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A13155 An abridgement or suruey of poperie conteining a compendious declaration of the grounds, doctrines, beginnings, proceedings, impieties, falsities, contradictions, absurdities, fooleries, and other manifold abuses of that religion, which the Pope and his complices doe now mainteine, and vvherewith they haue corrupted and deformed the true Christian faith, opposed vnto Matthew Kellisons Suruey of the new religion, as he calleth it, and all his malicious inuectiues and lies, by Matthevv Sutcliffe. Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1606 (1606) STC 23448; ESTC S117929 224,206 342

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respuunt they beleeued not also that children dying yong should possesse the kingdome of heauen and doe not all sects of Monkes and Friers among the Papists exclude married folkes out of their cloisters doe not the Masse-priests also exclude all children dying before baptisme yea where it was much desired out of the kingdome of heauen 33. Priscillian saith Augustine haeres 70. disioined married folkes his words are coniuges disiungens his followers to hide their filthie opinions and beastlinesse make no account to forsweare themselues propter occultandas contaminationes turpitudines suas habent in suis dogmatibus iura periura secretum prodere noli they refuse also to eat flesh as vncleane meat and come not the Papists neere them in these points that separate Monkes and Priests that doe marrie from their wiues and teach their schollers to forsweare themselues the Rhemistes in Act. 23. say that oathes taken against Papists which they falsly call Catholikes may and must be broken vnder paine of damnation this periury is also allowed by 2. rinegued English traitours Allen and Parsons in their resolutions of cases of conscience wherein they teach their schollers to play the villaines and to periure themselues with a good popish conscience the Carthusians also and diuers Monkes forsweare eating flesh which they cannot doe in reason but that they thinke it lesse cleane than fish 34. The Helcesaites make Christ in heauen to differ from Christ on earth as Theodoret. de haeret fab c. de Helcesaeis doth testifie Christum non vnum dicunt saith he sed hune quidem supernè illum infernè so Papists aboue make Christ visible and palpable but in the Sacrament neither visible nor palpable 35. The Eutychianistes deny that Christ after the vnion of the two natures had a true body but as Leo signifieth ser 6. de teiumo 7. mensis a body without shape dimensions or circumscription they said also that Christ was both in heauen and earth at one time against whom Vigilius disputing lib. 4. contr Eutych c. 4. saith that the flesh of Christ when it was on earth was not in heauen and being now in heauen is not on earth and these points of Eutychianisme the Papists haue reteined for they say Christs body is really in the eucharist where no shape nor dimensions of a body do appeare they saie also that Christs body is both in heauen and earth at one time which taketh away all circumscription from Christs body and is contrarie to the doctrine of Vigilius Theodoret also Dial. 2. doth refute this heresie by similitude of the eucharist for that the substance of bread remaineth in the Sacrament after consecration 36. The Papists also in many points conspire with the enemies of Gods grace the Pelagians Augustine de haeres c. 88. saith that they hold that without grace a man may performe all Gods commandements and Bellarmine de grat lib. arb lib. 5. c. 5. 9. hath these words solis naturae viribus posse aliquem ad breuissi●ū tempus omnia sernare scilicet diuina mandata he shifteth off the matter by adding quoad substantiam operis but the Pelagiani no doubt being pressed would say so much nay if man haue freewill as well to obserue the law as to breake the same then must he needes be able alwaies to performe all the law by force of his freewill The Pelagians beleeue that a man may bee without all sinne so likewise doe the Papists in effect for they say that euery man hath freewill to abstaine from all sinne and Bellarmme lib. 4. de iustific c. 11. saith that man is able to performe the law of God perfectly of which it followeth necessarily that he may be without sinne for he that performeth the law of God perfectly is without all sinne They teach that concupiscence by baptisme is sanctified and being before euill doth afterward beginne not to be euill as may be collected out of S. Augustine lib. 6. contr Inlianum c. 6. and their argument is for that the guilt of concupiscence is remooued by baptisme the Papists also hold that concupiscence after baptisine is no sinne and of this it followeth that concupiscence is sanctified by baptisme The Pelagians say that we haue a strong and firme freewill not to sinne and the censurers of Colein̄ and Bellarmine in diuers places affirme that sinne is subiect to our will and that man by freewill hath power to doe good and to abstaine from euill he that list to fee diuers other points of concordance betwene Papists and Pelagians let him read my last challenge Andradius handling the point of freewill saith that Philosophers by force of their freewill were able to atteine true faith and iustice by which they might be saued doe not then Papists come neere Pelagians 37. The Donatistes as S. Augustine saith haeres 69. beleeued that Christs church was confined in Afrike and remained in the faction of Donatus quod ecclesia Christian Africa Donati parte remanserit they rebaptized also catholike Christians the Papists likewise confine the church within the iurisdiction of Rome and saction of the Pope they presume also to rebaptize better Christians then themselues 38. As the Circumcellions so the Papists thinke it meritorious to kill all that are opposite to their sect as the practises of Pius the fifth Sixtus the fifth and other Popes against Queene Elzabeth the French King Henry the third and fourth Prince Maurice and diuers other Christian Kings and Princes the massacres of France and Flanders doe shew Sixtus Quintus did commend the execrable murder committed by Iames Clement a Dominican Frier Iohn Ghineard a Iebusite was hanged for mainteining the bloody doctrine of murdring Princes excommunicat by the Pope 39. Sigebertus Gemblacensis doth accompt it an heresie to beleeue that the Pope can assoile subiects from their obedience or excommunicat such as will not rebell against Princes haresis saith he pestilentissima populū percellit yet this heresie doe Papists mainteine both by their doctrine and practise 40. The Audeans or Anthropomorphites did imagine God to haue a shape and figure like to a man which if the Papists doe not beleeue then why doe they worship God the father in the similitude of an old man and if this bee not the likenesse of God but of an apparition why doe they giue Gods honor to their owne fancies 41. Origens heresie was that he beleeued that the damned might in the end be saued as Augustine de haeres c. 43. sheweth from this they digresse not far that beleeue that Traiaus soule was fetched out of hell by the praiers of Gregorie furthermore if Purgarorie be in hell why may not soules as wel be fetched out of other partes as that part of hell 42. Eunomius taught that so a man were of his religion it skilled not greatly what sinnes he committed asseuerabat saith S. Augustine de haeres c. 54. quod nihl cuiquam obesset quorumlibet perpetratio ac perseuerantia peccatorum
Rome before our times is not the church because no man can now see it They hold also that the true church may alwaies be seene and discerned but this being so how happeneth it that the Pagan Emperors in time past and the Turkes now doe neither see it nor discerne it for we may not thinke that if they knew the church they would hate it and persecute it They beare men in hand that the Pope desining out of his chaire cannot erre but it is as much as if they should say that a blinde man sitting in a chaire cannot do amisse in iudging colours or that the Pope should be more wise sitting in a chaire then standing in a pulpit or walking in a hal sitting at the table in his chaire and feeding daintily then disputing in schooles They call him Christes vicar yet our Sauiour did neither weare triple crowne nor thunder out his excommunications against Gods children nor persecute cut the throates of Christians By the right of S. Peter the Pope challengeth power to depose Princes and to translate kingdomes yet it is absurd to thinke that Peter had any such power They know that Peter was charged to feed Christs sheepe are they not then absurd fellowes that beleeue the Pope to be S. Peters successor that neuer feedeth nor teacheth but rather murdroth and massacreth Christians Peter was neuer borne vpon mens shoulders nor did he giue his feete to be kissed of his followers as a fauour nay when Cornelius fell downe at his feete he willed him to rise vp and would not suffer himselfe to be worshipped are they not then strange fellowes that beleeue the Pope to be S. Peters heire who is heaued on mens shoulders and requireth that Princes and all others should kisse his feete and worship him They permit publicke stewes and forbid honest wedlocke they dispence with adulterie and fornication very easily as appeareth by the chap. siclerici de iudicijs but depose and burne their priests and friers if they ioyne themselues in honest marriage with lawfull wiues are they not then absurd fellowes that make good euill and euill good Euery continued quantitie is in one place are they not then strange teachers that say Christes body is in many places at once and that it is in heauen and in earth and not in the middle place nor continued to it selfe Reason teacheth vs that accidents haue their being in a subiect but these fellowes against reason say they subsist in the Sacrament without a subiect The Aegyptians absteined from eating such creatures as they worshipped for God but the Masse-priests as men more senselesse then the barbarous heathen nations haue no sooner made their God but they deuoure him and heereof proceeded such a scandale that Auerroes for this onely cause pronounced the Romish religion to be the most foolish and absurd religion of all others Christes body in heauen they confesse is to be felt and seene how then commeth it to passe that this bodie being at the same time in the Sacrament as Papistes say is neither felt nor seene is not this notorious patcherie They confesse also that Christes body is of a iust length breadth and thicknesse are they not then absurd fellowes that beleeue that such a body can be conteined in a piece of an host no bigger then a counter and are they in their wits that teach that one host being consecrated Christes whole body is there and that the host being broken Christs body is also whole in euery peece thereof Are they not also impious and absurd fellowes that say that a dogge a hogge a mouse or a sparrow may cate vp the Sauiour of the world That the same man should be both a creature and a creator nay a creator of his owne Creator is an absurditie passing the boundes both of religion and reason and yet this is a peece of Popish diuinitie Innocentius lib. 4. de myst missae c. 19. sayth that dayly a creature is made the creator ita ergo quotidie creatura sit creator and in Stella Clericorum we finde these words Sacerdos est creator sui Creatoris that is a Priest is the creator of his creator Papistes also make Christians barbarous Canibales and eaters of mans flesh and drinkers of mans blood Nay when they eate his flesh they suppose they drinke his blood by a necessarie concomitance making Christians both to cate and drinke with one breath and in a certeine prouinciall constitution beginning ignorantia de summa Trinit the Masse-priests teach their followers neither to cate nor to drinke Christes body but to suppe it vp perfectly tritum modicè sorbere perfectè Christes blood hath redeemed vs and saued vs as holie Scriptures teach vs. but the papistes say that Christes bloud is really in the chalice after consecration in which notwithstanding we reade in stories that both Victor the third and William archbishop of Yorke that liued in the daies of Anastasius the 4. was poisoned In the Sacrament they confesse that wormes may be engendred and that the consecrated wine may be corrupted is it not then a most absurd peece of doctrine to hold that Christs body and bloud should be in the Sacrament where vermine is engendred and which is subiect to corruption Is it not also extreme folly to abandon Christ in whose name we are commanded to pray to the Father and to pray to God in the name of Saints which is no where commanded but rather forbidden as derogatory to Gods honour In the office of our Ladie at Matins in a certeine antiphona they say gaude Maria virgo cunctas haereses sola interemisti in toto mundo Resoice virgin Mary thou onely hast killed all heresies in the whole world but what more foolish then without warrant to ascribe this to the virgin Mary and to take this honour from almightie God They also say their Pater noster before stockes and stones but what is more absurd then to pray to those that cannot heare and to looke for helpe of them that cannot helpe themselues The Masse-priests in their praiers looking vpon a little woodden crucifixe say thou hast redeemed vs. thou hast reconciled vs to thy Father as Bellarmine lib. 2. de cultu sanct c. 23. confesseth may we then thinke that these are well in their wits that make a peece of wood or mettall their Sauiour and take this honour from the Sonne of God to giue it to a dumbe image In their breuiaries they pray thus to the crosse auge pijs iustitiam reisque dona veniam iner●ase iustice in the godly and grant pardon to sinners are they not very blockish then trow you that thus pray to a blocke and hope to finde pardon of a dumbe creature At Cahors in France they pray to Christs winding-sheete which they call sudarium saying holy sudary pray for vs and againe sudarium Christi liberet nos à peste morte tristi the winding sheet of Christ let it deliuer vs from the plague
clergie there was neither religion nor good life nor shame afterward he taxeth the luxuriousnesse of all estates but especially the furiousnesse of lusts the ambition couetousnesse and superstition of the Romish Clergie Marcellus Palingenius in virgine complaineth of a generall corruption of manners throughout the world imo libenter saith he Destituam hunc mundum innumerisque refertum Fraudibus atque dolis incestibus atque rapinis Est vbi nulla fides piet as est nulla nec vlla Iustitia pax requies vbi crimina regnant Omnia He saith that all vices reigned and that there was neither faith nor piety nor iustice in the world viz. among the Papists Matthew Paris in Henrico tertio complaineth that religion was trodden vnder foote and that vsury and simony reigned Erasmus de amicab concord saith that if a man looke neerely he shall find all filled with fraudes iniuries rapines si quis propiùs inspiciat inueniet fraudibus iniurijs rapini●referta omnia Hereupon Petrus de Aliaco lib. de reformat ecclesiae complaineth that certaine barators had destroied the church which the fathers had formerly built primitius theologi ecclesiam aedificauerunt quam nunc baritatores destruxerunt Simony and Vsury among the Romanists is so common that as Matth. Paris saith they accompt the first no sinne the second a small sinne Felin in c. ex parte de offic potest iudic delegat saith that without the rent of Simony the popes sea would grow contemptible heu Simon regnat per munera quaeque reguntur saith one in hist Citizensi Theodoric à Niem lib. 2. de schism c. 7. saith that vsury did then so much preuaile that it was accompted no fault Paul the 4. and Pius the 4. in their times were great banquiers and vsurers as we may see in their liues written by a Parasite of the Popes called Onuphrius If we should speake of particular men we should find no end of their villanies Wernerus speaking of Iohn the 12. saith he was wholy giuen to lust totus lubricus Beno Platina and others testifie that Siluester the 2. and Benedict the ninth were Magicians and the Diuels sworne sernantes Gregory the 7. was deposed by the councell of Brixia as a notorious necromancer possessed with a diabolicall spirit Iohn the 23. was conuicted in the councell of Constance to be an incestuous person a Sodomit and an atheist denying the immortality of the soule as we reade in the actes thereof Clement the 5. as Hermannus testifieth was a publike fornicator the same is also testified by Mattheo Villani hist l. 3. c. 39. against Clement the sixt Sixtus the 4. passed Nero in cruelty and all villany Gaude prisce Nero saith one vincit te crimine Sixtus Hic scelus omne clauditur vitium Marullus and others testifie against Innocent the 8. that he had sixteene bastards and was a dull fellow giuen to carnall pleasures Of Alexander the 6. we reade that he wasted the world ouerthrew law and religion neither could Onuphrius dissemble his vices He that listeth to see the like testimonies against Masse-priests Monkes Friers and their complices let him reade the second booke of my answere to Rob. Parsons his warne-word But what should proofes neede in so plaine matters if the Popes whom they call most holy be such we must not imagine that their base slaues and dependants are better The practise of this sect doth iustifie this charge most fullie of late time they haue murdred millions of Gods Saints In England of late they attempted to destroy the King and his house to blow vp the Lords Commons in Parliament assembled and to cut the throtes of all good men they neither respect King nor friend old nor yoong oath nor promise Among themselues there is neither iustice nor honesty poore people are abused with superstitious shewes and dissembled grauity through the practises of Popes Christendome is diuided and the kingdome of Turkes enlarged Can those therefore bee good men that doe such leud acts and haue they reason to boast of works whose liues are so defiled with all vices CHAP. XXXI That in Popery a base accompt is made of Princes and all lay-men HOly scriptures doe giue honorable titles not only to Kings and Princes but also to all the people of God Princes Rom. 13. are called superior powers and Gods ministers for our good and in diuers places they are dignified as Gods anoynted Christians are also called Saints and Gods heritage and his sonnes and children and heires of Gods kingdome annexed together with Christ but the Masse-priests and polshorne crew make but a base reckoning of them for first they appropriat to themselues the title of Gods inheritance calling themselues 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and clericos as if the Popes greasie shauelings were only Gods inheritance and the rest were profane and common persons Secondly in the church they diuide themselues from lay-men as if lay-men were not holy inough to communicate with them in Gods seruice or else as if they were vnworthy to come neere the Popes poleshorne and greasie complices Thirdly they call themselues only spirituall men as if the lay-people were grosse and carnall and without sense and feeling of piety they doe call themselues also Gods annointed interpreting these words touch not mine anointed of their owne greasie company Fourthly the state of matried folkes is termed a damned state of life as appeareth by their decretales de conuersione coniugatorum where they talke of married folks entring into monasteries no otherwise then as if they should talke of the conuersion of sinners Syricius c. plurimos dist 82. doth talke of maried folkes as of men profane and vnholy and Innocentius in the same distinction c. proposuisti doth interpret these words of the Apostle those that are in the flesh cannot please God of married folkes as if they were in the flesh and could not please God for otherwise his conclusion is of no valew Fiftlie they call lay-people imperfect for that is a worde vsed by Faber contra anatomen missae the state of perfection they ascribe commonly to Monkes and Friers some call them doggs and hoggs and proue that scriptures are not to be permitted to be read in vulgar tongues because holie things are not to bee giuen to dogs nor pearles cast before swine Thomas Aquinas 2.2 q. 2. art 6. compareth Gods people to asses holding that it is sufficient for them to adhere to their superiors in matters of saith because we read Ioh 1. that the oxen were at plow and the Asses fedde by them Summa Rosella and Siluester in his summe in verb. fides doth take lay-men and simple people to be all one and commonly they call them idiots and rude fellowes 6 Pops Alexander trod vpon the Emperors necke calling him a lion basiliske and Boniface the 8. indeuoreth to make Kings his subiects 7 They make Kings and Princes their hang-men exequutioners forcing them to put Gods Saints to death whom the
both draw their swords and put them vp at his command and suffer him to taxe their subiects and run to him for faculties and dispensations and finally can neither dispose of the possessions of the church nor of the persons of church-men we may boldly say that Poperie either maketh kings no kings or but halfe kings CHAP. XXXVIII That Kings liue not in any securitie of their liues where Popery is professed by their subiects DAuid the man of God would not suffer any of his followers to lay his hands vpon Saul although God had appointed him to succeed in the kingdome and reiected Saul and great respect alwaies haue Christians had to their soueraigne Lords and Princes In the canons attributed to the Apostles c. 83. euery contumelious spech against the Emperour or magistrat is iudged worthy of punishment what are we then to thinke of the Popes of Rome and their complices that not only curse and raile against princes and magistrates but also stirre vp all the world against them if they will not yeeld to their Lordly will and pleasure such certes are the children of Belial and not the seruants of God I hope therefore Christian Princes will open their eies and euery day grow more wary in their dealings with the popes of Rome and their agents which are no lesse dangerous in respect of their liues and persons then their roiall estats and kingdomes For first they hold that is lawfull for the Pope to change kingdomes and to take from one and to giue to another as Bellarmine in expresse termes determineth l. 5. de pont Rom. c. 6. And this is declared by the continuall practise of Popes who these many yeares haue gone about to take from one and to giue to another now giuing the kingdome of Sicily and Naples to the French now to the Spanish now challenging it themselues the kingdome of Nauarre is holden from the French king by no better warrant then the Popes grant by the same also the Spaniards and Portingals haue diuided the Indians betwixt them Boniface the eight by his bull made Philip and the kingdome of France subiect to Albert. Philippum ciusque regnum Alberto regi subijcit saith Platina in Bonifacio 8. but what king doth not with his sword defend his state and chooseth not rather to loose his life then his kingdome Secondly they teach that the Pope is to iudge of Kings as is defined by the extranagant vnams inctam de maiorit obed they giue the Pope also power to depose kings and to take away their crownes but it were great simplicity to thinke that any magnanimous Prince will either lose his crowne or submit himselfe to be iudged by a pole-shorne Pope without force nay sooner will he hazard his life then either loose his crowne or submit himselfe to the Popes iudgement Finally both by their doctrine and practise it appeareth that the Popes and their agents haue sought to murder empoison and destroy such kings and princes as either were excommunicat by them or else were opposite vnto them Gregory the 7. watching the Emperor that was wont to pray in the church of S. Mary as Beno testifieth hired a fellow to place great stones vpon the beames or vault of the church right ouer the place where he praied which being throwne downe might kill him his words are these imperator solitus erat frequenter ire ad oration mad ecclesiam S. Mariae quae est in mente Auentino Hildebrandus autem cum per exploratores omma eius opera solicitè inquircret locum in quo frequentius imperator velstans vel prostratus orabat notari secit quendam promissa pecunia ad hoc induxit vt supra trabes ecclesiae occultè lapides magnos collocaret ita aplaret vt de alto super caput imperatoris demitteret ipsum contereret againe the same Beno saith that the Pope went about by secret traitors to destroy the emperor eisdem diebus parauit imperatorem perdere per occultos proditores and when by secret trechery he could effect nothing by publike force and armes he sought to subdue him Innocent the second hauing raised an armie fought with Roger King of Sicilia in a pitcht field thinking to destroie him Philip the Emperour and his successor Otho were both brought to their destructiō by the practises of Innocent the 3 about this time also Iohn king of England was poisoned by a Monke of Swinsted-abby for that he was supposed to be aduerse to the Popish faction his empoisonment is particularly set downe in Caxtons chronicle Henry of Lucemburg the emperour was poisoned in the Sacrament by a Dominican frier about the yeare of our Lord 1313. quidam religiosus saith Vrspergensis porrexit imperatori intoxicatam eucharistiam the same is also testified by baptista Igantius supplementum Chronicorum Textor in officina c. veneno extincti and diuers others Sleidanus saith the Frier was moued thereunto by Clement the fifth and the reason was for that the Emperour grew too strong in Italy this act committed by a Dominican Frier was the cause of the death of manie Friers of that order slaine by the Emperors souldiers Matthew Paris in Henrico 3. testifieth that Pope Innocent the 4. was charged with the empoisonment of Fridericke the Emperor by the meanes of Peter de Vinea and that the fame of the Pope was not a little stained by this foule fact obsorduit domini Papae fama saith he per hoc non mediocriter in the end he was murdred by Mansrede as is said not without the secret practise of the Pope Ioan the Queene of Naples being taken by her enemies was murdered with the priuitie and consent of Vrbane the sixth Charles the king of Naples by the bloody councell of Clement the 4. caused Conradmus and Frederike duke of Austria to be put to death vita Conradim mors Caroli said Clement which cost that yoong Prince his life Sixtus the fourth was the principall contriuer of that treason whereby Iulian de medic●s was slaine and his brother Laurence hurt in the church of Reparata at Florence at the elcuation of the sacrament conscio adinuante pontifice saith Volateran Geograph lib. 5. Alexander the 6. caused Gemes the Turkes brother to bee empoisoned being hired thereto by promises and mony by the great Turke so little conscience doe Popes make of murdring princes Paul the 3. in his bull against Henry the 8. King of England exhorted the Nobles and principall men of England to oppose themselues against him with force and armes and sent Cardinall Poole to forraine princes to stirre them vp against the king giuing him and his people as a pray to his enemies and by all meanes seeking to destroy him Pius the fifth excommunicated all that would not take armes against Queene Elizabeth our late dread Soueraign and by secret practise stirred her subiects against her Sixtus Quintus anno 1588. in his declaration against the foresaide Lady exhorteth her people to lay
and that none taught in those countries beside S. Peter and such as he sent a lie directly repugnant to Scriptures which testifie that S. Paul preached in those countries being appointed by God thereto and not by man and refuted by diuers ancient histories and fathers who write that diuers others preached there beside S. Peters priests and messengers S. Augustine epist 162. sheweth that the Gospel came into Aphrike out of other countries then those that belonged to the church of Rome Gregory the 4. c. in praeceptis dist 12. saith that all bishops causes and the discussing of matters of religion belongeth to the See of Rome and that religion tooke her beginning from thence a matter apparantly false for religion began at Hierusalem and not at Rome and Councels in ancient time determined the differents in causes of Religion and not the bishop of Rome who was as well subiect to the decision of the general councell as other bishops Anacletus c. in nouo dist 21. saith that the rest of the Apostles made Peter their Prince which is contradicted by the Papistes themselues that deriue Peters authoritie from Christ. Nicolas dist 22. c. omnes telleth vs that Christ gaue to Peter the right of the kingdome both of heduen and earth but of this earthly kingdome belonging to Peter this is the first man that euer told newes Anacletus dist 22. c. sacrosancta affirmeth that both Peter and Paul were crowned with martyrdome in one day and at the some time but this leasing is refuted by Prudentius peri stephan Hymno 12. Arator in act Apost lib. 2. Augustine serm 18. de sanctis and others Innocent the 4. c. ad apostolicae de sent re iudicat affirmeth that Sicily is the speciall patrimony of Peter est speciale patrimonium Petri. but no where doe were reade where either Christ gaue or Peter claimed this patrimony Clement the fifth c. Romani Clem. de iureiurando most boldly and impudently writeth that Emperors hauing the crowne set vpon their heads sweare fealty to the Pope a matter certes which Bellarmine the Popes proctor would blush to affirme for albeit he would willingly gratifie the Pope whith any thing yet dare he not say that the Roman Empire is holden in fee of the Pope and thus the Popes runne on headlong heaping priuileges on Rome and building the tower of Babel by lies The same is also practised by Bellarmine as I haue shewed in diuers discourses written against him by Baromus as my speciall exceptions taken to his volumes fraught with lies and fables do declare by Parsons and Kellison as by my answeres to their bookes it may appeare Turrecremata lib. 3. sum c. 9. affirmeth that Helena and 3000. Iewes were conuerted to Christian religion in a councell at Rome vnder Siluester but other more true stories report that she was alwares a Christian and holpe to conuert her sonne Constantine Lib. 2. sum c. 300. he saith that Paul did some things which he afterward retracted quaedam fecit quae postea reuocauit The Emperor Henry the fourth by the Romanists is most vniustly standred as if he had prostituted his owne wife to his sonne and done other such like abominable actes matters merely deuised by the Popes agents Fridericke the 2. was a most noble Prince and greatly praised by the Cardinall of Cusa Aegidius Romanus and others yet was he most vniustly reuiled and standred by Gregory the 9. Innocent the 4. and their agents as it doth appeare by the testimony of Matthew Paris in Henrico 3. Capgraue telleth how a hundred and fifty of Ioseph of Arimathaea his company sailed out of France into great Britany vpon Iosephes shirt a small barge certes for so many passengers Antoninus hist part 3. reporteth how an innumerable troupe of the order of Dominske were seene in heauen couered vnder the blessed virgins gowne Stapleton in his prompruarie dominica 2. aduentus brocheth vs a barrell of lies first he saith that Sebastian a certeine musician was put in prison for demaunding liberty of conscience by the last Queene and that one Gifford was imprisoned by her likewise for the same cause after he had enterteined the Queene very bountifully at his house and that Shelley was committed for presenting a request in the behalfe of the papists matters meerely imagined and deuised by lying companions and foolishly reported by him the two first we cannot learne euer to haue beene committed the third was imprisoned for plaine treason The Papists accused the people of Zuricke for teaching that the virgine Mary had more sonnes then one and that Iames died for them as we may reade in Sleidan lib. hist. 4. and Bellarmine lib. 4. de iustific c. 1. saith we little regard good works and lib. 2. de amiss grat c. 1. he accuseth the Albrgians as they are called and Caluin for holding the error of the Manichecs which they alwaies renounced and detested In his bo●ke de Matrimonio c. 2. he blusheth not to charge them whom he calleth Lutherans and Caluinists with holding that matrimonie is not of God a point expresly denied by them Finally it is an easie matter to shew that the foundation of Popery is laid vpon lies and that the charge which Papistes giue vpon their aduersaries is ordinarily enforced by most wicked imputations and standers CHAP. XLIIII That the cause of Popery is mainteined by fire and sword MVch are simple people abused by calumniations deuised against good men and hardly are Christians able to discerne falshood from truth and to iudge what is truely alledged what falsly vntill such time as matters be duly examined yet neither can trueth be vtterly suppressed nor do lies passe alwaies for good paiment Those therefore whom they cannot abuse with lies and false allegations the Pope and his complices seek cruelly to destroy with fire and sword The holy Ghost Apocalyps 17. sheweth vs that the purple whoore should be drunke with the blood of the saints and Apocalyp 13. that the 2. beast should kill such as would not worship the image of the beast that is that the Pope should persecute to the death such as would not submitte themselues to the kingdome of Antichrist in which the image of the Roman Empire was after a sort reuiued and this wee see verified by experience in the cruell gouernement of the Popes of Rome and their adherents Their lawes against all such as dissent from them in opinion concerning the sacraments are most rigorous they are degraded and deliuered ouer to the secular power to be burned as it appeareth by the law ad abolendam de haereticis nay they punish such as are suspected if they cannot cleere themselues with no lesse rigor then the rest all that communicat with them receiue them or succor them are in great danger such as giue them counsell are reputed infamous as is determined c. si aduersus de haereticis the goods of heretikes are adiudged confiscate neither are they punished only while they liue but also
vassals as with the gouernement of the Turke we may assure our selues that it is lesse greeuous for Christians to liue vnder the Turke then vnder the Pope or his vassals and this also may be prooued by assured demonstrations For first the Turke forceth none to imbrace his religion nor punisheth any for professing other religions but the Pope and his faction in France Flanders and other countries vseth all manner of enforcement to drawe men to Popish religion and punisheth with all seuerity such as be contrary to him Secondly Mahomet commanded his disciples to be reconciled to Christians if they desired it as Zigabenus saith in Saracenicis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but the Papists admitte no leagues or treatie or pacification with the true professors of religion but seeke their destruction whensoeuer they can preuaile against them Thirdly Turkes haue no inquisitors nor rackes or torments for such as hold Christian religion but suffer them quietly if they be not tumultuous and troublesome to the state but the Pope his complices search out poore Christians by their inquisitors that haue as good sent as bloud hounds and suffer them not to hide themselues either in woods holes or deserts and such as they finde they racke and torment and some they poison some they famish some they burne by all meanes purposing to destroy the race of their aduersaries Fourthly Turkes doe not vse to massacre Christians or to murder them without sentence of Law and lawfull proceeding but the barbarous and bloody executioners of the Pope in France at diuers times haue massacred many thousands of harmelesse and disarmed Christians killing them neither by lawfull warre nor by any forme of iustice 5. Commonly the Turkes hauing vanquished Christians doe spare such as yeeld and take them captiues and seldome is it seene that they kill women and children but the Papists in France massacred men women and children like fierce woolues haue sought the blood of all manner of Christians opposite to them 6. In the Turkes dominions Christians are burdened with tribute but paying the same they are quit but that is nothing to the oppressions of Christians vnder the Pope and his vassals for there they pay both to the Prince and to the Pope and neither are they free aliue or dead from payments to Masse-priests but if any Christian differ from them in matters of faith no tribute can acquite him so but his goods are confiscate and his person seased and this is euident both by the chap. vergentis de haereticis and by their common practise 7. The Turkes deale not so perfidiously with Christians as doe the Papists they empoison not men by trechery nor commonly breake solemne oathes and promises but the Popes and their complices teach their followers to keepe no faith with such Christians as they cal heretikes nay whether they bee excommunicate or no they respect not but murder all that are opposite to them if they can as appeared by their late bloody practise against the King and parliament Lastly the Papists doe prohibite buriall to Christians as appeareth by the chapter sicut de baereticis they iudge them also being dead and digge them out of their graues and burne their bodies and so they dealt with Wickleffe Bucer and Phagius in England and with Almaricus and others in other places but this inhumanity the Turkes will be ashamed to practise against their greatest enemies What Christian then that is not past all feeling will not abhor this inhumanity more then Turkish crueltie of papists that neither dead nor aliue can endure true Christians CHAP. XLIX That the ambition couetousnesse contention and practise of Popes is the principall cause of the decay of the Christian empire and a great occasion of the good successe of the Turkes AS the strength of the Roman empire was the bulwarke that kept off the Turke and other barbarous nations from the inuasion of Christendome and the most potent meanes to vnite Christians in the common defence of Catholike religion and to defend those countries that professed it so it is apparent that those that haue weakened the Emperours and caused dinision among Christian princes haue also giuen way to the conquests of Turkes and decaied the strength of Christians but no man needeth to doubt but that the Popes aboue al men in the world haue through their ambition contention and tumultuous practises both ruinated the Empire and set Christians at contention among themselues For first the spirit of God Apocalyp 13. sheweth that antichrist figured by a lamberising out of the earth and speaking like a dragon should succeed the Emperour and after a sort repaire the empire figured by the beast like a leopard that rose out of the sea S. Iohn saith he did all the first beast could doe he also caused the earth to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed all which is perfectly fulfilled in the Pope for he possesseth Rome and although he calleth himselfe the successor of Peter yet taketh he vpon him to manage both the swords he also healed the wound that Rome receiued by the decay of the Empire making all Christians to worship the Roman See and calling his followers Roman catholikes Further the Apostle 2. Thess 2. declareth that one thing did withhold the comming of Antichrist which through the working of the mystery of iniquity was then approching and that Ambrose Hierome and other fathers doe interpret of the Romane empire so we see still an opposition betwixt the Roman Empire and the kingdome of Antichrist and that the decay of the one should be the rising of the other Thirdly we see by practise that the Popes by all meanes haue gone about to diuide and to weaken the Roman Empire for first vnder colour of the contention about the worship of Images they caused Rome and Italy to rebell against the Emperors of the East as we may read in the histories concerning Leo Isauricus diuers that succeeded him next they brought the Gaules into Italy and diminished the empire diuiding as much as in them lay the West frō the East and confirming the right of Charles the great and his successors but alwaies keeping Rome and a good part of Italy to thēselues Afterward hauing preuailed against the Easterne Emperors they set vpon the Emperors of the West and by setting the subiects against their kings and the sonnes against the fathers by their anathematismes and excommunications they haue brought the Emperors to that passe that they receiue their crownes from the Pope and are not able to defend themselues and their subiects from the common enemy without the aide of other Christian princes further if at any time the Emperors warred aganst the Saracens and Turkes abroad then did the Popes by all meanes endeuor to take from them and their agents their townes and castles at home they did also withdraw their supplies and employ those that had vowed to serue against the Saracens to serue against the Emperor as