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kingdom_n cause_n king_n see_v 2,172 5 3.5543 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18673 The Christen rule or state of all the worlde from the hyghest to the lowest and how euery man shulde lyue to please God in hys callynge. Item, the Christian state of matrimony: and how ma[n] and wife shuld kepe house together with loue. Item, the maner oe [sic] saynge grace after the holy scrypture. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. Obedience of a Christen man and how Christen rulers ought to governe. aut; Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575. Christlich Eestand. aut; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. Christen exhortacion unto customable swearers. aut; Bale, John, 1495-1563, attributed name. aut 1548 (1548) STC 5189.7; ESTC S109287 42,177 90

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theyr temporall lawes Likewyse thoughe no man punishe the breakers of the law yet shall God sende his cu●ses vpō them tyll they be vtterlye broughte to nought as thou readest moost terrebly euen in the sayde place Neyther may the inferiour person auenge hymselfe vpō the superior or v●olētly resyst him for whatsoeuer wronge it be If he do he is condēpned in the dede doyng in asmuch as he taketh vpon hym that whyeh belongeth to god only wh●ch sayth vengeaunce is myne and I wyll rewarde Deute xxxii And Christe sayth Math. xxvi All they that take the swe●de shall peryshe wyth the swerde Takest thou a swerde to auenge thy selfe so gyuest thou no rowme vnto god to auēge the but robbest him of hys moost hye honoure in that thou wylt not let hym be iudge ouer the. Yf any mā might haue auenged hym selfe vpō hys superior that might Dauid most righteously haue done vpō hi● ge Saul which so wrongfully pers●ru●●d Dauid euen for none other cause ▪ then that God had anoynted hym kinge and promised hym the kingdom Yet whē god had delyuered Saul in to the handes of Dauid that he myght haue done what he wold wyth hym as thou seest in the fyrst boke of kinges y ● xxiiii chapter how Saul came in to the ●aue where Dauid was And Dauid came to him secretly cut of a pece of his ga● mēt And as sone as he had done it hys herte smote hym because he had done so much vnto hys lord And whē hys men corraged him to sle him he āswered the lord forbyd it me that I shuld laye myne hāde on him Neyther suffred he hys men to ●urte hym When Saule was gone out Dauid folowed shewed him the pece of hys garment and sayd why bel●ueste th●● the wordes of men that say Dauid goth aboute to do the harme perc●●●● se that there is neyther euyll nor wickednesse in my hande and that I haue not trespassed against the and yet thou layest awayte for my lyfe God iudge betwene the and me ● auēge me of the but myne hande be not vpon the as the olde Prouerbe sayethe sayth Dauid out of the wycked shall wyckednes procede but myne hande be not vpon the meanyng that God euer punyshed one wycked by another And agayn sayd Dauid God be iudge and iudge betwene the and me and beholde and pl●at my cause and gyue me iudgement or ryght of the. And in ●he xxvi chaptre of the same boke ▪ whē Saule persecuted Dauid agayne Dauid came to Saul by night as he slepte and al his mē and toke away hys s●●re a cup●e of water frō his heed Then sayde Abisay Dauids scruaūt God hath delyuered the thyne enemye in to thyne hande this daye let me now therfore nayle him to the groūde with my spere g●ue hym but euen one steppe and no more Dauid forbad hym saiēg ●yll him not For who said he shall laye handes on the lordes annoynted and be not gyltye The Lorde lyueth or by the Lordes lyfe sayd he he dy●th not excepte the Lord smyte hym or that his day become to dye or els go to batell and there peryshe Why dyd not Dauid slee Saul seinge he was so wycked not in persecutinge Dauid onely but in disobeienge goddes cōmaundementes in that he had slayne lxxxv ▪ of Goddes prcistes wrōgfully Uerely for it was not lawfull For yf he had don● it he must haue synned against god For god hath made the kyng in euery realme iudge ouer al ouer him is there no iudge He that iudgeth the kyng iudgeth God and he that layeth handes on the kyng layeth hande on God he that resysteth the kynge resisteth god dampneth goddes law and ordinaūces If the subiectes synne they must be brought to the kynges iudgement Yf the kynge syn he must be reserued vnto the iudgemēte wrathe and vengeaūce of God And as it is to resyste the kynge so is it to resyst his officer whyche is set or sente to execute the kinges commaundemēt And in the fyrst chapitre of the secōde boke of kynges Dauid commaunded the yonge man to be slayne whych brought vnto him the crowne and bracelet of Saul and sayd to please Dauid withall that he him selfe had slaine Saul And in the fourth chapter o● the same boke Dauid commaunded those two to be slayne whych brought vnto hym the he●d of Isboseth Sauls son by whose meanes yet the hole kyngdò returned vnto Dauid accordyng vnto the promyse of God And Luke xiii ▪ Whan they shewed Christ of the Galileās whose bloud Pi late myngled with theyr own sacrifice he answered suppose ye that these Galileās were synners aboue all other Ga leleans because they suffered suche punyshment I tell you nay but excepte ye repente ye shall lykewyse peryshe Thus was tolde Christe no doubt of such an intēt as they axed him mat xxii Whether it were lawful to gyue tribu te vnto Cesar. For they thought that it was no syn to resyst an Heathē prince as fewe of vs wold thinke yf we were vnder the Turke that it were synne to ryse against hym and to rydde our selues from vnder hys dominion so sore haue oure byshoppes robbed vs of the true doctrine of Christ. But Christ condempned theyr dedes also the secrete thoughtes of al other that cōfēted there vnto sayeng except ye repent ye shal lykewyse peryshe As who shulde saye I know that ye are within in your her tes such as they were outward in their deades and are vnder the same dampdation excepte therfore ye repente betymes ye shall breake out at the last into lyke deades and lykewyse peryshe as it came afterwarde to passe Hereby seest thou that the kyng is in thys worlde wythout law and may at hys lust do ryght or wrong shal gyue accomptes to God onely Another cōclusiō is this that no person neyther any degree may be exempte from hys ordinaunce of God Neyther can the profession of Monkes and freres or any thyng that the Byshoppe of Rome can laye for them selues except them from the swerd of the Empe rour or kiges yf they breake the lawes For it is wrytten let euery soule submitte him selfe vnto the auctorite of the hyer powers Here is no man excepte but all soules must obeye The hyer powers ar the temporal kynges and princes vnto whome God hath geuen the swerde to punyshe who so euer synneth God hath not gyuen them swerdes to punyshe one and to let another go free and to synne vnpunyshed More ouer wyth what face durste the spiritualtye whych ought to be the lyght and an example of good lyuynge vnto all other desyre to synne vnpunished or to be excepted from tribute tolle or custome that they wolde not beare payne wyth theyr bretherne vnto the mayntenaunce of kynges and officers ordayned of God to punishe synne There is no power but of God by power vnderstāde the auctorite of kynges
maner that they may se how that ye do it to amende them only and to brynge them vnto the waye whyche God byddeth vs to walke in and not to auenge youre selues or to wreake your malyce on thē Yf at a tyme thorow hastynes ye excede measure in punyshynge recompence it another waye and pardon them another tyme. ¶ The seuenth Chapiter ☞ Of the office and dutye of Lande lordes LEt Christen Landlordes be contente wyth theyr rentes and olde customes not reysynge the rente or fynes and bryngynge vp new Customes to oppresse theyr tenauntes neyther lettinge ii Or. iii. tenauntryes vnto one man Let thē not take in their commones neyther make Parkes nor pastures of hole Paryshes For God gaue the earth to men to inhabyte and not vnto shepe and wylde deere Be as Fathers vnto youre tenauntes yea be vnto them as Chryst was vnto vs and shew vnto them al loue and kyndnes What soeuer busynes is amonge them be not percyall fauoryng one more then a nother The complayntes ▪ quarels and stryfe that are among thē counte dyseases of sycke people and as a mercyfull Physycian heale thē wyth wysdome and good counseyle Be pytyful and tender herted vnto them and let not one of thy tenauntes teare oute a nothers throte but iudge theyr causes indyfferentlye and compell them to make theyr dyches hedges gates and wayes For euen for suche causes were ye made Landlordes and for suche causes payde men rente at the begynnynge For yf suche an order were not one shoulde sle● another and all shulde go to waste Yf thy tenaunte shall laboure and toyle all the yeare to paye the thy rente and when he hath bestowed all hys laboure hys neyghbours catell shall deuoure hys fruytes howe tedyous and bytter shulde hys lyfe be Se therefore that ye do your dutyes agayne and suffre no man to doo them wronge saue the Kynge onely Yf he do wronge then muste they abyde God des iugemente ¶ The eyght Chapter ¶ Of the office and dutye of Bishoppes and Prestes and of their sendinge GOd annoynted hys sonne Iesu with the holy ghost and therfor called him Christ whyche is asmoche to saye as anoynted Out wardly he dysgysed hym not but made hym lyke other men and sente hym in to the worlde to blesse vs and to offre hym selfe for vs a sac●rifyce of a swete sauer to kylle the stenche of our synnes that god hēce for the shulde smell thē no more nor thynke vpō thē any more to make full and sufficient satisfacion or a mendes for all them that repēte beleuynge the truth of God and submittin ge thē selues vnto his ordinaūces both for the synne that they do haue done and shall do For sinne we throughe fra gylyte neuer so ofte yet as sone as we repente and come in to the ryght waye agayne and vnto the testamente whyche God hath made in Christes bloode our synnes waste aware as smoke in the wynde and as darkenes at the commynge of the light In so moche that who soeuer goeth aboute to make satysfacyon for hys synnes to God warde saynge in hys hart thys moche haue I synned thys moche wyll I do agayne or thys wyse wyll I syne to make amendes wyth all or this will I do to get heauen wythall the same is an infydele faythlesse and dampned in hys dede doynge and hath lost hys parte in Christes bloode because he is dysobedyent vnto Goddes testamente and setteth vp a nother of hys owne Imaginacyon vnto whiche he will compell God to obeye Yf we loue God we haue a commaundent to loue our neyghboure also as sayth Iohā in his Epistle And yf we haue offended him to make hym amendes or yf we haue not wherwith to aske hym forgyuenes and to do and suffre all thinges for his sake to wynne hym to God and to norishe peace and vnyte but to God war de Christ is an euerlastinge satisfaccyon and for euer sufficient Christ whan he had sulfylled his course annoynted hys Apostles and Discyples wyth the same spirite and sent them immendiately forth without all maner disgysynge lyke other men also to preache the attonement and peace whyche Christe had made betwene God and man as Paule boasteth him selfe euery where Christ saythe he sent me to preache the Gospell i. Corint i. And I receyued of the Lorde that whiche I delyuered vnto you i. Co. xi And Galathians i. I certifye you bretheren that the Gospell whyche was preached of me was not after the maner of men that is to saye carnall or fleshely neyther receyued I it of man neyther was it taughte me but I receyued it by the reuelacion of Iesus Chryste And Galathiās ii He that was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshyp ouer the circumcision was myghty in me amonge the Gentyles And also in Iohn the twentye Chapter Chryste sente them forthe indifferently and gaue them lyke power As my father sente me sayth he so sende I you that is to preache and to suffer as I haue done and not to conquere Empyres and Kyngdomes and to subdue all temporall power vnder you wyth dysgysed ypocresye He gaue them the holy goost to bynd and to loose as thou seest and afterward he sent for●he Paule wyth the same auctorite as thou seeste in the Actes And in the last of Mathew sayth he all power is geuen me in heauen and in earthe go● therfore and teache all nacyons Baptizynge them in the name of the father and of the sonne and o● the holy goost teachinge them to obserue whatsoeuer I commaunded you The auctorite that Christe gaue them was to preache yet not what they wold Imagē but what he had commaunded And to the intent that they shuld be manful not shrinke in theyr offyce for anye persecutyon or trouble no not for the death Lo sayth he I am wyth you alwayes euen vnto the ende of the worlde He sayde not I go my waye and here is Peter Iames or Iohan in my steade as our Bishoppes Parsons and Uycars doth nowe set theyr suffraganes and paryshe preistes but sent them euery man to a sondrye country whether so euer the spyrite caryed them and went wyth them hym selfe Thus after Chryste had sente forth them after the same sorte the Apostles dysgysed no man but those men annoynted wyth the same spirite one to preache the worde of God whome we call after the Greke tonge a Byshoppe or a preyste that is in Englyshe an ouerseer and an elder How he was annoynted you reade i ▪ Timoth. iii. The Byshoppe or preiste muste be fautlesse the husbande of one wyfe Many Iewes and also Gentiles that ware conuerted vnto the fayth had at that tyme dyuerse wyues yet ware not compelled to put any of them awaye whyche Paule because of ensample wolde not haue preachers to do for asmuch as in Chryste we returne agayne vnto the fyrst ordinaunce of God that one man and one whoman shulde go to