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A14284 A plaine and perfect method, for the easie vnderstanding of the whole Bible containing seauen obseruations, dialoguewise, betweene the parishioner, and the pastor.; Plaine and perfect method, for understanding the Bible Vaughan, Edward, preacher at St. Mary Woolnoth. 1617 (1617) STC 24600; ESTC S102671 80,065 286

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the repairing of the Temple And in short time there was found ouer and aboue the repairing such store of money as was sufficient to make bowles of gold and instruments of siluer in great abundance for the Temple At which time came Hazaell the king of Aram with a mighty army against Gath and intending also to come against Ierusalem Iehoash the King of Iudah tooke the hallowed things that his forefathers had prepared for the Temple and so he departed into his owne Land where he was slaine by two of his owne seruants And he was buried with his fathers in the city of Dauid after he had raigned forty yeares in Ierusalem Par. Who was the eight King Past Amaziah 2 King 14.1 to 21. the sonne of Ioash succéeded in the kingdome This King did behaue himselfe vprightly in the sight of God according to all which his father had done yet the people did sacrifice in the high places He slew them which had killed his father but not their children according to that which was written The fathers shall not be put to death for the children nor the children for the father but euery man shall die for his owne sinne Afterwards hée warred with the Edomites and slew many thousands And not being therewith content he also challenged the King of Israell who answered him disdainefully But Amaziah was wilfull and would not be quiet Whereupon the King of Israell in open field tooke Amaziah brake downe the wals of Ierusalem spoyled the Temple and the people of their treasure and then returned to Samaria Amaziah liued after that warre fiftéene yeares There was a conspiracy against him in Ierusalem whereupon he fled to Lachis and the conspiratours followed after him and slew him there and brought him to be buried at Ierusalem after he had raigned nine and twenty yeares Par. Who was the ninth King Past 2 Kin. to 8. Azariah his sonne was made King when he was sixtéene yeares old He did vprightly in the Lords sight yet because the high places were not taken away where the people offered sacrifice the Lord smote him with Leprosie vntill his dying day and Ioathan his sonne gouerned the kingdome vnder him two and fifty yeares and so dyed Par. Who was the tenth King Past 2 King 15.7.32 to the end Ioathan the sonne of Azariah immediately after his father tooke the kingdome as lawfull heire He did vprightly in the Lords sight but yet he had not taken away the high places whereon they burnt Intense And then the Lord sent against him and Iudah Rozin the King of Aram and Pekah the sonne of Remeliah king of Israell And when hée had raigned sixtéene yeares he dyed and was buried with his fathers in Ierusalem Par. Who was the eleauenth King Past Ahaz 2 King 16.1 to the end the sonne of Ioathan raigned in his stead Hée walked in the wayes of the kings of Israell and made his sonne to goe through fire after the abhominations of the heathen and hée offered burnt incense Wherefore the Lord raysed the King of Aram and the King of Israell against him At which time he called not for Gods assistance but sent presents vnto the King of Ashur crauing his ayde whereunto the King of Ashur condescended He was twenty yeares old when he began his raign he continued 16. yeares most irreligiously and prophanely and so died Par. Who was the twelfth King Past 2 King to 9.13 to the end 19.20 Hezekiah his sonne raigned and ruled so religiously so zealously and so faithfully as that the holy Ghost witnesseth none was like him amongst all the Kings of Iudah that went before him neither were any such after him And therefore the Lord God of heauen was with him which made him to prosper in all things that hée tooke in hand In his time euen in the fouretéenth yeare of his raigne Senacherib the King of Ashur came against all the strong cities of Iudah and tooke them Then Hezekiah sent vnto him desiring him to take those treasures which he had sent and to be at peace with him and his people He receiued the treasures and yet neuerthelesse most tyrannously and trecherously he sent Rabsaketh with an huge army against him who most blasphemously railed at reuiled the King and the Lord God of heauen Then the King of Iudah and his Nobility went into the house of the Lord with their cloathes rent and with teares to pray vnto the Lord for helpe Then Esay the Prophet as being sent from God comforted them saying Be not afraid for thus the Lord hath said The King of Ashur shall returne into his owne land and there shall be discomfited So Rabsaketh presently returned and found it so indéede For the King of Aethiopia was come vp to fight against him Neuerthelesse Rabsaketh sent men with railing Letters vnto Hezekiah the King Which Letters hée spreads open in the Lords sight with many prayers and teares The Lord heard him at large and sent an Angell which destroyed the Assirian army and as he was in the Temple worshipping his idoll god two of his owne sonnes slew him About that time Hezekiah fell sicke vnto death and through his great intercession to God he recouered within thrée dayes and liued fiftéene yeares after as the Prophet Esay had said vnto him The Lord promised also to defend him from the King of Ashur And because he might be assured thereof he gaue him a signe in Ahaz diall of ten degrées backward At the same time came the King of Babels sonne with letters and a present to visite him whom he entertained very royally and shewed him all his treasures At which déede the Lord was angry and sent Esay to tell him that in time to come all his treasures and his people should be carried away captiue into Babilon He was fiue and twenty yeares old when he began to raigne and raigned nine and twenty yeares Par. What doe you specially obserue in these foure last recited Kings to wit Azariah Ioathan Ahaz and Hezekiah Past It appeares that almighty God did specially fauour them in that hée gaue them fiue Prophets of whom they might inquire for the Lords will Esay Ioel. Hosea Amos. Micha Par. Who was the thirteenth king Past Manastes his sonne 2 Kin. to 19. He wrought wickednes in the Lords sight and liued in open view of his subiects after the abhominations of the Heathen whom the Lord had cast out before him For whatsoeuer his holy Fathers had done to the honour and seruice of God he wrought cleane contrary and gaue himselfe to witchcraft sorcery familiar spirits and such like He did leade the people from the Lord and he enforced Iudah to sinne and he shed much innocent blood Wherefore the Lord God of Israell said I will bring an euill vpon Israell that who so heareth it both his eares shall tingle I will forsake the remnant of mine inheritance and I will deliuer them into the hands
woman naturally descended from Lot who committed incest with his two daughters Par. Why then is Ruth here reckoned and accounted sithence she came of such an incestuous wicked man Past Shée is set forth in holy Scripture and the Booke entituled by her name to the open view of the world that the Iewes might sée the calling of the Gentiles by Iesus Christ to saluation for he lineally descended of Ruth who was a Gentile Therein God the Father declared that hée receiued poore sinners into fauour by reuealing of the Gospell vnto them and by vniting her and other of the Gentiles into the stocke and linage of Abraham Par. What is the matter contained therein Past It containes a piece of Dauids genealogie which by the Euangelists is translated into the genealogie of Christ that thereby men might know Gods predestinate decrée for the saluation of penitent sinners by Christ who long after should be borne of sinners The seauenth Particular concerning Samuell in the fourth Obseruation Par. Declare vnto me I pray you in briefe answeres concerning the Booke of Samuel and the Booke of the Kings Past According to the Latines there are foure Bookes to wit two entituled the Bookes of Samuel and two entituled the Bookes of Kings all which foure according to the Hebrew are only two reckoning both the bookes of Samuel for the one and both the Bookes of the Kings for the other The Writers thereof seuerally a piece or a portion were Samuel Nathan Gad Ahiah the Shilonite Iddo the Seer as may appeare by these words 1 Chron. 29.29 The acts of Dauid are they not written in the Booke of Samuel the Seer in the Booke of Nathan the Prophet and in the Booke of Gad the Seer Par What was this Samuel Past Hée was the sonne of Elkanah an Ephrahite whom Hannah his Mother obtayned at the Lords hands by prayer when she was in reproach amongst all Israell by reason of her barrennesse She dedicated him to the seruice of GOD in the Temple who proued a most faithfull and a most constant Prophet of the Lord vnder King Saul Par. What doth the first Booke of Samuel containe Past It principally containes the story of King Saul Par. What doth the second booke of Samuel containe Past It containeth principally the story of King Dauid The eight Particular concerning Saul Par. These three Kings to wit Saul Dauid and Salomon who by succession held the famous and renowmed kingdome of the Hebrewes when it was yet whole and entire I would pray you to set mee downe their stories particularly Past It is true these Kings in their time were the most renowmed of any that euer followed after them and they were the first that euer was ouer the people of God 1 Sam. 9.10.11 Saul was the son of Kish of the tribe of Beniamin which was a great prerogatiue to that tribe being the least and the last By séeking of his fathers Asses which went astray hée came by Gods prouidence vnto the place where Samuel the Lords Prophet dwelt Samuel séeing him and knowing Gods will concerning him hée entertained him amongst the best of the people and the next day he annoynted him King ouer the people of Israell and because it should not séeme incredible hée gaue him thrée speciall tokens by the which hée should know that the Lord God had so appointed all which tokens came to passe that same day Samuel hauing also assembled the people he told them that the Lord had appointed them a King euen in his wrath because they refused to be guided and gouerned by him and he presented Saul before them at which time they cryed and said God saue the King And immediately Samuel hauing declared what dutie did belong vnto the King from his subiects the Lord touched the hearts of a band of men who hereupon followed the King to the wars against Nahash the Ammonite in the behalfe of Iabesh Gilead that desired helpe of the Israelites The spirit of the Lord came vpon Saul he was turned into another man that is to say hée by the same Spirit became more wise and more heroically valiant then hée was before and in qualities méete for a King Par. How came it to passe that Saul was sent to seeke the Asses His Father being a man of great reputation and riches hee had many others no doubt to send Past It was the diuine and secret prouidence of God that the Asses went astray and that Saul should séeke after them whereby he might be brought as it were by the hand vnto the place where Samuel was and for that purpose which his holy Maiestie had determined That which Almighty GOD hath done herein was not to declare vnto men what hée could doe but what hee would doe for the better stay of faithfull men vpon his promises and prouidence and withall to teach all men that when any matter happeneth to the good of the godly hée should not attribute it to his owne endeuour or paines nor yet to the fayned Gods as by Fortune and Chance but euen by a secret diuine rule bringing great and mighty things to passe by weake and small meanes And that the very guiding ●and of GOD was in it appeares plainly for God told Samuel ●aying To morrow about this time I will send thee a man of Beniamin named Saul him shalt thou annoynt to be gouernour ouer my people Israell Par. Why was God displeased with his people of Israell for asking a King sithence they had none Past Almighty God was not angry with them simply for asking a King 1 Sam. to 22. but because hée himselfe had gouerned them and guided them alwayes before without a King to wit by Patriarches by Chiefetenants and Iudges Vnder whose gouernment they alwayes prospered so long as they obeyed the Lord in any measure And in that time in which they desired a King they were gouerned by Samuel a holy man and the Prophet of the Lord they desired a King euen in wantonnesse and pride of heart and not in regard of any want Therefore the Lord said to Samuel 1 Sam. 1. to 11. Heare the voyce of the peopple they haue not cast away thee but they haue cast away mee As though he had said thy gouernment was my gouernment or as I commanded thée they doe not reiect thée in this but me therefore heare them and tell them what manner of man he shall be vnto them Par. Doth God appoint ouer any Nation such kings and rulers as shall tyrannize and deale roughly with their subiects Past When as the people are not thankefull vnto him for a good King and when they doe not humbly acknowledge the benefit thereof then hée vsually plagueth them with wicked tyrannous Kings Par. How did Saul behaue himselfe towards God hauing receiued such a speciall fauour as to be made a King ouer such a great Nation Past After he had raigned two yeares ouer Israell 1 Sam. 15. he did that which
was euill in the sight of the Lord to wit in offering a burnt offering Leuit. 1. which was not lawfull for any to doe saue for the Priests vpon paine of death Therefore the Prophet Samuel told him plainely from the Lord that therein hée had done foolishly and that his kingdome should not continue and so Samuel departed from him in great indignation for the zeale hée bare to the Lord and for the loue he bare to the kingdome Par. Saul as we read was in great distresse 1 Sam. 13. by reason of many thousands of the Philistines that were come against his people Israell and they by reason of Samuels long tarrying at Gilgall 12 were scattered and fled saue sixe hundred men that remained with the King Therefore Saul fell to his prayers and did offer as hee said a burnt Offering vnto the Lord tell me what offence was this as the present necessitie required Past 1 Sam. 13. Saul in like manner transgressed the voyce of the Lord in keeping the King of the Amalekites aliue whereas hée was commanded to kill him and in reseruing for Sacrifice the best of the Oxen and the best of the Sheepe which was also directly forbidden Out of which place I will answere your demaund or question from the mouth of Samuel the holy Prophet When thou wast little in thine owne sight wast not thou made King ouer Israell The Lord commanded thee to kill the Amalekites and to let none remaine Now thou hast not obeyed the Lords voyce but hast turned to the prey wherein thou hast done wickedly in the sight of the Lord. Rebellion is as the sinne of witchcraft and transgression is wickednesse and Idolatry Behold thou hast cast away the word of the Lord therefore hee hath cast away thee Hereby you may sée that sinne or transgression is not reckoned for the smalnesse or greatnesse thereof with God as it is with men for many times small sinnes in our sights are great sinnes in Gods fight and great sinnes in our fight are small in his sight Men must rule themselues by his word by his holy Lawes and not according to good intents or earthly mens directions Par. How did Saul behaue himselfe towards his subiects Past Saul enuied Dauids good report and iust desert When Dauid returned from the slaughter of the Philistines the women by one consent and as it were by Gods appoyntment met Dauid crying and saying 1 Sam. 18. Saul hath slaine his thousand and Dauid his tenne thousand and for this cause onely Saul was excéeding wroth with Dauid and euer after sought to kill him and in the persecuting of him he slew euery of the Priests that fauoured him and tooke an oath of all his subiects to betray him It were too long to particulate his cruelties towards others his poore subiects whom he should haue defended and maintayned Par. What was Sauls end Past The Spirit of God being departed from him and his owne heart giuen him hée euer after followed that euen to the wars of the Philistines at which time hée desperately slew himselfe The ninth Particular concerning Dauid Par. Next in order remaineth to speake of Dauid Past Dauid was of the tribe of Iudah of the roote of Iesse borne in Bethlehem As it was said of Ierusalem 1 Sam. 16. Many excellent things are spoken of thee O thou Citie of God euen so many excellent things are spoken of Dauid Saul being reiected of God for his sinnes Dauid was annoynted King in his roome by the same Prophet Samuel 17. and the Spirit of the Lord came vpon him insomuch that though he were but a little simple man yet hée slew Goliah that defied Israell hée slew many of the most mighty Philistines 2 Sam. c. who were enemies to Saul and his people When Saul was dead hée succéeded in the Kingdome according to the Lords ordinance and valiantly subdued mighty kings that made warre against him Dauid renued religion offered to build an house for the Arke of God Dauid sinned grieuously in Gods sight therefore the Lord punished him excéedingly many wayes and afterward vpon repentance he receiued him into speciall fauour Par. Dauid being annointed king and being so valiant in the warres hauing also the fauour of the people why did hee runne away and hide himselfe from Saul and why did he not withstand him Past Dauid hauing Gods Spirit knew very well that hée might not resist nor rebel against Saul the Lords annoynted and though hée were to succéede him in the kingdome yet hée knew that he was not to enioy it before him nor to be partner with him and to auoid the rebellion and disorder of the people the Lord commanded Samuel to annoynt him King secretly lest the people should offer him helpe and rebellion against Saul And farther so godly and vpright in heart hée was towards the King that when hée most iniuriously and fiercely sought to kill him in all lands yet hée would neuer carry a thought to vse bloudy hands against his King though many times he might haue done it Hée was so farre from causing any other to doe it 2 Sam. 1. as that hée slew those that brought him word that Saul was dead The tenth Particular concerning Salomon Par. Now impart vnto me briefly the story of Salomon the third King of Israel Past There was neuer the like King before Salomon 1 King 3. neither the like shall be after him for his wisedome and riches So soone as euer he put foot into the kingdome he loued the Lord as the holy Ghost testifieth Wherefore the Lord appeared vnto him promising to giue vnto him whatsoeuer he would aske Of al the glorious things of this life he desired nothing but he desired wisedome whereby hée might gouerne his people prudently and religiously wherefore the the Lord gaue him wisedome and riches aboue all men both which great blessings he principally imployed to the building of a Temple for the Lord at Ierusalem where his holy Name might be called vpon in true religion Hée gouerned his kingdome all the dayes of his life quietly and peaceably Par. Some calles into question whether Salomon were saued or not because of his sinnes with so many outlandish women Past It is certaine that he sinned therein excéedingly Yet Almighty God séeing his repentance in his rich mercies forgaue him all according as hée promised his Father Dauid 1 Sam. saying Hee shall build mee an house and I will stablish the throne of his Kingdome for euer I will be his Father and hee shall be my sonne If hee sinne I will chasten him but my mercy I will not vtterly take from him Par. Seeing that the fourth Obseruation doth end at the building of the Temple declare vnto mee briefly concerning the same Past Salomon tooke order with Hiram the King of Tyrus 1 King 5. for Cedar trées and Firre trées He had thirty thousand men whom hée sent to Libanon by
course ten thousand a moneth hée had twentie thousand that bare burdens and fourescore thousand Masons in the mountaines hée had thrée thousand and thrée hundred men that ruled the workmen The holy Ghost maketh mention that it was built in the 480. 1 Kin. 6.1 yeare after the people of Israell came out of Egypt 2 Cro. 4. and in the fourth yeare of King Salomons reigne It contained thrée roomes that were specially dedicated The first roome was called Salomons porch or hall of the Iewes wherein was an Altar of brasse for burnt offering Therein was the fire of God continually maintained There the common people offered burnt offerings morning and euening of such things as were brought There Christ taught there Peter wrought miracles The second part or roome of the Temple was called Holy because none might enter into it but the Priests who were many and they were distinguished into 24. Orders In it was an Altar of Gold whereon was burnt Incense for a swéet sacrifice morning and euening There were the golden Candlestickes and the Lampes burning day and night there were two golden cups with Frankinsence and that fine and costly vaile which at the death of Christ was rent from the top to the bottome The third part or roome was called the Holy of Holiest In it was the inner house or Oracle made with Sethim wood and Cedar couered with gold within and without Into this place none entered but the high priest and that but once a yeare to offer for the sinnes of the people Whereby was figured the propitiation of Christ once for all In the middest thereof was the Arke the two tables of the Law the pot of Manna Aarons rod flourishing the Booke of Deuteronomie Gods oracles and his answeres Neare thereto was an Ile that did pertaine to the Gentiles and to all people cleane vncleane therfore it was called the court of the Gentiles There was the treasurie for the poore there the widow offered her mite There the woman was discharged by Christ which was taken in adultery Par. What difference or oddes I pray you was there betweene the Temple and the Tabernacle Past Indéede if you compare the Tabernacle the Parts Roomes Furniture and Ordinances thereof with the Temple you shall finde little oddes or difference The first part or roome of the Temple and Tabernacle had relation analogie and reference to the people of the old world before the floud and thence to the giuing of the Law The second part of the Temple and Tabernacle had reference analogie and coherence to the Church and Synagogue of the Iewes with all their lawes and Ceremonies prefiguring Christ The which people properly did appertaine vnto God And the shadowing of the Mercie-seate signified their defence The third part or roome of the Temple and Tabernacle had relation and analogie both to the Iewes and Gentiles which were to be saued and to be brought by Election and Grace vnto the marriage of the Lambe Christ Iesus which thing was signified by the throwing downe of the partition wall and by the renting of the vaile Thus the Temple and the Tabernacle being one in substance and thrée in vse may well be compared to the holy and blessed Trinitie Par. Where was the Temple built Past It is plainly recorded 2 Chro. 3.1 that this famous building was on mount Moriah where Adam was created Gen. 2. neare the Garden of Eden where Adam fell where Isaac was offered where Sem or Melchisedech dwelt and ruled with peace and iustice like the sonne of God The which place was first called Salem vpon Isaacs offering Ierisalec and now Ierusalem Par. Declare vnto mee briefly concerning the dedication of the Temple Past King Salomon and all the men of Israell assembled according to their degrées and they brought vp the Arke of the Lord from the house of Abinadab into the Citie of Dauid 1 King 8. which is Zion and they brought the Tabernacle of the congregation and all the holy vessels that were in the Tabernacle those did the Priests and Leuites bring vp Then hée and the people offered vnto the Lord innumerably And a cloud filled the Lords house for the glory of the Lord was there Toward the which King Salomon turning himselfe and lifting vp his hands and eyes vnto heauen desired the Lord to dedicate that place to the honour of his name and that it might be to be comfort of his people that called vpon him in that place And when hée had ended his prayer he stood vp and blessed the people The first Particular concerning the Kings of Israell and Iudah Parishioner I Would gladly know the stories of these Kings and their Prophets in their order Past First 1 Kin. 12. you must vnderstand that immediately after the death of King Salomon the same great and renowmed kingdome of the Hebrewes 1 King was diuided into two parts according as the Lord had fore-spoken But after 490. yeares were expired it was ioyned together againe Ezec. 20. according as the holy prophet Ezechiel had fore-told Par. Declare vnto me the manner of this diuision or ruine Past Ieroboam 1 King 11.26 to 40. the sonne of Nebat an Ephradite of Zereda Salomons seruant according to the word of the Lord by the mouth of his Prophet Ahijah the Shilonite had ten Tribes of Israell that held and tooke part with him that he should be king who placed his seat and pallace in Samaria and his kingdome was thenceforth called the kingdome of Israell The other part of that famous kingdome Rehoboam the sonne of Salomon possessed which was the lesser part for onely two Tribes held with him His seat was at Ierusalem and his kingdome was called the kingdome of Iudah Thus you may sée two Kings in one kingdome which indéede is prodigious Par. Now declare vnto mee why the whole kingdome was thus deuided and so miserably distressed Past I will answer you with Gods owne words Because they haue forsaken me saith the Lord 1 King 11.33 and worshipped Astaroth the god of the Zidonians and Chemosh the god of the Moabites and Milcom the god of the Ammonites and haue not walked in my wayes to doe right in mine eyes and for the sinnes of Salomon Par. How did the one and the other of these kings behaue themselues towards God Past Ieroboam 1 King 12.26 to 31. the king of Israel thought in his heart and said If this my people goe vp and doe sacrifice in the house of the Lord at Ierusalem then shall the people turne againe vnto the Lord and so cleaue vnto Rehoboam the King of Iudah Whereupon the King tooke counsell and made two calues of gold the one hée set vp at Bethel the other at Dan. Whose priests hée made of the lower sort and basest amongst the people and he commanded all his subiects to goe thither and worship them as their gods The other part of the kingdome that
held with Rehoboam and dwelt at Ierusalem did serue the Lord and worshipped him according to the religion of their fathers Par. Seeing this great and royall kingdome was so diuided I would know what kings successiuely raigned in the one and in the other I pray you therefore distinguish them Past I thinke the knowledge therfore wil be very necessary and very much for your good Therefore I will lay them downe particularly as they were diuided the Kings of Iudah by themselues and the Kings of Israel by themselues with such prophets one or more as liued in their times The first particular concerning the Kings of Iudah at Ierusalem Rehoboam was crowned king at Sichem 1 King 12.1 to 25.14.21 to 31. as heire apparant to Salomon his father All the people with great applaudite and gladnesse receiued him desiring onely some mittigation of their taxations which his father had laid vpon them But he refusing the counsell of the old graue Councellours and admitting of young mens Counsell answered them with words of great cruelty and disdaine Whereupon the people answered with one consent and with great resolution What portion haue we in Dauid We haue no inheritance in the sonne of Ishai to your tents O Israel Now sée to thy owne house Dauid Then fled King Rehoboam to Ierusalem And two tribes onely held with him to wit Iuda and Beniamin The other ten tribes held with Ieroboam and chose him to be their King The people of Iudah committed wickednesse in the sight of the Lord they sinned as did their fathers and there were Sodomites in the land whose abominations they followed Therefore in the first yeare of Rehoboams raigne the King of Egypt came vp against the citie Ierusalem tooke the treasures of the Lords house and the Treasures of the Kings house and caried away all the shields of gold which Salomon had made In stead whereof Rehoboam afterwards made brasen shields This King was one and forty yeares old when he began to raigne hée continued seauentéene yeares hée slept with his fathers and was buried in the house of Dauid Par. Was it well done of the subiects so to answer their lawfull king and afterwards to rebell as you haue set downe Past I must néedes say that they did euill in respect of their owne sinfull inclinations 1 Kin. 12.15 to 25. and rebellious hearts And yet it is most certaine that God did accomplish his absolute will and decrée therein which he had spoken by his Prophet Ahijah the Shilonite as appeares also by the retraite which the King made vpon the Lords commandement that he should not striue with them Par. Who was the next King Past Abijah 1 Kin. 15.1.2 to 10. 2 Chr. 13. who liued wickedly in the sight of his subiects and his heart was not vpright in the sight of God He raigned thrée yeares and died Par. Who was the third King Past Asa his sonne and he did that which was right in the sight of God For he droue the Sodomites out of the land 1 Kin 15.8 to 25. and did put away Idols So vpright was he in the execution of iustice and so zealous in the Lords worke that he fauoured not his mother when she was taken with Idolatry And though all the monuments of Idolatry were not taken away by him because indéede hée could not yet his heart was vpright in Gods sight in respect of his desire and good will Hée established religion and brought such things into the house of God as his father had dedicated to that vse It happened in his time that Baasha King of Israell came vp against Iudah and built Ramah so that none could goe in nor out to Asa their King Thereupon Asa tooke great treasures and sent vnto the King of Aram with speciall request that hée would deliuer him and his people out of the hands of Baasha whereunto the King of Aram harkned and sent his captaines and smote diuers cities in Israell Hereupon Baasha left Asa and returned Afterwards Asa being very old became diseased in his féete and when hée had raigned one and forty yeares he died and was buried with his fathers Par. Who was the fourth King Past Iehosaphat his sonne who raigned in his stead In the third yeare of his raigne 1 King 15.24.22 1 to 55. he and Ahab King of Israell consented together against the King of Aram for the winning and recouering againe of Ramoth Gilead but Iehosaphat would first know the Lords pleasure therein from the mouth of one of his Prophets He was fiue and thirty yeares old when he began to raigne and raigned two and fifty yeares in the good wayes of Asa his father He died and was buryed with his fathers Par. Who was the fift King Past Iehoram 1 King 22.50 2 King 8.16.17 to 25. the sonne of Iehosaphat who began his raign when he was two and twenty yeares old He behaued himselfe as the kings of Israel he maried with the daughter of wicked Ahab and liued as the house of Ahad did Yet the Lord being mercifull 2 King would not destroy Iudah for Dauids sake So Iehoram died and was buried in the citie of Dauid Par. Who was the sixt King Past Ahaziah the sonne of Iehoram who succéeded in the kingdome His mothers name was Athalia the daughter of Omri King of Israell and hée also walked in the wayes of Ahab as did his father being the rather drawne thereunto through his vnlawfull match in mariage He went with Ioram the sonne of Ahab to warre against Hazaell the King of Aram but Iehu slew him in the pursuite of Iehoram his brother in law And he was buried in the sepulcher of his fathers in the citie of Dauid Par. Who was the seauenth King Past Iehoash the sonne of Ahaziah He through the great prouidence of God 2 King 11 1. to the end 12.1 to the end was preserued from Iehu who slew all his brethren and from Athalia the mother of Ahaziah who also slew all the kings séede because she might raigne ouer Israell as Quéene But when he was sixe yéeres old Iehosheba his Nurse who had kept him secretly brought him to Iehoiada the priest who tooke captaines ouer hundreds with the guard and gaue them an order for their places and what they should doe in the behalfe of the yong heire apparant And when all things were wel contriued they brought forth Iehoash and proclaimed him king and forth with they slew Athalia the vsurping Quéene Then Ieho●ada the priest being the protector of the King went and destroyed the house of Baal with the Altars and Images that were in the Land Which being done the King was established and the subiects were quiet He did that which was right in the sight of God as Iehoiada the priest had taught him For he caused a chest with a hole bored therein to be set néere the Altar wherein such as would might cast a piece of siluer towards
of their enemies and they shall be robbed and spoyled Manasses was twelue yeares old when hée began to raigne and hée raigned fiue and fifty yeares in Ierusalem Par. Who was the next king Past 2 King to the end 22.23 Ammon his sonne such a father such a sonne The Lord stirred vp his seruants against him who slew him in his own house He was twenty years old when he began to raigne and he raigned two yeares Par. Who was his successour Past Iosiah his sonne He did vprightly in the sight of the Lord as did his father Dauid he turned not to the right hand nor to the left And he tooke seuere order for the reformation of religion Wherefore the Lord reuealed vnto him the booke of the Law which was hid in the Temple And when he heard it read for griefe that Religion had so long béene extinguished and the name of God abused he rent his cloathes and wept sore Then he commanded his officers to inquire after the Lord by some Prophet And they found a Prophetesse in Ierusalem who answered them that the Lord would plague Iudah and Ierusalem for their idolatry but would spare Iosiah the King Then he with all the Elders of the people went into the Temple where he read the booke of God with a tender heart vnto them And afterwards he entred into couenant with the Lord for the people that they should serue him all the dayes of their liues and the people yéelded vnto it with one consent Then did the king purge the Temple and all his kingdome of Baall and of all that did appertaine vnto his seruice He brake downe also the Altar at Bethell and all the monuments of idolatry which Ieroboam had made He held a Passeouer the like was not holden since the daies of the Iudges nor the like in any Kings dayes Yet would not the Lords wrath be appeased towards the people because they had so long wallowed as it were in wickednesse Pharao Necho king of Egypt slew Iosiah at Megiddo He was eight yeares old when he entred into the kingdome and he raigned one and thirty yeares He was buried at Ierusalem in the sepulcher of his fathers Ieremie and Zophonie were Prophets in his time Par. Who was the sixteenth king Past Iehoahaz his sonne 2 King He did euill in the sight of the Lord. Wherefore he sent Pharao the king of Egypt against him who imprisoned him thrée moneths which was all the time of his raigne And he did put the land to an excéeding great tribute Par. Who was the next king Past Eliakim 2 King to 7. the second sonne of Iosiah who was made king by Pharao Necho the king of Egypt and he turned his name to Iehoiakim the rather because he was a wicked man Then came Nabuchadnezar King of Babell and tooke him but afterwards he rebelled against the King Wherefore he sent an hoste of the Chaldeans and of the Aramites Moabites and Ammonites against Ierusalem and Iudah to destroy it as the Lord had spoken by his Prophets Ichoiakim was fiue twenty yeares old when he began to raigne and he raigned 11. yeares in Ierusalem and then dyed Ieremy and Zophony were Prophets in his time Par. Who was successour to Ichoiakim Past 2 King 24.8 Ichoiakim his sonne He was eightéene yeares old when hée began to raigne and hée raigned thrée moneths wickedly The second Particular of the fift Obseruation concerning the captiuitie of Iudah and Ierusalem Then came Nabuchadnezar the King of Babell against Ierusalem and besieged it And hauing wonne the Citie with great losse of bloud he tooke the King his Mother and the Nobilitie with tenne thousand such as hée liked and carryed them to Babilon with all the treasures of the Lords house And Nabuchadnezar made Mattaniah his Vncle King in his stead whose name hée changed to Zedechiah 2 Kings 24 17.25 who then was one and twentie yeares olde and hée raigned eleauen yeares in Ierusalem wickedly insomuch that the Lord was fiercely bent against Iudah and Ierusalem to destroy them vtterly Hée therefore stirred vp Nabuchadnezar againe with all his hoast to ransacke and vtterly to destroy Ierusalem the house of Dauid and the Temple Thus you may sée Ierusalem was destroyed thrée times Ieremie and Zophonie were Prophets in his time of whom he might haue heart and knowne the will waies of the Lord. Par. Now I pray you set mee downe in like manner the particular stories of the Kings of Israel whose place and seate was at Samaria with the Prophets one or more as they liued Past 1 King 11.26 to 49. 2 King to 21. Ieroboam was the sonne of Nebat an Ephradite of Zereda Salomons Seruant He was a strong man and valiant The Prophet Ahijah fore-tolde him by a signe that the Kingdome of Israel should be diuided into two parts and that he should be king of the one part Salomon hearing thereof sought to kill him which made him to flye into Egypt But when Salomon was dead it fell out so indéede as you may read for hée had ten Tribes that held with him where as Rehoboam the lawfull heyre and the Kings sonne had but two Tribes Which fauour at Gods hands might haue made him humble and zealous after religion but hée imagined that if the people did serue the Lord as they vsed at Ierusalem they would turne and rebell Therefore hée made them Idols at Bethel and Dan and ordained them priests of the inferiour sort of people and commanded the people to worship those Idols for their God Herein he thought to haue done wisely but the Prophet reprehended him in the open congregation and the Lord strucke that hand of his wherewith he would haue stricken the Prophet with such numnesse or drinesse as he was not able to helpe himselfe And the Altar claue a sunder at that time as the man of God desired Then the King was fayne to make intercession vnto the Prophet that God would restore him his hand And at another time the Prophet Ahijah tolde him as from the Lord that for the wickednesse hée had done to prouoke his Maiestie withall there should not be left of him nor of his generation so much as one Dogges should eate his stocke in the Citie and the Fowles of the ayre in the field Hée raigned two and twenty yeares and then dyed Ahijah was a Prophet in his dayes Par. Who was the second King of Samaria Past 1 King 14 20.15.25 to 29. Nadab his sonne He raigned two yeares and did that which was wicked as did his father Ieroboam And Baasha the sonne of Ahijah of the house of Isachar conspired against him and slew him at Gibbethon which did belong to the Philistines Ahijah and Iehu were Prophets in his time Par. Who was the third King of Samaria Past Baasha the sonne of Ahijah of Isachar 1 King 15 16. to the end 16.1 to 7. who warred against
posteritie should inherit the throne of Israel vnto the fourth generation But yet hée continued in the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat who made Israell to sinne Almighty God did then lothe the people Israell and smote them with the sword of Hazael Hée raigned eight and twenty yeares and then dyed Par. Who was Prophet vnder this wicked King Past Elisha who had annoynted him King vpon the Lords commandement and who was well knowne vnto him to be specially fauoured of GOD as did appeare by his admirable workes Of whom hée might haue learned how to frame his heart and his hands according to right Par. Who was the tenth King in Samaria Past 2 King 10 35.2 Ichoahaz his sonne who liued as Ieroboam that made the people to sin and he departed not from his sinnes And therefore the Lord being angry with Israell deliuered them into the hands of Hazael king of Aram who vexed them very sore and wasted them so with the sword as that there remayned for Ichoahaz the King but tenne Chariots fifty Horsemen and of all the people but tenne thousand footmen After he had raigned seauentéene yeares he dyed Par. Who was the eleauenth king Past 2 King 13 9. to 14. Ioash his sonne He also liued like Ieroboam and so dyed after hée had raigned sixtéene yeares 2 Kin. 13.13.14 to 21. Elisha was yet liuing of whom he might haue learned the Lawes of the Lord. And then the Prophet also dyed Par Who was the twelfth king in Samaria Past Ieroboam his sonne And hée did euill in the Lords sight 2 Kings 13 13.14.23 to the end as did Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat He restored the coasts of Israell from the entring of Hamath vnto the sea of the Wildernesse according as the Lord had foretold by his Prophet Ionah who had decréed not to put out the name of Israel though they had sinned sore After he had raigned one and forty yeares he dyed Par. Who was the next in succession Past Zachariah his sonne 2 King 14 Hée departed not from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat He raigned sixe moneths in Samaria and then was slaine by Shallum according as the Lord had said by his Prophet to Iehu to wit that his séede should sit vpon his seate vnto the fourth generation Par. Who was the foureteenth King Past Shallum the sonne of Iabesh 2 King 15 10. to 16. who conspired against Zachariah the king and slew him and afterward succéeded in the Kingdome Hée raigned one moneth and then was also slaine Par. Who was the fifteenth King Past 2 King 15.14 to 23. Mahanaen the sonne of Gady who went vp from Tirzah and came to Samaria and slew Shallum the King and raigned in his stead This Mahanaen was a most fierce and cruell man For hée destroyed Tiphsah and all that were therein and ript the women that were with childe because they opened not vnto him Hée exacted a thousand talents of siluer from his Subiects to giue vnto the king of Ashur for peace He dyed after hée had raigned tenne yeares in Samaria Par. Who succeeded this cursed King Par. 2 King 15.23 to 27. Pekahiah his sonne Hée also did euill in the sight of the Lord and departed not from the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat which made Israell to sinne Hée raigned two yeares and then was slaine by Pekah the sonne of Remeliah his Captaine Par. Who succeeded this king Past Pekah 2 King 15 27 to 31. who also liued like to Ieroboam Hée raigned twenty yeares and then Hoshea the sonne of Elah wrought treason and slew him Par. Who was the eighteenth King Past Hoshea the sonne of Elah 2 King 15 30.17.1 to the end obtained the crowne by treason He did euill but not as other kings that went before him The fourth Particular concerning the captiuating of the Kings of Israell THen Salmanasar king of Ashur came vp against Samaria furiously as if hée had béene the messenger of the Lords wrath as hée was indéede and besieged Samaria thrée yeares But when hée had gotten it he carryed away Israel to Ashur and put them in prisons at Halah at Habor and in the Cities of the Medes because they hearkened not to the voyce of the Lord but went a whoring after their owne inuentions And the King of Ashur brought folke from Babell and from those barbarous coasts and placed them in Samaria in stead of the people of Israell which people also regarded not the true God Wherefore God sent Lions and slew the wealthiest of them The king of Ashur hearing thereof sent one of the Priests which he had carryed from Samaria that hée might teach the people to know the God of the country Which Priest dwelt at Bethell and taught them the feare of the Lord. But yet they serued their Gods after the manner of the nations about them So these nations feared the Lord and serued their Images also Par. What shall I obserue in the Prophesie of Ezekiel Past Ezekiel was ordayned by the diuine prouidence of God to be a comforter of the people Israell all the time of their captiuitie at Babilon Par. What say you concerning Daniel Past Nabuchadnezar at the time of the captiuating of Israell and the winning of Ierusalem brought Daniell with ten thousand more to Babilon where hée proued most skilfull in the Arabian Sirian and Chaldean tongues and so highly in the sauour of God as that he could speake of secrets that were present and of secrets that were for to come concerning Gods people and in the mercifulnesse of God became a comfortable teacher amongst the people of Israel during seauenty yeares Par. Why was this great and mighty nation so ruinated Past It was the wrath and high displeasure of the almighty vpon them for their vnthankfulnesse for their cruelty one towards another for the contempt of his lawes and violating of his Sabaoths as the Prophet Ieremy sets downe at large Par. They were a mighty strong nation and a fierce and they had a city Ierusalem which was compassed about with twelue hils with three walles one within another with gates of iron and brasse with many Turrets Towres and Castles and within the city was the Towre of Dauid wherein were a thousand Shields and all the Targets of the mighty I aske you therefore how came it to passe that they were ouercome and their Citie ransacked Past It is true as you say in the iudgement of the most valiant Souldiers of the world they were inuincible But this was a matter foretolde and threatned by Prophets many yeares before And Daniel himselfe in the first Chapter reports that the Lord gaue them vp into the hands of Nabuchadnezar to doe with them and with their treasures what he would Par. I pray you tell me somewhat concerning Babilon and Nabuchadnezar Past The Assirian Chaldean or Babilonian Monarchie successiuely had 36. Kings or Monarches who ruled and
continued the same as one Monarchie 1240. yeares And at the death of Sardanapalus the last and worst of those kings Arbaces the President of the Medes and Bellechus the President of Babilon so concluded together that the whole Monarchie was diuided betwéene them Arbaces was crowned king of the Medes and Persians and Bellechus was crowned king of Siria and Babilon whose Palace was translated from Niniuie to Babilon being the stronger citie Nabuchadnezar was the son of Nabuchadonosor which was the sonne of Benmerodach which was the sonne of Merodachbaladan which was the sonne of Asser Addon which was the sonne of Senacherib which was the sonne of Salmanasar which was the sonne of Phull-Asser which was the sonne of Phull-Belochus This Nabuchadnezer of whom you inquire is the same that subdued the Citie of Ierusalem burnt it with the Temple and captiuated the Nobilitie Par. What was signified by the great Image which Nabuchadnezer saw Past This Image consisted of fiue seuerall parts The first part was a head of gold which signified the great magnificence power and glory of thrée Monarches or Kings of Babilon to wit Nabuchadnezer Euilmerodach Baltasar whose Empire endured by the space onely of seuenty years then was this head of gold cut off and the glory of those kings quite extinguished then the people of Israell were fréed The second part was armes and breasts of siluer which signified the kings of the Medes and Persians who tyrannized 130. yeares after the end of the captiuitie Of which one hundred and thirty yeares these kings following raigned nine and twentie yeares Cyrus Darius Ahasuerus Darius Cambises Xerxes Ochus In the twentieth yeare of the first Darius the temple was finished being full nine and forty years in building as Daniel had foretolde in his seauenty wéeks Chap. 9. The other kings that made vp the 130. yeares are these Artaxerxes Ochus Arses Darius the Persian And at the end of these yeares are the armes and brest of Siluer cut off the glory also of those kings wholly extinguished The third was belly and thighes of brasse which signified Alexander the great Par. What signified the legges of iron Past The fourth was legges of iron which signified these ten Kings 1 Seleucus Nicanor 2 Antiochus Soter 3 Antiochus Theos 4 Seleucus Callicus 5 Seleucus Siranus 6 Antiochus Negas 7 Seleucus Philopater 8 Antiochus Epimanes 9 Ptolomeus Lagi 10 Ptolomeus Philadelphus These ruled cruelly and were strong as Iron 294. yeares vnto Cleopaters death who confirmed Herod the Idumean king in Israell The fift part was féete and toes being part of Iron and part of Clay which signified the same Kingdome to be partly strong and partly broken Par. What meant the King by that great Image of Gold which he did set vp in the plaine of Dura Past Chap. 3. Hée meant therein as he expressed in plaine tearmes and in his déedes to make himselfe reputed and taken as a great God which was most horrible blasphemy and plaine sacriledge Par. Might not Daniel haue yeelded vnto the time and present necessitie which was offered as others did and so haue worshipped the Image with his body keeping his Soule and conscience cleare for the seruice of the true knowne Almighty Past No. He might not haue so dallied with the seruice of God who sées and knowes all things and whose seruice is to be performed in body and in soule For that had béene in him blasphemy and sacriledge as in Nabuchadnezer He chose rather to dye a tyrannous death by confessing of gods true worship then to liue by the denyall thereof which he should haue done most plainely if he had yéelded But contrariwise when the king perswaded him to yéelde as others did he vttered thrée worthy spéeches méete for euery Christian The first was in these words Behold O King God is able to deliuer vs. In which he declared his beliefe in the power of God The second was 17.18 God will deliuer vs. In which he shewed his faith in things to come The third was If not O King be it knowne vnto thee we will not worship the golden Image which thou hast set vp In which he declared his Christian magnanimity and holy courage Par. There is mention made in the fourth chapter Chap. 4. of another vision or dreame which the King did see to wit a Tree whose boughes reached to the heauens whose branches ouerspread Sea and Land and whose rootes were fastned in the earth What was signified by that Past By this Trée was signified Nabuchadnezars territories and dominions and the excéeding great subiection that was yeelded vnto him of all nations Kings and Potentates of the whole world as was also signified by the head of gold before recited Par. What was signified by the cutting downe of the Tree and the fastning of the rootes thereof in the earth as with a chaine Past The holy Prophet Daniel saith that the cutting downe of the Trée signified Nabuchadnezar his seauen yeares of exilement and eiection among beasts And the fastning of the Trée by the rootes signified that he should returne to his Palace and Kingdome after that God had so corrected him for his pride Par. Why did almighty God so discomfort Baltashar with such a fearefull sight vpon the wall before all such as were assembled to his ioyall feast Past It was no maruell that God did so terrifie him For he and the most of his nobility riotously wasted the good creatures of God and therewith became drunken adulterous and sacrilegious For he was not content with the great abundance of plate that he had of his owne in great variety but he would néeds drinke in his drunkennesse out of the vessels that were brought from the Temple at Ierusalem and which were dedicated to the seruice of God Par. What was the writing and the signification Past The writing consisted of thrée words first Mene secondly Tekell thirdly Vpharsin The signification of the first word is that God had numbred the yeares of his kingdome and finished it The signification of the second was that God had considered of his conuersation and found it not answerable to his will And the signification of the third word was that his kingdome should be forthwith taken from him by Cirus and Darius Kings of the Medes and Persians According to which writing it came to passe the selfe same night Par. What was the decree or law that King Darius made by the perswasion of his Nobility Past It was that whosoeuer did call vpon or worship any other God saue Nabuchadnezar the King for thirty dayes space should be throwne into a den of Lyons Par. How came it to passe that the Lyons being a sauage sort of creatures did spare Daniel and so suddenly destroyed the conspiratours with their wiues and children Past Thereby almighty GOD did declare that all creatures of what sort or kinde soeuer they be are but as ministers or instruments of GOD in Mercy or in Iustice and