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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07802 The dovvnefall of poperie proposed by way of a new challenge to all English Iesuits and Iesuited or Italianized papists: daring them all iointly, and euery one of them seuerally, to make answere thereunto if they can, or haue any truth on their side; knowing for a truth that otherwise all the world will crie with open mouths, fie vpon them, and their patched hotch-potch religion. Bell, Thomas, fl. 1593-1610. 1604 (1604) STC 1818; ESTC S113800 116,542 172

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please the Pope and by reason of their ignorance they set abroach many things which they did not vnderstand Iohannes Gerson a famous papist likewise and sometime chancelour of Paris reporteth much like stuffe and more lordly titles ascribed to the Pope by his popish parasites These are his expresse words Sicut Christo collata estomnis potestas in coelo in terra sic eam Christus omnem Petro suisque successoribus dereliquit Sequitur sicut non est potestas nisi à deo sic nec aliqua temporalis vel ecclesiastica imperialis vel regalis nisi à Papa in cuius foemore scripsit Christus rex regum dominus dominantium de cuius potestate disputare instar sacrilegij est cui neque quisquam dicere potest cur ita facis As all power was giuen to Christ in heauen and on earth so Christ left all the same power to Peter and to his successours the Bishops of Rome As there is no power but of God so is there neither any temporall or ecclesiasticall neither imperiall nor regall but of the Pope in whose thigh Christ hath written the king of kings and lord of lords of whose power to dispute is as it were sacriledge to whome no man may say VVhy doest thou so These are the words of this great learned doctor who though he were a zealous papist yet could he not conceale these Antichristian blasphemies within his breast Neuerthelesse Pope Boniface or if ye will Pope maliface did not only acknowledge them but with great pleasure practised the same as witnesseth the said Gerson in these words Hanc existimationem habuisse visus est Bonifacius octauus in quadam decretali putatur ab alijs depositio vnius regis franciae per papam Zachariam hic esse fundata tanquam papa sit qui transferre possit reges regna Pope Boniface the eight seemeth in a certaine decretall to haue had this opinion of his owne authoritie Others thinke that the deposition of Childericus the French king by Pope Zacharie was grounded in this Antichristian and godlesse conceit as if forsooth the Pope were he that could depose princes and translate their kingdomes By these authorities it is cleare that the late Bishops of Rome haue taken vpon them not onely to depose kings and to translate their kingdomes but withall haue challenged more than humane and royall power euen that power which is due and proper to God alone So as we haue not so much to consider what hath beene done as what ought of right to be done I will therefore for perspicuitie sake proceed by way of gradation and set downe the very steps of the ladder by which the late bishops of Rome did climbe vp to their vsurped tyrannicall primacie 1 The first step was the departure of the emperour Constantinus from Rome to Constantinople at what time as the Popes parasites tell vs the emperour gaue large gifts to the Pope euen his whole power dominion and territories both in Rome Italie and all the VVest parts for thus is it written by Gratian in the Popes own decrees Constantinus imperator coronam omnem regiam dignitatem in vrbe Romana in Italia in partibus occidentalibus Apostolico concessit Sequitur decreuimus itaque hoc vt ipse successores eius diademate viz. corona quam ex capite nostro illi concessimus ex auro purissime gemmis pretiosis vti debeat pro honore B. Petri. Constantine the emperour gaue the Pope his crowne and all royall dignitie in the citie of Rome and in Italie and in all the VVest parts It followeth a little after in the next Cannon VVe therefore haue made also this decree that the Pope and his successours shall for the honour of S. Peter weare the crown of pure gold and pretious stones which we haue giuen him from off our owne head Thus saith the decree But Laurentius Valla Raphael Voluteranus Paulus Catthalanus Nicolaus Cusanus and many other popish writers repute the same as a fable Yea our Iesuit Bellarmine seemeth to doubt thereof and of other like supposed donations and therefore hath he inuented a soueraign remedie for the same These are his expresse words Extant Romae authentica instrumenta harum similium donationum Sed etiamsi nihil horum extaret abunde sufficeret prescriptio 800. annorum Nam etiam regna imperia per latrocinium acquisita tandem longo tempore flunt legitima There be extant at Rome authenticall instruments of these and the like gifts But if there were no such thing yet would prescription of 800 yeares be sufficient for euen kingdomes empires gotten by robberie through continuance of time become lawfull Thus writeth our Iesuit who hath left nothing vnsaid that can be said for poperie The second step was the fall of the empire in the VVest For after the diuision of the empire it begun daily to decline and was vtterly dissolued in Augustulus in the yeare 471. of whom was made this epigram Augustus romanum imperium condidit Augustulus labefactauit Augustus set vp the empire but Augustulus pulled it downe For after Orestes his father was slaine who was neuer emperour but a captain vnder Nepos the said Augustulus gaue vp the diademe and betooke himselfe to a priuat life From this time the empire in the VVest was vacant about 330 yeares By meanes whereof the Popes power did daily increase by little and little and from step to step The Vissigothes ruled in Spaine the Abienes in Guian and Gascoyn the Frenchmen in the residue of France the Vandales in Affricke the Saxones in Brittaine the Ostrogothes in Hungarie the Herules and Turdilings in Italie and in the citie of Rome onely the name of the empire remained with Zenon in the East About the yeare 536. Totilas king of the Gothes by force of armes and famine subdued well neere all Italie and after long siege tooke the citie of Rome and spoyled it with sword and fire ouerthrowing the wals and towers euen to the ground and vntill Carolus magnus the Abiens and Barbarians possessed all Italie The third step was the voluntarie charter which Constantine the emperour of Constantinople made to Pope Benedict the second viz. that whomsoeuer the clergie people and the Romane souldiours should chuse to be Bishop all men should beleeue him to be the true vicar of Christ without any tarrying for any authoritie of the emperour of Constantinople or the deputie of Italie as the custome and maner was euer before that day Thus writeth Platina who was the Popes owne deere vassale This was a very gallant step for as you see here the Popes for the space almost of seuen hundred yeares viz. vntill this Bennet in the yeare 684. acknowledged the emperours for their superiours and lords without whose letters pattents they could haue no iurisdiction nor be reputed the true Bishops of Rome but now the Bishops of Rome by