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A94073 The vengeance of the temple: discovered in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable the Lord Major and court of aldermen of the City of London, in Pauls Church, May 17. 1648. Being the day of publique thanksgiving for a victory obtayned by the forces under the command of Colonell Horton, at St. Faggons, neere Cardiffe in Wales. / By William Strong pastor of Dunstans in the west, and a member of the Assembly of Divines. Strong, William, d. 1654. 1648 (1648) Wing S6011; Thomason E450_20 38,327 55

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his children And as grace though it be in it selfe but an accident is dearer to God then the soules of all men without it so his people though they be but few and as an accident to the world yet are they dearer unto God then all the Kings and Kingdoms of the Earth besides they being the first fruits to God and to the Lambe Esay 43.3.4 Ps 105.14 and therefore he gives Kingdomes for their Ransome and reproves Kings for their sakes 3. Thirdly Who are these enemies We are the Church of God even this whole Nation therefore none of these are to be found amongst us These enemies are of severall sorts 1. First all prophane men that are enemies to holinesse they are the Churches enemies whose God is their belly who glory in their shame who are enemies to the Crosse of Christ These are spots in our feasts a blemish and a dishonour to all our Churches We labour at present under a double evill of damnable doctrines on the one side and divelish practises on the other and both these thinke to justifie themselves by objecting one against another The Heretique declaimes much against Prophanenes and thinkes that hee hath well acquitted himselfe and the prophane man on the other side cries out heresie heresie but these are both enemies unto Christ and to the Church of Christ Prophanenesse hath gotten so much ground there being no Magistrate as it is sayd of Laish or master of restraint to put them to shame that they declare their sinnes as Sodom● Judg. 18.7 and it is with us as Salvian in his dayes found it De Gubern Deid 3. Genus quodammodo sanctitatis est minús esse vitiosum He is a holy man that is not extreamly wicked and he little lesse then a Saint who is not a very Divell 2. Secondly Heretiques in Opinion and Idolaters in Worship They bee the enemies to the Witnesses Revel 11.5 men that speake 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 perverse things Act 20.30 turning all upside down Eph 4.14 denying principles overthrowing foundations affirming horribilia de Deo 2 Pet. 2.3 2 Pet. 3.16 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ep●st Polycarp ad Philip. terribilia de fide men that use a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a great deale of artifice and skill to deceive there are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 new coyned words and canting language to corrupt the minds of the Saints who set the Scripture upon the Rack 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and make it speak that which the Holy Ghost never intended wresting it to their owne destruction and the subversion of others Such the people of God should looke upon as enemies and avoyd their communion 2. Iohn 10. If there come any to you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house nor bid him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is pertaker of his evill deeds If a man be once taken with an itch of novelty as to defire to heare what every man sayth he is neere to be seduced and it is a great judgement of God to be given over to believe a lie Vincentius Lirinensis hath this observation of the ancient Saints Advers haereses cap. 9. it may serve for our direction Quo quis foret religiosior eo promptius novellis adinventionibus contrairet 3. Thirdly all those that rejoice in the low condition of the Church of God and deride them when they are downe these the Church calls enemies Mica 7.8 yet such there are in the Church sonnes of the bondwoman that wil be scoffing who with Haman can sit down to drinke when the people of God are in perplexity men that rage and rayle and onely expect a day when with a despitefull heart they may revenge themselves Ezek. 25.8 This was Moabs enmity they sayd Behold the house of Iudah is like unto all the Heathen for all their boasting of their God they are layd waste as other Nations there is no difference Therefore thus sayth the Lord I will open the side of Moab take away her strong frontier Cities an enemy shall enter into her bowels and she shall be no more remembred among the Nations 4. Fourthly all men that reserve themselves and affect a detestable neutrality in these active times that lie at a close guard till they see which is like to bee the stronger side and come not forth to the helpe of the Lord against the mighty Meroz is as truly an enemy as Iabin the king of Canaan for in this case Christ sayth Hee that is not with me is against me and hee that gathers not with me scatters These consult not their present duty but their future safety how they may so demean themselves that they may ingratiate with this or that party that doth prevayle Therefore sayle by a side winde and live upon futura contingentia all their dayes To such a one I say thou art an enemy to the Church of God and God is an enemy to thee 5. Fifthly they that cleave to the Church of God by flattery and proffer to build with them that they may destroy them whose hearts are truly set against that worke of Reformation they professe to further for in their persons they hate to be reformed Who court the Saints of God and salute them but it is to betray them with a kisse and with Ioab to stab them in a complement Ezek. 29.6.7 The Lord sayth of Aegypt Thou hast beene a staffe of Reed to the house of Israel they had incouraged the Iewes to rebell against the King of Babylon and had promised to assist them they were in promissione baculus but in solutione arundineus A Lap. in loc and so became an occasion of all the misery that befell Israel in this designe When Israel came out of Aegypt there was a mixt multitude who did cleave to them by flattery and murmured and deserted them when trialls came It may be sayd of many a man as Ruoeus of the Carbuncle translucit in modum ardentis prunae Lib de Gemmis if you heare their words and looke upon them at a distance you would thinke them to be as hot as a fiery coale but come neere to them and observe their actions and you shall find them to be key cold 6. Sixthly all Apostates that fall from their former principles that now plead for that which not many yeeres it may be not many dayes since they were violent against The greatest enemy that ever God had was an apostate Angel The greatest enemy that ever Christ had an apostate Church and the greatest enemies to the Saints are Renegado professors Take heed of an Alexander a Demas a Julian There was a time not long since when you all sayd we will admit no heresie in doctrine no super stition in worship no tyranny in government no man shall have dominion over our Lawes or domination over our consciences but many have met with a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
only in respect of temporall punishments and not of eternall for as no man ever went to heaven by the righteousnesse of another meere man so no man shall ever goe to hell for the wickednesse of another Heere the sonne shall not bear the iniquity of the father but the soule that sinnes shall die Yet in things temporall as children may have many blessings as a reward of their fathers graces and obedience as God brought Israel into Canaan 2. Cron. 20.7 although they were a very disobedient and stiffenecked people because it was the Land which he had promised to Abraham his friend and hee delivered them in the dayes of Hezekiah for his servant Davids sake so they may be under many temporall judgements Esay 37.35 as a punishment of their fathers disobedience the Lord heerein using his soveraignty and prerogative to punish a man eyther in his person or his posterity Gen. 9 25. 2 King 5 27. as he did Cham in Canaan his son and Gehesie both in his person and in his seede also 2. Secondly God lookes upon a generation or succession of men as a body and in the punishment of their sinnes he doth shew both justice and providence As there is a measure of iniquity in particular men to bee filled up before eternall wrath shall take hold of them Jer. 51 13. Dan. 8 23. Zach. 5.6 Joel 3 13. Rev. 14 15. so is there a measure appointed also to a State or a generation of men which must be filled up before Temporall wrath shall come upon them Wee see the Temporall judgement upon the Amorites is deferred because their iniquity was not yet full and the time to fill it up was 400 yeeres Gen. 15.16 The Lords Decree is gone forth to blot out the remembrance of Amalecke from under heaven Exod. 17.14 and yet this people doe not come up into remembrance before the Lord to their utter destruction till the dayes of Saul 1 Sam. 15.2 and then the Lord sits upon their posterity their fathers sinnes because they layd wayt for Israel in the way when they came out of Egypt So Christ sayth to the Pharises ye are the children of them that killed the Prophets fill yee up the measure of your fathers Matth. 23.31.32 So that when children walke on in their fathers wayes and fill up their measure though in respect of eternall wrath inflicted upon their persons they were in hell many yeeres agoe and received a just recompence of reward yet the temporal punishment may be reserved for after ages and visited upon the posterity when transgression is come to the full Thus all the cruelty executed upon the Saints from the bloud of Abel was visited upon the Jewes in the destruction of Jerusalem and all the bloud shed upon the earth shall be visited upon Babylon the great the mother of harlots when she shall come up into remembrance before God with all those that have receyved her marke or borne her image or acted with her in a way of bloud 6. Sixthly there are no sort of sinners in whose destruction the Lord doth so much delight it is unto him a sacrifice of a sweet savour Esa 34.6 Jer. 46.10 Z●ph 1.7.8 And as Satan the neerer his kingdome is to end the greater is his rage great wrath because his time is short so the neerer Christ comes to the perfect possession of his Kingdome for when the enemies are subdued all the Kingdomes of the earth shall be the Lords and his Christs the more will he put on zeale as a garment and the more he will hasten the enemies overthrow he will doe more in a short time at last then hee hath in many ages in times past If it bee but a slanderer Quid tandem Deus Opt. Max. in te decernet Sagittas suas desuper nec non carbones seu primas Juniperorum in Gehenna Mi●s in loc or one that persecutes with a despitefull heart and a false tongue he shall not lose his labour therefore the question is put Psal 121.3.4 What shall be given unto thee or what shal be done unto thee thou fals tongue Thy reward from the Lord shal be mighty and sharp arrowes with coales of Iuniper which as they burne hottest and continue the longest so they doe in the burning yeeld a sweet savour The second use is for consolation to all the Saints Vse 2 and the Lord takes great care that they should be comforted that their spirit might not sinke and fayle in the evill day Comfort yee comfort yee my people Esay 40.1 sayth your God and when the Lord Christ drew neere his suffering when a man would have expected all his thoughts should have beene taken up about himselfe yet now he takes care to beare up the spirits of his people that they might not bee overwhelmed with overmuch sorrow Io. 14.1 Let not your hearts bee troubled c. Truly we had need of great supports because the enemies are many and enraged mens spirits are in judgement turned to hate the Saints and it is to be feared if a man rightly discernes the signes of the times that the killing of the witnesses drawes neere which will surely bee the bitterest and bloudiest persecution that ever befell the Christian Churches My purpose is not to give you those ordinary supports which are common to all afflictions as that they come from a fathers hand from a heart full of love that they shal be in measure and make a man partaker of the holinesse of God in the end for this is all the fruit to take away the sinne c. though these are great grounds to stay a mans faith upon But I would rather pitch upon those that might be more proper and peculiar to the enemies and sufferings of the last times the cup that God hath reserved for you 1. These shal be the last great suffrings of the saints and they shal be but short for as all the former beasts are destroyed so there now remaines onely the seventh head of the fourth beast which is as the eight and must goe into perdition Rev. 17.11 and then all the eminent persecutions of the Church shall cease and there shall be no more a pricking briar and a grieving thorne in the Lords holy Mountaine the Lord shall then wipe away all teares from your eyes there shall bee no more sorrow nor crying the witnesses shall die but once and it shal be the sharpest but yet the shortest of the Churches sufferings To all you that have beene with the Lambe called and chosen and faythfull I say as the Martyr did Hold out faith and patience your worke is almost at an end It was a great comfort to Hierome of Prague that he could say to his persecutors at his death Centum revolutis annis Deo respondebitis mihi after an hundred yeeres God would call them to an account in avenging his bloud but you may summon your persecutors before God to answer in a far
lesse time 2. Secondly these last sufferings shall be an inlet to the most glorious deliverances that ever the Church of God had for the killing of the witnesses shall make way for their resurrection Rev. 11.12.15 when they shall ascend to heaven in a cloud their enemies beholding them And then shall the Kingdomes of the earth become the Kingdomes of the Lord and the dominion under the whole heaven shall be given to the Saynts of the most High Dan 7.27 and they shall possesse it for ever and ever 3. Thirdly all your sinfulnesse and unworthines shall not hinder your redemption though the people of God fall yet they shall rise and though they may sit in darknesse the Lord will bee light about them Indeed the great discouragements to the Saints are their sinnes and their unanswerable walking unto meanes and mercies but yet the Lord cannot alter the word gone out of his lips nor suffer his faythfulnesse to fayle Esay 10.27 The burden shall bee taken away from off thy shoulder and the yoke from off thy necke and the yoke shall bee destroyed because of the annointing Glass Rhetor sacr Calv. in loc Some take the annointing for Christ the annointed of the Lord and others for the Kingdome of Christ which by an unction the Lord had established whether Christ or the Kingdom of Christ be understood yet there is an annointing that will breake every yoke Their sinnes may procure their affliction but they shall never hinder their redemption 4. Fourthly The enemies shall never bee able to set up Popery in this kingdome againe and to establish any of those things that relate to it that the Lord hath removed in these late yeeres they shall never bee able to root out the Saints out of the Reformed Churches but they shall grow by their opposition Christ will surely keepe the ground that hee hath won in a way of Reformation and what the former vialls have destroyed shall never be made up againe for hee will not lose the fruit of his conquest in any one of them His shakings of heaven and earth are to this end that hee may remove the things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things that cannot be shaken may remain Heb. 12.27 There is nothing that is made by man in the things concerning God but he will have a shaking time for it and his end in shaking it is that hee may remove it and he doth not so remove it that the enemies should againe establish it And therefore what ever of Popery the Lord hath shaken and removed I doe conclude that all the power of the enemy shall never set up againe I doe not doubt but there will bee many and desperate attempts for it but they shall never bee able to prevayle as when the Heathenish way of worship was destroyed there were many endeavoured to set it up againe Fiftly God will in an especiall manner owne you in all your sufferings as he calls you forth for him so will hee assuredly appeare for you and therefore he saith when men reject them and cast them out Rev. 11.3 they are my two witnesses and they shall have the same power with him that any of the ancient Saints have had in times past they shall turne water into bloud with Moses and Aaron they shall shut Heaven that it shall not raine with Elijah they shall be two Olive trees standing before the God of the earth with Joshua and Zorobabel if any man hurt them fire shall come out of their mouthes and devour them and they shall smite the earth with plagues as often as they will so that the greater persecution they shall meet with all from men the nearer accesse they shall have to God and the greater acceptance with him and as the affliction shall abound so shall also the consolation and to be owned eminently by God and to be looked upon as those of whom the world is not worthy when they are disowned by men and accounted not worthy to live in the world is a great meanes to beare up mens spirits in the greatest sufferings Sixtly It shall end in their finall and utter destruction for there shall follow an earthquake Rev. 11.13 in which the tenth part of the City shall fall Christ shall be clothed with a vesture dipt in bloud Rev. 19.13.15 and he shall tread the wine presse and fiercenesse of the wrath of Almighty God and all those ancient Prophesies as well for the enemies destruction as for the Saints redemption shal be fullfilled for time or delay shal be no more Rev. 10.6.7 the mystery of God shal be finished as he hath declared to his servants the Prophets and then shall that ancient prediction of Lactantius be fullfilled De divino praemio lib. 7. c. 15. Romanum nomen quo nunc regitur ab orbis horret animus dicere sedd cam quia futurum est tolletur de terra All that power of Rome which hath for many hundred yeares as the fourth Beast tyrannized over the Churches all this shall be destroyed in the little horne Dan. 7.11.26 and the Beast given to the burning flame to be consumed and destroyed unto the end But especially by Iulian who did in dispight to Christ and Christianity use all meanes to bring in Pagan Idolatry againe and to build the Temple at Jerusalem and to set up againe the Jewish worship and to this end set a great multitude of poore deluded Jewes about this worke but when they had gotten materialls together and thought to set about the building that night the Lord sent a whirl-winde and scatered all the materialls but they were not thus discouraged from the worke but they sought out the ancient foundation of the Temple to build upon it and having found it the Lord sent an earthquake which cast up all the former foundation and then that Prophesie was full filled there was not a stone left upon a stone not throwne downe Ecce globus igneus e fundamentis Templi erumpeus laborantibus occur tens operarios multos ambussit incendio illo per totum diem durante Ea miracula quosdam Iudaeos ita permoverunt ut Christum Deum agnoscerent Religio vero indurati cum indignatione opus caeptum dereliquerunt Osiander Epitom hist Ecclesiast Cent. 4 l. 3. c. 34. but such was their blindenesse and desperate madnesse that they would not desist from the enterprise therefore the Lord sent a fire out of the foundations of the Temple which consumed many of the workmen their materialls and instruments for the building and then at last they began with shame and indignation to give it over The like endeavours wee may expect for Rome Antichristian and with greater violence but they shall be alway so crossed that they shall at last perish in their owne opposition what ground the Lord hath won upon Rome he will maintayne for he will by degrees destroy her Neyther shall