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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A39587 The narrative of Mr. John Fitz-Gerrald late of the order of St. Francis, in the kingdom of Ireland ... Fitz-Gerrald, John. 1681 (1681) Wing F1074; ESTC R18280 24,168 36

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Governours of these three Kingdoms are who narrowly search the truth of all things before they pass it by as credited or contradicted So that we have more reason to accept and receive for currant what they confirm than what three false Suborners would fain blow up unto our understanding to the contrary whose Designs Intents and Purposes are as above cited and as I shall more amply give you an account of These said three Suborned Witnesses that falsely and contumeliously contradict the King's Evidences who passed through such Purificatory of Tryals as they have done I say it is very hard if such Enormities committed against King and Government should pass without Correction Now I must turn to give you an account of the said three Suborned Witnesses or Evidences whose names are above cited I am acquainted with two of them but one whose name is Elie is a stranger to me but I find by a relative account I have had of him how he designed to carry on this Subornation which is the last of many monstrous and horrible cheats he hath committed controled and contracted this many years in England But of this particular you shall hear more at large in the ensuing part of this Treatise And now I must come to hint of his two Confederates who are my Acquaintance and of the said two I do intend to treat who thought to invest themselves with a pretended Coat of Loyalty to his Sacred Majesty of Great Britain France and Ireland But the said Coat being but a second-hand one and bare-thread worn and the Colour of it being Black and as the nature of the colour Black is to wear or rot away sooner than any other Colour shall by reason that it is too much boyled in the dying But I shall not insist to give an accompt of a Trade that I have no more skill in than the above three Gentlemen had in choosing such a rotten Garb which wore out so soon and tore so unexpectedly that the rent appeared so strangely as that soon their Nakedness were espyed and discovered which more plainly to let you understand it their Knavery and Subornation was descryed and as it is thought afterwards may ensue that their Iniquity shall not pass uncorrected But now in the Interim notwithstanding their great dependency upon the mainest supporters of Subornation as that we see for all the Combination of the Pope and the Devil their Iniquity shall be brought to light to their shame and Confusion So as that they will be glad to make them Aprons of Figtree Leaves to hide the iniquity and wickedness of their sinful devilish and malicious undertakings which to my understanding I cannot term it better for whoever he or they be that are led away by the wicked instigation of Satan are hired or bribed to take false Oaths and bind themselves in Covenant with the Devil irrevocably and that in as much as they will ransack their Consciences and make a shipwrack of them as these three Suborners have done though indeed I must confess they were put on so to do by the Counfounders of Christianity Religion Godliness Holiness and Piety and all other Christian Laws and Governments to use all means whatsoever with a general Indulgence for so doing for to Confound the King the Church Government and Kingdoms of these three Nations expecting that this late most Abominable and Horrible Plot should be placed as a perpetual stain over the heads of Protestants The proposals of the which Contrivance being thus That if the said three Suborners could or would whether right or wrong take their Oaths that they knew such Contracts in the Writings of the chiefest and strongest Evidences the King hath as that what they several times deposed upon Oath and manifestly proved in such a through and Emphatical manner as that all Persons of whatsoever Degree Dignity or Quality durst not nor will scruple that is to say such as are endued with common Sense Reason or Understanding but the said Evidences of the King spoke nothing but real and manifest truth in what they have declared or deposed as to the proof of the Plot. But the Ancient antipathy and Malice of Rome is still bent and ever will be during the Reign of the Romans to do all the mischief to the Protestant Religion and Government to the utmost of their power and to this end they thought to make themselves more drunk with the Cup of Abomination and then to vomit it out upon the heads of English Irish and Scottish Protestants when they seeing that the Lord was pleased to break the Vail that covered and hid their untolerable wickedness and let their shameful deeds be seen in and through the World But they who much may be compared to the Magicians of Egypt as often as Moses through and by the power of God turned the Rod to several vivificant or lively Postures of twelve Creatures so the Egyptian Magicians by the Power of the Devil worked a formal resemblance to that which the man of God and by his power Acted which thus implies that as the Lord was pleased to discover to let the people of England see the malicious naked Sword of Rome that was ready to cut their Throats so the Popish party on the other hand with their Magical Spells of Money thought to raise such perverse perjured Suborners for to swear that the Plot was first contrived and hatched by the Protestant Party upon the which Sound of the Magick Money Art the above mentioned Captain Elie Sympson Tongue and John Crawley contrived together and thought it a great prey and cryed one to another Come let us go to the Popish Party and swear three Oaths That Doctor Tonge Doctor Oats Captain Bedloe c. were the first Contrivers of the Popish Plot and that they have so contrived it as that they made the King averse against his Subjects and expells some of them into forreign Countries banisht some of them that were in great Favour at Court and deprived them of the privilege of bearing Office or Commission of Magistracy under him within his Jurisdiction or Dominions I say as to the said Suborners that their Hands were greased and their Lips anoynted for to exclaim against the King's Evidences in hopes they may procure more people to compact with them in Perjury and Subornation and they would share with them in what moneys they could receive upon that account I have given you thus far an account of the Subornation of these three Persons and now I will let you understand what three Persons they are their Intents Designs and Purposes as I have promised in the beginning of my foregoing lines That Captain Elie who was the Chiefest Ringleader of the other two is frequently termed a great States-man and a Jesuitical Contriver which may very well be seen in the Method he took to manage his Business when he went about to raise a Company of Suborned Witnesses to serve the Devil against his King as I shall
as yet any sufficient grounds of Reason to build our suspicion upon any particular Persons to be concerned in the raising of such Suborners we will only thus conclude and so rest silent until the Lord who hath seen and knows their Iniquity may be pleased to discover them and their mischievous Proceedings and Designs as he hath been graciously pleased with his powerful hand to protect these Kingdoms and to discover all Mischiefs and malicious Contrivances and Connivances that were like to fall upon them by the Contracts of evil People And for his Protection Guidance Shelter and Direction which he hath many a time been graciously pleased to shew these Nations we desire to render unto him the Praises the Glory the Honour and Renown both now and for ever I must hint once more at Sympson Tonge who as he is taken notice of is very well known to be one that loved best and chieflyest preferred the love of strange women beyond the love of his natural Parents which is a Quality was very much discerned and beheld in him since he came to the knowledge of good and Evil Which is a very remarkable manifest and inspectious Demonstration of the want of Grace in any Child to prefer any worldly pleasure beyond the love of his Parents the which want of natural love is discerned to inhabit in the breast of the said Simpson Tonge Which his Father having throughly read by his Carriage and natural Inclination and accordingly by all the means possible he could watcht how his said Son spent his time in what Company and in what Exercise he most delighted and the manner of spending his time and what little Money he could scrape of his Father and Uncle he spent it in the Company of Women as far as it reach'd But his Purse falling short and weak he could not thereby purchase any womens Company keeping so that he understanding he could no longer frequent their Society but instead of so doing he lighted on a company of scurrilous fellows that would Drink Sing and Smoak with him for he himself is an indefatigable Smoaker there is no kind of Liquors that come amiss in his Dish whatsoever the more he drinks the more he would the longer he sits the longer he would So that Singing Drinking and womens Company keeping if he could be his own Carver would be his delight all his life time And if I write here more as to the Description of his Inclinations than what you may be apt to believe of these my Descriptions of this Gentleman if you be so concerned and that your fancy may lead you to enquire whether those my Descriptions of him and his worldly Delights and Pleasures you may then if you please enquire of those that are longer acquainted and nearer related to him than I am Who I am certain if they lay by Impartiality and declare of him what their Conscience leads them to will confirm what I herein write or declare of my knowledge of this man to be real truth in most or all the particulars of his Life and Conversation that I have undertaken to give an account of Nay I will say moreover if they were examined and put to their Oath if they were really led by their Conscience whether or not they know these things to be true that I write in this Paper and that if they do not forswear themselves they will confirm what I say herein It is very well known that he hath been cured of the Disease called the Venus Disease or that which is found in Venus Garden and his Father payed for his Cure several times and also Chastised him with such Fatherly Correction for his several and manifold Debaucheries Drunkenness and Whoredoms every time that he could trace him in it But he getting in favour with his Fathers Acquaintance and Servants as that the tenth part of his Enormities and wicked Relapses were not brought to his Fathers knowledge so that most of them passed without Correction and when his Father to his great Grief understood that his unhappy Son was so overpowered with the Works of Satan and so filled and overwhelmed with such Gross Horrible and Abominable Enormities and Relapses he with many Sobs and Sighs determined to cloud his Countenance from him for some small time which he was forced to make use of such Notions for his said Sons Castigations several times and that to the end that he might understand how much the Lord abhors Sin and how grievous it would be to his Father to see his Son run headlong in Apostacy against God and in Disobedience against his Father And upon the other hand again that he may understand what Peace Pleasure and sundry other advantagious Comforts and Consolations it is to the Soul and Body to be in peace with God and in the dutiful Obedience that Children owe to Parents and whilst they keep that peace with God and that loving natural Obedience they owe to their Parents the Lord will shield them from all or most other Temptations of the Devil and that in such Measure as that the Devil shall never have power over such obedient Children as by their Disobedience to God and their Parents they purchase him to have over them O alas then how shall it be with that Child who for the small Lucre of a filthy Gain of Money will not only be contented of a Revenge against his Father would not be satisfied to discontent and displease him many a time but must needs use all the means he could to take away his Fathers Life And that by taking false Oath and complyed with others so to do which indeed will go very near to be accomplished by him and his Confederates if Perjuration and Subornation if likewise the Amity betwixt the Pope and the Devil would be taken any notice of by the Administers of the Law of this Nation But as we have reason to bless God and pray for the well and long Rule and Reign of our King and the continuance of our Good Laws which I hope may at long run take to consideration the monstrous and unhumane Iniquity and Wickedness of these said three Suborners and handle them as their great Transgressions shall require Who went about to cloud the Nation with an Aspersion of innocent Bloodshedding which questionless would be done through the means of the said Suborners had it not been prevented by the divine Providence and an hundred more clear Manifestations and truer Demonstrations than ever they with all their Subornations shall be able Emphatically and Efficaciously to contradict Though indeed I must confess that if the Case stood so sted fast on their side as they are grounded in Lies and Falsehood it would do very well with them They have related up and down the Town amongst their Whores and Holes or at least Simpson Tonge hath that the King received him with a great deal of Honour Respect and Credit Embraced him in his Arms placed him upon a Couch hard