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A09841 A newe treatise of the right reckoning of yeares, and ages of the world, and mens liues, and of the estate of the last decaying age thereof this 1600. yeare of Christ, (erroniouslie called a yeare of Iubilee) which is from the Creation, the 5548. yeare. Conteining sundrie singularities, worthie of observation, concerning courses of times, and revolutions of the heauen, and reformations of kalendars, and prognistications: with a discourse of prophecies and signes, preceeding the latter daye, which by manie arguments appeareth now to approch. With a godlie admonition in the end, vpon the words of the Apostle, to redeeme the time, because the dayes are evill. By M. Robert Pont, an aged pastour in the Kirk of Scotland. The heades are set downe in certaine propositions, in the page following. Pont, Robert, 1524-1606. 1599 (1599) STC 20104; ESTC S114916 62,367 102

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was to bee changed in a Monarchie And to indeed we finde into the foure Monarchies For the first two Babylonian Monarchies the former occupyed by the Assyrians and Medes the other by the Medes and Persians indured both but the space of 495. yeares The kingdome of the Greekes begunne by Seleucus N●cator lasted but the half space or lesse periode to witte about 245. yeares Rome was governed by Kings likewise by one of these lesse periodes to wit about 243. year The Concelles thereafter governed Rome by the space of an great period to witte about 462. yeares Thereafter indured the Monarchie of Emperours from Iulius Caesar the First to Valentinian the Third one of these great Periodes in whose time Rome was taken and sacked First by the Gotthes and thereafter by the Vandales And albeit smaller Kingdoms oftimes be not subject to great mutations yet they haue also certaine fatall periods of time wherin either they are changed from their former estate or els alluterly altered in new formes of governemēt For by the space of one of these great periodes Kings did raigne in Athenes By the like space flourished the common-wealth of Sparta But the Kingdome of the Troianes indured little more then one of the lesse or halfe great periodes Many like charges may be found in other Kingdomes who list diligently to reade the auncient Histories But in time of the last of the foure Monarchies according to the Prophecy of Daniel was raised vp that everlasting kingdome of the true Messas Iesus Christ which albeit it hath no end yet in time of it many changes and mutations haue fallen and are to fall out in the World both in the estate of the Church and of earthly policies Concerning the which wee haue set foorth in figure by the propheticall Spirite of Iohn in his Revelation in seaven Trumpets blowing by seaven Angels the whole estate of the Church vnder the kingdom of Christ every blast of trumpet conteining the space of one of those les periods to wit 245 yeares And likewise the troubles plagues that were to fall foorth in the world vnder the figure of other 7. Angels pouring our seaven Viols of the wrath of God vpon the earth and elements for not obeying the Gospel of Christ where-anent I wil remit the Readers to the profounde and learned Commentaries of IOHN NAPER vpon the Revelation wherein the accidents of evrie particular periode of time both in the one estate and in the other are set out at large It shall suffice for this shorte Treatise to haue poynted out these matters to prooue this our sixte proposition concerning the Sympathie of periodes of time even from the beginning of the World vnto the end thereof For with the last blast of the Trumpet of the seventh and laste Angel by all appearance the worlde is to take an ende as I minde to speake more particularlie in the seaventh last proposition There are also other periodes of times vsed in reckoning of the yeares of the world and of the right revolutions of the heaven whereof there be two that haue a special respect to Sabbaticall yeares as that which is called the great Cycle or period of the Iewes conteining the space of 6916. yeares which is made vp of 988. weekes of yeares and 141. Iubilees with a weeke of yeares It hath also 364 Cycles of the Moone and 247. of the Sunne and conteineth 13. periodicall Cycles of Dionysius By it the Iewes counte all their newe Moons week daies they suppose it reacheth to the begining of the world but they ar deceved in the space of 190. years alwaise this 1600 year of christ is the 5359 of that cycle for the year of the nativity of Christ was the 3760. year of the same The other cycle that hath respect to Sabbatical years is that which is cōmonly called the cycle or period of Dionysius cōteining the space of 532. years which is made vp by multiplication of the Golden number by the cycle of the Sun is cōteined 76 weeks of years And by it the Paschal termes were reckoned Now by taking vp of this matter wee see alwaies that there are many great hid mysteries in the nūber of 7. not only by counting Sabbatical years Iubilees but also in reckoning of periods of years as by the les period wherby Iohn reckoneth in his Revelation cōteining 35. weeks of years 5. Iubilees the greater period cōteining 10. Iubilees 70. weeks of yeares according to the reckoning of Daniel Moreover many of al the mysteries both of the Old New Testament bin cōprysed vnder the nūber of 7. As al the sacrifices for the most part wer offred by seavens as cōmonly by 7. bullocks 7. Rams or sheep which was observed amongst the people of God but also by Balaam that hyreling prophet as we read in the book of Numbers was also vsed by ancient imitation of the sacrifices of Gods people by the profaine Gentiles wheranent the Poet Virgil bringeth in Sibylla the prophetesse thus admonishing Aeneas when he was to consult the Oracle of Apollo Nunc grege de intacto septem mactare iuvencos Praestiterit totidem lectas de more bibentes Better it were seaven Bullockes now to take Without blemish a sacrifice to make Seaven chosen gymmers of the sheepe also According to the rite of times ago The principal feasts or solemnities of Gods people lasted 7. days and on the 8. daye were dissolved 7 dayes the people did eat vnleavened bread at the Passover Seauen weekes were counted betweene the Passeover and Pontecost Maniest Feastes were celebrated in the 7. 〈◊〉 And in a misery also the ark of Noah which was 〈◊〉 of the Church in the seaventh Moneth rested vpon the Mountaines of Ararat signifying the restauration of all things to be in the seaventh estate of the Church Likewise Wisedome hath builded her house with seauen Pillers By her house wee vnderstande the Church and by her seaven Pillers the gifts of the Spirite by which the Church is established The which albeit they be many yet principally they are comprehended vnder the number of seaven which also are figured by seaven burning Lampes and in Exode by the seaven graved Candle-stickes Likewise in Zachary the stone which is Christ hath seaven eyes that goe through the whole world Which is to be vnderstood of Christ lightning the world by these manifold graces of the Spirite Or as others expound it by the watching eies of Gods divine providence Many other like similitudes taken from the number of seaven may we gather out of the olde Testament as from a divine number and a number of perfection Likewise in the new Testament by the seaven Deacons which were elected by the Apostles may be signified a number of perfection And the wicked spirites also are numbred by seavens when it is said that Christ ejected out of Marie Magdalene seuen Devils And in an other place how when the
gathered the revpon with sobrie●ie of inquisition For our Saviour Christ himselfe in an other place willeth his Apostles to take heed when they shall see Ierusalem besieged with souldiers for then they shuld vnderstand that the desolation thereof was nere And againe as it is in an other Evangelist When ye shal see the abhomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet standing in the holy place Then let him that readeth meaning him that readeth the Prophecie considder And thereafter he giveth his Disciples a signe Saying learne ye the similitude of the Figge-tree when her bough is yet tender and bringeth foorth leaues ye know the Summer is neere So likewse yee sayth he when ye see all things which I haue foretold know that the Kingdome of God is neere euen at the doores With many other sayings to the like purpose Where hee vnderstandeth by the Kingdome of God his spirituall Kingdome and not as the Apostles in their question meant of a Temporal Kingdome For he came not to restore any such Kingdome Likewise Daniel and the rest of the Prophets are oftimes warned to marke the times when such things as were reveiled to them should come to passe And Iohn in his Revelation to write the same And expressely in Daniell wee haue set downe the periode of time whereof was spoken in the first proposition of the standing of the policie of the Iewes after the captivity of Babilon to wit of those 70. weekes which were prefixed to that people and to their cittie of Ierusalem to stand Now this space of 70. weekes of years set down by the Angel in Daniel for the time of the standing of the common-wealth of the Iewes after the restauratiō thereof so that thereafter it should come to a determinate desolation being a greate periode of time about 500 yeares to wit 490. yeares appeareth plainly by a certaine fatal lawe appoynted and determined by God to bring to all other kingdomes and great Empires a merveilous mutation as is evident and founde out by aggreemente of many examples not sticking vpon the precise daye nor year but about or neere such a revolution of time either kingdomes fall and are turned vp side downe or else are transferred and changed from their former estate in other newe formes for the moste parte And also other most notable accidentes fal out in the world both concerning the estate of the Church and earthlie policies either about such a time I saye which I call the great or more periode of 490. yeares conteining 70. weekes of yeares that is the space of ten Iubilees or else about the halfe space thereof which I call the lesse periode conteining 35. weekes of yeares and fiue Iubilees that is 245. yeares which is the space of the blast of everie trumpet reckoned by IOHN in the Revelation So that hereinto also the reckoning by seavens and by Sabbaticall years bringeth out a great sympathie and agreement to count the changeing of times thereby of the which I haue thought good here to shew many examples And first we do finde in the Scriptures and concerning the estate of the Church of God and of the olde Worlde that in the first halfe periode of time to witte about 245. yeares after the creation after the birth of Enosh the name of the Lord begouth to be called vpon that is the hearts of the godly begouth then to be mooved to restore the purity of religion which by Cain and his wicked seed before had bene suppressed About the end of the second great periode of time to wrtte from the creation 987. yeares Henoch was translated by God from this mortal life to immortalitie to cōfort the faithfull of that age confirme them against the vngodlines of the world in hop of the general resurrection About the end of the third great periode when fell out in the 1470. yeare from the creation the world begouth vniversally to be corrupt when the seede of the godly begouth to be mingled with the vngodly For the which cause within the half period of time therafter God in his just judegmēt destroyed the whole race of man-kinde except Noah and his familie by that feareful invndation of waters Not many yeares after the fourth great period which ended in the 1960. yeare of the World was Abraham called out of his natiue cuntry by God to whom and his posteritie God promiseth the Land of Canaan that in his seede al nations should be blessed From the promise made to Abraham to the departing of the Isralites out of Aegypt we know were 430. yeares to the which adding 60. yeares of the former age of Abraham they will make out the fift great periode So that the next yeare after the departing of the people out of Aegypt to possesse the Land of Canaan will compleite the same which falleth in the 2450. yeare after the ●●●ation of the world We do know likewise that frō the departing out of Aegypt to the building of the tēple by Solomon ar 480. yeares which lack only 10. or 11. years of an other just great period For the sixt great period from the creatiō endeth in the ●940 year of the world which was the 15. yeare of the raigne of Solomon neere the time of the dedication of the Temple The seventh great period by exact calculation commeth justly to the yeare of the Worlde 3430. which was the first year of Cyrus wherein the people of the Iewes were delivered from the captivitie of Babylon in the which yeare there was a great concurrence of Sabbathes and Iubilees as was shewen before And if we wil count forward from this yeare we shall finde the eight great periodes to extend to the 3920. yeare of the world which is but 28. yeare before the birth of Christ. So wee see and gather by the Scriptures howe about the ende of these great periodes of 490. yeares or 70. weekes of yeares mentioned by Daniel greate accidents fell out in the Worlde and amongst the people of God even from the beginning vnto the birth of Christ. We shall finde also that about the space of one of these great periods the people of Israel were ruled by Iudges and thereafter about the like space by Kings And so long lasted the restored policie of the Iewes And to come to profaine histories many the like periodes of Empires and Kingdomes and great mutations may be founde out and commonly the greater dominions haue the more suddaine changes according to the saying of the Poet Summisque negatum stare diu It is not granted to highest things to haue long standing Concerning this matter we read of the Philosopher Cratippus that he being demanded by Pompeius after that hee was vanquished by Caesar at the fielde of Pharsalia If there were any divine providence seing that he who had the more just cause was so over-come The Philosopher answered that there were certaine fatal periodes of Empires whereby then the common-weale of Rome
manie doubtes wherein writers are involved that haue no regarde thereto and oft-times count by gesse especiallie in reckoning of yeares from the captivitie of Babylon to Christ and the right beginning and ending of the weekes of Daniel whereinto many learned men haue bene greatly troubled laboring by a just count to agree the Histories of times there with which cannot be vnlesse there be certaine weekes of yeares interjected betweene the beginning and ende thereof And thirdly I haue vsed this kinde of Sabbatical reckoning becaus one of the chief purposes that presenttie I haue in hand is to discover the vanitie and ignorance of the Papisticall reckoners concerning their counterfaited yeares of Iubilee by a preposterous imitation of the law of Moyses For the which cause it is expedient to haue the exact knowledge of Sabbaticall years For by them the yeares of Iubilee are reckoned and found out For thus layeth Moys●s Thou shalt also number vnto thee seaven Sabbathes of yeares even seven times seaven yeares and the space of seaven Sabbathes of yeares will be vnto thee nine and fourtie yeare Then thou shalt cause to blowe the Trumpet of the Iubilee in the tenth day of the seventh Moneth To witte in the beginning of the fiftieth yeare which was commanded to be hallowed and to be a yeare of Iubile● vnto the people But is not so to bee vnderstood that everie Iubilee conteined full fiftie yeares but that fiftie yeare wherein the Iubilee was proclaymed was also the first yeare of the next Iubilee for otherwise the reckoning by weekes of yeares should haue bene confounded and could not bee holden in just counte which is contrary to the minde of the Law-giver And yet the fiftieth yeare by a common Phrase of speaking was called the yeare of Iubilee As the Olympiades of Greece albeit they conteined but the space of foure yeares are called by Pindarus and other Poets the spectacles or vassallages of fiue yeares because they returned everie fift yeare And we commonly call the space of an week eight daies albeit it conteineth but seaven So it is evident that the right count of Iubilees proceedeth from everie 49. to other 49. yeares Now let vs considder the bastard Iubilees begotten and feyned by the Popes of Rome wherevnto they haue no respecte to Sabbaticall yeares whereof Iubilees as the law required are made vp But Pope BONIFACE the S. Pope of that name the first father and inventer thereof in the yeare of Christ 1300. tooke the whole compleit number of everie hundreth yeare conteining twise fiftie for his Iubilee And CLEMENT the 6. reduced the same to everie fiftie yeare compleete And after him PAVLE the 2. to everie 25. yeare And finallie IVLIVS the 2. to everie tenth yeare Ever diminishing the yeares to augment their Antichristian superstition and the vent of their vngodlie wares So vnstable and changeable is the estate of that vsurped Kingdome This then is the first errour of those counterfaited Iubilees concerning the times of the appoyntment thereof That they are nothing like in reckoning to the Iubilees of the Lawe which those Apish juglares pretend to imitate And as concerning this 1600. yeare from the Nativitie of Christ whether wee count by the number date of these yeares or by the yeares from the beginning of the Worlde it will neither be found a Sabbatical year nor yet a year of Iubilee For dividing 1600. by seavens it leaveth 4. odde yeares remaining ouer 228. weeks of yeares And dividing againe this quotient by 7. it leaveth 4. od weeks of years aboue and attour 32. Iubilees The like may be also found if we shal divide the whole yeares from the creation of the world to this present For 5548. being parted by seavens leaveth four odde yeares And the quotient againe which is 792. being divided by seavens after 113. Iubilees leaveth one od weeke of yeares And so the appoynted times of these new-invented Iubilees are no-wise rightlie reckoned to counterfaite the Iubilees of the Law The second greater errour is that they make their reckoning from a wrong ground to wit from the Nativitie of Christ wheras if any such reckoning were to be made it shuld be taken from the yeare of the suffring death of our Saviour Christ to the which Daniel reckoneth his Sabbaticall yeares For thereby Christ accomplished the true Iubilee putting ende to all the preceeding figuratiue Iubilees purchasing vnto the faithful ful libertie and remission from the Spirituall debt of sinne which was signified by the freedome and libertie graunted by the Iubilees of the Lawe And the Popes pretend to doe the like by their blasphemous indulgences and Pardones which is the thirde and worst errour of all So that others might be borne with if this followed not But when the substance the Satanicall inuention and false ground wherevpon these Iubilees are set vp is truly considdered There is no-well instructed Christian hart but must needes abhorre the impietie and abuse thereof And first let vs make a conference betweene these the olde Iubilees of the Iewes The year of Iubilee of the Iewes was called the yeare of remission because in it all debtes were remitted and the Landes that were solde returned to their former owners These thinges had the expresse commandement of God for their warrant The Papisticall Iubilees haue no ground of the word of God but haue bene latelie invented but 300. yeares agoe by Pope BONIFACE the 8. a man of extreame arrogancie and crueltie as a tryumphe of his pride when the Popedome was at the hight of tyrannie This was also he that set out the Sext booke of Decretales of the Cannon law and as is testify ed in his life regisirate in the same booke he obtayned the Papacie by wicked deceit and circumvention of one CELESTINE a simple man The pretence of this BONIFACE in the first institution of his Iubilee was vnder colour to dispense his Pardones but indeede to make manie people resort to Rome Princes Great men to adore the beast and kisse his filthy feete For it is reported in the Historie that there were gathered thereby vnto Rome such a multitude of people that hardly might men passe through the Cittie and ruipes thereof albeit being most large The Iubilees also in the policie of the people of Israel were institut for weightie causes and for a great benefite For besides that they figured our Spirituall libertie which we haue by Christ and were an instigation to the people more diligently to Sanctifie their Sabbathes by them also the fieldes and possessiones of everie man were reserved to their heires The licencious libertie of prodigall sellers and the avarice of greedie buyars was restrayned because they behooved to restore that which they had bought at the yeare of Iubilee The Papistical Iubilees to the contrarie are institute for no good cause but superstitiouslie to maintaine the pride and avarice o● the insatiable Courte and corrupt Church of Rome and to cause men
from an Ringe And for the like cause the auncient Aegyptians made the figure thereof in the similitude of a Serpent by ting his owne tayle The Moone likewise by her revolution in the lyft determineth vnto vs the Moneths and the Sunne by his dayly motion sheweth vs the dayes and the houres thereof The rest of the Planets also haue each of them their peculiar and determinate recourses of time wherein they compleit their revolution as Saturne in the space of thirty yeares or thereby Iupiter in twelue yeares March in two yeares Venus and Mercurie aggreeing with the course of the Sun The fixed starres also haue their peculiar motions and revolutions wherof it is not now necessary more largely to speake It is verifyed also by experience that inferiour thinges vnder the heavens haue their appoynted recourses and returnings Wherevnto SOLOMON hath respect where in his booke called the Preacher he maketh mention of the Elements the Sunne the aire and the water The Sunne sayeth he ryseth and goeth to and returneth againe to the place from whence it did ryse The wind which maketh the moving of the aire goeth compassing from the South to the North turning round about 〈◊〉 by his curcuits All the rivers go into the Sea yet the sea is not filled ●ver The rivers returne to the places from whence they come to flow Hee giveth these examples to shew the revolutions of worldly things and applyeth it to declare the revolution of the estate of mens ages and liues So a generation sayeth he passeth and another commeth and there is nothing new vnder the Sun but that which is newe hath bene in the ages before and the like shall be hereafter Signifying that after certaine Periods and courses of time all worldly and earthly thinges shall returne to their former or to their like estate according to the determination and appoynted will of God as the first cause and as hee directeth and governeth the second and inferiour causes And this falleth forth not onely in the ages and liues of men but generally in all things worldly that haue a generation must needs also haue a corruption So that also in the common-wealths and policies established by men for holding vp mutuall societies amongst themselues there be certain periodes of time which make them to change and alter which may be found out by experience and ensamples of Histories of all ages aswell Ecclesiasticall as profane The cause thereof cannot be ascribed to Chance and Fortune as vnskilfull men doe for then all these changes should be most vncertaine neither is it altogether to be ascribed to the corrupt manners of men that cannot long remaine in one estate but evermore seeke novationes and changes Albeit it bee from the better to the worse although that maie be as a concurrente cause but it must needes proceede from an high grounde Some therefore there bee that make all these Revolutiones and chaunges to depende and hange vppon the Revolutiones of the Heaven which is by the courses and influences of the Planets and Starres being therein moderate and governe all inferioure thinges in the Worlde Therefore some of them parte the Circkle of the Zodiake in Foure Threes or Quarters called Triplicities And like-wise the whole Heauen and fixed Starres being therein and according thereto Prognosticate of the estate and changeing of Realmes and Empyres of the Earth attrybuting also vnto everie Region and Kingdome certaine fixed Starres to beare particular rule and dominion there Others haue ane especiall respecte to the moste notable conjunctiones of the Plannets And namelie of the superioure Plannettes and to the Eclipses of the Sunne and the Moone Others also more probablie respecting the manifolde mysteries of the number of seauen divide in seavens the whole periodes of time according to the number of the seaven Planets making everie particular Periode to followe the nature of the Plannets that then raigneth beginninge at Saturne and descending through the reste So that the influence of thinges that fall out in everie Periode may bee founde agreeable therev-nto It is not to bee denyed indeede but there is greate force and efficacie in the influence of the Heavens and Heavenlie Lights to alter and chaunge inferioure thinges but I can not bee perswaded tha● menne haue yet so farre attayned to the knowledge thereof as to finde out perfitelie thereby the generall chaunges and alterationes of Kingdomes and common-wealthes Al-be-it it may bee and is probable that they haue found out many particulars concerning particular persons Therefore that which is gathered thereby is involved in great obscurity and imperfite Albeit I confes I haue lately seene a Table not yet set out in prente the authors name I will suppresse till he himselfe publish it wherein in the space of the side of an through of Paper the lesse periodes of time whereof we are to speake aggree so concerning things falling out thereto even from the beginning of the world vnto our dayes with the nature of the seaven Planets in their revolutions and order that it is merveilous and appeareth not to lacke a great mystery where of I cease to speake further at this time For I wil not ascribe vnto me the prayse of other mens labours But to our purpose it is to be graunted also that there be many other concurrent causes of the changes of Kingdomes and earthly governements which make them to fall from their foundations or at least to be translated from one estate to an other which may be spoken generally of the revolution of all worldly things And namely Plato in the eight Booke of his Republicque maketh mention of three courses of the estates of cōmon wealthes to witte the rising flourishing and the decaying estate and of foure tearmes of their Periods The precise time of the which Periodes he involveth in an Aenigmaticall speech of two harmonies of numbers But vnles we take a better and more sure ground then such Philosophical conjectures we shall never attaine to anie sure knowledge of periodes of time that bring great chances and alterations either in Ecclesiasticall or in civill affaires Therefore we must come to the booke of God and first lay that generall grounde whereof Daniel maketh mention that it is he who altereth and translateth kingdomes and giueth them to whom he pleaseth And as concerning the periodes of times of such translationes and mutationes it is leisome to inquire and finde out the same also by the Scriptures For albeit the Apostles proponing the like question to Christ after his resurrection if that was the time wherein he should restore the kingdome to Israel received this aunswere That it was not for them to knowe the times or the seasons which the father had put in his own power Yet that is not so to be vnderstood as though it were not lawful to search out and know those times and seasons which the father hath revealed to be knowen by his Scripturs or that may be