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A06492 A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians first collected and gathered vvord by vvord out of his preaching, and novv out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the vnlearned. Wherein is set forth most excellently the glorious riches of Gods grace ...; In epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas commentarius. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546. 1575 (1575) STC 16965; ESTC S108973 590,302 574

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Scriptures of the Fathers Prophetes and Kings how they wrought righteousnes raised vp the deade ouercame kingdomes thou must remember that these and such like sayinges are to be expounded as the Epistle to the Hebrewes expoundeth them that is By faith they vvrought righteousnes by faith they raised vp the deade by faith they subdued Kinges and kingedomes So that faith incorporateth the worke and geueth it his perfection And this the aduersaries if they be wel in their wittes can not denye neyther haue they any thinge to saye or obiecte againste it In deede they can cry out that the scripture speaketh oftentimes of doing and walking And we alwaies aunswer them againe that it speaketh also of faithful Doing For first reason must be lightened by faith before it can worke Now when it hath a true opinion and knowledge of God then is the worke incarnate and incorporate into it so that what soeuer is attributed to faith is afterwardes attributed to works also but yet because of faith onely and alone Wherfore in reading of the Scriptures we must learn to put a difference betwene the true and the hypocriticall the morall and the spiritual Doing of the law So shall we be able to declare the true meaning of all those places which seeme to maintaine the righteousnes of works Now the true Doing of the law is a faithfull and a spirituall Doing which he hath not that seeketh righteousnes by works Therfore euery Doer of the law and euery holy morall worker is accursed For he walketh in the presumption of his owne righteousnes against God whiles he wil be iustified by mans free wil reason so in doing of the law he doth it not And this according to Paule is to be vnder the workes of the law that is to say that hypocrites do the law and yet in doing it they do it not for they vnderstād this word Doing according to the literal sense of the law which in true Christian diuinitie is nothing worth In deede they worke many things but in the presumptiō of their owne righteousnes and without the knowledge of God and faith as the Pharise did Luke 18. and as Paule did before his conuersion therfore they are blind and miserably erre and so remaine vnder the Curse Wherefore againe I admonish you that such sentences as the aduersaries doe alledge out of the scriptures concerning workes and rewards therof must be spiritually expounded As if they alledge this sentence out of Daniel .4 chap. Redeeme thy sinnes by almes deedes thou must not here expounde these wordes after the morall sense but after the meaning of the Gospell So shall thou see that this word Redeme signifieth no moral but a spirituall Doing that is to say it comprehēdeth faith For in the Scriptures the worke as I haue said requireth also a good will and right iudgement of reason to goe before not morall as they would haue it but diuine and spirituall which is faith By this meanes thou shalt be able to stoppe the mouthes of these peuish Sophisters For they them selues are compelled to graunt and so they teach also out of Aristotle that euery good worke procedeth out of mans choise or free will. If this be true in Philosophie much more must this good will and righte iudgement of reason guided by faith goe before the worke in Diuinitie and diuine matters And this doe all wordes of the imperatiue mode that is all such wordes as are commaūding signifie in the Scriptures all such words also as teach the lawe as the Epistle to the Hebrewes doth plainly declare By Faith Abel offred c. Now admit the case that this solution is not sufficient although it be in deede most sure and certaine yet notwithstanding let this be the argument of all arguments and the principall mirrour of Christians to beholde against all the tentations and obiections not onely of the aduersaries but also of the Deuill him selfe namely to apprehend and to holde fast the head which is Christ Moreouer admitte that the Sophisters being more craftie and subtill then I should so snare and entangle me with their arguments which they bring for the maintenaunce of workes against Faith that I should knowe no way how to wynde my selfe out which notwithstanding is impossible for them to doe yet wil I rather geue reuerence and credite to Christ alone then be perswaded with all the places they are able to alledge for the establishing of the righteousnes of works against the docrine of Faith. Wherfore they must be simply and plainly aunswered after this māner Here is Christ there are the testimonies of the Scripture touching the law and works Now Christ is the Lord of the Scripture and of all works He also is Lord of heauen the earth the Saboth the temple righteousnes life wrath sinne death generally of all things whatsoeuer And Paule his Apostle sheweth that he was made sinne and became accursed for me I heare then that I coulde by no other meanes be deliuered from my sinne my death and my malediction but by his death and bloudsheeding Wherefore I conclude that it properly appertained to Christ him selfe to ouercome my sinne death and malediction in his owne body and not to the workes of the law or mine owne workes And herevnto reason is constrained to agree and say that Christe is not the worke of the lawe or my worke that his bloud and death is not circumcision the obseruation of the ceremonies of the lawe and much lesse a Monkes cowle a shauen crowne abstinence vowes and such like Wherefore if he be the price of my redemption if he be made sinne and malediction that he might iustifie me and blesse me I care not if thou bring a thousand places of the Scripture for the righteousnes of workes against the righteousnes of Faith and crie out neuer so much that the Scripture is against me I haue the author and Lorde of the scripture with me on whose side I will rather stand then beleue all the rablemente of Lawworkers and meritemongers Albeit it is impossible that the Scripture should be against this doctrine vnlesse it be among the senseles and indurate hypocrites but among the godly and such as haue vnderstanding it geueth witnesse for Iesus Christ his lord See therfore how thou canst reconcile the Scripture which thou sayest is against my doctrine As for me I will sticke to the author of the Scripture Therefore if any man thinketh himselfe not well able to reconcile such places of the Scripture or aunswer vnto the same sufficiently and yet notwithstanding is constrained to heare the obiections and cauillations of the aduersaries let him aunswere simply and plainely after this sorte Thou settest against me the seruaunte that is to say the scripture and that not wholy neither yet the principall parte thereof but onely certaine places as touching workes This seruaunte I leaue vnto thee But I come with the
wise belongeth vnto faith because the lawe is not the promise But faith resteth onely vpon the promise Wherefore as there is a difference betwene the lawe and the promise so is there also betwene workes and faith And therefore that glose of the Scholemen is wicked and false which ioyneth the law with faith yea rather it quēcheth faith and setteth the law in the place of faith And here note that Paule alwaies speaketh of such as would do the law morally and not according to the Gospell But whatsoeuer is said of good workes according to the meaning of the Gospell the same is attributed to faith alone Verse 12. But the man that shall doe those things shal liue in them I take this clause to be spoken by way of derision And yet I denye not but that it may be also expounded morally to wit that they which doe the law ciuilly and externally that is without faith shal liue in it that is to witt they shall not be punished but shall haue corporall rewardes through it But I vnderstand this place generally as I doe that saying of Christ Doe this and thou shalt liue so that a man may take it to be spoken in manner of a taunt or derision Now Paule here goeth about to shew what is the very true righteousnes of the law and of the Gospell The righteousnes of the law is to fulfill the law according to that saying He that shall doe those things shall liue in them The righteousnes of faith is to beleue according to that saying The righteous man doth liue by faith The law therfore requireth that we should yeeld somwhat vnto god But faith requireth no works of vs or that we should geue any thing vnto God but that we beleuing the promise of God should receaue of him Therfore the office of the law in his highest perfection is to worke as the office of faith is to assent vnto the promises For faith is the faith of the promise and the worke is the worke of the law Paule therefore standeth vpon this worde Doing and that he may plainly shew what is the confidence of the lawe and what is the confidence of workes he compareth the one with the other the promise with the law and faith with workes He saith that of the law ther cometh nothing els but only Doing but faith is a cleane contrary thing namely that which receaueth and holdeth the promise Fye vpon these Sophisters therfore with their cursed glose and with their blinde distinction of faith formed and vnformed For these newe forged termes faith formed faith vnformed faith gottē by mans industry and such like are very monsters of the Deuil inuented to no other ende but to deface and destroy the true Christian doctrine and faith to blaspheme and to treade downe Christe and to establishe the righteousnes of workes In deede workes must follow faith but faith must not be workes or workes faith but the limites and kingedomes both of the law or workes and of faith must be rightly distinguished the one from the other When we beleue therefore then doe we liue simply by faith in Christ who is without sinne who is also our couerture our propitiation and remission of sinnes Contrarywise when we doe the lawe we worke in deede but we haue not righteousnes nor life For the office of the law is not to make righteous and to geue life but to shew forth sinne and to destroy In deede the lawe saith He that shall doe these thinges shall liue in them But where is he which doth the lawe that is which loueth God with all his hearte and his neighbour as himselfe Therefore no man doth the lawe and although he goe about to doe it neuer so much yet in doing it he doth it not therefore he abideth vnder the Curse But faith worketh not but beleueth in Christ the Iustifier Therefore a man liueth not because of his doing but because of his beleuing But a faithfull man performeth the lawe and that which he doth not is forgeuen him through the remission of sinnes for Christes sake and that which is remaining is not imputed vnto him Paule therefore in this place and in the tenth chapter to the Romaines compareth the righteousnes of the lawe and of faith together where he saith He that shall doe those thinges shall liue in them As though he would say It were indeede a goodly matter if we could accomplish the law but because no man doth it we must flie vnto Christ vvho is the ende of the lavve to righteousnes to euery one that beleueth He vvas made vnder the lavve that he might redeeme vs that vvere vnder the lavve Beleuing in him we receaue the holy Ghost and we begin to doe the lawe and that which we doe not is not imputed vnto vs because of our faith in Christ But in the life to come we shall no more haue neede of faith For then we shall not see darkely through a glasse as we now doe but we shall see face to face that is to say there shall be a most glorious brightnes of the eternall Maiestie in which we shall see God euen as he is There shall be a true and a perfect knowledge and loue of God a perfect light of reason and a good wil not such a morall and philosophicall will as the popish Scholemen dreame of but an heauenly diuine and eternall will. Here in the meane time in spirite by faith we looke for the hope of righteousnes Contrariwise they that seeke forgeuenes of sinnes by the lawe and not by Christ doe neuer performe the lawe but abide vnder the Curse Paule therefore calleth them onely righteous which are iustified through the promise or through faith in the promise without the lawe Wherefore they that are of the workes of the lawe and will seeme to doe the lawe doe it not For the Apostle simply concludeth that all they which are of the workes of the lawe are vnder the Curse vnder the which they shoulde not be if they fulfilled the lawe In deede it is true that a man doing the workes of the law shall liue in them that is shall be blessed but such a one can not be founde Now seeing there is a double vse of the lawe the one politike and the other sptrituall he that will vnderstande this sentence ciuilly may doe it after this sorte He that shall doe those thinges shall liue in them that is if a man obey the magistrate outwardly and in the politike gouernment he shall auoid punishment and death For the ciuill magistrate hath no power ouer him This is the politike vse of the lawe which serueth to bridle those that are rude and vntractable But Paule here speaketh not of this vse but entreateth of this place like a Diuine therefore there is a condition necessarily included As if he saide If men could keepe the lawe they should be
Also they know that they haue an euerlastīg righteousnes which they wait for through hope as a certaine and sure possession laid vp for them in heauen euen when they feele the horrible terrours of sinne and death Moreouer that they are then Lordes of all things when they are most destitute of all things according to that saying hauing nothing and yet possessing all things This sayeth the Scripture is to conceaue comfort through hope But this cunning is not learned without great and often tentations Verse 6. For in Iesus Christe neither circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but Faith vvhich vvorketh by loue That is to say Faith which is not fained nor hypocritical but true and liuely This is that faith which exerciseth requireth good works through loue It is as much to say as He that will be a true Christian in deede or one of Christes kingdom must be a true beleuer Now he beleueth not truely if workes of charitie folow not his Faith. So on both hands as well on the right hand as on the left he shutteth hypocrites out of Christes kingdom On the left hand he shutteth out the Iewes and all such as will worke their owne saluation saying In Christ neither circumcision that is to say no works no seruice no worshipping no kinde of life in the world but faith without any trust in works or merites auaileth before god On the right hand he shutteth out all slouthfull and idle persons which say if faith iustifie without works then let vs worke nothing but let vs onely beleue and doe what we list Not so ye enemies of grace Paule sayeth otherwise And although it be true that onely faith iustifieth yet he speaketh here of Faith in an other respect that is to say that after it hath iustified it is not idle but occupied and exercised in working through loue Paule therfore in this place setteth forth the whole life of a Christian man namely that inwardly it consisteth in faith towards God and outwardly in charitie and good works towardes our neighbour So that a man is a perfect Christ an inwardly through faith before God who hath no neede of our workes and outwardly before men to whom our Faith profiteth nothing but our charitie or our works Therfore when we haue heard or vnderstād of this forme of Christian life to witte that it is faith and charitie as I haue sayd it is not yet declared what Faith or what charitie is for this is an other question For as touching faith or the inward nature force and vse of Faith he hath spoken before Where he shewed that it is our righteousnes or rather our iustification before god Here he ioyneth it with charitie and workes that is to say he speaketh of the externall office thereof which is to stirre vs vp to doe good workes and to bring forth in vs the frutes of charitie to the profite of our neighbour Verse 7. Ye did runne vvell vvho did let you that ye did not obey the truth These are plaine wordes Paule affirmeth that he teacheth them the truth and the selfe same thing that he taught them before and that they ranne well so long as they obeyed the truth that is they beleued and liued rightly but now they did not so since they were misled by the false apostles Moreouer he vseth here a new kinde of speech in calling the Christian life a course or a race For among the Hebrues to runne or to walke signifieth as much as to liue or to be conuersant The teachers doe runne when they teach purely and the hearers or learners doe runne when they receaue the word with ioy and when the frutes of the spirite doe folow Which thing was done as long as Paule was present as he witnessed before in the third and fourth chap. And here he sayeth Ye did runne vvell that is to say all things went forward well and happely among you ye liued very well ye went on the right way to euerlasting life which the word of God promised you c. These wordes Ye did runne vvell containe in them a singuler comfort This tentation oftentimes exerciseth the godly that their life seemeth vnto them to be rather a certaine slow creeping then a running But if they abide in sound doctrine and walke in the spirite lette this nothing trouble them thoughe their doings seeme to goe slowly forward or rather to creepe God iudgeth farre otherwise For that which seemeth vnto vs to be very slow scarsely to creepe runneth swiftly in Gods sight Againe that which is to vs nothing els but sorrow mourning and death is before God ioy mirth true happines Therfore Christ sayth Blessed are ye that mourne vveepe for ye shal receaue cōfort ye shall laugh c. All things shall turne to the best to them which beleue in the sonne of God be it sorrow or be it death it selfe Therefore they be true runners in deede and whatsoeuer they doe it runneth well goeth happely forward by the furtherance of Gods spirite which can not skill of slow procedings Verse 7. VVho did let you that you did not obey the truth They are hindred in this course which fall away from Faith and grace to the lawe and workes as it hapned to the Galathians being misled and seduced by the false apostles whom he couertly reprehendeth with these wordes vvho did let you that ye did not obey the truth In like maner he sayd before in the third Chap. vvho hath bevvitched you that ye should not obey the truth And here Paule sheweth by the way that men are so strongly bewitched with false doctrine that they embrace lies heresies in the sted of the truth and spirituall doctrine And on the other side they say and sweare that the sound doctrine which before they loued is erroneous that their errour is sound doctrine maintaining and defending the same with all their power Euen so the false apostles brought the Galathians which ranne well at the beginning into this opinion to beleue that they erred and went very slowly forward when Paule was their teacher But afterwardes they being seduced by the false apostles and falling cleane away from the truth were so strongly bewitched with their false perswasion that they thought them selues to be in an happie state and that they ranne very well The same hapneth at this day to such as are seduced by the Sectaries and fantasticall spirits Therfore I am wont to say that falling in doctrine cometh not of man but of the Deuil and is most perillous to witte euen from the high heauen to the bottom of hell For they that continue in errour are so farre of from acknowledging their sinne that they maintaine the same to be high righteousnes Wherfore it is vnpossible for them to obtaine pardon Verse 8. It is not the persvvasion of him that calleth you This is a great consolation and a singulare doctrine whereby
therof as the childe of Adam where the law accuseth me death reigneth ouer me and at length will deuoure me But I haue an other righteousnesse and life aboue this life which is Christ the sonne of God who knoweth no sinne nor death but is righteousnesse and life eternall by whome this my body being dead and brought into dust shal be raised vp againe and deliuered from the bondage of the lawe and sinne and shal be sanctified together with the spirite So bothe these continue whilest we heere liue The flesh is accused exercised with temptations oppressed with heauinesse and sorrowe brused by this actiue righteousnesse of the law but the spirit reigneth reioyceth and is saued by this passiue and christian righteousnesse because it knoweth that it hath a Lord in heauen at the right hand of his father who hath abolished the law sinne death and hath troden vnder his feete all euils led them captiue and triumphed ouer them in him selfe Coloss 2.15 S. Paule therfore in this Epistle goeth about diligētly to instruct vs to comfort vs to holde vs in the perfect knowledge of this most excellent and christian righteousnesse For if the article of Iustification be once lost then is all true christian doctrine lost And as many as are in the world that holde not this doctrine are either Iewes Turkes Papists or heretikes For betwene the righteousnesse of the law and the christian righteousnesse there is no meane He then that strayeth from this christian righteousnesse must needes fall into the righteousnesse of the law that is to say when he hath lost Christ he must fall into the confidence of his owne workes Therfore doe we so often repeate and so earnestly set forthe this doctrine of Faith or Christian righteousnesse that by this meanes it may be kept in continuall exercise and may be plainly discerned from the actiue righteousnesse of the law Otherwise we shall neuer be able to holde the true diuinitie for by this onely doctrine that Church is built and in this it consisteth but by by we shall either become Canonists obseruers of Ceremonies obseruers of the law or papists and Christ so darkened that none in the Churche shall be either rightly taught or comforted Wherfore if we will be teachers and leaders of other it behoueth vs to haue a great care of these matters and to marke well this distinction betweene the righteousnesse of the law and the righteousnesse of Christ And this distinction is easie to be vttered in wordes but in vse and experience it is very hard althoughe it be neuer so diligently exercised and practised for that in the houre of death or in other agonies of the conscience these two sortes of righteousnesse do encoūter more nere together then thou wouldest wishe or desire Wherfore I doe admonishe you especially such as shall become instructers and guiders of consciences and also euery one apart that ye exercise your selues continually by studie by reading by meditation of the worde and by prayer that in the time of temptation ye may be able to instruct and comfort bothe your owne consciences and others and to bring them from the law to grace from the actiue and working righteousnesse to the passiue and receiued righteousnesse and to conclude from Moises to Christ For the deuill is wont in affliction and in the cōflict of conscience by the law to make vs afraide and to lay against vs the conscience of sinne our wicked life past the wrathe and iudgement of God hell and eternall death that by this meanes he may driue vs to desperation make vs bondslaues to him selfe plucke vs from Christ Furthermore he is wont to set against vs those places of the gospell wherin Christ him selfe requireth workes of vs with plaine wordes threatneth danmation to those that doe them not Nowe if here we be not able to iudge betwene these two kinds of righteousnes if we take not hould of Christ by fayth sitting at the right hand of God who maketh intercession vnto the father for vs miserable sinners then are we vnder the lawe and not vnder grace and Christ is no more a Sauiour but a lawe geuer so that now there remaineth no more saluation but certaine desperation and euerlasting death except repentance follow Let vs then diligently learne to iudge betwene these two kindes of righteousnes that we may know how farre we ought to obey the law Now we haue sayd before that that law in a Christian ought not to passe his bounds but ought to haue dominion onely vpon the flesh which is in subiection vnto it remaineth vnder the same When it is thus the lawe is kept within his bounds But if it shall presume to creepe into thy conscience there seeke to raigne see thou play the cunning Logician and make true diuision Geue no more to the lawe then is conuenient but say thou O lawe thou wouldest clime vp into the kingdome of my conscience and there reigne and reproue it of sinne and wouldest take from me the ioy of my hart which I haue by faith in Christ and driue me to desperation that I might be without all hope and vtterly perish This thou doest besides thine office keepe thy selfe within thy boundes and exercise thy power vpon the fleshe but touch not my conscience for I am baptised by the gospell am called to the pertaking of righteousnes of euerlasting life to the kingdome of Christ wherin my conscience is at rest where no law is but altogither forgeuenes of sinnes peace quietnes ioy health and euerlasting life Trouble me not in these matters for I will not suffer thee so intollerable a tyrante and cruell tormenter to reigne in my conscience for it is the seate and temple of Christ the sonne of God who is the King of righteousnes peace and my most sweete Sauiour and Mediatour he shall keepe my conscience ioyfull and quiet in the sound and pure doctrine of the gospell and in the knowledge of this Christian heauenly righteousnes When I haue this righteousnes reigning in my hart I descend from heauen as the raine making frutefull the earth that is to say I come forth into an other kingdome and I doe good workes how and whensoeuer occasion is offered If I be a minister of the word I preach I comfort the broken harted I administer the sacraments If I be a housholder I gouerne my house and my family I bringe vp my children in the knowledge feare of god If I be a magistrate the charge that is geuen me from aboue I diligently execute If I be a seruant I doe my masters busines faithfully To conclude whosoeuer he be that is assuredly persuaded that Christ is his righteousnes he doth not only chearefully and gladly worke well in his vocation but also submitteth him selfe through loue to the magistrates and to their lawes yea though they be seuere sharpe and cruell and if necessitie doe so
this article as concerning faith in Christ to be reuealed that I may touch this also by the way is very necessary to be knowne For seing that Christ is now reueiled we cā not be saued by faith in Christ to come but we must beleue that he is already come hath fulfilled all things and abolished the lawe Therfore necessary it was also that Cornelius should be brought to an other beliefe not that Christ was yet to come as he did beleue before but that he was already come So faith geueth place to faith From faith to faith Rom. 1. The popish Scholemen therfore are deceaued when they say for the maintenaunce of their opus congruum or merite before grace that Cornelius by the natural and morall works of reason attained grace forgeuenes of the holy Ghost For to be a iust man fearing God are the properties not of a Gentile or of a naturall man but of a spirituall man who hath faith already For if he should not beleue in God and feare God he could not hope to obtaine any thing of him by his prayer The first commendation therfore that Luke geueth vnto Cornelius is this that he is a righteous man and fearing God then afterwards he commendeth him for his works and almes deedes This our aduersaries do not consider but they lay hold only vpon this sentence and it they maintaine with toth and naile that he gaue almes vnto the poore For that seemeth to make for the establishing of their merite of congruence or desert going before grace But first of all the person or the tree must be commēded and then the works the frute Cornelius is a good tree for he is righteous and feareth God therefore he bringeth forth good frute he geueth almes he calleth vpon God these frutes please God because of his faith Wherfore the angell cōmendeth Cornelius for his faith in Christ which was yet to come and bringeth him from that faith to an other faith in Christ which is already come whē he saith Call for Simon vvhose surname is Peter he shall tell thee vvhat thou oughtest to doe c. Like as then Cornelius was without the law before Christ was reueiled euen so after Christ was reueiled he receaued neither the law nor circumcision And as he kept not the law before so did he not keepe it afterwards This argument therfore concludeth strongly Cornelius was iustified without the law therfore the law iustifieth not Naaman the Syrian Likewise Naaman the Syrian was no doubt a good and a godly man and had a religious and a reuerēt opinion of god And although he was a Gentile belonged not to the kingdome of Moses which thē florished yet notwithstanding his flesh was clensed and the God of Israell was reueiled vnto him and he receaued the holy Ghost For thus he saith Now I knovv assuredly that ther is no other God in all the vvorld but in Israell He doth nothing at all he kepeth not the law he is not circumcised but onely he praieth that so much of that earth might be geuen vnto him as two mules shoulde be able to carie away Moreouer it appeareth that faith was not idle in him For so he speaketh to the Prophet Heliseus Thy seruaunt vvill henceforth neither offer burnt sacrifice nor offering vnto any other God sauing the Lorde But in this thinge the Lord be mercifull vnto thy seruaunte that vvhen my master goeth into the house of Rimmón to vvorship there and leaneth on my hand and I bovve my selfe in the house of Rimmón vvhen I doe bovv dovvne I say in the house of Rimmón the Lord be mercifull to thy seruaunt in this point To vvhom the prophet saith Go in peace So was he iustified The Iew hearing this freateth for anger and saith What should the Gentile be iustified without the keeping of the law Should he be compared with vs which are circumcised The Gentiles iustified without the law euen when the law and policy of Moses was yet in force Therfore God long before when the kingdome of Moses was yet standing and florishing did shew that he iustifieth men without the law as in deede he iustified many kings in Egypt in Babylon also Iob and many other nations of the East Moreouer Niniuie a greate Citie was iustified and receaued the promise of God that it should not be destroyed but should be preserued By what meanes Not because it heard fulfilled the law but because it beleued the word of God which the prophet Ionas preached For so saith the prophet And the Niniuites beleued God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackecloth that is they repented Our aduersaries doe craftely skippe ouer these words They beleued and yet the effect of altogether resteth therein Thou readest not in Ionas And the Niniuites receaued the lawe of Moses were circumcised offered vp sacrifice fulfilled the works of the law but beleuing the word they repented in sackecloth and ashes This was done before Christ was reueiled when as yet that faith reigned which beleeued in Christ that was to come If then the Gentiles were iustified without the law receaued secretly the holy Ghost when the policie of the lawe was yet in force why now should the lawe be required as necessary for the obtaining of righteousnes which by the comming of Christ is already abolished This is therfore a sure and a strong argument grounded vpon the experience of the Galathians VVhether receaued ye the holy ghost by the vvorks of the lavv or by the hearing of faith preached For they were compelled to graunt that they heard nothing of the holy ghost before the preaching of Paule but when he preached the Gospel then receaued they the holy Ghost So we also at this day conuicted by the testimony of our owne conscience are cōstrained to cōfesse that the holy ghost is not geuen by the law but by the hearinge of faith For many heretofore in Poperie haue gone about with great labour and studie to keepe the law the decrees of the fathers and the traditions of the Pope and some with painfull and continuall exercises in watching fasting and praying c. did so weare and consume their bodies that they were able to sustaine no labour wherby notwithstanding they gained nothing els but that they miserably afflicted and tormented them selues They could neuer attaine to this to haue a quiet conscience and peace in Christ but continually they doubted of Gods good will towards them But now since the Gospel teacheth that the law and works iustifie not but faith alone in Iesus Christ there followeth a most certaine knowledge and vnderstanding a most ioyfull conscience and true iudgement of euery kinde of life and of all things els whatsoeuer The beleuing man may now easily iudge that the Papacy with all the orders and traditions thereof is wicked which before he could not do For so great blindenes raingned in the world
throughout the whole world Therefore whatsoeuer is without that Blessing is accursed And this Paul sheweth plainly when he sayth Verse 10. For as many as are of the vvorks of the lavv are accursed Here ye see that the Curse is as it were a floude swallowing vp whatsoeuer is without Abraham that is to say without faith and the promise of the Blessing of Abraham Now if the law it selfe geuen by Moses at the cōmaūdement of God maketh them subiect to the Curse which are vnder it much more shall the lawes and traditions deuised by mans braine doe the same He therefore that will auoid the Curse must lay hold vpon the promise of Blessing or vpon the faith of Abraham or els shall he abide vnder the Curse Vpon this place therefore shal be blessed in thee it followeth that all nations whether they were before Abraham in his time or after him are accursed shall remaine vnder the Curse for euer vnlesse they be blessed in the faith of Abraham vnto whom the promise of Blessing was geuen to be published by his seede throughout the whole world To know these things it is very necessary for they helpe greatly to comfort troubled and afflicted consciences moreouer they teach vs to separate the righteousnes of Faith from the righteousnes of the flesh or ciuill righteousnes For we must note that Paule here is in hande not with a matter of policie but with a matter diuine and spirituall before God lest any mad braine should cauill and say that he curseth and cōdemneth politike lawes and Magistrates Here all the Sophisters and popish Scholemen are dumme and can say nothing Therefore the readers must be admonished that in this place ther is nothing handled as touching ciuill lawes or touching manners and matters politicall which are the ordinaunces of God and good thinges and the scripture elsewhere approueth and commendeth the same but of a spirituall righteousnes by which we are iustified before God and are called the children of God in the kingdom of heauen To be briefe there is nothing handled here concerning the bodily life but concerding euerlasting life where no blessing is to be hoped for or righteousnes to be sought either through the law or traditions or whatsoeuer can be named in this life besides the promise of Abrahams Blessing Let ciuill lawes and ordinaunces abide in their right place and order let the magistrate make good and notable lawes yet notwithstanding they deliuer no man from the Curse of Gods law The kingdome of Babylon ordained of God and by him committed vnto Kings had excellent lawes and all nations were commaunded to obey them notwithstanding this obedience of the lawes did not saue it from the Curse of the lawe of god In like manner we obey the lawes of Princes and magistrates but we are not thereby made righteous before God For here we are in an other matter It is not without cause that I doe so earnestly vrge this distinction For it is very necessary to knowe it Albeit there are very fewe that doe marke it and vnderstand it in deede Againe the confounding and mingling together of the heauenly and ciuill righteousnes is very easie In the ciuill righteousnes we must haue regarde to lawes and workes but in the spirituall diuine and heauenly righteousnes we must vtterly reiect all lawes and workes and set the onely promise and Blessing before our eies which layeth before vs Christ the geuer of this Blessing and of grace and our onely Sauiour So that this spirituall righteousnes secluding the law and all workes looketh only vnto the grace and blessing which is geuen by Christ as it was promised to Abraham and of him beleued Hereby we may plainely see that this argument is inuincible For if we must hope to receaue this blessing by Christ alone then it must needes followe of the contrary that it is not receaued by the law For the blessing was geuen to faithful Abraham before the law and without the law Now like as Abraham beleued in Christ to come the geuer of the Blessing so and by the same faith we beleue in Christ being come and so are we now iustified by faith as Abraham was then iustied by faith They therfore which are vnder the lawe are not blessed but doe remaine vnder the Curse This the Pope and his proude Prelates neither doe nor can beleue neither can they abide this doctrine Yet must we not holde our peace but must cōfesse the truth and say that the Papacie is accursed yea all the lawes and ciuill ordinaunces of the Emperour are accursed For according to Paule whatsoeuer is without the promise and faith of Abraham is accursed When our aduersaries heare this by and by they peruert and sclaūder our words as though we taught that the Magistrates should not be honoured but that we raise vp seditions against the Emperour that we condemne all lawes that we ouerthrow and destroy common weales c. But they doe vs greate wronge For we put a difference betwene the corporall and the spirituall Blessing and we say that the Emperour is blessed with a corporall blessing For to haue a kingdom lawes and ciuill ordinaunces to haue a wife children house and landes is a blessing For all these thinges are the good creatures and giftes of God. But we are not deliuered from the euerlasting Curse by this corporall blessing which is but temporall and must haue an ende Therefore we condemne not lawes neither doe we stirre vp sedition against the Emperour but we teach that he must be obeied that he must be feared reuerenced and honoured but yet ciuily But when we speake of the blessing after the manner of Diuines then we say boldely with Paule that all thinges which are without the faith and promise of Abraham are accursed and abide vnder that heauēly and euerlasting Curse For ther we must looke for an other life after this an other Blessing after this corporall Blessing To conclude we say that all corporall things are the good creatures of god Therefore as I haue said to haue wife children goodes to haue politike lawes and orders are the good blessings of God in their place that is to say they are temporall blessings belonging to this life But these blessinges the Iusticiaries and Lawworkers of all ages as the Iewes Papists Sectaries and such like do confound and mingle together For they put no difference betweene corporall and spirituall blessings Therefore they say We haue a lawe and this lawe is good holy and righteous therefore we are iustified through it Who denieth but that the lawe is good holy righteous And yet is it also the lawe of malediction of sinne of wrath and of death Therfore we make here a distinction betweene the corporall and spirituall Blessing say that God hath a double Blessing one corporall for this life and an other spirituall for the euerlasting life Therfore to haue ritches