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A20673 The practise how to finde ease, rest, repose, content, and happines. Written by a religious man of the congregation of St. Elias the prophet, and the order of our Blessed Lady of mount Carmell, restored by the Blessed mother Teresa. The second part. Containing directions how to end all controuersies, and take away all discontentments, and euils, and attaine vnto true ioy of minde, and content of heart, and all good; Practise how to finde ease, rest, repose, content, and happines. Part 2 Doughty, Thomas, fl. 1618-1638. 1619 (1619) STC 7072.6; ESTC S106011 123,081 516

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Francis Yet in one generation both the names of these potent Kings vvere extinguished from the face of the Earth according to this Prophecie so faithfull is God Almightie in fulfilling of his Word So supposing thou beleeuest that God Almightie cannot lye not be forsworne and that thou as a creature of his wilt glorifie him and maintaine both in words and deedes the fulfilling of his Oath and Promises that hee may blesse and glorifie thee I set downe these Acts of Faith following thereby to end and determinate all matters of Controuersies or Differences in Faith or Beleefe that hereafter thou mayest remaine alwayes firme stable and vnmoueable in the Faith Eph. 2. 20. built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the highest corner Stone in whom all Building framed together groweth into an holy Temple in our Lord Which is that I wish vnto thee and desire thee to pardon me if I speake for thy content boldly Acts of Faith GOd forbid deare Lord that I should euer think that thou hast broken the Oath and Testament which thou hast spoken to Abraham Isaack and Iacob thy Seruants saying By my Gen. 22. selfe haue I sworne I will multiply thee and I will multiply thy Seed as the Starres of Heauen and as the Sand that is vpon the Sea shoare Thy Seede shall possesse the Gates of his Enemies and in thy Seede shall be blessed all the Nations of the Earth Thy Seed shall be as the dust of Gen. 28. the Earth that shal be dilated to the East and to the West and to the North and to the South and in thee and thy Seed shal be blessed all the Tribes of the Earth I detest O Heauenly Father as Suggestions of the Deuill all opinions whatsoeuer which are contrarie to the vnitie of the Faith dilated ouer the World O God of Heauen I beleeue most firmely that the Christians dilated ouer the World professing one Faith are the Seed of Abraham the Gen. 22. Children of thy Kingdome the Wheat that thou didst sowe the Mat. 1● Sheepe that thou doest feed and Ioh. 10. the Blessed which at the last day Mat. 25. shall enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Deare Lord I beleeue most firmely that if we be Christs Gal. 3. 29. then we be the Seed of Abraham and must professe the faith dilated ouer the World O Lord of Infinite Maiestie I humbly beseech thee for thy tender Mercies that I may be one of the great Multitude Apo. 7. 9. which no man could number of all Nations and Tribes and People and Tongues which are to be signed with thy Marke and to be conducted by thee to the Liuing Fountaines Apo. 7. 17. of Waters I detest Eternall God more then Death or Hell to hold or maintaine any opinion which the Catholike Church the Seed of Abraham dilated ouer the World doth not approue Deare Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ I vndoubtedly beleeue that thou art the Sonne of the liuing God to whom this Promise is made I will giue thee the Gentiles for Ps 28. thy Inheritance and for thy Possession the ends of the Earth I beleeue deare Lord all the Articles of the Catholike Faith and for the truth of any one of them by the assistance of thy grace am readie to die not one death but if it were possible as many deaths as all the Martyrs haue suffered from the beginning of the World vntill this day O Lord of infinite Maiestie while I liue I will faithfully beleeue and heartily confesse with thy seruants S. Ambrose and S. Augustine That the holy Church doth Hym. SS Amb. et Aug. confesse thee throughout the World I beleeue most firmely O liuing God that thou art the God of Abraham Isaack and Iacob keeping thy Couenant with them for thousand of Generations and maintaining thy Promise of multiplying their Seed as the Starres of Heauen and possessing the Gates of their Enemies vntill the end of the World Graunt deare Lord that I may rather die a thousand deaths then not confesse with thy Seruant S. Athanasius from my heart in a Catholike sense That whosoeuer will be saued it is needfull before all things that hee hold the Catholike Faith the which vnlesse each one shall keepe whole and inuiolate he shall without doubt eternally perish Man may lye and mine owne iudgement may be deceiued but I beleeue firmely that God Almightie cannot be forsworne deceiue or be deceiued in his Oath I beleeue most firmely deare Lord that the Christians professing one Faith multiplied as the sand that is by the Gen. 28. Sea-shore and dilated to the West and to the East to the North and to the South are the Seed of Abraham thy seruant the children Ps 104. of Iacob thy elect and there is no saluation in any other Act. 4. I doe most firmely hold and doe no waies doubt but that not only Aug. li. de side ad Petrum all Pagans but also all Iewes Heretikes and Schismatikes who doe die out of the Catholike Church are to goe into euerlasting fire which was prepared for the Deuil and his Angels Beare witnesse O ye Heauens and be testimonies all ye that dwell vpon the Earth that I vndoubtedly and most firmely beleeue that God Almighty hath and doth visibly multiply the Christians professing in vnitie the Faith planted by our Sauiour as the starres of Heauen and as the sand that is by the Sea-shoare according as he spoke Luc. 1. 55. to our Fathers to Abraham and his Seed for euer Let mee neuer liue deare Lord to beleeue or thinke that thou hast broken thy Oath and Promises to the Patriarkes and Prophets and canst lye and be forsworne in permitting the Catholike Church to erre or vanish away frō the face of the Earth Deare Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ by the assistance of thy grace though as great torments as the sensible paines of the torments of Hell should fall vpon me for it yet will I confesse that thou art the true Messias and came to fulfill the Oath and Promises which God made to Abraham the Patriarks Prophets and not to breake them These Acts grounded vpon the Oath and Promises of God you are to make often and with simplicity and sincerity of heart and they will so direct you to know and finde out truth that your owne conscience will not permit you euer to be an Heretike Iew Infidell or Protestant of any Sect or sort whatsoeuer And by these Acts without disputing of Controuersies thou puttest an end to all Controuersies and Disputes in matters of Faith and Religion beleeuing them thou art as sure that thou beleeuest aright as that it is certaine that God Almightie cannot be forsworn or that our Sauiour was the Messias promised to the Patriarkes Prophets and excludest all Errors Heresies and Temptations of the Deuil in matters of Faith and infallibly setlest thy vnderstanding in
Doe good and lend hoping for nothing thereby and your reward shall be much and you shall be the Sonnes of the Highest because himselfe is beneficiall vpon the vnkinde and the euill Be ye therefore mercifull as also your Father is mercifull that thereby you may be happy according to the words of our Lord saying Blessed are the mercifull for Mat. 5. they shall receiue mercie OF THE SIXT FRVIT of the Holy Ghost which is Goodnesse THe sixt fruit is Goodnesse by which they become really and truly good not by Nature but by Grace and communication of the Holy Ghost which produceth in them goodnesse and an abilitie of doing good workes according to the words of our Lord saying Euery good tree Mat. 7. 18. yieldeth good fruits and by their fruits you shall know them Againe He that abideth in me Ioh. 25. 5. and I in him the same beareth much fruit for without me you can do nothing If any abide not in me he shall be cast forth as the branch and shall wither and they the Angels at the day of Iudgement shall gather them vp and cast them into the fire Whereupon S. Paul saith Rom. 11. 22 See the goodnesse and seueritie of God! vpon them surely that are fallen the seuerity but vpon thee the goodnesse of God if thou abide in goodnesse otherwise thou also shall be cut off Againe You were 1. Cor. 6. 21. Fornicators seruers of Idols Adulterers c. but you are Washed but you are Sanctified but you are Iustified in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God because Ioh. 14. 17. he shall abide with you and be in you by whose communication they shall be renewed as S. Paul saith in the Spirit of Eph. 4. 24. their mindes and put on the New Man which according to God is created in Iustice and holinesse of Truth wherby they become truly and really good holy and iust And the excellencie of this fruit is manifest by the words of our Lord where he saith The houre commeth wherein Ioh 5. 28. all that are in the Graues shall heare the voice of the Sonne of Man and they that haue done good things shall come forth to the Resurrection of life But they that haue done euill into the Resurrection of Iudgement And by the words of S. Paul saying Tribulation and anguish vpon euery Soule Rom. 2 ● of man that worketh euill But glorie and honour and peace to euery one that worketh good Doe then good workes Reader that thou mayest attaine vnto true Glorie Honour and Peace which I wish vnto thee OF THE SEVENTH fruit of the Holy Ghost which is Perseuerance THe seuenth fruit which the Holy Ghost doth produce in their Soules who loue him is Persouerance a firme and constant purpose to persist in louing God Almightie with all their Hearts and their Neighbours for God as themselues for euer It is not inough to begin to doe well but to perseuere all the daies of their life in doing good to euery one for many haue begun good courses but for want of perseuerance haue perished Many false Prophets Mat. 24. shall arise and shall seduce many and because Iniquitie shall abound the Charitie of many shall waxe cold But he that shall perseuer vnto the end in a pure Heart a good Conscience and Faith vnfained shall be saued And he that shall ouercome Apoc. 2. 26. sinne and keepe my workes vnto the end I will giue him power ouer the Nations and he shall rule them with a rodde of Iron and as the vessell of a Petter shall they be broken as I also haue receiued of my Father and I will giue him the Morning Starre He that hath an eare let him heare what the Spirit saith to the Churches He that shall ouer-come shall Apoc. 3. 5. be vested in white garments and I will not put his name out of the Booke of Life and I will confesse his name before my Father and before his Angels He that hath an eare let him heare what the Spirit saith to the Churches OF THE EIGHT fruit of the Holy Ghost which is Mildnesse or Meekenesse THe eight fruit which the Holy Ghost doth produce in the Hearts of those who loue him is as Saint Augustine calleth it a Couragious Tract 8. in Ioan. meekenesse or mildnesse which doth moderate the passion of anger and direct them to doe good with mildnesse and zeale as of our Sauiour it is said Behold my Seruant Isa ●● 1. whom I haue chosen my beloued in whom my Soule hath well liked I will put my Spirit vpon him He shall not contend nor cry out neither shall any heare in the Streetes his voice The reede bruised he shall not Mat. 12. ●8 breake and smoaking flaxe he shall not extinguish till he cast forth iudgement vnto victorie Yet when he found in the Temple Ioh. 2. 14. them that sold Oxen and Sheepe and Doues and Bankers sitting he made as it were a whip of little C●rdes and cast them al out of the Temple the Sheepe also and the Oxen and the money of the Bankers he poured out and the Table he ouerthrew to the fulfilling of the Prophecie which said The zeale of thy House Ps 68 10. hath eaten me In like manner our Sauiour saith vnto his Seruants Vnlesse Mat. 18. 3. you be conuerted and become as little Children you shal not enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Whosoeuer therefore shall humble himselfe as this little Childe which sate in the midst of them he is the grea●●● in the Kingdome of Heauen and yet saith That Mat. 10. 27. which I speake to you in the Darke speake ye in the Light and that which ye heare in the eare Preach ye vpon the house tops And feare ye not them that kill the Bodie and are not able to hurt the Soule Who are as the Prophet saith Ps 51. Mightie in iniquitie and loue malice rather then benignitie iniquitie rather then to speake equitie But the wayes of Peace the assents to Sion the paths to Ierusalem they haue not knowne videlicet Learne of me for I am meeke Mat. 11. 2● and humble of heart and you shall finde Rest Because God 1. Pet. 5. resisteth the proud and to the humble hee giueth Grace to finde the assents to Ease and Rest from the wise and prudent in their owne conceits our Lord hath hid them saith our Sauiour and reuealed them to little ones for he Mat. 11. 25. that exalteth himselfe shall be humbled with tribulation and anguish and paines and hee that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted to Ease Content and Rest as S. Peter witnesseth saying Be yee 1 Pet. 5. 6. humble therefore vnder the mightie hand of God that he may exalt you in the time of Visitation into the Ioy of our Mat. 25. 21. Lord which God graunt thee Reader OF THE NINTH fruit of the
or enioy God or haue anie true content that hath anie vice or iniquitie in his soule as S. Paul sayth If any man 1. Tim. 6. 3. consent not to that doctrine which is according to pietie he is proud knowing nothing because all men may and ought to know that God Almightie is of infinite pietie and so cannot plant a Faith or Religion which is not pious and teaching all vertues as necessarie to saluation and vnion of heart with him their happinesse Thirdly that Faith and Religion in all reason must be the Faith and Religion planted by God which teacheth and sheweth men the most and best meanes how to loue God this being an Argument in Nature and Grace That euerie one loueth his owne 3. Reg. 3. 26. Ioh. 5. 19. Whereby is manifest that our Catholike Religion is the true Faith for that it teacheth vs how to loue God with all our hearts and how to obtaine Saluation and Happinesse by louing God VVhereas Protestants doe teach Saluation by onely Faith and that it is impossible to loue God or keepe the Commaundements And can there be a more vile and wicked Religion inuented then to teach that it is impossible to loue God Almightie with all our hearts Fourthly by generall consent of all People and Nations though of different Religions who all generally say and affirme That Catholikes liuing according to their Faith and Religion may be saued and haue a sparing as some tearme it sauing Faith And the consent of all People and Sects and Nations cannot erre in Reason CHAP. VII That it is as certaine that our Catholike Faith which Protestants call Papistrie is the Faith of God planted by our Sauiour as it is certaine that God Almightie cannot lye or be forsworne and how easily to end and determine all Controuersies by maintaining the Oath of God as true BY my own selfe haue I sworne Gen. 22. 16. saith the Lord to Abraham because thou hast done this thing and hast not spared thy onely begotten sonne for my sake I will blesse thee and I will multiply thy Seed as the starres of Heauen and as the sand that is by the Sea shoare thy Seed shall possesse the gates of his enemies and in thy Seed shall be blessed all the Nations of the Earth because thou hast obeyed my voice Againe our Lord promised to Isaack saying In thy Seed Gen. 26. 4. shall be blessed all the Nations of the Earth for because Abraham obeyed my voice Againe our Lord promised to Iacob Thy Seed shall be as Gen. 28. the dust of the Earth thou shalt be dilated to the West and to the East and to the North and to the South and in thee and thy Seed all the Tribes of the Earth shall be blessed Of these Promises the Prophet Esay speaketh saying Israel shall flourish and spring Isa 27. 5. and they shall fill the face of the world with Seed Againe I Isa 61. 8. the Lord that loue Iudgement and hate Robberie in Holocaust And I will giue their worke in truth and make a perpetuall Couenant with them And they shall know their Seed in the Gentiles and their Budde in the middest of Peoples All that shall see them shall know them that those are the Seed which the Lord hath blessed And of this Oath the same Prophet speaking sayth As in the dayes of Noe is this thing Isa 54 9. to me to whom I sware that I will no more bring the Waters of Noe vpon the Earth so haue I sworne not to be angrie with thee and not to rebuke thee for the Mountaines shall be moued and the little Hills shall tremble before the Day of Iudgement but my Mercie shall not depart from thee and the Couenant of my Peace shall not be remoued said our Lord thy Miserator Of this Oath the Prophet Daniel in the Captiuitie of Babylon maketh mention saying Take not away thy Dan. 3. 35. Mercie from vs for Abraham thy beloued and Isaack thy seruant and Israel thy holy one to whom thou hast spoken promising that thou wouldest multiplie their Seed as the starres of Heauen and as the Sand that is in the Sea shoare Of this Oath the Prophet Dauid speaking sayth I will Ps 88. 28 put him the first begotten high aboue all the Kings of the Earth I will keepe my Mercie vnto him for euer and my Testament faithfull vnto him I will put his Seed for euer and euer and his Throne as the dayes of Heauen But if his children shall forsake my Law and will not walke in my Iudgements if they shall prophane my Mercies and not keepe my Commaundements I will visit their Iniquitie with a Rod and their sinnes with stripes But my mercies I will not take away from him neither will I hurt in my Truth Neither will I prophane my Testament violate his Oath Againe speaking of this Oath and these Promises hee sayth He hath beene Ps 104. mindfull for euer of his Testament of the Word which he commaunded vnto thousand of Generations which he disposed to Abraham and his Oath to Isaac and he appointed it to Iacob for a Precept and to Israel for an eternall Testament That this Oath of God and Promises to the Patriarkes were to be fulfilled in Christ Iesu and in Christians maintaining and professing the Faith of God planted by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the Scriptures abundantly do testifie Our Lord expounding the Parable of the Cockle of the field sayth He that Mat. 13. 37. soweth the good Seed is the Sonne of Man and the Field is the World and the good Seed those are the Children of the Kingdome dispersed ouer the World according to the Oath of God to Abraham Againe our Lord sayth Doe Mat. 5. 18. not thinke that I come to breake the Law or the Prophets I am not come to breake but to fulfill Againe All things must needes Luc. 24. be fulfilled which are written in the Law of Moyses and the Prophets and the Psalmes of me Our Blessed Ladie speaking of the fulfilling of this Oath in our Sauiour and his Seede the Christians saith Hee hath receiued Israel his Luc. ● 54. Child being mindfull of his mercie as he spake to our Fathers to Abraham and his Seede for euer And Zacharie replenished with the Holy Ghost prophecied saying Blessed be Luc. 1. 68. our Lord God of Israel because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his people as he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets that are from the beginning to remember his holy Testament the Oath which he sware to Abraham our Father Of the fulfilling of this Oath and these Promises in our Sauiour and Christians S. Peter speaketh saying You are the Children of the Act. 31. 24. Prophets and of the Testament which God made to our Fathers saying to Abraham And in thy Seed shall all the Families of the Earth be blessed That this Oath of God
to Abraham was to be fulfilled in Christians S. Paul euerie where witnesseth saying Of Act. 13. 25. his Seed God according to his Promise hath brought forth to Israel a Sauiour Iesus Againe Wee preach vnto Act. 13. 32. you the Promise which was made to our Fathers that God hath fulfilled the same to our Children Againe Paul Rom. 1. 1. the Seruant of Iesus Christ called to be an Apostle separated in the Gospel of God which before he had promised by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures of his Sonne by whom we receiue grace and Apostleship for obedience to the Faith in all Nations Againe Abraham contrarie to Rom. 4. 18. hope beleeued in hope that he might be made the Father of many Nations according to that which was said to him So shall thy Seed be as the starres of Heauen and the sand of the Sea Againe Know yee therefore that they that are Gal. 3. 7. of Faith the same are the children of Abraham And the Scripture fore-seeing that God iustifieth the Gentiles by Faith shewed vnto Abraham before that in thee all Nations shall be blessed Againe Christ hath Gal. 3. 17. redeemed vs from the Curse of the Law that on the Gentiles the blessing of Abraham might be made in Christ Iesus that wee may receiue the Promise Againe to the Galathians conuerted to Christianitie he saith Wee brethren according to Isaack are the children of the Promise And speaking of this Promise of God to Abraham more at large saith God promising Heb. 6. 13. to Abraham because he had none greater by whom hee might sweare hee sware by himselfe saying Vnlesse blessing I shall blesse thee and multiplying I shall multiply thee c. for mensweare by greater then themselues and the end of their controuersie for confirmation is an oath Wherein God meaning more abundantly to shew to the Heires of the Promise the stabilitie of his Counsell he interposed an Oath that by two things vnmoueable wherby it is impossible for God to lye we may haue a most strong comfort who haue fled to hold fast the Hope promised which wee haue as an Anchor of the Soule sure and firme So S. Paul Whereby thou seest deare Reader that our Catholike Faith is as certaine the Faith of God Almightie planted by our Sauiour as it is certaine that God Almightie cannot lye or be forsworne since there is not nor euer was any one Faith or Religion so dilated ouer the World as our Catholike Faith is at this day in the East West North and South in Europe Asia Africa and America ouerflowing the Isa 66. 12. glorie of the Gentiles according to the Oath of God and Promises to the Patriarks and Prophets Though Sects and Heresies haue somtime occupied many parts of the World yet they either in short time returned to the vnion of our Catholike Church or else were conquered by barbarous Nations and made their slaues according to the Promises and Prophecies As the Arrians in Lumbardie and other places by the Gothes the Donatists in Africa by the Vandales the Greekes by the Sarazens and Turkes The Brittans auncient Inhabitants of this Island admitting of the Pelagian Heresie were soone after conquered by the Pagan Saxons and their name extinguished and they for the most part destroied that poore remnant of them excepted which were hemmed vp in that part of the Realme which is now called Wales For a few yeares before the comming of the Saxons into this Land the Pelagian Heresies were brought in saith Beda in his first Book and 15. Chapter Since Schismatikes and Heretikes will not honour God by maintaining his Oathes and Promises to his Seed and returne vnto the vnion of our Catholike Church that they may be partakers of his Blessings God Almighty will be honoured by manifesting the fulfilling of his Maledictions and Curses vpon them that the Iust may see and feare and Ps 51. 8. confesse that God is true and iust in all his Wordes and Oathes Reuenge is mine saith Deut. 32. our Lord and I will repay them in time that their foote may slide They haue prouoked me in that which was no God and haue angred me in their vanities and I will prouoke them in that which is no People and in a foolish Nation will I anger them And in this God Almightie hath been so faithfull in his Promises that he alwaies raised vp the most barbarous foolish Nations of the Earth to be their Conquerors And as for Protestants if euer there hath beene any Kings Kingdomes or Nations which haue made profession of that Faith Protestants doe now before King Henrie the eight we see by experience that the Curses and Maledictions of God Almightie spoken of by the Prophets hath so fallen vpon them that they were as people that descended into Hell quick Ps 54. 16. of vvhom there is no memorie in any Booke Chronicle Antiquitie or Historie Those enemies of God vpon whom the Prophet Moyses speaking sayth in the Person of GOD I said Deut. 32. 26. Where are they I will make their memorie to cease from among Men. In such sort that there is lesse memorie of them then of Sodome and Gomorra vvhich vvas destroyed by fire from Heauen or of Core Dathan and Abiron who were swallowed vp into the Earth quicke of whom yet there is some mention made in other mens Writings But of Protestant Kings Kingdomes or Nations professing the Faith Protestants doe now there is not anie mention or memorie Yet a little while and the Ps 36. 10. sinner shall not be and thou shalt seeke his place and shalt not finde it The enemies Ps 36. 20. of our Lord forthwith as they shall be honoured and exalted vanishing shall vanish as smoake I haue seene the Impious highly exalted and aduanced as the Caedar of Libanus And I passed by and behold he was not and I sought him and his place was not found The Vniust shall perish together the remaines of the impious shall perish Againe He loued Cursing it shall come Ps 108. to him and he would not Blessing and it shall be farre from him In one generation let his name be cleane put out Which Prophecie wee see of late yeares to be fulfilled in Henrie the eight King of England and Henrie the second King of France Henrie the eight was the first founder of the Parliamentarians and author of giuing authoritie to Parliaments to determine matters of Faith and Religion Henrie the second Serres in the life of Henry the second King of France became Protector of the Protestants of Germanie rebelling against Charles the fift their lawfull Emperour and went in person to their ayde with thirtie thousand men Henrie the eight had sixe Wiues and fiue or sixe Children Henrie the second had fiue Sons Francis the second after King of France Lewis Duke of Orleans Charles after King of France Henrie the third King of France and Hercules after called
which according to God is created in Iustice and holinesse of the Truth Whereupon Saint Iohn Baptist speaking of the way or meanes how to attaine vnto Content and Happinesse sayth Who hath shewed Mat. 3. 7. you to flye from the wrath to come yeeld therefore fruit worthie of Penance Which is as if he should haue said If any one hath shewed you the way to Content and Happinesse and not by contrition and detestation of sinne the fruites of Penance hee hath deceiued you So our Lord and Sauiour in his first Sermon according to Saint Matthew taught Penance as the first meanes to Happinesse the Text saying that Mat. 4. 17. Iesus began to preach and to say Doe Penance for the Kingdome of God is at hand Heere thou mayest see how many men which are of short Capacities and weake and shallow Wits and Vnderstandings are deceiued in framing to themselues a conceit that to doe Penance is to be tormented deiected and oppressed in minde when it is nothing lesse but the greatest ease remedie and rest to a deiected and oppressed minde that can be had or found and the way and meanes to all true Content and Happinesse If thou wilt beleeue the Scriptures and Experience Contrition or sorrow for sinne doth much differ from the sorrow or lamenting of worldly men when out of selfe-loue they lament the losse of their worldly Commodities or Pleasures The fruites of this Sorrow are Sadnesse Oppression of Minde and Discontent as being inordinate and not ordained by God to be vsed as a meanes of finding Happinesse vvhereas Penance Contrition and Sorrow for Sinnes beeing meanes ordained by God to Content and Happinesse the more thou vsest them the more rest and content of heart thou shalt finde because God Almightie doth reuiue the Isa 57. 15. heart of the Contrite by the assisting of the holy Ghost Gal 5. whose fruits are Charitie Ioy of heart and Peace of minde of which wee are to speake more in his place A second meanes of attayning vnto the loue of God is often to Communicate according to the words of our Lord saying He that eateth Ioh. 6. my Flesh and drinketh my Bloud abideth in me and I in him which is the Charitie wee seeke for A third meanes is Meditation seriously to consider all the benefits thou hast receiued from his diuine Maiestie as Creation Redemption Conseruation and whatsoeuer graces thou hast or expectest and likewise to meditate often vpon his diuine Attributes as his infinite Goodnesse Beautie Maiestie and Power c. for the onely meanes to loue any thing that is very good faire pleasing and beautifull is but to looke seriously vpon it and consider it well and the loue or liking of it presently is begotten in thy heart And it being excellently good the more thou thinkest or meditatest vpon it the more the loue of it increaseth in thee So if thou wilt loue much GOD Almightie doe not omit thy Meditations A fourth meanes is alwaies to keepe the Presence of God that hauing alwayes before thine eyes an infinite Good from whom all things else borrow whatsoeuer good they haue thou canst not but little esteeme of all other goods in comparison of it and loue it with thy whole heart and all things else as they may conduct thee vnto it of which Presence wee are to speake in our third Booke A fifth meanes is to make many Acts of the loue of God As in Arts and Sciences thy continuall practise increaseth thy knowledge and skill so the making of many Acts of the loue of God increaseth in thee the loue of God And to that end heere I set downe these Acts following Acts of Charitie or Loue towards God AS the chased Hart thirsteth after the Fountaine of Water so I desire that my heart should perpetually thirst after thee deare Lord. O Lord of infinite beautie that my heart were so wounded with thy loue that out of feruour of spirit I might in silent speech perpetually breath forth When shall I come and appeare before thy face O most amiable Sonne of the liuing God take now possession of this my heart which was created for to loue thee and pierce it with a thousand wounds of pure loue that I may for euer sweetly languish after thy eternall beautie How beloued are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts my soule coueteth and fainteth after the Courts of my God Decre Iesu to thee I consecrate my heart O deere King of all beautie and glory I will no other inheritance but thee O Life of my life and more beautifull then all beauties created put together inflame me with a most desired burning after thy eternall beautie O Lord of infinite mercy how great are the multitude of thy mercies that thou commandest mee to loue thee and if I doe not thou art angrie and threatenest eternall miseries when in louing thee consisteth all my ioyes and good O who will giue to me my Lord that I may die for thee that by my corporall death my soule may be ingulfed in thee her rest and chast bed-Chamber of all diuine delights Too late haue I loued thee Beautie so ancient and so new too late haue I loued thee but pardon my negligence past deere Lord and graunt that this my beginning may last and increase for euer Thou deere Lord was within mee and I was without my selfe and amongst these faire things which thou hast created I sought thee and fowly erred faire they were because thou createdst them but to me foule for that I loued them and loued them not in thee O how I lament deere Lord that my poore soule hath beene so deceiued with sensuall loue and worldly vanitie now conuert mee so wholly vnto thee deere Lord that nothing created may please me but the only louing of thy diuine Maiestie Thou art all faire my Loue thou art all faire and there is not a spot or staine in thee O my infinite Good I resigne to thee all that thy liberalitie hath bestowed vpon me that thereby I may please thee and offer without ceasing in the Altar of my heart my selfe in Sacrifice If I forget to loue thee my Lord let all my pleasures be turned into sorrowes and let my right hand be forgetfull of her actions if I doe not offer vnto thee vpon the Altar of my heart a Sacrifice of perpetuall Loue Morning Mid-day and Euening CHAP. XII That true Content and Happinesse cannot be without Charitie or loue towards our neighbours and keeping of the Commandements of God SO great is the Obligation and bond of Societie interposed betweene all things created that the good of one in some sort dependeth vpon the loue and societie with the other The Angels in Heauen reioice one at anothers good and Happinesse and receiue increase of Content by the increase of Glory bestowed vpon any one The Heauens send downe showers and dew to water and make pleasant the Earth and the Earth shooteth vp all her fruits
saith the Apostle Phi. 4. in him that comforteth mee Comfort vs O Lord and wee can doe all things yea loue our heauiest Persecutors as our selues Since from God Almightie proceedeth all our good and strength the first means of atteining vnto the loue of our Persecutors as our selues is much to loue his Diuine Maiestie To them Rom. 8. that loue God all things cooperate in good Againe If any Io. 14. 23. loue me he will keepe my word loue his Enemies and pray for his Persecutors Loue is Cant. 8. 6. as strong as Death The Loue of God nothing can ouercome Many Waters of tribulation Cant. 8. cannot quench Charitie neither shall Flouds of Persecution ouerwhelme it Wherefore the first meanes is much to loue God Almightie and often to make the aforesaid Acts of Loue and Charitie towards God set downe in the eleuenth Chapter and then thou wilt easily loue thy most alienated enemies with all thy heart The second meanes is often to reflect vpon the prouidence of God Almightie who since hee intendeth to crowne none but such as 2. Tim. 2. shall ouercome in combate first giueth the grace and force to ouercome and then permitteth myserable people to practise cruelties and persecutions vpon thee that thou by his grace ouercomming them and remaining through Patience and Charitie a Conquerour he may crowne thee with abundance of temporall Content in this life and after death in the other with eternall glory according to the words of S. Iames saying Blessed is the man that suffereth Iam 1. 12. temptation for when he hath beene proued he shall receiue the Crowne of life which God hath promised to them that loue him Insomuch as by ouercomming thy gaine is so great that if a persecuting King Prince or Potentate should spoile himselfe of his Scepter and Crowne and bestow them both on thee together with his Kingdome yet thou shouldest not receiue by his meanes so great a benefit as the Martyr whō he putteth to death either publikely or by long priuate imprisonment or other distresses for our Catholike Faith My Num. 23. 10. soule die the death of the iust and my last ende be made like to them So in truth and veritie there is no cause why thou shouldest hate or wish any euill vnto thy seuerest Persecutors but much cause why thou shouldest wish well vnto them and loue them tenderly since that by their meanes and by their losse both of temporall and eternall Content and Happinesse thou perseuering in Charitie art to receiue a greater benefit then otherwise thou couldest expect euer to haue receiued viz. to be crowned with a Crown of Apoc. 3. 10. eternall glory to rest in the ioy of our Lord before the throne of God and serue him Apoc. 7. day and night in his Temple and be conducted by the Lambe our Sauiour to the liuing Fountaines of Waters And for this cause the wisest men that be vpon the face of the Earth haue a pious enuie at our happinesse here in England For that we are killed Ps 43. 22. all the day we are esteemed as Sheepe of slaughter for the Catholike Faith which wee professe and goe continually as the Prophet Dauid sayth With our liues alwayes Ps 118. in our hands to offer them to God Almightie in Sacrifice knowing that our reward is very great in Heauen for so Mat. 5. 12. they persecuted the Prophets Apostles and Martyrs that were before vs To whom our Sauiour sayth You are they that haue remained with me in my temptations and I dispose to you as my Father disposed to me a Kingdome that Luc. 22. 28. you may eate and drinke vpon my Table and in my Kingdome and may sit vpon Thrones iudging the twelue Tribes of Israel Thou seest what labour paines and dangers euerie worldly man would be content to take if he might but hope to ascend vp to be an earthly King or Prince or come to attaine some grace and fauour in the Court where in truth and veritie their greatest Pleasures are mixt with so many Woes that if they would but looke vpon them with reason they haue more cause to lament their euill mishap then to take glorie in their seeming high estate How much more shouldest thou be content gladly and willingly to suffer some seuen yeares paines and persecution in hope to enioy the Kingdome of Heauen the glorie of the other life and that eternally A third meanes is to stirre vp and reuiue thy Faith in thee by making many Acts of Faith founded vpon the Promises to patient suffering Iniuries and Persecutions for the loue thou bearest to God as often to make these or the like Acts. He that will saue his life Mat. 16. 25. shall lose it and he that shall lose his life for me shall finde it What doth it profit a man if Mat. 16. 26. he gaine the whole world and sustaine the dammage of his Soule What permutation shall a man Mar. 26. giue for his Soule What wilt thou take that the Deuill may haue thy Soule for to burne in Hell eternally and trie but for a quarter of an houre how thou canst endure thy hand or foot to be burnt in this fire vpon Earth And then thou wilt laud the mercies of our Lord that by his Grace and thy suffering patiently so little paines he hath ordained to redeeme thee from eternall Torments Wee suffer with Christ Iesu Rom. 17. that we may be glorified also with him The sufferings of this time are not condigne to the glorie to Rom. 8. 18. come that shall be reuealed in vs. Our tribulation which is momentarie 2. Cor. 4. 17. and light worketh aboue measure exceedingly an eternall weight of glorie in vs. If 2. Tim. 2. 11. wee be dead in Christ then wee shall liue also together with him If we shall sustaine we shall also reigne together So to liue by Faith according as it is written The iust Gal. 3. 12. liueth by Faith for without Faith it is impossible to please God For hee that commeth to God Heb. 11. 6. must beleeue that hee is and is a rewarder of them that seeke him And this is the Faith of the Saints so renowmed and often spoken of in the Scriptures the Faith of Henoch Noe Abraham Isaac Iacob Ioseph Moyses Gedeon Barac Sampson Iephte and the Apostles who by Faith ouercame Kingdomes wrought Iustice obtained Promises stopped the mouth of Lyons extinguished the force of Fire repelled the edge of the Sword recouered of their Infirmities had triall of Mockeries and Stripes of Bonds and Prisons were Stoned Hewed Tempted dying in slaughter of the Sword went about in Sheepe skinnes and Goats skinnes needie in distresse afflicted of whom the World was not worthie wandering in Desarts in Mountaines and Dennes and in Caues in the Earth As thou seest Religious men and Priests and Lay Catholikes doe in the time of this our persecution
of God with all our hearts and our neighbour for Gods sake as our selues And first it is necessarie to speake of temporall blessings and contentments and after of spirituall and eternall The practise of this our Doctrine of louing God with all our hearts and our neighbours for Gods sake as our selues yeeldeth such abundance of temporall Happinesse and Content as that it taketh away all the causes of temporall discontent and miseries from amongst men and planteth in their places all temporall Happinesse and Contentments for supposed that this our Doctrine were practised amongst men and that euerie one would loue God with all his heart and his neighbour for God as himselfe first it would take away all Vsurie Theft Murder Fornication Adulterie Suits in Law Sects Controuersies Rebellions Conspiracies Enuie Hatred Malice Emulations Oppressions Contentions and whatsoeuer miserie is in any Kingdome State or Common-wealth and all the euils which are prohibited and forbidden by Lawes For if we did loue God Almightie with all our hearts wee should be verie sorrie to offend him As wee see by experience euerie one hath great care not to offend him whom hee loueth So if men loued God Almightie with all their hearts there would bee no such sinnes committed as are spoken of in the Tenne Commaundements or in anie other Ciuill or Common Law According to the wordes of our Sauiour saying If any loue mee hee Ioh. 14. 23. will keepe my Word Againe Hee that loueth me not keepeth Io. 14. 24. not my wordes So establish the loue of God in the hearts of men and you take away all Idolatrie Theft Fornication Adulterie Couetousnesse Extortion Iniustice Sinne and Wickednesse forbidden by any Law To the verifying of the vvordes spoken by the Prophet Isay saying Iustice shall be Isa 11. 5. the girdle of his Loynes and Faith the girdle of his Reynes The Wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe and the Leopard shall lye with the Kid The Calfe and Lion and Sheepe shall abide together a little child shall leade them The Calfe and the Beare shall feede their young ones shall rest together And the Lion shall eate Straw as it were an Oxe And the Infant from the Breast shall be delighted vpon the hole of the Aspe and he that is weyned shall thrust his hand into the hole of the Cockatrice They shall not hurt and they shall not kill in all my holy Mountaine because the Earth is replenished with the knowledge of our Lord the loue of God and Man for he that saith he knoweth God and keepeth not his Commaundements 1. Ioh. 2. 4. is a lyar and the truth is not in him Whereby thou seest deare Reader that the practise of our Doctrine taketh away all temporall miseries and wretchednesse from amongst men insomuch as if that it vvere practised there vvould bee no neede of Lawes nor any vse of any Lawyers Againe supposed that euerie one would loue his neighbour as his second selfe then all would relieue the poore and euerie one would reioyce at others good and prosperitie as at his owne and all seeke to aduance one and one all and found a perfect Monarchie in defence inuincible and in offence against the enemies of their common good alwayes conquerors euery one faithfully seconding of his companion as his second selfe they would remaine inuincible and euerie one louing his neighbour as himselfe euerie one would willingly supply to his power his neighbours wants and by this meanes they would all liue in happie and quiet temporall Content like perfect friends confirmed in sociable amitie according to the Prophecies Thy People all Isa 60. 21. iust for euer shall inherite the Land the Budde of my planting the worke of my hand to glorie The least shall be into a thousand and the little one into a most strong Nation the Lord in the time thereof will suddainely doe it Againe I will make thy visitation Isa 60. 18. Peace and thy Ouerseers Iustice Iniquitie shall no more be heard in thy Land Waste and Destruction in thy Borders and Saluation shall occupie thy Walls and Praise thy Gates And this wee see fulfilled in the Christians of the Primitiue Church Of whom it is said The multitude Act. 4. 32. of Beleeuers had one Heart and one Soule neyther did any say that ought was his owne of those thinges which hee possessed And is euen vntill this day fulfilled in all poore reformed Religious Orders dilated ouer the World who neuer stand in need to vse Suites or Lawyers And it is also fulfilled in all Countreyes more or lesse accordingly as they are Christians Catholike or stayned with spots of Heresie All the temporall Blessings of Monarchies Kingdomes and States are founded vpon the keeping of the Commaundements of God according to that Pact or Couenant which Moyses made with the people of Israel which now wee Christians are saying If thou wilt heare Deut. 28. the voice of our Lord thy God that thou doe and keepe all his Commandements which I commaund thee this day our Lord thy God will make thee higher then all Nations that be on the Earth and all those Blessings shall come vpon thee and ouertake thee yet so if thou heare his Precepts Blessed shalt thou be in the Citie and blessed in the Field blessed shall be the fruit of thy Wombe and the fruit of thy Ground and the fruit of thy Cattell the troopes of thy Heards and the foulds of thy Sheepe c. Our Lord will raise thee vp vnto himselfe to be a holy People as he sware to thee if thou keepe the Commaundements of our Lord thy God and walke in his wayes And all the people of the Earth shall see that the Name of our Lord is inuocated vpon thee and they shall feare thee c. And our Lord will make thee the Head and not the Tayle and thou shalt be alwayes aboue and not vnder yet so if thou wilt heare the Commandements of our Lord thy God which I commaunded thee this day and keepe and doe them c. Which wee see to haue beene fulfilled in all Ages amongst Christian People Emperours Kings Empires Kingdomes and States insomuch as that these were alwayes the most renowmed happie blessed and fortunate Kingdomes who most followed the Doctrine of the Catholike Church and attended to the keeping of the Commaundements of God As of Constantine the Great Saint Augustine writeth saying Ciuit. Dei li. 5. ca. 6. Constantine the Emperour not suppliant to Deuils but worshipping the true God receiued so many gifts and blessings from God as none durst presume to wish This one Augustus held possessed and defended the whole Romane Empire In administrating of Warre he was iust and victorious in vanquishing and repressing Tyrants wonderfull prosperous being of great yeares he died of sicknesse and old age his sonnes Emperours to succeed him Of Theodosius the elder S. Augustine sayth That hee De Ciuit. Dei li. 5. ca. 26. had wonderfull