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A02872 The image of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist, contayning a very fruitfull exposition or paraphrase vpon the same. Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures, and most auctorised histories. Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe, for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1570 (1570) STC 1301; ESTC S100582 327,616 903

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THE IMAGE of both Churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly Reuelation of sainct Iohn the Euangelist contayning a very fruitfull exposition or Paraphrase vpon the same Wherin it is conferred vvith the other scriptures and most auctorised histories Compyled by Iohn Bale an exyle also in thys lyfe for the faithfull testimony of Iesu. Goe ye out of Sodome for the Lord will destroy that Citie Gen. 19. Come away my people least ye be partakers of hir sinnes Apoc. 18. Flee from filthie Babilon and go cleane away from the lande of the Caldees Hier. 50. ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East ¶ A Preface vnto the Christian Reader SO highly necessary good Christian Reader is the knowledge of S. Iohns Apocalips or Reuelation whether thou wilt to him that is a true member of Christes church as of any other booke of the sacred Byble For in none of them all are the faythfull diligent hearers and readers more blessed nor more liuely so declared obseruing the contentes thereof thē in this one booke No wher is it more clerely specified the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost to bee one euerlastyng God and Iesus Christ to be the eternall sonne of that lyuing Father which are the fyrst and chiefe groundes of our Christian faith then here No where is the durable kingdome and priesthoode of the sayde Iesus Christ more plentuously spred more playnly proued and more largely vttered thē in this holy oracle No where is the doctryne of healthe more purely taught fayth more throughly commēded nor yet rightuousnesse more highlye rewarded then heere No where are heresies more earnestly condempned blasphemous vices more vehemētly rebuked nor yet their iuste plagues more fiercelye threatened then in this compendious worke Herein is the true christian church which is the meeke spouse of the Lambe without spot in hir right fashyoned colours discribed So is the proud church of hypocrites the rose coloured whore the paramour of Antichrist and the sinfull sinagoge of Sathan in hir iuste proporcion depaynted to the mercifull forewarning of the Lordes electes And that is the cause why I haue here intituled thys booke the Image of both Churches Neyther heere spareth the holy Ghost theyr hypocrisie nor pryde their Idolatrie nor whoredome theyr couetousnesse nor most cruell tyranny with theyr other outragious myscheues No he toucheth them so nyghly that we should the better know them and be the more ware of them that he sheweth them to be such a spirituall sorte as maketh dayly marchaundise of the bodyes and soules of men Let vs neuer looke to haue a more open marke of that wicked generation take heede of them if we lust He that will lyue godly in Christ and be a pacyent sufferer He that will stande in Gods feare prepare him selfe to temptacyon He that will be stronge when aduersitie shall come auoyde all assaultes of Antichrist and the diuill let him giue him selfe wholly to the study of this prophecy Not one necessary poynt of beleife is in all the other scriptures that is not heere also in one place or other The very complet summe and whole knitting vp is this heauēly booke of the vnyuersall verities of the Bible All that Moyses taught in the lawe Dauid in the Psalmes and the Prophetes in theyr wrytinges concernyng Christes spyrituall kyngdome both here aboue meete for thys present knowledge are heerein briefly comprehended So is hys eternall vyctory for vs ouer sinne death hell and the dyuill with hys perpetuall cleerenesse aucthoritie and empyre world without ende compendiously here expressed Hee that knoweth not thys booke knoweth not what the church is whereof he is a member For herein is the estate thereof from Christes ascention to the ende of the world vnder pleasaunte figures and elegant tropes decyded no where els throughly but heere the tymes alwayes respected He that delighteth not to beholde the condition of his own citie is therevnto no louing citizen And after the true opinion of sainct Austen eyther wee are citizens in the new Hierusalem with Iesus Christ or els in the old supersticious Babylon with Antichrist the vicar of sathā He that with diligēce shall serch that matter specially in this presēt reuelatiō shal throughly perceiue the certaintie thereof Consider the dignytie and worthinesse of this most precious Iewel that the Lord hath left here to our cōsolatiō Fyrst God the eternall father gaue it vnto Christ his welbeloued sonne in our māhood Christ now glorified committed it vnto the holy Ghost which is here called an Angell or messenger The holy Ghost deliuered it vnto Iohn the peculiarly beloued disciple of Iesu. And Iohn last of all lefte it with the vnyuersall church to theyr christian eruditiō Mark now if any other treatise of the sacred Bible had euer so worthy a foreward setting forth This is not that it should be altogither neglected and not looked vpon No man lighteth a candle sayth Christ and conueyeth it vnder a bushell that men should not see therby Neuer was this gracious gift giuen of God to be hidden as it hath bene of longe tyme but to be opened to all the congregations A more necessary doctrine to the christian erudition is not in the whole scriptures all cyrcumstaunces considered For besides all that is afore expressed it containeth the vniuersal troubles persecutions and crosses that the church suffred in the primatyue spring what it suffreth now and what it shall suffer in the latter tymes by the subtile satellytes of Antichrist which are the cruell mēbers of Sathā It manifesteth also what premyes what crownes and what glory the sayd cōgregatiō shall haue after this present conflict with the enimyes that the promysed rewardes myght quicken the hartes of those that the tormēts feareth A prophecye is this Apocalips called and is much more excellent thē all the other prophecies Lyke as the lyght is more precious then the shadowe the veritie then the figure the new testament then the olde and the gospell then the lawe so is this holy oracle more precyous then they That Esay Hieremie Ezechiell Danyell Oseas with all the other Prophets warneth afore hande to follow concerning Christ and hys churche this mystery declareth effectually fulfilled It is a full clerenesse to all the cronicles and most notable histories which hath bene written since Christes ascension opening the true natures of their ages tymes and seasons He that hath store of them and shall diligentlye serch them ouer conferring the one with the other time with tyme and age with age shal perceyue most wonderfull causes For in the text are they onely proponed in effecte and promised to folow in their seasons and so ratified with the other scriptures but in the cronicles they are euidently seene by all ages fulfilled Yet is the text a lyght to the cronycles and not the cronicles to the text Unto
nothing thou estéemest the pryde the ryches the vayne glorie and the wanton desires of this worlde yet arte thou rych for the kingdome of heauē is thyne For with Abraham Iob Moyses and Helyas in thy hart thou séekest the only glorie of God and with all these things most highly am I pleased 6 But this pleaseth me not that thou for my wordes sake arte so blasphemed of vngodly hypocrites which call themselues Iewes and are not which boast thēselues for the peculyar people chosē childrē of God are nothyng lesse but are without fayle the cōgregatiō of Sathan the tyrānous rable of rauenous ruffyans 7 Certayne it is that by such spyrituall tyrauntes thou must sustain opprobrious rebukes with manifold afflictions and paynes But let neyther their subtile sleights nor their cruell snares be troublous vnto thy mynde Neyther doubt thou their false practises nor yet their vengeable lyes whō both thou must suffer with hate slaunder reuylings false witnesse spight shame and vengeaūce Considering this paciently to lyue in Christ is to suffer persecution and that among those belly gods nothing is more to be looked for thē the crosse of contradiction and death 8 And take this for a warning afore hād The diuil doubtlesse which is the common aduersarie and the head capitayne of their empyre shall with vyolence bryng some of you not only vnder the captiuitie of cruel gouernours but also into the thraldome of wicked lawes and damnable constitutions yea and consequētly throw you into prison chaynes sorow hunger thirst colde pouertie care and wretchednesse to tempte your hartes to trie your pacience to prooue your sufferaunce to trouble your faith least ye shuld els stedfastly stand by Christes doctrine to his glorie and profite of your brethren 9 But let this solase you for the time Theyr malice shall not alwayes endure Their mischiefe will haue an ende For though ye haue here trybulation and suffer gréeuous persecution he ye sure it shall no longer continue then .x. dayes The terme of mans lyfe is but shorte And that once finished God shall wype away from him all teares and take away all sorowes and bodily paynes 10 Perseuer therefore stedfastlye and be strong in the spirite vnto the ende Let not faith faile thée vnto the departing from this transitorious life 11 And I shall replenishe thée with the reward of faythful perseuerāce I will giue thée the crowne of eternall lyfe with full tranquilitie ioye and beatitude 12 Let him that hath eares of vnderstāding with diligence attend not what the Hipocrites hath fantasied for lucre but what the holy spirite of God doth here graciously vtter vnto the christian congregations 13 He that so constantly perseuereth in the trueth of God that neyther flattering persuasion worldely promotion nor cruel tormēt can plucke his mynde from it shall neuer take harme of the second death For the death of them which truly beleueth is precious in the sight of the Lord their God Neither shal sinne be imputed to him that hath faith nor yet dampnation to them which are in Christ Iesu. THE TEXT 1 And vnto the Angell of the congregation in Pergamos vvryte 2. This saith he vvhich hath the sharp svverd vvith the tvvo edges 3. I knovv thy vvorkes vvhere thou dvvellest Euen vvhere Sathans seat is 4 And thou keepest my name and haste not denyed my faith 5. And in those dayes Antipas vvas a faithfull vvitnesse of myne vvhich vvas slayn among you vvhere Sathan dvvelleth 6. But I haue a fevve things against thee 7. That thou hast there them that maynteyne the doctrine of Balaam vvhich taught Balaac to put occasiō of sinne before the children of Israell that they shoulde eate of the meate dedycate vnto Idols and to commit fornication 8. Euen so hast thou them that maintein the doctrine of the Nicolaytans vvhich thyng I hate 9. But be conuerted or els I vvill come vnto thee shortlye 10. And vvill fight against them vvith the svverd of my mouth 11. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite sayeth vnto the congregations 12. To him that ouercommeth vvil I giue to eate Manna that is hid 13. And vvill giue him a vvhyte stone 14. And in the stone a nevv name vvritten 15. Which no man knovveth sauyng hee that receyueth it THE PARAPHRASE 1 Fayle in no wyse good Iohn sayd the sayd Lorde Iesus Christ consequently to make known to the christian Preacher of the congregation of Pergamos which though shée remayne here beneth vpon earth yet is she the very high building of God many times assaulted and striken of the wicked for confessing his truth but neuer yet ouerthrowen nor vtterly distroyed This Church is not only highe through grace fayth the word of God the spirite of God the inuincible veritie and all other graces and gifts of the holy ghost but also for the glorie of the name of god for the strength of his power for the secret misteries of his heauenly iudgements for the most constant assertion of his godly truth 2 Shew hir this heauenly message from him which hath frō his mouth procéeding a fine sweard sharpe edged on both the sides whereby is meant his mightie worde so effectuall quicke and strong in operation that the infallible iudgements therof doeth not only condemne but also distroy vtterly all falsehood filthines lyes lewdnesse and wickednesse 3 By my euerlasting foresight saith the Lord I know thy christē works and for thy faithes sake I allow thē and prayse them I perceyue also where thou doest remayne dwell euen where as is the resting place of Sathan and the verie kingdome of the diuill whereas Gods heauenly word is oppressed contemned and blasphemed of the infidels tyrants and hypocrites 4 But I much commend thée that thou dwellyng among them and sustayning dayly persecution and rebukes hast so strongly perseuered in the truth that thou hast neither denyed my name nor forsaken my fayth 5 And speciallye in those terryble dayes wherein that godly preacher and faythfull witnesse of myne called Antipas among other was most cruelly murdred and slayne yea before your faces to put you the more in feare least ye should still confesse my name word to the hindraunce of Sathans kingdome for there hée dwelleth in déed There is his seate his trone his habitacle 6 Notwithstanding all these faithfull poyntes yet haue I somewhat against thée wherin thou art rebuke worthie 7 For thou arte conuersaunt with them that contrarie to their christen profession support the execrable doctryne of that subtile sothsayer cursed ●harmer Balaā which by pestilent coūsel caused kīg Balaac to prouoke the children of Israell to work wickednesse and so to haue the cursse of God through this occasion He shuld set before their eyes the most fayre damsels of the Madianytes precyously apparelled And they once tangled with their wanton beautie should not only defile
Gospel was as the sound or noyse of many waters For many peoples of diuers and sundrie nations kynreds and languages hath confessed and still doeth confesse hym God and man by the same though the one vnderstand not the other 10 And he had in his right hande which is his mightie power seuen starres which are not only the seuen preachers of his vij congregations in Asia but also all the true minysters of hys word the worlde ouer For them hath he in his right hand They are vnder hys gouernaunce wil protection custodie So long as he retayneth them they are wyse godly and profitable but if hee once throw thē forth then are they blind wicked and accursed yea and good for nothing but to be cast out to be troden vnder foote Blessed are they therfore which fal not besides that hād 11 Out of his mouth which is hys holy spirite procéeded a sharpe two edged sweard This is hys strong mightie and quicke worde or hys sacred scrypture so sharpe that it pearceth through euen to the diuyding a sunder of the soule and the spirit and of the Ioynts the mary And is a iudger of the thoughts and intentes of the harte whom finally nothing shall be able to resist 12 And his face which is the eternitie of his Godheade glorified nature and spirituall kingdome shone euen as the cleere sonne in his most strength whose brightnesse no creature can behold without the pure sight of an vncorrupt faith For the fleshly carnall man in no wise vnderstandeth thinges belonging to the spirit of god but iudgeth them folishnesse THE TEXT 1 And vvhen I savve him I fell at his feete euen as dead 2. And he layed his right hād vpon me saying vnto me 3. Feare not I am the first the last 4. And am a lyue vvas dead 5. And behold I am a lyue for euermore 6. And haue the keyes of Hell of Death 7. Wryte therefore the thinges vvhich thou hast seene 8. And the things vvhich are and the thinges vvhich shal be fulfilled hereafter 9. And the mystery of the seuen Starres vvhich thou savvest in my right hand 10. And the seuen golden Candelstickes 11. The seuen Starres are the Angells of the seuen Congregacions 12. And the seuen Candelstickes vvhich thou sawest are the seuen Congregacions THE PARAPHRASE 1 And when I had thus séene him sayth saint Iohn dilygently marked all these poyntes in him I fell down at his féete as one almost dead for feare Consider in this that the nature of the true knowledge of christ is to throw downe to mortifie the fleshe with his corrupte affections and to cast vs in fear tyll his hidden misteries be throughly perceyued 2 And he sayth saint Iohn to cōfort my weaknesse layd hys ryghte hand vpon me He releued me with his power grace and helpe when he saw me humbled before his face and fearfully astonyed at the woonderfull brightnesse of his high misteries And not without his worde for he sayd vnto me 3 Let not fearefulnesse ouercome thée nor doutfull dread oppresse thée But take vnto thée fayth which is the chiefe remedie in feare know that I am the first and the laste the maker the restorer of all creatures I am he of whō all things depēd and vnto whom all things belong 4 I am now alyue as thou séest euydently and the very lyfe it selfe yet was I slayne now of late and my body dead and buryed 5 Behold me therfore earnestly for now in a gloryfied nature in a bodie impassyble and immortall I am a lyue for euer euer readie to make interpellatiō to obtaine mercy for all the worldes sinnes death hauing ouer me no more dominion 6 I haue in my hands vnder my power the keyes both of hel death that neither hell nor sin death nor the diuil shall be frō hēceforth able to preuayle agaynst my electes No cōdemnation shall be vnto them that are surely grafted in me 7 Take penne and incke therfore and seriously wry●e the thinges which thou hast alreadie séene 8 And note faythfully the meruayls which are by the power of God accomplyshed and the wonders also which shall be fulfilled hereafter 9 Marke first of all with due cyrcumspection the secrete mystery of the vij shyning starres which thou sawest now of late in my right hand 10 And diligently consider the seuen golden Candelstickes also 11 The vij starres in signification are the messengers of Gods word or the Apostolike preachers appointed to the vij congregatiōs in Asia and in them to all the world These ought in the church as the starres in the firmamēt to shine in holsome doctrine and in godly conuersatiō and as the lightes of the world neyther in life nor preachyng to mynistre any maner of darkenesse 12 Consider also the seuen golden Candelstickes which thou sawest about me to be the sayd .vij. cōgregations Upon whom I ought to shine which am the lyght of the worlde In whose workes I oughte to appere which am the clerenesse of the Gentiles They are called here .vij. Golden Candelsticks as most precious in value for so much as they ar precious in the sight of God were also redéemed and boughte with a great price euen with the precious bloud of the vndefiled lambe Iesus Christ. The second Chapiter THE TEXT 1 Vnto the Angell of the congregation of Ephesus vvryte 2. These things saieth he that holdeth the seuē starres in his right hand vvalketh in the middest of the seuen Golden Candelstickes 3. I knovv thy vvorkes and thy labour and thy pacience 4 And howe thou canste not forbeare them vvhich are euil 5. And examinest them vvhich say they are Apostles and are not 6. And hast found them lyars 7. And hast suffred and hast patience and for my names sake haste laboured and haste not faynted 8. Neuerthelesse I haue somevvhat against thee for thou haste lefte the first loue 9 Remember therfore from vvhence thou art fallen and repent 10. And doe the first vvorkes 11. Or els I will come vnto thee shortly 12. And will remoue thy Candelsticke out of his place excepte thou repent 13. But this thou hast bicause thou hatest the deedes of the Nicolaitans 14. Which deedes I also hate 15. Let him that hath eares heare vvhat the spirite saith vnto the congregations 16. To him that ouercommeth wil I giue to eate of the tree of lyfe 17. vvhich is in the middest of the Paradyse of my God THE PARAPHRASE MY dearely beloued seruant Iohan sayeth the Lord Iesus my will is that thou shalte signifie by writing vnto the messenger or preacher of the Christian congregation of Ephesus which dwelling in this earthly mansion is as was Daniel ful of wholsome desires Shée looketh for the Kingdom shée séeketh for the glorie shée hungreth for the rightuousnesse of God she thursteth for the liuing waters shée
our offences tooke away the sinnes of the world He was that méek Lambe prefigured in the law whom the faithfull fathers so earnestly desired He was that gentle Lamb that was caried away to be slayne and that opened not his mouth before the shearer This Lambe standeth vp euermore for vs before God as our onely medyator aduocate peace maker Sauiour helper counsellour defender and teacher 13 This Lambe had seuen hornes which betokeneth his stronge and infinit power vertue victory kingdom glory bounteousnesse and maiestie with such lyke and in the whole his vniuersall reigne 14 He had also seauen eyes whiche are all the powers graces fruites of the holy ghost called héere the seuē spirits of God For so much as they are the singuler gifts of him whiche is his essenciall spirit And them he hath sent by his apostles other godly preachers into the seuen climates of the erth or vniuersal world the people with them to be replenished These are wisdome vnderstandinge counsell strength knowledge pittie the fear of god These are also loue ioy peace pacience gentlenesse goodnes fayth méekenesse long suffering cleannes and temperance with diuersitie of tongues interpretacion prophecie cures healings miracles and iudgement of spirits 15 And the sayd Lambe came foorth as one through méekenesse hauyng victorie ouer sinne death hell hée reuerently tooke the sayd booke from the right hand of him that sate vpon the throne Which made me anon to consider that the heauenly father had giuen vp vnto him the whole admynistration of his spirituall kingdom with all aucthoritie power in heauen and earth to open or to speare to choose or to reiect to take or to refuse to saue or to loose to rewarde or to dampne For he it was that first opened the vnderstanding of men that they might perceyue the scriptures He it was that sent the holy spirite of God to deduce them into all veritie and gaue them grace to instructe all people He it is also that shall thorowe them into euerlasting fire with the diuil his Angels that resist the same THE TEXT 1 And when he had taken the booke the liij beastes and the .xxiiij. elders 2. fel dovvn before the Lambe hauing harpes 3. golden vialles full of odours vvhich are the prayers of the Saincts 4. they sung a nevv song saying 5 Thou arte vvorthie to take the booke 6. and to open the seales therof 7. For thou wert killed 8. and hast redemed vs by thy bloud out of all kinreds tongs and people and nacions 9. and hast made vs vnto our God Kings and priestes 10. and vve shall reigne on the earth The Paraphrase 1 And when he had receyued the sayd booke of the hande of God with full authoritie and power the iiij beasts or the present protestours of the veritie here liuing in the world and the xxiiij Elders or auncient witnesses of the same departed cleane from thys worlde as were the olde fathers the Patryarkes Prophetes and Apostles méekly submitted them selues before the Lamb much reioysinge in his triumphant victorye for them 2 They fell downe before him they praysed hym they worshipped hym they gaue thanks and recognised him for their mercifull Lorde and Sauiour hauing in their handes harmonious harpes which there represented the melody of their faithfull soules or the inward reioyce that they had in faith of the eternal verytie of god For that is the agréeable concord and swéet harmony that he most delighteth in And as well had they harpes that were long afore Christe as had they that folowed hym the effecte of hys death being equall to them both So wel reioysed Abraham which saw him a farre of as did Iohn Baptist which shewed him persent 3 Each one of them had also in hys hand a golden viall full of swéete odours whiche is a faithfull harte to God full of swéete desires and wholsome praiers whiles they liued here And these vessels of prayer or harts of the faithfull beléeuers couetinge mercy to themselues and all other were very precious pleasaunt and beautifull in the sighte of the Lorde which onely desireth the harte 4 They sang also with their instruments a new songe of reioyce recording the great benefit of God They vttered the glad tidinges of peace They published the Gospel of Christ. They told of his comming They declared him present past This songe was euer new vnto flesh bloud It séemed very strange yea and folish to the children of this worlde yet is it the power of God vnto saluation for euery one that beléeueth Now it is also for so much as it nothing alloweth in our aged man of sinne but alwayes calleth vpon renouation in the spirite 5 This was the conclusion of that song Thou alone swéete Lord sayde they art founde worthye to take the Booke to receiue power and administration of the kingdome of God 6 Thou only art able to opē the seale● thereof to take from vs all impediments of darknesse hypocrisie lyes ignoraunce wilfulnesse blindnesse and sinne and to deduce vs into all godly knowledge 7 For thou wert not only despised and wounded but most cruelly slaine for our offences whereby thou hast obtained our perpetuall peace and attonement with god 8 Thou hast clerely redéemed vs out all spirituall bondage by the price of thy bloude and by the vertue of thy passion and death thou hast gathered vs together into one kingdom of God from all the nacions of the world and hast chosen vs out of all kinreds languages peoples of the vniuersall earth Thou hast made vs also pertakers with thée in thy peculyer vnction that we are now called Christians 9 Thou hast annoynted vs Kinges by the gift of true faith to haue victory ouer sinne death the deuil and cōsecrate vs priests by the grace of thy holy spirite to offer vp our selues and vndefiled sacrifice vnto our euerlasting God So that we are now the chosen kinred the kingely pristhoode the holy generation the peculyer peple that should manifest the workes of thée which hast called vs out of darknesse into the merueilous light 10 And by the benifit of thy onely grace and goodnesse we shall raigne prosperously on the earth not héere wher as is sorow care penury scarsnesse and death but our porcion shal be in the pleasant land of the lyuing where as is the peace ioy tranquilitie comfort and life euerlasting THE TEXT 1 And I behelde 2. And herde the voyce of many angelles about the throne and about the beastes and the elders 3. And I harde thousand thousandes saying with a loude voyce 4. Worthye is the Lambe that was killed to receaue power and riches and wisdome and strength and honoure and glorye and blessinge 5. And all creatures vvhiche are in Heauen 6. And on the earth 7 And vnder the earth 8 And in the sea and all that are in
for newe promotions Euermore they compassed to augment their dignyties Continuall was their study to get preheminēce to win honour and to obtayne superiorytie not withoute the destruction of kingdomes the vtter decay of communalties and vnspeakeable murther of peoples Iohn the Archebyshoppe of Constantinople contended to be the vniue●sal Patriarke Boniface the thirde of that name Byshoppe of Rome tooke vpon hym to be the head Byshoppe of all the worlde and Gods onely Uicar in earth Mahomet boasted hym selfe to be the great Prophete and messenger of GOD. Thus was Christes coate withoute seame among them deuided and his church most rufully dispersed Thus out of the corrupted depraued scriptures tooke the Iewes their Talmud the Saracens their Alchorane and the Byshops their popish lawes and decrées Then folowed innumerable sectes of perdicion vnder the romishe pope in Europa vnder Mahomet the false Prophet in Afryca and vnder prester Iohn in Asia whiche with their execrable tradicions and rules banished Christ and his pure doctrin for euer Than set they vp songe in the church with Latine seruice bell ringing and Organ playinge Than builded they monasteries auaunced Images inuented purgatorye not without many strange reuelacions Than came in that ceremony that as sensing of Images Procession and holy water with candles ashes and palmes Than were shauen crownes commaunded holy ornaments deuised mariage and meates inhibited and hallowing of churches practised At the last crepte in the worshipping of reliques and shrines with holy oyle and creame with the paschall and paxe with feastes and dedications with latines masses dirges for the dead and many great miracles followed Thā were kings deposed and made Moonkes Emperours put downe and parrish priests set vp No gospell might then be taught but to maintaine this ware for aduantage Uniuersities were then builded and generall studies founded the worlde ouer with all kindes of crafty learning to vpholde this new Christen relygyon or prestish supersticion The Antichristes thus spred and theyr kyngdome well set forwarde the light was cléerely extincted and darknesse ouer wente the whole worlde 1 Much meruayled alwayes the poore chosen flock of christ and were greatlye troubled in their mindes to beholde this great confusion tyll the Lorde opened vnto them the fourth seale of his booke in the which all was written from the begining In that Seale openinge the Lorde shewed what the head rulers of his Church were euen very hypocrites rightly compared vnto a pale Horse For after their dissembling manner they shewed sad countinaunces outwardlye to appeare fastinge and babled very much to séeme deuonte men 2 And as the Lambe had opened the fowrth Seale sayeth Saincte Iohn I hard the voyce of the fowrth beast which séemed vnto me an Egle representing those godly beléeuers that are most highly desirous of the glorye of GOD. 3 Come hyther sayde that voice Note what thou shalt sée here enprent it well in thy minde 4 And sa I looked foorth I behelde a pale Horse whome I tooke for the vniuersall Synagoge of hypocrites or dissembling church of Antichriste pale as men without health bleyk as men without that freshe lyfe which is in Christ Iesu. 5 The name of hym which sate vpon this pale Horse was death for their doctrine is death and dampnation What bringeth hypocrisye with hym but destruction of health What carrieth dissimulation but the vtter decay of lyfe Are their last fruites any other then confusion and dyspayre 6 For why hell commeth after them to swallowe in those that are taught by them Eternall dampnation doth folow them to eate them vp for euer whome they shall deceiue Such is the finall rewarde of those cursed hypocrits that treadeth down Gods truth and destroyeth his word vnder a fayned pretence of the contrarye God graunt them therefore once to open their eyes and to consider it that they are the Horses of death least Hell héere after deuoure them 7 Unto these gaudish hypocrites and beastly Antichristes whith are the horse of death and carieth all to darknesse and dampnation power is geuen whiche is the sufferaunce of God vpon the fourth parte of the earth A great part of the world shall they destroy much people by thē shal perish and be lost 8 After diuers sortes shall they depriue them of the lyfe euerlastyng Some shal they slay with the sword of their false doctrine hauing a glorious shine of wisdome in supersticion and deuilishnesse Some shall they famishe for wante of GODS true worde whiche is the bread of Chyldren and the lyuinge foode of the soule 9 Some will they also poyson with the contagious leauen of their pestilent lawes and tradicions which are dayly ministred taught by the vile vermine of the earth their suffraganes Archedecons officials doctors ministers false preachers curates persons parrish priests and religions verye beastly both of lyfe and studye Lorde ones delyuer from these deceiptfull and rauenous wolues whiche are neuer satisfied thy poore seruants that confesse thy holy name Amen THE TEXT 1 And when he opened the fift seale 2 I saw vnder the aulter 3. The soules of them that were killed for the word of God and for the testimony which they had 4. And they cried with a loude voyce saying 5. How long taryest thou 6 Lord holy and true to iudge 7. And to auenge our bloude on them that dwell on the earth 8. And lōg white garments were geuen vnto euery one of thē 9. And it vvas saide vnto thē 10. That they shoulde rest for a litle season 11. vntill the number of their felowes and brethren 12. And of them that shoulde be killed as they were were fulfilled The Paraphrase 1 Euident it is by that hath ben séene and sayde afore in these fowre horses what the estate of the christen church was is now in these latter dayes Such horrible confusion hath the Antichristes made with their wicked lawes and decrées and with their deceiptfull doctrine of errours and lies to vpholde their filthy kingdome of pryde slouth hypocrisie and beastlynes that scarcely is any thing cleane pure and godly Now do they nothing but slea None other studye haue they in these dayes but to persecut emprison and famish to burn head and hang. Now haue they obtayned to enter the iudgement hall and to syt vpon lyfe death without defiling of thēselues Now may they both a accuse and iudge both indite and condempne yet not soyle their consecrate handes If any controle their customes or say against their witchcraftes they are ready to run ouer hym with death whom they carye to slea both soule and bodye 1 This hath the Lord shewed in mistery vnto Iohn in the fift seale openinge by whom are ment the true Christen beléeuers at this time so well as at al other times sence Christes assension 2 And when the Lambe opened the fift seale or declared in
sincere preaching vnder such vain titels after the mind of Zacharye but very shamful Idols in déede Their decres decretals cōstitucions canons rules statutes prouinciall sinodall traditions lawes fatherly customes vsages not groūded vpon gods cōmaūdemēts are very diuelishnes hipocris● blasphemīg the name of god For why to haue the name of blasphemy vpō their heads is none other thā vnder a glorious title to maītain that thing which is blasphemous glorifying themselues in the same The vngodly saith Dauid with mocks hath disdained the Lord with open mouth hathe vttered wickednesse against God 5 And the strange fashioned beaste saith S. Iohn whome I saw in this vision was like in similitude to a cat of the mountaine full of many coulored spots in token of inconstancy varietie and ficklenesse 6 His féete wer as the féete of a bear fierce rough and ill fauored in signification of crueltie stubburnnesse vncleannesse 7 And his mouth séemed as the mouth of a Lion declaring him to be full of pryde rauin excesse To such beasts as here are mencioned cōparith Daniell vnder hidden mistery certaine mightie kingdomes of the world As to the Lions which here is caleld a Lion for the more crueltie now vsed thā was in those daies the proud kingdomes of the Assirians Caldeans To the beare the cruell kingedomes of the Medes and Parthianes And vnto the Cat of the mountaine the vnstedfast kingedome of the Grekes Of pryde spoile and rgbbery are the Assirians Caldeans condemned by Esaye Nahum and Abacuck the prophets The Medes Parthians held captiue the people of god as witnesseth Hester Paralipomenō Esay The Grekes most spightfully were bent against them vnder the cruell king Antiochus as in the Machabes is euident No abhomination nor mistery of iniquitie as Paule calleth it was euer founde in these kingdomes but now reigneth manifould in the detestable papacie or monstruous kingedome of Antichrist as all the worlde may sée No where was euer more pryde vanitie and cruelnesse Idolatry horedome and filthinesse hipocrisie falsehoode and ficklenesse extorcion vaineglory couetousnesse sorcery supersticion and vnfaithfulnesse More than all the vnfaythfull kingdomes vnder heauen haue this sodomiticall spiritualtie defyled with theyr witchery the holy temple of God which is the Christen church They haue most shamefully abused gods chosen people which are the vessels ordeyned to his glory They haue holden his frée seruants most miserable captiue vnder their wycked decrées and tradicions The crueltie of Pharao Antiochus and Caiphas compared to theyr tyranny is but as it were a play dalliance or shadow In them is all lechery and vncleannesse all raginge lustes and wantonnesse all fleshly abuses and beastlinesse no naturall order obserued Nothing in a maner are the cruell constitutions made against the Iewes by the suggestions of Aman and by Antiochus to their wicked lawes and ordinances For they were onely againste the body theirs are against mens soules So that the papistical kingedome of antichrist are to be séene both the Lyon the Beare and the cat of the mountayne they not onely participatinge with all vnfaythful regions but also doubling with thē in al abhominatiōs vnder the Sky The mouth they haue of a Lion roaring out euermore blasphemies curses bytternesse The féete of a bear signifieth their rauenous affections rūning vnto all pernicious euills very swift also to the sheddīg of bloud As Cats of the moūtain they are spottid with diuers fickle fātasies in sects obseruations ceremonies ryts lawes customes no wher stedfast vniforme but euery wher variant foolish And worthy they are to be forsakē of god to be left to the spirit of errours lies to their damnation that so contēneth the veritie of god 8 More ouer the dragon saith s. Iohn which is sathan the diuel gaue ouer vnto this beast or curssed generation of antichrist beīg his bestial body al his whole power his blasphemous seate his mighty authoritie To geue thē his power is no more but to fyl thē with crafts subtilties wiles malice fraud and deceit and to make them apt to seduce the simple or to able them to all falsehood wittie gile To admit thē his seat is to leaue them here a kingdom of vaine glory hipocrisie abhominable Idolatry To graunt thē his ful authority is to worke in thē all lying singes wonders throughe deceiuable doctrine strōgly to delud the vnbeluers to their greater damnacion 9 To this power of the dragon is no power comperable vpō earih No power is able to suppresse it onlesse it cōmith frō aboue is geuen vnto vs from the father of light as is the strong gyfte of faith Thus is this great antichrist a king with sathan ouer all the children of pryde With Lucifer he vsurpeth the seat of God sitting in the consciēces of men euermore boasting himselfe to be in gods stede seducing the people of the worlde finally ouercomming them by bringing them into all kindes of errour 10 And as concerning the seat lyke as Christ our lord sitteth in the throne of God reigninge with his eternall father in méekenesse so sitteth he in the throne of sathan with his father the diuel in al pride and blasphemie As touching the power lyke as Christ had his power of God so hath he his power of the diuel Like as Christ is full of grace and verity and of his fulnes all they haue receiued that truly haue beleued in him so is this antichrist full of hate falsehed and all other iniquite of whose errours and lies the vnbeleuers haue tasted Like as the holy spirit of Christ hath wrought in his louers the misterie of truth goodnesse so hath the erronius vnclen spirit of this antichrist wrought the mistery of his wickednes in chrstes enimies since his deathe and asscencion 11 And finally as conserning authoritie like as Christ beinge man toke power of God to doo such mirakles as none els could do so dyd he of the deuil being his wretched body to work prodigiuos maruels wonders in hipocrisy among the vnfaithfull multitude by the secret fufferance of god So that in all peruerting power supremite and authoryty he foloweth his father sathā yea in euery point For like as he depriued simple Iob a man that feared god of his substāce cattell chilldren and seruauntes and vexed him in his flesh with most greuouse botches so doth this gredy Leuiathan this malicious murtherer the man of sinne body of the diuel with his deuourig locoustes robbe the poore people of their sweat labours trauaile and nessary liuing sparing neither sicke nor succourlesse poore widow nor fatherles no goods gottē by theft mans slaughter extorcion bribery pollage idolatry bandry al other vngodlines comming to thē amisse in their priuat confessions And that is most to be lamented they defile their soules with al supersticions fals beleue and deuilishnesse leauing their conciences all doutfull desperat comfortles Finanally to
wonder For they are so blinded with hyr foppryes tangled with hir toies that they iudge all that she doth holy religeous and perfect And al this suffereth God for their vnbeleues sake destroyinge neuerthelesse the wysdome of the wise and prudence of the prudent in his 13 Hir very name agréeing to hir fruites is this Great Babilō in mischiefe far aboue the citie of the Chaldeās and much more full of confusion For shée is the originall mother the cause the bginnyng the roote the spryng and the fountaine of all spirituall fornications and in a maner of all fleshly abhominations also done vpon the earth This is to the faithfull sort as a written name of hir euident cleare open and manifeste But to the vnfaithfull it is onely as a mistery hidden darke obscure and neclect For so are the secrets that God openeth to babes hydeth from the wise 14 And I saith Iohn perceiued it euidentlye in my fore vnderstandinge that this woman the very wife of the deuill and of his beastly body for the byssh●ps are the husbandes of theyr romyshe churches was all dronken in the bloudy slaughter of the Saincts or ernest christian beléeuers and in the excéedinge tyrannous murther of the faithfull witnesses of Iesu or sincere preachers of his word For neither of both she spareth Besides all Godlye wisdome is she and forgetfull of hyr selfe through this same blouddye dronknes so great exces hath she takē 15 And when I perceyued and sawe hir with all hir adders whelpes so beastyshe sayth saynt Iohn with exceading wonder I marueyled Not only that she was thus ouerset with bloud drinking or outragious murthering of inocentes but also of hyr excéeding great abhominacions 16 And most of all I wondered that the almighty God could with so much paci●nce suffer hir in such mischiefe The texte 1 And the Angell sayde vnto me 2. Wherefore merueilest thou 3. I wyll shew thee the misterye of the woman and of the beast that beareth hyr which hath seauen heades and ten hornes 4. The beast that thou seeste was 5. And is not 6. And shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pit 7. And shall goe into perdicion 8. And they that dvvel on the earth shal vvōder 9 whose names are not vvrittē in the booke of lyfe from the beginninge of the vvorld 10. vvhen they beholde the beaste that was and is not The Paraphrase 1 And as I was thus with my selfe marueilynge the Angell or afore named decrée of the Lord sayde vnto me these words 2 Wherfore doest thou thus maruel thou mortall man 3 For thy gentle and méeke expectation I shall shew vnto thée the mystery of this wretched woman and of the cruell beaste that beareth hir whiche hath seauen heades and ten hornes By this shalt thou know the true churche from the ●alse the iust preachers from the hipocrites the sincere doctrine from their subtile sophismes their lawful authority from their cruelly vsurped presumcions For that sheweth the Lord vnto his electes that he will not haue knowne of all men 4 The execrable beast or carnal kīgdom of Antichrist which thou hast sene here in mistery was as concerninng his beginning in Caine first of al so continue forth in the fleshly children of men in the chaplaines of Pharao Hieroboam Baal and Bel in the cruell bishopes pristes and lawiers with such other like til the death of Christ and so forth 5 And now the said beast is not in power and authority as he hath bene For in Iohns time certayn yeares before the writing of this reuelacion was the proud clergy of the Iewes vtterly destroyed by Titus and Uespasian in the terrible siege of Hierusalem Notwithstanding yet shal this beaste rise againe in the Romishe Pope and Mahomet and in their false prelates and doctours 6 He shal assend out of the bottomles pit from the stinking denne of sathan exalting him selfe in worship aboue al that is called God But in the conclsiuon he shall haue an end 7 Into perdicion shal he go without fail The Lorde shall firste vtter his wickednesse as now in this age and than with the spirit of his mouth consume him and destroy him So that his high climing vp shal at the laste be the chefe cause of his fal Yet shal his wicked rēnaūt once again set vp their Christes persecute a fresh but that shal be no full raise vnto hym 8 And the rable of reprobates which dwel on the earth or for earthly commodities contēneth Gods truth shall wonder once again not without much inward reioyce that their Churche riseth againe out of the olde hipocrisyes 9 Whose names are not registred in Christe which is the large booke of life and hath bene both the life the lyght of men since the first constitucion of the mouable world No they are not numbred amōg those rightuous that shall raigne with hym in glory 10 These aduersaries of God and his worde shall haue much gladnesse in their wicked hartes whan they beholde the beast thus comminge vp agayne that was of such magnificence and now is but a thinge of noughte that was estéemed aboue GOD and now is proued dampnacion So longe is this beastly Antichriste as he worketh the misterie of iniquitie in the reprobate vesselles and whan he leaueth that workinge than is he no longer Marke in this processe past the nature of GODS eternall decrée for this age of his Church Fyrst it sheweth and than it condempneth the curssed Sinagog of the diuel In signification whereof the true preachers of our time haue manife●●ly opened hir wickednesse vnto all the worlde wherevpon her vtter destruction must shortely follow Watch good Christian Reader and pray earnestly THE TEXT 1 And here is a minde that hath vvisdome 2. The seauen heades are seuen mountaines 3. Whereon the vvoman sitteth 4. They are also seuen kings 5 Fiue are fallen 6 And one is 7. And the other is not come 8. Whan he commeth he must continue a space 9. And the beast that vvas and is not is euen the eight 10. And is one of the seauen 11. And shall go into destruction The Paraphrase 1 Here is a meaning which comprehendeth wisdom A sincere vnderstanding shal herein be requisit Necessary it is therfore to take héed lest thou holde the harlot and beast for that they boast them selues to be to thy dampnacion 2 The seauen heades of the beast aforemencioned by the plaine diffinicion of the holy ghost are here to be taken for seuen mountaines or the vniuersall princly monarchies of the .vij. climates of the world 3 Upon these the woman that Babilonish harlot Rome from whom hathe issued all spirituall whordome in moste proud maner sitteth hauynge ouer them a vnyuersall domynyon For in Iohns time to Rome was all the worlde subiecte Onder whose cruell reigne was Christe done to death so hath his faythfull members bene euer since by a new raised kingdome in the same 4 These heads are also vii kynges or
gouernours of the aforesayde monarchyes sedused by a kynds of crafty errours and dyuelysh suggestions of that beast So that if ye marke well this place the head with the tayle and the cause with his effecte in these presente significacions shall no preiudice be founde to that hath bene sayd in the other thoughe they séeme very diuers For both the gouernours and also the landes or the peoples subiect vnto them haue vniuersallye bene blinded by their wylye wichcrafts And so haue the worldlye potentates with the spirituall Antichristes agréede that both they haue vsurped one malignant medlynge ouer the soules of men to corrupte their faith the princes applyinge their powers vnto the same And that causeth the holy ghost here to call them the beastes heades vnder the title of mountaines and kinges For vnder their princely authorities haue al their mischiefes bene fulfilled to vphold this whore against Christ his word 5 Fy●e of these heades are fallen from the vniuersal monarchy of Rome All the dominions of Affrica and Asia hath renounced the obedience of hyr Empyre Onely cleaueth Europa vnto hyr which is the least of the thrée and yet not all therof When the Papacy grew the whole Empire of the Gréekes called Constantinople fell cleane from the Latines and became with other diuerse Monarchies the possession of Mahomets sect or of the Agarenes and Turks Of the other Empires may a like coniecture be had Thus haue they declined from hir not so goyng forth nor yet risinge vp vnto Christ for onely is it sayd here that they were fallen 6 And one head is saith the text at this presēt time remaining the other head is not come as yet but wyl come hereafter This head remayning is the sixt and it is that féeble Empyre that Rome nowe holdeth and haue holden since Iohns time The power of this Empyre is ●uenously deminished and the notable fame thereof decayed betwixt the Popish prelates and the Frenchmen a great part of the lands becomming saint Peters patrimonye To make it a fit head of the beast to the vp holding of this whorishe churche the authorytie thereof maintaining hyr lawes Gregory the fift pope committed the emperours chosing vnto vi princes of Germany thrée of them being Archbishops He appoynted also the King of Bohem for the seauenth then beinge tributarye vnto hym and hys owne féede man as an odde person to waye vpon their sides if néede place and time should require it Prouided alwayes that he shoulde take hys oth and receiue hys crowne Imperiall at Rome So that now though it styll be the same in title that it was in Iohns dayes yet is it so diuers from it through diminishmēt of power and so vnlyke in outwarde magnificence as it neuer had ben the same 7 The seuenth heade that is not yet come is the papistical kingdom of our romish spiritualti for therfore apéered nothing in Iohns time nor yet more then v. hundred yeares after it The Bishops of Rome as they call them from Péeter to Siluester were very poore soules simple creatures men not regarded but dispised of the worlde They were no new law makers for the more parte but rather they gaue their whole dilligēce to sée those lawes obserued whō the holy ghost had made to their handes Neither were they any masse saiers soule singers or procession goers but as was S. Paul with the other Apostles simple preachers onely and for their sincere preaching thei suffered the death of their bodies But after the donation of Constātine and other plentuous almses committed vnto their handes for the soccoure of the poore they became al confessers and toke them to their ease at home Then was labour verye tedious vnto them preaching veri troublous painful Then studied they all to please the powers peacablye to holde s●yll theyr pleasaunt possessions and by spiritual policies to increase thē more more the poore in a maner forgotten Then came in that holy ceremony and that with latine houres seruing of saints and praying for the deade to prouoke men to offer to Corban Thus crepte they vp in hypocrysie day by day tyll such time as Iohn of Constantinople contended with Gregory of Rome for the supre●●●e In the which contencion though Gregory laied for hymselfe saint Péeters keies with many other sore arguments and reasons yet was he commaunded by Maurcius the Emperoure after the generall Synode to obey the saide Ihon as the vniuersall head bishop of the whole world Then were these holi fathers compelled to tarry a laisure and vnder crafty coloures to wayte their pray In processe of time when Phocas was Emperour Bonifacius the iii a man of wil● practise perceiuing hym much to be geuen to vaine glory couetuousnes greatly also to dissalow the actes of Mauricius his predecessour thorugh flattery and mede obtained of him that the churche of Rome should be holden from thēce forth for the head church of the world and he for the head bishop Whan this was once gotten than rose they vp so high that the Emperour became their foote stoole and all other christian princes their waiting slaues to ryde and run make and marre striue and fight slea and kill at their commaundemēt and pleasure Thus became the Romish Pope the seauenth Kinge that was in Iohns time yet to come If the marke in the Cronicles good Reader thou shalt finde that Phocas the first Pope maker slew his master the Emperour Mauricius signifiyng in mysterye the sayde Pope making to be an vtter destruction to the Empyre The Popes name was also at that time Bonifacius whiche is as muche to say as Bonafacies a good face Which betokeneth that this new raysed kingdome shoulde shew a fayre face euermore or a shining pretēce of holynes what mischiefe so euer it wroughte eyther agaynst God or man in abhominable supersticion 8 And whan this seauenth Kinge commeth sayth the text he must continue a space or abide a litle season He muste haue a time by the permission of God strongly to delude the vnbeléeuers which wyll neither sée nor heare reade nor yet thankfullye receiue hys worde of saluation so graciously offered them So corrupt are the fleshly affects of men that much more prone they are to lies superstitions than to the verytie of the Lord which is to be lamented Christe came first in the name of hys heauenlye father but hym wyll they nor receiue The Pope commeth in hys owne wycked name and to hym runne they by heapes Whose continuaunce here hath bene but a time For yet is it not a thousande yeares since the Papacy first beganne vnder Phocas which is but as a day before God and that day wyll he shorten by hys owne promise for his elects sake whiche to remember is their greate comforte And a great cause whye For soone after that shal they be fully restored into the persight number of the children of God 9 And the execrable beast sayth the text that of late
daies was in auhoritie ouer al the world yea sitting aboue God in the consiences of men and nowe is become of no reputacion amonge men God openinge his mischiefes is euen the eyghte in number And yet neuertheles is one of the vii heades For both is he the beastly body it selfe comprehending in him the vniuersall abhominations of all the earthlye kyngdomes And in that poynt diuers from the seuen heades and so the .viii. in number 10 And also he is one of the .vii. heades and the seauenth in numbre in vsurpyng this proude worldly kyngdome thus after a vayne temporall sorte Ouer and besids all thys maye he also be called the eyght in the curssed remnant which after the peaceable silence of christen libertie sathan loosoned shall most cruelly persecute Christes congregation a freshe as in the xx chapter here following wil appeare 11 This beast with hys carriage the Antichrist with hys church or sathan wish his sinagog shal not onely go into destructiō here by the mighty breth of Gods mouth or the true preaching of hys Gospell but also into dampnation euerlastinge in the ende of the worlde with the deuill and hys Angelles THE TEXTE 1 And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest are ten Kinges 2. VVhich haue not yet receiued the kingdome 3. But shall receiue povver 4. As Kings 5. At one houre vvith the Beast 6. These haue one minde 7. And shall geue their povver and strength vnto the beast 8. These shall fight vvith the lambe 9. And the Lambe shall ouercome them 10. For he is Lorde of all Lordes 11. And Kinge of all Kinges 12. And they that are on his side 13. Are called the chosen and faithfull The Paraphrase 1 And the ten hornes saith the Angell vnto Iohn which thou sawest here vp on the heades of this rose coloured beast are in signification x. Kinges Some hath taken these ten Kings for al those Emperours of the Latins since Charlemayn which haue sworn them selues obediente to the Byshoppe of Rome Some haue thought them to be those Princes which here in Europa haue aforetime bene subiecte to the Empyre of Rome As the Kinges of England Fraunce Spaine Portingale Castele Denmarke Scotlande Ungary Boheme and Naples But these consider not that they be yet more in number as Aragone Nauerre Cicile Cypres Sardine Swethē Pole and such other and are all included in the seauen heades as members of the afore rehersed Empires Neither marke they that they are aboue the heades as hornes and more in number then the heades betokening a rygorus authorytie and fierce power whiche they proudlye vsurpe ouer them euery where Afore they were but suggestions but héere are they earnest doers For in euerye region hath the beastly Antichriste of Rome his Metropolitanes Primats As in England are Caunterbury an● York in Fraunce Thuronensis and Remensis in Spaine Tholetanus Terraconensis in Portingale Hispalensis Bracarensis in Irelande Armachanus Dubliniensis in Denmarke Lundensis and Upsalensis in Germany Coloniensis Maguntinus in Hungary Strigoniensis and Colocensis in Italye Pisanus Rauennas in Sicyle Panormitanus Messanences with an infinite number of bishops prelates pristes religions besides the fighting orders of the Rhodes the Prussianes the Redemers of captiues the Aragondes the Georgianes caled de Alga the Monteseanes the Castilianes the Lusitaneanes the Calatraneanes S. Iames warriours 2 These had not yet at y● tyme receiued the diuillish kingdom of pestilnce vsurpacion ouer the soules of men For though in Iohns daies arose certaine Antichristes as Hebion Cerinthius Diotrephes Carpocras and such like yet were they nothinge to these 3 But now in déede they haue receyued the selfe same aucthoritie power with the beast that hée tooke afore of the Dragon in maner of kings to rule in the heartes and consciences of men to his behoue 4 For so much as theyr authoritie is not of God lyke as is the authoritie of Kings it is sayd here as kings or as men counterfeyting them in vsurping a gouernaunce not fréely giuen them of God but of the Diuill 5 All at one houre receyued they this aucthoritie with the beast And that I suppose was in the great general coūsayle of Laterane at Rome gathered vnder the title to recouer Hierusalem agayne Where as confession in the eare was cruelly extorted of christian people vnder the payne of death dampnation by the whole consent both of the princes bishops at the former suggestiō of Innocēt the third besides other wicked things As to heare latine seruice to go on processiō on sundayes to pray vnto dead saints to ●orship Images to buy masses for the dead to ●ast the fridays with purgatory pardōs merits friers orders In the sayd coūsail became the metropolitanes as kinges and by the authority threof apointed they their Stuards Baliues other officers as bishopes curates parish pristes to haue euer charge of soules and in the sayd eare cōfession to receiue their accountes 6 These counterfet kinges are al of on diuelish mind practise purpose against God and his veritye 7 And fully they are fixed to geue their whole power their study their strength vnto the behoofe of the beast Not acording to Gods mind wil they rule but al after his wil pleasur agreing alwaies vnto him as mēbers to their head to serue wickednesse after wickednes in Babilon His Popish decres wil they seke his diuelish decretales will they folow his ceremonials wil they obserue and nothing of the sacred scriptures What learnyng so euer they haue what giftes of nature fortune or grace al must be to the maintenāce of his fātastical fopperis To him ar they sworn to do him homage to obey his laws to kisse his féete for his glorious sake to persecute his gospell 8 And in so doing they shal fight with the lamb which is Iesus Christ. They shal impunge his truth whē they think to doe him seruice For that mischiefe they doe to one of his they doe to hys owne person 9 But be they neuer so dogged yet ●hal the Lambe ouercome them in his faithful members yea by pacient sufferaunce onely The victory saith S. Iohn which ouercōmeth the worlde is a sure christian fayth Upon theyr ●ide fighteth he which is most myghtie and strong yea the Lord that is valyaunt in battail And he shall first ouercome them in this lyfe with the mightie breath of his mouth scattering thē away as dust from the earth And after this shall hys tirrible iudgement for euer condempne them 10 For he is by the aucthoritie giuen him of his father the Lord of all Lords and by his own eternall Godhead the King of all Kings hauyng all power in heauen and in earth He is cōstitute Iudge of the quicke and the dead hauing alone the euerlastyng Em●yre with his father and the holye Ghost and of his kyngdome shall neuer bée an ende 11 By his permission doeth all kinges reigne he
hath their hartes in his hand and iudgeth their thoughts Both may he giue them his spirite and also take it from them and of his enimyes hée shall make his footestoole He is the same ●●one after Daniell that without any handes was cutte out of the mounte which breaketh the Iron the copper the earth the siluer and the Golde in péeces By whom are ment the vniuersall kingdomes of this world 12 Of this his victory are all they parteners with him which are vpon hys syde by fayth Most specially those true seruaunts of his which after they are called by grace and chosen by fayth perseuer still constant feruent faythfull and sure in hys veritie to the latter ende of theyr liues 13 Not only the Lambe therfore shal ●uercome the beast but they also after the doctrine of Paule that are called and chosen in him not falling from his truth for any temptation or grief but standing fast by it vnto the very death For those that the Lorde hath prefixed afore he hath called iustified and allowed These auanceth not them selues with the proude but méekly they submit theyr crownes referring all victory to the Lambe as men that could haue done nothing in y● behalf without him THE TEXT 1 And he said vnto me 2. The vvaters vvhich thou savvest vvhere the vvhore sitteth 3. are people and folke and nations and tongues 4. And the ten hornes vvhich thou savvest vpon the beast 5. are they vvhich shall hate the vvhore 6. and shall make hir desolate naked 7. and shall eate hyr flesh 8. and burn hyr vvith fyre 9. For God hath put in their harts to fulfill his vvill 10. and to doe vvith one cōsent 11. for to giue hir kingdome vnto the beast 12. vntil the words of God be fulfilled 13. And the vvomā vvhich thou savvest is the great citie 14. vvhich reigneth ouer the king● of the earth The Paraphrase 1 And after thys long communicatiō sayth Sainct Iohn the afore sayd Angell sayde thus vnto me to make vp his tale with 2 The wauering waters which thou sawest héere now of late in misterye where as the Babilonish whore sitteth vpon the rose coloured beast are in signification all maner of peoples of the carnall nations and the supersticious folke of many sundry tongues 3 Not onely in one place of the worlde ruleth this wanton religion of Antychrist but in euery lande in euery dominion in euery company among all occupacions languages The foolysh multitude euery where being blynded by their subtile sorceryes and neyther hauing fayth nor yet the feare of God before theyr eyes as a raging flood the banckes broken downe runneth headlings into all blasphemy and diuillishnesse 4 Moreouer the a fore named ten hornes sayeth the Angell which thou by the wil of God beholdest here in spirite vpon the sayd beast of distructiō are those very persōs which also shal hate the whore Hir abhominations once knowne by the Gospel preaching they shall abhorre hir lawes dispise hyr authoritie cōtempne hir customs They shal defeat hir of those lands possessions which now shée vniustly holdeth 5 They that afore were hir friends shal than be hir mortall enymies denying hir both tribute obedience seruice so leauing hir without all comfort Not only are these the temporal gouernours as the King of England the Kyng of Denmarke the Duke of Saxon the Lādgraue of Hesse and other Princes of Germany with such other as wil here after followe the same principles but also the Metropolitanes and bishops the Doctors and Prelates As are already Thomas Cranmere the Archebishop of Caunterbury Hermanus de Weda the Archbishop of Coleyn Godrick the Bishop of Hely Barlow the bishop of Sainct Dauids Byrde the Bishop of Chester Thurleby bishop of Westminster Hugh Latimer Nicolas Shaxton of late yeares Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury with such other lyke as will here after followe theyr trade Though they were afore the horns of the beast for defence of the whore yet are they now fallen from him more shall euery day to make hir desolate of honour and naked of rentes and possessyons 6 So shal they chase that Babilonish harlot Rome with their prechers that neyther shal they leaue hir couler nor yet bewty Consider what Iohn Reuclin Martin Luther Erasmus Ocolampadious Zwinglius Pomeran Bucer Capito Melanthon Grineus Caluinous Brencius Frances Lamberte Bullinger and such other hath don against hir alredy Likewise here in Einglād Bilnee Tindale Frith Barnes Cromwel Couerdale Turner Gorge Ioy Rose Ridley Ward Becon and other els leauing her neither Reliques nor Robes sectes nor Shrynes Abbeyes nor Priores many more comming after them of the same sort These shal make her so desolat that no man shall in proses of tyme regard hir They shall leue hir so naked that all the worlde shall abhorre hyr that shal loke vpon hir Yea in the conclusion they shal eat hyr fleshe 7 Besides the taking away of hir carnall prophites and plesuers they shal confound hir fleshly vnderstanding of the scriptuers utterly consume the superfluous obseruacions of hir whorishe cerimonies 8 Finally with fyre shal they burne hir in bringing vnto nought al hir abhomynable rules customes and kindes of idolatry All these once plucked away by the euident worde of God no lenger shall this harlot appere For no lenger continueth the whore then the whoredom is in price Take away the rites and cerimonies the Iewels and ornaments the Images and lightes the Lordeshippes and fatherhodes the aulters and masses with the Bishops and Priestes and what is their holye whorishe church any more Not onely is this flesh eating and bur̄ing declared now a daies in outwarde experimentes as in the rebellious Monkes and Priestes of Englande and in thē that arose there in the North specially in fryer Forest and Margarete Cheny which were for their church cōsumed like as were Baales chaplayns at the broke of Cison by Helyas but also mistically in that is spoken of hir afore 9 For God hath saith the Angel al blindenesse secluded put it into the hartes of those and such other godlye mē by the infusiō of his spirit to fulfil his decréed wil pleasure in this behalf as vtterly to distroy the popish religiō or filthy abhominations of Antichrist 10 He hath giuē it thē moreouer to doe these thīgs to his glory throgh the agréement of faith that they haue in the vnitie of his godly truth to the abolishment of all sects false prophets cōiurers of egipt 11 Finally by his grace he hath moued them through knowledge of his word to rēder vp hir blasphemous kingdom whom sometime of ignorance they vsurped vnto the malignaunt beast again as the horns of his pestilent heads After this sorte did good Latimer Shaxton giue ouer their bishoppricks so haue diuers other godly men their promocions liuings as many more yet here after will doe 12 For as they haue begonne so shall they cōtinue in diminishyng the
abhominations of this whorish church till the words and promises of God by his Apostles and Prophets which can neuer fayle be wholly fulfilled in effecte and till his last iudgemēt doe finish all But thus doe not all they which haue done of the yoke of the Popes obedyence or blotted out his name For the greater number of them retaineth still the blasphemous obseruacions cerimonies of hys Romish relygyon some making new lawes of deth for the establishmēt of the same as is in England the acte of the .vj. Articles with diuers other more And for this remayneth here stil the beast as receiuing the rendred kingdome of the whore In whom is also comprehended the wicked remnant that shal worke the last mischiefe whom the Lorde shall ende with his saide iudgement This beast is not without his liuely Image still working the same féetes that him selfe wrought afore though his head be greuouslye wounded in diuers quarters of the world Neyther is he without craftye phisitions to minister life to the same Who euer forswore the Pope more ernestly than did Stokislye and Samson Gardyner and Tunstall Wylson and fryer Wattes with such other holy prelats yet labour they toth and nayle to haue Babilō stil Babilō Sodome Sodom and Egipt Egipt But maruail not of the ordinance of the Lord which all at on time prouyded Moyses to guide his people yet hardened Pharao against thē which sent his sonne Iesus Christ to saue them and yet suffered the pristes to murther him considering he is the potter which maketh both the vessels of honouer and dishonour 31 Brifly to conclud the whole of thys matter saith the angel the gorious aparreled woman or glittering church of Antichrist which thou sawest here of late in mistery is also in recēblance the great citty Babilō the mother of al the spiritual abhominacions Idolatries don vpon the earth For like as frō Sion hath the laue cōmen forth the word of god from Hieruselē so hath issw●d forth frō this Babilonish Rome such a false religiō into Emperours princes peoples as with filthy superstitions hath poysoned all the world 14 For a kingdō she hath ouer the kings or noble gouernours of the earth a false power a vsurped authority a seat of very pestelence Alas for pitty that so worthy potentates shoulde bée in subiection to so stinking an whore to so vyle an harlot being so the seruaunts of sinne and captiue slaues to all wickednesse from the whiche the Lorde once deliuer them Amen Thus endeth the second part The Contentes of the seconde parte THe xj Chap. beginneth wherin Iohn measureth the Temple the Aulter and them that worship therein The .ij. witnesses doe their appointed offices the beast making warre against them and sleying them A great Earthquake followeth and the second woe is past The xij Chapter beginneth wherin the seuenth Angell bloweth his trompet In heauē appeareth a woman all cloathed with the sun whom the Dragon diuersly vexeth Mychaell fighteth with the Dragon and ouercommeth him The woman flyeth into the wildernesse and there is preserued The xiij Chapter beginneth wherin a beast ryseth out of the sea with seuen heades and ten hornes receyuing authority of the Dragon One of his heades is wounded and healed agayne An other beast commeth out of the earth with .ii. hornes which deceiueth the earthly dwellers and raiseth vp an Image like vnto the beast In the ende is counted the number of the beast The .xiiij. Chapter beginneth wherin the Lambe standeth vpō the mount Sion and the vndefiled congregacion with him An Angell sheweth the euerlasting Gospel an other declareth the fal of the great whore An other is commaūded with his sikle to cut down the grapes of the vineyard The .xv. Chap. beginneth wherein Iohn séeth the seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plages of the wrath of God On the glassy sea standeth men hauing the harpes of God they sing the song of Moyses and the songe of the lambe The tabernacle of testymony is séene in heauen The .xvi. Chapter beginneth where in the seuen Angels power out theyr vials of gods wrath The first vpon the earth The secōd vpō the sea The third vpon the riuers The fourth vpon the sūn The fift vpon the seat of the beast The vj. vpon the great floud Euphrates And the seuenth into the ayre The xvij Chapter beginneth wherin an Angell sheweth vnto Iohn the iudgement of the great whore which sitteth vpon the beast Hée discrybeth both hir and the beast at large Finally he sheweth the meaning both of hys heades and hornes with other great mysteries more The poore persecuted church of christ or immaculate spouse of the Lambe Apoca. 12. The Dragō was wroth with the woman which fled into the wildernesse and went and made warre with the remnaunt of hir séede which kept the commaundement of god and haue the testimone of Iesus Christ. The proude painted Church of the Pope or sinfull Sinagoge of Sathan Apoca. 17. I sawe woman sitte vpon a Rose coloured beast full of names of blasphemye decked with golde precious stone and pearles with whom the Kinges of the earth committed whordome and the inhabiters of the earth are dronken with the wyne of hir fornication ¶ THE THIRDE parte of the Image of both churches after the most wonderfull and heauenly reuelation of saint Iehn the Euangelist c. Compiled by Iohn Bale Apoca 1. ¶ I Ihon your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdome of pacience which is in Christe Iesu was in the I le of Pathmos for the worde of God A small Preface vnto the Christen Reader FOr so muche as this Image of both churchs or exposition vpon S. Iohns Apocalipsis seemed vnto me as it came vnto the printing to be farre to much for one volume I thought to deuide it by equall porcions into three smal bookes as I haue now done in deede Of whom the firste contayneth x. Chapter the second vii the third v. onely which maketh out the whole number of the xxii Some peraduenture wil maruel that the smaller nūber of the chapters should comprehend so much of that commētarie as the greater number But if they marke in the text the aboundinge of misteries euermore as the matter thereof aboundeth they will soone leaue their marueiling The nature of this reuelation is the further it goeth the more wonders it sheweth openeth vnto hym that after praier shal in faith reade it and deserne it Neuer therin are the principles well perceiued till the conclusion thervpon folowinge doth playnely with the other scriptures conferred declare them In these v. last chapters are the two churches wherevpon resteth the whole argumēt of this booke fully by all dew circumstaunces described thē turned ouer into a moste fearefull and terrible destruction vnder title of the olde whorish Babilon the other obtayning a moste glorious rayse vnder the name of the holy new Hierusalem In the xvij● Chapter is that execrable churche of
the Princes of the earth 8 Whose excéeding number saith saynct Iohn is as the drye sande that hath bene bast vp wyth the sea which can in no wyse be numbred In thys full well maye it be ●onsidred what a small thynge Christes flocke was in comparison of these souldiours of Gog and Magog after sathans going forth for the tyme of their battayle Innumerable were the sectes of the Pope with those that they brought to that false fayth and obedience And so were the Prophetes of Mahomete with the peruerted mulytude Theyr power was great for the tyme and their malice vengeable yet were they as sande drye and vnfruitefull 9 They rose vp in pryde ryches and ryalty and alwaies went ouer where as they sée the earth made playne and smoth and that in euery lande compasse Their generall iourney was all the worlde ouer towardes them that were poore in spirite or whose l●stes were mortified from the worlde● Consider them for an example whom they haue cruelly burned and slaine where as they perceiued their croked custōes throwen doune and the streight rule of Gods worde faythfullye receyued there persecuted they moste ●ier●●sy there we●ed they furious and mayde sparing neyther swerde fyre gybbet nor other torment such heretykes as woulde not beleue as holy church commaunded Thys hath bene theyr order for the tyme of Sathans lybertie And this haue they taken for an hygh poynt of Christan religion For thys is that houre that Christ prophecyed of wherein men shold think to do vnto god gret good seruice whā thei put one of his vnto deth 11 Thus haue they wyth all prodigious tyranny compassed the derely beloued Citie of God or the holy cōgregaton for whom Christ dyed vtterly to ouerthrowe it By all maner of craftes and diuelyshe circumuentiōs haue they gone about at that tyme as they woulde doe yet styll to destroye that samll remnaunte or church of the Lord builded without materiall stone morter y● swéete spouse of his with out spot or wrincle Not onely sought they in the enterprise to bring to naught the particular cōgregatiōs but for as much as lay in thē the vniuersal church of god thā liuing Blessed be our lorde god though it hath ben since the loosing of sathā but a pore wretched neglected thing of no reputatiō before the world yet hath it bene alwayes before hym a beloued Cytie and hath defended it so mightely that nothing hath peryshed of it No not one heire of theyr heades What the Turke wyth Mahomets host hath done for hys parte in Egipt Gréece Palestyne Hierusalem Bulgary in the borders of Italy Spayne at the Rhodes in the kingdom of Hūgarye Ludouirus the king there rufully slaine nowe last of all against the citie of Uyē I thinke it is knowē vnto all mē We may se by that is here writtē of these two enimies Gog Magog the daily experiments confirming the same that they are farre aboue vs in number and power being as the sādes in the sea Most vainely are we occupied if we assertaine our selues to haue the victorye ouer them by any other way than the Lorde hath appoynted Let vs pray therefore vnto the Lorde for grace and than amende our liues and the plage shall cease Onely hath he promysed to destroy them all wyth the breath of his mouth and wyth no bodely armoure nor strength of men as here after foloweth Let vs in the meane tyme giue our selues vnto feruent prayer to compassion of our brethern to dedes of charytie pitty to abstinence from synne and to the forsaking of our owne desires For sure we are that he shall shorten their dayes of mischiefe for his electes sake 12 In the processe folowing must we take for the tyme past the tyme to come for the clere declaration of the mistery considering euer more the vsage of the scriptures for tymes Whan these enimies Gog and Magog shal be at the hyghest in their vengeable enterprises agaynst the elect Citie or peaceable congregation of Christ a consumyng fyre sayth Saint Iohn which is the eternal worde of the Lorde shall come downe fréelye out of heauen from the mouth of the great omnipotent God 13 As a fearefull lyghtninge shall it fall vpō thē and as terrible fyre shall it deuoure them lyke as the materyall fyre did eate vp Sodome and Gomorre rebellions in the desert the enimyes that sought Helias The fyre that is kindled in the wrath of God shall burne vnto the bottome of hel cōsume vp those terrible termagauntes 14 That worde of the lordes indignation shall with great violēce throwe the diuel that wi●y serpēt which deceiued gog Mogog with their innumerable souldyours into a foule stynking lake or boyling pit of wylde fyre brimstō 15 Upon the wicked saith Dauid shall the lorde rayne snars Wyld fyre brimstone with tirrible storme tēpeste shall they haue to rewarde for theyr etarnall punishment Herein are to be marked considered both the intollerable greuousnesse of the paines also the euerlasting continuaunce of them 16 In the same place of intollerable torment were the beastly generatiōs of Antechrist al their scholemaisters of hipocrites doctrine Or eternallye of god were they therevnto appointed as the vngodly communaltie wyth theyr capitaine and as the bodye and members with their wicked heade for all readie is it done by his worde but thā shall it folow in effect wheras they shal be as the Lord hath appoynted most sharpely afflicted with vnspeakeable tormentes both day and night without pause or ceasing for euer and euer without ende 17 Neuer shall their fyre be quenched sayth Esaie no● yet theyr gnawinge worme be taken from them For all maner of griefes wherwith God vexed the wicked may this fyre here be taken after the scriptures For as witnesseth saint Augustine in his xx booke and xii chapter De ciuitate Dei not onely is this punishmēt to be referred to the latter iudgement but alo to the extermination of Antichristes h●st by the worde of God the worlde ouer Be the Gospell once purely taught amōg men it will condemne all that they haue done vpon their owne presumption without the grounde of Gods veritie be it ceremony or Sacramente priesthode or sacryfice reseruinge the deceiuers to his most fearefull iudgement THE TEXT 1 And I savve a great vvhite seate 2. him that satte on it 3. from vvhose face fled avvay both the earth heauē 4. theyr places was no more founde 5. And I sawe the dead both great and small 6. stand before God 7. And the bookes were opened 8. And an other boke vvas opened 9 vvhych is the booke of lyfe 10. And the dead vvere iudged of those thinges 11. vvhyche vvere vvrytten in the bookes according to theyr deedes 12. And the sea gaue vp hir dead 13. vvhych vvere in hir 14. And death 15. and hell delyuered vp the dead 16. vvhiche vvere in them 17. and they vvere iudged euery man
the lambe Iesus Christe which is his eternall sonne is the holy full and perfect temple therof None outwarde priesthoode ceremonye nor sacrifyce for fiue cōmaundeth Christes doctrine to his congregation The golden measure of his word which diffyneth and iudgeth all thinges necessary therevnto appointeth no such matter For in no tēples made with stone dwelleth God which wil be all in all Only is required of them a sacrifice from the soule which is the very temple of God In his onely name shoulde the faithful sort ther offer vp themselues And therefore Christ appoynted Uespasian and Titus to turne ouer the great temple of Hierusalem and vtterly to destroy that priesthoode because we should put no trust in suche thinges nor yet be addict or bound to places A damnable inuencion is it of Antichrist that the suffragans halloweth the sinagogs to bringe them into al kinds of superstition They constitute also a feastfull daye to the honour and worshipe therof called the dedication which is most abhominable wickednesse Truthe it is that after the Apostles time ther were places appointod where as the congregacion met together once in the weake for the hearinge of Gods word and for the holy communion and that was called the oratorie or house of praier But that house was not exercysed nor coniured crossed nor smered blessed nor be sprinkled wyth water Neyther was there at that time anye aulter set vp in it anointed with oyle creme to offer any newe sacrifice vpon Consider also that the appoinmente of this bare house withoute aulter or images was lefte to mans ordinaunce without any exprest commaundement of Christ that it should be thought of no reputacion For in spirite and veritie wyll god only be worshiped And for this cause after that Christ had dryuen the byers and sellers out of the temple he commended none other temple vnto vs but his body which he raysed vp in the daye of his resurection to our behoue 6 God therfore is our temple and his Christ. In them ought we to do sacryfice and in none other In their faith should our workes labours studies be grounded only if we couet them to profit vs. Iohn for his time could sée none other temple but this The Lord of his tender mercye graunt vs to be Iohns in this behalfe Iohn beheld also at the Angels demonstration that this Citie had neither néede of Sunne nor Moone to minister light vnto it as the olde Hierusalem had Neither hath Christes congregation néede of mans naturall reason nor yet of hys worldly wisdom coniectures nor practises subtilties nor wiles polices nor witts inuencions nor traditions No neither of their philosophy nor sophystrie the decrées nor sentences of the great Lawyers Schoolemen which all is but darknesse and blindnesse 8 For the brightnesse of God sheweth thē light sufficient His shining verytie his pure gospell and his vndefiled lawes cleareth their vnderstandings A lanterne to their féete is hys heauenly word Only doth that clerenesse suffise them whiche faith offereth vnto them 9 Onely are they contented with the light they haue of the Lambe which is the bright Sunne of rightuousnes He is the Lamp the Candle and the flaming Cresset of this citie None other admonisher haue they néede of none other counseller nor teacher Accursed holde they him that bringeth any other doctrine than his though he were an Angell from heauen For he is the only light of the world the brightnesse euerlasting the vndefiled myrrour of the maiestie of God and the Image of his infinite goodnesse Whoso euer foloweth him can in no wise walke in the darknesse The dayes wyll come saith the Lorde in Hieremy that a man shall not néede to teach his neighbour or brother for they shal know me frō the highest to the lowest I shall plante my lawe in their inwarde partes and write it in theyr hartes 10 And the people of al maner of regions which are predestinate of God to be saued shall walke in the clearnesse of the light None other wisdome helth rightuousnesse and redemption shall they seke than they finde in him Neither shal they care for Mary nor Ihon rodes nor reliques hedes nor holy water masses nor merites For so shall he shyne vpon them and his glorie apere in them that the cloudes of Antichrist and his false prophits shal take no place So liuely shall the rightuous waxe in that faith of saluacion that they shall become not only the children of clernesse but also very lyghtes in the Lorde 11 Morouer vnto this heauenly light shall the myghty kynges of the earth bringe their glory magnifycence and honour as did the wise men of the East which offred rewardes vnto Chryste They shal be conuerted from their erroures to a sincer beleue in the Lord as were in the Apostles tyme Abagarus Egippus and Gundoforus And since their dayes the mighty Emperour great Constātine Iouinian Theodosius and diuerse other Yea some were so feruent in that faith that gladly they suffred death for it Of whose numher were here in Englande saint Edmound Oswalde Ethelbert Edwyne and Fremonde with a greate sorte more in other Christian regions All kinges saith Deuid shall worshipe him and all paganes shal do him seruyce Amonge these are not they to be rek●ned which leauing their kingdomes hath made them selues monks and friers or hath founded masses and monastaries to be praied for For they neuer brought theire glorye to thys light No more haue they done which hath enriched the cleargye gluttinge them with possessiōs and setting them vp in a glitteryng pompe But rather haue they sought darknesse than light blyndenesse than to be taught of god Some haue thought them selues in our age clearly cōuerted to thys lyght But ryghtly hath their iniquitie lyed vnto them For nothynge haue they done lesse than broughte vnto Chryste theyr glorye Truthe it is that they haue discharged them selues of the Pope and to some of hys sects They haue plucked downe shrynes and Images that receaued offeringes and dayly worshippings with a fewe superstitions besides but still bringing vp whelps of the same false generation both bishops prists Stil haue they to this day the same wicked rits and ceremonies that they had afore And when thei should bring ani thing to a right christian order according to Christes first institution they cannot away with it Great is the vengeance terrible heuy and fearefull the iudgement that abideth them 12 And as concerning the great gates of this Citie which are the true vnderstandings of the Lordes verities they shall not be shut vp by day Hidden shall they not be to them the walke in this light All that Christ hath receiued of his heauenly father leaueth he manyfest and plaine vnto his faithfull leuers Not only openeth he their feble vnderstandings but also sendeth them his spirit to deduce them into al godly knowledge 13 For in that citie shal be no night No doctrine of darknesse nor fylthye mist of