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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08820 The historie of the Bible briefly collected by way of question and ansvver. Read and corrected by the author.; History of the Bible. Pagit, Eusebius, 1547?-1617. 1605 (1605) STC 19106; ESTC S100467 61,308 288

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the campe of Asher an hundred foure score and fiue thousand Q. What befell to him then A. He was sicke and the Lord sent Isaiah vnto him to bidde him set his house in order for hee should die chap. 20. lib. 2. Q. What did Hezekiah A. He prayed to the Lord and he restored him to health againe and added fifteene yeares to his daies eod Q. What signe did God giue him that he should recouer A. The Sunne went backe tenne degrees eod Q. What was his sinne A. He shewed the treasure of the temple to the Babylonian Embassadours eod Q. What did the Lord then A. He sent Isaiah the Prophet to reprooue him c. 20. l. 3. Q. What Prophets were in his time A. Isaiah Ieremiah and Huldah Q. Who was high Priest A. Azariah Q. How long raigned Hezechiah A. Twentie nine yeares Q. Who succeeded him A. Manasses Q. What is recorded of him chapters A. He restored idolatrie he made his sonnes passe through the fire he cut Isaiah asunder with a wooden saw Q. How was he punished A. He was carried captiue into Babylon Q. What did he there A. He prayed vnto the Lord and he heard him and restored his kingdome vnto him again 2. Chro. 33. Q. What did he then A. He took away the strange gods and restored religion eod Q. How long raigned he A. Fiftie yeares Q. Who succeeded him A. Amon cap. 21. lib. 2. Q. What is recorded of him A. He did euill in the sight of the Lord. Q. What became of him A. He was slaine by his seruants hauing raigned 2. yeares 2. Chr. 33. Q. Who succeeded him A. Iosiah Q. What is recorded of him A. He did vprightly in the fight of the Lord 2. King 22. Q. What were his acts A. He found the booke of the law and read it in the eares of all the people he destroyed idolatrie repaired the tēple he kept a great passe-ouer 2. King 22.23 Q. What became of him A. He was slaine with an arrow at Megiddo hauing raigued 31. yeares eod Q. What Prophets were in his time A. Ieremiah Zephaniah Haldah a Prophetesse Q. Who was high Priest A. Hilchiah Q. Who succeeded him A. Iehoahaz his sonne ca. 23. lib. 2. Q. How long raigned he A. Two yeares Q. What is recorded of him A. He did euill in the sight of the Lord. Q. How was he plagued A. Pharaoh Necoh King of Egypt came vp against him and put him in bonds put the land to tribute of an hundred talents of siluer and a talent of gold And Ehakim the brother of Iehoahaz raigned in his stead and chaunged his name to Iehoiakim cha 23. lib. 2. Q. What is recorded of him A. He did euill in the sight of the Lord eod Q. What were his acts A. He paid tribute to Pharaoh ca 23. lib. 2. He imprisoned Ieremiah Ier. 36. he cut the Prophet Habacuk in peeces and burnt Baracks prophesies Q. What became of him A. He was carried captiue by Nabuchadnezzar hauing raigned 11. yeares Q. Who succeeded him A. Iehoiakin his sonne ca. 24. lib. 2. Q. VVhat is recorded of him chapter 24 A. He deliuered himselfe into the hands of Nabuchadnezzar by the counsell of Ieremie in which captiuitie were Ezechiel Daniel and the three children Q How long raigned he A. Three moneths Q. Who succeeded him A. Mattaniah his vncle whom the king of Babel called Zedechiah Q. What is recorded of him chapter 24 A. He did euill in the sight of the Lord for which he and the kingdom of Iudah were carried into captiuitie by Nabuchadnezzar king of Babel Q. How long had he raigned before he was carried captiue A. Eleuen yeares Q. What Prophets were in his 〈◊〉 A. Baruck Ezechiel and Ieremiah Q. What did they to Zedekiah when they had taken him 2. King 25. A. They slewe his sonnes before his eyes then they put out his eyes and bounde him in chaines and carried him to Babel Q. Who was high Priest in his time A. Seraiah Q. What prophets A. Baruck and Ezechiel Q. Rehearse the chiefe Prophets that prophesied in these kings times A. Iddo Shemiah Iehu Zachariah Eliah Ioel Isaiah Nahum Michab Zephaniah Ieremiah Huldah Vziah Baruck Ezechiel Q. Rehearse the Priests A. Ahiah Azariah Ichoidah Zachariah Amaziah Ahitub Zadock Shallum Hilkiah and Seraiah Q. Rehearse the chiefe Kings of Babel A. Berodach Baladan who honoured Hezechiah Nabuchadnezzar who was cast into a Wood nourished by a goate bewrayed by an Owle found out by a Leopard His name ariseth of Nabn a Goate Chad an Owle and nazor a Leopard He ouercame the Assyrians he carried Iudah captiue He was proud became as a beast afterward he was restored to his kingdome Nabuchadnezzar the lesse who beautified the Temple Euilmeradock who gaue his father vnto 300. vultures to be deuoured Balthaser to whom the hand writing appeared Q. Which was the chiefe citte of Israel A. Samaria Q. Which was the chiefe citie of Iudah A. Ierusalem Q. Which was the chiefe city of Assyria A. Nini●…e Q. Which was the chiefe citie of the Babylonians A. Babylon Q. Rehearse the Kings of Israel A. Ieroboam Nadab Baasha Elah Zimri Omri Ahab Ahaziah Iehoram Iehu Iehoahaz Ioash Ieroboam Zachariah Shallum Menahem Pekahiah Pekah Hoshea Q. How many kings raigned ouer Israel A. Nineteene and none of them good 1. King 12. Q. What is recorded of Ieroboam A. The prophet Ahiah rent his garment in 12. peeces and gaue him tenne He foretold him that he should bee king ouer Israel He made two golden calues for the Israelites to worship setting one of them in Dan and the other in Bethel for which he being reprooued by the Prophet stretched out his hand to lay hold on him and it withered so that hee could not pull it to him againe vntill the Prophet prayed for him He caused his wife to disguise her selfe and to goe to the Prophet 2. King 15 Q. How long raigned he A. Twentie two yeares Q. What Prophets were in his time A. Ahiah Iddo and Shemaiah Q. Who succeeded Ieroboam A. Nadab 1. king 14. Q. What is recorded of him A. He did euill in the sight of the Lord. Q. What became of him chapter 14 A. He was slaine by Baasha at Gybbethon hauing raigned two yeares Q. Who succeeded him A. Baasha 1. King 15. Q. What did he A. He did euill in the sight of the Lord. Q. What were his acts A. He fought with Asa and built Ramah Q. VVhat became of him A. He died hauing raigned 24. yeares Q. Who succeeded him A. Elah his son 1. king 16. Q. What did he A. He did euill in the sight of the Lord. Q. What became of him A. He was slaine by Zimri in Tirzai being drunke hauing raigned two yeares Q. Who succeeded him A. Zimri eod Q. What is recorded of him A. He slue all the house of Baasha Q. What became of him A. He burnt Tirzai himselfe in the middest of it beeing besieged by
with the cattell and spoyle thereof A. They tooke it to themfelues for a pray Q. What did Ioshua then to the citie A. He burnt it made it an heape for euer and a wildernesse to this daie Q. What did he with the king thereof A. He hanged him on a tree Q. VVhat did Ioshuah then A. Hee built an altar to the Lord and wrote a rehearsall of the Law and read it in the presence of all the children of Israel Q. What befell then chapter 9 A. Many kings assembled together to fight against Ioshua Q. Did none of the inhabitants of the land make peace with them A. Yes the Gibeonites Q. What did they A. They tooke old bottles and wine and mouldie bread and put on old shooes and old raiment and came to Ioshua and said they were come from a far countrie to make a league with them and Ioshua made a league with them Q. What did Ioshua when he knew their craft A. He commanded them to perpetuall slauerie Q. What did the fiue kings of the Amorites when they heard that the Gibeonites had made a league with them chapter 10 A. They gathered themselues together and made war against them Q. What did the Gibeonites A. They sent to Ioshua to pray him to come and deliuer them Q. What did Ioshua A. He ascended from Gilgal all that night and all the men of war with him came vpon them suddenly and discomfited them and they fledde towards Bethoron Q. What did the Lord then A. He did cast downe great stones vpon them from heauen vntill Azekah and there were more slain with hailstones then with the sword Q. What did Ioshua then A. He badde the Sun stand still in Gibeon and the Moone in the valley of Ailon vntil they had auenged thēselues on their enemies and that was the longest day that euer was Q. What became of the fiue kings of the Amorites A. They fledde to Makkedah and hid themselues in a caue Q. What did Ioshuah when he knew it A. He bad men roule great stones to the mouth of the Caue and he set men to keepe them and hee bad the rest followe after their enemies and not suffer them to enter into their cities and they smote them with an exceeding great slaughter then they returned to Gilgal Q. What was done when they returned A. The fiue Kings were brought out of the caue Q. What did Ioshua to them A. Hee commaunded his chiefe men of warre to come and set their feete vpon them and they did so Afterwards hee slewe them and hanged them on fiue seuerall trees vntill the Sunne went downe then hee tooke them downe and cast them into the caue and laid greate stones vpon the caues mouth which remaine till this day Q. What did Ioshua then A. Hee ouercame many cities and destroyed three kings more and he slew the inhabitants thē he returned to Gilgal Q. What did the rest of the kings when they heard of this A. They gathered themselues together and came and pitched at the waters of Merom to fight against Israel Q. What did the Lord then A. He bad Ioshua not bee afraid of them hee would deliuer them all slaine before him and he should hough their horses and burne their Chariots with fire Q. VVhat did Ioshua then A. He and all the men of war came suddenly out and smote them vntill there were none of them remaining Q. Did Ioshua destroy their cities A. No he destroyed none of the cities saue onely Hazor which he burnt with fire but he houghed their horses and Surnt their chariots with fire as the Lord had told him Q. Did the inhabitants of Canaan make peace with the Children of Israel the Gibeonites A. No. Q. Why did they not make peace with them A. Because the Lord hardened their hearts to the end they should come to battell against the children of Israel and they might vtterly destroy them Q. What did Ioshua then A. He destroyed the Anakims out of the land of Israel onely in Azzah Gath and Asndod they were left Q. How many kingdomes did the children of Israel ouercome in all chapter 12 A. Thirtie and one Q. When the children of Israel had ouercome their enemies what did Ioshua chapters 13,14 c. A. He denided the land by lots he appointed cities of refuge he gaue cities to Leuites He sent back Ruben Gad and halfe the tribe of Manasses Q. VVhat did Ioshua at his death chapter 13 A. He gathered the children of Israel together and exhorted them not to ioyne with the Gentiles vowing that whatsoeuer they did he his house would serue the Lord. Q. What became of Ioshua then A. He died Q. How old was he when he died A. One hundred and tenne yeares Finis Ioshuae IVDGES Q. After the death of Ioshua what gouernement had the children of Israel A. Iudges Q. What is the substance of this booke A. The estate of the children of Israel in the land of Canaan after the death of Ioshua Q. How is it deuided A. Into three parts their sinnes their oppressours and their deliuerers Q. What were their sinnes A. Contempt of religion Idolatrie theft and whoredome Q. Who were their oppressours A. The Aramites Philistims Midianites Moabites Cananites and Ammonites Q. How long were they oppressed A. One hundred and eleuen yeare Q. What did they beeing oppressed A. They cried vnto the Lord and he sent them deliuerers Q. Rehearse their names A. Otheniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Barack Gedeon Abimeleck Tola Iaer Iptah Ibsau Elon Abdon Sampson Eli and Samuel Q. How many yeares did God giue them Iudges A. Three hundred thirtie nine yeares vntill Samuel Q. Why then doth Paul in the thirteenth of the Acts say that God gaue them Iudges 450. yeares A. He reckeneth the Iudges and oppressours together whose yeares added together make 450. Q. Out of whose hands did Otheniel deliuer them A. The Aramites ch 3.10 Q. Out of whose hands did Ehud deliuer them A. The Moabites Q. Out of whose handes did Shamgar deliuer them A. The Philistims Q. Out of whose hands did Dehora and Barack deliuer them A. The Cananites chap. 4. Q. Out of whose hands did Gideon deliuer them A. The Midianites chap. 6.7.8 Q. What is recorded of Abimeleck A. He vsurped the kingdom and slue 70. of his brethren vpō a stone chap. 9. Q. What befell to him then A. A woman with a peece of a milstone brake his braine-panne Q. What did he then A. He commanded his page his armour-bearer to thrust him through that it might not bee saide that a woman had killed him Q. What is recorded of Tola and laer A. There is no mention of any notable acts done by them cap. 10. Q. Out of whose handes did Iphtah deliuer them A. The Ammorites he offered his daughter in sacrifice to God and ouercame 42000. Ephramites cap. 11.12 Q. What did Ibsan Elon and Abdon A. They gouerned quietly Q. Out of whose handes did Sampson