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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17215 Of the end of the world and iudgement of our Lord Iesus Christe to come, and of the moste perillous dangers of this our moste corrupt age, and by what meanes the godly may auoid the harmes thereof, sermons preached in latin in the assembly of the clergie by Henry Bullinger, and now lately englished by Thomas Potter Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Potter, Thomas, fl. 1580. 1580 (1580) STC 4070; ESTC S109532 41,593 112

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who in the Epistle to the Thessalonians plainly said This thing onely nowe vvitholding vntil he be taken out of the way and than that wicked one shal be reueled Which is asmuch in effect as if he had said This onely that now letteth namely the Empire of Roome shal be taken away and when Tocatochon that is the same impediment shal be taken away then shall the Romain Sea be erected and in the same newe and second seate shal be placed the two horned beast bearing the badge of keyes and armed with two swoords Neither doo I alone expound this place of Paule after this sort Tertulian did euen so expound the same abooue fourtéen hundred yeeres ago who in his book of the resurrection of the flesh VVho shal be taken away saith hee but the Romaine estate vvhose departing scattered in to ten kingdomes shall bring in Antichriste The same meaning also hath Saint Ierome in the eleuenth question to Algasia The Pope a new King and troubbler of kingdomes who manifestly calleth Roome by the name of Babilon the seat of the Beast and of the purple Harlote And thus the Pope this newe king béeing established in his kingdome began euen him self also to create kings and in greatnesse of glory to excel all christian Princes and afterwarde in all kingdomes to make trouble and whurly hurly For Leo the thirde Pope of that name restored or rather raised vp anew the Romain desolate and defaced by the space of thrée hundred yéeres and more reiecting vtterly the Princes of Constantinople For he appointed Charles the French King to be Emperour and yet in such sorte that beside the vain name it litle auailed him For he reserueth Room to him self and the chéefest part of Italy which the Gréeks had possessed and was called by the name of Exarchate But he graunted vnto Charles a parte of Italy som Romain titles whiche was recouered from the Lombards and also the empty name of Emperour Therfore according to the prophecy of Iesus Christe vttered by Iohn in the Apocalips The Image of the beast is seen stirred vp by the false Prophet No dout the same was doon by the marueilous crafty woorkmanship of that olde wily Fox For when all antiquitie looked for Antichriste about th' end of the Romain Empire and when he was about the very same time risen vp and had placed him self in the seat of god he going about as it were to repaire the dcayed Empire brought to passe that he was not knowen of the faithful But they rather béeing deceiued with his suttle practises looked for a certain I knowe not what Antichriste of Babilon whom in their published Bookes they declare should bée yet to come and whom also they earnestly dispraise Yet should they not misse the right mark if they would with all elder times call Roome that Babilon and in steade of time comming to place the time present At the length the stock of Charles and Pipin béeing rooted out so that the Popes had remaining litle or no help at all from the hande of the french Kings as in time past they had abused the power of the Greeks and Lombards from whom afterwarde they flitted vnto the French men so now they créep in to the fauour of the Princes of Germany the better to bring their matters about Wherfore the Othoes with their Armies set vppon Italy with great labour and expences Vnder these are chosen vij men whom they tearme Electors They chuse the Emperour But the Imperiall maiestie and estate is giuen by none but by the Pope For now the Popes of Roome had gotten the Monarchie in to their owne hands wherby also within a while after they pluckt away the Empire from the Henries Frediricks Levvis and many other notable and holy Princes of Germany troubling in the meane season and wasting with swoord and fire all the kingdomes in Christendome so that not without good cause they were called the Children of Perdition I wil now speak nothing of the war that was commonly named the Holy war which was procured moste chéefly by the industrie of the Pope In that warre were ioyned togither all the nations and kingdomes bothe of the east and of the west moreouer also of the North and of the South Wherby folowed so huge a bloodshed that there was neuer at anye time in the worlde any battail fought with more ireful and obstinate mindes and with so great losse of things as this the popes holy battail Moreouer they began to thrust out Kings from their auncient inheritances and kingdomes through treasons murders and in their places to exalte others for their owne pleasure and cōmoditie For which cause bothe Kings and kingdomes fought moste fiercely one against another So they stirred vp the Kings of Hungary the Kings of France the Kings of Germany and the Princes of other nations against those whom they accounted for their enemies So was Cicily and Naples wrested away from the posteritie of th'Emperour Friderick the Sweuian and cruel warre was betwéen the Germans Frenchmen and Spaniards But often times the French Kings were lewdly recompenced at the Popes hands In déed Boniface the viij with wunderfull impudencie béeing bolde to claim the kingdome of Fraunce to be the benefite of the Popes maiestie took away the same from Philip the fair then King of Fraunce and gaue it forsooth to Albert of Awstrey But impossible it is to declare in few woords how sore this new vnhappy kingdom of the pope and moste mischeuous Monarchy hath shaken the whole world It is sufficient to haue at the least wise touched these things that by them as through a lattise windowe yee may sée that there is not or was not at any time any kingdome in all Christendome more troublesome then the Popedome of Roome The histories doo at large prosecute the same Now I return to Daniel let vs therfore consider Daniels most perfect and euident description of this new king and let vs compare the things them selues with him to the intent all men may plainly knowe with out any douting that the prophecy of Daniel is to be expounded and ment of none other then of the bishop of Roome and of his kingdom and that all things touching him are all ready throughly fulfilled Wherby it commeth to passe that wée can looke for none other thing but the last iudgement and therwithall the end af all things For which cause let vs all watch as duty bindeth vs and stir vp all men to a circumspect watchfulnesse The eyes saith Danial of this little horne vvere the eyes of a man For this King was throughly exercised wily deceitful and furnished with all kinde of arts and practises And his retinew excelleth in this facultie all the practicioners of all princes And surely this facultie hath promoted him vnto his kingdome augmented his power couered his wickednes and keepeth him yet in safetie The Prophet addeth further His mouth speaketh great things or presumptuous things Also He shall speak
ad vom braemen vstrumen vnd be schissen with which it hath been a raging enemye against the whole worlde bothe spiritually and corporally Assuredly all historyes doo witnesse that our Lord God bare a singuler great fauour vnto the Citie of Constantinople One matter onely will I resite After the decay of the Romain Monarchie how soeuer the whole world run togither with mutuall warres amonge them selues most kingdomes tasted of meruelous alterations yet neuertheles the kingdom of Constantinople remained stedfast and vnmoouable giuing often repulse vnto barbarous nations and also to the very Sarasines beeing enemyes otherwise moste mightie fierce But at the length beeing vtterly void of Gods protection it was laid open to be spoyled and trodden vnder foote by the Turks at what time the Princes of Constantinople béeing deceiued by Eugenius the Pope to the great calamitie of moste mightie Princes For at that season by the vnhappy councel of Amurathe he ouerthrew Ladislaus the moste victorious King of Hungary and Polonia with all his whole hoste departing in the councell of Florence from their true head Christe acknowledged the Pope of Roome to be the true Vicar of Christe on earth and the lawful successor of Peeter I reherse the woords of Platina to occupy the chéefest and highest place in the world whom the Church bothe of the East and also of the West ought of duty to obey But séeing that these things haue happened to this moste noble ond moste ancient Citie through the iust iudgement of God let men take héed in these dayes what they doo that béeing deliuered thorow the tuicion and diligence of good Princes from this Romain beast outragious proud insatiable in blood and riches filthy and deceiuable yet wil again throwe down thē selues to be stamped vnder his féet and to be ouerwhelmed Sith all kinds of legerdemain But now I return to Daniel It appéereth out of histories as I was about to tel that in the West within Roome and Italy beeing the auncient seat of the empire there was no Caesar or Emperour all the time from the desolation of the West Empire vnto the dayes of Charles the great which was thrée hundred yéeres and more For the Hornes that grue vp by the diuision of the Romain Empire béeing diuers and many did fiercely fight togither and slew one another So that Roome and Italy was gouerned now by the west Gothes afterward by the VVandalles after that by the Saxons so by the East Gothes then by the Greeks and at the length the Lombards also and Frenchmen attained to the Empire And during this vnhappy time while the frantick Prinres slewe one another with mutuall wounds there sprung vp in the middest of this contention that base and despised litle Horne that Daniel speaketh of namely a parish Préest of Roome who a litle before this time through moste wicked deuises practises began to be in authoritie which helped him exceedingly to the attainment of the Empire For now he was accounted almoste of all men in the west parts for the vniuersall pastor as Bishop of that place which after long contention had first with the Churches of Africa and afterwarde of Constantinople Phocas the Emperour altogither an infamous and vnfortunate Prince commaunded to be chéefest and head of all Churches in the world Therfore now the Popes iudgements and decrées were of great authoritie among princes as of a man altogither Apostolike who neuerthelesse hitherto was equall with other Bishops and had no princely superioritie and therfore was a base and despised litle horne And Daniel dooth not let to tel by what meanes that base person not accounted of who was once vnder the subiection of the Romain Princes is now started vp to so great a dignitie power The little horne ouerthroweth iii. hornes namly by the ouerthrowe of thrée Hornes in that sharp conflict of the other Hornes And héer I would haue you to note dilygētly how that Daniel in declaring of this matter vsed not one ōly woord but thrée For he saith that the Hornes were pluct a way brought lowe fel down Namely that one of the thrée hornes was pluckt awaye an other brought lowe and the third fel down For Grigory Bishop of Room the second of that name a Cirian born and a man very wittie and subtile did excomunicate Leo Isauricus Emperour of Constantinople béeing a good and other wise a strong Prince for taking away the Images out of the temples of Christians whom also he plucked away and draue him out of Italy Héerin reigned the Saxons and Ostgothes men barbarous about Clxxv yéeres But these were subdued by Bellisarius a mā very expert in the affaires of war And Narses a skilful and mightie warrier béeing sent by the princes of Constantinople draue them clean out of Italy and he him self ruled Italy as Liuetenant for the Prince of Constantinople After this Longinus brought a new kinde of gouernmēt into Italy called the Exarchate The Exarchate af Rauenna such a one as was the Deputy and Viceroy in Italy in place of the Prince of Constantinople He was termed Exarchus who had his seat at Rauenna and not at Roome because it remained very filthy and as it were desolate by meanes of the waste destruction doon by the Gothes And after Narces and Basilius Rome had neuer Consuls nor senat lawfully assembled But the Romain state béeing vtterly wasted was gouerned a long time by the rule of a Grecian whō the Exarchus sent from Rauenna And it was not called the Exarchate of Roome but of Rauenna But after that Leo the Gréek Emperour was excōmunicated and Gregory the Pope had perswaded all the Cities of Italy to reuolt they began to chuse them Dukes to rule ouer them Wherby it came to passe immediatly that casting away the gouernment of the Exarchate they slew through sedition Paule the Exarchus togither with his Sonne at Rauenna and expelled the Grecians out of Italy And so this horn was plucked away Moreouer Pope Zacharias wheras he was falsely esteemed by the Frenchmen and other nations to be the true Apostolike and vniuersall bishop on earth was chosen vmpire to pronounce whether were more worthy of the kingdome Hildericus or Pipin the dwarf But he brought lowe the true King Hildericus in place of whom hée exalted Pipine béeing the chéef ruler of his house Wherfore Stephen the successor of Zacharie second of that name the repulse béeing giuen to the Lombards and also in despite of the Greeks receiued for a reward of his wicked fact the Exarchate of Rauenna lately made desolate by the practises of the Pope And so another of the thrée Hornes was brought lowe and the litle horne was exalted into a higher estate Furthermore now after these commeth Charles the great the sonne of Pipin the dwarf who beeing called foorth by Pope Adrian in to Italy against the Lumhards at Papia or Ticinum ' beséeged and took Desiderius the last king of the Lombards in Italy