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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12309 A memento for Christians In some short meditations on the third verse of the thirteenth chapter of the Epistle vnto the Hebrewes [...] Published by the author, for the comfort of all those that mourne in Sion, and very fit to be seene in the hands of all men in tese troublesome dayes of the Churches sorrow. Doolittle, E. 1623 (1623) STC 6163.5; ESTC S113555 39,885 102

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to spend whole sermons on it which sheweth that they preferre themselues and the cause of men before the cause of the Lord who is Almighty Therefore because they respect the Lord no more now he will respect them no whit hereafter for howsoeuer they may come with their fellowes and pleade Lord haue wee not preached in thy name yet because it hath beene but in the name onely hee will say vnto them Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire I know you not 4. Fourthly it serues for consolation to all those that in handling the word of God take this course to imitate the Lord herein for howsoeuer it may not bee liked of the most yet we know that it is approoued of the best And howsoeuer they may be called hotspurres thought to be too much of the Spirit yet it is better to bee blamed of the world to bee too much of the spirit and liue then to be Rom. 8. 13. blamed of God to bee too much of the flesh and dye And so much for this point concerning the manner of the exhortation the duty that wee are exhorted vnto followes that is that we remember those that are in bonds from whence wee learne this lesson Doct. 3 That it is a speciall duty laid vpon vs by the Lord himselfe To remember those that are in bonds to remember those that are in affliction The truth of which as it is cleere from the text in that the Lord is so earnest and diligent in the pressing of it so also in that he hath taken such vengeance not onely on those which haue beene instruments of their sorrow as on Pharao Amelecke Exod. 14. 24 Isa 37. 36 37. Iudg. 5. Rabsheca and the rest but euen of those who haue not helped them in their sorrowes as Curse ye Meroshe because they came not to helpe the Lords people and Amo. 6. Woe to those that are at ease in Sion and are not sorry for the affliction of Ioseph therefore shall they goe captiue with the first their sorrow is at hand Reas 1 Now there can no other reason bee giuen of this but the will of God of which to aske a reason as an ancient Father saith is to seeke that which is not to bee found or to passe by an vnpassable way Argu. For his will being our rule of life those that seeke to passe those bounds may expect nothing but death for he willes it onely because it is his good pleasure so to do which reason should serue in stead of a thousand for if the will of a king will so preuaile with vs especially if we know that it is his good pleasure so to haue it Oh how then should the will of God who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords that great Iehouah whose name is Iam perswade vs to obedience Vse 1 The vse of this point is first for instruction to euery one high and low rich and poore to set to the practise of this duty for it is required of vs by God himselfe as well as any other part of his worship as hearing the word receiuing the sacraments or calling vpon the holy name of God it selfe The motiues hereunto are these following and they are drawne partly from God partly from men those from God are drawne partly from the will of God and partly from the sake of God those from men are drawne partly from others partly from our selues Those from others are drawne partly as they stand in relation to vs. Those from our selues are drawne partly from the benefite we shall reape if we do it and partly from the euill that will insue if wee doe it not The first motiue then to stirre vp euery one to the diligent practise of this duty is because it is the will of God God doth earnestly require it the which if we would but duly consider when wee looke vpon the affliction of Gods children or doe but heare of it in any kinde that they are afflicted in their estates in their names in their persons or in their liberty if I say that wee doe but duely consider of this present text that it is the Lords will that we should remember them it would be motiue sufficient to stirre vs vp to the practise and performance of this duty 2. The second motiue is drawne from the sake of God because they are his Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Act. 9. And in Hebrewes 11. Moses in saide to esteeme the rebuke of Christ greater riches then the treasure of Egypt Marke hee saith The rebukes of Christ shewing that the afflictions of his people in all times haue beene his affliction therefore if we would take to heart to see the Lord Iesus Christ in his owne person to bee afflicted imprisoned reuiled and persecuted oh then let vs remember the bonds and the afflictions of the people of God for they are his they are his bonds they are his afflictions they are his rebukes they are his persecutions therefore if any thing will mooue vs the due consideration of this will 3. The third motiue is drawne from men and first from others as they stand in relation vnto God being his children for 1. Ioh. 3. 1. 1. Ioh. 5. 1. all true beleeuers are the sons of God they are borne of God now the consideration of this that all the people of God are Gods owne children will be a great motiue to cause vs to take to heart their bonds and their afflictions for if the children of a King being in a strange land where they were not knowne should be in great calamity and distresse it should be manifest to some other by their princely carriage or by their honorable speech that they were the children of such a King that were a great Monarch on earth O how would these men labour to deliuer them and free them partly by their suits telling their aduersaries that they must take heed what they doe They are honourably descended that they are children to such a King and heires apparant to such a kingdome well knowne in their owne coūtrey And thus hauing deliuered them o how would they straine themselues to doe them good by letting them dwell in their owne houses feede at their owne tables and lodge in their owne beds perswading themselues that when the King their father should heare of it they should be richly rewarded for the same although happily they know not their fathers minde how hee stands affected towards them nor the power of the king how hee is able to steed them or at least it may be a long time ere the king might heare of it Now beloued all the people of God are Gods owne children who is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings the great Monarch of heauen and earth and they are in this world as in a strange countrey where they are not knowne for the world knowes them not by reason wherof Ioh. 15. 19 they are many times in
45. from community of goods some ignorantly dreame of as they were from other of their idle fantasies they had community in vse indeed but not in propriety but to venture life is more yet some haue done it as Hester If I die I die To venture thy office thou thinkest is much yet some haue done it as Nehemia To venture the displeasure of a King thou thinkest is much yet some haue done it as Jonathan To build an house for them thou thinkest it much yet some haue done it as the Sunamite To entertaine them in house thou thinkest is much yet some haue done it as Abraham and Lot But for a night or two it may bee thou couldest be content but for a longer time thou thinkest it much yet some haue done it as Simon the Tanner To become poore to make others rich thou thinkest it much yet some haue done it as Christ to giue beyond ones ability thou thinkest is much yet some haue done it as the Macedonians to ioyne in prayer for them with the bretheren thou thinkst is much yet some haue done it as in the house of Mary to speake to the King for them thou thinkst is much yet some haue done it as Ebedmelech the blacke more to forsake the treasure of a kingdome and the pleasures of a Court for them thou thinkst is much yet some haue done it as Moses Well if none of these precepts nor motiues nor examples will preuaile with thee to cause thee to Remember them that are in bonds to helpe them the Lord shall send them helpe and deliuerance from some other place But thou and thy fathers house shall be destroyed yea thou Hest 4. 14. shalt be the first that shall goe captiue Amos 6. Yea if thou wilt not yet remember them the Lord will send them helpe some other way but it shall not be to thine honour Iudges 4. 9. The Lord shall sell them into the hands of a woman that is will raise vp some weeke meanes to relieue them for hee will send some Rauen to feed them or cause some Gamaliel to speake for them or some Iayler to fauour them or he will feed them with Angels food or else cause that their feet shall not swell nor their garments to waxe old for 40. yeeres or to cause their meale and their oyle miraculously to increase or at least cause them to like better with water and pulse then thou shalt with the kings fare when as thou shalt haue that blacke brand set vpon thee by the holy Ghost himselfe 1 Ioh. 3. 17. how dwels the loue of God in him But if any shal yet obiect that they would bee more forward but that there are so many hypocrites that in releeuing of the Saints many times they should feed the vnworthy Answ I answer that if thou giuest to any one in the name of a disciple that is whom thou seest by profession to be a disciple thou shalt not lose thy reward and it is farre better for thee to set before thee the example of Abraham and Lot who in entertaining strangers receiued Angels into their houses So thou knowest not whether in relieuing of the saints thou shalt relieue Christ him-himselfe not as some foolishly think that he comes in the shape of an old man but we are sure that he euer comes vnto vs in his members and better it were that our goodnesse should extend to all then that Math. 25. 40. Gal. 6. Math. 5. any of the houshold of faith should want as the Lord who lets his Sunne to shine vpon the good and bad vpon the iust and vniust Now if any shall say that they would doe more good but they want oportunity I answer if that they doe what good they can and desire to doe more good if they could the Lord will accept the will for the deed and let this text as a shrill trumpet euer sound an alarme in thy ears that thou maist remember those that are in bonds and then thou shalt neuer want oportunity to remember them at least in thy prayers Vse 3 The third vse is for terror to all those that are negligent in this dutie they doe not only depriue themselues of many blessings but also pull vpon themselues horrible iudgements as before hath beene shewed that howsoeuer they may abound with these outward things yet it will stand them in no sted at the day of account Math. 25. but to further their condemnation Vse 4 The fourth vse is for comfort and consolation to all those that haue bin and are forward in this duty they take the best course to inrich themselues here and to assure themselues of heauen hereafter for they make God their debter for hee that giues vnto the poore lends vnto the Lord. Now what though money be short in thy owne purse yet if it bee in a sure hand thou wilt not care but whatsoeuer thou giuest or bestowest on the afflicted Saints of God thou lendest vnto the Lord who is a sure paymaster that will not faile thee at thy need And thus much for the point concerning the duty contained in the exhortation the direction followes from whence we learne this doctrine Doct. 4 That the Lord in his word doth not barely exhort vs to doe his will but is very diligent to direct vs in the manner how to doe it This is cleere from the text and most plentifully shewed in the Scripture I will Luk. 1. 74. but instance one place in the first chapter of Luke there is a duty required of vs to serue God But is that all No hee addes the manner also how we must doe it that it must bee in holinesse and righteousnesse and that without feare before him all the daies of our liues and this is typed out vnto vs in the old Testament in the building of the Tabernacle Moses must doe all things according to the patterne shewed to him in the mount Exod. 25. 40. And of the house of the Lord which were representations of Gods outward worship both the goings out and the commings in with the whole forme thereof must bee kept Ezek. 43. 11. and 46. 9. And as this serued for the old Testament so it is in the new for Christ is faithfull in all his house as Moses Moses as the seruant Christ is as the Sonne ouer his owne house whose house we are Heb. 3. 2. 1 Tim. 3. 15. Reas 1 And this the Lord doth because hee would haue vs bring nothing of our owne into his sacred worship but as Moses must make all things in the Tabernacle according to the patterne shewed him in the mount and the whole forme of the house must be kept both the length and breadth and height and limits of it round about so wee must doe nothing in the worship of God neither for forme nor fashion of it but according to the patterne shewed vnto vs in the reuealed will of God 2. Secondly hee doth it because hee would