resemblance of the same thus with the preaching of the freedome of grace and a clear discovery of that truth did Libertinisme under a very specious pretext spring up Thus we find the Anabaptist and Antinomian party set up in Germany to run down a Church-reformation under the shew of a more pure and spiritual way and of late did not Familisme in England and new England under pretext of a more spiritual dispensation cast off the very letter of the Scripture turning it over in an Allegory and in behalf of the liberty of prophesying cry down a standing ministry but though this may seem strange yet the Scripture is very clear concerning it 1. That even Sathan himself is transformed into an Angel of light and in no shape proveth more dangerous to the Church 2. That the most dreadful errours and a false way will oft come near to the choisest exercises of the saints and have such a resemblance to the same that if it were possible the very elect should be deceived 3. Was there not a Simon Magus with false miracles set up over against the Apostles and when the time of the Messias drew near did not then a Theudas and Judas of Galilee break forth to amuse the people We find also an altar from Damascus set up beside that which was shewed to Moses the Servant of the Lord in the mount yea when Moses and Aaron was giving Pharaoh a sign did shew forth the marvellous power of God then did the Magicians cast doun their rod also to counterfeit the same by which the heart of Pharaoh was hardned 9. The abounding so much of errour and heresie now in the times of the gospel with that swift grouth thereof which is oft seen where the light most clearly shineth would seem strange yea is a thing whereat many are ready to stumble and thus to challenge the way of God But is not the Scripture in this clearly verifyed so that this piece of providence which is so shaking to many if we take the word along with it might be a very convincing confirmation to us of the same for 1. We find the Apostles yea Christ himself hath given expresse vvarning thereof that this should be one of the special and greatest tryals of the Christian Church vvhereof the Old Testament vve find doth litle mention that tryal not concerning the Church then so much as these after-times under the Messias Kingdome wherein the event may be clearly seen to ansvver these predictions vvhich are so frequent thereof in the Nevv Testament 2. Doth not the event also ansvver the vvord as to that particular vvay and method hovv errour should be propagated which is there clearly foretold by subtil undermining under the pretext of liberty with plausible insinuations so that we must say not only the matter but with all these discernable tokens even upon the manner the word is made out 3. Doe we not find this should be judgement on men who receive not the love of the truth and that after flourishing times of the Church when he who rideth on the white horse is gone forth the black horse and his rider doth quickly follow and truely it is seen that in the time of hottest persecution the Church hath not been so much troubled with this adversary as when she did begin to get rest and most of outward liberty nor yet so at the first breaking up of the Gospel as after some time of its continuance 4. Doth not the event likewise thus answer the word that in the breaking out of heresy in the Church a spirit of errour the dephts and mighty working of Satan should be seen which I am sure is undenyable how manifest the interposing of these powers of darknes is therein if we consider 1. It s marvellous dispatch and grouth like a plague and the arrow that flieth by day 2. With what a discernable fury and violence men are thus driven as with an impetuous current yea oft a change on their very natural temper is seen most evidently 3. These monstrous and horrid things which are oft brought forth may shew whose hand is in such a birth 4. That usual tendency that at last errour hath to loosness in practice which as it poisoneth the spring and corrupteth the leading faculty the judgement so we see it moveth towards the vital spirits and doth influence the conversation and thus the leprosy in the head breaketh forth in blaines through the whole body 5. And doe we not see how many grosse and profane have been carried with this spate how few get leave to stand but are still carryed from one step to another and it is clear the world did never put out its rage so much against that way as it hath done against the truth except when some outward interest maketh it a quarrel 10. These great shakings and commotions that use to attend the Gospel when it cometh in power to a land may also seem strange yea is ready to make many stumble But is not the word verified herein what great stirs and trouble did tryst the the Church after great light in powring out of the spirit Ioell 2 ver 29. we may there likewayes see how this giveth the World an Alarum maketh the Kings and great men of the earth run together to hinder the rising of Christs Kingdome Psal 2 ver 3. let us
fall the more observable 2. Is it not obvious what a fraile dying disposition is in all worldly things that even the greatest Kingdoms and politick bodyes to maintain which neither policy nor strength was wanting yet like the natural bodyes of men had their inevitable periods their youth and flowrishing times their declining and old age and at last even brought to their grave hath not the glory of greatest Empires and Monarchies sunk in the dust yea scarce heap of stones left this day to tell us where once famous cities have stood Nunc Seges est ubi Troja fui● the ruines whereof and such excellent pieces of the World doth cleirly shew that certain dissolution of the whole fabrick at last 3. What a small distance we may see betwixt extremityes in outward things even greatest plenty and poverty the highest place and a low condition so that the morning hath seen some happy and flowrishing in the World whom the evening hath seen miserable and in a most short time such who have been objects of envy and admiration made the object of mens contempt and pity yea hath so suddenly disappeared hath sunk into so little bounds that men have been put narrowly to consider them and with admiration ask are these they who were once a terrour in the land of the living and their place hath not been found who a few dayes before seemed to place themselves alone in the midst of the earth 4. What else is it but the very present moment of time that maketh such a difference betwixt the rich and poor since as to what is past and the bygon time mens happines and misery may be reckoned as though it had never been Nam quicquid retro est mors tenet and who but a fool would boast of that which is to come a thing so uncertain this onely is sure that a f●● dayes will make all conditions equal when the bones of the rich and the dust of greatest Princes will not be discernable from these of the poor man 5. Is there any thing so pleasant which hath not a worm at the root thereof a moth which naturally breeds in the most satisfying enjoyments that quickly eats out the heart thereof and blasts their hope before the harvest how oft is greatest longing in the pursuit of things turned to loathing and wearines when obtained because it is not the nature of the thing so much as an humor and the novelty thereof that maketh them pleasant hence many sensual men have turned Monastick and greatest Monarches become melancholy yea how usual is it for many to survive their pleasures and bury their joy and delights in the World even before themselves while nothing remaines of all their former enjoyments but some sad sighs and groanes with a heavy fairwell 6. Is it not found that riches and aboundance of the earth doth load more then it fils and mens wealth onely furder heighten their wants How very poor are some amidst their fulnes more then these who earn their bread with sore labour whom the world doth wholly possesse while they do not at all possesse it neither is it in their power to make use of that they have yea are they not sick and dy in Princes courts as well as in the meanest cottage and the complaints of the great and rich usually moe then these of the poor Sure it is known that the great man doth oftner want a stomack and rest then the poor want meat and a bed to ly in 7. In what an endlesse circle do voluptuous men move from one thing to another in a perpetual search after other enjoyments to satisfy their spirits which sheweth what a great want is there which still cals for variety of things and some fresh supply to take off the wearinesse of one pleasure by another else the delight they have therein would quickly languish and wear out yea is it not still found that the best of outward things are not on a near approach what they seemed to be at a distance the eye not satisfyed with seeing nor the ear with hearing but the more they are pressed the lesse the yeeld neither do they enjoy such things with most satisfaction who take a full draught who wallow and steep themselves in their enjoyments being more in expectation then in possession so that sometime mens attaining their desire hath caused their delight and pleasure in these things cease 8. It is also clear that outward things are incident to the worst without making them the better and separable from the best without making them the worse and what can silver or gold suite an immortal soul or answer such a capacity more then vertue and godlines could answer to fill an empty chest or glasse botle 9. How rare is it for men to get their lot in the World brought up to their desire But are still at some jar with their present condition so that oft there needs no more to turn men discontent but the thought of some other lot which they apprehend more satisfying then their own the want whereof turns them more disquiet then all their enjoyments are pleasing yea it is also evident many mens labour and disquiet doth increase with their wealth and turns the flame more violent and that even in the condition of the poor there is something the great man is made to envy while the poor may find cause oftimes to pity and compassionat some great men in the midst of their prosperous estate 10. What is the enjoying of the best of the earth but it s very passing away while it perisheth in the present use And what Are not men going through the World and leaving it behind them in the midst of their most satisfying enjoyments is not the excellency of most outward things onely according to opinion of the institution of men while they have but small intrinsick worth from their own quality in some parts of the earth whitnesse is reckoned deformity and the blackest collour the greatest beauty and therefore they paint the Devil white what a poor smoke is swelling titles of honour if soberly weighed vvhile the proud mans happines doth someway hang upon the poor who goe by which they must beg from others with the greatest artifice and would the choicest jewels or a bag of gold laid upon the heart of a dying man any way quiet his spirit or ease his pain Surely this is vanity 11. Is it not oft seen amidst the various changes of the earth Princes and great men walking on foot and servants riding on horsback the Children oft put to ask an almes from such who have served their fathers Fooles loaded with wealth and great stiles while men of the choicest spirit are buried under contempt and poverty yea doe we not see how quickly men are cryed up and down in the World That which in one age is raised is oft rased in an other yea many at much labour to undoe that which others have done with greatest
nor Law-giver no piece of the earth they can call their own but at the mercy and arbitrary disposal of every place they reside in no priviledge or liberties but a naked permission to brook their lives and estates during the pleasure of these under whom they get shelter a people put by themselves with a visible mark of divine wrath upon them like a beacon set up for all the nations to look on even these who were once eminently ovvned of the Lord who was known in their palaces for a refuge yea it is very manifest that no stir or essay that ever they made for their releef but was still to their further ruin and found Gods hand visibly crosse to them therein sure Ammianus Marcellinus a heathen writer did intend no testimony to the Christian cause in relating that strange passage which neer his time fell out how the Iewes by Iulians warrant and permission did attempt to build the temple again but a fire breaking up from the foundation thereof which destroyed many of the workmen forced them with much terrour to desist 3. Must it not be some strange and dreadful provocation beyond the sin of their forefathers whereat so strange and unusual a stroke doth point whilest it is clear that notwithstanding frequent Idolatry and departing from God when they were at that height in wickednes to offer up their children to Molech and set up altars in the groves to reject the message of the prophets and thrust some of them in a dungeon yet were only punished with 70 yeares captivity and after by Gods very immediat hand brought again these who had taken them captive concurring with them to rebuild the temple but now how long and dark hath their night been since this judgement came on them and though they could not these many ages charge themselves with Idolatry yet no saviour or deliverer hath been raised up no Prophet sent forth no sign or appearance at this day of releef now for these 1600 yeares yea amidst these frequent changes and revolutions that have been in the World no change in their condition sure if that people vvere in speaking tearmes with their consciences this might put them to a strange demurr what should be the cause if they be not guilty of killing the Messias and that blood pursuing them what attrocious provocation beyond others they can condescend on for which the Lord doth so long and so sore by such an unusual and unheard of strok thus contend 4. What a marvellous concurrence of providence and convincing appearance of a divine hand was in this judgement the besieging of Ierusalem by the Romans trysted with the very time of the passover whilest so great a confluence of people from all parts of the land were there on that account that both sword and famine might contribute their help to destroy what unreasonable and astonishing obstinacy against all offers of peace and the most pressing insinuations thereof which Titus Vespasian made even whilest their ruin was otherwise unevitable an unheard of strife where the enemy did contend to save but they to undoe themselves how judicially hardened under most remarkable prodigies and warnings which they had of that approaching desolation divided wholly amongst themselves yea so cruel one upon another within that their adversary without could not but look thereon with compassion O what a stroke was this wherein greatest Atheists would grant a fatality for indeed men cannot consider the same without acknowledging a divine hand and something above ordinary meanes and causes where all did thus meet together in a solemn tryst to accomplish that Peoples ruin 5. But it is here we may see a singular providence of God for his Church that these who of all the World are most violent enemyes to the Christian truth are also a most convincing vvitnes to the same vvhilest first these do clearly attest the Scripture vvhich is our alone charter the divine authority of Moses and the Prophets the true copyes vvhereof they did most tenderly preserve vvhat ever absurd glosses some of their Rabbies have thereon Yea durst never offer in the least to vitiat the original but hath had the same transmitted still from one age to an other to vvhich records that are this day in their hand the Christian Church can with much confidence appeal and demonstrat from the Old Testament the ●undoubted truth of the New Yea in this we may appeal the Atheist to his conscience that the Scripture is no imposture or any cunning device of Christians which is so far witnessed even by the greatest adversary and maligners of the Christian Religion 2. That strange induration of the Iewes their unreasonable rejecting of the truth vvho after so long a time cannot see the cause vvhich is most discernable in their stroke O is not this also a most convincing seal to the Scripture and clear fulfilling thereof that there is a vail over their mind as the Apostle sheweth whilest they read the Law judicially smitten by the Lord with blindnes that they cannot see until once this vail be taken off and truely we may say there is nothing in their judgement more strange and astonishing then such a continued obstinacy against the truth how they should be thus dark in the noon day But that herein the Scripture is fulfilled so that we may even turn a poison unto an antidot IX That which is so expresly foretold in the New Testament yea is the great drift of the Prophecyes thereof The coming of Antichrist and revealing of the man of sin to the World 2 Thiss 2 ver 3 4 7 8 9. hath long since been accomplished wherein we may say the wonderful corresponding of the event with the prophecy is so clear that this truth is novv as plain and obvious as once it was dark to the Church these things being undenyable 1. How the Spirit of God in the Scripture hath been in a more then ordinary way particular to point Antichrist forth by such notour marks and characters that after ages may known him if they will not shut their eyes I confesse it is not strange the popish party should seal-up the Scripture and forbid the ordinary reading of it since the breaking forth of that light vvould soon make their Kingdome dark for if men vvould but set the history of the Church since the times of the Apostles over against the Scripture and make use of that notable key for opening up the prophecyes of the Nevv Testament it should be then easy to knovv the Antichrist is surely come and vvho this is and herein doth the Lords tender respect to his Church appear that he doth not only in a very solemn manner forevvarn men anent this great trya● and as it vvere by the sound of a trumpet give an alarum that such an adversary vvas coming yea of the time thereof vvho vvould do more hurt then all who had gone before but doth also make so clear a discovery of the whole fabrick rise
Churches ruines and witnes their detestation and grief for the growing Apostacy of such times 3. It is clear that as the prophecy doth point at some more remarkable suffering and persecution which the Church was to meet with from Antichrist beyond all it had endured from that adversary in former ages yea a special permission from the Lord to that party to vent their rage and cruelty against the Saints which should fall out after the witnesses finishing their testimony who had so long in an abject low condition as in sackcloth prophecyed yea when Antichrist should be at his height and his Kingdome upon the turn that then must this remarkable killing of the witnesses be accomplished so likewise did the event convincingly verify the same for it is knowen that upon the close of Antichrists reigne whilest the truth began to break up this sorest storme of persecution beyond all that had been before did then break upon the Church even in its budding forth that we may say that adversary did not onely put forth the outmost of his power and rage against the Saints but seemed in some measure to bring his cruel designes to passe which the dreadful massacres in France Province and the Valleys of Piemont the sore and violent persecution of the Church through the Netherlands under the Duke of Alba and in England by Queen Mary in Germany after the defeat of the Duke of Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse can clearly witnes 4. Is it not also clear how this remarkable storm and cutting down of the Saints over whose dead bodyes their adversaryes did rejoyce was according to this prophecy to be previous to some eminent enlargement and reviving of the Church which did accordingly fall out in the event like a resurrection of the witnesses from the dead to the astonishment of the World that immediatly followed upon the back thereof so that when their enemyes thought they had gained their end as they did conclude by such persecutions particularly that French massacre that the Protestant interest should be quite ruined they were forced to see their labour in vain and the Church more eminently flowrishing after the same I shall but furder adde that Antichrist hath not only been revealed and his Kingdome come to its height but it is clear this day that it is on the falling hand and his ruine is now begun upon which account we may say yea have cause to sing that the winter is past the fig tree putteth forth her leaves that sheweth the sommers approach yea the singing of birds is heard in our land let us go forth and meet him who is now gone out as a mighty man for the salvation of his Church and taken the fields against this great adversary of his truth and people on whose side victory doth surely wait II. WHAT IS YET TO BE ACCOMPLISHED HAving touched a little some of the most concerning prophecyes of the Scripture both under the New Old Testament which are already fulfilled and the truth thereof so clearly written forth in the history of providence that we may say the most ordinary observers if they will not shut their eyes cannot want a conviction thereof I shall now in the next place point at that which yet remaineth of the prophetical part of the Scripture to be accomplished these prophecyes which concern the Church in these last times whereby we may have a sure demonstration how far the night is spent and of the near approach of that blessed day of the liberty of the sonnes of God for this doth finish the mystery of God and fully perfecteth his work if once that which remaineth of the prophecyes of the word were fulfilled There are these truths the accomplishment whereof we have a sure warrant to expect before the end First the full ruin and downfal of Babylon 2. The conversion and incalling of the Jewes to Jesus Christ 3. A solemn day of the Churches flowrishing both Iewes and Gentiles which shall follow the outmaking of the former promise 4. The fall and destruction of the Turkish Empire that cruel party who hath been raised up and established for judgement with whom the Lord shall yet reckon for all that Christian blood by them so unjustly shed seemeth clearly held forth Rev. 16 ver 12. 5. We are also to expect after all these that full and last stroke upon Gog and Magog and then the Lord is at hand and that great mystery of the prophecyes and promises of the Scripture shall then be finished and at a blessed close I. We have the full ruin and destruction of Antichrist and his Kingdome clearly prophecyed and in very expresse tearmes promised to the Church 2 Thess 2 ver 2 8. Rev. 16 ver 10 17. the accomplishment whereof we do yet according to the Scripture wait for that the God of truth who cannot lye or repent shall in due time assuredly bring about and that this day approacheth when that solemn cry shall be heard Babylon is fallen anent which we would consider 1. That this judgement is already begun and the first step thereof visible is now clear wherein men may see the event most exactly answer the prophecy for the Lord hath begun to consume Antichrist by the breath of his mouth and since the first breaking up of the light his Kingdome hath been mouldering down before the Word hath not Nations fallen off at the voice of the preached Gospel It is true the Church wanteth not sore con●licts even under the Vials and it is the Lords way to try his People with such various uncertainties that when things have been most promising another providence cometh like a crosse wave which seemeth to drive them as far back as once they seemed to be forward yet it is sure and should be beyond debate that Antichrists overthrow is upon a present advance and that work of the Lord for his Churches deliverance is going fordward for if we believe salvation by Christ upon the warrant of the word should we not also with much assurance believe that Antichrists wound is deadly and incurable which he hath got by the preaching of the Gospel which all the Physitians of the earth shall never help 2. This is one of the greatest and signal actes of the judgement of God on his Churches enemyes one of the most eminent manifestations of his glory which he hath reserved for the last times wherein the appearance of his hand and great power shall be very manifest and we are to expect by this remarkable stroak that way shall be made for that glorious house which Christ is to have for himself in the latter dayes which shall be built upon Antichrists ruines when that new bride both of Iewes and Gentiles shall be prepared for the marriage supper of the Lamb. 3. Though we are to expect on clear ground from the word the Lords eminent appearing by his immediat hand in this great work which shall be so convincing in that day and witnes an
that large measure of the Spirit and outletting thereof which did convincingly follow the Gospel and ministry of the word in these last times a truth which we must say hath been manifest and by many solemn proofes thereof demonstrat no lesse then in the first planting of the christian Church It is undenyable how great a witnes to the truth the Spirit down-powring thereof is for this is Gods own seal which is not put to a lye or falsehood thus he beares witnes to his work in the hearts of his people and by this also the Lord doth seal and attest the doctrine of the Church and commission of his servants who publisheth the same yea at some special seasons when the truth hath least countenance or encouragement from without times of contradiction when men will not receive its testimony and a great speate of opposition is to the Gospel then hath this in a more full and large measure been discernable thus did the Lord eminently own and confirm the Christian Religion in the dayes of the Apostles and for some following ages by so great a downpowring of the Spirit such visible and extraordinary effects thereof as did then astonish the World and force men to confesse something above nature that this was surely the great work and power of God and have we not also cause to say that thus the Lord hath born a very solemn testimony to his truth the work of reformation and doctrine of the reformed Churches in these late times anent which I dare appeal by standers yea the adversaryes to their conscience if without shutting their eyes they could shift the conviction of a convincing appearance of God in the power and efficacy of the Spirit even in a more then ordinary way accompanying the word and ordinances a power which carried kingdomes and cityes before it yea in a very short time over the belly of greatest violence and opposition to clear this a little I shall point at some few remarkable evidences which might stare the grossest of men in the face and in some measure convince them of this truth 1. It is evident that marvellous conquest which the Gospel had in Germany by the ministry of Luther Melanchton Bucer Martyr Musculus and a few others of these excellent instruments whom the Lord then sent forth O was not this a day of the Spirit and powring forth thereof in a large measure a day of the gospels triumph not by might or by power yet such as before it the World could not stand cityes and countryes might then be said to be born at once the arme of the Lord revealed with the same that men were either scorched or truely warmed and gained thereby Did not that marvellous power and efficacy of the spirit also attend the ministry of Zuinglius and Oecolampadius in Zurick and Basile when so through a reformation followed to the throwing down of Images abolishing of the Masse by publick authority notwitstanding of its long continuance and this in a short time the spirit and power of God did very eminently appear also in these famons plantations of the Gospel by the Ministry of Calvine Farel and Vires in Geneva Lausanna and other adjacent Provinces It is written in the life of Vires that at Lyons which was a great populous city he preached in an open place where divers thousands were converted to the truth yea some who came by with no purpose to hear only out of curiosity stepped in were so wrought on and overcome with the power of the word as for that time made them neglect their other businesse 2. That great successe which did attend the ministry of Mr Wishart in Scotland can also witnes this truth whence so marvellous a change did quickly follow in these places where he preached through Angus Lothian and the western parts yea how much the spirits of the people were then raised and affected with the word but this being a thing so known from the historyes of that time I only name 3. Besides these which are more known and upon publick record I must here instance a very solemn and extraordinary outletting of the spirit which about the year 1625. and thereafter was in the West of Scotland whilest the persecution of the Church there was not from the prelatick party this by the prophane rabble of that time was called the Stewarton Sicknes for in that parish first but after through much of that countrey particularly at Irwine under the ministry of famous Mr Dickson it was most remarkable where it can be said which divers Ministers and Christians yet alive can witnes that for considerable time few Sabbaths did passe without some evidently converted and some convincing proofes of the power of God accompanying his word yea that many were so choaked and taken by the heart that through terrour the spirit in such a measure convincing them of sin in hearing of the word they have been made to fall over and thus carried out of the Church who after proved most solid and lively Christians and as it was knowen some 〈◊〉 the most grosse who used to mock at religion being engadged upon the same that went abroad of such things ●o go to some of these parts where the Gospel was then most lively have been effectually reached before their return with a visible change following the same and truely this great spring tide which I may so call of the Gospel was not of a short time but for some yeares continuanc● yea thus like a spreading moor burn the power of Godlines did advance from one place to another which put a marvellous lustre on these parts of the countrey the savour whereof brought many from other parts of the land to see the truth of the same 4. I must also mention that solemn Communion at the Kirk of the Shots 20 June 1630. at which time there was so convincing an appearance of God and downpowring of the Spirit even in an extraordinary way that did follow the ordinances especially that sermon on the Munday 21 June with a strange unusual motion on the hearers who in a great multitude were there conveened of divers ranks that it was known which I can speak on sure ground near 500 had at that time a discernable change wrought on them of whom most proved lively Christians afterward it was the sowing of a seed through Clidesdeal so as many of most eminent Christians in that countrey could date either their conversion or some remarkable confirmation in their case from that day and truely this was the more remarkable that one after much reluctance by a special and unexpected providence was called to preach that sermon on the Munday which then was not usually practised and that ●ight before by most of the Christians there was spent in prayer so that the Mundays work as a convincing return of prayer might be discerned 5. I shall he●●●lso instance that solemn and great work of God which was in the Church of Ireland some