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A07350 The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoole masters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Bachelour of Diuinitie.; English catechisme Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1622 (1622) STC 17733; ESTC S100659 485,672 636

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rather no paines taken hereabout for he spake but the Word and all was made he did but say of euery thing let it be and it was so Thirdly in regard of the instruments and tooles vsed which were likewise none Fourthly in regard of the time all things were finished in six dayes not that the Lord needed this time for he could haue made all in an instant but partly that we might enter into a more distinct and particular consideration of all his glorious works to set forth his praise partly that his prouident care ouer man might appeare for that hee prepared all things fit for him before his creation to stirre vp the greater care of his glory in man partly to make knowne his soueraigne power ouer all creatures when as hee caused light to bee without Sun Moone or Starres trees plants to growe without the influence of these heauenly bodies shewing hereby that howsoeuer he doth vse meanes ordinarily yet hee is not tyed hereunto but can and will if it please him worke all things without meanes that wee might learne to relye vpon his helpe when we are destitute of all meanes of comfort and lastly to giue example of labouring in our callings the sixe dayes and sanctifying a rest vpon the seuenth Thirdly that he is a Father by adoption is testifyed where it is saide Of his owne will begat he vs with the word of truth and in that of Iohn Jam 1.18 Those that are borne of God sinne not neither can they 1. Ioh. 3.9 for his seede is in them Now to whom he is thus a Father is declared in the words following Herein are the children of God knowne and the children of the Diuell viz. in that the one sort commits not sin the other doth iniquitie that is willingly and wilfully Fourthly that he is able to doe all things himselfe witnesseth to Abraham saying I am God alsufficient and where he saith Gen. 17.1 Reuel 1.8 Luk 3 7. I am the beginning and the end which is which was and which is to come euen the Almighty Yea he cannot onely doe such things as he doth but whatsoeuer else He can out of stones raise vp children to Abraham he is able to make many worlds Fiftly that hee is the Lord and gouernour of the world and the preseruer of all things created yea that the smallest matters are vnder his prouidence hath beene already shewed before in the description of God And moreouer Psal 104. the Prophet Dauid is much in setting forth the same how he prouides for things both heauenly and earthly both for man and beast and the Lord himselfe in the booke of Iob. Job 39.40 Proofe Wherefore that of the Poet is false and absurd Non vacat exiguis rebus adesse loui Sixtly and lastly that I may come to the proofe of that which was first said and first that all these things are to be knowne particularly and all the articles of our faith Ioh. 17.3 This is life eternall to knowe thee to be the very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ and againe Esay 53.11 By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many from whence with many like places it is directly to bee inferred that I must study for a particular knowledge of God and of Iesus Christ and not rest satisfied with an implicit faith beleeuing as the Church beleeueth without knowing what as their teaching is in the Church of Rome at this day though Thomas Aquinns and others not long since haue taught it to bee necessary to knowe all the articles of the Christian faith and onely in other more mysticall points to hold as the Church holdeth without prying into them Ob. The Apostles had a true faith without this distinct knowledge for they knewe not how the redemption of man was to be wrought they were ignorant of Christs spirituall and heauenly kingdome euen after the resurrection in like manner Rahab who was saued by faith knewe onely that the God of Israel was most mighty and aboue all other Gods Sol. I answere and so questionles many more haue beene saued without the distinct knowledge of these things when either for want of meanes or through weaknesse of conceit they haue beene vncapable hereof But note that euer where true faith is there is striuing after the increase of knowledge as in the Disciples who were euer attending to their masters Sermons and questioning with him Master what meaneth this parable and good master teach vs to pray c. Secondly that these things are particularly to be beleeued by euery of the faithfull and without wauering by reason of their weakenesse though as hath beene said the infirmity of our faith attaines not vnto this at all times is the rather to be confirmed Ses 6. Can. because of the many canons made heere against in the councell of Trent Examine therefore the faith of any recorded in the word of God and you shall find it to be such Abraham by faith was fully perswaded Rom. 4.12 Gal. 2.20 Act. 8.37 Paul by faith beleeued that the Sonne of God loued him and gaue himselfe for him Philip required of the Eunuch before his baptizing that hee should beleeue with all his heart c. Againe faith is the testimony of Gods Spirit Rom. 8.16 according to that The same Spirit beareth witnesse with our spirits that wee are the children of God Heb. 11.1 and who dare say then that this is vncertaine Lastly faith is the euidence of things to come and the very existence of things not seene now it is a poore euidence that giueth none assurance but leaueth still in suspence and doubtfull Thirdly that I am more specially bound to beleeue that God is my Father will appeare if wee consider either his command willing vs to call him Father When yee pray Luk 11.2 say our Father c. or the large promises made to those that relye vpon him as vpon their Father If God prouides thus saith Christ for foules and grasse how much more will he for you O yee of litle faith Math. 10. meaning if by a stronger faith they should rely vpon him as vpon their father or lastly the examples of holy men of Abraham Dauid Daniel c. see the Catalogue Heb. 11. 1. Duty Obedience Thirdly for the duties to be performed by vs to shew our faith in God the Father they are foure First we must obey his will Hereby we are sure that we knowe him that is 1. Ioh. 1.2.3 beleeue in his name if wee keepe his commaundements and Christ publiquely disclames all such from being his brethren and sisters but onely such as doe the will of our Father Math. 12. which is in heauen and the Lord himselfe by his Prophet Malachy demaunds saying If J be a Father where is my feare if I be a Master Mal. 2.3.6 where is mine honour As if he should haue said yee are
fore-knowledge of God and against his disposing will it is not possible that wicked men and wicked Angels should do any thing But in this there is little comfort as to the gally-slaues of the Turkes being compelled to their taske the comfort onely is when from the heart willingly and chearefully Gods will is done namely his reuealed will and Law To doe Gods will Heb. 11.6 Esay 1. Now for this it is necessary that a man be first of this kingdome Without faith it is impossible to please God All duties done by the vnsanctified Iewes liuing in sinne are reiected as abominable Their new Moones their Sabbaths their incense their sacrifices without these a man cannot so much as thinke any thing pleasing vnto God 2. Cor. 3.5 euen as they that yeeld alleageance to the Pope or to the Turke or any enemy of our King cannot please him their lawfull Soueraigne how officious soeuer they bee So they in whom the power of darkenesse is not yet shaken off but are still through infidelity and the loue of sinne vnder the Prince of the ayre and not subiects of the kingoome of heauen cannot please God what duties soeuer they seeme to the world to performe with zeale and deuotion This then serueth first to shew vs the fountaine of all our goodnes the grace of God the mercy of our heauenly King who maketh vs able to serue him and crowneth our seruice with glory t●at for no seruice which wee doe we presume to challenge ought at his hands as the merit of our worke but reiect this as Popish arrogancy and acknowledge when wee haue done al that we can we are vnprofitable seruants which is Christian simplicitie 2. Not to rest in any outward act or duty which we doe but labour for true faith for hearts rightly seasoned as hearts of the subiects of his kingdome otherwise it is lost labour whatsoeuer we doe in vaine are ye iust mercifull or deuout vnlesse the seruice of Satan be in heart renounced vnlesse there be faith purging inwardly 2. The Kingdome of God For the sense of the words Thy kingdome the obiect of this desire is first to bee considered and then the act let it come Gods kingdome is the rule that hee doth exercise ouer his creatures and is generall ouer all and speciall ouer the elect Generally his kingdome doth comprehend the whole world with all things therein which he ruleth and gouerneth by his prouidence making one to be for the preseruation or punishment of the other thus vpholding things in order euer since the first creation Psal 48.2 Psal 93.1 In this sense God is called by the Psalmist the great King and God is King be the Heathen neuer so impatient and againe the Lord reigneth c. and vnto his First-borne Christ the Heathen are giuen for inheritance Psal 2. and the vttermost ends of the earth for a possession Specially Gods Kingdome is ouer the Church howsoeuer dispersed into many places yet making but one Kingdome and this Kingdome is partly in Heauen partly vpon earth till the last great day when in Heauen onely it shall flourish That part of his Kingdome which is vpon earth is the whole multitude of all such people as outwardly embrace the Christian religion though many be prophane or hypocrites and this part is called the Kingdome of Heauen Matth. 13. both in the Parable of the Sower of the Draw-net and of the Field wherein the enuious man sowed tares c. Wicked men being for a time mixt amongst the godly but at the last day to bee seuered and singled out and left the godly onely being taken and this is Gods speciall outward Kingdome which in speciall manner he defend●th from Infidels holding vp the Scepter of his Word and giuing them lawes whereby to be gouerned Now besides this there is an inward spirituall Kingdome of God which is ouer all those in whose hearts these lawes are written to doe them and the holy Spirit ruleth and beareth sway and happy is that man which is thus of his Kingdome for when Christ did highly extoll Iohn the Baptist saying that a greater then he was not borne of women hee affirmeth yet that the least in the Kingdome of Heauen is greater then hee the least of those that are inwardly called greater then hee by his most excellent office euen as they which doe the will of God in Heauen are more then mother brethren and sisters of Christ then Mary as shee was dignified to be his mother according to the flesh That part of the Kingdome which is really in Heauen consisteth of Angels and Saints and is imperfect till the last day when in a more speciall manner the Kingdome shall bee deliuerd vp to God the Father that he may bee all in all 1. Cor. 15.24 And thus much for the meaning of the obiect The act Let it come This is first of the generall Kingdome whereby the world is most prouidently ruled let it stand let wickednesse be punished and godlinesse rewarded 1. The Kingdome of grace commeth by foure degrees Secondly of the speciall Kingdome the comming whereof is in foure degrees 1. Let it be erected where it is not send thy word send Labourers to worke in thy haruest let thy Word sound to all parts of the earth to the Iew to the Turke to Infidels in all places plant a Church there this specially is the praying for al men vnto which Saint Paul exhorteth that the Gospell may shine amongst them that it may shine to their hearts who are yet in darknesse 2. Let it be confirmed and continued where it is let it not be abolished by persecution corrupted by heresie vanish by hypocrisie or degenerate and grow into the contrarie by prophanenesse 3. Let it be restored where it is decaied or corrupted in doctrine or manners restore such as are falne by weaknesse purge the errours of such as are seduced 4. Let it be perfected made compleat by hastening the marriage day wherein the new Ierusalem may bee in all points as a Bride trimmed for her husband which shall onely bee at the last day when death and the Deuill and euerie enemie shall be destroyed and God alone shall absolutely raigne ouer his people guiding them in and out euerlastingly and communicating his heauenly most glorious Kingdome vnto them 3. For the scope The supplication is 2. The scope of the words 1. For Gods generall Kingdome not that it shall faile whilst the world endureth bur because it is Gods will that we should pray for such things as make for his glory wee are directed to aske here the exercising of Gods soueraigntie and dominion ouer the world whereby his power wisedome and goodnesse may appeare to the sonnes of men of the great creatures the irrationall the Heauens Earth and Seas being still contained in their proper places properties and operations of the rationall the obstinate and rebellious being by his iust iudgement punished and the
disanull them and against all defects if there be any in our lawes and neglect of the execution that the defects may be supplied the execution of good lawes better lookt vnto for the furtherance of Gods kingdome Hinderances of Gods kingdome in the ministry In the ministery there may bee also many hinderances of this kingdome against which we pray 1. Ignorance and vnaptnesse to teach for euen as the childe without milke perisheth and hauing too little languisheth so the poore soules of men vnder ignorant ministers or such as be vnapt to teach them doe perish and decay Hos 4.6 1 Tim. 3. 2 Tim. 2.15 My people perish saith the Lord for want of knowledge and a Bishop saith the Apostle must be apt to teach he must know to diuide the word of truth a right 2. We pray against heresie in them whereby the milke of the word as with poyson is corrupted and turned to the destruction of soules Of this hinderance S. Peter speaking 2 Pet. 3.16 saith that there bee many hard places in the Scriptures which the ignorant and vnstable peruert vnto damnation And like vnto this are prophane and vaine bablings which by the Apostle are compared vnto the Canker and Gangreene tending to the destruction of the body Wherefore wee pray 2 Tim. 2.27 that no such preachers may creepe in or be suffered in the Church as doe teach hereticall opinions vainely and prophanely handle the holy Word to the disgrace thereof amongst the hearers 3. Wee pray against idlenesse in Ministers taking the fleece and fat of the flocke but through lazinesse and carelesnes suffering the wandring to be out of the way the feeble without pasture and the diseased and weake without cure and exposing all to the rage of the deuouring Wolfe If hee that hath the keeping of a tower against the enemy committed vnto him and a reward therefore shall sleepe and neglect his charge he is worthy of death by the Martiall Law and he that taking wages and hauing any worke committed vnto him if through sloath he doth it to halues or to quarters he is worthy to bee punished as a thiefe So and much more they which take charge of soules and wages therfore a spirituall worke in hand and hire to doe it and yet are sloathfull and giuen so much to their ease as that they labour not in this worke by preaching praying exhortation yea and by good example of life shall answer as theeues and robbers and vndergoe the vtmost of Gods Law Wee pray heere that if there be any such O vtinam nusquam they may bee diligent or else speedily remoued and more painfull and faithfull placed in their roome 4. Wee pray against wickednesse in the life and conuersation of Ministers for a Bishop must be vnreprouable Leui had both the Thummim and Vrim committed vnto him 1 Tim. 32. When wicked ministers are wicked liuers though they teach things good and the way right yet such a cloud is cast ouer their doctrine that it shineth very dimly and few or none see to follow after it when like Images shewing the way they are seene to stand still without motion they are held as idols to be teachers of lies and what they shew is not imbraced Particular hinderances of Gods kingdome The particular hinderances of Gods kingdome are such as be in euery priuate person in particular These are first Infidelity and vnbeliefe whereby the dore of the heart is shut vp against the Lord that hee cannot rule there as King Heb. 4.2 Where vnbeliefe was it is noted that Christ could doe no great matters Lydiu had her heart opened before that the power of godlinesse wrought in her The Iewes are noted to haue had the world without profit because their hearing was not mixed with faith Faith was the first thing which Satan vndermined in our first parents to beat downe Gods kingdome it is the first thing wherin Paul laboureth with King Agrippa to make him a member of Gods kingdome As all things are possible to faith so it is impossible that any good thing should be with vnbeliefe Wee pray therefore here against this vnbeliefe that the Lord would open our hearts to belieue his word and all the promises and threatnings therein contained 2. Impenitency and hardnesse of heart whereby the mind is without relenting for sinne and reioyceth rather heerein and as the hand by often handling of hard things becommeth daily more hard and insensible so by sinning the conscience becommeth more hard and without sense or remorse for sin Luc 3. Wherefore when Iohn would prepare the way for the Kingdome of Christ hee preacheth repentance the putting away of this hardnes in sinning Esa 66 2. and when the Prophet Esay would describe such a man as with whom the Lord doth dwell to rule and raigne in him he saith that he must be humble contrite spirit and tremble at his word Wee pray then heere that the Lord would take away the heart of stone out of vs Ezech. 11.19 and giue vs an heart of flesh as he hath promised so that the power of sinne may be shaken we may tremble for sinne past and resolue vpon newnesse of life for the time to come as good subiects of Gods kingdome 3. Any one raigning sin which is when the soule is quiet in some priuate secret sinne and doth not striue earnestly against it For let it be neuer so small if there be a willing going on in it it is a raigning sinne and God cannot reigne in that heart Let not sinne therefore saith the Apostle Rom. 6.12 raigne in your mortall bodies Eph. 5.14 Hee that promiseth to the enemy of the Land but one peny or one egge towards his maintenance to inuade the countrey is no good subiect to his Prince no more than hee that promiseth horse man and armour neither is he a good subiect of Gods kingdome that resteth and without checke nesteth in lying in petty swearing in vaine talking or euill thinking and fighteth not against these Awake thou that sleepest stand vp from the dead and Christ shall giue thee life if thou sleepest in any sinne thou art without life out of the Kingdome of light 4. Negligence in superiours towards inferiours in parents masters or the wealthy towards the poore children or seruants suffering them to sin leauing them vntaught forbearing to admonish them to further Gods kingdome in them Leuit. 19.17 For if it be a sinne of neglect in any man to let his familiar friend to sinne vnreproued much more is it in such as haue some authority annexed vnto their persons they sinne against that Charge Thou shalt plainly rebuke thy neighbour and not suffer him to sinne 5. We pray therefore that all gouernours of families may shake off negligence towards their charges and though it be painfull vnto them labour to further Gods Kingdome in their families and that the rich in disposing the liberalities
bastards and no sonnes which call me Father but feare not to offend my will they doe vainely flatter themselues that they are coheires with Iesus Christ vnto God the Father but yet doe not his will they doe but thinke and not beleeue that God is their Father which keepe not his commandements And this is the estate of most men women in the world which make their liues a trade of sinning against God they doe plainely mocke God and his Church in confessing that they beleeue in God the Father 2. Duty Like vnto God The second duty is to be like vnto God and to beare in vs some resemblance of his Maiesty as naturall children doe resemble their Parents Wherefore it is said Ephes 5.1 Leuit. 11.44 1. Joh. 3.10 Be yee followers of God as deare children Now this stands in two things First in holinesse or life Be yee holy as God is holy Secondly in loue for God is loue and he that dwelleth in God dwelleth in loue and this loue expresseth it self by beneficence an aptnesse or readines to doe good Math. 5.45 Doe good to them that hate you saith the Lord that yee may bee the children of your Father which is in Heauen for he maketh his Sunne to rise on the euill and the good c. More particularly by mercy towards the poore for the Lord receiues the miserable Prodigall and the poore Publican and the loue of God dwelleth not in vs Iam. 2. saith Saint Iames if we see the naked and cloth him not c. therefore see how we shall be rewarded Mat. 25. If these things be so then is it not so easie a matter to beleeue in God the Father as the world dreames of and to come to the priuiledge of his children but our corrupt natures must be purged and all wickednesse must bee emptied out 3. Duty Moderate care for the world The third duty is to moderate our cares for worldly things either food or rayment For what needes he to care for the world who hath a louing Father who is al-sufficient and shall liue still euer to prouide for him and how can any true Beleeuer then distract his minde about the things of this life seeing his Father is al-sufficient most louing and alwayes liuing and not onely so but such an one as prouides him a Kingdome Will the Heyres of Kings take care for pins and points or not rather haue their mindes taken vp with more princely thoughts So doe not yee care for such things Math. 6.32.33 saith Christ for thus doe the Gentiles but seeke ye the Kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof As if he should say This is vnworthy and vnbeseeming the dignity of your condition to be so basely minded and this may serue also for the fourth duty Quest 11. In which wordes doe you learne to beleeue in God the Sonne Answ In these And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into Hell the third day he rose againe from the dead and ascended into Heauen hee sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence hee shall come to iudge both the quicke and the dead Quest 12. What doe you learne heere to beleeue concerning God the Son Answ Two things First his humiliation Secondly his exaltation Explan Before we come to the particular handling of these things it will not be amisse to lay open some general things necessarily to be premised that wee may with the better vnderstanding proceed to the consideration of these two estates of the Son of God as followeth Quest 13. What is the Son of God who is also called Iesus Christ Answ He is perfect God by nature and of the same substance with the Father and perfect man made so of his owne good will that he might become our Redeemer and thus is he subiect to the Father Ioh. 1.14 Explan As the Father so the Son hath beene already proued to be very God in the generall questions concerning the God-head now that he is also very man like vnto vs but without sinne is easie to be shewed St. Iohn tels vs that the Word was made flesh And the Authour to the Hebrewes that The Son of God tooke part with the children forsomuch Heb. 2.14 as they were partakers of flesh and blood Besides infinite places wherein hee is called man and said to be made man and saide to haue become man and that he was without sinne is taught in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Such an high Priest it became vs to haue Heb. who is holy harmelesse and vndefiled And againe Iesus Christ offered ●imselfe without fault which is alleadged to proue that he did much excell all High Priests after the order of Aaron for they had neede being sinfull men first to offer for their owne sinnes and then for the sinnes of the people Moreouer that he was made man of his owne good will the Apostle shewes to the Philippians He made himselfe of no reputation Phil. 2.7 and tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant And whatsoeuer else hee did vndergoe for our redemption was all voluntary And in regard of this estate is it that he saith the Father is greater then I and was before spoken of as his seruant Esa 42.1 Behold my seruant Quest 14. How can this bee that God should bee made man Answ Not by turning the God-head into the nature of man but by taking mans nature vnto the God-head that so one person might be both God and man Explan This is such a mistery that naturall men cannot conceiue of it wherefore some supposing it to be impossible that mans nature should be vnited vnto the diuine which is infinite but rather that it must needes vpon the vnion bee confounded herewith haue held one onely nature to bee in Christ as when a drop of Wine is cast into the Sea wee will not say but that it is all water still and these were the Monothelites Heresie a touching Christs two natures Others supposing that two natures could not concurre in one person haue held that there bee two persons in Christ and these were the Nestorians But that both these be errours that which is written of Christ doth plainely shew First that the nature of man was taken to the God-head and not abolished by the Vnion For howsoeuer hee is said to haue become flesh to haue beene made man which may seeme to imply a conuersion or confusion of substances yet hee is else-where saide Phil. 2.7 Heb. 2.14 to haue taken vpon him the forme of man to haue beene made partaker of flesh and blood c. Which latter phrases may serue to expresse the former viz. Thus He was made man that is tooke to his diuine nature the nature and forme of man so of the like Againe if the
415. The sayd Husse began first with reading the writings of Wickliffe and defended these things vnto the death That Peter neither was nor is the head of the Church That the Popes dignity came from Caesar and that his institution and perfection flowed from Caesar that they had done vniustly that condemned the Articles of Wickliffe c And an hundreth yeares after as hee had foretold came Luther for hee had said that they might indeed burne the Goose which the name Husse signified but within an hundreth yeares such a smell should arise out of her feathers as all Italy should not bee able to put downe for a remembrance whereof these words were written in certaine coyne which remaineth with Husses Image Post centum annos Deo mihique sunt responsuri After an hundreth yeares they shall answer to God and to me And thus haue I led thee along Christian Reader throughout all ages giuing thee a little view of the disposition of former times by which thou maist stop the mouthes of slanderous Papists cauilling at our religion as too new but of yesterday when as in very truth the maine things wherein they differ from vs viz. ridiculous ceremonies Idolatrous imagery popish supremacy and abuses about the Sacrament c. could neuer haue approbation from all but partly feare of the Pope his tyranny and partly the mutability of the most being apt to follow great ones according to that Regis ad exempl●r c After the Kings example all the world is framid first made these abuses common and in processe of time to be held the very religion of the Catholike Church of God well affected and sincere persons in the meane time seeing into these abhominations and according to their slender power fighting against them 1. Duty To praise Go●s mercy ●or excluding none out of the Church Now follow the duties of this faith The first is to praise and extoll the Lords mercy who without respect of forme or beauty of wealth or portion of quality or condition of countrey or nation is pleased to espouse vs vnto himselfe in spirituall marriage and to endow vs with his heauenly Kingdome Vs I say in speciall this nation and Church of England which God of his mercy hath vouchsafed to call not onely out of the vtter darknesse of Paganisme of old but also out of the dregges of Romish superstition of latter yeares Euen as Hester was more pleasing to King Ahasuerosh then all the virgins that were brought in vnto him so should wee bee to the King of Kings more then all which bee out of the Church whether Turkes Iewes Papists or other Infidels and heretiques If there be any amongst them zealous for their superstitions deuout charitable iust and true in their dealings much more should wee all bee such that wee may please him the beames of whose grace haue beene more shed vpon vs. But it being farre otherwise with most amongst vs with what face shall we looke vpon him when he shall call to a reckoning where shall our place be found verily as it was said of the Sodomites they shall rise vp against such and condemne them idolatrous and heathen men shall rise vp against them and condemne them 2. Duty Not to bee discouraged because wee are poore The second duty is not to be discouraged from comming to the Lord because wee are grieuous sinners or poore or base of condition and thus without all likelihood of attaining to so great dignity for the company which he receiueth bee of all sorts as well poore as rich as well sinners as righteous as well low and base ones as high and noble Persecuting Saul is as well accepted amongst his Disciples as preching Peter the poore Publicans and sinners as iust Zachary and rich Ioseph Mary possessed with diuels as Iohn Baptist indued with the holy Ghost the Prodigall spendthrift sonne as the stayed good husband that neuer brake his fathers command Wherefore let vs all come boldly to the throne of grace that we may finde helpe in time of neede Heb. 4.16 If a great feast were made from which none should bee excluded neither ragged nor rude ones neither lame nor blinde neither leprous nor loathsome how would all that need come flocking therevnto How much more then should wee thrust into the Church of God and take his Kingdome by violence seeing he hath set the gates open to vs all how loathsome soeuer we are by reason of our sins so that we may come not to a ful feast for one meale but to be fed so as that we shall neuer hunger any more to be watered so with the water of life as that we shal neuer thirst any more But let not impudent hard hearted sinners herewith as with fig leaues couer their filthy nakednesse let not prophane ones whose liues are a trade of sinning apply this as a cloake to hide their vicerous sores of sinne making them the more to putrifie For it is phisicke only for the sicke it is a medecine only for the wounded groaning vnder the burthen of their sinnes Math. 11. 3 Duty To pray for the Church in all places The third duty is to be like affected and to pray alike for Gods Church in France in Germany in Denmark in Grecia in Sweuia and wheresoeuer else as well as for our selues and neere neighbours because the mysticall body of which we are members is in all these places also yea in all places scattered through the world and wheresoeuer it be yet it is all but one body one holy Catholique Church wee are to pray then as heartily for the weakening and rooting out of the popish heresie from amongst the French and the setting ouer them sincere gouernors as in the like case wee would doe for our selues we are to grieue as much for the Churches in Hungary and Transyluania so spoyled by the Turke as if it were our owne case Rom. 12. For in the body if one member be grieued all are grieued with it and so on the contrary side in like manner ought we to haue a fellow feeling of one anothers ioy and misery though in places far distant one from another 4 Duty Not to be troubled at antiquity pretended by Romanists The fourth duty is not to be driuen from our hold for the antiquity of our Religion by any popish forces seeing it is most true that our Church is also Catholique for time that is of all times and ages and that of the Church of Rome hath beene meerely forced vpon the world and in continuance of time for want of knowledge of the better came to be esteemed for the truth as Mahumetisme is amongst the multitude vnder the Turkish dominions No age as wee haue seen hath been without some witnesses hereof and no doubt but there were many more but who was there then to register such things Wherefore let vs not wauer in our faith but maintaine it to the death seeing that
along life in this miserable world and yet remoueth to a Kingdome euerlasting that hee is not true of his promise 1. King 14. Doth any man thinke Enoch the lesse blessed because hee was taken away some hundreths of yeare sooner then others or doth he thinke it an vnhappines in the good sonne of Jeroboam for that he was taken away in his youth no more are they vnhappy or lesse blessed but so much the more whom the Lord is pleased to take away from the euils of this world to come as saith the Prophet Esay 57.1 Quest 2 Why doth the Lord rather promise long life to such as honour father and mother then any other blessing First because life is sweet and we are apt by nature to hearken to any thing to prolong life but this is generall and fitteth other commandements as well 2 More specially because children that honour parents may be said in some sort to prolong their dayes through that ioy wherewith they are affected when they doe well for as sorrow shortneth the dayes according to that of father Iaacob yee shall b●ing my gray head with sorrow to the graue Gen. 42 38. so ioy prolongeth them Againe by nourishing them in their necessity they prolong their dayes euen as young storkes so that it is most equall with the Lord to giue them this recompence in prolonging their dayes which also is an argument of force to moue to obedience and to make them flie disobedience seeing this is a death to their good parents and they are like the viper herein which as is thought is the death both of sire and dam in the breeding and comming forth into the world 3. Because the way to come to an estate of honour is giuing honour according to our prouerb qui nescit parere nescit imperare He knoweth not how to rule that knoweth not how to obey first Wherefore it is iust with God to cut off the disobedient that they may not liue to honour and to prolong the life of the obedient that they may come in their age to bee obeyed and honoured Quest 91. Which is the sixth Commandement or the second of the second Table Answ Thou shalt doe no murther Quest 92. What is here forbidden Answ All murthering of our selues or others and all approbation hereof either by command counsell consent or concealement secondly all iniurious actions tending to the prejudice of our neighbours life thirdly all railing and reuiling speeches fourthly all murtherous desires and affections of the heart as malice hatred and enuie fifthly all cruelty towards the creature which sheweth a murtherous mind in vs. Matth. 5.22 Explan The Lord hauing prouided for the vpholding of euery man in his estate and condition to preuent a confusion amongst the orders of men proceedeth here to take away particular abuses which if they should bee this order cannot stand and first the most horrible of all other murther the despoyling men of their liues Now because the Pharisees erred when they restrained the sinne here to the outward and compleat act of murther our Sauiour Christ reprouing this their absurd cleauing to the letter of the text I haue more largely according to his blessed direction set downe the sinne against this commandement It may well be referred to these fiue heads First actuall murther which is either of our selues or of other men 1. Thou shalt not murther thy selfe howsoeuer thou art pressed by tēptations of pouerty disgrace or other heauy crosses wherevpon the deuill is busie about thee and seeketh to driue thee to this desperate selfe-execution Thou shalt feare and neuer yeeld to so horrible an act whatsoeuer becommeth of thee And that thou maist the better bee preserued because the diuell preuaileth against many in these dayes and against some that haue formerly had a care to doe well I haue set downe heere the most effectuall meanes of preseruation in all assaults Forerunners of selfe-murther First take heed of all forerunners of these temptations as of pride and carying a higher saile than thy estate will beare for when a man commeth thus to be spent and must necessarily come downe and be laid open to the world according to his meanes his proud heart cannot indure to yeeld if by any meanes he may auoid this open debasement wherevpon Satan is ready and biddeth him murther himselfe this is plainely to be seen in many examples in our dayes Another forerunner of this is some notorious sinne or sinnes which are committed in secret but the conscience will not suffer to bee secret but accuseth for them and d then Satan layeth hold heerevpon pressing the threatnings of the Law and neuer ceaseth till he hath driuen a man to the desperate making away of himselfe These hideous sinnes are murther adultery periury apostacie or backsliding from the truth before imbraced and such like A third is generall security in matters of religion from which when the eyes come to be opened there ariseth an horrour and trouble in conscience which the Diuell further presseth to desperate selfe-murther Wherefo●e let euery man first be carefull to auoid these wayes Let him put on humility liuing rather in meaner fashion then he is worth let him watch ouer his hands and hea●t and tongue against mu●thering against adultery and vncleannesse against lying and fo swearing and ouer his waies against backsliding and let him in all his dealings keepe a good conscience If thou shalt say I feare not this temptation I hope I shall keepe mee without this pensiue carefulnesse farre enough from it heare what the Apostle saith Rom 9. ●ee not high-minded but feare consider that thou art a man and if a man subiect to the like passions as the meanest worst of men if thou take not the better heed It is no wisedome to surfet the body then to seek a cure neither is it wisedome to let the enemy into the Citty and then to seek to driue him out againe In like manner it is no wise dome but great folly to put a mans selfe into the hazard of this desperation thinking then to be cured againe ● Labor for pitience Labour for patience in all crosses according to the example of thy master Christ if being a seruant thou be buffetted pinched with hunger and hardly intreated or being a childe art neglected of thy parents and discouraged or being a subiect thou art in danger through thy Princes displeasure consider not so much the greatnesse of thy crosse as the reward if thou haue patience consider the vanity of the most excellent things in this world the shortnesse of all crosses heere and the most worthy partners which thou hast both Christ and all the holy Prophets and Apostles to whose society it is ioy to be ioyned The want of this patience breedeth discontent discontent with the Diuels furtherance desperation and murther 3 Consider if at any time thou beest thus tempted that to murther a mans selfe is the most
any man shall thinke as some doe that this is presumption without set wordes to come to God in Prayer when as to a mortall Prince wee dare not hee is greatly deceiued and sheweth to haue little vnderstanding of the faithfull mans neerenesse vnto God and acquaintance with Gods holy Spirit For will such as wait about the Kings person euery day and talke continually with him study set wordes afore-hand what to speake they will indeed thinke of the matter concerning which they would speake but for wordes they would not especially if they had alwayes some eloquent person at their elbow ready to prompt them and to tell them what to say in like manner faithfull men doe continually attend vpon the Lord and talke with him by Prayer and the most eloquent Spirit of God is alwayes ready to prompt and helpe them wherefore so that the matter to be spoken of be thought vpon before it is no presumption to come without set wordes in such as by experience doe finde some sufficiency by Gods gracs to talke thus with their heauenly King and Father Quest What desirest thou of God in this prayer Answ I desire my Lord God our heauenly Father who is the giuer of all goodnes to send his grace to me and to all people that wee may worship him seeue him and obey him as we ought to doe And I pray vnto God that he will send vs all things that bee needfull both for soule and body and that he would bee mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes and that it will please him to saue and defend vs in all dangers ghostly and bodily and that he will keepe vs from all sinne and wickednesse from our ghostly enemy and from euerlasting death And this I trust he will do of his mercy and goodnesse through our Lord Iesus Christ and therefore I say Amen So be it Explan Heere in briefe are set downe the most needfull things contained in the Lord● Prayer with such plainnesse as that euen children may attaine some good vnderstanding of the prayer heereby which was the laudable intent of our Church in prouiding this wholsome milke for tender babes I shall not need therefore to adde any explanation of these words of our Catechisme being so plaine and euident of themselues other then by poynting at the parts of the Lords Prayer secretly diffused through this Answer The first parcell whereof compriseth both the meaning of the Preface that he vnto whom we pray calling him Father which art in heauen is the Lord God of heauen and earth our common Father by faith and heauenly most glorious and full of maiesty from whom euery good thing descendeth and the meaning of the first Petitions that by our worshipping him hee may be glorified and his name hallowed by our liuing as his loyall subiects and faithfully seruing him his kingdome may come and by our readines to obey him in euery thing his will may be done in earrh as it is in heauen and not onely by such a● readily obey but by all people his ouer ruling power compelling the disobedient and stubborne The words next following are the interpretation of the rest of the petitions that he would giue vs all things needfull both for soule and body which is to giue vs this day our dayly bread to forgiue vs our sinnes is the next petition to saue and defend vs from all dangers c. is not to lead vs into temptation but deliuer vs from euill from all sinne and wickednesse from our ghostly enemy and the end and reward of being led heereby euerlasting death The last clause And all this I trust he will doe c. serueth to explaine the conclusion for thine is the kingdome c. thou art a most gracious King full of mercy and goodnesse in Iesus Christ and this thy mercy and goodnesse shall thus bee more glorified wherefore I trust and assure my selfe that thou wilt doe these and in this confidence I say Amen Quest 117. How many bee the partes of this Prayer Answ Three the Preface Our Father which art in Heauen the Petitions Hallowed be thy name thy kingdome come c. And the conclusion For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer Amen Eccles 4.17 Exod. 3. Explan This Prayer being an absolute forme of direction for vs hath in it all things needfull both for beginning proceeding and concluding the petitions are not nakedly set down without a preface neither are they left without a conclusion hemming them in on both sides to shew both the necessity of preparation when we addresse our selues to prayer and of obseruation when wee haue prayed Preparation to prayer there must needs be otherwise we shall be ready to offer the sacrifice of fooles wee shall draw neere to the flaming bush with shooes on our feet and tread on holy ground with vncleane feet and compasse the Lords Altar with vnwashen hands Obseruation there must bee when wee haue prayed to giue God the glory of our petitions granted otherwise we shall deale deceitfully with God mocke him Gal. 6.7 which he wil not heare pretending his glory and kingdome but the sequell shewing when we rest at the blessings receiued that we intend our owne ease and pleasure Quest 118. In the Preface why doe you call God Father Answ Because he is ready as a louing Father to heare mee calling vpon his name whence J learne with boldnesse and confidence to come vnto him in my prayers Explan Hauing shewed the necessity of preparation vnto prayer in generall heere follow the parts of this preparation in particular And the first is to consider rightly vnto whom we pray and with what faith and affiance Hee vnto whom is called Father teaching vs both who can pray and what faith is required in praying First he only can pray aright and as a true Christian that can call God Father by adoption grace through Iesus Christ It is not sufficient that hee be thy Father by creation for so is he the father of the spirits now damned in hell but he must also be thy Father by regeneration through the preaching of his word casting thee into a new mold of righteousnes and holines according to his Image Rom. 8.25 wherein man was first made For wee haue receiued saith the Apostle not the spirit of bondage to feare againe but the Spirit of adoption whereby wee cry Verse 16. Abba Father And the same spir t beareth witnesse with our spirits that we are the children of God So that there must be a Spirit in him that will pray making him the childe of God by adoption 1 Ioh. 3.3 purging him to become holy as he is holy 1 Ioh. 3.9 Whence it followeth that a wicked man liuing in sinne cannot pray seeing he which is borne of God sinneth not who only is indued with the Spirit of Prayer All his praying therefore is a vaine beating of the ayre with a
godly by his mercie rewarded the rage of the enemies of good order being restrained and the peaceable and righteous being encouraged For according to al this Deut. 27. they were taught of old to pray when a curse being annexed to euery Commandement broken all the people were bidden to say Amen 2. For al good meanes and furtherances of his special kingdome which is his Church and such are godly and righteous Magistrates defending the faith diligent and zealous preachers publishing the faith of Christ Iesus for such we pray that many may be stirred vp and continued in all places For Preachers Matth. ● 38 we haue a speciall precept Pray the Lord of the haruest that he would send forth Labourers into his haruest and as wee are to pray for the encrease of their number so for their vtterance Ephes 6 19. and boldnesse in preaching the Gospell And for such as be in authoritie how we are to pray hath been shewed already they are nursing Fathers and Mothers of the Church Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers Esay 49 23. and Queenes shall be thy Nurses saith the Prophet Let thy Kingdome come therefore is Let godly Magistrates bee encreasen vnder whose gouernment thy Church and people may flourish and send many faithfull Preachers Deut. 33.8 as Moses said of Leui Let thy Thummim and thine Vrim be with thy holy ones Such integritie of life and light of doctrine that they may be as lights set vpon an hill giuing light to such as be in darkenesss of sin and ignorance 3. For the defence of these from all dangers whereby they may be interrupted in their proceedings that their liues may bee continued and their power encreased to the comfort of the faithfull Thus it hath bin the manner of good Subiects of old to pray for their good Gouernours Cushi comming to bring word vnto Dauid of Absaloms death prayeth saying The enemies of my Lord the King 2. Sam 12.32 and all that rise against thee to doe thee hurt be as that young man is And for Ministers Smite through the loynes of them that rise against him saith Moses of Leui and of them that hate him Deut. 33.11 that they rise not againe And Saint Paul speaking of the Ministers of the Gospell saith Pray for vs that the Word of God may haue free passage and be glorified and that we may be deliuered from vnreasonable 2. Thes 3.1.2 and euill men 4. That many may be daily conuerted by the Ministry of these faithfull seruants of the Lord and grace vertue and true religion confirmed encreased in them And first and chiefly that inferiour Gouernours which haue the priuate rule of others committed vnto them in the well ordering of their families and iurisdictions may helpe forward the worke of grace in their children and seruants Thus Saint Paul professeth often that hee prayed for such people as amongst whom the Word was preached and willeth all men to do the like when he bids Pray that the Gospell may haue a free passage 5. That the Kingdome of glory may bee hastened to the comfort of all the faithfull all the workes of the Deuill beeing then dissolued the flesh and old man being quite abolished and grace onely ruling and gouerning vs all or rather grace being perfected and swallowed vp in glory And this is the highest pitch of our desire here this being the height of Gods honour the most full establishment of his kingdome and the perfection of his will Wherefore the Spirit Reuel 22 17.20 and the Bride both say thus Come let thy Kingdome come and the inspired prophetical Diuine saith Euen so that is quickly Come Lord Iesus 2. The deprecation is against all impediments and lets of Gods Kingdome and these are either generall or speciall 2 The deprecation Generall hinderances of Gods Kingdome are either in the Magistracy or in the Ministry 1. In the Magistracy is an Anarchy when any Countrie is without a King and lawfull Gouernour by reason whereof euerie man doth what hee thinkes good as being vnder no Law of a Gouernour such as was the estate of the Israelites immediatelie before Samuels time as is twice noted In those dayes there was no King in Israel ●udg 18.1 19.1 And this wee are to pray against as the most wofull condition of anie people that may bee there beeing hereby such a gappe opened to all licentiousnesse and lewdnesse as that another Nero. or Vit llius may better bee indured then this being without a Gouernour At this time was that outrage done by Dan vnto Michah and Idolatrie so graffed amongst the Danites as that God seemeth for euer to haue blotted them out of his booke of life Reuel 7● when thousands of all other Tribes being sealed Dan is passed ouer vnmentioned Iudges 19. And at this time was that villany done for which the Tribe of Beniamin was cut short almost brought to be no people And our fore-fathers in this I le haue felt the terrour and miserie of such times by the inuasion of the barbarous Picts to be greater then when they haue been ruled by Tyrants and Strangers If any therefore be vnwilling to liue vnder gouerment and long after the liberty of an Anarchy he doth most palpably pray against himselfe in this petition 2. Wee pray against Tyrannie that is an euill and wicked gouernment whereby the truth is discountenanced as in Ahab time who hated Michaiah or persecuted as when Iezabel was Queene or idolatrie or heresie is maintained and commanded as by Nebuchadnezzar or lastly whereby wickednesse is rewarded and fauoured as by some Heathen Emperours of the Romans Tiberius Caesar is said to haue rewarded Nouellus Tricongius with a Pro-Consulship for drinking three pottles of wine at one draught Against such Gouernours we pray Munst Cos pag. 720. that if God so please no place may be troubled with them if they be that their hearts may relent and be turned 3. We pray against euill lawes made against the proceedings of the Gospell and for the maintenance of men in sin such was the law made by the Pharisies against the followers of Christ Iohn 9.22 they ordained that if any followed him he should be cast out of the synagogue such was the Law of Darius that no man should pray vnto any other for thirty daies but vnto himselfe onely Dan. 6. He●● 3. against which Daniel prayeth and such was the decree of Ahashuerosh made for the destruction of all the Lords people in one day against which they all fasted and prayed We pray therefore here against such lawes of Infidell Kingdoms as forbid all comming of strangers in amongst them to preuent the rooting out of their idolatry as amongst the people of Ch●n against the bloudy Inquisition in Popish Countries tending to the preuention and rooting out of all reformation for euer and against any lawes of Turkes or Iewes hindring their conuersion that God would
liue to morrow as the Widow of Sarepta who notwithstanding imparted of her meale to the Prophet 1. Kings 17.10 and belieued that it should continue for her reliefe from day to day 7. Humility and lowlines of mind because we are al beggars it is of almes that we haue any thing we haue nothing of our owne and without these things giuen vs of the Lord we cannot be sustained Euen as the lampe vnlesse it be from time to time supplied with new oyle must needs goe out What a shame therefore is it for a man to he proud and insolent ouer others seeing all are fellow-beggars as well the rich as the poore the King as the slaue A proud heart and a beggars purse we say doe not well agree together 1. Cor. 4.7 Wee pray therefore that it may not be thus with vs but that we in all humilitie may acknowledge that wee haue nothing which wee haue not receiued and of our selues are poore and miserable The things prayed against The deprecation is against all hinderances to our bodily health and welfare yet not simply but with submission to the will of the Lord who knoweth to bring light of darkenesse and to turne hinderances to helpes and furtherances euen to our outward estate We pray therefore with submission 1. Against vnseasonable weather immoderate raines vntimely heate or cold and droughts when wee need moysture against pestilent influences from any star or out of the earth by the vapours or by the quaking and opening thereof 2. Against improuident Magistrates and Gouernours which bring on woe to a land Eccles 10 16. Woe vnto thee O Land when thy Prince is a child and eateth in the morning 3. Against plague pestilence and famine against all noysome and contagious diseases whereby thousands haue in short time been taken away so that the liuing haue not been able to bury the dead 4. Against inuasion of the enemies bringing destruction and making hauock of all things this being a time of such misery as that no pestilence or famine is comparable vnto it which made the Kingly Prophet to desire rather to fall into the hands of the Lord. 5. Against ciuill wars the people rising against the Prince or one part of a Kingdome against another the miserie of which wee haue seene France and the Low Countries to tast of and doe reade of the like in King Iohns daies in Edward the second and Richard the seconds daies c. in England but haue not felt it our selues and we pray that we may neuer tast of it 6. Against extreame pouerty and want of all things tending to the famishing of our bodies for such as feare the Lord shall want no good thing though the Lions hunger and bee hunger bit 7. Against all things that defile man and make the creatures vncleane and accursed vnto him 8. Against an vnhealthfull constitution turning our meats and drinkes into il humours to the hazarding of our liues and the decay of our bodily strength 9. Against idlenesse and sloth whereby time is spent vnprofitably or not to so much benefit of the Common-wealth as it might be either through want of bodily labour to whom this belongeth or of studie and care otherwise to doe good towards the preseruation of the peace and welfare of the Countrey 10. Against discontent whatsoeuer our want is that we may not doe that iniury to the Lord as to prescribe him a time when to helpe vs or else murmure through want as the Israelites in the wildernesse 11. Against trusting in any arme of flesh what wealth or friend soeuer we haue for they which doe so fall downe flat and it was the folly of the rich man in the Gospel Psalm 20 8. that he said vnto his soule Eate drinke and be merry Luke 12 16. for thou hast much goods laid vp for many yeares 12. Against Couetousnesse and worldly cares carrying vs on to the greedy desiring of more through the loue of money It is a spirit farre differing from that of Agur of whom it is written for our learning that he desired Pro. 30.9.13 Giue mee not riches lest I be full and deny thee and say Who is the Lord 13. Against hard-heartednesse and vncharitablenesse whereby the hand is held backe from relieuing the needie when with the tongue reliefe is desired for them as for our selues 14. Against all vniust and vnrighteous dealing for bread gotten thus is not our owne and God is mocked whom wee pray to giue vs bread but in the meane season we thus carue for our selues vtterly against his will 15. Against prodigality and wastefull spending the goods of this world vpon vanity for must not the Lord needs be offended if comming to begge things necessary of him and receiuing we like wanton vntoward children cast them away againe No man but will haue indignation at such a beggar and rather let him starue then giue him any thing againe as the Prodigall in the Parable Seeing we pray against these things may wee at any time pray for them that being afflicted we may be humbled which in the time of our prosperity we will not be Expressely to pray for any affliction is to doe contrary to the first principles of nature which teacheth to pray for Answ To pray for affliction and to seeke all things that are good and to shunne and pray against all things that are euill and tend to the destruction thereof and therefore must needs be vnlawfull as it is vnlawfull voluntarily to hurt a mans owne body vnder what pretence soeuer For it is all one to pray for some hurt vnto the body and to doe it hurt the tongue being the instrument in the one case and the hand in the other in both a member of the body armed against the body 1. Cor. 9.7.2 Cor. 7.11 Secondly this is without precedent or other warrant except of superstitious persons who haue whipped themselues almost to the death or otherwise vnduly beaten downe their bodies to preuaile in the rash vow of chastity euen to the infeebling of themselues so that they haue been vnable to doe the workes of their callings and yet haue not preuailed being they had not the gift of continency Thirdly conditionally to pray for afflictions in the case of rebellion of the flesh if the Lord hath appointed this to be the meane of our mortification and bringing to sanctification and so to himselfe it is without doubt most lawfull and Christian for this is in effect to aske nothing but that which is good for vs. Whereas Saint Paul saith I beate downe my body and bring it in subiection c. And calling vpon the Corinthians for reuenge vpon themselues he meaneth not this vnnaturall violence offering to the body but denying of such things as whereby the body is pampered to sinne though otherwise lawfull in themselues which is the duty of vs all Whereas Saint Augustine saith Aug. tom 10. serm 181. Etsi
What we pray for preseruing vs from sin and damnation the first whereof is the spirit of grace for which we haue Dauids example Psalm 51. Establish me with thy free spirit This grace is threefold First light of vnderstanding of the holy Scriptures whereby we are made able to vse them as the sword of the spirit against our spirituall enemies We pray therfore Ephes 6.17 that when we are tempted we may be able to handle this weapon as our Lord did cutting off the weapons vsed against for sin 2. Stedfastnes of faith whereby as by a shield the fiery darts of the Deuill are repressed and kept from hurting vs which also is of vertue to purifie the heart 3. Patience in bearing any crosse or affliction whereby wee are tempted at any time that in stead of sinne the issue thereof may bee hope according to that of Paul Tribulation bringeth forth patience Rom. 5.3 patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the loue of God is shed abroad in our hearts 2. We pray for the helping hand of the Lord to turne euil into good vnto vs according to the experience of former times Rom. 8.28 Wee know that all things worke together for the best of those that loue God that are called of his purpose That in the middest of temptation wee may haue the comfort of the Apostle vnto whom praying against temptations it was answered My grace is sufficient for thee 2. Cor. 11.10 for my power is made perfect through weakenesse For though wee be tempted and euill be intended against vs yet the Lord who can raise light out of darkenesse can turne this very euill into good vnto vs whether it bee distraction of mind sicknesse of body priuation of any member or sinne it selfe And this he doth Euill turned into good how First by humiliation and casting vs downe vnder and for these things as Nebuchadnezzar the proudest and Saul the bloudiest persecutor yea when through the aboundance of reuelation hee was ready to bee exalted aboue measure hee hath a check hereby giuen vnto him to keepe him downe Secondly by alienating and estranging our affections from the world and worldly things whilest the Lord doth hereby mingle wormewood and gall as it were with them euen as nurses do towards their children to weane them from the dugge Psal 119.71 Thirdly by framing to more carefull obedience for the time to come as Dauid acknowledgeth Jt is good for me that I haue been afflicted that I may learne thy statutes euen as scholers that haue been beaten for their faults or spent their time passed negligently are afterwards the more carefull and industrious 1. Cor. 11 28. Fourthly euill is turned to our good by preuention the Lord punishing vs in this world that wee may escape in the world to come as the Apostle teacheth to the Corinthians 3. We pray for euerlasting life that God for his mercies sake would bestow this good of all goods vpon vs in regard of which all the things of this world are but as a messe of pottage as drosse and dung Heb. 12 16. Phil. 3.8 other things being common to the Reprobate and to Gods peculiar people this is the right of the first borne other things bringing a little ioy with much sorrow this infinite ioy free from all sorrow other things being temporall and momentary this eternall and euerlasting 3. The thanksgiuing is for Gods spirit of grace making vs in any measure to resist sinne and purging vs thereof for the good arising to vs by temptations for deliuerance from the punishments by our sinnes deserued and for part giuen vs in the inheritance immortall and most glorious So that Leade vs not into temptation is as much as if more expresely the deprecation and to euill insuing thereupon the supplication Giue grace that wee may not bee preuailed against but haue power to resist all temptations and be finally crowned with glory the thanksgiuing thou hast not led vs into temptation but assured vs of finall deliuerance from hell and death blessed be thy name therefore Quest 130. Wherefore serueth the Conclusion For thine is the Kingdome c Answ It is added as a reason of all the Petitions to strengthen our faith that God being both able and willing doth grant all our requests made vnto him in the name of Christ and therefore in the end we put to a note of confidence and say Amen Explan Here we haue also to be obserued the order the sense and the scope of this conclusion 1. For the order it followeth all the Petitions and containeth a kind of promise to giue glory to God and to bee thankfull our requests being granted whence wee learne that it is necessary to obserue the Lords dealing towards vs when wee haue called vpon his name how graciously he heareth and helpeth vs that out of a speciall apprehension of his former mercies wee may build assured confidence of future and be duely thankfull to his holy name Thus Dauid kept a Register of the Lords dealing towards him and is confident against the Giant Goliah and for thankfulnesse it is required as much as prayer Psal 50.14 Call vpon me in the time of trouble and I will heare and deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me thou shalt remember this as thy duty hauing receiued deliuerance to note it and to be thankfull Pray continually and in all things giue thanks thus did Moses 1. Thes 5.17 Deborah Barak Samson and all the faithfull The not obseruing of Gods mercies granted at our request blunts the edge of our zeale this way and causeth that the Lord hath none but a formall thanksgiuing at our hands which is abominable it maketh vs without confidence and feruency triuiall and idle in our prayers euen as an idiote or senseles man that hath not reason to know note and acknowledge his benefactors and such as doe for him 2. For the sense of the words Thine is the Kingdome that is both generall ouer the world and speciall ouer the Church and chosen neither is there any kingdome but is ruled by thee as by the supreme constitutor and appointer thereof and in this faith doe we pray vnto thee submitting our selues as thy subiects and liege people The power that is the Almighty power whereby thou art able to doe all things whatsoeuer thy people aske and beg of thee there is nothing out of thy power neither life nor death things present nor things to come no power can withstand thee either of men or Diuels but thou art able to doe for vs mauger them all wee are without all power and might in our selues to help our selues wee know not what to doe but our eyes wait vpon thee And the glory that is thou doest so moderate thy Kingdome and power doing good to all thy people that thou art the most glorious King and most excellent not strange to thy subiects suing vnto
thee but louing and ready to accept of them and to grant their suites thou shalt make thy glory to shine more and more by being beneficiall vnto vs thy faith and religion shall bee more esteemed and reuerenced and this will bee the end of all that thou doest for vs thine eternall praise yea we giue thee glory in confidence of thy goodnes promise due thankfulnesse and intend this in our desires aboue all things Amen wee verily belieue that it shall bee so and againe with all feruency begge O Lord let it bee so wherefore let vs not bee deceiued of our hope but do thou subscribe to our desires and say So be it 3. For the scope The reasons c●ntained in the conclusion it containeth sundry most strong reasons for the propping of our faith and assurance in our prayers 2 Sam. 24. First from the Kingdome of God A good King louing and kind to his subiects is easie to be intreated of them and is delighted with their life and welfare but thou art the best King of all we thy subiects who do craue nothing but things needfull for vs and tending to our welfare therefore thou wilt be intreated And the strength of the reason lyeth in the first part that a good King tendreth the good of his people which wee shall find to bee true in all good Kings and Rulers in Dauid who desired when the plague raged amongst his people Let thy hand Lord bee against mee and against my fathers house these sheepe what haue they done And in Samuel being vnkindly reiected by the people yet being in their danger desired to pray for them God forbid saith hee 1. Sam. 12. that I should sinne against the Lord and cease praying for you Yea some Heathen Kings haue excelled herein as Vespasian who was so delighted in doing good vnto his people as that if hee had let slippe any day without doing some speciall good for some man he would say O socii per didimus diem O fellowes wee haue lost a day This disposition therefore to doe good must needes bee much more in the best King of Kings at all times Secondly from the power of God wee haue this reason A King that wanteth no power to doe good vnto his subiects if he be good will assuredly doe for them in all their necessities but thou O Lord art such a powerfull King nothing can hinder or resist thy good pleasure Therefore thou wilt doe these things for vs. Euery part of this reason is euident for nothing but ability can hinder a mercifull Lord from doing for his humble seruants hee being Parens patriae the father of the country Matth. 6. and a father being so ready as the Lord sheweth to doe good vnto his children when they aske of him and as for this King his power is infinite he doth whatsoeuer it pleaseth him in heauen and earth hee is all-sufficient to defend Abraham in strange countries Iacob in Padam Aram Dauid in the wildernesse and Ionah in the whales belly wherefore we may build assured confidence of his mercy Psalm 19. Thirdly from the glory of God we haue this reason Hee that being a great King regarding his glory aboue al things will readily doe whatsoeuer may redound to his honour and glory but thou O God art thus regardfull of thy glory it being aboue all things tendred by thee therefore wee doubt not but thou wilt grant these things of which thou shalt haue so much glory The strength of this reason lieth in the second part that God doth principally regard his glory and that by granting our requests hee shall haue glory The first is plaine both by the most excellent workes of creation redemption c. which serue to manifest his glory according to that of the Psalmist The heauens declare the glory of God c. and according to that of the Apostle who speaking of Predestination and redemption Ephes 1.6 saith that it was to the praise of the glory of his grace And it is plaine also by his dealings honoring such as honour him and bringing downe such as take honour to themselues that hee onely may bee exalted in that day Againe that God hath glory by granting our requests appeareth for that our first and chiefe request is that God may bee glorified and our desire is by being heard in all our requests to haue matter of praysing and magnifying his holy name Fourthly from the eternity of these things for euer and euer wee may reason thus A most glorious and excellent King out of whose power nothing is who remaineth such for euer is euer alike graciously disposed to his subiects but God is a most glorious King and powerfull for euer in all times and ages alike and hath heretofore heard the requests of such as faithfully haue called vpon his name therefore he is still likewise ready to do for vs granting all our petitions The first part of this reason is plaine because that he to whom no change is incident the case being alwaies alike cannot be changeable in his grace and fauour The second part is also euident for God is hee Reuel 1.8 Heb. 13.8 which is which was and which is to come yea Iesus Christ is the same yesterday and to day and for euer Now for his grace in times past and readines to heare the prayers of such as haue faithfully called vpon him no age hath been without large testimony Iacob prayed in his distresse and was heard so that of a man naked and destitute hee was made rich and had great droues of cattell Iehosaphat prayed and had victory ouer his enemies when he knew not what to doe sundry diseased possessed and blind persons both in body and soule prayed and were healed and had their sinnes pardoned wherefore wee need not to doubt but that we also are heard in our desires Fifthly from our confidence expressed in the last word Amen we may reason thus The Lord will grant vnto vs whatsoeuer we belieue shall be granted when we aske but we belieue when we aske these Petitions for we say Amen in hart verily wee are perswaded that it shall bee so therfore they are granted Marke 9.23 The first part of this reason it is the saying of our Lord Whatsoeuer yee aske if yee belieue it shall bee done vnto you for the second if wee dissemble not but haue our heart going with our tongue wee doe belieue and therefore are the more confident to speed of our desires But more especially of these reasons The first hath reference to the second Petition the second to the third the third to the first the fourth to the fourth and fift the fift to the last Petition From hence arise these two conclusions First that they which learne aright to pray are most happy and blessed they build good speed and successe in all their designes vpon the surest foundation in the world the Kingdome power glory eternity and fidelity of
the Lord and therefore as these shall not faile so shall not their labours in prayer and supplication In any attempt without this there is none assurance the builder watch-man seeds-man build watch and cast seede vpon the ground in vaine in vaine are barnes pulled downe and made greater and fruits and goods heaped vp without profit only he that maketh faithfull praiers doth it not in vaine Let euery man then apply himselfe to this exercise and learne to doe it aright by the perusing and due consideration of these and the like meditations Secondly as the first beginning of all things is from God so their end also is in him to set forth his Kingdome power and glorie for euer and therefore it shall bee our wisedome in all things alwaies to respect God to come to him to walke with him as Enoch did and with Dauid say in all things Not vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy name we giue the glory If we aime at any other thing we shall be disappointed if wee go from God and haue not him in our waies whither we will or not we shall be brought vnto him hills and mountaines laid vpon vs shall not couer vs but we must inpure his angry presence and as from a most seuere Iudge receiue our iust doome Goe yee cursed into hell fire prepared for the Deuill and his Angels and euen by this will he haue glory Of the Sacraments Quest 131. THe benefits being shewed which we are to craue at Gods hands by Praier what further meanes haue wee for the better assuring to our soules the promises of all spirituall blessings in Christ Answ The Sacraments of the new Testament which are the pledges of the Couenant betweene God and his people Explan In prayer there being implied our wants and desires and the temporall and spirituall benefits mentioned which wee are in faith and feruency to begge at the hand of our heauenly father in the next place it is a great comfort to consider how God hath condescended to our weakenesse in affording a kind of palpable obiect to the hand of our faith by outward elements making a sensible assurance of those most spirituall graces and dignities which by prayer wee shoote at as at a marke set a farre off and more insensibly and abstractly perceiued Prayer indeed giueth wings to the soule and maketh it mount vp to heauen and there conuerse as in a glorious Citie but not so knowne and familiar to vs by natiue acquaintance but the Sacraments bring heauen downe to vs here on earth and represent vnto vs more domestically spirituall graces cloathed in tractable elements In prayer we see God yet at a distance and through the prospectiue glasse of faith but in the Sacraments we handle him as it were immediately yet so that our outward senses tarrie not at home as dull schollers in the schoole of nature only but trauell vp to the highest mount of spirituall meditation and therein the language of faith the true Teach-man of the Christian soule haue enter-course with that which naturall elements cannot reach vnto but as they are eleuated by supernaturall signification O the vnspeakable goodnes of our God who vouchsafeth thus to draw vs to him by the cords of man and to stoope downe to vs in conuersation and communicating himselfe vnder the habit of externall Sacraments It was not enough for him to make a couenant with the soule of man vpon spirituall conditions but he would also giue our bodily sences a part to act and an obiect to worke vpon The blessed and blessing Couenant of grace made with vs in the Charter of the Gospell hath the broad seale of Heauen set vnto it for the more sensible confirmation As the Counsellors and Gouernours of Darius his Kingdome Dan. 6. desired the King to seale the writing being assured that so it should be firme and vnchangeable so the Christian soule hauing obtained this mercy to haue the promise of grace made in the Word sealed by the Sacraments is more ascertained that it shall remaine vnchangeable as the lawes of the Medes and Persians that altar not Quest How many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his Church Answ Two onely as generally necessary to saluation that is to say Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. Explan Hauing supplied some questions and answers betwixt the Lords prayer and the Sacraments which may serue as an introduction to the Sacraments it remaineth now to proceed to the handling of the Sacraments according to the patterne of the Catechisme propounded first in generall touching the number and nature of Sacraments then in speciall and particular of either of them The Papists make seuen Sacraments Baptisme the Eucharist Pennance Ordination Matrimony Confirmation and Extreame Vnction Their reasons are chiefely because in Ierom s translation some of these are stiled Sacram●nta and because seuen is a sacred number both in the old and new Testament there are seuen Angels seuen Trumpets seuen Vials seuen Thunders c. Therefore say they there are seauen Sacraments August serm de sanct 19. Ieron ad occanum But how weak a reasoning this is who seeth not for admit that so many things as are named Sacraments are Sacraments indeed then we shal haue not seuen only but seuenteene Sacraments seeing so many things more are called Sacraments Tertullian calleth the helme wherewith Elishah recouered the axe out of the water Sacramentum ligni The Sacrament of the wood the whole state of the Christian faith hee calleth The Sacrament of the Christian Religion Augustine hath in many places Sacramentum Crucis The Sacrament of the Crosse Ierome calleth martyrdome a Sacrament c. Wherefore all Sacraments by the ancients so called are not properly Sacraments but some signifying or memorable mysteries Sacraments of which there be many Againe for the number of seauen Angels c It is too childish to be insisted vpon as a ground of proofe I intend not here to handle at large the controuersies concerning the number formes and power of the Sacraments I will only for the confining the number of them set downe the conditions requirable in a Sacrament of the new Testament properly so called It must haue first for the originall cause Christ instituting secondly for the matter and forme a visible signe or element and audible forme of words So Saint Augustine ●●●ced et verbum ad elementum fit sacramentum where is to be vnderstood that as this word so also this outward element and kind of action must be prescribed by God not inuented by man Thirdly for the end and benefit of it it is a seale of sauing graces And lastly for the extent of it it must be common and necessary to all Christians of what degree soeuer at one time or other Now of the fiue latter reckoned by the Church of Rome for Sacraments Matrimony hath none of all these conditions It is Gods ordinance but in and by nature not grace Christ prescribed