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A18708 Two fruitfull and godly sermons preached at Dorchester in Dorsetshyre, the one touching the building of Gods temple, the other what the temple is. Chub, William. 1585 (1585) STC 5212; ESTC S109852 23,458 64

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make sporte before the Connies when he goeth about to catch one Sometimes by a rare fayre salutation as the Iewes that came to take Christe sayde Hayle master but alwayes ye shal know them by the parting blowe for though the Cat play and dally with the Mouse yet in the ende she grypeth him to death and aboue all the markes that I haue spoken of to know this sort of selfe-louers I hold this the chéefest that is they vtterly hate and contemne those men that they be perswaded they can get nothing of An other sorte of selfe-louers are such as cary a proude and a lofty mind accounting themselues the singuler menne of the world dishabling others and discrediting others to be best accounted of themselues these haue a kinde of secrete enuy in theyr harts for if you commend this mā or that man eyther for wisedom honesty welth pollicy manhoode comelines vertue learning or any other good quality straightway he will finde one occasion or other to dishable some of these qualities or vertues you shall quickly espye these kind of selfe-louers either by their séelines or by theyr silence their séelines I account a slender wysedome or a sickly conueiance in theyr talke and communication howbeit they are full of iolity and floe with such strang phrases as they themselues haue but borrowed and are not acquainted withal the other triall is silence which you shall approoue by consenting wyth his dislikyng and discommending of al men in those former qualities and vertues but then you must commend it in hym so if you finde him either to stammer or to bee silent vpon your commendation then thinke no other but you haue found the foole for Tully doth so call them saying Qui innititur suae prudentiae stultus est he that stādeth vpon his owne wisedome is a foole Both of these sorts of selfe-louers are filthy and abhominable Idols vnséemly for the decent temple of god howbeit the whole world almost is combred with thē in these present daies 2 Tim. 3 S. Paule himselfe speaketh of them that such shall come in the latter daies as shal be louers of thēselues vnnaturall An other most horrible Idol that doth much defile prophane the temple of the holy ghost is carnal plesure Carnall pleasure which is such detestable desire of the flesh as corrupteth knowledge defileth the conscience deformeth the soule imprisoneth the mynde and polluteth the members It is that deuilish motion which doth wholy carry vs from God and swalloweth vs vppe in shame I say vnto you it is that thing as if it were shaped nothing would seeme more ougly or monsterous for it translateth men into the forme of beasts and into the nature of deuils and therefore an vnfit ornament for the Temple of God whose reward is most horrible eyther wyth shame or with most odious and intollerable diseases or with extreame pouerty or with the blotting out of a posterity or with eternall damnation the Apostle sayth The adulterer and fornicator shal not inherite the kingdome of heauen I beséech thée O Lorde God of heauen to gyue little Englande repentant harts and féeling consciences to purge their Temples of this filthy sin Amen Worldly loue There is an other Idoll in this Temple of ours to whom all honour in these dayes is attributed and which doth onely take away the honor due vnto God and doth most abhominably pollute our harts which is the loue of the world Thys Idoll doth so mightily allure and so strongly prouoke that it doth wholly rauish mēs harts and altogether withdrawe theyr mindes from the true loue of God from the estimation and dignity of hys worde from the Law of nature from mutuall loue from the Kingdome of heauen and from all other good and godly estimations In so much that we may say with the Poet Quid non mortalia pectora cogit auri sacra fames What doth not the cursed desire of mony prouoke It made Iudas sell his master Christ and in these dayes it maketh not onely a great many to sell their master Christ but vtterly to forsake him it is the prouoker of displeasure betwixt man an man it is the ingenderer of theues it hatcheth cosoners extorcioners vsurers pillers pollers periurers murtherers flatterers sycophants it maketh offycers and magistrats blinde that they cannot sée notorious offenders it causeth many to make the ministry theyr refuge to the perishing of many a soule by their ignoraunce it hath disordered the noble estate of matrimony prouoking many to marry for muck and to like for lyuing wheras afterward in hart they hate all dayes of their life A great many harts it defileth with dissimulation contempte enuy vncharitablenes hardnes and so forth It maketh the sonne to wyshe and expect the fathers death in respect thereof It maketh men to buy offices and seeke for dignityes onely to haue the world not regarding Iustice or reformation but cōmodity and aduantage which greatly decayeth a common welth It causeth many a conscience to shutte vppe his compassion from the poore and it is the onely Porter in rich mens gates to barre fast the doore Many a man setteth his sonne to schoole not for vertues sake but for the worldes sake many a one preferreth hys Sonne to the ministry not for to preache but to haue lyuing many a one preferreth hys Sonne to be a Lawyer not so much to doo equity as to get the world and so of euery faculty all is for the world Howe many bee there that purchase Heauen for theyr children and brynge them vppe in such order as they may godlye behaue themselues as meete members for the kyngdome of heauen nay rather they séeke by all meanes to purchase the earth for them howe many séeketh to enrich themselues with the treasure of the kingdome of heauen Euery man séeketh by al meanes to possesse the earth and yet they sée not this difference the one bringeth ioy the other sorrowe the one giueth life the other death the one ioy and felicity the other penury misery sicknes and calamity What reward had the rich man in the Gospell for all his abundance of treasure lands lyuinges goods and delicate fare Luke 16 yet in the ende he was rewarded wyth a miserable death at which instant hee had thrée attendantly that gréedily gaped for hys death that is The rich man his executors the executor for hys goods the wormes for hys carkas and deuil for his soule this was the end and fruit of hys worldly gréedines and insatiable desire such men must néedes runne to a bad ende whose beginning and continuance is naught howe can that mann haue hys part among the godly that hath alwaies fauoured infidelity It is impossible to serue God Mammon they haue serued Mammon therfore his seruants they are to whom they obey whether it bée of sinne vnto death or of obedience vnto righteousnes Thus I haue briefly shewed you howe that wee are the
the Moone Why because say they then hadde wee plenty of victuales Iere 44 17. we were wel and felt no euill Such was the illusion of sathan to feede their adoration with a worldly sauour of security as though the true blessednes did consist in the peace and plenty of this worldly life Also the Pharesies did obserue that whole Law in outward shewe Pharisies they fasted they truly tythed mynt annise and commin what could the world sée in them but the whole body of godlines but yet Christe who knoweth the secrets of all harts said they were hipocrits dissemblers Who were more deuoute Math 23 and more gyuen to fasting then the Manichies Maniches which gaue straight order for the obseruing thereof and refrained from the eating of fleshe and yet concerning all other cates and deynties they so porred themselues that they cracked And I pray you what greater shewe of godlines charity humility chastity c was there séene in our Papists Papists in al their actions here in England and els where they were ful of prayers night watches Dirges and solemnities but in what straunge tongue and straunge deuise and in what deuotion the world knoweth they were so full of chastitie that none of them woulde marrye and yet few but had his Curtisan they were full of charity and yet Tyrants yea such Wolues as did daily sucke the bloode of Christ his flocke they gaue almes plentifully but they had politike deuises to extort it from others they ordeyned obserued many holy dayes which bredd and hatched many idellers Idolaters feasters gamsters in all sorts dauncers incontinent match-makers and such like abuses great store scarce was there one that coulde make account of hys fayth for the comfort of the Gospell was hydde from them and all good godly exercises in asmuch as if euer the kingdome of ignorance raigned it florished in theyr dayes And now in these last daies wherin the Gospell God be thanked florisheth Protestants and the word of God is dayly preached we sée a great many lip Gospellers which haue the word of God in theyr mouth euen from the téeth forward how they wil dispute daily of it how they wil make choise of theyr companies yet by their workes ye shall know them for some of them are great slanderers backbiters and scornfull dispisers of other men many of thē great enemies to the poore such hold the gospell sometimes for the fauour they beare to theyr fréends sometime for the malyce they bere to others some are so couetous that they are become priuy vsurers and open extortioners It is a lamentable world to sée in this present age the verye picture of the yong man that wold learne to enter into the kingdome of heauen but would not forsake and sell all that hee had to follow Christ An other sorte you shall sée to be like Cleophas to goe with Christ and yet not to know him these are lyke such as S. Paule speaketh of that wyll come in the latter dayes hauing a shewe of godlines 2 Tim. 3 but denying the vertue therof and as the Apostle sayeth in an other place They say that they know God whē as they déeme him in theyr déedes because they are themselues abhominable The Prophet Esay doth sharply reprooue such hypocrits saying Esay 48 1.2 Heare ye this O house of Iacob which are called by the name of Israell and are come out of the waters of Iuda which sweare by the name of the Lord and make mention of the God of Israel but not in trueth nor in righteousnes for they are called of the holy cittye and stay themselues vpon the God of Israel whose name is the Lord of hostes The very like hipocrites doth the Prophet Ieremy recite saying Run to and fro by the stréetes of Ierusalem Iere. 5.1 2 and behold nowe and knowe and enquire in the open places thereof if yee can find a man or if there be any the executeth iudgment and séeketh the trueth and I wil spare it for though they say the Lorde liueth yet they sweare falsely Thus may yee sée in this briefe discourse the heape of aduersaries which the church alwaies hath had and yet hath woorking vnder the colour of holines by reason whereof they haue not onely brought their mischiuous purposes the sooner to passe as it is sayde before in hindering the building of true holines but by this meanes the credite and honor of the godly hath béene embased and oftentimes hadde in suspition yea condemned amongst a great many of indifferent worldlings wherefore that the one may the better be known from the other euen as I haue before layde downe the maner and behauiour of the wycked and theyr hypocrisie so wyll I as my text leadeth me lay downe the conuersation and behauiour of the godly with theyr profession that as the one is séene knowne by hypocrisie so the other may bee seene and knowen by constancy In Zerubbabell otherwise called Barachias together with Ieshua the reste fathers of Israell was founde this godlye disposition 1 That they refused the aduersaries offered helpe lothing to ioyne with them 2 They professed themselues to build together 3 Vnto the God of Israel In the first fruit of their good profession constancy it appeareth that they allowed not of the offered helpe and assistaunce of the aduersaries although indéede the present occasion of newe repayring theyr Citty Anno mun 3419. and laying the foundation of theyr Temple requyred al helpe and assistance yet theyr purpose and labor considered they meant nothing les beeing the children of God then themselues to doo it that as the Temple was a place of holye exercises and a mistery of an euerlasting sanctuary so it shoulde be erected by none but such as were vnfainedly the Lordes workmen wherefore this séemed to bée a godly purpose in the children of God to refuse these aduersaries and not to estéeme of theyr labours for two causes First for that they wexed not faynte nor weary in the trauell performance of good thinges dedicated to the Lord. Secondly that they refused to ioyne themselues to the wicked knowing the inconueniences of a wicked participation in the which two considerations if Gods people doo well consider of this president so long layde before theyr eyes as a good example it cannot chuse but be a fruitful patterne for in that they shrinked not at so great a labour but were wylling to doo it themselues it is notable for vs to learne specially in these dayes to doo our godly exercises labors especially which are dedicated to the lord our owne selues without the care of our owne paynes or the trust wee shoulde repose in others and then wee shoulde see howe the Byshop sometimes woulde refuse hys Register the Iustice hys Clark the pastor hys seruing priest the Sherife hys arrant Baylyues the master hys seruant and so foorth of many other professions of
of the malefactor which was the Temple ordeined for godly exercises and therfore gyueth this sentence a little before That he that shall defile the Temple of GOD Cap 3 17 him shall God destroy because wee are called not to vncleanenes but to holines not to fulfill the desires of the fleshe nor to satisfie the lusts of our carnal minde but to purge our corruptible man of them and to adorne the Temple with godly ornaments that like as the Temple of Salomon Hagge 2 and the Temple of Zerubbabell were garnished the one with godly ornaments and the other with peace so our Temples I meane our bodyes should bée decked and furnished with ornamentes méete for such an inhabitant as the holye Ghost is and the ornaments méete for this Temple of ours is fayth loue truth mercy pitty chastity knowledge wisedome and so foorth which vndoubtedly are already sent downe by God to vs to garnish this his Temple in vs if by our owne disobedience and wickednes we doo not defile them and banishe them but I am afrayd and it doth partly appeare by this present age of ours that we so gréeue the holy Ghost with worldly affections and filthy delights that wee banish bothe the holy Ghoste and also defile those noble vertues which are giuen vs as ornamēts to pollish our Temple so that both fayth truth mercy loue honesty al are gon to heauen to chalenge the celestiall roome for that the harte of man is so defiled with sin and wickednes that all the whole worlde is corrupted and ouerflowed with iniquity and the inhabitants that now do holde the hart of mā as a dwelling place which are discorde selfe-loue carnall pleasure and worldly loue haue vtterly expelled and quite banished these former noble vertues from the mind and hart of man in so much that if we behold them as they are they worke a great confusion and ouerthrow of all christian order and corrupteth euery good conuersation and are set vp as Idols in the Temple of God for if you looke into the first of these inhabitants or Idols Discord which is discorde or variance that is to say the iarring and secrete malice among housholders citties prouinces and kingdomes yea euen within themselues one detracting and slaundering an other one eating vp an other one ouerthrowing an other one taking away from an other one robbing from an other one murthering an other and one vndooing an other it is euen an hel to sée it and a lamentable matter to sée the renting a sunder of Christes poore members the putting of loue and charity to flight miserable is that estate that shall sée such an exile Sathan dooth worke so mightily by flatterers and mens eares are so ready to heare them that discorde and variance being quickly sowen maketh a speedy haruest and it is so contagious that it hath almost infected all the worlde in somuch that it is to be demaunded who is frée from a hatefull harte or from a dysdainfull and malicious stomacke and our nature is such that wee can hardly sustayne it it is a token that we are voyde of good affection for when our neighbour or brother hath offended vs or trespassed vs a small matter to the value of one grote is not our nature ready to spende twentye shyllinges or twenty nobles to be reuenged by extreame Lawe thys procéedeth not frō Iustice to be restored our wrong or from patience as the Apostle sayth to forbeare one an other for then we would looke but for a bare recompence or restitution according to the measure of the damage yea and that with patience but it appeareth that we are hatefull and malicious when we can not endure a grote damage and yet can afoorde the spending of twenty shyllings thys procéedeth altogether from the rankor of stomacke Besides all thys the manner of thys present world is to stomacke at the happy estate of others who are eyther promoted to wealth or lyfted into fauour contemning them with a malicious hart iudging themselues euery man in hys owne opynion to be as worthy of the same happines as they that haue it In this thyng they obserue their malice and looke not into the distribution of Gods purpose gyuing to whom he wyll and taking away from whom he wyll God grant that these discordes doo not admitte our aduersaries boldnesse and courage to our ouerthrowe for if it shoulde come to passe I feare mee a greate manye woulde pray vppon their stomacked neyghbours bending their enuious harts rather then theyr country quarrel The great citty of Numantia being very strong and populous was besieged of Scipid and he layde siedge vnto it a long time and neuer could ransacke it in the ende the Cittizens fell out among themselues and were at variaunce then theyr force weakened and themselues drew not together by means whereof Scipio easily tooke the Citty to theyr great spoyle and ouerthrow Salust sayth Concordia res paruae crescunt discordia magnae chlabuntur By concord small things doo encrease and through discorde Math 18. great things come to decay Our Sauiour Christ sayth Euery kingdome deuided against it selfe can not endure Wherfore as the prophet Dauid saith O howe good and ioyful a thing it is for brethren Psal 133 to dwel together in vnity for that vnity is so swéete comfortable vnto thē as the dewe that falleth vppon Hermon and as the hils haue no other comfort but the dewe of heauen for it hath no running Ryuers to comfort the grasse thereof euen so nothing dooth make a more prosperous estate among men then vnitie as it is a fit ornament for the Temple of God euen so is discorde a foule pollution and a filthy spotte in the members of men An other inhabitant or Idoll Selfe loue that is placed in the Temple of God I meane in the hart of man is selfe loue a quality or disposition altogether purposed to vnfettell good order and to vnioynt the society of man and to extoll himselfe and to throw downe others this happeneth first in those that doo insatiably scratch heape vnto themselues although they take from others to theyr vtter decay these men are vayd of pitty hard of conscience not fearing God nor forcing the Lawe if they chance to be touched with the Lawe they wil alwayes haue a shift eyther to cosen the Law or to blind the Iusticers of law or to bribe the ministers of law and whatsoeuer they doo among the common sorte of people in company pleasure solace or trauell they wyll be sure if they be dealing of nutts How yee shall know them they will reserue the kernels to their owne share These men are knowen sometimes by a fayre flatteryng face as a Scorpion sometimes by groning and making themselues sicke as Achab did sometimes by a suddaine fitte of vnusuall liberality in giuing a cuppe of drinke but then beware the Fox I haue heard it reported that the Fox will tomble and