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A13572 The strangest aduenture that euer happened: either in the ages passed or present Containing a discourse concerning the successe of the King of Portugall Dom Sebastian, from the time of his voyage into Affricke, when he was lost in the battell against the infidels, in the yeare 1578. vnto the sixt of Ianuary this present 1601. In which discourse, is diuerse curious histories, some auncient prophesies, and other matters, whereby most euidently appeareth: that he whom the Seigneurie of Venice hath held as prisoner for the space of two yeres and twentie two dayes, is the right and true king of Portugall Dom Sebastian. More, a letter that declareth, in what maner he was set at libertie the xv. of December last. And beside, how he parted from Venice and came to Florence. All first done in Spanish, then in French, and novv lastly translated into English.; Adventure admirable, par dessus toutes autres des siecles passez & present. English Teixeira, José, 1543-1604.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1601 (1601) STC 23864; ESTC S118296 67,947 90

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sirname of this principalitie as of Daulphinies in Fraunce of Wales in England of Girona in Aragon of Vienna in Nauarre c. Moreouer he should giue the Duke sixe hundreth thousand Franckes of gold for his returne into England and fortie thousand Franckes in name of rent beside the sayd cities and townes during the liues of him an her Iohn of Castile accepted of all these conditions with right good will yet he had Fraunce and the French on his side and the King of Aragon with whose sister he was maried of whom was borne the sayd Prince Dom Henrie and Fernand that after was king of Aragon against the right of the true heires indeed and Charles the III. king of Nauarre his brother but he knew notwithstanding all these that hauing ciuill wars in Castile and Portugall for an enemy fortune wold forsake him in all his realmes Seigneuries Thus could and can the kingdome of Portugall beare head against the rest of Spaine It is most certaine that at all times and as often as Portugall hath the fauour of Fraunce of England or some other straunge Prince whosoeuer it be it compels the king of Castile to whom that is a bridle to make him yeeld to reason and come at commaund nay to accept of conditions very ignominious and preiudiciall And those of the Duke might haue bene much more aduantageable to this agreement if the king of Portugall had bene willing because hauing the sword in his hand he might haue cut out his partage at his owne pleasure He was the Iudge and it was done with his will Qui habet gladium potest diuidere campos And hence it came that the Duke departed not very well contented with him although he gaue him in mariage his eldest daughter Philippe By this already rehearsed worthy Lord may be vnderstood that they who haue not the pearles of spotted affection in their eyes may discerne and others whose harts are not fatted with hate to this good king may know that my wordes are neither bourdings nor songs For if this King Dom Iohn the bastard hauing all Spaine all Fraunce and some of Castile his allies banding against him for himselfe only foure thousand Portuguezes and some English in weake estate and yet then suspected to being withdrawne from Castile into Portugall could make lawes to his enemies what shall Sebastian do accompanied with a great number of Princes of Europe with his Portuguezes and his owne person which degenerates not a iot from that of his graundfather Dom Iohn the bastard who for his faire deedes was sirnamed Of worthy memory against a young king slenderly experimented and but badly armed It is not to be doubted but he shall restore Portugall seeing God and the prophesies haue so made him promise and that he shall cleanse and purge the Spaniards of their vices and abuses according as S. Isidore hath prophesied who since he florished it is more then a thousand yeres What contentment what ioy shall the world receiue by sight hereof and namely they that are the children of God What felicitie for the Romane Church What good for the weale publike of Christendome Let the enemie iudge this cause and as one said in Portugall let them cracke this nut and know that yet at this daye Portugall is farre stronger then Spaine yea all Spaine in the time of the said Bastard Then all that were souldiers were skilful in handling the sword the launce the halbard and the crosse or long bow now at this day they can not be drawne from the harquebuse or musket for this reason the Portugals haue yet more souldiers then Spaine Because the Castilians yea or the Spaniards that come from the garrisons of the king of Castile do neuer part thence but lame and maimed except it be some of the principal Gentlemen Of the Portugueses sent from Portugall to the East Indies there comes backe commonly the third part of them and of them that are scattered in diuerse places of Affricke the second part This is most certaine for in the beginning of the raigne of our Lord D. Antonio I found a rolle of the souldiers that were to be had in Portugall wherein it was assured me that within the prouince d'Entre Douro and Migno which is called in Latine Interamnis which containes no more then eighteene leagues in length twelue in breadth at the most three thousand old souldiers were to be found To this aunswere it remaines for me yet to satisfie another obiection which your reuered sanctitie may make vnto me to wit Some that haue a mightie opinion of the King of Castilles strength would make the world beleeue that he is infinitely powerfull and can inuade Portugall with huge numbers of souldiers To the first point I aunswere briefely and succinctly That the King of Castille is in no place more weake then in Spaine To the second Whence shall hee gather such supplies of souldiours Shall hee furnish him selfe out of those garrisons and forces which hee hath from Spaine Not so If in case he will cull out of the said garrisons some souldiers to forrage Portugall hee must at the least haue foure moneths time to do it In lesse then foure dayes may men passe frō Brittanie to Lisbone Could he bring fiftie thousand men into Portugall wherewithall wil he feed them I would onely twentie thousand Moreouer what would auaile fiftie thousand soldiers in Portugal All those being there could not impeach the King Don Sebastian from landing for Portugall hath an hundred and fortie leagues on the coast and throughout is landing easily to be had In some parts they that are on land in one place cannot in a day giue succour to the other albeit they are distant but two leagues If king Sebastian did but set foote on land all Portugall would presently run to him by which reason strange souldiers would be forced to yeeld themselues or throw themselues headlong into the sea or die with famine or else by the hands of their enemies Now giue I conclusion to this present discourse humbly beseeching your worthie Lordship to hold excused such slips as are therein because in the writing thereof I haue bene driuen to some nightly houres which could not be verie manie since I receiued your last letter for so long a certification by pen and but that I was enioyned thereto by your expresse commaund I could gladly haue excused my selfe from so tedious a trauel But the honors and graces receiued from so worthie a person haue bene so great and continued in such sort as they bound me to obey without all excuse If my pen haue erred in anie point whereof I doubt not this hope is left me that one day I may giue your Lordship more ample certaine assured satisfaction in all whatsoeuer shall please you to require I write in the Castilian language because your worthie selfe did so commaund me and in regard you take some delight therein as it hath bene often told me
dated the fourth and came by the way of Paris For which and for all the honours and graces you haue done me in them I often kisse the hands of your sacred selfe They will me that I should answere as one accused to certaine demaunds set downe therein which in obedience to your worthie commaundement I purpose to do and for my better vnderstanding as also all others whatsoeuer the demaunds shall be set downe in order following The first demaund For what cause the King of Portugall Dom Sebastian without leauing any heire vnto his kingdome would put his life in hazard of losing passing at the age of 24. yeares and a halfe into Affrick a countrie of Infidels and a land extreamely hot and vnfaithfull The second demaund What iudgement I make of his life whether he died in the battell or saued himselfe And what I thinke of the bodie that was buried as his in the church of Bethlehem a couent of Monkes of the order of Saint Ierome a league from Lisbon in the beginning of the yeare 1583. The third demaund Wherefore being aliue he would not discouer himselfe that he might be vsed like a King and freed from so great miserie as is well knowne the slaues in Barbarie do endure The fourth demaund Where he hath bene all this long continuance of time and how chance he came to Venice not to France or some other place where without doubt he might haue receiued better entertainment according as appertained to his condition And whether by my sight of him I know him assuredly The fift demaund What they were that procured his libertie What further tidings I haue of him and whether he determine to passe any further then this citie The sixt demaund Admit that this prisoner be the same king of Portugall Dom Sebastian and that by the helpe of God fauour of his most christian Maiestie as also other Princes and estates of Christendome the Seigneurie of Venice do so acknowledge him what meanes and remedies hath he to recouer his kingdomes and to reestablish himselfe in the possession of them An answere to the first demand For answer to the first demand I say that the principall cause which prouoked king Sebastian to passe into Affricke was as being a very christian Prince honorable and iust his enflamed desire to increase christianitie and to make the name of God knowne through the wide vniuerse And as after he came to the yeares of discretion he alwayes maintained and chearished this ●ope so such an apt occasion instantly offering it selfe he did ●mbrace it with all affection But worthy Lord the better to giue notice of what I intend I must deriue my course from higher ●nstances discoursing of the race and successe of the later Barba●ian kings to wit Muley Mahamet Xarifa and Muley Ma●uco sirnamed Abdelmelech who would terme himselfe the ser●ant of the most high this the vncle the other the nephew yet both royall pretenders Muley Mahamet father to Muley Hamet the bastard now raigning in Barbary had three legitimate sonnes Muley Abdela Xarifa Muley Abdelmumen and Muley Abdelmelech otherwise called Maluco of whom we now are come to make mention This was a very wise Prince and of mighty valour he ioyned to his owne inheritance all the kingdomes of Barbary and them he discretly gouerned while he liued At point of death he named for principall heire his eldest sonne Muley Abdela Xarifa conditionally that he should giue to his two brothers part of his kingdomes Muley Abdela succeeding thus his father not onely denied to fulfill his commandement but concluded vpon the death of his brethren Who hearing thereof in the city of Miquines where as then they kept tooke counsell to withdraw themselues into Turky and so trauelling thence after they had dispatched some hindring difficulties within a few dayes they arriued with their mother and sister at Tremessen a city of the Turkes At the same time reigned in the kingdome of Fez the onely sonne to Muley Abdela Xarifa named Muley Mahamet Xarifa who by expresse charge sent a man to Tremessen and there he murthered Muley Abdelmumen as he was at his prayers in the Temple Muley Maluco then being at Constantinople where then bare sway the Sultan Selim Muley Abdela aduertised of this murther although himselfe had before procured it made shew as if it displeased him greatly and with chiding his sonne caused iustice afterward to be done on the murtherer After some few yeares his houre of death approching he left as his only heire the sayd Muley Mahamet his sonne without making any mention of his brother Muley Maluco who still kept himselfe at Constantinople intending to request succour of the great Emperour Muley Maluco being certified of his brothers death made such meanes vnto the Sultan Amurath who reigned then after the death of his father Sultan Selim that he gaue him ten gallies for his passage to the realme of Argell or Argiere and commandement to the king of that countrey to leuie so many men as he could and then to accompany him in his owne person till he had seated him in the kingdomes and lands of Barbary Muley Maluco hauing bene at Argiere departed thence in company of the sayd king and with him three thousand Turkish harquebuziers all arriuing together at Tremessen where with ten peeces of artillery and other munition the inhabitants vnited their forces with them From thence he iourneyed with his power into Barbary and there after diuerse fightes with the king his nephew he tooke possession of Teza which was yeelded to him without any resistance And proceeding onward he came to Fez where then was Muley Mahamet with thirty thousand horse and ten thousand harquebuziers there was likewise an Andalusian Colonnell that came and ioyned eighteene hundreth Andalusians with him The ordinance on either side played very roughly Muley Mahamets part did small dammage but Muley Malucos very much discomfiting almost all his nephewes horsemen and forcing them to a speedy flight On the other side the foote after diuerse hote skirmishes came to handy blowes continuing the fight so long and with such fury as darke night was faine to terminate the battell Muley Mahamet beholding his troupes thus vanquished and considering it was beyond his strength to make any further counter-quarrie against his vnckles forces withdrew himselfe into Morocco and such in his company as bare him best affection His vnckle tooke the way to Fez where he was honorably receiued and few dayes after gaue free liberty to Bacha king of Argiere to depart home againe with his men wherof seuen hundreth remained there still with him Muley Maluco vnderstanding that his nephew prepared to charge him with a fresh encounter went thence to Miquines where continuing his resolution within a while after the two armies began to shew themselues neare to the towne of Halé where the vnckle ouerthrew againe his nephew and his forces which amounted to forty thousand horse and ten thousand harquebuziers Muley Mahamet seeing
I speake of the king Dom Sebastian I iustifie him not to be dead and that the bodie which was buried in Bethlehem as his was the bodie of a Swizzer In the said yeare because it was so long since the matter had past I held it as no inconuenience to speake the contrarie to what I had said before wherefore I intreat that this may serue as an answere and satisfaction to the alleaged argument As for the bodie worthie sir whether it were his or no I say once again that it was not that the body buried in Bethlehem in the moneth of Ianuarie 1583. I then being prisoner in Lisbon with 40. pound waight of yron on my feete by the commaundement of D. Philip II. king of Castile was the bodie of a Swizzer for so the Portuguezes commonly called him They that visited me in prison the number was but small but they were people of great authoritie mockt such as said it was the bodie of Dom Sebastian and often spake thus to me Oh happie Swizzer to haue thy bodie buried with so much honou● fa●g and solemne pompe King Philip dealt herein very industriously as well by thrusting a dead man into the mouthes of the Portuguezes who ●ustified their king to be liuing as also thereby to deceiue others who knowing litle or nothing herein might the better be em●oldened in following his course Our king worthie Lord is liuing according to the newes that we haue of him which are correspondent to sundrie prophecies whereto in times past albeit that I hold it as most assured that my Lord and King could not be dead and that the bodie which king Philip caused to be brought from Affricke and enterred at Bethlehem was the body of a Swizzer though they came neither from a Dauid nor an Esay nor a Daniell or any like Prophet yet no man at all but would giue both faith and credit to them If herein I deceiue my selfe I desire that my infirmitie may be pardoned confessing that much more grea● is the desire I haue to see so straunge a maruell in my time then any hope I haue at all of accomplishmēt of those Prophecies which your holy fatherhood may behold in the discourse annexed to the end of this answere and that discourse the reuerend Father Doctor Sampayo intituled Diuinum Oraculum c. To prooue that that bodie was not the bodie of our king Dom Sebastian 〈◊〉 sufficeth to know that many saw him liuing who at this very day are dwelling foure fiue and sixe leagues distant from the field of battell Moreouer I remember that being by Gods grace escaped from the rigorous imprisonment wherein I was conferring of this matter with some religious persons of my Order who had endured bondage and slauerie they all told me that the king Dom Sebastian was in Barbarie with the Arabes and liued in the mountaines And I call to mind that as the reuerend Father brother Thomas Sequera Superiour of Ebora and my auncient friend came to visite me I saying to him that I was much bound to Father Vincent of Aphonseca who was then Archbishop of Goa for the kind fauours he had done me during my captiuitie he answered me If brother Vincent shewed himselfe courteous to your fatherhoode I beleeue he did it because he was your kinsman as indeed he was but very farre off not in respect he was any good Portugueze Vnderstand my worthie Lord that this man was a very cunning craftie Spaniard and was one of them we sent for Barbarie He was so bad a man and of so vile a conscience that he durst maintaine for certaintie that the bodie of a Swizzer was the very true bodie of our king Dom Sebastian when all other else affirmed the contrarie He lies buried in Bethlehem by commaundement of the King of Castile but I trust in God that one day a king shall come into Portugal who shall disinterre him out of Bethlehem and send him to be buried in the Escuriall This brother Vincent of Afonseca when the king of Castile began to recompence the seruices of some of his partakers but scarce faithfull friends to their owne countrie was made Archbishop of Goa which is Primate of all the East Indies and D. Edward de Meneses Viceroy of the said Indies Moreouer the Portuguezes did so certainly assure themselues of their king Dom Sebastians life that a Portugall Mason was so bold as to publish himselfe to be the said king Dom Sebastian and found in the action very many followers who went with him straight to Lisbon and if he had entred the euen of S. Iohn Baptist he had bene receiued in seate of the same king Dom Sebastian But being badly councelled he lodged that night a league off the citie whither sallied foorth diuerse Castilian souldies and good store of Portuguezes that knew him to be a meere seducer Whereupon being forsaken of his associates that followed him like vnarmed fooles he was taken and hanged and caused diuers others to be hanged likewise of royall authoritie among whom to his owne great ill hap was a President hanged Likewise in a certaine Prouince of Portugall called Beyra a poore Portugueze of meane condition gaue out himselfe to be the King Dom Sebastian and this was deliuered for a matter so true and confident as the Cardinall of Austria who at this day is Archduke and earle of Flaunders being Viceroy in Portugall determined to withdraw himselfe thence into Castile Neuerthelesse following the counsell of the fiue Gouernours of Portugall who gouerned the kingdome conioyntly with him he sent to Captaine Gil de Mesa who now is one of the gentlemen of the chamber to the most christian King that he should go with his companie of two hundred men and to take the man there and bring him thither with all honour and reuerence because if he chaunced to be that man he named himselfe to be he would redeliuer into his hands the scepter and the Crowne belonging to the Portugall Kings and their kingdomes Gil de Mesa went on his iourney and arriuing in the Prouince of Beyra came to the towne of Penamacor and finding the man tooke him very easily and brought him along with him to Lisbon where being knowne for an impostor he was publickely whipped with rods and after sent to the gallies he was liuing still not many yeares since and euerie one called him sober Sebastian He was not hanged because in his triall he could not be charged with any other crime then this which was but of his owne inuention Lastly we know that in Spaine a Cooke or Pye-baker of Madrigall made himselfe to be held for the king Sebastian and in secret caused it so to be giuen foorth but afterward as each of this false opinion had found before he was knowne to be an abuser and for he had committed other very hainous offences was executed according to iustice These examples do witnesse perfectly to our eyes that since the losse of their king
vrsum conteret sceptrū e●us possidebit c. In tractatu qui incipit Requiritis à me ô ill●strissima turba Danaûm lib. 2. In English thus The compressing Eagle the name whereof is inestimably written in fiue markes shall destroy the minister of iniquitie bruise the Beare and shall possesse his scepter c. In the Treatise that beginneth You require of me O illustrious company of Grecians The second booke An explication of some pointes contained in this Discourse In the Epistle to the Reader THe cause why the religious persons of Alcobaça sought among their papers some priuiledges and Donations of the Kings of Portugall was because his Maiestie Catholique Dom Philip II. King of Castille pretended to sell the iurisdiction of seuen townes whereof the said Monasterie is Lord. And because this diuine Oracle was imprinted at Lisbone it was made dangerous to declare the said cause Wherefore the father Doctor Sampayo said by way of parenthesis that it was not good to speake of it at that time In the Oath of the King Dom Alphonso The said King commaunded to his successours to come to the field with their shield of armes containing fiue scutchions fashioned like a crosse in each of which should be figured the thirtie pence for which our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ was sold c. as more plainly is declared by the Notarie Apostolike Thomas de la Croix in his certificate assuring that they were so figured on the seales It may be that this commandement was obserued at the first beginning of the Realmes of Portugall but whether since then to this present we do not find that it hath bin kept chiefly since the raigne of Alphonso third of that name and fift king of Portugall who was Earle of Bullen in Fraunce He adioyned to the crowne of Portugal the Realmes of Algarbes which were giuen him by Dom Alphonso le sage King of Castille and Emperour of the East in dower of mariage with Domne Beatrix his daughter not to meddle at al with the crosse the first armes of Portugall for first of all Portugall bare for armes a shield argent without any other thing he placed round about the shield which cōtained the fiue that fashioned the said Crosse seuen scutchions of gold in a field Geules which are the armes of the realmes of Algarbes and since then to this present the kings of Portugall haue euermore held the same armes as they do at this day Stephen Garibay in his abridgement of the history of Spaine speaking of the Armes and Colours cals those Castelles of the Realmes of the Algarbes which engirt the Scutchion of the armes of Portugal Orla in French Geule or a border affirming that no other kingdome of Europe beares them but Portugall By which reason we may say that the Geule or border which we see about the armes of Fraunce to wit that of the order of S. Michael and that of the holy Ghost of the Golden Fleece in Burgundie and that of the Garter in England c. are but borrowed thence Now to returne to our armes the King Dom Emanuel seeing himselfe in Europe Lord of the kingdome of Portugall and of the Realme of the Algarbe which is in the prouince of Spaine in Affricke of the other Realme of Algarbe which is in the prouince of Barbarie of all the coast of Guinee euen to the Cape de bonne Esperance and from thence vnto the red sea and of a great number of the Isles situate in the sea of the said Affrica in Asia of the Realme of Goa and of a verie spacious Monarchie considering he held nine Kings his subiects and tributaries and foure Queenes in America of Bresil a prouince of very large extension he bare a Sphere for his deuice which signified the rule that Portugall had in the foure quarters of the world Adioying likewise the Crosse of the Order of the warfare of Iesus Christ because the King of Portugall being graund maister of the said Order is Lord of diuerse lands and townes in Portugal and of all the authoritie which the Portugueses possesse abroad from thence And because sundrie persons haue demaunded of me how they should vnderstand these Scutchions and pence I here tell them that the fiue Scutchions in the Azure field set in one shield the field whereof is Argent each of them figured with fiue white pence do signifie fiue kings Moores vanquished by one Christian king The kings of the Moores subdued are Ismael and his foure confederates the vanquisher is the king Dom Alphonso the first king of Portugall from whom grew this commaundement As for the pence because many haue alleaged to me that in the fiue Scutchions there are but xxv pence and not thirtie as other Authors and my selfe haue written I should be infinitely eased if in remouing their doubt they wold but heare me Would you find thirtie pence Count first of all the three Scutchions aboue and below which containe fifteene pence next them that are trauersed on the right side so that that in the midst be counted twise considering it spreads vnto either hand and there you shall find other fifteene pence which ioyned to the first complete the number of thirtie and thus they may rest satisfied in their demaund To the Testimoniall of vassellage and feoffement And because I haue already rendred my selfe tributary and all such as shall appertaine to me to the blessed S. Peter and his successours c. WE finde in the histories of Portugall that in the yeare 1169. when Pope Alexander the sixt approued the election of the King D. Alphonso and confirmed his kingdome to him the king by the consent of his Portugueses made the said kingdome feudatarie to the holy Church of Rome promising to pay as in tribute euery yeare two pounds of gold In the time since there is no memoriall found at all that this tribute hath bene payd as likewise none of our Historians do shew vnto vs that these fiftie Maruedies of gold haue bene payed to the Monasterie of our Ladie of Clairueaux And me thinks worthy Lord that it were not much from the purpose to make here a digression thereby to acquaint your reuerend worthinesse vpon what reason the king Dom Alphonso had such deuotion to this Monasterie of Nostre dame de Clairuaux The king Dom Alphonso and S. Bernard did both liue at that time and the king being informed of the wisedome learning and reformed life of this holy man and what miracles God wrought by his meanes in fauour and for the benefite of the faithful he began verie quickly to receiue him into good grace and opinion At this verie time the king had sent his sonne Sanche to besiege the Citie of Santeren called by the auncient Tordules S●alabis of Scabelisque the first founder and by the Romanes Presidium Iulium by the Christians Santirenae by reason of the holy Irena a virgin a Martyr who suffred death there for the Christian faith in the yeare
himselfe flatly foyled in the field and out of all hope of making head any more fled to Morocco whence he passed to the mountaines called Montes Claros and by this retraite Muley Maluco made himselfe sole Lord of Barbary By this historie is apparantly to be seene with what small helpe a man may game those kingdomes whereto he hath any right In like manner and with much more ease may king Sebastian recouer his because it appertaines to no other but him for he is true Lord and King thereof From the mountaines Muley Mahamet sent his Embassadors to the king Dom Sebastian and desired succour at his hands making him such large offers as were very profitable and greatly for the aduantage of Christendome He gaue him as I haue learned from diuerse credible persons all the shoares which he held on the Ocean sea and sixe leagues into firme land with the townes and cities thereto belonging among which were the cities of Arzile Saphin Larache all very strong places of great importance Some say that he gaue him the abounding Alcacarquibir Tituan and other places more he caused in the field a plaine deliuerie of Arzile to be made by Cid Albequerin brother to his wife who was the gouernour of the sayd city And granted him moreouer that the faith of Iesus Christ should be preached in Barbarie and full power to crowne himselfe Emperour of Morocco This was the reason that made the King Dom Sebastian lo●ke vp his crowne which the Kings his predecessours and himselfe euen vntill that time had openly worne I saw that Crowne lockt vp into peeces of Artillerie which were newly and purposely made for that voyage in like maner I saw the Banners Standards and the ships vnder saile for that armie And I know that the king Dom Sebastian tooke with him an vnkle of mine my mothers brother who was iudge of the Armories in the kingdomes of Portugall to serue him as maister of those ceremonies which were to be vsed in the act of his coronation as Emperour The king Dom Sebastian seeing so great offers and being a Prince of the loftiest enterprises desirous to winne honour and such reputation as should wait on due merit knowing what vertues consisted in himselfe accompanied with such forces couragious fearelesse hardie actiue ●nd presuming in himselfe that he onely was borne to breake downe and squander the infidelles impieties accepted the conditions that were made vnto him And thus iustly deserued the sinnes of Portugall that he should put his person in daunger of losse his kingdomes and Monarchie in the ballance as a pray to strange nations Hence may your worthinesse gather what you desire to know out of the first demand An answere to the second demaund I answere to the second demaund negatiuely that king Sebastian did not die in the battell and that the body which was buried in Bethlehem was none of his But before by manifest reasons I approue my sayings let me intreate your sacred fatherhood to vnderstand that when he began to make his preparation for this voyage I was then a man of yeares and in some authority which admit as spoken betweene our selues because that which oftentimes contenteth friends displeaseth and raiseth a repining nature in such as are not so When he parted from Lisbone to passe into affricke being the yeare 1578. and in the moneth of Iune I was in the 35. yeare of mine age and had the vse of very honorable charges gouerning some couents of mine order and had preached in diuerse places of Portugall with applause and satisfaction of mine auditors The same yeare I was in Lent called from my couent at Santeren where I then aboade to Lisbone by Dom Alphonso de Chasteaublan● chiefe Almoner to the king and Commissary generall of the Bull for the Croisade to preach in the townes of Esbernos Borba Villaricosa Landroal Terena Moncaras Moran Mora and Portel and I was enrolled in the register of them who were appointed to accompany the king in his present voyage which could not by my selfe be performed because my Prelates that had commaund ouer me had consigned me to the gouernement of the Couent of Santeren which is the fourth of our order and the chiefest in Portugall because the Priour there ruling began to find himselfe not well and had accōplished his three yeares iurisdiction in which respect my Prelates prayed the king to pardon me from bearing him company in his purposed voyage and at their requests it was obtained Thus I stayed at home although against my will in Portugal without passing into Affricke I hold the rather this kind of discoursing with your Lordship because you may the better perceiue that I had yeares and authority as before I declared sufficient to know great men and what belonged to state affaires The king parted from Lisbone taking with him about thirty religious persons of my order to whom he bare very kind affection and reposed trust inough in them for he vsed to call them his brethren One of their number was our Prouinciall of Portugal who commanded the orders through all the gouernement of the kingdome and as well in Europe as in Affricke Asia and America named brother Iohn de Silue graund-child or sonne to the Gouernour of Portugal brother to the Bishop of the city called the Port of Portugall and to Fernand de Silue who at that very time was Embassador into Castile brother Manuell de Bosa brother Vincent Afonseca and other religious men of very good discent There was also mine vnckle Manuell Texere of whom I made mention in my first answere a brother of mine likewise called brother Diego Cardose de Mirande that maried with a sister of mine and diuers others of my kindred King Sebastian hauing ioyned with his army in Affricke at the city of Arzile and leauing Larache was gone toward the city of Alcacarquibir there in the field thereto belonging he put his men in order the fourth of the moneth of August When the heauy newes was brought to Portugal and that I had intelligence therof because of the intrest I had in the iourney I was constrained to go to Lisbone being fourteene leagues distant from Santeren to vnderstand whether they were true or no. Where arriuing the 25. of the sayd moneth I met with mine vnckle who was the selfe same day returned from Affricke He by commandement of the Generall of the army that remained behind as Lieutenant generall for the king had brought thither with him vnto Lisbone Cid Albequerin and his nephew the young Xarifa sonne to his sister and Muley Mahamet Xarifa which young Xarifa is now a Christian and liues in Spaine bearing the title of the Prince of Morocco and is commander of the order of Saint Iames a Prince of many excellent partes and singular hope Being thus with mine vncle he told me that king Sebastian withdrew himselfe from the battell embarqued in his Galliot but for certaintie that he was aliue If I would know
say some but repented afterward that they laboured not to contend rather by law or warre which questionlesse had not wanted because the Lord Dom Edward sonne to the infant Dom Edward brother to the said King D. Iohn 3. then liued who was a Lord endued with many singular vertues and as a legitimate Prince borne of Kings by the ligue masculine did euermore claime the succession of his ancestors in the said kingdome which neuer yet fell vnto the distaffe Hereupon the Portuguezes prayed to God so instantly with so many processions fasts prayers and teares that it might please him to giue them a Lord and Prince Thus by diuine grace was Dom Sebastian giuen to the Portuguezes the first time and thus now againe he giues him the second time An answere to the third demand For manie causes right reuerend Lord it was not necessarie for the King Dom Sebastian to discouer himselfe in Barbary of al which we wil alleage but two The first if he had manifested himselfe he had run into great danger of his lifes losse for his enemie could not more easily haue put him to death then in Barbarie There are a great number of officers kept in pay who giue them such morsels which is called the Boccon or poisoned bit as the poore patient cannot by anie meanes escape they limit them to the yeare moneth daies what shall I say to verie houres and moments The second if Muley Hamet had got him into his power the least that he would haue demaunded for his ransome had been the cities and townes which the Portuguezes possesse in Barbarie This had beene a small gift for him Tanger Arzile Mazagan and the other places which the Kings of Portugall do hold in Barbarie Neuerthelesse Septa had bin great losse to Christendom for it is the key of Affricke and Europe And the Moores hauing that in their own power at all times and whensoeuer they were thereto disposed they might passe into Spaine an hundred thousand horse and more and from Spaine post to other parts of Europe as somtimes they did when they were not so well inured to warre nor expert in Armes Our histories of Portugall doe tell vs that the infant Dom Fernand being taken by the Moores in the field of the citie of Tanger as he there held his siege some few daies after they came to demaund for his raunsome onely the citie of Septa which his father the King Dom Iohn of worthie memorie the Bastard had won from the Mores The king that then was Dom Edward for the singular loue he bare to his brother resolued with his people who loued the Prince entirely to giue what they had demaunded The infant Dom Fernand being aduertised of his brothers kind respect and the peoples goodwill to him likewise found the meanes to write secretly vnto them that they should be very carefull what they did saying God forbid that by my occasion Christendome should endure such a damage I had rather be partaker among an hundred thousand martyrs or die in captiuitie in the Infidels custodie then cause such a manifest daunger to all Christendome The Mores following still their motion yet vsing the infant and his companie with extreame crueltie came to the knowledge that it was hindred much more by the said infant then the king his brother whereupon they began to intreate him in farre better manner that he might the gladlier consent to his owne redemption But they could no way worke him to preferre his owne particular benefite before the weale publique of Christendome So that the Moores growing much displeased hereat put him into an iron prison without any bed or seate and so placed him before the gates of the citie of Marocco giuing him daily to eate certaine ounces of bread and a little water to drinke After some few moneths this holy Lord rendred his spirit to his Creator in that rigorous prison suffering a glorious martirdome for the common good of all Christians after the example of his Lord Iesus Christ redeemer of the whole world His bodie is buried in the Couent of our Ladie of victorie which is of mine Order commonly called de la Battaille in the Chappell of king D. Iohn his father where God in regard of him did continually many miracles for aduancement of the Christian faith The religious Fathers of the said Couent on the day of his death do not vse to sing any Masse of Requiem but that of all Saints because he was not canonized nor yet beatified wherin he is contained amongst them Frier Ierome de Ramos a religious man of mine Order writ a booke concerning the life of this glorious Saint in the Portugall language Which booke I beleeue that the king Dom Sebastian hath both seene and read and that in imitation of the said Saint who was brother to his fourth grandfather I am certainely perswaded that he hauing so apt meanes to conceale himselfe would not be discouered for should he haue there bene reuealed to the Mores they might haue come and demaunded for his ransome the townes and cities elsewhere set downe nay the citie of Septa it selfe And doubtlesse the Portuguezes would haue giuen them all nay rather much more for the libertie of a King so good so vertuous and so holy whome they loued with such and so great affection as if he had bene a God and their redeemer The king Dom Sebastian most worthie Lord was naturally so Catholike and christianly addicted that for the adding but of a very pulse breadth of ground to Christendome he would most gladly haue yeelded himselfe captiue And therefore we may well coniecture and credit his good nature that when he could not get away without danger of his life and likewise in respect of Christendomes generall benefite he held it much more glorious for him to die in prison and slauerie in Barbarie then to liue at libertie being Lord and Monarch of the world Thus right reuerend Lord giue we end to the answer of your third demaund An answer to the fourth demaund Some do coniecture that he hath bene amongst the Moores in Barbarie many yeares Which very well be so although such as haue not bene accustomed to frequent that countrey do imagine it impossible and oftentimes it hath so happened to the Portuguezes that they haue liued captiues in Barbarie for the space of and 30. yeares without any tidings heard of them all The reason is that al slaues Noble do appertain to the King and such as hold them in their custodie are bound to make like deliuerie to him of them Whereby very often the Lords of the Moores knowing their slaues to be of noble race dissemble with them that they may not lose them and that they may find meanes to be rid of them graunting them for their libertie some reasonable ransome So got out of captiuitie the Prince my Lord Dom Antonio who died at Paris with the title of King of Portugall because he had bene elected