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A13179 Disce mori. = Learne to die A religious discourse, moouing euery Christian man to enter into a serious remerbrance of his ende. Wherein also is contained the meane and manner of disposing himselfe to God, before, and at the time of his departure. In the whole, somewhat happily may be abserued, necessary to be thought vpon, while we are aliue, and when we are dying, to aduise our selues and others. Sutton, Christopher, 1565?-1629. 1600 (1600) STC 23474; ESTC S103244 111,652 401

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many precedent tokens as fore-runners of his comming These are both sayinges and signes The sayings amongest other That for his elect sake the dayes shall bee shortened And beholde I come quickelie For signes the waxing c●lde of Charitie the rising of Nation agaynst Nation the abounding of iniquitie without further application these maye bee left vnto our silent thoughtes Was there euer lesse loue Where is that Ionothan that loues Dauid as his owne soule Where is that vprightnesse of conscience when men rather for shame of the worlde then otherwise abstaine from extreame impietie Howe manie with Ioab embrace friendlie but c●rrye a malicious heart to Amasa The Apostle sayeth That the latter dayes shall bee perillous dayes for men shall bee louers of their owne selues couetous boasters proude cursed speakers disobedient to parents vnthankfull vnholy The Philosophers can tell vs Nullum violentum est perpetuum That no motion violent is woone to bee permanent The Rainbowe as it hath a waterie colour which may shewe vs what hath beene past so hath it also a f●erie to signifie what is to come Sathans f●erce rage may argue the shortnesse of his time the coldnesse and barrennesse of the earth and trees shewe the qualities of aged bodyes or in effect tell vs there will come a time when we shall not haue anie longer the vse of them The decay of auncient families and houses the defect of strength and stature doe make vs dayly see this worlde is wearing away That which is the flash of lightning before the hideous clappe of thunder that which is the mustering of an hoste of men before a sadde battell the same are these signes before Christ his second comming to iudgement To bee curious with the Bethshemites in prying into God his Arke hath beene the follie of some men to be calculating au● skanning the day and yeares of that time which is vnknowne vnto the Angels of heauen is needlesse For seasons or times Non est nostrum scire It is not for vs to knowe for our appearance at that time before Christ to giue our account Omnium est scire It is for all to know● That the secretes of all hearts shall be reuealed that a generall audite shall be kept Christ himselfe sheweth in the Parable where the kingdome of heauen is likened vnto a certaine king that will take account of his seruants God will require a reckoning at our hands of the time he hath lent vs of the graces he hath giuen vs of the blessinges in this worlde bestowed vpon vs. When the rich mans stewarde in the sixteenth of Saint Lukes Gospel sawe how the worlde was likelie to goe with him to wit that he must giue an account it was time for him to call his wittes togither and so is it for vs all if we haue anie care of the account which will be required at our hands An account for our selues Adam vb● es Adam where art thou How hast thou walked in the comman dements I gaue thee An account for our brethren Cain vbi est frater tuus Abel Caine where is thy brother Abel how hast thou vsed him An account for our bodies haue they beene kept as the temples of the holy Ghost An account for our soules whether be they fit to appeare in the sight of the great sheepheard An account for our workes An account for our wordes An account for our verie thoughts it is most true God is mercifull but wee cannot tell whether our sinnes wil make a separation between God and vs if we be not carefull in time a consideration hereof may be the compasse to guide our ship the squire to frame our building and may euermore moue vs to cast in our mindes how to prouide for a day to come Now therefore seeing our condition of life is onely certaine in vncertaintie seeing our time passeth away as the prophet Dauid saith as noth●ng and man disquieteth him self in vaine why do we not endeuor to attain a retired course of life cōtent our selues with our calling be it but meane amongst men we know assuredly after all our climing downe we must die we must where or when we know not one falleth in his full strength being in all ease prosperitie another in y● bitternes of his soul and neuer eateth with pleasure both saith Iob sleepe in the dust the slimie valew shall be swept ouer them O good Lord that men woulde sometimes consider this leaue the pursute of this troublesome world follow Christ in meeknes who is the way the truth and life without the way we walke not without the truth we know not without this life we liue not We follow him in lowlinesse of minde the reward of this following is rest vnto our soules Iacob laid the hande of blessing vpon Ephraim the yonger and God saith Saint Iames bestowes the gift of grace vpon Ephraim too that is to say the lowlier The Apostle Saint Paule in euerie Epistle where he commendeth them to whom he wrote to grace hee commendes them ioyntlie to peace his vsuall stile is Grace Peace as if where grace is there peace is as where the fire is there heate is wherefore that same vnum petii of the Prophet may be the vnum petii of euerie well disposed man One thing haue I desired of the Lorde that I may dwell in the house of the Lord. or serue him peaceablie all the dayes of my life Noah was an hundred yeares togither busie about an Arke to saue him from the floud we haue not so long to labour in framing a peaceable and religious course of life which will one day be an Arke for the bodie and a tabernacle for the soule when wee shall bee safe in deede It is a world to see the vnquiet disposition of some mens natures who are either whyning at Gods prouidence because they haue not their owne willes or otherwise in bitter conflicts because they will be euer in trouble with men did these consider that the daies of their warfare are not long and that they are towardes an other worlde they coulde soone endeuour to passe ouer that small time of continuance yet remayning in more quiet and contentment both with God and man Now when wee heare that God is iust we learne to feare him an● when we heare that he is mercifull wee learne to loue him So that with feare and loue we may go forward from vertue to vertue vntill we growe vnto a perfect age in Christ Iesus who is there that doth not desire to se● good dayes Good dayes in deede to wit the dayes of all eternitie let him eschew euill and doe good For the day of the Lord that dreadfull day it is resembled to the comming of a theef in the night well it may spoyle and torment the carelesse and the retchlesse but for the watchfull householder that
time doe we not see the v●ces themselues rewarde their followers with sundrie griefes and infirmities at the last and their fairest end often to bee extreame penurie For the world it selfe doth it not saith S. Iohn passe away concupiscentia eius and the lusts thereof doeth it not shew matta very Iudas part betray them vnto Sathan saying whom I kisse with a fained signe of loue take them torture them which is enough to make them out of loue with this world and with Lot to get them from Sodom or with the Saints to come out of Babilon or the affections of this sinfull world that they bee not partakers of the punishment to be inflicted vpon the same Now to come a little to the state of those in this world whose inheritance is aboue what els do they find it but a maine sea of calamities where they are tossed with the billowes of many stonnes and do feele this passage full of bitternesse Least they should take too much delight in wasting to and fro vpon worldly pleasures God doth ballast their ship with some affliction to see a little the state of Gods owne friendes There was neuer yet a Moyses but hee had a Iannes and a Iambres to resist him Neuer was there a good Ioseph but hee had in his owne fathers house vnkind brethren to enuie him Neuer an Elias but a I●sabel to hunt him Neuer a Paule but an Alexander to doe him much eu●ll Neuer a reuerent Athanasius or most learned and painfull Bishop of his time but bolde spirited schismatickes wrongfully to maligne him wherfore to haue enemies in this world we must be content it was his case that now sits at the right hand of God in heauen to suffer persecution t is no new accident Sic pers●cuti sunt Prophetas qui fuerunt ante vos said our Sauior to his disciples the Prophets of old dranke of the same cuppe all suffered From this annoyance we may come vnto the domesticall or home troubles within our selues where olde Adam or nature like Hagar the bond woman is verie disdainfull towards her mistresse Sarah to witte infused grace where the rebellious appetites conspire against the regiment of reason where our will like another Eue is stil prouoking vs to reach after the forbidden fruit where sinne like Tarquinius the proud would tyrannise vsurpe a perpetual Dictatorship did not the regenerate like men of courage and constancie cast him out of his kingdome And thus labouring to bring all to that seemely Monarchy of Gods spirit no small labor and trauell is vndertaken In pleasing men wee often incurre a greater losse by displeasing God by pleasing God which is best of all we often times displease men So which way soeuer wee cast our eies wee see and find that of the wise man verified Great trauell is created for all men and a heauie yoake for the sonnes of Adam from the day that they come out of their mothers wombe to the day that they returne to the earth the mother of all thinges from him that sitteth in the glorious throne vnto him that is beneath in earth and ashes This being the estate of all in general sinners corrected sonnes chastened nay the euill themselues much tossed and turmoiled they that worship the beast saith S. Iohn haue no rest day nor night as they haue not who make an idoll of sensual pleasure Looke how many vices so many furies is wont to haunt the licentious liuers But the good who onely haue their trials and are proued with Simon of Cyrene euery one with his crosse must bee content to accompany Christ vnto his kingdome Manifolde troubles are incident to all but in more special manner vnto those who are going from the dirt and mire of Egypt to doe sacrifice to God who will bring them into a good land the remembrance whereof may make them wish with Dauid that they had wings like a Doue and so flying they might come to rest Wherefore for these transitorie and fleeting delightes of this sinfull world happie are wee if wee see them more happie if we shun them but most happy of all when God shall take vs cleane from them when we shall be deliuered from this irk●some necessitie of sinning It is some comfort vnto the wayfaring man to commune of his iournies end Ioyfully doth the bond mā reckon of the yeare of Iubilee This wearisome pilgrimage of ours may iustly mooue vs this burdensome bondage may mooue vs indeede to enter into a sad remembrance of our ende and pause with that of the Apostle Haec medita●e meditate of these thinges Elias fled but a dayes iourney before Iesabell and he said it is inough Lord take my soule The Angell would haue Toby reioyce Toby replied quale mihi erit gaudium qui in tenebris sedeo c. What ioy can I haue that doe here sit in darkenesse and doe not behold the light of the Sunne Those of Babilon would haue the Israelites sing them a song Alas what song could they sing being so sorrowfull captiues as they were Here we are flying before many Iezabels Heere wee sit in darkenesse and see not the true ●ight that doth shine aboue in glory Heere wee are poore captiues what reioycing should we haue in a vale of teares in so low and marshie a soile naturally subiect vnto moisture This farre country is full of penury and sorrow no plenty no musicke vntill we returne vnto our Fathers house While we are on this side Iordan wee are amidst many trials and to say trueth we may looke for no other Wee finde that of S. Austen true Quid est diu viuere nisi diu torqueri What is it to liue long but to be long troubled Wee reade that Noahs Dooue at her first flight from the Arke well shee might mount aloft fetcht many retires but shee could haue no resting place vntill Noah opened the window of the Arke to receiue her in againe so the poore soule may soare a time by lifting vp many a sigh and supplication vnto God who at last doth open the window of his heauenlye Arke and then but not before shee hath sure footing to rest for euer Those good men saith the Apostle S. Paul in the eleuenth to the Hebrewes of whome sometimes the bad worlde was vnworthy wandred vp and downe in sheepes skinnes in deserts as men forelorne shewing euidently that their glory was not of this worlde where they founde so sorry acceptance and therefore had their hope ful of immortality hoping for a reward to come Now therefore seeing in this state of life all is so troublesome enemies at home enemies abroade perils on euery side a Christian Meditation of our departure from this world may tell vs All will one day be better That wee shoulde not thinke of our continuance here we see this life to be onely a pilgrimage That we
appeared first after his resurrection to Marie Magdalene to shewe that he brought comfort to the greatest sinners of all This is a true saying saith the Apostle That Christ came into the world to saue sinners whereof I am the chiefe as if S. Paul put himselfe in the number as euerie one shoulde and say wherof I am one nay the chiefe And here we may call to minde that bottomles depth of Gods mercie who will bee called rather by the name of a father to intimate vnto vs his loue and to enconrage vs to call vpon him in time of neede whose goodnes is diffusiue and communicable vnto others whose bountie is delighted in nothing more then in doing good And is woont rather to giue great then small things God is not such a one as Adam tooke him to be from whom when he had sinned hee shoulde flie or hide him selfe for feare but God is such a one to whom Adam and all that haue sinned may haue accesse with hope and loue The seruants of Benadab in the first of Kinges and the twentieth when they saw and considered wel their distressed case began to aduise their maister Benadab after this maner We heare that the Kings of Israel are mercifull wherefore let vs cloath our selues in sackecloath that so we may goe and find fauour in their sight If this mercifulnes were a thing proper vnto the Kings of Israel what may wee looke for at the handes of him who is the God of Israel before whom they that humble themselues shall questionlesse find grace and mercie My sin is greater no Cain thou errest God his mercie is far greater couldest thou aske mercie Men cannot bee more sinnefull then God is mercifull if with penitent heartes they will but call vpon him But come we vnto Christ the fountaine of al mercie there shall we find God in his mediation onlie great without quantitie and good without qualitie as Saint Austen speaketh Christ in the Gospel was called of the Pharisies by way of reproach a friend of Publicans and sinners and so was hee in truth and verit●e Neuer was there such a friend to poore sinners such Publicans as he was who strake his breast saide God be mercifull to me a sinner The Parable of the lost shaepe doth shewe this loue in seeking the lost sinner the ioy of the Angels of heauen ouer our repentance may much comfort vs to cal for grace When the wandering sonne had consumed his fathers substaunce but yet returned sorowfully to acknowledge himselfe the father saith not whence ●●mest thou or where is now all thy patrimonie but bring hither the newe garment ●il the fat calfe let vs reioyce my son was dead and is aliue Here was a welcome ●ome that might amaze this wandering sonne though wee sometimes lose the nature of children yet God doth neuer lose the name and nature of a father a name of priuiledge to his children we crie Abba father a name of care and prouidence your heauenly father eareth for you a name of loue If you giue your Children good things how much more shall your father in heauen giue you if you aske them of him And not onely a father but our father which should wounde our harts and kindle our affections in al distresses with comfort to ●al vpon him It may be said also in this case as before it was saide of the affection of a mother There is none knowes the loue of a father but a father nor any the loue of God but God himselfe who is loue That thou mightest bee blessed O man first hee created the● that thou mightest bee recouered when thou wert lost then hee redeemed thee which redeeming sheweth a price paied for thy raunsome which price was his dearest bloud When Christ wept and shed some fewe teares for Lazarus the Iewes reasoned and said see how he loued him but when Christ shedde his owne bloud for vs and that in great aboundance Osee how he loued vs. If hee bought vs with so deare a price will he refuse his owne peniworth If he sought vs flying from him shal be not much more receiue vs when we come vnto him Can a mother saith the Prophet Esay forget the childe of her wombe yea tho●gh she do yet will not God forget his people When my father and mother forsooke me saith Dauid the Lord tooke me vp We haue a good Samaritan that when the Priest and the Leuite left vs wounded to wit the Law and figures thereof passed by vs hee bound vp our wounds and paid for our curing that we might be recouered vnto euerlasting health Our Ioseph is gone before to prouide for his brethren was there euer such loue Looke how wide the East is from the West so farre hath hee sette our sinnes from vs. Nay like as the pillar of clouds was set betweene the host of their enemies and the tents of the people of Israel that no harme might befall them so hath hee set his prouidence betweene vs and all casualties that no hurt should oppresse vs Wee should be sutors vnto Christ and least our manifolde sinnes shoulde make vs bashfull he calleth vs vnto him saying Venite omnes qui laboratis onorati estis ego reficiam vos Come vnto me al that are wearie and hea●●e loden and I will refresh you Did al the poore creatures come vnto the Arke to saue themselues Did the Angels carrie Lot out of Sodome and shall not wee come vnto him who calles vs so louingly and meanes no other but to bring vs vnto his euerlasting kingdome Wherefore let neither the multitude of our sins the terror of the lawe nor the feare of Gods iustice discourage vs in time of distresse Christ hath put thē al to flight as Dauid did the Philistines by killing the killing letter of the lawe who would not cast his burthen vpon him that doth desire to giue vs ease As I liue saith the Lord I woulde not the death of a sinner God woulde haue the sinnes to die but the sinner to liue whose creatures haue nourished vs whose-prouidence hath preserued vs whose mercies hath carried vs all along from our verie cradles vntill this d●y whose watchfull eye hath deliuered vs from so manie daungers both of bodie and soule haue we had such and so many experiments of his loue and should we now doubt thereof Is the Iudge become our aduocate and shall we feare to go forwards towards the throne of grace The Spirite and the Bride say come and let him that is a thirst com● and let who soeuer will drinke of the water of life come freely who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen who shall condemne Christ at the right hande of God maketh request for vs. The ninteenth Chapter Howe the sicke in the agonie of death may bee prepared towards his ende AL our life long haue we liued
through thee haue I beene holpen euer since I was borne it grieueth mee that I haue so often offended thy goodnes and I am grieued that I grieue no more Lord as an humble suitor I appeale vnto the throne of mercie and there begge at thy handes remission of all my sinnes in the merites of thy bitter passion I offer vnto thee a penitent heart for the time past and promise amendment if it shall please thy diuine wisedome to continue on this my pilgrimage for the time to come wherein I refer my selfe wholly to thy heauenly will in hope of a better resurrection vnto euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another prayer for the sicke ALmightie and euerlasting God maker of mankind which doest correct those whom thou dost loue and chastenest euerie one whome thou receyuest receiue O Lorde wee beseech thee thy seruant here visited with sicknesse distrusting in his owne merites and trusting in thy mercies Looke vpon him O Lorde as thou didst vpon Ezechias restore vnto him his former health if it bee thy will or otherwise giue him grace to take this sicknes patiently that after this life ended in thy faith and loue hee may dwell with thee in life euerlasting vnto which life vouchsafe to bring him and vs all thy hamble seruants for thy infinit mercies sake Amen The one and twentieth Chapter Wherein is laid downe the manner of commending the sicke into the handes of God at the houre of death GOd the Father who hath created thee God the Sonne who hath redeemed thee God the holy Ghost who hath infused his grace into thee assist thee in all thy tryals and leade thee the way into euerlasting peace Answer Amen Christ that died for thee keep thee from all euill Answ. Amen Christ that redeemed thee strengthen thee in all temptations Answ. Amen Christ that loued thee so deerly raise thee body and soule in the resurrection of the iust Answ. Amen Christ that sitteth at the right hand of God in heauen bring thee vnto euerlasting ioy Answ. Amen God grant thy place may be in Abrahams bosome Answer Amen God grant thou mayest behold thy blessed Sauior in the state of glorie Answ. Amen God grant thy death may be precious in his sight in whom thou art to rest for euer Answ. Amen A briefe forme of praier MOst mercifull father wee commend vnto thee this thy seruant the worke of thine own hands we commend vnto thee his soule in the merits of Christ Iesus his redeemer Accept O Lord thine owne creature forgiue we beseech thee what soeuer hath been committed by humaine fra●ltie and command thy Angels to bring him to the land of euerlasting peace Answer Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou diddest Noah in the floud Answ. Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou didst Lot from the fire of Sodom Answer Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou diddest Iob in all his aduersitie Answ. Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou diddest the Israelites from the power of Pharaoh and the oppression of Egypt Answ. Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant from the malice of Sathan as thou didst Dauid from all his enemies Answ. Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou didst Daniel from the mouth of the Lions Answ. Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou diddest the three children from the fierie flames Answ. Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou diddest Elias from the false Prophetes that sought his ouerthrow Answ. Amen Preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant and deliuer him as thou diddest thy Aposties out of prison Answ. Amen From that ruefull darknes Answer Deliuer him O Lord. From the paines of Hell Answer Deliuer him O Lord. From euerlasting malediction Answer Deliuer him O Lord. By thy natiuitie Answere O Lord deliuer him By thy crosse and passion Answere O Lord deliuer him By thy descention into hell Answere O Lord deliuer him By thy resurrection from the dead the third day Answer O Lord deliuer him By thy ascention into heauen Answer O Lord deliuer him Into thy merciful hands O heauenly Father we commend the soule of thy seruant nowe departing acknowledge wee beseech thee a sheepe of thine owne fold a lambe of thy own flocke Receiue him into the armes of thy mercy knowing the thing cannot perish which is committed to thy charge O most mercifull Iesus receiue we beseech thee his spirit in peace Amen The blessing of the sicke Iesus Christ absolue shee from all thy sinnes Answ. Amen Iesus Christ that died for thee put out all thy offences Answ. Amen Iesus Christ that calleth thee receiue thee into his heauenly kingdome Answ. Amen The Lorde blesse thee and keepe thee The Lord make his face to shine vpon thee The Lord lift vp his countenance ouer thee and giue thee a ioyfull resurrection to life euerlasting Amen Depart O Christian soule in the name of God the Father who created thee of God the Sonne who redeemed thee of God the holy Ghost who sanctified thee one liuing and immortal God to whom be glory for euer and euer Amen A Praier to be vsed by the assemblie at the time of the Christian mans departure Let vs pray O Almightie and euerlasting God seeing it hath pleased thee to take this thy seruant out of the miseries of a sinfull world vnto thy heauenly kingdome for which Lord thy name bee blessed make vs we beseech thee that yet remaine mindful of our mortalitie that we may walke before thee in righteousnesse and holinesse all the daies of our life and when the time of our departure shall come we may rest in thee as our hope is this thy seruant doth that we with him and all other departed in the faith of thy holy name may reiorce together in thy eternall and euerlasting glorie through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen The two and twentieth Chapter An exhortation is comfort those who lament mourne for the departure of others TO vse mourning for the dead decencie amongst men and Christianitie doth allow it examples of holy scriptures doe approue as much What more seemely then the performance of the dutie whereby we giue testimonie of naturall affection in this solemne departure each from other God hath neither made vs stockes nor stones nor giuen vs heartes which should haue no seeling when occasions offered or times beseeming require sorrowfull affections In the contrarie what more vncomely then to vse nurth in the house of mourning A very Heathenish manner was it thought to bee by the decree of an ancient council to sport at these motiues to mourning For examples in holy scripture we find that Abraham mourned for Sarah all Israel for Samuel the people in the wildernesse for Aaron their high priest the inhabitantes of Bethulia for Iudeth that honorable widdow the Machabies for their