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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B21038 The history of His sacred Majesty Charles the II, King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, defender of the faith &c. begun from the murder of his royall father of happy memory & continued to this present year, 1660 / by a person of quality. Dauncey, John, fl. 1663.; Davies, James. 1660 (1660) Wing D292 74,871 224

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mony set upon his head for which many hundreds out of covetousnes made it their business to search for him they will confess ingeniously that God was never so merciful to any people as to us in delivering his sacred Majesty so wonderfully out of the hands of his Enemies who breathed out nothing but his death and destruction that we may yet have hopes to be a happy Nation But let us now returne to give a full account of this dismal loss at Worcester in which most of his Majesties foot were either made a prize or a sacrifice to their enemies swords of the horse there escaped 300. out of the field but were most afterwards either taken or kil'd by the country people in their flight three thousand were judged slain in the Field and about seaven thousand taken prisoners whereof the chief were the Earles Derby Lauderdale Cleveland Shrewsburge the Lord Wentworth and many other noble persons taken in the pursuit And the chief of those taken in the battel were the Earles of Carnworth and Kelly the Lord Synclare Sir John Packington the Major Generals montgomery and Piscotty and the Virgil of this Age that thrice worthy Mr. Richard Fanshaw Translator of the renowned Paster Fido and Secretary to his Majesty As for the thrice noble Duke Hamilton he was taken but not overcome overpowred but not vanquisht For after having made a most Heroick resistance he was reduced under his enemies power more for want of strength then valour but death entring in at those wounds which he so gallantly received in defence of his Soveraign soon after released him Major General Massey though he escaped the field yet his wounds being desperate he was forced to surrender himself to the Countess of Stamford was by her Son the Lord Grey of Grooby after the recovery of his wounds sent up prisoner to the Parliament and by them committed to the Tower from whence he not long after escaped and went to his Majesty beyond sea This strange and wonderfull Victory as the Juncto at Westminster gave it out to be though they had six to one in the field made that Sectarian party cock-a-hoop to make it the greater publick days of Thanksgiving are appointed to make God the patronizer of their villanies murders tyrannyes and treasons and now they boast in all their discourses how clearly it might appear that God owned their cause and disowned their adversaries I think a modern writer hath sufficiently confuted that commonly received tenent of Politicians * See Modern Policy That successe denotes actions to be either just or unjust I shall therefore leave the sober Reader here to satisfie himself refer it to him whether such do not justly deserve Ovid's wish Careat successibus opto Quisquis ab eventu facta notanda putat Let him for ever in successe be poor That thinks it justifies his cause the more But this Nation is so highly sensible of the injustice put upon them by those who pretend so much right in their Cause that there 's no loyal Subject but will thinke according to reason that it was not the justice of their cause but our own and the Nations sinnes which caused God to raise up these men as scourges both to Prince People to the prince only for the peoples sake Some I have heard which out of a spirit which I cannot well define have endeavoured to brand his Royal Majesty with Cowardize in this battel which from whence it could proceed unless from their own coward nature which would insimulate another in that of which themselves are guilty I cannot imagine since Cromwell the greatest of his Enemies because the most desirous of his Kingdomes yet had so much of truth in him as to give a high and noble Character of his valour But to proceed we have now said enough of this fatall battel the seeming ruine of the Royal Interest in England unless God of his mercy be pleased to restore it for the good peace and quiet of these Nations since without it we cannot hope to enjoy any His sacred Majesty being landed in France near Havre de Grace from thence with a Noble Lord in his Company posted directly for Roan where they stayed to alter their disguises and furnish them with habits answerable to their qualities his Majesty from thence having dispach't Letters to the French Court to acquaint his friends there of his safe Arrival which doubtless caused no little joy in those who were real to him and almost despaired ever again to have seen him The Duke of Orleans sends his own Coach to fetch him and several persons of quality go to meet him by whom he was attended to Paris and there received with all possible expressions of joy lodgings and attendants being forthwith provided for him in the Louure where at his first arrival he was visited by the Queen his Mother the Duke of Orleans who of all persons in the Kingdome exprest himselfe the most ready to do him service and the next day visits him again accompanied with his Daughter Madamoiselle he is likewise courted by the Dukes of Beaufort Langueville Guize the Marshall Thurine and many other Peers Nobles of France who all congratulate his safe deliverance And now his Majesty having lost all hopes of any furthermeans of attaining his Dominions by force leads here a retired life yet living in regard of his high alliance and extraction in great esteem with all the French Nobility Insomuch that notwithstanding his present low condition there was very great talk of a match to be made up between him the Madamoiselle de Orlians the richest princess in Christendome yet by some means or other it came to no effect though the Queen of England his Mother was an earnest promoter of it and also the Duke of York to Longuevelle's Daughter Whilst these things were transacting hapned that lately reconciled Fracture between the Prince of Conde and Cardinal Mazarine most of the Prince of the Bloud siding with the first the King of France who was newly declared of age to sway the Scpter himselfe with the last The cause of the quarrel was that extravagant power which Mazarine a stranger had usurped in the government of the Kingdome both depriving the Princes of the bloud of their Right and oppressing the people whose daily murmurings more encouraged the Princes against him this power he had got into his hands in the Regency of the Queen Mother whose grand Favourite he only was The Princes therefore though they could not dureing her Regency who so much loved him yet hoped they might effect somthing now the King himselfe is come to govern to which intent they charge him with several miscarriages of State which the Cardinal defends the King also enclines to his side by the instigation of the Queen his Mother yet nothing but the Cardinals banishment will satisfie the Princes who join the Duke of Lorain to them then in the service
his Majesty at Bristol return'd home and lived for some space in a great deale of security not doubting she could be betray'd Yet at length by what means I know not though indeed I have heard of many relations that I dare not relate any it came to light yet she had some timely notice of it whereupon she who had formerly disguised his Majesty in a Serving-mans habit now disguises her self in that of a Country Wench and trots on foot to save her life which she was like to lose for having formerly saved his sacred Majesties quite crosse the Countrey to Yarmouth where she found shipping which conveyed her safe into France great search after her departure there was made for her but in vain which so incensed the Souldiers that they burnt down to the ground that poor Cottage where his Majesty first took shelter after his escape from Worcester She being arrived in France sends a Letter to the Court whereupon his Majesty almost over-joy'd at her Escape who had been the cause of his immediatly sends some persons of quality in Coaches to conduct her to Paris whither he being near come himself with the Queen his Mother the Duke of York Gloucester went out to meet this Preserver of the life of their Son Soveraign and Brother the Coaches meeting and she being descended from her Coach his Majesty likewise descends taking her by the hand salutes her with this gratefull expression Welcome my life so putting her into his own Coach conducts her to Paris where she was entertained with the applause and wonder of the whole Court and she could indeed deserve no less for I believe neither past or future Ages can or will ever parallell so great a pattern of female Loyalty and Generosity Whilst his Majesty was thus passing away his time in France more in contemtemplation then action Oliver Cromwell made General of all the Juncto's Forces in England Scotland and Jreland finding now a fit opportunity to put his long-laid ambitious designs in execution had dissolved that Juncto which had usurped the Kingly power or more over England and taken upon himself though not the title yet the Royall power and authority over these Nations which the people though unwilling yet were forced to submit to though he had not at first any basis whereon to ground his new usurped Regality yet in stead of one Juncto he pluckt down he easily sets up another which I may the more justly call so in regard there was not one of them chosen by the free Votes of the People but by his own arbitrary Election and those such persons who knew well enough what they had to doe before they met these after a short time sitting without doing any thing besides the making of some impertinent laws which were forceably imposed on the people surrender their power as dying men do their souls to God into his hands that gave it who by the help of the Officers of the Army and Lamberts instrument makes himself immediatly king of England Scotland and Ireland which government he had often sworn against though under the title of Protector This I must needs say Noble Tyrant having got the Dominion of three such Kingdoms into his possession made it now as much his study to preserve himself safe in his Estate and Grandure as he did before to acquire it to which purpose he thought it most suitable to that design to make some remarkable disturbance amongst the neighbouring Princes then to continue that War begun by the Juncto of Parliament with the Dutch to which purpose severall motions of a Treaty passed His sacred Majesty though he had sundry times before solicited the assistance of those United Provinces for the regaining of his Right in his Kingdoms now more earnestly upon secret intelligence of the first motions of this Treaty sends the Lord Gerard his Embassadour to the United States more earnestly intreating them to own his Interest then before proffering that if they would set out a good squadron of ships under his Flag he would command them himself in person His Sister the princess of Orange and other of his friends in the Low Countries addicted to his Interest earnestly prosecutes his desires and use their utmost influence on the States of the United provinces for the performance of his propositions Nor are there five of these Provinces nor Van Trump himself their Admiral unwilling to comply with him Only the Province of Holland the most potent at sea stands out chiefly out of the disgust they had lately taken to the family of Orange whose interest and command they were fearfull might bee restored should his Majesty who was Uncle to the young Prince be invested in his Territories His Majesty likewise to advance his hopes of their assistance when Monsieur Bortell came from those United States to negotiate a League with the King of France used his utmost Interest to promote the Treaty and in fine brought it to a desired period notwithstanding the United States sent no other answer to his Embassey then a cold Letter of Complements His designs thus failing him here he directed himself to a more hopefull course by interposing himself a Mediator with the Pope and other Catholick Princes for an accord and peace between the two mighty Crowns of France and Spain And indeed two such potent Monarchs had been in better capacity with their joynt forces to have assisted him had the peace gon forward as there was great hopes then the United States of the Netherlands but Cardinal Mazarine by a piece of secret state-policy endeavoured to obstruct all proceedings which might tend to a Treaty or accord Nor was this Cardinal's spleen to his Royall Majesty yet allayed for his supposed Council against him in the forementioned difference between the King Princes but farther to prejudice him and his affairs he endeavours the promotion of a peace between the Protector of England and the French King his Master which though opposed by all the force and Interest that either himselfe or the Queen his Mother had in the French Court yet was by the Cardinall whose will was a law all other Government in that Kingdome being but a meer shadow vigorously carried on and an Embassadour sent over to treat of an accord where having been sometime in England his Majesty was by secret intelligence informed that the chief Article insisted upon in the Treaty by the Protector of England was the excluding himself relations and followers out of the Kingdome of France and it's Territories wherefore least the treaty should be suddenly concluded upon those tearms he ceremoniously excluded he thought it more honourable himself to leave that Kingdome of his own accord and having taken his leave of the King of France and the rest of the Nobility accompanied with his Coufin Prince Rupert he departed for Germany where the Lord Wilmot had long been Embassadour for him to solicite aid and assistance Yet notwithstanding his Brothers the
scorne and derision of the world by selling them to those Plantations a punishment inflicted usually on none but thieves and vagabonds Yet I hope those Noble soules who were thus dealt withall account those miseries and hardships they have endured but little in respect of the cause for which they suffered them But to return to our Princes abroad The Duke of Glocester in his journy from Paris with the Marquess of Ormond touched at the Hague where he found his Sister newly returned from her journey with his Majesty and having staid with her some time there she accompanied him to visit their Brother the King again at Colen with whom she staid till after the fair at Frankford whither his Majesty accompanied with his Royal Sister the Duke of Glocester the Marquess of Ormond the Earle of Norwich the Lord Newburg and several Ladies and persons of Quality went in progress part of the way they went by Land and the other part by water being complemented in all Princes countries through which they passed by their chief Ministers of State and saluted with the great Guns from their Towns Castles but particularly being come into the Territories of the Elector of Mentz they were saluted by his grand Marshall who in the name of his Master the Elector invited his Majesty the Princess Royall the Duke of Glocester to his Court but in regard that the intent of their progress was to see that renowned Fair at Franckford which now drew nigh his Majesty sent the Lord Newburgh back with the grand Marshal returning thanks to the Elector for his civilities but desiring to be excused till their return when his Majesty with his Royal Sister Brother would not Faile to come and give him thanks in person and so his Majesty with his Noble company continued their journy Being arrived at Frankford advice was brought to his Majesty that the Queen of Swethland who had some time before Voluntarily surrendered her Kingdom into the hands of Carolus Gustavus her Kinsman was passing that way in her intended Journey for Italy whereupon his Majesty sent a Noble Lord to acquaint her Royall Highness the Queen Christina that he was ready to wait upon her at what place soever she should be pleased to appoint for an interview her Majesty received the message with a great deal of affection telling the Messenger That she was highly obliged to his Majesty of England for so great an honour and that if he pleased she would not fail to meet him at Conningstein a village not far from Frankford where his Majesty for the time resided And accordingly there these two Potentates both equally deprived of their Kingdomes only with this distinction the one Voluntary the other by force and Tyranny met the Queen of Sweden being there first attended his Majesty he being come was immediately admitted in a room there purposely provided and having had neer halfe an hours private discourse with her the Duke of Glocester was admitted and presently after the Lords that attended his Majesty there passing between their two Majesties many ceremonious complements so after a little longer discourse they took their leaves The Princesse Royal being a little indisposed went not to this interview His Majesty having tarried at Franckford as long as seem'd convenient to that Royall Company in his departure thence according to the promise he had before made by the Lord Newburgh passed through the Elector of Mentz his Country resolving to give him a visit but that Noble Prince had so much of honour in him that he met his Majesty a great part of the way and conducted him with his Royall Company to a Pallace of his where he sumptuously entertained them for three or four dayes and then himself in person accompanied them a good part of their way to Colen from whence shortly after his Majesties arrival there the Princess Royal departed for Holland In the mean time the Protector of England having made a peace with the Hollander fearing that the Nation should grow rebellious to him if they lay free from wars which would fill their purses resolves to keep them low at a diet to which effect he begins a war with Spain at first in his Western Territories but soon after that business not succeeding in his Europaean Quarters which made Mazarine with all hast possible endeavour the concluding the Leageu Offensive and Defensive with the Protector which being by him considered to be as beneficiall for his own interest as for the French was easily and willingly assented to but the chief Articles of this Peace was that his Majesty the Duke of York and Glocester with all their relations and friends should be expelled out of and no more admitted into the Kingdom of France Certainly had the French King had but the least touch or sense of honour he would have counted this the hardest condition in the world or indeed he would never at all have treated with the protector but that he should yeild to such a condition as to banish out of his Kingdome those who came to him for succour and relief in the utmost extreamity that ever Princes were put too and these too his nearest relations being Brothers Sisters children And this to make a league offensive with him who had murdered their Father expelled them out of their Dominions What was this but the owning of that murder and aggravating their oppressions instead of relieving them But neither honour nor relation can stand in competition with self-Interest His Maiesty had before fore-saw what the event of this treaty would be and had therefore wisely wihdrawn himselfe from France to prevent a complemental expulsion But the Duke of York who in regard of the great command which he had in the Army had staid there til the conclusion of the League was now warned to depart with al his retinnue consisting of a gallant number of young English gentlemen bred up under his valour conduct notwithstanding those many great services which he had performed for that Kingdom in requitall of which he had only a complemental Apology made him for the necessity of his departure and a small time respited for his stay during which he was visited by the Duke of Modena then in France and other French Grandees but more espetially by the Marshal of Turine who extreamly loved him and above all others expressed a sorrow for his dismisment but at length the day perfixed being come his grace having solemnly taken his leave of the King of France the Queen his Mother the rest of his Friends at the French Court he takes his journey towards Flanders accompanied by the Earl of Yarmouth severall other English Lords For upon the rupture of the Peace between Oliver Cromwell and the King of Spain Don John de Austria Governour Royall of the Low Countries for his Catholick Majesty commiserating our Kings unfortunate Condition now that his Interest might stand them in some stead had sent the
all means possible to keep down hatred to their Tyrannies makes the people naturally desire his restauration and him whom before they thought justly expulsed they think it both Justice and Charity to reinstate as much considering it to be their own as his interest experience having taught them the difference between the Government by one gentle Prince and many Rusticks Thus far did these mens devisions invest his sacred Majesty with the love of his people who in the mean time lives retiredly at Bruges expecting either what the good will of his subjects might do for the restoring him to his right or what the success might be of that Treaty which was then the grand action of Europe in agitation between those two potent Monarchs France and Spain from whose joynt-forces he might expect so great a supply as might have reinstated him in his Dominions by force a course most of all opposite to his Majesties nature who even in private things never attempts any thing by violence which he can obtain by intreaty Yet great hopes had the Royalists both in England and aboade that this Treaty would produce some good effects yet it went on very slowly after a great deal of tediousness came to a cessation and from that to an interview between the two grand Officers of State Don Lew is de Hare Count de Olivares chief favourite to his Catholick Majesty and Cardinall Mazarine chief Minister of State to the most Christian King these being met upon the Frontier his sacred Majesty of great Britain was invited thither by Don Lew is de Haro His Majesty received this invitation at Diepe in Normandy whither he had privately withdrawen himself as likewise had his Brother the Duke of York to Calice that they might be in a readiness to have come over into England upon any fit opportunity they having received many invitations from their friends here about that time when Sir George Booth was up in Cheshire and all England in a manner gaping for him But Sir George being as I said before overcome his Majesties and the whole Nations hopes fail'd and the Phanatick power still continued Paramount His Majesty therefore from Diepe begins his journey towards the frontiers of Spain which journey he intended to make privately and being first come to Roan he was there nobly entertained and feasted by Mr. Scot an English Merchant who accompanied his Majesty to the Protestant Church about three miles from the City where with a great deal of Devotion and Attention he heard a Sermon From Roan his Majesty accompanied with the Marquess of Ormond the Lord Digby Mr. Oneen took Post steering their course directly for Bayonne neer which the two great officers of state were to meet not staying in any place but endeavouring by all means possible to travel undiscovered as was before resolv'd Being come near to the end of his Journey advice was sent to Don Lewis de Haro of his Majesties approach who immediately accompanied with a gallant Train came forth to meet him and being come near unto him Don Lewis alighted from his horse and notwithstanding the place where they met was very durty kneeling down he clapt his hands about his Majesties Knees and with a great deal of humility kissed them His Majesty was from hence conducted with becoming Ceremonies to the place appointed for his accomodation Don Lewis riding all the way bareheaded by him where he was entertained with all possible splendor and gallantry Many overtures and propositions there passed between his Majesty and Don Lewis de Haro touching what aid and assistance might be granted him by his Catholick Majesty for the regaining of his rights Kingdoms his Majesty endeavouring by all means possible to promote and further the present Treaty between France Spain and to bring it to a happy conclusion by the Marriage of the King of France to the Spanish Infanta it tending so much to his interest that 'till the conclusion of it nothing could be effected by those Princes which might any way promote his right or possession To all his desires or propositions the noble Count de Olivares returned pleasing answers carried himself with so much respect towards him that he could not have been more submissive to the Catholick Majesty of Spain his Master His Majesty having some time been treated here returned back again through France being accompanyed some part of his way by Don Lewis and repassing the rest privately by Post as he had formerly passed it till he came to Charinton and Paris where his Mother was with whom he staid some few dayes though he was not now Courted and carressed by the French Nobility as formerly and then returned to his residence at Brussels His Majesties private departure from Brussels his privacy during his whole journy made it certainly believed that both he his Brother the Duke of York who lay at Callis were come over into England that they lay hear concealed expecting according to the event of things either to discover or secure themselves nay so certain was the belief even those in power had of it who had not so good intelligence as Oliver Cromwell that many persons were aprehended for them and particularly one Mr. Colt was taken for the Duke of York and kept in prison for him till such time as certain news arrived in England of the Dukes return to Brussels Several other persons likewise suffered imprisonment forbeing suppos'd tobe like either his Majesty or his Brother His Majesty living retired at Brussels the continuances of the differences in England among those who had usurped his power doth still highly promote his interest For though Lambert had routed Sir George Booth and by it declared absolutely against a Free Parliament for which as the undoubted right of the Nation Sir George Booth and his party took up Arms yet the people could not be content but now once put in the way they began violently to hanker after their long lost Liberty Nor could the turning out of the Rump for so had the people out of disgrace termed the Juncto which then sate whom they inveterately hated any whit now sweeten them in their slavery but they continually murmured out agravated their oppressions one to another though they came to no violence yet 't is suspected it was more out of the hope they had that Generall George Monck who was then marching with his Army out of Scotland should assert their Liberties which somewhat allayed the popular fury then out of any fear or Cowardise But in the mean time their expectations seem'd utterly to fail them for the Rump had by their industry so inveigled most of the Army from Lambert that by their help they return and take their seats in the House and dissolve his Committee of Safety cōmanded the Souldiers of his Army to repair to their appointed Quarters Order Generall Monck to bring up his Army to London in all which they are punctually obeyed
that distinction that hath either heard of or know him will confesse him to be but if they will not let them be convinced by that saying of a worthy Gentleman long time an attendant upon his Majesty who having given me a large account of his virtues at length concluded That Tully himselfe if now alive could not sufficiently expresse his praise Gentlemen it is to you in Generall that I present this History that you may see and be sensible to whom you have been loyal and then I believe that you will judge that your loyalty hath found it's just reward in being loyal to so just a Prince and if any of you have suffered for him read but his sufferings and you cannot value your own Yet I intend not this at all to his pretended Tavern friends which I believe whilst they are so are so onely there and indeed I cannot looke upon these as faithful Subjects for how can that man be loyal to his Prince who hath not the power to be true unto himselfe Drunken Subjects though never so loyal will prove the ruine both of themselves and their Soveraign Gentlemen let those that are truly loyal joyn their Prayers with mine for the happiness of his most SACRED MAIESTY since in his we must necessarily conclud our own and more then ours our COVNTRIES To the Readers in general Courteous Readers IF in this History I have displeased any person they cannot be so much displeased as I am sory I have endeavoured to please all nor have I more then Justice enforced me to favoured any I have laboured as J professed to write impartially where J have not done so J am confident there will not want Carpers Jf in some particulers affection hath swayed me though J confesse it a fault yet it brings it's excuse What loyal subject can relate his Soveraigns sufferings without a passion what Free born English man's heart begins not to rise within him when he does but think of those Tyrannies Oppressions his Native Countrey hath of late groaned under where J have been bitter it has been with reason where sweet with a great deal of Justice Yet one thing J shall desire the Reader to take notice of that when J speak of the presbyterians J mean not those moderate people who are as truly loyal as they are godly but some amongst them like wolves in sheeps cloathing such as Straughan and Kerry in Scotland who onely pretend themselves to be Presbyterians but are in their proof found Sectaries these are the Flea-bitten Cleargy the Sowers of strife and sedition and a scandal to those to whom they pretend to be Brethren To conclude that all the Subjects of this Land may with one heart and voice agree together for the Restauration of our afflicted Soveraign but of our more afflicted selves to just Rights and Priviledges is the earnest prayer of A Hearty well-wisher to his Countrey THE HISTORY OF CHARLES the II. Third MONARCK of Great Britain c. THe Histories of Englands late opressours have already cloyd and overladed the exuberant Press whole Volums daily coming forth either of the Actions of the late long Parliament or the life of their aspiring Generall Cromwell which though adorn'd with all those flatteries that could possibly proceed from the most beneficed pens yet cannot in the least justifie their actions to the more sober sort of people for though their memories may here smell sweet to some who have rather tasted of their favour then suffered under their opression yet do they but render them to the sufferers more infamous and to the Neuter ridiculous like the extolling of Don Quixot's Chivalry And though there have been some who have adventured to set them out to the life and paint them in their own colours yet have many of these as farr exceeded the bounds of Truth as the others came short of it rather exasperated by their own or to please their fellow sufferrers into so great extreams have either side been lead out of fear or flattery anger or passion Moderation and Impartiality are the chiefest virtues of an Historian and therefore he who writs an History should chuse such a subject to write on where neither fear nor gain can induce him to flatter anger or passion or to too much bitternesse Most of our modern Historians have proposed to themselves either profit advantage or employment by their Works which hath made them run into their so many grosse errours and flatteries whilst had they only endeavoured to represent things persons and actions impartially they had gained to themselves farr greater honour of true Writing I have chosen a subject to write of which I conceive may lead me to a mediocrity the Persons afflictions may induce me to pity him but they will in most mens judgments restrain me from flattery Nor need I out of fear I being now though unwillingly out of his reach mince the truth of his if any bad actions I confesse the Task I undertake is highly adventurous my pen may slip times may change however my heart shall guide me to an impartiality CHARLES the II. Heir apparent to the Crown of Great Britain and Jreland and crowned King of Scots whose History I intend to treat of was born on the 29. of May 1630 to the great joy of the King Queen and indeed the whole Nation for never yet had England a Prince born of so noble an extract and grand Alliance his father by lineal right desent King of Great Britain and Jreland his mother daughter to that thrice illustrious Prince Henry the Fourth King of France and worthily sirnamed the Great and Maria de Medicis By his Grandmothers side was he near allied to the Kings of Denmark by the marriage of his Aunt the noble Princesse Elizabeth to the Elector Palatine of Rhene King of Bohemia and afterwards by the marriage of his Royal Sister the Princesse Mary to the Prince of Orange Thus was he allied to most of the most potent Princes in Christendome And happy might this Nation have been under his Government if we may believe the vogue of that wisest of men Solomon who pronounces that Kingdome blessed whose Prince is the son of Nobles He was some years after his birth according to the ancient Customes of England for the Kings Eldest Son invested Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester and was in his minority brought up under the care of the Earle of Newcastle till in the year 1646. the Lord Hopton's Army in which he was being near inclosed by Sir Thomas Fairfax Generall of all the Parliaments Forces in the Devizes of Cornwall and the King his Fathers affairs being in a desperat condition all over England he was by the serious advice of his best friends perswaded to take shipping and depart for the Scillies from whence he was by the Parliament invited to return to London but he thought it safer for his Person to depart from thence to his Sister at
Souldiers I am loath to judge this mighty Army then beleaguring Dublin was beat from before it by the besieged and utterly routed by the third part of its Number This overthrow the repulse of Sir Robert Stuart and Col. Mervin from London-Derry by Sir Charles Coot and Cromwell's suddain landing in Ireland whose motion now there was no field Army either to attend or oppose made his Majesties affairs grow almost as desperate in Ireland as they were before in England But the Scots Kirk who had sold their King into the hands of the Independant English Army after they heard that they had condemned him to death repent them of their Wickedness wash their hands from any guilt in his bloud Expostulate with the English siting in Parliament about their so severe proceedings and protest against having any hand in his Murther and to make the world believe they had yet some touch of loyalty within them they had just after his death proclaimed Charles Prince of Wales eldest Son to the late murthered King Charles the first and his lawfull and undoubted Heir King of Great Britain France and Ireland and had immediately resolved in the Committee of Estates then sitting to send some fitting persons to treat with his Majesty about sundry Articles before his reception to the Crown but long debates and demurs there were in the businesse before they could resolve what whom to send For some there were in this Grand Committee of Estates who fee'd or seduced by the Sectaries in England impeaded to the utmost of their power and endeavours all proceedings in the businesse so that once in stead of debating what or whom they should send to his Majesty it came to be a debate whether they should send or no but at length a Letter and Propositions was by the prevailing part concluded on and Mr. Windram Laird of Libberton appointed to be the Messenger who on the 25. of September 1649. received his dispatches and some time after arrived before his Majesty at Iersey The chief of their desires was to this effect That his Majesty would gratiously be pleased himselfe to sign the Solemn League Covenant and that he would passe an Act in Parliament that every person in that Kingdome might takeit That he would passe divers Acts of the Parliament of Scotland which was concluded on the two last Sessions 1. For approving of their disclaiming Duke Hamilton 's last return 2. For receiving severall Acts made by English for the Militia 3. That the Kings of Scotland may have no negative voice 3. That his Majesty would recall the late Commissions given to Montrosse 4. That he would put away all Papists from about him 5. That he would appoint some place about Holland to treat with their Commissioners An honourable Company of the most noble Lords in Scotland being to be appointed to attend his Majesty to whom likewise they would send a sufficient provision to maintain him a train sutable to his birth and deserved greatnesse 6. That he would be gratiously pleased to give a speedy answer to their desires These Propositions were very stifly debated Pro and Con some were so firce that they would have his Majesty utterly reject the Scots Propositions as dishonourable disadvantagious to his affaires Others were of opinion that it would more conduce to the Kings interest to accept of such Conditions as he could agree with the Scotch Commissioners which would be a readier way to attain the Crown then by Montrosse his designs who had lately received Commissions from the King to assault the North of Scotland with what force he could raise however the business was still demurred and delayed and no answer for a good while given to the Lord Libberton who earnestly prest it till such time as answer could come from Montross then in Holland and out of France touching their opinions concerning these Propositions concerning which Montross returned answer to his Majesty desiring him to harken to the Scotch Commissioners whilst they would propose agree to any thing which might stand with his Majesties honour for the restoring him to his Rights and Dignities That for himselfe he should rather be content to endure banishment from his highnesse sight and person then in the least prejudice his affaires Thus this faithfull and loyall servant courted banishment as the late famous Earle of Strafford had done death for his Masters good service but too generous was he and had too great a sence of goodnesse gratitude to grant his request but returned him this answer That he had so high a sence of his fidelity and loyalty all along and that he had performed so many signal services both for his Father and himselfe that he could not in honour leave him and therefore desired him to press him no farther The Queen Mother likewise earnestly presses her son to the acceptance of the Scotch Propositions for a Treaty as the onely and readiest way for the establishing him in his Kingdoms These resolves of his Mother and the Marquess of Montross wrought strongly with his Majesty yet notwithstanding they are as stoutly opposed by the Lord. Cleveland Byron Gerard others whose chief opposition proceeded from the alledged Treachery of the Scots to his Father That they were Scots still and might practice the same upon him But the majority of voices carrying it fora Treaty it was resolved on yet in regard it would require some time to frame an answer Sir William Fleming was sent Agent to the Committee of Estates in Scotland 'till such time as the Laird Libberton could be dispatc't Short time after Mr. Windram returned into Scotland with a Letter and instructions by word of mouth whereby he gave the Committee of Estates who having long expected were therefore more desirous to hear what he now brought an account how much he found his Majesty compliant to their Propositions viz That as to what acted to the two last Sessions of Parliament he was content a Generall Act of Oblivion should be passed but could not approve it That neither those of Montrosses nor Duke Hamilton 's party in his last engagement should bear Office in State without consent of Parliament That he had appointed Breda in Holland for the place of a solemn Treaty for the making a full accomodation and agreement between him and his loving Subjects of Scotland The Contents of his Letter were as followeth For the Committee of Estates of Scotland CHARLES R. VVE have received your Letters lately presented to us by Mr. Windram of Libberton and we accept gratiously all the expressions of affection and fidelity therein contained towards us with your tender resentment of our present Condition and the just indignation which you profess to have against the execrable Murther of our Father and we believe that your intentions are full of Candor towards us as we are and always really have been desirous to settle a clear and right intelligence between us and our Subjects of our ancient
concerning his affairs in Scotland To whch the Commissioners replied That they had acquainted him with their full power according to the instructions they had received from the Committees of Estates and Kirk in Scotland Upon which his Majesty made answer that he would consider of their Propositions and doubted not but to return them such an Answer as might give his Kingdom of Scotland satisfaction and so dismissed them for the present But let us thus leave his Majesty and Councel debating about the Scotch Commissioners propositions and discourse a little about his affairs under the conduct of the thrice noble and Illustrious Marquess of Montrosse who having notwithstanding the opposition which Hamilton gave to the design obtained Commissioners from his Majesty to leavy what force he could on that side the sea endeavoured to the utmost of his power to effect it but chiefly among the Princes of the German Empire where he found large and fair promises but very little real assistance onely the Duke of Holstein supplied him with four ships well arm'd and mann'd though these were likewise by some strange neglect delayed a long time at Amsterdam which much retarded the service Colonel Cochram likewise who had been sent agent into Poland to the Scottish Merchants there for assistance of men and money having received a considerable quantity of money and good supply of corn disposed of the first to his own use sold the other and himselfe revolted from the service General King who was expected out of Sweden with a party of Horse came not at all so many crosses there were in the begining of the business as had Omens to it's future ill successe But at length the Marquesse fearing least if the King should conclude with the Scots before he had attempted any thing his Cōmissions would be recalled fatally resolved to depart Scotland as he was So with four ships indifferētly well armed but with not above six or seaven hundred men those most stangers besides a small Frigat of sixteen Guns one thousand five hundred good Armes given him by the Queen of Sweden he set sail this was all the strength he carried with him from Hamburgh to assault that potent Kingdom Two of these ships and those the biggest were sent before directed to steer their course for the Orcades but these unfortunately met with a storm and where amongst those rocky Islands their men arms amunition was cast away so that a third part of the Forces raised for this expedition was lost But notwithstanding these fatal disasters the sad presages of his ruine the noble Marquess proceeds and with the small number that was left him lands amongst the Islands where he gets together a pretty considerable number which had almost the face of an Army but was for the most part composed of raw and unskilfull fellows a party of these he sends out who without resistance enters the Isle of Orkney there being no Garrison there from thence he dispatches Commissioners to Scotland and the Island adjacent for the levying of Horse and Foot which because the inhabitants of those places to which they were sent could not resist obeyed and not long after the sending of those Commissions Montrosse himself with those forces he had and those Gentlemen resolved to engage in partaking of his fortune landed in Scotland at the point of Cathanes the very farthest land to the Northwest of that Kingdom The people here whom he expected to have joyned with him were so sensible of the miseries of the former war and now more terrified with the name of Forraigners deserted their dwellings and fled away some never stopping till they came to Edenbrough The Parliament of Scotland who were now assembled though they had former advice of the Marquess's designes yet could not tell the place of his landing but now alarm'd by the flying Countrey David Lesley is commanded with the body of the Army to march directly towards them for feare Montross should grow too numerous and Colonel Straughan whose valour the States highly approved is ordered with a party of select Horse to advance before to hinder the Marquess's levyes and if he saw oportunity to fight him Montrosse in the mean time to satisfie the World and because the people should not be startled at his Invasion whilst the King was upon Treaty publishes a very patheticall Declaration declaring the justness of his cause and to clear himselfe from the aspertion of sinister ends and that his intention was only against some particular persons who had against the Laws of the Kingdome raised and maintained a war against his Majesties father and did now by their wiles and subtile practices endeavour to destroy the Son also therefore exhorting all Subjects of that Nation to endeavour to free themselves from the Tyranny of those who then by an usurped power ruled over them But notwithstanding this Declaration the Countrey came very slowly in Straughan in the mean time advances with all possible speed towards the Royall party whilest Montross had not for indeed he could not effect any thing Material besides the fortifying of Dunbath Castle but the Marquess hearing of the enemies approach made his whole Forces march at a great rate to recover a pass yet nevertheless before they could come at it the front of the Army discovered Straughan's forlorn hope who marching with hast upon the Marquesses Army found them both almost tired out of breath Order howevera forlorn hope of a 100. foot are drawn out to meet them who giving them a resolute Charge forced them to an Orderly Retreat but being seconded by Straughan's whole body of Horse they again maintained their ground resolutely Charging upon the Marquesses main body the Islanders immediately threw down their Arms and cryed for quarter but the Holsteiners and Hamburgers made an Orderly retreat for the present into some bushes which having a short time defended they were at last enforced to yeild This was a sad blow to his Majesties affairs in Scotland there being great hopes that had Montross succeeded and kept them in play both Kirk and State would have come to milder Conditions with him Yet the Marquess himselfe escaped for the present out of this Battel Though there were hear two hundred slain and twelve hundred taken in the field for the Countrey coming in upon them few escaped Amongst the Prisoners of note there were taken Col. Hurry the Lord Frenderick Sir Francis Hay of Dalgettey Col. Hay of Noughton Col. Gray and several other Officers together with the Kings Standard which contained this Emphaticall Motto JUDGE AND REVENG MY CAUSE O LORD and whereon was pourtrayed to the life the Effigies of his Majesties Father beheaded But long it was not ere this thrice Heroick Marquess fell into the hands of these cruel Obdurate inveterate enemies for though when he saw the Battell at a losse he had saved himselfe by escaping out of the field and had afterwards to disguise himselfe changed his
Charters who being put in hopes of life by the perfidious Kirk upon his recantation made a long speech upon the Scaffold acknowledging his Apostacy from the Covenant and desiring to be reconciled to the Kirk but had notwithstanding his head struck off This was the fatall and Tragicall Event of his Majesties affairs in Scotland under Montrosse's Conduct let us now turn to see how the treaty at Breda went on in the mean time But before I proceed any further give me leave to speak a word or two concerning the Magnanimous Col. Will. Sibbalds who say some confessed himselfe guilty of the Murther of D. Dorislaus the English Agent at the Hague which I must ingeniously confesse I believe upon good ground to be only a Calumny and scandal raised from the so far extended Marice of his enemies for I can find nothing either in his speech at Death or in any Records of credit tending to such a confession though much against any likelyhood of it nor can I imagine that any man could with so much resolution as he dyed with part from this world and have so great a load and blot upon Conscience But to proceed Great debates there were in the mean time between his Majesty and the Scotch Commissioners concerning the Treaty and great demurs there were upon it for besides the striving of some Lords who had a kind of a serious Antipathy to the Scots perfidiousness and endeavoured to perswade his Majesty not to trust them who had betrayed his Father The King himselfe stuck highly as he had reason about the business of of taking the Covenant For 1. There was no reason why he should be enforced to relinquish the Religion of his Fathers and whilst he permitted to his Subjects Liberty of Conscience it would be very inconsistent with their so earnestly pretended desires of a peace and agreement to deny him the same priviledge which he gave them 2. That Covenant tendered and so earnestly prest upon him by them was an Obligatory Covenant to bind the Subjects to him and not for him to swear to and therefore he judged it sufficiently satisfactory to pass an act for the peoples taking it Whilst these demurs and delayes were in the Treaty the Scotch Commissioners give a visit to the Illustrious Prince of Orange whom they intreat to be a Mediator between them and their King His Majesty likewise withdrawes himselfe for some time from Breda to the Hague there to advise with his Aunt the Queen of Bohemia the Prince of Orange and other friends about what he were best to resolve on or determine But the Estates of Scotland though their proposed Conditions were already unreasonable yet resolve to add more weight to the scale the Earl of Carnworth and Mr. Murrey are sent over to the Commissioners at Breda with new instructions and propositions As 1. That his Maiesty should confirm all Acts done in some late Sessions of Parliament without any exception 2. That neither Montross nor any of his adherents be admitted to come into the Kingdome of Scotland But notwithstanding the harshness of the Conditions the King is earnestly pressed to come to a full conclusion with the Scots Though many Lords of the contrary faction pleaded for an utter rejection of their propositions alleadging to his Majesty That the Covenanters horid perfidousness to his Father might be a sufficient motive and inducement for him not to trust them That the more willing he was to condiscend to their Propositiōs the more impudent they were still in proposing things most unreasonable That should he accept of their Conditions they would so tye up his hands that he would be then but a King only in Title which he was without them On the other side the Earl of Lauderdale the Lord Wilmot Piercy and others of his Majesties Council who stood for an accomodation with the Scots urged That his Majesties affairs both in Ireland under the Marquess of Montross and in the Navy under Prince Pupert were in so weak and tottering a Condition that no helpe could be expected from them That all the Princes in Europe were so imbroyled in Wars of their own that it was in vain to crave any Forreign aid that therefore there was no way left for his Majesty to regain his lost Rights and Kingdoms but by complying with his Subjects of Scotland and though it were upon such Conditions as would at first seem harsh those Curbs might in time possession got be thrown off by degrees these reasons swayed with his Majesty the Treay went on with a clearer face then formerly But now there happens a strong demur or as most supposed a business that would wholly break off the Treaty for the newes of Montrosse's ignominious death being come to Breda extreamly incensed the whole Court and those who were against the Treaty bestirred themselves strongly still endeavouring to avert the King wholly from it by telling him That they had by thus murthering his Leiutennant Demonstrated to the World what they would do to him if they had him in their power That it was an act of rashnesse and desperation to trust them or to have any more to do with such a perfidious generation That they only cunningly and subtilly endeavoured to entrap him that they might destroy him But notwithstanding their heat his Majesty conceals his anger which doubtless could not but be great for the death and the so Ignominious death of so good and loyal a subject and Servant and that too in his quarrel and for obeying his just commands only he expresses his resentment of their so strange proceedings to the Committee of Estates by a Message sent by Mr. Murrey to this effect That it could not but grieve and perplex him to hear that whilst they pretended to conclude a peace they proceeded in the way of War and that whilst they treated of an accord with him they shed the bloud of his best Subjects and that in such a manner that if true as reported they could not imagine but it must extreamly incense him he therefore desired them to give him an account of their businesse To this they return Answer That their affections were still reall to him that it rejoyced their very soules to hear that he would be willing to concur with them in a peace and agreement That as for the Death of Montross they desired it might be no obstacle in the way for that they did nothing in it but with a reall intention to promote his interest Thus they endeavoured to excuse them selves but it was not their excuse nor their so many reiterated Protestations of fidelity but the necessity of the Kings affairs which drew him not long after to conclude the Treaty at Breda notwithstanding the violent opposers of it by condescending to most of their desires The conclusion of the Treaty was soon carried to Edenbrough where the Parliament being met it was yet by some of those who favoured the Secterian party in England
Ordinances of this Parliament passed or to be passed enjoyning the same in my other Dominions And that I shall observe these in mine own practice Family shall never make opposition to any of those or endeavour any change thereof The King having thus solemnly sworn the Nationall covenant the solemn League and Covenant with the oath subjoined was by him under written in the presence of them all which done the King ascended the other Stage and sat down in the Throne Then the Lords great Constable and Marshall went to the four corners of the Stage Lyon king at Arms going before them who spake these words to the people Sirs I do present unto you the King CHARLES the Rightfull and undoubted Heir of the Crown Dignitie of this Realm this day is by the Parliament of this Kingdom appointed for his Coronation And are you not willing to have him for your King and become subject to his commandements At this Action the King stood up and shewed himselfe to the people round about who expressed their consent by their joyfull acclamations crying God save King CHARLES the Second Then his Majesty descended from his Throne into the Chair where he sat to hear the Sermon of whom the Minister accompanied with some others of his tribe demand if he were willing to take the Coronation Oath according as it was contained in the eight Act of the first Parliament of King James the VI. his Royall Grandfather The King answered he was most willing Then was the oath read aloud by Lyon king at Armes in these words Because that the increase of Virtue suppressing Idolatry craveth that the Prince and people be of one perfect Religion which of GOD'S mercy is now presently professed within this Realm Therefore it is statuted and ordained by our Soveraigne Lord the Lord Regent and three Estates of this present Parliament that all Kings Princes and Magistrates whatsoever holding their place which hereafter at any time shall happen to reign bear rule over this Realm at the time of their Coronation and receit of their Princely Authority make their faithfull promise in the presence of the eternall God That enduring the whole course of their lives they shall serve the same Eternall God to the utmost of their power according as he hath required in his most holy Word revealed and contained in the new and old Testaments according to the same words shall maintaine the true Religion of Christ Jesus the preaching of his holy Word and the due and right ministration of the Sacraments now received and preached within this Realm and shall abolish gainstand all false Religions contrary to the same and shall rule the people committed to their charge according to the will command of God revealed in his foresaid Word and according to the laudable Laws and Constitutions received in this Realm no wayes repugnant to the said Word of the Eternal GOD and shall procure to the utmost of their power to the Kirk of GOD whole Christian people true and perfect peace in time coming The rights and rents with all just Priviledges of the Crown of Scotland to preserve and keep inviolated neither shall they transfer or alienate the the same They shall forbid and repress all in all estates and Degrees Leases Oppression and all kind of Wrong in all Judgement They shall command and procure that Justice and Equity be kept to all Creatures without exception as the Lord and Father of mercies be merciful unto them And out of their Lands and Empire they shall be careful to root out all Hereticks and enemies to the true worship of God that shall be convict by the true Kirk of GOD of the aforesaid Crimes that he shall faithfully affirm the things above written by the solemn Oath The Oath thus read the Minister tendred it to the King who kneeling holding up his right hand sware thus By the Eternal and Almighty GOD who liveth and reigneth for ever I shall observe and keep all that is contained in this Oath Then was the King disrobed by the Lo. Chamberlain berlain of the Princely Robe with which he entred the Church and vested with his Royal Robes and so supported as before he removed to the Chair placed on the North side of the Kirk whither the sword was first brought from the table by Sir William Cockburn of Langtown Gentleman-usher who delivers it to the great Chamberlain and he making a short speech delivers it to his Majesty by whom it was given into the great Constable's hands and by him girt to the King's side Then his Majesty sitting down in the Chair the spurs are put on him by the Earl Marshall After which Archibald Marquesse of Argyle takes the Crown into his hands and after a short prayer made by the Minister put it upon his Majesties head which done Lyon King at Arms the great Constable standing by him called the Nobility one by one who came all and kneeling and touching the Crown upon the Kings head with their right hand Swore thus By the Eternall and Almighty God who liveth and raigneth for ever I shall support thee to the uttermost The obligatory Oath was likewise read to the people they holding up their hands Lastly after the Earls of Craford Lindsey had deliver'd his Majesty the Scepter he returned again to the Stage where he was installed in the Throne by the Marquess of Argyle and after a short exhortation of Master Robert Douglass returned to the Pallas with the Crown upon his head in the same manner as he came This is a full relation of the ceremonies performed at his Majesties Coronation at Scone on the first of January 1650 which I the rather fully insert because the World may take notice of those hard Covenant Pills which the Kirk-men made him swallow Presently after the coronation the King Nobles return'd in a most solemn manner to S. Iohns town the Kings Majesty having a guard to attend him confisting of most Lords and Gentlemens sons and the Lord Lorne son to the Marquesse of Argyle was made Captaine of it And now his Majesty intends with all possible speed the raising of an Army for the Scots having had all this while no Army on the other side the Fife to oppose the English proceedings they had reduc'd all places there under their force even Edenbrough Castle it selfe to which effect he orders his Standard to be set up at Aberdeen himselfe nobly resolving to be Generalissimo of this army the other general commands were now given as well to the Royallists as Presbyterians For Duke Hamilton was made Lieut. General of the Army and Middleton Lieut. General of the Horse The Levies came in a pace to the general Randezvouze which was appointed on the East part of Fife whither his Majesty in person went to encourage his Souldiers whom he found both increasing in their numbers and much rejoyced at his presence The Parliament of Scotland which had
Count D' Fuensaldaigne his Embassadour to his Majesty of Great Britain then resident as I said before at Colen inviting him into the Low Countries and assuring him in the name of his Catholick Majesty all possible service and assistance which invitation his Majesty gratiously accepted and soon after took his journey from Colen towards Flanders being come to Bruges the place appointed for his reception he was received with all honours imaginable and conducted to a Pallace purposely provided for him where he hath for the most part ever since remained Hither the Duke of York came accompanied as aforesaid having first in his way touched at Brussels where he was magnificently entertained and complemented by Don John to whom he freely proferd his service in the Wars which was accepted with a great deal of thanks and though he had not at first a command given him corespondent to that which he left in the French Army yet was his prudence courage valour conduct in no less respect as afterwards by the Spaniards esteem of him appeared From thence he went to wait on his Majesty at Bruges where he was received with an affection correspondent to the near Alliance with his sacred Majesty Before his Majesties departure from Colen there hapned a discovery of one of those persons who under pretence of waiting upon him Captain Manning by name discovered unto the Protector all his Designes and Counsels who being found out was by his Majesties Command sent to a strong Castle adjacent to Colen there to be kept close prisoner But all the Court being highly incensed against him for his perfidiousness one of his Majesties Servants though contrary to order pistol'd him as he was lighting out of the Coach at the Castle gate giving him less then the due reward of his so abominable treachery The Duke of York being arrived as I said at Bruges was highly carressed by all the persons of quality there resident and his Majesty who notwithstanding Cromwells earnest endeavours either to dispatch disable or make slaves of his loyal Subjects had nevertheless some true friends in England who were still ready to venture lives and estates for his so just cause had got together a considerable number of such English and Scotch whose Loyalty had banished them from their habitations who were ready at all occasions to assist both his Majesty and themselves for the recovery of his their just rights estates but the continuall advice which Cromwell alwaies had from those treacherous persons which he maintained about his Majesty made all enterprizes tending to the regaining of his Kingdoms and redeeming of his subjects liberty ineffectuall This Army which his Majesty had quartered near the sea side to be ready on all occasions for transport was afterwards since there was no apparent hopes that his Majesty might make any successfull use of them imployed in the service of the King of Spain For his Majesty of Spain had then great need of men in Flanders the English Protector having according to Articles agreed upon between him and the French King sent over sixthousand foot for his assistance in his wars against Flanders in consideration of which help the English were to have Dunkirk which was agreed on to be beleaguer'd by the joynt-forces of France and England Whilst in the mean time the Protector Cromwell is by a parcell of a Parliament of which Sir Thomas Withrington was Speaker invested with his power and installed in Westminster-Hall and now he conferrs those dignities which were formerly the Kingly rewards of loyalty upon his copartners and followers and whether in mockery of that Government which he had so violently endeavoured to abollish or out of perjured intention to setle it in himself which he swore not to endure in another he established a Pageant House of Lords who though then made to rule and domineer over the Nation yet were formerly most of them persons not fit to be Servants to some mean Mechanicks This was that Government which he had so Solemnly sworn against but when men have once forgot their Loyalty to their Soveraign what vices will they not run into But to return again to Flanders The English and French Armies had according to the articles concluded on betwixt them beleagure'd Dunkirk which Don Iohn knowing to be a place of great importance and an inlet into Flanders by sea for English Forces used his utmost endeavours to raise the sieges to which effect he levied what Forces he could either by his own or his Majesties influence and having made up a considerable Army himselfe in person accompanied by the English Dukes of York Glocester together with those Forces formerly addicted to his Majesties Service advanced towards the joynt-force of the French and English then beleaguring the Town who understanding by their scouts of his approach left such Forces in the leagure as might secure them within from a sally and drew up towards Don Iohn who had encamped near Evernes the French and English were notwithstanding those forces they had left in the trenches much more numerous then the Spaniards both in horse and foot which made them the more resolved in the Encounter for though the others came to raise the siege yet the besiegers were the first Assaulters The first brush began with a Forlorn hope of English Infantry consisting of above three hundred who desperatly charged upon a party of the Spanish Foot which had advantagiously drawn themselves upon a rising ground and seconded by Lockart's Regiment commanded by Lieutenant Colonell Fenwick and some other additional supplies of English Infantry routed not only them but the other bodies of Spanish Foot drawn up on the same manner In this charge Lieutenant Colonell Fenwick received his mortall wound some other English Commanders were slain outright The Spanish Cavalry seeing their foot so easily put to a rout began likewise to flie nor could by any endeavours be perswaded to stand whereupon the French Horse who had all that while stood still and seen the English do execution on the Enemies foot with a full career pursue their flying Enemies of whom they found little opposition but only what was made by the thrice valiant Duke of York's Regiment who for a time made the whole French Army to stand and saved the lives of many of their flying Friends which else had been sacrificed to the Enemies fury whilst in the mean time they dedicated their own lives or persons to their safeties For after they had made a very noble gallant resistance over powred by numbers having no supplies to refresh their wearied bodies they were forced to yeild to their Enemies numbers or trust to the swiftness of their horses heels but very few of them escaped among which were the Dukes of York Glocester though the first was not heard of till three daies after which made some suspect that he was taken by the French Forces but by Turine after at a fit opportunity nobly
Lambert's Soulders deserting him and Generall Monck according to their orders marching up his Army quite through England Yet the Nation had so great hopes of the Noble General that in all his passage through England he is courted with Addresses from the Gentry of every County remonstrating the distractions they long had and were still like to lye under and intreating that he would be as they hoped hee 'd prove the Deliverer and saver of his Countrey that to settle them in some way of Government a Parliament might be called by the Free Votes of the people that they might no longer be Govern'd by such Wolves as only made a Prey of them nor their Governours be subjected to the awe force of an Exorbitant Army To all these desires he returned answers promising such things as might be for the good of the Nation But being come to London where he was received with a great deal of joy he put the people almost quite out of hopes of him nay rather into a fear that in stead of proving their deliverer he would be the means to enslave them for by the cōmandment of the Rump he enters the City with his whole Army imprisons many of their Common Council digs up their Posts and breakes down their Gates whilst the stupifi'd Citizens having now fear added to their slavery durst hardly murmur at it but with sighs nods bid adieu to their Liberty Yet notwithstanding this violence the Noble Generall revives their hopes retiring himself into the City refusing to be subject to the Juncto's command shortly after he admitts those Members of the House of Commons which were in 1648. forceably excluded by the Army for having given their Votes that the Kings Concessions at the Isle of Wight Treaty were sufficient grounds for a Peace and settlement who having taken their places in the House we had now got a step towards our ancient happiness one of the three Estates of the Kingdom viz. the House of Commons being permitted to sit freely a thing not known to us in twelve precedent yeares God of heaven of his mercy to these Nations grant that the other two may in his due time be admitted to the discharge of their power and trust that these Nations once so famous under that Government may no longer continue to be the scorne and derision of foraign Countries And great hopes there is now that these Kingdomes may again return to be happy since disloyalty the first cause of their miseries and distractions begins blessed be God every day to be depressed and loyalty to flourish many of those who formerly with a zealous fury broak their oath of Allegiance to their King wishing now that they had a King to shew allegiance to perceiving that al innovations of Government are not what some would have them seem to be viz. ways to liberty freedom but meer baits of ambitious self-minded men to hook in the people to slavery But to return to his Majesty in Flanders of whose jtenary life we have already given you a particular account it will not be impertinent to say somwhat of his sedentary retired Living that by his Aeconomy we may judge of his Monarchy and of the Government of those few subjects in his Family of that of his three Kingdoms His Majesty hath spent most of his time wherein he hath been out of his Dominions in Flanders under the protection of the Catholick King of Spain nor had he ever any where else so settled a Court and Habitation as here where his chief Attendants are the Lord Chancellour Hide the Marquess of Ormond the Earl of Norwich the Lord Wentworth the Lord Digby and many other Nobles and Gentlemen whose loyalty to his sacred Majesty his Royall Father hath made exiles to their Country a particular number of which he makes use of for his Councill doing nothing without serious mature advice and yet being of so sagatious a judgement that whatever he sayes is seldome contradicted by the most Judicious of his Councellours not out of fear or flattery but out of a reall assent to and concurrence with his judgement And indeed those great opportunities which he hath had by his so long being abroad of diving into the great Councels of Forraign Princes and States must necessarily make him a person of a very perspicuous understanding endow him with all those qualities which may deservedly attain the name of Great and render him as well an able Statist as a King he having during his expulsion travelled through lived in the Countries of three the most potent Princes in Christendome viz. the Emperour 's of Germany and the Kings of Spain and France and so to the Germain resolution added the Spaniards prudence and the Frenchmans expedition To these extraordinary helps which never a Prince in Christendome can boast of we may yet add those more then ordinary gifts wherewith nature hath been pleased to endow him which being so extreamly improved we can hardly now discern but that it may be known what they were take the character of an Honourable Lord upon his death Bed who speaking of him when about fiteen or sixteen Years of Age hath these words Truly I never saw greater hopes of vertue in any young Person then in him Great Judgement great understanding strong apprehension much of honour in his nature a very perfect Englishman in his inclinations So that both nature industry have seemed to use their utmost endeavours to make him a perfect Prince his very affliction turning in this to his benefit and making him in knowledge and sufferings the Refiner of knowledge unparalleld Some forreign Princes as well envying as pitying his expulsion This perfect knowledge of his he hath indeed had but small occasion to practise except a little in Scotland where I think he demonstrated himself a person so prudent and careful in his affairs that is beyond my Pen's expression His Subjects good was his only care nor did he ever act any thing but what might tend more to theirs then his own interest still consulting whether it might benefit them not himself His Letter to Col. Mackworth Governour of Shrewsbury sufficiently demonstrates his affection to his very Enemies he would win not Conquer the Hearts of those who though they have broke their Allegiance to him yet he would esteem still his subjects He would not conquer with bloud lest he should be thought a Tyrant He endeavours by fair means to attain the love of his Subjects that what ever his very enemies think of him he may approve himself to be a just Prince And did Fortune give him power yet would he rather attempt Curtesie then Force He knows that whilst he kills a Subject he weakens his Kingdom Rebels themselves may be found usefull and though justice cannot yet his Majesties Clemency will admit their pardon but if they resist to the utmost their bloud is on their own heads what man is not willing to