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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00930 The conduit of comfort Containing sundrie comfortable prayers, to the strengthening of the faith of a weak Christian. By Abr. Fleming. Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1624 (1624) STC 11037.5; ESTC S120667 45,799 367

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great prosperity All the blessings of God belonging to this life hee had them in abundāce yet all turned into neede and beggerie Miserable was his estate yea most vile and filthy in the face of the world yet God cast vpon him a carefull eye Bee mindfull of these things for profite insueth therevpon and in thy pouerty arso learne to be patient and méeke End not thy dayes in despaire as the wicked doe seeke not by vnpatience violence to preuent Gods appoynment tarrie the time which thy Creatour hath ordeyned it is thine mine and all our duties to yeeld our willes to Gods will waite his leasure therefore whose name be praysed for euermore Amen Loue euery man owe no man grudge God sits aboue as soueraigne Iudge He seeth all thinges aboue below And euery where an eye doth throw WRath is the way to vengeance a foule and diuelish vice disallowed of God and horrible among men It is a Fire which consumeth a Canker which eateth a Mouth which fretteth the marke whereat it shooteth is Mischiefe Let not thy heart lie open therevnto least the Diuell thereby getting entraunce possesse thée and carry thée headlong into confusion Lay apart all occasions of grudge hate no man loue al men knowing this That Loue is the fulfilling of Gods law Iudge ill of none thinke well of all for God reserueth iudgement and vengeance vnto himselfe Against thine enemies vse not violence but rather in charity as thou art commaunded vse forbearance Make the best of that which is amisse for therein thou shalt shew thy selfe méeke howbeit winke not at wickednesse Looke vp vnto Heauen and thinke vpon him that sits aboue séeing and marking the thoughts déeds of all men All thinges are manifest vnto him yea whatsoeuer we doe in corners he séeth as plainly as at noone day Mocke not thy selfe therfore with thine owne imaginations neither be thou seduced in the vanitie of thine owne fantasies· Be not forgetfull of him who vttered this voyce Heauen is my seate and the Earth my footstole Euerlasting prayse be ascribed vnto his name glorie maiestie and power belongeth vnto him for euermore Amen In that we haue the world at will And take delight to follow ill Neglecting God in holy word Against our soules we whet a sword WHat doth it profit a man to be Lord ouer the whole World and yet to be the seruant and slaue of sinne It is euen as if we should mingle poyson with swéet dainties in tasting them to swellowe downe our owne death Let not thy minde therefore be drowned in the vaine delights of this world but vse them as they are made euen with modestie Lay not inwait for them to enioy them with excesse least they turne thée to destruction vtter vndoing In the Rich man view a patterne of wantonesse who forgetting mercie felt the heate of Gods heauie iudgement Amidest the scorching flames he lay crying without comfort because he abused the benefits of Gods creation Making them instrumentes to serue his beastly appetites neglecting in the meane time all deedes of Christian charitie Let not vs be so rauished with worldly pleasures that we forgetting GOD should disherite our selues of th'heauenly inheritance As the rich man did who in the midst of his banquetting viandes and pleasant melodie despised the poore Most mortall enemies to our selues are we in so doing and stopping our eares at the word of God wee weaue our owne woe Because the word of life through our default is made vnto vs the sword of death which doth strike downe to hell Eternall God and most mercifull Father illuminate our vnderstandinges inspire vs with heauenly knowledge lighten our wittes and giue vs grace to be spiritually minded that we may vse thy giftes blessinges and benefites to the glory of thy name Amen A day there is when all shall rise Out of their Graues in wonderous wise The elect of God long for that day Come come O Christ come soone we say WRetched were wee if there were not an other World besides this wicked World transitorie and corruptible In a miserable case were we if the children of God whom we hope our selues to be wayted in vaine for another world Lamentable were our lot yea accursed our condition if our happinesse were not the life to come Looke we in wast for the comming of our Christ No no he will come at the sound of the last Trumpe from Heauen In maiestie will he come to iudge the whole world and to giue generall sentence against the wicked and vnrighteous All shall rise out of their graues and shall see him with their bodily eyes the iust to their ioy the vngodly to their paine Many legions of Angels shall attent vpon him and shall shew the brightenesse of his glory maiestie and celestiall power Lord Iesus thy chosen children long to see that day yea they labour and are in trauel vntill that day of comfort come Abridge shorten these troublesome times wherein thy children are set at naught and hasten the day of their resurrection Make speed sweet Iesus come quicklie that the kingdome of Satan may be ouerthrowne and the powers infernall suppresed Be mindefull of thy faithfull flocke which wander vp and downe in this wildernesse like Lambes among venomous wolues Ende the daies of this our mortalitie and let vs heare that sweete voyce Come yee blessed possesse the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Amen Amen The Seauen Petitions of the Lords Prayer with a briefe exposition thereof drawne out of holy Scripture Our Father which art in Heauen DOubtlesse thou art our Father Although Abraham bee ignorant of vs or would refuse vs to bee his children and Israell know vs not yet thou O Lord art our Father and our Redéemer thy name is for euer Esay 63.16 There is one Lord one Faith one Baptisme one God Father of all which is aboue all in power through all by his prouidence in vs all by his grace Ephes. 4.5.6 The Lord is in his holie palace the Lords throne is in the heauen his eies will consider the poore and his eie-lids will trie the children of men Psal. 11.4 The heaurn is my throne and the earth is my footstoole such is the greatnesse of Gods Maiestie Esaie 66.1 But our conuersation is in Heauen in minde and affection from whence also we looke for the Sauiour euen the Lord Iesus Christ. Philip. 3.22 1. Halowed be thy name OVr help is in the name of the Lord which hath made Heauen and Earth Psal. 124.8 The Lords name be praised from the rising of the Sunn to the going downe of the same Psal. 113.3 Kinges of the earth and all people Princes and all Iudges of the World Young men and Maydes also Old men and Children let them prayse the name of the Lord for his name only is to be exalted and his prayse aboue the earth the heauens Psal. 2. Thy Kingdome come THe kingdome
THE CONDVIT of Comfort Containing sundrie comfortable Prayers to the strengthening of the faith of a weak Christian. By Abr. Fleming The fifth Jmpression Printed at London by A. M. and are to be sold by Fr. Groue at his shop without Newgate 1624. To the Christian Reader TO auoyd all doubt of deceit Christian Reader which might bee thought to lie lurking vnder this glorious title The Conduit of Comfort we will make an Anatomie of this Encheridion or Manuel opening the very body laying out the bowels thereof before the eyes of thy iudgement Note therefore euery member for thy full satisfaction as followeth The Anatomie of this Manuell The Conduit of Comfort The Contemplation of a Christian. The Lords Prayer expounded by Sentence and Example The Common Creed expounded by Sentence and Example The Ten Commandements expounded by Sentence and Example The Appurtenances to this Conduit The Cesterne is Conscience The Pipe is Peace The Locke is Loue. The Key is Knowledge THE CONDVIT OF COMFORT A Morning Prayer for a Family MOst gratious God and omnipotent Father which dost from the Throne of thy grace behold all the wickednesse of mortall Men pardon wee beseech thee our most lamentable and grieuous sinnes and wash them away by the precious blood of thy most blessed Sonne Christ Iesus who dyed to saue vs sinful men of which sort we are the most miserable and wicked We giue thee most hearty thankes O Lord that thou hast brought vs safe to the beginning of this day and raysed vs from the sinne of Sloth and Ignorance and grant O Lord that wee may so spend this day that it may be most to thy glory the comfort of our owne Soules giue vs grace most heauenly Father that wee may follow our vocations wherevnto thou hast called vs and that we may doe alwayes those things which may bee righteous in thy sight Graunt these our humble petitions most heauenly Father all things necessary for vs for thy deere Sonnes sake Christ Iesus to whom with thee and the blessed Trinity be all Honour and Glory both now and for euer more Amen An Euening Prayer for a Familie OH Euerlasting Lord God and mercifull Father wee thy poore and wretched Creatures from the bottome of our hearts giue thee most humble and hearty thankes that of thy mercy thou hast vouchsafed to nourish vs with thy goodnesse by thy power preserued vs from all dangers and perils that might haue befalne vs this day yea and at all times of our life heeretofore We most humbly beseech thee in the merits of thy Sonn Christ Iesus our blessed Lord and Sauiour not to respect our vnworthynesse but in his graue to bury our misdeeds which we either wittingly or ignorantly haue done Especially those sins which this day we haue commited against thy diuine Maiesty either in thought word or deed O Lord bee mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs the euill that we haue committed and supply the good which wee haue omitted Lord restore what we haue lost lighten our darknesse and alter the whole course of our mindes that nothing may bee wanting in vs to the setting forth of thy prayse Wée beseech thee O Lord according to thy goodnesse to defend vs this night from all perills and dangers keepe vs from feareful dreames and vaine cogitations preserue our bodies from eternall death and our soules from euerlasting damnation Grant these things O Lord and all other thy graces requisite for vs euen for thy Son Christ Iesus sake In whose name we conclude this our vnworthy prayer in that forme of prayer which hée in his Gospell hath taught vs saying Our Father c. A Prayer for the obtaining of Grace In this wicked world O Christ whiles I liue To gouerne and guide me thy spirit of grace giue WOrship Praise Honour Glory Maiestie be giuen vnto thee O God my Creator to thée O Christ my Redéemer and to thee O holy Ghost my Sanctifier for all the blessings of thy grace most plentifully powred vpon mee for my election my Creation my Redemption my sanctification and for all other thy good giftes and benefites beséeching thée O swéet Sauiour that as by thy bitter death and passion the power of sinne was suppressed the concupiscence of the flesh subdued the wickednes of the world asswaged and the maliciousnesse of Satan quenched so it would please thee to ouer-shadow mee with the Shield of thy fauour that I a painefull pilgrim and weary wanderer in the world may passe my pilgrimage in peace of conscience comforting me with the hope of thy promises which wilt canst refresh the fainting soule and restore it when it is attainted with any dāgerous disease O Christ my Phisician so prepare the thoughts of my heart vnto thee that I may be swallowed vp in the contemplation of Heauen and heauenly ioyes not regarding the vanities of this world which are but baits and snares to intangle vs and to make vs lothsome in thy sight Giue me grace O thou Son of Dauid to liue in the world as ready to leaue the world Let the world continue as thou diddest make it euen a seruant for the maintenance of men and not a soueraign to rule and haue them at commandement And because thy Kingdome O Christ is not of this world giue me I beséech thee such a renewed heart such a sanctified soule such a godly desire and such an earnest endeauour to do thy wil that I contemning this wicked world with all the transitory pleasures of the same may raigne with thee in thy kingdome purchased for the faithful euen by thy precious Blood Death Passion Graunt this O Christ my Mediator at the appointed time of thy good will and pleasure Amen A Prayer for thankefulnesse to God for his gifts For Wisedome and Wealth with other gifts more Lord giue me the grace To thanke thee therefore IEsus Christ thou which art the Wisedome of thy Father I thy poore creature sometimes a slaue to sinne and a firebrand of Hell but now a child of election and grace as I hope and constantly beleeue giue thee hearty thanks for thy goodnesse diuers and sundry wayes testified vnto mée And because it hath pleased thee to be so bountifull as to endue mée with Wisedome whereas thou mightest haue made mée a senselesse and vnreasonable creature beside that blessed me with worldly wealth I beséech thee be so gracious vnto me as to shew me the way how to vse this Wisedome to thy glory and the comfort of other not boasting therein because it is thy free gift nor abusing it because it is thy blessing Also O swéete Sauiour and Sonne of the eternall God because wealth without thée is but wretchednesse riches pouerty and all earthly pleasures but méere miseries I beséech thée to shine into my heart with the bright beames of thy Spirit that I may like a faithfull Steward not only dispose and lay out the talent which thou hast lent me but also