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A19858 A treatise of the Church VVritten against them of the separation, commonly called Brownists. Wherein the true doctrine of a visible Church is taught, and the Church of England, proued to be a true Church. The Brownists false doctrine of the visible Church is conuinced; their shamefull peruerting of the holy Scriptures discouered, their arguments to proue the Church of England a false Church answered. Darrel, John, b. ca. 1562. 1617 (1617) STC 6286; ESTC S117495 230,202 407

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We account of all men next to the King his children most honorable and happy especially his sonne and heire that is to inherit the Kingdome Hereupon the seruants of Saul speaking thus to Dauid Behold 2. Sam. 18.23 the King hath a fauour vnto thee be now therefore the Kings sonne in law DAVID answered Seemeth it to you a light thing to be the Kings sonne in law seeing that I am a poore man and of small reputation What then may it seeme vnto vs who are but dust and ashes nay worse then so by nature the children of wrath and of the Diuell to become by grace the adopted children of God Ephes 2.3 Iohn 8.41.44 It is a matter of great honor and dignity to bee the sonne and heire of a Noble man specially of a King And is it not a much more glorious thing to be the sonne and heire of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings All men bestow and leaue vnto their children according to that themselues be and haue The meane man an inheritance or portion according to his abilitie be it more or lesse The Gentleman leaues to his children according to his estate and worth The noble-man after his and the King according to his greatnesse Euen so it is betwixt God and his children What and how great then shall be the portion and honor of these children seeing it shall be agreeable to the greatnesse of their heauenly Father and that which beseemeth the children of such a Father It must needs be such as neither eye hath s●ene nor eare hath heard nor euer came into mans heart in a word incomprehensibly glorious Because of this the estate of these in the world to come is not only called a glorious estate Rom. 8.18.21 and vers 17.30 1. Iohn 3.2 Phil. 3.21 and the glorioas liberty of the sons of God and they then said to be glorified and to be like vnto Christ partaking with him in glory both in soule and body their vile bodies being made like vnto his glorious body but is also inlarged thus that they shall then haue a most excellent and eternall waight of glory 2. Cor. 4.17 To set forth also the excellent an glorious estate and condition of these in the world to come it is often said in the Scriptures that they shall haue a Kingdome Feare not little flocke Luke 12.32 for it is your Fathers pleasure to giue you a Kingdome Matth. 5.3 Blessed are the poore in spirit for there is the Kingdome of heauen And to the same end it is called the kingdom of God and of heauen 1. Cor. 6.9 Heb. 12.28 2. Tim. 4.8 1. Cor. 9.25 Mat. 5.3 and said to be such as cannot be shaken On the heads of these Kings shall be set a crowne of righteousnesse yea an incorruptible crowne of glory Happy then and a thousand times happy are all of this Church and company that shall haue such and so glorious a kingdome whereof also there is no end but they shall raigne for euermore These 1. Pet. 1.4 2.1.11 howsoeuer they be not borne nor come by discent to this heauenly kingdome and inheritance Ephes 1.4.5 Act. 13.48 yet are they of God chosen and ordained thereunto before the foundation of the world was laid as appeareth by that sentence of Christ the Iudge of all men which he shall one day pronounce vpon them Come yee blessed of my Father Matth. 25.34 take the inheritance of the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world And therefore they who in their minoritie and nonage haue not yet receiued this inheritance and kingdome are as sure of it as if they were inthronized and in possession thereof Because as God himselfe so all things in God and namely this election of part of mankind vnto saluation is vnchangeable So that heauen and earth shall sooner passe away then any one of this chosen generation perish Are not they now happy who are sure to inherite this Kingdome albeit they yet haue it not What though in this world and for the present 1. Cor. 15.19 they bee of all men the most miserable yet neuerthelesse if we haue respect to their future estate Heb. 11.26 1. Pet. 1.4 to this great recompence of reward and inheritance immortall by the power of God reserued for them in heauen they are of all the children of men the most happy and those only who be happy all others being in a most accursed estate cōdition And thus much concerning the Church or that we cal the Inuisible Church the knowledge whereof we referre to God the searcher of hearts proceed we now to entreate of the visible Church which men can know and discerne and is therefore called visible into which all they must retire themselues in this world that will be gathered with the inuisible Church into heauen in the world to come according to that saying Act. 2.47 And the Lord added to the Church from day to day such as should be saued For this cause it standeth vs vpon diligently to search and enquire into this matter and so for thee Christian Reader to giue good eare to that which followeth CHAP. III. Of the visible Church and diuers acceptation of the word Church AS sometimes this word Church must be taken in that sence I haue already spoken of that is for all the elect or some speciall company of the elect as is manifest by the premises so in many other places of holy Scripture it cannot possibly be so vnderstood but must of necessity haue some other signification Verse 3. In the 8. of Acts Luke reporteth of Saul that he made hauocke of the Church And no l●sse doth the Apostle say of himselfe 1. Cor. 15.9 I am not meete to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the Church of God In these places and very many more by Church we cannot vnderstand the Elect except we will imagine eyther that Saul knew whom God had elected or that all bee elected who are persecuted both which are very false How then must wee vnderstand this word Church heere And what may we doe to finde out the true sence and meaning of this word in these and such other like places where it cannot be taken in the former signification Surely it may easily and and safely be done by conference of Scripture as we shall see Verse 3. In the 22. of the Acts Saint Paul hath these words of himselfe I was zealous towards God as yee all are this day vers 4. And I persecuted this way vnto the death binding and deliuering into prison both men and women And Galath 1. Thus he likewise speaketh of himselfe Vers 13. yee haue heard of my conuersation in times past in the Iewish religion how that I persecuted the Church of God extreamely and wasted it 14. And profited in the Iewish religion aboue many of my companions of my owne Nation and was much more
would not you and all men laugh at me for my folly and falsitie No lesse ridiculous and false is that you affirme of Abijah True it is that Abijah had warre with Ieroboam King of Israel but Religion was not the cause thereof but this Abijah being valiant would haue brought backe againe the Kingdome of Israel which Ieroboam had taken as Abijah said to the whole armie of Israel by rebellion from his father REHOBOAM a childe and tender hearted and one that could not resist him as Abijah saith of him Abijah his loue then and desire after the Kingdome of Israel was the cause of this warre as is plaine by 2. Chron. 13.5 6 7. and not his zeale for the true Religion and hatred of the false as your words pretend A man that readeth these words of yours would likewise imagine that Abijah was religious and worshipped God truly whereas in truth he was a notorious hypocrite and grosse idolater In the shutting vp of your answere touching Asa you say that ASA found not his Kingdome a false Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth found England This also is very vntrue Nay ASA found Iudah worse then they did England For Iudah in Abijah his raigne worshipped false gods whereas England in the daies of King Henry and Queene Mary worshipped the true God though after a false manner But suppose that Iudah in Abijah his time was not a false Church and that Asa found it a true that lets not but that in Iudah there might be idolaters at the same time worshipping either a false God or the true God after a false manner as the Papists at this day in England doe Nay wee cannot but acknowledge that such there were indeed considering this is said of Asa in the very entrance into his Kingdome 2. Chro. 14.3 That hee tooke away the altars of the strange gods and the high places and brake downe the Images and cut downe the groues Vers 4. And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and to doe according to the Law and the Commandement Now these idolaters that in their high places offered to strange gods did ASA command to forsake their idolatrie and to worship the Lord God of their Fathers after the manner hee had commanded as is plaine First By the coherence and dependance of the two verses aforesaid Secondly ASA needed not to giue this commandement to them who did already worship God truely but to the idolaters that were in Iudah that eyther worshipped strange gods or the Lord after their owne inuentions and not as he had commanded Is it not then plaine in the example of Asa That Christian Princes may and ought to command their subiects being idolaters to forsake their idolatrie and to worship the Lord and consequently to ioyne themselues to the true Church say it were true that the Church of Iudah was then not a false but a true Church Yes verily euen al one as if the Church in Abijah his time had been a false Church as indeed it was Specially if hereunto we adde that which is set downe in the second verse That herein Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the Lord. But grant we that the dissimilitude you speake of would helpe you against the example and practise of Asa yet is it no answere to the other two examples of Hezekiah and Iosiah seeing they found the Church of Iudah euery whit as false a Church as King Edward and Queene Elizabeth did the Church of England Yea false in a higher degree worshipping false Gods whereas England in King Henry the eight Nay England enioyed the true worship of God part of King Henry his raigne especially during the time of Queene Anne and before the sixe bloudie articles were vrged Act. and Mon. 999. and 1000. 2. Chron. 28.2 3 4. and 23. and 33.2 3 4 5 9. and Queene Maries dayes worshipped yet the true God though after a false manner By the Scripture it is manifest that in the daies of Ahaz and Amon Predecessors to the aforesaid godly Kings Iudah walked in the wayes of Israel made molten Images and set vp altars for Baalim sacrificed vnto the gods of Damascus and of Aram and worshipped all the Host of heauen and serued them nay it is said Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem did worse then the Heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel This you knew well enough and saw but would not see for then you had answered your selfe which you had no desire to doe And this appeareth by your owne words for you acknowledge that IOSIAH purged his Land of false worship 2. That he reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God therefore before Iosiah his raigne in Amon his daies they had the false seruice and worship of God established among them Marke also how Master Ainsworth vsing many words concerning HEZEKIAH his reformation passeth smoothly both by this that Iudah in his entrance to the Kingdome was a false Church and that hee in his said reformation vsed his regall commandement and authority sent forth his proclamation throughout all Israel and Iudah and that by postes for the more speedie dispatch thereof We haue not a word of these things that make as directly against you as can bee and for the iustifying of Queene Elizabeths proclamation in the beginning of her raigne which you spurne against so much But in stead thereof you say That he opened the dores of the Lords house brought in the Priests and Leuites and sent ouer all the Land to conuert the people from idolatry who laughed at the messengers mocked them It may seeme by these messengers you vnderstand or at least would haue your Reader vnderstand certaine Prophets Priests or Leuites That such were sent by the King throughout all Israel and Iudah to preach for the gathering calling and conuerting of this people to God But the Reader must know that these said Messengers were the Postes that carried the Kings proclamations or as it is said 2. Chro. 30.6 went with letters by the commission of the King and his Princes throughout all Israel and Iudah and with the commandement of the King the summe of which proclamations or letters is there set downe Who would euer imagine that they whom the King sent to conuert the people from idolatrie for these be your words were only certaine Postes that carried the proclamations of the King Thus by cunning you deceiue the simple In like manner you deale as touching Iosiah You tell vs that he purged the Land of Idols and false worship and reduced his people vnto the true seruice of God But in the meane season you omit how that to the end he might bring this to passe 2. Chro. 33.16 hee commanded Iudah to serue the Lord God of Israel This which maketh to the very point in hand you passe by and in stead thereof mention that which is nothing to the purpose
nor secretly wicked for as much as euery member of the visible church hath the spirit Apology 44. Counterp 127. euen the spirit of life or quickening spirit vvhich in whomsoeuer it is mortifyeth sinne in them crucifieth their flesh and naturall corruption freeing them from the power and dominion thereof and quickneth or inableth them to leade an holy and spirituall life Lastly then in the vis church there bee no Reprobates none that shall bee damned for as much as euery one in the visible church hath the Spirit of God and so the spirit of life wherewith whosoeuer is indued hath not onely spirituall but eternall life begun in him and therefore shall neuer die And here we may remember that the spirit of God is bestowed onely vpon Gods children Rom. 8.14.17 all which be heares of saluation Also that the Spirit is called the seale and earnest of our inheritance Gal. 4.6 vvhereby wee learne That whosoeuer hath the spirit he hath the earnest and seale of God of his heauenly inheritance and so is sure to be saued But the vvhole body of the vis Church say you hath this spirit animating it Therefore conclude I all and euery one of the vis Church are sure to be saued and so there be in it no Reprobates nor such as shall be damned This conclusion followeth also necessarily from that you doe adde Faith vniteth the members of the body to the head Christ By body here you meane the whole visible Church and so teach first that all the members of the vis Church bee vnited to Christ as to their head Secondly that euery one of the vis Church hath that faith which maketh this vnion or vniteth him to Christ his head Doth it not now from hence follow that all of the vis Church be heyres of saluation and that none of them shall passe into condemnation Joh. 10.26 27. For who can plucke from Christ that is vnited vnto him and is as it vvere part of him Or can any member of his die seeing to euery one of them hee communicateth life both spirituall and eternall Can any also indued with this effectuall faith be condemned Hee that beleeueth hath euerlasting life Ioh. 5 24. Rom. 8.1 is saued already and hath passed from death to life to him there is no condemnation That vvhich hee saith here of the spirit animating the whole body euen as the soule doth the whole body of man if he had spoken meant it of the Church without adding or vnderstanding visible the one of the which you alwaies doe and by body vnderstood the misticall body of Christ and by a member an elect vessell conuerted and brought to the faith then had hee spoken truely but vnderstanding by body the visible Church and by a member one particular person of that societie hee teacheth that which is very false There shift and euasion I know will be this that they do not meane that all the vis Church haue indeede the Spirit Faith and Loue but only externally so far as men can iudge This is absurd For in this they secretly imply that there are some in the vis Church which haue not the spirit nor faith nor loue and in this positiue Diuinitie of yours directly teach the contrarie For the spirit say you animateth the whole body If the whole body then all the members thereof and consequently there is no member that is destitute of the spirit This therefore you may not alleadge for your selfe except you vvill contradict your selfe After these men comes M. Robinson and hee fully agreeing with M. Smith concerning the matter of the vis Church doth yet differ from them both about the forme and tels vs that the couenant is the forme Saints saith hee is the matter Iustiff 88. 82. and the Couenant the forme from which two concurring the Church ariseth Hereby he and M. Smith who makes it the outward part of the forme meane a solemne vow oath promise or Couenant made to God of those that be of yeeres of discretion to renounce Idolatry and to cleaue to God and to euery part of his truth For the discouerie and conuincing of this your errour wee must remember that the oath and couenant which King Asa and his subiects made to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers from whence these men fetch this doctrine was in the 15. yeere of Asa as is said 2. Chron 15.10 and that he reformed the Church and restored the true Religion and worship of God in the beginning and entrance into his kingdome as appeareth by 2. Chro. 14. and 1. Kings 15.14 This couenant therefore cannot possibly be the forme of the Church seeing Iudah was a true church in Asia his dayes before they made this couenant and a thing can not bee or haue existance without the forme And here we may remember that this vow and promise in effect we make and passe into this couenant in baptisme when and whereby we are recciued and incorporated into the church Goe not therefore about to deceiue men in pe●swading them that we haue entred into no couenant with God to be his people and to obey his commandements And are therefore false churches And here not vnfitly might I produce foure arguments of Iustif 3.27 M. Robinsons taken from the in-being of the vv●cked in our Church vvhereby he vvill proue our congregatio●s to be and re●aine vnformed and consequent y to be no true Churches First saith he because godly and wicked men are contrari●s as being gui●●● and led by contrarie causes the one sort by the spirit and the other by the flesh which are contrarie one vnto other Now two contraries are not capable of one and the same forme By this reason of yours if it were ought there is no vis Church formed and consequently none at all for you will not d●ny that in the vis Church there be godly and by your owne confession Pag. 106. there be hypocrites all which are wicked now these be contraries as being guided and led by contrary causes the one sort by the spirit and the other by the flesh which are contrarie one vnto another and two contraries are not capable of one and the same forme The rest of your arguments being no lesse friuolous then this I for breuitie omit And let this suffice concerning the matter and forme of the visible Church CHAP. IIII. Whether the couenant of life and saluation which God made with Abraham and his seede were made with the visible or inuisible Church TO this Societie meaning the vis Church say you A true description of the vis Church 11. is the couenant and all the promises of peace of loue and of saluation of the presence of God of his power of his graces and of his protection And in your Apologie you haue these words How else should a true visible Church haue assurance of the promises and scales of Gods Couenant presence and
Let the Christian Reader iudge of this kind of dealing But let vs heare more of your answere These examples we acknowledge all Christian Princes should follow hauing equall power with these Kings of Iudah Counterpois 230. to abolish all idolatrie within their dominions yea and to punish obstinate idolaters and not suffer any superstitious worship among their subiects but to procure their conuersion by the word yet not to compell them to be members of the Church because they cannot giue them Faith and Repentance which is the onely doore into Christ Kingdome and cannot be opened to any but by God alone And a little after Your people should haue yeelded their owne willing consent which they neuer did but were and still are compelled by law and penaltie to bee of the Church and Religion established Replie If Christian Princes haue equall power within their dominions with that the Kings of Iudah had in theirs then are they not onely to abolish all idolatry within their dominions which you confesse but also to command and by law and penaltie to compell their people to be of the true Religion and to worship God according to his word that is to professe true Religion and worship for further then the outward profession man cannot goe which maketh a member of the visible Church But the former of these is true by your owne confession therfore the latter The consequence of the proposition is grounded vpon this that the Kings of Iudah proceeded thus farre when they reformed the Church as appeareth by the premises and namely by the 2. of the Chro. 34.2 which Scripture is singular to this purpose And Iosiah did that was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God 3. For he tooke away the altars of the strange gods and the high places c. 4. And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their Fathers and to doe according to the Law and the Commandement 5. Therefore the Kingdome was quiet before him Here we see that Iosiah did not only abolish idolatry and all false worship but besides commanded his people to worship the true God called here the God of their Fathers according as he had commanded which is that wee call true worship And it is euident that therein he did well First because this is rendred for a proofe or instance of that which is generally said of him in the second verse And Asa did that was good and right in the eyes of the Lord for he tooke away the altars c. And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord c. that is to serue the Lord in that manner he had commanded Secondly because for this very act of his God blessed him with outward peace as vers 5. Therefore the Kingdome was quiet before him Are Christian Princes only to abolish idolatry within their dominions and to punish obstinate idolaters and not to compell their subiects any further Then belike they may let their people be of no Religion euen Atheists and not punish them so long as they be not idolaters But why may not Kings compell their subiects to professe true Religion and to submit themselues to the true worship of God which maketh them members of the visible Church Because they cannot giue them faith and repentance which is the only dore into the Church and cannot be opened to any but by God alone It is true indeed that Princes though their power is great yet are too weake hereunto But we must know that profession of faith and repentance sufficeth to the making of a member of the visible Church and thereunto the Magistrate can compell That which you say of the visible Church is true of Heauen faith and repentance is the only dore into it and God in Christ only can and doth open it But is very vntruely said of the visible church especially considering your quoted Scriptures for confirmation thereof require faith and repentance indeed and speake of true repentance and sauing faith It greeueth me to see how many places of Scripture are heere peruerted by you as namely Ioh. 6.44 No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him vp at the last day And againe vers 65. No man can come vnto me Note heere their abuse of holy Scripture except it be giuen vnto him of my Father That which is heere spoken of the members of the inuisible Church when they are inwardly and effectually called and indued with faith in Christ Iesus That it is God and he alone who giueth them to beleeue meant hereby by comming vnto Christ you ignorantly vnderstand of and apply to all of the visible Church whereof the most haue only the externall calling and will by these Scriptures proue that no man can be of the visible Church except God call him and draw him and by his Spirit perswade him Counterpoys 134. Cant. 1.3 For which purpose also as I remember you alleage elswhere that speech of the faithfull Draw me and we will runne after thee He that seeth not this your abuse of Scripture it is because he wanteth some of that eye-salue mentioned Reu. 3.18 to anoint his eyes with The rest of your quotations for breuity I passe by together with this your doctrine the falshood whereof shall hereafter be made euident in a more conuenient place You tell vs that Christian Princes are to punish obstinate idolaters yet not to compell men to be of the Church First Because in such a case they must yeeld their owne willing consent Secondly Because they cannot giue them faith and repentance which is the only doore into the Church and cannot be opened to any but by God alone Suppose I. N. an idolater by the Kings authority be for his idolatry punished with imprisonment or losse of goods or some such like punishment and that he remaining still an idolater in the loue to his liberty or goods pretendeth great hatred to idolatrie and loue to the true worship of God whereupon after profession of his faith and repentance made he is receiued into the Church Yee cannot deny but that this man is a member of the visible Church for against such a one you cannot shut the doores of the Church and all in the Church are members thereof Tell me now First whether this man became not a member of the Church by compulsion and whether by punishment men are not after a sort compelled to doe the contrary to that for which they are punished and whether this is not intended and aymed at in punishments And so heere that I. N. being punished for his idolatry should forsake that and worship God according to his Word which makes one a member of the visible Church Secondly whether this hypocrite and deepe dissembler doe this of his owne willing consent or rather against his heart and will compelled thereunto by law and penalty Thirdly I demand whether this man hath faith and repentance and hath passed
the faithfull are onely doth and can offer such sacrifices Therefore the inuisible Church are this royall Priesthood or kingdome of Priestes and not the visible Church If I should haue saide nothing M. Ainsworth himselfe wil suffice for the conuiction of this error Communion of Saints 248. They whom Christ hath made Kings and Priests vnto God his father being a Kingly Priesthood euen a kingdome of Priestes and a holy nation hauing part in the first resurrection the second death may haue no power ouer them but sit with Christ in his throne euen as hee ouercame and sitteth with his Father in his throne From your owne words I argue thus against you They who are this royall Priesthood that is Kings and Priests vnto God haue part in the first resurrection the second death hath no power ouer them but sit with Christ in his throne But the inuisible Church onely and company of the Elect haue part in the first resurrection the second death hath no power ouer them Ergo the inuisible Church is this royall Priesthood The proposition your owne words doe prooue The assumption needes no proofe And againe in another place hee conuinceth himselfe and his friends Seeing then saith he we haue receiued such grace from God Communion of Saints 487. 488. so many as beleeue in the name of his sonne Christ as that we are through his mercy made a chosen generation a kingly Priesthood washed from all our sinnes in the blood of Christ and raigning with him on earth by mortifying and subduing our earthly members what remaineth then but that we purge our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and Spirit From hence I inferre that either the visible Church and consequently all the members thereof are washed from their sinnes mortifie and subdue their earthly members which no man will affirme or else the visible Church is not that royall Priestood whereof the Scripture speaketh for they that are this royall Priesthood are washed from their sinnes by your owne confession Iudge now thy selfe Christian reader whether this that M. Ainsworth writeth heere doeth not conuince that he saith else where Communion of Saints 470. And now that all Christians are made Priests vnto God euen a Kingly Priesthood to raigne vpon earth and to haue their power of Christ to iudge all that are within the Church and cast out the wicked from among them they ought to reteine and vse their power By Christians he meaneth here the members of the visible Church and of all them he affirmeth that the are Kings and Priests vnto God And to increase his sin after his and their accustomed manner he alleadgeth three places to prooue this his error namely 1. Pet. 2.9 Reu. 1.6 5.10 For the conuincing of which errors their are no testimonie in holy Scripture more excellent as we may appeare by the premisses Whereby it is euident they are strangely blinded in their vnderstanding seeing in the middest of a glorious light they see not the light but grope as men in palpable darkenesse And heere fitly I returne that vpon you M. Ainsworth which you falsely apply to vs. The Reader may see how your right eye is blinded to bring Scriptures so plaine against your selues Besides the three former testimonies you alleadge one another that likewise maketh not for but against you If you will heare my voyce indeede Counterp 79. Exod. 19.5 and keepe my couenant then you shall bee vnto me a kingdome of Priests but the Elect onely and they which are of the inuisible Church doe this which the Lord heere requireth Therefore they onely are the kingdome of Priests here spoken of Againe the visible Church these fewe excepted in it which are of the inuisible Church doeth not heare Gods voice indeede but contemne it doeth not keepe but breake his couenant and therefore is not a kingdome of Priests to God For what though this speech was spoken to the visible church They therein of the inuisible Church onely could did keepe the condition heere required They therefore alone make this Kingdome of Priests Thus your owne sword helpeth to pierce your side Neither is that so fit a title for the visible Church the sheepe of Lord seeing in the Scriptures specially of the new Testament ordinarily by sheepe are ment the Elect and Church inuisible I am the doore of the sheepe Ioh. 10.7.15 Matth. 25 33. I lay downe my life for my sheepe when the Sonne of man commeth in his glory he shall set the sheepe on his right hand and the goates on the left In a word If wee would knowe who indeede are the sheepe of the Lord and rightly so to be called Christ himselfe telleth vs againe in the 10. of Iohn saying Vers 27. my sheepe heare my voyce and I know them and they follow me and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish Thereupon M. Ainsworth saith well such were not of Christs sheepe for then he would haue giuen them life eternall and for confirmation therof he quoteth this place of Iohn Communion of Saints 58. Wherby he imployeth that all Christs sheepe shall haue life euerlasting From whence it followeth that this title Christs sheepe or the sheepe of the Lord appertaineth to the elect and inuisible church and cannot rightly be saide of the visible Church except all the visible Church shall be saued A great part of the visible Church are so farre from being like to sheepe that they may more fitly be compared to wolues Mat. 10.26 Luke 10.3 Behold I send you as sheepe in the middest of wolues These whom Christ calleth wolues were the visible Church of the Iewes In which Church were but a fewe sheepe You teach further that the visible Church is in the Scripture called the Temple of God and this you will proue by 1. Cor. 3.17 Knowe yee not that you are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 17. If any man destroy the Temple of God him shall God destroy for the Temple of God is holy which yee are I would desire no better place for the confutation of this error then this you alleadge for probation thereof See you not that the Spirit of God dwelleth in all those who be this Temple of God now God his spirit dwelleth onely in the Elect They are of the Elect therefore and inuisible Church who are the Temple of God That God breatheth his Spirit onely into the Elect it is manifest by Rom. 8.14 as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the Sonnes of God And by Gal. 4.6 And because yee are sonnes God hath sent foorth the Spirit of his sonne into your hearts which cryeth Abba Father Againe the Temple of God is heere saide to be holy which must needes be because the Spirit of God dwelleth in him that is this Temple and it is holy which is therefore called the holy Spirit and the holy Ghost ●●to o●e●y
the longer and more dangerous the way is we haue to trauell by so much the more desirous and inquisitiue are we after company because it maketh greatly for our safety and comfort and helpeth much against the tediousnes and wearisomenesse of the way Thou therefore my deare brother who as a pilgrime and stranger on earth art wandring in the wildernesse of this world towards that heauenly Canaan a way long and dangerous wherein doe lye in waite many theeues and robbers full also of crosse-wayes and by-paths and none almost to direct thee except thou wilt aske of the beasts of the wildernesse inquire and seeke out some of these that are trauelling as well as thou to Canaan to bee thy associates And this shall bee sweete and comfortable both to thee and them Thus did Dauid a pilgrime as all our Fathers were Psal 119.63 I am a companion saith he of all them that feare thee and keepe thy precepts And that which is more All his delight next to that he had in God Psal 16.3 Prou. 12.26 was in the Saints that were in the earth who are more excellent then their neighbours and consequently their societie more to be desired It goeth well with that woman who maketh choice of such an husband whose company shee cannot auoid and with that man which hath such a wife and with him that hath such neighbours or out of them can and doth cull out such to be his companions and acquaintance It is good being in the company of these for with the godly thou shalt learne to bee godly Prou. 13.20 or being godly to encrease in godlinesse But it is much better yea a blessed thing to be one of this society For is it not I pray thee an happy thing to be beloued of God and in speciall fauour with him Dauid so accounted it and therefore prayeth thus to God Psal 4.6 Many say who will shew vs any good but Lord lift thou vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. And professeth that herein he had more ioy of heart then worldly minded men haue when their wheate and wine doth abound Now all of the Church are dearely beloued of God They are as wee heare the Congregation of the first borne Rom. 1.7 No first borne child is so tenderly beloued of his parents no not of his mother as these be of God For it may so fall out that a woman may forget her childe and not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe Isa 49.75 Psal 27.10 Ephes 15.25 Iohn 10.11.15 Iohn 15.13 but this cannot fall into God Though father and mother forsake one of these the Lord will take him vp This Church and company of men Christ so loued that hee gaue himselfe for it that is layd downe his life for it And greater loue then this to dye for his friends can no man haue O loue vnspeakable As by his deeds so by his words Iesus doth witnes his loue to this Church Cant. 2.14.15 4.2 7 8. c. 5.1.2 Mat. 12.49.50 in calling it his Welbeloued his Doue his Spouse his Loue and in accounting euery one of this societie his Brother and Sister and Mother If then thou be one of this fellowship O man thou art in grace and speciall fauour not with thy King and Soueraigne on earth but with thy God and thy Lord who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and with him whose loue is the fountaine of all mans happinesse Of this loue I say euery one of this Church and company may be assured Happy therefore are all they and only they who be of this society Their happines and dignity their excellent estate full of maiesty and glory may yet further appeare by sundry of those titles which are giuen vnto them in holy Scripture They of this society are called a spirituall house the Tabernacle of God the Temple of God and are said to be the habitation of God by the Spirit because the Spirit of God dwelleth in them What a grace and honor is this that the King of glory should cohabite with vs And what a rebell is he Reu. 3.20 who though this King stand at his doore and knock will not open that he may enter in Happy and thrice happy is he who hath the presence and fellowship of God For who shall harme him with whom the Almighty is alwayes present to defend Hee needs not bee afraid of the feare of the night Psal 91.1 nor of the arrow that flieth by day nor of the pestilence that walketh in the darknes nor of the plague that destroyeth at noone-day that dwelleth thus in the secret of the most high and abideth in the shadow of the Almighty Though a thousand fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand yet shall not the euill come neere thee In all perils thou mayest be secure lye downe in peace and take thy rest when others feare and tremble Gal. 5.22 Where this Spirit is there is peace towards God with men yea with all men as much as is possible There is also loue to God to men for Gods cause louing our enemies praying for and doing good to them that hate and persecute vs Iohn 15.26 all maliciousnes enuy and euill speaking being laid aside If thou hast this spirit it will lead thee into the truth and preserue thee from error This is the holy Spirit and therefore hauing it it will sanctifie thee and make thee holy And is the Comforter giuing that ioy to man Iohn 15.26 and 16.22 which the world cannot take from him Where he dwelleth there is a continuall feast He makes the children of men to reioyce in afflictions taking away the bitternes of them If it fall out so that thou bee in prison in close prison and so want the company of men suppose of Angels too though that is not possible yet art thou not alone but hast one with thee to whom thou mayest make thy mone and in whose society thou mayest solace thy selfe He will lead thee when thou walkest watch for thee when thou sleepest and when thou wakest talke with thee and comfort thee in the houre of death when others dying shall be in heauinesse Is not he now happy that is one of the Church And yet heare what further I say vnto thee All of the Church for as much as they haue the Spirit of God are the children of God and so●eires of God and coheires with Christ Gal. 4.6 Because yee are sonnes saith the Apostle God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts And againe As many as are led by the Spirit of God Rom. 8.14 they are the sonnes of God Then he addeth If children also heires euen the heires of God and coheires with Christ For this cause all of this fellowship are most happy and of all persons vnder heauen the most honorable in truth though not in the account of the world