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kingdom_n cause_n france_n king_n 1,757 5 3.7397 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14772 A briefe instruction By way of dialogue, concerninge the principall poyntes of Christian religio[n], gathered out of the holy scriptures, lathers, and councels. By the Reuere[n]de M. George Doulye priest. Warford, William, 1560-1608. 1604 (1604) STC 25068; ESTC S102696 93,570 322

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A BRIEFE INSTRVCTION BY VVAY OF DIALOGVE CONCERNINGE THE PRINCIPALL poyntes of Christian Religiō gathered out of the holy Scriptures Fathers and Councels By the Reuerēde M. George Doulye Priest Luci succedit nox Sapientiam autem non vincit malitia Sap. 7. CVM PRIVILEGIO Imprinted at Louaine by Laurence Kellam Anno 1604. THE PREface ALL heresies Christian reader as other dise●ses vvhether of the bodie Su●ius and Cochlaeus c. or of the minde haue they re beginning increase state and declination this of Luther and Caluyne begāne to be published in Germanie about the yeare of our Lord The Duke of Saxonye aspiringe to the Empyre The Prince of Cōde the Admirall others in France 1517. and a little after in France vvhere it increased so much vvith libertie of life joyned vvith interest and pretensions of temporall Princes as it stirred vppe those furious rebellions vvarres and other tragicall actions vvhich vve haue seen and heard of in those countries as allso in Flanders The Prince of Aurange in Flanders and other partes of Christendome vvhersoeuer it hath come vvithin the compasse of Europe out of vvhich it hath not yet crepte albeit as the Apostle speaketh it hath crepte like a cācker 2. Timot. c. 2. verse 17. the poyson vvhereof infectinge so manye prouinces came into our countrie by occasion of the inordinate affection vvhich kinge Henrie the eyght tooke to Anne Bollen mother to the late Queene Elisabeth beheaded aftervvard for her juste desertes by the sayde kinge her husband for vvhose sake he broke vvith the See Apostolike and tooke vppon him the title of Supremacie in spirituall matters to haue some colour to put avvay Queene Catherine his lavvfull vvife vvherunto the Pope coulde not be brought for that he judged the diuorce to be vnjuste and contrarie to Goddes holy lavv By this occasion haeresie tooke roote in England vnder Kinge Henrie spronge vppe in Kinge Edvvardes dayes vnder the gouermēt of his protectors aftervvardes executed for treason and came to that state in the reygne of Queene Elisabeth as the politike gouernors of her councell vvho had founded theyr authoritie greatnesse in the aduauncement of the same presumed after they had taken avvay the life of the renovvned Princesse Queene Marie of Scotlād they coulde so establishe it that they shoulde be able to bannish Catholique Religion for euer out of England But the contrary hath happened as in all other heresies and like attemptes of ages past may bee seene the vnsearcheable vvisedome of almightie God cōfoundinge the vayne cogitations and shallovv deuises of mortall men In the dominions of the Archeduke Ferdinādo Novv in Germanie and in those Northerne countries adioyninge after so longe and so great desolation vvee see great progresse of the Catholique fayth In Hungarie Transyluania Zuizerland Polonia c. vvhere euerye daye God be thanked tovvnes cyties and vvhole countries vvearied vvith heresie cast of this infamous yoke and embrace that truthe vvhich they re forefathers professed vvith much more feruour then there vvas before heresie entred amongest them In Flanders the like and vvhere the countrie is not oppressed vvith vvarres or rebellion the pietie deuotion and Christian lyfe of the people is incomparablie bettered since they haue deliuered them selues from the thralldome of these erroneous and Apostata doctrines France is risinge apace by the memorable example of the most Christian Kinge Henrie the. 4. vvho beinge deceaued by heretiques in his youth hath shaken them of and they re pestilente counsayles since he is come to more mature yeares and throughe his vvisedome and valure obtayned such quietnesse in his kingdome that neyther he hath novv anye more cause to feare them neyther vvas it knovvne peraduenture since Charlemayne that any Kinge of that Countrie hath enioyed that crovvne vvith more prosperitie The like example vvāteth onlye in England and to Gods omnipotencie is as factible as in Fraunce vvhere Kinge Henrie the eyghtes succession is ended for the vvhich and the inordinate desire he had to haue children after tvventie yeares roygne vvith renovvne and glorie in the eyes of all Christendome vvhilest he liued a Catholicke after diuers royall exploites the increase of his regalities by the most sacred title of defender of the faythe gayned vvith that vvorthie and Kingelie vvorke vvritten againste Luthers doctrine hee most miserablie lefte God and his Churche and that seede is novv vvholie extinguished vvherevvith heresie vvas sovven and shoulde haue been perpetually maintayned in oure countrie and the persecutions past haue serued for nothinge lesse then for that they vvere principallie intended but contrarievvise kindlinge charitie and the loue of Christe in Catholike soules haue not onelie conserued but augmented and illustrated the fayth aboue all expectation so as vvee see the benediction of our Sauiour and the regions vvhite and read●e for haruest vvhose reapers constantlie labouringe in this cause patientlie expecte Gods prouidence vvho vvhen tyme shall require vvill put into the hartes of those in vvhole hands the gouernement is to mitigate the rigour of penall lavves vvhereby the publishinge of Gods truthe may vvith more svveetenes goe forvvard vvhich vvhen hovvsoeuer it shall fall out in the meane tyme experience doth teach that some forme of instruction is necessarie for the informinge of those poore soules vvhich hitherto haue knovven no other Religion but that vvherein they vvere borne by vvhich they are taught throughe the importunate clamours of Caluins ministers to detest the Catholike Religion before they knovve it for so vve comming to tell our ovvne tale they may judge vvith indifferencie and learne to distinguish betvveene true Catholike doctrine and heresie vvhich is that vve especiallie pretende for if Catholicke Religion vvere as the malice or ignorance of these sectaries teach and make the commō people beleeue it vvere not onlie follie but meere madnesse to be a Catholicke but the contrarie vvill here quicklie be seene and vvhat conuenience and excellence harmonye our Religion hath vvith all truth and reason and the lighte and majestie vvhich it carieth in it selfe by vvhich alvvayes it hath ouergrovvne and confounded all sectes and heresies in the vvorlde and that if the aduersarie haue anye shevve or apparence of Religion it is vvith thinges vsurped and stolne from vs or counterfeyted by imitation of the Catholickes no other vvise then apes imitate men Tertullian Lectantius Vincentius Li●i● c. and the deuill the vvorckes of God as some of the auncient fathers haue noted the rest and that vvhich is meerlie theyr ovvne beinge nothinge els but drosse baggage beggerie as anye man of judgemēt not preoecuppated vvith passiō vvill easilie discerne euen by the readinge of this little Dialogue little in volume but great in substance for the greate importante matters it conteyneth necessarie for our saluation the greatest affayre that vvee can treate of in this life vvhich vvas first vvritten for the helpe and instruction of particular frendes not vvithout some