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A19367 A supplication exhibited to the most mightie Prince Philip king of Spain &c. VVherin is contained the summe of our Christian religion, for theprofession whereof the Protestants in the lowe Countries of Flaunders, &c. doe suffer persecution, vvyth the meanes to acquiet and appease the troubles in those partes. There is annexed An epistle written to the ministers of Antwerpe, which are called of the confession of Auspurge, concerning the Supper of our sauiour Iesus Christ. VVritten in French and Latine, by Anthonie Corronus of Siuill, professor of Diuinitie. Corro, Antonio del, 1527-1591.; Corro, Antonio del, 1527-1591. Epistle or godlie admonition, to the pastoures of the Flemish Church in Antwerp. aut 1577 (1577) STC 5791; ESTC S116690 149,833 422

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his yonger son Iacob when he felte hym arayed in the garments of his brother Esau Therefore when man hathe obtained this honour nowe standeth hée no more in feare of Gods terrible examples againste synners his seuere and straight iudgements but perceiueth Christ to be appointed by God a iudge of all mē who is ioyned vnto man by a strong faith for what sentence may wée thinke in reason that the redemer of the whole bodye will giue against his owne members when as this aucthoritie of life and death is not committed vnto him of our mercifull father not to destroy and condempne those that put their truste in him but to saue and preserue them rather and to enriche them wyth the benefite of euerlastyng life Hée therefore takyng vppon hym the partes both of an aduocate and a iudge vnto man doth easyly absolue vs of all our offences and pronounceth them iust for whose sake hee offered hymselfe vnto death that hée might satisfye the iustice of man notwithstandyng this pardon procéedeth not of anye mans merits or good workes for all that be borne of the olde Adam are guiltie of disobedience rebelling agaynste God nor of anye fastings or watchings or pilgrimages or satisfactions or offrings or masses or merites of holye men or holye women muche lesse of Monkes or Nunnes for what are anye of all these able to perfourme that is not of hys owne nature damnable and simply to be abhorred but it is that alonly swéete and comfortable voice Thy faith hath saued thée departe in peace and securitie and beware henceforthe and sinne no more leaste a worse thing fall to thée whiche is as muche to saye that after thou hast receiued grace from heauen and doste beléeue that thou arte partaker of my redemption be thou farre from al guilte and crime and from the paine due for the same and that of frée grace and mercy wythout all respecte of deserte yet in suche sort that thou haue earnest consideration howe dearely thou oughtest to estéeme that bonde whereby thou arte fast ioyned vnto me in whych respect thou arte adopted vnto the number of the children of my father to be an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen a member of my bodye and a partaker of my righteousnesse and therefore sée thou bring forth the fruites of innocencie and of repentaunce such as shal bée agreable vnto the roote of liuely faith and returne not to thy olde naughtinesse least some worse thyng happen vnto thée Loe thys is the sentence of Christe moste gratious soueraigne whiche the faithfull here pronounced and doe receiue by faith wherevppon they receiue such solace and comforte in their minds that if they happen to be troubled in conscience with remorse of theyr sinnes they séeke none other remedy than out of the worde of God whence perfect healthe is onely to bée soughte and founde The whyche doctrine so necessary and comfortable moste mightie Prince hath so inflamed the hearts of your Maiesties subiectes in the lowe countreis with such a feruent zeale of pietie and godlinesse that vnderstāding howe shamefully they haue bene abused in a matter of so greate importance they make this humble petition vnto youre Maiestie that it woulde please the same to permit vnto them onely the libertie of theyr consciences and the preachyng of the Gospell whereby they might without pillage or tiranny be conducted the safe and ready way to eternall saluation And surely it séemeth a very vnreasonable matter that so honest and godly a zeale shoulde bée persecuted with so greuous exactions and penalties and not rather be both fauoured and furthered with his due praise cōmendatiō And therfore your maiestie hath earnestly to consider howe almightie God w●ll deale with those persōs which do so cruelly tormēt and murder mē that are both created after his owne likenes and redemed with the most precious bloud of his only son for none other cause but onely for that they professe this heauenly doctrine Of the doctrine of Iustification as the Popishe Church doth teach it FOr the better vnderstanding of thys whole matter and the cause of the greate diuersitye of opinions hereabout I will with as muche breuitie as I can declare the determinations of the Papistes concerning Iustification Fyrste they define it in this wise that Iustification is the passage of a synner from vnrighteousnesse vnto righteousnesse wherof they say there be foure partes that is to saye motion of fréewill contrition infusion of grace remission of sinne The two firste to procéede from him that is to bée Iustified The latter two from the Iustifier and those two first to be as it were the causes preparing the harte of man to receiue the grace of god Moreouer they say that there bée thrée principall causes which concurre in the Iustification of sinners namely God the sinner and the Church God which poureth out his mercies wherby the sinne is forgiuen and sheweth his iustice exacting a satisfaction eyther in this life or after that is to saye in Purgatorie the which ●oo vertues as they glose are signified 〈◊〉 those two disciples which Christ sent ●efore hym into euerye Citie and place ●hether he himselfe shuld come Luk. 10. ●or that say they which then was done ●rporally is now perfourmed spiritual● Also on the behalfe of the sinner there ●●e twoo thinges required loue and sor●we the which say they are lyke the ●ones of the Mille wherewith sinne i●●ound as was figured in Deutero 24. ●ikewise there be two things that come ●●om the Church The merits of Christe ●nd of the Saintes holy men and holye ●omen who forasmuche as they hadde ●ore store of good works than they stoode 〈◊〉 néed of themselues left the surplusage 〈◊〉 the custodye of the Churche that they ●ight be destributed among such as wā●ed Secōdarily the church by the hands ●f the Pope and of Byshops graunteth ●ardons and indulgences vnto sinners ●uaileable so farre as the wordes of the ●ame doe purporte And yet among these ●octours there haue béene some whiche haue affirmed faith to be the foundation of oure Iustification and yet seruing vs in steade of a preparatiue to apprehende and receiue the fauour and loue of God wherof righteousnesse doth procéede the which he gyueth vs in cōsideratiō of our loue towardes him Here I omit an infinite number of curious questiōs which rather make the doctrine of our iustificatiō obscure than bring any light to the vnderstāding therof specially to such as being indued with the spirit of god séeke after true righteousnes with the whole affection of their heart as may appeare most euidently aswel by the councel of Trent as also by the Interim offered vnto the Protestantes It shall bée sufficient to touche onely by name the palpable mists wherewithall the schoolemen blinde the eies of the simple people As when they dispute whether a man bée iustified in a moment or it require a long processe
that we be the mēbers of his misticall body The same Paule doth likewise testify in the epistle to the Corinths that Christe dothe speake in him whose power and vertue the Corinthians also did perceiue in his speache and warneth thē that they shoulde giue eare vnto Christe dwelling within thē for otherwise saith hée Christe will reiecte and refuse you Moreouer our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe did likewise make his earnest requeste vnto his father and no doubt but he obtained it that those which were his might bée so coupled togyther in so sure and faste a bande that as hée and his father were one so they might also be one The manner and order of whiche societie Cyrill a very auntient doctour dothe very largely entreate of in hys treatise vppon the .17 Chapter of the Gospel after Iohn whether I referre the reader concerning the same And now I cannot otherwise thinke but that these phrases of speache vsuall in Paule and diuers auntient writers in the Churche shall in these our dayes be thought somewhat absurde and vnapte forasmuche as all labour now adays not to profite religion with the true and perfecte exercises of the mind but with ceremonies and suche like trashe deuised rather for vaine shewe and ostentation thā vppon any godly purpose Wherevppon it groweth the oure aduersaries acknowledge no other communion of the body of Christe saue onely that whiche they say is exhibited in the holy supper vnto vs al. As they likewise know no other regeneration than that whyche they thinke is giuen in baptisme nor any other righteousnesse or iustification than that which is hid in Christe who is so farre distant from vs as heauen from earth wheras notwithstanding he that hathe not putte on Christe is voide of all iustice and innocencie the only pathes that leade vs vnto God neyther is it meruayle that these sayings of the Apostles and other the faithfull haue béene vnknowne vnto diuers For it is as easye a matter to teache the blinde to conceiue the brightnesse of the shining Sun beames by the comparison of other creatures which he hathe neuer séene as to teache men these things and perswade them therein whiche are onely addicte to the naturall diseases of the fleshe and therefore I doe moste hartily pray and beséech those that moue and prouoke youre Maiestie to persecute vs by all kind of torments and cruelties that they woulde firste learne the reason and cause of oure Iustification in the schoole of oure sauiour Christ before they procéed to condemne vs to be heretikes vnworthy this life or the societie and fellowship of men Of good workes after the doctrine of the Papistes AFter they haue thus fowly shamefully erred in thys chiefe foundation of our faith touching satisfaction and iustification they cannot possibly deliuer vnto vs anye true and certayne doctrine of good workes and yet notwithstandyng wée haue better cause to bewaile their blindnesse and vnmercifulnesse thā to ieste thereat who falsely slaundering vs with the reiecting of good works haue taughte a doctrine of theyr owne deuise cōcerning the same most pernicious and hurtefull vnto man. Therfore this they lay for the ground worke of this their doctrine that a man ●ustified maye safely and lawfullye per●ourme that which is riquired in the law ●f God after their owne fantasie and ●ccording to the power and strengthe of ●heir owne will that they by the aide and assistaunce of Gods grace are able to do workes meritorious de condigno as they call it In the mean while not one word of Christe Iesus and the presence of hys holye Spirite in the heartes of the faithfull wherevppon procéedeth all oure power and strength whatsoeuer the fruites of which fréewill they cal merites digna and therof do make thrée sortes The first sort they terme to be of congruence wherby we prepare our selues to receyue the grace of God The second of c●ndigniti● as they call it or of deserte for bicause that the doer and worker thereof is worthye the grace of God and the increase therein The thirde kinde comprehendeth both the other two sorts of merits the whiche being compared with the rewards propounded for the same do easyly match thē in worthinesse excellency Cōcerning the first sort they teach v● that a man of his ownefrée motion wil● may without the grace of God prepar● and able himselfe to receiue the grace o● God so that a man onely doe hys endeuour and good wil. Again this preparation contayneth thrée partes The first● that a man shoulde ceasse to committ● sinne Secondly to abate his lust and w●● to sinne Thirdely to endeuour hymself● to imbrace righteousnesse likewise the● saye that thrée things are requisite in a man to the doing of a meritorious acte the minde that worketh it the frée will that moueth the minde the intention and purpose respecting a good end but of God and of hys holy spirite not one worde I warrant you And the workes that issue out of thys roote deserue thrée things remissiō of sin encrease of grace and possession of life euerlasting the which we merit by meane of charitie the excellencie of the work likewise of good works ther be two sorts either of commaundementes or but only of counsell or supererogation as they terme them bicause a man is not bound 〈◊〉 doe them but that Gods will is that 〈◊〉 shoulde merite so much the more And ●ese be the workes saye they whyche ●hriste taught hys disciples in the .5 of ●athew in this wise Blessed be the poore 〈◊〉 spirite for theirs is the Kingdome of ●eauen Blessed are they that mourne or they shall receiue comforte Blessed ●re the méeke in harte for they shall in●erite the earthe Blessed are they that ●unger and thirst for righteousnesse sake ●or they shall be satisfied Blessed are the ●leane in hearte for they shall sée God Blessed are the peacemakers for they ●hall be called the children of God Bles●ed are they that suffer persecution for ●heirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are ye when men persecute and reuile you and speake all euil vppon you slaundering you moste falsely for my sake reioice be glad for great is your rewarde in heaue for so hauen they persecuted the Prophets in olde time But by these and other like places of holy scripture vncōstrued they gather the order and lyfe of Monkerie the vowes of chastitie ob●dience pouertie full of all superstition 〈◊〉 this kind of life say they is perfecte an● most acceptable vnto God insomuche 〈◊〉 they cōtemne al other things in respect and call al other Christians worldlings and secular and lay people The residue of their good workes ar● to fast in the holy time of Lente to abstein frō the eating of flesh at certain tymes in the weke which they cal the ho●● wéeke to whip and scourge themselues to buylde Chappels found Chauntries giue lampes candle-lights to set before saints in
¶ A Supplication exhibited to the moste Mightie Prince Philip king of Spain c. VVherin is contained the summe of our Christian Religion for the profession whereof the Protestants in the lowe Countries of Flaunders c. doe suffer persecution vvyth the meanes to acquiet and appease the troubles in those partes THERE IS ANNEXED AN Epistle written to the Ministers of Antwerpe which are called of the Confession of Auspurge concerning the Supper of our Sauiour Iesus Christ VVRITTEN IN FRENCH AND Latine by Anthonie Corranus of Siuill professor of Diuinitie ¶ Imprinted at London by Francis Coldocke and Henrie Bynneman ANNO. 1577. ¶ To the Christian and vnaffectionate Reader THE Author was determined to prefixe before these treatises an Apology wherin he declareth and defendeth certaine places specially chalenged in thē which his defence for certaine respectes he hath reserued to be imprinted with the Latine Copie which by Gods grace shall shortlye come forth and in the mean time referreth this as it is to the iudgement of the learned and vnpartiall Reader To the most mightie and most victorious Philip King of Spayne HAuing had certayne intelligence aswel by cōmon report as the speciall letters of diuers Citizens of Antwerpe most mig●tie Prince and my most dread soueraigne how miraculously farre beyond the exspectatiō of man God had made a way for the frée passage preaching of his holy Gospell in your Maiesties lowe countreys I determined with my selfe at the earnest persuasion of my friends setting all my other businesse aside to take my iourney thither both that I might be partaker with many others seruing God there sincerely and truely of that great ioy and cōsolation which ●hey receiued and enioyed through the ●xcéeding mercie and goodnesse of almighty God powred vpō your graces subiects withall to my simple power further as much as in me lay this spiritual buylding of Gods house cōsidering that God had appointed me to this vocatiō For since my departure out of Spaine which is now .xij. yéeres past I protest vnto your highnesse truely sincerely that there was nothing in the whole world that I more earnestly desired prayed for than that which at this present I behold sée before mine eies trusting that this singular grace benefit of God shal not alwayes be conteyned in this so smal a coūtrie but frō thence in processe of time shall be deriued into your M. whole realme of Spayne so that the true sincere knowledge of Iesu Christe may there likewise shine be manifested therwith al superstition all blinde false worshipping of God banished exiled which by the wilfull ignorance of men for wante of the knowledge of Gods worde were crept into our religion and like wéedes had quite ouergrowen it Finally I haue good hope that this chaunge alteratiō of the world shal stir vp your Maiestie to heare the pitiful cōplaynts lamentatiōs of your faithful obedient subiects to haue compassion of the calamities of so many miserable soules as being your most faithful and obedient subiects are notwithstanding oppressed with diuers kindes of tormēts persecutions banishment confiscation of goods landes that more is to be lamēted are before their cause lawfully heard against right reason cōdēned executed most horribly by the moste extreme cruell kindes of death that cā be deuised As for the iudges which sitte in this cōmission of life and death in this wise condemne the poore innocents they beare your grace in hād that the determinations of these causes dothe not appertaine to Kings or Princes notwithstanding that the holy Scriptures teach the contrary and shewe that it is the office and duetie of Kings Princes and all other rulers and Magistrates chiefly and before all other things to sette foorth good true doctrine accordyng to the lawes conteyned in the first table and the same so set forth to authorise and cause to be published and consequently to gouerne their subiectes with Iustice and with equitie to defend them The whiche thing it is vnpossible for any euer to performe without the true knowledge of Gods diuine Maiestie as the very Heathēs thēselues iudge which were only learned instructed after the law of nature Justitia sayth Tully nec in regno nec in Repub retineri aut conseruari potest nisi iactis ante verae pietatis fundamentis Vnneth can iustice be kept or maintayned either in kingdome or cōmōwealth but where true religion is first of all planted and rooted And truly this is the very same true doctrine seruice of God which I sée preached in your Maiesties low countreys which causeth me assuredly to hope that all other thinges will haue like happie successe that your Maiestie by this occasion will vnderstande and determine this cause and purge Christian religiō in banishing and rooting out all the abuses and errours which haue crepte in by little litle and corrupted al Christendome Wherefore most noble Prince vpon my comming to Antwerpe many mē did greatly meruayle thinking it a thing scarse credible that one of the Spanish nation borne bredde there shoulde embrace the Gospell so desirously and so earnestly maintayne it that he boldly durst professe himselfe a publicke Preacher of the same And forasmuch as the bruite of this strange noueltie was so common that it came to your Maiesties eares as I coniecture and perhaps many a false slaunder and misreporte added therewith all I thought it not amisse for me to take occasion of this my comming to Antwerpe to breake this long silence whiche I haue kepte these whole .xij. yéeres to the entent to purge my selfe vnto your Maiestie and to iustifie the doctrine which I professe and that by writing Wherefore in most humble maner I beséeche your highnesse my gracious soueraigne to take in good parte this writing of mine your most humble and faithfull subiect wherin I haue declared the causes aswell that moued me to departe out of Spayne as to resort hither into your countrey of Flaūders For I take God to witnesse my comming to your Maiesties citie of Antwerpe was not for any desire of newfanglenesse or to disquiet the state but by the preaching of the Gospell to pacifie them that were offended to make a quiet end of quarels and controuersies that were risen among them to my power to caulme appease the hurlyburly whiche was nowe begon to cause vnitie peace where was discorde and dissention and to discharge the duetie whiche I ought bothe to God and to your Maiestie as I doubt not but your highnesse shal in tyme right well perceiue But chiefly my desire was in very déede to professe openly and to preach the doctrine of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christe accordyng to the measure of his grace the knowledge that he had giuen me therin And now concerning the first point that I haue purposed to entreate of I wil ●eclar● vnto your Maiestie
Maiestie and haue libertie to maintaine and retaine among them the Gospel of Christ though it coste them a greate parte yea theyr whole substance to purchase it than to stoupe and yéelde their necke to the heauy yoke of Idolatry and tiranny of the Papists But at this present partely for feare of war and persecution and partly of your highnesse displeasure they are content to bée quiet and to kéepe silence waiting a good time when your Maiesty woulde bée so gratious vnto them as to permitte them to serue God duely and in that sorte that he hymselfe hath in his holy word prescribed and appointed Wherfore moste dradde soueraigne at my firste commyng my chiefe desyre was to teache and to perswade the people to refraine from the dooing of suche like things as before my commyng had bin rashly lightly attempted by some to wit from the breakyng and plucking downe of Images the ouerturnyng of Altars and Churches and Monasteries as they call them For one thought it was very reasonable and conuenient for vs if we will serue and worshippe God and call vpon him as he hath appoynted vs to doe that is in spirite and in truth to permitte and suffer other also to liue somewhat after their owne liking and forasmuche as they are perswaded that they can not without offence to God reiect these superstitious and Iewish ceremonies to let them alone there wyth for a time and to take their fill thereof yelding for a season to their infirmities and ignorance and praying to god for them that it would please hym to lighten their vnderstandings with the shining beames of his glorious Gospel And after that by the good exāples of our modesty and our conuersation of life to moue to allure and to enflame them to embrace true religion and forsake their olde Idolatrye and false seruice of God. And bicause your Maiesty may briefly vnderstande the chiefe articles of oure religion wherein wée dissent from the Pope and his popelings I will kéepe the order well neare in declaring my minde concerning true religion that I haue heretofore obserued in the discourse which I haue made in detecting their errors and abuses the whiche declaration shall only containe that doctrine which I haue learned and takē out of the word of God and holy Writ and endeuoured myselfe accordingly to preache and sette foorth to your Maiesties subiects And for breuitie sake I will not debate nor amplify the proofes and reasons that I haue for the confirmation of our religion but wil briefly and summarily and by the waye as it were will lightly touch the arguments taken oute of the holy scripture that make for the proofe of our parte and the disproofe of our aduersaries Wherby it shall remaine as a testimony to our posteritie and appeare most manifestly that the inquisitours of Spaine haue vsed great iniustice and abused their commission in persecuting mée for an heretike and therewith also your Maiestye maye well perceiue what kinde of doctrine it is that I woulde haue preached vnto your subiects And bycause perhaps it would be too ●ong and too tedious to entreate of all the points particularly that are at this daye called into controuersie I will only handle fiue or sixe of the chiefe articles and moste necessary of the religion wée professe wherevppon all Christes religion wholy dependeth and is sustained and that your Maiesty may also more easyly iudge the oddes betwixt our doctrine and our aduersaries I will as briefly as is possible lay before you their proofes and argumēts takē out of their own works and speciallye oute of that booke whiche one Ruardus Taperus a diuine of Louane chiefe inquisitour for the lowe Country hathe in the name and behalfe of all the Diuines and Romishe Clergy dedicated vnto your highnesse the whyche séeing it is authorized by youre Maiesties priuiledge I truste all men of that part wil bée contented to take the proofes and confirmatiōs of the Romishe reilgion out of the booke as out of the storehouse of their diuinity For at this daye it is a very hard a difficulte matter to gather any certaine doctrine oute of the reste of popishe diuines consideryng they doe in so many poyntes dissent and disagrée among themselues one condemnyng an other in so muche that certaine famous Vniuersities haue especiallye noted and coted the errors of these men that were accompted the sure stakes and pillers of the Churche of Rome as for example Thomas Aquinas the Maister of the Sentences Durandus Scotus and suche other whom the Romish Clergy hath in greatest price and estimation Of the word of God the holy scripture and the authoritie therof the reading therof in the mother tong SEing that the Church as saith the holy Apostle is builded vppon the foundation of the apostles and prophets whyche is Iesus Christ that heauenly and euerlasting worde it is reasonable and conuenient that we also shoulde beginne the grounde of our confession and faithe of that worde of euerlasting lyfe wherevnto the Churche leaneth and wherein shée reposeth hir whole trust and ●fiaunce Firste and formoste therfore ●e confesse that the word of God which ●e Grecians call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was before all ●ings and from the beginning the whi●e both was with God and was and is ●od it selfe The same worde we con●sse was incarnate and conuersaunt ●nd continuing heere among vs a long ●me to the ende to reconcile mankinde 〈◊〉 his father and to preache vnto them ●hose name was called Iesus that ther●y might bée signified vnto vs that re●mption and euerlasting saluation was ●●rchased for vs by the benefit of hym ●he same surnamed Christe to signifie ●nto vs the anointing of the euerlasting ●riesthood of his kingdom that endureth ●r euer of his most certaine and true ●eaching And forasmuche as the same ●ernall and almightie God can neyther 〈◊〉 séene nor comprehended in the com●sse of mās vnderstanding he determi●ed and perordayned to distribute and ●stowe vppon men the treasures of hys ●isedome and grace by thys hys Legate and Ambassador sent from aboue Wher● vppon he is worthely termed the word o● God begotten of God from euerlasting and before the creation of Heauen an● earth This is the same Iesus that from the beginning spake vnto the Patria●ches and Prophetes imparting to them the will of his father being the very so● of God the shining brightnesse of his fathers glorye the expresse Image of hy● substaunce who vpholdeth and may●tayneth all thinges by this his most myghtye woorde and by the whych all thynges were erected bothe visibl● and inuisible And by thys worde beyn● the eternall and liuely worde we mean not any such thing as can be eyther set● down in paper or written with inke Fo● our meaning is that that word only m●● be written with inke whiche either pr●céeded foorth of hys owne mouth beyn● here in Earthe or out of the mouths 〈◊〉 some of hys ministers at hys wyll an●