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A26958 A moral prognostication I. what shall befall the churches on Earth, till their concord, by the restitution of their primitive purity, simplicity, and charity, II. how that restitution is like to be made, (if ever) and what shall befall them thence-forth unto the end, in that golden-age of love / written by Richard Baxter ... Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing B1311; ESTC R5743 36,590 70

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described 115. Carnal and discontented States-men and Politicians will set in on both sides to blow the Coals and draw on feuds for their own Ends and head the discontented People to their Ruine 116. But in those Countrys where the difference never cometh to such disorders there will be a War bred and kept up in the Peoples Hearts and Neighbours will be against Neighbours as Guelphes and Gibellines 117. When Kingdomes are thus weakened by intestine discontents it will increase the Hopes and Plots of forreign Enemies and make them think that one Party that Suffer will be backward to their own defence as thinking they can be no worse which is the Hopes of the Turks in Hungary 118. It will be a great injury and grief and danger to Christian Kings and States to have their Kingdomes and Common-wealths thus weakened and the Cordial Love and Assistance of their Subjects made so loose and so uncertain 119. And it will be a continual vexation to Wise and Peaceable Princes to Govern such divided discontented People But to rule a United Loving Concordant Peaceable People will be their Delight and Joy 120. A WORLDLY Covetous Proud Domineering Malignant Lazy Clergy will in most Christian Nations be the great Plague of the World and troublers of Princes and Dividers of Churches who for the Interest of their Grandure and their Wills will not give the Sober and Peaceable and Godly Ministers or People Leave to serve God quietly and live in Peace And the Impatient Self-conceited Sectarian Spirit which like Gun-Powder takes Fire upon such Injuries is the secondary divider of the Churches and hinderer of Christian Love and Peace and by their mutual Enmity and abuses they will drive each other so far into the Extremity of Aversation and Opposition that they will but make each other Mad and then like Mad-men run and quarrel while sober Men stand by and pitty them but can help neither the one party nor the other nor preserve their own or the publike Peace 121. The grand Endeavour of the Worldly Clergy will be in most Kingdoms of the World to Engage Princes on their side and to borrow their Sword to do their work with against Gain-sayers For they have no Confidence in the Power of the Keys but will despise them secretly in their Hearts as leaden uneffectual Weapons while they make it the glory of their order that the Power of the Keys is theirs 122. If Princes suppress disorders by the Sword the said Clergy will ascribe the honor of it to themselves and say It was their order that kept up so much Order in the Churches And when they have put Princes to that trouble will assume to themselves the praise 123. The Devil will set in and do his utmost to make both Rulers and People believe that all this Confusion is long of the Christian Religion and the strict Principles of the Sacred Scriptures and so to make Men cast off all Religion and take Christianity to be contrary to their Natural and Civil Interests 124. And the Papists will every where perswade High and Low that all this cometh by meddling so much with the Scriptures and busying the Common People with Religion and leaving every Man to be a Discerning Judge of Truth and Duty instead of trusting implicitely in the Judgment of their Church And so they would tempt Princes tamely to surrender half their Government that is in all Matters of Religion to the Pope and perswade the People to Resign their Reason or Humanity to him that He who is so far off may Rule it all over the World by his Missioners and Agents who must live upon the Prey And then he knoweth that he shall have both Swords and be the Universal King 125. To this end they will strive to make some Rulers as bad as they would have them to do their Work and to make the rest thought worse of than they are that they may have a fair Pretense for their Treasons and Usurpations which was the Case of all the Writers that plead for Pope Gregory the Seventh against the German Emperours who took that Advantage to settle the Cardinals Power of Elections and in a Council at Rome to declare the Pope to be above the Emperour and to Have Power to Depose him And as bad was done in the General-Council at Later under Innocent the Third Can. 2 3. 126. Concerning Princes I shall give you no Prognosticks but Christ's That it will be as hard for a Rich Man to enter into Heaven as for a Camel to go through a Needles Eve And therefore that you may know what Men the Rich will be in most Countries of the World 127. And the Rich will be the Rulers of the World and it s meet it should be so Not that Men should Rule because they are Rich but that they that Rule should be Rich and not exposed to Contempt by a Vulgar Garb and State 128. But some Wise and Good Princes and Magistrates God will raise up to keep the Interest of Truth and Justice from sinking in Barbarousness and Diabolical Wickedn●ss 129. And where Princes and Magistrates are bad they will seldom do so much Hurt as Good or prove very Cruel where the Worldly or Corrupt Clergy do not animate and instigate them Their Reason their Interest and their Experience will lead them by Man-like Usage to seek the Peoples Love and Quietness and their Kingdomes Unity and Strength But Bloody Persecutions such as that of the Waldenses Piedmont lately France Ireland Queen Maries c. are ordinarily the Effects of Clergy-Interest and Zeal 130. The Grand Designe of the Devil through the World will be to Corrupt the Two great Ordinances of Cod Magistracy and Ministry and turn them both against Christ who giveth them their Power The Instances of his Success are most Notorious in the TURKISH EMPIRE and the PAPAL KINGDOME called by them The Catholick-Church Which Campanella de Regno Dei doth labour to prove by all the Prophesies cited by the Millenarians or Fifth-Monarchy-Men to be the True Universal Kingdom of Christ in which by his Vicar the Pope he shall Reign over all the Kings and Kingdomes of the Earth A Prognostication OF THE CHANGES That will be in CHRISTENDOM IN THE Golden Age AND Time of True Reformation and Unity 1. BEcause it is made part of our Prayers Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven and We look for a New Heaven and a New Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness I hope their Opinion is not True who think that the Earth shall still grow liker and liker to Hell till the general Conflagration turn it into Hell and make it the proper Seat of the Damned Yet lest this should prove True I will place my Chiefest Hopes in Heaven remembring who said Sell all and follow me and thou shalt have Treasure in Heaven and not on Earth But supposing that ever the World will come to Full Reformation and Concord which I am uncertain
seriously Religious and the House of Christ will be filled with Guests 42. Hereupon the Scandalous and Flagitious Lives of Common Protestants will be much cured For the Number of the Flagitious will grow small and Crimes will be under common Disgrace Besides that they will be punished by the Magistrate So that gross Sin will be a Marvail 43. The Books of plain Doctrine and holy Living with the Pacificatory Treatises of Reconcilers will then be most in Esteem and Use which now are so Dis-relished by turbulent discontented siding Persons And abundance of Controversal-Writings about Church-Government Liturgies Ceremonies and many other Matters will be forgotten and cast aside as useless Things For the Swords shall be made into Plow-Shares and Pruning-Hooks 44. The happy Example of that happy Prince and Country that shall begin and first accomplish this Work will be Famous through all the Protestant-Churches and will enflame such Desires of Imitation in them all and be such a ready Direction in the way that it will greatly expedite their answerable Reformation And the Famous Felicity of that Prince in the Reformation and Concord of his Subjects will kindle in the Hearts of other Protestant-Princes and States an Earnest Desire of the same Felicity And so as upon the Invention of Printing and of Guns the World was presently possessed of Guns and of Printed-Books that never before attained any such thing So here they that see the Happyness of one Kingdom brought about and see how it was done will have Matter enough before their Eyes both to excite their Desires and guide their Endeavours in the Means to bring all this to pass 45. The Protestant Kingdoms and States being thus Reformed and United in themselves will be enflamed with an earnest desire of the good of all other Churches and of all the World And therefore as Divines have held something called General Councils for the Union of all those Churches so these Princes will by their Agents hold Assemblies for maintaining Correspondency to the carrying on of the common good of the World by the Advantage of their United Counsels and Strength And then no Enemy can stand long before them For they that Love and serve them Zealously at home will venture their Lives for them Zealously abroad if there be Cause 46. The excellent and successful use of the Magistrates Government of the Churches in their Dominions will quite shame all the usurping claims of the Pope and General Councels and their mungrel Ecclesiastick Courts and all the train of Artifices and Offices by which their Government of the World is managed And the World and especially Princes will plainly see how much they were abused by their Usurpations and that there is no need of Pope or Cardinal nor any of those Officers or Acts at all But that these are the meer Contrivances of Carnal Policy to keep up an Earthly Kingdom under the name of the Catholick Church And also the Purity and Unity of the Reformed Churches where the vulgar have more Religion and Union than their Monasteries will dazzle the Eyes of the Popish Princes States and People And when they see better and especially the happiness of the Princes they will forsake the Usurper that had Captivated them by fraud and will assume their freedom and felicity And so the Roman Church-Kingdom will fall 47. The deluded Mahometans seeing the Unity and Glory of Christendom as they were before kept from Christ by the Wicked Lives and the Divisions of Christians thinking that we are far worse than they so now they will be brought to admire and honour the Christian Name and fear the Power of the Christian Princes And one part of them will turn Christians and the rest even the Turkish Power the Christians force by the Power of God will easily break And so the Eastern Churches will be delivered and reformed and the Mahometans come into the Faith of Christ 48. The poor scattered Jews also when they see the Glory and Concord of Christians will be convinced that Christ is indeed the true Messias And being Converted perhaps shall by the Christian Powers be some of them Re-established in their own Land But not to their antient peculiarity or policy and Law 49. And then the Christian Zeal will work to the Conversion of the poor Idolatrous Heathen World And part of them will yield to Reason and Faith and the rest by just victories be subdued And so the Kingdoms of the World will become the Kingdoms of the Lord and his Christ And the Gospel shall be Preached in all the World 50. And when the Kingdom of Grace is perfected and hath had its time the Kingdom of Glory shall appear upon the Glorious appearing of Christ our King and the Dead shall Arise and they that have overcome shall Reign with Christ and sit with him upon the Throne even as he overcame and is set down with the Father on his Throne Amen Even so come Lord Jesus John 17. 20 21 22 23 24. Neither Pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word that they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us that the World may believe that thou hast sent me And the Glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be One even as we are One I in them and Thou in Me that they may be made perfect in One and that the World may know that thou hast sent Me and hast Loved them as thou hast Loved Me Father I will that they also whom thou hast given Me be with Me where I am that they may behold My Glory which thou hast given Me. Object But if this World should ever become so happy it would be more amiable and so be a greater snare to our Affections and make us willing to stay from Heaven Answer No Amiableness or Pleasantness stealeth the Heart from God or keepeth it from Heaven but that which hideth the Glory and Goodness of God and Heaven from our Minds or corrupteth and diverteth the will and affections by some inconsistency or contrarity But the spiritual excellency of the Reformed Concordant Church on Earth will so much more clearly Represent Heaven to our conceptions and give our Hearts so pleasant a foretast of it that above all things it will Excite our desires of that fuller Glory and call us most Powerfully to a Heavenly Mind and Life As the first-fruits and earnest do make us desire the Harvest and the full Possession And as now those that Live in the most Heavenly Society and under the most Excellent helps and means have usually more Heavenly Minds and Lives than they that in more tempting and distracting Company never enjoy such Heavenly beams Consectary ALL the Romish-Dreams of Church-Union arise from Ignorance of the true State and Interest of the Church and the true and necessary Terms of Union And all the Plots also of the Moderating Papists that Talk of a Political Church-Catholick having a Visible Constitutive or Governing-Head whether Monarchial the Pope or Aristocratical or Democratical the Patriarchs or a General-Council And that Talk of Universal Laws of this Church made by such a Universal-Head besides the Universal Laws of Christ And falsly feign the Councils called General in a Particular Empire called or ruled by one Emperour only in his own Dominions to have been Universal as to all the Catholick Churches on Earth And that feign these Councils to have been Infallible which so often erred and crost each other And that set the World upon the undeterminable Controversie Which were true General Councils and How many we must Receive and Conform to Whether only Four or Six or Eight and till what Age. And that would perswade the Christian World that what-ever diversity of Canons Customs or Church-Laws or Ceremonies are allowed among them it must all be done or held by this same Authority of the Pope or Council or Both to which though Forreign Kings and Bishops must all be subject and from which they must receive their Christianity and by which all their Reformations must be tryed And that none must be taken as Catholicks nor any Churches tolerated that hold not such a Factious Union under such an Usurping Head Personal or Collective But as Tertullian speaketh rather than endure such Wiser and Better Societies Solitudinem facerent vocarent Pacem And as a Worldy Clergy whose Church and Kingdom is only of and in this World would banish from it all save a Lifeless-Image which hath any Kin to Heaven and suffer none to Live in this World among them but themselves I say all this is 1. From Ignorance of the True Nature of the Christian Religion Church-State and Terms of Unity and Concord which I have lately opened in a Book Entituled The true and only Terms of the Concord of all the Churches 2. And from Contention about Ambiguous Words and Self-Conceitedness in their Controversies ignorantly thence raised which I have sought to End in a Book called Catholick Theology 3. And from vicious Passions and Partiality which I have sought to Heal in a Book called The Cure of Church-Divisions All written long since the Writing of this Foregoing Prognostication FINIS
of but do not despair of I proceed to my Prognosticks of the way 2. God will stir up some happy King or Governour in some Country of Christendome endowed with Wisdom and consideration who shall discern the true nature of Godlyness and Christianity and the Necessity and Excellency of serious Religion and shall see what is the Corruption and Hinderance of it in the VVorld and shall place his Honour and Felicity in pleasing God and doing Good and attaining everlasting Happyness and shall subject all worldly Respects unto these high and glorious Ends. And shall know that Wisdom and Godlyness and Justice leave the most precious Name on Earth and prepare for the most Glorious Reward in Heaven In comparison of which all fleshly Pomp and Pleasure is Dross and Dung and worthy of nothing but Contempt 3. This Prince shall have a discerning Mind to know Wise Men from Foolish Good from Bad and among the Ministers of Christ to discern the Judicious Spiritual Heavenly Sober Charitable and Peaceable sort from Self-seeking Worldly Men that make but a Trade of the Ministry and strive not so much for Heaven and the Peoples Salvation as they do for worldly Honours Power and Wealth And he shall discern how such do trouble the Churches and the World and cause Divisions and stir up Violence for their own VVorldly Interests and Ends. 4. He will take the Councel neither of Worldlings nor true Fanaticks and dividing Persons but of the Learned Godly Self-denying Sober Peaceable Divines with his Grave and Reverend Senators Judges and Counsellors that know what is Reason and Justice and what belongeth to the Publick Good as well as to the true Interest of the Church and of Mens Souls 5. He will know those Men whom he is concerned to use and to judge of as far as may be by Personal Acquaintance and Observation and not by the partial Reports of Adversaries behind their Backs And so he will neither be deceived in his Instruments nor disappointed by them 6. He will call together the wise peace-making Persons and with the strictest Charge commit to them the Endeavours of Reconciling and Uniting the several Parties by drawing their Differences into the narrowest Compass and stating them rightlier than passionate Men do and by perswading them to Love and Peace and to all such Abatements and Forbearances as are necessary And his own prudent Over-sight and Authority like Constantine's at Nice will facilitate the Success 7. He and his People will enquire what Terms of Concord are meet not only for some One Corner or Country but for All the Christian World that when he hath found it out he and his Kingdom may be a Pattern to all Christendome and the Spring and Leven of an Universal Concord of all true Christians 8. Therefore he will enquire of Vincent Lerinensis Catholick Terms of Quod 1. Ab omnibus 2. Ubique 3. Semper receptum est 1. What all Christians are agreed in as Christians in the Essentials of their Religion 2. What all Christians did agree on in the Apostles Time which was the Time of greatest Light Love and Purity 3. VVhat all Christians in all Kingdoms of the VVorld since then to this day in the midst of all their other Differences have been and still are agreed in as their Religion For he will see that there is no hope of Agreeing the Disagreeing VVorld at least in many an Age by changing Mens Judgments from what they are and bringing them all in Controverted Things to the Mind of some Party nor to agree them on any Terms in which they do not really Agree But that their Concord must be founded in that which they are indeed all Agreed in Leaving the Superfluities or Additions of each Party out of the Agreement 9. The Peace-makers will then find that Christian Religion is conteined in Three Forms 1. In the Sacramental-Covenant with God the Father Son and Holy-Ghost as the briefest Formula 2. In the Creed Lord's Prayer and Decalogue as the Summaries of the Credenda Appetenda and Agenda Matters of Faith Will or Desire and Practice as the larger Form 3. In that Canon of Scripture which all the Churches receive as the largest Form or Continent And that he who is understandingly a Sacramental-Covanter with God the Father Son and Holy-Ghost was ever taken for a Visible Christian And therefore Baptism was called our Christening and the Baptized taken for Christians before they knew the Controversies of this Church or that And that the competent explicite Understanding of the Creed Lord's Prayer and Decalogue was ever taken for a competent Understanding of the Sacramental-Covenant and more And that he that implicitely receiveth the commonly-received Canonical Scripture as God's Word though he understand no more than as followeth and that explicitely understandeth the Creed Lord's Prayer and Decalogue and receiveth them and consenteth to the Sacramental-Covenant alwayes was accounted and is still to be accounted a Christian On these Terms therefore the Peace-makers will resolve to endeavour the Union of the Churches 10. Therefore they will pare off and cast away as the greatest Enemy to Unity all those unnecessary Controversies or Things doubtful which Christians yea or Divines were never agreed in and which never were the happy and successful Means or Terms of any Extensive Concord and which have long been tryed to be the great Occasions of all the Scruples and Contentions and Divisions and woful Consequents in the Churches And they will once more say IT SEEMETH GOOD TO THE HOLY-GHOST and to Us TO LAY UPON YOU NO GREATER BURDEN THAN THESE NECESSARY THINGS Act. 15. 28. All Christians shall in general receive the Canonical Scripture as God's Word and more particularly the Creed Lord's Prayer and Decalogue as the Summary of Necessaries and shall profess with competent Understanding of it their Consent to the Sacramental-Covenant and vow and devote themselves therein to God And this shall be all the Title which they shall be forced to shew for their Visible Church-Communion And though a higher Measure of the Understanding of the same Principles and Rules shall be required in Teachers than in the Flock and accordingly the Ordainers shall try their Understandings together with their Utterance and Ministerial Readiness of Parts Yet shall the Teachers themselves be ordinarily forced to no other Subscriptions Professions or Oaths besides their civil Allegiance than to Assent and Consent to all afore-said and to promise Ministerial Fidelity in their Places All Councils called General or Provincial Canons Decretals Articles Formula's Rubricks c. shall be reserved to their proper Use but be no more used for ensnaring and dividing Subscriptions Professions or Oaths or made the Engines to tear the Churches 11. When all those Superfluities and Foot balls of Contention are cast out of the way the Power of the Keys or Pastoral Government shall come to be better known and exercised and the Primitive Discipline set up which took place before Cyril of Alexandria