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B11964 A copy of a letter, vvritten by M. Doctor Carier beyond seas, to some particular friends in England. VVhereunto are added certaine collections found in his closet, made by him (as is thought) of the miserable ends of such as haue impugned the Catholike Church. To which also is annexed a briefe exhortation to perseuere constantly in the said Catholike Church, what opposition soeuer may occurre, and the danger of liuing out of the same; and lastly, a few examples of the admirable prosperity, of such as haue defended the Catholike Church Carier, Benjamin, 1566-1614. 1615 (1615) STC 4621; ESTC S118628 25,589 43

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of Monkes and religious persons was killed with lightning and fire from heauen MAVRITIVS the Emperour who persecuted S. Gregory the Great was slaine of a common souldier his wife and all his children before put to death in his owne sight and so cried Iustus es Domine rectum iudicium tuum Thou art just O Lord and righteous is thy judgement Blondus lib. 3. Decad. 1. CONSTANS the Nephew of Heraclius banished Pope Martine for which he was hated of all his subiects saith Zonoras and so leauing Constantinople liued in Cicely and there was killed in the Bathe of his owne people about him Paul Diac. lib. 18. MICHAEL Emperour the sonne of Theophilus which behaued himselfe proudly against Pope Nicholas the first and most iniuriously deposed Ignatius the Patriarch of Constantinople when he went drunke to bed one night standing at his bed side was slaine of his owne domesticals Zonor Annal. tom 3. in Constante Michaele CONSTANTINVS PROGNATVS the son of Leo Isauricus a most cruell persecutor of the Catholike Clergie was stricken with fire from heauen and so died blaspheming Sigeb ad Ann. 778. These wonderfull and notable judgements of God Almightie happened to the greatest Princes in the East which persecuted Christ Iesus in his Vicars c. And there haue beene no lesse renowned in the West PERSECVTORS IN THE WEST CHVRCH HENRY the fourth the first of the Westerne Emperours which opposed himselfe against the Church after many iniuries offered thereunto being excommunicate by Gregory the 7. was depriued of his Empire by his owne sonne and at last forsaken of all died in great calamitie in exile out of the limits of the Empire Nauclerus vol. 3. gener 37. FREDERICVS BARBAROSSA which for many years persecuted the Church of God very rebellious and proud against the See Apostolike when he was bathing himselfe in a riuer for his pleasure in Cilicia was drowned of a sodaine and so ended Naucl. gen 40. OTHO the fourth after exceeding great iniuries done to the Church throughout all Italy being assaulted in warre and put to flight by Philip the French King in low Germany a little after died a priuate man in Saxony Staplet in prompt mor. in dom pass text 4. FREDERICVS the second a most cruell persecutor not onely of the See Apostolique but of all the Clergie throughout the whole Empire excommunicated by Innocent the fourth was slaine of his bastard sonne Manfrede in Apulia as some write poysoned as others report hanged and all his race following the steps of their wicked father came to the like miserable end His eldest sonne Conradus for like cause excommunicated by Innocent the forth was killed by the same Manfrede in Apulia And the same Manfrede entring vpon the Kingdomes of Apulia and Sicilia being himselfe a cruell enemie of the Church excommunicated by Alexander the fourth was vanquished and put to flight by Charles brother to the King of France whom Vrbane the fourth declared King of Sicilia and Apulia CONRADINVS sonne to the said Conrade vanquished by the said Charles was put to death And Eutius the other son of Frederick the second after many warres made against the Church being taken of the Bononians was committed to perpetuall imprisonment and so all the race and stock of the sacrilegious Emperour great in number and power in short time extinct left to posteritie an example of their wicked rebellions against God and his Church LEWES the fourth Emperour twice excommunicate by the See Apostolike in whose defence against the immunities and priuiledges of the Church of Rome those Poets and Rhetoritians for this cause infamous Petrarcha Dante 's Marsilius and Io. Occhamus Schoole-man write so many things God almightie judgeing this cause when he was a hunting taken sodainly with a palsey of all his members falling from his horse died sodainly Memorable it is which Nicephorus writeth of Narcissus Bishop of Hierusalem Three maleuolous persons falsely accused this holy Bishop wishing euill to themselues if they dealt falsely The first that he would be burnt The second that he should die of the falling euill or some other detestable disease The third wished his eyes out of his head But Gods diuine reuenge not sleeping the first with al his house kinsfolkes and substance was burnt by one sparke that fell from a candle The second was taken with a most grieuous disease which entred vpon his whole body The third forthwith confesseth the deceitfull dealing and fraudulent proceeding ceased not to weepe and shed teares vntill he perceiued with his teares to lose the strength and sight of his eyes These torments of few may be examples for all THE VNHAPPY ENDS OF ARCH-HERETICKES ALthough God almighty punisheth and scourgeth his seruants and children yet alwayes at last he casteth the rod into the fire Deut. 32. Laudate Gentes populum eius quia sanguinem seruorum suorum vlciscetur vindictam retribuet in hostes eorum You Gentiles praise his people because he will reuenge the bloud of his seruants and will repay vengeance vpon their enemies This thing is manifest by that which is aboue-written And it may further appeare by the vnhappy and miserable ends of Apostataes and Arch-heretiques As first of SIMON MAGVS when he began to flie he was throwne downe by the prayers of Saint Peter brake his legges and a little after died with great ignominy Hegesip lib. 3. cap. 2. de excid Hierosol Arnob. lib. 2. contra Gentes MANICHAEVS was flayed aliue by the King of Persians not for his Heresie or his faith and religion but for that taking in hand to cure the Kings sonne he killed him Epiphan haeres 66. MONTANVS THEODORVS and their prophetesses hanged themselues Euseb lib. 5. hist cap. 16. Certaine Donatistes when they did cast the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist to the dogs were of the same dogs torne in peeces Optat. lib. 2. contra Parmenianum ARIVS when hee was going to the Church with great pompe was sodainly troubled with ache in his belly and so forced to diuert a priuy or house of office and there together with his excrements auoided both his entrailes and his life Witnesse S. Athanasius Orat. 1. contra Arianos Ruffin lib. 10. histor cap. 13. IVLIAN the Apostata was slaine from heauen miraculously he was neuer buried but as saith S. Gregory Nazianzen in his Oration made in praise of S. Athanasius neere the end the earth of it selfe opened and swallowed him vp VALFNS the Arian which succeeded Iulian in persecuting Catholikes was burned aliue by the Gothes which also were Arians Ruffin lib. 2. hist cap. 13. NESTORIVS perished most miserably his tongue being eaten and consumed with wormes Euag. lib. 1. hist c. 7. ANASTATIVS the Emperour a fauourer of the E●tichian Heretikes was killed with lightning as write Cedronus and Paul the Deacon in his life LEO ICONOMACHVS that is Image-breaker burned sacred Images in the open market place of Constantinople Presently after which fact the pestilence consumed three hundred thousand
worthy to be noted that such as diuided themselues by any Schisme in the old Law were most seuerely punished as for example Chore Dathan and Abiron and their complices to the number of foureteene thousand and seuen hundreth men besides many others that perished in the sedition before These rebelled against Moses their lawfull Superiour IEROBOAM who vpon a diuellish policie drew the people from the true worship and seruice of God to Idolatry and Schisme God almightie so punished him as he left not one of his seed to pisse against a wall 3. King 14. So as wee may plainly see there is no wisdome no prudence no counsell against God These Politicks take a wrong course to aduance and continue their states and families for Nisi Dominus aedificauerit domum c. Vnlesse our Lord build the house they labour in vaine that build it Psal 126. for these Houses Kingdomes and States that are founded by such Machieuellian policies neuer continue long as appeareth most euidently Psal 16. Noli ●mulari in malignantibus neque Zelaueris facientes iniquitatem c. Reade the whole Psalme wherein it is said the impious and wicked enemies of God shall wither away as grasse vanish as smoke their seed and very reliques shall perish though for a while they flourish neuer so much and be neuer so highly exalted encreased and multiplied in the world yet shall they come in short time to confusion and destruction As God almighty dealt with IEROBOAM Author of that notorious Schisme and diuision so likewise did hee to Baaza Zamri and Achab Kings of Israel for that saith the third booke of Kings they walked in the wayes of Ieroboam that is because they continued the Schisme and did not reduce the Israelites to the true worship and seruice of God You shal find that of all those God almighty left not one to pisse against a wall for this is the phrase of Scripture in that place These are dreadfull examples of Gods seuere justice against the Authors fauourers and maintainers of Schisme against God his Church and Kingdome To these might be added a great many more which euery where occurre in the old Testament Reade Psalme 82. where you shall see a great number of Kings and Princes which sought to destroy Gods people to come to miserable ends These seeking to ouerthrow Gods Kingdome doe nothing lesse but they incurre his heauy wrath and indignation to their owne vtter ruine confusion and extirpation Of all this before written wee may gather that God almightie hath a singular prouidence ouer his Church and Kingdome he neither slumbreth nor sleepeth which keepeth Israel Psal 120. Tyrants persecutors and foolish people may oppose themselues against it seeke to extinguish it but all in vaine Qui haebitat in coelis irridebit eos Dominus subsannabit eos He that dwelleth in the heauen will laugh them to scorne c. Psal 2. God almightie doth gratiously protect his Church and though he suffer it to be mightily impugned yet faciet cum tentatione prouentum hee will make with temptation issue The Catholike Church and Kingdome of our Sauiour Christ hath by this meanes beene maruailously encreased and propagated as all Ecclesiasticall writers perspicuously testifie as contrariwise the enemies thereof haue most miserably perished and come to confusion CERTAINE MEMORABLE EXAMPLES OF GODS SEVERE REVENGE AGAINST such as were rebellious and iniurious to Priests of the olde Law 1 OF CHORE DATHAN and ABIRON we haue spoken before how themselues and al that belonged vnto them was swallowed vp of the earth Numb 16. 2 MARIA the sister of MOSES for murmuring against him was punished with a leprosie Num. 12. 3 SAVL because he obeyed not Samuel the Prophet lost his Kingdome 1. King 31. 4 ACHAB for contemning the Prophet Micheas and cast him into prison was slaine in warre 3. King 22. and Ioram the sonne of Achab and all his progeny were slaine by Iehu That I may reuenge saith the Prophet vnto Iehu the bloud of my seruants the Prophets and the bloud of all the seruants of our Lord from the hand of Iesabel 4. King 9. IOAS who slew Zachary the Priest and Prophet in the porch of the house of God was punished most grieuously Paralip 24. For the yeare following the Syrians came into Iudea and Ierusalem and slew all the Princes of the people and sent all the prey vnto the King of Syria into Damasco and whereas there came but a small number of the Syrians yet God deliuered an infinite multitude into their hands and Ioas they punished with all ignominy and reproch and left him in great sicknes and misery And his owne seruants rose vp against him to reuenge the bloud of the sonne of Ioiad● the Priest and they slew him in his bed AMASIAS King of Iuda because hee contemned the Prophet of God c. was deliuered into the hands of Ioas King of Israel being spoiled of all he had and afterwards slaine of his owne seruants 2. Paralip 25. O●IAS his son because he vsurped Priestly function and authority was stricken with a leprosie 2. Paral. 26. And that which Christ spake in the Gospell the bloud of all the Prophets from the bloud of Abel the Iust vnto the bloud of Zacharie the Prophet shall be required at your hands Luk. 11. hath terribly expressed this reuenge of almightie God for the dispersion of the Iewes throughout all the whole world vntill this day is nothing else but the just reuenge of almightie God for the bloud of Christ and all the Prophets EXAMPLES OF GODS SEVERE PVNISHMENTS AGAINST SVCH AS CONtemne Bishops and Priests BY many example precedent as also by these ensuing collected out of Histories Ecclesiasticall and prophane it may appeare how Emperours Kings and Princes which would not be obedient children to Gods Church but persecuted the same haue come to miserable ends CONSTANTIVS fauouring the Arians after hee had banished Liberius Pope Athanasius also Bishop of Alexandria and many other Catholike Bishops and had arrogated and taken to himselfe to heare and know all causes Ecclesiasticall as at large sheweth Saint Athanasius ep ad Sol. v. ag whilest he persecuted Iulian c. ended his life in an obscure place and in great torment of conscience As at large describeth Ammian Marcellin l. 22. hist VALENS who banished the Catholikes into obscure places and vsed all rigour and seueritie against them was punished with like measure himselfe with his Princes in the warre against the Gothes flying into an old house was with all his Princes burned and the house ouer their heads Ammian Marcel l. 31. This Emperour cast the holy religious man Isacius into prison as Achab did Micheas the Prophet VALENTINIAN the yonger who many wayes vexed Saint Ambrose to make him yeeld a Church vnto the Heretikes and threatned to exile him was hanged by his owne seruants ignominiously shortly after ANASTATIVS the Emperour excommunicated of Pope Gelasius was an extreame persecutor as well of Bishops as