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A56890 Fortune in her wits, or, The hour of all men written in Spanish by the most ingenious Don Francisco de Quivedo Villegas ... ; translated into English by Capt. John Stevens.; Fortuna con seso. English Quevedo, Francisco de, 1580-1645.; Stevens, John, d. 1726. 1697 (1697) Wing Q188; ESTC R5377 77,088 150

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Allegiance will be secured abroad and fewer Enemies will remain at home Do not venture your Person in which we venture our all and which alone secures all for from the Speakers opinion I gather he Plots like a Papist and does not advise like a Councellor The whole Assembly fell into confusion and in this disorder the Hour began and the King changing colour said You two instead of Advising have Distracted me One says if I go not abroad in Person my Enemies will deprive me of my Kingdom The other that if I go it will be taken away by my Subjects so that you will have me stand more in awe of my Subjects than of my Enemies The Condition I am reduced to is Deplorable It remains that every one of you within 24 hours lay before me by whose and by what means I am reduced to this pass naming Persons and Causes without sparing one another otherwise I shall suspect you all for the blame lies only among you that advise me for I am now resolved to attend my Affairs both at home and abroad The King of France goes abroad without having Issues or hopes of it and leaves a Kingdom divided on several accounts the Nobility stained with the Blood of Montmorency the Huguenots supprest but not without thoughts of revenge the Country eaten up with Taxes and the whole Kingdom groaning under the Oppression of the Prime Minister and you would have me who have Issue and less Obstacles to obstruct me stay to rock and play with my Children France and Holland are become formidable because I have lived at home at my ease if I appear not abroad they will be my ruin If I stay for fear of my Subjects I encourage them to contemn me If once my Enemies are assured I cannot go abroad I shall not be able to secure my self against them and if I go abroad and perish at least I shall gain the Honour of the Attempt and prevent the Scandal of Cowardice That King who acts not himself in defence of his Crown furnishes them with an Excuse who do not assist him It will be unjust to punish those that follow his Example for he cannot be Judge of the Crime he taught nor condemn what was learnt of him by those who imitate him in forsaking the Defence of their Country Be gone all of you immediately and consult according to your Duty what is best for my Service preferring it before your own Lives and my Quiet for I promise the more sharp the truth you deliver shall be the better I will look upon it and do not perplex me with the pretence of carrying all the Nobility along with me for Experience demonstrates that no Man ever assembled them in an Army but he lost them and himself The Rings measured by the Bushel at Cannas testifie it to the unspeakable sorrow of Rome So the Wood of Pavia made the Sepulcher of all the French Nobility and of their Kings Liberty So the Spanish Armada under the Duke of Medina Sidonia which coming to invade this Kingdom enriched the Shoars with its Wreck And so King Sebastian who lost his Nobility his Crown and his Life in Africk The Nobility united causes Confusion and occasions Ruin because they know not how to Command and will not Obey and consequently their Pride breaks an Military Discipline I will take with me a few that have gained Experience the rest shall stay to be a Check to the Licentiousness of the Multitude and a Curb to Mutiniers I have Occasion for such Men as think they cheat me in exposing their Lives for Six-pence a day not for those who having exhausted my Treasure that they might go claim a Title to my Revenue because they went It were good that all the Nobility were Trained yet it were not safe Private Persons must not Arm Madmen nor Kings the Nobility Take this along with you by way of Instruction and there will be the less to distract your Consultations and my Resolution will the sooner take effect The Jews and Monopanti in Councel for embroiling Christendom and draining its Wealth At Thessalonica a City of Macedonia seated at the bottom of the Gulph to which it gives its Name and subject to the Emperor of Constantinople by the appointment of Rabbi Saadias Rabbi Racabarbaniel Rabbi Salomon and Rabbi Nisin was held a general Assembly of the Deputies of all the Jews in Europe Thither resorted for the Synagogue at Venice Rabbi Samuel and Rabbi Maimon for that of Ragusa Rabbi Abenezra for that of Constantinople Rabbi Jacob for that of Rome Rabbi Chaminiel for that of Leghorn Rabbi Cersonni for that of Roan Rabbi Gavirol for that of Prague Rabbi Mosche for that of Vienna Rabbi Berchai for that of Amsterdam Rabbi Mier Armaac for that of Oran Rabbi Asepha for the Jews in Masquerade who Trade under the disguise of the Christian Habit and Language Rabbi David Bar Nachman With these joined the Monopanti a Republican People inhabiting certain Islands who lying in the Black Sea betwixt Moscovy and Tartary are politickly maintained against their fierce Neighbours rather by Cunning than force of Arms or strength of Fortifications The Natives are Men of inextricable Subtlety thorough-paced in Hypocrisie absolute Masters of Dissimulation and of so deceitful a Presence that all Religions and Nations take them for their own Trade gives them multiplicity of Faces and charges their Countenances and Interest shifts their Souls They are Governed by a Prince called Pragas Chincollos By his Order there came to this Sanhedrim Six of the most Learned Men in the Doctrine of Raking and Griping the first was called Philorgiros the second Erictotheos the third Danipe the fourth Arpi Trotono the fifth Pacasmazo and the sixth Daper Bazalas The Assembly seated themselves orderly according to the Preheminence of each Synagogue giving the First Seat to the Monopanti in Courtesie as they were Strangers After Silence was made Rabbi Saadias having repeated the Psalm In exitu Israel de Egypto made the following Speech We the first Generation of the World who are become the Offcast of all Ages and dispersed Multitude living in Captivity and miserable Contempt perceiving the whole World entangled in the inextricable Snares of Discord have assembled our selves together to consult our Interest amidst the present Tumults that we may raise our selves upon the Ruines of all others I conf●●s Captivity Plagues and Obstinacy are our Inheritance Fears and Jealousies are the first begotton of our Understandings and we were ever Malecontents against God ever valuing the Diety we made before that which made us From the first beginning his government was irksome to us and we followed the interpretation of the Devil in opposition to his Law When his Omnipotency governed us we rebelled when he gave us Governours we disobeyed Samuel who governed in his Name was thought burdensom and we gathering an ungrateful Assembly though God was our King asked of God another King He gave us Saul and him
debauch them that govern it for the Women they love are more prevalent with many than the Laws they read What the Devil said to the Woman took place with Adam of that God said to him The influence of the Devil is great over Human Hearts if he speaks through the Mouth of one of you Woman is a Rarity that ought to be feared and loved and it is very hard to fear and love the same thing He who loves only her hates himself and he who hates only her hates Nature What Law is there which your Tears will not blot out and what Equity is of force against your Smiles If we have Employments and Preferments it is you that spend the Profits in your Dresses You have but one Precedent to quote which is your Beauty When did you ever urge it that it did not take place Or Whoever saw it that did not submit If we suffer our selves to be bribed it is that we may bribe you If we strain the Laws and incline Justice it is for the most part because we advise with your Charms you run away with the Prize of the Villanies you command us to act and we are left with the Scandal of Corrupt Judges You envy us our Military Employments whereas you are beholding to War for the happiness of being left Widows and we for being buried in Oblivion among the Dead You complain that Adultery is a Capital Crime in you and not in us Why you Charming White Devils if one slip of yours Dishonours Parents and Children and stains a whole Generation how can you fancy Death too servere a Punishment whereas the Honour of many innocent Persons is infinitely valuable above the Life of a Criminal But let us judge by your Works how you value the Penalty You cannot count the Adulteries you are guilty of because they are innumerable and among us they are so rare we have nothing to count Death is a Punishment that deters others from falling into the same Crime but where does this appear by you To complain of our guarding you is to complain that we value you for no Man takes pains to secure what he despises By what I have said it appears you are absolute Ladies of all things all things are subject to you you enjoy Peace and are the occasion of War If you would aks that which many of you want ask for Moderation and Brains Scarce was the Word Brains out of his Lips when all the Women together discharged their Fury upon the Wretched Doctor in the Storm of Blows Scatches and Pinches and so outrageously did they pull his Beard and Hair that they left him as smooth as if he had been new Shaved and looked more like an old Woman than the Reverend Interpreter of the Law They ahd quite stifled him but that a multitude of People came in hearing he Noise and Outcries Among them a French Monsieur and an Italian Monseignor had already made known to one another their Displeasure by some good Bangs and saluted their Countenances with Cuffs followed by Kicks and such like Familiarities The Frenchman fretted with Rage and the Italian foamed with Anger Italians and Frenchmen flocked to them on all hands the Germans interposed and having with much difficulty appeased them asked the caused of their Strife The Frenchman gathering up with both Hands his Breeches which in the Scruffle were fallen over his Legs answered All Nations are met here this day to redress their Grievances and I among the rest was discoursing with others of my Countrymen concerning the miserable condition France is in at present and how the French are opprest under the Tyranny of Cardinal Richlieu I was laying open with what art he pretends the Kings Service at the same time he degrades him How he covers the Fox under the Purple Robe How by Embroiling all Christendom he diverts all from looking into his Practices How his Subtlety makes a Property of his Princes Favour And how he had put the Power of Sea and Land Governments Preferments Armies and Fleets into the hands of his Kindred and Confederates defaming the Nobility and raising the Unworthy I was putting my Countrymen in mind how the Mareschal D'Ancre was hacked and hewed in pieces and called to their remembrance Monsieur de Luisnes and how yet our King cannot rid himself of Prime Ministers shewing how this last was the only Friend to the other two whose Reputation he established by blackning his own I was discovering to them how of late years Traitors have hit upon the most pernicious Art that ever Hell invented for perceiving that to usurp Kingdoms is become Treason and that he who attempts it is punished as a Traitor the better of secure themselves in their wicked Practices they usurp the Kings calling themselves Favourites and thus instead of being punished as Traitors they are adored as Kings of Kings I was proposing do now propose and will again propose in the general meeting that for the perpetuating the Succeession establishing of Kingdoms and extirpating this Sect of Traitors an inviolable and indispensible Law should be enacted ordaining That whatsoever King of France shall subject himself to a Favourite he and his Heirs shall Ipso facto forfeit their Title to the Crown and their Subjects be absolved from their Oath of Allegiance for the Salique Law which excludes Femanes does not prevent so manifest a danger as this that cuts off Favourites I added that at the same time it should be ordained That whatsoever Subject under the Title presumed to usurp his King should suffer an infamous Death and forfeit all the Estate and Honours be stood possessed of his Name for ever remaining scandalous and execrable Now that distracted Bergamasco never considering what was said by me who never so much as once thought of the Nepotes of Rome called me Heretick saying that in detesting Favourites I detested the Nepotes for that Favourite and Nepos ●re two Names yet but one and the same thing and tho I had not spoke a Word tending to that mad Notion he attacked me as you all beheld The Germans with the rest of the Spectators were surprized and amazed With much difficulty the directed each to his Post and dispose the Multitude into a silent Auditory to hear the Propositions which were to be made in the Name of them all by a ruddy Lawer who had set them all a madding and put into their Heads such wild and extravagant Demands Two Trumpets gave the signal for silence when he standing upon an eminent place in the midst of the Multitude which swarmed about delivered himself in this manner The thing we all aim at is the general Liberty of all to be purchased by contriving how we may be subject to Justice not to Violence That Reason may govern us and not the absolute Power of the Will That we may belong to those who Inherit not to them that Ravish us That we may be the Care of Princes not their
resolved at once in several places to encroach upon the East and West They go to our Fleets for Gold and Silver as our Fleets go for it to the Indies They look upon it as the cheaper and shorter way to take it from those that bring it than from the Earth that produces it The negligence of an Admiral or the favour of a Storm furnish them with Plate at an easier rate than the Mines could do In these Undertakings they have been forwarded fauoured and assisted by all the Princes of Europe who behold the Grandeur of the Spanish Monarchy with envious Eyes Encouraged by these powerful Supports they have established a Trade in India settled Commerce in Japan and still persisting after many Disappointments have at length possest themselves of the best part of Brazil * This was writ before the conclusion of the Peace betwixt Spain and Holland when the Dutch stood possessed of a great part of Brazil and invaded the Portuguese Conquests in India where they have not only the power of Government but the Profit of the Sugar and Tobacco which enriches them and beggars us In this place which is the in-let to the East and West-Indies they reside like Cormorants ready to swallow Ships and whole Fleets alarming Peru and Potosi for that it appears by Geography that they may gradually without wetting their Feet steal to those Mountains if weary of the Sea they should think much to creep along the Coast down to Rio de la Plata and Buenos Ayres and to secure to themselves the Streights of Magellan That World Devouring Assembly sate consulting over a Terrestial Globe and Sea Chart with a pair of Compasses leaping over Climes and Countreys and making choice of Provinces that were none of their own and among them the Pensioner with a Pair of Scissers in his Hand ready to cut out the World according to his fancy In this posture they were when the Hour began and a decrepid Old Fellow snatching the Scissers out of his Hand said Gluttons who are greedy of Provinces always dye for want of Digestion no Surfeit so dangerous as that of Dominion The Romans from a narrow spot of Ground too little to Sow half a Bushel of Corn swallowed up all their Neighbours and extending their Avarice brought the whole World under the Yoke of their first Plough and it being certain that whosoever pours himself out wastes as much as he extends so they no sooner had much to lose but they began to lose much for Ambition gathers more than Force can preserve Whilst they were poor they conquered the rich who making them rich and being left poor took to themselves the Customs inherent to Poverty infesting them with those of Riches and Luxury and by that means destroyed them revenging themselves on them with the very Riches they gave them The Assyrians Greeks and Romans are so many Skeletons to instruct us it is fitter for us to take warning by than to imitate those ruined Monarchies The more we raise our small Weight and the nearer we bring it in the * The Stilyard which weighs great or small things by putting forward or drawing back the weight upon the Beam Roman Ballance of Power to the great Mass we would outweigh the less we shall appear but the more we draw it back the better our small Portion will turn the vast weight that stands against it and if we draw back to the last Notch one Pound of ours will poise a thousand of theirs Traiano Bocalini hinted at this Secret in the Weight of his Politick Touchstone and it is verified in the Monarchy of Spain from which we aim to draw away Weight which added to ours will diminish it by the addition Of Subjects to become a Free State was prodigious to keep our selves so is a Work that requires all our application France and England which assisted us to cut off from Spain that part of its Dominion which was formidable to them will not for the same reason permit us to swell to that greatness they may have cause to fear us The Ax which joins to it self all it cuts off from the Tree will not be esteemed a useful Instrument but rather an Encumbrance They will bear with us as long as they think we stand in need of them but if once they imagine they can have occasion for us they will meditate our Ruine and Destruction He who sees a Beggar on whom he has bestowed Alms grown rich either asks him to refund or lend We can gain nothing but what the Princes who look on will covet for themselves As they despise the Neighbour that is upon the losing so they fear him that is upon the getting hand We by dispersing act for the King of Spain against our selves for should be to divide and weaken us wilfully lose the Countreys we take from him it were in him a Stratagem and no Loss and he will never be so able to take what we have as when he has suffered us to take what he has so far from him and us Brazil rather sucks and unpeoples Holland than strengthens it It is enough for Thieves not to restore what they have stolen without continuing their Thefts for ever which sooner prefers them to the Gallows than to the Throne The Pensioner snatching back the Scizars in a Pet said Tho Rome lost it self yet Venice holds out and was at first but a Town-stealer as we are The Gallows you speak of is oftner the Lot of the Unfortunate than of Robbers and all the World over the great Thief hangs the little one He that Picks a Pocket is ever a Thief he that stole Provinces and Kingdoms was always a King the Right of Monarchs is in the longest Sword It is natural for one to be engendred out of the Corruption of another he that is Corrupted is the Cause of him that is Engendred A Carcass complains not of the Worms that eat it because it breeds them Let every Man look to himself that he does not putrifie otherwise he will be Father to his own Worms All things consume but the small sooner than the greater When it shall come to pass that they fear who pitied us we will pity them we feared which is a good exchange If we can let us be what they are who were what we are All the hints you have given are good let not the Kings of France and England hear of them but do you put us in mind hereafter for that is an Obstacle in the beginning which proves good Advice when well advanced The Duke of Tuscany his Favourite's Advice The Great Duke of Tuscany who by adding five Letters which compose the Word Great to his Title has gained the ill will of all other Princes was private in his Closet with a Servant whom he intrusted with his greatest Secrets They discoursed of the Beauty of his Cities the greatness of his Territories the Trade of Leghorne and the Victories obtained by
hide under your Specious Offers By this Artifice you pry into the Elements and thrust your selves into Sovereignty You as you say live dry below the Water and wrest your Land wrongfully from the Sea We shall not be such Fools to take those for our Friends who could not be good Subjects nor shall we trust them with our Habitations who have stolen theirs from the Fishes You were Subjects of the Kings of Spain and having usurped his Dominion value your selves upon being Rebels and would have us through a fond credulity become a Prey to your Treachery Neither is it true that we resemble you for in maintaining that Native Country which Nature gave us we only defend what is our own we preserve our Liberty but do not steal it You offer to assist us against the King of Spain yet confess at the same time you have taken Brazil from him which was his if you take the Indies from him who took them from us how much more reason have we to be afraid of you than of him You must observe that America is a rich Beautiful Harlot and since she was false to her Husbands she will never be true to her Bullies Christians say Heaven punished the Indies because they adored Idols and we Indians say Heaven will punish the Christians because they adore the Indies You think you carry Gold and Silver and you only carry well coloured Envy and precious Misery You take from us that you may have for others to take from you That which makes you our Enemies makes you Enemies to one another Be gone then within two hours out of this Port and let us know if you want for any thing If you have a mind to gain our good will since you are so good at Invention invent an Instrument to remove what is by us at a great distance for we promise you we will never look upon your Country nor Spain with this that attracts things ●hat are far off Carry away this Glass Spy this Discoverer of the Firmament for we have no need of it being able with the help of our Eyes only to discover more in you than we like and let me tell you the Sun is beholding to it for shewing you the black spot in his Circle or else for the colour sake you would have endeavoured to cut out and stamp him into Money The Blacks consult how to deliver themselves from Slavery The Blacks assembled in mighty numbers to consult about obtaining their Liberty a thing they have often earnestly sollicited The numerous Concourse being seated and silent one of the chiefest among them who in that swarthy Audience appeared blacker than the rest and had proposed this Affair in the Court of Rome spoke to this purpose There is no cause for our slavery but our colour and colour is an accident not a crime Yet certain it is those who Lord it over us have no colour for their Tyranny but our colour which is produced by the presence and nearness of the greatest Beauty to wit the Sun Flocky Heads and clotted Hair squab N●ses and Blubber Lips are no better grounds for our Captivity Many Whites might be Slaves if th●se three things carried is and it were more reasonable they should be so who are hideous with their mighty N●ses like Rudders in their Faces and snivle through Elephants Trunks than we who have nothing to loose by the Pox and are the very Opposites to the Snouts Why do not the Whites consider that if we look like Blots among them one of them looks like a Stain among its Did they make Slaves of the Mulattoes it were more excusable for they are a Rabble without a King a Compound betwixt Light and Darkness Wainscot Paces compared with White Men Foils to the Brown the next degree to the Blacks and the very Picture of Soot In all Ages there have been Men of our Complexion Famous for Martial Exploits Learning Virtue and Sanctity it is needless for me to repeat a Catalogue of them for they are sufficiently known Nor can it be denied that we are preferable to the Whites for not endeavouring to disguise the colour Nature gave to our Skins Among them the Women that are swarthy or brown plaster themselves like Walls to become White and they that are White never satisfied with Whiteness wash to encrease it Only our Women contenting themselves with their Natural Complexion are beautiful in the dark and the whiteness of their Teeth shining the brighter through their blackness when they smile they sparkle like the Stars in the night Neither do we bely our Age dye our Hair or wear false Locks Why then are we contemned and chastised This is it I offer to your Consideration that you may consult what Means may be us●d for obtaining our due liberty and rest The Hour prevailed and a Black whose Head through Age was become grey contrary to the received Opinion that Black takes no colour rose up and said Let Ambassadors be immediately sent to all the Kingdoms in Europe with Two Proposals The first That if Colour be the cause of Slavery they will take notice of the Red Beards for the sake of Judas and pass by the Blacks on account of one of the three Kings that came to Bethlem And since Cats and Dogs of that colour ar● hateful it will be but reasonable there be no Men nor Women of it and let him in our Name propose means for the speedy destruction of all Fox heads with their Appurtenances The second Proposal is that they mix their Breed with ours and blending their Brightness with our Sootiness produce a mungril Race that so Swarthiness may become Fashionable being sufficiently warned by the clearness of the Garmans and Flemmings who have Embroiled and Distracted the World stained so many Fields with Blood and filled so many Nations with Rebellions and Heresies but particularly let them remember the Frenchmens yellow Beards It is a custom in Spain to Sneeze at the Blacks by way of contempt England in the year 1640. This was spoke in the Person of K. Ch. the I. in whose time it was writ As for our Ambassadors let them take this Advice along with them that if the * People Sneeze at them they may take Snuff for their comfort and shall answer God Bless us bestowing the Prayer upon themselves The mighty Monarch of England whose Island is the most Beautiful Mole upon the face of the Ocean having Assembled his Parliament spoke to them as follows My Dominions are encompassed by the raging Sea hemmed in and defended by the Waves my Kingdomes as to the Publick Worship are of the Reform'd Religion but in their hearts they are Catholicks I have engrafted the Papal power upon the Regal wear at once the Crown and Miter and have two Heads the Spiritual and the Temporal I suspect tho it is not visible as Spiritual Schism among my Subjects and that the City which holds St. Peter's Keys influences the private
a Tyrannical Right over us declaring he would make Slaves of our Children and take away our Estates to give to his Servants and he aggravated this punishment saying he would not take him from us tho we should beg it of him He said to Samuel that it was him they despised not the Prophet or his Sons To fulfil his Curse that Saul continues among us at all times in all Places and under several Names Since then he oppresses us with infamous and miserable Thraldom in all Kingdoms and Commonwealths and God permits every King should be a Saul to us who left God for Saul Our Nation remained Criminal in the sight of all Men all cast it from themselves all retain and all are ashamed of retaining it We reside not in any place but whether we came expelled from another We rest no where but where they are desirous to cast us out and all dread we should be drove upon them We cannot but own there is no congruity between our Words and our Actions and that our Mouth and our Heart never were united in adoring the same God our Mouth always called upon the God of Heaven our Heart ever gave Idolatrous Adoration to God and Usury Being under the conduct of Moses when he went up to the Mount for the Law we made it appear that the Religion of our Souls was Gold and any Creature framed thereof There we adored our own Jewels in the Calf and our Avarice took for its Deity the resemblance of the sucking Cattle We admit not of God in any other Metal and in this we receive any Insect for a God He well understood the Disease that caused our insatiable Thirst who made us drink up our Idol reduced to Powder A mighty Vengeance followed this Crime yet tho it slew many thousands it was a warning to few for whereas God afterwards did for us all that we could ask still he did nothing but what we grew weary of He stretched out the Clouds like a Canopy to cover us in the Desert from the scorching heat of the day He strengthned with the fiery Pillar the weak light of the Moon and Stars that they assisted with its glittering motion might overcome the darkness of the night and represent the Sun in its absence He commanded the Wind to shower down our Harvest and disposed the Regions of the Air into wonderful Barns powring thence our Sustenance ready dressed in the Manna with all the seasoning every Pallat could desire He caused the Quails descending like Rain to become Game and Nets for our Entertainment He dissolved the immovable Rocks into running Streams and caused Springs to gush from the Stones to recreate our Thirst He dried up the bottom of the Sea into an easie Road for our Feet and raised the Waters perpendicular heaping up their smoothness into Liquid Walls detaining in a secure Structure the Waves and Billows which became a streight way for our Forefathers and a Sepulchre to Pharaoh and his Army His Word raised a Vermin and listed Frogs Flies and Locusts in his Army for our service There is nothing so weak whereof God doth not make up invincible Hosts against Tyrants With such small Souldiers he vanquished the formidable Enemies Squadrons glittering in their Steel Armour vain-glorious in the bearings of their Shields and flourishing in the Feathers of their Crests These wonderful Mercies which our King and Prophet David celebrated in the 105th Psalm which begins Horula Adonai were requited by our Obstinacy and Ingr●titude with a loathing and dislike of our Food and with Oblivion of the Way opened through the Waves of the Sea Many times God chastises with what he gives and rewards with what he refuses Such Forefathers are a scandalous Genealogy of our Perversness We are generally looked upon as obstinate in endless hopes whereas in reality we are the most desperate People in Nature We are the Ne plus ultra of Incredulity and hopes nor is any thing to be hoped of us Because Moses stayed a little on the Mount we despaired of him and asked a God of Aaron The reason why it is said we are obstinate in everlasting hope is because we have so many Ages expected the Messiah but neither did we receive him in Christ nor do we expect him in any other The cause of our saying always that he is to come is not that we desire him or believe it but by these delays to disguise our being the Fool that begins the 13th Psalm saying in his Heart There is no God The same says he who denies him that came and waits for him that is not to come This is the Language of our Heart and rightly considered it is the Quare of the 2d Psalm Fremuerunt gentes populi meditati sunt inania adversus dominum adversus Christum ejus So that we say we always hope to conceal our always despairing Of the Law of Moses we retain only the Name giving it to the Exceptions the Talmudists have forged to belye the Scripture disguize the Prophecies invalidate the Precepts and dispose Consciences to Worldly ends instructing our Atheistical Inclinations with Seditious Politicks for the conveniency of a Civil Life and adopting us of Sons of Israel Sons of Mammon When we had a Law we kept it not Now we keep it it is no Law farther than in the very sound of the three Letters It was necessary to declare what we were to excuse what we are and to promote what we aim to be advancing our selves upon the wild Extravagancies which like a Frenzy possess all the Earth for now not only the Hereticks rise in Arms against their Enemies the Catholicks but the Catholicks themselves in hostile manner invade one another The Protestants of Germany for many years past have strugled for a H●retick Emperor and in this they are favoured by the most Christian King who acts as if he were not so and connives at Calvin and Luther The Catholick King opposes them all to keep in the House of Austria the Supream Dignity of the Roman Eagles The Hollanders encouraged by being successful Traitors aspire to raise their Treason into a Monarchy and of Rebellious Subjects to the King of Spain dare presume to become his Competitors They wrested from him what he bad in them and they proceed rob him of what is so far from them as Brazil and India designing to extend their Conquests over his Crown We have been no small Instruments in promoting these Usurpations by means of the Sham Christians whom under disguise of the Portuguese Language we have applied to undermine him upon pretence of being his Subjects All or most of the Princes of Italy have harboured the French in their Dominions pretending they read the Popes inclinations in his Looks and interpreting his silent Toleration for a positive Command Ex motu proprio The King of France has practised an unbeard or Stratagem against the Monarch of Spain The Duke of Orleans and Queen Mother
a Turbant the Christian for a Hat the Moore for a Cap and you for a Veil We admit not of the Name of a Kingdom Commonwealth or any other but only that of Monopanti We yield all Titles to Kings and Commonwealths we take from them the power abstracted from the Vanity of those noisy Words We lay our Design that they may be Lords over the World and we over them To attain so glorious an end we have not found any to 〈◊〉 with in Confederacy on equal Terms like you who are at present the sharpers of Europe you only want our quality to compleat the subverting of all which we offer you entire by way of Contagion or Infection to be transmitted by means of an infernal device found out against Christians by us here present which is that as Treacle is prepared with the sharp poison of the Viper because it is the moisture that goes the quickest and most directly to the Heart for which reason being compounded with many Simples of Efficacious Virtue it conveys them to the Heart to defend it against Poison which is the design of the Medicine so we have invented a counter-Treacle to convey Poisons to the Heart by falling upon the Vertues and good works that go to it and to carry to the Soul the Vices Abominations and Errors which on these Vehicles will slip into it If you resolve upon this Alliance we will give you the Receipt with the weight and number of Ingredients and furnish Apothecaries well versed in the composition in the contriving whereof Danipe Alkemiastos and I have taken great pains and our labour is nothing inferior to the Trochisks of the Viper Be ruled by our Pragas for you need not cease to be Jews and at the same time will learn to be Monopanti At the very uttering of these words the Hour had its effect and Rabbi Maimon one of those that came from the Synagogue of Venice rising up and putting aside with his hand a Fathom and a half of Snout that he might come the closer to the Ear of Rabbi Saadias whispered these words Rabbi I smell a Rat in that word be govern'd we must keep a sharp Eye upon these Fellows for to me they look like famely Pharaos and subtile encroachers Saadias replied Now at length I am convinced they are the very Manna of instruction for they tast as every one would have them The best way is to say little and give them a bait in the Trap as to Republican Mice Christotheus seeing the numbling Dialogue said to Philargiros and Danipe I smoke the Jealousie of the wicked Jews Let every Man of the Monopanti give himself a lick of the Golden Calf and they will all fall upon their Knees They all run upon Snares and Contrivances against one another and Rabbi Saadias to amuse the Monopanti said We look upon you as discoverers of the Land of promise and the true basis of our designs that we may be united in a mischievous body it will be requisite we consult the methods and conclude and sign Articles at our next meeting which we appoint three days hence Pacasmazo covering his Snake Skin with Doves Feathers said The time was sufficient and the resolution discreet but that it was requisite exact secrecy should be observed Then taking out a Book bound in Sheeps skin with the Wooll on which was curiously interwoven and wrought with Gold Thread he gave it to Saadias saying This Jewel we give you as a Pledge He took it and asked Whose works are these Pacasmazo answered The works of our words The Author is Nicolas Matchiavel who composed the thorough Base to our Trebel The Jews attentively looking upon them and particularly observing the binding in Sheeps skin Rabbi Asapha who was Deputy for Oran said This is some of the Wooll the Spaniards tell us in their Proverb which says they that go to fetch it are fleeced before they return Thus they parted both parties contriving to meet again like the Steel and Flint for to batter bruize and beat one another to pieces till they struck fire against all the World for founding the new Sect of Monetism changing the name of Atheists into that of Moneymongers or Monetists The general Assembly of all Nations for redress of grievances The Subjects of Princes Common-wealths Kings and Emperors assembled together at Liege a Neuter Country to consult about their Affairs redress their Grievances vent their Spleen and breath out their thoughts before stifled under the fear of Sovereign Power There were people of all Nations Conditions and Qualities The number was so great it looked more like an Army than an Assembly for which reason they made choice of the open Fields to meet in On the one hand it was surprising to behold the wonderful variety of Garbs and Countenances on the other the Ears were Confounded and Attention it self deceived by the strange diversity of Languages The voices seemed to rend the Air and resounded in the same manner as when in the heat of harvest time the Fields ring with the indefatigable noise of Grashoppers The most piercing cry was that raised by the Women tearing their Throats with Actions altogether distracted All was full of tumultuous Madness and raging Discord The Republicans would be govern'd by Princes and the Subjects of Princes were for erecting themselves into Common-wealths This controversie set a Noble Savoyard and a Commoner of Genoua together by the Eares The Savoyard complained That his Duke was the perpetual motion and consumed his Subjects with continual Wars to hear up his Dominions which are ever ready to sink betwixt France and Spain That his safety consisted in embroiling the two Kings at the Expence of his Subjects to the end that they two being employed against one another neither of them might swallow him since both those Princes alternatively first one and then the other Conquer and Defend him all which the Subjects pay for being never allowed any respite to breath When France attacks Spain supports him and when Spain invades France defends him and whereas neither protects him for his sake but to obstruct the others enlarging his Dominion by that accession and becoming a nearer and more formidable Neighbour the Defence is often as fatal if not more to the Subjects than the Invasion The Duke retains a secret ambition to be thought the Founder of the Liberty of Itatly bearing before him the better to draw to his party the See of Rome The History of Amadee surnamed the Pacifick because some Persons impiously Malicious have suspected he designs to reduce the Pope to his bare stock of Pardons in indulgences The Duke is Disceased of the Distemper of King of Cyprus is perplexed with the remembrance of having been Lord of Geneva and grows sick with the desire of being Supream among the Italian Princes All these motives are spurs to his Ambition which rather stands in need of a Curb and for these Reasons I come to propose that Savoy and
Merchandize and in Commonwealths Companions not Slaves Limbs not Lumber Bodies and not Shadows That the Rich Man hinder not the Poor from growing Rich nor the Poor grow Rich by plundering the Wealthy That the Nobleman despise not the Commoner nor the Commoner hate the Nobleman And that the whole Care of the Government be employed in encouraging the Poor to grow Rich and Honouring the Vertuous and in preventing the contrary Care must be taken that no one Man become greater and more powerful than all the rest for he who excels all others destroys equality and they that suffer him to exceed encourage him to conspire Equality is the Harmony in which consists the Musick of the Commonwealths Peace for when disturbed by any Excess it becomes Discord and that before was Consort becomes Noise Commonwealths are to be so united with Kings as the Earth which represents the former is with the Sea representing the latter These always embrace one another yet so as the Earth always defends it self against the encroachment of the Sea by its Banks the Sea always threatens the Earth wears and endeavours to overflow and swallow it up and the Earth ever fixed and unmoved opposes the perpetual motion and inconstancy of the Sea The Sea swells with every Wind every Blast makes the Earth fruitful The Sea grows rich with what the Earth commits to it and the Earth with Hooks and Nets drains and depopulates the Sea Even as all the Security and Shelter against the Sea is in the Land which furnishes Harbours so Commonwealths are a Refuge against the Revolutions and Storms of Kingdoms Commonwealths ought always to make War with their Heads seldom with their Hands they must have Armies and Fleets ready in the greatness of their Stock which is the Celerity that lays hold of all Opportunities They are to make War upon Kings by setting them one against another for Monarchs tho they be Fathers Sons Brothers and Relations are like Steel and the File which tho not only near Allied but the same Substance and Mettal yet the File always cuts and wears away the Iron Commonwealths are to assist rash Princes so far as may serve to overthrow them and the more cautious far enough to make them rash It is their best Policy to Honour Trade because it enriches and carries Men throughout the World gaining them Practical Experience by which they discover the Ports Customs Government Strength and Designs of their Neighbours The Study of Politick and Mathematicks ought to be encouraged as advantageous to the Publick and nothing ought to be so much contemned as Idleness tho under never so specious a Title or Riches devoted to Luxury All Publick Sports shall consist of the Exercise of Fire-armes and handling of other Weapons as is used in Battle that they may be at once Useful and Diverting at the same time Sports and Exercises and then will it be decent to frequent the Theaters when they are Academies All Formality of Garb is to be absolutely condemned and all the distinction betwixt the Rich Man and the Poor must be that the former extend Relief and the latter receive it and Virtue and Valour shall make the difference betwixt the Nobleman and Commoner for those Virtues were the foundation of all ancient Nobility I will here drop a few words out of Plato let him that has need of them gather them up for I don't know to what purpose I bring them but some body or other perhaps may know to what purpose he spoke them in the 3d Dialogue De repub vel de Justo They are these Igitur rempublicam administrantibus praecipue si quibus aliis mentiri licet vel hostium vel civium causa in communem civitatis utilitatem reliquis autem a mendacio abstinendum est If it be lawful to any to Lye it is chiefly allowable to them who govern the Commonwealth either on account of the Enemies or Citizens for the common advantage of the City all others are to abstain from Lying I cannot but reflect that whereas the Catholick Church condemns this Doctrine of Plato's Commonwealth yet there are many that value themselves upon being his Commonwealth Let us now come to what is proposed by the Subjects of Kings These complain that they are all become Elective because those who are and continue Hereditary elect Favourites who become Kings by their Election This is that enrages them because the French tell us that Princes who for the better government of their Kingdoms wholly give themselves up to their Favourites are like Galley Slaves who travel by force turning their Backs to the Port they go to and that the Favourites are like Juglers who the more they deceive the more they ent●rtain and the better they conceal their slight from the Eyes and baffle the Senses and Understanding the more they are valued and praised by him that pays for their Tricks to divert himself Their chief Art consists in making him believe that is full which is empty that there is something where there is nothing that those are Wounds in others which are but Bruises in his Armour and that they throw away what they hide with their Hand They say they give him Money and when he looks upon it he finds Dirt or Rubbish These Companions are vile but these Men make use of them for want of better and so they affirm those Kings are equally to blame who will not be what the great God made them and those who would be what he made them not They presume to say that an absolute Favourite brings upon Kings the same that Death does upon Man i. e. Novam formam cadaveris A new Form of a Carcass to which follows Worms and Corruption according to the Opinion of Aristotle in his Prince Fit resolutio usque ad materiam primam that is there remains nothing of what was but the bare resemblance So much for this Point Next let us go upon the Complaints against Tyrants and the reason there is for them For my own part I know not who I speak of or who I speak not of whoever understands me may explain me Aristole says He is a Tyrant who has more regard to his private Interest than to the Publick Whosoever can tell Tale or Tidings of any who are not comprehended under this definition may give an account of them and they shall be well rewarded They complain more grievously against Tyrants who receive benefits of them than they that are opprest by them for the Benefits of Tyrants make Men Criminals and Accomplices and their Severity proves them Virtuous and Deserving They are of such a Nature that Innocence in their Dominions must he miserable that it may be happy A Tyrant in respect of his Covetousness and Avarice is a Wild Beast in respect of his Pride a Devil and in respect of his Riotousness and Luxury all manner of Wild Beasts and Devils No body conspires against a Tyrant sooner than himself whence it follows 't