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A17215 Of the end of the world and iudgement of our Lord Iesus Christe to come, and of the moste perillous dangers of this our moste corrupt age, and by what meanes the godly may auoid the harmes thereof, sermons preached in latin in the assembly of the clergie by Henry Bullinger, and now lately englished by Thomas Potter Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Potter, Thomas, fl. 1580. 1580 (1580) STC 4070; ESTC S109532 41,593 112

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who in the Epistle to the Thessalonians plainly said This thing onely nowe vvitholding vntil he be taken out of the way and than that wicked one shal be reueled Which is asmuch in effect as if he had said This onely that now letteth namely the Empire of Roome shal be taken away and when Tocatochon that is the same impediment shal be taken away then shall the Romain Sea be erected and in the same newe and second seate shal be placed the two horned beast bearing the badge of keyes and armed with two swoords Neither doo I alone expound this place of Paule after this sort Tertulian did euen so expound the same abooue fourtéen hundred yeeres ago who in his book of the resurrection of the flesh VVho shal be taken away saith hee but the Romaine estate vvhose departing scattered in to ten kingdomes shall bring in Antichriste The same meaning also hath Saint Ierome in the eleuenth question to Algasia The Pope a new King and troubbler of kingdomes who manifestly calleth Roome by the name of Babilon the seat of the Beast and of the purple Harlote And thus the Pope this newe king béeing established in his kingdome began euen him self also to create kings and in greatnesse of glory to excel all christian Princes and afterwarde in all kingdomes to make trouble and whurly hurly For Leo the thirde Pope of that name restored or rather raised vp anew the Romain desolate and defaced by the space of thrée hundred yéeres and more reiecting vtterly the Princes of Constantinople For he appointed Charles the French King to be Emperour and yet in such sorte that beside the vain name it litle auailed him For he reserueth Room to him self and the chéefest part of Italy which the Gréeks had possessed and was called by the name of Exarchate But he graunted vnto Charles a parte of Italy som Romain titles whiche was recouered from the Lombards and also the empty name of Emperour Therfore according to the prophecy of Iesus Christe vttered by Iohn in the Apocalips The Image of the beast is seen stirred vp by the false Prophet No dout the same was doon by the marueilous crafty woorkmanship of that olde wily Fox For when all antiquitie looked for Antichriste about th' end of the Romain Empire and when he was about the very same time risen vp and had placed him self in the seat of god he going about as it were to repaire the dcayed Empire brought to passe that he was not knowen of the faithful But they rather béeing deceiued with his suttle practises looked for a certain I knowe not what Antichriste of Babilon whom in their published Bookes they declare should bée yet to come and whom also they earnestly dispraise Yet should they not misse the right mark if they would with all elder times call Roome that Babilon and in steade of time comming to place the time present At the length the stock of Charles and Pipin béeing rooted out so that the Popes had remaining litle or no help at all from the hande of the french Kings as in time past they had abused the power of the Greeks and Lombards from whom afterwarde they flitted vnto the French men so now they créep in to the fauour of the Princes of Germany the better to bring their matters about Wherfore the Othoes with their Armies set vppon Italy with great labour and expences Vnder these are chosen vij men whom they tearme Electors They chuse the Emperour But the Imperiall maiestie and estate is giuen by none but by the Pope For now the Popes of Roome had gotten the Monarchie in to their owne hands wherby also within a while after they pluckt away the Empire from the Henries Frediricks Levvis and many other notable and holy Princes of Germany troubling in the meane season and wasting with swoord and fire all the kingdomes in Christendome so that not without good cause they were called the Children of Perdition I wil now speak nothing of the war that was commonly named the Holy war which was procured moste chéefly by the industrie of the Pope In that warre were ioyned togither all the nations and kingdomes bothe of the east and of the west moreouer also of the North and of the South Wherby folowed so huge a bloodshed that there was neuer at anye time in the worlde any battail fought with more ireful and obstinate mindes and with so great losse of things as this the popes holy battail Moreouer they began to thrust out Kings from their auncient inheritances and kingdomes through treasons murders and in their places to exalte others for their owne pleasure and cōmoditie For which cause bothe Kings and kingdomes fought moste fiercely one against another So they stirred vp the Kings of Hungary the Kings of France the Kings of Germany and the Princes of other nations against those whom they accounted for their enemies So was Cicily and Naples wrested away from the posteritie of th'Emperour Friderick the Sweuian and cruel warre was betwéen the Germans Frenchmen and Spaniards But often times the French Kings were lewdly recompenced at the Popes hands In déed Boniface the viij with wunderfull impudencie béeing bolde to claim the kingdome of Fraunce to be the benefite of the Popes maiestie took away the same from Philip the fair then King of Fraunce and gaue it forsooth to Albert of Awstrey But impossible it is to declare in few woords how sore this new vnhappy kingdom of the pope and moste mischeuous Monarchy hath shaken the whole world It is sufficient to haue at the least wise touched these things that by them as through a lattise windowe yee may sée that there is not or was not at any time any kingdome in all Christendome more troublesome then the Popedome of Roome The histories doo at large prosecute the same Now I return to Daniel let vs therfore consider Daniels most perfect and euident description of this new king and let vs compare the things them selues with him to the intent all men may plainly knowe with out any douting that the prophecy of Daniel is to be expounded and ment of none other then of the bishop of Roome and of his kingdom and that all things touching him are all ready throughly fulfilled Wherby it commeth to passe that wée can looke for none other thing but the last iudgement and therwithall the end af all things For which cause let vs all watch as duty bindeth vs and stir vp all men to a circumspect watchfulnesse The eyes saith Danial of this little horne vvere the eyes of a man For this King was throughly exercised wily deceitful and furnished with all kinde of arts and practises And his retinew excelleth in this facultie all the practicioners of all princes And surely this facultie hath promoted him vnto his kingdome augmented his power couered his wickednes and keepeth him yet in safetie The Prophet addeth further His mouth speaketh great things or presumptuous things Also He shall speak
suddain destructiō shall come vpon thē as the pain of childe bearing vp on a vvoman in trauail and they shall not escape But our Lord in his Gospel procedeth with his Prophetical exposition Luke 18. saith moreouer Iniquitie shall abound and the loue of many shall wax colde so that the sonne of man vvhen he commeth shall scarcely finde faith vpon the earth Saint Peeter also fortelling of the extreme wickednes of this last age 2. Peeter 3. I stir vp your mindes saith hée to remēber the vvords that haue beene spokē heertofore by the holy Prophets and also the cōmaundement of vs the Apostles of our Lord and ●auiour This vnderstand ye first that in the last daies shall come mockers vvhich vvil vvalke after their ovvne lust and say VVhere is the promise of his comming For sins our fathers died all things continevv in the same estate from the beginning as they vvere first made Our Lord also in the gospel addeth moreouer to all these things That hee vvil come in his glory sudainly and vnloked for to iudge the quick the dead that hee vvil giue revvards of life to the godly vvil commit the vvicked to euerlasting Hel fire For as the lightning saith he cōmeth forth of the east and shineth euen vnto the vvest so shal be the cōming of the sonne of man Take heed therfor vnto your selues lest your harts bee oppressed with surfetting and drunkennes and with the cares of this life and so that day steale sudainly vppon you For truely it shall come vpon all the inhabitants of the earth like vnto a snare VVatch therfore praying at all times that ye may be counted vvorthy to escape all these things that are to come and to stand before the sonne of man Verily in this place our Lord is earnest vrgeth so as in no other place more vehemently exhorting all people of all kindes and of all ages vnto a sober watchfulnes In Saint Mark. VVatch saith he for ye knovve not when your Lord vvil come Mark 13. vvhether in the euening or at midnighr whether at the cock crowing or in the dawning lest if he come sudainly he finde you sleeping In S Mathew hée setteth foorth very many parables so the intent hee might the more déeply fasten this thing in the mindes of all men For he setteth before vs An householder that vvatcheth lest the théef in the night breaking in to his house should steale away all his substance He setteth foorth A faithfull and wise seruaunt that ministreth meat in due time to the whole housholde committed to his charge On the other side he setteth against him a noughty Seruant vnthriftliy wasting his maisters goods and also very vniustly dealing against his felowe seruants moreouer drunken and vnwatchful not any whit regarding his maisters comming whom taken with the fault he dooth rent in péeces like a Traitor He setteth before vs Ten Virgins wherof fiue were sober and wise but th' other v. were foolish and slouthful and therfore shut out of the ioyes of the wedding Furthermore hée setteth before vs a certain Noble house holder that looke his iourney into a far countrey and yet first before his departure distributed his goods by Talents which he left to be occupied in merchandise for his gaines who boūd with euerlasting chaines his vnthrifty seruant wicked and slouthful And to euery parable he ioyneth a sentence right worthy méet to be grauen déeply in our harts VVatch therfore be cause ye knowe neither the day nor the houre in which the sonne of man vvil come But moreouer This doctrine of our Lord is to be vrged beare ● in to our mindes who can say that this doctrine vttered by our Lord and Sauiour concerning the last age and the iudgement to coome is combersome or obscure It is surely more cleere then the noone day vnto them that desire to be wise But vnto them that are blinde alwaies all things become darknes because of their owne accorde they procure vnto them selues euē very extreme darknesse But this diligent carefulnes of our Lord and also this wholesome example ought to stir vp all vs his seruants vnto like desire of godlines to th' intent that wée may with great faithfulnesse and diligence stir vp also euē the whole world béeing almost all in these our daies deeply fallen a sleep stir thē vp I say shake them and sharply with ernest calling on vrge them to watch pray and to consider throughly the doctrime of our Sauiour and finally to mark wel those things that haue béen doon in times past and those things also that are now doon in these our daies Verily those things that were foretolde by our Lord By a comparison the prophecy of Christe is made manifest we haue seen them euen in the very things them selues continually in long course of time to haue béen fulfilled For the holy Citie weried with the gréeuous séege of the Gentils at the length was taken spoiled set on fire vtterly destroyed scarcely any few tokens or prints remaining therof But those Iewes that perished not by famin pestilence and the sword were taken captiue by the Romains and dispersed into all nations throughout the whole world And also the Gospel of the kingdome in despite of the Iewes Gentiles and euen in despite of hel gates hath béen receiued throughout the whole world Furthermore we haue seen that there hath burst out of the déep pit of hel Apoca. 9. those great hepes of false prophets those deadly locusts which with moste corrupt and new kinde of doctrine he hath troubled vexed rent in péeces seduced yea and all so replenished with moste vnspeakable calamities the whole Church of Christe But if you as yet sée not these things consider more ernestly what I shall now say The foundnesse of doctrine is corrupted The simplicitie and integritie of the olde and Apostolike doctrine was in that deadly time vtterly corrupted It semed and is yet now adiudged by those Doctors to be a doctrine very vile vnséemly and nothing Catholik which béeing taken out of the moste sacred Gospell and moste simply and plainly set foorth vnto all men according to the example of the Apostles dooth teach that the faithful are iustified by the onely grace of God thorew faith in Christe or that sinners are acquited from damnation their sinnes forgiuen thē and euerlasting life obtained by the death of the sōne of God which benefits they receiue by faith onely and doo shew foorth testify their true faith by good woorks So shall it séem vnto thē a matter vnaduised and nothing plain if thou say that the rule of Christe alone is a moste absolute rule of true faith and good life also that Christe alone suffiseth vnto the godly And that he alone remaineth the Hed the King the high preest of the Churche in which he is present and which he ruleth very wel with his spirite and power euen vnto the
so ouerthrew and rooted vp the kingdome of Lombardy Wherby the third of the thrée Hornes may very wel be said to haue fallen downe But the Citie of Roome was giuē by the ●āe Charles vnto Saint peeter and to the bishop there the successor of Saint Peeter and to the Romain Church And those things which his elders before him had giuen lately the same he enlarged and confirmed But before I procéed to other things partaining to this matter I cannot omit the exposition of Daniel the iudgement of that moste famous and godly man Ebarhardus Archbishop of Salisburge concerning Pope Gregory the ninth and other Bishops of Rome who about the yéer of our Lord 1240. in a common Parlement of the kingdome as it is mentioned by Iohānes Auentinus in his seuenth Book of Cronicles thus said These mightie holy Préests of Babilon desire to reign alone They cannot abide to haue any equall They wil not ceasse til they haue brought all things vnder their subiection and sit in the Temple of God and lifted vp abooue all whatsoeuer is woorshiped Their hunger for riches their thirstinesse for honor is vnsatiable The more thou giuest to a couetous man the more dooth he couet and desire Reach him thy finger and he will couet for thy whole hād We wax the worsse euen all the sorte of vs through immoderate libertie He that is the Seruant of Seruants desireth to be the Lord of Lords euen as though he were God him self He disdaineth the holy assemblies and councels of his bretheren yea of those that be Lords and rulers ouer him Hée is afraid lest he should be cōpelled to yeld account of those things whiche hee dooth daly more and more against the lawes He speaketh great things as though he were a God He imagineth in his hart new deuises to the intent he might establish a Kingdome to him self Hée chaungeth lawes confirmeth his owne defileth robbeth spoyleth defraudeth killeth euen hee that wicked outcast whom they vse to call Antichriste In whose forhed is written the name of blasphemy I am God I cannot erre he sitteth in the temple of God and ruleth far néer But as it is writtē in the secrets of holy Scriptures he that readeth let him vnderstand The learned shall vnderstand but all the wicked shal doo wickedly and shall not vnderstand And by and by after this The maiestie of the people of Roome by whiche in times past the whole world was gouerned is taken away from the Earth and the Empire is returned back into Asia The East shall beare dominion again and the West shal be brought vnder subiection The kingdome was multiplied and the highest gouernment of things is now dispersed in to many cut in sunder diminished I wil not say torn all to péeces Ciuil dissentiōs are sowed abrode for euer And wée sée no end of deadly warres The name of Emperour is but a vain name and but a shadowe only There are now ten Kings at once whiche haue parted amongst them the whole earth béeing héertofore the Romain Empire not to rule and gouern it but to consume it The ten Hornes which seemed incredible to Saint Augustine that is to say The Turcks the Greeks the Egiptians the Africans the Spanyards the Frenchmen the Englishmen the Germaines the Siciliās the Italiās haue in possession the prouinces of Rome and haue rooted out the Romaines that inhabited the same And vnder these grewe vp a litle Horne which had eyes and a mouth speaking presumptuous things He bringeth into subiection vnder him thrée Kingdoms moste cheefly that is to say Sicily Italy Germany and compelleth them to serue him He vexeth the people of Christe and the Saints of God with his intollerable soueraintie He turneth all things vpside down bothe things diuine and humain He attempteth matters horrible excecrable What can be more euident then this Prophecy All the miracles and prodigious wunders of whiche our Hauenly maister did admonish vs read ye the chronicles were wrought a great while ago in which presumption violēce possesse all thinges Good mē are tossed to fro with all reprochefulnes and pouertie All right is confounded and Lawes perish there is no faith in men no peace no gentlenesse no shame no trueth there withall no safetie also no gouernment no rest at all from euil men all the whole earth is in a whurlyburly warres doo rage on euery side all nations are vp in armour assaulting one another Cities néere bordering do fight togither Kingdomes are ouerthrowen and Cities doo vtterly perish not onely with Swoord and fire but also with continuall Earthquakes and ouerflowings of waters and with often diseses and hunger Maruelous wunders happen euery where in all the Elements of the world The aire is infected corrupted and vnholsome through vnsaciable rain sometime with vnprofitable drought sometime with colde sometime with to-much heats Neither dooth the Earth yéeld any foyson vnto man neither the corne nor trées nor Vines haue any fruteful increace And though in their bloughth they giue great showe yet in Haruest they bring no frute Cattel and beastes dye vppon the earth Birds in the aire and the fishes in the waters Blasing Starres and darknes of the Sun the coloure of the Moone the suddain and vnaccustomable falling of the shooting Starres the heauens ouerspred with blood confoundeth the mindes of men with dreadful terrour through the wrath of God against men there rageth Swoord fire hungar and siknes Neuerthelesse the vngodly acknowledge not the Iustice of God but rather increace more and more in euil In so much that they haue eyes and see not And this haue I resited woord by woord out of the Chronicle of Auentinus whiche if any of you desire to read ye shall finde it in the Copie of Ingolstadius printed in the yéer of our Lord. 1554. in the lefe 684. and 685. c. All these sayings of the Archchbishop agrée very well to our matter and expound the same And it appéereth that I am not alone of this opinion that he putteth other Kingdoms in place of the thrée Hornes Whiche thing I commit to the Iudgement of the reader With my exposition accordeth the number of the beasts name Apoca. 13. of which I haue elswhere discoursed more at large Now let vs return to our Daniell bréefly to expound that also which remaineth But thus by casting down of the thrée hornes that litle horne mentioned by Daniel namely that bace Seruant of Christe and euen the Seruant of Seruants did not onely clime vp to the highest top but also became the moste mightie Prince of that fatall Land of Italy Apoc. 17. and Lord of seuen hilled Room and of the Palaice of Antichriste The which he and his repaired and adorned by the space of seuen hundred and fiftye yéeres so that olde Rome by the help of these woorthy Patriarches may now séeme to be new borne again And héerunto Saint Paule séemeth to haue relation 1. Thessa 2.