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A44344 A comment upon Christ's last prayer in the seventeenth of John wherein is opened the union beleevers have with God and Christ, and the glorious priviledges thereof ... / by that faithful and known servant of Christ, Mr. Thomas Hooker ... ; printed from the authors own papers written with his own hand, and attested to be such in an epistle by Thomas Goodwin and Philip Nye. Hooker, Thomas, 1586-1647.; Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680.; Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672. 1656 (1656) Wing H2643; ESTC R7774 293,622 460

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appear in three Particulars 1. Our Savior being in highest Honor and favor in the Court of Heaven and of most perfect intelligence touching all the counsels purposes and proceedings of the Father He there speaks good unto God the Father in our behalf dayly sets on going al the passages of Providence in justice and mercy grace and Truth Patience and Bounty as may best answer al the occasions of the Churches in al their conditions as may most concern them And answerably sends an express by the powerful operation of his good Spirit into the Hearts of his people So verse 11. Keep them through thin own name Joh. 16.15 All things that the Father hath are mine therefore said I that he shal take of mine Christ hath liberty to take of all the choicest of the Treasures of Heaven and those he doth and sends them by the spirit unto the Hearts of his people Joh. 14.16 I will pray the Father and he shal give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever Thus our Saviour doth us many secret kindnesses which we little consider and sends privy Intimation how things go in Heaven in our behalf 2. He stands betwixt us and our Harms by these his prayers and Intercession and if there by any evil plotted or intended against us or hurt coming to us he foresees it and way-laies it that it may not be to our prejudice in any particular The guilt of new sins daily committed fresh accusations of conscience new pleas which Satan the accuser of the Brethren would dayly commence and put up unto divine justice against us Our Saviour he is our Advocate undertakes our cause pleads for us and prevailes gives in so ful satisfaction unto divine Juctice that neither sin nor world nor Satan can be heard against us These sins have been committed these dishonors done these evils practised saies Satan and the world can witness and their own consciences Yea saies divine Justice Their Advocate hath been here hath plainly and truly related all these they are not new and hath fully answered and satisfied to the utmost that can be exacted Rom. 8.34 Here is the ground of the Apostles Triumph Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died nay makes Intercession for us So that there is neither condemnation nor accusation that can get any hearing against them for they are al before discovered and answered the Lord Christ hath intelligence of their intendments and disappoints them wholly 3. He intercepts all our prayers and performances which we tender up unto God and perfumes them with the sweet Odors of the incense of his own Intercession and so they find acceptance and make a pleasant savor in the Nostrils of the Almighty As it is with brackish Water which comes from the Sea passing through some precious Gold or Silver Mines it becomes not only sweet and purified but of Soveraign vertue and tast So it is with our services being brackish with many base distempers which cleave to them and us being intercepted by the Intercession of our Saviour and passing through the Rich mines of his Merits and obedience they prove marvailous pleasing and acceptable to the Lord. Rev. 8.3 The prayers of the Saints are offered up upon the Golden Altar of our Saviors precious Merits As an Advocate in the Court if any of his Clients commend their cause to ska●ning though they be weak and unskilful yet he can ripen them and being Rectified present them so ordered as that they may find acceptance with the Lord through the influence of this Application of the vertue of his Merits 3 The Reasons are three 1. Because our Savior Christ hath indifferently undertaken the Salvation of al his Children and therefore out of his faithfulness it cannot be but he should indifferently attain the accomplishment of it in the behalf of them This was the Covenant and Agreement betwen God the Father and Christ Those that the Father in his counsel determined he commended them all unto the care of our Savior and gave him the list as it were of their names that he should look that none of them miscarry Our Saviour did freely undertake that charge for al those so committed to his care and therefore for al must discharge that trust alike Joh. 6.37.38 39 40. All that the Father giveth me shal come to me c. For I came down from Heaven not to do mine own wil but the wil of him that sent me And this is the wil of the Father that of al which he hath given me I should lose none And this is his wil that he that seeth and beleeveth should have everlasting life c. And he professeth he was faithful herein Joh. 10.14 15 16. I am the good Shepherd I lay down my life c. And I have other Sheep and they must come And therefore when he hath gathered al his elect and brought in his tally Here am I and the Children thou hast given me He shall then resign up the Kingdom to the Father 2 Because this is common to all alike The whole work of redemption is common to al that must be redeemed But this is one part Ex●●tation answerable to his humiliation Rom. 4. and the last The whole sum is every mans It s called the common Salvation Joh. 16 8 10. This is a convincing of the world of righteousness because I go to the Father Els it had not been complete righteousness 3 Because its necessary alike unto al. Rom. 5.10 How much more shall we be saved by his life Heb. 7.25 He lives that he may save perfectly The Application is as necessary as the Redemption There is the vertue of his death and merits to purchase life And then the vertue of his Intercession to apply it to continue and perpetuate the vigour and vertue of it If Christ hath undertaken for all alike If it be common unto all If it be alike needful for all Then it s that which Christ intends to al his Use 1 for Instruction It s impossible for a beleever to perish to loose his Grace to fal away either totally or finally from Christ and so to be deprived in the Issue of eternal life I Reason thus That which our Savior died for prayed for and doth now make Intercession in Heaven for that he can never fail to attain But for the perseverance of the Saints and for their everlasting Salvation he died and he did Pray and doth pray at this day for Therefore he cannot but attain his end and they also their happiness So he professeth and hath left it upon record to establish the Faith of al His in their greatest shocks Joh 11.41 42. Father I thank thee that thou hast heard me And I knew that thou hearest me alwaies c. Christ hath here proclaimed it we may conclude and that undoubtedly that which he knows who could not be deceived we may know it for a truth and that it wil never deceive us Christ
great a work unto his care and trust and laid it upon him as his charge which by mutual consent and convenant he willingly undertook Joh. 6.39 This is my Fathers will that hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose none but should raise it up at the last day And therefore adds verse 40. He that beleeves in me Shall have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day Yea he gives up his account of his work John 17.12 Those that thou hast given me I have kept and lost none And therefore compares himself to the good Shepherd that layes down his self for his Sheep Joh. 10. 3. Gives him ful commission for the accomplishment of this work unto the ful even as he is the Son of man hath given right and liberty to the humane Nature of ours now received into personal union to use and improve any of the Attributes of the Deity for the further benefit of the Saints the good of his Church and the furtherance of those spiritual ends which may best ●et forwards the glory of God and the everlasting wellfare of his people This so wonderful a union doth advantage the Humane Nature to so high a priviledg to use al the excellencies of the Deity at al times answerable to al necessities to fetch supply suitable to the wants desires comforts of the Saints This is the meaning of those places Math. 28.18 All power is given to me in Heaven and in Earth To have al power it to be Omnipotent for more than all cannot be conceived no● possessed more than that God hath not and that because it is an in-communicable Attribute he cannot communicate but the meaning is though it be not omnipotent yet it hath liberty to set that on work for the benefit and best good of Gods servants Hence what the Father doth the son is said to do also Joh. 5.26 As the Father hath life in himself so hath he given to the son to have life in himself Verse 19. What ever things he doth those the son doth likewise for as the Father raiseth up the dead even so he Joh. 17.2 Thou hast given him power over all Flesh to give unto them eternal life He that must rescue them from Hel and sin and death and from divine Justice he must have power over al That the power in Heaven may not prejudice and frustrate the work in Hel hinder it on earth oppose it 4. The Father leaves the immediate dispensation of al the work unto him to act it according to his own pleasure For so our Savior As the Father raiseth and quickeneth so the son quickeneth whom he will Joh. 5.21 And adds verse 22. For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed al judgment to the son Not that the Father hath not power for the execution of the work For he that gives it hath it in a principal and soveraign manner But he hath committed the immediate execution thereof unto the Lord Jesus and so of the whol work of our Redemption Joh. 5.27 That as Pharaoh said concerning Joseph when he appointed him next unto himself in the kingdom of Egipt Gen. 41.40,44 I am Pharaoh and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot no man shal do any thing which way so ever he turn himself c. Only I am Pharaoh So the Father to Christ he delegates the execution of al in Heaven and Earth unto him only he is greater This is the meaning of that place 1 Cor. 11.3 I would have you know that the Head of every man is Christ the head of the Woman is the man and the head of Christ is God Whence know 1. That the Apostle speaks not only of faithful men and Women but of al men and Women according to their sex For the scope is to shew that Women should be subject not only gracious but al. And this he shews from the feebleness and underness of their Nature and sex 2. That these different degrees of excellency are only to be attended in regard of subordination in order one to another and immediate dispensation from one to another for that Head implies not only excellency and dignity in the general but power to move al in subord nation to it authority to rule all in subjection 〈…〉 So that it is not excellency but power and 〈…〉 and that not at large for so Angels are the 〈◊〉 of men but as they be in subordination and not 〈◊〉 ●●ch as be far removed but such as have the next 〈◊〉 dispensation in way of providence ●e●ch ●ver other For otherwise Christ is head not of●●● but of Woman and Angels also so God himself is But the Apostles meaning and intent was to shew the orderly and next dispensation in the several degrees the immediate influence and dispensation of power and authority for the ruling of the femal sex is in a way of providence and appointment from man the immediate dispensation of power to man is from Christ to Christ from God the Father who hath sent him And thus Christ is and doth to al only distinguishing the manner and end of his dispensation To the wicked in way of Justice for their ruine and destruction To the godly in way of mercy for their spiritual good That 's the meaning of that All is yours c. And hence the Apostle 1 Cor. 15.24 28. Christ is said when he hath conquered al enemies the last is death damned all the wicked and delivered up is Children into the hands of his Father he then is said To deliver up his Kingdom to the Father i.e. Only in regard of this outward dispensation For then God the Father shal in and through Christ communicate himself to all his Saints Use 1. We have here matter of wonderment at the Rich and unconceiveable compassion of the Father to miserable undone man who should be careful to provide for his good who is so negligent to provide for his own Spares nothing ●o purchase his Salvation who hath done what he can to destroy himself Had he sent the meanest of his creatures to succour us his servants to visit us his Angels to administer to us it had been more than we could have expected But to send his Son out of his own Bosom yea out of his own Bowels to work out our Redemption to make known the way of life and and to make it good unto our Souls Nature would not do this reason cannot reach this mercy the heart would not dare to beg this Sit we down in the everlasting admiration of his mercy As Elizabeth and Mary when he came to visit her Luk. 1.43 Whence comes it that the mother of my Lord should come to me So thou As David when he attended the dealing of the Lord towards lost man who had made himself the most vile and forlorn of al his creatures looks upon his own baseness and Gods kindness Lord what is man that thou
and carried beyond al the abilities they have yea beyond al the power of al the grace they have That look as when we see a swadling Child left in his Cradle in a lower room come againe we find it laid in the highest loft or Chamber in the house each man easily concludes There was another power than that it had of it self that conveyed it thither So here when the poor and ignorant amongst men come to know and do the things that are spiritual Eph. 2.10 His workmanship They are inlightned and inabled beyond al they had or ever once apprehended or could come into their own thoughts there was a higher power even the presence and assistance of a God the Lord Jesus himself to help Math. 11.25 I thank thee O Father that thou hast revealed these things to babes and adds no man knowes the Father but the Son Therefore the Prophet begs that he might not be left to his spirit Psal 143.10 Teach me the way to thee thy Spirit is Good q. d. My spirit is naught 2. Where the presence of Christ is The soul at the lowest ebb and the greatest under that ever it comes unto it is yet ever panting after a Savior cannot ●est before it come to him Isa 26.8 The desires of our Souls are towards thy name and to the remembrance of thee In the greatest desertion that can befal them the greatest temptation that can assault by the one they are disinabled to do what they would by the other opposed and hindred from attaining that which they do indeavor Yet they set themselves that way Though they see they are like Captives and under the Tiranny of their distempers they find they do not yea may be at such an under and in a forlorne condition that they conclude they are past Hope and expectation never shal be recovered yet their hearts bless them that injoy that happy estate and Oh that they might That as it s said of the ungodly They set themselves in a way that is not good These contrariwise set themselves in the aime and bent of their heart Rom. 7. As the Pilot that hath the Helm in his hand though it may be the wind is too stiff and the stream too strong and al against him that he cannot make way forward nay it may be is turned back again by contrary stormes yet he tacks about and keeps her to that point stil So here when the Lord Christ takes the Helm of the heart of a beleever in his own hand though the wind and tyde of the most violent temptation for the while stop his course yet the bent of the heart is that way My Soul followeth hard after thee Psal 63.8 USE 4. This shews the excellency of the Saints even in the meanest and worst condition above the wicked and ungodly when they are in the greatest ruffe and Soveraignty that they can attain unto in this world The Saints are the Temple of the liveing God 2. Cor. 6.16 Their Souls are the throne where the Lord sits and shews the riches of the glory of his Grace and mercy the habitation where he dwels and takes up his abode the Kingdom where he rules by the power of his Grace the Guidance and Government of his blessed Spirit and the scepter of his word True he exerciseth the Soveraignty of his power and justice upon the wicked on Earth and the damned in Hel as amongst his Enemies and Out-laws whose rebellion he wil revenge and whose ruine he wil work according to the desert of their works But his Children and servants are his loyal and loving subjects amongst whom he sets up the Kingdom and exerciseth the government of his Grace and mercy and they in love and loyalty submit thereunto and advance the same The hearts of his are as I may say the Paradise of Gods pleasure in which he walks and takes his content So the Lord promiseth I will walk among them So the wise man professeth Wisedom delights in the habitable part of the world Prov. 8.31 This is my habitation for ever here I delight to dwel But it is not so with the wicked it s not so with them Those miserable Souls of theirs are the throne where Satan sits that Synagogue where he is worshipped and even where his throne is seated Rev. 2. The habitation and Hel where he abides Math. 12.45 Came and found the House swept and garnished The Kingdom of darkness in which he rules Eph. 2.2 He rules in the hearts of the Children of disobedience There he sports himself and there he finds and takes greatest contentment Because he hath such as will heare and entertain his suggestions and do his wil and lusts and therefore they are said to be Satans and of the Devil yea to be Devils Look therefore what difference there is between Heaven and Hell the Kingdome of light and the Kingdom of darkness the habitation of Devils and the temple of the Lord Such is the excellency of the Saints such is the miserable condition of the ungodly USE 5. Here is matter of marvelous and unspeakable COMFORT to al the Saints to cure us or al Fears and deliver us from al discouragements that ever we shal meet withal in this World The Lord Jesus is a Helper a strong Helper ready to save so the Apostle Phil. 4 infers The Lord is at hand Are Devils at hand to tempt thee are Enemies subtil and mighty at hand to persecute and oppose thee are thy fears and discouragements at hand to over-bear thee The Lord Jesus is at hand neer t●ee nay in thee to succor and supply add satisfie 1. Comfort in al thy Spiritual tryals when Satan grows most fel thy corruptions most strong and thy heart begins to fail thee in the apprehension of thine Infirmities as that thou shalt never be able to subdue to overcome nay not to resist Behold 1 John 4.4 be they never so great Greater is he that is in thee than be that is in the world Though thou beest never so weak and thine Enemies nevers so great Christ is greater than al Devils than al distempers than al the power of darkness and malice of the wicked Thou seest and findest a Law in they Members rebelling against the Law of thy Mind and carrying thee captive Behold the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ shal free thee from the Law of Sin Rom 8.3 Here is Law against Law Spirit against Spirit Christ against thy Corruption That Spirit is in Christ and Christ is in thee Therefore our Saviour concludes None shall take them our of my hand neither head of Satan nor hand and power of Sin and Grave John 10.28 2. Comfort against WANTS and Necessities that may surprize and over-bear thee Thy Pressures and Calamities are present they pinch and sit sad The Lord Jesus is present to sweeten thy sorrows with the sense of his Love and to supply al with the fulness of his sufficient Grace It would refreshany in
serviceable to his Church 1 Cor. 3.18 All is yours and you Christs and Christ Gods This is the order Christ is Gods Servant and all your Servants through Christ 2. Hence he restores his Elect from the power of Darkness and translates them into the liberty of his own by an invincible and irresistable power breaks in upon the rebellious heart of a sinner and brings him home unto himself No man comes to the Father but by me Rev. 1.18 I was dead and I am alive and live for evermore and I have the Keyes of Hell and Death Joh. 10.16 I have other Sheep that are not of this fold and those I must bring He sends and succeeds al Officers and ordinances 3. Hence from this immediate dispensation of al power he sends his spirit the Comforter into the hearts of his that he may supply al their wants furnish them to al their works and fit them with fulness of power and spirit to each holy performance It s requisite I go because If I go not the Comforter wil not come but if I go I wil send him The glorification of our Savior makes way for the mission of the Spirit and observe what he adds Joh. 16.13 14. He shall take of mine and give it to you And what wil he give All things that the Father hath and mine therefore I said he shal take of mine They are al Christs for the immediate dispensation and it s from the vertue of a glorified Savior that the spirit takes them and conveies them 4. He gives unto his Eternal life Joh. 17.2 Thou hast given me al power over all flesh that I may give unto them eternal life And this as the second person in the former sence For as meer man he gives not eternal life This is the end and Errand And when this is done then he professeth He hath finished the work he gave him to do when he hath gathered and glorified his Saints he hath done al he hath to do in this world 2. His Human Nature is made glorious 1. Because it hath the ful source of al the influence of the divine operations and Graces thereunto as much as any creature is capable of 2. It hath liberty and authority to set on work or put forth any attribute for the good of the Saints It knows al the necessities of the Saints and can have resort and set on work al the sufficiency of God to yeeld supply Math. 28.18 USE 1. 1. TERROUR To the wicked the enemies to and opposers of the Lord Jesus and his Kingdom See whom ye have despised he is now advanced to al power and therefore wil use al his power for your ruin Upon this ground Peter shook the hearts of the Jews Act. 2.36 He now being exalted sheds abroad c. Let the House of Israel know assuredly that this Jesus whom ye have crucisied God hath raised and made him Lord and Christ Math. 25.31 When Christ-shal come at the day of Judgment c. He shal come with power and great glory thousands before him and ten thousand thousands ministring to him Dan. 7.10 Rev. 5.11 And they shal creep into holes and clefts of the rocks and corners of the Dungeons and not be able to behold the dreadful looks of Christ Rev. 6.15 16. But he shal fetch them thence dragg them out of their Dungeons draw them out of their holes When it shal be said they have feared and fled and hid themselves bring hither saies Christ mine enemies those who have been enemies to my Grace Gospel Children Glory bring them hither and slay them before my Face And however the Lord Jesus abates much of the dreadful expressions of his direful anger and almighty power Now they are terrified and then quieted Now in horror and then calmed Yet then he shal destroy them from the glory of his power that is from the expression of al his power and that unto the utmost for their ruin Christ wil do his best USE 2. DIRECTION It leads us by the hand the right way whither to go and shews us the ready means how to derive quickning power and inlivening vertue Do as Stephen in his greatest streight Act. 7.56 He looked and saw Christ standing at the right hand of God Hebr. 7.16 He is the Author of endless life and therefore without end look this way Hence do two things 1. Know that he stands possessed of al right of communication and hath the immediate execution of al efficacious power and dominion over al creatures Math. 28. This is the commission he hath and in vertue of this he sends quickens succeeds and therefore look at him as a glorious Savior When he ascended then was the time of his coronation gifts then he gave gifts As we say of men honest and able when we repaire to them for relief it s replied Alas they are out of commission So if we look at Christs Graces in his humiliation and in the daies of his suffering they are out of commission But when he comes to ascend he is then in commission and so carries al before him Being ascended he sheds abroad c. Say there is no power in me neither word nor ordinances but al power and all things are given to thy ministry therefore blessed Lord by thy power subdue our sins and quicken our Souls 2. Know that in vertue of this glory he is bound to do al for thee nay hath promised to dispence al unto thee Joh. 14.19 Because I live ye shal live also I am with you Eph. 2.4 He sets us in heavenly places with Christ USE 3. Comfort Here is matter of unspeakable and unmatchable comfort to refresh the fainting hearts of the servants of the Lord which have an interest in this Christ and are possessed of him who stands possessed of al that glory that Heaven and Earth hath or the God of Heaven and Earth can give The Chymists they dream of a Catholicon and Medicine of that excellent confection and composition and of that soveraign vertue and efficacy that it wil cure any Disease recover and remove any distemper They conceit that which they could never yet compass nor yet the skil and industry of al men could ever find out That which they dreamed and desired for the Body The Lord hath provided for the good and spiritual refreshing of the Souls of his Here is a Cordial that wil undoubtedly Cure thee of al discomforts whatever thy temptation thy condition thy miseries are can be shal be hast thou but a share in this Christ to whom the Father hath given this glory in Heaven It cannot but give thee content dost thou but know the value and vertue of the receipt and dost understand the right way to use it and art careful to take it for thine everlasting refreshing See the proof of it a little in the particulars following Have this glory of Christ in thine Eye and keep the savor of it in thy heart Thou canst not but have
hand of God 1. Set his Love on work and that wil set his Grace Power and Spirit on work to be enlarged in al the glorious operations thereof Go go to this 2 Thes 3 5. The Lord direct your hearts into the Love of God This wil give God no rest This made him send his Son and set his Counsel on work to contrive al for thy good By this thou maiest plead and wilt certainly prevail John 16. I will not say I wil ask the Father for the Father himself loveth you q. d. though I shal speak a good word yet there is that which wil do it and that it may be more effectually That Love sent me set me on work therefore I need not set that on work As David to Jonathan 1 Sam. 20.8 Thou shalt deal kindly for thou hast brought thy Servant into Covenant with God When Boas his heart was towards Ruth Naomi tels her Ruth 3. last He will never rest until he bath done the thing 2. Keep we our selves in this Love John 15.10 If we keep his Commandements we shal abide in his Love John 14.21 23. Jude 20. And thus we have done with this last Clause which we said we were inforced to take into consideration before we would come to the main Point wherein the pith of our Saviors Prayer appears which was the Second Particular observed in the Verse and are now to enquire into it The thing which our Savior praies here so earnestly for The 2d Partic. That they might be where he is And thence we have this Point namely Our Savior doth affectionately desire to have the presence of the Faithful in Heaven with himself Doct. I say he affectionately desires and that appears in his expression I WILL Which implies Three Things in this place as thus used That it is thing which suits the heart of the Lord Christ and which he chuseth as a thing that is wel pleasing to him This is as he would have it 2. That he presents the efficacy of his Merits and Obedience before God the Father and by vertue of the Covenant and Agreement betwixt him and the Father transacted touching his Elect and Chosen whose Redemption and Recovery he hath undertaken and he challengeth and claimeth at the hands of the Father the enjoyment of Heaven and Happiness which he hath purchased for his Servants the Faithful and his enjoyment of them and their presence 3. He earnestly requests and praies unto the Father for the accomplishment and performance of this The first and last of these Particulars ye have fully declared by the same word as used upon the like occasion When our Savior was to enter into his Agony in the Garden a little before he was betrayed he prayed more earnestly saies the Text If it be possible let this Cup pass and in the close ends and issues al with this subjection Not as I will but as thou wilt Marth 26.39 that is according to the Rules of Nature and Reason I would chuse and do desire mine own preservation as man yet as Mediator having undertaken the Redemption of mine I submit my Wil and Prayers to thy good pleasure and purpose And for the Second Particular it 's thus also plain Because his Prayer is one part of his Priestly Office and of that Intercession which he makes for his redeemed ones and that appears amongst other things in this As he purchased so in a righteous way he may obtain the performance of al that good from the Father in the behalf of his That they may be with them and happy in them for ever Isa 53.11 He shal see the travel of his Soul he shal see the fruit of his dying and praying the bringing of his unto God the Father into Heaven and their blessedness there And this our Savior doth not as man only but as God-man the Mediator of his Elect as he voluntarily submitted to the place of a Surety and became a Servant for our sakes and so less than the Father John 14.30 The Father is greater than I. Look as his Complaint so his Prayer may be conceived as issuing and proceeding from the same ground But when he complains My God my God why hast thou forsaken me he was not forsaken of God by the withdrawing of the sence and sweetness of his Favor as man only but as Surety therefore as Mediator and therefore so he prayed and so was heard then and now also heard and accepted of God the Father And this affectionate desire of our Savior appears in this That as he cannot take content in Heaven unless he have his Faithful with him So he wil not rest in Heaven but wil come again to fetch them to him John 14.3 I will come again and take you to my self He hath betrothed his Bride and Spouse here and he wil come as somtimes Princes and States come from their own Places and Kingdoms with the great retinue of his Courtiers and attendance of glorious Angels thousands shal go before him and thousand thousands administring to him at the Solemnization of the day of Marriage and he shal say as in Psal ●0 Gather my Saints to me those that have made a Covenant with me by Sacrifice We shal al be taken up with him into the Clouds and he shal carry his Bride with Triumph into his own Country and Kingdom into Heaven and there we shal be ever with him REASON 1. Hereby the Scope and End of the great Work of Restitution of lost man is in part and in an especial part thereof attained This is the end of the Death and offering of our Savior Heb 9.7 8. But into the Second went the High-Priest alone once every Yeer not without Blood the Holy Ghost thus signifying That the way into the Holy of Holies that is into Heaven was not yet made manifest while the first Tabernacle was standing but verse 11. Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come not by the blood of Goats but by his own Blood he entred once into the Holy Place that is Heaven having obtained eternal Redemption for us So that we have boldness to enter into the Holiest of the Blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the Vail that is his Flesh This is the Scope of his Resurrection and Ascention John 14.3 In my Fathers House there be many Mansions I go to prepare a place for you that is He ascended into Heaven that by vertue of his Ascention we also might arise and ascend and sit in Heavenly places with him For Ascention doth firstly appertain to our Savior and from him as our Head it is communicated to us as his Members Had not the Second Adam ascended for ought I can see no Son of Adam had ever come into Heaven When the last Enemy which is Death is vanquished and that he hath brought al the Elect home and presented them to God the Father Here am I and
the Children that thou hast given me then he shall deliver up the Kingdom to God even the Father The Rule and Government of our Savior in al these outward Dispensations shal be at an end The end and scope of the Death and Obedience Ascention and Redemption wrought out by Christ that he must affectionately desire But this is so Therefore 2. By this means the perfection of his Body mystical and himself as mystical Christ is accomplished without this somthing would be wanting to make up the fulness thereof Eph. 1. last It 's said of the Church and is true of each Member for their measure It is the fulness of him who filleth all in all the hearts of al his Saints with al saving Graces If at the last day of that great assembling of the first-born there should be but the poorest Saint wanting and out of the way the mystical Body of Christ would so far want it's fulness if a finger or a joynt be lacking the Body would lack somthing of its ful integrity And therefore Eph. 4.13 God never leaves sending Officers they never leave gathering and perfecting the Body of Christ until we all arrive and meet at the unity of Faith and the acknowledgment of the Son of God The Head and Members should in reason be present one with another The Husband and Wife in comliness should co-habit in the same place and dwel together Christ is the Head his Faithful his Members Christ the Husband is gone into his own out of fair Countrey and therefore he cannot but affectionately desire the coming of his Bride unto him Nay rather than fail as we heard he wil come down from Heaven and fetch her John 14. I will take you to my self that where I am ye may be also 3. The compleat happiness of the Saints can only by this means be fully procured The Lord redeems not only from guilt and punishment and power of our sins and miseries but even from the presence of them And we cannot be wholly freed from the presence of the evil of the world before we be taken out of the World And therefore as the Lord hath advanced our Savior far above Principalities and Powers beyond the gun-shot of Satans temptations and the evils of this vale of Tears So the Lord Jesus provides that we may triumph with him as we have suffered with him Matth. 13.41 Therefore in the Parable while we live in the Field of the World and the Church is here Militant there wil be Tares which wil annoy and trouble But when the Lord shal send his Angels to gather out of his Kingdom al things that offend and them which do iniquity Then shal his Saints be translated into the Kingdom of the Father That which is the end of Christs Redemption the perfection of his Body the compleat happiness of his People that he must affectionately desire For the end ever carries and commands the affection of the Agent who works by Counsel and Reason USE 1. Of Instruction Hence al that are given to Christ must be raised from the dead and be in an immortal condition and in everlasting happiness As our Savior reasoned against the Sadduces God is the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob God is a God in Covenant with the Living Therefore Abraham Isaac and Jacob must live and that in Bodies and Souls because he is the God of both So those that must ever be with Christ they must have a Being and be raised out of the dust nor matters it though they were returned to the dust and that scattered into the four corners of the World into the Sea where they have been drowned into the Earth where they have been buried into the Fire where they have been burned The Lord wil send his Angels and he wil gather his Elect The Sea shal give up her dead the Fire and Earth their dead They shal be made immortal that so they may be ever with the Lord. USE 2. Of Reprehension It condemns both the Spirits and Practices of such who cannot abide the presence much less prize the communion and company of the Saints Christ is not at rest in Heaven without them and they are in a Hell count themselves in a Prison while the are in the place and the presence where they be Certainly Christ is deceived or thou art justly to be condemned as one who hast not the heart of Christ the Grace and Spirit of Christ in thee and that one day thou shalt find They shal ever be with Christ and thou that canst not indure their society in the Kingdom of Grace thou shalt never have their company in the Kingdom of Glory Such is the exquisite Constitution and Soveraign temper of the Irish Mold that there poysonous Vermin Toads and Spiders and such like they die presently if confined to the compass of the Earth and therefore they forthwith leave the Mold lest they lose their lives So here if thou countest it a kind of death to be confined to the holy Society and gracious and Spiritual communion of the Saints it 's certain Thou hast the poyson of a prophane and a graceless heart within thee They went out from us saies the Apostle because they were not of us had they been of us had they grown upon the same root the Lord Jesus knit one to another by the same Spirit They would never have departed from us When loos-hearted and wicked Hypocrites are hemmed in by the Communion of the Faithful at unawares they stand upon coals and sit upon Thorns like Fish out of their Element their hearts faint and die away presently as professedly contrary to the Spirit of our Savior as Light to Drakness Christs Wil is They should be where he is and their wil is To be any where else but where they are USE 3. Of Spiritual Comfort Hereby we may learn to support our selves in several occasions that would prejudice us in our Christian Course Hence we may fetch supply to bear up our hearts in al over-bearing pressures Comfort against al Opposition of our Spiritual Adversaries which may hinder our Happiness Against contempt of the World that would disparage our persons and Professions Against our own weaknesses and feebleness that might discourage us in a Christian Course The former Doctrine affords Spiritual refreshing against al these Against the fiercest of al opposition which al the Enemies of our Salvation can make against our progress and success in a Christian Course The Prayer of our Savior is above the Power of Hel and Devils though they rage above their malice and policy though they undermine above the corruption of mine own heart which would betray and deliver me as a prey into the hands of Devils and their Instruments This Prayer of our Savior shal carry the Cause against them all and thee to Heaven in despight of al. This Request wil not be denied this Wil of Christ nothing can resist The grant of the Father to our Savior none in
is our Father Jesus saith unto them If ye were Abrahams Children ye would do Abrahams works but ye seek to kill me and this did not Abraham But ye do the deeds of their Father They could not conceive what he meant And therefore stil reply We are not born of Fornication we have one Father even God Our Savior again returnes an undeniable evidence If ye were of God ye would love me for I came from God nor came I of my self but God sent me But because al these were Riddles he speaks out and shews them the Root of their wretchedness Verse 44. Ye are of your Father the Devil and the lusts of your Father ye wil do He was a murderer and abode not in the truth and what he saies of one he saies of al sins in the like case When he speaks a lie he speaks of his own for he is the Father of lies As God is the first cause of truth and goodness and from his fulness al the beams and streams of truth are derived to any who share therein So Satan is the first cause of falshood and wickedness and therefore called The Wicked one And from him al wickedness is derived And hence ungodly men are called The Seed of the Serpent Gen. 3.15 They are said to be of that Wicked one 1 Joh. 3.11 Cain was of that Wicked one Put in way of opposition To be born of God This I take to be the meaning of those Phrases and texts which hence receive their explication as belonging I conceive properly to this place Joh. 8.23 When our Savior would shew the distance and great disagreement between himself and the wretched and ungodly Jews he speaks Ye are from beneath I am from above Ye are of this world I am not of this world Joh. 17.14 I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of this world even as I am not of this world Here we have the Wel-head of hatred because they are not of the world And we see that this agrees to Christ as to them and to them by means of Christ that as he speaks els where Joh. 8.28 He can do nothing but what he sees his Father do Joh. 14.10 The words that I speak I speak not of my self but the Father that dwelleth in me As the first person dwels in the second he is thus from the Father and works from the Father So his Saints and faithful are of and from the Father by him Whereas the wicked They are of the world That is their dispositions which are corrupt they issue firstly from Sa●an who cast's in his Seed of rebellion into their hearts according to which they are framed And upon this ground he is called the God of the world As he is firstly evil and cannot but be evil and al evil is from him that is in the world For by his wickedness al the world and wicked comes to be tainted and by the leaven of his wickedness defiled Their minds so far as erronious are made up of his delusions Their hearts as they are stuborne and ungodly are made up of his rebellions 2. Consider the next immediate cause by which they are acted this also wil evidence the strength and distance of their opposition and that in the greatest extremity And this you shal find most pregnantly 1 Cor. 2.12 Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are graciously given us of God So that there is a spirit of the world which blinds mens minds and minds which the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ cannot shine upon them nor the power of any savory truth or good come neer them or work upon them but they stop the passage against al do most desperately and resolutely oppose al. And that is perverted mutability set on or set a going by the provoking and cursing power of the Law the malignity of Satan having leave and somtime command from God to wind up the wickedness of mens spirits to the highest strain of the activity of evil When God said who wil go and deceive Ahab Satan answers I wil. The Lord asks how I wil saies he Be a lying Spirit in the mouth of the fals Prophets q. d. It was in his power if God would give leave to act their minds and Tongues as one man to speak and perswade unto deceiptful waies which would undoubtedly bring to ruin And this is the meaning of those two Phrases Eph. 2.2 Men are said to walk according to the course of the world one Spirit and guise in them al. If it be asked what that is he adds According to the Prince of the Air the Spirit that now worketh c. When the Prince of the Air by his impulsions and suggestions draws out the distempers of the ungodly to the utmost activity And this is noted in the next words They fulfilled the wils of the Flesh and of the mind what a corrupt heart and Vain Head would carry a man unto He must needs go whom the Devil drives This is called the wil of the Gentiles that is what men left to the corruption of their Natures would wil. Contrarily The Holy Ghost takes ful possession of our Savior and from Christ dwels in the hearts of his Saints by which they are strengthened Eph. 3.16 Strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man So that there is 1. The inner man which is Grace 2. Strengthened in this 3. By the might of his Spirit So led by the Spirit Rom. 8.15 yea not only strengthen and lead but mightily and actively works in his when they are quickened to work the Works of God Col. 1. last I strove but it is according to the working of Christ and that is mightily therefore Stephen said They could not resist the Spirit by which he spake Acts 6. As the Prince of Darkness by his Impulsions draws out the Activity of Corruption in the strength of it So the Prince of Light and Grace the Lord Christ is greater than he that is in the World and carries the Faithful by an invincible Power 3. Look at them in the main ends at which they aim in al their Operations and Proceedings Our Savior came not to do his own wil or seek his own but to do the wil and seek the Glory of the Father Therefore the Scope of his whol Work it is to break the Head of the Serpent Gen. 3.15 To destroy the works of the Devil 1 John 3.8 To deliver from the present evil world Gal. 1.4 And al the Saints are of the same Heart follow his Colors and Command When the Devil and the World the Prince of this World and the Children of this World they set themselves in al their Contrivements plottings practices to destroy the Glory of God the Kingdom of God and Christ and set up the Kingdom of darkness and
God q.d. There is no man of the world who only hath the Spirit of the world that can know such things None of the Princes of the World knew them verse 8. nay no Natural Man can know them verse 14. But the Spirit searcheth the deep things of God There be depths of the warmings of our minds and hearts and none but the Spirit of God can discover them deep things in the mind of God and whoever knew his mind No Creature ever did or could but Christ knew his mind and we have the mind of Christ and so come to know the mind of the Father verse 16. And hence our Savior surveys the differencing Reason why his Disciples might perceive others as Scribes and Pharisees had eyes and could not see To you it is given to know the things of the Kingdom but not to them and upon this ground our Savior adviseth the Church of Laodicea I counsel thee to buy of me Eye-salve to annoint thine Eyes that thou mayest see This Spiritual and special Super-natural Light is that Eye-salve which al the Disciples of our-Savior had and therefore they knew him As the Sun is seen by his own Light It must be the wisdom from above that must enable us to see the things that are above So John 14.17 The World hath not seen nor known the Comforter but ye know him that is by the Light of the Spirit ye come to see the Spirit 2. In the thing known there is a Specialty of Knowledg They look at it as an Ambassage of Love and Life which the Lord Christ now brings from the Father who intends their good in both and our Savior comes on purpose to work it 1. A message of love for the Soul of a sinner under the sight and sense of the guilt of his iniquity he doth and cannot but apprehend God as an angry God against him that there be many causes of quarrel and controversie that God hath lying by him and indeed the controversie lies between the Father and the sinner because his work was directly wronged and prejudiced And Hence its evident that the message must come from the Father touching the terms and purpose of peace if ever it be attained because it is the Wrath and Justice of the Lord that proclaims War against the sinner having justly deserved that his displeasure should break out against him The Lord Christ is the Prince of Peace who is our Peace and takes up the Quarrel between the Father and the Elect brings the glad tidings of Grace from God who not only tenders but desires reconciliation with the Soul through Jesus And therefore he must come as an Ambassador sent from the Father and that the Soul must know or else he could not attain his end take up the Controversie betwixt the Father and him So among al Nations it is a received course in Reason the Ambassador must come from the Prince offended that hath intended War and he must make known the Commission of his Ambassage as from him Authorized else Peace and Agreement wil never be accomplished nor received So 1 John 4.9 See also John 3.16 17. God so loved the World that he gave his Son c. How is that to be proved He answers For God sent his Son not that he might condemn the World for they condemn themselves but that the World might live through him These are Riddles to the wicked they may be talked of in the World the noise of such things may go up and down But to know and own the Ambassage as sent on purpose to him this is a Secret peculiar to the Saints As it was said My Message is to thee O Captain 2 Kings 9. The rest heard it but he came to the special understanding of it So it is here Therefore John 15.21 This they will do unto you because they know not him that sent me 2. A Message of Life For the sinner once seriously apprehensive of his many and constant departures from God his provocations are so ha●●ous that he cannot but see death in al his waies he can do nothing but he sins in al he doth and therefore the wages of sin being death he must die for what he hath done if God should proceed in severity against him and recompence his own waies upon his own Head Therefore having forfeited his Life into the hands of Divine Justice viz. of the Father whom he hath provoked Christ must come as an Ambassador from the Father and he must know he hath a Commission and a grant of Life under the Fathers hand else his Ambassage wil be in vain wil not accomplish the end intended by him and expected by the Faithful Party He hath sent his Son that we might live through him 1 John 4.9 This is the Record that God hath given us Eternal Life and this Life is in his Son Chap. 5.11 It 's the Fathers Gift it belongs to the same Power and place of Majesty to give pardon and so Life to a Malefactor or to take Life from him John 6.57 As the living hath sent me and I live by the Father so he that beleeveth in me even he shall live by me See the Order The Father is the Fountain of Life He as a living God sends Christ upon an Ambassage of Life Christ hath received power of Life from the Father and he as so sent gives to those that beleeve in him The Faithful know this Commission of Life and that it is come out on purpose and intended to them as he to Gideon Judg. 6.23 Peace be unto thee fear not thou shalt not die And they know and own Christ as so sent All which are Mysteries to the wicked they see no need of this or if so they neither own it in Christ nor would receive it from him They may hear the fame thereof and yet know nothing either of the Excellency of it or of Gods Intendment of any good to them in it 3. The Specialty of this Knowledg appears in the Manner of communicating this good to the Souls of the Faithful namely The astonishing Excellency of Power that brings the reality of these Ambassages of Love and Life to the Soul and the dazelling beauty of that Light that displaies them and laies them open to the Eye of the beleeving Saint Which things are concealed from the World and therefore they count them foolishness because they could never conceive or be perswaded of any such thing They think they cannot be because they cannot perceive how they should be As Nicodemus How can these things be We wil give a little Light to both 1. They find such a Power as puts them to astonishment For the Message of Love and Life are of such unconceivable worth in themselves and so far beyond the thoughts of a sinner that they should be sent from God who is offended with them and was and is happy without them and hath no need of them and that by no other hand but by