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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46295 The wonderful, and most deplorable history of the latter times of the Jews with the destruction of the city of Jerusalem. Which history begins where the Holy Scriptures do end. By Josephus Ben Gorion whereunto is added a brief of the ten captivities; with the pourtrait of the Roman rams, and engines of battery, &c. As also of Jerusalem; with the fearful, and presaging apparitions that were seen in the air before her ruins. Moreover, there is a parallel of the late times and crimes in London, with those in Jerusalem.; Josippon. English. Abridgments. Joseph ben Gorion, ha-Kohen, attributed name.; Howell, James, 1594?-1666.; Ibn Daud, Abraham ben David, Halevi, ca. 1110-ca. 1180.; Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. 1671 (1671) Wing J1086A; ESTC R216340 213,458 417

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or new matters chanced His off-spring was not out of the Children of Israel but of those Romans which chanced to be vanquished and become subject under the dominion of the Israelits being but strangers and of no Noble house in Israel He had foure Sonnes Joseph the Eldest the next P●…silus the third Herod and the fourth Pheroras these had also a sister called Salumith Antipater favoured Hircanus so entirely for his justice and uprightness sake that he opened unto him his brother Aristobulus and the Saduces intent giving him counsell to flye to Hartam King of Arabia but Antipater himself went before to break the matter to Hartam of whose coming Hartam was very glad Then Antipater declared to him how Harcanus was in mind to flye unto him because of Aristobulus his Brother If thou w●…lt help him saith he and lend him speedy aid thou shalt easily set Aristobulus beside the Kingdom for all Israel is inclined to Hircanus and favour not Aristobulus Hartam answered I am afraid of the Jews and their craftiness Alexander his Father put me thrice to the foil in battel by his subtilty and took my dominions from me Then Antipater swore unto him He shall be saith he thy true and trusty friend to do whatsoever thy heart desireth Thus Hartam was perswaded and they made a league together Then Antipater turned to Jerusalem caused Hircanus to flye in the night and they both went together to the King of Arabia who much rejoyced at Hircanus coming and received him honorably When they came together to intreat of the league Hartam demanded restitution of such Cities as Hircanus Father had taken from him to whom Hircanus consented in all things Wherefore Hartam raised all the people of Arabia and led them to Jerusalem to war upon it To Hircanus also came all the men of Juda save only they that dwelt at Jerusalem so betwixt them they beset the City round about It fortuned that in the solemnity of the Pa●…seover they could not have their service of the solemnity in the holy place because of the wars whereupon a certain just and perfect man of the Town called Honyauriga brake out privily into the Camp of Hircanus and Antipater his counseller and besought them with much prayer and tears that they would grant a truce unto Jerusalem while the feast of sweet bread lasted that they might execute the service of solemnity in the Holy place To whom Hircanus said Thou art a just man and often when thou hast prayed the Lord hath heard thee pray now therefore unto the Lord to deliver Aristobulus into our hands and that Israel may rest Honyauriga answered Am I a God or able to remove battels that be stirred up for many mens iniquities Thus when he seemed to be unwilling to pray Hircanus men compelled him drawing their swords and saying it thou wilt not pray thou shalt dye for it Therefore as he saw his life in jeopardy he cryed unto the Lord O Lord everlasting which hast chosen thy people Israel out of all people and hast set thy Name in his house may it please thy Majesty to plant among the children of Israel friendship and brotherhood take away from ●…mong them this hatred which is risen of nothing and let not the one of these factions prevail against the other seeing they all be thy Servants and children of thy Covenant When the servants of Hircanus heard him say so they ran upon him with their swords and killed him But God deferred not his vengeance for he struck the host as well of the Arabians as of Hircanus with a grievous pestilence CHAP. II. AT the same time came from Rome a famous Captain called Pompeius to war against the country of Armenia This Pompeius sent one of his chief men to Damasco of whom as Aristobulus thus besieged had heard and that an Army of the Romans was come to Damasco he sent him a present of four hundred pound weight in gold desiring him to remove the Army of the Arabians from him and to raise the siege In those daies all the world obeyed the Romans That Captain therefore writ unto Hartam King of Arabia in this wise Depart from Jerusalem if not thou shalt understand thou hast broke thy league with the Senate of Rome and the whole Army of the Romans shall shortly invade thy Land Hartam on the sight of this letter raised his fiege and departed from Jerusalem Hircanus also and Antipater departed with shame and reproach Aristobulus upon that gathered a power and pursued after them gave the Arabians and Israelites that took Hircanus part a great overthrow and after returned to Jerusalem with much joy Shortly after Pompeius came to Damasco where Aristobulus presented him with a Vine of gold marvellous artificially wrought The roots of the Vine leavs clusters and Grapes that were upon it were pure gold the weight whereof was five hundred pound Pompeius was very g●…ad thereof and sent it to Rome to the Consul And the whole bench of the Senate which was of the number of three hundred and twenty Senators wondered at the cunning and wit of him that made it and with great joy they bare it into the Temple of their gods placing it in the presence of the great Idol Jupiter so called after the planet Jupiter Pompeius writ his Letters to Aristobulus with great thanks and commendation for the same assuring him how both he and the whole Senate favoured him and that he should have a friend of him to speak in his cause as long as he lived Hircanus hearing of this was clean dashed and in despair But Antipater comforted him saying let not the friendship that is betwixt Pompeius and thy brother dismay thee I will go to him and make him thy friend Upon that he went to Pompeius and perswaded his mind to hate Aristobulus and to favour Hircanus informing him thus If thou saith he defend Hircanus all Israel will be content to be under thy protection for they love him every man but if thou defend Aristobulus the people will not obey thee for they hate him Pompeius charged him that no man should be made privy to their communication For I quoth he will send for Aristobulus to come to me to Damasco and then I will cause to be laid hands upon him and deliver him bound to his brother restoring the Kingdom to him Aristobulus upon the sight of Pompeius letters resorted unto him Hircanus also came from the rock of the wilderness and as they appeared together before Pompeius Antipater desired him that he would do justice betwixt Hircanus the King and Aristobulus his brother that rebelled against him and took his Kingdom from him without cause whose sayings a thousand of the Elders of Israel stood up and witnessed to be true Aristobulus answered I never strove with him for the Kingdom untill such time as I saw all these that made Hircanus King to run in great obloquie and to sustain much reproach because he was
this unto our Lord the anointed of God He was the King and high Priest what though he were a sinner yet his death shall be an expiation for all his iniquities Therefore we will bewail him and mourn for him yea we will carry his coffin our selves on our necks and bury him as it becometh a Kings Majesty and so they did The time that he had raigned was xxvii years after him raigned his wife Alexandra in his stead for the Pharisees after they had finished the seventh day of the morning they committed the Kingdom unto her She had two sons by the King the Elder was called Hircanus the other Aristobulus Hircanus was a just man and a righteous but Aristobulus was a Warriour and a man of courage besides that of a familiar and loving countenance He favoured also the learned men and followed their instruction But Hircanus his elder brother loved the Pharisees On a time therefore when the Queen sate in the throne of her Kingdom she cal'd the antients of the Pharisees before her honored them and commanded to release and set at liberty all such Pharisees as the King her husband and her father in Law had cast in prison and taking the Pharisees by the hands she commanded all Israel to obey their ordinances Then made she Hircanus her son high Priest and Aristobulus Lieutenant of the Wars She sent also to all the Lands that her husband and father in Law had subdued and demanded the noble mens sons for pledges which she kept in Jerusalem So the Lord gave to the Queen quietness from all that were under her subjection She gave also the Pharisees authority over the learned sort putting them in their hands to order at their will Whereupon straight way they found one Dogrus a great man amongst the learned sort whom they slew and much people besides of the Ancients of that Sect so that the Sectaries were in great distress They gathered themselves together therefore and came to Aristobulus the Lieutenant of the wars and with him they came to the Queen saying unto her Thou knowest the enmity that is between us and the Pharisees which hate thy husband and father in law yea and thy children also We were his men of war that went with him in all his affairs aided him now thou hast given us into their hands to be murthered and banished out of the Land What will Hartam King of Arabia do when he heareth this that we shall forsake thee He will come and revenge him of all the battel that thy husband fought against him Yea the Pharisees will take his part and deliver thee and thy children into his hands that there shall not be left unto Hircanus the King and his Son Alexander thy husband any name or remnant at all The Queen gave them no word of answer whereat Aristobulus was angry and letted not to utter it to his mothers face but she would not hear him Wherefore Aristobulus counselled the Sectaries to go their waies and depart out of Jerusalem to choose them Cities in the land of Juda where they might dwell with their honor and not to suffer themselves to be slain under the Pharisees hands Wherefore departing from Jerusalem they dwelt in the Cities of Juda Not long after this it fortuned the Queen fell fore sick that she was like to dye whereof when Aristobulus heard he feared least the Pharisees would make his brother Hircanus King and at length apprehends him wherefore he fled away by night to the Ci●…y of the Saducees to be their head and make war upon his brother if he should presume to Raign He came therefore to the Prince of the Saducees called Galustius who was a good man of war And after he had gathered a strong army of the Saducees his mother the Queeen sent unto him that he should return unto her which he would not do but rather went to war with the nations that dwelt about him where he won twenty Cities and got him great renown thereby Now as the Queen his mother waxed sicker and sicker the chief Pharisees came unto her with her Son Hircanus weeping before her and saying how they were afraid of her son Aristobulus who if he should come into Jerusalem and take it he would deliver them up into the hands of the Saducees Unto whom she answered I am as you see at the point of death not able to talk much with you there is here in my house great treasure that my husband and my father gathered and their parents Kings of the posterity of Chasmonany take that to you and make my son Hircanus King over you If Aristobulus will disturb him and make war against him ye may leavy men of war therewith and succour him as you think good And even with this she fainted and dyed and was buried amongst her people after she had raigned nine years over Israel The Pharisees therefore and Priests with all the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Hircanus her son King in her stead Aristobulus hearing tidings of these things assembled his Army and came toward Jerusalem to fight against his brother But Hircanus met him and encountred with him nigh unto Jordan Jericho The Saducees of Aristobulus host were good men of war and too strong for the Pharisees wherefore Hircanus and the Pharisees had the overthrow at Aristobulus and the Saducees hands who with this victory proceeded forth to Jerusalem besiege●… it and brought it to great distress Wherefore the Priests and the Ancient of the people consulted together and came forth to Aristobulus fell prostrate on the earth before him and besought him that he would not scatter abroad the inhabitants of the Lord. He condescended unto their desires upon these conditions that he should enter into Jerusalem with them and be King and his Brother Hircanus should be High Priest whereupon they agreed Then as Aristobulus entred into Jerusalem his brother came out of the Sanctuary to meet him and with embracing he kissed him So Aristobulus was King and Hircanus executed the office of the High Priest The Lord also gave Israel rest and peace for a while But afterward the Lord sent an evill spirit among them which was the cause of translating the Kingdom from the stock of Chasmonany and of the destruction of his posterity for the sin of Hircanus the great and the sin of Alexander his Son in that they shed so much innocent blood and drew Israel from the obedience of the Prophets unto the lies and trifles of the Saducees For thus it chanced The Saducees beat into Aristobulus head that as long as his Brother Hircanus lived he nor his Kingdom could never be established Whereupon Aristobulus devised how to make away Hircanus which thing a certain man called Autipater was aware of a man of most power in all Israel and thereto also a wise expert and learned in all wisdom both in the laws and in the knowledge of the Greek just of his word and prudent in any strange
Rome Pagurus therefore having made Antigonus King of Jerusalem returned home into Persia carrying Hircanus as prisoner with him But Augustus appointed Herod to be King over all Iuda giving to him a very strong Army of the Romans to obtain it withal In the way thither Herod met with Alexandra Hircanus daughter and Marimi her daughter that she had by Alexander son of Aristobulus and brought them again into the Land of Israel where he took Marimi to wife and solemnized the Marriage with her in the Mount of Galilee for there the chief of all Israel dwelt with whom he took peace Marcus Antonius companion in Office with Octavian Augustus about that time made a voyage through all the West Countries to subdue them to the Romans together with Egypt Damasco and Syria Him Herod accompanied to the flood of Eupbrates and helped him not a little For the Arabians lay in wait for him in the way and intercepted all that would aid Marcus Antonius Herod met with them and vanquished them Wherefore Antonius was very glad of Herods valiantness and brought him again to Israel together with Cassius his Captain and Lieutenant of the wars having also his Letters to all the Captains of Syria this tenor Ye shall understand that our lord and Master Octavian Augustus King of Kings hath appointed Herod the son of Antipater to be King of all the Land of Juda. Therefore as soon as these Letters come unto you ye shall with speed aid him No man shall be excused all that can bear Arms shall go with him to Jerusalem to vanguish Antigonus the Kings adversary whoso refuseth to go with him it shall be 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to slay him forthwith I Ma●…cus 〈◊〉 have sworn by my sword I will not When the Captains of 〈◊〉 ●…ad r●…d 〈◊〉 they r●…orted wholly to Her●…d so that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was wonderfully increased sent one Pompeius 〈◊〉 of his ●…ars against them who fought a sore 〈◊〉 with them that much people were slain on 〈◊〉 sides 〈◊〉 King 〈◊〉 brother was slain in tha●… 〈◊〉 No●…withstanding at the length Antigonus Host went to the wor●…t and had the overthrow S●… 〈◊〉 and Cassius proceeded to Jerusalem and beseged i●… 〈◊〉 third year after Herod was made king of Israel And when they had battered down a piece of the wal●… Cassius with the Romans entred into the Town and made a great slaughter in Jerusalem They entred also into the Sanctua●…y and attempted to ente●… into the Sanct●…m S●…nctorum but Herod and his men lept between it and them and stood with their drawn swords in the Temple door to withstand their enterprises Herod was also d●…spleased with Cassius for his 〈◊〉 and said If ye will destroy all the inhabitants of the City upon whom shall I reign in the kingdom that Augutus bath given me Wherefore stra●…ght-wa●… Cassius caused proclamation to be made through all his Host that no man upon pain of death should kill on Israelite more This done Herod apprehended Antigonus and delivered him bou●…d to Cassius He rewarded also Cassius Souldiers both with Gold and Silver Then Cassius offered a Present unto the Lord a Crown of Gold for he was sore afraid of Gods displeasure because he had fought against the holy City That done he took his journey and returned into Eg●…pt and Antigonus as prisoner with him Thither sent Herod unto him a royal reward to make away Antigonus and to murder him fearing least he should make claim unto the Kingdom again Whereunto Cassius consented and slew Antigonus CHAP. III. THus was the kingdom surely established to Herod Then made he wars upon all the Nations that were about him constraining them to become tributaries by which means he grew to such power as never any of his Predecessours were to be compared unto him After all this Pagurus king of Persia released out of prison Hircanus son of Alexander and promoted him to be head of all the Israelites that were fled into the Land of Sennaar and into the Dominion of the Persians and he became their King This Hircanus had a fervent desire to see the holy City and the house of the Sanctuary also how Herod whom he took for his son and his kingdom did Herod hearing that Hircanus who had been prisoner at Babylon was now set at liberty and in great honour he was afraid of him mistrusting least the Israelites would restore unto themselves the kingdom of their Fathers wherefore he cast in his mind how to do him a mischief He then writ this letter unto Pagurus the contents whereof were such Thou shalt understand that Hircanus is he that brought me up and used me even as his Son Now therefore since I came to be King in Jerusalem I have called to my remembrance the goodnesse that he hath done to me wherefore my desire is to reward him according to his benefits therefore I require thee to send him to me otherwise assure thy self of wars between thee and the Israelites with their confederates Pagurus having read this letter sent to Hircanus giving him to understand that if he would go to Herod he might but notwithstanding Herods threats he ceased not to give to Hircanus all good counsel he could advising him to take heed of Herod because he is saith he a blood-shedder and a breaker of his League And he hath called thee for no love he beareth thee but because he feareth thee As long as thou livest shall he never sleep soundly lest the kingdom should be devolved unto thee It is better for thee to remain here in some honour though it be not of such estate than to go thither to die with greatdispight and end thy old age with a bloody death Furthermore thou shalt know such is the disposition of mens hearts If there be two men the one in honour the other in contempt after time shall come that the despised shall be had in honour and the honoured be neglected never will he that is now honoured and before was in contempt be content to see him that was before honoured nor speak friendly to him For he will think hi herto according to his accustomed manner he hath despised me how much more when his Dominion is taken from him and his servants reign in his room Moreover Herod knoweth right well that me●…s hearts are inclined to him that is the true King And it might be so if thou wer●… meet for the Priesthood that he would promote thee unto it and be Governour of the kingdom himself But seeing thou art dismembred having one of thy eares cut off and thereby art unmeet for the Priesthood thou shalt remain in Jerusalem deprived both of kingdom and Priesthood which is uncomely for thee Such counsel gave Pagurus King of the Persians unto Hircanus yea and all the Jews that were in Babylon besought him that he would not go unto Herod Notwithstanding he would not be perswaded and why For it was the Lords will and his deed that the injury done
own hand Such ye know the law thus punisheth Their right hand is cut off wherewith they forced themselves to die then they are left unburied as men that have destroyed their own souls By what reason then shall we kill our selves I would wish that we might be slain of our enemies rather than we should so shamefully murder ourselves whereby ever after we should be taken for man-slayers If any man kill himself as Saul whom he commended without doubt he committeth a haynous crime and such a one as no satisfaction can be made for Besides that he shall be reckoned faint-hearted and as one that despaireth of his recovery wherefore our fore-fathers have taught us A man ought not to despair of his safegard and deliverance which cometh of God no not when the knife is put to his throat to cut it For King Hezekiah of famous memory when he heard these words of Esaias that worthy Prophet Make thy Will and set thy things in order for thou shalt die and not escape Neverthelesse he fainted not nor ceased not to pray to God for the prolonging of his life in theworld that he might amend his life and send a better soul unto God Then the Lord God of Israel seeing his unwearied and strong hope with his repentance suffered him to live fifteen years longer But as for Saul he was not appointed King over Israel after the Lords mind but only by the people that craved of Samuel Give us a King to rule over us whereupon afterward God departed from Saul for he was not obedient to Gods will but went about by force to establish his kingdom The Lord then seeing the wickednesse of his heart gave him over and chose him another to be King over his people anointing David his servant whiles Saul was yet living which Saul perceiving persecuted David and laboured with all his endeavour to destroy him because he knew God was with him and prospered all that he did whereas contrarily all went backward with himself For these causes I say he chose rather to die than live he also would not live after the people of Israel were overthrown in the Mountains of Gilboa And in mine opinion he slew himself for nothing but because he was a faint-hearted coward and utterly despaired of his safegard For although he said Lest these uncircumcised come and run me through Yet if he had been of a●…valiant courage he would have stood to his defence to the death Peradventure God would have delivered him But he contrarily all in despair procured both himself and his son a shameful death But ye shall consider this he was an unmerciful King and therefore did God rid him out of the World For as he did not spare his own life nor his son's so did he not spare others And whereas ye alledge Aaron unto me I would know of you why he put himself between the living and the dead Was it not because he would turn away the plague from Israel If he had known that he himself should have been stricken therewith doubtlesse he would not have striven against the striker but trusting in the holinesse of his righteousnesse he stood before the Angel to deliver Israel from that misery Therefore I am not to be compared with Aaron albeit I am one of his children and never yet in all my life did I shrink to venture my life in the Wars of the Lord And now I am not determined to kill my self lest I should sin against God and spoil my soul of hope of salvation I know it well and it were more expedient for me to be slain of mine enemies then that I should kill my self And if ye say the word Let us go forth and suddenly set upon our enemies to kill or to be killed in this battel of the Lord and so shall we do well peradventure God will give them into our hands For God is able to save as well by a small Army as by a great Then if ye see me to be afraid of mine enemies sword ye shall thereby know me to be a coward and one that fawneth upon his enemies and hunteth for their favour But ye shall see me go before you as a valiant man nor once to turn my face from death What did ye ever see in me that you should judge me fearful Did ye ever know me refuse to fight within the Town of Jorpata I have ever kept my quarter and ward and every day have I fought with mine enemies whom I have not spared but impaired and that not a little whiles I defended that little City forty eight daves against them For I thought with my self peradventure I may drive away the enemies of the Lord out of our Land and divert them from Jerusalem that they go not thither And so have I fought with them till all my valiant souldiers be spent and none left but you I could no longer withstand their force yet I would not yeild my self as a prisoner unto them therefore I fled hither with you into this Cave Now therefore Brethren ye shall understand that death is commodious and good indeed which comes in time But it is neither good nor godly for a man to kill himself and his brother to go afterward for that deed into hell and perdition And what other thing can more clearly set forth a mans proud and haughty mind with his hope in God than for a man to suffer patiently whatsoever chanceth unto him until his end come Behold the Lions and other Beasts how they are wont to withstand their enemies that lie in wait for them to the intent they may save their lives whose armour is in their teeth and claws wherewith neverthelesse they hurt not themselves but use them against other that assault them till they either overc●…me or be overcome We although we have no warlike Weapons yet have Nature armed us as well as them For albeit we be not of such strength as they yet hath we such armour that we may defend our selves therewith both from man and beast But how can we break the band of love one to another that proceedeth from God who hath chosen us his people and inheritance to sanctifie him How then may we be enemies one against another and kill one another If that be true as ye cannot deny it that although we be many thousands yet we are counted as one soul and members of one body Then how can any man ever find in his heart to strike his own eyes or feet or any other of his members to destroy it except he be mad and besides himself Moreover dear Brethren and Friends consider to what end the Master of a ship doth abide the tempest of the Seas and striveth day and night with the floods thereof Doth he not do it to save the Ship and his life from death If so it be he sh●…uld willingly for the same purpose put himself in jeopardy of Tempest or run on Rocks Would not the Merchant-men
company which he would not unlesse the King gave him leave wherefore he asked the king leave but he denied him at the first yet at length the young man intreated him so instantly that the king bad him do what he would He went therefore with the other young men to swim The king presently took his horse and returned to Jericho with all his train leaving the young men behind which continued swimming till Sun setting and as it began to be dark they drowned the Priest Aristobulus among them Wherof when tidings came to the king and it was known that he was dead the people wept and made great lamentation considering his Virtue Nobility and Beauty every man was full of sorrow that he should have so short a life and they bewailed so much that it was heard afar off But Marimi chiefly and Alexandra the young mans Mother could no wise be comforted Yea the king also wept made great mone for it repented him that he had done so wicked an act yet all the people knew well enough that the thing was procured by the king insomuch that Alexandra his Mother in law letted not to tell it him to his face that he was the murtherer of her husband and of her father and now last of all of her son to whom the King answered neither good nor bad From that day forwards there was continuall hatred between Alexandra and Marimi and Kiparim the mother of Herod and Salumith his Sister that came of base and servile blood For Marimi cast in their teeth to their faces that they were not of the seed of Israel but prophane unholy and of base birth Notwithstanding Herod loved Marimi as his life wherefore he would never displease her as long as she lived nor say so much to her as why saist thou so These things done Marcus Antonius a Noble man of Rome next unto Octavian Augustus King of Kings being sent by Augustus to war upon the Kings of the West Countries reigned in Egypt and by the provocation of his wife rebelled against Octavian Augustus made war with him both by the Sea and Land And forasmuch as Egypt is near adjoyning to the Land of Israel Herod joyned with him and helped him For Marcus Antonius had aided him before in such sort that no King durst meddle with him for fear of Marcus Antonius Whereupon when Marcus conspired against his Prince and master Herod aideth him with an Army with horsemen and with ships also against Octavian In which wars Octavian got the victory slew Antony and all his people coming by ship to the I le of Rhodes and so into the Land of Egypt Herod hearing that Marcus Antonius was slain and that Octavian Augustus was come into Egypt he fainted for fear of the displeasure of Octavian Yet at length he took heart unto him prepared a royall present to be carried before him and followed after himself to Octavian Augustus And setting forwards he called Joseph the husband of Salumith his sister whom he made chief of his houshold commanded him that if Octavian put him to death he should poyson Marimi his wife saying It should not be seemly for Kings that any mean man should marry with a Kings widdow and sleep with her upon the Kings bed So then he took his journey towards Octavian Augustus who then was at the Rhodes where he understood Octavian to be displeased with him for that he had ayded Marcus Antonius Therefore as soon as Herod came to Octavian Augustus presence having his crown upon his head he took it of and fell down prostrate upon the ground at Octavians feet saying Most Noble Emperour I confess my trespass against your Majesty that I loved Marcus Antonius my companion in league who was my neighbour and ayded me and is true that your Majesty since the time you made me King have heard of mine affairs that hapned unto me but never succoured me This Marcus Antonius did not so I confess therefore that in his wars against your Majesty I ayded him with an Army with Horse-men and ships Neither went I out with him for any wars upon mine own borders but whensoever I went with him I helped him to the uttermost of my power When he was falling I bolstered him up and wh●…n he stumbled I raised him again Am●…gst all these I protest also that I would not be counted of your Majesty a breaker of league but now Marcus Antonius is dead Wherefore whether that it shall please your Majesty to restore me my former estate or no forasmuch as I have kept touch with Marcus Antonius against your Majesty amongst others if you put me to death you will do me no wrong but justice because by the Law of arms I have deserved death When Octavian Augustus heard him speak so he said unto him Arise thou King of Israel in peace be of good comfort and fear not for thou art worthy to be nigh yea next unto my person I know that Marcus Antonius was inticed by his wife and would not follow thy counsel for if he had I dare say he would never have conspired against me So he commanded the Crown to be set again upon Herods head and made a league with him Then they went both together toward Egypt to be revenged upon Cleopatra But that wicked woman when she saw her City to be overcome put on her most precious apparrel and sitting upon the throne of her Kingdom commanded a Viper to be brought unto her which as soon as she had ●…uffered to sting her brest she died As Octavian Augustus came to the Pallace and saw her sit there he rejoyced that he might be revenged of her and commanded to thrust her from her Throne but when they came to her and found her dead it grieved Octavian very sore In this while Joseph Salumiths husband disclosed unto Marimi that the King had commanded if it so happened to him to be put to death by Augustus that he should poyson her Whereupon Marimi conceived yet a greater hatred toward the King insomuch that when the King was returned in safety and sound and with honor also from Octavian and that all his men and whole houshold rejoyced greatly Marimi shewed no countenance of gladness no not when the King himself told her how greatly he was magnified and honored of Octavian Augustus but alwaies she was very sad Salumith the Kings Sister perceiving that Marimi so vexed the King she told him how Joseph her husband had lien with Marimi whiles he was with Augustus But Herod say what she could gave no credit to her words knowing that she envyed Marimi until at length he asked the cause of Marimi why she rejoyced not as others did when he returned in safety from Augustus but was very sad which shewed her to have rancor and malice in her heart towards him She answered Thou hast said heretofore that thou lovedst me above all thy other wives and concubines yet thou didst will Joseph
the Court he made also walks and galleries of such height that they that walked therein might easily see the waters running in the brook Cedron by the space of a Cubit Between the porch and the house also as though it were a vail or partition the King made a wall of Silver of half an handfull thick In the which was a door of beaten gold and upon the gate a sword of gold of twelve pound weight There were certain Posies graven in the sword as this What stranger soever approached nigh here let him dye for it So the things that Herod made in the Temple were wonderfull neither was there ever heard of in all the world any King that was able to erect such a building When the work was finished the King sent to Saroas his pastures for his Cattel from whence were brought him three hundred young Bullocks and very many sheep according to his Princely estate So then they dedicated and hallowed the house with great joy and gladness There was one certain day in the year when as the King was accustomed to make a great feast to all his Court to all his Nobles and Sages in Israel Against that self same day the King was minded to finish his works which made both him more glad and all his people The same also was commanded to be done in all the Provinces of his Kingdom sending his Letters by his Pursuivants to the Noble men Captains and Presidents of the Provinces that they would observe that day after the same manner every year The people also that were squandred in their enemies countries their head Rulers and Captains came out of every Country far and neer to see the House and the King for they could never believe it till they had seen it and when they had seen it it exceeded far that they had heard of it These things done the Kings two Sons Alexander and Aristobulus which he had by Marimi came home from Rome to Jerusalem in a great heat and fury with a strong company yea their hearts were very heavy also for Alexander the elder had married the King of Capadoci as Daughter and Aristobulus the Daughter of Salumith the King his Fathers Sister These coming to Jerusalem went not to the Court to do their duty to the King their Father neither would they see him whereby the King gathered they went devising some mischief against him Moreover all his men gave him warning to take heed of them and to keep his power or Guard about him He had a Wife of base stock out of the Country before he came to the Kingdom by whom he had a son named Antipater And when he had put Marimi his beloved wife to death he called home his wife which he had disdained before to his Court. Wherefore now seeing the two Sons of Marimi hated him he appointed Antipater his son to be heir apparant and to raise his estimation he gave him all his treasure made him Lord and ruler of all that he had affirming that he should raign after him This Antipater had a subtile wit and his talk was daily to his Father If it like your Majesty wherefore should you give me all these things when as these two Lions shall be ever in my top and ready to destroy me By such surmised means he raised discord and hatred between them and their father albeit the King was loath to hurt his two sons Not long after he took his journey to Rome to Octavian and his son Alexander waited on him hoping that Octavian would be a means for him to turn his fathers hatred from him and put all malice out of his mind When the King was come thither Octavian rejoyced much at his coming saying I have thought long to see thee To whom hast thou left the Land of Juda Herod answered for the homage that I owe unto my Lord the Emperour I am come to appear before him and to declare my chances with this my son his Servant So he told him the whole matter from the beginning to the end Then Octavian Augustus blamed the young man because he hated his Father The young man answered How can I otherwise do How can I forget the most chast womb that bare me which was the holy stock If I forget my mother that was slain guil●…less and without crime then let me forget my right hand These and such like words spake the young man not without tears in the presence of Octavian so that his bowels were much moved and the Noble men that were about Octavian could not abstain from weeping but lamented greatly Octavian first reproved Herod for his great transgression and cruelty then laboured he to pacify the young man with comfortable words bidding him to honor his Father and to submit himself unto him When he had done as he was willed for he would not strive against the Emperour's commandment Octavian took the young man by the hand and put it into Herods bosome Then his Father kissed and embraced him so that they both wept after that they took their leave and departed from Octavian who comforted them gave them a gift committing it into Herods hands Herod yet perceived that the hatred of the children of Marimi would not be appeased whereupon when he came home to Jerusalem he called together all the Elders of Israel and said unto them I had determined once to place one of my Sons Captain over the people of the Lord but I might not do it without the consent of Octavian Augustus Now therefore I have appointed my three Sons and have divided my Kingdom equally amongst them Help ye them against their enemies but in no wise shall ye help one of them against another And if ye perceive any breach of friendship between them do what lyeth in you to make it up Whereunto he made them swear presently in Jerusalem and the bond being made each man departed home to his house But for all this the hatred between Antipater and his two brethren was nothing diminished for he feared them because they were of the house of Chasmonany and allied with Kings of great power he suborned therefore false accusers to say unto the King that the young men sons of Marimi were determined to destroy him Likewise he set variance between Salumith and them for she was in greater estimation than he insomuch that the King did nothing without her counsell the same wrought he also between Pheroras the Kings brother and them But to Salumith he said doest thou not consider how the sons of Marimi know that their mother was put to death by thy counsell therefore if they may bring to pass to make the King away they will hew thee to pieces But when the young men heard this they came before the King and swore they never intended to hurt their Father and with weep●…ng they so perswaded the King that he believed them and they got his favour again whereat Antipater was not a little displeased
him and desired him to frustrat the bond that was between himself and Herod and also between him and Thigarus the Son of Alexander that was hanged So Pheroras came to the king turned his mind and dissolved the covenant of Marriage This done Pheroras and Antipater that sate upon the kings Throne were become great friends banquetting one another day and night and discoursing of their affairs When this came to the kings eare he was sore afraid of their combinings and commanded that his Brother Pheroras should for evermore be banished the Court Antipater his Sonne was sent to Octavian Augustus to establish the kingdom unto him and to enter in League with him For Herod was so old that he could not go Antipater journeying toward Rome passed thorough Egypt desirous to see it before the death of his Uncle Pheroras And as he travelled by the high-wayes of Egypt there came a certain Merchant with a viall in his hand close covered which cryed saying Who will buy a thing of great price before he see it Antipater marvelled at his words and ask't him what was in the viall But the Seller told him not what it was before he had bought it and paid dear for it Then whispered he in his ear telling him that it was a strong poison that would kill one out of hand This vial Antipater sent to Pheroras to be kept until he returned from Rome In the mean season Pheroras died and his Wife hid the viall After when Antipater came home again from Rome Pheroras Wife and he fell at striffe insomuch that she objected unto him that he was the cause Pheroras was banished the Kings presence the sorrow whereof was his death On the other side Antipater went about to accuse her sowing discord between her and the King to stir him against her He suborned also a certain Eunuch or gelded person to go to the King and enform him how that at what time as he took displeasure with Pheroras his brother and banished him his presence Pheroras procured a strong poison and gave it to his Wife commanding her to destroy the King therewith The king hearing this was wroth with the Eunuch and said I searched for that venome long ago when it was noised that thy houshold servants would give it me to drink but I could not find the thing to be true yea I have been too rash in such matters for I put my Wife Marimi to death without cause and Alexandra my Mother in law with my two children When Antipater heard that the king credited not the Eunuch he made suite to the king to send him to Octavian the second time for he was afraid of the Viall that was in Pheroras Wifes house He had writ also with his hand how that he sent it intending therewith to poison the kings Sons Children But he that prepareth a pit for another oftimes falleth into it himself So desiring the king to send him he let him go After this the king commanded to make search if the Eunuchs words were true or no he sent first for Pheroras houshold servants and examined them whether ever they could perceive that Pheroras was in mind to hurt him They all sware No. Then the king commanded to scourge them very sore but they confessed nothing although some died under their hands in the examination Some he ordered with many kind of torments of some he caused to pluck out their teeth and as he had scourged a cer●…ain woman servant which had been very trusty to Pheroras at the length when she could no longer stand for strokes she cryed out and said The holy and blessed God revenge us of Rostios the kings Wife Antipaters Mother which is the cause of this The king hearing these words bad let her alone she will disclose all Then spake she Antipater made Feasts every foot for th●… brother Pheroras and himself and as they eat and drank they devised how to poison thee especially when as Antipater was going to Octavian for they said except we destroy him he will destroy us as he hath done all the children of his house Moreover he lo●…eth the children of his sons that were put to death w●…ich grow a pace and it is possible he may change his mind and make one of them king Antipater also said to thy Brother The king makes as though he were much my friend but I trust him not he gave me saith he a hundred pound weight in Gold but all that satisfieth not me W●…en the king heard this he told how he had given Antipater this Gold secretly And the woman said moreover There is a viall of strong poyson in Pheroras house that thy Son sent out of Egypt straightway the king sent to Pheroras Wife that she should bring him the viall of poison her own self when she saw the kings Eunuches com●… to fetch her whether she would or no she go 〈◊〉 up to the top of her house and cast her self down headlong to kill her self because she would not see the king nor abide his torments but the died not thereof whereupon the kings Messengers brought her in a Horse litter and set her before the King Then she confessed to him how Antipater his Son had conspired with Pheroras to kill him with a poyson that he had bought in Egypt and sent it to Pheroras when he went to Octavian and how Pheroras being at the point of death repented him thereof charging that we should never give that venome to Antipater but poure it upon the ground that the king might not be poysoned therewith And I did as he bad me cast it out all save a li●…tle that I kept in the glasse-bottom for I ever feared that which is now come to pa●…se Then at the Kings commandment the Vial was brought forth before him and there was a little of the venome left wheresore they gave better credit to her words so that the King was content with her and bad his Physitian heal her and she recovered This done the King writ to Antipater to come home with speed because I am old saith he and weak uncertain how shortly I shall die CHAP. IIII. THe King had also two other sons at Rome Archelaus and P●…lemus So when Antipater writ to answer his father's letters he signified unto him that his two sons had defamed the King and slandered him unto Octavian But the King answered him Come and bring them with thee and I will order them as thou thinkest good Notwithstanding Antipater lingred for the space of six moneths to see if he might learn somewhat of his father's doings but he could hear nothing The messengers his father had sent lay upon him every day and urged him to make haste Therefore at the seven moneths end he took his journey towards Judea and came to Caesarea There heard he ●…is father had taken displeasure with his Mother and banished her the Court but he could not learn what should be the cause therefore he was strucken with
Gold and Silver as chaffe and stones he kept Israel in peace from all his enemies he bui●…ded also a fairer Temple than King Solomon but he made the yoke of tribute and exaction in Israel more heavy and gave open ear to ev●…l tongues He was a cruel blood-shedder of poor and innocent persons and Archelaus his son reigned in his room He willed before his death that they should bury him in the City of Erodion two dayes journey and a half from Jerusalem So they put him in a Coffin covered with Gold set here and there with precious stones The Bed under him was wrought with Gold and full of precious stones likewise upon his head was a cloth of Rayes powdred with precious stones and upon that a Royal Crown made fast to the left side of the Coffin and on the right side was a Regal Scepter upon the Bier was also a cloth of Rayes very thick powdred with precious stones Crystal Amethysts and very many ●…aphirs Then all the chief men of War went about him in their coats of fence and drawn swords in their hands with helmets on their heads as in the time of war After them came Archelaus his son that was made King then followed him all the people There were fifty of his servants that went about the Bier every one having a chaffindish of Gold in his hand wherein they burnt sweet woods and perfumes continually as many as went about him casting upon the Hearse pure Myrrhe He was born by certain great Lords and Noblemen of Israel upon their shouldders going leisurely and with a majesty till they came to Erodion where they buried him with great honour the like was never done to any King These things done there resorted together such as hated Herod and were weary of their own lives whiles he lived rejoycing that they had escaped his hands saying We have looked till our eyes bleared waiting for the death of Herod that Tyrant and bloodshedder that oppressed us with such heavy yokes that left us nothing to live on for the tributes and taxes that he laid upon us yet now Archelaus his son is worse than he Wherefore they consulted together and cast their minds and good will toward Antipater the son of Salumith the Kings Sister one of the blood of Chasmonany and went with him to Octavian Augustus requesting him to translate the kingdom from Archelaus to Antipater but he would not grant them their suite yea he rather confirmed and assured the kingdom to Archelaus who wrought wickedness in the sight of the Lord for he married his brother Alexanders Wife that had children by Alexander and committed many great offences The ninth year of Archelaus's raign it chanced upon a night he dreamed a dream He thought he saw nine eares of corn very good and full grown upon one stalk then came a great Oxe and did eate them up all at one bit by and by he awaked and perceived it was a dream therefore calling one of the Sages of Israel unto him he shewed him his dream The wise man said this is the interpretation of it The 9. eares fresh and full be the 9 years which thou hast raigned The great Oxe is the great King Octavian Augustus This year thou sha●…t be removed from thy kingdom because thou hast neglected the word of God and hast married thy brothers wife to this Archelaus answered him neither good nor bad Within five dayes after Octavian came towards Jerusalem and when Archelaus wen●… to meet him he put him in prison deposed him from the kingdom of Israel and made Antipas his brother King in his stead he turned his name also and called him Herod that done he returned to Rome Whiles Antipater was King died the Emperour Octavian Augustus the 56. year of his raign and Tiberius Caesar succeeded him This Antipas also wrought wickedness and sundry abominations more than any that was before him for he took his brother Philips Wife from him which had already children by Philip for this shameful deed Rabbi John Baptist the high Priest rebuked him wherefore Antipas put him to death There was at that time one Jesus a wise man if it be lawful to call him a Man for he was a worker of wonderfull works and a teacher of such men as gladly did hear the truth and had many Disciples both of the Jews and also of the Gentiles This man was Christ. who after he was accused of the chief Rulers of our Nation and condemned by Pilate to be crucified was nevertheless much beloved by them who loved him even from the beginning To these he appeared the third day alive according as the Prophets by Divine inspiration had told before aswell of this as also of many other things which should be done by him And even to this day the Christian sect which took their name of him continueth Against this man Antipas before named came Tiberius Emperour of Rome to whom when Antipas repaired he apprehended him la●…d him in irons and sent him into Spain where he died Archelaus also that was deposed before died in the time of this Tiberius raign Then Tiberius made Agrippa the son of Aristobulus whom Herod put to death Antipas brother King in his stead The time that Antipas raigned over Israel was 11. years In Agrippas time died Tiberius Caesar and Caius succeeded him This Caius called himself a God and would suffer no man to worship any thing in his Empire but himselfe he continued not long in this dignity but decayed and died After him succeeded Claudius Claudius being dead Nero Caesar was Emperor Agrippa raigned over Israel 23 years In his time Nero sore oppressed Israel by setting cruel presidents over them which left them nothing to live upon and besides that he punished them with divers torments until at length they were constrained to rebel against the Roman Empire and Nero Cesar to rid themselves from under his subjection And above all other one Florus president and Captain of the Roman Army most grievously oppressed the Jews and had done many things very wickedly For not onely he shed innocent blood ravishing at his pleasure wives and deflouring maids in the Cities of Juda but also robbed with great cruelty every man of his goods he polluted the Temple and upon the beams thereof he hung those that he took displeasure at It chanced that Beronice King Agrippa's sister came at that time to Jerusalem out of devotion to vifit the holy place She seeing Florus violently oppress the people and for payment of exactions and tallage to slay many of them even at the entrance of the Temple she came forth weeping unto Florus beseeching him to spare the people for she pitied them very greatly Yet Florus relented nothing but when she was departed from him he flouted and mockt her though she were the Kings sister and that in the Temple of the Lord. There was present at that time a valiant young man Eleasar the son of Anani the high Priest
stones And another like chance hapned A stone came and hit one of Josephs men of war a valiant man in such sort that it divided his head from his body and made it fly a large mile off At the same time one of the Roman souldiers devised with himself how to hit Joseph with a venomed arrow and gat him under a wall where Joseph was to accomplish his purpose but Joseph espied him and cryed to him Hold thy hand thou wicked fellow and do not kill me With that the fellow started somewhat aside being afraid at Josephs voice and suddenly the Jews out of the Town poured hot Oyl upon him from the wall and his skin was scalded off and he ran away naked howling and yelling to the Romans Camp where he died Vespasian and his son Titus were fully determined to continue the assault until the 47. day notwithstanding the walls were so high that they could not win the Town Yet at length the men were so spent within the Town that they that remained alive were so wearied with toyling that they were not able any longer to furnish theirwatch upon the wall This upon a certain night Vespasian and Titus understanding scaled the walls at a quarter where watchmen were lacking and after them many more of the Roman souldiers followed which went down on the inside and brake open the great gate of the Town whereat entred the whole Army of the Romans And being within the Town sounded their Trumpets and shouted to battel The Jews with the alarum tumult and hurly burly of the Romans awaked out of their sleep and were sore afraid Notwithstanding every man took him to his weapon and drew to the Market-place as fast as they might They had made the Market-place of the Town so large of purpose that if any businesse should happen there might come together the whole City if they would and as they looked about them they saw the Roman Army entring in at the Town by the way that came from the great gate Then fought they with the Romans and divided even in the Market-place where they stood exhorting one another and saying Let us die here fighting and never suffer our selves to be taken alive But Joseph and forty men with him worthy men all fled away into a wood where they found a ●…ain Cave and hid themselves therein All the 〈◊〉 of the Citizens were slain in that conflict for they would not yield nor commit themselves to the Romans they trusted them so little For on a time a certain Jew besought a Roman souldier to save his life and the Roman sware unto him saying God deal thus and thus with me if I slay thee therefore yield and come hither to me The Jew required him to give his right hand that he might trust him and the Roman reached him his left hand The Jew being dismayed in that great fear mark't not that it was his left hand But when the Roman had once hold of him he kept him fast with that hand and with his right took his sword slew the Jew that then was naked having cast away his weapon upon trust of the Roman When the Jews saw how the Roman regarded not his oath but slew the Jew that upon the trust of his promise and oath had yielded himself unto him they determined to die altogether and never to trust the Romans Whereupon they resolved with themselves utterly to die for the holinesse of the Lord God of Israel but in so doing they slew much people of the Romans and far more than they had done in any other battel yet at length the City was taken When Vespasian had knowledge where Joseph and his company was he sent Nicanor Pilerinus and Callicanus with him to Joseph to will him to come forth and he should have his life and not be slain upon that Joseph debated the matter with them that were with him in the Den requiring their advice For my part saith he if ye will follow my counsel I think it best we go unto them but upon this condition That they will make us a formal assurance of our lives effectually as we shall require them which done I doubt not but Vespasian when we come unto him will extend his favour towards us When these men perceived Joseph to be inclined to yield unto the Romans they said We marvel at thee O Prince Joseph at thee we say that wast chosen out of thousands of people and promoted to the Priesthood and Kingdom to sanctifie and hallow the Lord God of Israel who wast also appointed Captain General of so great an host and hast seen with thine eyes the shameful reproach of thy people with the displeasures and damages of thy Sheep that thou hast yet any desire to live in this dishonour What seest thou that thou wouldest desire to live Should'st thou not rather desire death than life Peradventure thou perswadest thy self that they call unto thee to save thy life or for thy commodity but without doubt this were a vain perswasion For they call thee for none other intent than to take thee alive and to brag how they took Joseph that was consecrated and addicted to the Wars and make it an argument that their power prospereth Now therefore our dear Brother and our Prince consider that this they will do yea if they save thy life But put the case they put thee to death Were it not better for thee to die on thine own sword than on theirs yea if it were for nothing but this it is better for thee to die than live lest thou should'st hear their reproaches their upbraidings and their quarrellings and if they preserve thee alive never think they do it for thy good but rather for thy ignominy and shame which is far more grievous than death it self Wherefore our dear Brother and our Prince What comes in thy mind that thou purposest to live after that thou hast lost thy people and thy brethren And to what purpose serveth thy life after they be 〈◊〉 one Mark diligently what Moses of worthy memory our Master did how he spake before God touching the people of Israel O pardon their sins saith he or else blot me quite out of thy book whi●…h thou hast written He would not live after the destruction of his people although the Almighty said unto him Let me alone that I may wreak mine anger upon them and consume them Why dost thou not call unto thy remembrance Aaron his brother that went betwixt life and death in withstanding the Angel that plagued the people and offered himself to die for his people that the plague might cease from Israel Where is King Saul and his son Jonathan that foughtfor the people of God and died in the field Could not Saul have saved his life and his sons both if he had been so disposed But he when he saw Israel had the overthrow in the battel he had no desire to live longer but chose to die rather than to