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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60722 Sodom fair: or, The market of the man of sin Containing, a true account of the prices of the Pope's pardons and dispensations; being a treatise very useful and necessary for all young English papists who intend to take Holy Orders, or travel through Italy; and all such as intend to be cheated both out of their souls and money. To which is added, the history of adultery, as it is now at Rome by law established; with the life of Clement the Sixth, and blasphamous bull which he published for the year of jubele, 1350. 1688 (1688) Wing S4417AD; ESTC R221570 18,300 35

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these Words There is a God indeed could the Idol Gods of the Heathens give them Answer in there Success and canst thou give me none c. The Romish Clergy grumbled much at the Affront and that he should have burned the God which they made and ordained to be Eaten therefore Iohn Bishop of Portua as Beno reporteth who was of Hildebrand's Privy Counsel for an Apology before the People and Clergy in St. Peter's Church in a Sermon spoke thus What mean●● Hildebrand and we to do this thing for which we should be burned alive c. This Hildebrand was the Sworn Enemy of the Emperor Henry who at first was not submissive enough but strove to stop the current of His Holiness ' s Pride and reputed himself almost equal with the Pope therefore Invented and Contrived many Unlawful means as Poysoning Conspiracy Murdering c. to put him to an End. And to this purpose Writeth Beno the Cardinal thus The Emperor used to go to Prayers to St. Marys Church in Aventine Hill Hildebrand therefore by his false Spies caused the place to be well noted where the Emperor used to Kneel or Sit im the Church all Service time and hired one to lay great Stones secretly in the roof of the Church right over the same place in such manner as he could cunningly throw them down upon the Emperors Head and so Slay him But as this Fellow was busie with a great Stone the Weight thereof overturned him so that he fell down to the Pavement with the Stone upon him and died by that Mischief which he had contrived to Slay the Emperor This Treason being discovered to the Romans they bound his Heels to a Rope and drew his dead Carcass through Rome three days togeteer for an Examlpe This Gregory Condemned to Death three Men before they were Convicted or Confessed their Crime and caused them to be hang'd up without the Consent or Sentence of any Secular Judge He put Centius a Senator's Son and his own Special Friend in Prison without any cause but Jealousie and Suspition and caused him to be Tormented and Rolled in a Barrel of sharp Nails till he was almost Dead But Centius making his escape surprized and apprehended Hlldebrand and might have been revenged on him but that His Holiness Swore deep and bloody Oaths that he would not only Pardon him with all his Assistants and Followers but likewise pay him a Ransom Which the credulous Young Man believing set him at Liberty But immediately his forsworn Holiness not mindful of his Oath caused Centiues and nine of his Tribe to be hanged up and all the rest to be Banished and among them the Son of a poor Widow who after the Year of his Banishment was expired did return home and to expiate the Pope's Imprecations and vindictive Passion was led by his poor mourning Mother to Gregory with a Halter about his Neck in Token of Repentance Sorrow and Submission earnestly desiring Hildebrand cordially to take and Pardon him and restore him again to her a new purg'd Man. But his Implacable Holiness who had no Grace to forgive commanded him to be hanged up before his Mother But the Justices denying to put this second Pennance in Execution and telling him obscurely that his Holiness was destitute both of Mercy and Justice Gregory caused his right Foot to be chopp'd off whereby within five days he dyed to the great grief and sorrow of his poor old Mother On these and many such charitable Deeds of this Hildebrand an old English Rhymer Wrote this Rhime Gregory heads by the Foot And Hildebrand hangs by the Heel He 's a damnable Wit That came from the Pit And Flies in a Fire to the De'l The Emperor to the Church went To our Lady thinking to Pray But he that brunt's God And was not that odd With Rome's Rock chas'd him away c. This is one of the great Pillars of Popery whereon the Church of Rome and Doctrine of the Clergy's single Life lean But the unhappy Wretch being at last Beat and Banished by the Emperor dyed in great horror at Salerne Anno 1086. The next opposer of Gods Ordinance was Calixtus the Second who violently took Possession of the Holy Chair whilst Gregory the Eighth was yet alive whom the Emperor had chosen Pope and whom this Calixtus caught at Sturium and caused to Ride to Rome on a Camel with his Face towards the Tail his Head to be shaven and sent to a Monastry This Pope Calixtus held a General Council in France wherein he Ordain'd That all Clargy-men who would not put away their Wives should be deposed from their Benifices and deprived of the Holy Communion whereupon an English-man wrote this Epigram O bone Calixte nunc omnis Clerus odit te Quondam Presbyteri poterant uxoribus uti Hoc Destruxisti postquam tu Papa fuisti Ergo tuum merito nomen habent odio This Pope died Anno 1125. and left his Quarrel against the Clargy to his Successor Honorius the Second who sent a Riotous Cardinal one Iohn Cremensis into England Anno 1125. who held a Synod in London and Condemned all the Married Clargy of Adultery yet the Holy Lord Legat himself was that Night taken in the very Act of Adultery and yet Pope Honorius wrote on his behalf to the Clargy of England thus We Desire Charge and Command you to receive this JOHN as the Vicar of Saint PETER with Reverence hear him with Humility and at his Commandment be Assistant at his Synods c. There is a certain Statute made in this Synod held at London by this Iohn the Holy Vicar of Saint Peter to this effect We by our Apostolical Authority Command that Priests Deacons Sub Deacons Cannonists shall not come in Company with their Wives Concubines or any other Women except their Mother Sister or Aunt or such Women as may altogether give no Suspition and who shall break this shall forfeit his Orders We also Command that no Marriage shall be made between Kindred or Affinity to the Seventh Degree This Pope Honorius died Anno 1130. and his Successors being busied in Crowning Cursing Excommunicating and Deposing Emperors and Kings of their Empires Kingdoms and Estates in raising Armies denouncing War and shedding Christian Blood c. several of the Clargy had received the Unlawful Sacrament of Matrimony and liv'd quietly with their Wives and Children the Pope only now and then giving them an Item of their Obstinacy and Error till Pope Innocentius the Third came to the Popedom Anno 1198. This is that mischievous Innocent who for an old spite Deposed the Emperor Philip and gave his Empire to Otho whom without just cause he Cursed Excommunicated and Deposed discharged all his Subjects of their Allegiance ●nd gave his Crown and Empire to Frederick King of Sivil This is that hurtful Innocent that by the Assistance of Cardinal Stephen Langtone Cursed Condemned and Excommunicated Iohn King of England and gave both his Crown and Kingdom
to Lewis the French King 's Son. Anno 1215 he called a Councel at Lateran where after he had Excommunicated and Deposed the Emperor for suing for some of his own Cities which the Pope had purloyn'd to the Holy Chair he Condemned one Almericus a Learned Man for an Heretick and commanded his Bones to be burn'd with the rest of his Sect at Paris because as saith Dominicus Soto he had Preached against Images And thus saith one Pope Innocent was Iudg both of the quick and the dead contrary to Rom. 7. 12. he wrested out Auricular Confession and deprived the Laity of the Communion-Cup He commanded the Quarrels of Princes to be brought before him and by him to be decided He Commanded that the Communion-Cake should be kept in a Box in the Church and that when the Priest should visit the Sick he should go with a burning Taper and a Bell before him He ordained the Canon of the Mass to be reputed equal in Authority with the Holy Scriptures and that the Pope should have power to correct and controul Princes and that none should be Emperor but he that were Crowned by the Vniversal Bishop of Rome Among many other Ambitious and Nonsensical Decrees he Condemned and Anulled the Marriage of the Clargy for ever It is observed that this Innocent Anno 1212. went about to accomplish three great Designs viz. The Deposing of Otho a Voyage to Ierusalem and the holding of a General Councel Also the same Year saith Vlricus Mutius certain Noble-men of Alsatia did condemn this Pope of Impiety because be would not suffer the Clargy to keep their Wives and the Bishops burned an Hundred Clargy-man in one day because they taught That Christians might lawfully eat Flesh and Marry at any time Peter King of Arragon who it seems had been a great sinner was enveigled by the Romish Clargy to give up his Kingdom and all his Dominions to the See of Rome before he could purchase his Salvation from Pope Innocent Yet for all this his Holiness died Anno 1216. A certain Noble-man in England hearing that this Pope had again condemned the Marriage of Priests in Lateran Councel did on his Decree of Adultery make this following Rhime Anno 1216. I. PRisciani regula penitus cass atur Sacerdos per hic et haec olim declinatur Sed per hic solummodo nunc articulatur Cum per nostrum praesulem haec amoveatur II. Ita quidem Presbyter cepit Allegare Peccat capitaliter qui vult separare Quod Deus conjunxer at foeminam amare Tales dignum duximus fures appellare III. O quam Dolor anxius quam tormentum grave Nobis est dimittere quoniam suave O Romane Pontifex Statuisti prave Ne in tanto crimine moriar is cave IV. Non est INNOCENTIUS imò nocens Verè Qui quod facto ducuit verbo vult delere Et quod olim Iuvenis voluit habere Modò vetus Pontifex studet prohibere V. Gignere nos praecipit vetus Testamentum Novum quod non retinet nusquam est inventum Praesul qui contrarium donat Documentum Nullum necessarium his dat Argumentum VI. Dedit enim Dominus maledictionem Viro qui non fecerit Generationem Ergo tibi consulo per hanc rationem Gignere ut habeas benedictionem VII Nonne de militibus milites procedunt Et Reges a regibus qui sibi succedunt Per locum a simili omnes jura laedunt Clericos qui gignere crimen esse credunt VIII Zacharias habuit prolem uxorem Per virum quem genuit adeptus honorem Baptizavit etenim Mundi Salvatorem Pereat qui teneat novum hunc errorem IX Paulus rapitur ad Coelos superiores Vbi multas didicit res Secretores Ad nos tandem rediens instruensque mores Suas inquit habeat quilibet Vxores X. Propter haec alia dogmata Doctorum Reor esse melius magis decorum Quisque suam habeat non proximorum Ne incurrat odium iram dorum XI Proximorum foeminas silias neptes Violare nefas est quare nil deceptes Verè tuam habeas in qua delectes Diem ut sic ultimam tutiùs expectes XII Ecce jam pro Clericis multum allegavi Nec non pro Presbyteris plura comprohavi Pater Noster nunc pro me quoniam peccavi Dicar quisque Presbyter cum sua suavi This is the Pedigree of Adultery this is the Line of Spiritual Fornication as it is now by Law at Rome established in his Holyness's Spiritual Court the monster of the Man of Sin and By-blow of the Son of Perdition that imposeth a necessity of Sinning on the Houshold of Anti-Christ to commit Fornication and Uncleanness without Shame or Limitation Neither have I here affirmed any thing against our Adversaries the Papists but what is undoubtedly true our Enemies themselves the Pope's own Secretarys and best Popish Writers being Witnesses Yea next to their Imaginary Transubstantiation wherein they pretend to make and eat an Immortal Deity this is the great wonder of their Faith for my own part I am struck with Admiration and Astonishment when I think that men endued with reason pretending to do nothing against Gods known Will should call that ordinance unclean which the holy God hath termed clean and honourable and recommended to ALL men and pereist in celibacy when they know it neither lawful nor convenient as Malum qua malum potuit ap●eti For proof of which I shall bring only one Testimony of Stanislaus Ruthenus who of Pope Paul the second speaketh thus When Pope PAUL had seen certain Latine Verses written against him and his Daughter it is reported that he wept and cried out against the hardness of the Law of single Life among his Friends because that he who ought to have been not only the Head of the Church but also of Chast Life should see his Daughter live in the Face and Countenance of the City with great shame and disdain who although she was very Beautiful yet it grieved his Heart that it should be said that he begat her in Whoredom because he knew that there was a Law of God whereby she might have been Born in Wedlock unless the Law of single Life had disanull'd it They say therefore that he took Counsel how he might restore again the Marriage of the Clargy but being prevented by Death he could not attain to his purpose Tell me then you Romanists had it not been better for Pope Iohn the 13th to have married and liv'd honest than to have had it prov'd against him before the Emperor in open Council that he had lain with his own Sisters ravished Virgins and strange women with Rainera and Ann two Widows with their Neices and Stephana his Father's Concubine and that he made the Pallace of Lateran a Stews and open Brothel-house Had it not been more decent and Religious both before God and Man for Pope Innocent the 8th to have taken a Wife then to