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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69169 [Certein workes of blessed Cipriane the martyr, translated out of laten by J. Scory] Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage.; Scory, John, d. 1585.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. De mortalitate.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Ad Fortunatum.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Epistola ad Thibaritanos. 1556 (1556) STC 6152; ESTC S111012 40,894 104

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ye might remember the I tolde you Let no mā therfore maruel that we are exceadingly trobled with cōtinual ꝑsecutiōs oftētymes vexed with paineful trobles seing that the Lord tolde aforehāde the these should happen in the last daies which the doctrine exhortation of his worde instructed prepared our fight warrefare Peter also his apostle taught that persecutions do therfore happen that we maye betried and that we thorowe deathe and sufferinges myght also be ioyned and knitte to the loue of God after thensample of the iuste men that went before vs For in his epistle he wryteth thus sayeng Dearely beloued wonder not at this heate that is happened vnto you 1. Pet. 4. which is come among you to trie you Neither fall ye awaye as thoughe a newe thing had chaunced vnto you but as ofte as ye are partakers of Christes passions reioyce in althinges that when his glorye appeareth ye may also be mery and gladde yf ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ happie are ye For the name of the maiestye and power of God dothe reste in you Which verely is blasphemed of them but is glorifyed of you Thapostles haue also taught vs suche thinges as they thēselues did learne of the Lordes preceptes and heauenly commaundementes the Lorde hymselfe strenghtning vs and sayeng Luce. 18. Math. 1● Ther is no mā sayeth he that leaueth house or felde other father and mother other betherne or susters other wife or children for the kingdome of goddes sake which shall not receiue seuen tymes as muche in this world and in the world to cum life euerlasting And againe blessed shal ye be saith he when men shal hate you and shal excommunicate and bānishe you Mat. 5. and shall curse your name as wicked for the sonne of mans sake reioyce and be gladde in that daie for your rewarde is great in heauen The Lorde wold haue vs to be mery and ioyeful in persecutions For in the tyme of persecution the crownes of faithe are distributed and geuen than are Goddes sowldears tried Than do heauēs open vnto the martyrs For we haue not after suche maner professed souldearfare that we should thinke vpon peace only and should refuse and forsake the fight Forasmuche as the Lord the mastre of humilite patience and sufferaunce hathe himselfe walked in the selfe same souldearfare the he might first do that thing himselfe which he taught to be obserued of others and might himselfe first suffer for vs that which he exhorted vs to suffer Set allwaies before your eies dearely beloued that he which alone hathe receiued al iugement of the father whichshal com to iuge all mē hathe euennow aforehand pronounced the sentence of his Ingement and knowlage to come Math. 10 shewing aforehād witnessing the he will confesse thē before his father that cōfesse him will denye thē the denye him Yf we might auoide escape death No man can escape death we might iustely feare to die but seing that of necessite the mortall must die let vs embrace thoccasion which God by his promise hathe vouchesaued to offer vs And let vs so ende our life that we maye receiue the rewarde of immortalite Neither let vs be afraide to be slaine seing yt ys manifest that we are then crowned when we are slaine and killed Neither let any mā most dearely beloued brethren betrobled Flight for feare of persecutiō whan he shall se our people driuen awaie scatered thorowe the feare of persecutyon and shall not see the brotherhede gathered together nor heare the bishoppes preache and declare the scriptures S. Cipriane vseth this worde brother heads We vnto whom it is not lauful to kill but must of necessite be killed can not than be al gathered together Whersoeuer any of the brethren shall in those dayes be for a season seperate from the flocke in body and not in spirite thorow the necessitie of the tyme let him not be troubled thorowe the terriblenesse of that fleing neither let him be afrayd when he departeth to hyde himselfe in the wilsome wildernes For he is not alone which hathe Christ to his companion in fleing He is not alone which keping the temple of God is not without God whersoeuer he shall happen to be And yf the these and murtherer shal destroye the as thou arte fleyng into the wildernes and mountaynes yf the wilde best shall assaile the yf hunger thurst or colde shall pinche the or yf the tempest or storme shall drowne the when thou doest by see hastely flee awaye Christ abydeth and loketh for his soul dear whersoeuer he fyghteth And he geueth vnto him that dyeth for the honour of his name in the tyme of persecution that rewarde A comfort for suche as are preuely pined murdered in presons which he hath promised to gyue in the resurrection Neither is the glory of martirdome any whit the lesse thoughe a man dye not openly amōg many when Christ his cause was thoccasion of his death For he is a sufficient witnesse of his martirdome that tryeth martirs and crowneth them Abel Let vs most dearely beloued brethren folowe the ryghtful Abel which beganne and consecrated martirdomes when he was the first that was slayne for ryghtfulnes sake Let vs folowe Abraham the frende of God Abraham which delaied not to offer vp his sonne in sacrifice with his owne handes when thorowe a deuouce fayth he obeyed God Let vs folowe the thre children Ananias Azarias and Misahel which being nether feared thorow their tender age nor discorraged thorow captiuitie whē Iury Ierusalē were ouercome takē ouercame by the power of faythe the kyng in his owne kingdome Which beyng commaunded to worship the ymage that Nabuchodonosor hade made ouercame bothe the kynges threatninges and the flamyng fyre Crieng out and testefieng their faith which these wordes Dani. 3. We haue no nede O king Nabuchodonosor to make the any aunswer touching this mater For ther is a God whome we serue able to delyuer vs from the fornace of the burnyng fire and he shall delyuer vs O king from thy handes but if he do not let it be knowen vnto the the we will not serue thy goddes neither wil we worshippe the golden ymage which thou hast set vp They beleaued that thorowe faith they might escape neuertheles they added but if he do not that the king might be certefied that they war also able to die for Goddes sake whome they worshipped For this is the power of faithe and vertue to beleaue and knowe that God is able to deliuer frō present deathe yet neither to feare nor giue place to deathe that faithe maie be tried the better Out of theyr mouth brake furth the vndefiled in uincible strenght of the holy goost the the wordes which the Lord spake in his gospel might appeare to be true whā they shall laie hādes on you saithe he be not carefull what ye shall speake
Furthermore what thing ys this most dearely beloued brethren how muche apperteining to the purpose how necessary that this pestilence morren which semeth to be horrible cruel dothe trie the rightfulnes of euery mā examineth the myndes of mākynde whether the hole do seruice vnto the sicke whether neighboures kinsfolke do godly loue together whether the masters haue any pitie vpon their sicke seruaūtes whether the phisiciōs forsake the sicke that hūbly requireth their coūcel whether the ●ruel wil cease frō tyrāny wrōge doyng whether thextorcioners at the least wyse for feare of deathe will quenche their insaciable continuall burning of raging couetousnes whether the proud wil stoupe bow downe their neckes whether the wicked wilmoderate his folehardines whether the riche whā their deare frendes are dead wil yet thā geue to the poore seing themselues shal dye wtout heire Certeinly althoughe this mortalitie shal bring with it none other profite yet in this point it hathe muche profited christians goddes seruaūtes because we beginne now gladly to wishe for martirdom whiles we learne not to feare death Vnto vs these are no buriales but execises They geue a glorious strengtht vnto the mynde thorowe the contempt of deathe they prepare to the crowne But paraduēture some man maye obiecte saye This thā in this present mortalitie maketh me heauy that where as I was prepared to confesse the fayth had with my hole harte full streinght addicte my selfe to suffre passion I am nowe being preuented with death depriued of my martirdome For answere to this we must first consider that martirdome standeth not in our power but in thestimacion of God neither canst thou saye that thou hast lost ought which knowest not whether thou diddest deserue to receyue Besides this God which is the searcher of the reynes and harte and the beholder knower of theyes seeth the prayseth and alloweth the and he that perceyueth the to be prepared to vertue will for vertue rēder rewarde Had Cain now killed his brother whan he offered sacrifice to God and neuer theles God that forseeth thinges old beforehande condēne the murthering of his brother which he had conceyued in his minde As ther the wicked thought mischenous cōceit was manifest vnto God that forseeth thinges euē so among the seruaūts of God which thinke to cōfesse the truthe are ful purposed to suffer martirdome the mynde bent to goodnesse God being iudge is crowned For it is one thing to wante a will to martirdome on other to wāte martirdome to a ready wil. Loke what maner of one God fyndeth thee when he talleth thee hence suche a one dothe he also iudge thee according as him selfe witnesseth saing al cōgregaciōs shal knowe the I am the searcher of the reynes of the harte For God seketh not the effusion of your blood but faith For neither wer Abrahā I saat nor Iacod slayne and yet thorowe the merites of faith and rightfulnes they were honorable obteyned to be chief amōg the Patriarkes Vnto whose feast all that are foūde faithfull iuste prayse worthy are gathered together We ought to remēber that we should do the wyll of God not our owne according as God hath cōmaūded vs daily to pray How arsewarde peuishe a mater is it for vs to desire the will of God to be done Seing we do not immediatly obey the cōmaūdemēt of God his will whē he calleth vs out of this world Against this we striue wrestle ar with heumes sorow after the maner of stub burne seruātes brought vnto the lordes presence departing hence cōpelled by necessitie not by willing obediēce wil we which heauēly rewardes be honored of him to whō we com vnwillingly For what purpose than do we desire praye for the cōming of the kingdome of heauen yf we haue our delectacion in earthy captiuitie why do we praye beseche with often repeted praiers that the day of the kingdome might come quickly yf our desires be greater earnester to serue the deuil here than to reigne with Christ ther Further that the tokens of goddes prouidence maye more manifestly appere that the Lorde which knoweth aforehand thinges to cum doeth prouide for the true healthe of his when a certeine companion in office and felowe priest with vs being now wearied with sicknes and trobled with deathe euen at hand desired a sauecondute to be geuē him ther stode by him as he praied and being now at deathes dore a yōg man in honour and maiesty worshipfull of stature tall of countenaunce so cleare and bright that the carnall eye of man could scante abide to behold suche a one standing by him but only because he the should go out of the worlde might now abide to loke vpō such a one And he not with oute a certeyne angre of minde and voice groned said you are afraid to suffer departe hence ye will not what shall I do to you this ys a voice of one rebuking and warning who will not consent to the present desire of suche as be carefull for persecucyon and careles for their calling hence but referreth the hole matter vnto the tyme to come Our brother and felowe in office heard that which he might declare to other For he the was now redy to die hearde these wordes to that ende the he might tel them to others he heard thē not for himself but for vs. For what should he learne being now ready to departe He lerned somwhat but that was for vs that here remayned that whiles we parceaue that the priest the desired saueconducte was rebuked we might knowe what was expediēt for euery one of vs. How often hath it ben also reueled vnto vs that are the lest out castes How often hath God vouchsaued manifestly to cōmaunde vs that we should diligētly witnesse opēly preach the we ought not to mourne for our brethrē which by ye. Lordes calling are deliuered frō the world forasmuche as I knowe the they ar not lost but sent before the they departing hence go before vs ought to be wisshed for as men the are gone furth on a torney or sailing and not to be lamented neither that we here should put on black gownes Morning for the deade in blacke gownes seing they haue receiued ther white garmentes that we should giue non occasion to the gētiles that they might worthely iustely rebuke vs because we mourne for them as thoughe they wer destroyed and lost which we saie doo liue with God and should with the witnesse of our harte and conscience reproue that faithe which we professe with our mouth and doice We ar trāsgressours of our hope and faithe the thinges that we speake seme to be coūterfaite fayned paited yt profiteth nothing to professe vertue in wordes to destroy the truth in dedes Thapostle paule also doth rebuke and blame suche as are sorowefull in the departing of their frendes ●
Thes 4. We will not saieth he haue you to be ignozaūt brethrē touching them that are aflepe that you should not be sorowefull as suche that haue no hope For if we beleue that Iesus died rose againe euē so God shall also brig with him thē that haue slept in Christ He saieth the they are sorowefull in the departīg of theirs that haue no hope But we which liue in hope beleue in God truste in Christ that suffred for vs and rose againe abiding in Christ thorowe him rising againe in him why do we our selues either refuse to departe hēce or mourne sorowe for our frēdes departing hence as thoughe they wer lost Seing that Christ him selfe the Lord and our God doeth warne vs saieng I am the resurrectiō he that beleueth in me althoughe he die yet he shall liue Ioan. 11 ▪ euery on that liueth beleueth in me shall not die for euer yf we beleue in Christ let vs geue credite to his wordes promises and we shal not die euerlastingly but we shall come to Christ with a ioyfull safety with whome we shall liue reigne alwaies But wher as in the meane tyme we die we doo but passe by deathe vnto immortalitie neither can a man attayne eternal life except he happē to go out from hēce it is no end but a passage after this tēporal iorney is finished a going ouer vnto euerlasting lyfe Who wil not make hast to go to better thinges Who wil not desire to be chaunged and fashioned a newe after thymage of Christ to cō spedely vnto the dignite of the heauēly grace accordīg as Paule thapostle preached safeng our conuersacion is in heauen from whence we also loke for the Lord Iesus Christ Phi. 3. which shall transforme our vile bodye make it like vnto his gloriouse body The Lorde Christ also him selfe doeth promise that we shall be such whan he praieth the father that we maye be with him and liue with him in theuerlasting seates and reioyce in the celestiall kingdomes father saith he I wil that where I shall be those whiche thou hast geuen me maye be with me also Ioan. 17. and maye see the glory which thou hast geuen me before the worlde was made He that shall com to the seate of Christ and to the glory of the heauenly kingdomes ought neither to mourne nor tament but rather according to the Lordes promise and the beleaue of the truthe to reioyce in his translation and iorney Thus do we finde that Enoch which pleased God was translated For thus in the boke of Genesis Goddes worde testifieth and saieth And Enoch pleased God and was not afterwardes founde bicause God had translated him This was the reward of pleasing God to obteyne to be caried out from the infectyon of this worlde This the holy Goost teacheth also by Salomon that they which please God ar plucked quickly hence spedily deliuered Sapi. 4. least that they tarieng long in this worlde might be defiled with the handelinges of the same He was caught awaie saithe he lest thorowe malice his vnderstāding should chaunge For his sowle pleased the Lord ▪ therfore he made hast to brīg him out from the myddes of wickednes Thus the sowle it self being addicte vnto God maketh hast in the psalmes also vnto the Lord thorowe spiritual faith as it is writtē Psal 83. O Lord of hostes how louing at thy dwelling places my sowle desireth and maketh hast vnto the courtes of God yf is his parte to desire to dwelle long in the worlde whose delectacion is in the worlde whome the flattering and deceitful worlde doth allure with enticemētes of earthy pleasures Furthermore forasmuche as the world hateth the christian why louest thou him that hateth the and doest not rather folowe Christ which hathe redemed the and loueth the Iohn in his epistle crieth speaketh and exhorteth that we shuld not folowīg carnal desires loue the world ● Ioan. 2. saieng loue not the world neither the thinges that ar in the world Yf any man shall loue the worlde the charitie of the father is not in him bicause all that is in the world is the lust of the fleshe the lust of theyes the pride of the worlde which is not of the father but of the lust of the world and the worlde shall passe awaye with his lust but he that shall do the wil of God shall abide for euer euen as God abideth for euer Furthermore let vs most dearely beloued brethren be ready with a ꝑfecte mynde a stedfast faithe strōg power to obey all the will of God let vs banishe the feare of deathe and thinke vpō immortalitie that foloweth Let vs shewe our selues to be that that we beleaue So that we neither mourne for the departure of our deare frēdes and whan the daie shall come of our owne calling hence we may without delaye and gladly go at the Lordes call This thing forasmuche as it should be done of Goddes seruaūtes alwaies muche more at this present it ought to be obserued Seing the world is now in decayeing and beseged with the blonsterīg tēpestes of deadly euilles that we which doo see greuous thinges to be already begōne and knowe that more greuous hang ouer our heades should counte it the greatest gaine if we maye departe hence quickly Yf the walles of thine house were so olde that they shoke and the roofe ouer the did trēble the house being now weried being now tired the buildinges falling downe for age did threatē an ouerthrowe to be at hande woldest thou not with all spede get thee out Yf a troblesome stormye tēpest and the waues being lift vp with a violent winde did aforehande shewe the a shippewracke comming woldest thou not saile in to some hauen with out delaye Beholde the worlde shaketh and decaieth and doeth declare her owne downe falle not now with the age but with th ēde of thinges and doest not thou giue thankes to God and reioyce on thine owne behalfe that thou art quickely takē hence and deliuered from the daungers shippewrackes plages that are houerīg ouer vs We ought to cōsidre most derely beloued brethren and often tymes to thinke that we haue forsaken the worlde the we liue here but for a tyme as straungers and pilgrimes Let vs embrase that daye which may appoīte euery one of vs his dwelling place which doeth restore vs to paradise and to the kingdome of heauen after that we ar taken hence and deliuered frō the snares of the world Who being farre out of his owne coūtrey maketh not haste to returne home Who making haste to sayle to his frendes and kinsfolke wolde not earnestly desire a prosperous winde that he might the rather imbrace his dearely beloued We reken that paradise is our countre we beginne now to haue the patriarches for our parentes why do we not make hast rūne that we maye se our countrey hat we maye