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A02844 Gods vniuersal right proclaimed A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the 27. of March 1603. being the next Sunday after her Maiesties departure. By I.H. Hayward, John, D.D. 1603 (1603) STC 12984; ESTC S103942 20,193 63

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GODS VNIVERSAL right proclaimed A Sermon preached at Paules Crosse the 27. of March 1603. being the next Sunday after her Maiesties departure By I. H. 1. PET. 2. 17. Feare God Honour the King Imprinted at London for Cuthburt Burby 1603. ❧ God 's vniuersall right proclaimed PSAL. 24. 1. 2. 1. The earth is the Lords and all that therein is the worlde and they that dwell therein 2. For he hath founded it vpon the seas and established it vpon the flouds THis text for argument of my sermon not selected by curious choice but taken as it was offered by order of my priuate exercise in mine own place serueth yet most fitly for these times For whereas God dwelling in the heauens hath made a great change among vs vpon the earth and hauing called our late Soueraigne Queene to the possession of his heauenly kingdome for her hath giuen vnto vs a most prudent King to succeed in the gouernment of hir earthly kingdome this scripture sheweth that God herein hath done that which rightly he may because the earth and the inhabitants thereof are wholy his and he may bestowe kingdomes aduance gouerners and commit nations to be ruled at his pleasure Yea if it be lawfull for vs paruis componere magna and to obserue the similitudes and agreements that be betweene an earthly and a spirituall kingdome which is not forbidden to Christian modestie then this whole Psalme seemeth vnto me a scripture fit to be handled in this time in publick to honour as it were with some diuine ceremonies the kingdome and expected comming of this our noble King For in this Psalme the Prophet intreateth of the spirituall kingdome of Christ. First shewing what manner nations and people he reigneth ouer in the first sixe verses Next proclaming his comming in the other verses wherein the nobler sort of his subiects are required to prepare to receiue him But hauing chosen a part I will leaue the whole and returne to the part In the first sixe verses I haue shewed you that first the Prophet telleth vs what manner nations and people the Lord reigneth ouer They are all of two sorts The first of them that are subiect to his gouernment Iure creations by right of creation Of these he speaketh in these two verses and in this ranke may all be comprehended The second is a number chosen out of these with whome he doth conuerse more familiarlie as his domesticals which are honoured among the rest and distinguished from the rest Beneficio redemptionis by the benefit of redemption For as in an earthly kingdome the King reigneth ouer all his subiectes by equall right and it is Antichristian abhorring from religion among vs professed to say that any subiect should be exempt from the rule of his souereigne and yet admitteth some bound vnto him by a priuate couenant and oath taken of them to come neare and to doe seruice vnto him whom he doth inritch with rewardes and grace with honourable preferments Euen so in the kingdome of Christ hee raigneth with equall authority ouer all men For Psal. 2. 8. God the father gaue vnto him Gentes in her editatem et extremitates terra in possessionem the heathen for his inheritance the ends of the earth for his possession Yet a choice number there is bearing the marke of the foundation as the Kings liuery whereof the Apostle speaketh 2. Timoth. 2. 19. the foūdation of God abideth sure and hath this seale Dominus nouit qui sunt sui the Lord knoweth who are his These head mitteth to do him daylie seruice these he conuerseth with familiarly as he saith Ioh. 14. 21. Ei conspiciendum exhibebo meipsum I wil shew my owne selfe vnto him these he inricheth with gifts graces of his spirit in this world eternall life and a crowne of righteousnes in the next these he honoureth with high preferments making them by beleeuing the sonnes of God in this world and kings Priestes vnto God both here and in the next This second sort I haue not to speake of at this time because my Text reacheth not vnto them The earth is the Lordes and all that therein is the worlde and they that dwell therein For he hath founded it vpon the seas and established it vpon the floudes in these wordes he remembreth the first sorte of his subiectes which are so by right of creation Or if happily this diuision of subiects displease because the second mēber is included in the first they which are subiectes bound by the benefit of redemption are also bound by the bond of creation I will giue the sence of my Text in some other words The Prophet in these wordes remembreth the first reason ground of right by which the Lord clameth to be king Namely that he created the worlde The ground of right by which he clameth is in the second verse How farre he clameth by this ground of right is in the first verse Euen to be Lord of all The earth is the Lordes and all that therein is the world and they that dwell therein Thus farre he clameth euen to be Lord of all Of the earth and of the inhabitants Of the soile and those that occupie it Of euery tenement and eeuery tenant dwelling therein that these are the Lordes we are to inquire in this verse That they are his because he made them we are to inquire in the next verse And the doctrine of these things I will first deliuer and then the vses The earth is the Lordes the world is his Tremelius reades orbis habitabilis the habitable world that is the pile of the earth in the face whereof we dwell with the partes and ornamentes thereof in the bowels of it or vpper countenance as minerales mettalles stones moūtaines vallies plaines herbes plantes fruites such like for all these are earth or of the earth and adhearing thereto And all this is the Lordes For all this was when there was neither man nor beast nor any breathing thing to claime a property in them or to haue any vse of them For in the first day the earth was though yet in one masse with the heauens and the waters and wanting her forme as appeareth Genesis 1. 1. 2. And in the third day it was brought to her forme receiued her decking as in the same place appeareth verse 9. God said againe Let the waters vnder the heauen bee gathered into one place and let the dry land appeare and it was so And God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters seas and God saw that it was good Then God saide Let the earth bud foorth the bud of the hearbe that seedeth seede the fruitefull tree which beareth fruite according to his kinde which may haue his seede in it selfe and it was so And the earth brought forth the bud of the hearb that seedeth seede according to his kinde also the tree that yeeldeth fruite which hath his seed in it selfe according
to his kinde God saw that it was good So the euening and morning was the third day Thus was the earth seperated from other parts of the world receiued her forme and furniture when yet there was neither man nor beast nor brething thing to liue vpon it to claime soueraingty or to make vse of it Which things were created after in the sixt day As Moses after the fourth dayes worke in creating the lightes in the firmament the fift daies worke in creating foules and fishes at last reporteth in the same place verse 24. moreouer God saide let the earth bring foorth the liuing thing according to his kinde cattell and that which creepeth and the beast of the earth according to their kinde it was so And God made the beast of the earth according to his kinde and the cattell according to his kinde and euery creeping thing of the earth according to his kinde and God saw that it was good Furthermore God saide let vs make man in our image according to our likenesse and let them rule ouer the fish of the sea and ouer the foule of heauen and ouer the beastes and ouer all the earth and ouer euery thing that creepeth and mooueth on the earth Thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him c. And in the ver 31. Moses thus cōcludeth And God saw all that he had made and lo it was very good And the euening and morning were the sixt day The earth was created in the first day was seperated receiued forme and furniture the third day man beasts were not created vntil the 6. day the earth in the meane time wanted not a Lord to whom it belonged whose it was his it is as the prophet here speaketh the earth is the Lordes But in hope to holde soueraigntie ouer some thing for our selues we will obiect generally for others also Diuers creatures haue inuaded diuers parts of the world and without disturbance for many thousands of yeares haue quietlie held occupyed enioyed the same as their owne The fishes haue the waters which run into the Seas and haue there their meeting place Psal. 104. 25. In ipso mari magno et spacioso in the great and wilde sea Illic reptilia sunt atque innumer a animantia parua cum magnis there are creeping things and innumerable liuing creatures small and great There goe the ships there is Liuiathan Balena saith Tremelius the Whale whom thou hast made to play therein The Fowles take their pleasure in the regions of the ayre the lower heauens and though they discend sometime to the earth to gather foode and sit sometime on the branches of Trees to rest them and to sing yet they are called the fowles of heauen that is of the ayre Diuers creatures occupie the face of the earth the Prophet in the forenamed Psalme verse 18. Montes excelsissimi rupicaprarū petrae montanorum murium perfugium the high mountaines are a refuge for the Goates and the Rockes for the mountaine Mise which we read Conies and in verse 20. he remembreth the beasts of the Forrests And of the wilde Asse God saith Iob. 39. Cui disposui campestria pro domo eius et pro habitaculis eius salsuginosam terram I haue made the wide champaigne the wildernesse his house and the salt places his dwelling he scorneth the multitude of the citie heareth not the noyse of the driuer he seeketh the mountaines for his pasture and searcheth for euery greene thing and the most pleasant places of the earth man chooseth for his habitation there building houses and cities for his more conuenient dwelling Gen. 9. 18. 19. The sonnes of Noah going forth of the Arke were Shem Ham and Iaphet These are the three sonnes of Noah of thē was the whole earth ouerspred Thus haue diuers creatures inioyed thé world as their owne many thousands of yeares Shall it not therefore be the Lords because they vse it how did the Lord loose his old right vnto them in what court and before what Iudge was the Lord euicted and where are the records thereof to be seene surely the creatures holde their habitation of the Lord and so many as are wise acknowledge the same Whether they doe or no God doth challenge the right and plainely affirmeth that he hath alwayes disposed thereof Ier. 27. 5. speaking of the earth which he made he saith Ideo trado eam cui rectum videtur in oculis meis Therefore I giue it to whom it pleaseth me and now I haue giuen all these lands into the hands of Nebuchaanezar the King of Babel my seruant signifying hereby that from time to time he giueth and granteth the possession and vse of the earth at his pleasure admitting one and displacing another as seemeth good in his sight putting out Cananites bringing in the Ifraelites assigning to euery Tribe their owne portion deposing Saul setting vp Dauid diuiding one kingdome to many kings as when hee rent ten Tribes from the sonne of Salomon and gaue them to Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat And giuing many kingdomes to one kingdome as when bordering nations were subdued vnto Dauid Which translating and disposing prooueth the earth to be his though inhabited by men that they all doe hold of him Which because proud Nebuchadnezar did not acknowledge hee was taught Dan. 4. 27. He said Is not this great Babel Quam ego edificaui which I haue builded for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power and for the honor of my maiestie taking himselfe to be the chiefe Lord holding of none But it followeth in the next verse while the word was in the Kings mouth Vox è coelo accidit dicens tibi iudicitur Nebuchadnetzar Rex there came a voyce from heauen saying O King Nebuchadnezar to thee be it spoken to thee whatsoeuer if thou wert as great as Nabuchadonezar thy kingdome is departed from thee and they shall driue thee from men and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field they shal make thee to eate grasse as the Oxen and seauen times shall passe ouer thee vntill thou knowest that the most high beareth rule ouer the kindome of men and giueth it vnto whom soeuer hee will The very same houre was this thing fulfilled vpon Nabuchadnezar he was driuen from men and did eate grasse as the Oxen and his body was wet with the dew of heauen till his haires were growne as Eagles feathers his nailes like birdes clawes at the end of those daies heare now his confession hauing reformend his iudgement I Nabuchadnezar lift vp myne eyes vnto heauen and mine vnderstanding was restored vnto me and I gaue thankes vnto the most high and I praised and honoured him that liueth for euer whose power is an euerlasting power and his kingdome is from generation to generation And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing and according to