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A60338 A salve for every sore, or, A collection of promises out of the whole Book of God and is the Christian centurions infallible ground of conscience, or his poore soules most assured comfortable companion at all times and in all things ... / by Phillip Skippon. Skippon, Philip, d. 1660. 1643 (1643) Wing S3951; ESTC R26243 121,285 364

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Mal. 4.2 Whosoever hath to him shal be given and he shall have more abundance Mat. 13.12 25.29 Luk. 8.18 19.26 He hat abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit Joh. 65.5 2. If these things be in you and abound they make you that you shal not be unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 1.8 k I wil shew unto you great and hidden things which thou knowest not Jer. 33.3 A man of knowledge increaseth strength Pro. 24.5 l The righteousnesse of God is revealed from faith to Faith Rom. 1.17 m The Lord will cause righteousnesse to spring forth Isa 61.11 n The wise in heart shal be called prudent and the sweetnesse of the Lips increaseth learning Pro. 16.21 o Being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good worke in you wil perfect it unto the comming of Jesus Christ Phil. 1.6 Though he fall he shal not be utterly cast down for the Lord upholdeth Him with his Hand Psal 37.24 28. The Lord shall never suffer the righteous to be moved Psal 55.22 66.9 Pro. 10.30 12.3 My mercy wil I keepe for him for evermore and my covenant shall stand fast with him Ps 89.28 2 Sam. 7.15 1. Chron. 17.13 14. The Lord will not cast off his people neither wil He forsake His inheritance Ps 94.14 1 Sam. 12.22 The righteousnesse is an everlasting foundation Pro. 10.25 I wil build them up and not pull them down I wil plant them and not plucke them up Jer. 24.6 I have loved thee with an everlasting love 1.31 3. Thus saith the Lord if Heaven above can be measured and the foundations of the Earth searched out beneath I will also cast off the seed of Israel for all that they have done Ier. 31.37 33.25.26 I wil betroth thee unto me for ever I wil even betroth thee unto me in faithfulnesse Hose 2.19.20 I give unto them eternall Life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my Hand My Father which gave them me is greater then all and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers Hand Joh. 10.28.29 Jesus having loved his own hee loved them unto the end Ioh. 13.1 I am perswaded that neither Death nor Life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come Nor Height nor Depth nor any other Creature shall be able to separate us from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8 38 39. Who shall also confirme you unto the end 1 Cor. 1.8 The Lord is faithfull who shall stablish you 1 Thess 3.3 Who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto salvation 1 Peter 1.5 p In every Nation he that feareth Him and worketh righteousnesse is accepted of Him Acts 10.35 If thou doe wel shalt thou not be accepted Gen. 4.7 q Their burnt offerings and their Sacrifices shall be accepted on mine Altar Isa 56.7 60.7 Thou shalt be pleased with the Sacrifices of righteousnesse Ps 51.19 That the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable being sanctified by the Holy Ghost Ro. 15 16. r See the proofes immediatly before s The prayer of the upright is his del●ght Pro. 15 8. t. v.w.x.y I exhort that first of al supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for almen For Kings and for all that are in authority For this is good and acceptable in th● sight of Godour Saviour 1 Tim. z I will praise the Name of the Lord with a Psalme this shall please the Lord. Psal 69.30.31 ● ●● To doe good and to communicate forget not for with such Sacrifices God is wel pleased Heb. 13.16 If there be a willing minde it is accepted according to that a man hath and not according to that Hee hath not 2 Cor. 8.12 b Let children or nephews learne to shew kindnesse at home and to require their parents for that is good and acceptable before God 1 Tim. 5.4 c If when yee doe well and suffer for it yee take it patiently this is acceptable with God 1 Pet. 2.20 d The Kingdome of God is not meate and drink but righteousnesse and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost For hee that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable unto God Rom. 14.17.18 e He hath made us accepted in the beloved Eph. 1.6 Through him we both have an accesse by one Spirit unto the Father c. 2.18 3.12 Heb. 1 Pet. 3.18 Thus far the fourth and last head of the third maine part The fourth maine part conteineth such promises as concerne Affliction First Concerning Affliction in generall as 1. THat the Lord will have his to suffer f and will visite his for sinning g and yet will inable us to beare affliction aright h f In the world yee shall have tribulation Ioh. 16.33 I will cause you to passe under the rod Eze. 20.37 Whosoever doth not beare his Crosse and come after me cannot be my Disciple Luk. 14.27 Heb. 12.6 7. We must through much tribulation enter into the Kingdome of God Acts 14.22 2 Tim. 3.1.2 Unto you is given in the behalfe of Christ not only to believe on Him but also to suffer for His sake phil 1.29 g As many as I love I rebuke and chasten Rev. 3.19 They that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquities Levit. 26. 39. See also v. 14. to 42. He shall be my sonne if he commit iniquity I will chasten him 2 Sam. 7.14 1 Ki. 11.39 Ps 89.32 pro. 3.12 By fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh For I know their workes and their thoughts Isa 66.16.18 Thus saith the Lord because you are all become drosse I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem As they gather filver and brasse and iron into the midst of the Furnace to blow the fire upon it to melt it so will I gather you in mine anger and melt you I will gather you and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath and yee shall be melted in the midst thereof Eze. 22.19 20 21 22. You only have I known of all the Families of the Earth therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities Amos. 3.2 Heb. 12 6. ● God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able 1 Cor. 10.13 They shall accept of the punishment of their iniquity Levit. 26.43 We faint not in afflictions 2 Cor. 4.16 2. That we shall gaine much good by Affliction i particularly The tryall of our Christian graces k assurance we are Gods children l that the Lord loves us m that we belong to Christ n the mortification of our sinnes o Sanctification to newnesse of life p the stirring us up to earnest prayer q to confidence in the Lord r it procures us peace s preserves from hell t furthers us unto u
For the sighing of the needy now will I arise saith the Lord Ps 12.5 w The righteous cry and the Lord heareth Psal 34.17 x When he cried unto him he heard Psa 22.24 Ex. 2.23 3.7 y The expectation of the poore shall not perish for ever Psal 9.18 z God remembred his Covenant Ex. 2.24 a. 13 God is a very present help in trouble Psal 46.1 b Alas for that day is great so that none is like it it is even the time of Jacobs trouble but he shall be saved ou● of it ●er 30.7 c I looked on my right hand and beheld but there was no man that would know me refuge failed me no man cared for my soule I cried unto thee O Lord I sayd thou art my refuge Psal 142.4 5. 71.20 Mica 7.8 Thus farre the first head of the fourth maine part The second Head concerning divers particular Afflictions as First to such as are persecuted for the truth SVch shall be inabled to suffer d to answer for themselves at the very push e The Lord will maintaine their cause f and be their strong redeemer g and deliver them h and avenge them on their adversaries i Their estate is happy k they shall be rewarded here plentifully l and in heaven eternally m d. e. When they deliver you up take no thought how or what yee shall speake for it shall be given you in that same houre what yee shall speake For it is not yee that speake but the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you Mat. 10.19.20 Mark 13.11 Lu. 12.11.12 f. g. Their redeemer is strong the Lord of hostes is his name he shall throughly plead their cause Jer. 50.34 h I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked and I will redeeme thee out of the hand of the terrible Ier. 15.21 Psal 72.14 i Hee will avenge the bloud of his servants and will render vengeance to his adversaries Deut. 32.43 Shall not God avenge his owne elect which cry day and night unto him though he beare long with them I tell you that hee will avenge them speedily Lu. 18.7.8 k Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousnesse sake Mat. 5.10 Blessed are you when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evill for the son of mans sake Lu. 6.22 l Jesus sayd verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left House or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and the Gospels But hee shall receive an hundred fold now in this time Houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions Mark 10 29.30 Mat. 19.29 m Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Mat 5.10 Lu. 6.22.23 He that Ioseth his life for my sake shall finde it Mat. 10.39 16.25 Mark 8.35 Lu. 9.24 They shall receive in the world to come eternall life Marke 10.29.30 Math. 19.29 Be thou faithfull unto death and I will give thee a Crown of life Revel 2 10. Secondly to such as are hated for God and goodnesse sake Such shall have joy n are in a blessed state o and those that hate them shall be ashamed p n p Your brethren that hated you an● cast you out for my names sake said Le the Lord be glorified but he shall appeare to your joy and they shall be a shamed Isa 66.5 o Blessed are yee when men shall hate you for the Son of mans sake Lu. 6.22 Thirdly to such as are cast out of the Congregation for the same cause See the foregoing proofes at k n. Fourthly to such as are reproached reviled rayled upon and evill spoken of for the same Cause Those that use us so shall not hurt us as they would q The Lord will cleanse our innocency r and cause reproach to cease s and so cause them and others to see we are wronged t their thus abusing us is an assurance that Gods spirit resteth on us and he is glorified by us v Our estate is blessed here w and shall be rewarded in Heaven x q Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue Job 5.21 Ps 3.20 r He shall bring forth thy righteousnesse as the light Psal 37.6 s I will no more make you a reproach Joel 2.19 t I will beare the indignation of the Lord untill he plead my cause he will bring me forth to the light Mica 7.9 Eze. 36.15 u If yee be reproached for the name of Christ happy are yee for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you on their part he is evill spoken of but on your part he is glorified 1 Pet. 4.14 w.x. Blessed are yee when men shall revile you and shall say all manner of evill against you falsly for my sake Greate is your reward in Heaven Mat. 5.11.12 Lu. 6.22.23 Fiftly to such as are tempted to sin and troubled in mind Christ having suffered and been tempted y is sensible of our sufferings z and able to suco●r us a. 14. We shall be supported obtaine m●ray and finde grace therein b temptations shall not prevaile against us c Satan shall not have his will over us Christ hath praied for us d God will strengthen us to beare the temptation e The Lord Iesus will ease us thereof f God will give us victory over Satan and all temptations g so that wee shall be delivered from them h be they never so great ● y.z. We have not an high Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are Heb. 4 15. a. 14 In that he himselfe hath suffered being tempted hee is able to succour them that are tempted Heb. 2.18 b Let us therfore come boldly to the thron of grace that we may obtaine mercy and find grace to help in time of need He. 14.6 c The gates of Hell shall not prevaile against the Church Mat. 16.18 d The Lord sayd Satan hath desired you that he may sift you as wheate But I have prayed for thee that thy faith faile not L● 22.31 32. e God will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation make you able to beare it 1 Cor. 10.13 f Yee that labour and are heavy laden I will give you rest Mat. 11.28 g The God of peace shall tread Satan under your feete shortly Rom. 16.20 R●sist the divell and he will flee from you Iam. 4.7 h The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations 2 Pet. 2.9 God will with temptation make away to escape 1 Cor. 10.13 i Alas that day is great there is none like it it is even the time of Jacobs trouble but he shall be saved out of it Ier. 30.7 Sixth To such as are desolate and forsaken of Friends The Lord will have compassion upon us and remember us with
death Psal 102.20 k I will bring them againe to this Land and I will build them and plant them Jer. 24.6 y I wil cause them to walke in a strait way wherein they shal not stumble Jer. 31.9 z a. 19 They shal returne and be in rest and be quiet Jer. 30.10 b I wil contend with him that contendeth with thee Isa 49.25 c None shall make them afraid Jeremy 46.27 d I wil bee sanctified in you before the heathen and yee shal know that I am the Lord when I have wrought with you for my Names sake Ezek. 20.41.44 Sixteene To such as are Sick That the Lord will strengthen e and case us f and take away all manner of sickenesse g and Diseases h See before the fourteenth e.f. The Lord wil strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou wilt make all his bed in his sicknes psal 41.3 g I wil take sicknesse away from the midst of thee Ex. 23 25. h The Lord wil take away from thee all sickenesse and will put none of the evill Diseases of Aegypt upon thee Deut. 7.15 Seventeene To such as suffer Hunger and Thirst The Lord will not forsake such i but will heare k and deliver them l when it is greatest m so that there seems no reliefe n The Lord will give food o to fulnesse p yea in abundance q of the best things r in due season s assuredly t The Lord will provide such a dwelling place u and settle them w They shall sow and plant x and be satisfyed y with fruitfull increase z rea rather then faile God will work wonders for such a 20 i When the poore and needy seeke water and there is none and their tongue faileth for thirst I the Lord will heare them I the God of Israel wil not forsake them Isa 41.17 k.l.m. Hungry and thirsty their soule fainted in them Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble and hee delivered them out of their distresses psal 107.5.6 n See the precedent Quotation at i o The Lord giveth food to the hungry Psal 146.7 Verily thou shalt be fed psal 37.3 p The first borne of the poore shall feed Isa 14.30 Deut. 10.18 q Thou openest thy hand they are filled with good psal 104.28 r He should have fed them with the finest of the wheate psal 81.16 s Thou givest meate in due season Psal 104.27 t In truth thou shalt be fed psal 37.3 u.w.x. Hee maketh the hungry todwel that they may prepare a City for habitation And sow the fields and plant vineyards Psal 107.36.37 y I will satisfie her poore with bread Psal 123.15 z He makes them sow the fields which may yield fruits of increase Psalme 107.37 a. 20 When the poore seeke water and there is none I will open rivers in high places and fountaines in the midst of the Vallies I will make the Wildernesse a poole of water and the dry land springs of water Isa 41.17.18 Eighteen To such as are naked That the Lord will cloath them b b If God so cloath the grasse of the field which to day is and to morrow is cast into the oven shal hee not much more cloath you O yee of little faith Mat. 6 30. Lu. 12.28 Nineteen To such as are in any kind of outward want The Lord forgetteth not their complaint c nor their poore estate d He will not forsak e nor despise f nor hide his face from us g nothing good for us shall be wanting h Our hope shall not perish for ever i The Lord will shew us mercy k esteems our sufferings deerely l will preserve our Soules m and be our hopein adversity n and our strength o even when we are in distresse p He will prepare our hearts to seek him q will up at our sighs r heare our desires s and prayers t He will be our refuge u our portion w God will provide x in greatest extremity apparently y and will take care for us z and susteine us a. 21 and nourish us as a Father b He is our helper when we are poore and in Heavines c He will deliver us out of all our trouble d though never so great e when we have no helper f He will help us in due time g and raise us from a poore to a better estate h yea to dignity and authority i and give us power to get wealth k and make us rich l and increase our estate m though our beginning be small n yea though our Condition be needy meane beggarly and most contemptible yea from the dust and dunghill o The Lord will save the poore p and the children of the needy q He chuseth such to be rich in Faith r and heires of heaven s c. d He forgetteth not the cry of the afflicted The expectation of the poore shal not perish for ever psal 9.12.18 e The poore 〈◊〉 the God of Israel wil not forsake Isa 41.17 Heb. 13 6. f. g He hath not despised the afflicted neither hath he hid his face from him Psal 22.24 h There is no want to them that feare Him They that seeke the Lord shall not want any good thing Psal 34.9.10 23.1 84.11 i Thine expectation shall not be cut off Pro. 23.18 The poore hath hope Iob. 5.16 k. l.m He shal spare the poore and shalsave the Soules of the needy Precious shall their bloud be in his sight Psal 72.13 14. 116.15 n Thou art my hope in the day of evill Ier. 17.17 o p. Thou hast beene a strength to the poore a strength to the needy in his distresse Isa 25.4 q Thou wilt prepare their heart Psal 10.17 r For the sighing of the needy now will I arise saith the Lord Psal 12.5 s Lord thou hast heard the desire of the humble psal 10.17 t This poore man cryed and the Lord heard him psal 34. 6.22.24 72. u The Lord wil be a refuge for the oppressed psal 9.9 w The Lord is the Portion of mine inheritance psal 16.5 x And Abraham sayd My son God wil provide Gen. 21.8 Consider the Ravens for they neither sow nor reape and God feedeth them how much more are yee better then the fowles Lu. 12.24 Seeke yee the Kingdome of God and all these things shal be added unto you ver 31. y In the mount of the Lord it shal be seene Gen. 22.14 z Casting all your care upon him for he careth for you 1 pet 5.7 a. 21 Cost thy burden upon the Lord and he shall su●●aine thee psal 55.22 b As a man feedeth his sonne so the Lord thy God feedeth thee Deut. 8.5 ● I am poore and sorrowfull let thy salvation s God set me upon high psal 69.29 Behold God is mine helper psal 54.4 I am poore and needy Thou O God art my helper and deliverer psal 70.5 Heb. 13.6 d This poore man cryed and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles psal 34.6.17 The just shall come out of trouble pr●
12.13 e Thou which hast shewed me great and sore troubles shalt bring me up againe from the depths of the earth Psal 71.20 f He shall deliver the poore and him that hath no helper psal 72.12 g The Lord wil be a refuge in times of trouble psal 9.9 h The Lord raiseth the poore out of the dust i And lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill to set them among Princes and to make them inherit the throne of glory 1. Sam. 27.8 k The Lord it is that giveth the power to get wealth Deut. 8.18 l. m.n Though thy beginning was small yet thy latter end shall greatly increase Iob. 8.7 o He raiseth the poore out of the dust and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill Psal 113.7 p The afflicted people thou wilt save 2 Sam. 22.28 psal 18.27 q He shal save the children of the needy psal 72.4 r. s Hath not God chosen the poore of this world rich in Faith and heirs of the Kingdome Iam. 2.5 Thus farre of the second head of the fourth maine part The third head conteineth such Promises as concerne Perills in Generall and divers Perills in particular First Concerning Perils in Generall THat the Lord will preserve us from them t and deliver us out of them u yea out of every mischiefe w though they be many x and great y from and out of all z every where a. 22 in due time b speedily c carefully d constantly e continually f that the mischiefe shall not touch us g nor come nigh us h For more assurance of all these the Lord is and will be our Buckler ● Saviour k Salvation l Refuge m Rock n Fortresse o Shield p Tower q defence r Deliverer s Help t Strength u Hope w He is and will be with us x charges his Angels to secure us y assures us wee shall not be confounded in Evill times z nor left to the will of our Enemies a. 23 t The Lord shall keepe you from evill 2 Thss 3.3 1 Sam. 2.9 In the time of trouble he shal hide me in his pavilion Psal 27.5 32.7 91.4 The Lord preserveth the faithfull Psal 31.23 97.10 116.6 145.20 Be not affrayd of sudden feare For the Lord shal keepe thy foote from being taken pro. 3.25.26 And it shal be sayd in that day Lo this is our God we have waited for him and he wil save us Isa 25.9 u The Lord is my deliver 2 Sam. 22.2 My heart trusted in him and I am helped He is the saving strength of his anointed psal 28.7 The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble Thou wilt not deliver him unto the wil of his enemies Psal 41.1.2 91.15 God will redeeme my soule from the power of the grave psal 49.15 n Many are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them al psal 34.19 x He shal deliver thee in six troubles yea in seven there shal no evil touch thee Iob. 5.19 y. z See the precedent quotation at w a. 22 Thy life wil I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest Jer. 45.5 b The Lord is a refuge in times of trouble Psal 9.9 c God shal helpe her right early psal 46.5 d.e. I the Lord doe keepe it I wil water it every moment lest any hurt it I wil keepe it night and day Isa 27.3 f The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy comming in even for evermore psal 121.8 125.1.2 g Troubles shal not touch thee Iob. 5.19 h A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee psal 91.7 i I am thy buckler Gen. 15.1 k Thou art the Saviour of them that put their trust in thee psal 17.7 l He is become my salvation Ex. 15.2 m The eternall God is thy refuge Deut. 33.27 n. o And he sayd The Lord is my Rock and my fortresse 2 Sam. 22.2 p He is my shield psal 144.2 q. s My high Tower and my deliverer ibid. 2 Sam. 22.31 r He is my defence psal 62.2 t He is our helper psal 33.20 u Thou hast beene a strength to the poore a strength to the needy in distresse Isa 25.4 w Thou art my hope O Lord God psal 71.5 ● The Lord of hosts is with us Ps 46.11 y He shall give his Angels charge over thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes psal 91.11 z They shall not be ashamed in the evill time psal 37.19 a. 23. Thou Lord wilt not deliver him unto the will of his Enemies psal 41.2 There are many the like frequent and obvious Second concerning diverse particular Perils as 1. Of Fire T The Lord will shelter us there from b it shall not hurt us though we were in the midst thereof c b There shall be a tabernacle for a shadow from the heate Isa 4.6 c When thou walkest thorow the Fire thou shalt not be burnt neither shall the flame kindle upon thee Isa 43.2 2. Of Water The Lord will preserve us therefrom d will be with us in the midst thereof that we be not hurt thereby ● d Surely in the floods of great waters they shal not come nigh unto him psal 32.6 e When thou passest thorow the waters I wil be with thee and thorow the Rivers they shall not over-flow thee Isa 43.2 3. Of stormes at Sea The Lord will be a refuge there from and therein f and give deliverance there out g when Feare Sorrow Extremity be at the highest h and when every one is at his wits end and knowes no more what to doe i God makes the storme which he raised a calme and the raging waves still k and turnes our griefe unto gladnesse by making all quiet though the waves went never so high and hollow l and brings us to our desired haven m The Lord Jesus by one word causeth the violentest tempest to be a great calme n though the Ship be covered with waves o and filled with water p and ready to sink q and though the Lord seem to neglect us r and we be ready to perish s for the winds and Seas obey his voyce t Read at large that great deliverance of Paul and those with him at Sea from that most terrible tempest 〈◊〉 all was most desperate u and look to the Lord in like distresse w for he ruleth the raging of the Sea when the waves therof arise he stilleth them x f Thou hast bin a refuge from the storme Isa 25.4 g.h.i.k.l.m. He commandeth and raiseth the stormy winde which lifteth up the waves They mount up to the Heaven they goe down again to the depths their soule is melted because of trouble They reele to and fro and stagger like a drunken man and are at their wits end Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble and hee bringeth them out of their distresses He maketh the storme a calme so that the waves thereof are stil Then are they glad because
● There yee shal die Ier. 42.16 He shal die in the place whither they have led him captive Ier. 22.12 Ez. 17.16 Isa 22.18 u Unto God the Lord belong the issues of death Psal 68.20 w.x.y.z. Thus saith the Lord such as are for the Sword to the Sword and such as are for the famine to the famine and such as are for the captivity to the captivity Jer. 15.2 Yee shal die by the Sword by the famine and by the pestilence Ier 42.22 21.9 38 2. 42.17 Ez. 7.15 Amos 7.11 Ez. 5.12 6.12 17.16 a. 28 What man is he that shall deliver his Soule from the hand of the Grave Psal 89.48 b None can by any meanes redeeme his brother that he should not see corruption Ps 49.7.9 c Though I walke through the Vallies of the Shadow of Death thou art with me Psa 23.4 d Hee wil be our guide even unto Death Psal 48 14. ● Thy rod and staffe they comfort mee Ps 23 4. f He himselfe tooke part of the same that through Death he might destroy him that had the power of Death that is the Devil And deliver them who through feare of Death were all their life time subject to bondage Heb. 2.14 15. g I wil ransome them from the power of the Grave I wil redeem them from death Hos 13.14 b See the preceding g and 1 Cor. 15.54 i Precious in the sight of the Lord is the Death of his Saints Psal 116.15 72.14 k In the valley of the shadow of Death I wil feare no evil psal 23 4. l Hee that is dead is freed from sinne Rom 6.7 m Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord they rest from their labours Re. 14.13 Isa 57.2 There the wicked cease from troubling and there the weary be at rest They heare not the voyce of the oppressour The servant is free from his Master Job 3.17.18 19. n And Jesus sayd unto him to day thou shalt be with mee in Paradise Luke 23.43 o Are they not ministring spirits sent forth to minister for them who shal be heires of salvation Heb. 1.14 ● He shal enter into peace they shal rest in their beds Isa 57.2 q My flesh shall rest in hope Psal 16.9 r Though after my skin wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shal I see God Job 19.26 Many of them that sleepe in the dust shal awake some to everlasting life and some to everlasting shame and contempt Dan. 12.2 This is the Fathers wil that al which he hath given me I should raise up agai● at the last day John 6.39.40 Matth. 24.30 There shal be a resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust Acts 24 15. 1 Thess 4 15. To the end 1 Cor. 15. Cap. s. ● u The dead shal be raised incorruptible For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality It is sowne a naturall body it is raised a spiritual body 1 Cor. w The Lord Jesus shall change our vile body that it may be f●shioned like unto his Glorious Body Phil. 3.20.21 x According to the working whereby hee is able to subdue al things to himselfe ibid. y Then shal the King say unto them on his right hand come yee blessed of my Father Inherit the kingdom prepared for you Matth. 25.34 23. Ez. 18.22 2 Thess 1.7.10 z See the forequoted Rev. 14.13 at m. a. 29 To me to die is gaine Phil. 1.21 b Hee that believeth on him that sent me is passed from Death to Life J●h 5 24. c Whether wee live or die wee are the Lords Rom. 14 8. l We which are alive shall be caught up in the Clouds to meate the Lord in the Aire and so shal wee ever be with the Lord 1 Thess 4.17 e The words of Pr●● 14.32 f Eccl. 7.3 Thus farre of the fourth and last head of the fourth maine part The fift maine part assures us many outward blessings as the Lord sees best for us First Such as concerne our selves as 1. THat the Lord will blesse us g with all manner of blessings h in all that we set our hand unto i he will command his blessing to be upon us k and nothing shall hinder or alter it l His blessing shall appeare in keeping Evils from us m in removing things hurtful n in that no good things shall be wanting ● Al● things shall be ministred ● and all our necessities supplied q The Lord will doe us good ● and all shall goe well goe all how it will s yea rather then sayle he will work wonders for us f g I will blesse thee Gen. 26.3 Deut. 7.12 13. 30.16 Psal 115.12 13 Pr● 10.6 h All these blessings shal come on thee and shal overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voyce of the Lord thy God Deut. 28.2 i The Lord shal command the blessing upon thee in al that thou shalt set thine hand unto Deut. 28.8 Gen. 49.29 k See the preceding i. l He hath blessed and I cannot reverse it Num. 23.20 m There shal no evil befall thee Psal 91.10 n Cal upon me in the day of trouble I wil deliver thee Psal 50.15 o There is no want to them that feare him Psal 34.9 p All these things shal be added unto you Mat. 6.33 q God shal supply all your need Phil. 4.19 r The Lord wil rejoyce over thee for good Deut. 30.9 Psal 85.12 Iob. 22.21 I●e 1.19 s All things worke together for good to them that love God R●m 8.28 Deut. 4.40 6.3.24 28.8 Eccl. 8.12 Isa 3.10 ● I wil open you the windowes of heaven and power you out a blessing Mal. 3.10 Psal 46.1.2 Mica 7 8. Alas for that day is great so that none is like it it is even the time of Jacobs trouble but hee shal be saved out of it J●r 30.7 2. That the Lord will dwell with us ● and make us dwell safely ● therefore he will cover us x all the day y w●en we walk z when we rest ● 30 No evill Creatures shall harmeus b we shall be quiet from f●are of evil c and sleep in peace and safety d for for all these the Lord watcheth over us carefully and continually ● v I will dwell amongst the children of Israel Ex 29.45 Levit. 26 11 12. 2 Cor. 6 16. 1 Ki. 6.13 w Whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwel safely Pro. 1.33 Levit. 25.18 19. 26.5.6 Deut. 33.12.27 Micha 4.3 Zech. 3.10 x. y The Lord shal cover him all the day long Deut. 33.12 z Thou shalt walke in thy way safely Pro. 3.23 a. 30 Thou shalt lie downe and none shall make thee affrayd Job 11.19 b I wil rid evill beasts out of the Land Le. 26.6 c Pro. 1 33. d Levit. 26.5 6. e A land which the Lord thy God careth for the eyes of the Lord thy God are alwayes upon it from the beginning of the yeare even unto the end Deut.
our ground shall be fat and fertill ● the fruit of the ground shall not be devoured m neither shall the vine be barren n These blessings we shall enjoy although there be great scarcity by former miscarriage of fruits o yea all these God prepareth and appointeth for us p and unto this end the Lord will send seasonable weather in sowing time q in our severall reapings for Corn for Wine and Oyle r o. p Blessed shalt thou be in the Field Blessed shal be the fruit of thy ground The Lord shall make thee plenteous in the fruit of thy ground De. 28 3●4.11 q. The Lord thy God wil make the plenteous in every worke of thine hand in the fruite of thy Land for good Deut. 30.9 s I wil multiply the fruite of the Tree Ezek. 36.30 t. u He wil blesse thy Corn and thy Wine and thine Oyle Deut. 7.13 w I wil cal for the Corne and wil increase it Ezek. 36.29 x The floores shal be ful of Wheate and the fats shal overflow with Wine and Oyle Ioel. 2.24 Hos 2.21.22 y I wil send you Corne and Wine and Oyle and yee shal be satisfyed therewith Ioel. 2.19 Levit. 25.19 z.x. 35. He shal give the raine of the seed that thou shalt sow the ground withal and Bread of the increase of the Earth Isa 30.23 b. c.d They sow Fields and plant Vineyards He blesseth them so that they are multiplied greatly psal 107.37 38. e The Lord shal give that which is good and our land shal yeild her increase Psal 85.12 f.g.h. Yee shal eate your fil The land it shal b●ing forth fruit for three yeeres Until her fruits come in yee shal eate of the old store Levit. Your threshing shal reach unto the vintage and the vintage shal reach unto the sowing time Levit. 26.5 Psal k The Lord wil make thee plenteous for good Deut. 30.9 l The earth shal be fat and plenteous Isa 30.23 m. n I wil rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shal not destroy the Fruits of your ground neither shal your Vine cast her Fruit before the time Malac. 3.11 o I wil send you Corne and Wine and Oyle and yee shal be satisfyed therewith And I wil restore to you the yeares that the Locust hath eaten the Canker-worm and the Caterpillar and the Palmer-worm Joel 2 19.25 p Thou preparest them Corne when thou hast so provided for it psal 65 9. q. r I wil give you the raine of your land in his due season the first raine and the latter raine that thou mayest gather in thy Corne and thy Wine and thine Oyle Deut. 11.14 28.12 Levit. 26.4 Icel 2.23 Isa 30.23 psal 65.10 17. Promises of seasonable weather upon any occasion See the last proofes to q.r. Thus farre the first head of the fifth maine part The second head of the fifth maine part containing such Promises as concerne ours 1. Such as concerne our children as that THE Lord is in covenant with them to be their God for ever s he will give them his word and spirit continually t he will circumcise their hearts that they may love the Lord unfaignedly u he will increase his graces in them w his promises belong to them x they shall be blessed y and not beg their bread z The Lord will preserve them though they be poore a. 36 provide for them b and settle them c we shal perceive our seed to be many great d and mighty e it shall go well with them after us f We shall see our childrens children g The Lords loving kindnesse and righteousnes shall never faile them h Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven i for they are holy k s I wil establish my Covenant betweene me and thee and thy seede after thee in their Generations for an everlasting covenant to be a God unto thee and to thy seede after thee Gen. 17.7 t My spirit and my words shal not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed Isa 59.21 u The Lord thy God wil circumcise the Heart of thy seede to love the Lord thy God with all thine Heart and with all thy Soule Deut. 30.6 w The Lord shal increase you and your children Ps 115.14 x The promise is unto you and your children Acts 2.39 y His seede is blessed psal 37.26 pro. 13 22 20.7 z Yet have I not seene the righteous forsaken nor his seede begging their Bread Psal 37.25 a. 36 Hee shal save the children of the needy psal 72.4 b His seede shal inherite the Earth psal 25.13 c The children of thy servants shal continue and their seed shal be established before thee psal 102.28 d Thou shalt know also that thy seede shal be great and thine off-spring as the grasse of the earth Iob. 5.25 e His seede shal be mighty upon Earth Psal 112.2 f Thou shalt keepe his statutes that it may goe wel with thy children after thee Deut. 4 40. 5.29 g The words psal 128.6 h The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that feare him and his righteousnesse unto childrens children psal 103.17 i Jesus sayd suffer little children to come unto mee for of such is the Kingdome of God Matth. 19.14 Mark 10.14 Luk. 18 16. k Your children are holy 1 Cor. 7 14 Mal. 2.15 2. Such as concerne our Cattell The fruit of them in generall shall be blessed l particularly of our kine m of our sheep n and thus with increase o plentifully p exceedingly q without diminishing r The Lord will send Grasse in our Fields for our Cattell s and feed them in large fat and healthfull pastures t l. m.n.o.p Blessed shalt thou be in the fruite of thy Cattell the increase of thy Kine and the flockes of thy sheepe The Lord shal make thee plenteous in the fruite of thy Cattell Deut. 28 4.11 7.13 30.9 q. r He blesseth them that they are multiplyed greatly and suffereth not their Cattell to decrease psal 107.38 s Deut. 11.15 t Thy Cattell shal feede in large pastures Isa 36.23 3. Of blessing upon the fruit of the Wombe either of man or beast as The fruite of the Womb is the gift of God u He will keep from barrennesse w he maketh the barren fruitfull x preserveth the fruit in the Womb y keepeth from untimely births z and every way blesseth the fruite of the VVomb a. 37 u The Lord shal make thee plenteous in the fruit of thy body and in the fruit of thy Cattell Deut. 20.11 w There shal nothing cast their young nor be barren in thy Land Exod 23.26 Deut. 7.14 x Hee maketh the barren Woman to be a joyfull mother of children psalme 113.9 y He wil blesse the fruite of thy VVombe Deut. 7.13 z See the foregoing w a. 37. Thus shal the man be blessed that feareth the Lord Psal 128.4 127.3 Deut. 7.13 Thus farre the second head of
is greatest in the Kingdome of Heaven Mat. 18.4 Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the Kingdome of Heaven Mat. 5.3 But honour shal uphold the humble in spirit Pro. 29.23 27. To the meeke in carriage They shall be taught spirituall y And temporall wisdom z And find rest to their Soules a. 48 And have inward and outwary joy b They shall joy in the holy one of Israel though they should want outward comforts c The Lord will relieve their wants d And give them prosperity e And honour f And full contentment g They shall escape Gods wrath h And have great and glorious deliverances i y The meeke wil hee guide in judgement and the meeke wil he teach in his way psal 25.9 z But with the lowly is wisdome Pro. 11.2 a. 48 Come unto me al yee that labour and are heavy laden and I wil give you rest Mat. 11.28 b.c. The meeke also shal increase their joy in the Lord and the poore among men shal rejoyce in the holy one of Israel Isa 29.19 d The Lord lifteth up the meeke Psalm● 147.6 e But the meeke shall inherit the Earth and shal delight themselves in the abundance of peace psal 37.11 f Before honour is humilitie Prov. 18.12 g Vide suprà ● psal 37.11 h Vide●u ra w Ze. 2.3 i He wil beautify the meeke with salvation Psal 149 4. 28. ●o such as beare affliction aright They are blessed k And shall receive the Crown of glory ● See to hope pag. 120. And to trust in God pag. 121. k.l. Blessed is the man that indureth temptation for when hee is tryed he sha● receive the Crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him Iam. 1.12 29. To our increasing in goodnesse Abundance of all hapinesse in heaven for ever more m m Well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast beene faithfull in few things I wil make thee ruler over many things enter into the joy of thy Lord and Master Matth. 25.21 Reade the whole parable Lu. 19 11. To ver 20. 30. To perseverance in grace and goodnesse The Lord will be our God and make us his Children n Our Saviour will confesse our Names before his Father and the Angells o He will not put our Names out of the Book of life p VVe shall be rewarded in due season q And not be damned r But essaredly saved s Christ will grant us to sit with him on his thron ● And there to enjoy all fulnesse of blessednes for evermore u n He that overcommeth shal inherit al things and I wil be his God and hee shal be my Son Rev. 21.7 o. p He that overcommeth the same shal be cloathed in white rayment and I wil not blot his name out of the Book of life but I wil confesse his name before my Father and before his Angels Rev. 3.5 r He that overcommeth shal not be hurt of the second death Re. 2 11. q Let us not be weary in wel-doing for in due season wee shal reape if we saint not Gal. 6.9 s But he that shal endure to the end the same shal be saved Mat. 24.13 t To him that overcommeth will I grant to sit with mee in my Throne Rev. 3 21. u Vide supra n Rev. 21.7 Be thou faithful unto Death and I wil give thee a Crowne of Life Rev. 2.7 10 11. To him that overcommeth wil I give to eate of the hidden Manna v. 17. To him wil I give power over the Nations v. 26. And I wil give him the Morning Starre Vers 28. Thus farre of the first head of the sixt maine part The second Head of the sixt maine part containing Promises of blessings to giving Almes or works of Charity 1. To Almes in generall WIth such Sacrifices God is well pleased w The will for the deed is acceptes x Although it be never so little but a Cup ●cold water y Yea more then much given un●illingly or for by-respects z The Lord wi●● 〈◊〉 all we undertake or that concern●s 〈◊〉 a. 49 VVe shall have plenty b And be blessed abundantly c And shall have a sure reward d Such honour e And lend to the Lord f And shall be recompenced of him g The Lord will not forget it h But accompts it as done to himself i Such shall obtaine mercy k And have favour from God l God will guide such continually m When they call and cry the Lord will answer and help n The Lord will give such inward peace o And joy p Such shall increase q And persevere in grace r Such shall have a good name s And have adversity turned into prosperity t Such shall be provided for u And not want v Neither such w Nor theirs shall be forsaken nor beg their bread x But be blessed also y Such shall be preserved from harme z And delivered from their Enemies a. 50 Such shall be strengthened in trouble b E●●●d in Sicknesse ● And delivered out of misery d God will mercifully reward our almes with everlasting happines e w But to doe good and to communicate forget not for with ●uc● Sacrifices God is well pleased ●eb 13.16 ● For i● there be first a willing minde i● is accepted according to what a man hath 2 Cor. 8 12. y And there came a certaine poore widow and shee cast in two mites which make a farthing And hee calleth unto him his Disciples and saith unto them verily I say unto you that this poore widow hath cast more in then al they which have cast into the treasury For they did cast in of their abundance but she● of her want did cast in all that shee hid even all her living Mark For whosoever shal give you a Cup of water to drinke in my Name because you belong to Christ verily I say unto you he shal not lose his reward Mark 9.41 Mat. 10.42 z Vide suprà p In the foure quoted places a. 49. If there be among you a poore man or one of thy brethren within any of thy Gater T●ou shalt not harden thine heart no● shut thine hand from thy poore brother Thou shalt surely give him and thine heart shal not be grieved when thou givest unto him because that for 〈◊〉 thing the Lord shal blesse thee i● all thy worke and in all that thon puttest thine hand unto Dent. 15.7.10 He hath dispersed hee hath 〈…〉 to the poore his righteousnesse endureth for ver● his home shal be exalted with honour Psal 1.12.9 But he that hath mercy upon the poore is he Pro. 14.21 b The mercifull men doe good to the own soule pro. 11.17 c Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase so shal thy barnes be filled with plenty and thy presses shal burst o● with new wine Pro. 39.10 d But to him that soweth righteous●esse shal be a sure reward Prov. 11.18 But when thou doest Almes let not thy right hand know what thy left 〈◊〉 doth That
If for Faith It shall be granted k k Jesus answered if thou knowest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee give me to drink thou wouldst have asked of him and he would have given thee living water Joh. 4.10 14. If for the feare l And favour of God m We shall obtaine them l If thou cryest after knowledge and liftest up thy voyce for understanding Then shalt thou understand the feare of the Lord and finde the knowledge of God For the Lord giveth wisdom 〈…〉 his mouth commeth knowledge and ●●derstanding Pro. m He shal pray unto God and he wil befavourable unto him and he shal see his fa● with joy Iob. 33.26 15. If for inward joy We shall have it n to the full o n Vide suprà m Iob. 33 26. o Aske and y● shal receive that your joy may be full Ioh. 16.24 16. If wee lack wisdome and strength to beare Affliction aright The Lord will bestow it freely and plentifully p p If any of you lack wisdome let him aske it of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shal be given him Iam. 1.5 17. Or to order our Affaires wisely We shall have it assuredly q q But they that seeke the Lord understand all things Pro. 28.5 18. If wee pray for increase of good Gifts in generall r Or of saving Knowledge s Or for Gods spirit to supply all our necessities t They shall be vouchsafed to us r If thou wouldst seeke to God be times and make thy supplication to the Almighty Though thy beginning was small yet thy latter end should greatly increase Iob. 8.57 s Call unto me and I wil answer thee and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not Jer. 33.3 Covet earnestly the best gifts and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way 1 Cor. 12.31 t If yee then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shal your Heavenly Father give the holy spirit to them that aske him Lu. 11.13 But my God shal supply all your neede according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus Phil. 4.19 19. If for the Kingdome of God and his Righteousesse I● shall be given us and all other things shall be ministred unto us u u Seeke yee first the Kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and all their things shal be added to you Mat. 6.33 20. If we pray for Others Sinnes shall be pardoned and judgements removed w ● Is any si●ke among yo● let him call for the Elders of the Church and let them pray over him anointing him with oile in the Name of the Lord. And the prayer of Faith shal save the sick and the Lord shal raise him up and i● hee have committed sins they shal be forgiv●n him Confesse your faults one to another and pray one for another that yee may be healed the effectuall fervent prayer of a righteous man avayleth much Iam. 5.14 15 16. 21. If we pray for the peace of Zion We shall prosper v x Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee Psalme 122.6 22. If for the peace of the place where we live Therein we shall have peace though the people be our Enemies y y And seeke the peace of the City whether I have caused you to be carried away captives and pray unto the Lord for it for in the peace thereof shal yee have peace Ier. 29.7 23. If Gods people pray together Our Heavenly Father will heare and helpe us z z If two of you shal agree on Earth as touching any thing that they shal aske it shal be done for them of my Father my Father which is in Heaven Matth. 18.19 Further many most comfortable places abundantly and infallibly declaring in what most gracious manner the Lord will heare our Prayers 7. He heareth our inward groanes in our extreamest Miseries Even when we cannot expresse our selves a. 53 Our mourning b Sighs c Desires d Tears c Complaining f Our very voye g And naming of Christ h He will heare wi●● cut despising our prayers i Or hitting us is the Teeth with our fore-past sinnes or present frailties k He will prepare our hearts too and help us to draw our petitions l He accepts our prayers m He takes delight in them and in hearing of them n He looks down of purpose to heare our groanes o To deliver us when we are past hope p His Ears are open there is not the least impediment in his hearing q It is his very nature to be a GOD that heareth prayers It is not contrary to his disposition r He thinks thoughts of place to give an end to our troubles according to our expectations s He will be plenteous in mercy to all that call upon him t And will give us liberally u He will remarkeably help us and shew us sometimes wonderous things that we know not w He will refresh us also with much joy and comfort of heart he will be many times as the dew to our hearts x He will heare every one that asketh of him aright y Yea in whatsoever we aske wee may have what we will according to his will z When we cannot pray as we ought his Spirit shall help our infirmities a. 54 God will Crowne our prayers with this honour to be sign●s of 〈◊〉 Sanctification b And Salvation c 〈◊〉 will heare us speedily d In the very 〈◊〉 in due time when we are in trouble yea so as he will in our affliction in especiall manner let us know hee is our God and will deliver u● e He is ready to be found f He will heare at the very first even while we are speaking to him g And answer us before we can expresse our selves h Yea the Lord heareth us when we thinke he hath forsaken us i all our prayers are heard and granted only through Christ Jesus k a. 53. And God heard their groaning and God remembring this Covenant with Abraham with Isaack and with Jacob Ex. 2.24 b From Heaven did the Lord behold the Earth to heare the groaning of the prisoners Ps 102.19.20 c For the sighing of the needy now wi● I arise saith the Lord I wil set him i● safety from him that puffeth at him Ps 12.5 d Lord thou hast heard the desire of the humble thou wilt prepare their heart and wilt cause thine eare to heare Psal 10.17 The Lord is nigh unto all them that cal upon him to all that cal upon him in truth He wil fulfill the desire of them that feare him hee also wil heare their cry and wil save them Psalme 145.18.19 But the desire of the righteous shal be granted Pro. 10.24 ● Hold not thy peace at my Teares P●●l 39.12 But thou my Teares into thy bottell Psal 56 8. f He forgetteth not the cry of the humble Psal 9.12 g My voyce shalt thou heare in the morning Ps 5.3 55.17 Hee wil bee very gracious unto thee at the
psal 145.19 Whosoever among you feareth God to you is the word of this salvation sent Acts 13.26 pro. 22.4 Vide suprà s.t. 14. To such as feare Gods Word The Lord will look to him for good g And reward him in mercy h g But to this man wil I looke even to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word Isa 66.2 h Who so despiseth the word shall b● destroyed but hee that feareth the Commandement shall bee rewarded Pro. 13.13 15. To such as love God and Christ God the Father i Christ our Saviour loveth him k And will reveale himselfe to him l our Father and Redeemer will come unto him and dwell with him m God will bring him to his house there his service shall be accepted and he shall be refreshed n The Lord preserves such here o And will make them happy in heaven p i He that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I wil love him and wil manifest my selfe unto him Joh. 14.21 I love them that love me pro. 8.17 k.l.m. If any man love me he wil keepe my words and my Father wil love him and we wil come unto him and make our abode with him Jo. 14.23 n Also the Sonnes of the stranger that joyne them selves to the Lord to serve him and to love the Name of the Lord even them wil I bring to my holy mountaine and make them joyfull in my house of prayer their burnt offrings and their services shal be accepted upon mine Altar for mine House shall bee called an House of Prayer Isay 56 6.7 o The Lord pres●●veth all them that love him psal 145.20 p Eye hath not ●ene nor eare heard neither have en●ed into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2.9 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tryed he shall receive the Crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him Jam. 1.12.8 2.5 16. To delight in Gods VVord Such an one shall have his hearts desire q Delight thy selfe also in the Lord and he shal give thee the desires of thine heart Psa 37.4 17. To love to Gods VVord Such shall have no hurt r But great presperity s r.s. Great peace have they which love thy Law and nothing shal offend them Psal 119.165 18. To delight in Gods Word All as to the feare of God before pag. 124 125. out of the 112. Psalme 19. To our love to Gods Church The Lord will blesse t And prosper suol 〈◊〉 ● And I will blesse them that blesse thee and curse him that curseth thee Gen. 12.3 Numb 24.9 u Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper that love thee Psal 122.6 20. To our love to Gods Ministers In receaving w in hearing them we receive and heare Christ x The good we doe to them is done to Christ y And the same will be reward accordingly z w He that receiveth you receiveth mee Mat. 10.40 x Hee that heareth you heareth mee Lu. 10.40 y He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me I. 13.20 z He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a Prophet shal receive a Prophets reward and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shal receive a righteous mans reward Mat. 10.41 21. To our love to Gods Children Thereby we know we are of the truth a. 47 And our hearts are assured b We are true members of Christs Church and shall continu● so to the end c And are translated from Death to life d And shall inherit Heaven for even e a. 47. b Let us not love in word nor in tongue but in Deede and in Truth And hereby wee know that we are of the Truth and shall assure our hearts before him c In whose eyes a vile person is contemned but he honoreth them that feare the Lord Ps 15.4 d Wee know that we have passed from Death to Life because wee love the brethren 1 Joh. 3.14 e Lord who shall abide in thy Tabernacle who shal abide in thy holy hil He in whose eyes a vile person is contemned but he honoreth them that feare the Lord psal 151.4 22. To our love to Christs comming We shall have everlasting life f f Henceforth there is laid up for mee a Crowne of ●ighteousnesse which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not unto me onely but to them also that love his appearing 2 Tim. 4.8 23. To live in untry peace and concord Such the God of love and peace will live with g And will blesse here h And make happy for evermore i g Be perfect be of good comfort be of one minde live in peace and the God of love and peace shal be with you 2 Cor. 13.11 h. i. Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to live together in unity For there the Lord commandeth his blessing even life for evermore Psal 133.1.3 24. To those that counsell others for peace They shall have Ioy. k k But to the counsellers of peace is joy Pro. 12.20 25. To those that make peace with others They shall bee called Gods Childen and are blessed l l Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God Ma● 59. 26. To the humble hearted God will teach such his way m They are wise n The Lord beholds them with love and care o And will preserve and deliver them p even when others are cast down they shall be sensibly upheld and lifted up q Their reward is riches r H●nour s And glory t And advancement t God gives grace to such u Will save them from his wrath in the very day thereof w The finall and full reward of humility is everlasting life x m The meeke will he guide in judgement and the meeke wil hee teach his way Psal 25.9 n But with the lowly is wisdome Pro. 11.2 o Though the Lord be high yet hath he respect unto the lowly psal 138.6 p.q. When men are cast down then thou shalt say there is lifting up and he shal save the humble Iob. 22.29 r By humility and the feare of the Lord is Riches and Honour and Life Pro. 22.4 s And before honour is humilitie Pro. 15.33 t But honour shal uphold the humble in spirit Pro. 29.23 u Remove the D●adem and take off the Crowne this shall not be the same Ex●lt him that is low and abase him that is high Ezek. 21.26 And hee that humbleth himselfe shal be ex●lted Matth. 23.12 Luk 14.11 18.14 u But hee giveth grace to the lowly Prov. 3.34 Iam. 46.1 Pet. 55. The same words w Seeke yee the Lord all the meeke of the Earth which have wrought his judgement seeke righteousnesse seeke meekenesse It may bee yee shall be hidde in the day of the Lords ange● Zeph. 2.3 x Vide suprà r pro. 22.4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himselfe as this little child the same