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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57460 Divine meditations and contemplations upon severall heads of divinity by G.R. compiled for his owne private use, and published for the common good. G. R. 1641 (1641) Wing R17; ESTC R25600 72,461 276

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anguish for Christs sake Saint Paul is a notable example unto us of this kind and if thus wee dye dayly as Christians wee shall never be afraid to dye as men wee shall be ever ready for death and so farre from shrinking backe that wee shall boldly meet it it shall be no losse but gaine unto us no end of life but the beginning of a better while wee fly death we runne into sinne headlong yet is there no death so bad Oh that wee could once truely learne to dye that we might live for ever Many are dead which thinke themselves alive Many to avoid a temporall death do lose those things without which life is nothing worth the parting of the soule from the body is no death but the parting of God from the soule if the body without breath be but a carcasse what is a Christian without grace but a painted tombe Our first birth is the death of that life which the infant drawes from his mother and the body is borne into the world for sense and growth by our second birth which is the death of the body the soule is borne into the kingdome of heaven to live a new life from the body for there it understands without phantasie or common sense it seeth without eyes heareth without eares maketh it selfe understood without speech And as the birth of the body into the world is a better life than that which the Infant had in his mothers wombe so must the birth of the soule into heaven be a better life than that of the body by how much the faculties of the soule are more excellent than the bodily senses In our mothers wombe we lived as plants in the world wee lived as men in heaven wee shall live as the Angels neither are soule and body parted so as they shall never meet againe for the body no doubt doth naturally long for the soule and the soule beareth a love to the body Therefore by a holy ordinance of the Lord they abide one anothers absence for a while that they may come together againe as man and wife with the greater comfort the body is gone downe into the grave to leave there his shame of mortality of weakenesse of corruption necessity without all which after the resurrection it shall returne to the soule and the soule trimmed and tricked up in glory like a fresh spouse shall receive the body into the same glory and both shall be received into God and dwell with him for ever Death then is called so onely as it doth appoare unto us and others which live here but in very deed and by the benefit of Christ the state of the dead is the very true life everlasting neither is the birth of the child a greater hope of life in the world than is this of the soule in the death of the body of the life both of body and soule to be glorisied in the kingdome of heaven Many think on death to be more vicious as Epicures Let us eate and drinke for to morrow wee shall dye some will not thinke at all on death and they live neither the longer nor the better but are sure to die much the worse When wee thinke on death which are Christians it should make us live very justly and soberly because wee looke for a Kingdome after death where none enter but the righteous Oh my soule and body if wee must needs part how soone wee know not let us do it willingly to overcome necessity resistance is vaine obedience is profitable let us provide for that which else will prevent us let us make use of death as some do of money which else lyes dead let us die in the Lord to the Lord this is the best advantage Meditation 44. Last Judgement VVEe cannot avoide either judgment or death when sicknesse summous us to the one doth not our conscience to the other and in this life God hath his tryalls judgements executions so that men of times are forced to cry out Justus es Domine just a sunt judicia tua but because the wicked observe them not and God doth desire to appeare unto men rather as a mercifull father than a severe Judge therefore the Majesty the Authority the severity of his judgment is hid unto us so farre that wee are bound to beleeve that he will come to judge a thing which else we would never dream of Though then we see no examples of this judgement as yet neither can conceive the form therof yet do wee beleeve it and that there is a certaine time appointed for it they that looke not for it with joy shall abide it with sorrow that is that last and finall judgement wherein all causes shall be opened all persons censured all workes rewarded what hath hitherto beene suspended shall now be sentenced and never more altered Marke the preparation unto it the heavens shall passe away with noyse the elements shall melt with fervent heat the sea shall be dried up and the earth shall be burnt with all her workes then a summoning trumpet shall sound and awake up all those that sleepe in the silence of death and they together with the living shall be caught up then shall the Judge appeare visibly above in flaming fire compassed about with infinite thousands of Angels ready to do his will A strange judgement towards no doubt whether we respect the Judge or the parties which are to make their appearance or the sentence it selfe the wisdome of the Judge is such that hee cannot be deceived hee knoweth all causes without information things past are to him present and things to come hee made mans heart and findeth out every corner and turning thereof hee heares our words before wee speake them and knowes our thoughts before wee act them we do not will without his power though without his allowance nor worke without his privity though without his consent nay he knowes our purposes before wee are fully resolved and our thoughts before wee conceive them and our workes without producing any witnesse his justice is such that he cannot pervert judgment for favour or bribes his will is the rule of all righteousnesse and therefore hee can favour no cause but that which is right and if hee could be unrighteous what bribe might winne him which wanteth nothing his power is such that all must abide his decree here lyes no appeale no prohibition can be granted againstit no pardon obtained his jealousie shall take on harnesse and hee shall arme the creature to be avenged of his enemies hee shall put on righteousnesse for a breast-plate and take unfained judgement instead of an helmet equity shall be his shield and his fierce wrath as a sharpe sword and his troop are the whole compasse of the world Now what are the parties which are to appeare and abide tryall Adam and his posterity from the first man to the last that shall be borne here shall they be judged which have beene heretofore Judges
because high and eminent and no candle hath so ill a smack as that which hath lost his light Meditation 31. Worlds vanity I See nothing in the world but prophane security or base weaknesse or fruitlesse labours prophane security of them which are the worlds favorites base weaknesse of them which live in her disgrace and fruitlesse labours of them whose hopes and meanes do yet wait on the world striving hardly to come unto that which they think to attaine of which sort the first hold themselves so safe as men above the Moone the second so miserable that they wish no longer to bee the third bound to doe nothing but that which they doe and though they row against the streame and be oft put back by contrary tides yet had they rather bee wearied out then give over behold in the first too much confidence in the matters of the world which they make sure unto themselves and prove but vaine in the second an absolute decay of vertue and goodnesse in the third a wilfull slavery to Vanity Our Saviour proposeth the rich chuffe in the Gospell as a notable example of prophane security who saith Soule thou hast much goods laid up for many yeares live at ease eat drink and take thy pastime to whō God said Fool a shrewd terme for great ones this night will they fetch away thy soule from thee then whose shall these things be which thou hast provided Here is one reaso why men should not trust in riches because the owner may be taken from his wealth A like example of this security wee have in Daniel of Nebuchadnezzar who in the pride of his heart thought his estate greater then that it could bee weakned and hee saith Is not this great Babel which I have built for the house of the Kingdome by the might of my power and for the honour of my Majesty and while he was thus speaking a voice came from Heaven Oh King Nebuchadnezzar to thee be it spoken Thy Kingdome is departed from thee Yea also in Esther how Haman comes from the next to the Throne to the highest at the Gallowes here is another reason why these worldly advantages should not cause men to be secure because they may be taken from the owner Of base weaknesse we have an example in Achitophell who because he was disgrac'd at Court and his counsell not followed went home and hanged himselfe in Achab who cast himselfe on his bed and would eat no bread because Naboth denied to sell him his Vineyard It befals out that they are ever thus affected about worldly losses which have first lost vertue and honesty he that hath unworthily lost a friend can comfort himselfe in his owne fidelity but these men having ever beene false to their owne good when they are forsaken of worldly goods have nothing wherin to take comfort a little of vertue would make them live content without the favour of the world and though they might have rich store yet to desire rather a moderate use of things then a large possession but loving the graces of the world only they have not sought to make themselves acquainted with Lady vertue who makes her selfe knowne to such as esteeme her They which give themselves to the wilfull slavery which the world imposeth on them by fruitlesse labours dayly to be taken for vaine hopes suffer that for their humors sake which they doe that are amorous and taken in some foolish love or lust rather they admire the person of the beloved be shee but an odde one amongst the earthy dusty beauties of humane kind this is the Idol which they will dayly adore they put of their cap and salute her as though shee were present all their thoughts are spent to set forth her heavenly beauty by whatsoever nature hath excellent if shee cast but a good look on them it is the highest favour that may be if shee frown they are at deaths dore and use all their poore services to winne her againe no wrong can make them dislike no labour weary them in their suit and to such a case is the silly wretch brought that to please his Mistresse he cares not how long he torments himselfe such a Mistresse is the wealth the glory the pleasure of the world to those that are inamored on it they stand at the Gate with Absolon and take every man by the hand and kisse him to gaine the crowne of their desires But oh my soule seek not the world but the kingdome of God in Christ if it serve thy turne trust it not if it frowne ou thee know thou hast a better master Meditation 32. The Heart Gods house WEe will not be contented except wee have elbow roome enough in the world and perhaps the whole world scarse content many a private mans wealth must serve their turne that can goe no farther and yet in this estate ordinary things are in small request but what is Italy or Europe to a victorious spirit but a step over into Africk and from that into Asia Are not ambition and covetousnesse as large and stretch they not their armes as farre as the Sea yet God reckoneth not so much of the greater but would dwell in the little world and content himselfe if he may take but one corner of it even the heart of man men as they aske much of the world so are they willing to bestow all that they have on it but they will not part with any thing to God whereas if they would not deny him this little hee would give them more then all the world is worth for why doth he ask the heart not to forsake it when he hath wonne the love of it as the world doth but to dwell in it for ever And no doubt so great a Lord will make his dwelling very beautifull Consider that if the Heaven of Heavens be so glorious and blessed a place which yet is but the mansion ordained for his elect how much more glorious shall they be whom God doth enter into as his owne mansion and which by reason that they are his Image doe receive a greater glory from him then the materiall Heaven If thy heart be Gods ancient inheritance the world is but a disseisor there be many rivals for thy heart and they seeme all so fit that thou knowest not to which to give it first but when God comes thou art resolved to deny it and so he have it not thou dost not much passe who have it whether it be pleasure profit or ambition and indeed much like a covetous owner thou dost chuse rather to have thy heart stollen from thee then to bestow it freely on him who is worthy of it So got so spent if thou hadst presented thy heart to God he would use it as a gift with regard but those as they have stollen it so they abuse it Meditation 33. Separation SOme professors which would seeme to strive for great parity and perfection of life have beene much