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A95924 Theoremata theologica: = Theological treatises. Octo theses theologicæ: eight theses of divinity. 1. Animæ humanæ productio: Production of mans soul. 2. Puræ Dei prædestinatio: Divine predestination. 3. Verum ecclesiæ regimen: The tru [sic] church regiment. 4. Prædictiones de Messia: Predictions of Messias. 5. Duæ Christi genealogiæ: Christs two genealogies. 6. Apocalypsis patefacta: The revelation reveled. 7. Christi regnum in terra: Christs millenar reign. 8. Mundi hujus dissolutio: The worlds dissolution. / Complied or collected by Rob. Vilvain. Price at press in sheets 3 .s. Vilvain, Robert, 1575?-1663. 1654 (1654) Wing V397; Thomason E898_1; ESTC R3206 418,235 540

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of the Son of Man and Saints of the most High in Daniel begins when the great judgment sits but Christs Millenar reign is the same with Daniels Ergo it begins at the Great judgment That both are one self Kingdom appeers thus 1. They both began at the fourth Beasts destruction Dan 7. 11. ●2 2● that in Daniel when he was slain and his body given to burning flame That in John when the Beast and fals Prophet Rev. 19 20 21. Daniels wicked horn were cast alife into a lake burning with brimstone 2. Becaus John begins the Millenium at the same judgment Session for both say they saw Thrones and thos that sat on them and the Saints lived or reigned with Christ the Son of Man If then thos yeers begin with the judgment day it cannot consummat til the end for Gog and Magogs destruction and general Resurrection is not til then Ergo the thousand yeers are included in that judgment Day Hence it results that what Scripture speaks of Christs Kingdom at his secund coming or at Antichrists confusion is of necessity the same which Daniel saw should be then and consequently the Millen reign is included betwen the commencement and consummation of that great Day So thos sayings of St. Luke concerning Luke 17. 20 19 11 2● 31 Christs coming in Clouds with power and great glory concluding when yee see thes things com to pass know that the Kingdom of God is at hand refer to Daniels Prophecy being no wher els found in the old Testament for Christ cals himself oft the Son of Man as he is stiled in that Vision of the great Judgment wherof we must at his secund coming expect the accomplishment 3. The Apocalyptic thousand yeers folow the times of the Beast and fals Prophet as the series shews which if we deny we must disclaim Rome to be Babylon the Papacy the two hornd Beast Antichrist the fals Prophet and the Apocalyps Canonical as the Opposers of old Chiliasts were driven to doo 9. Thos thousand yeers are yet to com but what the maner or condition of that Kingdom means Men much differ Most say Antichrist shal not be fully or finally destroied til Christ com to judgment which may be asserted without holding that this shal be before that Day as common Chiliasts contend for it may be a third time during it which shal continu so long At entrance wherof the Beast and Antichrist must perish for this is not a Day of few hours but a continued act of divers yeers wherin Christ shal destroy al his Enemies beginning with Antichrist and ending with the general Resurrection which is his Millenar reign in new Jerusalem So ther is one only Millenium which begins at the Beasts perdition when Satan shal be bound in chains and cast into the bottomless pit being before only cast from Heaven or the Imperial Roman Throne in Constantins time not to peep out til the thousand yeers expire 10. The first or secund Resurrection are proved to be bo●h real 1. The place of the first Resurrection seems plainest for Rev. 20. 4 5. allegory sith it refers to the Martyrs rising 2. 'T is said Thos that were beheaded for Jesus lived and reigned with him a thousand yeers but the rest of the Dead lived not again til that time was finished Ergo if one be literaly of them which lived not again til the thousand yeers end the other must be so too of thos that lived and reigned when that time commenced caled the first Resurrection 3. Though the Jews had no direct distinct notice of two Resurrections sav only in gross to be at the judgment Day yet they expect such wherin som which rise shal reign somtime on Earth as 't is said The Souls of the Wisd 3. 1. 〈◊〉 righteous shal in time of their Visitation judg the Nations and their Lord shal reign for ever So the twenty four Elders sing We shal reign on Earth 4. The whol Church after Apostles Rev 5. 10. held as Justin informs that the first Resurrection belongs soly to Martyrs and chief Confessors as a special privilege which made Men much more affect Martyry and induced praier for the Dead that they might partake that Resurrection as Tertullian tels Thus we are bound to beleev the matter but the maner of the Saints thousand yeers reign with Christ in new Jerusalem is not so cleerly unveled 11. New Jerusalem and the Nations walking in the light of it are not one for new Jerusalem is not the whol Church but the new Worlds main Metropolis The Nations which walk in hir light shal be happy and glorious but changable and liable to great commotions at end of thos thousand yeers wheras thos in new Jerusalem shal be manumised from al mutation on whom the secund death hath no power and God shal wipe al tears from their eys Christs words prov God said to Moses Mat. 22. 32. Exod 3 8. I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he is not God of the Dead but of the living that they shal possess Palestin the Land of promiss in person which yet they never enjoied but as Strangers or Sojourners For the Covenant is made to ech so wel as to their seed viz. to Abram Gen. 13. 15. Gen. 15. 7. Gen. 17. 8. to Isaac Gen. 26. 8. to Jacob Gen. 35. 12. to al three jointly Exod. 6. 4 8. Deut. 6. 18. Deut. 11. 21. Deut. 20. 30. Now this promiss is not yet performed to them nor shal be while they ly dead Ergo they must be raised to inherit the promised Land from which places the Rabins proved the Resurrection against the Sadduces This St. Paul intimats saying Abraham looked for Hebr. 11. 10. a City whos builder is God Again now they desire a better Country that is an Heavenly or from Heaven for God hath prepared for them a City This probably is new Jerusalem said to com down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for hir Husband Zacharias in his Prophetic Benedict us saith to Luke 1. 72. perform the mercy promised to our Fathers and to remember his holy Covenant meaning how he wil herafter remember to fulfil his Covenant to them of possessing the promised Land in persons which is not yet doon so they must liv bodily at first Resurrection to enjoy this promiss actualy Christ saith many Mat. 8. 11. 12. not al shal com from East and West who shal sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven but the Children of the Kingdom shal be cast into outer darknes This seems to imply their Kingdom of new Jerusalem which shal dure one thousand yeers 12. Christs Kingdom the Church wher he reigns in his Church is one thing and that wher the Saints shal reign with him another the first began at his first coming which he shal resign to the Father the last is to commence at his secund and continu
and Earth which I wil Isai 66. 22. 23. make shal remain before me so shal your seed and name continu from one Moon to another and from Sabbath to Sabbath shal al flesh com to Worship before me saith the Lord. All which Texts our Expositors aptly apply to Christs kingdom when his Church shal be renewed but no new world implied so thos words of the Moons light as the Sun and Suns seven fold are meant of the Churches restauration whos glory shal septuply exced the Suns splendor as Junius interprets which consorts to our engllsh Annotations for by the glory of thos excellent Creatures is shewed the super eminent beatitud of Gods children in Christs kingdom the Church but tend nothing to a new real material World Rep. David saith Thou shalt change them as a Vesture Ps 102 26. 27. and they shal be changed which Saint Paul repeats of thes material Heavens and Earth Ergo they shal hav a perfectiv alteration Heb. 1. 11. 12. no destructiv annillation Sol. Both indeed speak of thes Heavens and Earth but neither of any perfectiv renovation sith both say they shal perish by the word Balah which properly purports Brought to nothing for change is many wais as in quality better or wors in quantity bigger or less in substance by generation and corruption but mostly by annihilation which is the greatest mutation ab ente ad non Ens even to nothing So Bellarmin blunders on that Psalm God only is unchangeable who brought the Heavens from no being to be and wil reduce them from a being not to be concluding al other Creatures in the same condition Bartholinus observs that mutation is often taken for annillation as Can. 2. 11. the Winter is past i. quit extinct Isai 2. 18. the Idols shal utterly abolish Now the Heavens also may be said to be changed in respect of us who shal be translated from a material visible World to an immaterial invisible Kingdom from a terren possession to a Celical Paradise stiled new Jerusalem and a new Heaven The approved Annotations interpret al Texts of new Heavens and Earth Tropicaly touching Christs Kingdom or Church See Psal 110. 3. Jer. 31. 36. Jer. 33. 26. Joel 2. 28. Hebr. 12. 28. and elswher Ob. St. Paul saith The fashion of this World passeth away 1 Co● 7. 31 Ergo the extern form only shal be altered but the essence or substance not abolished Sol. Are thes handsom inferences The Apostle asserts nothing of the material World but only denots the vanity of mundan matters that al passeth away like a tale that is told as Calvin and Junius interpret Ob. Christ saith som shal sit at my right hand som at my left Luk. 22. 30. ye shal eat ana drink at my Table in my Kingdom Ergo the Saints shal sit and eat corporaly at his Table in his Human Kingdom Sol. This is a gross carnal conceipt of Chiliasts and other Novists addle devisers who hold a new World shal be created for Christs personal Kingdom wher he shal reign or reside for ever resigning the highest Heaven to his Father as if Infinity could not contain al things Christ speaks of eating and drinking at his Table Tropicaly as al sober Orthodox agree deriving it from his last Supper which he newly instituted before thos words were uttered signifying the effect of it that therby they shal participat eternal life in his Heavenly Kingdom not at Jerusalem a thousand yeers before the Judgment as common Chiliasts conceiv nor after it for ever in a new created World to com as other Opinionists deem or dream Ob. St. Paul saith The Creatures shal be delivered from corruptions Rom 8. 21 22 23. bondage into the glorious liberty of Gods Children for the whol Creation grones and travels in pain together til now and not only they but we also which hav the first fruits of the Spirit even we groan within waiting for the adoption to wit redemption of our body Ergo al Creatures shal be restored Sol. This is like a Rabbets head left last to slay as requiring most labor for such obscure places al Sectists obtrud as Men lov to fish in troubled waters 'T is most abstruse of any in the new Testament as St. Austin avers wherto many apply St. Peters words That in Pauls Epistles som things are hard 2 Pet. 3. 16. to understand which the unlearned and unstable wrest as they doo other Scriptures to their own destruction 'T is a good cavest for bold Buzzards not to build doubtful doctrins on dark Oracles without good guids unles they be found or founded on Faiths analogy elswher The first words The Creatur shal be delivered from Corruptions bondage may best be doon by annillation being therby freed from Mens abuses and farther possibility of decay tho not restored to perfecter estate as the letter seems to say The next Into the glorious liberty of Gods Children may be safly expounded together with their liberty or by reason of it or at same time with it So St. Chrysostom best skild in his Mother toung interprets the particl 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 together for or by reason of that they shal be freed by means of the Saints liberty Semblably St. Ambros saith it shal be at the same time together when the Saints shal attain their glory which two Expositions seem soundest to salv al scruples For dumb Creatures cannot be coheirs with the elect of eternal bliss by redemption or resurrection of the body as the bare words imply having no saving faith in Christ Thos words Not only they but even we which hav the first fruits of the Spirit groan within our selfs waiting for the adoption even the redemption of our body plainly distinguish betwen the Saints state who groan and wait for the redemption of the Body and al other Creatures which groan only to be delivered from corruptions bondage together with the liberty of Gods Children or at the same time or by means of it Which deliverance may best be atchived by a total final abolition when they shal no more be subject to slavery abuse and villany This cleerly resolvs al difficulty to interpret the particile into by together with the liberty of Gods Children according to thos two orthodox Fathers authentic exposition Such as assert any other liberty of restauration or melioration must answer al foregoing Arguments for annihilation or shew sufficient caus why som shal be restored and not al sith St. Paul names the whol Creation or every Creature Kinds and Individuals To say Mixtils Vegetals and Bruts shal partake the glorious liberty of eternal felicity with Gods Sons or Saints is a Brutish buz which no sound sober Divines dare own He useth the phrase of delivery from corruption rather then annihilation as parrallel to Mans manumission from like bondage Marlorat who is for restitution comments thus hence it appeers into how great glory Gods Sons shal be
to make him manifest This Title contains three things 1. the Author God who gav it to Christ 2. The use for which he gav it to shew his Servants the things that shal shortly befal 3. The means by which Christs manifestation is put forth to this use 1. He sent and signified Ibid v. 2. 3. c. it by an Angel to John 2. The Preface directs either generaly to al Churches that bear record of Gods Word and Testimony of Jesus and al things he saw which wil make them blessed that read hear and keep the same or specialy to the seven Asian Churches of Jesus Christ who is described 1. By the properties or effects of his first coming in the Flesh who is the faithful Witnes and first begotten of the dead Prince of al earthly Kings which loved us and washed our sins in his Blood making us Kings and Priests to God his Father 2. By the properties and effects of his secund coming with Clouds when every Ey even thos that pierced him shal see him and al Kindreds wail becaus of him 3. By a narrativ of the Visions which extends from ch 1. v. 9. to ch 22. v. 6. 4. By the conclusion comprised ch 22. v. 6. ad finem Here consider 1. The certainty importance and use of it 2. The effects which it wrought in John who was ready to worship the Angel but bid to forbear 3. The command which he had not to seal the Prophecies with the reason of it 4. The authority therof is repeated becaus Jesus sent his Angels to testify thes things in the Churches becaus 't is ratified by the Spirit Bride and al Beleevers becaus the perfection is such as no thing may be added or subtracted on pain of eternal plagues and perdition The Contents of the Prophecy are triple 1 The things which John saw in the first Vision viz. 1 Vision Chap. 1. Christs presence with his Churches who is their Mediator and high Priest as walking in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks their King as holding their seven Stars or Angels in his right hand and Prophet as out of whos mouth went a sharp two edged sword of Gods Word 2 The things which then were Chap. 2 3. viz. the seven Churches to whom John by Christs appointment sent Epistles wherin al perfections and imperfections promises and menaces admonitions and reproofs exho●tations and precepts are intended to al Churches and Pastors so wel as thes sith no Prophecy is of privat interpretation for the proem and period of every Epistle is Let him that hath an ear h●ar what the spirit saith to the Churches 3 The things to b●fal hereafter Ch. 4 t●l ch 22. which transcend from the Churches on Earth to the Kingdom of Heaven wher John saw the things which must be hereafter The secund Vision shews 1 What the Churches constitution 2 Vision in Heaven is how ordered about Gods Throne and set in his presence 2 What the administration of affairs in Heaven and Chap. 4. the Churches government on Earth by Jesus Christ is who a spotless Lamb flain meritoriously purchased that honor to open Chap 5. the sealed Book of Gods Counsils being his seven Eys of Wisdom and seven Horns of Power able alone to discharge such a trust 3 What changes chanced in the World and the Chap. 6. Churches condition at opening of the first six seals wher is shewed how at preaching of the Gospel great troubles and terrible Chap. 7. wars arose among Men wherin Christs Martyrs ly as Sacrifices under the Altar crying for vengeance but are comforted that they shal be avenged after a short season and their Enimies terrified at first executing of the Lambs wrath upon them Yet lest judgment prepared should fal on his Friends a preventiv Chap. 8. provision is made to seal and sever them from the rest that no hurt heat or hunger shal annoy them 4 What destruction betides or is brought on the World at opening the seventh seal and what glory to the Saints which last includs al that folows to the end of this Book Here seven Angels with seven Trumpets declare Gods Judgments on the Earth but the three last remarkably differ from the four first which giv warning of great Wo thrise threatned by tripetion to the Earths Inhabitants but the four first tend to depriv the World of a third part of their comforts as in trees green grass the Se● with al Animals therin Ships Rivers Fountains Sun Moon Stars the light of day and night The three Wo-Trumpets Chap. 9. produce heavier plagues both by Locusts which shal so torment Men that they shal seek death but not find it and Euphratean Horsmen which shal slay a third part of Men yet the rest repented not The third Vision of A mighty Angel coming from Heaven 3 Vision Chap. 10. clothed with a cloud and Rainbow on his head his face like the Sun and feet as pillars of fire who stood on the Sea and Earth had a litle Book open in his hand which John being bid eat up and inabled him to Prophecy The three past Visions shew three substantial Note differences of things reveled to John and three main changes of his Spirit in receiving them the first contains Christs ministration of his Offices on Earth among his Churches the next of his Offices in Heaven over al the World to preserv and propagat his Church the last of his Offices both in Heaven and Earth to finish al wickednes in the World and to perfect his Churches felicity In al which manifestations he is presented sutable to the things reveled 1 As a Man in dealing with Men 2 As a Lamb offred to God in dealing with God 3 As a mighty Angel to incounter Satan with his Angels and powers of darknes in the World The matter of this Vision is Chap. 11. to shew when and how the mystery of God spoken by the Prophets shal be finished wherin 1 John had a Reed as a Red given to mete the Temple Altar and them that worship 2 The out-Court is given to the Gentils who shal tread on the holy City fourty two moneths 3 The two sack cloth witnesses had power to Prophecy one thousand two hundred and threescore dais 4 The Beast rising from the bottomless pit shal slay them but after three dais and a half they revived and ascended to Heaven in a cloud which terrified their Enimies 5 Great joy was in Heaven becaus this worlds Kingdoms are becom the Lords and his Christs that he may reward his Saints and Servants Ther folow several subordinat Visions which concern the Church typified by a woman Chap. 12. and respect 4 times 1 Before she fled into the wildernes who brought a Man-child which the Dragon waited to devour but he was rapt up to Heaven and the Dragon with his Angels cast to Earth by the Angel Michael yet he persecuted the Woman and made war
yeer is a time of releas so the seventh Millenium shal be the Saints rest or reign the worlds releas 4. Christs coming is immediatly to folow Antichrists confusion and the seventh Trumpet with thos thousand yeers and other appendent Prophecies forego the great day of Judgment which the Jews so much celebrat and Christ with his Apostles commemorat This is no short space of hours but of many yeers in Hebrew dialect circumscribed with two real Resurrections as peculiar precincts Which day begins at the morning Judgment of Antichrist and other the Churches Enimies then alife by the Lords glorious appeering in flames of fire but ends at the general Resurrection and Judgment after the thousand yeers reign when Satan shal be loosed a short space and the wicked cast into Hel torments but the Saints translated into Heaven to reign with Christ for ever This St. Peter 2 Pet. 3 7. 8. 13 cals The day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly Men adding immediatly Beloved be not ignorant that one day ther newly named with the Lord is as a thousand yeers apertly intimating that the very Judgment day shal be a thousand yeers when he and his Brethren the Jews look for new Heavens and a new Earth wherin dwels righteousnes according to his promiss Wher was this promiss being before John saw the Apocalyptic Vision except in Isaiah I creat new Heavens and a new Isai 65. 17. Earth and the former shal not be remembred or com into mind Isai 66. 22. Again As the new Heavens and new Earth which I wil make shal remain before me so shal your seed and name remain which is a main evidence how God wil rebuild it 5. This is that Kingdom ready to judg the world as St. 2 Tim. 4. 1. Paul saith I charge before the Lord Jesus Christ who shal judg quick and dead at his appeering and his Kingdom For at last 1 Cor. 15. 24 28 general Judgment he shal resign the Kingdom of his Church to God the Father that he may be subject to him who subdu●d a● to himself that God may be al in al. So far is he from entring a new Kingdom Ergo that which shal neither be before the Lords appeering nor after the last Judgment must needs be betwen both which is the Millenar reign This is a sly subtle Argument 6. This is the Son of Mans Kingdom which Daniel saw to Dan. 7. 14 27 whom was given dominion glory and a Kingdom that al People Nations and Toungs should serv him when dominion and greatnes of Kingdoms under Heaven shal be given to the Saints of the most high as the Angel interprets This cannot be after last Judgment sith he must then resign not receiv a Kingdom but his and Johns is the same becaus they begin at one term the destruction of the fourth Roman Beast viz. that in Daniel Dan. 7. 11. when he was slain and his body given to the burning flame that in John when the Beast and sals Prophet are cast alife into Rev 19 v 20. a lake burning with fire and brimstone As also becaus both their Judgments are alike which by comparing wil appeer For Daniel saith I beheld til the Thrones were set and Judgment given Dan. 7. 9 10 22 Rev. 20. 4. to the Saints who possessed the Kingdom So John I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was given to them who lived and reigned with Christ a thousand yeers What can better conform or cohere For whatever the Jews or Christ and his Apostles delivered touching the great Judgment day is taken out of Daniels said Vision viz. that Judgment is to be accomplished by fire Christ to com in the Clouds in the glory of his Father the Saints to judg the World with him and Antichrist abolished with the brightnes of his coming Lastly This is that large Kingdom shewed to Nebuchadnezar in a statu of Dan. 2. 34. 35. 4 Kingdoms not that of a stone cut out of the Mountain while the series of Monarchy remained for this is Christs Kingdoms present state but the stone which becam a Mountain when al Kingdoms were utterly defaced or destroied which must needs be his Millenar reign 7. The Roman Empire is the fourth Kingdom reveled to Daniel Imagine confusa but not according to the distinction of Facts or specification of Fates as it was to John nor is it strange to see a thing unveled in general yet most particulars sealed or conceled For the surrogat Cal of Gentils in Jews stead was shewed to Peter and other Apostles but the particular Fates and Stats not known til Christ reveled them in Apocalyptic Visions For the order of times and cours of things to be acted was reserved til Johns revelation The Mother-Text whence the Jews ground an expectation of the great Judgment Day wherto almost al descriptions in the new Testament refer is Daniels said Vision of a Session when the Dan 7. 9 10. c. fourth Beast was to be destroied but the grand Assises resemble their Synedrion or chief Court wher the Pater Jud●cii had his Assessors sitting on semicircle seats before him I beheld saith he til the Thrones were pitched not cast down as late Translations render and the Antient of dais Pater Consistorii did sit and the Judgment of the whol Sanedrim was set and the Books opened Here the name and form of Judgment is cited and twise after repeated 1. At amplification of the V. 21. 22. ●6 wicked horns tyranny when judgment was given to the Saints of the most High 2. In the Angels interpretation That the Judgment shal sit and take away his Dominion to consume and destroy to the end Wher note that Cases of Dominion Blasphemy Apostasy or the like belonged to the Sanhedrim whence St. Jude and the Jews cal it The great day of Judgment Jude v 6 7. and describe it by fire becaus the Throne was a firy flame and wheels as burning fire a firy stream issued out before him and the Beasts body was given to the burning flame The like expressions are in the Gospel wher this day is intimated or inferred the Son of Man shal com in the Clouds in the glory of his Father with his holy Angels thousand thousands ministred to him as Daniel saith I saw one like the Son of Men coming in the clouds to the Antient of dais Hence St. Paul learning that the Saints shal judg the world becaus Thrones were set and judgment given them confuted the Theslaloniens fals fear of 2 Thes 2. 2 3. Christs coming then at hand becaus that day cannot be til the Man of sin first com and reign his appointed time as Daniel foretold whos destruction shal be at the Son of Mans appeering in the Clouds but not before For Daniels wicked horn or Beast acting in it is Pauls Man of sin as the Church from hir in fancy ever interprrted 8. The Kingdom
so high as his Heavenly Throne or abov his earthly Footstool how can it consist with the dignity of Christ our King that his Saints shal sit at Table som at his right hand som on his left to eat and drink wi●h him freely and familiarly for ever Let this suffice for Scriptural confirmation of the elects eternal reign with our blessed Saviour in Heavenly habitations De aeterno Christi regno Of Christs eternal reign THat Christ at the Judgment day and general Resurrection of al Flesh shal resign up the Kingdom of Glory wher he now sits in Majesty to his Father and reign personaly on Earth at his Metropolis of Jerusalem to be new built with his Saints eternaly never to see Heaven again which is to suscipere gradum Simeonis from a C●lical infinit Kingdom to a Terrestrial finit Paradise Thus Scriptures seem to hav several sens●s according to Mens various interpretations of arbitrary authority This openly oppugns my last Opinion of the Worlds annihilation 8 Thesis against renovation of the old or substitution of a new wherto this Position of Christs eternal Personal reign at new built Jerusalem principaly tends but I defend that this present finit World which was at first made of meer nothing shal in fine be utterly abolished or resolved into nothing when 't is once dissolved or destroied by fire This is expresly evinced or evidenced by thes texts of sacred Scripture current coin David saith Heaven and Earth shal perish Ps 102 26. Mat. 24 3● Job 14. 12. Christ They shal pass away Job They shal be no more Isaiah they shal vanish like smoke al their Host shal be dissolved and Isai 51. 6. Isai 34 4 2 Pet. 3. 10 Rev 20 11. roled together as a scrole they shal fal down as a leaf from the Vine and a faling fig from the figtree St. Peter they shal pass away with great nois St. John they fled away and no place found for them Al which phrases to perish pass away be no more vanish like smoke roled up as a scrole fal down as a Vine-leaf or fig from a figtree fly away and their place no more found strongly imply abolition or at least impugn a perfecter condition to be the place for our Saviours perpetual personal reign with his Saints yeelding up the Kingdom of Glory the third Heaven never to return 'T is a sory unequal exchange to quit a Celical infinit increat mansion for a Terrestrial finit created habitation nor can any of the premised terms plainly purport or senisibly signify melioration as if the new Heaven and Earth shal be bettered or beautified sith in al language of Men or Grammatical construction perfection is advers to perdition and to perish or pass away asystat to perfection If the World is to be renewed or repaired it shal hav no end but 't is said the end of al things is at hand and the ends of the World are com upon us In nature is nothing but time place and space but afterward al eternity ubiquity and infinity as in Man corruption shal put on incorruption mortality immortality weaknes power and dishonor glory Many most pressing reasons and authentic authorities are alleged on behalf of annihilation in the eighth or last Thesis which 't is not my guise or property to reaccumulat Howbeit having gleaned or gathered sundry select speculations scattered through his whol work som veracious som fucatious som dubious som suspitious som erroneous I presume to present them in public sans answer or animad version Specimina diversimoda Several sorts of Essais MAster Hobbs is a great general Scholar who hath an excellent Entelechy to devise novities but deems them al verities and would fai● hav the World dance after his Pipe which wil never be For Men may catch Ruddicks or Thrushes in Pitfals and Woodcocks in Springals but bigger Birds are too wild wily and wary then to be snapd in such silly snares Real inventions if good are very laudable and verbal too if veritable but novel Opinions contrary to common current Tenets of al Authors most suspitious and mostly erroneous Not to linger any longer in the Porch thes which folow are som of his sporadical Positions Touching the signification of som words in Scripture he saith they depend not Chap. 34. on the writers wil or vulgar use but on their tru proper sens in Gods word Body and Spirit in Schools language are stiled Substances Body what Corporeal and Incorporeal but a Body naturaly imports that which fils up som space room or place being a real part of the visible univers which is an aggregat of al Bodies and no part of it but a Body nor is any thing a Body which is not part of it and contained or included in it This Body being subject to change in various apparence to Animals senses is caled Substance or Subject of sundry Accidents as somtime to mov somtime to stand stil somtime hot somtime cold somtime of one color sound smel tast or touch somtime of another Which several seemings produced by diversity of Bodily operations on our Senses Organs we cal Accidents of thos Bodies according to which acception Body and substance signify the same so to conjoin or cal ought an Incorporeal Substance is to destroy ech other as if one should say an incorporeal Body Thus much for the interpretation of the word Body Now the vulgar doth not denomin al the univers Body but Spirit what only such parts as they find by feeling to resist their force or by seeing to hinder farther prospect but Air and such subtle substances not subject to the Ey they term wind breath or latinly spirits as that which in any Animal givs life and motion is caled the Vital and Animal spirits Wheras thos Idols of the brain representing bodies wher they are not either in Dream or to a distempered brain waking are nothing as St. Paul cals al Idols nothing at al wher they seem to be and in the brain it self nothing but tumult rising from the objects confused action or Organs disorderly agitation Hence som which search not their Causes but rely on others knowledg cal them thin Bodies supernaturaly compact of Air becaus the depraved sight judgeth them Corporeal and som term them Spirits or Spectres becaus the Touch descries nothing wher they appeer that resists their fingers So the genuin signification of Spirit in common speech is either a subtle fluid invisible Body or a Ghost Idol or Phantasm of the Brain but metaphorical meanings are many Somtimes it signifies a Mans disposition or inclination of Mind as one having a humor to comptrol others is said to hav the Spirit of contradiction if one be addicted to uncleannes an unclean Spirit If to peevish perversnes a froward Spirit If to sullennes a dumb Spirit If to holines the Spirit of God Somtimes any eminent ability or extraordinary passion or diseas of Mind as great prudence is clyped the
but the chief charms are reserved for the Children to be Baptised as appeers in their Ceremonies The like are used in Mariage Visitation of the Sick extrem Unction consecrations of Churches and Church-yards to expel Phantasms Faieries and imaginary Spirits al which belong to the Kingdom of Darknes being effects of our natural ignorance Another error is from misinterpreting the words eternal Life everlasting Death and secund Death of which three in order Adam had an estate to liv for ever not by nature in himself Eternal Life or any part of his but by eating the Tree of Life which he had leav to doo so long as he obeied God but was thrust out of Paradise so soon as he sinned lest he should feed theron and liv for ever Now Christs death is a discharge of sin and restitution of Life eternal to al the faithful who beleev in him and to them only Yet the general doctrin of Divines is that every Man hath eternal life by nature of his immortal Soul so that the flaming Sword at entrance of Paradise may hinder him from tasting the Tree of Life but not from immortality which God bereaved Nor shal he need Christs sacrifice for recovery of the same sith not only the faithful or righteous but the wicked and Heathen shal enjoy eternal Life without Death much less a secund everlasting death To salv or shadow this they say by secund everlasting Death is meant a secund everlasting Life but Torments which is a figure never used sav in this very case Is not secund Death an eternal being both of Body and Quaere Soul in Hel-fire under Satan This tenet of the Souls immortality is founded on som obscure places of the new Testament which yet in a different sens of his own mint are cleer enough and unnecessary to Christian Faith For suppose when a Man dies nothing remains but his Carcas cannot God who made clay a living Creature by his word rais it again by another word Yes but not to the same life which vanished to nothing wheras the Soul being immortal persists identical Soul in Scripture stil signifies either Life or a Living Creature and Body jointly with Soul a Body alife As God saith Let the Waters produce Reptile animae viventis the creeping thing with a living Soul we translat that hath life Again God created Whales omnem animam viventem in English every living Creature but of Man God made him of dust and breathed in his face the spiracle or breath of life factus est Homo in animam viventem and Gen. 8. 21. Man was made a living Creature So God said when Noah cam out of the Arc I wil no more smite omnem animam viventem Deut 12. 23. every living Creature Eat not the Blood for 't is the Soul or Life But if Soul signified a substance immortal existing after separation from the Body it may be said of any other Animal so wel as Man Is it said of any other that God having made the Body of Quaere Earth breathed into his face spiraculum Vitae the Spirit of Life Which al interpreters expound of creating and infusing the Soul together He goes on the Souls or Lifes of the Faithful which being accidents that annihilated when the Bodies died must be new made are by Gods special Grace not of their own Nature to remain in their raised Bodies for ever after Judgment Wher 't is said in the new Testament that any shal be cast Body and Soul as if they were distinct Quaere parts into Hel-fire it imports Body and Life how can Life be cast being a bare accident That they shal be cast alife into Rev. 19 v. 20. Gehenna So 't is said The Beast and fals Prophet were both cast alife into a Lake of fire burning with Brimstone This dark doctrin of the Souls subsistence after separation opens a sluce to let in the superstitious superstructures of Purgatory and Indulgences Ghosts or Goblins and Exorcisms invocating of Saints yea Heaven and Hel too with som others For Men before Christs coming being taught from the Greecs Demonology that Mens Souls were distinct substances which after separation must subsist somwher by their own Nature the Doctors of the Church long doubted wher they resided til the general Resurrection supposing they lay under the Altars but finding that Martyrs Souls of them slain for Gods word if they hav Souls why not others Quae c. Lay under the Altar the Church of Rome for their profit Rev. 6 9. erected Purgatory Surely they doo al for profit to maintain their pomp pride power and prodigality Beza to prov Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection Mat. 16. 28. and continues stil urgeth his words Verily I say to you som of them which stand here shal not tast of death til they hav seen Mat. 16. 28. Marc 9. 1. Luk. 9. 37. Gods Kingdom com with power Ergo either Gods Kingdom cam shortly after and is now in this World or els som then standing by Christ are yet alife Sol. This is a darke difficil place which provs nothing necessarily but if Gods Kingdom began at Christs Resurrection why doo we stil pray thy Kingdom com Therfore 't is not meant therof Yea after his Resurrection the Apostles asked Wilt thou now restore the Kingdom of Israel He answered 'T is not for you to know the time or season which the Father hath put in his own power but ye shal receiv power by the holy Ghosts coming on you and shal be my Witnesses in Jerusalem in al Judea and utmost part of the Earth So he told them his Kingdom was not com nor shal they foreknow when 't is to com Christ said to Peter of John If I wil that he tarry Jo●n ●1 v. 22. til I com what is that to thee Which bred a beleef that he should not dy yet the truth of it was neither confirmed nor confuted by thos words but left as a dark saying and so must this Howbeit sith Christs transfiguration is the next Act handled by al three Evangelists haply he cals that Gods Kingdom which som ther should see being a representation or vision of his glory and Majesty as he shal com in his Kingdom which cannot be proved to begin til the day of Judgment Wher is it proved that any terren Kingdom shal commence Quae●e then Then shal the Faithful rise with glorious spiritual Bodies inlifened and becom Christs Subjects in his Kingdom wher they shal not eat drink marry as they did in their natural Bodies but liv happily in their individual Persons for ever The elect then alife shal be suddenly changed and their Bodies made spiritualy immortal but Reprobats shal rise to receiv punishment yet not eternaly in their individual Persons nor can any place prov it As after the Resurrection the Elect shal be restored to Adams estate before he fel so Reprobats shal be in the
with the remnent of hir seed 2 While she abode ther wher two Beasts occurred one rising from the Sea with seven Chap. 13. heads and ten horns and on his horns ten Crowns with the name of Blasphemy on his heads A secund coming out of the Earth who had two horns like a Lamb but spake as a Dragon he did great wonders making fire descend from Heaven and deceived them that dwel on Earth bidding them make an Image to the other Beast which was wounded and did liv and caused such as would not worship it to be slain He also made al receiv a mark in their right hands or foreheads that none might buy or sel sav he that had the mark name or number of his name which is 666. During thes Beasts joint reign the Churches state on mount Chap. 14. Sion and Gods imparting his Wil to the World touching the everlasting Gospel Babylons future fal punishment of the Beasts folowers and gathering the Harvest and Vintage are declared Gods Judgments on the Beast are poured out in seven Chap. 15. golden Phials of his last plagues by seven Angels coming out of the Temple in Heaven clothed with pure white linnen and their brests girded with gold girdles The first poured his on the Earth Chap. 16. and a noisom sore fel on the Beasts worshipers The secund poured his on the Sea which becam as blood of a dead Man The third his on Rivers and Fountains which turnd to blood The fourth his on the Sun which scorched Men with fire that they blasphemed Gods name The fift his on the Beasts seat whos Kingdom was darkned that Men gnawed their toungs for torment The sixt his on Euphrates which was dried up that the way of the Eastern Kings might be prepared The seventh his into the Air whence folowed Voices Lightnings Thunders and such a mighty Earthquake as the like was never seen by Men and huge hail 〈◊〉 every stone weighing a Talent and Men blasphemed God 〈◊〉 of this plague Ther cam three unclean Spirits of Devils lik ●●ogs from the mouths of the Dragon Beast and fals Prophet which by lying miracles gathered the Kings to battel of that great day of God Almighty at Armageddon Next the judgment and mystery of Babylons great Whore sitting on a scarlet Beast with seven Chap. 17. heads and ten horns is shewed to John that the seven heads are seven hils and ten horns ten Kings After it Babylons destruction Chap. 18. is declared and great lamentation of several sorts made for it as may ther be read 3 As she cam out of the wildernes Chap. 19. great gratulations are given to God for perdition of Babylon and preparation for the Lords marriage with his wife then the Armies of Heaven on whit Horses under conduct of Christ caled the Word of God who had on his vesture and thigh a name writen King of Kings and Lord of Lords made war with the Beast fals Prophet and Kings wherto an Angel invited al Fowls to eat the flesh of the slain but the Beast and fals Prophet were taken and cast alife into a lake burning with fire and brimstone 4. During hir reign with Christ after she cam out Chap. 20. of the wildernes one thousand yeers when Satan being loosed a little space shal deceiv the Nations Gog and Magog to gather them to battel but fire cam from God and devoured them Lastly A new Heaven and Earth caled the holy City new Jerusalem Ch. 21. Ch. 22 coming down from God prepared as a Bride for hir Husband is pourtraied at large Thes Analyses in a prosal method or maner are plainer better At end of his Annotations and briefer for the vulgar sort then such as are set in Sections and Subsections but Dr. Deodat hath a very ample one on the Apocalyps in substance the same with the 2 former or very litle varying which he that lists may survey Now to my main task The Author of Apocalyps is John the Divine Christs best Introduction beloved Disciple Son to Zebedee a Fisher Man and Brother of James the greater whom Herod the King ●lu with the Sword who wrot the fourth Gospel and three general Epistles but not John a Presbyter in thos dais as Eusebius and Dionysius Alex deem nor any other of that name as al Antients agree for he only was exiled to Patmos A. C. 97 wher thos Rev. 1. 9 10. Rev. 1. vers 1 2 11. Visions were presented on the Lords day to which he gav that appellation mis-named by many the Sabbath without any Scriptural warrant nor did any of the Fathers so stile it The Authority also is every way divine being indited by Christ Jesus Authority as God gav it him and sent to John by an Angel that he should communicat it to the Churches who wrot it in a Book and sent it to the seven Churches of minor Asia So John imparted it to the Churches an Angel to John Christ to the Angel and God to Christ Jesus what can be a more divine Origin or Pedigree Specialy being an inspired Prophecy For Moses the Man of God and his peculiar Favorit had the honor to Pen the first Book of the old Testament and John Christs chief favorit the last of the new Testament so the one commands old Israelits not to ad or take from Gods Word Deut. 4. 2. and the other threatens al which shal ad to the Words of his Prophecy that God wil inflict the plagues writen therin but Rev. 22. 18 19. if any shal detract God wil take away his part from the Book of Life and holy City The Excellence of it apppeers many wais for the stile is Excellence most statly and sublime the matter ful of Majesty and Mystery the expressions pathetical and pithy som mystical in dark Visions to exercise the Judgments of the wisest som more facil or familar to succour the infirmities of the weakest Much more might be added ingeneral but I hasten to Mr. Medes Clavis and Comment whom Dr. Twiss highly admires saying he hath sundry rare notions stiled Specimina or Essais wherin he excels specialy in rendring the Revelations right sens which is most Tropical or Figurativ As in the mystery Rev. 12 of the battle in Heaven and casting Satan to Earth he shews that Stats and Kingdoms in the politic World are resembled in Scripture sutable to the Natural wherin Heaven and Earth denot the Nobility and Commonalty For Heaven consists of Sun Moon and Stars of greater or lesser magnitud as in a Realm is a King Queen Nobles and other officers of divers degrees but on Earth is much more variety of Creatures as Trees Herbs Flowers Fishes Beasts Serpents so among People of any Community no less difference of Trades and Professions He destinguisheth the whol Prophecy into the Book closed Division with seven Seals comprising an History from the Gospels first preaching to the Worlds
literaly lift up to Gods Throne but mystical here meant analogicaly to the Roman Throne as Constantin and his Successors were for al power and their Thrones is of God If any ask how mystical Christ rules with an iron Scepter or Sword of war 'T is in a duple way 1. Divine against Devils Princes of this world which is stoutly waged 2. Human when Constantin crushed Maxentius Maximian and Licinius Christs Enemies This Child was not lift up to Gods Throne so soon as born for he was to rule but when he was ripe and ready for a Kingdom so tru Christ entred not his Kingdom so soon as born but at thirty yeers of age fit for Priesthood or spiritual Government The Woman fled into the wildernes wher God prepared a Vers 6 7 8. place to be fed one thousand two hundred threescore dais This Prophecy is afterward somwhat fuller repeated and described wherto it shal be deferred Ther was war in Heaven Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon who with his Angels fought but prevailed not nor was their place found any more ther. Here is shewed how the Woman escaped the Dragons wait by Michaels rescu who being conqueror cast him down to Earth wherby hir Son was lifted up and she departed to a Desart This war was waged while the Woman travelled not after she was delivered as many misdeem for the battel befel before the Woman fled which was after hir dilivery and Rev. ●2 10 11 hir Sons taking up to Gods Throne Michael and his Angels having with them Christs Martyrs and Confessors fought for in the triumphant song 't is said they overcam by the blood of the Lamb and word of their testimony who loved not their lifes to death Semblably the Dragon and his Angels took with them the Roman Tyrans in their Train which worship them This Michael is not Christ as som suppose but chief of the Princes or seven Archangels specified by Daniel viz. that Dan. 10. 13. Dan. 12. 1. great Angel said to stand for Gods Children whom Christ King of Angels and Men opposed to Satans black Guard raging against his Saints For Angels are sent to defend the heirs of Salvation whom they invisibly protect against evil Spirits So in this war of the primitiv Church against the Dragons worshipers the Angels under conduct of their Chieftain acted both in strengthning Martyrs against Tyrans threats and mitigating or sweetning their torments beside many mo wais of weakning the Enimies spirits and dejecting their minds that oftimes they desisted or granted truce for a time til in fine after two hundred yeers war of persecution it pleased Christ to giv ful victory the Womans Child being lift up to the Imperial Throne and Satans Kingdom subdued as 't is said the Dragon prevailed not nor was his place found any more The great Dragon that old Serpent caled the Devil and Satan Vers 9. which deceivs the whol World was cast out into the Earth and his Angels with him He and al his Fiends being before worshiped as God was cast down from the top of Divinity to the Abyss of curs contempt and contumely For as God executed judgment on the Egyptian Gods at Israels delivery Exod. 12. 11. from their tyranny so he doth here they prevailed not or were overcome which is al one Hebraism and they cam● no more ther. I heard a loud voice in Heaven Now is com Salvation Vers 10. 11. strength and Kingdom of our God and power of his Christ for the Accuser of our Brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night but they overcam him by the Lambs blood Thes words being most cleer sans Allegory or ambiguity are a Key to interpret the whol Vision For hence appeers that the Childs lifting up to Gods Throne is an introduction to Salvation strength and Kingdom of God and power of his Christ into the Imperial throne that the Enimy ejected is the Accuser who traduceth the faithful day and night that the forces used by Michael and his Angels were Martyrs and Confessors who overcam by the Lambs blood freely yeeldding their life 's to death Satan caled before Dragon and Devil is now new named Accuser as the Hebrews term him But contrarily the holy Ghost is Paraclet or Advocat the one Destroier the other Defender This title best agreed to thos times when Christians were accused by Roman Idolaters of Thyestean Fests Oedipean Incests Medean Murders Adultery Treason burning of Houses Poisoning Plagues Famin and al hainous crimes or hidious calamities which hapned but it aims chiefly at Satans trial of Job by tribulations as Pagans did Christians by persecutions Rejoice O Heavens and ye that dwel in them wo to the Inhabiters Vers 12. of Earth and Sea for the Devil is com down to you having great wrath becaus he knows his time is but short Though the Dragon was cast from the throne by Constantin yet People continued his worship specialy under Julian Apostat but soon after Christianity prevailed and al the Empire was washed with Baptism which made Satan rage and seek by al stratagems to undermine the Church This while the woman dwels in a Desart who being freed from Heathen tyranny til the seventh trumpets sounding and Christs secund coming lay not hid or invisible but lived in a midle condition like the Israelits before they entred Canaan who escaped Pharaohs slavery yet attained not the Land of promiss So Christians escaped Pagan bondage and served Christ freely Yet as the Israelits Apostatized to worship a golden Calf Baal Peor Balaam c. So Christians fel to semi-Idolatry or Iconolatry The Womans abode in the wildernes fourty two months answers to See Numb 33. the Israelits so many mansions in the Desart not without a tacit typical mystery When the Dragon saw he was cast to the Earth he persecuted the Vers 13. 14. 15 Woman which brought forth a Manchild to whom were given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly from the Serpent into hir place to be nourished for a time times and half a time but the Serpent cast out of his mouth water as a Flood after the Woman that it might carry hir away Satan is cast down but not cast out who staying below essaied to oppress the Woman by what wais or wiles he could She began to fly but cam not instantly to the Desart as neither did the Israelits for Pharaoh pursued them into the red Sea and the red Dragon hir with a Flood of water quam bene cuncta quadrant the great Eagle is evidently the Roman Empire hir two wings the East and West Caesars under whos protection she fared in an Eremitical Estate three yeers and half expressed before by one thousand two hundred threescore dais to comply with Daniels times This Eagle in Esdras typifies the fourth Kingdom and 1 Esd 11. 16 17 the twelv feathered wings the twelv first Caesars from Julius to Domitian Thus
Pray and lift up your Heads 1 Thes 5. 2 3. for your redemption is at hand but such as liv securely as assured of their salvation speaking peace and safety to their Souls Sudden destruction shal com upon them as travel on a Woman With Child and they shal not escape The day of the Lord shal com as a Thief in the night therfore watch and pray for great things and terrible revolutions are at dore to befal at end of A. 1655. wherin this Author is most confident who proceds thus It rests to be shewed 1. What hitherto hath bin fulfilled 2. What at present is effected 3. What shortly is to be expected which is chiefly contained in the 11. and 16. Chapters The Revelation describes the State of Christs Church in the new Testament and what shal betide the fourth Monarchy under which it subsists This description includs three Periods of time 1. The Dragons Ethnic Kingdom when seven Crowns 1 Period stood on his seven Heads being publicly adored and Christians persecuted by Pagan Emperors to which reign Constantin Rev. 12. 3. Rev. 13. 1. 2. put a Period A. 312. and the Church triumphed til Theodosius died A. 395. At which time the Devil left his shape of a Dragon resigning his Host Seat and great Authority to the Beast with seven Heads and ten Horns which rose from the Sea 2. Antichrists Vicarian Lieftenentship under the Dragon 2 Period Rev. 12. 15 16. from A. 395. til A. 1655. now neer During which space the Pope or fals Prophet blasphemed Gods name and persecuted his Saints for one thousand two hundred sixty yeers but when the Dragon was cast to ground he cast water out of his mouth as a Flood to carry away the VVoman that is he stirred the North Nations to invade the Empire and infest the Church but the Earth swalowed the Flood for they embraced Christanity and erected sundry Kingdoms The Dragon seing Idolatry could not be publicly erected resigned to the Bea●t risen from the Sea on which the great Whore or Antichrist the Dragons Deputy Vicar crept up in thos wars rode his seat power and authority viz. his host of Devils or Idols wherin Ethnics worshiped him which his Antichristian Vicar stil continues under the name of Saints Herof St. John speaks Rev. 13. 3 4. al the World wondred at the Beast but worshiped the Dragon which gav him power and the Beast also saying who is like him or able to make War with him This Lieftenentship is to last forty two months or one thousand two hundred sixty annal dais which beginning A. 395. must end A. 1655. as is said Then folows the Churches tru peace or prosperity at last 3 Period Rev 20. 1 2 3. Period for at sound of the seventh Trumpet the seventh Wo cam on the Empire and the seventh Phial of Gods wrath was poured o●● wherwith the Churches Enimies are cut off and the Devil shut up in the bottomless Pit for one thousand yeers so that nothing but tru tranquillity can insu Hence the Church Rev. 11. 15. exults with great voice saying the Kingdoms of this World are becom the Lords and his Christs who shal reign for ever To thes three times al three Parts of the Apocalyps are Analysis squared for the Son of God des●ribes the state of his Church and what shal befal the Empire in a triple maner 1. By seven Epistles chap. 2. and 3. 2. By a Book sealed ch 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. By a litle open Book ch 10. to the end He also appeered to John in several shapes 1. As a Son of Man ch 1. who suffred in the fi●●t Period 2. As a Beast like a Lamb with seven Horns and seven Eys ch 5. which fights in the secund Period 3. As a strong Angel clothed with a Cloud ch 10. who reigns having al things put under his feet in the third last Period As a Son of Man in m●●st of seven golden Candlesticks he declares the Churches condition in general by seven Epistles wherof the two si●st belong to the first Period the ●iv last to the se und but the Promises ch 2. and 3. to the last As a Lamb he opens the sealed Book Gods hidden Decree implying the Roman Empires estate distinctly under which the Church is built and subsists ch 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. and 9. viz. in the Politic State for the first Period til A. 395. which by opening the six first Seals is performed the Ethnic Emperors condition is shewed in the first fiv but the fal of Paganism in the sixth from Constantin to Theodosius death In the secund Period from A. 395. to 1655. when the seventh Seal is to be opened seven Angels with seven Trumpets declare by seven Judgments then executed the Empires ruin Ch. 8. 1. By Barbarians A. 395. 2. By Romes first sackage A. 410. 3. By suppressing the West Empire in Augustulus A. 476. 4. By abolishing al public Offices A. 552. 5. By Sarrasens as the first Wo tels ch 9. 1. to 12. 6. By Turcs ch 9. 13 to 19. 7. By Papists palpable Idolatry Murders Sorce●ies Fornications and other abominable sins as in the secund Wo ch 9. 20 21. In the third Period at entry of A. 1655. the seventh Angel sounds and Judgment is executed with the third Wo on the Churches Enimies wherby Gods mystery is fulfilled ch 10. 9. As an Angel covered with a Cloud having a litle Book opened which John swalowed he foretels what shal befal the Ecclesiastic State in al three Periods 1. The Church is built up under persecutions ch 11. 1 2. 2. 'T is gloriously beautified with the Sun having the Moon under foot as despising al mundan things and a Crown of twelv Stars the twelv Apostles on hir Head ch 12. 1. 2. 3. The red Dragon raiseth many Heresies and troubles but Constantin as Michael overcam him and expeld Heathenism v. 9. In the secund Period thes seven Synchronicisms are set forth 1. The holy City trod down by the Gentils ch 11. 2. 2. The two VVitnesses mourn in sack cloth v. 3. to 10. 3. The VVoman fled into the Desart ch 12. 6 to 14. 4. The ten hornd Beast blasphems God and makes war with the Saints 5. The two hornd drivs a pety ped●ing trade ch 13. per totum 6. The company of one hundred forty four thousand sing a new Hymn and liv blamless ch 14. 1. to 6. 7. The VVhore of Babylon or Papal Hierarchy rides and rules the ten hornd Beast of free accord ch 17. Herupon God forewa●nd hir by declaring his plagues and punishments ch 15. and 16. but when no redres folowd he past sentence to confound hir Hence in the third Period the Churches joy or ovation over hir Enimies total ruin is displaied with hir wished peace or tranquillity ch 19. Thes are the general Contents of al but many mo important particulars relating to our times occur which shal be summarily collected for the Churches
reveled in his holy Word 7. Their clashing contradiction is a plenary confuta●son for som say no mixtils or Animats shal subsist but only C●lical bodies and two Elements yet can shew no caus or colour why they rather then the rest or how the world shal be more glorious being as a bare house unfurnished and unhabited sith variety makes it Mundus or comly som that al creatures shal be restored so wel as men yet know not how to stow them as two were of ech kind in the A●c in the world unles they fain it of infinit capacity som that such only shal be reserved as are extant at last day that is good luck and bad as al the world is now ruled for why they rather then the rest sith al shal be incinerated so wel as thos already corrupted som that none now or then existent are capable of restitution or resurrection but new shal be formed of rare kinds like thos in the Lunar world to serv the Saints in a new material world to com Touching this Earth som say it shal be refined like gold in the fire and bettered or beautified tenfold for the Saints mutual commerce som that it shal be a mansion for such as neither deserv Heaven for their good deeds nor Hel for hainous crimes som that it shal be the habitation of unbaptized Infants which they hold better then Saint Austins dark dungeon Thes are al carnal conceipts or ungrounded unwarranted Phantasms sith the kingdom of Heaven is stiled the Seat of blessed Spirits wher they shal reside as in their proper place of perpetual possession not as an Inn to lodg in for a space and at last leav it for ever nor shal they hav a City hous and country Grange to remov from Heaven to Earth at pleasures as som sottishly surmise but shal enjoy a Heavenly habitation and beatific Vision for their eternal inheritance which wil be no boot to change for an Earthly mansion though they should enjoy Christs personal presence to boot which they also hav stil in Heaven Most Greec Fathers with many Latin assert annihilation Authorities Hilari saith this Heaven caled Firmament shal pass away and not be but that invisible wherin God dwels abides for ever Clement fains his Master Saint Peter to tel Simon Magus that ther be two Heavens one superior increat eternal wher blessed Spirits inhabit another inferior visible studded with stars which at last day shal be abolished Saint Jerom saith thos two Fathers Opinion was most approved as cohering with Saint Pauls saying The things seen are temporal but thos not seen 2 Cor. 4. 18. eternal meaning that al Visibles shal perish to nothing but invisibles abide for ever in infinity Dr. Hakewil cites sundry late L. 6 Apol. sub ●●nem Protestant Professors as Patrons of annillation viz. Luther Melancthon Bucer Beroaldus Bartolinus Vorstius Junius Rivet Hunnius Tilenus Cassanius Meisnerus Polanus Martinius Brentius Wollebius Gerard Arnobius Frantzius and others whos pregnant testimonies to that purpose he produceth worthy of exact perusal which to recit or capitulat consorts not with my affected brevity who must hasten to answer the Ronovators and Substitutors Arguments Ob. Saint Peter saith The Heavens must contain Christ til the Acts 3. 19 21. times of refreshing and restitution of al things which God hath spoken by al his holy Prophets Ergo al shal be restored Sol. The Syriac Interpreter renders it til the end of al times or worlds consummation but the times of restitution or refreshing signify the complement of our Redemption for as Calvin comments becaus our restitution or redemption is yet imperfect while we grone under the bond of bondage we shal be restored to liberty at last day when 't is perfected but speaks nothing of the Worlds renovation after 't is burnt nor can it be wiredrawn or wrested to any such construction if rightly sensed Ob. David saith God laid the Earths foundations that it Ps 104. 5. sh●uld not be removed for ever So Salomon One generation passeth and another coms but the Earth abides for ever Ergo Eccles 1. 4. shal not be annilled Sol. Thes places are stifly urgd against the Earths diurnal motion with more color then to oppugn abolition yet truly against neither for the intention is that by Natures cours it is laid to remain for ever without decay or diminution in the whol like other elements had not God decreed to dissolv it but the parts of them al are subject to jugial alteration and corruption the word for ever is so long as Time or the World lasts so caled in comparison of mans mortal condition as circumcision is stiled perpetual Repl. The Lord saith Lo I creat new Heavens and Earth Isai 6●●7 Rev. 21. 1. for the former shal not be remembred So Saint John cals them new for the first passed away and ther was no more Sea so Saint Peter The Heavens shal pass away with a nois and Elements 2 Pet 3 10. 13. melt with heat but we look for new Heavens and Earth Ergo being burnt they shal be refined and renovated or new created and substituted but not al utterly abolished or annulled Sol. See how partial Sectists are it was pressed last that the Earth abides for ever now that it shal be renewed or a new surrogated but truth lies in the kernel of genuin sens not in the shel of words surely they are not meant literaly of material Heavens and Earth or if they be it tends rather to annillation then restitution o● substitution for Isai saith The former shal com in mind no more Saint John They passed away and there was no more Sea Saint Peter The Heavens shal pass away with a nois and Elements melt with heat how then renewed such as constru to perish pass away be no more c. of the worlds instauration or melioration and not of annihilation must answer wher in Grammar 't is so taken for in Philosophy and Theology renovation diametraly differs from destruction Beza applies Isais alleged words to the Churches State or Christs kingdom which also alluds to the Saints condition in Heavenly Jerusalem as Saint Johns immediat ensuing words import I saw the holy City new Jerusalem Rev 21. 2. coming from God prepared as a Bride trimmed for her husband which intimats their continual cohabitation or hir eternal Mansion with God hir Bridegroom So Saint John and Peter by new Heavens intend the Saints glory in new Jerusalem with God or the Lamb and not any material new Heavens as al authentic Authors expound Rep. Isaiah saith The Moons light shal be as the Sun and Isai 30. 26. Suns sevenfold as of seven dais Ergo at last day al things shal be perfected in far greater glory not totaly abolished to be no more Sol. The Prophet speaks Mysticaly and Metaphoricaly as oft elswher of the Church under Christ which he cals a new Heaven and Earth as the new Heavens
rule in this World or Heav'n for ever Nec patet An Terris regnabit mille per annos Cum Superis Sanctis Martyribusque suis Whether he shal reign on Earth one thousand yeers With Angels Saints and Maryts 't not appeers 5. As to the Worlds final dissolution whether it shal be by a refined renovation of the Old a created substitution of a New or a predecreed abolition into Nothing I stand stif for the last against al Opposers or Oppugners 6. Anent Christmas and other holy harmless Pests forecited I suppose them to be both lawful and needful among prophane people who should be compeld to Church in season and out of season as the Spaniards at first drov uncatechised Indians like herds of Cattle to Baptism for the service of God yet al too little among stupid carnal Gospelers for al which assertions with others on the by I have rendred strong sufficient Reasons from other mens works in the particular Theses Treatises or Theorems but the three middle of Prophecies concerning the Messiah to com Christs two Genealogies and Revelation reveled are no Polemical points nor wil require farther explication or exposition therfore take this dry Distich for a final Farewel Quid volo scire voles sic stat sententia nostra Qua data hoc addo tibi Lector Amice Vale. Wilt know what I hold So sounds my judgments knel Which giv'n I bid thee Reader Friend Farewel Protestatio Verissima Protestation A most tru Protestation Tu Domine Omnipotens mea qui praecordia nosti Spargere velle nihil me nisi vera vides Thou Lord Almighty who my heart doost know Knowst that I nought but truth abroad would sow AN END Additio de Anima Humana An Addition of Mans Soul WHile my Pen was busy to transcribe the Prolog previous Theorems I met with Mr. Hobbs learned Leviathan of a Common-wealth and among divers Paradoxal points or positions as who cannot devise new dogmats and colorably defend his devises Found four flatly opposit to so many of my Theological Theses or Tenets which I thought fit by way of vindication to enumerat but not by way of refutation to recriminat being far too weak to incounter so strong a Champion as a Dwarf to a Giant 1. That Mans Soul is no special Entity Essence or Existence distinct from the Body which after separation by death shal subsist in Heaven or Hel til the general Resurrection of al Flesh and particular reunion of every individual Soul with its own identic Body but only the Breath Life Energy or Accidental quality therof as is in other animats or animals so denomined of Anima not Vita yet the Body shal rise at last day the self same living Man it was in this World This novity crosseth cleerly my first Thesis concerning the 1 Thesis Souls origin or production wherin I maintain with the current stream of al Orthodox writers that 't is an essential part of Man so wel as the Body but after death or dissolution of one from the other a distinct individual immaterial tho no simple Spirit and immortal substance which shal immediatly by Gods particular Judgment partake of Heavenly jois or Hellish torments and in fine reunite with its own Body at general Resurrection The whol controversy is largly debated already needing no vain repetition but the Souls Verity Unity and Immortality shal be farther proved by a few select places of sacred Scripture promiscuously collected and congested together for the present occasion God breathed into Gen. 2. 3. Adam the Spirit of Life or infused a living Soul as 't is generaly interpreted Which cannot be simple life sith Zechary expounding it saith The Lord spred the Heavens laid the Ze●h 12. 2. Earths foundations and formed Mans Spirit within him which provs intrinsic infusion Semblably saith Salomon Dust shal 〈◊〉 12. 〈◊〉 return to Earth as it was and the Spirit to God who gav it which cannot imply life or Breath sith that only ceaseth or vanisheth but returns not to God who first infused into Adam a substantial Spirit whence al others are successivly derived David speaking of Christ saith My flesh shal rest in hope 〈◊〉 16. 9 〈◊〉 for thou wilt not leav my Soul in Hel nor suffer thy holy one to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 26 27. see corruption This is meant of our Saviours condition after his Passion as deep Divines define that his flesh in the Grav shal rest in hope but his Soul descend into Hel to conquer the strong Man Satan in his own Kingdom not to be left ther nor the whol compound see any corruption being to rise speedily The blessed Virgin saith My Soul doth magnify Luk. 1. 46 47. the Lord and my Spirit rejoice in God my Saviour which two pathetical terms Soul Spirit she would not use of life or breath a blast bubble bawble nor can Christ be caled hir Saviour in that respect sith hir life did not depend on him Christ saith Ther was a rich Man clothed in purple that fared Luk 16. 19 20. sumpt●ously every day and a begger named Lazarus who lay at his gate ful of sores Lazarus dying was caried by Angels into Abrahams bosom but the rich Man tormented in Hel flame This he whiffles off slightly that 't is a Parabol yet many learned Men take it for a tru story becaus the begger is named nor would Christ so pointly pourtray Abrahams bosom the rich Mans dialog with him and Hel-torments no not in Parabols to teach People old wifes fables if al were fals figments or that Mens Souls did not liv after dissolution from the body which was his main scope to instruct or to what end els did he propone it Yea elswhere he bids Men not to fear them which kil the Body and cannot kil the Soul but to fear Mat. 10. 28. him which is able to destroy both Soul and Body in Hel. How can this be eluded Here are two distinct parts directly specified Body and Soul nor can the last be life for he that kils the Body is able and actualy doth take away that too at once together with it nor would he ad fear him which is able to destroy both Soul and Body if he meant life only Christ said to the penitent Theef on the Cross Today instantly Luk. 23 43. 〈◊〉 and immortaly shalt thou be with me in Paradise which must needs intend both their Souls sith their Bodies were to be buried that night Indeed many able interpreters expound to day eternaly yet al apply it to their Souls which shal liv with God for ever and ever St. James bids his Countrimen with Jam. 1. 〈◊〉 meeknes to receiv the word which is able to sav their Souls not their lifes for Gods word cannot sav them Many mo places may be alleged beside Reasons and testimonies of Authors if any refutation were intended but sith he saith the contrary to his Assertion that Soul and Life
treats only of the Bodies resurrection or immortality of Men who shal liv again He means thos Patriarchs were immortal becaus God in meer grace confers eternal life on the faithful who tho dead liv stil to God being writ in the Book of life with thos that are absolved of their sins to reviv at resurrection but not by any property consequent to Mans essence or Soul For to make it a living entity independent after separation on the Body and in it self immortal or that any Man is immortal except Enoch or Elias hath no cleer warrant Job 14. 10 12. in the word Job complains of Mans mortality by nature Man dies and wasts away yea givs up the Ghost and wher is he Down he lieth and riseth not til the Heavens be no more Which 2 Pet 3 7. 13. St. Peter shews shal be at the universal Resurrection when the Heavens and Earth shal be dissolved by fire but new expected according to promiss wherin dwels righteousnes So wher Job saith Man riseth not til the Heavens be no more 't is as if he said immortal life for Life and Soul in Scripture sens is the same begins not in Man til the Resurrection or day of Judgment and the caus of it is Gods promiss as St. Peter tels not Mans specifical Nature or Essence Now sith Gods Kingdom is a civil Common-wealth wher he-self is Soveraign by virtu first of the old and now since of the new Covenant it evidently appeers that when Christ shal com again in Majesty and Glory to reign existently and eternaly his Kingdom shal be on Earth as God was in Israel So Gods Enimies and their torments after Judgment shal be on Earth for the place wher al remain til the Resurrection is usualy stiled in Scripture under ground in Latin Infernus or Inferi Greecly Hades wher Men cannot see or dy implying the Grav so wel as any other deep place but the damneds place after Resurrection is not designed in al holy writ by any note of situation but only by their company wher such wicked Men were whom God in miraculous maner had cut off Touching Hel 't is no real place in any part of the created Hel what World but a Metaphorical word signified by wicked Men ther being 1. 'T is caled Infernus Tartarus or bottomless Pit from Corah Dathan and Abiram swalowed alife into the Earth 2. 'T is said to be under water becaus the Giants mighty Men in Noahs dais caled Greecly Heroes were drowned in the Deluge 3. Becaus Sodom and Gomorrha consumed by Fire and Brimstone becam a bituminous Lake 't is caled a Lake burning with fire and brimstone which is the secund death So Hel fire is expressed by Sodoms fire indefinitly Rev 21. 8. taken for destruction as 't is said Death and Hel were Rev. 20. 14. cast into the Lake of fire or destroied for after the last day Men shal dy no more nor go into Hades 4. 'T is termed from Egypts triduan deep darknes utter or extern darknes viz. without the habitation of Gods elect which is ful of Light 5. Neer Jerusalem is the Vally of Hinnon in part wherof caled Tophet the Jews most Idolatrously sacrificed their Children to Moloch wher they cast out their Carrion and to clens the Air made continual fires whence Hel is caled Gehenna or Vally of Hinnon and from thos incessant Fires cam the name or notion of everlasting unquenchable Fire Now none is so sensless to expound any of thes literaly as if the damned after rising from death shal be for ever under Earth or Water both which are but one Globe like a Pins point compared to the Heavens in a bottomless Pit or that they shal be eternaly punishd in Gehenna the Vally of Hinnon or shal liv in utter darknes not one to see another or be scorched for ever with Fire and Brimstone Ergo the meaning is Metaphorical and must be disquired by the nature of the Torments and Tormenters The Tormenters are termed Satan or Enimy Diabolus or Tormenters Accuser and Abaddon or Destroier which significant titles set not forth any individual Persons like proper Names but only an office or faculty and are very Appellativs which should not be left untranslated as they are becaus therby they seem to be proper names of Demons and Men sooner seduced to beleev the Doctrin of Devils then Pagan Religion contrary to Christs So becaus the Enimy in Gods Kingdom of the Jews is meant by Enimy Accuser and Destroier if Gods Kingdom after the Resurrection shal be on Earth the Enimy and his Kingdom must be ther also as it was when the Israelits deposed God and chose Saul sith Gods Kingdom was in Palestin and the Nations round about Enimies whence it appeers that Satan signifies any Enimy of the Church Metaphoricaly it may but is not Satan properly or literaly Quaere Rev. 12. 〈◊〉 a foul Fiend Enimy to Mankind as the great red Dragon that old Serpent was who deceived Eve and since the whol World Are al the Dialogs between betwen God and Satan about Job conterfet Chimaeras When the seventy rejoiced that the 〈◊〉 10. 17. 18 20. Devils were subject to them Christ said I saw Satan as lightning fal from Heaven but rejoyce not that the Spirits are Mat 12. 24. 〈◊〉 Cor. 5. 5. subject to you Here Christ cals Devils Spirits and names Satan as one yea Beelzebub is named Prince of Devils Excommunication 1 Tim. 1. 20. is caled a delivery to Satan is this meant only a Jailor or temporal Enimy Hel torments are somtime caled weeping and gnashing Torments of teeth somtime the worm of Conscience of time fire wher Dan. 12. 2. the worm dieth not which is never quenched but by Daniel shame and contempt Al which Metaphoricaly denote great grief or discontent of Mind from sight of others felicity which they lost by their own disobedience and incredulity but becaus others felicity is known only by comparing it with their own misery it results that they shal suffer such bodily pains and calamities as Men that liv under cruel Governors having God the King of Saints their eternal Enimy Yea beside al torments of Body and Mind they shal likwise endure a secund Death For tho the general Resurrection be evident yet it 1 Cor. 15. 42 no eternal life promised to Reprobats St. Paul to the question with what Bodies Men shal rise saith 'T is sown in corruption and raised in incorruption sown in dishonor raised in glory sown in weaknes raised in power but Glory and Power cannot comply to wicked Mens Bodies nor the name of secund Death apply to such as can never dy but once Howbeit tho a calamitous everlasting Life may Metophoricaly be termed eternal Death yet can it in no property of speech be stiled a secund Death Everlasting fire prepared for the Damned is an estate wherin Secund Death none can liv after the Resurrection
Witchcraft Witches justly punished with death for their fals beleef that they can doo such mischief and a wil or purpose to act it their Trade being neerer to a new Religion then a Craft or Science Such as are content to be poor may easily resolv to Censure be honest so thos that hold Hel to be no real place and Devils meer Metaphors must of cours deny Witchcraft yea many who pretend to be wise pious professors are too incredulous of Witches contrary to the faith of al Gods People Exod. 22 18. both Jews and Christians who wil not suffer a Witch to liv as God commanded The best is only privat persons deny it but al public Princes and Christian Common-wealths make strict Laws against it Saul destroied Wisards and such as had familiar Spirits yet in distres caused a Witch of Endor to rais Samuel as the spectre seemed with whom he consulted Serjeant Glyn who at last Lent Assises in Cornwal condemned eght Witches upon pregnant presumptions and personal confessions can scientiously satisfy any Man that ther be such impious confederats with Satan els al Laws and Magistrats that question them for their fals imaginations or intentions to work mischief if they can doo none were most unjust and to execut them bloody De Regno purae Caliginis Of pure Darknes Kingdom BEside al Soveraign powers Divine and Human precited Eph. 6. 12. Mat. 12. 26. Mat. 9. 34. Eph. 2. 2. John 16. 11. the Scriptures specify rulers of this Worlds Darknes even the Kingdom of Satan and Principality of Beelzebub over Devils or Phantasms in the Air as Satan is stiled Prince of the power of the Air and Prince of this World becaus he rules in this Worlds darknes So they under his dominion in opposition to the Faithful caled Children of the Light are properly Children of Darknes The Kingdom of Darknes is a confederacy of Deceivers who Kingdom of Darknes to get dominion over Men in this World devise erroneous doctrins to extinguish the Light both of Nature and Scripture p. 333. c. therby to seduce silly Disciples and so disprepare them for the Kingdom of God to com Fabula narratur mutato nomine de te Let the name changed be The tale is told of thee The darkest part of Satans Kingdom is without Gods Church among such as beleev not in Christ yet doth not the Church like the Land of Goshen enjoy al Light necessary to the work injoined by God but as Men born blind hav no Idae● of any bodily Light nor can any conceiv greater then he hath perceived somtimes by his own senses so is it with the Light of the Gospel and understanding too that none can imagin any greater degree therof then he hath attained Ther be four causes of spiritual Darknes 1. By abusing or abolishing the Scriptures Light for weer 1 Caus not knowing the Scripture the chief is wherto almost al the rest are consequent or subservient wresting it to prov Gods Kingdom so oft cited to be the Church or multitud of Christians now living or that shal rise at last day but the Kingdom of God was first erected by Moses ministry over the Israelits so saith he but none els cald his peculiar People which after ceased when they refused to be longer governed by God and chose Saul Since which time God had no proper Kingdom by pact or covenant but only as he ever was is and shal be universal King of al Creatures ruling according to his absolut Wil and infinit Power Nor are any now under any King or Kingdom by pact sav our secular Soveraigns til Christ shal com again to reign eternaly on Earth Succedaneal to this said error is that Christ now in Heaven hath som one Man or Assembly by whos mouth he speaks givs Laws and which represents his Person This regal power under him the Pope claims generaly over al the Church but in particular stats the Pastors or Presbyteries of thos places which begets such darknes in Mens understandings Hence results another error that a Christian Kingdom had need to receiv his Crown by a Bishop as if the claus of Dei gratia depended on that Ceremony So al Ecclesiastics assume the title of Clergy caling al others Laity or People simply Hence also arose the distinction betwen Emperors Civil Laws and Popes Canons which last were but bare Canons or Rules voluntarily received by Princes til Charlemaign becam Emperor but afterward as the Popes power increased becam commands or Laws and Emperors allowed them For the Pope pretending al Christians to be his Subjects makes it capital for any not to be of Roman Religion but tolerats Jews Mahometans and Pagans to enjoy their own Rites if they offer no scandal A secund abuse of Scripture is turning consecration into conjuration or inchantment for to consecrat is to offer giv or dedicat decently and devoutly any thing to God by separating it from common use or prophane to be holy and peculiar for Gods service by his Ministers hands but when Papists pretend to change the nature or quality of a thing as in the Lords Supper to make Bread and Wine by saying this is my Body this is my Blood to be Christs very Body and Blood it must either be Gods extraordinary work which 't is not being doon daily and frequently or a vain impious conjuration wherby they would hav Men beleev a change of Natures contrary to the testimony of their sight and other senses If the Aegyptian Sorcerers who turnd their Rods to Serpents and Waters to Blood or at least to seem so had made no change in shew but only outfaced the King that they were Serpents which looked like Rods would not al Men tax them for Liers Thus Priests tel the People that they hav turned Bread into a Man nay a God requiring Men to worship it which is gross Idolatry The words this is my Body or represents my Body can extend soly to the Bread which Christ consecrated with his own hands for he said not the Bread wherof any Priest shal say this is my Body shal be instantly transubstantiated into it nor was this doctrin harched in the Church of Rome til under Innocent the third not 500. yeers ago when the Popes power was at highest and Peoples darknes heaviest that Men could not see the Bread they eat specialy being stamped with Christs figure on the Cross as if the very wood was transubstantiated which they ate together with the Body So at Baptism they use many Charms in name of the holy Trinity with the sign of the Cross at naming ech Person as in consecrating holy Water the Priest saith I conjure thee Creature of Water in the name of God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord and by virtu of the holy Ghost that thou becom conjured Water to driv away al the Enimies powers c. The like is doon in Benediction of Salt and Hony mixd therwith
Israel was freed from Egypt on Eagles wings as the Lord saith Yea hav seen how I bore you on Eagles wings Exod. 19 14. and brought you to my self By water cast out of the Dragons mouth is meant Words and Doctrin as Salomon saith The Prov. 18. 4. words of a Mans mouth are as deep waters wisdoms Welspring Prov. 15. 〈◊〉 as a flowing Brook So water here is pestilent poison of Heresies specialy Arrianism against Christs Deity which grew up in Constantins dais and spred far under his Successors totus mund● miratus est se tam subito factum Arrianum This was the Flood of water issuing from the Dragons mouth like to carry away the Woman for 't is wonder the new initiated Emperors seing such dismal discords had not faln from the Faith as Julian did to their old Dagon the Dragon as finding most unity in impiety The Earth helped the Woman which opened and swalowed the Vers 16. 17. Flood cast from the Dragons mouth That is the Orthodox Oecumenic Synods drank up that Diabolical Deluge as dry thirsty Earth doth water which is a fit figure therof specialy sith Earth is oft put for the Inhabiters The Dragon was wrath with the Woman and went to wage war with the remnent of hir Seed which keep Gods Commandments and hav the testimony of Jesus Christ This is an entry to the next Chapter and as a Prolog to a new Tragedy raised by the Dragon against the Woman who at first footing in the Desart was encountred by two Beasts not so hideous in shape as the Dragon whom she most dreaded which history must be unlocked or unfolded I stood on the Sand and saw a Beast risa up from the Sea having Rev. 13 v. 〈◊〉 seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten Crowns and on his heads the name of Blasphemy The Dragon seing he could not prevail by his new Arrian devise nor reign as yerst in his own name being divested of the Empire covertly erected a Vicarian Kingdom to rais a new deputed form of Monarchy then beginning 'T is a twofold Beast ten horned and two horned neerly allied representing the Secular and Spiritual State which reign jointly The first is the ten Kingdoms into which Barbarians shared the Empire when the Dragon was expeld This is the septicep Roman Beast under the cours of the last Head which after bore the Whore being here described by ten Kingdoms wherin he shal as he did before blasphem the only tru God by Iconolo-Idolatry for as the number of seven Heads is the Roman Empires Ensign so the name of Blasphemy is a note of Idolatry The ten Crowns set on his horns shew he shal be subject to the last head and swayed by it as wil cleerly appeer in the sequel The Beast which I saw was like a Leopard his feet as of a Vers 2. Bear and mouth as a Lyon to whom the Dragon gav his power seat and great Authority Thes three Beasts are resembled by Daniel to the three first Monarchies Lion to the Assyrian Dan. 7. Bear to the Persian Leopard to the Grecian al which this last Kingdom resembles in a certain confused mixture For in Body it was a Leopard like the Grecian which was divided into four parts as this into ten in Feet a Bear like the Persian which managed State affairs by Magi as this doth Ecclesiastic by Moncs or other Shavlings In mouth a Lion like the Babylonian which made Edicts to worship golden Images on pain of death as this denounceth death to such as shal refuse to adore theirs Som interpret thes Beasts literaly of proper cruelty which this last Beast shal exercise and the text wil bear both senses Now that the ten horns are meant only of the last seventh cours and not promiscuously of al as most deem is thus demonstrated The horns which florish and vanish with their head could not be of the fiv first becaus they as the Angel attests passed in St. Johns age together with the courses of thos Rev. 17. 10. 12 Heads Nor the sixth becaus that reigning then the time of horns was not com as the said Angel apertly avers Ergo they remain to the last Head Such then as distribut the ten horns among seven heads giving one to som and two to others at pleasure are in evident error crossing the plain text and Angels interpretation becaus they belong soly to the seventh Head as aforesaid By power which the Dragon gav is meant his Militia or Army as the Septuagints use the word Phara●h● Host and God is caled the Lord of Hosts Now Satans Hosts or Forces are evil Angels and Idols the Devils Receptacles Thos he gav to this last Beast together with his seat and great Authority viz. that universal dominion which he exercised in shape of a red Dragon but in far unlike form that he might beguile the Womans Seed in the wilderness for he demeaned not as before nor professed to be as he was a sworn Enimy to Christianity for then they would shun him out of inbred antipathy which God at first set betwixt them but when he put Gen. 3. 15. off a Serpents skin and shewed as a Leopard or Panther which Beast the Dragon loths but al els lov to look on for his beauty and sweet smel as Isodor informs it was easy to deceiv the L. 12. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Church being secure from his old form not deeming or dreaming such close Idolatry should be professed or practised in an Empire which pretended Christianity and demolished Idols under a new masque of Image worship I saw one of his heads the sixth as it were wounded to death V. 〈◊〉 by Michael and his deadly wound was healed by the salv of this substitut authority and al the World wondred at the Beast That the 7 headed Dragon or Heathen Rome was the Beast of the 6th head wheron the old Serpent sat is cleer becaus the 7th succeded next in the same Seal to whom the Dragon gav his Rev. 17. 1● Seat For 't is said after that fiv are falen and one is the sixth in St. Johns time and the other not yet com for though the Beast stil appeered septicep and the heads kept order one after another yee the Beast with al his furniture of heads and horns is presented under any State So that the same Roman Kingdom may be every wher signified under several sorts or courses of Government The last ten horn'd Beast began at healing of the sixth Beasts wound but not before as the series shews For what ever evil he did or adoration was given him al is said to befal after curing of that wound for the whol world wondred at him being healed but none of thos blasphemous acts against God are cited before They worshiped the Dragon which gav power and the Beast Vers 4. saying Who is like the Beast who can make war with him They worshiped not the Beast
one thousand yeers on Earth Herof see Dan. 7. 14. Luke 9. 11 15. Luke 21. 31. 2 Thes 1. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 1. For the Millenium caled by the Jews and St. Juae the great Day Rev. 11. 15. of Judgment or Judgment of the great Day is the seventh Chiliad current which Christ shal consummat with the general Judgment This is his grand Assises beginning with the seventh Trumpet the process wherof John describes by a duple Rev. 20. 5. 6 12. Judgment and Resurrection beside the millenar reign betwixt both The morning shal be of Antichrist and his adherents whom Christ shal confound at his coming and then shal be 2 Thes 2 8. the first Resurrection the Evening on the remnent of his Enimies Gog and Magog whos number is as the Sea sand which shal end with last universal Resurrection when the last enimy Death being totaly vanquishd he shal yeeld up the Kingdom 1 Cor. 15. 24. 28. his Church to the Father that God may be al in al. This is the one thousand yeers Sabbath in which the Saints shal reign with their King on Earth and ever after enjoy an Eternal rest in the highest increat Heaven not in a new material World of Heaven and Earth as som suppose So saith Irenaeus the L. 5. c. 28. World was created in six dais and in 6000. yeers shal consummat at end of which coms the 7000th or Sabbath to the Saints Thes are his sublime nicities or self-singular novities if Ipse dixit may pass current for warrant He hath many mo but thes the best which shal suffice to shun prolixity His best basis of building beside what is before answered Epilog 2 Pet. 3. 7 8. relies on St. Peters words of one thousand yeers as one day which he stifly presseth to be the precise day of Judgment immediatly forenamed yet Davids one thousand yeers as yesterday and Peters one day as one thousand yeers doo not denote so many solar yeers in special as they dote or dream but only in general that no time dimensions no not thousands of yeers are any way considerable to God who is al Eternity and his works not to be measured by transitory time St. Ibid. v. 9 10. Peters words are directed as an apt answer to Scoffers who instantly ads The Lord is not slack concerning his promiss ac Men count slacknes but long suffering to us ward and unwilling that any should perish but that al should repent But the Day of the Lord wil com as a Theef in the night wherin the Heavens shal pass away with great nois and the Elements melt with servent heat c. Which cleerly indicats that God wil certainly perform the promiss of his coming and is not slack for one thousand yeers to him is but as one day So thos words doo not relat to the preceding Day of Judgment which he toucheth obiter or occasionaly only but is a meer answer to the said Scoffers which is his sole scope or subject as al Orthodox exposiors agree Medi Paraphrasis acuta Medes witty Paraphrase TO set a fairer gloss or garnish on his Devise he givs a Paraphrase on 2 Peter 3. prety Paraphrase on the whol Chapter which shal be curtly contracted St. Peter exhorts the beleeving Jews to Vers 1 2 3 4. mind the holy Prophets words concerning Christs coming to Judgment which also the Apostles confirm but forewarns that in the last dais shal com Scoffers which walk after their own wais or wils saying wher is the promiss of his coming For since the Fathers fel a sleep al things continu as they were from the Creation Thes last dais are the times of the Churches Apostasy under Antichrist as St. Paul speaks in the later times som shal depart 1 Tim. 4. 1. from the Faith giving heed to seducing Spirits and doctrins of Devils They consider not how the Heavens were of old by Gods Word Vers 5 6 7 8. and the Earth standing out of the Waters the great Deep and in or amidst them the Clouds or Floodgates hanging about it wherby the World then in Noahs dais perished but the Heavens and Earth now are by the same Word kept in store reserved unto to fire against the Judgment Day which Irenaeus cals a flood of Fire as the Prophets express it by firy flames and perdition of ungodly Men. But beloved be not ignorant of this that one day with the Lord is as one thousand yeers and one thousand yeers as one day As if he should say Glossa corrumpit Textum wheras I mention the Judgment day lest ye may mistake it for a common day know that one day with the Lord is as one thousand yeers and contrarily for the Prophets speak of Christs coming indefinitly in general not distinguishing first and secund which the Gospel from Daniel more cleerly teacheth but we being rightly instructed in both must apply ech to its proper time The Jewish Doctors writing of this Day cite Davids words one thousand yeers in thy sight are as yesterday yet is not that Day named but St. Peter specifies it and immediatly subjoins his words seeming rather to respect the Jews saying of that day then Davids For they are usaly taken as an argument why God is not slack in his promiss sith 't is not a question whether the time be long or short to God in whos eys millions of yeers are as yesterday but to u● who measure by dais and hours Justin Martyr and Irenaeus apply St. Peters words pointly or precisely to the Judgment Day or great Day of the Lord which is to last or continu complet a thousand solar yeers The Lord is not slack in his promiss tho this day be deforred Vers 9 10 to the end but long suffering toward us which is caus of th supposed slacknes not willing that any of Israels seed should perish but that al should repent as he exhorted them at Jerusalem to doo that Acts 3. 19. 21. their sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shal com til the restitution of al things which God speaks of by al his Prophets or els they must perish with the rest of Infidels For that Day wil com as a Theef in the night when the Heavens shal pass away with great nois as crakling of fire and the Elements melt with fervent heat the Earth also and works therin shal be burnt up Sith then al thes shal be dissolved or abolished what persons ought ye to be in al godly conversation Which should sute to our faith looking for that Day of God to com if we wil sbun the peril of it Nathelesse whatever thos Scoffers say who doubt or deride the promiss we according to it expect new Heavens and Earth a new refined state of the World wherin dwels righteousnes as Isaiah speaks ch 60. 20. 21. ch 65. 17. ch 66. 22. wherfore beloved sith ye look for such things be diligent to be found