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A19326 Doctrinall and morall observations concerning religion vvherein the author declareth the reasons of his late vn-enforced departure from the Church of Rome, and of his incorporation to the present Church of England : teaching, maintaining and defending the true Christian Catholike and apostolike faith, professed by the ancient primitiue church, most conspicuous in the outward vertues and constant sufferings of many holy bishops and other good Christians, glorious in the crowne of martyrdome / by Iohn Copley ... Copley, John, 1577-1662. 1612 (1612) STC 5742; ESTC S299 195,885 256

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I find that men of farther reach obseruing the successe of the intended powder-treason following soone after haue obserued that that letter which master Blackwell should haue spread amongst Catholikes was but a cloake of the secret designement of the powder-day to take away all apprehension of danger in the state whereof it is probably thought that both the Pope and father Aquauiua were either expressely or circumstantially made acquainted with that businesse nay moreouer my selfe strongly vrging against one the vnlawfulnes of the powder-designement he wished me to be silent for it was more then probable that the Pope knew well thereof and in speaking against it I should but cause the Iesuites to disaffect me and doe my selfe no good Hereupon I grew silent and thought the more then of such horrible hypocrisie for that some reported that both the Pope and Cardinals had spoken publikely against it which me thought could not hang well together without some intollerable hypocrisie especially considering that Greenway by the Pope was not only suffered to liue in Rome but also exalted euen before the Popes face to the dignitie of being one of his Penitentiaries appointed publikly to heare cōfessions in S. Peters Church in Rome and Gerard likewise suffered to liue quietly in Flanders without checke or controule by any man who made such deep protestations to one master Buckland Priest vpon his saluation that he had no wayes notice of the powder-designement that as I heard the said master Buckland say either he must needs beleeue him to affirme a truth or else that he was as great an hypocrite and dissembler as euer liued in the world So like are the followers of the Romane Church to the first kind of the Pharisies hypocrisie in pretending outward holinesse whilest in their hearts they harbour most detestable vnrighteousnesse Therefore well did Saint Bernard describe Hypocrites saying that they were Mordaces vt canes dolosi vt vulpes superbi vt leones they are biting like dogges they are guilefull like foxes they are proud like lions for such will suffer no mans reputation to be vntoucht but will teare it with their spitefull teeth they are craftie as foxes which teare in peeces the sheepe of the best wooll and as proud as lions for that they contemne all disgrace all without regard to any mans person or dignitie 5 Secondly The second kind of Romish hypocrisie I haue also obserued the second kind of the Pharisies hypocrisie to be very abundant in the Church of Rome which consisteth in a preposterous and defectiue outward holines breeding scrupulosity in trifles and largenes of conscience in matters of more moment As for example I find that for violating their custome obseruation vpon fasting-dayes many will bee exceedingly scandalized but giue no shew of scandale-taking at the most wicked example of the powder-treason or the traytors thereof but rather by their silence seeme willing to approue it to lament only the misfortune of their desired successe Others there are that will controule and checke any rash iudgement euen in trifles in others who themselues without scruple or knowledge or iudgment wil not stick to lay the imputation of the powder-treason vpon Protestants themselues who should by Machiuillian complotments be the first contriuers of it to draw Papists vnto it thereby to make them the more odious to the world Againe the Church of Rome forbiddeth Priests to be married which is lawfull by the law of God and whereas mariages betwixt kindred in the degrees of affinity are prohibited by the law of God they suffer and permit dispencing with mens consciences therein as for example that one brother may marry his brothers wife which was allowed in this kingdom by the Pope that the neece may marry her vncle which hath bin granted but to mean persons euen of late yeeres in Hamp-shire by authoritie granted from the Pope What cā be more preposterous thē to make a law which God neuer made in liew therof to disanull an institution which God hath made Besides the Popes thēselues suffer some of the Clergie to professe external pouertie as the poore Capuchins whilest themselues and others liue in all pompe iollity and pleasure vsing all coulors of holines to enrich thēselues and to draw treasures out of al coūtries to fill the Exchequer of S. Peter withall Who sees not most plainly that many deluded soules whilest for the grant of indulgences yearely to this Church and that Church they pay round summes of money into the Romane offices they grow negligent in seeking pardon from God and so neuer obtain truly pardon for their sins what shall I say of their preposterous zeale in keeping holidaies I often noted that the daies appointed in memory of Saints are much more solemnely kept then Sonday which is the feast of their Lord and Master in stead of one prayer to the Father or to the holy Ghost or the blessed Trinity the childrē of that Church do say many either to the virgin Mary or to S. Francis S. Benet Beatus Ignatius or some other Saint to whom they are most peculiarly addicted By all which examples I obserue the Church of Rome much also to exceed in this preposterous hypocrisie and externall holinesse without any order or rule 6 Thirdly The third kind of Romane hypocrisie I haue further entred into a deepe consideration of the third kind of Pharisaicall hypocrisie which consisteth more in words than in deedes more in shaddow than in truth Which I find without measure to abound likewise in the church of Rome For the Pope himself in words caries the stile of Seruus seruorum Dei the seruant of the seruants of God which is but meerely verball for in effect his actions are all noted with pride carrying the shew of Lord or Emperour rather than of a Seruant Auent Annal. lib. 7. who as one writeth Dominus dominantium perde ac si Deus foret esse contendit he striueth to be the lord of rulers in as if he were God and who seeth not this to be true that considereth his challenge of soueraignetie euen in temporalls ouer all Emperors and Kings of the world that beholdeth him carried vpon mens shoulpers that know how hee maketh all Princes but his vassals to be depriued of their kingdomes and all dignities whensoeuer he thinketh it expedient propter finem spiritualem for a spirituall end that is for the good of the Church that hath seene him attended vpon by the whole Colledge of Cardinalles whose intollerable prie was such that a King of Fraunce finding him inexorable in the cause of Fredericke Math. Paris in Henr. 3. His Maiesties speech in the Parliament Recessit iratus indignans quod humilitatem quam sperauerat in seruo seruorum minimè reperisset hee went away angrie and scorning not to finde the humilitie he hoped for in the seruant of seruants wel therfore may his Maiestie term him for such his pride as he doth That
many others which I haue before in the ninth Chapter shewed not to be ancient and consequently hereticall because they are new and aftercome into the Church 7 Againe The corrupt and rotten fruits of Romish doctrine when I considered further the second way to iudge of false prophets by the Church of Rome as Stapleton teacheth by the proper fruits of their doctrine I found also by this way the fruits of Romane teachers to be most corrupt and rotten issuing forth of their doctrine for what proceedeth from their dogmaticall teaching the lawfulnesse of the Stewes tolleration but too vnrefrained a licence and liberty of sinning to all that are loosely affected What greater incentiue to sin can there be for lasciuious persons then assurance of place and persons where conueniencie and consent may assuredly bee expected Or what greater occasion to yong persons prodigally to spend their temporall substance and ruine their soules then grant of such open passage to si● What can more encourage poore minds to be dishonest then permission to get themselues liuings by dishonestie As also what can more demonstrate the Popes couetousnes and insatiable auarice then the permission of such offenders paying yearely tribute vnto him for the free exercise of all filthie abominations Againe what proceedeth from the prohibition of Priests marriage but infinite and almost innumerable sinnes against nature as bestialitie Sodomie vnnaturall euacuations Incest adulterie fornication sacriledges and a thousand other abominations which abound in the present Church of Rome whilest that lawfull wedlocke and honorable bed which Saint Paul calleth vndefiled may not be permitted nor commended without imputation of incontinencie sacrilege and filthy pollution which is truely the doctrine of Diuells as Saint Paul termeth it I omit to speake how many virgins haue beene defloured how many matrons dishonoured how many monastcries peruerted how many good husbands wronged how many widdowes abused how many wilfull abortments how many slaughters of children and other foule abominations committed by vnmarried Priests therefore though chastitie and single life are both highly commendable and profitable to him that hath the gift to liue so yet the restraint thereof hath more disgraced the Church of God then almost any one point whatsoeuer making euen sacred things to appeare to the world deformed and full of such blemishes as wil neuer be taken away I haue obserued further also that the doctrine of pardons for the release of temporall paines due to finnes either in this life or in Purgatory annexed vnto graines meddals crosses rings and the like paltry things which is a doctrine most currant in the Church of Rome doth serue for the root offpring of much couetousnes and auarice of much losse of time vnprofitably of simony in selling Masses which are counted sacred things for money of neglecting to pray for the liuing while so many dirges masses funerals trentals and Aniuersaries are said for the dead without fruit or profit nay how farre did Pope Gregorie Lipeloo in vita Greg. Mag. stiled the Great proceed in the vanitie of this doctrine whilest he praied not for deceased Christians only but for a damned Pagan who as it is fabulously writtē in his life and hath passed currant these many hundred years deliuered the soule of Traian the Emperour out of hell fire by his praiers which hath hitherto beene obtruded vnto the Christian world for an especial fauor shewed by God vnto that Pope which shall neuer be shewed vnto any other Be not these goodly illusions of the world most abominable abuses of religion growne vp in the Church of Rome enameled with zealous and charitable pretences whilest such tales must set forth this Popes worth and be beleeued and the holy Scriptures teaching no remission after this life must not be of any credit at all I haue noted many euil branches to rise out also frō another root of their doctrine which cōfisteth in teaching men to pray to Saints how much Gods glory thereby is takē from him is apparent to any man of experience trauel who hath seen obserued how much the outward solemnities of Saints daies do excell the solemnities of Sundaies which are the feasts of the Son of God that hath obserued many more Churches dedicated to thē then to God himself that hath noted the ordinary common praier of lay-men to be called our Ladies office whilest they haue none at all made in honor of the holy Trinity or of the Father or the Son only a short one they haue in honor of the holy ghost another of the crosse yet not free from superstition idolatry whilst they pray Officium sanctae crucis ad Mat. By the signe of the cresse to be deliuered from their enemies whilest they attribute the victory Christ got vpon the crosse to the crosse it self saying O victory of the crosse and admirable signe cause vs to hold our triumph in the heauenly court Againe Antipho By a tree we were made bond-mē by the holy crosse we are set free The fruit of the tree seduced vs the Sonne of God redeemed vs. And againe O blessed crosse c. sweet wood sweet nailes c. Antipho ad noc Againe O venerable crosse which hast brought saluation to wretches by what praise shall I extoll thee for that thou hast prepared vnto vs thy heauenly life Againe speaking to Christ By thy holy crosse thou hast redeemed the world c. Al which in my iudgement seemed very derogatory to Gods glory as tēding to a diuine worship of the creature for the Son of God And thus in their excessiue deuotions to Saints and creatures they haue little feeling or vnderstanding of the true loue and deuotion they should feele and shew to their Creator 8 When moreouer I consider how the Church of Rome freeth the Clergie from true obedience to temporall Princes Other instāces of the corrupt fruits of Romish doctrine by their immunity it pretēdeth they enioy euen by Gods law and great priuiledges freeing frō ciuil courts gouernment I find here an open gap made to al busie heads tumultuous spirits to say thinke do what they list against the sacred authority of Kings and Princes confirmed by God himselfe But withal when I adde the doctrine now so much taught in the Church of Rome by her false prophets viz. that the Pope hath power and ecclesiasticall authoritie from God for the good of the Church to depose Emperours Kings and Princes from their regal dignities kingdomes in the execution whereof the Pope himselfe as the head of Christianity wil be the chiefe iudge commander in his owne cause I find al the wals defences of security for Kings shaken to the ground and doores let open to the wicked intentions designmēts of factious spirits to plot against Kings and to subuert kingdomes with liberty of conscience free from all scruple or remorse Hence and from no other spring ariseth so much contempt in the
proue one of those that are tearmed by Christ a wicked and adulterous generation CHAP. X. Containeth an obseruation of the great hipocrisie of false Teachers fore-spoken of in the holie Scriptures AMongst the many testimonies recorded in holy Scriptures concerning false Teachers The hypocrisie of false teachers shewed in the Scripture by which I might further discouer the erroneous doctrin of the Church of Rome and make comparison of her doctrine with other reformed Churches the next which represented themselues were such places as describe the dissimulation and hipocrisie of false Teachers and inuite men to take heede of them to preuent all their dissimulations and impostures by which they seduce simple soules from the knowledge of truth lead them by cunning art of wordes to follow leasings and false Gods This I noted first out of Christs wordes describing the manner of Heretikes comming and giuing a preuenting Caueat to take heede of them Math. 7. vers 15 where he said Attendite à falsis Prophet is qui veniunt ad vos in vestimentis ouium intrinsecus autem sunt lupi rapaces Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardly they are rauening wolues as if he should say take heede of the hipocrisie of those Prophets who seeme to be one thing and are an other of whom S. Paul saith Rom. 16. vers 18. Per dulces sermones benedictiones seducunt corda innocentium With faire speech and flattering they deceiue the hearts of the simple who in another place speaking of the heretikes of latter times saith In hipo crisi loquuntur mendacium 1. Tim. 4. vers 2. cauteriatam habent cōscientiam Who speake-lies through hipocrisie hauing their consciences burned with a hot yron Further Christ dehorreth all from hipocrisie when he said Math. 5. vers 20 Nisi abundauerit institia vestra plus quam Scribarum aut Pharisaeorum non intrabitis in regnum coelorum Except your righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees yee shall not enter into the Kingdome of heauen Now how the iniustice of the Pharisees was a foure-fold Hipocrisie is also plaine by the Scriptures The Pharisees four-fold Hipocrisie The first consisted in externall righteousnesse without internall whereof Christ speaketh saying Vos Pharisei quod deforis est calicis catini mundatis quod autem intus est vestrum plenum est rapina iniquitate Stulti nonne qui fecit quod deforis est Luc. 11. v. 36. etiam quod deintus est fecit Yee Pharisees make cleane the outside of the cup and of the platter but the inward part is full of rauening and wickednesse Yee Fooles did not hee that made that which is without make that which is within also And againe Vae vobis Scribae Pharisaei Hipocritae similes estis sepulchris dealbatis quae a foris apparent hominibus speciosa intus vero plena sunt ossibus mortuorum omni spurcitia Math. 23. v. 27. Sic vos aforis apparet is hominibus iusti intus autem pleni estis hipocrisi omni iniquitate Woe be vnto you Scribes Pharisees Hipocrites for yee are like vnto whited tombs which appeare beautifull outward but are within full of dead mens bones and of all filthinesse For so are yee also for outward yee appeare righteous vnto men but within yee are full of Hipocrisie and iniquitie The second consisted in an externall holinesse also but preposterous and defectiue because they were scrupulous in trifles large or of no conscience therefore Christ said vnto them Vae vobis Pharisaeis Luc. 11. v. 42. qui decimatis metham rutam omne olus preteritis iudicium charitatem Dei Woe be vnto you Pharisees for yee tithe the mint and rue and all manner herbs and passe ouer iudgment and the loue of God or as S. Matt. saith Math. 23. v. 23. Et reliquistis quae grauiora sunt legis iudicium misericordiam fidem And leaue the waightier matters of the law as iudgement and mercie fidelitie The third hipocrisie of the Pharisees was verbal not real a fained not a true obseruation of Gods commandements which Christ taxed in them saying Math. 23. v. 3. Quaecunque dixerint vobis c. Whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue and doe but doe not according to their workes for they say and doe not And againe If you be the children of Abraham doe the workes of Abraham The fourth hipocrisie of the Pharisees was vaine glorious who in all their actions of religion sought the glorie and praise of men Christ saying Math. 6. v. 5. They fast and pray Vt videantur ab hominibus That they may be seene of men from all which foure-fold hipocrisie wherein consisted the vnrighteousnesse of the Pharisees Christ dehorteth all Christians by a motiue of heauenly blisse saying as before Vnlesse your iustice abound more then the Scribes and Pharisees you shall not enter into the Kingdome of heauen Hence it followeth that in what Church soeuer a proper resemblance of this Hipocrisie is found The hipocrisie of the Church of Rome there may wee well presume the false Prophets to be which Christ biddeth vs beware of and therefore since I obserue it abundantly to appeare in the present Church of Rome the Teachers of that Church as false Prophets comming vnto vs are the reuenous wolues in sheepe-skinnes whose iustice doth no lesse abound then that of the Scribes and Pharisees which will keepe them from entring into the Kingdome of heauen For so long as I haue beene in that Church I haue seene much externall righteousnesse as long praiers much whipping with disciplines much fasting many miraculous cemonies of religion strange mortifications and all this without the true faith by reason of the many nouelties crept into that Church and without charitie the inward life of the soule whence it proceedeth that there is much dissension amongst all sorts many diuisions amongst the learned many back-bitings amongst religious persons many wrongs and iniuries offered without conscience much violation of morall honestie and ciuilitie enuie amongst most detraction amongst all wicked life without measure rash iudgements without any consideration lying reports against one an other traducing of one the others reputation by writings by wordes by secret complotments and macheuillian deuises without all feare of God or loue of honestie Religious men are poore in the outward shew of their profession Once acertain Capuchine said as a Iesuit hath related when one said that the Iesuites and his Order proceed well together that the cause was because the Iesuites desired to haue al and they desired to haue nothing but who abound more in common than the landed Monkes and well monied Iesuites They are chast in the outward vowes but many of them most lasciuious in heart as by the one Author of the Pruritanus may bee iudged of many besides Who more blindly
I might well thinke my selfe bere●u●d of my right wittes if I should any longer offend GOD by the still offering of it as I haue done too often and by continuing the practize thereof to the eternall damnation of other mens soules Therefore curteous Reader if thou art a child of the Church of Rome follow no longer such a stepmother leading thee by publique appearances to thine owne ruine and to the dayly prouocation of Gods wrath against thee hate her fooleries detest her idolatries and abandon her communion if thou wilt not eternally perish albeit thou h●st long laine asleepe in the deadly lethargie of Romish superstitions awaken at last and breake off all the bands of thy sinfully-habituated affections to that Antichristian monarchie esteeme no longer that to be white which is blacke that to bee holie which is most vngodlie feare not the curses of the Pope in denying the Sacrifice of the masse to be propitiatorie for sinnes his excommunication will haue no such force as Antoninus the Archbishop of Florence had Lipelo in vita Ant. 2. Maij. who denouncing the sentence of excommunication vpon a white loafe of bread made it as blacke as a coale and freeing it afterward from the same curse it returned to be as faire as it was before All the Popes Anathemaes can not make the bread of the masse otherwise than it is idolatrous all the white flower in it cannot make it pleasing vnto GOD or a Sacrifice allowable for Christians Therefore say thou with mee from thy heart with mee in true detestation of all the abhominations committed by such Idolatrie Deus propitius esto mihi peccatori Lord bee thou mercifull vnto me a sinner CHAP. XIII Containing an obseruation about the doctrine of transubstantiation which is a principall noueltie taught in the Church of Rome AFter the former obseruations had sufficiently alienated by iudgement and affections from further approbation of the faith of Rome My proceeding about the doctrine of transubstantiation yet because I thought that I could not bee sufficiently enough armed against those errours and falshoods wherein from my youth both my vnderstanding and affections had beene habituated which would be powerfull still to incline and leade my soule againe vnto those Romish abhominations which long custome had made familiar and in conceit religious I still proceeded further to the discussion and discouerie of other errors false doctrines secceeding nouelties taught in that Church that more and more beholding her spirituall fornications and disloyalties I might in my soule bee the stronger to oppse against them and the better able to relinquish and abandon with assurance of truth of my side and securitie to mine owne conscience all communion and participation with her sinfull heresies and nouelties and happily auoyde Gods iust punishments which are threatned by the holy Scripture against her disloyalties to the faith of Christ her heauenly Spouse 2 Amongest all which there was scarce any one thing that wrought more powerfully and fearefully in mine vnderstanding It ought to be a great terror to adore the creature for the Creator euen to the terrour of mine owne soule for my erroneous doctrine deliuered to others than the discouery of this late new-sprung-vp doctrine of transubstantiation which sets vp such an Idoll of bread in the Church of Rome to be adored as God that that seemeth to be truly verified of her which was vttered long before Colet Deum quem ignorauerunt patres eius auro Argento lapide pretioso rebusque pretiosis Dan. 11.38 He shall honour the God whome his fathers knew not with gold and siluer with precious stones and with pleasant things The gainsaying of which doctrine vnto the Church of Rome seemeth so vnlawfull that shee pronounceth most bitter execrations against those that shall so doe Sess 13. an 2. If any shall say sayth the Councell of Trent that in the holy Sacrament of the Eucharist there remaineth the substance of bread and wine together with the bodie and bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ and shall denie that admirable and singular conuersion of the whole substance of bread into the bodie and of the whole substance of wine into the bloud the formes of bread and wine still remaining which conuersion the Catholike Church most fitly calleth Transubstantiation be he accursed 3. Yea The Church of Rome hateth the reformed Churches for nothing more than for impugning the doctrine of Transubstantiation Pet. Besseus concept Theolog. Quadraeg dom 3. Dan. 13. the Teachers and Preachers of that Church doe not hate the worthie Professors and Arch-Doctors of the Gospell for any point of doctrine more than for impugning this of Transubstantiation Peter Besse the great and famous French Preacher against Master Caluin and Luther speaketh thus Two wicked old men of vnbridled lust did wickedly accuse the most chaste Susanna of Adulterie notwithstanding that shee was the most chast and honestest that was to be found in the whole Kingdome of Babylon here againe wee see two craftie knaues marching out vpon the Stage Luther and Caluin that accuse the chaste Susanna viz. the holy sacred Sacrament of the Eucharist and Transubstantiation the chiefe member thereof of Idolatrie then the which notwithstanding there is nothing to be found in the world more holy or diuine And the samd Author soone after for the same point compares them to the two witnesses of most deperate audacitie that gaue false witnesse against Christ adding further That as Christ was crucified in the middle betweene two theenes Ibid. so likewise wee see it fareth with the Sacrament of the Altar where being placed betweene two theeues two most desperate Heretikes it is assaulted with diuers blasphemies who a little after speaketh vnto the Idoll in this manner and also to God saying Worthily therefore O sacred Eucharist thou mayest crie out Dirupisti vincula mea Psal 115. tibi sanctificabo hostiam laudis And thou O Lord Saepe expugnauerunt me a iuuentate mea For often O Lord haue they persecuted thee often haue they blasphemed against thee shot their arrowes at thee and chiefely at Transubstantiation This Preacher it should seeme hath forgot that the doctrine of Transubstantiation is a noueltie of no greater antiquitie than the fourth Councell of Laterance Iacques Gualter Chron. de Pestat du Christianis tries siecle Can. 1. which was held but in the yere 1215 vnder Innocent the third which is not yet 400 yeres since where that doctrine was deliuered in these wordes But the bodie of Christ and the bloud in the Sacrament of the Altar is contained vnder the formes of bread and wine the bread being transubstantiated into the bodie and the wine into the bloud by Gods power This it seemeth his Maiestie very iudiciously obserued when after he had said If the Romish Church hath coyned new articles of Faith neuer heard of in the first fiue hundred yeares after Christ I hope I shall neuer be
they giue testimonie of mee What good will all your sufferings doe you what your dangers what your imprisonments what your temporall wants or abundance what your louing frinds or well affected kindred towards you what I say will all this auaile you if your dectrine bee vnsound euen in point of Faith and what a miserable calamitie is it which you bring your followers vnto who for cleaning to your erroneous doctrines must hazard their temporall estates and fortunes must begger their Families vndoe their Posterities and which is worst must damne their soules for professing the vsurped authoritie and transcendencie of an ambitious Pope and other nouelties through your encouragements Looke well therefore to the cause of your sufferings and doctrines for Christ saith Blessed are they that suffer for iustice sake Math. 5. ver 10. for theirs is the Kingdome of heauen therefore if you suffer for iniustice as for superstition for idolatrie for heresies for disalleageance to God and your Princes as you doe I may truely say that not a Kingdome but the bottomelesse pit of hell will come to your share and lot since you want the garment of truth in doctrine with handes and feete bound you will in the end if you turne not from your wicked waies bee cast into exteriour darkenesse where you shall bee vexed with most hideous howling and gnashing of teeth my desire I haue of your conuersions makes mee to say vnto you Iere. 6. vers 16. State super vias videte Stand yee on the waies and see And to ingeminate the same Counsell State super vias videte Stand yee on the waies and see For the way of the wicked is darkesome Prou. 4. vers 16. Prou. 14. ver 12. they know not where they fall and the Scripture telleth there is a way which seemeth right vnto a man but the issues thereof leade vnto death Out of which it hath pleased the goodnesse of God so to draw mee that I may say his holy Spirit hath brought mee into the right Land Psal 142. ver 11 and to such a right way of truth to walke in wherein I finde more comfort than euer I did in my whole life before in the P●pacie by the Seruice and Sacraments of the Church of England so that for my perseuerance therein from my heart I pray to God with King Dauid O God hold vp my steppes in thy paths Psal 17. v. 5. that my footsteps slip not 4. Now it is most behoofefull also that I speake vnto you all Recusants falsely styling your selues Catholikes An aduise to all Romish Catholikes that as I heartily loue your persons and wish well vnto your soules I may giue you good testimonie thereof by admonishing you not to be blindly led by others to the ouerthrow of your states in this world and eternall damnation of your soules in the next desiring you in the tender bowels of Christ Iesus that since God hath made me a spectacle vnto you of his singular mercie not to be so foolishly besotted and ignorantly seduced as not to make your aduantage by my obseruations which doubtlesse God hath helped me in as well for your example and benefit as for the manifestation of his owne goodnesse Be not I beseech you ouer-credulous in easily beleeuing euery thing that vnaduisedly your Teachers shall suggest vnto you but examine their Doctrines according to the rule Doctor Stapleton prescribeth vnto you spoken of in my eleuenth chapter num 3.4.5 that is by considering the fruits of your Teachers and whether the doctrine they teach you be conformable to the doctrine of former times generally receiued and taught in the Primitiue Church beleeue not all they say of the Preachers of the Church of England whom they often most notoriously traduce with most false calumniations as namely I heard an auncient Priest in the Vniuersitie of Louaine some few yeares since report of the death of Bishop Iuell Bishop Iuell calumniated affirming that he trauelling here in England was taken with a suddaine sicknesse and so compelled to light in a house where Doctor Harding had vsed sometimes to lodge in and growing worse and worse hee was forced to betake himselfe to a bed where his paines encreasing by the iust iudgement of God because Master Doctor Harding had often layen there before he grew into desperate fits crying out Doctor Harding Doctor Harding and wishing he had neuer set penne to paper against him and so died as a man in despaire in Doctor Hardings bed This was told as a remarkable matter against him for the reproofe of his doctrine and magnifying of Master Harding which I am informed by credible men to be most vntrue and false Therefore I say vnto you againe deere Christians be not ouer-credulous but beware of false Prophets who haue their consciences so seared that they regard not how falsely they speake so they may any way traduce the credit and reputation of their aduersaries amongst you charging both Caluin and Luther and other true Conuertites of Iesus with such things as are not to be named most iniuriously but no maruell when otherwise they cannot defend their cause Againe let me obtaine so much of you as to bee frequent in reading the Word of God which although it haue many difficult things in it yet for so much as belongs to faith and manners necessarie for euery man to know it is easie and facile If you will haue an infallible rule by which you may know the Shepheards which like good sheepe you ought to follow remember that Christ said In hoc cognoscent quod discipuli mei sitis si charitatem habueritis ad inuicem In this men shall knowe that you are my Disciples if you haue charitie one towards the other Now whether you finde this mutuall charitie amongst your or our Clergie either in doctrine or manners I leaue to your owne iudgements to consider And as for my selfe such as haue beene acquainted with me if they will say truly I am sure that my conuersation amongst them hath alwaies since my Priesthood beene such as cannot bee toucht with any kind of disorder my zeale in the blindnesse of that faith as forward as others to the small portion of Talent which God hath bestowed vpon me making me as readie by day and by night to draw men to the Romish faith as any mans either by preaching or other labours with as great sinceritie as possibly might be No man can charge me of mercenarie couetousnesse for making a Monopole of any of you for mine owne profit or the wrong of others hauing alwaies beene as readie to giue as to take carrying in minde that of Saint Hierome saying Epist ad Nouatianum Ignominia est omnium sacerdotum proprijs studere diuitiis It is a reproach of all Priests to studie to enrich themselues Therefore I haue neuer repined that others should gaine the profit of my paines or gather the fruit of my labours Had I
Roman clergy of Kings that they care not how vnreuerently they speake against them their Magistrates and officers and others as they list some will not stick to say that Priests are not subiects to Kings nor are bound to giue answere truly to the temporall Magistrates or Bishops here in England further then they please Others will make no scruple to say that they may lawfully without sin if they can free themselues from being apprehended resist yea and kill his Pursuiuants in defence of themselues though others approuing also the same doctrine more milde and moderate will say it is better and a greater act of perfection to let themselues bee apprehended then so to resist as also because it may proue scandalous but in conclusion all hold it lawfull and all teach it and their ground is naturale est vim vi repellere it is a natural thing to repel force by force as also because no temporall or ciuill authoritie is sufficiently valued against the Priests of the Romane Church I will not relate what libertie the Romane doctrine against Princes giueth to sawcie subiects to speak what they list and to report such things against our late deceased Queene and his Maiestie now raining as are odious euen vnto mens minds to thinke of my hart trembles to remēber what horrible crimes I haue heard them charged with and no modest Christian would euer open his mouth or giue eare vnto them the disgust that such speeches haue giuen me is farre greater then I can expresse because all the world knowes them to be most hatefull lies and calumniations which only could be suggested by the diuell who is father of all lies and vntruthes and master of such Heretikes as the Apostle Iudas describeth Epist. Judae vers 8. dominationē spernunt despise power but no maruaile if men yeeld to such suggestiōs of the diuel since experiēce teacheth that this doctrine of the Popes supereminent power hath stirred many not only to speake but also to attempt diuers trecherous and rebellious enterprises against the late Queene deceased and much more horrible against his Maiesty al his roial Progeny without all mercy either to friend or foe as the discouerie of the powder treason plotted and designed by diuers giddy and inconsiderat heads associated with some of the society of Iesus hath of late made manifest to the world nay which is more odious such as are as they thinke themselues religiously affected to the society of Iesus Ioan. Wilson in mart Anglica haue not sticked to make some of the abetters of that hateful cōspiracy martyrs of the Roman Church as namely Garnet Ouldcorne wheras it is wel knowne as the right Honorable the Earle of Northhampton sheweth My Lord of Northhampton in his speech to Garnet Garnet was not called to the barre for any matter of conscience as some perhaps may publish out of rancor or peruersity of hart to set a faire glosse vpō the groūd of his professiō proueth it many waies by diuers presidents of fauor and therfore wel might he say to Garnet as he did foreseeing how his fellowes would be ready to canonize him In the same speech S. Augustine speaketh of some hot-headed fellowes in his time that not withstāding their life led in this world more latronū like theeues yet in their ends affected cultum honorem martyrum the seruice and honor of martyrs among whom I shall euer rancke with iust cause these powder-men But this proceedeth as many other actions of disalleagiāce do frō no other groūd then frō that noted doctrine of the Popes illimited power trāscendent authority in ciuil matters ouer Kings which he challengeth when Card. Bellar in his book against D. Barkley Note this in Bell. goeth so farre that contrary to his former doctrine he teacheth now that the Apostles were not subiect to ciuil power de iure but de facto Wherby we may see in time into what a gulfe and ocean of errors the doctrine of Rome if it be not prudētly preuented wil drowne the world in which principally carieth the clergy vpon a higher waue of pride then any in so much that the L. of Northamp out of the multiplicity of his reading In his speech to Garnet most prudētly noteth that by the course recourse of times accidents wise men obserue that very seldome hath any mischieuous attempt been vndertaken for disturbance of a state without the counsel and assistance of a Priest in the first in the middle or last act of the tragedy and that all along with such a a chorus of confedraes to entertaine the Stage whiles the liues hnd fortunes of great Princes being set vpon the tenter-hookes aue put all in hazard Which obseruation I would wish that all Priests would diligently marke and then doubtlesse they would bee carefull of their owne reputations and be more reuerently affected to higher powers than they are as it gladdeth mee to see some haue beene of late as Master Blackwell Master Warmington in his moderate defence and others whose good examples I heartily wish many more may embrace and follow not doubting but God by such beginnings may draw them so from step to step as perfectly to see and discouer the erroneous doctrines of the Church of Rome as well in other points of doctrine as in that of the Popes pretended authoritie ouer Princes in temporalls as he hath drawne lately master Sheldon a prisoner for the Roman faith and my selfe though no prisoner as I hope for our soules euerlasting good so also for the future benefit of many others and the fuller accomplishments of his more mercifull designements to others thereby who doubtlesse will so doe if we by our ingratitude and forgetfulnesse of so rich a benefite prouoke not his indignation against vs by euill conuersation and bad carriage of our liues as others haue done before vs to the aduantage of those whose communion they forsooke and disgrace of them to whose congregations they were conioyned Which doubtlesse we may doe if beholding the abhominations of the Church of Romes corruptions we consider them rather with a mind to reforme our own faults to draw others from them than to lay any disgracefull imputation vpon others further than to demonstrate the naughtinesse of the tree by the naughtie leaues floures and fruits that grow forth from it which in very truth is the onely cause why I haue so farre entred into this discourse because Christ saith According to Doctour Stapletons rule Ex fructibus eorum cognoscetis cos by their fruits ye shal know them Now therfore since out of the fruits of the Roman doctrine I find the teachers thereof to be such as Christ bids vs beware of I must say Father I haue sinued against heauen and against earth and therfore with humble acknowledgement of my faults desire that I may againe be receiued into his fauor 9 Now it resteth that I make trial of the