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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A29962 The history of Scotland written in Latin by George Buchanan ; faithfully rendered into English.; Rerum Scoticarum historia. English Buchanan, George, 1506-1582. 1690 (1690) Wing B5283; ESTC R466 930,865 774

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Daughters being first deflowred by him and then ignominiously beaten with Rods he prostituted to the Lust of those Ruffians that were about him He endeavoured to defend himself against them but perceiving he had not Force enough so to do being also forsaken by his Domesticks who detested his lewd Practices he laid violent Hands on himself in the Twelfth year of his Reign After his Death Dorus either because he was his Brother or else had been a Pander to his Lust fearing lest the Nobles in the heat of their Provocation should exercise their Rage upon all the Kings Lineage saved himself by flight with his Brothers Three small Children Findocus Carantius and Donaldus Neither was he mistaken in his Opinion for Nathalocus who had receiued so signal an Injury not contented with Dorus his Exile suborned Emissaries to kill him and his Brothers Children too who coming to the Picts for the Royal Youths had chosen the Place of their Banishment amongst them and lighting upon one very like Dorus in Stature and Physiognomy they slew him instead of Dorus himself Nathalocus The Thirtieth King NAthalocus thinking that he had slain Him who stood most in his way was the First of all the Scots that ambitiously sought for the Kingdom 'T is true a great part of the Nobility were against Him yet by means of those whom he had corrupted by Promises and Bribes he carried the Point and was made King Neither did he manage the Kingdom any better than he got it For suspecting the Nobility which in the Parliaments of the Kingdom he had found to be adverse to him he Governed all by the Ministry of Plebejans whom Audaciousness and Penury he knew would easily incline to any wickedness Besides those Suspicions I have mentioned he was encountred with a far more grievous one for intercepting Letters directed to some of the Chief Nobles he understood by them That Dorus and the Children of Athirco were yet alive and were brought up amongst the Picts in hopes of the Kingdom To avoid this Danger he sent for those Nobles whom he most suspected to come to him pretending he had need of their Advice in the Publick Affairs of the Kingdom When they were assembled he shut them all up in Prison and the very next night caused them all to be strangled But that which he hoped would be a Remedy to his Fears was but as a Firebrand to raise up another Conspiracy For the Friends of those who were slain being afraid of themselves as well as grieving for the loss of their Relations and Kindred unanimously take up Arms against him Whilst he was raising an Army to oppose them he was slain by one of his own Domesticks about the Twelfth Year of his Reign Some of our Country-men do add a Tale in the Case which is more handsomly Contrived than likely to be True That the very Man who slew the King had been before sent by him to Southsayers to enquire concerning the King his Victories his Life and Kingdom And that an old Wizard should answer him That the King should not live long but his Danger would arise not from his Enemies but from his Domesticks And when he pressed the Woman From which of them She replyed Even from thy Self Man Whereupon he cursed the Woman yet returning home in a great Quandary he thought with himself That the Womans Answer could not be concealed and yet it was not safe for him to declare it lest he should render himself suspected to the King who was a depraved Person and guided wholly by his own Fears And therefore it seemed to him the safest Course to kill the Tyrant with the Favour of many than to preserve him alive with the extreme hazard of his own Life Presently after he returned home having obtained Liberty of private Access to declare the secret Answer of the Oracle or Conjurer he slew the King now entring upon the Twelfth Year of his Reign and so freed his Country from Bondage and himself from Danger Findochus The Thirtieth First King WHen the last King's Death was publickly known the Sons of Athirco were recalled home Findochus besides his being of the Royal Family was also endued with many blandishments of Nature being very beautiful tall of Stature in the flower of his Age and besides being rendred yet more acceptable for the afflictions he had suffered he was chosen King Neither did he deceive Mens expectations For in his ordinary deportment he was very Courteous in administring of Justice Equal and Impartial and a Conscientious Performer of all his Promises But Donaldus the Islander being weary of Peace Sailed over with a numerous Army into Albium and making havock of the Villages where he came returned home with a great Booty His Pretension for the War was the revenge of the Death of King Nathalocus Findochus speedily listed an Army against him and transporting them into the Island he overthrew Donaldus in Battel and forced him to fly for Refuge to his Ships many were slain in the Fight and many were drowned whilst they endeavoured in an hurry to get a Shipboard Donaldus himself being taken into the Boat endeavouring to escape the Boat sunk by reason of the Multitude of those who overladed it and so he was drowned Notwithstanding the Islanders not disheartned with this overthrow after the departure of the King sent for Forces out of Ireland and renewed the War making Donaldus his Son their General in the room of his Father under whom they again made a Descent into the Continent and drove away much Booty Whereupon Findochus again wafted over his Forces into the Aebudae Isles and marching over all the Islands executed severe Punishment on the Plunderers and overthrowing the Forts into which they were wont to fly he made such a slaughter of the Men and carried away so much Prey That he left many of the Islands almost desolate Upon Findochus his return Donaldus who had fled for safety into Ireland returned from thence and endeavouring to recruit his Armies he found his Forces so weakened that he left off the Thoughts of managing an open War and resolved to betake himself to Guile and Stratagem And in prosecution of that Design not daring to trust the King thô he had given him the Publick Faith for his Security he sent Two of his Friends Persons both bold and crafty as with a secret Message to Him They coming to Findochus and boasting of their Lineage and Descent and withal grievously complaining of the wrongs they had received from Donaldus yet could not induce the King to believe them Whereupon they applyed themselves to Carantius his Brother a shallow-pated and ambitious Person Being admitted into an intimate Familiarity with him and by his means being made acquainted with the secret Affairs of the State and Commonwealth having found out his Disposition they were at last so bold as to tell him They were sent over to kill the King He hearing this looked
Disposition as usually Kings have many such Parasites did often persuade him to take Arms yet he would never be induced thereunto First then he applied himself to correct the publick Manners neither did he attempt to reduce the Ancient Discipline till he had Created new Magistrates and by their means had abridged Suits and Controversies and restrained Thefts and Robberies Peace being setled at home he endeavoured to reclaim others to a civiller course of Life first of all by his own Example and if any took no Copy from him but persisted obstinately in their Evil Courses Such he either gently chastized and punished or else sleighted them as despicable and worthless Persons and thus he quickly reduced all things to their former state Seeing as I said before at the beginning of his Reign he gave up himself wholly to the study of Peace the Brittons began to persuade Aurelius Ambrosius to recover Westmorland from the Scots which they had possessed many years Hereupon several Embassys being sent to and fro betwixt them the Matter was like to be decided by the Sword if fear of the Common Enemy had not put an end to the Dispute so that the League made by Constantine was renewed and no Alteration made in reference to Westmorland Congallus had War with the Saxons all the time of his Reign but it was a slow and intermittent one as Parties fortuitously met in driving of their respective Preys in which kind of Fighting the Scots being nimble light and most Horsemen accounted themselves Superior to their Enemies but they never came to a pitch'd Battel For Congallus was of opinion That it was best to commit as few things as we could to the Arbitrement of Fortune and therefore he sent Part of his Forces to help Aurelius Ambrosius and with the rest he wearied his Enemy and never suffered him to rest Night nor Day Merlin and Gildas lived in the days of these and the next Kings They were both Brittons and obtained great Fame amongst Posterity for the Opinion conceived of them concerning Prophecies and Divinations Merlin was a little the Ancienter of the Two a Cheat and Impostor rather than a Prophet His Vaticinations are scattered up and down but they are obscure and contain no Certainty at all to encourage any ones hopes before their fulfilling or to satisfy them when they are so that upon neither account can you affirm them to be True And besides they are so framed that you may accommodate or apply them to different or contrary Events as you will your self Yet tho' they are dayly furbished up and also augmented by new Additions such is the Folly o● credulous men That what they understand not they are yet bold to affirm to be as True as Gospel and tho' they be taken in a notorious I ●e yet they will not suffer themselves to be convinced thereof Gildas was later than he a Learned and Good Man and one who was had in great Veneration both Alive and Dead for his Excellent Learning accompanied with Sanctity of Life The Prophecies which go under his Name are such Ridiculous Sentences and so course and ill-framed in Wording and also in the whole Series of their Composure that no Wise Man can esteem them to be His Yet each Prophet as you call them had a Patron suitable to his own Disposition Merlin had Vortigern for his Patron and after him Vter to whom he was a Pander for his Lust. Gildas had Aurelius Ambrosius a Person no less admirable for the Probity of his Life than for his Victories in War after whose Death Gildas retired unto Glastonbury in Sommerset-shire where he lived and died very devoutly Our Books of the Life of Aurelius Ambrosius do make mention of him After his Death Vter the youngest of Constantines Three Sons succeeded him in the Year of our Lord Five Hundred And the next year after Congallus King of Scotland departed this Natural Life in the Twenty Second year of his Reign Goranus The Forty Fifth King GORANVS his Brother Succeeded him who after his Example governed Scotland with great Piety and Justice as much as Foreign Wars would suffer him so to do for he not only travelled all over the Kingdom as the good Kings of old were wont to do to punish Offenders but also to prevent the Injuries which great Men did offer to the Poor who in such Cases dared not to complain and to curb their oppressive Domination over them he appointed Informers who were to find out such Miscarriages write them down and bring them to him a Remedy necessary perhaps for those times but in our days a very hazardous one He was the chief Means and Occasion that the Picts deserting the Saxons made a joint League with the Scots and Britains At that time Lothus was King of the Picts a Person who excelled the Princes of his time in all accomplishments both of Body and Mind Goranus dealt earnestly with him to break his Alliance with those Barbarous Nations alleging That he ought to remember his own Country in which they were all born and especially their common Religion That he was much deceived if he imagined that the Peace betwixt him and the Saxons would be faithfully kept when once the Brittons and Scots were overthrown seeing he had to do with Men of inhuman Cruelty and insatiable Avarice That they had given sufficient proofs how little they esteemed Leagues or any other thing when they wickedly slew the Nobility of the Brittons who had so well deserved of them upon Pretence of calling them out to a Conference That the Son in Law was saved alive by the Father in Law not for any releif of his Calamity but for upbraiding of the Enemy he added That the Sacredness of Leagues which amongst other Nations are accounted the firmest bonds of Union was amongst them as a Snare or Bait to catch the simple and unwary in To what purpose was it to run so many hazards to free themselves from the Tyranny of the Romans if they must spontaneously give themselves up to the much harder and ba●er Servitude of the Saxons This were not to make a change of their Condition but of their Masters only Yea it was to prefer a Truculent and Barbarous One before One that was mild and gentle What a Foolish and Wild a thing was it to take away Lands from the Scots and Brittons and to deliver them to the Germans And so to despoil those who were but lately their Friends and endeared to them by many ancient Courtesies and Respects that they might enrich Pirates the common Enemies of Mankind even to their own Destruction That it ought to be esteemed the most grievous thing of all by one who was a true Christian to consent to that League whereby Christian Religion must be extinguished profane Rites renewed and wicked Tyrants Enemies of Piety and Humanity armed with Power against God and his Law Lothus knew all this to be true
was Poysoned as it is thought by his Wife an English Woman The Suspicion thereof was encreased on her because tho' she were Wooed by many Nobles yet she Married Iohn Russel her Gallant a Young English Spark She was accused of Witchcraft too and cast into Prison but she bought out her Liberty Russel and his Wife obtained Letters from the Pope permitting them to commence an Action of the Case against their Adversaries for the Wrong done them before the Popes Legate But it was to no purpose because the Scots urged an Ancient Privilege exempting them from going out of the Kingdom when they were to plead their Causes When the King was of Age upon the humble Petition of the Cumins's he Pardoned them as if all their offences had been expiated by the Death of Walter He was induced so to do as some say by reason of the Greatness of their Family and also because he feared Foreign Wars when Matters were so unsetled at home But that War began not so soon as Men thought it would In the Year of Christ 1263. in the Calends of August Acho King of Norwey with a Fleet of 160 Sail came to Air a Maritime Town of Coil where he Landed 20000 Men. The Cause of the War as he pretended was that some Islands which were promised to his Ancestors by Mackbeth were not yet put into his Hands viz. Bote Aran and both the Cumbras's which were never reckoned amongst the Aebudae But it was enough for him who sought a pretence for a War that they were called Islands Acho took two of the greatest of them and reduced their Castles before he could meet with any Opposition being lifted up by this success he makes a descent into Cuningham the next Continent over against Bote in that part of it which they call the Largs There he met with Two Misfortunes almost at one and the same First he was overcome in Fight by Alexander Stuart the Great Grandfather of him who first of that Name was King of Scotland and being almost taken by the Multitude of his Enemies he hardly escaped in great Fear to his Ships The other was That his Ships being tossed in a mighty Tempest hardly carried him with a few of his followers who escaped into the Orcades There were slain in that Battel Sixteen Thousand of the Norwegians and Five Thousand of the Scots some Writers say that King Alexander himself was in this Fight Yet they also make Honourable mention of the Name of this Alexander Stuart Acho died of Grief for the Loss of his Army and of his Kinsman too a Valiant Youth whose Name is not mentioned by Writers His Son Magnus who was lately come to him perceiving Things in a desperater Posture than he ever thought they would be brought to especially having no hopes of Recruit from home before the Spring and also finding the Minds of the Islanders alienated from him and that he was forsaken of the Scots too in Confidence of whose Aid his Father had undertaken that War these things considered he easily inclined to Terms of Peace The Spirit of the young Man was quailed both by the unlucky Fight and also by his Fear of the Islanders For Alexander had then recovered by sending about some Ships the Isle of Man situate almost in the midst between Scotland and Ireland upon these Conditions That the King thereof should send in Ten Gallies to the Scots as oft as there was occasion and that the Scots should defend him from a Foreign Enemy When Magnus saw That the rest of the Islands inclined to follow the Example of the Manks-Men he sent Ambassadors to treat of Peace which Alexander refused to make unless the Aebudae were restored at last by the diligence of the Commissioners it was agreed that the Scots should have the Aebudae for which at present they were to pay 1000 Marks of Silver and 100 Marks an Year And moreover That Margarite Alexanders Daughter being then but Four years old should Marry Hangonan the Son of Magnus assoon as she was fit for Marriage About this time the King of England being infested with Civil War had Five Thousand Scots sent him for his Assistance under the Command of R●bert Bruce and Alexander Cumins whom the English Writers call Iohn the greatest part of them were slain in Fight and Cumins with the Engl●sh King himself and his Son and a great part of the English Nobility of the Kings Party were taken Prisoners Moreover the Scots King was much troubled at the Arrogance of the Priests and Monks in his Kingdom who being enriched by former Kings began to grow wanton in a continued Peace Yea they endeavoured to be equal if not superior to the Nobility whom they excelled in Wealth The young Nobility repining at it and taking it in great disdain used them coursly whereupon complaints were made by them to the King who imagining either that their Wrongs were not so great as they represented them or else that they suffered them deservedly neglected their pretended Grievances whereupon they Excommunicated All but the King and in great Wrath determined to go to Rome But the King remembring what great Commotions Thomas Becket the prime promoter of Ecclesiastical Ambition had lately made in England called them back from their Journy and caused the Nobility to satisfie not only their Avarice but even their Arrogance too And indeed they were the more inclinable to an Accord with the King because he had lately undertaken the Patronage of the Ecclesiastical Orders against the Avarice of the Romanists For a little before Ottobon the Popes Legate was come into England to appease the Civil Discords but not being able to effect the thing he came for he omitted the publick Care and studied his own private Gain and Lucre he Indicted an Ecclesiastical Assembly of the English Procters from Scotland being also called thereunto in the mean time he endeavoured to exact Four Marks of Silver from every Parish in Scotland and Six from all Cathedrals for the Expence of Procurations This Contribution or Tax was scarce refused when News was brought That another Legate was arrived in England intending also for Scotland on pretence to gather up Money for the Holy War and besides that procurable by Indulgences and other Lime-Twigs to catch Money he endeavoured to wrest from all Bishops Abbats and Parish Priests as judging them to be immediately under Papal Jurisdiction the Tenth part of their yearly Revenues that so Edward and Edmond Sons to the King of England might go more Nobly and Numerously attended to the War in Syria The Scots judged this Tax to be very grievous and unjust especially because the English seemed to be so forward to have it granted as if Scotland were not sui Iuris or an absolute Kingdom but Dependent on England Moreover they were afraid lest the Legat should riotously mispend the Money designed for the War as was done some Years
being a Grand-son than Iohn Baliol who was but a Great Grand-son As for Dornadilla with whom he stood in equal Degree yet he was to be preferred before her as a Male before a Female The Scots Nobles could not decide this Controversie at home for by reason of the Power of both Parties the Land was divided into Two Factions For Baliol by his Mother held all Galway a very large Country and besides he was allied to the Cumin's Family which was the most Powerful next the Kings for Mary the Sister of Dornadilla had Married Iohn Cumins Robert on the other side in England possessed Cleveland in Scotland Annandale and Garioch and by his Son Earl of Carrick who was afterwards King was related to many Noble Families and he was also very Gracious with his own People so that for these Reasons the Controversie was not able to be decided at home yea if it should have been equitably determined yet there was not a sufficient Party in Scotland to compel both sides to stand to the Award and therefore Edward of England was almost unanimously chosen to be the Decider thereof Neither was there any doubt made of his Fidelity as being Born of such a Father as the late King of Scotland had Experienced to be both a Loving Father in Law to him and a just Guardian too and on the contrary the English King had received a late and memorable Testimony of the Scots Good-Will towards him in that they so readily consented to the Marriage of his Son with their Queen Whereupon Edward as soon as he came to Berwick sent Letters to the Peers and Governors of Scotland to come to him protesting That he Summoned them to appear before him not as Subjects before their Lord or Supreme Magistrate but as Friends before an Arbitrator chosen by themselves First of all he required an Oath of the Competitors to stand to his Award in the next place he required the same Oath of the Nobles and Commissioners to obey Him as King whom he upon his Oath should declare so to be and for this he desired a publick Scrol or Record signed by all the States and each ones Seal affixed thereto to be given to him This being done he chose of the most prudent of all the Estates 12 English and adjoyned 12 Scots to them from them also he exacted an Oath to Judge Rightly and Truly according to their Consciences in the Case These things were managed openly and above board which in appearance were honest and taking with the People but his private Design was secretly agitated amongst a few only how he might bring Scotland under his Subjection The Thing was thought feasable enough in regard the Kingdom was divided into Two Factions but to make the Way more Intricate and the Fraud more Covert he raised up Three other Competitors besides Bruce and Baliol that out of so great a Number he might more easily bring over One or More to his Party And lest so great a Matter might seem to be determined unadvisedly he consulted with Those who were most eminent in France for Piety Prudence and the Knowledge of the Law Neither did he doubt but that as that sort of Men are never always of One Opinion he should fish something out of their Answers which might make for his purpose The New Competitors seeing no Grounds for their Pretensions of their own accord quickly desisted but to the Lawyers whom he Governed and Influenced as he pleased a false or made Case was Stated and Propounded Thus A certain King that was never wont to be Crowned nor Anointed but only to be placed in a kind of Seat and declared King by his Subjects yet not a King so free but that he was under the Patronage of another King whose Homage or Beneficiary he professed himself to be Such a King died without Children Two of his Kinsmen begat by Sempronius Great Vncle of the deceased King claim the Inheritance to wit Titius Great Grand-son by the Eldest Daughter of Sempronius and Seius Grand-son by his Younger Daughter now Which of These is to be preferred in ●n undividable Estate The Case being propounded well near in those very Words They all Generally answered That if any Law or Custom did obtain in the Kingdom which was sued for they were to be Guided by and stand to it if not then they must be Guided by him under whose Patronage they were because in Judging of Freehold Custom doth not ascend i. e. The usage and award of the Superior is to be a Law to the Inferiour but not on the contrary It would be too prolix a Task to reckon up particularly all the Opinions but in brief almost all of them answered very doubtfully and uncertainly as to the Right of the Competitors but as the Case was falsely put they all gave the Supreme Power of Judgment in the Controversie to Edward Hereby the Matter was made more intricate and involved than before so that the next Year they met again at Norham There Edward by Agents fit for his purpose gently tried the Minds of the Scots Whether they would willingly put Themselves under the Power and Jurisdiction of the English which as was alleged their Ancestors had often done But when they all unanimously refused so to do he called to him the Competitors whom he himself had set up and by great Promises extorted from them to Swear Homage to him and he persuades the rest to remove the Assembly to Berwick as a more convenient Place There he shut up the 24 Judges Elected as before in a Church without any Body else amongst them commanding them to give their Judgments in the Case and till they did so no Man was to have Access to them But they being slow in their Proceedings he ever and anon went in alone to them and by discoursing sometimes One and sometimes Another finding that most were of Opinion That the Right lay on Baliol's side tho' he were inferiour in Favour and Popularity he went to Bruce who because he was Legally cast by their Votes he thought he might more easily persuade to assent to his Design and promised him the Crown of Scotland if he would put himself under the Patronage of the King of England and be Subject to his Authority Bruce answered him ingeniously That he was not so eager of a Crown as to accept of it by abridging the Liberty his Ancestors had left him Hereupon he was dismissed and he sends for Iohn Baliol who being more desirous of a Kingdom than of honest Methods to come by it greedily accepted the Condition offered him by Edward John Baliol The Ninety Sixth King WHereupon Iohn Baliol was declared King of Scotland 6 Years and 9 Months after the Death of Alexander The rest of the Scots being studious of the publick Tranquillity led him to Scone and there Crowned him according to Custom and all Swore Fealty to him except Bruce He being thus made King by
the Most did it to gratify the Queen only Andrew Stuart of Ochiltry openly profest that he would never give his Consent to the admission of a Popish King As for Murray he was not averse from the Marriage for he was the first Adviser that the young Man should be call'd out of England but he foresaw what Tumults it would occasion if it were celebrated without the consent of the Queen of England besides he promis'd to procure her Consent that so all things might go on favourably Provision being made about Religion but perceiving that there would be no freedom of Debate in that Convention he chose rather to be absent than to declare his Opinion which might prove destructive to himself and no way advantagious to the Commonwealth Moreover there was a Question started and discours'd amongst the Vulgar Whether the Queen upon her Husbands death might not marry any other Man whom she pleas'd Some were of Opinion That a Queen might have the same freedom as Men even of the Commonalty have Others on the contrary affirming That the Case was different in reference to Heirs of Kingdoms where at once an Husband was to be taken to a Wife and a King to be given to the People and That it was far more Equitable that the People should provide an Husband for one young Queen than that a young Queen should chuse a King for all the People In the Month of Iuly came an Embassador from England who declar'd That his Mistress did much admire That seeing they were both equally allied to Her they should precipitate so great an Affair without acquainting her therewith and therefore She earnestly desir'd that they would stay a while and weigh the thing a little more seriously to the great Advantage probably of both Kingdoms This Embassy effected nothing Whereupon Sir Nicholas Throgmorton was sent by the Queen of England to tell Lennox and his Son that they had a Convoy from her to return at a set Day and that Day was now past and therefore she commanded them to return which if they did not they were to be banish'd and their Goods Confiscate They were not at all terrified with the Commination but persisted in their purpose In the mean time the Queen being sensible that it would seem a very incongruous Match if She who was lately the Wife of a Great King and besides the Heir of an Illustrious Kingdom should marry a private young Man who had no Title of Honour conferr'd upon him she made an Edict proclaiming Darnly Duke of Rothsea and Earl of Ross. Moreover the Predictions of wizardly Women in both Kingdoms did contribute much to hasten the Marriage who prophesy'd that if it were Consummate before the end of Iuly it foretold much future Advantage to them Both if not much Reproach and Ignominy Besides Rumors were spread abroad of the Death of the Queen of England and the Day mention'd before which she should die Which Prediction seem'd not so much to divine things as to declare a Conspiracy of her Subjects against her This also added much to the Queen's haste she knew her Uncles would be averse from the Marriage and if it were longer delay'd she fear'd they would cast in some Remora to disturb the Thing now almost finish'd For when the secret Decree and Resolution was made to carry on the Holy War thrô all Christendom and Guise was appointed General of the League to extirpate the Reform'd Religion hereupon he nourish'd high and ambitious Hopes and therefore determin'd by his Sisters Daughter so to trouble Britain with domestic Tumults that they should not be able to Aid their Friends beyond Sea And David who could then do most with the Queen urg'd That the Marriage would be highly advantagious to all Christendom because Henry Darnly and his Father were stiff Maintainers of the Popish Religion were very Gracious in both Kingdoms allied to great Families and had large Clanships under them This being long debated was at last carried For he knew That if the Marriage were made by the Consent of the Queen of England and the Nobility of Scotland that he should lose two great Points One that he should be no ways ingratiated as before and the Other that Religion would be secur'd But if the Queen adher'd to the Council of Trent then he promis'd Honours Ecclesiastical Dignities heaps of Mony and unrivall'd Power to himself So that turning every Stone He at last procur'd that the Marriage should be hasten'd The Scots not being much for it and the English very much against it Note That the Name of Henry is joined with Mary in the Title tho before their Marriage is accounted for at the Close of the Catalogue of the Scotish Kings prefixed before the Body of this History Mary and Henry Stuart the CVIIth Queen and King HEnry Stuart was marry'd to Mary Stuart Iuly 28 th and O Yes being made Proclamation thereof was publickly read with the applause of the Multitude God Save Henry and Mary King and Queen of Scotland and the day after they were proclaim'd in like Manner by an Herauld at Edinburgh This Matter did grievously offend the Nobility and the Commons also yea some fretted and openly storm'd That 't was a thing of the worst Example that ever was For To what purpose was it to call a Council about making a King and never to ask their Advice nor to comply with their Authority but to set up an Herauld instead of a Senate and a Proclamation for a Statute of Parliament or Order of Council so that it was not said they a Consultation but an Essay rather how the Scots would bear the yoke of Tyranny The absence of so many Nobles increas'd the Suspicion The chief Nobility were away Iames Duke of Castle-herault Gilespy Earl of Argyle Iames Earl of Murray Alexander Earl of Glencarn Andrew Earl of Rothes and many others of Rich and Noble Families Heraulds were sent to them to command them to come in which they not doing were banish'd and went most of them into Argyle and their Enemies were recall'd to Court The King and Queen having got as much Force together as they thought were sufficient to subdue the Rebels with 4000 Men came to Glasgow The Rebels kept themselves at Pasley where various Consultations were held according to the Disposition of the Parties The King and Queen sent an Herauld at Arms to have the Castle of Hamilton surrendred to them which not being done they prepare themselves for the Fight The contrary Faction was at variance one with another and divided into several Opinions The Hamiltons who had the greatest Power in those Parts were of Opinion That no firm Peace could be made till the King and Queen were Both taken out of the way as long as they were safe nothing could be expected but new Wars continual Plots and a counterfeit Peace worse than an open War private Men said they may forget Injuries offer'd them being weary of
subject to the Empire of any Men but all Men subject to the Dominion and Power of Them This Law prescribes to us in all our Actions 't is always before our Eyes and Minds whether we will or no it dwells in us Our Ancestors followed it in repressing the Violence of Tyrants by armed Force 'T is a Law not proper to the Scots only but common to all Nations and People in well-instituted Governments To pass by the famous Cities of Athens Sparta Rome Venice who never suffer'd this Right to be taken from them but with their Liberty it self Even in those Times wherein Oppression and Tyranny were most triumphant in the Roman Government if any good Man were chosen Emperour he counted it his Glory to confess himself inferiour to the whole Body of the People and to be subject to the Law For Trajan when he delivered a Sword to the Governour of a certain City according to Custom is reported to say Vse it either for me or against me as I deserve Yea Theodosius a good Emperour in bad Times would have it left recorded amongst his Sanctions and Laws as a Speech worthy of an Emperour yea greater than his Empire it self to confess That he was inferiour to the Laws Yea the most barbarous Nations such as were most remote from all Civility had a Sense and Knowledg hereof as the History of all Nations and common Observation shews But not to insist on obsolete Examples I will produce Two in our own Memory Of late Christiern of Denmark for his Cruelty was driven out of the Kingdom with all his Lineage a greater Punishment than ever our People exacted from any of their Kings for they never punish'd the Sins of the Fathers upon their Children As for him he was deservedly punish'd after a singular manner as the Monster of his Age for all kind of Wickedness But what did the Mother of the Emperour Charles the Fifth do as to deserve perpetual Imprisonment She was a Woman in her flourishing Age and her Husband died young even in the Prime of his Age it was reported She had a mind to marry again she was not accus'd for any Wickedness but for a certain allowable Intemperance as the severe Cato's of the Age speak and as the publick Manners now are of an honest Copulation approved by God's and Man's Law both If the Calamity of our Queen be compared with Christiern's of Denmark she is not less an Offender to say no more but she hath been more moderately proceeded against and punish'd But if she be compared with Ioan of Austria Charles his Mother what did that poor Lady do but desire as far as lawfully she might a Pleasure allowed by the Law and a Remedy necessary for her Age Yet being an innocent Woman she suffer'd that Punishment of which our Queen convict of the highest Wickedness doth now complain The Murder of her lawful Husband and her unlawful Marriage with a publick Parricide have now those same Deprecators who in killing the King did inflict the Punishment due to wicked Men on the Innocent But here they remember not what the Examples of their Ancestors do prompt them to do neither are they mindful of that eternal Law which our noble Progenitors even from the first beginnings of Kingdoms having followed have thereby restrain'd the Violence of Tyrants And in our present Case what have we done more than trod in the Steps of so many Kingdoms and free Nations and so bridled that Arbitrariness which claim'd a Power above Law And yet we have not done it with that Severity neither as our Ancestors have us'd in the like kind for they would never have suffer'd any one who had been found guilty of such a notorious Crime to escape the Punishment of the Law If we had imitated Them we had been free from fear of Danger and also from the Trouble of Calumniators and that may be easily known by the Postulations of our Adversaries How often have they criminated and arraigned us before our Neighbour-Princes What Nations do they not solicite and stir up against us What do they desire by this Importunity Is it only That the Controversy may be decided by Law and Equity We never refused That Condition and they would never accept of It though 't were often offer'd them What then do they desire Even This That we should arm Tyrants by Publick Authority who are manifestly guilty of the most notorious Wickedness who are stuff'd with the Spoils of their Subjects besmear'd with the Blood of Kings and aim at the Destruction of all good Men Shall we set them up over our Lives who are found Actors in the Parricide and shrewdly suspected to be the Designers of it without acquitting themselves in a Judiciary way And yet we have gratified their Request more than the Custom of our Country the Severity of the Law or the Distribution of equal Justice would allow There is nothing more frequently celebrated nor more diligently handled by the Writers of our History than our Punishment of evil Kings And amongst so many peccant Governours who ever felt the like Lenity of angry Subjects in inflicting Punishment as we have used in punishing our King's Mother though evidently guilty of a most atrocious Crime What Ruler standing convict of Murder had ever power given to substitute a Son or Kinsman in his or her place To whom in such Circumstances also was the Liberty ever granted to appoint what Guardians they pleas'd to the succeeding King And in the very Abjuration of the Kingdom Who can complain of any hard Usage A young Woman unable to undergo the Burden and toss'd by the Storms of unsettled Affairs sent Letters to the Nobility to free her from That Government which was as burdensom to her as it was honourable It was granted her She desir'd the Government might be transferr'd from her to her Son her Request was assented to She also desir'd to have the Naming of the Guardians who might manage the Government till her Son came to be of Age it was done as she desir'd And that the thing might have more Authority the whole Matter was referr'd to the Estates in Parliament who Voted That all was rightly done and in good order and they confirm'd it by an Act than which there cannot be a more sacred and a firmer Obligation But 't is alleged What was done in Prison is to be taken not as done willingly but forc'd by Durance for fear of Death and so many other things which Men are inforc'd to do for fear are wont as they ought to go for Nothing Indeed this Excuse of Fear as sometimes it is not without reason admitted by the Judges so it doth not always infer a just Cause for abolishing a publick Act once made in a Suit of Law if a Man strike a Fear into his Adversary for ones own Advantage and so the Plaintiff extorts more from the Defendant than he could ever obtain by the Equity of the Law
Estates he abdicated the Magistracy about the Twelfth Year after Thereus began his Reign Josina the Ninth King JOsina Brother of the late King was raised to the Helm of Government He did nothing memorable one way or other only he had Physicians in very high esteem because when he was banished with his Father into Ireland they had been his great Intimates Whereupon the rest of the Nobility complying with the Humour of the King it came to pass that for many Ages there was scarce a Nobleman or Gentleman in Scotland which had not the Skill to cure Wounds For there was then little use of other parts of Physick amongst such Men who were educated parsimoniously and enured to much Labour and Toil. He died in a good old Age having Reigned Four and Twenty Years Finnanus The Tenth King HIS Son Finnanus succeeded him who walking in his Fathers Steps endeavoured nothing more than to accustom his Subjects to a just and moderate Government labouring to maintain his Kingly Authority more by Good Will than Arms And that he might cut up the Root of Tyranny he made a Decree That Kings should determine or command nothing of great Concernment without the Authority of their Great Council He was beloved both by his Subjects and by Foreigners He deceased having Reigned Thirty Years Durstus The Eleventh King NOthing did so much aggravate the Loss of Finnanus as the profligate and deboist Life of his Son Durstus who succeeded him For First of all he banished from his presence his Fathers Friends as troublesom Abridgers of his Pleasures Then he made the Corruptest Youngsters his Familiar and Bosom Friends giving up himself wholly to Wine and Women He drove away his Wife the Daughter of the King of the Britains who was prostituted to his Nobles At length when he perceived that the Nobility were conspiring against him as if he had been just then awakened out of a deep sleep foreseeing that he was not safe at home and knew not where to find a secure place abroad if he were banished in regard he was so hated both of his Subjects and Strangers too he therefore thought it his best course to dissemble a Repentance for his former Evil Life by that means thinking he might retain the Regal Government and in time be reveng'd of his Enemies too And thereupon in the first place he recalled his Wife and by that means endeavour'd to make fair Weather with the Britains He assembles the Heads of his Subjects and under a solemn Oath to do so no more he Enacts an Amnesty for what was past He commits Notorious Criminals to Prison as if he had reserved them for further Punishment And religiously promised That for the future he would Act nothing without the Counsel of his Nobles When by these Arts he had made others believe That he was a true Convert he celebrates this Reconciliation and Concord with Plays Feastings and other Divertisements proper for Publick Rejoycings Thus all Mens Minds being filled with Jollity he invites the Nobility to Supper and then shutting them up in one place being unarmed and fearing nothing he sent in Ruffians amongst them who destroy'd them every Man That Calamity did not so much abate and quell the Minds of the rest with fear as it raised and blew up their Languishing Anger into New Flames VVherefore gathering a great Army together they all conspired to rid the Earth of so foul a Monster Durstus perceiving that all other hope failed him resolved to try his fortune in a Battel with a few others whom the like fear of Punishment for the Wickedness of their former Lives had drawn in to joyn with him in which Fight he was slain after he had Reigned Nine Years Though all Orders and Estates were justly incens'd against him yet they gave so great Deference to the Name of King and to the Memory of his Ancestors that he was buried amongst his Royal Predecessors Evenus the Twelfth King AFter his Death in a Publick Assembly of the Nobles there was a very great Contest some alledging that according to their Oath made to King Fergus the ancient Custom was to be observed others fearing that if they made any one of the Kindred of Durstus King that either the Similitude of Manners would incline him to the same Wickedness or else the Propinquity of Blood would make him study Revenge At last Evenus Brothers-Child to Durstus being commended for his former Life and for his extream Hatred against the Tyrant whilst he was alive was sent for from amongst the Picts whither he had voluntarily banished himself out of hatred to Durstus and unanimously created King He is reported to be the first who made his Subjects to take an Oath of Allegiance to him which Custom is yet retained by the Heads of the Clans Evenus that he might rectifie the Manners of his Subjects which were depraved by the former King did first reduce Youth to the Ancient Parsimony in Diet Apparel and in their daily Conversation For by that means he judged they would be more Valiant in War and less Seditious in Peace He diligently viewed all the Parts of his Kingdom administring Justice with great Moderation and punishing Offenders according to their Demerits He assisted the King of the Picts with Aid against the Brittons betwixt whom there was fought a long and cruel Battel till Night parted them the Victory being so uncertain that both Armies departed with equal Slaughter and as equal Fear The Brittons went home The Scots and Picts retired into the next adjacent Mountains But the Day after from the High Grounds perceiving the departure or flight of their Enemies they came and gathered up the Spoils as if they had been Conquerors and so return'd home with their Army Evenus having repelled his Enemies again betook himself to the Arts of Peace And that it might not be troublesom to Kings to Travel over the Countries so oft for the Administring Justice which was then their Custom to do he divided the Kingdom into Circuits and setled Ordinary Judges to do that Work He also appointed Informers to bring in Accusations against the Guilty Which Office being found inconvenient was either abrogated by a Law or else grew obsolete by Custom He died in the Nineteenth Year of his Reign leaving a Base-born Son called Gillus behind him a Crafty Man and desirous of the Kingdom Gillus The Thirteenth King THere were yet living of the Blood-Royal as Heirs to the Crown Two Twins Dochamus and Dorgalius the Sons of Durstus Though their Age was not the Cause of the Difference yet there arose a deadly Fewd between them concerning the Kingdom which was also further increased by the Fraud of Gillus The Matter being referred to the Arbitration of their Kindred such was the Obstinacy of the Factions that nothing could be determined Gillus who advis'd each of them to kill one another when his Secret Counsel took no effect
gathered together the chief of the Nobles and his Kindred on pretence to end the Controversie into one place where he suborned Men fit for his purpose to raise a Tumult and to destroy them Both. And then as if he himself had been assaulted by Treachery he implored the Aid of all that were present and fled to Evonium a place fortified by King Evenus Having Garison'd that Fort with part of the Nobility and other Flagitious Persons out of an high place in the Castle he made a long Oration to the People who in great Multitudes were gathered about him concerning the Rashness and Obstinacy of the Two Brothers he declaimed also against those Assassins who killed them but at last he told them That he was left by Evenus the Guardian or Superior of the Kingdom as well as of his Domestick Affairs till a New King was chosen When the People heard this though they believed it to be false yet when they saw him fortified in a strong Garison for fear of a greater Mischief they instantly swore Fealty to him and declared him King He though he had strengthened himself in the Kingdom by the Consent of the People though unwillingly obtain'd yet not thinking himself safe from the Posterity of Durstus as long as any of them were alive resolved to destroy his Nephews There remained alive of them Lismorus Gormachus and Ederus the Sons of Dochamus Son of Durstus they were educated in the Isle of Man Thither G●llus went on pretence to bring them home and to the Two Elder he behaved himself with great Reverence and Respect and carried them with him into Albium cunningly pretending That they be being of a Royal Stock should be educated in his Cou●t sutable to their Princely Quality As for Ederus the younger ●he left Souldiers on pretence of a Guard to attend his Person to whom he gave Command on a certain appointed Day to kill him But the Disposition of Gillus being well known to all The Nurse suspecting Treachery to be hatching against the Child conveyed him secretly by Night into the Country of Argyle and so she eluded Gillus who ●ought in vain to find him out to destroy him for she bred him up for some years privately in a Cave under Ground whereupon ●he in fury put the Two elder Brothers of Ederus and also their Guard to Death But it being publickly reported That Ederus himself was conveyed into Ireland he made no further enquiry after him And yet his Cruelty rested not here though he had slain the Nephews of Durstus for not judging himself sufficiently secure as long as any one of the Royal Progeny was left alive he caused all those of Kin or Alliance thereto to be also put to Death The Nobles who were grieved at the present state of Affairs which was bad at present and fearing that it would be worse entred into a Combination against him and carried the Matter with so much secresie that a War was begun against Gillus before he had Notice that any Preparations were making towards It. But in Levying an Army against his Contrariants he soon perceived how inconstant the Fealty of Man is towards Wicked and Flagitious Princes For there were very few that came in to him at his Summons and those that did were Debauchees such as were afraid of Peace in regard of the Wickedness of their former Lives And therefore distrusting his Forces he left his Army and in a Fisher-Boat was wafted over into Ireland In the mean time the Scots that they might not be without a Legal Government made Cadvallus chief of those who conbined against Gillus their Vice-Roy to whom upon a Treaty the Forces of his Enemies did submit and were thereupon received into his Protection When Cadvallus understood that Gillus was about to renew the War and in order thereto was raising as many deboist Persons as he could he resolved to prevent him before he could gather together a just Army and so to pursue him whithersoever he fled First he Sailed into the Aebudae or Hebrides there he caused Ederus the only branch of the Family of Durstus yet alive to be brought to him and gave Order for his Liberal and Royal Education When Gillus heard of his March he retired again into Ireland there he engaged the Clans of that Nation with great promises of Reward to endeavour his Restitution to his Kingdom which if they could effect then he would give them the Aebudae Islands for their Reward By these Promises he gathered together a great Army Cadvallus having prepared all things for his Transportation was suddainly called back to clear himself from a false suspicion of affecting or aspiring to the Kingly Government Evenus II. The Fourteenth King IN which Case the first thing he did was to take care That Evenus an eminent Person the Son of Dovallus Brother to King Finnanus might by the Suffrages of the People be created King who having accepted the Government caused all Places which were commodious for his Enemies and especially the Maritime ones to be filled with strong Garisons that so his Enemies might not make a suddain descent into his Kingdom without opposition Gillus hearing of this did also alter his Resolution and sailed to the Isle Ila And there having wasted the Country far and near with Fire and Sword he returned back into Ireland Evenus sends a great Army thither under the Command of Cadvallus that so he might exhaust the Spring-head of the War Neither did Gillus refuse to fight him but being forsaken of his Men who followed him for Booty rather than for Love he changed his Apparel and with a small Company fled into a neighbor Wood The rest of his Army being thus deserted by their General and their Fellow Soldiers too yielded to Cadvallus After the Battel was ended they sought a long time for Gillus and at last found him in a blind Cave where he was slain the Third Year after he began his Reign and his Head was brought to Cadvallus Matters being thus happily setled in Ireland by Cadvallus as he was returning home he met not with the same Felicity for being toss'd up and down with a grievous Tempest he lost the greatest part of his Army and all the Prey they had gotten which strook him into such a damp that not long after he died of Grief The King indeed comforted him but all in vain and praising his Valour and Success in the War he cast all his Miseries upon the crosness of Fortune The new King being lifted up with this Success renewed a Peace with the Picts and in Confirmation thereof he took to Wife the Daughter of Getus the Third King of the Picts But the suddain Arrival and Landing of the Orkny-Men in Albium quickly disturbed this publick Joy But the King falling suddainly upon them drove them out of the Field to the Mountains and from thence to the Sea and there being in a fright and hurry whilst
they crowded and hindred one another in endeavouring to Ship themselves they were all slain to a Man Belus their King despairing to obtain Quarter slew himself Evenus having finished the War returns to the work of Peace and constitutes two Mart-Towns for Trade in convenient Places i. e. Ennerlochy and Ennerness each of them receiving their Name from Rivers gliding by them For Enner amongst the Ancient Scots signifies a Place whither Ships do usually resort He subdued the Inhabitants of the Aebudae who by reason of their long Wars were grown very Licentious and Quarrelsome He reconciled their Animosities and appeased their Disturbances and soon after died having Reigned Seventeen years Ederus the Fifteenth King EDERVS the Son of Dochamus was made King in his place who whilst he was reaping the sweet Fruits of Peace establish'd both at home and abroad and giving himself to the sport of Hunting according to the ancient Custom of the Nation had News suddenly brought him That one Bredius an Islander of Kin to the Tyrant Gillus was Landed with a great Navy of Souldiers and plundered the Country He presently gathered together a Tumultuary Army against him and marching as silently as he could in the Night he passed by the Camp of his Enemies and set upon their Ships in the Road which by this suddain surprize he easily mastered and killing the Guard he burnt the Navy In the Morning he led his Army against the Camp which he easily took finding the Souldiers negligent and in no order at all many were slain on the spot whilst they delay'd either to Fight or Fly The rest having their flight by Sea prevented by the burning of their Ships were there taken and Hanged The Prey was restored to the Owners that claimed them A few years after another of the kindred of Gillus and out of the same Island too raised the like Commotion which had the same Event and Success for his Army was overthrown his Fleet burnt the Prey recovered back and restored to the Right Owners Thus having settled a firm Peace being very old he fell Sick and died in the Forty Eight year of his Reign Evenus III. the Sixteenth King EVENVS the Third Succeeded him a Son unworthy of so Good a Father for not being contented with an Hundred Concubines of the Noblest Families he published his Filthiness and Shame to the World by Established Laws For he enacted That every Man might Marry as many Wives as he was able to maintain And also That before the Marriage of Noble Virgins the King should have one Nights lodging with them and the Nobles the like before the Marriage of Plebeians That the Wives of Plebeians should be common to the Nobility Luxury Cruelty and Covetousness did as they ordinarily do attend and follow this his flagitious Wickedness For his Incomes and Revenues not answering his Expence upon pretended Causes the Wealthier sort were put to Death and the King going snips with the Robbers by that means Theives were never punished And thus the Favour which he had obtain'd from corrupt youth by reason of his permission of Promiscuous Lust he lost by his Cruelty and Rapaciousness For a Conspiracy of the Nobles being made against him he soon perceived that the Friendship and seeming Union of Wicked Men is not to be relied upon For assoon as they came to Fight he was Deserted by his Souldiers and fell alive into his Enemies Hands by whom he was cast into the common Jail Cadallanus who Succeeded him demanding what Punishment he should have he was Condemned to perpetual Imprisonment But there one or other of his Enemies either out of some old Grudge for Injuries received from him or else hoping for Favour or at least Impunity for the Murder of the King Strangled him by Night in the Prison when he had Reigned Seven years The Murderer was Hanged for his Labour Metellanus the Seventeenth King METELLANVS Kinsman to Ederus Succeeded him in the Throne a Prince no less dear to all for his excellent Virtues than Evenus was hated by them for his flagitious Vices He was mightily Priz'd and Esteem'd for This That during his Reign there was Peace both at home and abroad But it was some allay to his Happiness that he could not abrogate the Filthy Laws of Evenus being hindred by his Nobility who were too much addicted to Luxury He deceased in the Thirtieth year of his Reign Caratacus the Eighteenth King METELLANVS dying without Issue the Kingdom was conferred on Caratacus Son of Cadallanus a young Man of the Royal Blood Assoon as he entred upon the Kingdom he quieted the People of the Aebudae Islands who had raised Commotions upon the Death of their last King but not without great Trouble Yet here I cannot easily beleive what our Writers following Orosius Eutropius and Bede do say viz. That the Orcades were subdued by Claudius Caesar in his Reign Not that I think it a very hard thing for him to attempt one by one a few Islands scatter'd up and down in the Stormy Sea and having but a few and those too unarmed Inhabitants to defend them and seeing they could not mutually help another to take them all in nor that I think it incredible That a Navy might be sent by Claudius on that Expedition he being a Man that sought for War and Victory all the World over But because Tacitus affirms that before the coming of Iulius Agricola into Britain that part thereof was utterly unknown to the Romans Caratacus Reigned Twenty years Corbredus the Nineteenth King CORBREDVS his Brother Succeeded him He also subdued the Islanders in many Expeditions a People that almost in every Inter-Regnum did affect Innovation and raise up new Tumults He also quite suppress'd the Banditti which most infested the Commonalty Having settled Peace he return'd to Albium and making his Progress over all Scotland he repaired the Places injured by War and departed this Life in the Eighteenth year of his Reign Dardanus the Twentieth King THE Convention of Estates set up Dardannus the Nephew of Metellanus in his stead passing by the Son of Corbredus because of his young and tender years No Man before him entred upon the Government of whom greater Expectations were conceived and no Man did more egregiously deceive the Peoples Hopes Before he undertook the chief Magistracy he gave great Proof of his Liberality Temperance and Fortitude So that in the beginning of his Reign he was an indifferent Good and Tolerable King but he had scarce sat Three years on the Throne before he ran head-long into all sorts of Wickedness The Sober and Prudent Counsellors of his Father he banish'd from his Court because they were against his lewd Practices Only Flatterers and such as could invent new Pleasures were his Bosom Friends He caused Cardorus his own Kinsman to be put to Death because he reproved him for his Extravagance in Lawless Pleasures and yet he had been Lord Chief Justice and Chancellor too under
with one or two of his Companions sought to run from their Fury but before he could execute his Project he was taken and slain after he had Reigned 36 Years This was done about the Sixth Year of the Reign of the Emperor Antoninus Pius Conarus the Twenty Fourth King COnarus his Son succeeded him who from an ill Beginning ended his wicked Reign with as unhappy a Conclusion For he was not only conscious and privy to but also a partner in the Conspiracy against his Father But to cover his Faults in the beginning of his Reign a War did fall out very opportunely for him For the Britains having passed Adrian's Wall took away great store of Men and Cattle Whereupon Conarus by the Advice of his Council joyning his Army with the Picts they passed over Adrian's Wall in many places and made great havock in the Britains Country and at last encountring their Enemy a great and bloody Battel was fought betwixt Them the Romans and Britains The Slaughter was almost equal on both sides which occasioned Peace between Them till the next Year Yet the Romans because they were not Conquerors looked upon themselves as in a manner Conquered Whereupon their own Forces being much lessened and Adrian putting no great Confidence in the Britains whom he saw to conceive some hopes of Liberty upon his Misfortunes he sent for Aid from Antoninus Pius laying the blame of the Violation of the Peace upon the Scots and Picts and of the loss and slaughter of his Men upon the Britains Lollius Vrbicus was sent over Lieutenant-General by the Emperor who overcame his Enemy in a bloody Battel and drove them beyond the Wall of Adrian which he again repaired Afterwards there was a Cessation of Arms for many Years as if a silent Truce had been made For the Romans had Work enough to keep the Enemy from ravaging and plundering and for that end their Camp was pitched on the Borders And Conarus who loved nothing in War but the Licentiousness obteined thereby made haste to return home That he might imploy that Vacancy wholly to immerge himself in Pleasures Whereupon those Vices which he had before concealed on design to gain the Love of others began now to appear bare-faced And when by this Dissimulating Art he judged the Kingdom sure to him what his Ancestors had gotten by great Pains and Labour he did as profusely spend on his own Lusts and Pleasures insomuch that in a very short time he was reduced to great want So that convening an Assembly of the Estates he made a long and plausible Oration of the Grandeur and Magnificence which was necessary for Kings and complained of the Lowness of his Exchequer Thus covering his Vices under the cleanly Names of Gallantry and Magnificence and he was also an earnest Suitor That a Valuation of every Mans Estate should be made and a proportionable Tax imposed on each Individual This Speech was unacceptable to all that heard it whose Answer was That the Matter was of more Moment than to be determined on a sudden Whereupon the Estates having obtained a short time for Consultation upon asking every particular Mans Opinion they soon found That this new Device of demanding such a vast Sum of Money did not proceed from the Nobles but from some Court-Parasites whereupon they Voted That the King should be kept Prisoner as unfit to Reign until upon his Abjuration of the Government they did substitute another When they met the next Day he who was first demanded to give his Vote made a sharp Speech and Invective against the Life of the former King saying That Bawds Parasites Minstrels and Troops of Harlots were not fit Instruments for Kings and Kingdoms as being useless in War and troublesom in Peace besides they were costly and full of Infamy and Disgrace He added The Complaint was false That the King's Revenue and Incom were not sufficient for his Expence for a great many of their former Kings who were famous Warriors and formidable to their Enemies had lived Nobly and Splendidly upon it in time of Peace But if any Prince be of Opinion That the Publick Revenue was too short then said he let a Supplement be made not out of the Subjects Purse but out of his own Domestick Parsimony He further added That the Measure of Expence was not to be taken from the Lust and Exorbitant Desires of Men which were infinite but from the Ability of the People and the Real Necessities of Nature And therefore it was his Opinion That those Villains upon whom the Publick Patrimony was conferred and for whose sake the King had undone so many Worthy Persons of good Rank and Quality by despoiling them of their Estates and putting them to Death should be compelled to refund That to the Lawful Owners which by their Flatteries they had unjustly robbed them of and that also they should be further punished to boot In the mean time he advised that the King should be kept a Prisoner till they could substitute another that would not only inure himself to Thrift but also teach others by his Example to live hardly and parsimoniously as his Forefathers had done that so the strict Discipline received from our Ancestors might be transmitted to Posterity This Speech as it was sharp enough of it self so it seemed more cutting to those who had Velvet Ears and were unaccustomed to hear such free and bold Discourses before Neither did the King endeavour to allay the Heats of his People by fair and gentle Words but rather by fierce and minatory Expressions which did more vehemently inflame and provoke them so that amidst these Quarrellings and Altercations a Tumult arising some that were next the King laid Hands on him and thrust him with some few others into a Cave under-ground Those Courtiers who had been the Authors of such wicked Counsels were presently put to Death and lest any Tumult of the Mobile should arise upon this Dissolution of the Bonds of Government One Argadus a Nobleman was made Vice-Roy till the People could conveniently meet to set up a New King He though in the beginning of his Administration he setled all things with great Equity and thereby had procured much Commendation by his moderate Deportment yet his Mind being corrupted by Prosperity he soon lost all the Credit of his former praise-worthy Life For he cherished Home-bred Seditions and strengthened his Authority by External Aid having such great Familiarity with the chief of the Picts that he took a Wife from amongst them and gave his Daughters to them in Marriage by which practice it soon appeared that he aspired to the Crown These things being laid to his Charge in a Publick Assembly wherein he was much blamed for his so sudden Degeneration and Apostacy he was altogether ashamed and knowing them to be True he brake forth into Tears and as soon as his Weeping gave him liberty to speak being unable to purge himself from the
it was expressly cautioned That none should be preferred to the Succession of the Kingdom before the Sons of Lothus To which the contrary Party answered that That League was extorted by the necessity of the Times against the Common good of the whole Nation and that they were not obliged to keep it now Lothus with whom it was made was Dead And that therefore the Picts would do well to be contented with their own Bounds and not to invade other Mens That the Kingdom of Britain by Gods Blessing was now in that State that it could not only defend it self against New Injuries but also revenge the Old These things being brought to Modredus his Ear did quite alienate his Mind from Arthur and inclined him to set up for himself by maintaining his own Dignity only he a little suspended the War till he had tryed the Minds of the Scots when they were brought over to his Party an Army was listed consisting of many Picts Scots and Brittons being induced to side with Modredus either for the Equity of his Cause the Love of his Person or their private Hatred of Arthur Yea Vannora the Wife of Arthur was thought not to be ignorant of these new Cabals as having been too familiar with Modredus Both Armies pitched their Tents by Humber and being ready to Fight Proposals were made by the Bishops on both sides in order to a Peace but in vain for Constantine's Friends obstructed all affirming That the Felicity of Arthurs Fortune would bear down all Opposition Hereupon a most feirce Fight began on both sides but Two things did especially advantage Modredus and his Confederates One was a Marsh in the midst between them which the Brittons could not easily pass and Another in the heat of the Fight there was one suborned to spread a Report among the Brittons that Arthur was slain and therefore all being lost every one should shift for himself at which Bruit they all fled yet there was great Slaughter on both sides neither was the Victory joyous to either Party for on the one side Modredus was slain and on the other his Brother Galvinus Arthur himself mortally Wounded and a great Prey taken I know well What Fabulous matters are reported by many concerning the Life and Death of Arthur but they are not fit to be related lest they cause a Mist to be cast over his other famous Actions for when Men confidently affirm lies they cause the Truth it self many times to be questioned This is certain he was a great Man and very Valorous bearing an intire Love to his Country in freeing them from Servitude in restoring the true Worship of God and in reforming it when it was corrupted I have spoken these things concerning his Lineage Life and Death more prolixly than the Nature of my Design required for I never meant to Record all the Exploits of the Brittons but to free and preserve the Affairs of our own Nation from the Oblivion of Time and the Fabulous Tales of some lewd and ill-disposed Writers I have insisted longer on the Exploits of Arthur partly because some do curtail them through Envy and others do heighten them by their Verbosities He died in the year of our Lord Five Hundred and Fifty Two after he had Reigned 24 Years But to return to the Affairs of Scotland Goranus the King now grown old departed this Life after he had governed Scotland Thirty four years 't is thought he was Treacherously slain by his Subjects There was one Toncetus Chief Justice in Criminal Matters a Man no less Cruel than Covetous he having played many foul Pranks against the richer sort thought he might easily get Pardon of all from the King because by this means he had augmented his Revenue The People could not easily obtain admittance to the King now enfeebled by Age and Diseases to make their Complaints and if they had Access they judged their Allegations would not have been beleived against such a principal Officer and high Favourite So that they set upon Toncetus and slew him But after the heat of their Anger was over when they began to think with themselves how foul a Fact they had committed and that there was no Pardon to be expected by them they turned their Wrath and Fury upon the King himself and by the Instigation of Donald of Athol they entred into his Palace and slew Him also Eugenius III. The Forty Sixth King EVgenius the Son of Congallus succeeded him when he was advised by some of the Nobility to revenge the Death of his Uncle Goranus he entertained the motion so coldly that he himself was not without suspicion in the Case And the Suspicion was increased because he took Donald of Athol into his Grace and Favour So that the Wife of Goranus for fear fled with her small Children into Ireland But Eugenius to purge his Life and Manners from so foul an Imputation so managed the Kingdom that none of the former Kings could be justly preferred before him he assisted Modred and also Arthur against the Saxons He sent several Captains to make daily Incursions into the English Borders but he never fought with them in a pitched Battel He died in the year of Christ Five Hundred and Fifty Eight having Reigned Twenty Three Years Congallus II. The Forty Seventh King HIS Brother Congallus was set up in his Room who governed the Kingdom Ten years in great Peace a Man for his excellent Virtues worthy of perpetual Memory for besides his Equity in matter of Law and the aversion of his Mind from all Covetousness he vyed with the very Monks themselves in point of Sobriety of Life though they at that time used a most severe Discipline He enriched Priests with Lands and other Revenues more out of a Pious Intention than with any good Success He restrained the Souldiers who were declining to Effeminateness and Luxury and abused the blessing of Peace rather by the Examples and Authority of his Life than by the severity of Laws He called home the Sons of Goranus who for fear of Eugenius had fled into Ireland but before their Return he died in the Year Five Hundred and Sixty Eight He never fought Battel himself but only assisted the Brittons with Auxiliary Forces against the Saxons with Whom they often fought with various Success Kinnatellus The Forty Eighth King WHen he was Dead and his Brother Kinnatellus designed King Aidanus the Son of Goranus came into Scotland by the persuasions of Columba who Two years before had come out of Ireland By him he was brought to the King who beyond his own and the Expectation of all other Men received him Courteously and wished him to be of good cheer for he should shortly be King For Kinnatellus being worn out by Age and Sickness and not able to Administer the Government himself made Aidanus his Deputy and so died having Reigned Fourteen some say Fifteen Months Some Writers leave him out and do place Aidanus
caused himself to be carried abroad in a Litter meanly Apparrel'd and there he made a publick Confession of his Wickedness and so dyed in the Year of our ●edmption 668. Scotland groaned under this Monster 18 Years Maldvinus The LV King MAldvinus the Son of Donald succeeded him who that he might strengthen those Parts of the Kingdom which were weakned by the Tyranny of the former King made Peace with all his Neighbors Having quieted things without he was disturbed by a Sedition at home arising between the Argyle and Lennox Men. Maldvinus drew forth against the Authors of this Tumult that so he might punish them without prejudicing the Commonalty They to avoid the King's Wrath composed their private jars and fled into the Aebudae Isles The King sent for them to have them punished and the Islanders not daring to retain them delivered them up Their punishment kept the rest in their Duties About this time it was That when the Scotish Monks had spread the Doctrine of Christ very far over England and had so instructed the English Youth that now they seemed able of themselves to Preach the Gospel plainly even to their own Countrymen together with their Institution and Learning they also entertained and suck'd in some Envy against their Teachers so that by reason of this Prejudice the Scots-Monks were forced to return into their own Country Which Contumely as it cut off the Concord between both Kingdoms so the Modesty of Those who had received the wrong kept both Nations from open Hostility only frequent Incursions were made and Skirmishes hapned in divers places There fell out at this time a terrible Plague over all Europe such as was never Recorded by any Writer before Only the Scots and Picts were free therefrom By reason of the frequent Injuries mutually offered and Preys driven away on both sides Both Nations were like to break forth into an open War if the death of Maldvinus had not prevented it After he had Reigned 20 years his Wife suspecting that he had been naught with an Harlot Strangled him and Four Days after She herself was punished for the Fact by being burnt alive Eugenius V. The LVI King AFter him Eugenius the 5th Son of King Dongard undertook the Kingdom Egfrid the King of Northumberland with whom he principally desired to be at Peace sought to deceive him by fained Truces and he again assaulted Egfrid by the same Art Thus when Both made shew of Peace in Words they each secretly prepare for War When the Truce was ended Egfrid thô his Friends dissuaded him from it joyned Forces with the Picts and entring into Scotland he foraged Galway But he was overthrown by Eugenius the Picts giving ground in the Fight and lost almost all his Army so that he hardly escaped wounded and with a few Followers home The next Year his Friends then also Dissuading him he drew forth his Army against the Picts who pretending to run away drew him into an Ambush and cut him off with all his Men. The Picts laying hold of This so fair an Opportunity recovered those large Territories which had been taken from them in former Wars And the Brittons who freed themselves from the Government of the Angli or English together with the Scots entred Northumberland and made such an Havock there that it never recovered itself since Soon after Eugenius dyed in the 4th Year of his Reign Eugenius VI. The LVII King EVGENIVS the VI the Son of Ferchard succeeded Eugenius the V As did Alfrid Brother to Egfrid succeed him in Northumberland Both Kings were very Learned especially in Theology according to the rate of those times And also friendly one to the other on the account of their common Studies So that the Peace was faithfully maintain'd betwixt them Alfrid made use of this Tranquillity to settle the bounds of his Kingdom thô in narrower Limits than before But the Scots had neither an Establish'd Peace nor yet a Declared War with the Picts Excursions were frequently made with different and interchangable Successes thô Cutberectus an English Bishop and Adamannus a Scotish Bishop did in vain labour to reconcile them Yet This they effected that they never fought a pitched Battel In the mean time Eugenius being inflamed with an inexpiable Hatred against the Perfidiousness of the Picts was stopped in the midst of his Career to Revenge for he dyed having Reigned 10 Years In his Reign it is reported That it Reigned Blood all over Britain for 7 days and that the Milk Cheese and Butter were also turned into Blood Amberkelethus The LVIII King AFter him Amberkelethus the Son of Findanus and Nephew of Eugenius the 5th obtained the Kingdom At the beginning of his Reign he counterfeited Temperance but soon returned to his Natural Disposition and broke forth into all manner of Wickedness Garnard King of the Picts laying hold of this Opportunity gathered a great Army together and invaded the Scots Amberkelethus could hardly be excited to take Arms without much Importunity but at last he did as he was going forth in the Night to ease himself with Two Servants he was slain with an Arrow it was not known who shot it when he had not Reigned full Two Years some say That when he pressed upon the Enemy in a thick Wood that he was hurt with an Arrow by them and so dyed 10 days after Eugenius VII The LIX King EVGENIVS the 7 th Brother of the former King was Declared King by the Suffrage of the Soldiers in the Field that so the Army might not disband nor be without an Head He putting little confidence in an Army Levyed by a slothful King lengthened out the War by Truces and at last concluded it by Marrying Spondana Daughter of Garnardus She not long after was slain in her Bed by Two Athol-men who had conspired to destroy the King The King himself was accused of the Murder but falsly and before he was brought to Judgment the Murderers were found out Whereupon he was freed The Offenders were most exquisitely punished When Matters were composed abroad the King turned himself to the Affairs of Peace delighting much in Hunting But his chief Care was for Religion It was his Design and Appointment That the Noble Acts and Enterprizes of Kings should be Registred in Monasteries He maintain'd a continued Peace 17 Years with all his Neighbours and then dyed at Abernethy Mordacus The LX King EVGENIVS a little before his Death commended Mordacus the Son of Amberkelethus to the Nobility to be his Successor There was Peace all over Britain during his Reign as Bede says about the end of his History He did imitate Eugenius not only in maintaining Peace but in endowing of Monasteries also He Repaired the Convent of White-horn which was demolished He dyed at the Entrance into the 16th Year of his Reign Etfinus The LXI King IN the Year of our Lord 730 Etfinus the Son of Eugenius the 7 th
entred upon the Kingdom He being emulous of the Kings before him kept the Kingdom in great Peace during the space of 31 years that he managed the Government When he was old and could not perform the Kingly Office himself he appointed Four Vice-gerents to Administer Justice to the People Whilst These presided over the Affairs of Scotland some loose Persons resuming their former Luxuriant Extravagancies by the Magistrates Neglect or as some think Fault put all things into an Hurly Burly But their wicked Pranks were the less taken notice of by reason of the excessive Cruelty and Pride of one Donaldus who ranging over all Galway made the Country People pay Tribute to him or else he robbed them and reduced them to great Want Eugenius VIII The LXII King A Midst these Tumults Eugenius the 8 th the Son of Mordacus was set up in the room of Etfinus deceased His first Enterprize was to suppress Donaldus whom he overthrew in many bloody Fights took him Prisoner and publickly executed him to the Joy of all the Spectators He put Mordacus to death Vicegerent of Galway for Siding with Donaldus and set a Pecuniary Fine on the rest of the Vicegerents He made Satisfaction to the People who had been robbed out of the Offenders Estates The Bad being terrified for fear of these Punishments and a great Calm ensuing after a most violent Tempest he confirmed the Leagues heretofore made with the Neighbouring Kings Yet after all this he who got so much Glory in War when once Peace was made gave himself up to all manner of Vice And seeing he would not be reclaimed neither by the Advices of his Friends nor of the Priests all the Nobles conspired to destroy him which they did in a Publick Convention in the 3d year of his Reign The Companions and Associats of his wicked Practices ended their Lives at the Gallows all Men rejoycing at their Executions Fergusius III. The LXIII King FERGVSIVS the III the Son of Etfinus succeeded him who under a like counterfeit pretence of Virtue being fouly vitious dyed also after the like violent manner having Reigned the like Number of years viz. 3. He was poisoned by his Wife Others write That when his Wife had often upbraided him with his Contempt of Matrimony and his Flocks of Harlots but without any amendment that She Strangled him at night as he was sleeping in his Bed When Enquiry was made into his Death and many of his Friends were accused and yet though severely tortured would confess nothing The Queen thô otherwise of a fierce Nature yet pitying the suffering of so many Innocents came forth and from an high Place told the Assembly That She was the Author of the Murder and presently lest She should be made a living Spectacle of Reproach She ran her Self through with a Knife which Fact of Hers was variously spoken of and descanted upon according to the several Humours and Dispositions of the Men of that time Solvathius The LXIV King KING Solvathius the Son of Eugenius the 8 th is the next in Order Who if he had not contracted the Gout by reason of Cold in the 3d Year of his Reign might well be reckoned for his Personal Valour amongst the Best of Kings yet notwithstanding his Disease he appeased all Tumults by his Generals with great Wisdom and Prudence First of all Donaldus Banus i. e. White being Fearless of the King by reason of the Lameness of his Feet had the boldness as to seize upon all the Western Islands ând to call himself King of the Aebudae Afterwards making a Descent on the Continent and carrying away much Prey he was forced by Cullanus General of the Argyle-men and by Ducalus Captain of the Athol-men into a Wood out of which there was but one Passage so that their endeavours to escape were fruitless but He and His were there slain every Man One Gilcolumbus excited by the same Audacity and Hope assaulted Galway oppressed before by his Father but he also was overthrown by the same Generals and put to death In the mean time there was Peace from the English and Picts occasioned by their Combustions at home Solvathius Reigned 20 Years and then dyed being Praised of all Men. In the year of Christ 787. Achaius The LXV King ACHAIVS the Son of Etfinus succeeded him he having made Peace with the Angels and Picts understanding that War was threatned from Ireland composed the Seditions that were like to break forth at home not only by his Pains-taking but by his Largesses also The Cause of the Irish War was This. In the former Kings Reign who was unfit to make any Expedition The Irish and the Islanders out of hope of Prey and Impunity had made a descent upon Cantire the adjoyning Peninsule with great Armies both at once But a Feud arising between the Plunderers many of the Islanders and all the Irish were slain To revenge this Slaughter the Irish Rigged out a great Navy to Sail into the Aebudae Achaius sent Embassadors to them to acquaint them That they had no just cause for a War in regard that Thieves fighting for their Prey had slain one another That the loss was not that so many were slain but rather that any of them had escaped They farther alleged That the King and his National Councils were so far from offering any injury to the Irish that they had put all the Authors of the late Slaughter to death The Embassadors discoursing many things to this purpose were so coursly and barbarously rejected by the Irish That they set forth their Fleet against the Albine Scots even before their departure when their Fleet was on the Main a Tempest arose and destroyed them all This Mischance occasioned some sentiments of Remorse and Pity in the Irish so that now they humbly fued for that Peace which before they disdainfully refused But first of all Achaius made Peace between the Scots and Franks chiefly for this reason because not only the Saxons who inhabited Germany but even those who had fixed themselves in Britanny did infest Gaul with Piratical Invasions And besides Charles the Great whose desire was to enoble France not only by Arms but Literature had sent for some Learned Men out of Scotland to read Greek and Latin at Paris For yet there were many Monks in Scotland Eminent for Learning and Piety the antient Discipline being then not quite extinguished amongst whom was Iohannes Sirnamed Scotus or which is all one Albinus for the Scots in their own Language call themselves Albini He was the School-Master of Charles the Great and left many Monuments of his Learning behind him and in particular some Precepts of Rhetorick which I have seen with Iohannes Albinus inscribed There are also some Writings of Clement a Scot remaining who was a great Professor of Learning at the same time too in Paris There were many other Scotish Monks who passed over into Gaul out
of their Zeal for God and Godliness who preached the Doctrine of Christianity to the People inhabiting about the Rhene and that with so great Success that the People thereupon built Monasteries in many Places The Germans owe this to their Memory that even to our days Scots are the Governors over those Monasteries Though Achaius was desirous of Peace yet the Pictish concerns drew him on to a War For when Athelstan the English-Man had wasted the Neighbouring Lands of the Picts Hungus their King obtained the Aid of Ten Thousand Scots from Achaius who before was disgusted with the English He placed his Son Alpinus a Commander over them who was born to him by the Sister of Hungus by the assistance of those Auxiliaries he drove a great prey out of Northumberland Athelstan a feirce Warriour was almost at his Heels and overtook him not far from Hadington The Picts being dismayed at the suddain coming of their Enemies run to their Arms and keep themselves in their Stations till Night having set their Watches for the Night Hungus being inferiour in other things desired Aid of God and gave up himself wholly to Prayer At last when his Body was wearied with Labour and his Mind oppressed with Care he seemed to behold Andrew the Apostle standing by him in his Sleep promising him Victory This Vision being declared to the Picts filled them full of Hope so that they prepared themselves with great Alacrity to the Combate which otherwise they could not avoid The next day they came to a pitched Battel Some add That another Prodigy was seen in the Heavens a cross like the Letter X which did so terrifie the English that they could hardly bear the first brunt of the Picts Athelstan was slain there who gave Name to the place of Battel which is yet called Athelstan Ford. Hungus ascribed the Victory to St. Andrew to whom besides other Gifts he offered the Tithe of his Royal Demeas●s I am of Opinion that This was the Athelstan Commander of the Danish Nation to whom the English affirm That Northumberland was granted by Alured Achaius died the Thirty Second year of his Reign and in the Year of Christ Eight Hundred and Nine Congallus III. The Sixty Sixth King CONGALLVS his Cousin German succeeded him who Reigned Five years in Peace both at home and abroad Dongallus The Sixty Seventh King DONGALLVS the Son of Solvathius was next King to him The Soldiers not able to endure the Severity of his Government gathered themselves together to Alpinus the Son of Achaius and because they could not persuade him by fair means to undertake the Kingdom they compelled him by force and menaces to be seemingly on their side He having gathered together an Army and pretending to do as they would have him disappointed them and fled to Dongallus his coming was acceptable to the King but a great dismay to the Rebels and therefore they accuse him to the King as if Alpinus himself had persuaded them to Rebel The King well perceiving their Calumny suddenly prepared his Army and so prevented the rumour of his coming Those of them which he took he put to Death In the mean time Hungus died and his Eldest Son Dorstologus was slain by the Fraud of his Brother Eganus neither did the Murtherer long survive his Brother So that the Male-stock of Hungus being extinct his Sister's Son Alpinus as next Heir both by an ancient Law and in Right of Blood claimed the Kingdom The Picts disdained him as a Foreigner whereupon Dongallus sent Messengers to them to expostulate the matter but they refused to give them Audience but Commanded them to depart in four days Dongallus intended to make War upon them with all his might But in the preparation thereof as he was passing over the Spey whose Current was very violent the Vessel in which he was sunk and he was Drown'd after he had Reigned Six Years some say Seven Alpinus The Sixty Eighth King ALpinus the Son of Achaius led the Army raised by Dongallus against Frederethus who had seized upon and arrogated the Kingdom of the Picts to himself The Armies met at Restenot a Village of Angus the Fight was maintained with great Obstinacy and Cruelty even until Night the Victory was uncertain tho' the Death of Frederethus made it to incline to the Scots For when he saw his Men to fly in the Fight with a Troop of Noble Youngsters he brake through the main Battel of the Scots and being thus severed from his Men was there slain with the Flower of his Nobility Brudus was substituted in his place a Slothful Person and unfit for Military Affairs In his Reign the Scots drove Preys out of their Enemies Country without Resistance and the Picts raising up a Tumult on purpose amongst themselves slew Brudus before he had Reigned one Year Then they set up Kennethus another of Frederethus his Sons in his stead one neither Valianter nor more Successful than his Brother For when he had levied an Army and came in fight of his Enemies he privily stole away and so was slain by a Country Man who upbraided him as a Run-away not knowing Who he was The Picts having lost their King before their Enemies were sensible of it returned home and made another Person named Brudus King one of high Descent and Noble Atchievements He as soon as he entred upon the Kingdom set upon the straggling Plunderers and curbed their Rashness making a great Slaughter amongst them after that that he might strengthen his weak Forces by Foreign Aids he sent Ambassadors with great Gifts to the English which were nearest to him They received their Gifts and were large enough in their Promises of Assistance but though the Picts earnestly pressed them yet they put them off laying the fault on their own Combustions at home The Picts being disappointed of their Hope there levied all of their Own that were able to bear Arms and resolved to venture their All with this Resolution they marched directly toward the Enemy who were encamped not far from Dundee As soon as they met the Battel was so much the more sharp by reason of the old Hatred the recent Disgust the many mutual Slaughters and the frequent Injuries and Wrongs committed on both sides When the Conflict was a long time doubtful at last an Hundred Horse of the Picts rose out of an Ambush who that they might seem to be a greater Number did also Horse their Baggage Men and Attendants upon their Baggage Horses and so shewing themselves upon the tops of the Hills they wheeled about as if they would have set upon the Rear of the Army which was a Fighting That apprehension struck such a terrour into the Scots that they presently scattered and fled into the Neighbouring Woods by which many of them were saved alive only some few were slain in the Fight but more in flight by the nimble Baggagers who were set on Horseback King
thereupon He nevertheless persisted in his slothful kind of Life which gave opportunity to the Remainders of the Picts as if an hopeful Alarm had been given them even from the very bottom of Despair to address themselves to Osbreth and Ella Two of the most potent and prevalent Kings of the English for then England was divided into many Kingdoms They bewail'd their misfortune to them and craved earnestly their Assistance promising That they and all their Posterity would become Feudataries to the English in case they obtained the Victory over the Scots which they prejudg'd would be an easy one by reason of the slothful Nature of Donald The English were easily persuaded and having setled things at home they led out their Army into Merch from whence they sent Heralds to Donaldus requiring that the Lands which the Scots had forceably taken away from the Picts their Friends and Allies might be restored which unless he would do they would not neglect their old Confederates who had now also newly cast themselves upon them Donaldus by the advice of the Estates which in this time of imminent Danger he had thô unwillingly convened Levied an Army and met with the Enemy at Iedd a River of Teviotdale where he joyned Battel and overthrew Osbreth enforcing him to fly to the next Mountains From thence he marched on by Tweed unto the Sea side recovered Berwick which had been taken by the English and again deserted by them upon the ill news of the success of the Battel where he took all the Ships riding in the Mouth of the River and seized upon all the Enemies Provisions therein There he got an opportunity to renew his interrupted Pleasures and as if his Enemies had been wholly overthrown he drowned himself in all kind of Voluptuousness Whereupon the English who in the last Fight were rather scatter'd than subdued understanding by their Spies the Carelesness and Security of the Scots gathered together what Force they could out of the Neighborhood and by night set upon the Scots who were laden with Wine and fast asleep making a great slaughter amongst them but they took the King who was between sleeping and waking Prisoner From thence they followed the Course of their Victory and to make their Ravage more compleat they divided their Army into Two Parts and so marched into the Enemies Country Part of them when they came to the Forth got Vessels and essayed to pass over by Water into Fife but a great Number of them were Shipwrackt and drowned and the rest by the violence of the Storm were forced back to the Shore where they embarked from whence marching to Sterling and joyning with the rest of their Army they pass over the Forth on a Bridge The Scots after their flight gathered themselves into a Body thereabouts having the bare show rather than the strength of an Army and sent Ambassadors to the English for Peace which they did not refuse because their strength was weakened by the unsuccessful Battel of Iedd and also by their own Shipwrack The English propounded hard Conditions yet such as the present State of Affairs made to seem tolerable As that The Scots should yield up all the Land which was within the Wall of Severus That their Bounds should be beneath Sterling the Forth beneath Dunbarton the Clyd and between the Two Rivers the Wall of Severus Amidst such hard Terms of Peace yet this happened as joyous so unexpected to the Scots That no mention was made concerning the Reduction of the Picts For the English and Britains divided the Lands surrendred up betwixt them the River being a Boundary betwixt them both There are some who think the Money yet called Sterling was then Coined there The Lands being thus divided the Picts who thought to recover their own being eluded of their hopes passed over to the Cimbrians and Scandians i. e. as we now speak to Denmark and Norway Those few of them that staid in England were all put to death by them upon pretence that they would attempt Innovations by their soliciting of Forein Aid Donaldus after he had made Peace upon his Return was Honourably received partly out of Respect to his Ancestors and partly in hopes of his Repentance But he persevering in his wonted Slothfulness the Nobles fearing that so filthy and sluggish a Person who would neither hearken to the Counsels of his Friends nor be reclaimed by his own Calamities would lose that part of the Kingdom which remained cast him into Prison where either for Grief in having his Pleasure restrained or for Fear to be made a Publick Spectacle of Scorn he laid violent hands on himself in the Sixth Year of his Reign Others report that This Donaldus performed many Noble Exploits both at home and abroad and that he dyed a natural death at Scone in the Year of our Lord 858. Constantinus II. The Seventy First King COnstantinus the Son of Kennethus undertook the Kingdom after him at Scone he was a Prince of a great Spirit and highly Valorous He was desirous to obliterate the Ignominy received under Donaldus and to enlarge his Kingdom unto the Bounds left by his Father but he was otherwise advised by his Nobles because the greatest part of the Soldiery were slain under Donaldus and the remainder was grown so Corrupt that it was not fit to put Arms into their hands And thereupon the King first bent his care to amend the Publick Discipline and so he reduced the Order of Priests to their Ancient Parsimony by severe Laws in regard they had left off Preaching and had given up themselves to Luxury Hunting Hawking and to Courtly-Pomp He caused the Young Soldiers who were effeminated with Pleasures to lye on the Ground and to Eat but once a day Drunkards he punished with Death He forbad all sports but those who served to harden both Body and Mind for the Wars By these Laws the Soldiery of the Kingdom were reduced to a better pass And presently upon a certain Islander named Evenus whom he himself had made Governour of Loch-Abyr a Man of an unquiet Spirit and Ambitious of Dominion rose up in Arms who knowing That the Youthful Fry of Soldiers could not well bear the Severity of these New Laws First gathered together a small Number and then a greater complaining of the present State of Things And when he found his Discourse was acceptable to them he easily persuaded them to conspire for the Destruction of Constantine But being more active than cautelous in gathering strength to their Faction they were betrayed by some of their Own and slain before they knew any Forces were gathered together against them Evenus the head of the Conspiracy was hanged About this time it was That the Danes then the most Potent and Flourishing Nation amongst the Germans were solicited by the Picts against the Scots and also by one Buernus or as others write Verna whose Wife Osbreth had forceably
Danes who had been afflicted with so many Calamities Neither did he long survive his Victory The English chose his Brother Edred King after him against whom the Danes who possessed Northumberland and never cordially observed any Peace made with the English did rebel and took from him many strong Places whilst he was busied in other parts of his Kingdom and principally York but he overcame them by the assistance of 10000 Scots Malcolm returning home gave himself up wholly to the Arts of Peace And to cure the Inconveniencies occasioned by the Wars especially Luxury and Bribery he himself did ordinarily Visit all the Scots Courts of Judicature once in two years and administred Justice with great Equity At length whilest he was busie in punishing Robbers and in restraining the lewd Manners of the younger sort he was slain by some Conspirators of Murray-Land in the night in the Fifteenth year of his Reign The Perpetrators of that Villany were with great diligence sought after and found out by the Nobles and being apprehended were put to several exquisite Deaths according to every ones share of demerit in committing the Parricide Indulfus The Seventy Seventh King INdulfus Reigned after him who having setled things in Peace at home lived seven years after in great Tranquillity But in the Eighth year of his Reign the Danes taking it amiss that the Alliance with the English was preferred before Theirs and that a perpetual League was made between the two Kings against them came with a Navy of 50 Ships into the Firth of Forth when the Scots little expected any such thing insomuch that they had almost surprized and overthrown them unawares In such a sudden emergency all were full of fear and amazement insomuch that some carried their Goods into the midland Country as a place of more safety others came to the Sea-side to hinder the Enemies Landing Hago and Helricus were the two Admirals of the Fleet. They endeavoured first to Land in Lothian and afterwards in Fife but in vain then they essayed to enter the Firth of the River Tay but there also they were hindred from making any descent on Land so that they Coasted about the Sea-Coasts of Aeneia or Angus of Mern Marr and Buchan but in all places being hindred from Landing they hoisted their Sails into the Main as if they intended to return home But within a few days when all was secure they came back again and having gotten a convenient place in Bo●● at the Mouth of the River Cullin they there landed their Men without opposition before the Country People could give any alarm of their Arrival When Indulfus heard of their landing he marched towards them before they could well have any notice of his coming and first he set upon the straggling Plunderers and drove them to the rest of their Army but made no great Slaughter of them because the Camp of the Danes was near for them to retreat to When the Armies came in sight of each other they both set the Battel in array and fell to it with equal force and courage Whilst they were thus fiercely fighting Grame and Dumbar with some Troops of Lothian-Men appeared on the Rear of the Danes which struck them into such a Pannick fear that they all run away some to their Ships others to unknown places whithersoever the Fear of the Enemy drove them But a great part of them cast themselves into a Ring in a Woody Vale and there waited for an occasion of acting valorously or dying resolutely Indulfus as if his Enemies had been wholly overcome rode up and down with a few Attendants and casually lighting on them was there slain at the beginning of the Tenth year of his Reign Some say that he was slain with an Arrow shot out of a Ship having disarmed himself that he might be more nimble in the pursuit and press the more eagerly upon them as they were going a Shipboard Duffus The Seventy Eighth King AFter his Death Duffus the Son of Malcolm got the Kingdom in the beginning of his Reign he made Culenus Son of King Indulfus Governour of Cumberland and sent him into the Ae●●dae which were then in War and Disorder by reason of the frequent Robberies committed there For the young Soldiers of the Nobility having got a great Pack of their Fellows about them made the Common People tributary to them imposing a pecuniary Mulct on every Family besides Free-quarter and yet Culen●s dealt not harmer with them than with the very Governors themselves of the Island who ought ●o have restrained such outrages He commanded That for the future They by whose negligence these disorders had happen'd should make Satisfaction to the Commonalty and also pay a Fine to the King This Injunction strook such a Terror into these Idle paltry Fellows that Many of them went over into Ireland and there got their Living by their Daily labour As this matter was acceptable to the Commons so it was as offensive to the Noble Allies of Those who were Banished and to many of the younger sort who did approve that idle kind of Life These Men in all their Meetings and Assemblies First secretly Afterwards in the presence of a Multitude of such as applauded them began openly to revile their King alleging That he despised the Nobility and was drawn away and seduced by the Counsel of sorry Priests That he put Men of Gentile Extraction to Servile Offices That he advanced the most abject of the People to the Highest Honours That in fine he made such Medleys as to turn all things Topsy-Turvy They added farther That if things should continue at that pass either the Nobility must transport themselves into other Countrys or else must make them a new King who might Govern the People by those ancient Laws whereby the Kingdom had arrived to that height out of so small beginnings Amidst these things the King was assaulted with a new and unusual Disease no evident cause thereof appearing so that when all Remedies had been tryed in vain a Rumour was spread abroad by I know not who that he was bewitched the suspicion whereof arose either from some Indications of his Disease or else because his body did waste and pine away by continual sweating and his strength was so much decay'd that the Physicians who were sent for far and near knew not what to apply for his relief Thus no Common causes of the disease discovering its self they had recourse to a Secret one And whilst all were intent on the Kings Malady at last News was brought That Nightly Assemblies and Conspiracies were made against him at Foress a Town in Murray The Report was taken for truth there being nothing to contradict it Whereupon some faithful Messengers were sent to Donald Governor of the Castle in whom the King confided much even in his greatest Affairs to find out the truth of the matter He by the discovery of a certain Harlot whose Mother was
England on such Terms That the Government of Cumberland was always looked upon as previous to the Throne of Scotland for it had been so observed for some Ages past The King perceiving That this Malcolm for the Reasons aforementioned would be an hindrance to his Design not daring to do it openly caused him privately to be made away by Poyson Thus died that excellent young Man much lamented and near to his greatest Hope some Signs of Poison appeared in his Body but no Man ever dreamt of suspecting the King Yea his Deportment was such as to avert all Suspicion for he Mourned and Wept for his Death and made an Honourable mention of his Name when occasion was administred to speak of it and caused him magnificently to be Interred no Ceremony being omitted which could be invented for the Honour of the Deceased But this superlative Diligence of the King to remove the Suspicion from himself gave a shrewd Jealousie to the more Sagacious Yet they forbore to speak out for the Reverence all bore to and had conceived of the Kings Sanctity But soon after the King himself scattred some Words abroad to try the Minds of Men How they would bear the abrogating of an old Law and the enacting a new concerning the Succession of their Kings viz. That according to the Custom of many Nations if a King died his Son should succeed him and if he were under Age then to have a Protector or Tutor assigned to him so the Kingly Name might rest in the Child but the Power of Government in the Tutors or Guardians till he came to Age. Though a great Part of the Nobles praised his Speech as being willing to Gratifie him yet the Suspicion concerning the Death of Malcolm prevailed upon the Major part and especially upon the Nobility and Those of the Royal Stock who were afraid of the King Mens Spirits being in this posture Ambassadors came from England to comfort the King upon the loss of his Kinsman and withal desiring That in substituting another Governor he would remember That Cumberland being the Bond of Concord betwixt the Two Nations he would set Such a Person over it who might be an indifferent Arbiter of Peace and that would maintain the ancient Alliance betwixt the Two Nations for the Good of them Both and if any new Suspicions or Jealousies should arise that he would labour to extinguish them The King judged this Embassy fit for his purpose so that having Convened the Nobility at Scone he made a grave Harangue to them against the ancient Custom of the Assemblies of Estates in this Point wherein he recited all the Seditions which had happened for that Cause and with how great Impiety some of the surviving Kindred had treated the Children of former Kings and what Wars Rapines Slaughters and Banish●●nts had ensued thereupon On the other side he put them in Mind How much more Peaceable and less Turbulent the Parliamen●●●y Assemblies of other Countries were and what great Reverence was born to the Royal Blood when without convasing for Succession Children succeeded their Parents in the Throne Having thus spoken he referred the matter to that Great Council to determine something in this Case He acquainted them also with the Demands of the English Ambassador and to give a greater Manifestation of his Condescention and Civility whereas it was in the Kings Power alone to appoint a Governor of Cumberland he left it to them to nominate One supposing that by this his Moderation he might the more easily obtain his Desire concerning the Succession to the Crown For if he himself had Nominated his Son for a Governor he thought he should have prejudiced his other Request because as I said before the Government or Prefecture over Cumberland was looked upon as the Designation of the Person to be the next succeeding King of Scotland Constantine the Son of Culenus and Grimus the Son of Mogal Brother to King Duffus who were thought most likely to oppose both Requests were first asked their Opinions in the Case who partly for Fear of Danger and partly that they might not run cross to the Major part of the Nobility who had been prepossessed and influenc'd by the King gave their Vote That it was in the Kings Power to Correct and Amend Laws which were inconvenient to the Publick and also to appoint what Governor he pleased over Cumberland The rest though they knew that they had spoken contrary to their own Sense yet Consented to what they said And by this means Malcolm the Kings Son though not of Age but Immature for Government was declared Governor of Cumberland and also Prince of Scotland which Title signifies in Scotland as much as Daulphin doth in France and Caesar amongst the old Roman Emperors and the King of the Romans amongst the Modern Germans whereby the Successor to the preceding Magistrate is understood Other Laws were also made viz. That as the Kings Eldest Son should succeed his Father so if the Son died before the Father the Nephew should succeed the Grandfather That when the King was under Age a Tutor or Protector should be Chosen some Eminent Man for Interest and Power to Govern in the Kings Name and stead till he came to Fourteen Years of Age and then he had Liberty to choose Guardians for Himself And besides many other Things were Enacted concerning the Legitimate Succession of Heirs which ran in common to the whole Nobility as well as to the King The King having thus by indirect and evil Practises setled the Kingdom on his Posterity as he thought yet his Mind was not at rest For though he were very Courteous to all and highly Beneficial and Obliging to a great many and withal did so manage the Kingdom that no one Part of a good King was wanting in him yet his Mind being disquieted with the guilt of his Offence suffered him to enjoy no sincere or solid Mirth but in the Day he was vexed with the Thoughts of that foul Wickedness which did inject themselves and in the Night terrible Apparitions disturbed his Rest. At last a Voice was heard from Heaven either a true one as some think or else such an one as his disquieted Mind suggested as it commonly happens to Guilty Consciences speaking to him in his Sleep to this Sense Dost thou think That the Murder of Malcolm an Innocent Man secretly and most impiously Committed by thee is either unknown to me or That thou shalt go unpunished for the same Nay there are already Plots laid against thy Life which thou canst not avoid neither shalt thou leave a Firm and Stable Kingdom to thy Posterity as thou thinkest to do but a Tumultuous and Stormy one The King being terrified by this dreadful Apparition betimes in the Morning hastned to the Bishops and Monks to whom he declared the Confusion of his Mind and his Repentance for his Wickedness They instead of prescribing him a true Remedy according to the
time he levied so great an Army that Malcolm at the news of his Approach disbanded his Soldiers and retired himself into Cumberland But Kennethus his Natural Brother begot on a Concubine judging that course to be very Dishonourable persuaded some of the most Valiant Troops to stay behind and so to stop the Enemy at the River Forth near Sterling which was the Boundary to both Armies There both Camps lay idle on the high Banks of the River which was Fordable but in few places by which means they were so afflicted with Pestilence and Famine both which Calamities did rage very much that Year that each Army was forced to Disband Thus the Kingdom being divided into Two Factions the Commonalty was miserably afflicted with Hunger Pestilence and frequent Robberies In the mean time during the absence of Malcolm who according to his League was assisting the English against the Danes Constantine thinking he had now got a convenient Opportunity to subdue the Faction opposite to him marches with great Forces into Lothian Kennethus who was left by his Brother to observe all Constantine's Motions gave him an halt at the Mouth of the River Almon. And because he was inferior in Number he supplyed that defect by Stratagem for he so ordered his Army that he had the advantage both of the Sun and Wind and besides his Army was flanked as much as it could with the River which was the chief Cause of his Victory For the Constantinians trusting to their Multitude rushed violently into the Battel having the Sun-beams darting into their very Faces and besides a Storm suddainly arising drove so much Dust into their Faces and Eyes that they could scarce lift up their Heads against their Enemies A great Slaughter was made in both Armies and both Generals themselves upon a Charge wounded and slew one another after Constantine had invaded the Kingdom an Year and Six Months Grimus The Eighty Second King GRimus the Son of King Duffus or as others say of his Brother Mogallus after Constantine's death was brought to Scone and there by the Men of his own Faction was made King He perceiving that some Nobles of his Party were already corrupted by Messengers sent from Malcolm and More of them were solicited by him to a Defection took some of those Messengers and committed them to Prison Malcolm being much inceased at the Imprisonment of his Embassadors as being done against the Law of Nations breaks forth into open War As Grimus was making head against him a suddain Rumor was dispersed through all Malcolm's Army of the Vastness of the Army coming against them so that all Malcolm's Measures were disturbed thereby many of his Soldiers ran privily away and many others making frivolous pretences did publickly desire to be dismissed The Fear first arose from the Merchants who preferring their Private Concerns before the Publick Good scattered the Report throughout the whole Army And besides there were Some among them who privately favoured Grimus his Party for indeed there were many things in him very attractive of the Vulgar as the Talness of his Stature his great Beauty accompanied with a singular Courtesie and a comely Meen in all his Actions Besides as there was occasion he was severe in punishing Offenders and he managed Matters with great Celerity and Prudence so that many promised themselves an Happy and an Honourable Calm under his Government In this Diversity and Combustion of Mens Spirits Malcolm not daring to commit any thing to an hazard in Battel by the Advice of his Friends dismissed the greatest part of his Army and with some select Troops resolved to stop the Enemies passage over the Forth In the mean time the Bishop of that Diocess Forthadus by Name of whom all had an high Opinion for his Sanctimony endeavoured by his Authority to compose Matters and passing to and fro betwixt both Parties at length he brought Matters to this pass That a Truce was made for Three Months Grimus being to go into Angus and Malcolm into Cumberland And also Arbitrators were to be chosen by both Parties by Consent who were to determine the main Controversie in Dispute Neither did Forthadus give over his Endeavours till Peace was made by them on these Conditions That Grimus should retain the Name of King as long as he lived And that after his Decease the Kingdom should return to Malcolm And for the future the Law of Kennethus for establishing the Succession in the King's Children should be observed as Sacred and Inviolate In the mean time the Wall of Severus was to be the Boundary to them Both. That which was within the Wall was to belong to Malcolm and That without to Grimus Both of them were to be contented with those Limits Neither being to invade each other or to assist the Enemies of one another Thus Peace was made to the great Joy of all Men which was Religiously observed for almost Eight Years Grimus was the first Occasion of the Breach for whereas since the beginning of his Reign in turbulent Times he had carried himself as a good Prince his Industry being slackened by the Quiet he enjoyed he wholly plunged himself in voluptuous Courses and that kind of Life being as usually it is a Life of Expence he was reduced to some Necessity and was thereby enforced to pretend Crimes against the Richer sort that so out of Covetousness he might enjoy their Estates Being told of the danger of this Course he was so far from Reforming it or from abating any thing of his former Vileness That he resolved to put his Monitors in Prison that so others being terrified by their Punishment might not use the like freedom in reproving Kings In order whereto he invited them kindly to his Court but they having notice of his Design by their Friends withdrew themselves at which Grimus was so enraged that he gathered a Band of Men together and made after them spoiling their Lands more than any Foreign Enemy could have done he spared neither Men Houses Cattle nor Corn and That which he could not carry away he spoiled That so it might be rendred useless to the Owners Thus he made a promiscous Havock of all things whether Sacred or Prophane by Fire and Sword Complaint hereof being made to Malcolm who was then busie in helping the English against the Danes he presently returned home for he was incensed not only at the undeserved Sufferings of so many brave and innocent Persons but much more at the Indignity offered him by Grimus who knowing that the Lands were shortly to pass over to another without any Respect to future Times had swept away the Fruits thereof as if it had been an Enemies Country There was a great Resort to Malcolm at his return insomuch that thô Grimus had for a time been Dear to and Beloved of the People yet now the greatest part of the Nobles forsook him Notwithstanding with what Forces he could make he made Head against his
to hear the Complaints of the Poor and as much as he could he would not suffer the Great men to oppress Them But as these Virtues did endear him to the Good so they lessen'd his Authority amongst the Lovers of Sedition so that his Clemency to the Former occasioned the Rage of wicked men against him The beginning of lessening and despising his Government hapned in Loch-Abyr upon the account of one Bancho Thane of that Country a strict Lover of impartial Justice some ill Men not enduring his Severity in Punishments made a Conspiracy against him Plundered him of his Goods and drove him away being wounded and almost dead As soon as ever his Wounds permitted him to endure the jogging of his body he took a Journy and complained to the King the King sent a publick Officer to do Justice upon the Offenders but he was grievously affronted and afterwards slain by them so great Security did they fancy to themselves by reason of the Lenity but as they interpreted it Sloth of a good King The chief of the Faction which raised the Rebellion was named Mac-duald who despairing of Pardon prepares himself for an open War He called in the Islanders to his assistance who were always prone to Sedition and also the forwardest of the Irish in hopes of Prey He told them That under an effeminate and slothful King who was fitter to rule Monks than Warriors there was no fear of Punishment but there might be great hopes of Advantage and that he did not doubt but the Scots who were as it were fettered with the Chains of a Long Peace under the former King when an Alarm was sounded to the War would come in to recover their Ancient Liberty These Exhortations were seconded with a successfull beginning which much heartned the Party There was one Malcolm of the Prime Nobility sent by the King against them with some Forces but his Army was presently overthrown by them and he himself being taken Prisoner had his head cut off by them The King being troubled at this Overthrow called a Council together to consult of what was fit to be done Some were very slow in delivering their Opinions but Mackbeth Kinsman to the King laid the blame of the Misfortune on the Slugg●shness of former times withal promising that if the Command or Generalship were bestowed on him and Bancho who was well acquainted with that Country he would quickly subdue all and quiet things This Mackbeth was of a sharp Wit and of a very lofty Spirit and if Moderation had accompanied it he had been worthy of a Command tho' an eminent one But in punishing Offenders he was so severe that having no respect to the Laws he seemed soon likely to degenerate into Cruelty When the chief Command of the Army was conferred upon him many were so terrified that casting aside their Hopes whch they had conceived by reason of the Kings Slothful Temper they hid themselves in Holes and Corners The Islanders and the Irish their Flight being stopp'd were driven into great Despair and in a fierce Fight were every one of them slain Macduala himself with a few others flying into a Neighbour Castle being past all hopes of Pardon redeemed Himself and His from the Opprobriousness of his Enemies by a voluntary death M●ckbeth not content with that punishment cut off his Head and sent it to the King at Perth and hung up the rest of his Body for all to behold in a conspicuous place Those of the Red-shanks which he took he caused to be hanged This Domestick Sedition being appeased a far greater Terror succeeded and seized on him occasioned by the Danes For Sueno the powerful King of the Danes dying left Three Kingdoms to his Three Sons England to Harold Norway to Sueno and Denmark to Canutus Harold dying soon after Canutus succeeded him in the Realm of Scotland Sueno or Swain King of Norway being Emulous of his Brothers Glory crossed the Seas with a great Navy and Landed in Fif● upon the Bruit of his coming Machbeth was sent to Levy an Army Bancho the other General staying in the Interim with the King Duncanus or Donald as if he had been rouzed from a fit of Sluggishness was forced to go meet the Enemy They fought near Culross with such obstinate Courage that as One Party was scarce able to fly so the Other had no heart to pursue The Scots who look'd upon themselves as overcome rather by the Incommodiousness of the Place than by the Valour of their Enemies retreated to Perth and there staid with the Relicts of their conquered Forces waiting for the Motions of the Enemy Swain thinking That if he pressed eagerly on them all Scotland would speedily be his Own made towards Perth with all his Forces to besiege Duncan his Ships he sent about by the Tay to meet him there Duncan tho' he much confided in the present Posture of Affairs because Mackbeth was very near him with a new supply of Force yet being counselled by Bancho to piece out his Force by Stratagem he sent Messengers one to Mackbeth to desire him to stop where he was and another to Swain to treat about the Surrender of the Town The Scots desired That upon the Surrender They and Theirs might have Liberty to depart in safety Swain supposing their Request proceeded from the very bottom of Despair would hear of nothing but surrendring at Mercy upon this he sent other Messengers with unlimited Instructions and a Command to delay time in making Conditions who to ingratiate themselves the more told the Norv●gians That whilst the Conditions of Peace were propounding and setling their King would send abundance of Provisions into their Camp as knowing That they were not over-plentiful in Victuals That Gift was acceptable to the Norvegians not so much on the account of the Scots Bounty or their own Penury as that they thought it was a Sign their Spirits were cowed out and quite broken Whereupon a great deal of Bread and Wine was sent both Wine pressed out of the Grape and also strong Drink made of Barly-Malt mixed with the ●uice of a Poysonous Herb whereof abundance grows in Scotland called Somniferous Night-shade The Stalk of it is above two F●ot Long and in its upper part spreads into Branches the Leaves are broadish acuminated on the outside and faintly Green The Berrys are great and of a Black Colour when they are ripe which proceed out of the Stalk under the bottom of the Leaves Their Taste is sweetish and almost insipid It hath a very small seed as little as the Grains of a Fig. The Virtue of the Fruit Root and especially of the Seed is Soporiferous and will make men mad if they be taken in too great Quantities With this Herb all the Provision was infected and they that carried it to prevent all suspition of Fraud tasted of it before and invited the Danes to drink huge Draughts thereof
Swain himself in token of Good will did the same according to the custom of his Nation But Duncan knowing that the force of the Potion would reach to their very Vitals whilst they were asleep had in great silence admitted Mackbeth with his Forces into the City by a Gate which was furthest off from the Enemies Camp and understanding by his Spies that the Enemy was fast asleep and full of Wine he sent Bancho before who well knew all the Avenues both of that Place and of the Enemies Camp too with the greatest part of the Army placing the rest in Ambush He entring their Camp and making a great Shout found all things in a greater Posture of Negligence than he imagined before There were a few raised up at the Noise who running up and down like Mad-men were slain as they were met the others were killed sleeping Their King who was almost dead drunk wanting not only Strength but Sense also was snatcht up by some few who were not so much overcome with Wine as the rest and laid like a Log or Beast upon an Horse which they casually lighted on and so carried to the Ships There the Case was almost as bad as in the Camp for almost all the Seamen were slain ashore so that there could scarce be got together so many of them as were sufficient to guide one Ship Yet by this means the King escaped to his Country The rest of the Ships by stress of Weather fell foul upon one another and were sunk and by the accession of Sand and other Trash which the Water carries heaped up together there was made an Hillock dangerous to Sailers which the Vulgar call Drumilaw-Sands While the Scots were joyous for this Victory obtained without Blood News was brought that a Fleet of Danes rod at King●orn which was sent by Canutus to help Swain The Soldiers and Passengers Landing did seize upon and carry away the Goods of the Fifians without any Resistance Bancho was sent with Forces against them who assaulting the foremost made a great Slaughter amongst them These were the principal Men of the Nation the rest were easily driven back to their Ships Bancho is reported to have sold the burying Places for the Slain for a great deal of Money Their Sepulchres they say are yet to be seen in the Isle Aemona 'T is Reported that the Danes having made so many unlucky Expeditions into Scotland bound themselves by a Solemn Oath never to return as Enemies thither any more When Matters thus prosperously succeeded with the Scots both at home and abroad and all things flourished in Peace Mackbeth who had always a Disgust at the un-active Slothfulness of his Cousin and thereupon had conceived a secret Hope of the Kingdom in his Mind was further encouraged in his Ambitious Thoughts by a Dream which he had For one Night when he was far distant from the King he seemed to see Three Women whose Beauty was more August and Surprizing than bare Womens useth to be of which one Saluted him Thane of Angus another Thane of Murray and a Third King of Scotland His Mind which was before Sick betwixt Hope and Desire was mightily encouraged by this Dream so that he contrived all possible ways by which he might obtain the Kingdom in order to which a just occasion was offered him as he thought Duncan begat Two Sons on the Daughter of Sibert a petty King of Northumberland Malcolm Sirnamed Cammorus which is as much as Iolt-head and Donaldus Sirnamed Banus i. e. White Of these he made Malcolm scarce yet out of his Childhood Governor of Cumberland Mackbeth took this matter mighty Hainously in regard he look'd upon it as Obstacle of Delay to him in his obtaining the Kingdom for having arrived at the Enjoyment of his other Honours promised him by his Dream by this means he thought that either he should be secluded altogether from the Kingdom or else should be much retarded in the Enjoyment thereof in regard the Government of Cumberland was always look'd upon as the first step to the Kingdom of Scotland Besides his Mind which was feirce enough of it self was spurred on by the daily Importunities of his Wife who was Privy to all his Counsels Whereupon communicating the matter to his most intimate Friends amongst whom Bancho was one he got a fit opportunity at Innerness to way-lay the King and so slew him in the Seventh year of his Reign and gathering a Company together went to Scone and under the shelter of popular Favour made himself King Duncan's Children were astonished at this sudden Disaster They saw their Father was slain the Author of the Murder in the Throne and Snares laid for them to take away their Lives that so by their Deaths the Kingdom might be confirmed to Mackheth Whereupon they shifted up and down and hid themselves and thus for a time escaped his Fury But perceiving that no place could long secure them from his Rage and that being of a feirce Nature there was no hope of Clemency to be expected from him they fled several ways Malcolm into Cumberland and Donald to the Kindred of his Father in the Aebudae Islands Mackbeth The Eighty Fifth King MAckbeth to confirm the ill-gotten Kingdom to himself procured the favour of the Nobles by great Gifts being secure of the Kings Children because of their Age and of his Neighbouring Princes in regard of their mutual Animosities and Discords Thus having engaged the great Men he determined to procure the favour of the Vulgar by Justice and Equity and to retain it by Severity if nothing else would do Whereupon he determined with himself to punish the Free-booters or Thieves who had taken courage from the Lenity of Duncan but foreseeing that this could not be done without great Tumults and much ado he devised this Project which was to sow the Seeds of Discord amongst them by some fit Men for that purpose that thereupon they might challenge one another and so some of them might fight in equal and divided Numbers one with another All this was to be done on one and the same day and that in the most remote parts of Scotland too when they all met at the time appointed they were taken by an Ambush which he had laid for that purpose Their Punishment strook a Terrour into the rest Besides he put to death the Thanes of Caithnes Ross Sutherland and Narn and some others of the Clans by whose Fewds the Commonalty were miserably harassed before Afterwards he went into the Aebudae Islands and used severe Justice there After his return from thence he once or twice summoned Macgill or Macgild the powerfullest Man in all Galway to appear but he refused so to do rather out of fear for being of Malcolm's Faction than for the guilt of the Crimes objected to him whereupon he sent Forces against him who overthrew him in Battel and cut off his Head The publick
there he turned into a Monastery for Monks Being once carried by Tempest into the Isle Aemona he was there reduced to great Want and Hunger for neither he nor his Companions could procure any Food for some Days but what they got from those that Lived Solitary Lives vulgarly called Hermits He built also a Church there in Memory of St. Columb supplying it with Canons as they call them and Lands to maintain them He also gave great Guifts and Largesses and settled Revenues on St. Andrews which was Rich enough before He finished the Church at Dumferling which his Father had begun and Endowed it with Revenues After these Transactions in Peace and War when he had Reigned Seventeen Years he departed this Life leaving no Children by Sibyl his Wife Daughter of William the Norman David I. The Ninety First King HIS Brother David succeeded him in the Kingdom in the Year of Christ 1124. He seeing that his Brothers Reigned successively one after another in Scotland stayed with his Sister Maud in England There he Married Maud his Niece a Woman of great Beauty Wealth and Nobility For Voldiosus of Northumberland was her Father and her Mother was Iudith Niece to William the Norman On her he begot a Son named Henry in whom both his Father's and Mother's Disposition did presently appear By this Marriage his Revenues were much encreased by the Accession of Northumberland and Huntington-shire thereto Thus with the Universal Gratulation of his Subjects he came into Scotland to possess the Kingdom 'T is true the Memory of his Parents was of great Force to procure him the Favour of the People yet his own Virtue was such that he stood in no need of any adventitious Help For as in other Virtues he equalled other good Kings so in his Condescention to hear the Causes of the Poor he was much superiour to them As for the Complaints of the Rich he heard them himself and if a false Judgment had been given he would not rescind it but compelled the Judge himself to pay the Damages awarded He restrained Luxury which then begun to spread according to the Example of his Father He banished Epicures and such as studied Arts to provoke the Appetite out of the Kingdom He far exceeded the Beneficence of his Parents and Allies which were worthy rather of Pardon than Praise in increasing the Revenues of the Church He repaired Monasteries whether decayed by Age or ruined by the Wars and He also built New Ones from the Ground To the Six Bishopricks before he added Four more Ross Brechin Dunkelden and Dunblain He almost impoverished the succeeding King to Endow them for he bestowed upon them a great part of the Royal Revenue Iohannes Major who when I was but a Youth was famous for his Theological Studies having highly praised this King for his other Actions yet he blames his profuse Lavishness in Endowing Monasteries in a solemn and I wish it had been an undeserved Oration And I the more wonder at this immoderate Profusion of the Publick Stock and Patrimony because in those very Times St. B●rnard sharply reproves the Priests and Monks in his Invective and Severe Sermons for their excessive Luxury and Expence which yet if compared with That of our Age seems but moderate And the Fruits which followed these Donations shew That the Design was not well grounded For as in Bodies too Corpulent the use of all the Members ceases so the Sparks of Wit oppressed by Luxury did thereby languish in Abbies The Study of Learning was extinct Piety degenerated into Superstition and the Seeds of all Vices sprung up in them as in an unplowed Field All the time of his Reign he had but one Commotion and that was rather a Tumult than a War And it was quickly ended in the Slaughter of Aeneas Earl of Murray with a great Number of his Followers Malcolm Mackbeth endeavouring to raise a new Sedition was committed Prisoner to the Castle of Roxburgh Other Matters succeeded according to his desire but yet a twofold Distress or rather Calamity seized him One from the untimely Death of his Wife The Other of his Son As for his Wife Maud she was a Woman of high Descent of exquisite Beauty and most accomplished Manners He loved her passionately whilst she lived and the loss of her in the Flower of her Age did so affect him That for Twenty Years after he lived a Widower neither did he touch any other Woman all that while And yet the Greatness of his Sorrow was no hindrance to him from managing the Publick Offices and Concerns both of Peace and War Concerning his Son I will speak in due place David thus addicted himself to the Arts of Peace but some troublesom Matters in England drew him unwillingly into a War The Occasion this All the Off-spring of King Henry of England besides his Daughter Maud were drowned in their passage out of France into England which Misfortune did so grieve him that it is reported he never laughed after Maud who only survived and escaped that Calamity Married the Emperor Henry the Fourth Her Husband dying without Children she returned into England to her Father He was willing to settle the Succession on her and in Order thereto because she was a Widow and Childless if he himself should die he caused all the Nobility to swear an Oath of Fealty to her and in hopes that she might have Children he Married her to Geoffry Plantagenet Earl of Anjou Five Years after that Marriage Robert Duke of Normandy and King Henry died and Geoffry of Anjou falling into a dangerous Disease lay Bedrid In the mean time Stephen Earl of Bologne in this want of Royal Issue took heart to attempt the Crown of England Neither did he look upon it as a Design of any great Difficulty both by reason of the Weakness of the adverse Party and also because he himself had some Royal Blood running in his Veins For he was born of a Daughter of William the Norman which had Married the Earl of Bloys He himself had also Married Maud Daughter of the former Earl of Bologne and Cousin-German to Maud the Empress and begotten upon Mary Sister to David King of Scotland Upon the Confidence of so great Alliances by reason of the absence of Maud the Queen and the Sickness of Geoffry he thought he might easily obtain the Crown of England And to make his Way clearer without any Conscience or Regard of his Oath which he and th' other kindred had taken to Queen Maud he drew in by great Promises the Bishops of England who had also taken the same Oath into his Unlawful design and especially William Arch-Bishop of York who was the first that Swore Allegiance to Queen Maud and Roger Bishop of Salisbury who had not only taken the Oath himself but had also read the Words of it to the other Nobles when they Swore Upon this Confidence even before his Uncle
laid all waste to the very Gates of Carlisle The City it self he took by Force and Fortified it The next year Lewis the Son of Philip King of France was sent for by those who favoured the Ecclesiastical Faction to London that so he upon the Proscription of Iohn might possess the Kingdom and so was King Alexander of Scotland too who came to aid his Old Friend But Iohn being forsaken by his Subjects and assaulted also by Foreign Arms upon the Payment of a great Sum of Money at present and the Promise of a perpetual Pension and moreover transferring the Right of the Kingdom of England to the Pope so that the Kings of England for the future were to be His Feudataries was received into Favour So that he obtained Letters from Rome by Cardinal Galo a Man of known Avarice wherein the Scots and French were with great Threats forbid to meddle with a People which were Tributaries to the Holy See Upon this sudden Change of things Lewis returned into France and Alexander into Scotland but his return home was not so quiet as his entrance into England was For the English pressing upon the Rear of his retiring Army took many of the Stragglers Prisoners And besides Iohn had broken down all the Bridges on the Trent and had fastned sharp Pikes or Palisadoes in all its Fords removing away all Ships and Boats so that it seemed to be so great an Impediment unto him that he could not avoid it but must certainly be destroyed In the mean time Iohn was poysoned by an English Monk at Newark a Town seated on the Trent and being carried in a Litter died in two days That Casualty opened the way for Al●xander's March. Then blaming and punishing his Men for their former Carelessness he marched on more circumspectly but not without the great Damage of those through whose Countrys he passed For whatsoever could be driven away or carried he took with him and so returned home with a great Booty Galo the Popes Legat when he had setled Henry the Son of Iohn in the Throne mulct the Nobles of England in a great Sum of Money and then received them into Favour And to give them some Recompence for their Loss by the like Calamity of their Enemies he Excommunicates Lewis of France and Alexander of Scotland in hopes to obtain some Prey from them also The Scots were Interdicted all Divine Offices for he imagined that his Thundring Curses would prevail more amongst the simple Vulgar than with the Kings But at last Peace was made between the Two Kings the Scots were to restore Carlisle and the English Berwick and the Ancient Bounds at Kings-Cross were to be observed by them Both. Alexander and his Subjects were released from their Censures by the English Bishops who were Authorized thereunto Hereupon Galo was much enraged That so great a Prey should be taken out of his Hands so that he turned his Anger on the Bishops and the rest of the Clergy of Scotland as his own Peculiar with whom Kings had nothing to do He summoned them to appear at Alnwick Whither when they came the more fearful appeased his Wrath with Money the more resolute were Cited to Rome But they having also received many Letters from some of the English Bishops and Abbats directed to the Pope concerning the sordid Spirit of the Ambassador or Legat made grievous Complaints against him calling him the Firebrand of all mischief because he studied not the Publick Good but his own Avarice and did chaffer for and sell Peace and War amongst Princes at his own pleasure Galo not being able to acquit himself of the Crimes laid to his charge was Fined by the Pope in the Loss of the Money he had got which was to be divided amongst his Accusers Hereupon they returned home loaden with large Promises but with empty Purses A few years after Henry of England being now grown Ripe both in Years and Judgment came to York there he agreed with Alexander in the presence of Pandulphus the Popes Legat to take Henry's Sister to Wife by whom yet because of her untimely Death he had no Children From that time there was Peace between Both Kings as long as they lived There he also solemnly Promised and Swore before the same Pandulphus That he would bestow the Two Sisters of Alexander in Honourable Marriages according to their Dignity as his Father had promised before But one of them returned home unmarried one only being bestowed in Marriage The next Year viz. 1220 the Cardinal of St. Giles came into England to fish for Money for the Holy War and accordingly having scraped together a great Sum in both Kingdoms which by his Impostures he had gulled Persons 〈◊〉 credulous of he Luxuriously spent it in his Journy so that he came empty to Rome falsely alleging That he was robbed by Thieves in the way Another Legat presently succeeded him but Men having been twice cheated by Roman Fraud by a Publick Decree forbad him to set his foot on Land Alexander was busied to suppress Vices at home which sprung up by the Licentiousness of War and he travelled over the whole Kingdom with his Queen to do Justice whilest Gilespy a Rossian spoiled Ross and the Neighbour Counties for passing over the River Ness he took and burnt the Town of Enverness He cruelly slew all those that refused to obey him Iohn Cumin Earl of Buchan was sent against him who took him and his two Sons as they were shifting up and down and changing their Quarters to secure themselves and cut off their Heads and so sent them to the King About this time the Caithnesians entred by night into the Bedchamber of Adam their Bishop and there killed a Monk who was his usual Companion for he had been before Abbat of Mulross and one of his Bedchamber as for the Bishop himself they grievously wounded him and dragging him into the Kitchen there they burnt him and the House he was in The Cause of their great Cruelty was as 't is reported because the Bishop was more severe than in former times in exacting his Tithes The Offenders were diligently sought out and most severely punished The Earl of Caithnes though he were not present at the Fact yet was somewhat suspected but afterward being brought privately to the King in the Christmas Holy-days which the Scots call Saturnalia he humbly begg'd Pardon of the King and obtained it About this time Alane of Galway the powerfullest Man in Scotland departed this Life He left Three Daughters behind him of whom I shall speak hereafter Thomas his Bastard Son despising their Age and Sex sets up for himself as Lord of the Family and not contented herewith he gathers 10000 Men together kills all that oppose him and drives Booties far and near from all the Neighbouring-Countries At last the King sent an Army against him who slew 5000 of the
before whereupon they forbad him to enter their Borders but sent him Word That they themselves without his Presence would gather Money for and send Souldiers to the Syrian War and indeed they sent Souldiers under the Command of the Earls of Carick and Athol Two of the Chief Nobility to L●wis King of Fran●e and to the Pope lest he might think himself altogether disesteemed they sent 1000 Marks of Silver The Year after Henry King of England died and his Son Edward the First succeeded him at whose Coronation Alexander and his Wife were present she returning died soon after yea David the Kings Son and also Alexander being newly Married to the Daughter of the Earl of Flanders followed her a little time after by their continued Funerals Margarite also the Kings Daughter departed this Life who left a Daughter behind her begot by Hangonanus King of Norwey Alexander being thus in a few years deprived both of his Wife and Children too took to Wife Ioleta the Daughter of the Earl of Dreux and within a Year he fell from his Horse and broke his Neck not far from Kinghorn in the Year of our Lord 1285. and the Fourteenth of the Calends of April he lived Forty Five years and Reigned Thirty Seven He was more missed than any King of Scotland had been before him not so much for the eminent Virtues of his Mind and the Accomplishments of his Body as that People foresaw what great Calamities would befal the Kingdom upon his Decease Those wholsome Laws which he made are antiquated by the Negligence of Men and the Length of Time and their Utility is rather celebrated by Report than experienced by Trial. He divided the Kingdom into Four Parts and almost every year he Travelled them all over staying well near Three Months in each of them to do Justice and to hear the complaints of the Poor who had free Access to him all that time Assoon as he went to an Assize or Sessions he Commanded the Prefect or Sheriff of that Precinct to meet him with a select number of Men and also to accompany him at his departure to the end of his Bailywick till the next Precinct where he was Guarded by another like Company By this means he became acquainted with all the Nobility and was as well known to them and the People as he went were not burthen'd with a Troop of Courtiers who are commonly Imperious and given to Avarice where they come He commanded the Magistrates to punish all Idle Persons who followed no Trade nor had any Estates to maintain them for his Opinion was That Idleness was the Source and Fountain of all Wickedness He reduced the Horse-Train of the Nobles when they travelled to a certain number because he thought that the Multitude of Horses which were unfit for War would spend too much Provision And whereas by reason of Unskilfulness in Navigation or else by Mens Avarice in committing themselves rashly to Sea many Shipwracks had happened and the Violence of Pyrates making an Accession thereto the Company of Merchants were almost undone he commanded they should Traffick no more by Sea That Order lasted about an Year but being accounted by many of a publick Prejudice at length so great a Quantity of Foreign Commodities were imported that in Scotland they were never in the Memory of Man more or less cheap In this Case that he might study the good of the Merchants-Company he forbad that any but Merchants should buy what was imported by whole Sale but what every Man wanted he was to buy it at second Hand or by Retail from them The Eighth BOOK ALEXANDER and his whole Lineage besides one 〈◊〉 by his Daughter being extinct a Convention of the Estates was held at Scone to Treat about Creating a new King and setling the State of the Kingdom whither when most of the Nobility were come in the first place they appointed Vicegerents to govern Matters at present so dividing the Provinces That Duncan Mackduff should preside over Fife of which he was Earl Iohn Cumins Earl of Buchan over Buchan William Frazer Archbishop of St. Andrews over that Part of the Kingdom which lay Northward And that Robert Bishop of Glascow Another Iohn Cumins and Iohn Stuart should Govern the Southern Countries and that the Boundary in the midst should be the River Forth Edward King of England knowing that his Sisters 〈◊〉 Daughter of the King of Norway was the only surviving Person of all the Posterity of Alexander and that She was the Lawful Heiress of the Kingdom of Scotland sent Ambassadors into Scotland to desire Her as a Wife for his Son The Embassadors in the Session discoursed much of the publick Utility like to accrue to both Kingdoms by this Marriage neither did they find the Scots averse therefrom For Edward was a Man of great Courage and Power yet he desired to increase it and his Valour highly appeared in the Holy War in his Fathers Life time and after his Death in his subduing of Wales neither were there ever more Endearments passed betwixt the Scots and the English than under the last Kings Yea the Ancient Hatred seemed no way more likely to be abolished than if both Nations on Just and Equal Terms might be united into One. For these Reasons the Marriage was easily assented to other Conditions were also added by the consent of both Parties as That the Scots should use their own Laws and Magistrates until Children were begot out of that Marriage which might Govern the Kingdom or if no such were begot or being born if they dyed before they came to the Crown then the Kingdom of Scotland was to pass to the next Kinsman of the Blood-Royal Matters being thus setled Embassadors were sent into Norway Michael or as others call him David Weems and Michael Scot Two eminent Knights of Fife and much Famed for their Prudence in those days But Margarite for that was the Name of the young Princess dyed before they came thither so that they returned home in a sorrowful posture without their errand By reason of the untimely death of this young Lady a Controversie arose concerning the Kingdom which mightily shook England but almost quite ruined Scotland The Competitors were Men of great Power Iohn Baliol and Robert Bruce of which Baliol had Lands in France Bruce in England but Both of them great Possessions and Allies in Scotland But before I enter upon their Disputes that all things may be more clear to the Reader I must fetch them down a little higher The Three last Kings of Scotland William and the Two Alexanders The Second and the Third and their whole Off-spring being extinct there remained none who could lawfully claim the Kingdom but the Posterity of David Earl of Huntington This David was Brother to King William and Great Uncle to Alexander the Third He Married Maud in England Daughter to the Earl of Chester by whom he had Three
to settle Matters at home When the Marriage of his Son was magnificently celebrated he perceiving the end of his Life to be near at hand composed himself almost into the Habit of a private Man for some years before all the Grand Affairs of State had been managed by Thomas Randolph and Iames Douglas and lived in a small House at Cardross a place divided from Dumbritton by the River Levin and kept himself but in case of great Necessity from the Concourse of People Thither he called some of his Friends a little before his Death and made his Will He confirmed those to be his Heirs which were so declared by the Convention of Estates First David his Son being eight year old next Robert his Nephew by his Daughter he commended them to his Nobles and especially to Thoma● Randolph his Sisters Son and Iames Douglas Afterward he settled his Houshold Affairs and exhorted them all to Concord amongst themselves and to observance of Allegiance to their King if they did so he would assure them to be unconquerable by a Foreign Power Moreover he is reported to have added Three Commands or if you will Counsels First That they should never make any one Man Lord of the Aebudae Islands Next That they should never fight the English with all their Force at one time and Thirdly That they should never make with them a Perpetual League In Explicating his First Advice he discoursed much concerning the Number Bigness and Power of the Islands and concerning the Multitude Fierceness and Hardiness of their Inhabitants They with Ships Such as they were yet not inconvenient for those Coasts coping with Men unskill'd in Marine Affairs might do a great deal of Mischief to others but receive little Damage themselves And therefore Governors were Yearly to be sent thither to administer Justice amongst them by Officers who should not be continued long in their Places neither His Second Advice concerning the English stood upon this Foot Because the English as inhabiting a better Country did exceed the Scots in Number of Men Money and all other Warlike Preparations and by reason of these Conveniencies they were more accustomed to their Ease and not so patient of Labour or Hardship On the other side the Scots were bred in an hardier Soil and were by reason of their Parsimony and continual Exercise of a more healthy Constitution of Body and by the very manner of their Education made more capable to endure all Military Toil and therefore That they were fitter for suddain and occasional Assaults so to weaken and weary out their Enemy by degrees than to venture all at once in a pitch'd Battel His Third Advice was grounded upon this Reason Because if the Scots should have a long Peace with the English having no other Enemy besides them to exercise their Arms upon they would grow Lazy Luxurious and so easily become Slothful Voluptuous Effeminate and Weak As for the English though they had Peace with the Scots yet France was near them which kept their Arms in ure If then those who are skilful in Warlike Affairs should cope with the Scots thus grown unskilful and sluggish they might promise to themselves an assured Victory Moreover he commended to Iames Douglas the Performance of the Vow which he had made which was to go over into Syria and to undertake the Cause of Christendom in the Holy War against the Common Enemy thereof And because he himself by reason of his Home-bred Seditions or else being broken with Age and Diseases could not perform the Vow himself he earnestly desired That Douglas would carry his Heart after he was deceased to Jerusalem that it might be buried there Douglas looked upon This as an Honourable Imployment and as an eminent Testimony of the Kings Favour towards him and therefore the next Year after the Kings Death with a good Brigade of Noble young Men he prepared for his Voyage But being upon the Coasts of Spain he heard That the King of Arragon managed a fierce War against the same Enemy with which he was to fight in Syria and thinking with himself that it mattered not in what Place he assisted in the Cause of Christianity he Landed his Men and joined himself with the Spaniard where after many prosperous Fights at last despising the Enemy as a weak and fugitive one he thought to attempt something against him with his own Men and so rushing unadvisedly on the Army of the Sarazens he was by them drawn into an Ambush wherein he and most part of his Men were slain His chief Friends that perished with him were William Sinclare and Robert Logan This happened the next year after the Kings Death which was 1330. To be short Robert Bruce was certainly a most Illustrious Person every way and he can hardly be parallelled for his Virtues and Valour even in the most Heroick Times for as he was very Valiant in War so he was most Just and Temperate in Peace and though his unhoped for Successes and after that Fortune was once satiated or rather wearied with his Miseries a continual course of perpetuated Victory did highly Ennoble him yet to me he seemed to have been more Glorious in his Adversities For What a strong Heart was That which was not broken no nor yet weakened by so many Miseries as brake in upon him all at once Whose Constancy would it not have tried to have his Wife a Prisoner and to have his Four Valiant Brothers cruelly put to Death And his Friends at the same time vexed with all kind of Calamities and they which escaped with their Lives were Exiled and lost all their Estates As for himself he was outed not only of a large Patrimony but of a Kingdom too by the powerfullest King of those Times and one who was most ready both for Advice and Action Though he were beset with all these Evils at one time yea and brought into the extreamest Want yet he never doubted of recovering the Kingdom Neither did he ever do or say any thing which was unbecoming a Royal Spirit He did not do as Cato the Younger and Marcus Brutus who laid violent Hands on themselves neither did he as Marius incensed by his Sufferings let loose the Reins of Hatred and Passion against his Enemies but when he had recovered his Ancient State and Kingdom he so carried it towards them who had put him to so much Hardship and Trouble That he seemed rather to Remember that he was now their King than that he had been sometimes their Enemy And even a little before his Death though a great Disease made an addition to the Trouble of his Old Age yet he was so much Himself as to confirm the Present State of the Kingdom yea and to consult the quiet of his Posterity So that when he died all Men bewailed him as being deprived not only of a Just King but of a Loving Father too He departed this Life the Seventh of
made to him he now thought it seasonable to Declare Himself King That Advice was safer to him because the greatest part of the Slaughter had fallen upon the Families adjoyning to Perth For there were slain in the Battel besides the Regent Robert Keith with a great number of his Kindred and Tenants There fell Eighty of the Family of the Lindseys and amongst them Alexander the chief of the Sept. The Name of the Hays would have been quite extinguished in this Fight if William the Chief of the Family had not left his Wife big with Child behind him Moreover Thomas Randolfe Robert Bruce Murdo Earl of Monteath William Sinclare Bishop of the Caledonians and Duncan Macduff Earl of Fife made Prisoners by him and being thus in such a desperate Posture were enforced to take an Oath of Obedience to him Baliol The Eighty Ninth King HEreupon Baliol trusting to his present Fortune went to the Neighbouring Abby of Scone and there entred upon the Kingdom in the Year of our Lord 1332. the Eighth of the Calends of September By this Wound and Loss the Power of David Bruce was much weakened in Scotland yet his Friends not broken in their Spirits by this Calamity took care to secure him from the danger of War he not being yet fit to manage the Government and therefore they sent him and his Wife to his Fathers Friend Philip King of France to be there out of Harms way In the mean time they prepare themselves for all hazards being resolved to Dye Honourably or else to restore their Country to its former State And First of all they set up Andrew Murray an Eminent Person Son of the Sister of Robert Bruce as Regent in the place of Duncan then they sent Messengers into all parts of the Kingdom partly to confirm and fix their old Friends and partly to spur up the more Remiss to Thoughts of Revenging their wrongs The ●irst who took Arms as being excited by their Grief for the loss of their Parents and Kindred at Duplin were Robert Keith Iames and Simon Frazer who about the Autumnal Aequinox besieged Perth the Siege lasted longer than they expected yet in Three Months they took it Macduff Earl of Fife who held the Town for Baliol was sent Prisoner with his Wife and Children to Kildrum a Castle in Marr Andrew Murray of Tullibardin who discovered the Ford over the River Earn to the English was put to death The Black Bock of Pasley says That the Walls of the Town were demolished which seems more probable to me than that it should be made a Garison as others write especially in so great a want of Faithful Friends and Soldiers At the same time Baliol was at Annandale very busie in receiving the Homage of the Nobles who were so much surprized and astonished at the suddain Mutation of Things That even Alexander Bruce Lord of Carrick and Galway despairing of the Retrieve of his Kinsman David's Affairs came in to him After this prosperous Success he despised his Enemy and grew more negligent and regardless of him When the Regent heard thereof by his Spyes he sent Archibald Douglas Brother to Iames who was lost in Spain That if there were any Opportunity for Action he should lay hold upon it He took with him William Douglas Earl of Liddisdale Iohn Randolfe the Son of Thomas and Simon Frazer with a Thousand Horse and so came to Maufet where having sent out Scouts to see that the Coast was clear he marched in the Night and set upon Baliol as he was asleep and put his Army into so great a Fright and Consternation that Baliol himself half Naked was fain to get upon an Horse neither Bridled nor Sadled and so fled away many of his Intimate Friends were slain Alexander Bruce was taken Prisoner and obtained his Pardon by the means of his Kinsman Iohn Randolfe Henry Baliol got great Credit that day by his Valour amongst both Parties who in so confused a Flight defended some of his Men whom their persuers pressed upon he wounded many and killed some of his Enemies and at last was slain Fighting valiantly There fell also the Chief of the English Faction Iohn Mowbray Walter Cumins and Richard Kirke These Things were acted the Eighth of the Calends of Ianuary in the Year 1332. The Brucian Party were somewhat relieved by these Successes so that they came in great Numbers to Andrew Murray the Regent to consult about the main Chance They made no doubt but that Baliol fought the Kingdom not for himself but for the English by whom he was guided and influenced in every thing Wherefore they resolved to Declare the King of England their Enemy and accordingly they prepared all things necessary for the War with great Diligence as against a very powerful Enemy They made the Garison of Berwick very strong for they thought the English would Assault That first They made Alexander Seton a worthy Knight Governour of the Town and Patrick Dunbar of the Castle and the adjoyning Precincts William Douglas Earl of Liddisdale whose Valour and Prudence was highly commended in those Times was sent into Annandale to defend the Western Coasts Andrew Murray went to Roxburgh where Baliol kept himself Thus their several Governments being distributed at home Iohn Randolfe was sent into France to visit David and to make an Address to Philip of France informing him of the State of Scotland and desiring some Aid from him against the Common Enemy Murray at his coming to Roxburgh had a sharp encounter with Baliol at a Bridge without the City and whilst he pressed too eagerly after the English who were retreating over the Bridge into the Town he was intercepted from his Men and taken Prisoner whereby a Victory almost quite obtained slipt out of his hands At the same time in a contrary Province William Douglas of Liddisdale in a Fight with the English was wounded and made Prisoner whose Disaster so troubled his Men that they also were put to flight This Inconstancy and Variableness of Fortune divided Scotland again into Two Factions even as Love Hatred Hope Fear or each Man 's private Concern inclined him The King of England presuming That by reason of these Dissensions he had a fit opportunity to seize upon Scotland received Baliol into his Protection for he was too weak to support himself by his own Strength and took an Oath of Obedience from him yea nothing regarding his Right of Affinity with Bruce nor reverencing the Sanctity of Leagues nor the Religion of an Oath so that he might satisfie his immoderate Ambition he at once denounced and also made War on the Scots at that time destitute of a King and also at variance amongst themselves And to give a colourable Pretence of Justice to his War he sent Embassadors to demand Berwick which Town his Father and Grandfather had held many Years and he presently followed with an Army
The Scots answered the Ambassadors That Berwick always belonged to Scotland till his Grandfather Edward had injuriously seized upon it At length when Robert Bruce their last King had recovered the rest of Scotland he took away that Town from Edward Father of him who now requires the Reddition of it and reduced it unto its Ancient Rightful Possessor and Form of Government yea not long ago Edward himself by the Advice of his Parliament had renounced all Right which He or his Ancestors might pretend to have over all Scotland in general or any of the Towns and Places therein in particular From that time they were not Conscious to themselves That they had acted any thing against the League so solemnly Sworn to and confirmed by Alliance of a Marriage Why then within the compass of a few Years were they assaulted by secret Fraud and by open War These things being so they desired the Embassadors to incline the Mind of their King to Equity and that he would not watch his Opportunity to Injure and Prejudice a young King in his absence who was both Innocent and also his own Sisters Husband As for Themselves they would refuse no Conditions of Peace provided they were Honourable but if he threatened them with an unjust Force then according to the Tutelage of the King committed to them they resolved rather to dye a Noble Death than to consent to a Peace prejudicial to Themselves or the Kingdom This was the Answer of the Council of Scotland But the King of England sought not Peace but Victory and therefore having encreased his great Army with Foreign Aid also he besieged Berwick by Sea and Land neither did he omit any thing which might Contribute to the Taking of it for having a Multitude of Men he gave his Enemy no rest Night nor Day Neither were the Besiegers behind hand with them but Valorously Sallied out upon them every day They threw Fire into their Ships which Anchored in the River and burnt many of them In which Skirmish William Seaton the Governors Bastard-Son was lost much lamented by all for his singular Valour For whilst he endeavoured to leap into an English Ship his own being driven too far off by the Waves he fell into the Sea neither in that Exigent could any Relief come to him And besides another Son of Alexanders begot on his Lawful Wife who out of eagerness to fight proceeded too far in a Sally was taken by the English But the Siege which was begun in the Ides of April had now lasted Three Months and the Defendants besides their Toil and Watchings were also in great want of Provisions so that they seemed hardly able to hold out the Town any longer but made an Agreement with the English That unless they were relieved by the Third of the Calends of August they would surrender up the Place And for this Thomas Alexanders Eldest Son was given in Hostage Whilst these things were acting at Berwick the Scots Indicted an Assembly to consult about their Affairs and in regard the Regent was Prisoner at Roxburgh that they might not be without a General they chose Archibald Douglas Captain-General they also Voted That he should have an Army to march into England that so by Foraging the Neighbouring Countrys he might draw off the King of England from the Siege Douglas according to this Order and Decree marched towards England but hearing of the Agreement which Alexander had made he changed his Mind and thô against the Advice of his most prudent Commanders he marched directly towards the English and on the Eve of Mary Magdalen came in Sight of them and was beheld both by Friends and Enemies The King of England tho' the Day was not come wherein it was agreed That the Town should be surrendred yet when he saw the Scots Forces so near he sent an Herald into the Town to acquaint the Governor That unless he presently Surrendred up his Garison he would put his Son Thomas to Death The Governor alleging That the Day appointed for the Surrender was not yet come and that he had given his Faith to stay till the time allowed by their Paction was expired but all was in Vain Hereupon Love Piety Fear and Duty towards his Country did variously exercise his Paternal and Afflicted Mind and the English to drive the Terror more home had set up a Gallows in a Place easily visible to the Besieged whither he caused the Governors Two Sons One the Hostage the Other a Prisoner of War to be brought forth to Execution At this miserable Spectacle his Fatherly mind was at a great stand and in this Fluctuation of his Thoughts his Wife the Mother of the Young Men a Woman of a Manly Courage came to him and put him in mind of his Faithfulness towards his King his Love towards his Country and the Dignity of his Noble Family upon all which grounds she endeavoured to settle his wavering Mind If these Children be put to Death said she you have others remaining alive and besides we are neither of us past Age You to beget and I to bear more If they escape Death yet it will not be long but that by some sudden Casualty or else by maturity of Age they must yield to Fate but if any Blot of Infamy should stick upon the Family of the Seatons it would remain to all Posterity and be a foul Blur even to their Innocent Offspring She further told him That she had often heard those Men much commended in the Discourses of the Wise who had given up Themselves and their Children as a Sacrifice for the safety of their Country but if he should give up the Town committed to his Trust he would betray his Country and yet be never the more certain of his Childrens Lives neither For how could he hope That a Tyrant who violated his Faith Now would stand to his Word for the Future And therefore she entreated him not to prefer an Vncertainty and if it should be obtained a Momentany Convenience before a certain and perpetual Ignominy By this Discourse she somewhat settled his Mind and that he might not Behold so dismal a Spectacle she carried him to another Place from whence it could not be seen The English King after this Punishment inflicted which was not very acceptable neither to some of his own men removed his Camp to Halidon-Hill near Berwick and there waits his Enemies coming Douglas who before would not hearken to the Advice of his Grave Counsellors as to the Foraging of the English Counties and so averting the Siege now was inflamed with raging Wrath and withal presuming That if after the Perpetration of so horrible a Wickedness almost before his Eyes he should draw off without Fighting it might be said That he was afraid of his Enemy was resolved to fight at any rate and so marched directly towards the Enemy and because the English kept their Ground and would
his Former Life and especially for his late and yet reaking Conquests was received with a great deal of Favour and had the Government of Roxburgh bestowed on him yea and the Sheriff-wick of all Teviotdale was also added to his Authority William Douglas took this mighty heinously that Ramsay was preferred before him in that Honour For seeing he had expelled the English from almost all Teviotdale he had sometimes presided over the Publick Assembly there thô without the Kings Command yet relying upon his Merits towards his Country the Nobleness of his Stock and the Power of his Family he hoped That no man would have been his Competitor for that Office Whereupon being wholly bent on Revenge he at present dissembled his Anger but in Three Months after he met with his Adversary holding an Assembly in the Church of Hawick and unawares assaulted and wounded him having also slain Three of his Followers who endeavoured to rescue him and so set him upon an Horse and carried him to the Castle of Hermitage where he starved him to Death About the same time William Bullock a Man of singular Loyalty to the King was put to the same kind of Death by David Berclay These Two Savage and Cruel Facts filled almost the whole Kingdom with Seditions and distracted it into several Parties These things did mightily exercise the King who was yet but Young and not accustomed to Men of Rough and Military Dispositions yet though he used great diligence to find out Douglas to bring him to Condign Punishment he by Means of his Friends of which he had procured Many by his Noble Exploits for the Liberty of his Country and especially of Robert Stuart the King's Son by his Sister obtained his Pardon And indeed the Magnificent yet True Report of his Famous Actions did much facilitate the Obtaining thereof together with the present Conjuncture of the Time wherein there being but an uncertain Peace abroad and Seditions at home Military Men were to be respected yea and honoured too Upon which Account he was not only pardoned but preferred also to the Government of Roxburgh and of Teviotdale too a Clemency which perhaps in the present Circumstances of Things might be useful but certainly of very ill Example for the Future David having thus settled Matters at Home the best he could denounces War against England the greatest Part of the Nobility dissuading him from that Expedition by reason of the great Scarcity of Provisions Yet he Listed an handsom Army and made Thomas Randolfe General thereof he himself accompanied him but in disguise that he might not be known to be the King This Army having wasted Northumberland for about Two Months time returned home with great Booty Within a few Days after he made another Inrode into the Enemies Country but then he did not disguise but openly professed Himself both King and General The English being inferior in Strength would not venture to give a set Battel whilst their King was absent in France but skirmished their Enemies with their Horse and so kept them from plundering much by a close March Five of the Chief Nobility whom David had lately raised to that Honour straggling too far from their Men were taken Prisoners their Followers being also killed or put to Flight So that David to spend no more time there in vain returned with his Army He made also a Third Expedition with what Force he could privately Levy that so he might fall upon his Enemy unawares But entring England in a stormy Autumn the small Brooks were so swollen with large Showres that they made all the Country unpassable and also hinder'd the Carriage of Provision so that Home he came again yet that he might not seem to have taken so much Pains to no purpose he demolished a few Castles Not long after Embassadors were sent to and fro in order to obtain a Truce for Two Years which the Scots consented to upon Condition That Philip King of France gave his Consent for That was one Article in the Treaty between the Scots and French That neither of them should make Truce or Peace with the English without the Other 's Consent For those Two Years Scotland was quiet About the Fourth Year after David's Return the French were overcome in a great Battel and Calais a Town of the M●●ini was besieged by them so that Philip pressed the Scots by his Ambassadors to Invade England and to so draw away some of their Force from Him Hereupon an Army was commanded to meet at Perth Thither they came in a great Abundance and there David Earl of Rosse waylaying Reginald Lord of the Aebudae his Old Enemy fell upon him in the Night and slew him with Seven Nobles in his Company This Murder did much weaken the Army for the Kindred and Tenants of both Parties yea the Neighbouring Inhabitants fearing a Civil War between Two such Potent Families returned to their own Homes And therefore William Douglas of Liddisdale earnestly persuaded the King to desist from his present Expedition and to compose Matters at Home His Counsel was refused and the King his Friendship to Philip overcoming his Love to his Country marches forward into England and destroyed all as he went by Fire and Sword And thus in Sixteen Days he came into the County of Durham where the English parly levied by Percy and partly sent back from the Siege of Calais made a great Body and shewed themselves to the Enemy in Battel-array sooner than ever the Scots could have imagined David who feared nothing less than the coming of the Enemy and therefore had sent abroad Douglas to forage the Neighbouring Country gave a Signal of Battel to his Souldiers Douglas fell unawares amongst his Enemies and having lost Five Hundred of his Men was put to slight and returned in great Fear to the Camp And the End of the Conflict was as unhappy as the Beginning For the Fight being sharply begun Randolfe's Men were routed at the first Onset and he himself slain The main Battel in which the King was was assaulted by Two Brigades of the English One that had conquered before and Another that was intire and had not yet charged who shattered it and cut it off quite They being resolved to die and therein almost all the Scotish Nobility were utterly lost and the King himself after his Arms were taken away was taken Prisoner by Iohn Copland but he struck out Two of his Teeth with his Fist though he himself was sorely wounded with two Arrows The Third Wing commanded by Robert Stuart and Patrick Dunber perceiving the Slaughter of their fellow-Souldiers withdrew themselves with little Loss The Nobility were so destroyed in this Fight that immediately after it Roxburgh Hermitage and many other Castles were surrender'd to the English And the Scots were enforced to quit their Claim to all the Lands they held in England and also to Merth Teviotdale Liddisdale and Lauderdale and the
to bear the Government of a Stranger he return'd back and provided a stately Fleet with great Cost yet no great Benefit because it was against Men who were very well provided both with Land and Sea-Forces At length he set upon their numerous Fleet returning from Dantzic which he took and pillaged and slew the Mariners and burnt the Ships so that he repaid the Enemy for the Loss he receiv'd from them many times over yea he so subdued the Fierceness of their Minds that they desired a Truce for an Hundred Years and obtain'd it He also caus'd a Breed of brave Mares to be brought from as far as Hungary into Scotland whose Race continu'd there for many Years after These Rich Earls Dying without Issue Buchan and Marr their Patrimonial ●nheritances descended Rightfully to the King And moreover he alone injoy'd all the Possessions of the Three Brothers Sons to King Robert the 2d by his last Wife but not without the Grudges of the Nobility who had been accustomed to Largesses that he alone should enjoy all the Prey without sharing any Part of it amongst them Further they conceiv'd another and fresher Cause of Offence That the King had revok'd some Grants made by Robert and Murdo the last Regents as unjust Amongst those Grants There were Two noted ones George Dunbar who was Declared a Publick Enemy was afterwards recall'd by Robert and part of his Estate restor'd to him His Son George succeeded him therein to the Joy of many who were well pleas'd that so Ancient and Noble a Family which had so often deserv'd well of their Country were restor'd to their Ancient Dignity But the King who look'd narrowly and perhaps too pryingly into his Revenue was of Opinion that the Power to restore Incapacities to recal Exiles and to give back their Goods forfeited for Treason and so brought into the King's Exchequer was too great for One that was but a Guardian of another Man's Kingdom and chosen but as a Tutor only to Claim and Use especially since Largesses made in the Minority of Princes by the Old Laws of Scotland might be recalled if not confirm'd by their respective Kings when they came to be of Age. And therefore Iames that he might reduce the Merch-men into his Power without noise in regard they were a Martial People and Borderers upon England detains George with him and sends Letters to the Governour of the Castle of Dunbar Commanding him on receipt thereof he should immediately Surrender it up to William Douglas Earl of Angus and Alexander Hepborn of Hales whom he had sent to receive it Hereupon George complain'd that he was wrongfully dispossest of his Ancient Patrimony for anothers Fault and such a Fault too as was forgiven by him who then had the Supreme Power The King to pacifie him and to proclaim his Clemency amongst the Vulgar bestowed Buchan upon him This Fact of the King 's was variously spoken of as every ones Humour and Disposition led him And moreover there was also another Action which much hastned his End the Beginning whereof is to be fetcht a little higher I said before that King Robert the 2d had Three Sons by his Concubine he had also Two by his Wife Eufemia Walter Earl of Athole and David Earl of Stratherne yet when their Mother the Queen was Dead he Married the Concubine afore-spoken of that so he might by that Marriage Legitimate the Children he had by her and leave them Heirs to the Crown and accordingly at his Death he left the Kingdom to the Eldest of them To the 2d he gave great Wealth and the Regency also The 3d. was made Earl of several Counties In this Matter tho' his other Wif's Children thought themselves wrong'd yet being younger and not so powerful as they they smothered their Anger for the present And besides their Power was somewhat abated by the Death of the Earl of Strathern who left but only one Daughter behind him afterwards Marry'd to Patrick Graham a Noble young Man and one of a potent Family in that Age on whom he begat Meliss Graham His Parents liv'd not long after and the Child after a few Years being yet a Stripling was sent as an Hostage into England till the Money for the King's Ransom was paid But the Earl of Athole tho' every way too weak for the adverse Faction yet never gave over his Project to cut off his Kindred nor cast away his Hopes to recover the Kingdom and because he was inferior in open Force he craftily fomented their Divisions and Discords and invidiously made use of their Dangers to promote his own Ends so that by his Advice that large Family was reduc'd to a few For many were of Opinion that he gave the Counsel to take off David King Robert's Son and Iames had not escap'd him neither unless he had past a good part of his Life in England far from home for he gave Advice to the Earl of Fife that seeing his Brother was a Drone he Himself should seize on the Kingdom When the King lost all his Children and was obnoxious to his Brothers Will and not long after dyed of Grief himself There was only the Regent of the Kingdom with his Children that hindred his hopes in regard he was an active Man of great Wealth Power and Authority and moreover very Popular and full of Children These Considerations did somewhat retard his Counsels but when Robert Dyed of a Natural Death and his Son Iohn was slain in the Battel of Vernevil then he resum'd his former Project with greater earnestness and bent all his Mind and Endeavour how to free Iames and set him at variance with Murdo and his Children And seeing they could not all of them stand safe together which soever of them fell he foresaw that his Hope would be advanced one step higher to the Kingdom And when Iames was returned into his Country he turn'd every Stone to hasten Murdo's Destruction he suborn'd Men fit for the turn to forge Crimes against him and he himself sate Judge upon Him and his Sons And when they were cut off there was only Iames left and one little Son a Child not yet 6 Years old And if he were slain by the Conspiracy of the Nobles he did not doubt but himself who was then the only remaining Branch of the Royal Stock should be advanc'd to the Throne Athole was in these Thoughts Night and Day yet he conceal'd his Secret Purposes and made a great shew of Loyalty to the King in helping to rid his Allies out of the way for that was his only Contrivance that by the Offences of Others he might increase his own Power and diminish his Enemies In the mean time Meliss Graham who as I said before was given in Hostage to the English was depriv'd of Strathern because the King making a diligent Enquiry into his Revenue found that 't was given to his Grandfather by the Mothers-side upon condition That if
shall not conceal what I have heard some Good Men and not Ignorant of the History of those Times affirm They say That the Amnesty given to the Boyds was thus Worded in the Records That the King forgave them all the Prejudice and Rancour of Mind as they then Phras'd it which he might have conceiv'd against them which they who were willing to Gratifie the King did Interpret according to the Distinction then Celebrated amongst Divines concerning the Remission of the Fault and of the Punishment after this manner That though the King forgave them his Personal Resentment yet they were not exempted from the Punishment of the Law Thomas Boyd when he heard of the Calamity of his Family though some put him in hopes of Pardon in a time of publick Rejoycing yet durst not come ashore but being inform'd by his Wife who upon the first News of the approach of the Danish Fleet made immediately to him that there was no Hopes of Re-admission to the Kings Favour his Enemies having stopt all Passages thereunto sail'd back into Denmark whence he came and so Travelled through Germany into France where he in vain indeavour'd to obtain the Mediation of Lewis the Eleventh who then had turn'd the Legitimate Empire of the French into a Tyranny for his Reconciliation and thereupon he went to Charles of Burgundy where he carry'd himself Valiantly and did him much Faithful Service in the Wars for which he was well rewarded by him with Honours and Largesses There he lived a Private yet Honourable Life and his Wife bore him a Son called Iames and a Daughter called Grekin of which in their place The Marriage of Iames the Third and Queen Margarite was Celebrated with a great Concourse of the Nobility on the Tenth Day of Iuly in the Year of our Lord 1470. There was born out of that Marriage Three Years after on Saint Patricks Day in March Iames who Succeeded his Father in the Kingdom In the interim the King not yet satisfi'd with the Misery of the Boyds writes over into Flanders to recal his Sister home but knowing that she bore so great a Love to her Husband that she would hardly be induc'd to part from him he caus'd others to write to her giving her some Hopes that the Kings Anger might in time be appeas'd towards her Husband and that no doubt was to be made but that she her self might prevail much with her Brother for his Relief but that she must come to plead for him in Presence and not commit his Apology to others upon these Hopes she return'd and was no sooner arriv'd in Scotland but the King transacts with her about a Divorce and thereupon he affixt publick Libels and Citations attested by many Witnesses at Kilmarnock which was the Chief House of the Boyds before their Fall wherein Thomas was Commanded to appear in Sixty Days though all Men knew that though the publick Faith had been given him yet he would hardly have return'd he not appearing at the Day the former Marriage was pronounc'd Null and a Divorce made though the Husband were absent and unheard and so Mary the Kings Sister was compell'd against her Will to Marry Iames Hamilton a Man rais'd but a little before and much inferiour to her former Husband in Estate and Dignity yet she bore him a Son named Iames and a Daughter called Margarite The Children she had by her former Husband were also recall'd by the King And he himself lived not long after He died at Antwerp and having no Kinsmen there to claim his Estate Charles of Burgundy caus'd a Magnificent Monument to be erected for him with the Mony which he had munificently bestow'd upon him in the Church of ...... wherein an Honourable Epitaph was inscribed Thus the Family of the Boyds which then was the most flourishing one in all Scotland within a few Years grew up and was cut down to the great Document of Posterity What slippery things the Favours of young Kings are Their Ruin did not only amaze their Friends but it also kept off and damp'd their very Enemies so that none would adventure to Aspire to that Dignity from whence they were cast down partly upon the account of the Instability of Human Affairs and partly in Consideration of the Kings sudden Repentance for bestowing of his Graces and Favours and his continu'd Perseverance in his Hatred when once began This is certain that they which were erected to great Hopes of Preferment by this change of Publick Affairs found themselves much mistaken For the King who before that time had used himself to Domestick Ease and seldom appear'd in Publick being now also newly Married spent a great part of his Time in the Pleasures of his Palace he excluded the Nobility and was wholly govern'd by a few of his Servants for being of an eager and fervid Disposition he could not well bear the being contradicted in his Opinion so that he avoided the Liberty which Nobles would take in advising him and had only those about him who would not reprehend but rather approve of what he did that so by avoiding any occasion of Offence by their Flattery they might curry his Favour Amidst these Manners of the Court the Ecclesiastical State was not much better for though the Ministers of the Church had been given for many years to Luxury and Avarice yet there was still some shadow of ancient Gravity remaining so that some encouragement was given to Learning and Advantage to such as were good Proficients therein For the Bishops were chosen by the Colleges of Canons and the Abbats by their respective Sodalities but then the Parasite Courtiers persuaded the King for it was they only who had his Heart and Ear that it would be very gainful to him and those with whom he was to deal were not able to hinder his Design if he recalled and assumed the Designation of such Offices to himself and not suffer a Matter of so great Advantage to rest in the Hands of such a dronish Generation of People and unfit for any publick Business as Ecclesiasticks were The King was easily persuaded thereunto in regard they alleg'd That by this means besides other Advantages he might have Opportunity to curb the Contumacious to oblige Neuters and to reward the well deserving but said they in our present Circumstances Promotions and Honours are in the Hands of the Dregs of the Vulgar who are as Parsimonious in case of publick Necessities as they are profuse in their private Pleasures but it was fit that in such Cases all Men should depend upon the King alone that so he might have the sole Power of Punishing Pardoning and Rewarding By these and the like Flattering Arguments they persuaded the King to their Opinion for his Mind was not yet confirm'd by Ripeness of Years besides 't was weaken'd by ill Custom and not fortifi'd against the Temptations of Money-Matters And moreover he was naturally Prone
the 26th of August 1482. the Castle of Berwick should be surrendred up to the English and a Truce was made for a few Months till they could have more time to Treat of a Peace Thus Berwick was lost after it had been enjoy'd by the Scots 21 Years since they last recovered it Then the Duke of Glocester having made a prosperous Expedition return'd in Triumph Home Edward by the Advice of his Council judg'd it more for the advantage of England to nullifie the Marriage for he fear'd that the Intestine Discords of the Scots were so great that possibly the Issue of Iames might lose the Crown and if Alexander were made King be hoped to have a Constant and Faithful Ally of him in regard of the great Kindness he had receiv'd at his Hands Hereupon an Herauld was sent to Edinburgh to renounce the Affinity and to demand the Repayment of the Dowry when he had declar'd his Errand publickly on the Twenty Fifth of October the Scots obtained a Day for the Payment thereof and restor'd it to a Penny and withal they sent some to convoy the Herald as far as Berwick Alexander that he might extinguish the Remainders of the Old Hatred of his Brother against him and so obtain new Favour by a new Courtesie brought him out of the Castle and restor'd him to the free Possession of his Kingdom But the memory of old Offences prevail'd more with his Proud Huffing Spirit than This of his late Courtesie Moreover besides the Kings own Jealousies there were Those who did daily calumniate him and buzz into the Kings Ear his too great Popularity as if now 't was very Evident that he affected the Kingdom he being advis'd by his Friends that Mischief was hatching against him at Court fled privately into England and gave up the Castle of Dunbar to Edward In his absence he was Condemn'd The Crimes objected against him were First That he had often sent Messengers into England and then that he had retir'd thither himself without obtaining a Pass-port from the King and that there he joined in Counsel against his Country and his Kings Life All the other of his Partizans were pardon'd and amongst the rest William Creighton who was accus'd not only to have been an Abettor of his designs against his Country but also the chief Author and Instigator of him thereunto But after he had obtain'd Pardon for what was past he was again accus'd that he did incourage Alexander by his Advice and Counsel after he was Condemned frequent Letters passing between them by the means of Thomas Dickson a Priest and that he had caus'd his Castle of Creighton to be Fortified against the King and commanded the Garison Soldiers not to surrender it up to the King's Forces Hereupon he was summoned to appear the 13th Day of February in the Year 1484. but he not appearing was outlawed and his Goods Confiscate These were the Causes of his Punishment mentioned in our publick Records But 't is thought that the Hatred the King had conceiv'd against him upon a private Occasion did him the most Mischief of all It was this William had a very beautiful Wife of the Noble Family of the Dunbars when her Husband found that the King had had the use of her Body he undertook a Project which was rash enough in it self but yet not unproper for a Mind sick of Love and also provok'd by such an Injury as his was for he himself lay with the King 's young Sister a beautiful Woman but ill spoken of for her too great Familiarity with her Brother and on her he begot Margarite Creighton who died not long since In the interim Creighton's Wife died at his own House and the King's Sister whom as I said the King had vitiated was so much in Love with William that she seem'd sometimes to be out of her Wits for him The King partly by the Mediation of William's Friends and partly being mindful of the Wrong he himself had done him of the like sort and being willing also to cover the Infamy of his Sister under a pretext of Marriage permitted William to return Home again to Court upon Condition that he would Marry her William was persuaded by his Friends and for want of better Counsel especially since Richard of England was dead came to E●verness where he had Conference with the King not long before Both their Deaths and great Hopes were there given of his Return His Sepulchre is yet there to be seen These things were done at several times but I have put them together that so the Thread of my History might not be discontinued and broken off Let us now return to what was omitted before Edward of England died in the Month of April next after Dunbar was delivered to him in the Year 1483. leaving his Brother Richard Guardian to his Sons He was first content with the Name of Protector and under that Title Govern'd England for two Months but afterwards having by several Practises engaged a great part of the Nobility and Commonalty to his side he put his Brothers Two Sons in Prison the Queen and her Two Daughters being forced to retire into a Sanctuary near London but the next Iune he took upon him the Name and Ornaments of a King Alexander of Albany and Iames Douglas being willing to try how their Countrymen stood affected towards them came with 500 select Horse to Loch-Maban on Maudlins-day because a great Fair used that day to be there held There a Skirmish began between the Parties with inraged Minds on Both sides and the Success was various as Aid came in out of the Neighbouring District either to This or That Party They fought from Noon till Night and the issue was doubtful but at last the Victory inclined to the Scots though it were a Bloody one as having lost many of their Men Douglass was there taken Prisoner and sent away by the King to the Monastery of Lindors Alexander was set on a Horse and escap'd but staid not in England long after that In the mean time many Incursions were made to the greater Loss of the English than Benefit of the Scots Richard was uncertain of the Event of things at home and withal fear'd his Enemy abroad for many of the English did favour the Earl of Richmond who was then an Exile in France and had sent for him over to undertake the Kingdom so that Richard was mightily troubled neither was he less vext with the Guilt of his own Wickedness and because he saw he could not quell Domestick Seditions as soon as he hoped therefore he thought it best to Oblige Foreigners by any Conditions whatsoever that so by their Authority and Power he might be safer at home and more formidable to his Enemies For this cause he sent Embassadors into Scotland to make Peace or at least a Truce for some years there he found all things more facile than he could have hoped for For Iames
all the Pageantry of his former Life he ended his days in an Halter The Seminary of War between England and Scotland being almost extinguished and a great likelihood of Peace appearing behold there arose a great Ebullition of Spirit upon a very light occasion which had almost broken out into a fierce War Some Scottish Youths went over to the Town of Norham which was near to the Castle as they were oft wont to do in Times of Peace there to recreate themselves in Sports and Pastimes and to junket together with their Neighbours as if they had been at Home for there was but a small River which divided them The Garison in the Castle out of the Rancour yet lodging in their Breasts since the former War and being also provoked by some passionate words accused those Scots as Spies and so from Words they came to Blows many were wounded on both sides and the Scots being fewer in number were forced to return Home with the loss of some of their Company This Business was often canvassed in the Meetings between the Lords of the Marches and at last Iames was very angry and sent an Herald to Henry to complain of Breach of Truce and how unconstant the English were in keeping Covenant and unless Satisfaction were given according to the just Laws which were made by general Consent about restitution betwixt the Borderers he commanded him to denounce War against him Henry had been exercised by the Violence of Fortune even from his Cradle and therefore was more inclined to Peace his Answer was That whatever was done of that kind was against his Will and without his Knowledg and if the Garison-Souldiers had offended in the Case by their Temerity he would take order That Examination should be made and that the Leagues being kept inviolate the Guilty should be punished But this was slowly done and Iames looked upon the Answer as dilatory that so Punishment might be deferred and the Sentiment thereof worn out with Time and therefore it rather provoked than satisfied Iames. But Richard Fox Bishop of Durham who was owner of the Castle being much troubled that an occasion of breaking the League should be administred by any of his Tenants to prevent it sent several Letters to Iames full of great submission modesty and civility which so inclined the Mind of Iames that he wrote him word back that he would willingly speak with him not only about the late Wrongs done but also about other Matters which might be advantagious to both Kingdoms Fox acquainted his King herewith and by his Consent he waited upon Iames at Mulross where he then was There Iames made a grievous Complaint of the Injury acted at Norham yet by the prudent and grave discourse of Fox he was so pacified that for Peace-sake of which he shewed himself very desirous he remitted the Offence Other things were acted privately betwixt them but it appeared afterward that the Sum of them was this That Iames did not only desire a Peace but both before and also now an Affinity with Henry and a stricter Bond of Union And if Henry would bestow his Daughter Margaret upon him in Marriage he hoped that the thing would be for the benefit of both Kingdoms and if Fox whose Authority he knew to be great at home would but do his Endeavour to accomplish the Affinity he did not doubt but it would be soon effected He freely promised his Endeavour and coming to the Court of England acquainted the King with the Proposition and thereupon gave hopes to the Scots Embassadors that a Peace would easily be accorded betwixt the two Kings Thus at length three Years after which was An. 1500 even about one and the same time Henry's Eldest Daughter was betrothed to Iames the IVth and also Katharine Daughter to Ferdinand of Spain to Henry's Eldest Son and their Marriages were celebrated with great Pomp the next Year after After the Marriage all things were quiet and the Court turned from the Study of Arms to Sports and Pastimes so that there was nothing but Masks Shews Feastings Dancings and Balls it was as a continued Jubilee and upon that account every day was as an Holy-day There were also Horse-Tiltings frequently made mostly according to the French Mode betwixt which as Tragical Acts there intervened the Challenges of Moss-Troopers one of another who were wont to live upon Spoil which Sport the King was well pleased to behold because he judged that the killing of them was a Gain to him When the noise of these Tourneaments came to Foreign Nations many Strangers and especially from France came daily over to shew their Prowess who were all liberally entertained by the King and as bountifully d●smissed Neither did he rest in these ludicrous Exercises but he laid out a great deal of Mony upon Building at Sterlin Falkland and sundry other places and especially in building of Monasteries but his Cost about Ships was greatest of all for he built three stately ones of a great Bulk and many also of a middle Rate one of his great ones was to admiration the biggest that ever any Man had seen sail on the Ocean it being also furnished with all manner of costly Accommodations our Writers have given a Description of it which I pass over and the Measure of it is kept in some places but the Greatness of it appeared by this That the News thereof stirred up Francis King of France and Henry the 8 th King of England each of them to build a Ship in imitation thereof and each endeavouring to out-vie the other when their Ships were finished and fitted with all necessaries for sailing and brought to Sea they were so big that they stood there like unmoveable Rocks unfit for any use These Works being very expensive did exhaust Iames his Treasure so that he was forced to devise some new ways to get Mony and amongst the rest he pitched upon one by the Perswasion as it was thought of William Elphinstone Bishop of Aberdeen which was very displeasing to all the Nobility Amongst the Tenures of Land in Scotland this is one kind by which the Owner holds what he buys or else is given him on these Terms That if he dye and leave his Son and Heir under Age The Wardship of him should belong to the King or to some other Superior Lord yea and all the Revenue is to be received by him till the Heir come to the age of 21 Years There is also another Badg of Slavery annexed to this Hold that if an Owner do sell above half his Estate without the consent of the chief Lord then he is to forfeit the whole to him This Law was introduced by Court-Parasites to advance the King's Exchequer but being looked upon as unjust had lain dormant a long time but the King being informed that Money might be got out of the Violators of it commanded it to be put in Execution that Process they call Recognition
of fifteen Men who were to have a perpetual Power and even a Tyrannical Government for their Wills were their Laws In favour of the Pope they were very severe against the Lutherans and the Pope on the contrary to gratify a King so well deserving at his Hands gave him the Tithes of all Parsonages for the next Year following This Year the English perceived that the State of Affairs in Scotland grew every day more quiet than other but yet that they were destitute of foreign Aid because they themselves had joined with the French against Charles the Emperor Hereupon they sought out an occasion for a War In April they made an Expedition out of Berwick and spoiled Coldingham Douglas and many other neighbouring Towns and drove away great Booty They had no apparent Provocation neither did they denounce War before-hand How eager they were upon War appears by that King's Proclamation soon after publish'd wherein 't was said that the Garison of Berwick was provoked by some licentious and contumelious Words which the Scots had let fall But the Words mentioned in the Proclamation carry no Contumely in them at all But this Cause not seeming just enough for a War they demanded Canabie a small Village in the Borders with a poor Monastery in it as if it belonged to them which they never pretended to before and likewise that the Douglasses might be restor'd For the King of England perceiving that his Aid was absolutely necessary to the French King so that he could by no means want it and also knowing that he had him fast in a League wherein the Interest of Scotland was not considered hereupon he thought it no hard Matter to bring the Scots to what Conditions he pleased Moreover because the Emperor was alienated from him by the Peace with France and the Divorce with his Aunt and the Pope of Rome did raise up Wars amongst all Christian Princes he thought he should omit a great opportunity at home for innovating of things if he neglected That The King of Scots that he might not be unprovided against this Storm by a publick Proclamation made all over the Kingdom appointed his Brother the Earl of Murray to be his Vicegerent and because the Borderers of themselves were not able to cope with the English who had also a great number of Auxiliaries with them he divided the Kingdom into four Parts and commanded each of them to send out the ablest Men amongst them with their Clans and Provision for fourty Days These Forces thus succeeding one another by turns made great Havock in the Towns and Castles in those Parts so that the King of England was frustrated in his Expectation seeing the War was likely to be drawn out in length and other Concerns were also to be cared for by him and therefore he was willing to hearken to a Peace but would have it fought for at his Hands for he thought it was not for his Honour either to offer it or to seek it of himself And therefore it seem'd most convenient to transact the Matter by the King of France the common Friend to both Nations Whereupon the French King sent his Embassador Stephen D'Aix into Scotland to enquire by whose Default such a War was commenced between the two Neighbour-Kings The King of Scots clearly acquitted himself from being any Cause of the War he also made a Complaint to him how long his Ambassadors had been detained in France without Hearing And at the Ambassador's Departure he sent Letters by him to his Master desiring him to observe the ancient League which was renewed by Iohn the Regent at Roan he also sent David Beton into France to answer the Calumnies of the English and besides to treat concerning the keeping of the old League and to contract a new Affinity between France and Scotland He also sent Letters by him to the Parliament of Paris very bitter and full of Complaints concerning those matters which had been transacted and agreed between Francis their King and Iohn Regent of Scotland how that ancient Friendships Pacts and Agreements were slighted in behalf of Those who were once their common Enemies His Ambassador Beton was commanded if he saw that the things he had in Command did not succeed well in France to deliver those Letters to the Council of the Judges and presently to withdraw himself into Flanders with an Intent as it might be conjectured to make a League Agreement and Affinity with the Emperor In the mean time War was waged in Britain and Disputes were manag'd at New-castle concerning the Lawfulness thereof when the Embassadors sent from both Nations could not agree on terms of Peace Monsieur Guy Flower was sent over by the King of France to compose matters The Scotish King told him that he would gratify his Master as far as ever he was able and also he had some Communication with him as much as was seasonable at that time concerning the conjugal Affinity about which he had sent Embassadors before which were then in France Flory or Flower being thus the Umpire for Peace the Garisons were withdrawn on both sides from the Borders and a Truce was made which was afterwards followed with a Peace When the Peace was settled the King having for some Years last past transacted Business with the King of France and with the Emperor by his Embassadors about a matrimonial Contract now being freed from other cares his Thoughts were more intent that way than ever For besides the common causes which might incline him to some potent Alliance he was thoughtful how to perpetuate his Family by Issue of his Body he himself being the last Male that was left alive insomuch that his next Heirs had already conceived a firm hope in their Minds of the Kingdom which did not a little trouble Him who was otherwise suspicious enough of himself And indeed things did very much concur to raise them up to that hope as for instance their own domestick Power the Kings being a Batchelor his Venturousness in slighting all Danger so that he would not only stoutly undergo all Hazards but often court and invite Them for with a small party he would march against the fiercest Thieves and tho they were superior in number yet he would either prevent them by his Speed or else fright them by the Reverence of his Name and so force them to a Surrender he would sit Night and Day on Horse-back in this Employment and if he did take any Refreshment or Food 't was that which he lighted on by chance and but little of that neither These Circumstances made the Hamiltons almost confident of the Succession yet it seem'd to them a long way about to stay for either fortuitous or natural Dangers and therefore they studied to hasten his Death by Treachery A fair Opportunity was offer'd them to effect it by his Night-Walkings to his Misses having but one or two in his Company But all these things not answering
with Auxiliaries from France and that all Europe did conspire for the Defence of their ancient Rites and Religion and if they acted contrary they would betray thei● Country and thereby the Ruin of their ancient Families would be imminent and at hand They also desired them in so dangerous a time not to forsake their Country for if That were safe they might hope for more Kindred and Children but if That were overthrown then all was gone Moreover they discoursed much concerning the inexpiable Hatred betwixt the Nations and of the Cruelty of the King into whose Hands they were to come thus blending Truths and Falshoods together Moreover they alleged the Decree of the Council of Constance That all Pacts Contracts Promises and Oaths made with Hereticks ought to be rescinded and made void The greatest part of those who were concerned in this matter were willing to hearken to any colourable pretence for their Fault only there was One of them who for no pecuniary Consideration whatever could be persuaded no nor by any Threats deterred from keeping his Word and that was Gilbert Kennedy Earl of Cassils he had left two of his Brothers Hostages in England and he openly profess'd that neither for Fear nor Favour he would redeem his own Life with the Loss of his Brothers but whatever came of it he would surrender himself back a Prisoner and so against the Will of many he undertook his Journy straight to London Henry very much commended the resolute Faithfulness of the Young-Man and to the intent that all might know he had an Esteem for Vertue he richly rewarded him and sent him back with his two Brothers into Scotland But Henry's Mind was not more pacified towards Gilbert than his Anger was implacable against the rest of the Scots and thereupon he laid an Embargo upon the Scots Ships in all English Ports and Harbours of which there were a great Number as I said before and so presently denounced War His Threatnings were great as against the Violators not only of Leagues but even of the Law of Nations And yet though Scotland stood in so dangerous a State the Memory of Alliances the common Love to their Country and the respect of the publick Safety were so far laid aside that the Brands of Sedition were kindled more fiercely than ever For the Faction of the Cardinal and of the Queen Dowager who were all for the French sent over Ambassadors thither to tell them That unless they sent in Assistance the Matter was upon the very Point That England and Scotland would make a Coalition into one Government and how such a Conjunction would concern France the Experience of former Ages had shewn But they made it their chief Request to the French that they would send back Matthew Stuart Earl of Lennox into his own Country who did not only emulate the Family of the Hamiltons but was also their deadly Enemie being they had slain his Father at Linlithgoe This young Man was greatly beloved not only for his extraordinary Beauty and stately Garb in the very Flower of his Youth but chiefly upon the account of the memory of his Father who was so popular a Man and also because he was a single Man and the Extinction of such a noble Family now reduced to a few was in great Hazard besides he had many Clanships at home and had also Affinity with many other great Families Furthermore the former King had design'd him to be his next Heir and Successor if he himself died without Issue Male and he would have confirmed that his Intention by a Decree of the States who have the Sovereign Power to order such publick Affairs if his Life had been prolonged Yea there were some Flatterers which did elevate his generous Mind already rais'd up with the expectation of great things but not so well fortified against fraudulent Adulation to larger Hopes for besides the Supreme Rule for about twenty Years and the Domination over his old Enemies they promised him that he should marry the Queen Dowager and if the young Queen who had the Name only of Supreme Governess should miscarry then without doubt he would be the next King and not only so but also the lawful Heir of Iames Hamilton lately deceased seeing the Regent was a Bastard and was so far from any just expectation of the Kingdom that he could not lawfully claim the Inheritance of his own Family Besides they urged the Promises of the French King who gave hopes of great Assistance in due time When the plain-hearted and credulous young Man was thus persuaded he provided for his Voyage into Scotland Hamilton was not ignorant of any of these things and to the intent that he might gain an Accession of Strength to his own Party by the Advice of those Friends whom he most trusted he resolved to take away the young Queen from Linlithgo where she yet was under the Power of her Mother for if he once got Her then not only the Shadow of the Royal Name which is an attractive thing amongst the Vulgar would be of his Side but also he should have the Power to bestow her in Marriage and so make himself Arbiter of the Kingdom to transfer it whithersoever he pleased which if he could obtain then the King of England might be persuaded if need were to join with him This Design was much approved but as is usual in Civil Discords there are Spies on both sides who being informed thereof acquainted the Cardinal therewith He gathering together some of the Nobility whom he had corrupted with Mony came to Linlithgo and to the great Burden of the Inhabitants staid there some days as a Guard to the Queen In the mean time Lennox arrived out of France and was kindly received by the Regent each of them dissembling their Hate then he went to Linlithgo there he addressed the Cardinal and then went to his own House where in a Meeting of Friends he discours'd at large Why he came over at Whose Command by Whom sent for and upon What hopes That he was promised not only the chief Magistracy but also that the Heads of the Faction with the Queen Dowager's Consent had assured him that he should marry Her And that in order to the effecting thereof the King of France had encouraged him to expect Aid and Assistance from thence they all assented to his Speech and advised him not to be wanting to the Occasion which so freely had offer'd it self and thus with above four thousand Men he came to the Queen Hamilton who had levied and mustered his Men and with his Kinsmen about him was resolved to issue out of Edinburgh and break thorow to the Queen now perceiving that his Forces were too weak by the Advice of his Friends and out of his own Disposition also which was inclinable to Peace began to treat of an Accommodation whereupon some prudent Persons were chosen on both sides who met at the Town of
to their Fellows as they were commanded And therefore some of the French went to the top of an high hill adjoining that so they might have as full a view of the Enemy as they could from such a distance from thence they discover'd many Bodies of Horse and Foot with small distances betwixt them and behind them a great number of Baggagers and Waggon-men which made a long Show at the edg of a certain Valley so that they thought That that whole numerous Party was laid in Ambush for them and this News they carry'd to their Fellows aggravating all things beyond what they were indeed Whereupon the Commanders of the Army by the advice of the Council sent to the Regent who staid behind at Falkland to acquaint Her how Matters stood that the Scots seem'd more numerous than they expected and more ready to fight and on the contrary their own Men did grumble and some of them did publickly give forth That they scorn'd for the sake of a few Strangers to be led to an Engagement against their own Country-Men Friends and Kindred Whereupon by the assent of the Queen Three Embassadors of the Nobles were sent from Hamilton such as had some Friends or Sons in the Enemies Army These Embassadors could not clap up a Peace because the Reformers having been so often deluded by vain Promises gave no credit to their Concessions and the Regent at that time had not any other Voucher to make good her Stipulation and if she had she thought it to be below her Dignity to produce it Besides there was another difficulty in the Case which was the expulsion of Foreigners out of the Kingdom a thing principally insisted upon and that she could not do without acquainting the French King so that only dilatory Truces were made not to incline their Minds to Peace as they had often experienc'd before but to procure foreign Aid only this was accorded betwixt them That the French Forces should be transported into Lothian and a Truce should be made for 8 Days till the Regent sent some Pacificators of her own to St. Andrews to propound equal Conditions of Peace to both Parties But the Reformers plainly perceiving that the Regent did but protract Time till she passed her Army over the next Firth because then she could not compose things to her own Advantage the Earl of Argyle and Iames Stuart dealt with her by Letters that she would withdraw the Garison out of Perth and leave the City to its own Laws as she promised when she was admitted into it and that the envy of her breach of Covenant was cast upon them who were the Authors of the Agreement The Regent giving no Answer to these Letters they turn'd their Ensigns towards Perth from whence miserable Complaints and Groans for Relief were daily brought them For the Laird of Kinfans a neighbouring Laird whom the Regent at her Departure had made Governor of the Town to shew his Officiousness did mightily vex the Citizens for taking the opportunity of his Command over them he indulg'd his own private Passions and reveng'd the old Grudges which he had with many of them even to extremity banishing some and spoiling others on the account of Religion and he also allow'd the like Liberty to his Souldiers The Forces which were at Cowper understanding of these Injuries done to their Friends and Partners in the Reformation beat up a March thither very early in the Morning they besieg'd the Town which after a few days was Surrendred to them Kinfans was outed of his Governorship and Patrick Ruven the old Governor substituted in his Place afterward they burnt Scone an old and unpeopled Town because contrary to their Faith given they had slain one of their Number By their Spies they were inform'd that the Regent was sending a Garison of French to Sterlin that so they who were beyond the Forth might be cut off from the rest To prevent this Design Gilespy Cambel and Iames Stuart late in the Night with great silence remov'd from Perth and enter'd Sterlin where they presently overthrew the Monast'ry of the Friars They also purg'd the other Churches about the City from all Monuments of Idolatry and thus after 3 Days they march'd towards Edinburgh and destroy'd the superstitious Relicks at Linlithgo a Town in the Mid-way and though they were but a very few in Number the Common Souldiers as if the War had been ended slipping home to to their domestic Affairs yet they cut the Combs of the Papists in so many Towns yea so great a Terror did seize upon the mercenary Troops of the Scots and French that they fled with all their Baggage which they could draw after them to Dunbar The Scots Nobles who were the Leaders of the Reformation staid there several days to order Matters For besides cleansing of the Temples from all the Massifying Trade they appointed Preachers to expound the Word of God purely and sincerely to the People In the mean time word was brought from France that King Henry the 2 d was dead which News increas'd the Joy but lessen'd the Industry of the Scots for many now betook themselves to their private Affairs as if all the Danger had been over On the other side the Regent fearing lest She and the French should be expell'd out of all Scotland was highly vigilant and intent upon all Occasions First she sent forth Scouts to Edinburgh to fish out the Enemies Designs by whom being inform'd that the Common Souldiers had disperst themselves and that the few which remain'd kept no Military Discipline nor Watch she thought not fit to omit such an Opportunity but march'd with the Forces which she had directly to Edinburgh Duke Iames Hamilton and Iames Douglas Earl of Morton very dutifully met Her but they not being able to compose Matters only got this Point That the Conflict should not begin that Day At length after many Conditions had been canvass'd on both sides on the 24 th of Iuly in the Year 1559 a Truce was made to last till the 10 th of Ianuary The sum of the Terms were That no Man should be compell'd in matters of Religion That no Garison should be plac'd in Edinburgh That the Priests should not be hindred from receiving the Fruits of their Lands Tithes Pensions or other Incomes freely That none should demolish Churches Temples Monastries and other Places made for the use of Priests or should transfer them to other uses And that the day after the Mint for coining Mony and the Royal Palace with all the Furniture they found there should be restor'd to the Regent She was more careful to keep the Articles of this Truce in appearance because She had shewn so much distasteful Levity in keeping the Pacts made in former times yet notwithstanding She under-hand by Men of her own Faction caus'd the Scots to be irritated who were by Nature inclinable to Passion and so gave occasion of harassing the miserable Vulgar But having no
in Prison or to give in Hostages of their Kindred for their forth-coming This also was added to the Conditions That all of the same Party might come in if they pleas'd on the same Terms Argyle and Huntly refus'd to subscribe to those Articles either out of anger to Hamilton that he had given up himself to his Enemies Hands without asking their Advice or else because they thought to obtain for themselves more easie Terms of Peace in regard of their Power or else being incourag'd by frequent Letters from England they were easily inclin'd to That they had most mind to For whilst these things were acted in Scotland Letters came from the exiled Queen containing large Promises and willing them not to be terrifi'd with vain Threats for she should shortly be with them with a great Army Their Minds were ready to receive this News and so much the rather because the Queen was kept with a looser Guard than ordinary and there was daily talk of her Marriage with Howard When Hamilton was come to Edinburgh at the Day appointed he eluded his Promise by various Postulations and Pretences making many Delays as that the rest of his Party should come together and so be all comprehended at once in one Agreement And also that they might send to the Queen to know her Mind and to this end he desir'd to defer the Matter till the 10 th day of May. To this his plain Mockery they answer'd That 't was to no purpose for him to expect Argyle and Huntly for they had declar'd they would manage their Concerns apart As for the Queen 't was demanded if she did not approve the Capitulation what they would do Then Hamilton answer'd ingenuously enough but not so prudently for the time That he was compell'd to those Conditions by the Force and Terror of an Army and that if he were left free to himself he would not subscribe any thing thereof This their Baffle being openly discover'd The Regent committed Hamilton and Maxwel to Edinburgh Castle The rest of the Dispute was about Argyle and Huntly For Argyle whilst the Regent was in England came to Glasgow to consult about publick Affairs with about 1500 Men in his Company Thither also came many of the neighbour Countries of the same Faction where they differ'd in their Opinions and agreed in nothing but only to disturb the Publick Peace The Hamiltonians desir'd of Argyle That in regard the Inhabitants of Lennox were firm to the King's Cause he would vex them by driving away Preys from them that so he might draw them tho unwilling to his Party or else might so impoverish them that they might not much advantage their own Party When Argyle had communicated the thing to the Council of his Friends not one of them favour'd his Design For they remembred That for many Years the Lennoxians had been much addicted to Argyle and that there were many Alliances between them Moreover said they Why are the Argyle Men nearer to the Lennoxians than the Hamiltonians seeing they lie in the middle betwixt them Both why then should they put a Service so full of odium upon him Seeing it was their own Affair principally let them appear first in it and then Argyle would not be wanting He would be a Companion not a Leader in such a plundering Expedition When that Assembly had held some Days it was dissolv'd without doing any thing and Argyle return'd thrô Lennox which was his nearest way without doing them any hurt which Moderation of his did indear him even to the chief of the opposite Faction and made his Pardon more easily obtainable But Huntly had indeavour'd to break thrô Mern Angus and Strath-●arn in the Regents absence having plunder'd the Country and prey'd their Castle and ranging over the neighbour Places had appointed Crawford and Ogilby his Lieutenants about Dee Usurping also all the Power of a King That Carriage of his made his Reconciliation the more difficult These two Men seeing their Concerns were several had a Council assign'd to meet at St. Andrews Thither Argyle came first He was easily reconcil'd for that Year and the Former he had committed no hostile Act and besides he was the Regent's Kinsman and from his Childhood his great Acquaintance and familiar Friend So that all he requir'd of him was an Oath to be Faithful to the King for the future which if he were not besides the usual punishment of the Law he did not deprecate but that he was to be accounted the basest Person living the rest also were admitted into Favour upon the same Oath but on far different Conditions But Huntly's Case before his Arrival was long debated in Council For whereas in England the Marriage of the Exile Queen with Howard was carry'd on and their coming into Scotland was privately design'd their Faction there did by degrees take heart and incourage the Rebellious to Disobedience For if Matters were put into a Confusion they thought the new King would have an easier entrance to possess the Kingdom Wherefore when they knew That the Regent would not be persuaded to betray the King as being his Guardian and Uncle they endeavour'd by all means to abridg his Power For besides Those that openly took Arms against the King a great part of the Counsellors did not now as heretofore favour Huntly in secret but openly they pleaded for him might and main That he should be indemnified for what was past for that was the readiest and safest way to Agreement yea 't was more creditable for the State to heal civil Breaches without Violence and not to proceed to forfeiture of Goods or loss of Life and by this means Peace might be obtain'd at Home and Renown Abroad But if a military Course were taken they must fight with a Man who by reason of his ancient Power his great Alliance and by his many Clanships was very formidable and if he were overcome which yet was uncertain yet he might fly to the Highlands and Mountainous Deserts or to foreign Kings where out of a small spark of Disgust a mighty flame of War might in time be kindled On the other side 't was alleged That the War would not be so formidable as some imagin'd For his Father tho he had the Report of a very prudent Man even whilst his Force was intire was yet easily subdued and therefore this young Man whose Power was not yet establish'd and besides was discourag'd by the recent calamity of his Family was never able to bear up against all the Power of the Kingdom and the Majesty of the Kingly Name too and if he were overcome in fight or if distrusting his Forces he fled to the Mountains there were Those who by the same Largesses as he had firm'd them for his Service or by greater might be induc'd either to kill him or to betray him to the Regent For the Faith of Mercenaries is changed with Fortune they follow the Prosperous and forsake the
271 And receives an Affront thereupon ibid. A Conspiracy discovered against him ibid. He agrees with Baliol then in France 274 His Army enters England 275 His last Will and Testament 279 His three Counsels to his Nobles ibid. He would have his Heart buried at Jerusalem 280 His Death and Praise 281 Brudeus King of the Picts 156 Brudus King of the Picts slain 166 167 Brutus his Story 41 to 44 Buchan 19 Its Etymology 139 Buchan the Earl thereof made Lord High-Constable of France 335 Bull 's Head put upon a Man's heretofore a sign of Death in Scotland 370 Burgundus from Burgus 63 Bullock an English Man turns to the Scots 298 Put to Death 301 Burgh a Danish Name 201 Burra Isle 35 36 37 Buthroti Who 46 Buiia Isles great and small 29 30 70 C CAdvallus made Vice-King 105 He dies of Grief 106 Caithness 21 133 Caithness Men cruel against their Bishop and are punished for it 239 Calaman Isle 26 Calden in Scotch is an Hasel 56 Caledonia a Town i. e. Dunkel 18 Caledones Who ibid. Caledonian Woods whence so called 56 Caledonians Picts and Scots sometimes all called Britains 74 Calen Cambel with two others chosen Governour of the King and Kingdom 47 He is sent against the Douglasses 56 Calfa Isle 27 Calthrops politick Engines in War what 266 Camber Son of Brute 42 Cambri ibid. Why so called 61 Camus the Dane slain by the Scots 202 Ca●a Isle 26 28 Cantire Promontory 17 Canutus a Danish General in Scotland 202 Makes Peace with the Scots 203 Caprary or Goat Isle 25 Cara Isle 25 Carail Town 18 Purged from Monuments of Idolatry 131 Caratacus King of Scotland 107 The Orcades not subdued by Claudius Caesar in his Time 108 Carausius a Roman composes the Differences betwixt Scots and Picts 124 He seizes on Britain for himself ibid. Carausius Brother of King Findocus causes him to be slain 122 Cardorus unjustly put to death by Dardanus 188 Carick 14 Carniburgh's two Islands 27 Carron-water 15 Carron why sirnamed Schrimger 218 Cave an unusual one turning Water into Stone 20 Cassivelannus his Town i. e. Verulam taken by Caesar 82 Cecily Edward of England's Daughter promised in Marriage to the Son of James III. 422 The intended Marriage null'd and the Dowry repaid 427 Celestine Pope sends Palladius into Scotland 145 Cells so the ancient Scots called their Temples 125 Celts Who 58 Celtiberi so called from the Celts and Iberians 49 Celuinus or Cialine King of the East-Saxons 156 Slain by the Scots 157 Charles the Dolphin of France seeks Aid of the Scots 334 Charles of Burgundy slain at Nants 420 He lays the Foundation of Tyranny in his Country 434 Charles the Fifth sends to Scotland to join in Affinity with them 63 Why his Mother was committed to perpetual Imprisonment 269 Charles Guise Cardinal Guarantee for the Kingdom of Scotland 114 Charn Islands 27 Chourna Isle ibid. Childeric a Saxon Commander wounded 152 Christian Religion promoted in Scotland 125 Christ's Birth-day prophaned 151 Christians join in League against the Danes 176 Christiern of Denmark with all his Male-Stock cast out of the Kingdom 269 Chualsa Isle 73 Cicero quoted about Britain 86 Church its woful State 417 Cimbri so the French and Germans call Thieves 77 78 Cities Names in Bria Brica Briga 63 64 65 In Dunum 65 66 67 In Durum 68 In Magus 69 Clacman Prefecture or Stewarty 18 Clarence Duke of it slain in France by the Scots 335 Clarshacks What 24 Claudian a Verse in him corrected by Joseph Scaliger 76 Cleirach Isle 31 Cloich Isle 25 Clydsdale 13 14 Cluyth 92 Cnapdale 17 Cockburn Forest or Path 13 Cockrane one of King James the IIId's Evil Counsellors put to Death 425 Coemeteries for the Kings of three Nations 27 Coilus King of the Britains slain by the Scots 96 Colca a rare kind of Bird 32 Colgernus a Saxon Commander killed 152 Coll Isle 27 Collonsa Isle 26 Colman an holy Bishop 160 Columb the Saint his Monastery 26 His great Authority 155 He tells of a Victory at a very great distance 155 156 His Death 157 Columb Isle see Icolumbkill Colvansa Isle 27 Colurn i. e. Chourna or Hasel Isle 26 Comes Stabuli Who 247 Commodus the Emperor in Britain 117 Common●lty usually comply with the Humour of their Prince 188 Affect Innovations 413 Competitors for the Crown of Scotland with their several Pretensions 248 The Controversy not decided in Scotland but referred to Edward of England ibid. The Case as stated by Edward and propounded to Lawyers 249 Bruce refuses the Kingdom offered him on ignoble Terms 250 Edward decides for Baliol ibid. Competitors for the Regency 283 Conanus elected Vice-Roy 101 Conanus perswades to Peace but is seditiously slain by the Britains his Country-men 141 Conarus King of Scotland joins in a Conspiracy against his Father 113 He demands large Subsidies but is denied 114 He wars against the Britains 113 Ends his Life in Prison 115 Confidence sometimes praised for Constancy 358 Congal I. King of Scotland 147 Congal II. enriches Priests 159 Congal III. 166 Conscience guilty gives no Rest 195 Constantine Chlorus in Britain 124 Chosen General by the Brittons 125 Made their King 143 Slain by Vortigern ibid. Constantine the Emperour born 124 Constantine I. King of Scots 145 Reigns wickedly ibid. His violent Death 146 Constantine II. 174 Renews publick Discipline ibid. Slain by the Picts 175 Constantine III. 179 Makes a League with the Danes ibid. Invades the Subjects Right ibid. Abjures the Kingly Office 172 And retires into a Monastery 180 Constantine IV. sirnamed Calvus 196 Canvasses for the Crown ibid. Inveighs against the Law of Kenneth about Hereditary Succession 197 〈◊〉 the Decree of its Council seasonable for Perjured Persons 77 Controversy between the Baliols and the Bruces concerning the Crown of Scotland 245 c. Convention of the Nobles to choose a Regent after Murray's Death 251 Cony Isle 25 30 See Sigrama Corbred I. King of Scots 108 Corbred II. sirnamed Galdus 109 He first fought with the Romans ibid. And beat them out of Caledonia 111 Cornavii 22 They are in Scotland and England too 60 Cornish rise against Henry VII of Enggland 10 11 Cornovallia or Cornuvallia whence derived 60 Corshera Isle 26 Coval 17 Covihaslop see Round Isle Council of Constance send Embassadors to Scotland 334 They deny Faith to be kept with those they call Hereticks 77 Count of Rothes committed to Prison 92 Coupins-oy 36 Courtesy to Prisoners 319 Courts many times prefer Honour before Honesty 333 Cowper a Town 18 Cracoviac see Kirkwal Craford Earl of it takes part with the Douglasses 384 But afterwards deserts them 389 And is received into Pavour by the King ibid. Crackles i. e. little jangling Bells terrify Horses 307 Crathilinthus King of Scots 123 Much addicted to hunting 124 Crathilinthus kils his Grandfather 192 He rises in Arms but is suppressed 193 Cree River 14 Cressingham an English General slain by the Scots 255 Creighton sent
Allegiance of his Subjects ibid. First settles Itinerary Iudges in Scotland ibid. Evenus II. 105 Overthrows the Orkney Men 106 Evenus III. noted for Obscenity 107 He makes a Law for Polygamy ibid. Is slain ibid. Eugenius I. or Evenus King of Scots 127 Slain by the Romans 128 Evenus an Islander put to Death 174 Eugenius II. 138 His Character 144 In his time the Romans leave Britain ibid. Eugenius III. Brother of Congal King of Scots 154 Assists against the Saxons ibid. Eugenius IV. Brother of Aidanus 158 Brought up under Columb ibid. He harbours the fugitive Saxons ibid. Eugenius V. 161 Eugenius VI. ibid. Learned in Theology ibid. In his Time it rained Blood ibid. Eugenius VII causes the memorable Facts of Kings to be recorded 162 He is suspected for the Murder of his Queen but causlesly ibid. Eugenius VIII slain in an Assembly of the Nobles 163 Evonia Castle 20 Eusdale County so called from the River Ewes 13 140 Examples of Princes more influential on Subjects than their Laws 155 Exchequer Officers defend sometimes most unjust Laws 113 Exchequer Profits sometimes Disprofits 35 Excommunication unjustly pronounced affects not the Excommunicated 272 Exile more tolerable than Servitude 132 F FAbilla or Fable Isle 30 Fair or Fara Isle 36 Faith or Fidelity towards wicked Persons unsteadfast 105 107 Sacred among Souldiers 319 330 Not to be kept with Hereticks as Papists say 130 Falamgal Isle see Finlagan Falcons in the Isle of Muick 28 Famine breaks stout Spirits 140 Famine and Pestilence in Scotland 388 Fara Isle 29 Farrow-head 21 Faunus's Oracle 43 Fenella commands Kenneth to be slain 169 Feraia Isle 29 Ferchard I. King of Scots 158 Endeavours to introduce Tyranny ibid. Maliciously nourisheth Factions amongst his Nobles and is guilty of the Pelagian Heresy 159 He kils himself ibid. Ferchard II. wickedly kils his Wife and abuseth his Daughters 160 He is excommunicated reproved by Coleman and repouts at his Death ibid. Feredeth King of the Picts 166 Ferelay Island 30 Fergus I. King of Scots sent for out of Ireland 95 The Kingdom settled on him by Common Consent 96 Drowned at Carickfergus in Ireland 97 Came first into Albium when Alexander the Great took Babylon ibid. Fergus II. whilst a Child flies by Sea with his Parents into Scandia is recalled from thence and made King 133 134 He is slain in Fight 137 His Praise with a Comparison between him and Fergus I. ibid. He is deservedly called The second Founder of the Scotish Kingdom ibid. Fergus III. poisoned by his Wife for his Adulteries 163 She owns the Fact and kils her self 164 Fergus of Galway's Children disagree after his Death 246 Feritharis King of Scots 97 An old Law concerning Succession to the Crown made in his Time ibid. Ferlegus Son of Fergus conspires against his Vncle for which he is condemned 97 98 Fethelmach King of Scots 127 Fidler or Harper One kils King Ethodius I. 116 Another assists to destroy Fethelmach 127 Fifteen Iudges appointed in Scotland but soon disused 59 Fife County 18 So called from Fifus 170 Fights memorable between Scots and English 355 At Bannock 267 At Otterborn 317 318 319 Fish shapeless 29 A strange sort ibid. Fincormachus King of Scots 125 Findochus King of Scots 121 Overcomes Donald ibid. Is slain by means of his Brother Caransius 122 Finelaw or Finlaw Bishop Author of ill Counsels 339 Finlagan Isle 26 Finnanus King of Scots 102 Fiole Isle 25 Flada Isle 24 28 29 30 Flanders Artificers sent for from thence into Scotland 347 Flata Island 36 Flattery the Pest of great Families 363 380 Flavanae Isles 30 Fordun 19 Forestia ibid. Forth or Scotish Sea 13 Fortune an Example of its Inconstancy 375 Fotlar Isle 37 Francs Who 46 Francis I. King of France by the help of the King of England restored to liberty out of the Hands of the Spaniards 62 He sends the Earl of Lennox into Scotland 78 Is alienated from Lennox 83 Sends Montgomery into Scotland 91 Francis II. of France sends La'bross into Scotland 136 He is influenced by and is under the Power of the Guises 150 His Death ibid. Francis Duke of Guise Curator of the Kingdom of Scotland 114 Appointed General of the Popish Faction 153 174 Franciscans or begging Friars their Wealth 128 France its miserable State 151 It s King Francis promises to aid the Scots of the Queen's Faction 254 And the Scots Rebels 279 280 Vpon what Grounds he did it ibid. Frazer's Family almost extinct 89 Frederethu● slain 166 Friend betrays Friend 332 Their Injuries the most grievous 314 Our Father's Friends not to be neglected 101 Friendship with Princes far off sometimes safer than with Those nearer home 44 French Gauls Fran●s their Original 46 They receive Characters of Letters from the Massilian Greeks 38 Their Communion with the Brittons 61 When French and Scots Alliance first began 165 They send Aid to the Scots 90 106 Their Souldiers very licentious 313 Their Army leaves Scotland 314 Their unjust Demand 312 What Good the Scots got by their Alliance 322 Their King distracted 334 They ask Aid of the Scots ibid. They renew their League with the Scots 240 251 273 French and Scots Souldiers mutiny 109 Their Auxiliaries in Scotland cannot forbear their wonted Plundering 314 They hinder an Alliance with England by Bribes as much as they can 43 44 Assault Werk Castle 45 Their Souldiers kill the Governour of Edinburgh with some of the Citizens 209 They design to surprize Hadington ibid. They are disgusted by the Scots 110 French and English in Scotland agree 111 French transported into their own Country 112 French King sends Auxiliaries to strengthen the Queen Regent 135 143 French Embassadors Demands from the Reformed 136 152 French their contumelious Pride against some of the Scots 143 144 Their Design to establish Tyranny ibid. French Embassador busy between the Queen and the Royalists 218 219 Vpon the Queen's Overthrow he sculks away 221 French to leave Scotland by Consent 149 French Ship sent with Provision and Ammunition into Scotland taken by the Royalists 279 French Tongue heretofore not much different from the British 58 Friars Mendicants Mercenaries to Parish-Priests and Curats 345 346 Their Opinions and why Manducants rather than Mendicants 129 Fuda Isle 29 G GA Letter commonly used by the French for V 60 61 Gaga Isle 25 Gald Gael Galle 62 Galdus the Sir-name of Corbred what it signifies 109 Galeatius Sforza slain by his Vncle 231 Gallovid in Old Scotish signifies a Gaul 14 Galo Cardinal the Pope's Legat in England 237 He excommunicates the Scots 238 A wicked and avaritious Man ibid. Galvinus Son of Lothus 151 Galway why so called 14 61 139 Garalinga Isle 29 Garaard King of the Picts 162 Garvae Isles three 25 Garvillan Isles 30 Gavin Isle 25 Gauls sent Colonies into Spain 48 Into Italy 49 Into Germany ibid. Into Britain 50 Into Ireland 51 Gathelus a Prince feigned by some to be the Founder of the Scots Nation 46 Gawin Dunbar
Balvany 377 Proclaimed a publick Enemy 387 John Damiot a Conjurer foretels Rize's Death 182 John Forb●s condemned and beheaded 6● John Fordon Author of the History called Scoto-Chronicon 146 John Fleming the Queen's Governour of Dumbritton Castle when it was surprized 263 He escapes but his Wife is well treated by the Regent 265 John Fleming of Bogal taken there ibid. John Herris undeservedly put to Death by the Douglasses 384 John Hepburn powerful and factious 31 His Feud with the Hume's 32 33 He insinuates himself into John the Regent 31 Accuses Douglas Hume and Forman 3● John Gordon ●arl of Huntly taken by Murray and put to Death 170 John Hamilton Archbishop of St. Andrews 103 A de●o●st Man 111 John Hamilton troubled in Conscience for the King's Murder discovers his Complices 267 John Kennedy made one of the King's Guardians or Tutors 407 John Knox preaches to reclaim those that kill'd Card●nal Beton 100 His Sermon to the People of Perth for the Reformation 128 〈◊〉 which they destroy Popish Shrines ibid. His encouraging Sermon to the Reformers at S●erlin 141 Hi● Sermon at King James VI. his Inaugurati●n ●14 John II. lays the Foundation of Tyranny in Portugal 434 John Lesly pr●vy to the Conspiracy against James Earl of Murray 167 169 John Mac-Arthur Captain of To●ies executed 341 John Melvil put to Death 11● John Earl of Marr Brother to James III. put to Death by opening a Vein till he expired 421 John Murdera●h taken 116 John Monlu● Bishop of Valence in Scotland 14● John Maxwel of Herris revolts from the Reformers 176 177 The Queen puts little Trust in him 222 Made Prisoner by the Regent but released without publick Authority 253 John Earl of Marr a Commander in the King's Army 220 John Randolph sent into France 287 Made Regent 294 Taken Prisoner by the English 295 Slain in Fight 322 John Scot his wonderful Abstinence from Food ●8 John Duns Scotus where b●rn 306 John Ramsy preserved by the King 425 Proves an Evil Counsellour to James III. 431 John Stuart Earl of Lennox revolts from the Regent 35 But is again received into Favour ibid. He endeavours to take the King from the Douglasses and is slain 50 John Stuart Earl of Athol sent against John Murderach 116 A Pro●urer of the Match between Henry and Mary Queen of Scotland 192 He loses h●s Opportunity 206 John Vien Admiral of the French Navy in Scotland 311 John Windram secretly favours the Cause of True Religion 65 Joan Douglas and her Husband their miserable Ends 66 67 Joan the Wife of James I. her manly Fact 360 Put in Prison with her Husband 364 Her Death 395 Joseph Scaliger amends a Place in Seneca 76 Jos●●a King of Scots 101 A Lover of Chirurgery 102 Ireland's ancient Inhabitants called Scots 73 Irish break in on Galway in Scotland 177 And are overthrown by King Gregory ibid. Irish Scots make Peace with the Romans 130 131 Irish Air temperate 2 51 Colonies of Gauls sent into Ireland 51 Description of Ireland out of Solinus 85 Irwin River 14 Island in Shape like a Man 26 Islands encompassing Scotland their Order and threefold Division 22 Islanders parsimonious 33 Healthful and long-liv'd 37 Prone to rebel 207 Islanders Western their Manner of Living at Home and Abroad 23 c. Isa or Ishol Isle 29 30 Issidorus i. e. Issoir a City in France Judgments and Tryals of Nobles how anciently managed in Scotland 340 Jule-tide or Christmass as 't is called licentiously observed 151 Julian Romer taken 110 Agricola's Exploits in Britain 109 110 Recalled from thence 111 Junius Brutus 271 Julius Caesar the first Roman that entred Britain with an Army 84 Julius Frontinus in Britain 86 109 Jura Isle 25 Justice can do more than Terrour of Arms 180 189 The most popular thing 348 Juverna Ireland so called 69 K KArrera Isle 25 Katharine Medices after her Son's Death undertakes the Government 151 Keames Castle 25 Kebercurning 22 Kedwalla King of the Brittons 159 Keligire Island 30 Kellasa Isle ibid. Kelvin River 16 Ken River 14 Kenneth I. King of Scots 158 Kenneth II. 167 Compared with Fergus II. persuades the Nobility to war with the Picts and overcomes them in Battel 169 He may be called the third Founder of the Scotish Kingdom 170 Kenneth III. 187 Circumvents his Nobles by a Wile 188 Causes Malcolm to be poisoned 193 Troubled in Conscience for it 195 Makes new Laws concerning the Succession of the Kingdom 193 194 Worsted at first by the Danes yet afterwards overthrows them 190 191 Slain by Fenella 196 Kenneth King of the Picts 167 Kentigern 145 Keniburgh Islands the Great and the Small 27 Kernici who 22 Kernicovalli ibid. Kingly Government what 268 It s Origin ibid. Kings their Distress moves Pity 213 Kings in Scotland not to do any publick Affairs without advising with their Nobles or Estates of the Realm 102 230 251 They used to ride the Circuits themselves for the Administration of Iustice before Itinerary Iudges were appointed 103 123 Their Wives anciently not called Queens 402 Not in their Power alone to make Peace or War in Scotland 322 They are inferiour to the Laws 269 How their publick Revenue if spent may be encreased 114 A Law for their successive inheriting the Crown confirmed 194 195 Kings if young their Favours slippery 416 Subjects apt to degenerate into their Manners 111 King desiring to be revenged on his Nobles endeavours to set them one against another 431 Kings-Cross or Re-cross in Stanmore what 238 Kinnatel King of Scots 155 Kinross 170 Its Sheriffwick 18 Kinloss Abby 184 Kinthern see Cantire Kirkwal the chief Town in the Island Pomonae or Mainland 35 Kirta Isle 30 Knapdale 17 Kyle 14 L L'Abross a French General would have all the Nobility of Scotland destroyed 148 Laia River see Avonlagan Lambs Isle 30 Lamlach Isle 24 Lamot the French King's Embassador in Scotland 20 He moves the Scots to war against England ibid. c. Lamyrian or Lamormoor Mountains 13 Lanarch or Lanerick 14 Lancaster Duke Embassador in Scotland 309 Afterwards invades it 310 Langside Fight 220 Laodice Queen her Cruelty to her own Children 231 Largesses immoderate occasion Want 203 Lauderdale so called of the Town Lauder 13 Laurence Twine persuades Baliol to go for Scotland 284 Law about Succession to the Kingdom of Scotland 97 New Ones made 194 Confirmed 200 Whether profitable to the Publick or not 196 197 Law too severe to confiscate the whole Estates of Condemned Persons without any Allowance to their innocent Wife and Children 113 Laws against Theft 282 Laws about Hunting their Authors see Hunting Laws Laws in Scotland few besides Decrees of the Estates 59 Laxa Isle 30 Lead White and Black found in Pomona 35 Legat a counterfeit Roman one 387 Leith River 13 Leland quoted 61 Lenity over-much brings Contempt 381 385 392 Lennox or Levin so called from the River Levin 140 Lent observed on a politick Account only 170 Leon Strozy Admiral of the French Gallies in Scotland
the Picts w Wherein Angusianus was slain But 〈◊〉 Murderd afterwards by two Picts inborn●d by 〈◊〉 * Maximus a Roman General in Britain z Roman● 〈◊〉 Picts 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 a 〈…〉 by Maximus and Eugenius slain b Maximus at first using his Victory moderately yet afterwards at the instigation of the Picts c He banisht the Scots out of all Britain upon pain of Death and give away their Lands a The E●iled Scots endeavouring to recover their Country are worsted by their Enemies b And forced to make Peace with the R●mans b And forced to make Peace with the R●mans Which they obtain from Maximus on moderate Conditions d Victorinus sent from Rome to Govern Britain e Who incensed the Picts by his Tyrannick Government over them f The Picts repent of their Conjunction with the Romans to Root out the Scots and also of the Persecution of the Monks being of the same Re●●gion with themselves g They send to recal Fergus a Scottish Exile from Scandia to take the Regal Government upon him h The Scots and Picts unite against the Romans then brought low by their own Civil Dissensions * A Parchment Chronicle of Scotish Affairs written by the Monks of the Abby of Pasley a Town and Abby situate not far from Glascom in the Ba●ony of Renfrew called from its Cover The Black Book * Fergus prepares for War * The Brittons send for Aid to the Romans and receive one Legion * Who repulsed their Enemies and return * The Brittons receive another Auxiliary Legion of the Romans under Maximianus * Dionethus a Britton * Maximianus overcomes Fergus King of Scots 〈◊〉 King of Picts and Dionethus * The Two Fergus's compared * The Roman Legion leaves Britanny to maintain their Empire at home * Graham's Dike a The 〈…〉 by the 〈◊〉 and 〈…〉 of the R●mans b A Peace made betwixt the Scots and Picts of the one part and the Brittons on the other * Tithes for Ecclesiasticks * Peace sometimes more dangerous than War * Famine the forest of Evils c New occasions of Dissention between the Scots and Brittons d Whereupon the Brittons Arm. Tho d●ssuaded theref●om by Conan●s their Countrym●n f Who is 〈…〉 g A terrible Fight between the Scots and the Picts and the Brittons h Wherein the Brittons are overthrown i And have 〈◊〉 Conditions of Peace imposed on them k The Brittons make Constantine King who was soon after sl●in by V●rtigern * Luxury the usual Companion of Peace l Vortigern having slain Constantine's Heir makes himself King of the Brittons m He sends for Aid to Hengist the Saxon by whose help he repels the Scots Picts * The Character of King Eugenius * Dongard an opposer of the Pelagian Heresy n Pope Celestine sends Pa●ladius and other Learned Monks into Scotland * Or St. Mungo o Palladius first institutes Bishops in Scotland which before was governed by Monks with less splendor but more Piety * Vortigern deposed and Vortimer made King of the Brittons who concludes a Peace with the Scot● Picts p Constantine● wicked Reign q And violent Death r Scots and Brittons unite against Picts and Saxons * Aurelius Ambrosius in Britain s Merlin and Gilda● When they lived with a Comparison between Them the Former● counte● an Impostor the La●er a 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 * Gildas his Prophecies not Genuine * Gildas his Death at Glastonbury in England * Informers found dangerous by Experience a Goranus persuades Lothus King of the Picts and Vter King of the Brittons to join with the Scots and break with the Saxons b By the joint Confederacy of those three Kings the Saxons are worked c The Story of Vter and of Arthur his Son Kings of the Brittons c Arthur takes London and York from the Saxons d The Licentious rather than Religious Observation of the Day of Christ's supposed Nativity called Iuletide The Scots Picts and Brittons overthrow the Saxons g And at last drive them out of a great part of Britain h Competitorship between Modredus and Constantine for the Kingdom after 〈◊〉 Death i Arthur's Character k The People by the Instigation of Donald of Athol Murder Toncetus and after that the King Goranus himself l A Prince's example hath a greater influence on his Subject● than his Laws m Columbas's great Authority * War betwixt Scots and Picts * A Fight between the Saxons Scots and Brittons wherein the Britt●ns are overthrown a The Scots and Britons overthrow the Saxons * Columb's wonderful Narration of a Victory at a very great distance from him * Ethelfrid routs the Scots being shatter'd afore * Columb's Death b Austin the Monk comes into Britain rather to promote the Ceremonies and Domination of Pope Gregory than to Preach the true Doctrine of the Gospel * A dispute raised about the Observation of Easter-day c Eugenius harbors the fugitive Saxons d Ferchard endeavours to turn limited Monarchy into Tyranny for which he is imprisoned and there lays violent hands on himself e Northumberland divided into two Kingdoms i. e. the Deiri Inhabiting on this side Tine and the B●rnici Inhabiting beyond Tine to Tweed f Apostacy justly punish'd g King Donald repeats and interprets Pious Sermons to his Subjects himself Ferchard's wicked Life and Repentance at his death * Scots Monks unjustly banished out of England * Maldvinus Strangled by his Wife for which Fact she is Burnt ●li●e a Egfrid King of Northumberland overthrown by the Scots and Picts b Two Kings very great Theologist● c Blood rained down from Heaven for 7 days c. d Amberkelethus slain e Eugenius like to suffer for the supposed Murther of his Queen f He first appoints the Acts of Kings to be Registred in Monasteries * A Town in the East part of Strachern near Fife g An Abby not far from Wigton in Galway * Donald a great Plunderer * Donaldus slain by Bug●nsus * Eugenius slain by his Nobles for his vitious Life h Fergus for his Adulteries slain by his Wife who to avoid punishment ●ill● her Self * One Donald calls himself King of the Aebudae * Donald slain * War between the Scots and Irish. * Which is soon composed i Achaius the first of the Scots Kings that enters into a Friendship with France k Learned Men sent for out of Scotland by Char●es the Great as Iohannes Scotus c. * Who Preach the Doctrine of Christi●nity in Germany l A Battel between Athelstan of England and Hungus the Pict who was aided by the Scots l A Battel between Athelstan of England and Hungus the Pict who was aided by the Scots * Hungus his Visi●n upon his Praye● to God * Athelstan overthrown and slain * 〈…〉 Andrew * Hungus's Death * Dongal drowned * Wars between the Scots and Picts * King Alpin overthrown in Battel by the Picts and slain * Kenneteus by a witty Invention engages his Nobles to make War upon the Picts * The
English Camp and does Execution The English Army Retreats Cruelty to Prisoners Iune 24. A Peace concluded between the Scots and English with the Conditions thereof B●●ce's last Will and Testament His Three Advices to his Successors w●th the Reasons upon which they were grounded 〈◊〉 Bruce's Vow to assist in the Holy War recommended to Douglas to perform Bruce would have his Heart buried at Ierusalem Douglas in his Voyage to Ierusalem assists the Spaniards against the Moors and was there slain Bruce his high Encomi●ms Iuly 9 th Randolf made Regent or Guardian November 24. * Situate near the Irish Sea He executes a Murderer though he had the Popes Pardon A notable Law made by the Regent to prevent Theiving The Collusive Cheat of a Country Man punished St●ict Laws made by the Regent * In T●v●otda●● A Monk Poysons Randolf with a slow-working-dose Edward marches for Scotland Edward punishes the Monk because his Poyson did not kill Randolf as soon as he said it would Edward retreats Iuly 20. Randolf's death and Character Duncan Earl of Marr made Guardian in Randolfs Place August 2. Iuly 31. Edward Baliol appears on the Scots Coast. * The Story of Twine or Tuenam Lores●n He stirs up Edward Baliol then in France to invade Scotland Edward Baliol Lands in Scotland * A Burgh on the North side of Firth●n ●n Fife over against L●●th in ●oth●an August 〈◊〉 He overthrows Alexander Seaton In Strathern● And afterwards beats the Regent Himself making great slaughter of his men and himself being also slain Edward Baliol Declared King Aug. 25. K. David Bruce in his Minority to secure him sent to France Murray made Regent by K. David's Party A Castle standing on the North Bank of the River Ear in Strathern Built on the side of the River Don. Perth Walls demolished A County in the South of Scotland not far from Northumberland A Town in the head of Annandale near the source of the River Annan Baliol like to be surprized by Archibald Douglas Dec. 25. The Brucian● prevail against the Baliolans and Declare War against England The Brucian Nobles divide the Provinces they were to Govern And Declare War against Fran●● The King of England espouses Baliol's Cause and invaded Scotland His Pretensions for the War He claims Berwick The Scots Answer to the 〈◊〉 The English besieges Berwick * Ap●i● 13. A Capitulation with the English about the surrender of B●rwick Iuly the 30. Archibald Do●●las made Regent by 〈◊〉 Party He makes inroads into England And com●● near the E●●lish Army 〈◊〉 Berwi●● Alexander Seatons Sons threatned to be put to Death unless he surrendred Berwick His Wife incourages him to part with his Children rather than the Town Alexanders Children put to Death by a S●mmum jus as some think The Scots overthrown near Berwick B●●wick Surrendred to the English Edward pufft up with hi● Success refuses to hear foreign Ambassadors who were sent to mediate ● Peace Dissensions between the English in Scotland occasion a War * Now demolished The Nobles Bandy against Baliol. And Baliol against them Iohn Sterlin besieges the Castle at Loch-Leven * A Veteri po●●e But the Governor beats him off and raises the Siege Edward enters Scotland again but retreat● and 〈…〉 with him to 〈…〉 General in Scotland Robert Stuart and Calen Cambel rise in Arms for Bruce and make Prosperous Beginnings Robert Stuart and Iohn Randolf made Regents in behalf of David Bruce In Teviotdale April 1. A Fewd between Douglas and Cumins Edward invades Scotland * 〈…〉 of the 〈◊〉 Provinces The Gueldrians Auxiliaries to the English overthrown by Randolfe Randolf taken Prisoner Cumin's large Promises to Edward Perth taken by Edward Edward 〈◊〉 to England Cumins left Regent by him in Scotland In Marr. * On the side of the River Don in Marr. Cumin's Army overthrown and himself slain Murray made Regent The English again enter Scotland Standing on a Rock in the Sea And upon their Retreat leave Ed● Ba●iol their General A strong Castle in Buchan M●rray's prosperous Succe●s●s 〈◊〉 Cruelty Salisbury and Aru●del Command some English in Scotland Monfort slain by Preston A piece of Savage Inhumanity Talbot overthrown by Ke●th Dunbar res●ved and the Siege raised Murray the Regent dyes Stuart made Regent His prosperous Beginnings He Sa●l● over to David then in France At his return he Levies an Army Bullock turns to the Scots Perth taken by the Scots so is Sterlin And Edinburgh Castle by Stratagem A●ex Ramsays House the School of War His Expedition into England He harasses Northumberland And takes Roxburgh * The Earl of Salisbury taken Prisoner by the Scots as some say * It is 3 Miles in Compass Three Governors of the Borders The English driven out of all Scotland except Berwick * Iuly 2. K. David returns to Scotland Edward enters Scotland with a great Army Embassadors from Scotland obtain a Pacification Iune 1. The Scots Nobles stock in to David A Town in Teviotdale Ramsay taken and starved to Death by Douglas Bullock put to Death Douglas pardoned David makes several Expeditions into England A Truce for two Years betwixt the Scots and English Calais besieged by the English See p. 4. Note i. David at the solicitation of the French enters England with an Army Where he receives a great overthrow and is taken Prisoner by Iohn Capland Upon which the English regain a great part of Scotland A strong Pass on the Sea shore in that Bourn which divides East-Lothian from the Me●●s A Plague in Scotland Bloody Feude Douglas prevails against the English Iohn of France persuades the Scots to make no Peace with the English but by his Consent The English waste Lothian Norham burnt by the Scots The English drawn into an Ambush Berwick Town taken by the Scots but not the Castle Edward enters Scotland Baliol Surrenders the Kingdom to him Edward retreats upon which the Scots recover some of their Losses Edward overthrows ●ohn of France in Aquita●n and hath two Kings his Prisoners at one time 〈◊〉 Bruce ●●eased upon p●ying a great Ransom wherein the Pope assists the S●●ts David settles the Succession first on Alexander and then on Robert Stuart Great Inundations of Water endammage Lothian A Grievous Pestilence Eight Prudent Persons chosen out of all the Orders to prepare Matters for that High Court Davids unacceptable Propositions to the Scots Davids Policy to subvert the Islanders His Death and Character William's Son Marries Eufemia the Kings Daughter August 11. New Discord● betwixt the Scots and English Lilburn overthrown A Town in the Merss six Miles Northwest from Berwick Iohn Scotus born at Duns Percy enters Scotland They run from the Scots Sea to 〈◊〉 and divide 〈◊〉 from Lothian Perc●'s Horse are affrighted with rattling Instruments and 〈◊〉 The 〈…〉 Robert upon his Queens decease Marries Elizabeth More by whom he had Children before whom he prefers to great 〈◊〉 Edward the Third dies and his Grandchild Richard the Second succeeds him Ambassadors from Charles
be pardoned seeing Poets claim a Liberty to celebrate the Original of Families and Nations with the mixture of Figments but 't is not equal to allow the ●ame Privilege to those who undertake professedly to write an History To begin then farthest off What is more abhorrent from all belief than that a few Girles without the help of Men to manage their Vessel should come from Syria through so many Seas which Voyage even now adays when Men have attain'd by Use and Custom more skill in Navigation is yet hazardous thô with a brave and well-furnished Navy to the fag end as it were of the World and into a desolate Island too and there to live without Corn or Fruits of Trees Yea that such Ladies of a Royal Stock should not only barely maintain their Lives in so cold a Climate destitute of all things But also should bring forth Giants and that their Copulations or Marriages might not seem unsuitable to their State that they were got with Child would you think it by Cacodaemons As for that Diocletian pray at what time and in what part of Syria did he Reign How comes it to pass that Authors make no mention of him especially since the Affairs of no Nation are more diligently transmitted to Posterity than those of the Syrians are How came he to be called Diocletian Certainly that Name took its rise a Thousand Years after him amongst the Barbarians and being Originally Greek is declined after the Latin form The next Accession of Nobility forsooth is Brutus the Parricide that he so might not in that respect be inferiour to Romulus This Brutus whatsoever he were whom the Brittons make the Author of their Name and Nation with what Forces with what Commerce of Language could he penetrate so far into Britain Especially in Those Times wherein the Roman Arms even in the most flourishing State of their Commonwealth having conquered almost all the World besides could scarce come For it is needless to mention how before Rome was built the Affairs of Italy were at a very low ebb and how the Inhabitants thereof were averse from all Peregrination and Travel Neither need I enquire Whether he came by Land or Sea The Alps till that time were pervious only to Hercules and the Gauls by reason of their connatural Fierceness were as yet unacquainted with converse of Foreigners As for Sea-Voyages The Carthaginians and the Greeks inhabiting Marseilles scarce dared to venture into the Ocean but very late and when things were well setled at Home And even then their Voyages were rather for Discovery than Conquest much less can we believe that Alban-Shepherds a wildish sort of people would undertake so bold an attempt Besides all Men who are not ignorant of Latin do know that the Name of Brutus began to be celebrated under Tarquinius Superbus almost Five Hundred Years after that Commentitious Brutus when Lucius Iunius a Nobleman putting off his Native Grandeur descended below himself on purpose to avoid the Cruelty of their Kings And on pretence of being Foolish he took that new Sirname to himself and transmitted it to his Posterity But the Monk who was the Forger and Deviser of this Fable of Brutus seemed to see the absurdity of the Invention himself yet he thought to stop all Mens Mouths with the pretence of Religion forsooth in in the Case and would have every Body think that they obeyed the Oracle of Diana Herein I will not be nice in inquiry why this Oracle of Diana was unknown to Posterity when the Oracles of Faunus of Sybilla and the Praenestine Vaticinations or Lots were then in so great Credit I will only ask In what Language did Diana answer If they say In Latin I demand How Brutus could understand a Language which arose Nine Hundred Years after his time For seeing Horace a very Learned Man doth ingenuously confess That he did not understand the Saliar Rythmes which were made in the Reign of Numa Pompilius How could that Brutus who died so many Years before the Priests called Salii were instituted understand Verses made long after Horace his time as the Tenour of their Composure doth shew Besides how could the Posterity of Brutus so totally forget the Latin Tongue that not the least Footsteps of it remain'd amongst them And whence got They that Language which they now use Or if it be granted that their supposed Gods as well as their Men then spake British in Italy yet surely it was not the Tongue the Britains now make use of For That is so patch'd up of the Languages of the Neighbour-Nations that several Countries may know and own their own Words therein But if they say That those Ancient Latins spake British how could that Monk understand so old a Word which was given forth 2000 Years before But why do I prosecute these things so particularly seeing it appears by many other Arguments also that the same Monk did forge this whole Story and begat such a Brutus in his own Brain as never was in Nature and also devised the Oracle of Diana too I shall add the Verses themselves that the Vanity of such cunning Sophisters may more easily be discovered Brutus's Address to the Oracle Diva potens nemorum Terror Sylvestribus apris Cui licet anfractus ire per aetherios Infernasque domos Terrestria Iura resolve Et dic quas terras nos habitare velis Dic certam sedem quâ te veneremur in avum Quâ tibi Virgineis Templa dicabo choris Englished thus Goddess of Groves and Wild-Boars chase Who dost th' Etherial Mansions trace And Pluto's too Resolve this Doubt Tell me what Country to find out Where I may fix and Temples raise For Virgin-Chores to sing thy praise The Oracles Answer Diana answers in Verses of the same kind so that they must needs be made by one and the same Poet not perplexed and ambiguous ones or such as may be interpreted divers ways but clear and perspicuous ones wherein she promiseth That which she could never give viz. The Empire of the whole World Brute sub Occasum Solis trans Gallica regna Insula in Oceano est undique cincta mari Insula in Oceano est habitata Gigantibus Olim Nunc deserta quidem Gentibus apta Tuis Hanc pete namque tibi Sedes erit illa perennis Haec fiet natis altera Troja tuis H●c de prole tuâ Reges nascentur illis Totius Terrae subaitus Orbis erit Rendred thus Toward the West beyond Gauls Kingdom 's Bound An Isle there is which th' Ocean doth Surround An Island once inhabited by Giants fell Now desolate where thy Comrades may dwell Go thither Brutus there 's a lasting place Another Troy for Thee and for thy Race Kings of Thy Stock shall there the Scepter sway Whom the subdued World shall Obey I suppose by these Verses compared with the Histories the whole Forgery will be discovered and
of an Island called by Pomponius Mela Ptolemy and Iuvenal Iuverna by Strabo Claudian and the Inhabitants thereof Ierna That which some call the Nerian Promontory Strabo calls Ierne Iernus or Iern a River of Gallaecia Mela calls it Ierna Iernus is also a River of Ireland In Ptolemy 't is reckoned a River of Scotland falling into Tay. Another of the same Name glides through Murray the Country adjacent to both is called Ierna We read of the City Mediolanum in Ptolemy as one Insubrum of the Santones another of the Aulerci Eburaici another by the Loir i. e. Menu a fourth by Sequana or the Sein now as I think named Meulan or Melun another in High Germany called Alciburgum another by the Danow another in Britain of which mention is made in the Itinerary of Antoninus Also Marcolica a Town in Spain Macolica in Ireland Vaga a River in Portugal and another of Wales in England Avo in Mela Avus in Ptolemy a River of Galaecia as yet retains its Name In Argyle there is also a River of the same Name flowing out of the Lough Awe The Promontorium Sacrum one is in Spain another in Ireland Ocellum is a Promontory in Britain Ocellum is also in Gallaecia in the Luce●sian District Ocelli are Mountains in Scotland Ocellum is the last Town of Gallia Togata Caesar mentions Vxellum a Town in Britain perhaps for Ocellum for Martianus in explaining the Ancient Names of the Cities of Gallia says that the Word is variously writ Ocellum Oscela and Oscellium hence perhaps comes Vxellodunum which is also sometimes writ Vxellodurum So there is Tamar a River of Gallaecia Ptolemy Tamaris in Mela Tamarici a People of Gallaecia the River Tamarus Pliny and Tamara a Town in Britain Sars a River of Gallaecia Ptolemy Sarcus in Scotland Mela. Ebora a Town of Portugal called L●b●ralitas Iulia in Pliny and Ptolemy Ebura that which is Cerealis in Boetica in Pliny is Ebora Ptolemy mentions Aulerci Eburaici in Gallia Celtica and also Eboracum i. e. York of the British Brigantes Deva now d ee a River of England and three in Scotland so called one in Galway another in Angus the third divides Merne from Marr. The Cornavii in England are in the farthest part of the West in Scotland they are the farthest North. Both of them are now called Kernici there seems also to have been a third sort of Kernici in Scotland at the Mouth of the River Avennus or Even which is the boundary between the Coasts of Lothian and Sterling For Bede makes the Monastery of Abercorn to be at the end of Severus his Wall where now the Ruins of the Castle of Abercorn do appear Aven is often read a River both of England and Scotland Aven in Scotish and Avon in Welsh signifies a River Of the Three Nations which first inhabited this Island after the coming of Caesar the Britains were Subject to the Emperors of Rome successively little less than Five Hundred years but the Scots and Picts were under the subjection of their own Kings At length when all the Neighbouring Nations did conspire for the Destruction of the Romans they recalled their Armies from their most remote Provinces to maintain their Empire at home And by this means the Britains being destitute of Foreign Aid were miserably vexed by the Scots and Picts insomuch that they craved Aid of the Saxons which then infested the Seas with a Pyratical Navy But that project cost them dear For the Saxons having repelled the Picts and Scots being tempted by the fertility of the Country and the weakness of the Inhabitants aspired to make themselves Masters of the Island But after various Successes in War seeing they could not arrive at what they aimed at by Force they resolved to accost the Britains by Fraud Their Stratagem was this There being a Conference or Treaty agreed upon at a set Day and Place between the Nobles of both Parties The Saxons having a sign given them by Hengist their Captain slew all the British Nobility and drove the common People into Rugged and Mountainous Places so that they themselves possessed all the Champain and divided the fruitfulest part of the Island between them into Seven Kingdoms This was the State of Affairs in Britain about the year of Christ 464. And whereas three German Nations did originally undertake Expeditions into Britain the other two by degrees passed into the Name of English-Men But the Peace made with the Brittons nor with the English amongst themselves was never faithfully observed About the year of our Lord 317 the Danes being powerful at Sea did first molest England with pyratical Incursions but being Valiantly repulsed about Thirty three years after they came with greater Forces and made a descent into the Country with a Land Army At the first conflict they were Victors but afterwards they contended with the English with various Successes till in the year 1012. Swain having wholly subdued the Britains by their publick Consent obtained the Kingdom which yet remain'd but a few years in his Family For the Saxons having again Created Kings of their own Nation about Twenty four years after were overcome by William the Norman most of their Nobility being Slain and their Lands divided among the Normans by which means the common People were kept in a miserable Slavery till Henry the Sevenths time who easing part of their burden made the condition of the Commonalty a little more Tolerable But those which are in favour with the King or would seem to be truly Illustrious and Noble derive their whole Sept from the Normans These are the discoveries which I have been able to make out of ancient Writings and other no obscure Indications concerning the Original Customs and Language of the Three Ancientest Nations in Britain all which do induce me to believe that the old Britains and the other Inhabitants of Britain were derived from the Gauls and did originally use the Gallick Speech of which many Footsteps do manifestly appear both in France and Britain Neither ought it to seem strange if in a Language which admits of a change each moment of our Life many things receive different Names in divers places especially in a such a Longinquity of time ye● we may rather admire that the same Foundations of a Language that I may so speak and the same manner of Declension and Derivation doth yet continue amongst a People so far remote one from another and so seldom agreeing together in converse of Life yea oft being at mortal fewds one with another Concerning the other Three Nations the Angles Danes and Normans we need make no solicitous Inquiry seeing the Times and Causes of their coming are known almost to all But I have entred upon this task that
330 Years before the Birth of Christ. Feritharis Second King of Scotland FErgus dying left Two Sons behind him Ferlegus and Mainus neither of them yet able to manage the Government so that the Chiefs of the Clans meeting together to declare the succeeding King there was great Contention amongst them Some urging the late Oath whereby they had bound themselves to preserve the Scepter for the Fergusian Family others alleging What great hazards they might run under an Infant King At last after a long Dispute a Medium was found out whereby neither the Infant not yet fit to manage the Government should actually Reign nor yet their Oath be violated which was That whilst the Children of their Kings were Infants one of their Kindred who was judged most accomplished for the Government should weild the Scepter in their behalfe And if he dyed then the Succession of the Kingdom should descend to the former Kings Sons This Law did afterwards obtain for almost 1025 Years even until the days of Kenneth the III. of whom I shall speak in his place By virtue of this Law Feritharis Brother to Fergus obtained the Kingdom and managed it 15 Years with such Equity and Moderation that his Subjects found him a just King and the Orphans or Pupils a good Guardian Having by this Carriage procured Peace abroad and got the Love of his Subjects at home yet he could not allay the Ambition of his Kindred For Ferlegus being inflam'd with a desire to Reign having first communicated his Design to the most turbulent of the Soldiers and such as were most desirous of Innovation and Change comes to his Uncle and demands the Kingdom of him which he held as he alleg'd not as his Own but in Trust only for him Feritharis was so far from being disturbed at this rash undertaking of the young Man That calling an Assembly of the States together he Declared to them That he was ready to lay down and resign the Regal Scepter adding also many words in Commendation of the young Man As for himself he had rather freely resign up the Kingdom with which he was but intrusted willingly which his death now near at hand would deprive him of that so his Fidelity towards his Nephews might appear to be rather of Good Will than of Necessity But such was the Respect and Love all did bear to Feritharis that they utterly disliked this over-hasty Desire of the Kingdom in Ferlegus which they manifested not only by their Countenances and Frowns but by the loud Acclamations of the whole Convention and Assembly And having discovered by Spies the Conspiracy against the Uncle thô they judged the Author of so detestable a Design to be worthy of Death yet the Memory of this Father Fergus and the present Favour and Desires of his Uncle did so far prevail that they did not inflict it on him for his designed Wickedness only they set Keepers about him which should watch over and pry into all his Words and Actions But he being impatient not presently to obtain what he hoped for in his Mind thô the delay would have proved but short deceiving his Keepers with a few others privy to his design fled away First to the Picts and finding there no encouragement for his desired Innovation afterwards to the Brittons where he lived an obscure and consequently an ignoble Life But Feritharis a few Months after was taken off 't is doubtful whether by Disease or Treachery The former Ambition of Ferlegus the De●ection of his Conspiracy and his late Flight raised such Suspitions that he was guilty of his Death that he was unanimously condemned in his absence about the Fifteenth Year after his Fathers Death Mainus the Third King FErlegus being condemned Mainus his Brother was created Third King of the Scots a Man more like to his Father and Uncle than his Brother Ferlegus He confirmed and setled Peace with his Neighbours abroad punished the Wicked and Profligate at home and constantly performed Religious Exercises whereby he procured to himself such an Opinion of Justice and Piety That as well Foreigners as his own Subjects thought it a Nefarious thing to hurt such a Person He was better guarded by this Opinion of his Sanctity than by his Military Forces after he had Reigned 29 Years he departed this Life being much lamented by all Good Men. Dornadilla the Fourth King HE left a Son behind him called Dornadilla the Successor of his Kingdom in point of Equity like his Father but very unlike him in the other parts of his Life For he spent much of his time in Hunting as judging that Exercise to be proper enough in a time of Peace and healthful as also very beneficial to harden the Body for War And besides the Mind did suck in the purest pleasures therefrom and was greatly strengthened thereby against Covetousness Luxury and other Vices which spring from Idleness Report says That the Venatory Laws which the Ancient Scots observe to this day were made by him He deceased in the 28th Year of his Reign Nothatus the Fifth King AFter his Death the People placed Nothatus his Brother on the Throne his own Son Reutherus being yet Immature in point of Age for the Government This Nothatus changed the Government which till then had been moderate and bounded with Laws into an Arbitrary Domination and as if his Subjects had been given him to Prey upon not to Defend he punished High and Low promiscuously with Forfeiture of Goods Banishment Death and all sort of Miseries so that scarce any addition could be made to his Cruelty By these Severities most of the People were cow'd out only one Dovalus of Galway an Ambitious Man thinking it a seasonable opportunity for him to advance himself by reason of the Peoples Hatred against their King and knowing also that his own Life was insidiously aim'd at by the King he resolves to prevent him And accordingly all things being in a readiness and being accompanied with a great number of his Vassals and Friends away goes he to the King and openly upbraids him with the Slaughter of the Nobility with the seizure of their Goods and Estates and with his Enslaving the Commonalty and demands of him to restore the Kingdom which he was not able to manage to the Right Heir Nothatus being thus Bearded and Affronted contrary to his Expectation yet remitted nothing of his former Stoutness but answered peremptorily That he would maintain what he had done by his Kingly Prerogative and if he had carried it somewhat Despotically it was to be imputed not to his own Disposition but to the Contumacy of the Subject who had enforced him thereto These Taunts increased the Animosities between them so that at last it came to Blows and Nothatus was Slain by Dovalus and his Partisans after he had Reigned Cruelly and Avariciously Twenty Years Reutherus the Sixth King WHereupon Reutherus was made King by the
Dovalian Faction without the Suffrages of the People The Nobles hearing of it though they judged Nothatus worthy of the worst of Punishments yet did not approve so bad an Example and they took it in greater disdain because a Publick Convention was not consulted but the choice of the chief Magistrate devolved on the Pleasure and Arbitrement of one Man Besides that it was not to be thought an Obliging Act in him thus to advance the young Man to the chief Power who was as yet unfit to Rule For such as look'd narrowly into the matter would find That only the Name of King would be given to Reutherus but the whole Power would reside in Dovalus However it did not much concern the Publick whether Nothatus or Dovalus were King unless perhaps they did hope for a more Tolerable Life under Him who being a private Man durst adventure to Murder his King and so to deliver over the Scepter to another private Man than under one who was not so extream or Cruel in his Government until by the Permission of the People he was back'd with Power and with the Terrour of an Army The Kindred of Nothatus hearing such things to be bruited abroad insinuating themselves into the Societies of those who did Regret such Evil Carriages at last gain'd this Point That War should be denounced against Dovalus and that Ferchard Nothatus his Son in Law should be General of their Army Neither did Dovalus refuse to give Battel They fought twice in one and the same Day the Dovalians though Superior in number yet were beaten and put to flight more of them being Slain in the pursuit than in the Battel For besides Dovalus himself and the chief of his Faction there fell also Getus the King of the Picts with many of his Men. Reutherus the new King was taken Prisoner and pardoned out of respect to his tender Age to the Memory of his Father and to the Royal Blood which ran in his Veins Neither was the Victory Un-bloody even to the Conquerors themselves almost all the chief of the Clans being Slain with many common Souldiers also This Conflict of the Scots and Picts brought matters to that low ebb in Britain that they who survived fled into Desert and Mountainous Places and even into the Neighbour Islands lest they should become a prey to the Brittons who having now gotten that opportunity which they long thirsted after peirced into the Country as far as Bodotria now called Forth without any resistance Afterwards having made a little Settlement of Things there they went forward against the Caledonians and having scattered those who were there gathered together to oppose them they seized upon the Champion Countries of the Picts and placing Garisons there thinking the War to be at an end they return'd home with their Army In the mean time the remainders of the Scots and Picts which had retired to the Mountains Woods and other inaccessible Places did vex the Governors of Castles and Garisons by Robbing them of their Cattle upon which they themselves also did Live and being increased by the accession of greater Forces from the Islands they sometimes burnt Villages and fetcht in Preys further off so that the Ground was left without Tillage in many places The Brittons either being detained by home-bred Dissensions or not thinking it adviseable or safe to lead their Army into such difficult and almost inaccessible Places where they could meet their Enemies with no Forces more numerous than they had to oppose them did by their slow Actings increase the boldness of their Contrariants The Scots and Picts being thus miserably afflicted for Twelve years at length a new Fry of Lusty Warlike Youths grew up who in so great streights that they had undergone were enured to Hardship those sent Messenger● all about and mutually exhorting one another they resolved to try their Fortunes Whereupon Reutherus sails out of Ireland into the Aebuaae and from thence into Albium and Landing his Forces at the Bay now called Lough Brien and there joyning with young Gethus the Son of old Gethus who was slain who was also his Wifes Brother they Consulted together concerning the Manage of the War The Issue of their Consult was That it was best to draw towards the Enemy unawares whilst he was unprepared assoon as they met the Service was so hot and the Fight so sharp that neither Army had reason to boast so that Both of them being wearied with Slaughter made Peace for some years Reuther or as Bede calls him Reuda returned to his ancient Seat of Argyle and the Scots were a long time after from him called Dalreudini for Daal in old Scotish signifieth a Part as some or a Meadow or Plain as others From whence he made a further Progress and in a short time enlarged his Dominions even to their Ancient Bounds After he had Reigned Twenty Six Years he died leaving a Son behind him named Thereus begot upon the Daughter of Gethus Reutha the Seventh King BEcause Thereus was yet scarce Ten Years old and so too young to undertake the Kingdom according to the Law long before made and observed concerning the Succession of Kings therefore his Uncle Reutha was declared King who being free from External Wars endeavoured to reduce the People who were grown almost wild by their former Sufferings and also insolent upon their late Victory though a bloody one into a milder Carriage and Deportment and accordingly he enacted many publick and profitable Laws of which not a few yet remain amongst the Ancient Scots Having Reigned Seventeen Years with so good a Decorum being reverenced and beloved of all either for want of Health to which he himself imputed it or else fearing the Ambitious Nature of his Kinsman Thereus he resigned up the Government the People being hardly brought to consent thereunto and at his Resignation there was a large Panegyrick made in his Praise Thereus the Eighth King THereus was substituted in his stead in the first Six Years of his Reign he so managed the Government that Reutha's Predictions concerning him seemed to be true But after That time was expired he ran headlong into all manner of Vice not by degrees but all at once insomuch that putting the Nobles to Death by False Indictments some lewd Fellows thereupon did without fear range over all the Kingdom using Rapines and Robberies at their pleasure The Phylarchae i. e. chief of the Clans bewailing the deplorable State of the Publick determined to proceed judicially against him which he having notice of fled to the Brittons where despairing of his return he ended his Days in great Contempt and Ignominy In the mean time Conanus a prudent and regular Person was elected Vice-Roy he restored and strengthened what the other had impaired and weakened he restrained Robberies and having composed Matters as well as he could he received News of the Death of Thereus whereupon in a Publick Assembly or Convention of the
upon the Kingdom as gotten by other Mens wickedness and danger now sure to himself did therefore shew them all the Countenance and Favour imaginable Whereupon all things were prepared for the Perpetration of the designed Murder whilst the King was hearing one of them relating the various Adventures of his Life and the rest were busy in running to see a wild Beast of an extraordinary bigness the other thrust him through the Breast with an Hunting Spear and so slew him Upon the committing of which horrible Fact there was a great Hubbub and Concourse of People some take up their dying King others persue the Murderers who were taken and deservedly executed yet they were not put to Death before they had been Rackt and by that means they confest the Design of Donaldus and the wickedness of Carantius who had withdrawn himself to dissemble the Matter This Carantius first sled to the Brittons but they hearing of the cause of his Banishment did detest so execrable a Guest whereupon he went to the Roman Camp Donaldus II The Thirty Second King THE best of Men as well as of Kings being thus slain by the detestable Treachery of his Brother in the Eleventh Year of his Reign Donaldus the youngest of his Three Brothers was set up King in his stead He whilst he was preparing to Revenge his Brothers Death Word was brought him that Donaldus the Islander had entred Murray not now carrying himself as a Robber but as a King Whereupon He with a few of his Soldiers which were near at hand having left a Command for the rest to follow marches directly towards the Enemy Donaldus being informed by his Spies That the King had but a small Force with him continued his March Day and Night and by that means prevented the news of his approach The King being thus surprized seeing he could not avoid Fighting performed more than could have been expected from so small a Number but at length was overcome by the multitude of his Enemies and being grievously wounded with Thirty more of the prime of his Nobility was taken Prisoner about 3000 Men were slain in the Fight and 2000 taken The King dyed within Three days either of his Wounds or for Grief of his overthrow having scarce Reigned One full Year Donaldus III. The Thirty Third King AFter his Death Donald the Islander who before without any Authority had assumed the Name of King did now manage all things as a Legitimate Prince being advantaged much by the fear of the Nobles who left their Kinsmen who were p●isoners with him should be slain which Donaldus did daily threaten to do durst not make any Insurrections against him He was a very Tyrant in his Government and Cruel to all his Subjects for he was not content by an Edict to forbid any others to bear Arms but his own Servants and Officers too and also he hurried the Nobility to violent Deaths whose Destruction he esteemed to be the establishment of his Government Yea He proceeded to sow Seeds of Discord amongst those who survived his Cruelty neither did he think any Sight more lovely than the mutual slaughter of his Subjects For he counted their Ruin was his Gain and judged himself to be freed of so many Enemies as were slain out of both Armies Neither was he afraid of any thing more than the union of his Subjects against him Hereupon he kept himself commonly within the Verge of his own Palace and being conscious of the wrong he had done to all as Fearful of them and Formidable to them he seldom went abroad These Miseries c●ntinuing Twelve Years at length Crathilinthus the Son of King Find●chus with much ado was found out to revenge the publick Wrongs and Calamities He had been bred up privately with his Foster-Father and was thought to have been dead But having few about him equal to him in strength or cunning dissembling his Name and his Lineage he first applyed himself to Court and being received into near Familiarity by the King by the dexterity of his Wit he became his most intimate and greatest Favourite At last when all things succeeded according to his Desire he discover'd to a few of his Confidents Who he was and What he designed and gathering a small Party about him having got a convenient opportunity he slew Donaldus and departed privately with his Associates Crathilinthus The Thirty Fourth King WHen the Death of the Tyrant was divulged both the Fact itself and the Authors thereof too were entertained with a general Acclamation so that Crathilinthus upon the discovery and legal proof of his Stock was made King with more Unanimity and Applause than ever any King had been before him in regard he had been the Author not only of their Liberty but of their Safety too At the beginning of his Reign by Publick Consent he caused the Children and Kindred of the Tyrant to be put to death as if he would extirpate Tyranny from the very Root Afterwards he made a Progress over all his Kingdom to Administer Justice as accustomed he repaired as carefully as he could what was damaged by Donaldus Thus having established Peace at home and abroad after the Custom of the Nation he spent his time in Hunting In order to which Exercise being on Mount Grampius near the Borders of the Picts he Nobly entertained the young Gallants of the Picts that came to visit him yea he was not content with that Friendship that had been anciently betwixt them grounded on old Acquaintance and strengthened by a mutual Peace but he took them also into a nearer Courtship and Familiarity But that Familiarity had almost proved his ruin For the Picts having stoln a Dog of the Scotish Kings wherein he much delighted the Keeper having discovered the Place where he was concealed in going thereto and endeavouring to bring him back was slain Hereupon a great Outcry was presently made and a Multitude of both Parties were gathered together between whom there was a sharp Combat wherein many were slain on both sides amongst whom there were not a few of the young Nobility of both Nations by which means there were sown the Seeds of a most Cruel War betwixt them For from that Day forward each Nation did vex the other with Hostile Incursions and never gave over till they met together with full Armies Neither could Peace be made up between them upon any Terms though both Kings desired it For although they were not ignorant that it was to their Disadvantage to be at odds one another the Romans and Brittons being their perpetual Enemies and Assailants yet they were so madded by and so set upon the Desire of Revenge that whilst they were eager on that account they neglected the Publick Calamity impending on them both and unless Carantius a Roman Exile one of mean Descent but a good Soldier had interposed they had fought it out to the last Man even till both Nations had been destroyed This
other Reserves into Service he drew on also the Squadrons left to guard the Baggage into the Fight They being intire routed the Brittons which stood against them so that the Victory began on that side whence the fear of a Total overthrow did proceed The rest of the Brittons following the Fortune of the other Brigade ran away too and flying into the Woods and Marishes near to the place where the Battel was fought as they were thus straggling dispersed and unarmed their Enemies Baggage-men and Attendants slew abundance of them There fell of the Brittons in this Fight 14000 of their Enemies 4000. After this Fight the Brittons having lost almost all their Infantry send Ambassadors to the Scots and Picts Commissioning them to refuse no Conditions of Peace whatsoever The Confederate Kings seeing they had All in their Power were somewhat inclined to Mercy and therefore Terms of Peace were offered which were hard indeed but not the severest which in such their afflicted State they might have propounded The Conditions were That the Brittons should not send for any Roman or other Forein Army to assist them That they should not admit them if they came of their own accord nor give them Liberty to march thr● their Country That the Enemies of the Scots and Picts should be Theirs also vice versâ and That without their Permission they should not make Peace or War nor send Aid to any who desired it That the Limits of their Kingdom should be the River Humber That they should also make present Payment of a certain sum of Money by way of M●l●t to be divided amongst the Soldiers which also was to be paid yearly by them That they should give an hundred Hostages such as the Confederate Kings should approve of These Conditions were entertained by the Brittons grudingly by some but necessarily by all and the same necessity which procured it made them keep the Peace for some years The Brittons being left weak and forsaken of Foreigners that they might have an Head to resort to for publick Advice made Constantine their Countryman a Nobleman of high descent and of great repute whom they had sent for out of Gallick Britanny King He perceiving that the Forces of the Brittons were broken both abroad by Wars and at home by Fewds Robberies and Discords thought fit to attempt nothing by Arms but during the Ten years he reigned he maintained Peace with his Neighbours at last he was Slain by the Treachery of Vortigern a Potent and Ambitious man He left Three Sons behind him of which Two were under Age the Third and Eldest as unfit for Government was thrust into a Monastery yet he was made King principally by the Assistance of Vortigern who sought to obtain Wealth and Power to himself under the Envy of another mans Name The Fields which were now tilled in time of Peace after a most grievous Famine yielded such a plentiful Crop of Grain that the like was never heard of in Britain before And from hence those Vices did arise which usually accompany Peace as Luxury Cruelty Whoredom Drunkenness which are more pernicious than all the Mischiefs of War There was no Truth or Sincerity to be found and that not only amongst the Vulgar but even the Monks and the Professors of an Holier Life made a mock at Equity Faithfulness and constant Piety of Life of which Bede the Anglo-Saxon and Gildas the Britton do make an heavy Complaint In the mean time the Ambassadors who returned from Aetius brought word That no relief could be expected from him for the Brittons had sent Letters to Aetius some Clauses whereof as they are mentioned by Bede I shall here recite both because they are a succinct History of the Miseries of that Nation and also because they demonstrate How much many Writers are mistaken in their Memoirs The Words are these To Aetius the third time Consul the Complaints of the Brittons And a little after The Barbarians drive us to the Sea the Sea beats us back again upon the Barbarians between These two kinds of Deaths we are either Killed or Drowned Now Aetius was joyned in his Third Consulship with Symmachus in the 450th year after Christ. Neither could there any Aid be obtained from him who was then principally intent upon the observing the Motions of Attila The rest of the Brittons being driven to this desperate point only Vortigern was glad of the publick Calamity and in such a general hurly-burly he thought he might with greater Impunity perpetrate that Wickedness which he had long before designed in his mind which was to cause the King to be Slain by those Guards which he had appointed about him and afterwards to avert the suspition of so foul a Parricide from himself in a pretended Fit of Anger as if he were impatient of delay in Executing Revenge he caused the Guards also to be put to death without suffering them to plead for themselves Thus having obtained the Kingdom by the highest degree of Villany he managed it with as little Sanctity For suspecting the Faithfulness of the People towards him and not confiding in his own strength which was but small he engaged the Saxons to take his part who then exercised Pyracy at Sea and infested all the shores far and near He procured their Captain Hengist with a strong Band of Soldiers to come to him with three Galleys and he assigned Lands to him in Britain so that now he was to fight not as for a strange Country but as for his own Demeasne and Estate and therefore was likely to do it with greater Alacrity When this was noised abroad such large Numbers of Three Nations the Iutes the Saxons and the Angles are reported to have flocked out of Germany into Britain that they became formidable even to the Inhabitants of the Isle First of all about the year of our Lord 449. Vortigern being strengthned by those Auxiliaries joyned Battel with the Scots and Picts whom he Conquered and drove beyond the Wall of Adrian As touching Eugenius the King of the Scots there goes a double Report of him some say he was slain in fight beyond the River Humber others that he died a natural Death However he came by his end this is certain he governed the Scots with such Equity that he may deservedly be reckoned amongst the Best of their Kings For tho' he spent the first Part of his Life almost from his Childhood in War yet he so profited under the Discipline of his Grandfather and his Mind was so established thereby that neither Military Freedom as it usually doth did draw him to Vice neither did it make him more negligent in conforming his Manners to the Rule of Piety nor did his prosperous Success make him more arrogant And on the other side the Peace and Calm he enjoyed did not abate the sharpness of his Understanding nor break his Martial Spirit but he managed his Life with such an equal and
which he had spoken and therefore he committed the whole affair to Goranus his Management he easily persuades Vter not only to make an Alliance but to contract an Affinity too with the Picts giving him Anna who was either his Sister or else his Daughter begotten in lawful Wedlock to Wife I am rather of their Opinion who think she was his Sister as judging that the Mistake arose from hence That Vter had another Natural Daughter called Anna by a Concubine After this League between these Three Kings many Victories were obtained over the Saxons so that the Name of Vter began to be great and formidable all over Britain After all the Commanders of the Saxons were slain and the Power of those that remain'd broken and so things made almost hopeless and desperate among them Vter might have been accounted one of the greatest Kings of his Age unless by one foul and impious Fact he had blurred all his other great Virtues There was one Gorlois a Noble Britton of great Valour and Power when Vter as yet was but a private Man he fell mightily in Love with his Wife named Igerne a very beautiful Woman but her Chastity being a long time a Guard against his Lust at last her Continency was conquered by Merlin an audaciously wicked Man and in this Adulterous course he begat a Son on her Named Arthur Vter his own Lawful Wife being Dead being now freed from Nuptial Bonds and made King and so as he thought free from Law too not being able to bear the absence of Igerne out of Love to her attempted a very Temerarious Project He framed an Accusation against Gorlois besieged his Castle took it slew him Married Igerne and owned Arthur for his own Son Educating him Nobly in hopes of the Kingdom And seeing the Infamy reflecting on him by reason of his Wife could not be concealed that he might somewhat extenuate it they broached a Tale not much unlike That which had been often Acted in Theatres about Iupiter and Al●mena viz. That Vter by the Art of Merlin was changed into the shape of Gorlois and so had his first Nights Lodging with Igerne and indeed this Merlin was a Man of that Kidney that he had rather be famous for a Wicked Deed than none at all Arthur thus begot by a stoln Copulation assoon as he grew up appeared so amiable in the Lineaments of his Body and in the Inclinations of his Mind that the Eyes of his Parents and of all his Subjects too were fixed upon him and he gave many Omens of his future Greatness that after his Fathers Death all designed him to be their King And his Father was so much pleased with this Humour of the People that he cherished it by all the Ars he could so that now it was the common Opinion That none but Arthur should be Heir to the Crown Vter died when he had Reigned 17 Years and presently Arthur was set up in his stead though Lothus King of the Picts did much oppose it grievously complaining that his Children for he had Two begotten on Arthur's Aunt who were now of years were deprived of their Kingdom and that a Bastard begotten in Adultery was preferred before them On the other side all the Brittons stood for Arthur and denied that he was to be counted Spurious because Vter Married his Mother at last though it were after his Birth and by that Marriage had treated him as his Legitimate Son and had always accounted him so to be But although they pretended this colour of Right yet that which stood Arthur in most stead was his great Ingenuity and those Specimens of his Virtue which he often shewed yea there was a tacite Impression as it were on the Minds of all Men presaging his future Greatness So that all ran in thick and threefold as we say to his Party in so much that Lothus being born down not only by that Pretence of Right which after that time was always observed in Britanny but by the Affections of the People running another way desisted from his Enterprize in demanding the Kingdom which he did so much the rather do because he was loth to trust his Children for whom That Kingdom was desired to the Brittons who had shewed themselves so averse to Them Besides the Intreaties of his Friends did prevail with him who all alledged That no Kingdom ought to be so dear to him as that for the sake thereof he should joyn in Affinity with Infidels to the overthrow of the Christian Religion who would no more Inviolably keep their League and Alliance with him than they had done before with the Brittons Moreover the Liberal and Promising Disposition of Arthur and the Greatness of his Mind even above his Age did much affect him Insomuch that the League made by former Kings betwixt the Scots Picts and Brittons was again renewed and thereupon so great a Familiarity ensued that Lothus promised to send Galvinus the youngest of his Two Sons unto the British Court as soon as he was old enough to endure Travel Arthur entred upon the Regal Government before he was full Eighteen Years of Age. But as his Courage was above his Age so Success was not wanting to his Daring Spirit for whereas his Father had divided the Kingdom by certain Boundaries with the Saxons and had made Peace with them on Conditions The fair Opportunity offered them by reason of the youthful Age of the King more prevailed with them to break the Peace than the Sanctity of the League to observe it Arthur that he might quench the Fire in the beginning gathered an Army together sooner than any Man could imagine and being assisted with Auxiliaries from the Scots and Picts he overthrew the Enemy in Two great Battels compelling them to pay Tribute and to receive Laws from him With the same eagerness and speed he took London the Metropolis of the Saxons Kingdom and having setled things there he marched his Army directly towards York But the report of Auxiliary Forces coming out of Germany and the approach of Winter compelled him to raise his Siege from thence But the next Summer after as soon as ever he came before York he had it immediately surrendred to him his unexpected Success the Year before had struck such a Terrour into the Minds of Men. He took up his Winter-Quarters there whither there resorted to him the prime Persons of the Neighbourhood and of his Subjects where they spent the later end of December in Mirth Jollity Drinking and the Vices which proceed therefrom so that the Representations of the old Heathenish Feasts dedicated to Saturn were here again revived but the Number of the Days they lasted were doubled and amongst the Wealthier sort trebled during which time they count it almost a Sin to treat of any serious Matter Gifts are sent mutually from and to one another Frequent Invitations and Feastings pass between Friends and Domestick Offenders are not punished Our Countrymen call this Feast
Iuletide substituting the Name of Iulius Caesar for that of Saturn The Vulgar are yet persuaded that the Nativity of Christ is then celebrated but mistakingly for 't is plain that they imitate the Lasciviousness of the Bacchanalia rather than the Memory of Christ then as they say born In the mean time the Saxons were reported to have pitched their Tents by the River Humber and Whether it were so or no Arthur marched towards them But in regard the Brittons were enfeebled by Pleasures by that means they were less fit for Military Services in so much that they did not seem the same Men who had overthrown the Saxons in so many Battels heretofore for by their Luxurious Idleness they had added so much to their Rashness as they had lost of their ancient Severity of Discipline Hereupon Advice was given by the wiser sort to send for Aid from the Scots and Picts Whereupon Ambassadors were sent and Aid easily obtained so that those whom Ambition had almost disjoined yet the mutual Care of Religion and Emulation too did so piece together That Forces were sent from either King sooner than could well have been imagined Lothus also that he might give a Publick Testimony of his Reconcilement brought his Sons Modredus and Galvinus with him into the Camp Galvinus he gave to Arthur as his Companion whom he received with so great Courtesie that from that Day forward they lived and died together The Army of the Three Kings being thus ready and their Camps joyned it was unanimously agreed between them That as the Danger was common to them all and the Cause thereof was also the same so they would drive out the Saxons and restore the Christian Rites and Religion which were profaned by them The Armies drawing near the one to the other Occa Son of a former Occa who was then General of the Saxons made haste to joyn Battel In the Confederate Army the Two Wings were allotted to the Scots and Picts the main Battel to Arthur The Scots at the first onset wounded Childerick Commander of that Wing of the Enemy which fought against them he falling by reason of his Wounds so terrified the rest that the whole Wing was broken In the other Wing Colgernus the Saxon after great Complaints made of the Perfidiousness of the Picts made an assault upon Lothus with great Violence who was easily known by his Habit and his Arms he dismounted him but he himself being environed in the midst of his Enemies was run through by Two Picts with Spears on both sides of his Body The main Battel where there was the sharpest Fight having lost both Wings did at length give Ground Occa being wounded was carried to the Sea-side with as many as could get on Shipboard with him and Transported into Germany of the rest of the Saxons Those who were most obstinate in their Errour were put to Death The rest pretending to turn to the Christian Religion were saved There were great Forces of the Saxons yet remaining in the Eastern part of England and in Kent The Summer after Arthur marched against them having 10000 Scots and Picts for his Assistance Congallus the Son of Eugenius commanded the Scots and Modredus the Son of Lothus the Picts both young Men of great Hope and who had often given good Testimonies of their Valour and Conduct This Army of Three Kings being about Five Mile from the Enemy and their Camps being distant one from another The Saxons being inform'd by their Spies that the Picts who were farthest distant from the other Forces were very careless and secure they made a suddain and unexpected Assault on them in the Night Modredus made a gallant Resistance for a time at last when things were almost desperate on his side he mounted on an Horse with Gallanus his Father-in-Law and so fled to King Arthur Arthur was nothing dismayed at the loss of the Picts but spent that Day in setling things which were discomposed after that his Army being commanded to march in the Third Watch he came upon the Enemy with a Treble Army and was at the Saxons Camp before they knew what the Matter was The Saxons being dismayed ran up and down having no time to take counsel or to arm themselves thus their Camp being entred they were slain by the Brittons and especially the angry Picts were cruel to all without distinction Some Writers of English Antiquities say That Arthur fought Twelve pitched Battels with the Saxons But because they give us only the Names of the Places where they were fought and nothing else I shall mention them no otherwise To speak briefly of his Famous Actions This is manifest That he wholly subdued the Forces of the Saxons and restored Peace to Britain And when he went over to settle Things in Lesser Britain in France he Trusted the Kingdom to Modredus his Kinsman who was to manage the Government as King till his Return I have no certainty of the Exploits he performed in Gaul As to what Geofry of Monmouth attributes to him there it hath no shadow much less likelyhood of Truth in it so that I pass them by as impudently forged and as causelesly believed But to return to the Matter Whilst Arthur was absent and intent on setling the Gallick Affairs there were sown the Seeds of a War most pernicious to Britain There was a certain Man in Arthurs Retinue named Constantine the Son of Cadoris who for the excellent Endowments both of his Body and Mind was highly in all Mens Favour He did secretly aim at the Kingdom and to make the People his Own Whereupon the Nobles at a convenient time when the King was free from business cast in Words concerning his Successor beseeching him to add this also to the other innumerable Blessings he had procured for his Country that if he died Childless he would not leave Britain destitute of a King especially when so great Wars were like to be waged against them Hereupon when some named Modredus as nearest of Kin and already accustomed to the Government both in Peace and War and One too who had given good Proof of himself in his Viceroy-Ship who also was likely to make no small Accession to the British Affairs These things being spoken the Multitude who favoured Constantine cryed out That they would not have a Stranger to be their King and that Britain was not so devoid of Men but that it would afford a King within its own Territories They added also That it was a Foolish thing to seek for that abroad which they might have at home Arthur knew before the Love of the People to Constantine and therefore though being a Man otherwise Ambitious yet he easily took part with the People and from that day shewed him openly and cherished in him the hopes of the Kingdom Modredus his Friends took this ill and looked upon it as a great wrong to him they alleged That by the League made by Arthur with Lothus
immediately after Congallus but there are More who insert Kinnatellus betwixt Them Aidanus The Forty Ninth King AIdanus being Nominated King by Kinnatellus and confirmed by the People received the Royal Habiliments from Columba For the Authority of that Man was so great in those days that neither Prince nor People would undertake any thing without his Advice And at that time after he had in a long Speech persuaded the King to rule Equitably over the People and the People to be Loyal to their King he earnestly pressed them Both to persist in the pure Worship of God for then Both of them would prosper but if they forsook it they must expect Destruction as the reward of their Offences Having perform'd this Service he returned into his own Country The first Expedition of Aidanus was against the Robbers who infested Galway coming thither he put their Commanders to Death and Fear restrain'd the rest but a greater Storm encountred him at at his Return For after he had had three Conventions of the Estates in Galway Abria or Loch-abyr and Caithness and thought all things were settled there there was a Tumult arose amongst them in Hunting that much Blood was spilt and the Kings Officers who came to punish the Offenders were repulsed and beaten The Authors for fear of Punishment fled into Lothian to Brudeus King of the Picts when Ambassadors were sent to him to deliver them up according to the League betwixt them they were refused whereupon a feirce War commenced betwixt the Scots and Picts but it was quickly ended by the means of Columba who was according to his Merit highly esteemed by both Nations In the mean time England was again divided into Seven Kingdoms and the Brittons were driven into the Peninsula of Wales but the Saxons not contented with such large Dominions stirred up a new War betwixt the Scots and Picts The Author and Kindler thereof was Ethelfrid King of Northumberland a Covetous Man and who was weary of Peace out of the desire he had to enlarge his Dominions He persuaded the Picts but with difficulty Brudeus hardly consenting thereto That they should drive away Preys out of the Scots Territories and so give an occasion to a War Aidanus understanding the Treachery of the Saxons that he might also strengthen himself with Foreign Aid renewed the ancient League with Malgo the Britton He sent his Son Grifinus and his Sisters Son Brendinus King of Eubonia now called Man a Military Man with Forces who joyning with the Brittons entred Northumberland and after Three days march came to the Enemy but the English refused to engage them because they expected new Succors which were reported to be neer at hand for indeed Ceulinus King of the East Saxons a very Warlike Man was coming to them with great Forces the Scots and Brittons fell upon him in his March and wholly destroyed the Front of his Army which was a long way before the rest together with his Son Cutha but they were afraid to engage the rest lest they should be circumvented by Ethelfrid who was not far distant The two Kings of the Saxons being joined together again renewed the Fight with much Slaughter on both sides wherein the Scots and Brittons were put to flight There were slain of the Scots Nobles Grifinus and Brendinus in the opposite Army Ethelfrid lost one of his Eyes and Brudeus was carried wounded out of the Field to the great Astonishment of his Party The next Summer after Ethelfrid uniting his Forces with the Picts marched into Gallway supposing he should find all things there in great Consternation by reason of their ill Success the last Year But Aidanus coming with his Forces thither sooner than his Enemies thought set upon the straggling Plunderers and drave them with great trepidation to their Camp Thus having chastized their Temerity supposing now they would be more quiet the Night after he passed by their Camp and joyned himself with the Brittons Both Armies having thus united their forces pitch'd their Tents in a narrow Valley of Annandale and their Enemies as now Cock-sure of their Destruction beset the passages entring into it But they having fortify'd their Camp as if they intended there to abide in the Night when the Tide was out marched thro' the Ford which was known to them amidst the quavering Sands into Cumberland and afterward into Northumberland making great Havock whithersoever they came The Enemie followed them at their Heels and when they came in fight of one another both Armies prepare themselves for the Fight The Scots and Britains added Four Commanders to those they had before who were noble Persons of great experience in Warlike affairs that so the rash-Headed Common Soldiers might be commanded by a greater Number of Captains of the Brittons there were added Constantine and Mencrinus of the Scots Calenus and Murdacus By their Conduct and Incouragement the Soldiers fell upon the Enemy with so great Violence that he was presently broken and put to flight There goes a Report that Columb being then in the Isle Icolumbkil told his Companions of this Victory the very same hour in which it was obtained Of the Saxon Nobles there were slain in this fight Cialinus and Vitellius both great Warriors and highly descended about Eleven years after this Victory the Saxons and Picts infested the adjacent Country whereupon a Day was appointed wherein the Brittons and Scots should meet and with their united Forces set upon the Saxons Aidanus tho' very old came to the place at the appointed time and staid for the Brittons but in vain for they came not yet he drove Preys out of his Enemies Country Ethelfrid having now gotten a fair Opportunity to act something in set upon the dispersed Scots and made a great slaughter amongst them Aidanus having lost many of his Men fled for his Life yet the Victory was not unbloody to the Saxons for they lost Ethelfrid's Brother and some of those Squadrons that followed him were almost wholly cut off Aidanus having received this overthrow and being also informed of the death of Columb that Holy Man whom he so highly honoured foreseeing to what Cruelty the Remainder of the Christians were likely to be exposed being worn out with Age and Grief did not long survive he Reigned 34 years and died in the Year of our Lord 604. In his Reign it was That a certain Monk Named Austin came into Britain being sent by Gregory Pope of Rome who by his Ambition in Preaching a New Religion mightily disturbed the Old for he did not so much Preach the Christian Religion as the Ceremonies of the Roman Church Yea the Brittons before his coming were Converted to and taught the Principles of the Christian Religion by the Disciples of Iohn the Evangelist and were instituted in the same by the Monks who were Learned and Pious in that Age. As for Austin He laboured to reduce all things to the
Dominion of the Bishop of Rome only and gave himself out to be the only Arch-Bishop of the Isle of Britain and withal introduced a Dispute neither Necessary nor Advantageous concerning the Day on which Easter was to be kept and did by this means mightily trouble the Churches Yea he so loaded the Christian Discipline which was then inclining toward Superstition with such new Ceremonies and feigned Miracles that he scarce left any Mark or Footstep of true Piety behind him Kennethus I. The Fiftieth King AFTER Aidanus Kennethus was Elected King he did nothing Memorable in his time He died the 4th or as some say the 12th Month after he began to Reign Eugenius IIII. The Fifty First King AFter him Eugenius the Son of Aidanus was made King In the year of our Lord 605. He was brought up as the Black Book of Pasley hath it piously and carefully under Columba being very well educated in human Learning yet in This he swerved from the Institution of his Master that he was more addicted to War than Peace For he exercised the Saxons and Picts with daily Incursions His Government was very severe and rough Those who were proud and contumacious sooner felt the point of his Sword than they received from him any Conditions of Peace but to those who asked Pardon for their offences and voluntarily surrendred themselves he was very merciful and easy to forgive and not at all insolent in his Victories This is what That Book reports concerning Eugenius But Boetius says on the contrary That he lived in great Peace which happened not so much from his Foreign Leagues as from the Discords of his Enemies who maintain'd Civil Wars amongst themselves For the English inhabiting the South Parts making Profession of Christianity whilst they endeavoured to revenge the injuries offered to them deprived Ethelfrid the Potent King of Northumberland both of his Life and Kingdom together Edvinus succeeded him and the kindred of Ethelfrid fled into Scotland amongst whom were Seaven of his Sons and one Daughter This was done in the Tenth year of the Reign of Eugenius He entertain'd these Saxons flying to him for Refuge tho' he knew them to be Enemies both to him and the whole Christian Name with great Courtesy and Humanity as long as he lived giving them Royal Reception and causing them to be carefully educated in the Christian Religion He died in the Sixteenth Year of his Reign and was much Lamented by all Men. Ferchardus I. The Fifty Second King HIS Son Ferchardus was substituted in his room in the Year of Christ 522. and in the 13th year of Heraclius the Emperour He being a Cunning and Politick Man endeavoured to change the Legitimate Government of the Land into Tyranny in order whereto he nourished Factions amongst the Nobility supposing by that means to effect what wickedly he designed with Impunity But the Nobles understanding his Malicious aim secretly made up the Breach amongst themselves and calling an Assembly of the Estates Summoned him to appear which he refusing to do they Stormed the Castle wherein he was and so drew him per force to Judgment Many and grievous Crimes were objected against him and particularly the Pelagian Heresy the Contempt of Baptism and other Sacred Rites When he was not able to purge himself from any One of them he was committed to Prison where That he might not live to be a publick Spectacle of disgrace he put an End to his own Life in the 14th Year of his Reign Donaldus IIII. The Fifty Third King HIS Brother Donaldus or Donevaldus mounted the Throne in his stead who calling to mind the Elogy of his Father and the Miserable end of his Brother made it his Business to maintain the true Worship of God and that not only at home but he sought by all Lawful means to propagate it abroad For when Edwin was dead he furnished the Kindred and Children of Ethelfrid who had remained Exiles in Scotland for many Years with Accommodations to return home he bestowed upon them Gifts he sent Forces to accompany them and gave them free Liberty to pass and repass as occasion required This Edwin afore spoken of was slain by Kedvalla as Bede calls him King of the Brittons and by Penda King of the Mercians One of which was his Enemy out of ancient hatred to the Nation The Other for his new embracing of Christianity but Both for the Emulation of his power The Victory is reported to have been most Cruel for whilst Penda endeavoured to root out the Christians and Kedvalla the Saxons their Fury was so great that it spared neither Age nor Sex After the death of Edwin Northumberland was divided into Two Kingdoms Osticus Cousin-German to Edwin was made King of the Deiri and Eanfrid as Bede calls him but our Writers name him A●defridus Ethelfrides Eldest Son King of the Bernici They renounced the Christian Religion in which they had been diligently educated one by the Scotish Monks the other by Paulinus the Bishop and revolted to their Ancient Superstition but were both shortly after outed out of their Kingdoms and their Lives too by Penda Oswald the Son of Ethelfrid succeeded them Both a studious Promoter of the Christian Religion He sent Ambassadors into Scotland to Donaldus to desire him to send him some Christian Doctors which he did Men of great Sanctity and Learning and who were accordingly received by him with great curtesy entertained magnificently and rewarded amply Neither did he think it below his Kingly Dignity to interpret the Sentences of their Sermons Preached to the People who did not so well understand the Scotish Language whom he gathered together for that purpose all which is clearly expressed by Bede Donaldus died in the 14th year of his Reign leaving the precious Memory of his Virtues behind him Ferchardus II. The LIV. King FERCHARDVS his Brother Ferchardus's Son succeeded him a most slagitious Person unsatiable in his desires of Wine and Wealth of inhuman Cruelty towards Men and of as great Impiety towards God When his Cruelty and Rapine had raged against those without he converted his Fury upon his Domesticks killing his Wife and Vitiating his Daughter for which hainous Wickedness he was Excommunicated out of the Society of Christians And as the Nobles were about to Assemble by way of Consultation about his Punishment Coleman that Holy Bishop stopped them for he openly told him That Divine Vengeance should speedily overtake him and the Event verified his Prediction for a few days after as he was a Hunting he was hurt by a Wolf and fell into a Feaver and not being able to abstain from his former Intemperance at last his Body was eaten up by the Lowsie Disease and then he cryed out That he was deservedly punished because he had not hearkned to the wholsom Advice of Coleman Thus at last seeing his Error and Coleman comforting him with hopes of Pardon in case he truly repented He
Vitiated which They being over-stocked with Youngsters at home easily assented to and so they transported themselves in a great Navy into Britain Their first Descent was in Fife there they slew all they met without distinction out of Hatred to the Christian Religion and dividing their Army they spoiled the Country two several ways Constantinus drew forth against them and first he set upon that Brigade which Hubba Brother to the Danish King commanded who being hindred to joyn with their Fellows by the sudden swelling of the River Levin were there easily overcome and slain except a few of his Men who could swim over the River who fled to their other Commander called Humber Constantinus followed after them as to a Prey not a Battel and overtook them not far from the Town of Carail but not before they had well fortify'd their Camp For the Danes being very provident after their late unhappy Fight had made a kind of Defensive Fortification upon some small Winding Rocks near the shore by heaping up a parcel of Stones together which lay thereabouts In that posture Constantine assaulted them where by reason of the Incommodiousness of the place and the Desperation of the Danes he paid dear for his Rashness for he lost a great Part of his Army he himself being taken Prisoner and haled into a little Cave hard by was there slain There are some Monuments of this Fight remaining to this day as the Cave the Circumference of their Camp which was not cut out regularly or by equal spaces but turning and winding according to the Bending of the Rocks Some lay the blame of this unlucky Accident upon the Picts who being admitted into Constantines Fealty and Army were the first that ran away and drew the greatest Part of the Army after them The Danes gathered up the Spoils and departed to their Ships The Kings Body was found the day after and carried to the Sepulchres of his Ancestors in the Island Icolumb-kil He possessed the Kingdom sixteen Years and died in the Year of our Lord 874. Ethus The Seventy Second King HIs Brother Ethus succeeded him from the Swiftness of his Feet Sirnamed Alipes he was elected King upon no higher or other Account but because he gathered together the Relicts of the Army which was scattered by the Danes Amongst the Prodigies of his Time they reckon those Sea-Fishes then appearing which are seldom seen and not after long Intervals of Time but they never appear but in Sholes nor without some unlucky Presage The Common People call them Monachi-marini i. e. Sea-Monks others give them the Title of Bassineti i. e. Hooded or Helmered Fish Ethus being unmindful both of his Brother and of his Ancestors giving up himself to all manner of Vices and drawing the young Soldiers easily seduceable along with him was taken Prisoner by a Combination of the Nobles made against him and after all the flagitious Acts of his Life had been declared to the People in a long Speech he was forced to abjure the Government in the second Year of his Reign Three days after he died in Prison for Grief That which chiefly offended the Martial Men was his slothful Unactiveness because that when the Danes were at War with the English and many bloody Battels had been fought between them yet he never bethought himself of the recovering the Country he had lost nor would he suffer himself to be put in mind thereof by others Some write that he was not inforced to relinquish his Kingdom but that he was wounded in a Combate by Gregorius who was emulous of the Kingdom and that he died Two months after Anno Christ. 875. Gregorius The Seventy Third King GRegorius the Son of Dongallus was set up in his stead a Man of a Royal Spirit in whom no Virtue requisite in a King was wanting First he reconciled all those to him who were against him in suing for the Kingdom and then he proceeded to compose the Discords of the Nobles amongst themselves He so tempered the Severities of his Government with Affability that he did more with his Subjects by Love than by Fear He restored the Old Laws concerning the Immunity of the Ministers of the Church who were but in the nature of Slaves under the Picts or else he made New to the same purpose His first Expedition was into Fife against the Picts left there by the Danes whilst they were employing their Arms against the English He drove them not out of Fife only but out of Lothian and Merch too The Danes when he came to Berwick fearing if they should have any Misfortune the English also would be upon their backs durst not join in a Field-fight with Gregory but sent Part of their Forces over the River into Northumberland commanding them to join with a small Brigade of their Country-men who had gathered themselves together and were newly landed there The Rest of them enter'd Berwick to strengthen the Garison there But the English who were but unwillingly under the Command of the Danes as being Men of a different Religion from them gave admission to the Scots in the night by which means all the Danes were put to the Sword From thence Gregory marched into Northumberland and fought a prosperous Battel against Hardnute wherein he made so great a slaughter of them that their Numbers which were lately formidable to all Britain were mightily diminished partly by Gregory of Scotland and partly by Alfrid of England Gregory took in all Northumberland and gave free leave to those English to depart who were willing so to do to the rest he very courteously distributed Lands The greatest part of the English staid behind partly out of love to their native Soil partly by reason of the Kings Bounty to them and partly also for fear of their Enemies For seeing they had now for many years had several cruel Fights with the Danes the Victory being many times uncertain Many of the English chose rather to be under the Dominion of the Scots who though formerly Enemies were yet Christians than either to fall into the power of the Bloody Danes or to hope for uncertain Aid from their own Countrymen especially since things were in such an hurly burly over all Britanny that the English knew not which Party to succour first After he had so chastised the Danes that he expected no more Trouble from them he turned his Arms upon the Brittons who as yet held some of the Scotish Dominions with These also he made Peace they restoring the the said ●ands and promising to assist him against the Danes if they did return Whereupon he disbanded his Army But the Brittons after their return home repented of the Peace they had made and entring Scotland again in an hostile manner they were driving away a great Booty but Gregory met them at Loch-Maban and after a bloody Fight overthrew them Constantine their King being also slain The Brittons having received this fruit of their
ill Counsel made Hebert the Brother of Constantine King and then began to think in what a dangerous Case they were having the both the Scots and Danes their Enemies and their Alliance with the English seldom long-lived Hereupon they sent Embassadors to the Scots for Peace who would not hearken thereunto unless Cumberland and Westmorland were restored to them which was done and the Peace made on those Conditions About the same time there came also Embassadors from Alured of England partly to Congratulate the Victory over the Danes which ought said they to be justly acceptable to all Christians and partly to enter into a new League against all the Enemies of the Christian Faith and Religion Peace was concluded on these Conditions That they should oppose a Foreign Enemy with their joynt Forces if they made a Descent into the Borders of either People and that the Scots should quietly enjoy what they had got from the Danes Peace being concluded on those Terms and a League made and Establish'd word was brought Gregory upon his return That the Irish had made an Irruption into Galway The Cause of the War was pretended to be because the Men of Galway had hostilely seized upon and Plundered some Galleys driven on their Coasts belonging to the Inhabitants of Dublin a City in Ireland The Irish hearing of Gregory's coming retired presently in fear with their Prey to their Ships and Gregory with a good Navy and strong Army as soon as he could with conveniency transported himself into Ireland also Duncan or Donatus or rather Dunachus was at that time their King but being under Age Brienus and Cornelius Two of the powerfullest of the Nobility next to him had divided the whole Land into Two Factions But patching up a Truce at the Arrival of a Foreign Enemy they pitched and fortify'd their Camps apart near the River Bann a Place which seemed convenient enough for that purpose Their End in so doing was to take off the Edge of Gregorys Valour by delay and to force him to withdraw his Army from a Foreign harassed Country for want of Provisions Gregory smelt out their Design and therefore very secretly in the Night he sent part of his Army to seize upon an ●ill which was as it were over Brienus's head The Day after when the Battel was joyned in the Heat of the Fight they threw down mighty Stones into his Camp which crushed many of his Men to pieces and so terrify'd the rest that their Ranks were broken and in a confused manner they fled away Cornelius hearing of the Event of this Fight withdrew his Army without striking a stroke into Places of greater safety Brienus was slain in his Camp the rest had Quarter given them as much as might be by Gregorys command Whereupon he marched over the Country without any Depopulation at all which Lenity occasion'd many rather to submit themselves to the Mercy of the King than to try it out by Force The fortified Towns were strengthened with Garisons Gregory reduced Dundalk and Drogheda Two strong places made so both by Art and Nature and then determined to march directly to Dublin But hearing that Cornelius General of all the Irish Forces was coming against him with a great Army he turned aside fought with and overthrew him following the Chase as far as Dublin which he besieged But there was not Provision enough in the City for so many People as had fled thither so that in a short time it was surrendred to him by Cormachus the Bishop of the City Gregory at his entrance into it did no prejudice at all to any of the Inhabitants but Visited King D●ncan his Kinsman protested that he came not thither out of an Ambitious desire to take away the Kingdom from him or to amass up Riches for himself but only to revenge the Injuries he had received Hereupon he committed the Care of the Young King to such of his Old Counsellors as he judged most faithful to him and himself bore the Name of his Tutor or Guardian till he came to be of Age He also put Garisons into the Forts and exacted an Oath from the Nobility That they should admit neither English Dane nor Britton into the Island without his Permission He appointed Judges in convenient Places who were to judge betwixt Man and Man in matters of Controversy according to the Laws of the Country and receiving Sixty Hostages for the performance of these Conditions he returned home in Triumph The Fame of his Justice made the Peace firmer for the future than any Terror of Arms could have done Having thus managed Matters both at home and abroad he departed this Life in the Eighteenth Year of his Reign being no less eminent for his Justice and Temperance than for his Valour So that he was justly Sir-named by his Countrymen Gregory the Great He died A. 892. Donaldus VI. The Seventy Fourth King DONALD the Sixth of that Name the Son of Constantine the Second was made King next after Gregory having been recommended by Gregory before his Death to the Nobility He deceived not the Opinion which Men had conceived of him i. e. That he was a very prudent Prince for he Loved Peace no otherwise but that therein he always prepared for War And when for a long time he had no Enemy to encounter with yet he took care that the Soldiery should not grow too Luxuriant being corrupted by Ease Rest and so made inclineable to run into all manner of evil Practices When a new Army of Danes drew near to the Coasts of Northumberland and Anchored there for some days without prejudicing any body Donaldus gathered an Army together and being watchful over all opportunities went to guard that Province But hearing that the Danes had made a Descent upon the Country of the English he sent Aid to King Alured who fought a bloody Battel with the Danes Yet after the Battel he was content to admit them into Part of his Dominions provided they would turn Christians Peace was made on those Terms the Army disbanded and a new home-bred Commotion entertained Donaldus at his return Their happened so great a Feud betwixt the Rossians and the Merch-men caused by some small Robberies at first that more were slain by occasional Combats than if they had met in a pitched Battel Donald marched thither and having slain the Heads of the Factions restored Peace to the rest Iohannes Fordanus a Scotish Chronologer says That in this Expedition he dyed at Foress not without the suspition of Poison But Boetius affirms that he return'd to Northumberland to see what would become of the Peace he had made with the Danes of whom he was always suspitious and that he dyed there after he had Reigned Eleven years His Memory was precious both to Rich and Poor His Death was A.C. 903. Constantine III. The Seventy Fifth King CONSTANTINE the III. the Son of Ethus was substituted King in
his room a man of no ill Disposition and yet not constant in Good neither The Danes who could incline Gregory and Donald the Two last Kings of the Scots by no Promises or Persuasions to take Arms against the English which were then Christians Now they easily wrought upon Constantine by Gifts and by the vain Hope of enlarging his Dominions to make a League with Them which lasted scarce Two years but the Danes deserting the Scots struck up a League with the English This League had scarce continued Four years before Edward of England gathered an Army speedily together and spoiled the Danes Country whereby they were reduced to such 〈◊〉 that they were enforc'd to return to the Scots whom they had lately deserted To whom they Swore most Religiously That they would for ever after observe the Amity most inviolably betwixt Them This Second League is reported to have been entered into with great Ceremony in the Tenth Year of Constantines Reign He gave the same year Cumberland to Malcolm Son of the last King which was as an honourable Omen to him that he should Reign after him And afterwards the same Custom was observed by some succeeding Kings to the manifest disanulling of the old way of Convening the Estates whose Free Suffrages ought not to have been thus abridged but this was like the Designation of the Consuls by the Caesars which put an end to the Roman Liberty A War being now commenced between Edward the Son of Alured and the Danes Constantine sent Aid to the Danes under the Conduct of Malcolm He joyned his Army with the Danes and being Superior in number they harassed the adjoyning Countries of the English and made great Devastation wheresoever they came to the end that they might force the English who had a far less numerous Army to Fight Yea they were so arrogantly confident of their Numbers that they thought their Enemy would never so much as look them in the Face so that now as secure of the Victory they began to talk of dividing the Spoil But as Prosperity doth blind the Eyes of the Wise so Adversity and the foresight of Danger is a good Schoolmaster even to the weaker side What the English wanted in strength they supplyed in Cunning and Skill Their Army was well seconded with Reserves and so they began the Fight the First Ranks being commanded so to do give ground and pretend a Discomfiture and Flight that so their Enemies following them in disorder they might again return upon them in that straggling posture Athelstan the Base-born Son of Edward was General of all the English Forces as our Writers affirm and Grafton also says the same thing They make this Athelstan guilty of Parricide for killing his Father and his Two Brothers Edred and Edwin whose Right it was immediately to succeed their Father in the Kingdom Fame doth increase the Suspicion that Edward was violently put to death because it accounts him a Martyr For that Fact he was hat●d and therefore to recover the Favour of the People by some eminent Undertaking he determined to expiate the Blood of his K●nd●ed by shedding That of his Enemies And thereupon after he had fought stoutly a-while he gave Ground by little and little but afterward in greater Fear and Confusion as if he intended absolutely to run away The Danes and Scots supposing themselves Conquerors were unwilling to make any brisk pursuit lest the Cowardliest of the Soldiers should enjoy all the Prey and therefore they returned to plunder their Camp Hereupon Athelstan gave a Signal and the Eng●ish returning to their Ensigns set upon them as they were scattered and laden with Booty and killed them like Dogs The greatest part of the Scotish Nobility was lost in this Fight who chose rather to dye on the spo● than to undergo the Ignominy of deserting their Companions Malcolm being much wounded was carried off the Field by his own Men and sent the doleful Tidings of the loss of his Army to King Constantine neither was the face of things more pleasant amongst the Danes Athelstan during this Astonishment of his Enemies took Cumberland and Westmerland from the Scots and Northumberland from the Danes Constantine having not force enough neither to wage War or to carry on matters in Peace called a Convention of the Estates at Abernethy and willingly resigned the Kingdom and betook himself to the Culde● certain Hermits so called living in Cells Worshippers of God for so the Monks of that Age were called as into a Sanctuary amongst whom he lived the rest of his life at St. Andrews Here the English Writers who are profuse enough in their own Praises do affirm That Athelstan was the Monarch of all Britanny and that the rest who had the Names of Kings in Albium were but precariously so and his Feudataries only as taking an Oath of Fidelity to him as the supreme Lord. And they introduce many ignoble English Authors as Favourers of that Opinion And to procure the greater Credit thereunto they add also Marianus Scotus an Illustrious Writer indeed But here I desire the Reader to take notice that there is not the least mention of any such thing in that Edition of Marianus which was Printed in Germany but if they have another Marianus different from him who is publickly read and interpolated or foisted by them let them produce him if they can Besides they being Men generally unlearned do not in some Places sufficiently understand their own Writers neither do they take notice That Bede William of Malmesbury and Geffrey of Monmouth do commonly call that part Britain over which the Britains ruled i. e. That within the Wall of Adrian or when they stretched their Dominions furthest within the Wall of Severus so that the Scots and Picts are oftentimes reckoned by them to be out of Britain and not seldom are called Transmarine People And therefore when they read that the English sometime Reigned over all Britanny they understand the Authors so as if they meant all Britanny i. e. Albium or Albion whereas they do often Circumscribe Britanny within narrower limits as I have said before But of this I have spoken more largely in another place To return then to the Affairs of Scotland Malcolm I. The Seventy Sixth King COnstantine having retired himself into the Cloyster of the Monks Malcolm the Son of Donald was declared King Athelstan being dead and his Brother Edward Reigning Cumberland and Westmerland revolted from the English and returned to their old Masters Moreover the Danes who remained in Northumberland sent for Avalassus their Countryman of the Royal Progeny who was Banished into Ireland to make him King Edmund foreseeing what Clouds of War were gathering over his Head yielded up Cumberland and Westmerland to Malcolm upon this Condition That he who should next succeed in the Scotish Kingdom should take an Oath to the King of England as the Lord Paramount of that Country Afterwards he easily reduced the
Doctrine of Christ being then degenerated themselves from the Piety and Simplicity of their Ancestors enjoyned him those absurd and fallacious ones which Evil and Self-minded Men had devised for their own Gain and unwary People had as greedily received which were To bestow Gifts on Temples and Holy Places To visit the Sepulchres of Holy Men To Kiss their Reliques and to expiate his Sin by Masses and Alms and withal they enjoyned him to Respect and Reverence Monks and Priests more than he had done heretofore Neither did the King omit to perform all what they enjoyned him thinking to be healed in his Conscience by these Mock-Plaisters At length when he came to Mern to Worship and to do Reverence to the Bones of Palladius an Holy Person he turned aside to view a Neighbouring Castle called Fethercarn which was then as 't is reported very pleasant with shady Grows and Piles of curious Buildings of which almost no Footsteps remain at this day The Lady of that Castle was called Fenella of whom Mention is made before who bore the King a grudge not only for the Punishment of her Son Crathilinthus but also upon the account of her Kinsmen Constantinus and Grimus who by his New Law were excluded from the Succession to the Crown But dissembling her Anger she entertained the King very splendidly and with great Magnificence and after Dinner she carried him out to view the Pleasantness of the Place and the Structure of the Castle and amongst the rest she led him into a Privy Parlor to see a Brass Statue most Curiously and Artificially cast which was made with so much Ingeniousness as they say That when a String or Cord which was secretly bent therein was remitted and let go it would shoot out Arrows of its own accord and whilst the King was intent in viewing this Engine an Arrow privily darted out therefrom and slew him Iohannes Major and Hector Boetius do Both say That the King came thus to his End though in my Judgment it be not very probable For it is not likely That after the decay of Noble Arts amongst other Nations so curious a Statue should be then made and that in the remotest part of Britain too though Iohn Major writes That Edmond the Son of Eldred was slain by the same Artifice but Both Stories are Fabulous as I suppose Neither can I easily persuade my self That all Scotland did possess so many Jewels as Boetius affirms that One Lady was owner of And therefore I rather incline to the Opinion of some others amongst whom is Winton who write That the King was slain by some Horse-men placed in Ambush at the Command of Fenella He died in the Twenty fifth year of his Reign a Prince eminent for all other Things if the Murder of Malcolm and his too great Affection to his Kindred had not made such a foul Blot in his Escutcheon He Reigned Twenty five years and deceased in the Year of Christ 994. Constantine IV. The Eighty First King AFTER Kenneth his Death Constantine the Son of Culenus Sirnamed The Bald used so much Art and Canvasing to get the Kingdom as never any Man did before him For he insinuated himself into all sorts of People complaining That he and others of the Royal Blood were circumvented by the Fraud of Kennethus and so excluded from the hopes of the Kingdom upon the pretence of a most unjust Law to which he with others of the Blood were forced by Fear to Consent He further alleged That the Inconvenience of the Law was very Manifest and Visible in it self For What said he can be more Imprudent and Foolish than to take away One of the greatest concerns in Government from the Suffrage of the Wise and to leave it to the Liberty of Fortune And to bind themselves to Obey a Child because casually born of a King who perhaps might be ruled by some Woman and in the mean time to exclude Brave and Virtuous Men from sitting at the Helm He added further What if the Children of the King should have some Defect either of Mind or Body which made them unfit for Government If Children proceeded he had enjoyed the Kingdom in those days wherein we fought so many Battels with the Romans Britains Picts English and Danes the Question would not then have been Who should Rule over us But rather Whether we should have been any People at all to be governed by any Body Yea What can border more upon Madness than to bring That upon our selves by a Law which God threatens as the severest Judgment to the Rebellious and by this means either to despise the Threatnings and Predictions of the Almighty or to run into them of our own accord Neither said he is that True which the Flatterers of Kenneth please themselves with in urging i. e. That the Slaughters and Avarice of the Kings Kindred may be avoided hereby for the Kings Children whilst under Age have as much Reason to fear the Frauds of their Guardians as before they did the Plots of their Kindred And therefore now the Tyrant is removed let us valiantly recover the Liberty he took away and abrogating that Law which was enacted by Force and submitted to out of Fear if it may be called a Law and not rather a publick Enslavement and Prostitution of our Freedom Let us I say return to the ancient Institutions and Customs by which this Kingdom arose almost out of Nothing and which from small Beginnings have advanced it to that Splendour that it is inferiour to none of its Neighbours Yea and when it was at a low Ebb have erected it again And therefore let us not neglect or over-slip this present Opportunity which offers it self lest hereafter we seek it Vain By these and the like Harangues he cajolled some of the Nobles and drew a Multitude of the Commons to his Party who assembled at Scone Twelve days after the Funeral of Kennethus and declared him King In the mean time Malcolm who was busie about the Concern of his Fathers Funeral hearing that Constantine was made King called his Friends together to deliberate what was fit to be done Some were of Opinion That before he proceeded any further he should found how the Minds of the Nobles stood affected that so he might know what strength he was able to raise against a popular Man supported by so many Factions and Alliances and then according to the Number of his Forces to take a Resolution But those who were young and head-strong despised this Course as slow and dilatory alleging That it was best to obviate the Danger at its first Rise and to proceed against the Enemy before he was setled in his new Kingdom The King being young embraced the later Opinion as the more specious of the Two and having gathered an Army of about Ten Thousand Men together marches towards the Enemy Neither was Constantine defective in his Preparations for in a short
bridled and saddled for all Events and being not able to find the way in regard the Snow covered all the Track they were confounded and arrived at a Lake by the Town of Forfar where endeavouring to pass ov●r the Ice being not very firm they sunk with their Weight and were all drowned Their Bodies lay undiscovered for a season by reason the Ice closed again but when a Thaw came they were found and hung upon Gibbets in the High-ways there to rot for the Terrour of the Living and in Reproach to them after they were dead This is the common Report about Malcolm's End though some write that he was slain by an Ambush laid by the Kinred of Grimus and Constantinus the former Kings after a bloody B●ttel joyned and fought betwixt them Others say that he was killed by the Friends of a Noble Virgin whom he had forceably vitiated but all agree that he came to a violent Death Malcolm Reigned so justly above Thirty Years that unless Avarice had corrupted his Mind in 's Old Age he might well have been numbered amongst the Best of Princes The Year in which he died was a Prodigious One for in the Winter the Rivers did mightily overflow and in Spring there were great Inundations of the Sea And moreover a few Days after the Summer Solstice there were very pinching Frosts and mighty Snows by which means the Fruits of the Earth being spoiled a great Famine did ensue The Seventh BOOK I Have declared in the former Book how eagerly Kennethus and his Son Malcolm did strive to settle the Succession to the Crown in their Families That the Eldest Son might succeed the Father But what the Success thereof was will appear in the Sequel This is certain That that Publick Benefit which was promised to the whole Kingdom nor yet the private Advantage alleged to arise to our Kings thereby were not at all obtained by this New Law An Universal Good to All was pretended in thus settling the Succession that Seditions Murders and Treacheries might be prevented amongst Those of the Blood and also that Ambition with the other Mischiefs accompanying it might be rooted out from amongst the Nobles But on the contrary when I enquire into the Causes of Publick Grievances and compare the Old with the Modern it seems to me That all those Mischiefs which we would have avoided by this New Law are so far from being extinguished by the Antiquating of the Old that they rather receive a great Increase therefrom For not to speak of the Plots of their Kinred against Those who are actually in the Throne nor of a present King 's Evil Suspitions of those whom Nature and the Law would have accounted as most dear to him I say omitting these things which in the Series of our History will be further explained all the Miseries of former Ages may seem light and tolerable if compared with those Calamities which followed upon the Death of Alexander the Third Neither will I insist upon the Particulars following viz. that That Law doth enervate the Force of all Publick Councils without which no Lawful Government can subsist That it doth willingly and by consent create those Evils to our selves which others who have Interest in Publick Governments do chiefly if not only deprecate viz. To have Kings over whom other Governors must be appointed and so the People are to be universally committed into their Power who have no Power over themselves insomuch That those Persons who are hardly brought to Obey Wise Prudent and Experienced Kings are now required to yield Obedience as it were to the very shadow of a King by which means we willingly precipitate our selves into those Punishments which God threatens to Those who despise and contemn his Holy Majesty namely That Children Male or Female may Reign over us whom the Law of Nations and even Nature it self the Mother of all Laws hath subjected to the Rule of others As for the private Benefit That Kings aim at by this Law i. e. That they may perpetuate their Name and Stock how vain and fallacious that Pretence is the Examples of the Ancients yea even Nature it self might inform them if they had but considered by how many Laws and Rewards the Romans endeavoured to perennate the mighty Names of their Families of which yet no one Footstep remains at this Day no not in any part of the World which they had Conquered Which Disappointment doth deservedly attend those who fight against even Nature it self by endeavouring to cloath a fading frail Thing subject to Momentany Alterations and Blasts of Fortune with a sort of Perpetuity and to endow it with a kind of Eternity which they themselves neither are Partakers of nor can be yea they strive to effect it by those Mediums which are most cross to their purpose For what is less conducive to Perpetuity than Tyranny Yet this New Law makes a great Step thereto for a Tyrant is as it were the White or Mark exposed to the Hate of all Men insomuch that he cannot long subsist and when he falls all His fall with him It seems to me That God doth sometimes gently chastize and disappoint this endeavour of Foolish Men and sometimes he doth expose it even to Publick Scorn as if it were emulous of his own Power There can be no clearer or fitter Example of Gods Will and Pleasure than That which we have now under our Hands For Malcolm who so much laboured to confirm the Law which was almost forcibly Enacted by his Father by common Suffrage and Consent For the Kings Children to be substituted in the Room of their deceased Parents even He left no Male-Child behind him but he had Two Daughters One called Beatrix whom he Married to a Nobleman named Grimus the Thane of the Western Islands and the Chief of all other Thanes and therefore styled in that Age Abthane the Other named Doaca he Married to the Thane of Angus by whom he begot Mackbeth or Macbeda of whom in his Place Donaldus VII The Eighty Fourth King MALCOLM being slain as hath been related Donaldus his Nephew by his Daughter Beatrix succeeded him A Prince of great Courtesy and of more Indulgence to his own Kindred than became a King For he was of a mild and Inclineable Disposition and from his Youth gave forth Omens of his Popularity For in the most difficult times when he was made Governor of Cumberland by his Grandfather and could not c●me to the King by reason of the Danish Troops which swarmed over the Country and stopped all Passages to Swear to the Laws yet he faithfully took part with the English until Canutus having had the rest of England surrendred to him made an Expedition against him and then he submitted himself to the Danes on the same Conditions under which he obeyed the English before This also was popular in him That he administred Justice with great Equity and every Year he visited the Provinces
Peace being thus restored he applied his mind to make Laws a thing almost wholly neglected by former Kings and indeed he Enacted many good and useful ones which now are either wholly unknown or else lie unobserved to the great damage of the Publick In a word he so managed the Government for ten years that if he had not obtained it by Violence he might have been accounted inferior to none of the former Kings But when he had so strengthned himself with the Aid and Favour of the Multitude that he feared no Force to disturb him the Murder of the King as 't is very probable hurried his Mind into dangerous Precipices so that he converted his Government got by Treachery into a Cruel Tyranny He vented the first Shock of his Inhumanity upon Bancho who was his Companion in the Kings Parricide Some ill Men had spread a kind of Prophecie abroad among the Vulgar That hereafter his Posterity should enjoy the Kingdom whereupon fearing lest he being a powerful and active Man and also of the Blood Royal should imitate the Example proposed by himself he courteously invited him and his Son to Supper but in his return he caused him to be slain as if a sudden Fray and Tumult had arisen His Son Fleanchus being not known in the dark escaped the Ambush and being informed by his Friends how his Father was treacherously slain by the King and that his Life was also sought after he fled secretly into Wales Upon that Murder so cruelly and perfidiously committed the Nobles were afraid of themselves insomuch that they all departed to their own homes and came but few of them and those very seldom to Court So that the Kings Cruelty being partly discovered by some and partly vehemently suspected by all mutual Fear and Hatred sprung up betwixt him and the Nobility Whereupon seeing the matter could no longer be concealed he broke forth into open Tyranny and the Rich and Powerful for light frivolous and many times but pretended Causes were put to Death Their Confiscated Goods helped to maintain a Band of Debauchees which he had about him under the name of a Guard And yet he thought that his Life was not sufficiently secured by them neither so that he resolved to build a Castle on the top of the Hill Dunsinnan where there was a large Prospect all over the Country which Work proceeding but slowly on by reason of the difficulty of Carriage of Materials thither he commanded in all the Thanes of the whole Kingdom and so dividing the Task amongst them They themselves were to oversee That the Labourers did their Duty At that time Mackduff was the Thane of Fife a very powerful Man in his Country He being loth to commit his Life unto the Kings hands went not himself but sent thither many Workmen and some of them his intimate Friends to press on the Work The King either out of a desire as was pretended to see how the Building proceeded or else to apprehend Mackduff as he himself feared came to view the Structure and by chance spying a Teem of Mackduff's Oxen not able to draw up their Load against a steep Hill he took thence a willing occasion to vent his Passion against the Thane saying That he knew well enough before his disobedient Temper and therefore was resolved to punish it and to make him an Example he threatened to lay the Yoke upon his own Neck instead of his Oxen. Maecduff hearing of it commended the Care of his Family to his Wife and without any delay fitted up a small Vessel as well as the streights of Time permitted and so passed over into Lothian and from thence into England The King hearing that he intended to fly made haste into Fife with a strong Band of Men to prevent him but he being departed before the King was presently admitted into his Castle where he poured out all his Fury upon the Thane's Wife and Children who were there present His Goods were confiscated He himsel was proclaimed Traitor and a grievous Punishment was threatened to any who dared to converse with or entertain him He exercised also great Cruelty against others if they were either Noble or Rich without distinction For now the Nobility was despised by him and he managed the Government by Domestick Counsels In the mean time Macduff arriving in England found Malcolm there Royally Treated by King Edward For Edward when the Danes Power was broken in England being recalled from Banishment did favour Malcolm who was brought to him by Sibert his Grandfather by the Mother side for many Reasons as either because his Father and Grandfather when Governors of Cumberland had always favoured the Concerns of his Ancestors as much as the Times would permit them to do or else because the Similitude of Events and the remembrance of Dangers did assimilate their Minds for each King had been unjustly banished by Tyrants Or Lastly because the Affliction of Kings doth conciliate and move the Minds even of the greatest strangers to pity and favour them Whereupon the Thane as soon as he had opportunity to speak with Malcolm in a long Discourse declared to him the Necessity of his unhappy Flight the Cruelty of Mackbeth against all ranks of Men with the universal Hatred of the People conceived against him so that he advised him in an accurate Harangue as he was a Son so to endeavour the Recovery of his Fathers Kingdom especially seeing he could not without incurring a great deal of Guilt leave the Murder of his Father to pass unrevenged nor neglect the Miseries of the People which God had committed to his Charge nor finally ought He to shut his Ears against the just Petitions of his Friends Besides he told him That King Edward was so Gracious a Prince That he would not be wanting to him his Friend and Suppliant That the People did also favour Him and hated the Tyrant In fine That Gods Favour would attend the Good against the Impious if he were not wanting to himself But Malc●lm who had often before been persuaded and solicited to return by Messengers secretly sent to him from Mackbeth That he might not be ensnared before he committed so great a Concern to Fortune resolved to try the Faithfulness of Mackduff and therefore he framed his Answer thus I know says he That all what thou hast said is true but I am afraid That you who invite Me to undertake the Regal Government do not throughly know my Disposition for those Vices which have already destroyed many Kings viz. Lust and Avarice do almost Reign even in me too and thô now my private Fortune doth hide and disguise them yet the Liberty of a Kingdom will let loose the Reins thereunto And therefore said he Pray have a care that you invite me not rather to my Ruin than to a Throne When Mackduff had replyed thereto That the Lust and Desire of many Concubines might be prevented by a lawful Marriage and
that Avarice might be also bounded and forborn when the fear of Penury as it must be upon a Throne is removed Malcolm subjoyned That he had rather now make an ingenious Confession to him as his Friend than to be found guilty hereafter to the great damage of them both For my Self to deal plainly with you said he There is no Truth nor Sincerity in me I confide in no Body living but I change my Designs and Counsels upon every blast of Suspition and th●s from the Inconstancy of my own Disposition I use to make a Judgment of other Mens Whereupon Mackduff replyed Avant says he Thou Disgrace and Prodigy of the Royal Name and Stock worthier to be sent into the remotest Desert than to be called to a Throne and in a great Anger he was about to fling away Then Malcolm took him by the hand and declared the Cause of this his Dissimulation to him telling him That he had been so often assaulted by the Wiles of Mackbeth that he did not dare lightly to trust every body But now he saw no Cause to suspect any Fraud in Macduff in respect either of his Lineage his Manners Fame nor Fortune Thus they plighting their Faith one to another consulted concerning the destruction of the Tyrant and advised their Friends of it by secret Messages King Edward assisted him with Ten Thousand Men over whom Malcolm's Grandfather by the Mothers side was made General At the Report of this Armies March there was a great combustion in Scotland and many flock'd in daily to the new King Mackbeth being deserted by almost all his Men in so suddain a Revolt not knowing what better course to take shut up himself in the Castle of Dunsinnan and sent his Friends into the Aebudae and into Ireland with Money to hire Soldiers Malcolm understanding his Design makes up directly towards him the People praying for him all along as he went and with joyful Acclamations wishing him good Success His Soldiers took this as an Omen of Victory and thereupon stuck up green Boughs in their Helmets representing an Army Triumphing rather than going to Fight Mackbeth being terrified at the Confidence of his Enemy immediately fled and his Soldiers forsaken by their Leader surrendred themselves up to Malcolm Some of our Writers do here Record many Fables which are like Milesian Tales and fitter for the Stage than an History and therefore I omit them Mackbeth Reigned Seventeen Years In the first Ten he performed the Duty of a very good King in the last Seven he equalled the Cruelty of the worst of Tyrants Malcolm III. The Eighty Sixth King MALCOLM having thus recovered his Fathers Kingdom was Declared King at Scone the 25 th day of April in the Year of our Redemption 1057. At the entrance of his Reign he convened an Assembly of the Estates at Forsar where the First thing he did was to restore to the Children their Father's Estates who had been put to death by Mackbeth He is thought by some to have been the First that introduced New and Foreign Names as distinguishments of Degrees in Honour which he borrowed from his Neighbor-Nations and are no less Barbarous than the former were Such as are Dukes Marquesses Earls Barons Riders or Knights Mackduff the Thane of Fife was the First who had the Title of Earl conferred upon him and many others afterwards according to their respective Merits were honoured with New Titles Some write That at that time Noblemen began to be Sirnamed by their Lands which I think is false for that Custom is not yet received amongst the Ancient Scots and besides then all Scotland used their Ancient Rights and Customs but instead of a Sirname after the manner of the Greeks they added their Fathers Name to their own or else adjoyned a Word taken from some Event or from some Mark of Body or Mind and that this Custom did then obtain amongst the Gauls is plain by those Royal Sirnames of Crassus Calvus Balbus and also by the Sirnames of many Noble Families in England especially such as followed William the Conqueror and fixed their Habitations there For the Custom of taking Sirnames from Lands was received but lately amongst the other Gauls as appears by Frossard's History no mean Author Mackduff had Three Requests granted to him as a Reward for his Services One That his Posterity should place the King who was to be Crowned in the Chair of State Another That they should lead the Van of the Kings Armies And a Third That if any of his Family were Guilty of the unpremeditated slaughter of a Nobleman he should pay Four and Twenty Marks of Silver as a Fine if of a Plebeian Twelve Marks Which last Law was observed till the days of our Fathers as long as any of that Family were in being Whilst these things were acted at Forfar They who remained of the Faction of Mackbeth carryed his Son Luthlac to Scone who was Sirnamed Fatuus from his Disposition and there he was Saluted King Malcolm assaulted him in the Valley Bogian where he was slain three Months after he had Usurped the Name of King yet out of respect to his Kingly Race His and his Fathers Bodies were buried in the Royal Sepulchres in Ionia Afterwards he Reigned four years in Peace Then word was brought him that a great Troop of Robbers were Nested in Cockburn-Forest and that they infested Lothian and Merch to the great damage of the Husbandman Patric Dunbar with some Trouble overcame them losing Forty of his own Men in the Onset and killing 600 of Them Forty more of them were taken Prisoners and hanged Patric for this Exploit was made Earl of Merch. The Kingdom was now so settled that no open Force could hurt the King yet he was assaulted by Private Conspiracies The whole Plot was discovered to him whereupon he sent for the Head of the Faction and after much familiar Discourse he led him aside into a secret Valley commanding his Followers to stay behind There he upbraided him with the former Benefits bestowed on him and declared to him the Plot he had contrived against his Life adding further if Thou hast Courage enough why dost thou not now set upon me seeing we are both Armed that so thou mayst obtain thy desire by Valour not by Treachery He being amazed at this sudden Discovery fell down on his Knees and asked Pardon of the King who being a Merciful as well as Valiant Prince easily forgave him Matthew Paris makes mention of this Passage In the mean time Edgar to whom next to Edward the Crown of England belonged being driven by contrary Winds came into Scotland with his whole Family What I am to speak concerning this Person that it may be the better understood I shall fetch things a little higher Edmond King of England being slain by the Treachery of his Subjects Canutus the Dane who Reigned over Part of the Island presently seized upon
the Whole At first he Nobly treated Edward and Edmond the Sons of the Deceased Edmond when they were brought to him Afterwards being edged on by wicked Ambition he desirous to confirm the Kingdom to his Posterity by their Destruction sent them away privately to Valgar Governour of Swedland to be Murdered there Valgar understanding their Noble stock and considering also their Age and Innocence withal taking Compassion of their Condition and Fortune sent them to Hungary to King Salomon pretending to Canutus That he had put them death There they were Royally Educated and so much grateful Towardliness appeared in Edward that Salomon culled him out of all the Young Nobles to give him his Daughter Agatha to Wife By her he had Edgar Margaret and Christian. In the mean time Canutus dying Hardicanute succeeded him When he was slain Edward was recalled from Normandy whither he was before Banished together with his Brother Alured Earl Godwyn a powerful man of English Blood but who had Married the Daughter of Canutus was sent to fetch them home He being desirous to transfer the Kingdom into his own Family caused Alured to be Poysoned as for Edward he was preserved rather by Gods Providence than by any human Counsel and Reigned most devoutly in England But wanting Children his Chief care was to recal his Kinsman out of Hungary to undertake the Government alleging That when Edgar returned he would willingly surrender up All to him but His Modesty out-did the Kings Piety for he refused to accept of the Kingdom as long as he was alive At length upon Edwards death Harald Godwyns Son invaded the Throne yet he dealt kindly with Agatha the Hungarian and her Children But he being also overthrown by William the Norman Edgar to avoid Williams Cruelty resolved with his Mother and Sisters to return into Hungary but by a Tempest he was driven into Scotland There he was Courteously entertained by Malcolm who made him his Kinsman also by the Marriage of his Sister Margaret William then Reigning in England upon every light Occasion was very cruel against the Nobles either of English or Danish Extraction But understanding what was a doing in Scotland and fearing a Tempest might arise from thence he sent an Herald to demand Edgar denouncing War against Scotland unless he were surrendred up Malcolm looked upon it as a cruel and faithless Thing to deliver up his Suppliants Guest and Kinsman and one against whom his very Enemies could object no Crime to his Capital Enemy to be put to Death and therefore resolved to suffer any thing rather than so to do And thereupon he not only detained and harboured Edgar but also gave Admission to his Friends who in great Numbers were Banished from their own homes and gave them Lands to live upon whose Posteritys were there Propagated into many Rich and Opulent Families Upon this Occasion there followed a War betwixt the Scots and English wherein Sibert King of Northumberland favouring Edgar joyned his Forces with the Scots The Norman being puff'd up with the good Success of his Affairs made light of the Scotish War and thinking to end it in a short time he sent one Roger a Nobleman of his own Country with Forces into Northumberland But he being overcome and put to flight was at last Slain by his own Men. Then Richard Earl of Glocester was sent with a greater Army but he could do but little good neither for Patrick Dunbar wearied him out with light Skirmishes so that his Men could not straggle for to get in Prey at last William's Brother and Bishop of Bayon being made Earl of Kent came down with a much greater strength he made great spoil in Northumberland and slew some who thought to stop him from plundering but as he was returning with a great Booty Malcolm and Sibert set upon him slew and took many of his Army and recovered the Prey When his Army was recruited William's Son was sent down thither but he made no great Earnings of it neither only he pitched his Camp at the River Tine and he rather kept off than made or inferred the War In the mean time he repaired Newcastle which was almost decayed by reason of its Antiquity William being thus wearied with a War more tedious than profitable his Courage being somewhat cooled applied himself to thoughts of Peace which was made on these Conditions That in Stanmore i. e. a Stony Heath a Name imposed on it for that very Cause lying between Richmond-shire and Cumberland the Bounds of both Kingdoms should be fixed and in the Boundary a Cross of Stone should be Erected which should contain the Statues and Arms of the Kings of Both Sides That Cross as long as it stood was called Kings Cross That Malcolm should enjoy Cumberland upon the same Terms as his Ancestors had held it Edgar was also received into William's Favour and endowed with large Revenues and that he might prevent all occasion of suspition of his innovating things he never departed from the Court Voldiosus also the Son of Sibert was to have his Fathers Estate restored to him and besides he was admitted into Affinity with the King by Marrying a Neice of his born of his Daughter Intestine Tumults did succeed this External Peace for the Men of Galway and of the Aebudae did Ravage and commit Murders over all their Neighbouring Parts and the Murray-Men with those of Ross Caithness and their Allies made a Conspiracy and assuming their Neighbour Islanders to their Aid gave an Omen of a greater War Walter the Nephew of Bancho by his Son Fleanchus who was before received into Favour with the King was sent against the Galway-Men and Macduff against the other Rebels whilst the King himself was gathering greater Forces Walter slew the Head of that Faction and so quell'd the common Souldiers that the King at his Return made him Lord Steward of all Scotland for his Good Service This Magistrate was to gather in all the Kings Revenues also he had a Jurisdiction such as the Sheriffs of Counties have and he is the same with That which our Ancestors called a Thane But now a days the English Speech getting the better of our Country Language the Thanes of Counties are in many places called Stewards and he which was anciently called Abthane is now the Lord High Steward of Scotland Yet in some few places the Name of Thane doth yet remain From this Walter the Family of the Steuarts who have so long Reigned over Scotland took its Beginning But Macduff warring in another Province when he came to the Borders of Marr the Marrians promised him a Sum of Money if he would not enter into their Province and he fearing the Multitude of the Enemy did protract the time in Proposals and Terms of a pretended Peace till the King arrived with greater Forces When they came to the Village Monimuss they joined Camps and the King being troubled at the bruit
of the Enemies Numbers promised to devote the Village whither he was going to St. Andrew the Apostle the Tutelary Saint of Scotland if he returned Victor from that Expedition After a few Removes he came to the River Spey the violentest Current in all Scotland where he beheld a greater number of Soldiers than he thought could have been levied out of those Countries standing on the other side of the River to hinder his Passage Whereupon the Standard Bearer making an Halt and delaying to enter the River he snatch'd the Standard out of his Hand and gave it to one Alexander Carron a Knight of known Valour whose Posterity had ever afterwards the Honour of carrying the Kings Standard in the Wars and in stead of Carron the Name of Scrimger was given him because he being full of true Valour though ignorant of the Modes and Niceties of War had out-done One who was a Master in handling of Arms and who valued himself highly upon that Account As the King was entring the River the Mitred Priests with their Mitres on their Heads prevented him who by his Permission having passed over to the Enemy before had ended the War without Blood The Nobles surrendred themselves upon Quarter for Life Those who were the most Seditious and and the Authors of the Rising were Tryed had their Goods Confiscated and themselves Condemned to perpetual Imprisonment Peace being thus by his great Industry obtained both at home and abroad he converted his pains to amend the publick Manners for he lived Devoutly and Piously himself and provoked others by his Example to a Modest Just and Sober Life It is thought that he was assisted herein by the Counsel and Monitions of his Wife a choice Woman and eminently Pious She omitted no Office of Humanity towards the Poor or the Priests neither did Agatha the Mother or Christiana the Sister come behind the Queen in any Religious Duty For because a Nuns Life was then accounted the great Nourisher and Maintainer of Piety Both of them leaving the toilsome Cares of the World shut themselves up in a Monastery appointed for Virgins Then the King to the Four former Bishopricks of St. Andrews Gasgow Whithorn and Murthlack where the old Discipline by the Bishops Sloth and Default was either remitted or laid quite aside added That of Murray and Caithness procuring Men Pious and Learned according to the rate of those times to fill the Sees And whereas also Luxury began to abound in those days in regard many English came in and great Commerce was had with Foreign Nations and also many English Exiles were entertained and scatt'red almost all over the Kingdom he laboured though to little purpose to restrain it But he had the hardest Task of all with the Nobles whom he endeavoured to reclaim to the Practice of their ancient Parsimony for they having once swallowed the bait of Pleasure did not only grow worse and worse but even ran headlong into Debauchery yea they laboured to cover that foul Vice under the false Name of Neatness Bravery and Gallantry Malcolm forseeing that such courses would be the Ruin not only of Religion but also of Military Discipline did first of all Reform his own Family very exactly afterwards he made most severe Sumptuary Laws denouncing great Punishment against the Violators of them Yet by those Remedies he rather stopp'd than cured the Disease nevertheless as long as he lived he employed all his endeavours to work a thorough Reform therein It is also Reported That his Wife obtained of him That whereas the Nobles had gradually obtained a Priviledge to lye the first Night with any Married Bride by the Law of Eugenius That Custom should be altered and the Husband have Liberty to Redeem it by paying half a Mark of Silver which Payment is yet called Marcheta Mulierum Whilst Malcolm was thus busied in reforming the publick Manners William King of England dies His Son William Rufus succeeded him Peace could not long be continued between two Kings of such ●ifferent Dispositions For the King of Scots chose that Time to Build two Temples or Cathedrals in one at Durham in England the other at Dumferling in Scotland upon Both which Piles he bestowed great Cost so that he endeavoured to retrieve Church-Affairs which then began to flag and decay And withal he translated Turgot Abbat of the Monks at Durham to the Bishoprick of St. Andrews This he did whilst Rufus was plucking down Towns and Monasteries and making Forests that he might have the more room to hunt in And when Anselme the Norman then Arch-Bishop of Canterbury did with freedom rebuke him for the same he Banished him the Land He also sought for an Occasion of War against the Scots And thereupon he surprized the Castle of Alnwick in Northumberland having slain the Garison which was therein Malcolm having demanded Restitution but in vain Besieged the Castle with a great Army They within being reduced to great extremity and want talk'd of surrendring it and desired the King to come and receive the Keys with his own Hand which as he was a doing being tendred to him on the point of a Spear the Soldier run him into the Eye and killed him And his Son Edward also being forward to revenge his Fathers Death and thereupon more negligent of his own safety made an unwary assault upon the Enemy wherein he received a Wound of which he died soon after The Scots being afflicted and troubled at this double Slaughter of Two of their Kings broke up the Siege and returned home Margaret did not long survive her Husband and Son but died of Grief The Bodies of the Kings which at first were buried at Tinmouth a Monastery at the mouth of Tine were afterwards brought back to Dumferling Malcolm held the Kingdom Thirty and three years being noted for no Vice but famous to Posterity for his great and many Virtues he had six Sons by his Wife Margaret of whom Edward was slain by the English in the Siege of Alnwick Castle Edmond and Etheldred were Banished into England by their Uncle Donald where they died The other Three Edgar Atheldred and David succeeded in the Kingdom one after another He also had Two Daughters the Elder Maud Sirnamed the Good Married Henry King of England the younger named Mary had Eustace Earl of Bologn for her Husband Several Prodigies hapned in those days and in particular there was such a mighty and unusual an Inundation of the German Ocean that it did not only drown the Fields and Country and choked them up with Sand but also overthrew Villages Towns and Castles And besides there were great and terrible Thunders and more were killed with Thunderbolts than were ever Recorded to have perished by that Death in Britain before Donaldus VII Sirnamed Banus The Eighty Seventh King UPon the Death of Malcolm Donaldus Banus i. e. The White his Brother who for
fear of Mackbeth had fled into the Aebudae was with great facility declared King for he had promised all the Islands to Magnus King of Norwey if by his Assistance he might enjoy the Kingdom of Scotland And in this his Obtaini●g of the Kingdom those were most assistant to him who did falsely accuse the former King for corrupting the Discipline of his Ancestors and withal who stomached that the Banished English should enjoy the Estates of Scots in Scotland Edgar in such a suddain Mutation of things being afraid and solicitous for his Sisters Children which were yet but young caused them to be transported to him into Engl●nd But this Piety of the Good Man was calumniated by some For Orgarus an Englishman seeking to curry favour with King Rufus accused him that he had secretly boasted That he and his Kindred were Lawful Heirs of the Crown The Accuser was not able to make good his Allegation by any Witnesses and therefore the Matter was adjudged to be decided by a Duel wherein the Accuser was overcome by another Englishman who offered him the Combate instead of Edgar who was now grown old and also sickly All good Men who had a Veneration for the Memory of Malcolm and Margaret hated Donald who by Foreign Aid in Conjunction with those of his own Faction had seized on the Kingdom And he by his Rashness did much increase the Hatred conceived against him and by severe Threats which he uttered amongst his Familiars against the Nobles who would not Swear Allegiance to him And therefore they sent for Duncan a Base-born Son of Malcolm's who had served long with Credit in the Wars under William Rufus to oppose Donald At his coming many revolted from Donald so that he was diffident of his own State and therefore fled into the Aebudae about six months after he had Usurped the Throne Duncan The Eighty Eighth King NEither did Duncan Reign long for he being a Military Man and not so Skilful in the Arts of Peace carried it more Imperiously than a Peaceable and Civil Government required so that he quickly fell into the hatred of the Major part of his Subjects When Donaldus who observed all his motions heard thereof in his Banishment he corrupted Macpendir Earl of Mern and by him caused Duncan to be slain in the night in Monteath a year and six months after he began to Reign As for Donald he governed a troublesom Kingdom for about three years Good Men rather tolerating him for want of a better than approving him The English on the one side and the Islanders on the other in his time much molested Scotland The Envy also against him was heightned in that Magnus King of Norwey had seized on the Western Islands which though he seemed to have done by Force yet all Men smelt out the Cheat in regard Donald did not so much as stir at so great an Affront And at last the publick Indignation waxed hotter against him when the Vulgar understood That it was done by a Secret Paction and Agreement betwixt him and Magnus Edgar The Eighty Ninth King UPon those Disgusts secret Messengers were dispatched to Malcolm's Son That he would come over and be General in order to obtain the Kingdom and as soon as he appeared upon the Borders they promised to flock in to him And they were as good as their Words For Edgar being assisted with a small Force by Rufus at the instance of Edgar his Uncle had scarce entred Scotland before Donald being forsaken of his Men fled away but being pursued and taken was brought back to Edgar who committed him to Prison where he died soon after Edgar having recovered the Kingdom by the General Suffrage of all the Estates First of all he made Peace with William King of England and he dying without Children he renewed it with Henry his Brother He gave him Maud his Sister to Wife Sirnamed the Good from her Virtuous Manners as I said before By her he had William Richard Eufemia and Maud. Edgar Reigned Nine Years and Six Months in great Peace Reverenced and Beloved by Good Men and so formidable to the Bad that in all his Reign there were no Civil Tumults or Seditions nor any fear of a Foreign Enemy One Monument of his Praise was the Monastery of Coldingham Dedicated to St. Ebb the Virgin which he built in the Seventh Year of his Reign though afterwards it was transferred into the Name of Cutbert Alexander I. The Ninetieth King EDGAR dying without Issue his Brother Alexander Sirnamed Acer or the Feirce succeeded him In the very beginning of his Reign some Youngsters that loved to Fish in troubled Waters imagining that he would be a Peaceable or as they interpreted it a Sluggish King as his Brother was Conspired to take away his Life that so they might Rob and Plunder with more Freedom The Matter being discovered to him he pursued the Conspirators unto the furthest part of Ross When they came to the River Spey they thought to stop the Kings Pursuit by reason of the Rapidness of the River and besides the Kings Friends would not suffer him to enter the River because the Tide coming in they judged it unpassable yet he set Spurs to his Horse and was about to pass over The rest lest they might seem to forsake their King in a Danger so great following him But his own Men as I said drew him back so that he sent over Part of his Army under the Command of Alexander Carron the Son of that Alexander I mentioned before whose Miraculous Boldness in passing the River with his Forces struck such a Terrour into the Enemy that they presently betook themselves to their Heels Many were Slain in the Pursuit their Leaders were then taken or else afterwards brought to the King and were all Hanged up This Expedition procured him Peace even to the End of his Life As he was returning through Mern a Poor Woman met him grievously complaining That her Husband had been scourged with a Whip of Thongs by the Earl of Mern's Son because he had sued him for a Debt The King hearing it presently in great Disdain leapt from his Horse and would not stir from the Place till the Offender had received Condign Punishment Then he went to Envergoury or as some write to Edgar's Town some write That the Sirname of Acer was given him for those Exploits but others say it had a more Tragick Original viz. That some Thieves having corrupted one of his Bed-Chamber were privately admitted thereinto whilst he was asleep and their suddain Rushing in awakening him he first slew his Treacherous Servant and afterwards Six of the Thieves Whereupon an Hubbub was raised in the Court and the rest fled but Alexander pursued them so fiercely that most of them were slain Afterwards he turned his Thoughts to the Works of Peace he built Michael's Church in Scone from the very Ground The College of Priests which was
no great matter when God their Creditor called upon them for it That if only Wicked Men were subject to Death then a Man might justly grieve at the Decease of his Kindred but when we see Good Men also Dye all Christians said he ought to be throughly setled in this persuasion That no Evil can happen to the Good either alive or dead and therefore Why should we be so much troubled at a short Separation especially from our Kindred who have not so much left us as they are gone before us to our common Country Whither we also thô we should live never so long must yet at last follow As for my Son if he hath undertaken this Voyage before us that so he might visit and enjoy the Fellowship of my Parents and Brethren those precious Men before-hand if we are troubled at it let us take heed That we seem not rather to envy his Happiness than to Mourn for our own Loss As for you Worthy Lords as I am beholding to you for many Offices of Respect so both I and my Son for I shall undertake also for him are much obliged for your Loves to me and your Grateful and Pious Memory of him This Greatness of Mind in the King as it added much to his own Veneration so it increased the Sense of the loss of his Son in the Minds of all when they considered What a Prince they and their Children were deprived of And David that he might make use of the only way of Consolation which was left him caused his Nephews and his Sons Children to be brought to him and to be trained up in Court-discipline which was then most Pious In Fine he provided for their Security as far as Human Counsel could foresee He commended Malcolm the eldest of the Three to the Care of the whole Nobility and particularly of Mackduff Earl of Fife a very powerful and prudent Man and he caused him to carry him all over the Land that so he might be received as the undoubted Heir of the Kingdom William the next Son he made Earl of Northumberland and sent him presently to take Possession of that Country David the Third Son he made Earl of Huntington in England and of Garioch in Scotland He made the more haste to prefer them because being Sick of a mortal Disease he foresaw his Time could not be long in this World He dyed in the Year of Christ 1553. the Ninth of the Calends of Iune He was so well beloved That all Men thought they had lost rather a Father in him yea the best of Fathers than a King For thô his whole Life was so Devout as no History records the like yet some few Years before his Death he Devoted himself to the Preparation for his later End So that his Deportment then did much increase Mens Veneration for the former part of his Life For thô he equalled former Kings who were most Praise-worthy in the Art of War and excelled them in the Study of Peace Yet now leaving off contending with others for Superiority in Virtue He maintained a Combat with himself alone wherein he advanced so much That if the Highest and most Learned Wits should endeavour to give the Idea or Pattern of a Good King they could never comprehend in their Thoughts such an exemplary Prince as David shewed himself in his whole Life to be He Reigned 29 Years 2 Months and 3 Days Malcolm IV. The Ninety Second King HIS Nephew Malcolm succeeded him who thô yet Under-age gave great hopes of his future Ingenuity For he was so Educated by his Father and Grandfather that he seemed to resemble them asmuch in the Virtues of his Mind as in the Lineaments of his Body In the beginning of his Reign a great Plague raged all over Scotland whereby great Numbers of Men and Cattle also were destroyed At that time one Somerled was Thane of Argyle whose Fortune was above his Family and his Mind above his Fortune He conceiving some hopes to enjoy the Kingdom by reason of the King's Non-age and the present Calamity gathered a Band of his Confidents together and invaded the adjacent Countries Yea the Havock he made was spoken of far and neer and the fear of him spreading itself further many Bad Men coming in to him and some Good good being forced to joyn with him too in a short time he made up a vast Army Upon the report of this Tumult Donald also the Son of Malcolm Macbeth made another Bustle but being taken at Whithorn in Galway and sent to the King he was committed to the same Prison with his Father But soon after the King was reconciled to them and they were both released Gilchrist Earl of Angus was sent with an Army against Somerled who defeated and killed many of his Men and caused him with some few more to fly into Ireland This Victory thus unexpectedly and suddainly obtained produced Tranquillity at home but Envy abroad For Henry King of England an Ambitious Prince and desirous to inlarge his own Dominions resolved with himself to curb the growing Greatness and Power of Malcolm But he could not well make open War upon him out of Conscience of that Pact and Oath which he had sworn to him For when he received the Military Girdle as the Custom is from King Malcolm's Grandfather at Carlisle he promised and took his Oath on it as William of Newberry besides our own Writers say That he would never go about to deprive either David himself or any of his Posterity of any part of those Possessions which David then held in England He being somewhat bound up by this Oath That he might find out some colour for his Calumniations he resolved to try the Kings Patience in a lesser Matter When Iohn Bishop of Glascow was Dedicating Churches Shaving Priests and performing the other Parts of his Episcopal Office as then they were judged to be all over Cumberland Henry by Trustine Archbishop of York sent a new Bishop into that Country called the Bishop of Carlisle Iohn was so moved at the Injury that seeing no sufficient Safeguard neither in the King nor in the Law he left his Bishoprick and retired into the Monastery of Tours in France Whence he returned not untill the Pope at Malcolm his Request drew him unwillingly out of his Cell and made him return to his own Country Malcolm bore the wrong better than some hoped so that not thinking it a sufficient Cause for a War he went to Chester in the Street there to quiet Suspicions and to cut off occasions of Discord Being arrived there by the Fraud of Henry he was Circumvented and made to take an Oath of Fidelity to him whereas it was not the King himself but his Brothers who had Lands in England according to an old Agreement who were to take that Oath But this was Craftily and Maliciously devised by the English King to sow the Seed of Discord amongst Brethren which
he as I said before after his overthrow fled into Ireland and from that time forward exercised Pyracy upon the Coasts of Scotland but now judging that a great Part of the Military Men being slain in Battel he might either get a rich Booty from those who would shun the hazard of Fighting or else an easie Victory from them who would stand to it gathered a great Band of Roysters together and arriving at the Firth or Bay of the River Clyde there made a Descent and Fortune at first favouring his Design he penetrated as far as Renfreu But there whilst he was more intent on Plunder than on the Safety of his Men he was surprized by a far less Number than his own and lost all his Soldiers he himself being saved and brought alive to the King for further Scorn and Punishment though some say That both he and his Son too were slain in the Battel These things were acted about the Year of Christ 1165. The Kingdom being thus quieted from all Tumults an Assembly of all the Estates was Indicted at Scone where many things were Decreed for the Confirmation of the State of the Kingdom and amongst the rest the whole Assembly unanimously made it their Request to the King That he would think of Marriage in regard he was now fit for it as being above Twenty Two years of Age and by that means he might beget Children to succeed him They told him It was a publick Debt due to the Kingdom as well as a private One to his Family and that he ought to mind not only the present time but to have a prospect to the Tranquillity of future Ages too His Answer was That ever since he had been capable to Order and Direct his own Life he had Solemnly Vowed to God to live a Continent and a Batchelor's Life which Vow said he I think was the more acceptable to God both because he gave me the strength to perform it and also because he hath prepared Heirs already to succeed me so that I am not compelled to break my Vow neither by any Weakness of my own Spirit nor by any other publick Necessity Thus dismissing the Parliament having Peace abroad he applied his Mind to the Arts of his Forefathers i. e. Building of Churches and Donations on Monks wherein he would have exceeded his Ancestors if God had given him a longer Life For he died not long after on the Fifth of the Ides of December in the Twenty Fifth Year of his Age and a little more than the Twelfth Year of his Reign and in the Year of our Redemption 1165. William The Ninety Third King HIS Brother William Succeeded him who entred upon the Kingdom Fifteen Days after Malcolm's Death He would Transact no Publick or Private Business of any weight till he had craved of Henry of England the Restitution of Northumberland Henry commanded him to come to London to do him Homage for the Counties of Cumberland and Huntingdon according to custom which he did not unwillingly yet desisted not from pressing to have Northumberland restored Henry gave him an Ambiguous Answer saying That in regard Northumberland was taken away from Malcolm and given to him by the States of the Kingdom he could not part from it without their Consent but he should come to the next Parliament and there expect Iustice to be done William though he expected no Good from the Parliament yet to cut off all occasions of Calumny from his Adversary resolved to wait in England for the Convening and Opening of it and in the mean time he accompanied Henry though against his Will to the War in France There he profited nothing by his daily Solicitations and foreseeing that the King would not speedily return into England with much ado he obtained a Convoy and returned into Scotland After his Return the first thing he did was to repress the Insolencies of Thieves and Robbers by punishing and clearing the Country of the Offenders Then he erected Castles and placed Garisons in convenient Places to prevent suddain Invasions At last he sent Ambassadors into England to demand Northumberland denouncing War in case of Refusal Henry being intangled in the French War yielded up to him that Part of Northumberland which William's great Grandfather held William took It but on this Condition That he would not remit his Right in or Claim to the rest The English King took this very heinously and being sorry he had parted with any of Northumberland before the Controversie was decided he made Incursions into the Scots Borders and thus sowed the Seeds of a new War and by this means he hoped to have taken away also the other Lands which he would have brought into dispute When Right was claimed by the Wardens of the Marches according to Custom the English complained That their Borders were molested by Scotish Robbers so that the Ambassadors were sent away without obtaining the thing they came for yea almost without an Answer The Scots to obtain that by Force which they could not do by fair means levied an Army and entred upon and wasted the bordering Lands of the English with Fire and Sword This being about Harvest the English in the absence of their King were content only to stand upon the Defensive what they could but then levied no Army yet the Winter following some Action passed and many Incursions were made The next Summer William listed a great Army and marched into the Enemies Country the English having few or no Forces ready to withstand them send Ambassadors to their Camp proffering a great Sum of Money for a Truce which if they could obtain they gave Hopes that all things would be accorded to Content William being a plain-Hearted Man and willing to preserve Peace if obtainable upon reasonable Conditions before a War though a just one gave Credit to their Fallacious Promises The English spent all the time of the Cessation in Preparations for War but in the mean time they plied the Scots with Ambassadors who made large Promises though their true Errand was to discover their Enemies Camp and finding the Scots on Confidence of the Truce re-miss and negligent and the greatest Part of their Army scattered to get in Forage they returned and gave their Army notice that now was a fair opportunity for Action which they urged them not to omit whereupon placing the greatest Part of their Army in Ambush about Four Hundred nimble Horsemen in the Third Watch a few hours before Sun-rising marched directly to Alnwick where the Scots Camp was pitcht there finding all things in greater Security than they expected they set upon the King who was riding up and down with Sixty Horse only as if there had been a setled Peace and before they could well be discerned whether they were Friends or Enemies for they disguised themselves with Scots Arms and Ensigns that they might pass for Scots They took him Prisoner in the Nineth Year of
his Reign some few were rouzed up at the hubbub and pursued scatteringly divers of them rushed amongst their Enemies as not being willing to forsake their King and so were made Prisoners also William was carried to Henry then Warring in France The English being elated with this unexpected Success invaded Cumberland thinking to carry it without Blows But Gilchrist and Rolland Two Scot● Commanders did so entertain Them that being repuls'd they made a Truce and were content to enjoy Northumberland only as long as the Scots King was a Prisoner and to leave Cumberland and Huntingtonshire to the free Possession of the Scots In the mean time David the Brother of William Earl of Huntington in England and of Garioch in Scotland who then fought under the English Banners received a Convoy and returned into Scotland where having setled things for the present he sent Embassadors into England about the Redemption of his Brother who was then kept Prisoner at Falise a Town in Normandy The King gave Fifteen Hostages to the English and surrendred up Four Castles viz. the Castle of Roxburgh of Berwick of Edinburgh and of Sterling and then he was permitted to return home in the Calends of February But then he was called upon by the English to appear at York with his Nobles and Bishops on the 18th of the Calends of September Being arrived there he and all his Followers who were the Chief Nobility took an Oath of Obedience to King Henry and gave up the Kingdom of Scotland into his Guardianship and Patronage These Conditions thô very hard yet the Scots were willing to accept of That so they might have the best of Kings restored to them as the English Writers say Thomas Walsingham of England writes That this Surrender was not made at York but at Constance Yet some say That this Interview of Both Kings was not in order to the Surrender of the Kingdom but for the Payment of certain pecuniary Pensions and That the Castles were put into the hands of the English as Cautionaries only till the Money was paid This Opinion seems to me most probable as appears by the League renewed with Richard Henrys Son of which in its due place William at his Return in a few Months by Gilchrist his General quelled the Insurrections made in his absence in Galway On the Fourth of the Calends of February there was an Assembly Indicted at Norham by Tweed Thither William came where the English laboured extreamly That all the Scots Bishops should acknowledge the Bishop of York for their Metropolitan The Popes Legate also concurred with them in their Desire and earnestly pressed That it might be so Enacted After a long Dispute the Scots Answered That at present few of their Countrymen were there and that they could not bind the absent to obey their Decree if they should consent to any Hereupon the matter was deferred to another time and shortly after the Scots Bishops sent Agents to Rome to justify their Cause before Alexander the Third by whose Decree the Bishops of Scotland were freed from the Yoke of the English and so the Messengers returned joyfully home Not long after Gilchrist whom I have often mentioned before slew his Wife who was the King's Sister because she had Committed Adultery Whereupon he was summoned to appear on a certain day but not coming was Banished for ever His Houses were Demolished and his Goods Confiscate About the same time the Castle of Edinburgh was restored to the Scots one of the Pensions having been paid and to make the Concord between Both Kings more firm a Law was made That neither King should harbour the Enemy of each other Upon this Law Gilchrist who lived Banished in England was forced to return and shifting from place to place as a Stranger amongst Strangers and unknown he passed his Miserable Life in great Penury and Want In the interim William prepared for an Expedition into Murray to suppress the Thieves of the Aebudae whose Captain was Donald Bane i.e. the White who derived his Pedigree from the Kings and had also assumed the Name of King He made his Descent from his Ships in many places and spoiled not only the Maritime Parts but his Boldness increasing by reason of Impunity those Places also which were very remote from the Sea The King sent out Ships to sail about and burn his Fleet whilst he with a Land Army attacqued them and so doing he put them almost all to the Sword In his return as he was near Perth he found Three Countrymen which yet seemed to be more than so had not it been for their shabby and uncouth Habit who seemed to avoid meeting any Company but the King caused them to be brought to him and viewing them intently was very earnest to know What manner of Creatures they were Gilchrist being the Elder of them fell down at the King's Feet and making a Miserable Complaint of his Misfortunes tells Who he was upon which the Memory of his former Life which he had passed with so much Splendour did so passionately affect all that were present That they could not chuse but fall a Weeping Whereupon the King commanded him to rise from the Ground and restored him to his Former Dignity and the same Degree of Favour he had before These things fell out about the Year 1190 at which time Richard who the Year before had succeeded Henry his Father in the Realm of England prepared for an Expedition into Syria He restored the Castles to the King of Scots and sent back the Hostages freeing him and his Posterity from all Pacts either extorted by Force or obtained by Fraud made with the English and suffered him to enjoy the Realm of Scotland by the same Right and within the same Limits as Malcolm or any former Kings had held it Mathew Par●s makes mention of These Conditions William on the other side That he might not be ungrateful to Richard upon his going to War into a strange Country gave him 1000 Marks of Silver and commanded David his Brother who was Declared Earl of Huntington to follow him into Syria This David in his Return from thence had his Navy scattered by Tempest was taken prisoner by the Aegyptians redeem'd by the Venetians and at last being known at Constantinople by an English Merchant after Four years time he returned into Scotland and was received with the general Gratulation of all Men especially of his Brother Boetius thinks that the Town where this David was landed in Safety before-named Alectum was now called Deidonum but because the Name of Alectum is found in no Author but only in Hector Boetius I rather think it was called Taodunum a Word compounded of Tay and Dun i. e. Dundee Not long after Richard after many Hazards and Misfortunes returned also from the same Voyage William and his Brother came to congratulate him upon his Return and gave him 2000 Marks
Rebels with their General The same year Alexander with his Wife went for England to allay the Tumults as much as he could raised against Henry and to reconcile him to the Nobility Whilest he was busie about this at York his Wife went with the Queen of England a Pilgrimage to Canterbury but at her return she fell sick died and was buried at London Not long after her Death the King being Childless Married Mary the Daughter of Ingelram Earl of Coucy in France in the year of Christ 1239 by whom he had Alexander who succeeded his Father in the Kingdom Two years after viz. in 1242 whilst the King was hastening to England to visit that King newly returned from France and refreshed himself a while at Hadington in Lothian with Horse-Races the Lodging or Inn of Patrick of Gallway Earl of Athol was set on Fire wherein he and two of his Servants were burnt the Fire speading it self a great way further It was not thought to have casually happened because of the Noted Fewds between Patrick and the Family of the Bizets And though William the Chief of that Family was at Forfar above 60 Miles from Hadington the same night that the Fire happened as the Queen could testify in his behalf yet because the adverse Party being the Kindred of Patrick pleaded That many of his Servants and Tenants were seen at Hadington at that time William was Summoned to appear He came to Edinburgh at the day prefixed but not daring to stand to his Tryal because of the Potency of his Adversaries which were the Cumins's he would have Tryed the matter in a Duel but That being not accepted he and some of his Sept banished themselves into Ireland where he left a Noble Family of his Name and House There was also another Seditious Tumult in Argyle Raised by Sumerled Son of the former Sumerled but he was soon suppressed by Patrick Dunbar and submitting to the Kings Mercy obtained Pardon for all his past Offences The King not long after fell sick and died in the 51 Year of his Age the 35 of his Reign and of our Lord 1249. Alexander the III. The Ninety Fifth King ALexander the Third His Son was Crowned King at Scone the same Year a Child not past Eight years Old The Power of all things was mostly in the Faction of the Cumins's For they turned the Publick Revenue to the Enrichment of themselves oppressed the Poor and by false Accusations cut off some of the Nobles who were averse to their humours and desires and dared to speak freely of the State of the Kingdom and being Condemned their Goods were Confiscated and brought into the Kings Exchequer from whence they who rather Commanded than Obeyed the King received them back again for their Private Emolument A Convention of the Estates being held the chief Matter in agitation was to pacify the King of England lest in such a troublesome time he should make any Attempt upon Them and to do it more easily an Affinity was proposed This Way seemed more commodious to the Anti-Cuminian Party to undermine their Power than openly to oppugn it Whereupon Embassadors were sent to England who were kindly received and munificently rewarded by that King who granted them all their Desires The next Year which was 1251 both Kings met at York the 8th of the Calends of D●cember There on Christmas day this Alexander was made Knight by the King of England and the day after the Match was concluded betwixt him and Margarite Henrys Daughter A Peace was also renewed betwixt them which as long as Henry lived was inviolably observed And because Alexander was yet but a Child and under Age it was Decreed by the advice of his Friends That he should consult his Father-in-Law as a Guardian in all Matters of Weight Some of the Prime men being accused by Virtue of this Decree secretly withdrew themselves When the King returned home Robert Abbat of Dumferling Chancellor of the Kingdom was accused because he had Legitimated the Wife of Alane Durward who was but the Natural or Base-born Daughter of Alexander the Second That so if the King dyed without Issue she might come in as Heiress Upon this Fear the Chancellor as soon as ever he returned home surrendred up the Seal to the Nobles Gam●lin afterwards Bishop of St. Andrews succeeded him in his Office The Three next Years they who were the Kings Council did almost every one of them carry themselves as Kings whatever they catched was their own so that the poor Commonalty was left destitute and miserably oppressed The King of England being made acquainted therewith out of his paternal Affection to his Son in Law came to Werk-Castle scituate on the Borders of Scotland and sent for his Son in Law Alexander and his Nobles thither There by his Advice many advantageous Alterations were made especially of those Magistrates by whose Defaults Insurrections had been made at home And also many profitable Statutes were Enacted for the Future The King returned to Scotland with his Wife and having an English Guard to convey him home he resolved to dwel in the Castle of Edinburgh Walter Cumins Earl of Monteath kept the Castle who was disaffected because of the Change of the Publick State made by the King of England yet he was compelled to surrender it by Patrick Dunbar with the Assistance of the English Forces The greatest Part of the Nobility and of the Ecclesiasticks were offended in regard their Power was somewhat abridged by those New Statutes which they looked upon as a Yoke imposed upon them by the English and a Beginning of their Servitude Yea they proceeded to that height of Contumacy that being Summoned to give a Legal Account of their Management of Affairs in former times they made light of the Summons The same Persons who were the Principal Actors in disturbing things before were now the Chief Incouragers to Disobedience They were generally the Clans of the Cumins's Walter Earl of Monteath Alexander Earl of Buchan Iohn Earl of Athol William Earl of Marr and other Considerable Men of the same Faction They dared not to put their Cause on a Legal Tryal as being conscious to themselves of the many Wrongs done to the Poor and meaner Sort yea to the King himself and therefore they resolved to out-face Justice by their Impudent Audacity For being informed That the King was but lightly Guarded and lived securely at Kinross as in a time of Peace They immediately gathered a Band of their Vassals about them Seized him as he was asleep and carried him to Sterling and as if there were no Force in the Case but they had been rightfully Elected they discharged and expelled his Servants took New and managed all things at their own Will and Pleasure so that now the Terror and Consternation was turned upon the Former Counsellors But this Sedition was allay'd by the Death of Walter Cumins who
Daughters The Eldest Named Margarite Married Alan of Galway a Man very powerful amongst the Scots The Second was matched to Robert Bruce Sirnamed the Noble of High English Descent and of a large Estate The Third was Married to Henry Hastings an Englishman also whose Posterity do deservedly enjoy the Earldom of Huntington at this day But to let him pass because he never put in for the Kingdom I shall confine my Discourse to the Stock Cause and Ancestry of Baliol and Bruce only Whilst William was King of Scotland Fergus Prince of Galway left Two Sons Gilbert and Ethred William to prevent the Seeds of Discord betwixt the Two Brothers divided their Fathers Inheritance equally betwixt them Gilbert the Eldest took this highly amiss and thereupon conceived an Hatred against his Brother as his Rival and against the King too for his unequal Distribution Thereupon when the King was Prisoner in England being then freed from fear of the Law he discovered his long-concealed Hatred against them both As for his Brother he took him unawares pulled out his Eyes cut out his Tongue and so not content with a single Death he put him to grievous and excessive Tortures before he dyed and he himself joyned with the English and preyed upon his Neighbors and Country-men as if they had been in an Enemies Country for he wasted all with Fire and Sword And except Rolland the Son of Ethred had gathered a Band of Countrymen who remained firm to the King together to resist his Attempts he had either wasted the neighbour Countries or drawn them all over to his Party This Rolland was a forward young Man of great Abilities both of Body and Mind he not only abated the Fury of his Uncle but many times fought valiantly and sometimes successfully with the English as he met them whilst he repressed their Plunderings or as he himself spoiled their Lands At last when the King was restored Gilbert by the Mediation of his Friends got a Pardon upon promise of a sum of Money for the Wrongs he had done and giving Pledges to that purpose But Gilbert dying a few days after those who were accustomed to Blood and Prey under him and who had given up themselves into the Protection of the King of England either out of the Inconstancy of their Dispositions or for fear of Punishment being stirr'd on by Gripes from an accusing Conscience for what they had formerly done took up Arms again under the Command of Gilpatrick Henry Kennedy and Samuel who before had been the Assistors and Companions to Gilbert in his Wickedness Rolland was sent with an Army against them and after a great Fight he slew their chief Leaders and a great Part of the common Soldiers They who escaped fled to one Gilcolumb a Captain of the Freebooters and Robbers who had made a great spoil in Lothian and much endamaged the Nobles and Richer sort of whom also he killed some Thence marching into Galway he undertook Gilbert's Cause when all others looked upon it as desperate He not only claimed his Lands as his Own but carried himself as the Lord of all Galway At last Rolland fought with him in the Calends of October about Three Months after Gilbert's Forces were defeated and slew him with the greatest part of his Army with very little loss of his own side amongst the slain there was found his own Brother a stout young Man The English being troubled at the overthrow of these Men who had put themselves under their Protection the Year before march'd with an Army to Carlisle thither also came Rolland being Reconciled to the King of England by the Mediation of William where he refuted the Calumnies of his Enemies and shewed That he had done nothing Maliciously or Causelesly against his own and the Publicks Enemy upon which he was honourably dismissed by the King William also returned home and calling to Mind the Constancy of his Father Ethred and how many Noble Exploits he had performed for the Good of the Publick he gave him all Galway And besides he bestowed Carrick on the Son of Gilbert though his Father had not deserved so well of him William of Newberry the English Writer Records these things as done Anno 1183. Rolland took to Wife the Sister of William Morvill who was Lord High Constable in Scotland who dying without Issue Rolland enjoyed that Office as Hereditary to him and his Family He had a Son called Alan who for his Assistance afforded to Iohn King of England in his Irish War was rewarded by him with large Possessions on which accompt by the permission of William of Scotland he was a Feudatary to the English King and swore Fealty to him This Alan took to Wife Margarite the Eldest Daughter of David Earl of Huntington By her he had Three Daughters the Eldest Dornadilla he Married to Iohn Baliol who was King of Scotland for some years But Robert Bruce Married Isabella Davids Second Daughter he came to be Earl of Carrick upon this Occasion Martha Countess of Carrick being Marriageable and the only Heiress of her Father who died in the Holy War as she was a Hunting cast her Eye on Robert Bruce the Beautifullest Young Man of all her Train whereupon she Courteously invited him and in a manner compelled him into her Castle which was near at Hand Being come thither his Age Beauty Kindred and Manners easily procuring mutual Love they were quickly Married in a private way When the King was informed thereof he was much offended with them Both because the Right of bestowing the Lady in Marriage lay in him yet by the Mediation of Friends he was afterwards Reconciled to them Out of this Marriage Robert Bruce was Born who afterwards was King of Scotland Thus having enlarged my self in this Prologue I come now to the Matter in Hand and to the Competitors of the Kingdom They were Dornadilla the Grand-child of David of Huntingdon by his Eldest Daughter and Robert Bruce Earl of Carrick Grand-son of the said David by his youngest Daughter Dornadilla's Pretensions were grounded on the Custom of the Country whereby he or she that was nearer in Degree had a better Right Robert Bruce insisted on the Sex that in a like degree of Propinquity Males ought to be preferred before Females so that he denied it to be just that as long as a Grand-son was alive a Grand-daughter should inherit her Ancestors Estate And though sometimes the contrary may be practised in the Inheritances of private Men yet the matter is far otherwise in those Estates which are called Feuds and in the Succession of Kingdoms And of this there was urged a late Example in the Controversie concerning the Dutchess of Burgundy which the Earl of Nevers who Married the Grand-child of the last Duke by his Eldest Son Claimed yet the Inheritance was adjudged to the Son of the Duke's younger Brother so that Robert contended That he was nearer in Degree as
the English and accepted by the Scots being now secure of the Kingdom came to Edward who was at New-Castle upon Tine and according to his Promise Swore Fealty to him so did the Nobles also who were of his Train as not daring to contradict Two Kings especially they being so far from home As soon as the rest of the Nobility heard of it they were grievously offended but being conscious of their want of Power they dissembled their Anger for the present But soon after an Occasion was offered them to shew it Mackduff Earl of Fife who in the Time of the Interregnum was One of the six Governors of the Land was slain by the Abernethians which was then a rich and potent Family in Scotland and the Earls Brother being accused by them and brought to his Answer before the Assembly of the States the King gave Sentence in Favour of the Abernethians So that Mackduff was dispossessed of the Land which was in Controversie betwixt them whereupon he conceived a double Displeasure against the King One on the Account of his own Wrong and Another because he had not severely punished the Murderers of his Brother So that he appealed to the King of England and desired that Baliol might answer the Matter before Him Hereupon the Cause was removed to London and as Baliol was casually sitting by Edward in the Parliament House and when he was called would have answered by a Proctor it was denied him so that he was enforced to arise from his Seat and to plead his Cause from a lower Place He bore the Affront silently for the present not daring to do otherwise but as soon as ever he was dispatched from thence such Flames of Anger burnt in his Breast that his Thoughts were wholly taken up how to reconcile his own Subjects and how to offend Edward As he was thus musing it happened commodiously for him That a new Discord arose betwixt the French and English which presently after broke out into a War Whereupon Embassadors were sent to the Assembly of Estates in Scotland from Both Kings The French's Errand was to renew the Old League with their New King And the English was upon the Account of their late Oath to Edward to receive Aid from them in the War he had undertaken Both Embassys were referred to the Council of the Estates where the Nobles prone to Rebellion were of Opinion That the Request of the French was Just of the English Unjust For the League made by universal Consent with the French more than 500 Years before had been kept Sacred and Inviolable to that very Day in regard of the Justness and Utility thereof but this late Subjection and surrendring themselves to the English was extorted from the King against his Will and thô as they proceeded to allege he had been willing yet it did oblige neither King nor Kingdom it being made by the King alone without the Consent of the Estates whereas the King might not act any Thing relating to the Publick state of the Kingdom without much less against the Advice of the States So a Decree was made that Embassadors should be sent into France to renew the Ancient League and that a Wife should be desired for Edward Baliol Son to Iohn out of the Kings Royal stem Another Embassy was also sent into England to signify that the King of Scots did revoke the Reddition of the Kingdom and Himself which he had forceably and unjustly made and renouncing his Friendship both for that Cause and also for the many and innumerable other Wrongs which he had done to Him and His he was resolved to assert his Ancient Liberty No man of any Eminencie would carry this Message to Edward because he was of a fierce Nature and was rendred more so by reason of the Indulgence of Fortune which made him even almost to forget himself At last a certain Monk or as some say the Abbat of Aberbrothoc carried Letters of that Import to him who was grievously affronted for his Pains and had much ado to escape home being protected more by his undervalued Tenuity than the Reverence of his Embassadorship In the mean time Edward had made a Truce with the French for some Months hoping That before they were ended he might subdue the Scots taking them unprovided and therefore he sent his Fleet designed for France against Scotland commanding them to stop all Provisions from being carried into Berwick wherein he heard there was a very strong Garison The Scots fought with this Fleet in the Mouth of the River they destroyed and took 18 of their Ships and put the rest to flight Edward out of Fierceness of Mind by this Loss was highly enraged to Revenge He Summons Baliol once and again to appear And he himself Levies a great Army and comes to New-Castle upon Tine There also he gave forth an Edict for Iohn to appear Legally to purge himself from the Crimes objected against him But neither He nor any for him appearing ar the day appointed he added Policy to Force and sent for Bruce and promises him the Kingdom if he would do his endeavour faithfully to Depose and drive out Baliol. To do which said he you need be at little Labour or Cost only write Letters to your Friends that either they would desert the Kings Party or not be hearty or forward if it came to a Battel He by great Marches came to Berwick but not being able to carry it by reason of the strength of the Garison he pretended to raise his Siege and caused a Rumour to be spread abroad by some Scots of Bruce his Party that he despaired of Taking it and that Baliol was coming with a great Army to raise the Siege and was now near at hand whereupon all the Chief Men of the Garison made haste out to receive him Honourably in promiscuous Multitudes Horse and Foot together so that Edward sent in some Horse amongst them some they trod down and killed others they divided from their Company and seizing on the nearest Gate they entred the Town Edward followed with his Foot and made a miserable Slaughter of all sorts of People Above 7000 of the Scots are reported to have been there slain amongst Them were the Flower of the Lothian and Fife Nobility Though I love not to interrupt the continued Series of my History as having resolved against it at first with any unnecessary Digression yet I cannot forbear to expose that unbridled Liberty of Evil speaking which Richard Grafton who lately compiled the History of England assumes to himself that so they who read what I here write may judge what Credit is to be given to him For he says that Hector Boetius writes in his 14th Book and ad Chapter That so much Blood was split there that Rivers of it running through the City might have driven a Water-Mill for two days To which I say First That Boetius never
those that rashly went before or that loitered after or that in Plundering straggled too far from their Fellows neither did he suffer them to Stray far from their Colours Edward sought by great Promises to bring him over to his Party but his constant ●one was That he had Devoted his Life to his Country to which it was due and if he could do it no other Service yet he would dye in its Defence There were some Castles yet remaining not surrendred to 〈◊〉 English as Vrchart in Murray which was taken by Storm and all the Defendants put to the Sword whereupon the rest surrendred themselves for fear After these Exploits the English King joyned his Son Edward whom he had left at Perth and by the Accession of his Forces he besieged Sterling which after a Months Siege he took the Garison therein being reduced to the want of all things the Conditions were only Life and Liberty And yet William Oliver against the tenor of his Articles of Surrender was detain'd and sent Prisoner into England When all Scotland was reduced an Assembly of the States was Indicted by Edward to be held at St. Andrews where all out of Fear took an Oath of Allegiance to him except Wallis alone and fearing he should be given up by the Nobility who were much disgusted at him to Edward his Mortal Enemy he retired himself into his old Fastnesses and Lurking holes Edward having appointed Governours and Magistrates over all Scotland returned into England but at his departure he shewed an evident Demonstration of his great Hatred against the Scotish Race for he was not content only with the taking with him all those whom he feared would raise new Seditions but he endeavoured as much as he could to abolish the very Memory of the Nation For he repealed their Old Laws and set up the Ecclesiastical State and Ceremonies according to the Manner of England He caused all Histories Leagues and Ancient Monuments either left by the Romans or erected by the Scots to be destroyed He carried all the Books and all that were Teachers of Learning into England He sent also to London an un-polished Marble Stone wherein it was vulgarly Reported and Believed that the Fate of the Kingdom was contained neither did he leave any thing behind him which either upon the account of its Memory might excite Generous Spirits to the Remembrance of their Ancient Fortune and Condition or indeed which could excite them to any True Greatness of Mind so that having broken their Spirits as he thought as well as their Force and cast them into a servile Dejection he promised himself a perpetual Peace from Scotland At his Return he left Ailmer Valentine as his Regent or Vice-King who was to nip all Seditious Attempts if any did break forth in the very Bud. Yet a new War sprang up against him from whence he little thought There were some of the Prime Nobility in Scotland with Edward as Robert Bruce the Son of him who contended with Baliol for the Kingdom and Iohn Cumins Sirnamed Red from the colour of his Face Cousin German to Iohn Baliol the last King of Scotland Edward called them often to him a-part and put them severally in a vain hope of the Kingdom and so he made use of their Assistance in the Conquering of Scotland But at the last they discovered the Mockery and Cheat so that each of them desired nothing more than a fit Occasion to Revenge the Perfidiousness of that King But in regard they were Corrivals their mutual Suspicion kept them back from Communicating their Counsels one to another At last Cumins perceiving that Matters as managed by Edward were distrastful to Bruce he spake to him and taking his Rise from the Beginning of their Miseries deplored much the lamentable Condition of their Country and greatly inveighed against the Fals●ness of Edward withal grievously accusing himself and Bruce too that they had by their Labour and Assistance helped to cast their Country-Men into this Abyss of Misery After this first Discourse they proceeded further and each of them promising Silence they agreed That Bruce should enjoy the Kingdom and Cumins should wave his Right thereto but instead thereof that he should enjoy all those large and fruitful Possessions which Bruce had in Scotland and in a Word that he should be the Second Man in the Kingdom Those Covenants were Writ down Sealed and Sworn betwixt Themselves Hereupon Bruce watching an Opportunity to rise in Arms left his Wife and Children in Scotland and went to the Court in England After his Departure Cumins as 't is reported either repenting himself of his Agreement or else endeavouring fraudulently to remove his Corrival and so obtain an easier Way to the Kingdom betrayed their secret Combination to Edward and in verification thereof he sent him the Covenants signed by them Both. Hereupon Bruce was impleaded as Guilty of High Treason he was forbid to depart the Court and a Privy Guard set over him to inspect his Words and Actions The Kings delay to punish him in a Crime so manifest proceeded from a Desire he had to take his Brethren too before they had heard any bruit of his Execution In the mean time Bruce was informed by the Earl of Mountgomery his Grandfathers old Friend of his sudden Danger who dared not to commit his Advice for his Flight to Writing being discouraged by Bruce his Example but he sent him a pair of Guilt Spurs and some Pieces of Gold as if he had borrowed them of him the day before Robert upon the Receipt of the Gift as Dangers make Men sagacious soon smelt out what his Meaning was so that he sent for a Smith in the Night and commanded him to set on Shoos on Three Horses the backward way that so his Flight might not be traced by the Mark of the Horses Feet and the same Night he and Two other Companions began their Journy and Man and Horse being extreamly tired in Seven days he came to his Castle scituate by L●ch Maban There he joyned David his Brother and Robert Fleming to whom he had scarce declared the Cause of his Flight before he lighted upon a flying Post who was conveighing Letters from Cumins to Edward The Contents were That Robert should speedily be put to Death that there was danger in delay lest a Man so Nobly Descended and so Popular as He adding Boldness to his Wisdom too should raise New Commotions The Perfidiousness of Cumins being thus as well as otherwise plainly detected Robert was inflamed with Anger and rode presently to Dumfreiz where his Adversary Iohn Cumins was in the Franciscans Church whom he confronted with his own Letters which he then shewed him he very impudently denied them to be His but Robert no longer able to bridle his Wrath run him into the Belly with his Dagger and so left him for Dead As he was Mounting his Horse Iames Lindsay and Roger
but with Glory with Arms and other Furniture for War Neither did they only release their own Men who were made Prisoners either in Fight or upon Surrenders but also they raised great Sums by the Redemption of the English they had taken And out of the Spoils many recompensed and made up the Losses they had received in former Times yea and got great Estates too for the future For the English came with all their Precious Things about them not as to a War but as to an assured Victory The King having thus prosperously succeeded in the War spent the following Winter in settling the State of the Kingdom which was much weakened by so long a War and also in bestowing Rewards on the well-deserving The next Spring Berwick was taken from the English after they had enjoyed it 20 Years In the next place he Convened an Assembly of the Estates at Air a Town of Kyle There in a full Assembly by the Suffrages of all the Orders the Kingdom was confirmed to Bruce and afterwards because the King had but one only Daughter left by his former Wife The States remembring what publick Mischiefs had happened by the Dispute which in former times had been managed concerning the Right of Succession made a Decree That if the King left no Issue Male his Brother Edward should succeed him in the Kingdom and his Sons in order after him But if he also should decease without Issue Male then the Crown was to descend to Mary the Daughter of Robert and to her Posterity yet so that the Nobility were to provide her an Husband fit for her Royal Estate and for the Succession in the Kingdom For it was lookt upon as far more just That an Husband should be chosen for the young Lady than that she should chuse an Husband for her self and a King for the whole Land It was also Decreed That in the Minority of the King Thomas Randolfe or if he should miscarry Iames Douglas should be Tutors to the King and Governors of the Kingdom The Fame of Robert's noble Exploits both at home and abroad excited the Irish to send Ambassadors to him To put themselves and their Kingdom under his Protection And if his Domestick Affairs should not suffer him to accept of the Kingdom himself yet that he would permit his Brother Edward to do it that so a Nation allied to him might no longer suffer under the cruel insulting and intolerable Domination and Servitude of the English The Irish wrote also to the Pope to the same purpose and he by his Missives desired the English to forbear wronging and oppressing the Irish but in vain so that Edward Bruce went thither with a great Army and by universal consent was saluted King In the first year of his Arrival he drove the Engl●sh out of all Vlster and reduced it to his Obedience yea he passed over all the rest of the ●sland with his Victorious Army The next year a new Army was sent over from England Robert perceiving that the War would grow hotter levied new Forces and made haste over to his Brother He suffered much in that Expedition by his want of Provision and when he was but about one days March from him he heard That he and all his Men were defeated the Third of the Nones of October The report is That Edward edged on by too much desire of Glory did precipitate the Fight lest his Brother should share with him in the Glory of the Victory The King of England being informed that the Flower of the Militia of Scotland did attend Bruce in a Foreign Country and thinking This a fit opportunity offered him to Revenge the Losses of former times sent a great Army under select Commanders into Scotland Douglas Governor of the Borders fought with them thrice in several places and slew almost all their Commanders and a great part of the Souldiers The English having sped ill with their Land Army came into the Forth with a Naval Force and infested all the Sea Coasts by their Excursions The Earl of Fife sent 500 Horse to restrain the Plunderers but they not daring to encounter so great a Multitude in their Retreat met with William Sinclare Bishop of the Caledonians accompanied with about 60 Horse who perceiving the Cause of their Retreat did most grievously reproach them for their Cowardize and cried out All you that wish well to Scotland follow me and thereupon catching up a Lance they all cheerfully followed him and he made so brisk an Assault on the scattered Plunderers that they fled hastily to their Ships and whilst they all endeavoured to get aboard one Ship overladen with Passengers was sunk and all that were in it drowned This Attempt of Sinclare's was so grateful to the King That ever after he called him His Bishop That Summer when all the English Counties bordering on the Scots lay desolate and unmanured by reason of want of Provision Diseases also abounding amongst all sorts of tame Animals and Cattle as also by frequent Invasions To remedy this Inconvenience Edward came to York but there he was not able to compleat an Army by reason of the Paucity of the Inhabitants so that the Londoners and the Parts adjoining were fain to supply him with Soldiers thô many of them had their Passes and Discharges from all Military Services before At length he made up an Army and marches to besiege Berwick he was scarce arrived there when Thomas Randolfe passed over the River Solway and marched another way into England where he wasted all with Fire and Sword no Man resisting him yea in some Places he could hardly meet with any Man at all For a Plague which Reigned the former year had made such a Devastation that the Face of things seemed very piteous even to their very Enemies When the Scots had marched above 100 Miles and had fired all especially about York the Archbishop thereof more fo● the Indignity of the Thing than the Confidence in his Force took Arms. He gathered together an Army numerous enough but raw and undisciplined consisting of a promiscuous Company of Priests Artificers and Country-Labourers whom he led with more Boldness than Conduct against his Invaders but being overcome by them he lost many of his Men and He with some few saved themselves by Flight There was so great a Slaughter of Priests made there That the English for a long time after called that Battel The White Battel Edward hearing of this Overthrow lest his Conquering Enemy should make further and greater Attempts brake up his Siege and retreats to York the Scots having withdrawn themselves and from thence into the heart of his Kingdom The English were busied with Domestick Tumults so that a short Truce was made rather because both Kings were tired with the War than otherwise any whit desirous of a Pacification In this Calm Robert Indicts a Convention of all the Estates and Nobility And because the
Changes happening in so long a War had confounded the Right of Mens Possessions he commanded every one to produce and shew By what Title he held his Estate This Matter was equally grievous to the Old Possessors as well as the New Valiant Men thought they enjoyed That by a good Right which they had taken from their Enemies and they took it much amiss That what they had got as the Price of their Military Toil yea of their Blood too should be rent from them in Times of Peace As for the old Owners of Estates seeing there was no one House almost but had suffered in the War They had lost their Deeds by which they held their Lands as well as their other Goods Whereupon they all entred upon a Project valiant in appearance but bold and temerarious in the event For when the King in the Parliament commanded them to produce their Titles every one drew his Sword and cried out We carry our Titles in our Right Hands The King being amazed at this sudden and surprising Spectacle though he took the Matter very heinously yet he stifled his Indignation for the present until a fit Time of Revenge And it was not long before an Occasion was offered him to shew it Divers of the Nobles being conscious to themselves of the Audacity of their late Attempt and fearing to be punished for it conspire together to betray the Kingdom to the English The Fact was discovered to the King and that so plainly that the Letters declaring the Manner Time and Place were intercepted and their Crime made evident Whereupon they were all taken and brought to the King without any Tumult at all raised at their Apprehension And because it was much feared That William Souls Governor of Berwick would deliver up both Town and Castle to the English before the Conspiracy was publickly divulged he made a Journy thither as it were by she by A Convention was made at Perth to try the Prisoners where the Letters were produced and every ones Seal known being convicted of High-Treason by their own Confession they were put to Death The Chief were David Brechin and William Lord Souls of the Nobility also Gilbert Mayler Richard Brown and Iohn Logie besides there were many others of all Orders accused but there being only Suspicion against them they were dismissed The Death of David Brechin only did diversly affect Mens minds for besides that he was the Son of the Kings Sister he was accounted the Prime young man of his Age for all Arts both of Peace and War He had given given evident Proofs of his Valour in Syria in the Holy War He being summoned in by the Popular Conspirators never gave his Consent to the Treason only his Crime was That being made acquainted with so foul a Machination he did not Discover it The Body of Roger Mowbray who dyed before Conviction was Condemned to all kind of Ignominy but the King remitted that Punishment and caused it to be buried Some some few Months before this Process was had the Popes Legates who at the request of the English came to compose the Dissensions betwixt the Kingdoms not being able to do any thing therein lest they might seem to have done nothing for the English in their Legation Excommunicated the Scots and forbad them the Use of Publick Divine Service the Popes Thunderbolts being terrible in Those days Bruce to shew how little he valued the Popes Curses in an unjust Cause gathered an Army and invaded England following the Legate at his Departure almost at his very heels There he made a foul havock with Fire and Sword and came as far as the Cross at Stanmore The English not to suffer so great Ignominy to pass unrevenged levied so numerous an Army that they promised themselves an easy Victory even without Blood Robert thought it dangerous to run the Hazard of All in a Battel against the mighty Army of so great a King but rather he resolved to help out the matter with Policy rather than by Force He drave all the Cattle into the Mountains whither Armies could not but with great Difficulty ascend and all other things of use for an Army he caused either to be reposited in Fortify'd Places or to be wholly spoiled The English who came thither in hopes of a speedy Battel and had not Provisions for a long March when they perceived what Devastation was made in their own Country were inflamed with Anger Hatred and Desire of Revenge and resolved to pierce into the middst of Scotland and to ferret the King out of his boroughs yea and force him to a Fight tho' against his Will For the Greatness of his Forces did encourage him to hope that either he should blot out his former Ignominy by an Eminent Victory or else should recompense his Loss lately received by an enlarged Depopulation With this Resolution he came in all hast to Edinburgh he spared Churches only in his March but the further he was to go the more scarcity he was like to find So that in five days time he was forced to retreat At his return he spoiled all things both Sacred and Prophane He burnt the Monasteries of Driburgh and Mulross and killed those old Monks whom either Weakness or Confidence in their Old Age had caused to stay there As soon as Bruce was informed that Edward was returned for want of Provision and that Diseases did rage in his Army so that he had lost more Men than if he had been overcome in Battel he almost trod upon his Heels with an Army noted more for the Goodness than the Number of Soldiers and came as far as York making grievous havock as he went He had almost taken the King Himself by an unexpected Assault at the Monastery of Biland where Edward in a tumultuary Battel was put to Flight all his Household-stuff Money Bag and Baggage being taken To blot out the Ignominy of this Infamous Flight Andrew Berkley Earl of Carlisle was a while after accused as if he had been bribed to betray the English and so he lost his Life in Punishment for the Cowardize of another Man The next Year a double Embassy was sent One to the Pope to reconcile him to the Scots from whom he had been alienated by the Calumnies of the English and Another to renew the Ancient League with the French They Both easily obtained what they desired For when the Pope understood That the Controversy arose by the Injury and Default of Edward the First who affirmed That the King of Scots ought to obey as a Feudatary the King of England and That the English had nothing to defend their Claim by but old Fables and late Injuries and besides That in Prosperity being Summoned by the Pope they always avoided an equal Decision of Things tho in their Adversity they were always humble suiters to him for his Aid and on the other side the Scots always were willing
to have their Cause heard and never shunned the Determination of an Equal Judge nor the Arbitration of any Good men and moreover when they produced many Grants and Summons of Former Popes which made for them and against their Enemies the Scots were always present at the day and the English tho' they had Notice given never came Hereupon the Pope was easily reconciled to the Scots and the French as easily induced to renew the Ancient League only one Article was added to the old Conditions That if any Controversy did hereafter arise amongst the Scots concerning him who was to succeed in the Kingdom the same should be decided by the Council of the States and the French if there were need were to assist Him by his Authority and with his Arms who by Lawful Suffrages was by them declared King Our Writers cast the Rise of the Hamiltons now a powerful Family in Scotland upon these Times There was a certain Nobleman in the Court of England who spake Honourably of the Fortune and Valour of Bruce whereupon one of the Spencers Bed-Chamber Man to the King either thinking That his Speech was Reproachful to the English or else to curry Favour with the looser sort of the Nobility drew forth his Faucheon and making at him gave him a slight wound in the Body The Man being of a great Spirit was more concerned at the Contumely than at the Damage and being hindered by the coming in of many to part the Fray from taking present Revenge the day after finding his Enemy in a sit Posture in the same place he run him thorough And fearing the Punishment of the Law and the great Power of the Spencers at Court he fled presently into Scotland to King Robert by whom he was courteously received and some Lands near the River Clyde were bestowed upon him His Posterity not long after were admitted to the Degree of Noblemen and the Opulent Family of the Hamiltons was Sirnamed from him and also the Name of Hamilton was imposed on the Lands which the King gave him Not long after Edward had great Combustions at home insomuch that he put many of the Nobles to Death and advanced the Spencers the Authors of all Evil Counsel higher than his own Kindred could bear so that he was apprehended by his Son and by his Wife who had received a small Force from beyond the Seas and kept close Prisoner and not long after he was slain by a course sort of Death an hot Iron was thrust into his Fundament through a Pipe of Horn by which his Bowels were burnt up and yet no Sign of so terrible a Fact appeared on the outside of his Body His Wife and Son were thought Privy to the Parricide either because his Keepers would never have dared to commit such a Deed so openly unless they had had Great Authors or else because they were never called in Question for so Immane a Butchery These Disturbances in England which were followed by the Kings Death Bruce also growing old and weak in Body were the Occasions that Peace for some Years did intercede between the Two Neighbour Nations For Bruce being freed from the Fear of the English and being also called upon by his Age converted his Thoughts to settle his Domestick Affairs And first he made hast to confirm the Kingdom which was not yet quite recovered nor fully setled from the Commotions of former Times to his only Son yet but a Child by the Consent and Decree of the Estates And if he died without Issue then he appointed Robert Stuart his Nephew by his Daughter to be his Successor He caused the Nobles to take an Oath for the Performance of this Decree But afterwards fearing That after his Death Baliol would begin his old Dispute about the Kingdom especially seeing his Heirs because of their Minority might be liable to be injured by others he sent Iames Douglas to Iohn Baliol being in France with large Gifts and Promises That he would cease his Claim to the Kingdom This he did not so much to acquire a new Right because according to the Scotish Custom The King is made by the Decree of the Estates who have the Supream Power in their Hands but that he might cut off all Occasion from Wicked Men to Calumniate his Posterity and also that he might Eradicate the very Seeds of Sedition Douglas found Baliol far more placable than he or others thought he would be for he was now surrounded with the Miseries of Extream Old Age. He ingenuously Confessed That his Peccant Exorbitance was justly restrained and that he was deservedly driven out of the Kingdom as unworthy to Reign And therefore he was very willing That his Kinsman Robert should enjoy the Crown by whose high Valour singular Felicity and great Pains-taking 't was Vindicated into its Ancient Splendour In one thing he rejoyced That they by whom he was deceived did not enjoy the Reward of their Perfidiousness When Robert had setled these Matters according to his own desire the same Year which was 1327. our Writers say That Ambassadors were sent into Scotland by Edward the Third for a Pacification in which Matter they seemed to act Treacherously and instead of Peace they carried home War but what the particular Fraud was is not expressed and the English say That the War was openly denounced by Robert but they describe not the Cause of it surely it must needs be some great and mighty One or else a valetudinary old Man when Peace was scarce setled at home and who might have been sated with his former Victories rather than with War would not so soon have been provoked to reassume his Arms. This is certain That the King by reason of his Age could not manage the War himself in Person so that Thomas Randolfe and Iam●s Douglas the Valiantest and Wisest of all that Age were sent by him into England with Twenty Thousand brave nimble Horse but no Foot at all The Reason was That they might fly up and down swiftly and not abide in one place nor be forced to Fight the English unless they themselves pleased For they knew that the English would make Head against them in their first Expedition with a far more numerous Army Neither were they deceived in their Opinions for the King of England besides his Domestick Forces had procured great Assistance of Horse from Belgium but in regard they and the English fell out at York some English Writers say That they returned home again But Frossard a French Writer of the same Age says That they accompanied the English during the whole Expedition and that not only for Honours sake but also for Fear of Sedition they had the next Place to the Kings Regiment always assigned to them in the Camp The King having made a Conjunction of all his Forces which were clearly above Sixty Thousand Men marched against the Scots who had already passed over the Tine Now there were
the Ides of Iuly in the Year of Christ 1329. and of his Reign the Twenty Fourth The Ninth BOOK THE Nobles of Scotland having performed the Funeral Obsequies for the late King assoon as they could conveniently did Indict a Convention of the Estates for the Electing of a Regent where the Inclinations of the Publick easily pitched on Thomas Randolf Earl of Murray for even in the Kings Life Time he had for some Years managed that Office and the King at his Death had also Recommended him to the People by his last Will and Testament David II. The Ninety Eighth King THE Coronation of the King was deferred till the Eighth of the Calends of December the next Year following that so by the Permission of the Pope he might be Anointed and that new Ceremony be performed more Augustly amongst the Scots Assoon as the Regent was chosen he first of all ratified the Peace made with the English afterward he applied his Mind to settle quiet at home and to suppress publick Robberies In order whereto he kept a strong Guard of Armed Men about him which were ready on all Occasions so that when News was brought him as he was going to Wigton which is a Town in Galway that there was a strong Band of Thieves who beset the Highways and robbed Travellers in that Country he sent out his Guard against them even as he was in his Progress who took them every Man whom he caused to be put to Death He was Inexorable against all Murderers so that he caused a certain Man to be apprehended who had obtained the Popes Bull of Pardon for his Offence and thereupon thought himself secure to be apprehended alledging That the Pope might Pardon the Soul-Guilt but the Body-Punishment belonged to the King To prevent Robberies which were yet too frequently committed by reason of the remaining Contagion of the Wars he made a Law That the Country Men should leave their Iron Tools and Plough-Gear in the Field all Night and that they should not shut their Houses nor Stalls If any thing were stollen the Loss was to be repaired by the Sheriff of the County and the Sheriff was to be reimbursed by the King and the King was to be satisfied out of the Estates of the Thieves when they were taken There was one Country Man either over-greedy of Gain or else judging that Caution to be Vain and Frivolous who hid his Plough Iron in the Field and came to the Sheriff to demand Satisfaction as if it had been stollen the Sheriff paid him presently but inquiring further into the Matter and finding that he was the Author of the Theft himself he caused him to be Hanged and his ●oods to be Confiscate He restrained the loose Pack of Drolling Vagabonds and Minstrellers from wandring up and down the Country under most grievous Penalties If any one assaulted a Travellor or any Publick Officer in performing his Office he made it Lawful for any Body to Kill him So that when Thirty Assailants had been slain by the Companions of a certain Publick Minister at a Village called Halydon he pronounced That the Fact was just and Indemnified the Committers of it This Domestick Severi●y made him Formidable to flagitious Persons at home as his Valour did to his Enemies abroad And therefore the English who upon Roberts death watched all Occasions to revenge themselves perceiving That they could attempt nothing by open Force as long as Randolph was living turned their Thoughts to secret Fraud and Stratagem The speediest Way to be rid of their Enemy seemed to be by Poysoning him Neither wanted there a fit Minister to attempt it which was a certain Monk of that Class which are idly brought up and for want of Masters to teach them better they do many times pervert Good Wits to Evil Arts and Practices There were Two Professions joyned in him viz. Monkship and the Profession of Physick the First seemed proper to gain him Admittance the Second rendred him fit to perpetrate the Wickedness Hereupon he comes into Scotland giving out in all Places That as he had Skil in all other Parts of Physick so especially in curing the Stone by which means he obtained an easy Access to the Regent and being employed to cure him he mixed a Slow-working Poyson with his Medicine and then taking a few Days Provision with him he returned again into England as if he had gone only to get and prepare more Drugs and Medicines There he makes a Solemn Asseveration before Edward That Randolf would dye by such a certain day In Hopes whereof Edward levied a great Army and marching to the Borders found there as great an Army of Scots ready to receive him not far from his Camp whereupon he sent a Trumpeter to them upon Pretence to demand Reparation for Damages but he was enjoyned to inquire Who commanded the Scots Forces Randolph his Disease growing on and the Monk not returning at the Day appointed suspected all things for the worse and therefore dissembling his Grief as much as he could he sate in a Chair before his Tent Royally apparelled and gave Answer to the Demands of the Herald of Arms as if he had been a man perfectly Healthy and Sound The Herald at his Return acquainted the King with what he had seen and heard so that the Monk was punished as a Lying Cheat and Edward marched back his Army only leaving a Guard on the Borders to prevent Incursions Randolph also was hindred from marching forward by the Violence of his Disease but returning he disbanded his Army and at Musselborough about Four Miles from Edinburgh departed this Life in the year of our Salvation 1331. and the 13th of the Calends of August having managed the Regency Two years after Robert's death He was a Man no whit Inferiour to any of our Scotish Kings in Valour and Skill in Military Affairs but far Superiour to them in the Arts and Knacks of Peace He left Two Sons behind him Thomas and I●hn Both worthy of so great a Father When Randolf Guardian of the Kingdom for so they then called him was dead Duncan Earl of Marr was chosen in his Place the 4th of the Nones of August The King being then Ten year old on which very Day a sad Message was brought to Court That the day before the Calends of that Month Edward Baliol was seen in the Firth of Forth with a Navy very Numerous To make all things more plain concerning his coming I must go a little back When King Robert died there was one Laurence Twine an English man of the Number of Those who having received Lands in Scotland as a Reward of their Military Service dwelt there He was of a Good Family but of a Wicked Life He conceiving Hope of greater Liberty upon the Death of One King and the Immature Age of Another gave himself up more licentiously to unlawful Pleasures so that
being often found in Adultery and admonished by the Judge of the Ecclesiastical Court yet not desisting he was at last Excommunicated by the Official as they call him of the Bishop of Glasgow Whereupon he as if he had received a grat deal of Wrong way-laid the Judge as he was going to Air and kept him so long a Prisoner until upon the Payment of a Sum of Money he had absolved him Twine being informed That Iames Douglas was extremely angry with him for this Fact and that he sought for him to have him punished for Fear of his Power he fled into France and there he addressed himself to Edward Baliol Son to Iohn who had been King of Scotland some few years informing him of the State of Affairs in Scotland and withal advising him by no means to omit so fair an Opportunity of recovering his Fathers Kingdom For said he Their King was now but a Child and he had many Enemies about him and readier to be Avengers of the hatred towards his Father than his Friends The Fathers of some were slain in a publick Convention at Perth others were banished and lost their Estates others were mulct with the Loss of a great part of of their Lands and besides many of the English race who were deprived of the Lands given them by his Father would be his Companions in the Expedition yea that there were Men enough needy and criminal who either for hope of gain or to avoid the punishment of the Law being desirous of Change and Innovation wanted nothing but a Leader to begin a Disturbance And moreover Iames Douglas being killed in Spain and Randolf by reason of his Sickness being unfit for the Government there was not a Man besides to whose Authority the giddy and disagreeing Multitude would as soon submit as to His. Baliol knew That what he had spoken was for the most part true and hearing also that Edward of England was sending great Forces into Scotland Thereupon the crafty Impostor easily persuaded Him who of himself was desirous of Empire and Glory to get what Ships he could together and so to bear a Part in that Expedition But before the coming of Baliol into England Edward had disbanded his Army Nevertheless ●he exiled Scots and those English who had been dispossessed of their Lands in Scotland flocked in to him and so he made up no inconsiderable Army Some say That he had but 600 men accompanying him in so great an Attempt which seems not very probable I rather think Their Speech is more agreeable to Truth who write That the English assisted him with 6000 Foot And they were all more encouraged in their designed Expedition when they heard That Randolf was dead whilst they were making their Preparations for that mightily erected their Minds as a good Omen of their Future Success With this Navy he came to Kinghorn and there Landed his Naval Forces in the Calends of August The Land Forces were led by David Cumins heretofore Earl of Athol as also by Mowbray and Beaumont and the Forces of the English by Talbot At the News of the arrival of this Fleet Alexander Seaton a Nobleman who happened to be in those Parts at that time strove to oppose them thinking that upon their disorderly Landing some Opportunity of Service might be Offered but in regard few of the Country came in to him he and most of his men were cut off Baliol allowed some Few Days to his Soldiers to refresh themselves after their troublesome Voyage and then marched directly towards Perth and pitched his Tents by the Water-Mills not far from the Water of Earn The Regent was beyond and Patrick Dunbar on this side the River each of them with Great Forces their Camps being five miles distant one from another Baliol thô upon the Coming in of Many to him on the bruit of his good Success he made up an Army of above Ten thousand men yet being between Two Armies of his Enemies and fearing to be crushed in the midst he thought it best to attack them severally and that on a sudden when they least expected any such thing and he resolved to set upon Marr the Regent first because it was likely That he being most remote from his Enemy would be less watchful and so more liable to a surprize He got Andrew Murray of Tullibardin to be hi● Guide who not daring to joyn himself openly with the English in the Night fastned and stuck up a Pole or Stake in the River where it was Fordable to shew Baliol's men the Way over They being covered with the Woods which grew on the other Side the River came near the Enemy before they were aware where they understood That they kept but a thin Watch and slender Guard and passed the Night as in no Expectation of an Enemy at all upon the Account of this their Negligence they marched by their Camp in great Silence thinking to make an Assault on the adverse part thereof where they supposed they should find them more secure But it happened That in that Part where they presumed the greatest negligence was That Thomas Randolf Earl of Murray Robert Bruce Earl of Carrick Murdo Earl of Monteath and Alexander Frazer kept the Guard and Watch. They gathering a lusty Band of their Friends together received the First Charge and Onset of the Enemy very Valiantly upon the Edge of a Ditch which the falling down of the Rain-Water had made In the mean time a great Noise and Tumult was made in the Camp each one hastening to his Arms and running in to the Conflict but rushing in rashly in no Order and without their Colours first they broke the Ranks of their own men who bore the Brunt of the Baliolans and so the Last push'd on the First who falling into the Ditch they also in a ruinous manner foll down upon them There many were slain by the Enemy but more both of Horse and Men pressed to death by their ●all and the most part were so weakened that they had hardly strength enough left either to Fight or Fly There fell of the Scots 3000 many of those that escaped fled to Perth but they being few and generally without Arms or Guides were easily taken by the pursuing English together with the City itself The next Day Dumbar hearing of the overthrow of the other Army and that Perth was taken and being informed also of the Paucity of the English marched directly towards the Town with an intent to Besiege it and destroy the Enemy whilst they were yet in want of all things but the Matter being debated amongst his Chief Commanders each one excused himself and so they departed without effecting any thing Baliol having performed so great Matters in so short a time even beyond his Hope was encouraged to attempt the rest of the Scots either to win them by Favour or to conquer them by Force And there being such a mighty concourse of People
that Feud for he had brought so Many of his Friends and Tenants along with him that he became formidable to all the rest and besides his Disposition which was various and mutable his vast Mind and the Noyse of the coming of the English with whom every one knew that Athol would join increased their Suspicions of him And indeed not long after Edward invaded Scotland with great Forces both by Sea and Land bringing Baliol along with him his Navy consisting of 160 Sail entred the Forth He himself marched by Land as far as Perth spoiling the Country as he went along and there waited for Cumins In the mean time Randolfe went to Iohn who challenged the Aebudae as his Own and not being able to draw him to his Party he was content in so troublesome a posture of Affairs to make a Truce with him for some months and thereafter returning to Robert the other Regent he found him dangerously sick So that it was as bad a time as could be for all the Burden to be cast upon his Own Shoulders and therefore he durst not Fight the English in a set Battel but divided his Force that so he might attack them by Parties And hearing that a strong Army of Gueldrians were coming through England to join the English in Scotland he waited for their coming on the Borders Where also Patrick Earl of Merch and William Douglas of Liddisdale met him together with Alexander Ramsay one of the most experienced Soldiers of that Age All these waited for the said Gueldrians in the Fields near Edinburgh Assoon as ever they came in sight one of another they fell to it immediately and after a sharp Conflict the Gueldrians were overcome and fled to the next Hill where there was an old ruinous Castle The next day having no Provision they surrendred themselves only upon Quarter for Life Randolfe out of respect to Philip Valois who was their singular good Friend as was then said did not only freely release them but accommodated them with Provisions for their March yea he himself undertook to be their Convoy in his march he was taken by an Ambush of the English Party and so brought to the King who was then besieging Perth with a powerful Army At the same time David Cumins who steered all his Counsels according to the Inclinations of Fortune being glad of the Distress of his Enemy comes to the King of England and promises him in a very short time to drive all the Brucians out of the Kingdom and the Truth is he was as active in performing his Promise For Perth being surrendred and the Walls thereof demolished the King prepared to return to England because Provision for his Army came but slowly in in regard That all the Scots upon notice of his coming were advised to drive their Cattle into the Mountains As for their other Provisions they should either convey them to some Fortified Places far remote or if they could not do so they should spoil them altogether Neither did his Fleet on which he most relied for Bread for his Army much relieve him For as soon as it arrived at the Forth and had destroyed a Monastery of Monks in the Isle Inch-colm as it rode at Anchor in the open Sea it was grievously turmoiled and suffered great Losses by a Tempestuous Storm so that part of the Ships could hardly get to Inch-Keith a desolate Island near adjoining Others were carried further by the Winds but as soon as they could recover themselves they imputed the Cause of the Tempest to the Anger of St. Columb because they had avaritiously and cruelly destroyed a Monastery of His and therefore whatever Prey or Plunder they had got they carried it thither as an Expiation for their Offence neither was any memorable Act performed by that Fleet the whole Year Though these Causes did much incline the King of England to return yet that which did most accelerate it was his Propension to the French War which was then most in his thoughts And therefore he marched back his Army and took Baliol with him as if the Scotish War had been almost at an end and left Cumins as Regent to perfect the Remainder thereof He to ingratiate himself to Both Kings and to avenge himself on his Enemy was extraordinary cruel in his Proceedings which Severity of his was the more resented because that lately he himself obtained his Pardon so easily when he was reduced to the lowest Ebb not many Months before There were scarce above Three of all the Scotish Nobility whom neither Promises could entice nor Dangers enforce to submit to the English Yoke and Those were Patrick Earl of Merch Andrew Murray and William Douglas These joined their Forces and march to Kilblane Forest against Cumins who was besieging Kildrummy Castle with him they had a sharp Fight Cumins was more in Number and a Few might easily be snapt by a great Many but the coming in of Iohn Craig Governor of the Castle with 300 Fresh Men decided the Controversy and gave an undisputed Victory to the Brucians All the Valiantest of Cumins his Army were slain either in the Fight or in the Pursuit Many were saved in a Neighbour Castle called Cameron belonging to Robert Meinze But seeing there were not Provisions for so great a Multitude pent up in so narrow a Room the next day it was surrendred and the Defendants upon their Submission confirmed by an Oath Pardoned There fell in this Fight besides the General himself Robert Brady and Walter Cumins Two of his intimate Friends Thomas his Brother being taken Prisoner was the next day put to death Upon this Victory in regard Randolfe was a Prisoner and Stuart was sick the Name and Power of Regent was confirmed on Andrew Murray by Military Suffrage For when Letters came from the King of France concerning a Truce the Nobles of the Brucian Party being forced to receive them did by unanimous Consent restore that former Honour to Murray which his Calamitous Misfortune had deprived him of He after the Truce for a few Months was ended laid Siege to the Castle of Lochindores which was held by the Wife of David Cumins She foreseeing what would happen had craved Aid of the English who shortly after landed some Forces in Murray and raised the Siege They also pierced as far as Elgin a Town situate by the River Lossy wasting all as they went with Fire and Sword As they were marching to Perth they burnt Aberdene and Garison'd the Castles in all Merss Dunoter Kinneff and Laureston They laid a Command on the six adjoining Monasteries to repair the Walls of Perth which were demolished and then committing the Affairs of Scotland to Edward Baliol who was returned thither they went back for England Upon the Departure of the English and the low Condition of the Scots Henry Beaumont thought it a fit Opportunity for him to stir to revenge the Death
the mean time Henry Percy the Younger called Hot-Spur and George Dunbar ceased not to infest the Neighbouring Lands of the Scots with their Incursions Which when they had often and successfully done their Boldness encreased with their Success so that gathering 2000 Men together they entred Lothian and made great havock about Hadington They besieged Hales-Castle but in vain When they came to Linton a Village scituate on the Tine a River of Lothian they were so disturbed at the sudden Coming of Douglas against them that they left their Prey and all their Baggage behind them and ran away in such Fear that they never stopp'd till they came to Berwick This was done about the beginning of February in the Year 1400. The same Year upon the return of the Herald War was denounced against England and then also Archibald Douglas Sirnamed the Austere a man inferiour to none of his Ancestors in all kind of Praise fell sick and died in a very bad time for his Country which had lately lost by sundry misfortunes so many brave Generals before His Son of the same Name succeeded him In the Ides of August the English King with great Forces entered Scotland When he came to Haddington he stayed there three days and then marched to Leith and staying there as many days he laid Siege to the Castle of Edinburgh The Governor led an Army against them but very slowly so that it easily appeared that he did not much care if the Castle of Edinburgh were taken by the English and in it David the Kings Son For by this time his wicked Ambition did begin to shew it self For he undervalued his Brother as an effeminate Person and sought the Destruction of his Children as much as he could that he might enjoy the Kingdom himself So that their Loss he counted his Gain But the King of England and his Army on the contrary did Exercise their Enmity very moderately as if by an Ostentation of War they had only sought for Peace for having made some sleight Onset on the Castle he raised the Siege and returned home without doing any considerable damage to the Places thro' which he marched insomuch that in his Marches both backward and forward he got the Praise and Commendation of a mild clement and moderate Enemy he was courteous to Those that surrendred themselves he offered no violence to consecrated Places yea he rewarded those bountifully who had formerly entertained his Father All which did more ingratiate Him and render the Governor more odious in regard he did not prosecute the War with any Eagerness as against an Enemy nor yet endeavour to make so easy and beneficent a King his Friend After Henry was returned for England George Dunbar did still trouble the Borders rather with frequent than great Inroads To suppress him there was more need of a diligent than numerous Force and therefore Douglas divided the Forces of each County into small Bands and appointed Commanders over them who by turns were to stop the Enemy or if they saw cause to Fight him The First lot sell upon Thomas Halyburton of Birlington who took a great Booty from the Enemy out of the Lands near to Bamburgh But Patrick Hepburne who wandred further abroad with a greater Band of men had not the like Success for trusting too much to the Numbers of his men and not being very wary in his Retreat with his Prey he was cut off by the English and with him all the flower of the Lothian Soldiery Archibald Douglas to revenge the slaughter of his Friend by the consent of the Governor gathered above Ten thousand men together abundance of the Nobles accompanied him in his March and amongst them Murdo the Governors Son when they came to Northumberland at New-Castle upon Tine they passed the River and spoiled the Country with Fire and Sword but there encountring with Henry Percy the Younger and George Dunbar in a pitch'd Battel they were overcome many of the Nobles were slain Douglas was taken Prisoner having lost one of his Eyes so were also Murdo Earl of Fife Thomas Earl of Murray and George Earl of Angus with many other Noble and Illustrious Persons And indeed the strength of Scotland was not so much weakned 〈◊〉 any one Fight for many years before as it was in This. It was fought at Homeldon a Town in Northumberland in the No●es of May and Year of Christ 1401. Percy having obtained so notable a Victory resolved to subject all the Country which lay betwixt Northumberland and the Forth to the English Scepter and he thought it would be a work of no great difficulty so to do in regard most of the Nobility of those Countrys were either slain in the Fight or held Prisoners by him Thereupon beginning with Cocklaw a Castle in Teviotdale the Governor agreed That unless the Castle was relieved by the Scots in forty days he would surrender it up When these Conditions was brought to the King and then to the Governor some were of Opinion that the Castle should be surrendred in regard it was not of That Consequence as for the sake thereof to hazard the strength of the Kingdom a second time which had been so sorely shal●en and weakned in the late Fight This Dejection of spirit proceeded not so much from Fear of the Enemy as from the Perfidiousness of the Governor who gaped for the Kingdom He on the other side to avert all Suspicion from himself in high confident Words affirmed That this Cow-heartedness and Confession of Publick Fear would more encourage the Enemy than the loss of a Battel And if any one thought That the English would be contented with the taking in of One Castle they were very much mistaken for as Fire is more encreased by a light Aspersion of Water so the desire of the English upon Surrender of some Places would not be extinguished but rather inflamed to the Taking of more so that What was given up at First would be but a Step to a further Progress But says he if all of you refuse to march out for the relief of the Castle I my self will go alone for as long as I live and am in health I will never suffer such a Mark of Disgrace to be branded on the Scotish Name Upon this stout Speech of the Governors the rest either extinguishing or dissembling their Suspicion cryed out That they would follow H●m But Fortune decided the Controversy and blew off that danger For Percy was called back to the Civil War in England and so the Siege was raised without Blows Whilst these things were acted abroad against the Enemie matters stood less prosperously at home For shortly after the Death of Archibald Douglas the Year before there immediately followed the Decease of the Queen Annabella and of Walter Trayle Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews insomuch that all mens minds did presage a great Mutation of Affairs For the splendour of
and Faithful Friend as he thought That he did not want Force both of Scots and English who were ready to assist him to recover his Ancient Patrimony provided that he would joyn in his assistance with them This Ralfe was at that time Sheriff of Yorkshire so they there call the Officer which presides in Chief over Juridical Assemblies He enticed Percy to him upon pretence of giving him Aid and then discovered the Conspiracy to the King Thus his Friend was betrayed by him his Head cut off and sent to the King at London There was also at that time a certain Englishman in Scotland who called himself Richard the Second but I judge falsly For when Percy the Elder did often and earnestly desire to speak with him he would not by any persuasion be induced thereunto fearing as may be guessed left his Imposture might be detected by a Man who so well knew his King Yet he was for some Yearss Treated as one of the Blood-Royal and that he might live more securely he feigned himself most averse from any desire of enjoying the Kingdom But at last he was Buried in the Church of the Franciscan-Fryers at Sterlin The Title of the King of England being inserted in his Epitaph ●ot long after Fastcastle a very Strong Castle as the Name intimates in Merch was taken from the English by Patrick Dunbar Son to George and therein Thomas Holden Governor thereof who had infested all the Neighboring Places of Lothian with his continual Thievery And moreover in Teviotdale William Douglas and Gawin Dunbar youngest Son to the Earl of Merch had broken down the Bridge of Roxburgh and burnt the Town but they attempted not the Castle because they were destitute and unprovided of all things necessary for a Siege But the next Year after which was 1411. Donald the Islander Lord of the Aebudae claiming Ross as the next Heir for so indeed he was as unjustly taken away from him by the Governor when he could get no Right he Levied 1000 Islanders and made a Descent on the Continent and so easily seized on Ross the whole Country being willing to return to the Subjection of their own just Master But this Facility of the Rossians in submitting to him gave him whose Mind was greedy of Prey Encouragement to attempt greater Matters For he passed over into Murray and there being no Force to defend it he reduced it to his Obedience and then passed further in his Depredations into Strath-Bogy and did threaten Aberdeen Against this suddain and unexpected Enemy The Governour gathered Forces but in regard the Greatness and Propinquity of the Danger did not admit the expectancy of slow-paced Aid Alexander Earl of Marr the Son of Alexander the Governours Brother and almost all the Nobility beyond the Tay at a Village called Harlaw set themselves and their Men in Battel-array against him The Fight was Cruel and Bloody for the Valour of many Nobles did then contend for Estate and Glory against the Savage Cruelty of the opposite Party At last the Night parted them and it may be rather said That they were Both weary with Fighting than that either Party had the better so that the event of the Fight was so uncertain that when Both sides had reckoned up how many they had lost each counted himself the Conqueror In this Fight there fell so many Eminent and Noble Personages as scarce ever perished in one Battel against a Foreign Enemy for many Years before And therefore the Village which was obscure before grew Famous therefrom even to Posterity This Year also Publick Schools began first to be opened at St. Andrews which was effected rather by the consent of Learned Men who made an overture at the Profession of Science than by the Occasion of any Private or Publick Assistance The next 10 Years there was hardly any Memorable thing acted betwixt the Scots and English either because there was a Truce made which yet Authors are silent in or because Henry the 4 th Dying on the 12 th of the Calends of April and his Son Henry the 5 th presently succeeding him being all the rest of his Life intent on the Affairs of France the English abstained from offering any Injury to the Scots And besides the Governour of Scotland did not dare to stir on his side for fear lest the English should bring back upon them the true Heir of the Crown whom he knew many of the Scots would close with out of the Commiseration of his Misfortunes Therefore what Inroads were made at that time were rather like Robberies than Wars For both Penrith in England was burnt by Archibald Douglas and Dunfrize in Scotland by the English And also there was an Exchange of Prisoners made Murdo the Governours Son taken at Homildon Fight was exchanged for Percy who when his Grandfather's Party was subdued in England was brought into Scotland and left with the Governor But upon the New King 's coming to the Crown he was restored to the Dignity of his Ancestors He though he were not properly a Prisoner by the Law of Arms yet the unjust detention of Iames Son to the King of Scots stopt the mouths of the English that they could not justly complain of any injury in the Case As for Percy himself he was so far from resenting it that as long as he lived he acknowledged the Civility and great Friendship of the Scots to him in all kind of mutual Service Moreover the same Year another Embassy came from the Council of Constance the Head whereof was the Abbat of Pontiniack and another from Peter Lune who had seized on the Papacy and as pertinaciously kept it He by Henry Harding an English Franciscan had wrought over the Governor to his Party but in vain for the whole Body of the Priesthood was against him for they having assented to the Council of Constance had subscribed to the Election of Martin the Fifth In the mean time the King of France by means of a violent Disease fell besides himself and his Distemper was encreased by the Monks who pretended to Cure him By which means France was divided into Two Factions The Head of the One was the Duke of Burgundy who having slain the Kings Brother drew him to the English Party The Head of the Other was the Kings Son who being disinherited by his distracted Father was called by his Enemies in a jeer the King of Berry because he usually kept himself at Burges in Berry a Town of the Bernois He being forsaken by a great part of his own Country Men and destitute also of Foreign Aid in the Year 1419. sent the Earl of Vendosme his Ambassador to the Scots to demand Aid of them according to the League made betwixt the Two Nations The Assembly of the Estates ordered him Seven Thousand Men and indeed at that time in regard the Soldiers were increased by reason of the long
Henry being offended at their Peremptoriness and Constancy having taken the Town of Meaux by Storm hanged up 20 Scots which he found there alleging That they bore Arms against their own King Soon after He and Charles the Sixth King of France died immediately one after another About Two years after the English prevailed in a Battel at Vernevil where there were slain of the Prime Scots the Earl of Buchan and Douglas one Duke of Turein the other Master of the Horse to the French King and also Iames Douglas his Son Alexander Lindsay Robert Stuart and Thomas Swinton and of Common Soldiers above 2000. And about three years after the Auxiliary Scots received another great Overthrow at Beaux when they were carrying Provisions to Orleans They set upon the English in the way in which Fight there were slain of Scots of note William Stuart with his Brother and two eminent Knights of the Family of the Douglas's whose Posterities do yet enjoy two Castles and large Possessions about them in Scotland viz. one of them the Castle of Drumlanerick and the other the Castle of Lough Levin in Fife Thus have I briefly touched at the Actions of the Scots performed in a few years in France as External and Foreign Occurences the farther Explication of them is to be had in the French Annals which though they be not quite alien from the Affairs of Scotland yet I had not stepped out of my way to mention them if the calumny of some English Writers had not compelled me so to do For they endeavour to undervalue and speak evil of what they do not deny if Histories did not mention their Atchievements yet the Munificence of the Kings the Decrees of the Cities and the Honourable Monument at Orleance and Turein do sufficiently declare them What I pray can they here object The Scots say they are too poor to maintain so great a Force in a Foreign Country I answer First That if they be Poor it is the fault of the Soil not of the Men neither would I have taken this for a Reproach if it did not appear by their Writings That the English intended it for Such and therefore I shall only answer them with this That these Poor and Indigent Scots as they call them have got many great and famous Victories over the Opulent and Wealthy English And if they do not believe me herein let them consult their own Histories and if they suspend their Belief of them also let them not require of us to receive them for True in other things But to return to the Affairs of Scotland Murdo being set up as I said but now in the place of his Father he maintained a very loose Discipline in his own House his Children whose Names were Walter Alexander and Iames did despise their Inferiors and consequently oppress them with many Injuries and they infected the Youth with those Vices to which they themselves were addicted and seeing their Father did not curb nor restrain them at last he was punished himself for giving them such bad Education The old Man did highly prize a certain Bird he had of that sort of Hawks which they call Falcons Walter had often begg'd him of his Father and was as often denied so that upon a time he catched it out of his Fathers Hand and wrung off his Neck To whom his Father replied Because thou can'st not find in thy Heart to obey me I will bring in another That both thou and I too shall be forced to obey And from that time forward he bent his Thoughts to restore his Kinsman Iames and there was an Eminent Man of Argile chief of the Country named Calen Cambel whom before Walter had affronted and wronged who approved of his Design herein so that he assembled the Estates at Perth and a Consultation being had concerning the Revocation of their King They all either out of Favour to the true Heir of the Kingdom or out of Weariness of the present posture of Affairs willingly agreed to send an Embassy about his Restitution Some Nobles were chosen Embassadors who coming into England found the English more inclinable to it than they expected For the Duke of Gloucester who in the Kings Minority governed the Affairs of England called the Council together and easily persuaded them That Iames Son to the King of Scotland should be sent back at the desire of his People into his own Country seeing he was not in his present posture of so great Authority amongst them as to be able to recal the Scots Auxiliaries out of France or to draw any Part of the Kingdom to an Alliance with England And besides he thought to make another advantage of him That he would not only be his sure and fast Friend but would always be under the power and influence of England for he had Married Ioan the Earl of Salisbury's Daughter the Beautifullest Woman of her Time which he then was mightily in Love with he persuaded himself that by her means the League with France might be easily undermined and if he were freed either he would be obliged by that Courtesy or else whilst he was busie in revenging the Wrongs his Kindred had done him he would intangle his Country in a grievous intestine War and by this means it would come to pass That either the English would be made stronger by the Accession of such a Friend or if their Scotish Enemies disagreed amongst themselves yet they should be more disingaged and readier for a Foreign War And indeed these were no imprudent Considerations if they themselves by the Narrowness of their Spirits had not marred their own Market For seeing they demanded a greater Sum of Money for his Redemption than the Scots in their present Circumstances either durst promise or were able to pay a Compremize was made That the Dowry of his Wife should be retained as for One half and that the Sons of some Noblemen should be given in Hostage for the payment of the Other Iames being set at Liberty upon these Terms returned home 18 years after he had been a Prisoner in the year of our Lord 1423. Amidst the great Concourse of People which flocked in to see him and to Congratulate his Return he was soon entertained with the Complaint of those who grievously lamented what Wrongs they had sustained since the last Kings Death partly by the Negligence and partly by the Injuries of the late Governors Walter the Son of Murdo Malcolm Fleming and Thomas Boyd were highly accused who to pacifie the Commons for the present were committed to several Prisons until the next Convention of the Estates which was appointed to be the Sixth of the Calends of Iune But Fleming and Boyd upon payment of Damages and some kind of Compensation and also upon laying down a round Sum which they were Fined at into the Kings Exchequer were set at Liberty James I. The Hundred and Second King IN the mean time
and unadvisedly concerning the State and Government of the Realm were made Prisoners Douglas in the Castle of Loch-Levin and Kennedy in the Castle of Sterlin And as a farther Testimony of his Reconciliation to Douglas he made him Godfather as we call him at the Baptizing of his Children which is wont to be accounted a matter of great Honour and a Testimony of intimate Friendship and moreover he made his Son one of the Knights which were created in Testification of the publick Joy on this occasion The other parts of his Kingdom being thus purged and amended he next bent himself to reform the Ecclesiastical State but the Priests could not be corrected by the Civil Magistrate for the Kings of Europe having been long engaged in mutual Wars the Ecclesiast●cal Order had by little and little withdrawn themselves from their Obedience and obeyed only the Pope of Rome and he indulged their Vices partly because he gained thereby and partly because he might make Kings more obnoxious to him by reason of the great power of the Clergy in their Kingdoms Whereupon he resolved to prevent their Tyranny the Best and Onely way he was able for seeing it was not in his power to amend what was past nor to Out unworthy Men of those Preferments which they once enjoyed he thought to provide the best he could for the Future which was to set up publick Schools for Learning and liberally to endow them because these would be Seminaries for all Orders of Men and whatsoever was eminent or noble in any Commonwealth issued out from them as from a Fountain Hereupon he drew Learned Men to him by Rewards yea himself would be sometimes present at their Disputations and when he had any Vacation from Civil Affairs he delighted to hear the Collations of the Learned thereby endeavouring to eradicate the False Opinion which many Nobles had imbibed viz. That Learning drew Men off from Action to Sloth and Idleness and did soften Military Spirits either breaking or at least weakening all their Vigorous Efforts so that the Study of Letters was only fit for Monks who were shut up as in a Prison and good for no other use But alas the Monks as they had degenerated from the Simplicity and Parsimony of their Ancestors so they had turned themselves wholly from the Culture of their Minds to the Care of their Bodies and Learning was as much neglected by the rest of the Priesthood also and especially for this Cause That Benefices were bestowed on the most slothful and worst Persons of Noblemens Families which were unfit for other Employments or else they were intercepted by the Fraud of the Romanists so that a Parsonage was nothing else but a Reward for some piece of Service and that ordinarily none of the Best And besides there was another Mischief which added much to the Corrupting of Ecclesiastical Discipline and That was the Orders of Begging-Friers These Friers at the beginning pretended greater Sanctity of Life and so easily imposed upon the People to hear Them rather than their Parish-Priests who were commonly gross-bodied and dull-witted Yea those Parish-Curates or Priests as they grew Rich did scorn to do their own Work themselves but would hire These Fryars for so they called Themselves for a small yearly Stipend to Preach a Few Sermons in the year to the People In the interim they withdrew into Cities and there chaunted out their idle Songs as it were after a Magical manner not knowing what they said and there was none of them that ever hardly looked towards his own Parish but when Tithes were to be gathered Yea and by degrees they withdrew themselves from this Office of Singing at certain hours in Cathedrals and Churches too which though it were but a light was yet a daily Service and hired poor Shavelings to supply their Places in Singing and Massifying and so by muttering and mumbling out a certain Task and Jargon of Psalms which was appointed every day they made a collusive kind of a Tragedy sometimes contending in alternate Verses and Responses otherwhiles making a Chorus between the Acts which at last closed with the Image or Representation of Christs Death And the Friers their Hirelings on the one side did not dare to offend their Masters on whom their Livelihood depended neither yet on the other could they bear their Insolence conjoined with so much Avarice so that they pitched upon a middle way that they might engage them to make easier Payment of their Pensions they oftentimes bitterly inveighed against their Lust and Avarice before the People who gave ear to their Doctrine and when they had raved enough in their Sermons to keep them in Fear and also to conciliate the minds of the Vulgar they took up and consulted for themselves also in time seeing they were also in Ecclesiastical Orders They told them that whatever Disorders were yet the Order of Priesthood was a Sacred thing and that the Temporal or Civil Magistrate had no Power to punish them they were only responsible to God and to the Pope who had almost equal Power with God and because their Avarice encreasing with their Luxury they thought they should not squeez Gain enough from the People therefore these Friers set up a new kind of Tyranny holding forth in their Sermons the Merit of Works Hence arose Purgatory and the Lustration of Souls which the Pope was pleased to detain there by the Sacrifices forsooth of the Mass by the sprinkling of Holy Water by Alms and Pensions given or offered by Indulgences Pilgrimages and Worshipping of Reliques The Friers being exercised in this kind of Bartering Trade and Chaffer in a little time claimed the Power to themselves both over the Living and the Dead too In this ill Condition Iames the First found Church-Affairs in Scotland and therefore he thought it the most Compendious Way to restore the Old Discipline if Good and Learned Men were admitted to Benefices And to Increase the Emulations of Young Scholars he told the Masters and Governors of Universities and Schools that because he himself was hindred by the Publick Affairs of State so that he could not consider every Students particular Merit they should therefore be very careful to Commend Learned and Virtuous Young Scholars to him that he might gratifie them with Church-Preferments who being thus advanced might not only be Useful to the People by their Doctrine and Example but also might assist the Meaner and Poorer sort of those that were designed for Church-men with their Substance and so far to Relieve their Tenuity that Good Wits might not be compelled for Want to break off their Studies and Course of Learning and betake themselves to Mechanical Sordid or Mercenary Trades and Employments And to the intent that good Men might with more diligence apply themselves to Learning and the Slothful might know that their only Way to Preferment was by Virtue he distinguish't Degrees of Studies that so he might know who
were fit for such or such Promotions Which Course if succeeding Kings had followed certainly we had never fallen into these times wherein the People cannot endure the Vices of the Priests nor the Priests the Remedy of those Vices Neither was the King ignorant that the Church was incumber'd with those great mischiefs under which it then labour'd by reason of the Immoderate Opulency thereof and therefore he did not approve the Prodigality of Former Kings in exhausting their Treasury to inrich Monasteries so that he often said That though David was otherwise the Best of Kings yet his profuse Piety so praised by many was prejudicial to the Kingdom yet notwithstanding He himself as if he had been carry'd away by the Rapid Torrent of Evil Custom could not withhold his hand from building a Monastery for the Carthusians near Perth nor from endowing it with large Revenues One thing in him was very admirable that amidst the greatest Cares for the high Affairs of the Publick he thought the most inferior and private Matters not unworthy of his Diligence provided some benefit came to the Publick by them For whereas Scotland had been exercised with continual Wars after the death of Alexander the Third for almost 150 years wherein her Cities had been so often spoil'd and burnt and her Youth generally made Soldiers so that other Trades were much neglected he invited Tradesmen of all sorts to come out of Flanders proposing great Rewards and Immunities to them by which means he filled his Cities almost empty before in regard the Nobility did usually keep themselves in the Country with this sort of Artificers neither did he only restore the appearance of ancient Populousness to the Towns hereby but also ingag'd a great number of Idlers to fall to honest Labour and hereby it came to pass that what was with small cost made at home need not with far greater be fetch 't from abroad Yet whiles he was thus strengthning all the weak parts of his Kingdom by proper Remedies he ran into the great dislike and offence of his Subjects especially for Two Reasons The one seem'd light in appearance yet ' was That which is the beginning of almost all Calamity to a People For when Peace was universally setled Idleness Luxury and Lust to the destruction first of ones self then of others followed thereupon Hence arose sumptuous Feastings Drinking Caresses by day and night personated Masks Delight in strange Apparel Stateliness of Houses not for necessary Use but to please the Eye A corruption of Manners falsely called Neatness and in all things a general neglect of the Country Customs so that nothing forsooth was accounted handsom or comely enough but that which was New-fangled and Strange The Commonalty did willingly cast off the fault of these things from themselves and laid it on the English Courtiers who followed the King and yet they did not inveigh against such wanton and pleasurable Courses more bitterly in their Words than they studiously practis'd them in their Lives But the King obviated this Mischief as much as he could both by good Laws and also by his own good Example for he kept himself in his Apparel and Frugality within the rate of the Richer sort of private Men and if he saw any thing of Immoderation in any part of a Man's Life he shew'd by his Countenance and sometimes by his Words that 't was displeasing to him By this means the course of increasing Luxury was somewhat restrain'd rather than the new Intemperance extinguisht and the old Parsimony reduc'd His other Fault was bruited abroad by his Enemies and afterwards broke forth into a Publick Mischief Robert the King's Uncle and Murdo his Cosin-German who had the Regency of the Kingdom for many Years seeing they themselves aspir'd to the Throne and yet knew not how to remove Iames out of the way they did what was next to it i. e. Engage the Affections of Men so to them that the better sort might have no extraordinary miss of a King nor any ardent Desires after him so that they us'd such great Moderation in the management of Affairs that their Government seem'd to many not only tolerable but very desireable if M●rdo's Son had carried it with a semblable Popularity and Moderation For they so engaged the Nobles to them by their Liberality and Munificence that some injoyed the Lands belonging to the King by Connivence To others they gave them and in favour of some particular Men they Cancell'd Proceedings and Judgments in Law and restor'd some who had been banish'd and amongst them one Eminent and Potent Person George Dunbar Earl of Merch who during his Exile had done much mischief to his Country and by this means they hop'd so to ingage the Nobility that they would never so much as think of calling home the King and then if Iames Dy'd without Issue the Kingdom would come to them without any Competitor but if he should chance to return from his Banishment yet their Faction would be so powerful that if the King bore them a Grudge yet they were able to defend themselves by force against him but when the King did actually return the old Favour and Respect born to the Uncle seem'd to be quite extinguish'd by the new Injury and Flagitiousness of Murdo so that it plainly appear'd that nothing was more popular than Iustice. And therefore the People were not only consenting but also contributed their assistance to the Execution of Murdo the Father and his Two Sons and to the Banishment of of a 3d. So that the King's Revenue was Augmented by the Confiscation of their Estates and also by the Access●on of the Estates of Iohn Earl of Buchan who Dyed Childless in France and of Alexder Earl of Merch who was also Childless and a Bastard who Dy'd at home concerning whom I shall speak a few Words by way of Digression This Alexander was the Son of Alexander Son to King Robert In his Youth by the ill Advice of some bad Men he turn'd to be a Commander amongst Th●eves but when he came to ●an's Estate he was so Reform'd that he seem'd plainly to be quite another Man so that his Vices gradually decreasing by the benefit of wholsom Counsel he so manag'd things both at home and abroad that he left a Memory behind him precious to Posterity For at home he quell'd the Insurrectio● of the Islanders at Harlaw making great Slaughter of them And so he extinguisht a dangerous War in the very Rise and Bud and thô he had great Wealth well gotten and had bought 〈◊〉 stately S●●ts insomuch that he much exceeded his Neighbour● yet he addicted not himself to Idleness or Pleasure but went with ● good Party of his Country-men into Flanders where he follow'● Charles D. of Burgundy against the Luick-landers in which War he got both Estate and Honour and besides he Married richly in Holland and Island of the Batavians but the Hollanders not being able
the English Writers especially Edward Hall and he that pilfers from him Grafton inveigh mightily against Iames as Ungrateful Perfidious and forgetful of Ancient Courtesys who being Nobly entertain'd among the English for so many Years honoured with a Royal Match and large Dowry and besides restor'd to Liberty from a long Imprisonment suffer'd all these Obligations to be post-pon'd and preferr'd the Alliance with France before That with England But the thing it self doth easily refute their Slanders For First their Detaining of him when he landed on their Coast being against their League and also the Law of Nations 't was a Wrong not a Courtesy Next as to their not killing him but putting him to a ransom for Money rather than imbrue their hands in the Blood not of an Enemy but of a Guest That was attributable not so much to their Love or Mercy toward Him as to their Covetous and avaritious Minds and grant there were any Courtesy in it yet what was it other but like that of Thieves who would seem to give the Life which they took not away and if he were ingag'd to the English on that account 't was a private not publick debt As for their bestowing Education upon him who was Innocent by reason of his Age a Suppliant by his Fortune and a King by Descent tho' most unrighteously detain'd it bears indeed some shew of Humanity which if they had neglected they might have been justly blamed and indeed it had been a commendable piece of Kindness if the Injury going before and the Covetousness following after had not marr'd it unless you will say that if you purposely wound a Man you may require him to give you thanks for his Cure and so you imagin a light Compensation for a great Loss is to be esteem'd as a Courtesy or because you have done some Part of your duty that therefore you should expect the Reward in full of a benefit bestowed on another For he that takes Care that his Captive should be Educated in Learning either for his own pleasure or that he may yield him a better Price thô some advantage accrue hereby to the Party educated yet the Master doth not aim at the Good of the Slave in his Institution but at his Own But says he the King honoured him with the Marriage of his Kinswoman and thus the Royal Young Man was as Royally b●st●wed But what if that Affinity were as honourable to the Father as the Son in Law He would else have Marry'd her to a private Man but now he made her a Queen and ingrafted her by Marriage into that Family on which the Famousest of the English Kings had often before bestowed their Children and from whom so many Former Kings had descended But he gave a very large Dowry with her To whom I pray was it given but to the English themselves who took it away before it was paid and made a shew of it in Words to the Husband but indeed kept it for their own use so that the Dowry was only spoken of not given and so spoken of That they would have the Young Man whom they also had otherwise grievously wrong'd much indebted to them that he carried his Wife away with him without a Dowry But they sent him home a Freeman say they Yes as a Pyrate doth Discharge his Captive when his Ransom is paid But how free I pray Even if we may believe the English Writers themselves under the inforc'd Obligation of an Oath always to obey the English King as his Lord and so to bring a Kingdom which he did yet injoy into a perpetual Servitude which if he had actually injoyed he could not alienate and yet he must mancipate it forsooth before he received it This is not to set one free but to turn him loose with a longer Chain and that not as a King but as a Steward only or Vicegerent of another man's Kingdom I forbear to urge that they compell'd a man in Captivity and as yet under the Power of another to make a Promise yea a promise of That which he could not perform neither could he compel those to perform it who had Power so to do This is that high piece of Liberality which they say Iames was unmindful of But let us suffer these unskilful Writers and forgetful of all Moderation and Modesty in their Stories to account Profits receiv'd as Courtesys given How great must we think That Liberty of falsifying or else Desire of evil Speaking to be which they use against the Daughter of the aforesaid King For whereas such men otherwise impudent enough had nothing to allege against her Manners they write that she was unacceptable to her Husband because of her stinking Breath Whereas Monstrelet a Contemporary Writer of those days doth affirm that she was very faithful and beautiful and he who wrote the Pluscartin Book who accompanied that Queen both at Sea and at her Death hath left it on Record that as long as she lived she was very dear to her Father and Mother in Law and to her Husband too as appeared by the Inscription and Epitaph in French Verses at Chalons by the River Matrona where she dyed which sound much to her Praise 't was then published and afterwards turned into the Scotish Lingue which some of our Country men have by them to this day But I will leave these Men who do so calumniate other mens Credits and neglect their Own that they care little what they say of others or what others think of them and return to the Matter When the King having been at Charge to rig out his Navy had try'd to exact a Tax from the People and the greatest Part plainly refused to pay a Penny a Few paid a small matter and that grudgingly too he commanded his Collectors to desist from levying the rest and to restore what they had already received And yet he did not hereby shun the clamours of the People for some malevolent Persons who were angry for some private loss did daily incite seditious Persons and Innovators against him At the same time the English began to prey upon Scotland both by Land and Sea under the Command of Percy Earl of Northumberland William Douglas Earl of Angus was sent to encounter him with near an Equal number of men for they were about 4000. on either side of the Scots there fell Alexander Iohnston of Lothian a Noble Person and of known Valour some Write that 200. others that only 40 were slain of both Armies and about 1500 English taken Prisoners Iames having been twice provoked by the English First by their Fleet which lay in wait to intercept his Daughter and Next by the late spoiling of his Country resolves to proclaim open War against them whereupon he listed as great an Army as he could and made a fierce assault on Roxburgh and in a short time he expected the Surrender thereof when behold the Queen came posting to him in as
flagrant Desires after him Insomuch that the Nobles as soon as they heard he was Murder'd came in of their own accord from their respective Countries and before a Tryal was appointed they voluntarily sent out into all Parts to apprehend the Murderers and bring them to Justice very many of them were taken The Principal of them were put to new and exquisite kinds of Death The rest were hang'd The Chief Heads in perpetrating the Wickedness were reckon'd to be Walter Earl of Athole Robert his Nephew by his Son and their Kinsman Robert Graham the Punishment of Walter because he was the Chief Author and Instigator of the who●e Plot was divided into Three Days Suffering In the 1st he was put on a Cart wherein a Stork-like Swipe or Engine was erected and by Ropes let through Pullies was hoisted up on high and then the Ropes being suddainly loos'd he was let down again almost to the Ground with grievous pains by reason of the Luxation of the Joints of his Body Then he was set on a Pillory that all might see him and a Red-hot-Iron-Crown set on his Head with this Inscription that he should be called King of all Traitors They say the cause of this punishment was that Walter had been sometimes told by some Female Witches as Athole was always noted to have such That he should be Crown'd King in a mighty Concourse of People for by this means that Prophecy was either fulfill'd or eluded as indeed such kind of Predictions do commonly meet with no other Events The Day after he was bound upon a Hurdle and drawn at an Horse-Tail thro' the greatest Street in Edinburgh The 3d Day he was laid along upon a Plank in a conspicuous Place and his Bowels were cut out whilst he was alive cast into the Fire and burnt before his Face afterwards his Heart was pulled out and cast into the same Fire then his Head was cut off and expos'd to the view of all being set upon a Poll in the highest Place of the City His Body was divided into Four Quarters and sent to be hang'd up in the most noted Places of the best Cities of the Kingdom After him his Nephew was brought forth to suffer but because of his Age they would not put him to so much pain and besides he was not the Author but only an Accomplice in another Man 's wicked Design as having Obey'd his Grandfather therein so that he was only Hang'd and Quarter'd But Robert Graham who did the Deed with his own Hand was carried in a Cart thro' the City and his Right Hand was nail'd to a Gallows which was set up in the Cart and then came Executioners which did continually run Red-hot-Iron Spikes into his Thighs Shoulders and those Parts of his Body which were most remote from the Vitals and then he was Quarter'd as the former After this manner was the Death of Iames vindicated 't is true 't was a cruel one but 't was reveng'd by Punishments so Cruel that they seem'd to exceed the very bounds of Humanity for such extreme kinds of Punishment do not so much restrain the Minds of the Vulgar by the fear of Severity as they do make them wild to do or suffer any thing neither do they so much deter wicked Men from committing Offences by their Acerbity as they lessen their Terror by often beholding them especially if the Spirits of the Criminals be so hardened that they flinch not at their Punishment For among the unskilful Vulgar a stubborn Confidence is sometimes prais'd for a firm and stable Constancy Iames departed this Life on the Beginning of the Year 1437. the 12 th day of February when he had Reign'd 13 Years and in the 44 th year of his Age So great diligence was us'd in revenging his Death that within 40 Days all the Conspirators were taken and put to Death He left one Son the younger of the Twins halfe of whose Face was Red as if it had been Blood-shotten The Eleventh BOOK James II. The Hundred and Third King AFTER the Punishment of the Parricides Iames the only Son of the Deceased King as yet scarce arriv'd at the Seventh Year of his Age entred upon the Kingdom the Sixth of the Calends of April in the Abby of Holy-Rood-House at Edinburgh The King being as yet not fit for Government there was a dispute among the Nobles who should be Elected Vice King or Regent Archibald Earl of Douglas did exceed all the Scots at that time in Wealth and Power but Alexander Levingstone and William Creighton Both of them of worthy Families did bear away the Bell in point of Authority and Opinion of Prudence in the managing of many Affairs under the former King To them therefore the consent of the Nobles did most incline because they had some Suspicion of Douglas's Power which even a King could hardly bear Whereupon Alexander Levingston was made Regent and William Creighton Chancellor which Office he had born under the former King The Nobility was scarce gone from the Assembly but presently Factions arose For the Chancellor kept himself with the King in the Castle of Edinburgh and the Regent with the Queen at Sterlin and Douglas fretting that he was put by in the last Assembly not knowing which Faction he hated most was well pleas'd to see all things in Disorder so that rather by his Connivance than Consent the Men of Annandale who were always accustom'd to Theiveries and Rapin did infest all the Neighbouring Parts and drove Preys out of them as if it had been an Enemies Country When complaint hereof was made to the Governors they sent Letters to Douglas to suppress them knowing that the Annandians were under his Regulation and Power but these not prevailing they wrote others in a sharper Style to put him in Mind of his Duty but he was so far from punishing past Offences that through his neglect by impunity the growing Mischief was increast for he likewise gave forth a Command that none of them should obey the Kings Officers if they Summoned them into the Courts of Justice or perform'd any other Act of Magistracy in regard as he alleged That was a Priviledge granted to him they commonly call it a Regale or Royalty by former Kings and he that should go about to infringe it it should cost him his Life The Regent and the Chancellor did bewail this State of Things but they could not Rectifie it so that this Gangreen spread further and further till it had soon infected all those parts of Scotland which lay within the Forth The other Two Factions did also disagree amongst themselves insomuch that Proclamations were publickly made in Market Towns and Villages by Alexander that no Man should yield Obedience to the Chancellor and by the Chancellor that none should obey Alexander And if a Man addrest himself to either of them to complain of his wrongs at his return he was sure to be Evil intreated by
him or so to disarm him that for the future he might do them no more Mischief though said they his disarming was not very safe in regard such a Beast as he who had been accustomed to Blood and Rapin would never be at quiet so long as the Breath was in his Body This was Alexander's Discourse in Council to whom all did assent so that an Order was made that every one should go home and levy what Force they could to besiege the Castle of Edinburgh from which they were not to depart till they had taken it And that this might be done with greater Facility the Queen promised to send thither a great Quantity of Provision which she had in her Store-houses in Fife but Haste was to be used whiles their Counsels were yet private and the Enemy had no Warning to provide things fit and necessary for a Siege And in the interim they need not fear Douglas who they knew was a mortal Enemy to the Chancellor so that now seeing they had all the Power Treasure enough and withal the Authority of the Kings Name That being now taken from Him he could have no Hope but to fly to their Mercy Thus the Assembly being Dissolved all things were speedily provided for the Expedition and a close Siege laid to the Castle The Chancellor was acquainted well enough with their Designs but he placed the greatest Hope of his Safety and of maintaining his Dignity in Douglas his Concurrence with him Whereupon he sent humble Suppliants to him to acquaint him That he would always be at his Devotion if he would aid him in his present Extremity urging that he was deceiv'd if he thought that their Cruelty would rest in the Destruction of himself alone but that they would make his Overthrow as a step to destroy Douglas too Douglas answer'd his Message with more Freedom than Advantage viz. That both Alexander and William were equally guilty of Perfidiousness and Avarice and that their falling out was not for any point of Virtue or for the good of the Publick but for their own private Advantages Animosities and Feuds and that it was no great matter which of them had the better in the Dispute yea if they fell Both in the Contest the Publick would be a great Gainer thereby and that no good Man would desire to see an happier sight than two such Fencers to hack and hew one another This Answer being noised abroad in Both Armies for the Castle was already besieged was the Occasion That a Peace was sooner clapt up than any one thought it would There was a Truce made for Two days wherein Alexander and William had a Meeting where they discours'd one with another how dangerous it would be both for the Publick and their private Estates too if they should persist in their Hatred even to a Battel seeing Douglas did but watch the event of the Combate that he might come fresh and fall upon the Conqueror and so attract all the Power of the Kingdom to himself when either One of them was slain or Both weakn'd and broken and therefore the H●pes of Both their Safeties were plac'd in their common and mutual Agreement so that the present Dangers easily reconciled those Two who were upon other accounts also otherwise prudent enough William according to Agreement gave up the Keys of the Castle to the King professing that both Himself and ●t were at his Service and that he never entertain'd any other Thought than to be obedient to the Kings Will Hereupon he was received into Favour with the universal Assent of all that were present The King supped that night in the Castle thus surrendred to him and the next day the Government of the Castle was bestowed on William and the Regency on Alexander Thus after a deadly hatred between them it was hoped that for ever after the Foresight of their mutual Advantage and the Fear of their Common Enemy had tied a firm and indissoluble Knot of Friendship betwixt them After these Civil Broils between the Factions were composed besides Robberies and the Murders of some of the common sort which were committed in many places without punishment there were some remaining Feuds which broke out between some Noble Families The year after the Kings Death in the Third of the Calends of October Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock had treacherously slain Alan Stuart of Darnly in a Truce as he met him between Linlithgoe and Falkirk The next year after on the 7th of the Ides of Alan's Brother with his Party fought Thomas where many were slain on both sides their Numbers being almost equal and amongst the rest Thomas himself fell The Death of Archibald Douglas fell out opportunely at this time because in his Life time his Power was formidable to all He died of a Fever the next year after the Death of Iames the First His Son William succeeded him being the Sixth Earl of that Family he was then Fourteen years of Age a young Man of great hopes if his Education had been answerable to his Ingenuity But Flattery which is the perpetual Pest of great Families did corrupt his tender Age which grew a little more insolent by the premature liberty in entring on his Estate for such Men as were accustomed to Idleness and who made a Gain of the Folly and Indiscretion of the Rich did magnifie his Fathers Magnificence Power and almost more than Royal Retinue and by this means they easily persuaded a plain simple Disposition and unarmed against such Temptations to maintain a great Family and to ride abroad with a Train beyond the State of any other Nobleman so that he kept his old Vassals about him in their former Offices by his Respects to them and obtained also new Clans by his profuse Largesses he also made Knights and Senators and so distinguisht the Order and Degrees of his Attendants as to imitate the publick Conventions of the Kingdom in fine he omitted nothing which might equal the Majesty of the King himself Such Carriages were enough to create Suspicions of themselves but good Men were also much troubled for him upon another account that he would often go abroad with 2000 Horse in his Train amongst whom some were notorious Thieves and many of them worthy of Death for the Murders they had committed yet with these he would come to Court and even to the Kings Presence not only to shew his Power but even to strike Terrour to the Hearts of others This his Insolence was further heightned by his sending some Eminent Persons as his Ambassadors into France viz. Malcolm Fleming and Iohn Lauder who were to declare the Merits of his Ancestors from the Crown of France and to desire that the Title of Duke of Tours might be bestow'd upon him which he easily obtained for his Grandfather had that Honour conferr'd upon him by Charles the Seventh for his great Service performed in the Wars and his Father also had
enjoy'd it after him Being lifted up with this Accession of Honour he undervalued the Regent and the Chancellor too being as he alledged his Fathers Enemies neither did he much fear the King himself For these causes the Power of the Douglasses seem'd too excessive yet a further cause of Suspicion was added William Stuart had a large Patrimony in Lorne His Brother Iames after the Kings Death had Marry'd the Queen and had Children by her but disdaining and repining that he was admitted to no part of the publick Government to the end he might more easily obtain what he desired and revenge his concealed Grief he seemed not much averse from Douglas his Faction and it was thought that the Queen was not ignorant of his Design for she also took it amiss that the Regent had not rewarded her Services as she expected By reason of these Suspicions the Queen her Husband and her Husbands Brother were committed to Prison the Fourth of the Nones of August in the year of our Lord .... The Queen was shut up in a Chamber narrow enough of it self yet there she was diligently and watchfully guarded for the rest were laid in Irons in the Common Prison and they were not freed before in an Assembly of the Nobles held the day before the Calends of September the Queen had clear'd her self from being any way privy to these new Plots and Iames and his Brother had given in Sureties that they would act nothing against the Regent neither would they undertake any Office in the Government without his Consent In this Uncertainty of Affairs the Aebudians made a Descent upon the Continent and wasted all with Fire and Sword without distinction of Age or Sex so that their Avarice and Cruelty was not to be parallell'd by any Example Neither were they contented to Prey only upon the Sea-Coast but they also slew Iohn Colchon a Noble Person in Lennox having call'd him out from Inch-Merin in the Loch-Lomond to a Conference and given him their Faith for his Security This was done the 23d of September Many Foul Offences of this Nature were committed so that partly on the account of want of Tillage and partly of Unseasonable Weather Provision came to be very dear and moreover there was a Pestilence for Two years so dreadful and fierce that they who were visited with it died within the space of a day The Vulgar ascribed the cause of all these Calamities to the Regent for Matters succeeding prosperously with him he despised the Chancellor and the Nobles of that Faction and drew the Administration of all things into his own Power Complaints were made against him that he cast Noble and Eminent Persons into Prison upon light and ungrounded Suspicions and afterward most grievously punished them and that he gave Indemnity to those who were really guilty merely by his own Arbitrary Will and Pleasure and that he held Secret Correspondence with Do●glas The Chancellor could not bear these Things in silence neither was he able to prevent them by Force and therefore he supprest his Anger for the present and resolved to depart from the Court. And accordingly upon the First Opportunity he left the King and the Regent at Sterlin and with a great Train of Followers came to Edinburgh and there he fixt himself in that Strong Castle being intent and Vigilant in all Occasions of Change which might evene When this matter was noised abroad it rais'd up Envy on the Regent because of his Power and procur'd favour to the Chancellor because of his Retirement neither did William neglect his opportunity amongst their Feuds for he resolved by some bold Attempt to curb the Insolence of his Adversary and to remove the Undervalue he had set upon him And therefore having understood by his Spys that the King went every day a hunting and was but Slightly guarded watching the Season when Alexander was absent and having made sufficient Enquiry into the Conveniency of the Country the Fitness of the Time and the due Number of the Undertakers he chose out a Place not far from Sterlin where the Faithfullest of his Friends with what Force they could make should meet and wait for his Coming And he with a few Horse lodg'd himself in a Wood near the Castle of Sterlin before day and there waited for the Kings coming neither did Providence deceive him in this bold Attempt The King came forth into the Wood early in the Morning with a smal Train and those unarm'd too and so he fell amongst the arm'd Troops of the Chancellor they saluted him as King according to Custom and bid him to be of good Cheer and take Courage The Chancellor in a few Words as the Time would permit advis'd him to provide for himself and the Kingdom and to deliver himself out of Alexanders Prison that so he might live hereafter at Liberty and as a King and might not accustom himself to fulfil the Lusts and Dictates of Other men but might himself lay those Commands which were just and equal upon Others and so might free all his Subjects from their present Misery which they had been plung'd into by the Ambition and Lust of their Subordinate Governors and that so deeply that there could be no Remedy found for them unless the King himself would undertake the Government and This be might easily do without Peril or Pain for he himself had provided a good Body of Horse near at hand who would attend him to what fit Place soever he would go The King seem'd by his Countenance to approve of what he had said either that he really thought so or else that he dissembled his Fear Whereupon the Chancellor took his Horses Bridle in 's hand and led him to his own Men They which were with him being few and unarm'd not able to Encounter so many Men return'd back in great sadness Thus the King came to Edinburgh guarded with 4000 Horse well accoutred where he was received by the Commonalty with great demonstrations of Joy After the Regent heard of what was done his Mind was confounded betwixt Anger and Shame insomuch that he return'd to Sterlin to consider of what was most advisable in the case His great Spirit was mightily troubled to see himself so Childishly deluded by his own Negligence he suspected it was done by the Fraud and Connivance of his own Followers and thus he stood long wavering whom to trust and whom to fear Shame Anger and Suspicion bustling together in his mind At length he took a little heart and began to think with himself what Remedy to apply to his present Malady He knew that his own Strength was not sufficient against the Chancellor a Man politick in Counsel and strong in Force and besides he had the Favour of the People and the Authority of the Kings Name as Buttresses to support him as for the Queen he had so offended her by her close Imprisonment that she was hardly ever
Indemnify'd for whatsoever he had done against the King and He and His should march safely off Thus in every Dispute he who is most powerful would seem to be most innocent And not long after Creighton was received into the King's Favour and was made Chancellor again by the general Consent of all but he refrain'd the Court and all Publick Business as much as ever his Office would suffer him to do Douglas having thus rather terrified than overthrown Creighton turn'd the rest of his fury upon the Levingstons But before I come to that Part of my History I will touch upon the Slaughter of some of these Noble Persons for 't would be infinite to name the Deaths of all who were put to Death in those Days Iames Stuart a Noble Knight was slain by Alexander Lisle and Robert Boyd at Kirk-Patrick about Two Miles from Dunbarton neither was their Cruelty satisfy'd with his Death but they endeavour'd to get his Wife also who was then great with Child and almost ready to lye down into their Power In order whereto they sent a Priest to her as in great hast to tell her That all the Roads were full of Horse and Foot and that there was no Way for her to escape the present Danger but to go a Shipboard and fly to Robert Boyd at Dunbarton who had solemnly promis'd to return her safe home The credulous Woman who did not know that Robert was present at the perpetration of the Murder being carried from Cardros into the Castle perceiving that She was circumvented by the Fraud of her Enemies being overcome by the Greatness of her Grief Fear and Indignation brought forth an Abortive Birth which with the Mother Dyed a few hours after About the same time Patrick Hepburn Earl of Hales kept the Castle of Dunbar and had with him Ioan the Wife of Iames the I. who in those tumultuous times had fled thither for refuge Archibald Dunbar thinking this to be a just Cause for a Quarrel set upon Hepburn's Castle in the Night kill'd the Garison Soldiers on the First Onset and took it yet in a few Hours for fear he gave it up to the Earl of Douglas upon condition That He and His should march safely off Not long after Queen Ioan Dyed leaving these Children by her later Husband Iohn Earl of Athole Iames Earl of Buchan and Andrew afterwards Bishop of Murray After She was Dead Hepburn deliver'd up the Castle of Dunbar un-Garison'd and empty to the King In Angus Alexander Earl of Craford put Iohn Lyons to death in the Market-place at Dundee because he had been rais'd up to great Wealth and Honour even to a Match in the Royal Family by his Father yet he prov'd ungrateful and forgot the Courtesies he had received Amidst these Discords the Men of Annandale did vex the adjoyning Countries with all sorts of Calamities The Cause of all these Mischiefs was cast upon the Earl of Douglas who yet did all he could to conceal these Facts of his Clans for he openly Studied nothing more than to afflict the Men of different Parties in regard he was grown to that height of Power that 't was a Capital Offence to question any of his Doings He caus'd Iames Stuart the King's Uncle to fly the Land because he spoke something freely concerning the State of the Kingdom but his Ship being taken by the Flemings he liv'd not long after Now he thought it was high time to attempt the Levingstons whereupon he caus'd Alexander the Head of the Family and his Son Iames and also Robert the King's Treasurer and David to be summon'd to an Assembly at Edinburgh and of his Friends Robert Bruce Iames and Robert Dundasses of these Alexander and the Two Dundasses were sent back to prison to Dunbarton the rest were put to Death of what Crime they were guilty meriting so great a Punishment the Historians of those Times do not mention neither will I interpose my own Conjectures in a business so remote from our Memory only I will relate what I have heard That Iames Levingston when he came to the place of Execution complain'd heavily and expresly of the Inconstancy of Fortune That his Father who was Honour'd with a Power next to the Kings did yet freely give up the invidious Title of Regent and went to his own Estate far from Court and out of his Enemies sight whose Cruelty wa● never satiated with his Miseries and therefore he was forc'd to take Arms to preserve his Life which he again laid down at the Kings Command if there were any fault in that he had long ago obtain'd his Pardon and since that time he had liv'd remote and free from all suspicion of any Crime of which this was an evident Token That the Nobility thought them innocent and did solicitously deprecate their Punishments and yet notwithstanding the severe Cruelty of their Enemies prevailed more than the former Demerits and good Offices of their Family or than the Kings Pardon obtain'd or than the interceding Supplications of the Nobility And therefore he intreated all who were there present to look upon those lofty Titles of Empire and Dominion to be nothing else but the Glosing Complements of Fortune who then intended to do most Mischief and that they were rather flowry Embelishments for ones Funeral than Safeguards to a Man's Life especially since Bad men can always do more to destroy the Good than the Consent of the Good can do to save them And having thus spoken to the great grief of all the Spectators he submitted his Neck to the Executioner Amidst these Combustions Creighton was sent into France partly to renew the Ancient League and partly to obtain from thence a Royal Bride Douglas took his Absence very well tho' in an Honourable Employment because tho' he was a prudent and potent person yet out of the Relicks of their former discords he was not over-fond of him In this troublesome state of the Kingdom the same Disease which vext others did also infect the Ecclesiastical Order Iames Cameron Bishop of Glasco had himself committed many acts of Cruelty and Avarice upon the Husbandmen of his Diocess which was very large and he had also given Encouragement to Those who were in power to do the like that so when the Owners were unjustly condemn'd their Estates might be Confiscated to him so that he was believ'd to be the Author or the Favourer of all the Mischiefs which were acted abroad 'T is reported that the Man came to an End worthy of his wicked Life The Day before the Nativity of Christ as he was asleep in a Farm of his own about 7 Miles from Glasco he seem'd to hear a loud Voice calling him to the Tribunal of Christ to plead his Cause That sudden Fright wakened him out of his Sleep he call'd up his Servants to bring a Candle and sit down by him he took a Book in his hand and began to read but presently the
same Voice was heard louder than before which struck all there present into a Great horror Afterwards when it sounded again more terribly and frightfully than before The Bishop gave a great groan put out his Tongue and was found Dead in his Bed This so evident an Example of God's Vengeance as I shall not rashly credit so I have no mind to refute yet it being deliver'd by others and constantly affirmed to be true I thought good not to omit it At the same time Iames Kennedy One of a far different Life and Manners as referring all his Counsels to the Good of the Publick when neither by his Authority nor Counsel he could resist the daily new-springing Evils of his Country and seeing likewise That the Kings Power was not able to oppose the Conspiracies of Wicked men he left all his Estate for a Prey and shifted for himself Neither in these Domestick Miseries were Matters much quieter abroad When the Truce made with the English was expir'd the Scots made an Inrode into England and the English into Scotland and where-ever they went they wasted all with Fire and Sword in England Al●wick was taken and burnt by Iames Brother to the Earl of Douglas In Scotland the Earl of Salisbury did the like to Dunfreiz and the Earl of Northumberland to Dunbar great Booties of Men and Cattel were driven away on Both sides But the Commanders agreed amongst themselves that the Prisoners should be exchang'd for they were in a manner equal both for Number and Degree By these Incursions the Country was depopulated and yet the main chance of the War not concerned so that a Truce was again accorded for 7 Years In this state of Affairs Iames Dunbar Earl of Murray departed this Life he left two Daughters his Heiresses the Eldest of them was Marry'd by her Father before his Death to Iames Creighton The Younger after her Fathers decease marry'd Archibald Brother to the Earl of Douglas He against the Laws and the Custom of his Ancestors was called Earl of Murray so superlative was Douglas's Power then at Court neither was he contented with this Accession of Honour but that he might further propagate the Dignity of his Family he caus'd his Brother George to be made Earl of Ormond his Brother Iohn had many fair and fruitful Farms and Lands bestowed upon him and was also made Baron of Balvany against the mind of many of his Friends who had in Suspicion the Power of that Family too great before that it would be at last formidable even to the King himself yea they imagined that these immoderate Accessions Frolicks of Fortune would not be long-lived But his Enemies did as invidiously as they could inveigh against This unsatiable Ambition for who say they could safely live under the Exorbitant rule of such a Tyrant for whose Avarice nothing was enough and against whose Power there was no Safeguard who right or wrong invaded the Patrimony of the Nobles and expos'd the Countrymen to be a Prey to his Tenants and those who oppos'd his Lust he caus'd them by Thieves and Cut-Throats either to lose all they had or else to be put to death that he advanced Upstar●s to high Honours whom he grafted on the ruin of Noble Families so that all the Power of the Kingdom was now brought into one House besides many Knights and Barons there were five Opulent Earls of the Family insomuch that the King himself did but Reign precariously and men were like to suffer all Extremities under the Cruel Bondage of the Douglas's and he that utter'd the least word tending to Liberty must pay his Life for his Boldness These and other discourses of this kind some true others to create greater Envy stretcht beyond the Lines of Truth were spread abroad amongst the Vulgar which made Those who were of neither Faction to fit loose from the Care of the Publick and every one to mind his own private Concerns The wiser sort of his Enemies were glad to hear that a man of such Power against which there was no making Head should thus voluntarily run headlong to his own Destruction Neither did they presage amiss for his Mind was grown so proud and insolent by reason of his Great Successes that 〈…〉 his Ears against the free Advices of his Friends yea many 〈◊〉 not with any safety dissemble and cover by their silence what they did dislike because he had Parasites which did not only lie at catch for Words but observ'd mens very Countenances As for his old Enemies many of them were hal'd to Judgment before him who was both their Adversary and Judge too so that some of them were outed of their Estates some depriv'd of their Lives and others to avoid his unrighteous and partial Judgment fled out of their Country The men also of Douglas's Faction lived in no Fear at all of the Law for no man durst implead them but letting the Reins loose to all Licentiousness they invaded and made havock of things Sacred as well as Profane Those which were obnoxious to them they slew and kill'd out of the way neither was there any End of their Wickedness sometimes when they had no sufficient Cause to do a man a Mischief they then did it unprovok'd and gratuitously as it were lest thro' disuse of offending any honest and tender Thoughts should arise in their Minds so as to allay their Brutish Cruelty Every one thought himself the noblest and bravest Fellow that could cast the greatest Contumely on the Commons When such great Miseries were diffus'd into so many Parts of the Kingdom Scotland had certainly sunk under the Burden unless England at the same time had been as much embarassed with civil Combustions which at last being somewhat allay'd the English violated their Truce and invaded Scotland When they had runover a great Circuit of Ground and pillaged many Villages They drove away a Vast Number of Cattle and return'd home neither was it long before the Scots cry'd quits with them for they also entred England with a good Force and did the Enemy more Damage than they receiv'd Thus the Minds of Both were irritated by these alternate Plunderings so that a mighty Desolation was made in the Territories of either Kingdom but the greatest share of the Calamity fell upon C●mberland which had been the Rise of the Injury and Wrong for that Province was so harassed by the War that it was almost quite destroy'd When this war related at London it occasion'd the English to levy a far greater Army against the Scots for thereby they thought easily to reduce the Country into their Power they being poor and also weakned by Civil Discords Hereupon an Army was rais'd of the Better sort of People and the Earl of Northumberland made their General in regard he knew the Country well and besides his Name and Power was great in those Parts To him they joyn'd one Main of a Knightly Family but who had
in all their Clubs But when the Month was expired their Minds were a little calmer and the Truce ended there was another Convention where the Queen alleged This for her self in Justification of her Cause That seeing she had not entred upon the Government the Year before by Force or against the minds of the Nobility but was chosen to that Dignity by th●ir Unanimous Consent she had but used her own Right and therefore she took it amiss to be degraded and no Crime at all imputed as to her Mal-Administration If said she as it is usual Degrees of Affinity be regarded in Pupillages there is none nearer than a Mother if the Safety of the King were Ey'd none could be more Faithful for if the King should die other men may have their various and distinct Hopes but she could hope for or expect nothing but Orbity Solitariness and Tears And if they had respect to the Good of the Publick she was a stranger and concerned in no Interest of Feuds or Friendships and That was especially to be eyed in such who sate at the Helm of Government That so their own Lives might not only be free from actual Vice but also that they might have as few Temptations and Incitements as may be to those Lusts which do disturb and hurry the Mind and pervert righteous Judgment Some had Assistance of Parents Kinsmen Allies by whose aid they might hope for an Excuse for their Offences or at least an easier Pardon Yea sometimes the Rulers were compelled to square and accommodate their Actions to such mens Wills and Humours As for Her self her Hope of Defence was in Innocency alone She had but one Son to eye and both their Benefits and Advantages were combined and twisted together And unless she had respect to these Things she would choose much rather to live a quiet and happy Life in Retirement with the good Liking of all than to u●dergo the Enmity of Evil men by punishing all their Crimes yea and sometimes to incur the Displeasure of the Good too Neither was it a New Thing for a Woman to desire the Regency of another's Kingdom sithence not only in Britain but even in the Greatest and most Puissant Kingdoms of the Continent Women have had the Supreme Power and their Reigns have been Such that their Subjects never repented of their Government When she had thus spoken Many assented to her Some to prepossess a Place in in her future Grace and Favour Others in Hopes that the Fruits of another's Envy would redound to their advantage Yea there were some who had an evil jealousy That if the Election should be made out of All they themselves might be passed by as less fit and therefore they rather desired that the Queen should be preferred over them all than that Others of the same Order with themselves or even of a Superiour one should be preferred before Them Nowithstanding the more uncorrupted Part of the Nobility did both by their Countenance and Speeches highly disgust the Queens Oration but that which did most Vehemently affect the whole Assembly was the Authority and the Speech of Iames Kennedy who as 't is reported spake in this manner IT is my chief Desire Noble Peers That they whose aims are at the Good of all in general might freely declare their minds without offence to any one particular Person But in our present Circumstances when things spoke for publick Advantage are distorted to the Reproach of those private persons who speak them it is a very difficult thing to observe such a Mean between disagreeing heats and different opinions as not to incur the offence of one of the Parties As for me I will so temper and moderate my Discourse That no man shall complain of me without first confessing his own Guilt Yet I shall use the Liberty of Speech received from our Ancestors so modestly that as on the One side I desire to prejudice no man so on the Other neither for Fear nor Favour will I pretermit any thing which is of use in the Debate before us I see That there are Two Opinions which do retard and impede our Concord The One is of Those who judge That in a matter relating to the Good of All an Election out of All is to be made and as we all meet to give our Suffrages in a business concerning the safety of the whole Kingdom so it is equal and fit that no man should be Excluded from the Hopes of that Honour who seeks after it by Honest and Virtuous Ways The Other is of such who count it a great Injury done to the Queen who is so noble a Princess and so choice a Woman if she be not preferred before all others in the Tutelage of her Son and the Administration of the Government of the Kingdom Of these Two Opinions I like the Former best and I will shew you my Reasons for it by and by In the mean time I so far approve the design of the Later That they think it below the Queen's Grandeur That any Single Person should Vye with her for this point of Honour lest her Authority which ought to be as it indeed is accounted Venerable should be lessned by coping with Inferiours And indeed I would be quickly of their mind if the Dispute lay here about the Honour of One and not the Safety of All. But seeing that this day we are to make a Determination about That which concerns the Lives Fortunes of all private men and the Safety of the whole Kingdom too it is fit that all Single Interests and Concerns should stoop and truckle under That And therefore I earnestly advise Those that are of this Opinion so to consult the Dignity of the Queen That in the interim they forget not the Reverence they owe to the Laws to the old Customs and to the Universal Good of their Country if they can shew by any Statute That it is Lawful and Publickly expedient That the Guardianship of the King and the Regency of the Kingdom ought to be in the Queens Hands I will pass over into their Opinion But if their Orations be pernicious to the Publick I hope the Queen first and next all Good men will pardon me if always saving the Majesty of the Queen as Sacred so far as by Law and the Custom of our Ancestors I may I do not conceal my Opinion or rather if I speak out That with Freedom which it were the greatest Impiety in me to conceal To begin then with the Laws There is a Law made 500 year ago by King Kenneth a Prince no less eminent for his Wisdom and Prudence than for his military Performances and it was assented and yielded to by All the Orders of the Kingdom and approved of even to this very day by the Constant Observance of so many Ages That when the King was in his Minority the Estates or Parliament of the Kingdom should Assemble and choose some one Man eminent for
Triumphed over And so She herself and her Kingdom which was enlarged and increased by her Husband Odenatus was lost in a moment Neither may I pass over in silence what is principally to be regarded in the management of other Mens Affairs That the Chief Command is not to be intrusted to such sort of Persons who are not accountable for their Mal-Administration I do not at all distrust the Disposition Faithfulness nor Care of the Queen but if any thing be acted amiss as it often happens by the Fraud of others and Matters be carried otherwise than the Publick Good or the Dignity of Her Place doth Require What Mulct can we exact from the Kings Mother What Punishment can we require Who shall give an account for Miscarriages The Highest Matters will then be managed in the Meetings of Women in the Nursery or Dressing Room You must There either each Man in particular subscribe to Decrees or All in General Make them and She whom you scarce now restrain tho' She be without Arms and obnoxious to you by Laws and Customs when you have by your Authority put Power into Her hands you will certainly feel Her Womanish Wilfulness and Extravagance Neither do I speak this as if I did fear any such thing from our Queen who is the Choicest and Modestest of all Women but because I think it base and unseemly for us who have all things yet in our own Hands and Power to place the Hope of our Safety which we may owe to our Selves only in anothers Power especially since both Divine and Human Laws the Custom of our Ancestors yea and the Consent of all Nations throughout the whole World make for us 'T is true some Nations have endured Women to be their Chief Magistrates but they were not elected to that Dignity by their Judgment and Suffrage but were cast upon them by the Lot of their Birth and Nativity but never any People who had freedom of Vote when there was plenty of able Men to chuse did ever prefer Women before Them And therefore most Eminent Patriots I advise and earnestly intreat you That according to the Laws of our Country and the Customs of our Ancestors we chuse One or if you think fit More the Best out of the Noblest and Best who may undertake the Regency till the King arrive at that strength both of Body and Mind as to be able to manage the Government Himself And I pray God to Bless your Proceedings herein Kennedy spake thus with the Approbation of the undoubtedly major part of the Assembly and the rest perceiving that it was in vain to oppose passed over to their Opinion The Matter was thus composed That neither Party seemed to have the Better of the other Two of each Faction were chosen for the Guardianship for the King who were to manage all Publick Affairs with Fidelity to Collect and Expend the King's Revenue and to undertake the Charge of the Royal Family Of the Queens side William Graham and Robert Boyd then Chancellor Of the Other Robert Earl of the Orcades and Iohn Kennedy All on both sides the Chief of their Families To these were added the Two Bishops of Glasgo and Caledonia The Queen was allowed to be present at the King's Education but She was not to touch any part of the Publick Government As for the other Children which were Four viz. Alexander Duke of Albany and Iohn Earl of Mar and Two young Females She had the Charge of their Educations Herself Matters being thus composed at home Embassadors from England had their Audience who desired a Truce which was granted for Fifteen Years The next Year which was 1463. The King's Mother Died being not well spoken of in point of Chastity The same Year Alexander the King's Brother returning from his Grandfather by the Mothers-side out of France was taken Prisoner by the English but freed soon after in regard the Scots urged it as a Breach of the Truce and threatned a War thereupon Peace being obtained abroad it was not long before Intestine Commotions arose at home for when the Disputes and Controversies betwixt the Nobility concerning ordering the State of the Kingdom were bruited abroad and magnified by vulgar Rumors And Moreover the King's Minority together with the fresh Remembrance of the Licentiousness of the late Times were brought upon the Stage all these Temptations put together did easily let loose the Reins to Men who were turbulent enough in their own Nature Alan of Lorn a Seditious Person had a mind to enjoy the Estate of Iohn his Elder Brother and therefore kept him Prisoner intending there to detain him so long alive till the hatred of his cruel Practise did with time abate and so he yield to his Will and Pleasure when Calen Cambel Earl of Argyle heard of it he gather'd a Band of his Tenants together freed Iohn and cast Alan into Prison in his room resolving to carry him to Court that he might suffer Punishment for That as well as for his other noted Robberies but he prevented his Punishment by Death whether voluntary or fortuitous is not known In another part of the Country Donald the Islander as being a more powerful Person began to make a far greater Commotion for after the Kings Death as free from Fear and judging That turbulent state of things to be a fit Opportunity for him to injure his Inferiors and to increase his own power he came to Enverness with no great Train and was kindly invited into the Castle by the Governor thereof who had no Thoughts or so much as the least Fear of any Hostility from him when he was entred he turned out the Garison seized upon the Castle and gathering his Islanders about him proclaim'd himself King of the Islands He sent forth Edicts into the Neighbour Countries That the Inhabitants should pay Tribute to none but himself and that they should acknowledge no other Lord or Master denouncing a great Penalty to those that did otherwise The News hereof caus'd Debauch'd Persons to flock to him from all Parts so that having made up an Army great enough he entred Athole with such celerity that he took the Earl thereof who was the Kings Uncle and his Wife Prisoners before they suspected any such thing For the Earl hearing the sudden Tumult of a War distrusted the strength of his Castle of Blare and went into the Church of St. Brides near adjoining to defend himself there as in a Sanctuary by the Religion of the Place many also of his Vassals and Countrymen being surprized at the sudden danger carried and laid up their best Goods there That Church was venerated in those Parts with great Ceremony and it had remain'd inviolate to that very day by reason of the great Opinion of its Sanctity but the consideration of Gain was more prevalent with that Savage and Avaritious Person than any sense of Religion For he violently pull'd out the Earl and his
Wife from thence and a great Number of Prisoners besides and after he had pillag'd the Church he burnt it with Fire and when the Priests spake to him to deter him from that Sacriledge some of them he slew others he sent away evilly enough intreated Then having wasted the adjacent Countries up and down with Fire and Sword he was returning home with a great Booty but a sudden Tempest arose which sunk many of his Ships and grievously distrest the rest so that he and a Few only of his Followers were rather cast up than landed on the Island of Ila they which superviv'd this Shipwrack thought That this Calamity happened to them by the manifest Anger of the Deity because they had violated the Church of St. Bride and therefore they went bare-footed and cover'd only with a little Linen Garment in an humble manner to carry Gifts to her whom a few days before they had so contumeliously abus'd 'T is reported That from that day forward Donald their Commander fell out of his Wits either for Grief that he had lost his Army and the Spoil or because his Mind though brutish was at length gaul'd with the Conscience of his Irreligious Sacriledge and Contempt of Divine Worship This Misfortune of their Commander occasion'd his Kindred to set the Earl of Athole and his Children at liberty and to come to atone St. Bride with many Large and Expiatory Gifts When the News hereof was brought to Court it broke off their Consultations of making any Expedition against the Islanders The first Tumults being thus appeas'd the Administration of Scotish Affairs was carried on with so much Equity and Tranquillity that the oldest Man then alive never remembred more secure quiet and halcyon days such was the Prudence and Gravity of Iames Kennedy on whose Authority the Court did then principally depend and such the Modesty of the rest of the Nobility who did not grudge to yield Obedience to the Wiser sort For this Iames Kennedy had obtained such Credit by his many Merits and Services to his Country and by his good Offices towards the former King yea he had procured such a real Opinion of his Fidelity in all Matters by reason of the Composedness of his Manners and his near Alliance to the King That the rest of the Kings Guardians which were to succeed one another Two and Two by turns did willingly admit and suffer him when ever he came to Court to be the sole Censor and Supervisor of their Pains and Diligence in that Service By this their Concord the Kings Education was carried on very smoothly and his own Towardliness and Ingenuity making an accession to their Industry all Men conceiv'd great Hopes of him Thus Matters were carried on till about the Sixth year of the Kings Reign There was then at Court Robert Boyd the Chief of his Family who besides his Personal Estate was ally'd to many other Great and Noble Families he had also a Flourishing Stock of Children of his own as Thomas and Robert he had a Brother too named Alexander who was well instructed and vers'd in all good Letters This Alexander at the desire of Iohn Kennedy his Kinsman who by reason of his declining Age was not so fit for Youthful Services and with the consent of the rest of the Kings Tutors or Guardians was preferr'd to the King to teach him the Rudiments of the Art Military in the Knowledge whereof he was esteem'd to exceed all his Equals The Boyds upon the account of these Advantages were not content with that Place and Authority though it were very great and Honourable which they had at Court but further sought to transfer all Publick Offices into their own Family to accomplish which Alexander was desired by them to incline the Kings Favour towards them He having got the King in the Tenderness and Ductility of his Age did so insinuate into him by his Flattering Complaisance that he could do all things with him Being admitted into such private Intimacy and Converse he would oft scatter words before the King that he was now fit to govern himself and that ' was time for him to be emancipated from the servivitude of old Grey-Beards and to maintain a Company of Noble 〈◊〉 You●hs about him that so he might enter on those Studies betimes wherein whether he would or no he was likely to pass the remaining part of his Life Discourses of this kind were easily entertain'd by a Youth unskilful in Matters and in the slippery Part of his Age too which was prone to liberty so that he began to be a little Stubborn and Headstrong against his Governors Some things he would do without their advice and Many against it as seeking an opportunity to be delivered from the severity of those Seniors as from a kind of Bondage and Captivity Whereupon being at Linlithgoe when he went out a Hunting unknown to Kennedy whose turn it was then to wait the old Man being informed thereof went forth to overtake him not far from the Town and having done so he took his Horse by the Bridle and endeavour'd to stop and bring him back alleging that 't was no convenient Time nor was his Company fitting for such an Exercise hereupon Alexander ran in and with the Bow which he had in his Hand struck the old Man a Blow on his Head though he deserv'd better things at his hands Kennedy being thus beat off as a troublesom Hinderer of their Sport they proceed on to the Place they intended they go to Kennedy being wounded returned into the Town And when Robert Boyd came again to Court he did not disapprove what his Brother Alexander had done By this means the Seeds of Enmity were sown between the Two Factions which grew up to the great Detriment of the Kingdom and at length to the total Destruction of One of them The Fewd was first discover'd upon This Occasion The Boyds would have the King remov'd from that place to Edinburgh but Kennedy and his Party would have Sterlin to be the Place of his Residence The Boyds could then do most at Court and so without publick Consent they carry'd the King to Edinburgh there to enter upon the Regal Government The Attendants of the Journy were besides their own Kindred Adam Hepburn Iohn Somerval and Andrew Car all Heads of their respective Families This was acted about the 10th of Iuly in the year 1466. The Kennedies having lost the day in the Dispute departed severally to their own Homes Iohn into Carrick Iames into Fife their minds swelling with Anger and resolving to omit no Opportunity of Revenge The Boyds thus Conquerors not contented with the Wrong they had done sent Iohn an Ape in a jeer for the old Man to play and sport himself with at home thereby upbraiding him as if he had doted for Age. Not long after Iames Kennedy departed this Life maturely enough for himself if we respect his Age but his Death was
to Liberty Hereupon a new Face of things presently appeared throughout the whole Kingdom and all Matters both Sacred and Profane were brought to Court to be huckster'd and sold as in a Publick Fair. But Patrick Graham was the only Man who endeavour'd to stop the precipitous Ruin of the Church when his Enemies sway'd all at home he staid at Rome some years but being there inform'd by his Friends in what State things were he trusting in his Alliance to the King being the Son of his Great Aunt resolv'd to return home but that he might make some Essay of the Minds of Men before he sent the Bull which he had obtain'd from the Pope for his Legantine Power and caus'd it to be Proclaim'd and Publish'd in the Month of September and the Year of our Lord 1472. which rais'd up much Envy against him For they that had bought Ecclesiastical Honours at Court were afraid to lose both their Prey and Money too and they who thought to make advantage by this Court Nundination were griev'd to be thus disappointed yea that Faction did no less Storm that had obtain'd Ecclesiastical Preferments from the King for Mercenary Gain that so they might sell them to others Their Fear was that this gainful Practice would be taken out of their Hands All these made a Conspiracy against Patrick and in his absence loaded him with Reproaches they came to Court and complain'd that their Ancient Laws as well as the Kings late Decrees were Violated and that the Romanists were carrying on many Matters very prejudicial to the Kingdom and unless the King did speedily oppose their Exorbitance they would quickly bring all things under their Power yea and make the King himself truckle under them To prevent this Danger there were some sent by Order of Council to Patrick before he had scarce set his Foot on Shoar to forbid him to execute any part of his Office until the King had heard the Complaints made against him and a Day was appointed him to appear the First of November at Edinburgh in order to an Hearing In the mean time when his Friends and Kinsfolk did assure him that the King would do what was Equitable in so just a Cause The adverse Faction hearing of it did so ingage the King and his Courtiers by the Promises of great Sums of Money that Patrick could never have a Fair Hearing afterwards When he was come to the Assembly he produc'd the Popes Bull and Grant wherein he was Constituted Archbishop of St. Andrews Primate of Scotland and the Popes Legate for Three Years to order Ecclesiastical Affairs The Inferiour sort of Priests were glad of the thing that an Office so necessary was put into the Hands of so Pious and Learn'd a Man but they did not dare to speak it out for Fear of some powerful Persons who had got the Ear of the King and his Counsellors His Adversaries made their Appeal to the Pope who alone could be judge in the Case which they did on purpose to create delay that so the Favour of the People towards Patrick might in time abate He himself was sent back by the King to his Church but forbid to wear the Ensigns and Habiliments of an Archbishop till the Cause was determin'd neither was he to perform any Office but what the former Bishops had done before him Whilst these things were acting William Sivez rose up a new Enemy against Patrick but the bitterest of all the rest and that upon a light Occasion He was a young Man of a prompt Wit and had lived some Years at Lovain under the Institution of Iohn Sperinc a Man well-skill'd in the Study of Physick and Astrology in both which Faculties he was very Famous and returning home he quickly insinuated himself into the Favour of the Courtiers partly upon the account of his other Accomplishments and partly because of his noted Skill in Astrology This Endowment won him great Respect from the Court which was then addicted to all sorts of Divinations even to a Madness so that this Sivez being of a Fluid Wit and in great favour at Court was soon made Arch-Deacon of St. Andrews But the Bishop would not admit him to that Office whereupon he communicated Counsel with Iohn Locc Rector of the Publick Schools there and a back Friend of Patricks and they Two plotted together to overthrow him The Rector having a Grant from the Pope whereby he was Privileg'd and Exempted from Patricks Jurisdiction pronounced the Sentence of Excommunication against him But he so slighted this Commination of one of an Inferiour Order to himself that though it were Twice or Thrice serv'd upon him yet he remitted nothing of the ordinary Course of his former Life whereupon his Enemies as is usual in such Cases wherein Ecclesiastical Censures are contemn'd implore the Assistance of the King and cause Patrick to be shut out of all Churches Officers of the Exchequer were sent to Inventory his Goods his Retinue was Commanded under an heavy Penalty to depart and a Guard was set upon him to observe that he did nothing contrary to the Edict The rest of the Bishops that they might not seem ungrateful towards so Benevolent a King levied a great Sum of Mony which they had violently extorted out of small Benefices and presented him with it The King being Master of such a Sum seem'd to deal more mildly with Patrick as if he took pity on him and accordingly he sent the Abbat of Holy-Rood and Sivez to him Whereupon the Bishop was reconcil'd to the King and also Sivez and the Bishop were made Friends but his Mony was gather'd up before and carried to the King Now Patrick seem'd to be freed out of all his Troubles and so he retir'd to his Mannor House of Monimul and prepar'd himself for the Execution of his Office both Publickly and Privately when behold the Roman Mony-Mongers were sent in upon him by his Adversaries and because he had not paid his Fees for the Popes Grant or Bull as they call it they also Excommunicated him The Man was reduced to extream Poverty for his Revenues both before and after his return were for the most part gather'd up by the Kings Collectors and brought into his Exchequer and what ever his Friends could make up was given to the King and his Courtiers And when the Kings Officers were again sent to take Possession of his Estate Guards were set upon him by the King his Houshold Servants were discharg'd and he was kept pris'ner in his Castle and thereby was depriv'd of the Advice of his Friends also William Sivez his Capital Enemy was First impos'd upon him by the King as his Coadjutor as they call him as if he had been besides himself The Pope also afterwards approving of the Man for that Service and also the aforesaid Sivez was made Inquisitor by the Power of the Adverse Faction to inquire into his Life and Conversation many trifling many
ridiculous and incredible things were Objected against him and amongst the rest this was One That he had said Mass Thrice in one Day whereas in that Age there was hardly a Bishop who did the same in Three Months Hereupon his Enemy being Judge and Witnesses being hired against him he was Ejected out of his Bishoprick And Sivez who carried the Decree to the Pope was made Bishop in his room Neither were his Enemies contented with this Mischief they had done him but perceiving that he bore all their Contumelies with much Greatness of Spirit They took order that he should be shut up in some desolate Monast'ry under Four Keepers Inch Colm was chosen to be the Place a Rock rather than an Island from whence Three Years after he was remov'd to Dunferlin for fear of the English Fleet betwixt whom and the Scots a War had then broke forth and from thence he was again carried to the Castle which lies in Loch Leven where being worn out with Age and Miseries he departed this Life He was a Man guilty of no known Vice and in Learning and Virtue inferior to none of his Age. The other Good Men being terrify'd by his Calamity and perceiving no hopes of any Church-Reformation went all about their own private Affairs In the Court Church-Preferments were either Sold or else given away to Flatterers and Panders as a Reward for their filthy Service Tho' these things were acted at several times yet I have put them altogether in my Discourse that so the Thread of my History might not be too often interrupted and also that by one memorable Example we might have an entire View of the Miseries of those Times For one may easily imagin how vitious the ordinary sort of Men were seeing a Man that was so Eminent for all kind of Virtue and besides had the Advantage to be Allyed to the King and to many Noble Families besides was by a few Scoundrels of the Lowest-sort expos'd to the Reproach and Cruelty of his Enemies But to return to the other Occurrences of those Times In the Year 1476. there was a Publick Decree made against Iohn Lord of the Islands who had seiz'd upon some Provinces and had done great spoil on the Maritime Coasts insomuch that the King resolv'd to march against him by Land and Commanded the Earl of Craford his Admiral to meet him by Sea Hereupon Iohn perceiving that he was too weak to withstand such great Preparations by the Advice of the Earl of Athole the King's Uncle came in an Humble manner to Court and surrendred up himself to the King's Mercy The Provinces which he had forcibly enter'd upon were taken from him as Ross Kintire Cnapdale but the Command of the Islands was still permitted to him The same Year the Controversie with the English which was just about to break forth into a War was ended and decided The Occasion was this Iames Kennedy had built a Ship the biggest that ever Sailed on the Ocean at that time She being at Sea was by a Tempest cast upon the English Shore and her Lading rifled by the English Restitution was often sought for but in vain This bred a disgust betwixt the Nations for some Years at last the English sent Embassadors into Scotland The Chief of which were the Bishop of Durham and Scroop a Nobleman by whom Edward having been tost by the Inconstancy of Fortune and his Exchequer drain'd by continual Wars desir'd a Pacification which was easily renew'd upon Condition That the value of the Ship rifled and its Lading might be estimated by indifferent Persons and just Satisfaction made The same Year Embassadors were sent to Charles Duke of Burgundy in behalf of the Merchants who were disturb'd in their Trades When they came into Flanders they were Honourably receiv'd by him But one Andrews a Physician and a great Astrologer too being occasionally invited by them to Supper understanding the Cause of their coming took them aside and told them That they should not make too much haste in their Embassy for in a very few Days they should hear other News of the Duke And accordingly his Prediction was fulfilled for within Three Days after his Army was overthrown by the Switzers at the City of Nants in Lorain where he was slain Hereupon the Embassadors return'd without effecting their Business and when they came to the King and told him how highly skilled that Andrews was in Predicting Things to come they persuaded him who of himself was inclinable to those Arts to send for the Man upon promises of a good Reward and accordingly he came was well receiv'd and gratify'd with a rich Parsonage and other Boons He as 't is reported told the King That he should speedily be Destroy'd by his own Subjects and that Speech agreed with the Vaticinations of some wizardly Women to which the King was immoderately addicted who had Prophecy'd That a Lyon should be killed by his Whelps Hereupon from a Prince at first of great Ingenuity and good Hopes and as yet not wholly depraved he degenerated into a fierce and cruel Tyrant for when his Mind had entertain'd and was stuft with Suspicions he accounted even his nearest Kindred and all the Best of the Nobility as his Enemies and the Nobles were also disgusted at him partly by reason of his Familiarity with that Rascally sort of People but chiefly because he slighted the Nobility and chose mean Persons to be his Counsellors and Advisers The Chief of them were Thomas Preston One of a good Family but who was resolv'd to humor the King in all things Robert Cockrain a Man endued with great strength of Body and equal Audacity of Mind he came to be known by the King by a Duel which he fought with another and presently of a Tradesman was made a Courtier and that in a fair way of rising to some greater Advancement for having perform'd some lighter Matters intrusted to him with Diligence and also applying himself to the King's Humor he was soon admitted to advise concerning the Grand Affairs of the Kingdom insomuch that Preston chose him out to be his Son-in-law The Third was William Rogers an English Singing Man or Musician who coming into Scotland with the English Embassadors after the King had heard him once or twice in a cast of his Offence he was so taken with him That he would not suffer him to return but advanced him to wealth and honour soon after making him a Knight The rest of his Intimates were the most despicable sort of the meanest Tradesmen who were only known by their Improbity and Audaciousness Whereupon the Nobility had a Meeting wherein the Kings Brothers were the Chief to purge the Court from this sort of Cattle and some notice of it being divulg'd abroad Iohn the Youngest of the Brothers more unwary than the rest speaking a little too boldly and rashly concerning the State of the Kingdom was seiz'd upon by the
Courtiers cast into P●ison condemn'd by the King 's privy domestick Council and put to Death by having a Vein Opened till he expired his last The Cause of his Death was given out amongst the Vulgar to be because he had conspir'd with Witches against the King's Life and to make the matter more plausible twelve of the Witches of the lowest condition were Try'd and Burnt The Death of Iohn did rather stifle than dissipate the Conspiracy which seem'd almost ready to break forth Alexander the next as in Blood so in Danger tho' he indeavour'd to avert all Suspicion from himself as much as he could yet the Kings Officers thought they should never be Secure as long as he was alive and therefore they presently clapt him up Prisoner in the Castle of Edinburgh where he was strictly kept by those who judg'd his Power would be their Destruction and seeing he could not appease the Kings Wrath by the Mediation of his Friends he began to think of making an Escape he had but one of his own Servants left t● wait upon him in his Chamber him and none else he acquainted with his Design who hired a Vessel for him to be ready fitted in the adjoining Road then he suborn'd Messengers to make frequent Errands to him from the Court who should tell him Stories before his Keepers for he was forbid to speak with any Body but in their presence that the King was now more reconcileable to him than formerly and that he would speedily be set at Liberty When the day appointed for his Escape approach'd he compos'd his Countenance to as much Mirth as in that calamitous Condition he was able to do and told his Keepers that now he believ'd the Messages sent him by the King that he was reconcil'd to him and that he hop'd he should not be held much longer in Durance hereupon he invited them to a noble Supper and himself drank freely with them till late at Night then they departed and being all full of Wine fell into the Sounder sleep being thus alone he made a Rope of the Linen-Blankets of his Bed long enough as he thought for the height of the Wall and First to make a Tryal he caus'd his Servant to slide down by it but perceiving by his Fall that 't was too short he lengthned it out as well as he could in those Circumstances and himself Slid down too and took up his Servant who had broke his Leg by his Fall upon his Shoulders and carry'd him about a Mile to the Vessel where they went aboard and having a Fair Wind failed to Dunbar there he fortify'd the Castle against any forcible Assault and with a smal Retinue passed over into France In his absence Andrew Stuart the Chancellor was sent with an Army to take in the Castle they besieg'd it closely some Months and 't was defended as bravely but at last the Garison for want of Necessaries were forced to get Vessels and in the Night to depart privately for England so that in the Morning the Empty Castle was taken by the Besiegers some men of Note of the Besiegers were slain there About these Times it was that the Kings both of England and Scotland being weary'd out with Domestick Troubles had each of them a desire to make Peace and an Embassy was appointed to compleat it which was kindly received and the Peace was not only agreed upon but an Affinity accorded to confirm it that Cecilia the Daughter of Edward should be Married to Iames his Son as soon as they were Both Marrigeable Part also of the Dowry was paid on this Condition That if when they came to Years the Marriage were not Consummated the Dowry should be paid back to the English and Hostages were given for performance of Conditions which were some Burgers of Towns But this Peace lasted not long for by reason of the old grudges remaining since the last Wars Incursions were made Preys driven and Villages burnt So that by reason of these mutual Injuries the matter broke forth into an open War And besides each King had other peculiar Provocations Douglas the Old Exile and Alexander the Kings Brother the new One excited Edward thereunto For Alexander as I said before going into France Married the Daughter of the Earl of Bulloign but not being able to procure Aid from Lewis the II. then King of France for the Recovery of his own he Sailed over into England hoping from thence to make some Attempt upon Scotland As for Iames of Scotland Lewis of Fran●e edg'd him on to a War having sent Robert Ireland a Scots man and Dr. of the Sorbon with Two French Knights to him on that Errand Hereupon the Peace was violated and altho' the Scotish Affairs in regard some of the Country was wasted were in none of the best State and Condition yea an Army also was decreed to be sent against Scotland by the English under the Command of the Duke of Glocester yet the King and those which were about him did levy Forces tho' very unwillingly For the Upstarts such they lately were and very poor too whose Greatness was founded on the Calamities of others and who had been the Authors of such desperate Counsels to the King fear'd nothing more than the frequent Assembly of the Nobility when he came to Lauder a Town near the Borders of Merch and Teviotdale Countrys either wasted by the Enemy or else by Force necessitated to submit to him the King yet proceeded on in his wonted Course of Exactions from them he distrusted the Nobility and manag'd all by his Cabinet-Council The Nobles would indure the Indignity no longer and therefore in the third Watch they met in a Church in the Town where in a Full Assembly Archibald Douglas Earl of Angus is reported to have declar'd the Cause of their Meeting in this wise I think it not necessary Noble Peers to make a long Oration concerning the state of Scotish Affairs you your selves Partly remember it and Partly you see it with your Eyes the Chief of the Nobility are either banished or else compelled to suffer intolerable and to act nefarious things and you in whom the strength of the Kingdom doth reside are left without an Head as a Ship without a Steers-man subject to all the Storms and Tempests of Fortune Your Lands are burnt your Estates plunder'd the Husbandman either slain or else perceiving no other Remedy or relief hath submitted to the Enemy And the King if he were Himself a man of a generous Spirit and rare Prudence yet being carried away by poysonous Insinuations refers all things perta●ning to the Good of the Common-wealth as to Peace War and the like not to an Assembly of the Nobles but to inferior Underlings these men do consult South-sayers and Wizards and so carry their Answers to the King whose mind is Sick and easily taken with such vain Superstitions and thus Decrees are made under the Influence of such
Difficulty first of all the new King endeavoured to reconcile the Naval Forces to himself lest when he was absent in the further parts of the Kingdom to settle Matters there they should make some stir or at least should make an entrance for the English to penetrate far into the Land and so spoil the Mid-land Countries Whereupon when the old King's Death was now publickly divulged abroad the new One thought that Andrew Wood would now be more flexible and therefore he sent for him giving him the publick Faith for his Security When he was ashoar he told him what a great Dishonour Loss and publick Shame it was to the whole Nation that a few English Ships should in despite of them ride under their very Noses and thereupon he drew over Andrew to his Party and set him forth in good Equipage against the English Many did advise him that he would sail an equal number of Ships at least against the Enemy whose Vessels were more and bigger than his No says he I 'le have only my own Two And as soon as the Wind served he made directly toward the English who rode before Dunbar He fought them bravely took and brought them all into Leith and presented their Commanders to the King Andrew was liberally rewarded by the King and his skill in Sea-fight with the singular Valour of his Souldiers and Seamen was highly magnified And yet there were not wanting some of those sort of Creatures who do always admire the Atchievments of Kings whatsoever they be and if they be Great yet they view them in a multiplying Glass who foretold that this Victory did but presage a greater Mean while the adverse part of the Nobility sent Messages into all parts of the Kingdom to persuade the Countrey to rise and not to endure the present state of Things nor to suffer so many valiant Men to be illuded by such publick Parricides who had murdered one King and held Another in Bondage yea who accused the Defenders of the King's Life as Traitors whereas they who were indeed violaters of all divine and human Laws gave out themselves to be the only Assertors of the Rights of their Country and Maintainers of its Liberty Amongst whom the King himself was not a Freeman in regard he was enforced by them to take Arms against his Father and his King too and after he was impiously slain then to prosecute by a nefarious War those who were his Father's Friends and Defenders of his Life Many such Discourses they spread abroad amongst the Vulgar and to excite a greater Flame of Indignation and Hate Alexander Forbes Chief of a Noble Family carried the King's Shirt upon a Spear all over bloody and torn with the Marks of the Wounds he received through Aberdeen and all the chief Towns of the adjacent Country and as if it had been by a publick Proclamation he excited all Men by the Voice of an Herauld to rise in Arms to revenge so nefarious a Fact And Matthew Stewart Earl of Lennox a Man of great Wealth and Power and who by an honest kind of popularity was equally dear to high and low was as active in the Countries on this side the Forth for he raised up the Earls that were his Neighbours and with a good Force endeavoured to pass over the Bridge at Sterlin to join his Associates but that Bridg being possessed by the King's Forces he sought to pass over at a Ford not far from the Rise of the River at the Foot of Mount Grampias His Design was discovered to Iohn Drummond by Alexander Mac-alpin his Vassal who had joined himself to the Enemy by whom also Information was given that all things were secure and ill-guarded in the Enemies Camp that every one stragled up and down as they pleased that they had no Watch set in convenient places nor used any Military Discipline at all Hereupon Drummond with some Courtiers and a few Volunteers who purposely came in to assist him set upon them as they were asleep many were killed in their sleep the rest run headlong away without their Arms and so returned from whence they came many were taken Prisoners but by their Friends that knew them a great part of them were dismissed they only were severely dealt with who had either written or spoke more contumeliously than others The Joy for this Victory was encreased by the News of another at the same time wherein Andrew Wood had prevailed in a Sea-fight against Stephen Bull. For Edward King of England hearing that five of his Ships were taken by two of the Scots and those much lesser also than his was willing to blot out the Infamy of the Thing and yet could find out no just pretence for a War yet he called his ablest Sea-Commanders together he offered them what Ships and Warlike Furniture they pleased and so he persuaded them to revenge the Ignominy cast on the English Name promising them great Rewards if they could bring Wood to him alive or dead But when those that knew the Valour of the Man and his prosperous Successes made some delay in the Case Stephen Bull a Knight of known Courage undertook the Expedition and Opportunity seemed to favour his Design because he knew that Wood was shortly to return out of Flanders and he thought it would be a matter of no great difficulty to attaque him unawares in his Passage thereupon he chose out three Ships of the Royal Navy and equipped them well in all points and so stood for the Isle of May an Island uninhabited in the Bay of Forth choosing that place for the conveniency of it because in every side of the Island there is safe riding and Harbour for Ships and there the Sea also grows so narrow that no little Vessel could pass by without being discovered Whilst he rode there he continually kept some of his skilfullest Mariners abroad in Fisher-boats to watch and to discover to him his Enemies Ships he had not rode at Anchor there many days when lo Wood's Ships appeared with full Sail making towards him Bull knew them and presently weighed Anchor and as Victor already in his Mind he prepared himself for the Fight Wood staid no longer but till his Men had armed themselves and so made up to him Thus did these two valiant Commanders engage as if they had had the Courage of mighty Armies and they fought so obstinately till the Night parted the Fray the Victory inclining to neither side The next Morning each of them incouraged their Party and with renewed Strength went to it again they cast Iron Hooks called Grapling Irons into one anothers Ships and so fought hand to hand as if they had been at a Land Fight and that with so great eagerness that neither of them took notice of the falling back of the Tide till they came to the heaps of Sand at the mouth of the River Tay there the Water being shallower the great Ships of the English
But at last when he perceived that he could not have Aid enough from her to recover his Kingdom being a Widow and old too he had solicited neighbour-Neighbour-Kings and Nations desiring them to respect the common Chances of Man's Life and not to suffer Royal Blood to be oppressed by Tyrannical Violence and so himself to pine away with Grief Fear and Misery and that he though so the present afflicted with great Evils yet was not so dejected in his Mind but that he hoped the time would come that being restored to his Kingdom by the Aid of his Friends of whom he had many both in England and Scotland he should be able to consider every particular Man's Service and reward him accordingly especially if the Scots would join their Forces with His and if ever he was restored to his Kingdom by their Arms they should soon understand that they had won a fast Friend and that at such a time too when the trial of true Friendship is wont to be made for he and his Posterity would be so gratefully mindful of the Obligation that they would ever acknowledg that the accession of his better Fortune was due to them alone Besides he added many things in praise of the King part of them true and part accommodated to their present Condition Having thus said he held his Peace but the King called him up to him and bid him Take Heart for he would refer his Demands to the Council whose Advice in Grand Affairs he must needs have yet however they did determine he promised him faithfully That he should not repent that he made His Court his Sanctuary Upon this Peter quitted the Assembly and the Matter being put to a debate the wiser sort who had most experience in State-Affairs thought it best to reject the whole Business either because they judg'd he was a Counterfeit or else that they foresaw there would be more Danger by the War than Advantage by the Victory tho' they were sure of it But the major part either through unskilfulness in Affairs or inconstancy of Spirit or else to gratify the King argued that Peter's Cause was most just and that they greatly pittied the Man they added also That now Matters were in some confusion in England and Mens Minds were yet fluctuating after the Civil War and therefore it was good to lay hold of this Opportunity and that which the English were wont to do to them they themselves ought to try for once to make use of the Enemies Distractions for their own Advantage yea they foretold a Victory preconceived in their Minds before they had put on their Armour especially if great Forces of the English came in to join them nay if they should not come in in such Numbers as they hoped yet one of these two things must necessarily follow That either they should conquer Henry and so settle this new King on his Throne who in recompence for so great a Benefit must needs grant them all that they desired Or if they could end the Matter without Blows yet Henry upon the quelling Domestick Tumults not being yet fully settled in his Throne would submit to what Conditions they pleased But if he refused so to do when War was once begun many advantages might offer themselves which now were unforeseen This was the Opinion of the major part and the King himself inclined to them and his Vote drew in the rest And after this he treated Peter more honourably than before gave him the Title of Duke of York and as such shewed him to the People And not contented herewith he gave him Katharine Gordon Daughter to the Earl of Huntly to Wife a Woman of as great Beauty as Nobility of Stock by this Affinity erecting him to hopes of thriving and bettering his Condition And therefore by Advice of his Council he levied an Army and marched for England first of all carrying it warily and having his Troops ready to engage if any suddain Assault should be made upon him But afterwards when he understood by his Spies that the Enemy had no Army in the Field he sent out Parties to Plunder and in a short time wasted almost all Northumberland and the Countries thereabout He staid some days in those Parts and not an English-Man stirred in behalf of Peter And it being told him that an Army was levying against him in the adjacent Counties he thought it dangerous to venture his Souldiers who were loaden with Booty against the new and fresh Forces of the English and therefore he resolved to return into Scotland and there to leave their Booty and as soon as the time of the Year would permit to undertake a new Expedition Neither did he fear that the English would follow him in his retreat for he knew that new-raised Souldiers would not be long kept together neither would they make after him if they could through a Country so lately harassed and desolated by the Wars especially having no Provisions prepared before-hand And besides Peter was afraid that in regard none of the English came in to him as he hoped that if he staid any longer in his Enemies Country his Cheat would be discovered so that he himself seemed to approve of the King's Resolution came cunningly to him and composing his Speech and Countenance so as might best move Compassion he humbly besought him That he would not make such Havock in a Kingdom that was his own by Right and that he would not so cruelly shed so much Blood of his Subjects for no Kingdom in the World was of so much worth to him as for its sake to have his Peoples Blood so largely spilt and his Country so wasted with Fire and Sword to procure it The King began now to smell out and understand whither this unseasonable Clemency did tend and therefore told him That he feared he would preserve that Kingdom in which not a Man did own him as a Subject much less as a King not for himself but for his Capital Enemy and so by common consent they returned Home and the Army was disbanded Henry being made acquainted with the Invasion and also the Retreat of the Scots appointed an Expedition against them the Year after and in the mean time levied a great Army and that he might not be idle in the Winter-time he summons a Parliament who approved of his Design to make War on Scotland and granted a small Subsidy upon the People for that end That Tax raised up a greater flame of War upon him at Home than that which he designed to quench Abroad For the Commonalty complained that their Youth and Souldiery were exhausted by so many Wars and Impressments which had been made within these few Years that their Estates were impaired and ran very low But the Nobles and Counsellors to the King were so far from being moved with these Calamities that they sought to create new Wars in a time of Peace that so they might impose new Taxes on
mightily enriched by this Booty and thereupon omitted the severity of their Ancient Discipline yea there were some amongst them who counted That Gain as a Pious and Holy Fraud alleging That the Mony could never be better bestowed than to be given to Devout Persons that they might pray forsooth for the Redemption of their Souls out of Purgatory The Fight was carried on so obstinately that towards Night both Parties were weary and withdrew almost Ignorant of one anothers Condition so that Alexander Hume and his Souldiers who remained untouched gathered up a great part of the Spoil at their pleasure But the next day in the Morning Dacres being sent out with a Party of Horse to make discovery when he came to the place of Fight and saw the Scots Brass-Guns without a Guard and also a great part of the Dead unstripp'd he sent for Howard and so gathered up the Spoil at leasure and celebrated the Victory with great Mirth Concerning the King of Scotland there goes a double Report The English say he was slain in the Battel But the Scots affirm That in the Day of Battel there were several others cloathed in the like Coat of Armour and the Habit of the King which was done on purpose on a double account partly that the Enemy might principally aim at one Man as their chief Opponent on whose Life the safeguard of the Army and total ruin of the Enemy did depend and partly also if the King hapned to be slain that the Souldiers might not be discouraged nor sensible of his loss as long as they saw any Man armed and clothed like him in the Field and riding up and down as a Witness of their Cowardise or Valour And that one of these was Alexander Elphinston who in Countenance and Stature was very like the King and many of the Nobility perceiving him armed in Kingly Habiliments followed him in a Mistake and so died resolutely with him but that the King himself repassed the Tweed and was slain by some of Humes his Men near the Town of Kelsoe but it is uncertain whether it were done by his Command or else by the forwardness of his Souldiers who were willing to gratify their Commander for they being desirous of Innovation thought that they should escape Punishment if he were taken off but if he were alive they should be punished for their Cowardise in the Fight Some Conjectures are also added as that the same Night after this unhappy Fight the Monastery of Kelsoe was seized upon by Car an Intimate of Hume's and the Abbat thereof ejected which it was not likely he would dare to have done unless the King were slain and moreover David Galbreth one of the Family of the Hume's some Years after when Iohn the Regent questioned the Hume's and was troublesome to their Family is said to have blamed the sluggish Cowardise of his Allys who would suffer that Stranger to rule so arbitrarily and imperiously over them whereas he himself had been one of the Six that had put an end to the like Insolency of the King at Kelsoe But these Things were so uncertain that when Humes was afterward tried for his Life by Iames Earl of Murray the King 's Natural Son they did not much prejudice his Cause However the Truth of this Matter stands yet I shall not conceal what I have heard Lawrence Talifer an Honest and a Learned Man to report more than once He was then one of the King's Servants and was a Spectator of the Fight he saw the King when the Day was lost set upon an Horse and pass the Tweed many others affirmed the same thing So that the Report went currant for many Years after That the King was alive and was gone to Ierusalem to perform a Religious Vow he had made but would return again in due Time But that Rumor was found as vain as another of the same Batch which was heretofore spread abroad by the Brittons concerning their Arthur And but a few Years since by the Burgundians concerning Charles This is certain That the English found the Body of the King or of Alexander Elphinston and carried it into England and retaining an inexpiable Hatred against the Dead they left it unburied in a Lead Coffin I know not whether their Cruelty therein were more foolish or more barbarous because he had born sacrilegious Arms against Pope Iulius the Second whom the English then sought to curry favour with or else as some say because he was perjured as having contrary to the Oath and League between them taken up Arms against Henry the Eighth Neither of which Exprobrations ought to have been laid to his Charge especially by such a King who during his Life was not constant or tight in any one Religion nor by such a People who had took up Arms so often against the Bishop of Rome Not to speak of many of the Kings of England whom their own Writers do accuse as guilty of Perjury as William Rufus who is charged with That Crime by Polydore and Grafton Henry the First by Thomas Walsingham in his Description of Normandy King Stephen hath the like Brand inured upon him by Neobrigensis Grafton and Polydore Henry the Eighth by the same Newberry Grafton and Polydore Richard the First by Walsingham in his Hypodigma Neustriae Richard the Third by Grafton and Walsingham Edward the First by Walsingham I cull out these few for Example-sake not of the First Kings of the Saxon Race of which I might instance in a great Many but in Those of the Norman Family whose Posterity enjoy the Kingdom to this Day and who lived in the most flourishing Times of England's Glory to put them in mind not to be so bitter against Strangers who with so much Indulgence bore the Perjuries of their own Kings especially since the guilt of the Crime objected lies principally on those who were the first Violaters of the Truce But to return to the Matter Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey had gone off with great Renown for That Victory over the Scots if he had used his Success with Moderation but being a Man almost drunk with the Happiness of his prosperous Success and little mindful of the Instability of Human Affairs he made his Houshold Servants as the English custom is to wear a Badg on their left Arms which was a White Lyon his own Arms on the top of a Red one and rending him with his Paws God Almighty did seem to punish this his insolent Ambition for there were in a manner none of his Posterity of either side but dyed in great Disgrace and Ignominy But King Iames as he was dear to all whilst living so he was mightily lamented at his Death and the Remembrance of him stuck so fast in the Minds of Men as the like was not known of any other King that we have heard or read of 'T is probable that it hapned by making a Comparison with the bad Kings who preceded his Reign
much the more because he fell not for the perpetration of any new Crime but merely by the Calumnies as 't was thought of Iohn Hepburn the Abbat For he being a Factious Man and eager of Revenge bore an implacable Hatred against Hume because by his Means alone he was disappointed of the Arch-Bishoprick of St. Andrews So that tho he had stifled his old Hatred for a Time yet 't was believ'd he push'd on the Regent who of himself was suspicious enough of and disaffected to the Hume's to the greater Severity against him by telling him how dangerous it would be to the King and all Scotland if he at his going into France should leave so fierce an Enemy alive behind him For what would he not attempt in his Absence who had despised his Authority when present So that the Contumacy of the Man which could not be lenified by Rewards Honours nor by frequent Pardons had need be conquered by the Axe if he would ever keep Scotland in quiet These and such like Insinuations upon pretence of consulting the publick Safety being buzz'd into the Ears of a Man disaffected to them before contributed more to the Destruction of the Hume's in the Judgment of many than any of their Crimes When the Hume's were put to Death Andrew Car obtained the Respite of one Night to provide for his Souls Health but by means of his Friends and especially a French-man his Keeper it was suspected upon the payment of a good Sum of Money down upon the Nail he made his Escape Alexander Hume left three Brothers behind him who all met with various Misfortunes in those Days George for a Murder he had committed lay private as an Exile in England Iohn Abbat of Iedburgh was banished beyond the Tay David the youngest Prior of Coldingham about two Years after the Execution of his Brothers being called forth by Iames Hepburn his Sisters Husband upon pretence of a Conference fell into an Ambush laid purposely for him and was slain being much pityed by all that an innocent young Man of so great hopes should be betrayed so unworthily by one who had little reason so to do When Severities and Punishments had thus ranged over the whole Family of the Hume's at last it fell to their Enemies share and especially to Hepburn's who had been so severe an Exactor of the unjust Punishment of others yet the Destruction of one Family once so powerful brought such a Pannick Fear upon all the rest that Matters were the quieter a great while after The next December the Regent brought the King from Sterlin to Edinburgh and then he desired leave of the Nobility of Scotland to return into France every one almost was against the Motion so that he was forced to stay till late in the Spring and then took Shipping promising speedily to return in case any more than ordinary Commotion should arise which required his Presence For the Government of the Kingdom in his Absence he left the Earls of Angus Arran Argyle and Huntly the Arch-Bishops of St. Andrew's and Glasgoe to whom he added Anthony Darcy a French-man Governour of Dunbar who was injoined to correspond with him and to inform him of all Passages in his Absence And that no Discord might arise out of an ambitious Principle between such Great and Noble Personages by reason of their Parity in the Government he allotted to each of them their several Provinces Darcy the French-man the rest condescending thereunto had the chief Place amongst them Merch and Lothian being appointed to be under his Government The other Provinces were distributed to the rest according to each Man 's particular Conveniency Mean while the Queen about a Year after she had been in England near the end of May returned to Scotland and was attended by her Husband from Berwick But they lived not together so lovingly as before The Regent at his Departure to prevent the budding and growth of Sedition in his Absence had carryed along with him either the Heads of the noblest Families or else their Sons and Kindred upon a pretence of doing them Honour but indeed as Pledges into France And he had sent others of them into different and remote parts of the Kingdom where they had as 't were but a larger Prison He had also placed French Governors in the Castles of Dunbar Dunbarton and Garvy yet a Commotion arose upon a slight occasion whence it was least feared or dreamt of Anthony Darcy had carried it with a great deal of Equity and Prudence in his Government especially in restraining of Robberies The first Tumult in his Province which tended to any thing of a War was made by William Cockburn Uncle to the Lord of Langton he had driven away the Guardians of the young Ward and had seized upon the Castle of Langton relying principally on the power of David Hume of Wederburn whose Sister Cockburn had married Thither Darcy marched with a sufficient Guard but they Within refused to surrender the Castle and moreover David Hume with some few nimble Horse riding up to him upbraided him with the cruel Death of his Kinsman Alexander the French-man partly distrusting his Men and partly confiding in the Swiftness of the Horse he rode upon fled towards Dunbar but his Horse falling under him his Enemy overtook and slew him and set up his Head in an eminent place on Hume-Castle he was slain the 20 th of September in the Year 1517. Whereupon the other Governours had a Meeting and fearing a greater Combustion after this terrible beginning they made the Earl of Arran their President and committed George Douglas Brother to the Earl of Angus upon Suspicion of his being privy to the Murder newly committed Prisoner to Garvy-Castle They also sent to the Regent in France to call him back into Scotland as soon as ever he could About the same time some Seeds of Discord were sown between the Earl of Angus and Andrew Car of Farnihurst by reason of the Jurisdiction over some Lands which did belong to the Earl but Andrew alleged he had Power to keep Courts in them The rest of the Family of the Car's sided with the Earl but the Hamilton's took part with Andrew which they did more out of hate to the Douglas's than for any Justice Car had for his Pretensions so that both Parties provided themselves against the Court-day to run a greater hazard than the matter they strove about was worth And Iohn Somerval a noble and high-spirited young Man of the Douglas's Faction set upon Iames the Natural Son of the Earl of Arran on the Way and slew five of his Retinue putting the rest to flight he also took above thirty of their Horses When an Assembly was summoned to be held at Edinburgh April the 29 th 1520. The Hamiltons alleged that they could not be safe in that City where Archibald Douglas was Governour whereupon Douglas that he might not impede
them saying that now was the time to free their young King who was almost of Age from the Bondage of a Stranger and also to deliver themselves from the same Yoke for the Queen now laboured to strengthen her Party against her Husband whom she long before began to disgust Besides the King of England sent frequent Letters stuft with large Promises to the Nobles of Scotland desiring them to promote his Sisters Designs He told them it was not his Fault that there was not a perpetual Amity between the two neighbouring Kingdoms and that he with others did much desire it at this time not for any private end of his own but to make it appear that he bore a respect to his Sister's Son whom he was resolved to support and gratify as much as ever he was able And if the Scots would be persuaded to break their League with France and to strike in with England they should quickly find his aim was not Ambition but Love and Concord only That Mary his only Daughter being married to Iames by that Affinity the Scots would not come over to the Government of the English but the English to That of the Scots That Enmities as great as theirs had intervened betwixt Nations heretofore which yet by Alliances mutual Commerce and interchangeable Kindnesses had been wholly abolish'd and extinct Moreover he reckon'd up the Advantages or Inconveniencies which might accrue to either Nation by this Union with each other rather than with the French as that they were one People born in the same Island brought up under the same Climate agreeable one to another in their Language Manners Laws Customs Countenance Colour and in the very Lineaments of their Bodies so that they seemed rather to be one Nation than two But as for the French they differed from them not only in Climate and Soil but also in the whole course of their Conversations Besides if France were an Enemy she could do no great damage to Scotland and if a Friend yet she could not be highly advantageous as for the Assistance of England That was near at Hand but French Aid was much more remote there was no Passage for it but by Sea and therefore it might be prevented by Enemies or else hindered by Storms They were therfore desired to consider how inconvenient it was for the management of Affairs and how unsafe for the Publick to hang the hopes of their and the Kingdoms Safety upon so unconstant and variable a thing as a blast of Wind. How much they might expect from absent Friends against present Dangers may be easily perceived by the Actions of the last Summer wherein the Scots not only felt but even saw with their Eyes how the English did baffle them being forsaken by their Friends and came upon them with all their Strength ready to devour them but the French Aid so long looked for was kept back by the English Navy in their own Harbours These were the Allegations for a Peace with England And not a few being convinced thereby inclined thereunto but Others argued to the contrary for there were Many in that Assembly whom the French had brib'd and some who had got great Estates out of the publick Losses for fear they should lose them did abhor the thoughts of Peace There were others who suspected the readiness and facility of the English in making such large Promises especially since matters in England were manag'd for the most part at the will and pleasure of Thomas Woolsey a Cardinal a Man wicked and ambitious who referr'd all his Designs to his own private Advantage and the inlargement of his Power and Authority and therefore he accommodated them to every turn of the Wheel of Fortune as men say All these did equally favour a League with France tho induced thereunto on different Grounds They alleged that the sudden Liberality of the English was not free and gratuitous but done out of Design and that This was not the first time that they had us'd such Arts to intrap the unwary Scots For Edward the First said they when he had sworn and obliged himself by all the Bonds of Law and Equity to decide the thing in Dispute and therefore was chosen Arbitrator by the Scots had most injuriously made himself King of Scotland and of late Edward the 4 th had betrothed his Daughter Cicely to the Son of Iames the 3 d but when the young Lady grew up to be marriageable and the day of Consummation thereof almost appointed he took the opportunity of a War which arose upon the account of our private Discords and so broke off the Match And that the English King aim'd at nothing else now but to cast the tempting bait of Rule before them that so he might make them really Slaves and when they were destitute of Foreign Aid might subdue them at his Pleasure and unawares with all his force Neither was that Position a true one wherein the contrary party did pride themselves That an Allyance near at hand was better than one farther off For causes of Dissension would never be wanting among those which were near which were oftentimes produc'd even by sudden chances and sometimes great Men would promote them upon every light occasion and then the Laws of Concord will be prescrib'd by him who hath the longest Sword That there was never such a firm and sacred Bond of Friendship between Neighbouring Kingdoms which upon occasions offer'd or fought for was not often violated neither could we hope that the English would more refrain now from violating such a League than they formerly did against so many Kings of their own Blood 't is true the Sanctity of Leagues and the Religion of an Oath for the faithful Performance of Pacts and Agreements are firm Bonds and Ingagements to good Men but amongst those which are bad they are but as so many Snares and Gins and give only opportunity to deceive and such an Opportunity is most visible in a Propinquity of Borders and Habitations in the Sameness of a Language and in a Similitude of Conversation But if all these things were otherwise yet proceeded they there are Two things to be regarded and provided for First that we reject not our old Friends even without an hearing who have so oft well deserv'd of us The other that we do not here spend our time in Quarrels and Disputes especially about a Business wherein nothing can be determin'd but in an Assembly of all the Estates of the Kingdom Thus stood the Inclinations of those of the French Faction and so they obtain'd that no Determination should be made till they receiv'd certain News of the French Supplies When the return of the Regent was made known it mightily rejoiced his Friends strengthned the wavering and kept back many who favour'd the League with England from complying with it He sent his Warlike Provisions up the River Clyde to Glasgoe and there muster'd his Army He also publish'd a Proclamation that
present Duke of York and Vice-roy of the Kingdom of England Iames willingly assented to such large and alluring Promises and accordingly fixt a day for the Interview But there were two Factions which resolved to oppose his Journy for England First the Hamiltons who secretly laboured to keep the King from marrying that so they being the next Heirs he might have no Children to exclude them from the Succession And next the Priests also were mightily against it and their Pretences were seemingly just and honest as first the danger he would run if with a small Retinue he should put himself into the Power of his old Enemy for then he must comply with his Will though it were never so much against his Own They also recited the Examples of his Ancestors who either by their own Credulity or else by the Perfidiousness of the Enemy were drawn into a Nouse and from flattering Promises of Friendship had brought home nothing but Ignominy and Loss They also urg'd the unhappy Mistake of Iames the First who in a time of Truce landing as he thought in his Friends Country was there kept Prisoner eighteen Years and at last had such Conditions imposed upon him which he neither lawfully could nor ought to have accepted and then said they he was avariciously sold to his own Subjects Moreover first Malcolm after him his Brother William Kings of Scotland were brought on the Stage who were inticed to London by Henry the 2 d. and then carried over into France to make a shew of assisting in a War there against the French King their old Ally But say they if it be objected Henry the 8 th will do none of these things they answered first How shall we be assured of that next Is it not a point of high Imprudence to venture ones Fortune Life and Dignity which are now in ones own Power into the Hands of another Besides the Priests saw that all their Concerns were now at stake and therefore they must now or never stand up for them in order whereto they caused Iames Beton Arch-bishop of St. Andrews and George Creighton Bishop of Dunkelden two old decrepit Men to come to Court there to baul it out That Religion would be betrayed by this Meeting and Interview even That Religion said they which had been observed so many Ages by their Ancestors and which had all along preserved its Defenders till now The Ruin of which would be attended with the total Destruction of the Kingdom also to forsake that Religion upon every light Grounds especially in such a time wherein the whole World doth conspire together with Arms in their Hands for its Preservation could not be done without great Danger at present and Infamy for future yea it would be a thing of great Wickedness and Impiety also With these Engines they battered Iames's Mind which of it self was inclined enough to Superstition and moreover they corrupted those Courtiers who could do most with him desiring them in their Names to promise him a great Sum of Mony so that hereby they wholly turned away his Mind from the Thoughts of an Interview Henry took this Disappointment in great Disdain as indeed he had reason so to do and thus the Seeds of Dissension were again sown between the two Kings In the mean time the King was weary of his single Life and by reason of foreign Embassies and his Court-Distractions at home was variously agitated in his Thoughts all pretended the publick Good but some aimed at their own private Advantage under that Vail and though many persuaded him to an Affinity with Charles in regard of the flourishing Estate of the Empire at that time yet he rather inclined to an Alliance with France And therefore seeing the matter could not be ended by Embassadors he himself resolved to sail over into France and accordingly rigging out a small Navy the best he could fit in so short a time on the 26 th of Iuly he set Sail from Leith none knowing whither he would go many were of opinion that his Design was for England to visit his Uncle and to ask him pardon for disappointing the Interview agreed on the Year before But a Tempest arising and being also toss'd with contrary Winds the Pilot ask'd him what course he should steer If there be a necessity said he Land me any where but in England Then his Mind was understood He might have return'd home but he was willing rather to sail round Scotland and to try the Western Ocean there also he had very bad Weather and by the advice of a few of his Domesticks as he was asleep he was carried back again when he was awake he took the matter in such great Indignation that for ever after he bore an implacable Hatred against Iames Hamilton whom he also disgusted before upon the account of the killing the Earl of Lennox neither was he well pleased with the rest of the Authors of that Counsel ever after and there were some who in compliance with the King 's angry Humour buzz'd him in the Ears That the Hamiltons under a pretence of a serviceable Attendance and Duty had accompany'd him on purpose to undermine his Voyage However he put to Sea again with a great Train of Nobles September the 1 st and in ten days arrived at Diep in Normandy from thence that he might prevent the News of his Arrival he went disguis'd and in great speed to the Town of Vendosme where the Duke then was and saw his Daughter which pleased him not so that he presently made haste to Court he came unexpectedly upon Francis and the whole Court and yet was honourably receiv'd by him and on the 26 th of November almost against his Will he bestow'd in Marriage his Daughter Magdalene upon him For her Father as I related before judging his eldest Daughter by reason of her sickly temper unfit to bear Children offer'd him his youngest or any other Woman of the French Nobility for a Wife but Iames and Magdalene had contracted a Friendship by Messengers which was confirmed by the mutual Sight Meeting and Discourse one with another so that neither of them could be diverted from their purpose The Marriage was celebrated Ianuary the 1 st in the Year 1537 to the great Joy of all and they both arrived in Scotland the 28 th of May being attended by a French Navy She lived not long after but died of an Hectick Feaver Iuly the 7 th to the great Grief of all except the Priests for they feared that her Life would have put an end to their Luxury and Ambition because they knew she was educated under the Discipline of her Aunt the Queen of Navar. As for others they conceiv'd such a Grief for her Death that then as I think Mourning Garments began first to be used in Scotland which yet after forty Years do scarce continue to be worn though the publick Manners do decline and seem to require it
was not able to resist Offers of Mony by the Promises of large Subsidies whereupon they set before his Eyes the Greatness of the Danger the doubtful and uncertain Credit of an Enemies Promise that he might have a great Sum of Mony at home and more easily procurable First of all They promised to give him of their own 30000 Ducats of Gold year by year and all the rest of their Estates also should be at his Service besides enough to obviate future Emergencies if any hapned and as for those who rebelled against the Authority of the Pope and the King 's and so endeavoured to trouble the Peace of the Church by new and wicked Errors and thereby would subvert all Piety overthrow the Rights of Magistracy and cancel Laws of so long standing out of their Estates he might get above an hundred thousand Ducats more yearly into his Exchequer by way of Confiscation if he would permit them to nominate a Lord-Chief-Justice in the Case because they themselves could not by Law sit in Capital Causes to condemn any Man And that in the managing the Process against them there would be no danger nor any Delay in passing Sentence seeing so many thousand Men were not afraid to take the Books of the Old and New Testament into their Hands to discourse concerning the Power of the Pope to contemn the ancient Ceremonies of the Church and to detract from that Reverence and Observance which was due to Religious Persons consecrated to God's Service This they urged upon him with such Vehemency that he appointed them a Judg according to their own Hearts and that was Iames Hamilton base Brother to the Earl of Arran him they had oblig'd by great Gratuities before and besides he was resolv'd to conciliate the King's Favour who long since had been offended with him with the Perpetration of some atoning Fact though never so cruel About the same time there came into Scotland Iames Hamilton Sheriff of Linlithgoe and Cousin-German to the former Iames He after a long Banishment when he had commenced a Suit against Iames the Bastard and had obtained leave to return for a time to his own Country understanding in what Danger he and the rest of the Favourers of the Reformed Doctrine were in sent his Son in a Message to the King as he was about to pass over into Fife and having gotten him opportunely before he went aboard he filled his Head which was naturally suspicious with fearful Presages That this Commission granted to Hamilton would be a Capital Matter and pernicious to the whole Kingdom unless he did prevent this Sophistry by another Wile The King who was then hastning into Fife sent the young Man back to Edinburgh to the Court called the Exchequer-Court where he also commanded to assemble Iames Lermont Iames Kircaldy and Thomas Erskin of whom one was the Master of the Houshold the other Lord High Treasurer neither of them averse from the Reformed Religion the Third was highly of the Popish Faction and his Secretary These were all ordered to meet And the King commanded them to give the same Credit to the Messenger as they would do to himself if he were present and so took the Ring off his Finger and sent it them as a known Token between them They laid their Heads together and apprehended Iames just after he had dined and had fitted himself for his Journy and committed him Prisoner to the Castle But having Intelligence by their Spies at Court that the King was pacified and that he would be released besides the publick Danger they were afraid also for their particular selves lest a Man factious and potent being released after he had been provoked by so great an Affront and Ignominy should afterwards study a cruel and bitter Revenge against them Whereupon they speedily hastned to Court and inform'd the King of the Imminency of the Danger of the naughty Disposition Fierceness and Power of the Man all which they augmented to raise the greater suspicion upon him so that they persuaded the King not to suffer so crafty and withal so puissant a Person being also provoked by this late Disgrace to be set at Liberty without a legal Trial. Whereupon the King came to Edinburgh and from thence to Seton where he caused Iames to be brought to his Trial and in a Court legally constituted according to the Custom of the Country he was condemned and had his Head struck off his Body was cut up after his Execution and his Quarters hanged up in the publick Places of the City The Crimes objected against him in behalf of the King were That on a certain Day he had broke open the King's Bed-Chamber and had designed to kill him and that he had driven on secret Designs with the Douglasses who were declared publick Enemies Few were grieved for his Death because of the Wickedness of his former Life save only his own Kindred and the Sacerdotal Order who had placed all the Hopes of their Fortunes in a manner upon his Life only From that time forward the King increased in his Suspicions against the Nobility and besides he was exercised with sundry distracting Cares insomuch that his unquiet Mind was much troubled with Dreams in the Night There was One more remarkable than the rest which was much talked of That in his Sleep he saw Iames Hamilton running at him with his drawn Sword and that he first cut off his Right Arm then his Left and threatned him shortly to come and take away his Life and then disappeared when he awoke in a Fright and pondering many things about the Event of his Dream at last Word was brought him that both of his Sons departed this Life almost at one and the same moment of Time one at St. Andrews and the other at Sterlin In the mean while there was not a certain Peace nor yet an open War with the King of England who was alienated and offended afore insomuch that without any denunciation of a War Preys were driven from the Borders of Scotland Neither would the English when called upon to make Restitution give any favourable answer So that all Men saw That Henry was in an high Indignation because of the frustration of the Interview at York And Iames tho he knew that War was certainly at hand and therefore had made Levies for that purpose and had appointed his Brother the Earl of Murray to be General of all his Forces and had also made all necessary Preparation for a Defence yet he sent an Ambassador to the Enemy if 't were possible to compose Matters without Blows In the mean time George Gordon was sent to the Borders with a small Force to prevent the pillaging Incursions of the Enemy The English despised the paucity of the Gordonians and therefore hasten'd to burn Iedburgh But George Hume with 500 Horse interpos'd and charg'd them briskly and after a short Fight when they saw the
parties every day six Miles round who burnt and destroy'd all within that Compass They attempted nothing considerable besides saving the fortifying the desolate Islands of Inch-Keith and Inch-Colm in the Bay of Forth and in the Bay of Tay they took the Castle Brockty and in their return by Land they took by Surrender the Castles of Fascastle and Hume which the Garisons out of Fear gave up and they raised Forts one at Lauder and another in the Ruins of Roxborough Castle Their sudden Departure gave some Relief to the Scots and a breathing-time for them to meet together to consult about the main chance The Regent presently after the Fight came with that part of the Nobles which were with him to the two Queens at Sterlin and to the Nobility attending there the Regent and his Brother were very sad and dejected for the Calamity which happen'd by their Default and the Queen Dowager gave forth many outward Signs of Grief in her Speech and Countenance but they which knew her Heart did judg that she was not much troubled to see the Arrogance of the Hamiltons so curbed but to be joyous in a publick Calamity they who use to cover the Faults of Princes under honest Disguises are wont to call Greatness of Mind Besides the Dowager ever since the Death of the Cardinal had used all ways and means to throw the Regent out of his Office and to invest the supream Authority in her self but she knew she could never effect it as long as They were uppermost and had all fortified places in their Hands In all her Discourse she heighten'd the Fear she had from the English and complained of the Weakness of their own domestick Forces and propounded the Dangers imminent from the civil Dissensions amongst them She communicated her Design to those who she knew were ill affected towards the Hamiltons When the Nobles were in Consultation about the grand Affairs of the Kingdom a Decree was made that the Queen should retire to Dunbarton whilst the Nobility did debate concerning the Estate of the Kingdom Iohn Erskin was made Governour of it an unquestionable Favourer of the Queen's Faction and William Levingston a Friend to the Hamiltons was join'd in Commission with him Embassadors were also sent into France to demand Aid of their King Henry against their common Enemy according to the League made with him Hopes was also given them that the Queen would come over into France and marry the Dolphin but the French were intent upon their own Affairs and therefore their Auxiliaries were slower than the present Danger required In the mean time the English entred Scotland on both sides of the Borders The Earl of Lennox as if he had been sent for by his Friends came to Dumfries for his Father-in-Law Angus and his old Friend Glencarne had promised him two thousand Horse and Foot of the neighbouring Parts to assist him if he would leave the English and come over to them but when he came at the Place appointed there were hardly Three hundred come together and those too of such who used to live on Robberies These and some other things of the like Nature being very suspicious and specially the wavering Mind of Iohn Maxwel who had already given Hostages to the English made Lennox believe that he was betrayed and therefore he resolved to circumvent his Enemies with the like Fraud he retained with him Glencarn Iohn Maxwel and other chief Men of the Scots who had treated with him concerning his Transition and Return into his own Country and in the middle of the Night march'd toward Drumlanerick with six hundred Horse part of the English and part of the Scots who had yielded to them when they came to the appointed Place he sent out five hundred to commit what Spoil they could in the neighbouring Parts that so he might draw out Iames Douglas Owner of the Castle into his Ambush he imagining such a thing kept within his Hold till 't was Day and then being out of fear of Treachery he marched out with his Men and pass'd over the River Nith and press'd straglingly upon the Plunderers charging their Rear as they were retreating They having got a convenient Time and Place to rally turn'd back upon him with great violence and struck such a Terror into them in the Straits of a Ford that they disordered their Ranks killed some and took many considerable Prisoners This light Expedition struck such a Terror into the greatest part of Galway that they strove which of them should yield first to the English partly to gratify Lennox and partly fearing lest being forsaken by their Neighbours they should lie open to all Affronts The Scotish Regent fearing lest in such a general Hurly-burly if he did attempt nothing he should altogether dispirit his Men who were discourag'd enough before besieg'd the Castle of Brockty and having laid before it almost three Months without performing any thing considerable he drew off his Men leaving only an hundred Horse under the Command of Iames Halyburton an active young Man to infest the neighbouring Places and to hinder any Provisions from being carried in by Land to Brockty or to the Garison which the English had plac'd on an Hill adjoining These Matters pass'd at the End of that Year In the beginning of the next which was 1548 the English fortified Hadington a Town in Lothian upon the Tine and burned the Villages and plundered the Country about which was the richest part of Scotland and they form'd another Garison at Lauder Lennox about the end of February having pass'd over the West-Border hardly escap'd an Ambush laid for him by Part of those who had yielded themselves but returning to Carlisle he revenged himself by punishing some of the Hostages especially Iohn Maxwel the chief Author of the Revolt according to the Contents of some Letters he had receiv'd from the King of England During these Transactions Henry of France who succeeded his Father Francis sent Forces to the Sea to be transported into Scotland about six thousand Men of which three thousand were German Foot commanded by the Rhine-grave about two thousand French and one thousand of divers Nations all Horse they were all commanded to obey Monsieur Dessy a French Man who had been a Commander in France some years and had done good Service there They landed at Leith and were ordered to quarter at Edinburgh till they had recovered their Sea-sickness The Regent and the Forces with him marched to Hadington where they beset all Passages and laid a close Siege to the Place He sent out a Proclamation into all Parts in pursuance whereof in a short time there came into him about eight thousand Scots There the Nobility assembled and the Consultation was renewed concerning the Queen's going into France and marrying the Daulphin a Council was called in a Monastery of Monks without Hadington in the very Camp In that Convention there were various Disputes some said that
colour for her Project sufficient to disguise her Cruelty under the pretence of Law she caus'd false Reports to be spread abroad That Religion was but made a pretence for Rebellion but the true Cause of rising in Arms was that the lawful Line being Extinct the Kingdom might be transferr'd to Iames the late King's Bastard-Son When she perceiv'd that the Minds of Men were somewhat possess'd by those and such other kind of lying Reports she sent some Letters to the said Iames pretending that they came from Francis and Mary King and Queen of France wherein he was upbraided with the Commemoration of the pretended Courtesies he had received and withal was grievously threatned if he did not lay aside his Design of Revolting and return to his Duty Iames answer'd thereunto That he was not conscious to himself either in word or deed of any Offence either against King Regent or Laws but in regard the Nobility had undertaken the Cause of reforming Religion which was decay'd or rather had join'd themselves to those who were first therein he was willing to bear the envy of those Things if any did arise which were acted in Common by himself and others they aiming at nothing therein but the Glory of God neither was it just for him to desert that Cause which had Christ himself for its Head Favourer and Defender whom unless they would voluntarily deny they could not surcease their enterprize Setting that Cause aside he and others who were branded with the invidious Name of Rebels would be most obsequious and Loyal in all other Things This Answer was given to the Regent to be sent into France where 't was look'd upon as proud and contumacious whereas some esteem'd it modest enough and within compass especially as to the Point of upbraiding him which Courtesies whereas in Truth he had receiv'd none unless such as were common to all Strangers Amidst these things a thousand French Mercenaries arriv'd at Leith and also the Earl of Arran Son to Iames Hamilton late Governor came to the Convention of the Nobles which were held at Sterlin The Regent became now cock-sure upon the Arrival of the French and began openly to apply her Mind to subdue all Scotland by Force But the Cause of the Earl of Arran's Return was this He was more Eager and Zealous in the Cause of Reformation than was safe for him in those Times and therefore he was design'd to be put to Death by the Guises who were the Favorites of Francis the Younger for the Terror of the inferior Orders of Men yea the Cardinal of Lorrain was so bold in a Speech which he made in the Parliament of Paris inveighing against the Cause of Reformation that he said they should shortly see some eminent Man suffer upon that Account who was little inferior to a Prince He being made acquainted therewith and withal calling to Mind that he had a little before been free in his Discourse with the Duke of Guise upon that Head by the Advice of his Friends provided for his Safety by a secret Flight and contrary to all Mens Expectation came home in the midst of his Countries Tumults join'd himself with the part of the Reformers procur'd his Father also to join with them and so he reconcil'd many to him who had been his Enemies before upon old Grudges The chief of the Party there present being inform'd That for certain some Auxiliaries were arriv'd and others were levying to be speedily sent over to Leith which was strongly fortifi'd to be made a Magazine for Provisions and Ammunition for War and That the French intended to make use of that Town as a Place to secure their Retreat if they were distress'd and as a Port to receive their Friends if they prosper'd Hereupon the Scots gather'd their Forces together and indeavour'd to besiege Leith but in vain For the Regent and the Governor of Edinburgh Castle who had not yet join'd himself with the Reformers and Vindicators of publick Freedom had the Possession of almost all the Brass-Guns in Scotland and besides the Party had not strength enough to shut up a Town in a formal Siege which had the Sea on one side and was also divided by a River In the mean time the King of France being inform'd how Matters stood in Scotland sent thither L'abros a Knight of the Order of the Cochle with 2000 Foot to assist the Queen in the maintenance of the Popish Religion There were also sent with him the Bishop of Amiens and 3 Doctors of the Sorbon to dispute matters Controverted by Arguments if need were The arrival of them did so raise up the dejected Spirit of the Regent that she solemnly Swore she would now be speedily reveng'd of God's Enemies and the King 's There were then 12 of the chief Nobility assembled at Edinburgh which gave answer to Mr. D'Labros and the Bishop who alleged they were sent over Embassadors and therefore desir'd a day to propound their Demands viz. That they did not seek Peace as they pretended but that they threatn'd War otherwise if it were only to Dispute to what purpose was it to bring so many arm'd Forces As for themselves they were not so imprudent as to commit themselves to a Dispute where they must be forc'd to accept what Conditions their Enemies pleas'd But if a Pacification might be acceptable to them they also would take Care that they might not seem to be compell'd by Force but overcome by Reason and if they did really aim at what they pretended they should send back the Foreign Souldiers and meet unarm'd as they had done before that so the Matter might be determin'd by Equity and Right not by Force of Arms This they said to the Embassadors As to the fortifying Leith they wrote back the Regent to this purpose That they did much admire the Regent had without any Provocation so soon forgot and receded from her Agreements as by driving out the ancient Inhabitants of Leith and placing a Colony of Strangers there and so erecting a Fort over all their Heads to the ruin of their Laws and Liberties she had done and therefore they earnestly desir'd her to desist from so pernicious a Counsel which was temerariously undertaken by her against the Faith of her Promises against the publick Utility Law and Liberty lest otherwise they should be compell'd to call for the aid of all the People in the Case About a Month after they sent an Answer from a Convention at Edinburgh to the same Purpose withal adding This to their former Requests That She would demolish all the new Fortifications and send away all Strangers and Mercenaries that so the Town might be free for Traffick and mutual Commerce which if She refus'd to do they would look upon it as a sure Argument that she was resolv'd to bring the Kingdom into Slavery which Mischief they would do all they could to prevent The Regent three days after sent Robert
Forman Principal Herauld King of Arms as they call him giving him these Commands in answer to them First of all you shall declare to them that I am mightily surpriz'd and look upon it as an unexpected thing that any other Man should claim any Power here besides my Son in Law and Daughter on whom all my Authority depends The former Actings of the Nobles and these their present Postulations or rather Commands do sufficiently declare that they acknowledg no Authority Superior to themselves That their Petition or rather their Threats though guilded over with smooth Words were not at all new to Her Next you shall require the Duke of Castle-herault to call to Mind what he promis'd to me by word of Mouth and to the King by Letters that he would not only be Loyal to the King but also would take effectual Care that his Son the Earl of Arran should not mix himself in these Tumults of his Country you shall ask him Whether his present Actings do correspond with those Promises To their Letters you shall Answer That for the sake of the publick Tranquillity I will do and so I promise whatsoever is not contrary to Piety towards God or Duty towards the King as for the destruction of Law and Liberty it never entred into her Heart much less to subdue the Kingdom by Force For whom said She should I conquer it seeing my Daughter doth now as lawful Heiress possess it As to the Fortification at Leith you shall ask Whether ever She attempted any thing therein before they in many Conventions and at length by a mutual Conspiracy had openly declar'd That they rejected the Government set over them by Law and without her Advice or Notice though She held the Place and Authothority of a chief Magistrate had broke the publick Peace at their Pleasure and had strengthned their Party by taking of Towns and had treated with old Enemies for establishing a League yea that now many of them kept English in their Houses so that to omit other Arguments What Reason have they to judg it lawful for themselves to keep up an Army at Edinburgh to invade those who are in Possession of the Government and yet it must not be lawful for me to have some Forces about me at Leith for my own Defence Their aim is principally This to compel Me by often shifting of Places to avoid their Fury as I have hitherto done Is there any mention in their Letters about Obedience to lawful Magistrates Do they discover any Way to renew Peace and Concord By what Indication do they manifest that they are willing that these Tumults should be appeased and all things reduced to their former State Let them colour and guild their Pretensions how they please with the shew of publick Good yet 't is plain that they mind nothing less for if that one thing were a Remora to Concord I have often shewed the Way that leads thereto They themselves are not ignorant that the French at the Command of their own King had long since quitted Scotland if their Actings had not occasion'd their longer Stay And therefore if now they will offer any honest Conditions which may afford a probable ground of hope that the Majesty of the Government may be preserved and that they will with Modesty obey their Superiours I shall refuse no Way of renewing Peace nor omit any thing relating to the Publick Good neither am I only thus affected towards them but the French King is of the same mind too who hath sent over an Illustrious Knight of the Order of St. Michael and another prime Ecclesiastical Person with Letters and Commands to that purpose whom yet they had so slighted as not to vouchsafe them an Answer no nor Audience neither And therefore you shall require the Duke the other Nobles and Country-men of all sorts presently to separate themselves otherwise they shall be proclaimed Traitors To this Letter the Nobles sent an Answer the day after which was October 23. to this purpose We plainly perceive by your Letters and Commands sent us by your Herauld how you persist in your Disaffection to God's true Worship to the Publick Good of the whole Country and to the Common Liberty of us all which that we may perserve according to our Duty we do in the Name of our King and Queen suspend and inhibit that publick Administration which you usurp under their Names as being fully persuaded that your Acting● are quite contrary to their Inclinations and against the Publick Good of the Kingdom And as you do not esteem us a Senate and publick Council who are the lawful Inhabitants of this Kingdom and Country so we do not acknowledg you as Regent in supream Authority over us especially since your Government if you have any such entrusted to you by our Princes is for weighty and just Reasons abrogated by us and that in the Name of those Kings to whom we are born Counsellors especially in such Things as concern the Safety of the whole Common-wealth And though we are determined to undergo the utmost Hazard for the freeing of that Town wherein you have a Garison from foreign Mercenaries which you have hired against us yet for the Reverence and due Respect we bear you as the Mother of our Queen we earnestly intreat you to withdraw your self whilst Necessity compels us to reduce that Town by Force which we oft endeavour'd to gain by fair Means And withal we desire that within the space of twenty four hours you would withdraw likewise Those who challenge the Name of Embassadours to themselves and forbid them either to decide Controversies or to manage Civil and Martial Affairs and also that all Mercenary Souldiers in that Town would retire likewise for we would willingly spare their Lives and consult their Safety both by reason of that ancient Amity which hath interceded betwixt the Kings of Scotland and France and also by reason of the Marriage of their King with our Queen which doth equitably ingage us rather to encrease our Union than diminish it The same Day the Herauld also related that the Day before in a full Assembly of Nobles and Commons it was voted That all the Regent's Words Deeds and Designs tended only to Tyranny and therefore a Decree was made to abrogate her Authority to which all of them subscribed as most just Moreover they did inhibit the Trust her Son-in-Law and Daughter had committed to her they also forbad her to execute any Act of publick Government till a general Convention of the Estates which they determined to summon as soon as conveniently they could The 25 th day the Nobles sent an Herauld to Leith to warn all the Scots to depart out of the Town within the space of twenty four hours and to separate themselves from the Destroyers of publick Liberty After these Threats Horsemen made Excursions on both sides and the War began yet without any considerable Slaughter In the beginning of
committed no Offence which was remediless and uncurable Towards the end of the War there were three French Generals having distinct limits allotted them who manag'd Military Affairs in Scotland viz The Count Martigues of the House of Luxemburgh who was afterwards made Duke of D'Estames L'abros of a Noble or Equestrian Family highly experienc'd in Military Matters and a Third was the Bishop of Amiens accompanied with some Doctors of the Sorbon as if the Matter were to be determin'd by the Pen not the Sword All the Counsels of these Three did tend to open Tyranny Martigues his Advice was to destroy all the Country near to Leith by Fire and Sword that so the desolateness of the Country and the want of Necessaries might compel the Scots to raise the Siege But if that Counsel had took Effect many peaceable Persons poor besides and for the most part Papists too would have been destroy'd and the Besieged would have had no benefit neither for the Sea being open Provisions might easily have been brought by Ships from all the Maritim places of Scotland and England into the Leaguer of the Besiegers and the devastation of the Land and Soil would have redounded as much on the Papists as on the Embracers of the True Religion L'abros was of opinion That all the Nobility of Scotland were to be cut off without distinction and that a thousand French Curiassiers were to be garison'd on their Lands who were to keep under the common Sort as Vassals This his Design was discover'd by some Letters of his intercepted which were going for France and 't is scarce credible how the Hatred against the French begun upon other Causes was increas'd thereby As for the Bishop of Amiens he would have had all Those to be seiz'd on and put to Death without pleading in their own Defence whom he thought not so favourable to the Pope's Cause as he would have them yea all Those who were not so forward to assist the French Party as he expected and he mightily blam'd the French Souldiers for suffering those who were disaffected to their King to strut it openly up and down One he particularly aimed at viz. Mr. William Maitland a Noble and learned Man whom because the Sorbonists could not refute by their Reasons the Bishop design'd to take off by the Sword yea he upbraided the French Souldiers for permitting him to live and advis'd them to kill him which he having notice of took his opportunity to withdraw himself from the French and so escap'd into the Scots Camp The Seventeenth BOOK A Few days after the Death of the Regent a Truce was made for a short time to hear the Embassadors who were come to treat of Peace out of both Nations France and England Hereupon the Nobles assembled These could not effect any thing the greatest obstacle to an agreement was That the French who the Winter before had obtain'd great Booties out of the neighbouring Parts refus'd to depart unless they carry'd their Baggage and plunder along with them This was denied them Whereupon Irruptions were made more fierce than ever though not so prosperous to the French At length when both sides were weary of the War and the Inclinations to Peace could no longer be dissembled the Embassadors on both sides met again in a Conference The things which most inclin'd all to Peace were these The French had no hopes of any relief and their Provisions grew daily scant and were not likely to hold out long so that their Condition was almost wholly desperate And for the English they were wearied out with the long Siege and wanted Necessaries as well as the French so that They likewise desir'd an end of the War And the Scots too receiving no Pay could hardly be kept from running away So that they easily hearkned to a Capitulation Thus by the joint Consent of all Parties on the 8 th day of Iuly in the Year of our Lord 1559 Peace was Proclaim'd on these Conditions That the French should Sail away in 20 days with their Bag and Baggage and seeing they had not Ships enough to transport them all over at present they were to hire some from the English leaving Hostages till they were safely return'd That Leith should be render'd up to the Scots and the Walls thereof demolish'd That the Fortifications lately made by the French at Dunbar should be slighted That these Articles being perform'd the English should immediately reduce their Forces That Mary Queen of Scots by the consent of her Husband Francis should grant an Oblivion of all that the Scotish Nobility had done or attempted from the 10 th day of March 1559 till the 1 st of August 1560. And that a Law should be made to that purpose to be confirm'd in the next Parliament there which was appointed to be in August And Francis and Mary were to give their Consent to the holding that Assembly That 60 of the French should keep the Island of Keith and the Castle of Dunbar that so the Queen might not seem to be ejected out of the Possession of the whole Kingdom at once After this departure of the foreign Souldiers there was a great Tranquillity and Cessation from Arms till the Queen's Return The Assembly of the Estates were kept at Edinburgh wherein the greatest Debate was about promoting the Reform'd Religion The Statutes made were sent into France for the Queen to give her consent to and subscribe This was done rather to sound her Mind than out of any hope to obtain any thing from Her Embassadors also were dispatch'd for England to give them thanks for their Assistance so seasonably afforded Not long after Iames Sandeland Knight of Rhodes came unto the French Court a Man as yet free from the Discords of the Faction his business was to excuse things past and to pacify the the Grudges remaining since the former Wars and so to try all ways to establish Peace and Concord But his arrival hapned to be in very troublesome times for the whole Conduct of the French Affairs was then in the Hands of the Guises who when they perceiv'd that neither Threatnings nor Flatteries did prevail endeavour'd to oppress the contrary Faction by force of Arms and when they could lay no other plausible Crime against their Contrariants they accus'd them of High-Treason for betraying the Kingdom Hereupon the King of Navarr was condemn'd to perpetual Imprisonment and his Brother the Prince of Conde sentenc'd to Death Annas Duke of Momorancy and the two Sons of his Sister Iasper and Francis Colignes and their Kinsman the Vidam of Charters were destin'd to the Slaughter and besides those above 7000 more were put into the black List of Criminals Moreover all means were us'd to terrify the People The City of Orleans was full of Foot-Souldiers Guards of Horse were posted all up and down the Country all the High-ways were beset by them Sentence was past by a few Men in the Court concerning
the Lives Fortunes and good Names of the honestest Men all the Steeples of Churches and Towers round about the Walls had their Windows shut up and their Gates and Doors fortified being design'd for Prisons Criminal Judges were call'd together out of the whole Kingdom The manner of Punishment was thus design'd That as soon as the Frost broke and the River Loir was navigable the King should go to Chinon in Poictou at the Mouth of the River Vien and then the Guises with a few of their Partizans at the Command of the Court-Cabal of which They were the chief should perform the Execution Mean while Sandeland came to Court not so much humbly to desire Pardon for what was past as to excuse his Country-Men laying all the blame of the Tumults upon the French The Guises receiv'd him very coursly blaming him that he being a Man dedicated to the Holy War had undertaken to manage the Commands of the Rebels upon the Account of that execrable Heresy which the Consent of all Nations had highly condemn'd in the Council of Trent yea many of them did admire not at the Folly but even Madness of the Scots that they being but a few and disagreeing amongst themselves and besides destitute of Mony and other Warlike Preparations should dare to provoke so potent a King who was now at quiet from any foreign Enemy Between these fretful Indignations and Threatnings the King fell suddenly Sick The Embassador was dismiss'd without any Answer but the Message of the Kings Death reach'd him at Paris in the Nones of December whence he made haste home hoping for better things for future The News of the King's Death being divulg'd did not so much erect the Minds of the Scots being in great Suspence by reason of their imminent Dangers as it fill'd all France with Faction and the Poison of domestick Discords Iames the Queen's Brother Scotland being now freed from the Domination of the French by the Death of Francis made what haste he could to the Queen who when her Husband was dead went to Lorrain to her Uncles either as a Recess to her Grief or else out of womanly Emulation that she might not be near her Mother-in-Law who by reason of the Slothfulness of Anthony Burbon King of Navar did by degrees derive the whole Administration of Affairs into her own Hands There Iames the Queen's Brother having setled things in Scotland for a Season found her and after much Discourse the Queen told him she had a mind to return to Scotland and fix'd a Day by which they might expect her her Uncles being also of the same Opinion For before Iames's Coming there had been great Consultation about the Matter some alleging the Difficulty of the Voyage especially the Queen of England being nothing favourable besides she was to go to a barbarous People and naturally seditious who were hardly kept in quiet by the Government of Men. Moreover she had fresh Examples before her Eyes of her Father and Mother whom when they could not or durst not openly oppress by sundry Artifices they drove them to Despair so that she would be in daily peril either of her Honour or of her Life amongst them On the other side they who were skill'd in the Affairs of Scotland did urge that the Seditions arising there were occasion'd oftner by default of the Princes than the People in that they endeavour'd to reduce that Kingdom to an Arbitrary and boundless Rule which time out of mind had been circumscrib'd and manag'd within due Bounds of Law and That such a Nation which was more warlike than opulent could never endure But all those Kings who never attempted to infringe the Liberties of the People were not only free from private Enemies and popular Tumults but also reigned much beloved of their Subjects famous Abroad and unconquered by their Enemies But the best and almost only Way at present to quiet things was to attempt no Alteration in the State of Religion as then establish'd These were the Debates as publickly bruited on both sides But there were other more prevailing Causes with her Uncles for they in the Troubles of France cherishing rather great than honest Hopes thought if the Queen were absent she would be more in their Power than if she staid in France and that Neighbour-Princes in hopes to carry her for a Wife would seek their Friendships and use them as Mediators In the mean time one or other of their Faction would preside over the Management of Affairs in Scotland Besides the Queen's Resolution swayed much in the Case who was determined to return into her own Country for her Husband was dead and her Mother-in-Law who manag'd Matters of State being something alienated from her she saw she should be cheap at that Court and tho she had been but a little used to Government yet a Woman young of a flourishing Age and a lofty Spirit too could not endure to truckle under another she had rather have any Fortune in a Kingdom than the richest without one neither could she hope that her Condition would be very honourable the Power of the Guises being weakned by the adverse Party at the first brush Besides the Persuasions and Promises of her Brother Iames serv'd much to weigh down the Ballance for he assur'd her she would find all Quiet at home especially seeing he was a Man to whose Faith she might safely commit her self being her natural Brother and who from his Youth had performed many noble and brave Exploits and so had got great Credit and Renown amongst all Men. Whilst the Queen was intent on these Matters Noal a Senator of Bourdeaux who was sent out of France came into Scotland a little after the end of the publick Convention and was put off till the next Assembly which in order to the setling publick Matters was Indicted to be held at Edinburgh May the 21 st yet the Nobles who met there at the time in great abundance did not sit because they were as yet uncertain of the Queen's Will and Pleasure In the mean time Iames Stuart returned from France and brought a Commission from the Queen giving them Liberty to sit and enact Laws for the Good of the Publick Then the French Embassador had Audience the Heads of his Embassy were That the ancient League with the French should be renewed and the new one with the English broke That Priests should be restor'd to their Estates and Dignities whence they had been ejected To which Answer was given As to the French League that they were not conscious to themselves that they had broken it in the least but that it had been many ways infring'd by the French themselves and especially of late in their opposing the publick Liberty and indeavouring to bring a miserable Yoke of Bondage upon a People which were their Allies and giving no occasion on their part As for the League with England they could not dissolve it without a brand of
and promised them to reduce all the Country beyond Dunkelden to the old Religion But they suspected the matter as having heard enough of the Disposition of the Man and fearing lest he should raise a new Storm to no purpose communicated the matter to Iames the Queen's Brother The rest of the Year was spent in Balls and Feastings and in sending away the French who out of Civility had attended the Queen and were then honourably dismiss'd only one of her Uncles the Marquess of Elbeuff staid behind Amidst these Matters William Maitland junior was sent Embassador into England to complement that Queen as the Custom is and to acquaint her how highly she stood affected towards her and how much she desired to maintain Peace and Concord with her He also carried to her Letters from the Nobility in which was mentioned a Friendly Commemoration of former Courtesies and Obligations but one thing they earnestly desired of her and That was that both publickly and privately she would shew her self friendly and courteous towards their Queen and that being provoked by good Offices she would not only persevere in her ancient Friendship but add daily stronger Obligations if possible hereunto As for their part it should be their earnest Study and Desire to pretermit no occasion of perpetuating the Peace betwixt the two Neighbour-Kingdoms That there was but One sure way to induce an Amnesty of all past Differences and to stop the Spring of them for ever if the Queen of England would declare by an Act of Parliament firmed by the Royal Assent That the Queen of Scots was Heiress to the Kingdom of England next after her Self and her Children if ever she had any After the Embassador had asserted the Equity of such a Statute and how beneficial it would be to all Britain by many Arguments he added in the close That she being her nearest Kinswoman ought to be more intent and diligent than others in having such an Act made and that the Queen did expect that Testimony of Good-will and the Respect from her To which the Queen of England answered in these Words I expected another kind of Embassy from your Queen I wonder she hath forgot how that before her Departure out of France after much urging she at last promised that the League made at Leith should be confirmed she having promised me faithfully it should be so as soon as ever she returned into her own Country I have been put off with Words long enough now 't is time if she have any respect to her Honour that her Deeds should answer her Words To which the Embassador answered That he was sent in this Embassy but a very few days after the Queen's Arrival before she had entred upon the Administration of any publick Affairs That she had been hitherto taken up in treating the Nobility many of whom she had never seen before who came from divers parts to perform their dutiful Salutations to her but she was chiefly imployed about setling the State of Religion which how difficult and troublesome a thing it is said he you your self are not ignorant Hence he proceeded your Majesty may easily understand that the Queen of Scots had no vacant time at all before my Departure neither had she as yet called fit Men to her Council to consult about various Affairs especially since the Nobility that liv'd in the furthest parts towards the North had not been yet to attend her before his Coming without whose advice Matters of such publick Moment could not nor ought not to be transacted Upon which the English Queen was something moved and said What need had your Queen to make any Consultation about doing that which she hath obliged her self to under her Hand and Seal He replied I can give no other Answer at present for I received nothing in command about it neither did our Queen expect that an account thereof would now be required of me and you may easily consider with your self what just causes of Delay she at present lies under After some Words had past betwixt them upon these matters the Queen returned to the main Point I observe said she what you most insist upon in behalf of your Queen and in seconding the Requests of the Nobles you put me in Mind that your Queen is descended from the Blood of the Kings of England and that I am bound to love her by a natural Obligation as being my near Kinswoman which I neither can or will deny I have also made it evident to the whole World that in all my Actions I never attempted any thing against the Weal and Tranquillity of her self and her Kingdom Those who are acquainted with my inward Thoughts and Inclinations are conscious that though I had just cause of Offence given by her using my Arms and claiming a Title to the Kingdom yet I could never be persuaded but that these Seeds of Hatred came from others not from her self However the case stands I hope she will not take away my Crown whilst I am alive nor hinder my Children if I have any to succeed me in the Kingdom But if any Casualty should happen to me before she shall never find that I have done any thing which may in the least prejudice the Right she pretends to have to the Kingdom of England what that Right is I never thought my self obliged to make a strict Disquisition into and I am of the same Mind still I leave it to those who are skilful in the Law to determine As for your Queen she may expect this confidently of me that if her Cause be just I shall not prejudice it in the least I call God to witness that next to my self I know none that I would prefer before her or if the matter come to a Dispute that can exclude her Thou knowest says she who are the Competitors By what Assistance or in hopes of what Force can such poor Creatures attempt such a mighty thing After some further Discourse the Conclusion was short That it was a matter of great Weight and Moment and that this was the first time she had entertained any serious Thoughts about it and therefore she had need of longer time to dispatch it A few days after she sent for the Embassador again and told him That she extreamly wondred Why the Nobles should demand such a thing of her upon the first Arrival of the Queen especially knowing that the Causes of former Offences were not yet taken away But what pray do they require That I having been so much wrong'd should before any Satisfaction receiv'd gratify her in so great a matter This Demand is not far from a Threat If they proceed on in this way let them know that I have Force at home and Friends abroad as well as They who will defend my just Right To which he answered That he had shewn clearly at first how that the Nobility had insisted on this hopeful Medium of Concord partly out of Duty
above 300 Men maintaining themselves in their Posts When Murray came thither he stood with his Party in Order and Rank on a small Hill where he overlook'd all the Marish the rest as they were advancing towards the Enemy gave evident Tokens of Treachery putting Boughs of Heath on their Helmets for that Plant grows in abundance in those Parts that they might be known by the Enemy When they came near the Huntleans secure of the Success hasten to them and seeing the adverse Army disordered by the Traitors and put to Flight that they might more nimbly pursue them they cast away their Lances and with their drawn Swords to terrify those Ranks that stood they cried out Treason Treason and made with great Violence at the Enemy The Traitors thinking that they should also put to Flight the standing Party made haste towards it But Murray perceiving no hope in Flight and that nothing remain'd but to dye nobly cried out to his Party to hold out their Lances and not to let those that were running away come in amongst them They being thus unexpectedly excluded from both Wings passed by in great Disorder But the Huntleans who now thought the matter ended and the Victory sure when they saw a Party though but small standing in a terrible manner with their Pikes forward they who were making towards them dispersedly and out of order and could not come to handy-strokes by reason of the length of their Spears being struck with a sudden Terror fled as swiftly as they had pursu'd before The Revolters perceiving this change of Fortune press'd upon them in their Flight and as if willing to expiate their former Fault what Slaughter was made that Day 't was They that did it There were 120 of the Huntleans slain and 100 taken Prisoners of the other Army not a Man was lost Amongst the Prisoners was Huntly himself and his two Sons Iohn and Adam the Father being an old Man corpulent and pussy dyed under the Hands of those that took him The rest late at Night were brought to Aberdeen Murray had appointed a Minister of the Gospel to wait for his Return where in the first place he gave Thanks to God Almighty who out of his Mercy alone beyond all Men's Expectation without any Strength or Wisdom of his own had delivered him and his Men out of so imminent a Danger afterwards he went to the Court where though many did highly congratulate him yet the Queen gave no Sign of Joy at all either in Speech or Countenance A few days after Iohn Gordon was put to Death not without the Trouble of many for he was a manly Youth very beautiful and entring on the prime of his Age not so much designed for the Royal Bed as deceived by the Pretence thereof and that which moved no less Indignation than Pity was that he was beheaded by an unskilful Headsman The Queen beheld his Death with many Tears but as she was prone to conceal and counterfeit Affections so various Descants were made upon her Grief and Passion and the rather because many knew that her Brother was as much hated by her as Huntly She pardoned Adam because he was but young George the eldest Son in this desperate case fled from his House to his Father-in-Law Iames Hamilton there to shelter himself or else by his Mediation to obtain his Pardon As for Gordon's Followers according to the Degrees of their Offences some were fined others banish'd the Land many sent packing into remote parts of the Kingdom that they might make no more Commotions at home Those who lighted upon powerful Intercessors were remitted their Offence and taken into former Grace and Favour Matters being thus settled or at least appeased for the present the rest of the Winter was spent in Peace The 26 th day of November Bothwel who had escap'd out of Prison was by a Proclamation commanded to render himself again and in Default thereof he not obeying was declared a publick Enemy When the Queen was returned from Aberdene to St. Iohnston's Iames Hamilton came to her to beg Pardon for George Gordon his Son-in-Law he received an Answer not wholly severe yet was forced to deliver up his Son-in-Law who was sent Prisoner to Dunbar and the next Year after which was 1563 on the 7 th of the Calends of February was brought to Edinburgh there condemned for Treason and sent back to Dunbar 'T was about this time that there came forth a Proclamation under a pecuniary Mulct That no Flesh should be eaten in Lent The pretence was not any thing of Religion but civil Advantage only The Arch-bishop of St. Andrews because he did not forbear to hear and say Mass after the Edict made at the coming in of the Queen was committed Prisoner to the Castle of Edinburgh Others guilty of the same Fault were punish'd but slightly yet were threatned to be more severely treated if they offended in the like sort again Now the time of the Parliament drew near which was summon'd to be held the 20 th day of May where the Queen with the Crown on her Head and her Royal Robes went in great Pomp to the Parliament-house a new Spectacle to many but that Men had been accustom'd to bear the Government of Women in her Mother's and Grandmother's Days In that Assembly some Statutes were made in Favour of the Reformed and some Coyners were punish'd the rest of the Summer the Queen spent in Athol in the Sport of Hunting At the end of Autumn Matthew Stuart Earl of Lennox by the Queen's Leave returned to Scotland having been unworthily deserted by the King of France the 22 d Year after his Departure as I said before And the next Year which was 1564 in the Month of Ianuary at a Convention of the Estates held almost on purpose for that very thing his Banishment was remitted and his Goods restored the Queen seconding that Remission with many favourable Words and repeating the many great Services the Earl had done her in her very Infancy she having been delivered out of her Enemies Hand and advanced to her Throne by his Means Afterwards Henry his Son came out of England into Scotland on the 12 th of February having there obtained a Convoy for three Months This Young Man being of an high Linage and very beautiful the Son of her Aunt the Queen of Scots received very courteously and delighting daily in his Society the common Speech was That she would marry him neither was the Nobility against it because they saw many advantages might redound to Britain by that Marriage if it might be made by the Queen of England's Consent Both of them were in an equal Degree of Consanguinity from her and she was so far from being against it that she was willing rather to seem the Author of it and so to lay some Obligation upon her in making the Match besides she thought it for her Advantage to humble
prosecuting them yea sometimes they were recompens'd with great Advantages but the Wrath of Princes was not to be quench'd but by Death only But Murray and Glencarn who understood that their discourse was not founded on the Good of the Publick but their own private Advantage for upon the Queen's death they were the next Heirs to the Crown did equally abhor the Princes death and Hamiltons Government too which they had lately experienc'd to be Avaritious and Cruel so that They were for milder Counsels and in regard 't was a civil Dissension wherein as yet there was no blood shed the Dispute having been hitherto managed by Votes not Arms they thought it fit if possible to end it by an honest Agreement Hereunto they thought many in the King's Army would hearken as being desirous of Peace and would not be wanting to plead for Those that in Defence of their Liberties were inforc'd to take up Arms. As for the King and Queen They being yet young might not perhaps be so Provident and for their Parts they had not yet so far transgrest as to indanger the Common-wealth as for smaller Injuries which affected their Names and Reputations only 't was fitter they were cured by other Remedies than Death For they remembred 't was an old Caution transmitted from their Ancestors for Imitation That in the Lives and Manners of Princes their hidden Vices ought to be concealed their doubtful Ones taken in the best sense and their open Ones so far born with as they did not endanger the Ruin of the Publick This Opinion pleased the most and the rest of the Hamiltons acquiesced therein and resolved to be quiet only Iames chief of their Family with 16 Horse remained with the Nobility who being lessened by the recess of the Hamiltons were not able to give Battel to the Enemy nor yet to break through each to his own Clan and therefore they yielded to the Times and came that Night to Hamilton and the next Day to Edinburgh to consult how to manage the War But in regard the Castle which commanded the Town continually plaid upon them and their Friends could not come in so soon from remote Parts as was requisite and moreover the King and Queen were reported to be near them with their Forces by the great Persuasions and Promises of Iohn Maxwel of Herreis they directed their Course towards Dumfreiz The King and Queen returned back to Glascow and left the Earl of Lennox their Lieutenant in the Country towards the South-West they themselves went afterward to Sterlin and thence into the middle of Fife They made the greatest part of the Nobility take an Oath That if any Commotion arose from England they would faithfully oppose it the rest were punish'd some by Fine some by Banishment The Goods of those who fled into England wherever they could find them were seized upon and they appointed Commissions of Oyer and Terminer to be held in all Counties to enquire into the Remains of the Rebellion On the 9 th of October they drew forth their Army out of Edinburgh and march'd towards Dumfriez Maxwel who till that time had pretended to be highly of the Party which was against the King thinking it now a fit opportunity to cater for himself went forth to meet them as if he would have interceded for Pardon for the whole Party He dealt with them to have part of his Father-in-Laws Estate which he had a great mind to have bestow'd upon him they look'd upon him as an active subtil Man fit for Counsel and Business and granted his Request whereupon he return'd to the Rebels and told them he could do them no good and therefore they must all shift for themselves England was near at hand if they would retire thither after he had settled his Affairs at home he would follow them and live and die with the Party In the interim he got a thousand Pounds from Murray upon the account of Mony which he alleged he had expended in listing some Horse For being commanded to raise some few Troops of Horse he caused all his Domesticks to appear as if they had been Souldiers formally listed The Rebels were terrified at the coming of the King and Queen and at Maxwels revolt from them So that the King and Queen hereupon did what they pleas'd They drove away most of the Leaders of the Faction and the rest were intent on the Event of their Danger so that about the end of October they return'd to Edinburgh and all things were quiet in Scotland till the beginning of the next Spring A Convention of all the Estates of the Kingdom was Indicted to be held in March that so the Goods of those who were banish'd might be Confiscate their Names struck out of the Roll of the Nobility and their Armorial Ensignes torn in Pieces neither of which the Kings of Scotland can lawfully do without an Act of Parliament In the interim David perceiving the Court to be empty of Nobility and thinking it an opportunity to shew and declare the Excessiveness of his Power did suggest severe Counsel to the Queen daily pressing her to cut off some of the chief of the Faction if a few of them said he were executed the rest would be quiet and in regard he thought the Queen's Guard being Scots-men would not easily consent to the cruel Murder of the Nobility he was very intent to have them thrown out of their Places and to introduce Foreigners into their Rooms a Project that is wont to be the beginning of all Tyranny first Mention was made of sending for some Germans over for that Service because that Nation were highly faithful to their Princes But when David had considered seriously with himself he thought it more conducive to his Interest to have Italians first because being his Country-Men he presumed they would be more at his Devotion next that being Men of no Religion they would be fitter to make Disturbances so that he thought they might easily be induc'd to venture upon any Design Right or Wrong for being wicked and indigent Persons born and bred up under Tyrants us'd to War and being far from their own home they car'd not what became of Britain and therefore seem'd most Proper to attempt Innovations Hereupon Souldiers of Fortune were privately sent for out of Flanders and other Countries of the Continent but they were to come in by Piece-meal as 't were One by One and at several times too that the Design might not be discover'd It would be more dangerous said he to offend any one of those Ruffians than the Queen her Self But as David's Power and Authority with the Queen did daily increase so the King grew Cheaper with her every Day for as She had been rashly precipitate in making the Marriage so She as soon repented and gave manifest Tokens of her alienated Mind For as presently after the Marriage was celebrated she had publickly Proclaim'd him King by an Herauld
without the consent of the States and afterwards in all her Mandates till that time the King and Queens Name were exprest now she chang'd the Order keeping both Names in but setting her own First At length the Queen to deprive her Husband of all opportunity to do Courtesies for any found fault with him that whilst he was busy in Hawking and Hunting many State-Matters were acted unseasonably or else were wholly omitted and therefore it would be better that She might subscribe her Name for them Both and by this means he might enjoy his Pleasure and yet no publick Business be retarded He was willing to gratify her in every thing and yielded to be dismist upon such frivolous Grounds that so being remote from the Council and Privity of publick Affairs the Obligation for all Boons might rebound to the Queen her self For she thought thus with her self that if her Husband's Favour could do no good Offices for any and his Anger were formidable to none he would by Degrees grow to be despis'd by all and to increase the Indignity David was substituted with an Iron Seal to impress the King's Name on Proclamations He thus fraudulently cheated out of publick Business lest he might also prove an Interrupter of their private Pleasures in a very sharp Winter was sent away to Pebly with a small retinue far beneath the Dignity of some private Persons for a Prey rather than Recreation At the same time there fell such a quantity of Snow that the Place not being very Plentiful and besides troubled with Thieves He that was always bred up at Court and used to a liberal Diet was in great hazard of wanting Necessaries unless the Bishop of the Orcades had casually come thither for he knowing the scarcity of the Place brought him some Wine and other Provisions for his use The Queen was not content to advance David and as 't were to shew him to the People from such an obscure Original on the account before mention'd but she advis'd another way how to cloath him with domestick Honour For whereas the Queen had for some Months before permitted more Company than was usual to sit with her at her Table that so in the Croud David's place might be less envy'd by this shew of Popularity she thought to gain the point that the unaccustomedness of the Sight would by the Multitude of Guests and daily Usage be somewhat alleviated and so Mens high Stomachs by degrees be inur'd to bear any thing At last it came to this That but he and one or two more fat at Meat with Her and that the straitness of the Room might take off something from the envy of the thing sometimes she would eat her Junkets in a small Parlor sometimes at David's own Lodgings But the Way she thus took to abate did but increase the Reflections for it maintained Suspicions and gave occasion to odd Discourses Mens Thoughts were now inclin'd to the worst and it serv'd to inflame them That in Housholdstuff in Apparel and in the Number of brave and stately Horses he exceeded even the King himself and it made the matter look the worse that all this Ornament did not credit his Face but rather his Face spoil'd all this Ornament But the Queen not being able to amend the Faults of Nature endeavour'd by heaping Wealth and Honour upon him to raise him up to the degree of the Nobles that she might cover the Meanness of his Birth and the Defects of his Body too with the Vail of his lofty Promotions But he was to be advanced by degrees lest he might seem to be but a poor Mercenary Senator The first Attempt was made on the account of a piece of Land near Edinburgh the Scots call it Malvil The Owner of the Land his Father-in-Law and others that were best able to persuade him were sent for and the Queen deals with the present Owner to part with his Possessions and she desir'd his Father-in-Law and Friends to persuade him to it But this Matter not succeeding the Queen took the Repulse as an Affront to her and which was worse David took it very heinously also These Things being noised abroad the Commonalty did bewail the sad State of Affairs and expected that things would grow worse if Men eminent for their Families Estates and Credits should be outed of their ancient Patrimonies to gratify the Lust of a beggarly Varlet yea many of the elder Sort call'd to mind and told others of that time when Cockburn wickedly slew the King's Brother and of a Stone-cutter was made Earl of Marr which rais'd up such a Fire of Civil War that could not be extinguish'd but by the Death of the King and almost the Destruction of the Kingdom These things were spoken openly but Men in private did mutter much more as it useth to be in Matters not very creditable Yet the King would never be persuaded to believe it unless he saw it with his own Eyes so that one time hearing that David was gone into the Queen's Bed-Chamber he came to a little Door of which he always carried the Key about him and found it bolted in the inside which it never us'd to be he knock'd no body answered whereupon conceiving great Wrath and Indignation in his Heart that Night he could not sleep From that time forward he consulted with some few of his Servants for he durst trust but a few many of them having been corrupted by the Queen and put upon him rather as Spies of his Actions than Attendants on his Person how to rid David out of the way they approved his Design but could not find out a probable Way to effect it that Consultation had been managed for some days when other of his Servants who were not of the Privacy suspected the matter and there being evident signs of it they acquainted the Queen therewith and told her They would bring her to the place where they were and they were as good as their Words they observ'd and watch'd the opportunity when others were shut out and the King had only his Confidents with him the Queen as if she were passing through his Chamber to her own surprized him with his Partisans whereupon she inveighed against him most bitterly and highly threatned his Domesticks telling them all their Plots were in vain she knew all their Minds and Actions and would remedy them well enough in time Matters being brought to this pass the King acquaints his Father with his sad Condition they both concluded That the only Remedy for the present Malady was to reconcile that part of the Nobility which were present and to recal those that were absent but great haste was required in the thing because the Day was near at hand wherein the Queen resolved to condemn the Nobles that were absent she having Indicted a Convention of the Estates for that purpose against the Wills of the French and English Embassadors who interceded in the Case For they knew that the
not being able to stand he sat down and called for something to drink Whereupon the Queen fell upon him with such Words as her present Grief and Fury suggested to her calling him a Perfidious Traitor and ask'd him How he durst be so bold as to speak to her sitting whereas she her self stood he excus'd it as not done out of Pride but Weakness of Body but advis'd her That in managing the Affairs of the Kingdom she would rather consult the Nobility who had a Concern in the Publick than vagrant Rascals who could give no Pledg for their Faithfulness and who had nothing to lose either in Estate or Credit neither was the Fact then committed without a Precedent That Scotland was a Kingdom bounded by Laws and was never wont to be govern'd by the Will and Pleasure of one Man but by the Rule of the Law and the Consent of the Nobility and if any former King had done otherwise he had smarted severely for it Neither were the Scots at present so far degenerated from their Ancestors as to bear not only the Government but even the Servitude of a Stranger who was scarce worthy to be their Slave The Queen was more inraged at this Speech than before Whereupon they departed having plac'd Guards in all convenient Places that no Tumult might arise In the mean time the News was carried all over the Town and as every ones Disposition was right or wrong they took Arms and went to the Palace There the King shewed himself to them out of a Window and told the Multitude That He and the Queen were safe and there was no cause for their tumultuous Assembly What was done was by his Command and what that was they should know in time and therefore at present every one should go to his own House Upon which Command they withdrew except some few that staid to keep Guard The next day in the Morning the Nobles that return'd from England offer'd themselves to the Trial in the Town-hall being ready to plead their Cause for That was the day appointed but no body appearing against them they there openly protested That it was not their Fault for they were ready to submit to a Legal Trial and so every one return'd to his own Lodging The Queen sent for her Brother and after a long Conference with him she gave him hopes That ever after she would commit her self to the Nobles Hereupon the Guards were slackn'd though many thought this her Clemency did presage no Good to the Publick for she gathered together the Souldiers of her old Guard and went through a back Gate by Night with George Seton who attended with 200 Horse first to his Castle then to Dunbar she carried also the King along with her who for fear of his Life was forc'd to obey There she gathered a Force together and pretending a Reconcilement to those who were lately returned from Banishment she turn'd her Fury upon the Murderers of David but they yeilding to the time shifted for themselves and so having settled Matters she return'd to her old Disposition First of all she caus'd David's Body which was buried before the Door of a Neighbour-Church to be removed in the Night and to be plac'd in the Sepulchre of the late King and his Children Which gave occasion to illfavour'd Reports being amongst a few others a bad thing for what greater Confession of Adultery with him could she well make than as far as she was able to equal such an obscure Fellow who was neither liberally brought up nor had deserved well of the Publick in his last Funerals with her Father and Brothers and to increase the Indignity of the thing she put the Varlet almost into the Arms of Magdalene Vallois late Queen As for her Husband she threatned him and obliquely in her Discourses scoff'd at him doing her Endeavour to take away all Power from him and to render him as contemptible as she could At this time the Process was very severe against David's Murderers many of the Accus'd were banish'd some to one place some to another some were fin'd some but the most innocent and therefore secure put to Death for the prime Contrivers of the Fact were fled some to England others to the High-lands Those who were but the least suspected to have an hand in it had their Offices and Employments taken from them and bestow'd upon their Enemies And a Proclamation was made by an Herald in such a publick Sorrow not without Laughter That no Man should say The King was a Partaker in or so much as privy to David's Slaughter This Commotion being a little settled after the 15 th of April the Earl of Argyle and Murray were receiv'd into Favour and she her self drawing near the time of her Delivery retired into Edinburgh Castle and on the 19 th day of Iune a little after nine a Clock at Night was brought to Bed of a Son afterwards called Iames the Sixth The Eighteenth BOOK THE Queen after her Delivery receiv'd all other Visitants with Kindness enough suitable to the occasion of a publick Joy but when her Husband came she and her Attendants did so comport themselves both in Speech and Countenance as if they were afraid of nothing more than that he should not understand that his Presence was disdainful and his Company unacceptable to them all but on the contrary Bothwel alone was the Man he managed all Affairs The Queen was so inclined to him that she would have it understood no Suit would be obtained from her but by his Mediation And as if she were afraid her Favours to him were but mean and not sufficiently known on a certain day she took one or two with her and went down to the Haven called New-Haven and her Attendants not knowing whither she intended she went aboard a small Vessel prepared there for her William and Edmond Blacater Edward Robertson and Thomas Dickson all Bothwels Creatures and Pirates of known Rapacity had fitted the Ship before with this Guard of Robbers to the great Admiration of all good Men she ventur'd to Sea taking none of her honest Servants along with her She landed at Alloway a Castle of the Earl of Marrs where she so demeaned her self for some time as if she had forgot not only the Dignity of a Queen but even the Modesty of a Matron The King when he heard of the Queen 's sudden Departure followed her as fast as he could by Land his Design and Hopes were to be with her and to injoy mutual Society as Man and Wife but He as an importunate Disturber of her Pleasures was bid go back whence he came and had hardly time allow'd him for his Servants to refresh themselves A few days after the Queen return'd to Edinburgh and because it seems she would avoid the Croud of People she went not to her own Palace but to the House of a private Man in the Vicinage From thence she
it was done in Contempt of the Blood Royal and a Bastard set up in his Room but if the Honour were restor'd to him in a very short Time all Domestick Tumults would be quieted and the Queen even without Blood would recover her Crown and Dignity again Whereunto the King's Embassadors answer'd That Hamilton desir'd a Thing not only contrary to the Lavvs and Customs of their Ancestors but if the consideration of the Law vvere omitted yet 't was very unjust in it self for our Ancestors said they by reason of the Slaughters of their Princes by their Kindred for 1300 Years ago did vvholly change the Method of their Assemblies in making a King For as before in the Family of Fergus our first King after the King's Death it was not the next of Blood but he that was most fit was chosen King by Suffrage So Kenneth the 3 d that he might take away all Plots against Princes by those of their Blood and also might prevent the cruel and bloody Emulations of their Kindred amongst themselves made this Decree of Succession that now is for the next of Blood to inherit And Men by Experience finding that in so great an Inconstancy of Fortune 't was scarce possible but that sometimes the Right of Chief Magistracy should fall on a Child or else on one unable to govern therefore they decreed That he who preceded others in Power and Wisdom should undergo the Administration of the Government in the mean time and our Ancestors observing this Course for almost 600 Years have transmitted down a Kingdom safe to us Thus when Robert Bruce died there succeeded Regents chosen by most Voices Thomas Randolf Earl of Murray Donald Earl of Marr Andrew Murray Iohn Randolf Robert Stuart sometimes particular Persons sometimes more than one were chosen by our publick Conventions to that Office So when Iames the Second was a Child Alexander Levingston was appointed his Governour who was no way related to that King in Blood no nor a Noble Man neither but a Knight only more eminent for his Wisdom than his Family And if any say That was for want of some of the King's Line the Excuse will not hold for at that very time there was Iohn Kennedy chief of his Family his Nephew by the Sister of Iames the First a Man both wise and virtuous there were also his Uncles Iames Kennedy Archbishop of St. Andrews the eminentest Person for Virtue in the whole Kingdom and also his Brothers the Son of the King's Aunt Douglas Earl of Angus Archibald also Earl of Douglas was not excluded from the King's Line but in Power was almost equal to him to be sure he was superiour to all others yet none ever complain'd of the Injustice of our Assemblies in so doing And not long after Iames the Third had four Tutors or Guardians assign'd him not taken on the account of Alliance but chosen by Vote And of late Iohn Duke of Albany was sent for by the Nobility out of France to govern Scotland in the Minority of Iames the 4 th and when he came he was setled in the Regency by a publick Statute enacted in a Convention of the Estates which was not done on the account of Proximity in Blood for he had Alexander an elder Brother one perhaps inferiour to him yet far more virtuous than Iames Hamilton who for a season affected that Dignity But in the Absence of Iames the Fifth Robert his Uncle manag'd the Kingdom I pray by what Right Was he assum'd into that Office for Propinquity of Blood No Was he elected by the People No nor that neither How was he then created I 'le tell you how When King Robert the Third was neither in Body nor Mind fit to manage the Kingly Office he set up Robert his Brother in his stead and commended his Children to his Care David his eldest Son he starv'd to Death Iames the younger had been also slain unless he had saved his Life by Flight And being thus setled in the Possession of the Government his Brother dying for Grief he kept it without the Consent of the People in Parliament and deliver'd it down by Hand to his Son Mordacus How Robert the King that died last stood affected towards his Brother is very plain for as when he was a dying he abominated and curs'd him as the Executioner of his Children so certainly if he had been alive and in Health he would not have designed him Guardian to his Children We are so put in mind of that time wherein after the Death of Iames the Fifth he himself was made Regent as if any thing at all was legally acted since that time When Cardinal Beton endeavoured by Fraud to invade the chief Magistracy he crept into the vacant Office rather out of Peoples Hatred to Beton than Love to Him being got into it he ruled with great Cruelty and Avarice and not many years ago he sold that Magistracy which he got by Force and the Queen too then committed to his Care therein was manifested what Affection the People bare to him when they preferred the Government of a Woman-Stranger before that bitter Slavery they suffer'd under him You see then I suppose how this Request of Hamilton's is contrary to the Laws of our Country and the Institutions of our Ancestors yea so contrary that for want of Arguments to maintain it he bolsters it up only with Lies And if there were any Custom of this kind all Men see how unjust it is For what can be more unequal than to commit the innocent and weak Age of the Prince to his Care who either daily expects or wishes for the Death of his Pupil All whose Family hath born and doth bear great and lasting Enmity with the Family of the King that now reigns What Safeguard can there be here in Nearness of Blood against ancient Hatred griping Avarice and the precipitate Force of forestalled Tyranny Laodice Queen of the Cappadocians is reported to have slain her Sons as they came to Age thus buying out or as it were redeeming a small Stay in the Government with the innocent Blood of her own Children If a Mother destroy'd the Fruit of her own Womb only to reign a little longer What shall we think will old Enemies attempt or rather What will they not attempt being inflam'd to Cruelty by the Stings of Avarice against a Child who is the only Remora to their Hopes of the Kingdom And if this Example seem old obscure and far-fetch'd I will add some more Illustrious Ones nearer hand Who is ignorant of what was lately acted how that Galeacius Sforza was slain by his Uncle Lewis though he was of Age and married and the Son-in-Law too of a most powerful Prince Who doth not know the Calamities that followed upon that cruel Parricide The brave fertile Country of Italy was almost made a Wilderness thereby The Family of the Sforza's from whence so many valiant Men proceeded was extinguish'd
Afflicted As for foreign Kings They esteem'd Men according to their Power neither were they concern'd for anothers Misery but respected only their own Advantage But if any King of another Kidney should be so Courteous and Merciful as to entertain a Fugitive and a Beggar too yet now the Times were such as did cancel that fear For England alone of all Europe was the Country which enjoy'd a flourishing Peace and That favour'd the King's Cause but other neighbour Kingdoms were so busied with domestick Dissensions that they had no time to look Abroad And if they had leisure so to do yet there was some ground of Hope That Equity would prevail more with them than Mercy towards Exiles who were Rebels to their own Kings and Faithless to the Kings of other Nations As for the Indemnity which they say will declare our Clemency it will rather be an Argument of our Negligence in regard a just Combate being declin'd thrô Fear a War is imprudently nourish'd under a pretence of Peace and that an unjust pretence too which would incourage the crest-fallen Spirits of the Rebels and weaken the chearful endeavours of the King 's best Friends For how do you think will both Parties stand affected When the one side sees That all is lawful for them without present punishment and so they hope it will be for the future And the other sees perfidious Enemies to enjoy the Rewards of their wicked Crimes themselves robbed of all their Goods and vexed with all the Calamities of War and whereas they expected a Reward for their Faithfulness and Constancy instead thereof to be punish'd for their Love to their King and Country And therefore who can doubt but that if Matters hereafter come to Arms which of necessity they must do unless this Fire be now quenched before it break forth who I say can doubt but that Party will be strongest which thrives by its Wickedness and who may do all things with Impunity rather than the other who must suffer all injuries offer'd to them forcibly gratis And if those Inconveniencies did not attend this vain shew of Clemency yet neither the Regent nor the King himself could lawfully so Pardon as to give away the Goods of the Robbed to their Plunderers If they should do that They must lay down the Persons of Rulers and take upon them the habit of Spoilers too if such a Condition should be granted it were much more Cruel for People to be despoil'd of their Estates by Kings the Granters of Indemnity than by their very Enemies and Toryes themselves that robbed them Many things having been alternately canvas'd and alleged to this purpose on either side Those which were for his Indemnity were out-voted by a few Voices The Regent declar'd That for Peace-sake he was very willing to Pardon the private wrongs done to himself and the King but for the Injuries offer'd to particular Persons he neither could nor would Pardon them But if Huntly and those Friends of his who follow'd his Party could make some Terms of Agreement with those they had plunder'd he was very willing by the Consent of both Parties to appoint Arbitrators who might adjust the value of the Losses Peace as 't was thought being settled on these Conditions there was another Dispute arose seemingly small but manag'd with greater eagerness than before The Controversy was Whether Pardon were to be given to all of Huntly's Party promiscuously or Whether every Mans Cause and Desert should be consider'd apart Some were of Opinion that because they thought Huntly was dealt hardly with in being inforc'd to pay D●mages to the Sufferers that it was equitable to indulge him here and not to press so severely as to disoblige his Followers also On the other side 't was alleged That the chief aim in such kind of Wars was to dissolve Factions and that could not be done easily any otherwise than if the judgment of Pardon or Punishment did reside in the Breast of the Prince alone All Men understand how unjust it is to impose an equal Fine on Those whose Offences are unequal and that the adjusting of the Punishment should be left to Huntly himself was by no means fit for he 't was probable would exact the lightest Mulct from the greatest Offenders and would lay almost the whole Burden upon such as were least Nocent in regard in imposing Punishment he would not weigh each Man's Merit but rather his Propensity to his Service and as any Man had been more fierce and cruel in the War so he would obtain from him an higher Place in his Favour On the other side the lightest Offenders would have the sorest Punishment and they which were less active in Wickedness should be fined for their Moderation and Favour towards the King These Reasons so prevail'd with the Council that they decreed to weigh every Man's Case apart and yet that they might seem to gratify Huntly in some thing his Domesticks were exempted he was to lay a Fine on them himself as he pleas'd But that which he most desir'd that the Regent should not come with an Army into the North-parts was absolutely refus'd him Things being thus settled with Huntly at St. Andrews the Regent with two Bands of Souldiers and a great Number of his Friends went first to Aberdeen then to Elgin at last to Inverness The Inhabitants near the Town were commanded to appear they obeyed the Summons some paid down their Mony imposed as a Fine on them others gave Sureties Huntly and the chief of his Septs and Clanships put in Hostages Thus having settled the Country towards the North being highly gratulated by all good Men through all his March he return'd to St. Iohnston's there an Assembly of the Nobility was Indicted by reason of Letters which Robert Boyd had brought out of England to the Regent at Elgin some of them were publick some were private the private ones were from some Courtiers in England containing a Relation of Howard's Conspiracy which was so strong and cunningly laid that they thought no Force or Policy could withstand it no not if all the remaining Power of Britain were united together Therein his Friends exhorted him not to mingle his own flourishing Fortune with the desperate Estate of others but to provide for himself and his Concerns yet unimpair'd apart The State of Affairs in England compels me here a little to digress because at that time the Good and Ill of both Kingdoms were so conjoin'd that the one cannot well be explained without the other The Scots a few Years before were delivered out of the Slavery of the French by the Assistance of the English and thereupon they observed and subscribed to the same Rites in Religion in common with the English that sudden Change of things seemed to promise an universal Quietness to all Britain free from all domestick Tumults But presently thereupon the Pope of Rome with the Kings of France and Spain threatned a War and privately
learned Man to interpret it yet if there were any eminent Scholars there as there were oft Many and such were still well respected by him he would ask their Opinions which he did not out of a vain Ambition but out of a desire to conform himself to the Rule thereof He was in a manner too liberal he gave to Many and often too and his Alacrity in giving commended the Gift To a great many who were modest in receiving he presented privately with his own Hand In a word He was honest and plain-hearted to his Friends and Domesticks for if any of them did amiss he reprov'd them more sharply than he did Strangers By these his Manners Deportment and Innocency of Life he was dear and venerable not only to his Country-Men but even to Foreigners especially to the English to whom in all the vicissitudes of Providence in his Life his Virtues were more known than to any other Nation The Twentieth BOOK ALL that Time which immediately followed the Death of the last Regent although it were free from Blood-shed yet was embroyled with the various Attempts of the Factions Before the Murder the Hamiltons in great Numbers had met at Edinburgh under the Pretence of prevailing with the Regent to release Iames Hamilton the Head of their Kin or Tribe who was yet kept Prisoner in the Castle But after the Murder was perpetrated they sent some from amongst them to the rest of the Hamiltons who were to dissuade the other Clans for so they would have made People believe from joining with or protecting the publick Parricides But as very many suspected it was to bid them be prepared and ready for all Occasions For the next Night after the Murder Walter Scot and Thomas Carr of Farnihest entring into England did ravage over all Places with Fire and Sword and that with somewhat more Cruelty than was used in former times Neither was it so much the Desire of Prey or Revenge which mov'd them to this unusual Crueltie as that it was long before resolved by the Bishop of Saint Andrews and the rest of the Heads of the Faction to incense the English against the Scots And if they could provoke them no other way to take up Arms then by Injuries to draw them tho unwillingly into a War The Governour of the Castle although convinced by many Evidences so that all Mens Eyes and Discourse were upon him by way of Reflection as yet continued in his former counterfeited Loyalty to the King 'T was upon his account that William Maitland was delivered out of Prison For when he had in many Words pleaded his Innocency before the Council the Nobles then present attesting That it did not with any certainty appear to them That he was guilty of those Crimes which were laid to his Charge for he was accused to have been privy to the King 's and Regent's Murders and also to be the Author of the Civil War that was lately raised in England he was at last dismissed yet so that the Matter seem'd to be deferred till Another time rather than absolutely to be decided at That He also protesting his Innocency upon Oath did promise to appear whensoever the King's Kindred would set a Day for his Trial. Afterwards when upon consulting about the State of the Kingdom they had almost agreed That of those whom the Queen before she abjured her Government had nominated Tutors to the King he that would undertake it provided he had not afterwards revolted to the adverse Faction should have the chief Administration of Affairs Maitland now contriving the Disturbance of Matters brought it so about that it should be again signified to the absent Lords that they might if they pleased be present in the Parliament of the Regent to be assembled at a set Day lest they might afterwards complain That so great an Affair was hastily rash'd up in their Absence Athol with a few others consented neither did the rest refuse it more that they would take away all occasion of Detraction and Calumny from their Adversaries than that they had any Hopes that this Delay of the Parliament would bring any Profit to the Publick After these Things Thomas Randolph the English Embassador had Audience for That Queen the Regent being yet alive had sent her Embassadors to demand those English Exiles who after Howard's Conspiracy was detected and he punished for fear of Punishment had escaped thither The Regent giving these Embassadors Audience at Sterlin put them off till his Arrival at Edinburgh and after his Death Things being in Confusion they departed without an Answer But when they conven'd about choosing a Regent Randolph who for some years had been in Scotland for that he was thought to be well read in the Affairs and in the Men of that Nation and that his former Embassies had been also advantagious to both Nations was in dear Esteem of all that were good like himself He being introduc'd into the Council having declared How great his Queen 's Good-will had always been towards the Scots That as she had not formerly been wanting to them in their Disturbances so she would not fail them now Then he rehearsed their Incursions into England the Slaughters Rapines Burnings of late Days committed Adding That she knew well enough That none of these Things were acted by the Publick Council therefore that at present her Kindness and Friendship towards them was the same it ever was So that although she had been grievously and without any Cause provoked yet she did not as she might justly do repeat Matters nor publickly require Reparation nor for the Fault of a Few seek Punishment of All That indeed she was not ignorant what a great Disturbance in Affairs was risen of late yet she was not doubtful of the Good-will of honest Men towards her That in Favour of them she did not only free the Publick from any Guilt but if by reason of domestick Troubles they could not compel the Disturbers of the Peace to resettle Matters that she would join her Forces with theirs that so by common Consent they might exact Punishment of those Violators of Leagues and Truces But if they were not able to do That that then she would revenge their Injuries with her own Souldiers That her Army should pass peaceably through the Country without the least Damage to it That none that had not been guilty of the Crimes should be concerned in the Punishment The remaining Heads of his Embassy contained Admonitions ever profitable in all Legal Assemblies but now as the present Posture of Affairs was very necessary viz. That they should first of all with all Care and Vigilance have regard to Religion which alone teaches us our Duty both towards God and towards Man That seeing no Common-wealth at Discord within itself can long subsist they should bend their chiefest Endeavours and strive with their utmost Force that at Home among Fellow-Subjects and Country-Men Peace and Concord might be religiously observed
Necessity of the time requir'd them to steer their Counsels so as they might be pleasing to the Queen of England And on the other they knew of what Concernment it was to the Publick That one chief Magistrate should be set up to whom all Complaints might be made and for want of creating One some Months already past the Enemy had improv'd the delay to gather Forces to make new Courts of Justice daily to set forth new Edicts and to usurp all the Offices of a King On the other side the Royalists were dejected and a Multitude without one certain Person whom to obey could not be long kept in Obedience After the Embassadors Return News came That there was a new Insurrection in England and that in London the Popes Bull was fastned on the Church Doors to exhort the English partly to cast off the unjust Yoke of the Queen's Government and partly to return to the Popish Religion and it was thought that the Hand of the Queen of Scots was in all This. These things tho kept private yet came to be known by Letters from the Earl of Sussex and also the same Thomas Randolph had in presence confirm'd it yet they could hardly be restrain'd from chusing a Regent But at last a middle Way prevail'd That they might have an appearance of a chief Magistrate to set up an Inferior Regent or Deputy-Governour to continue till the 12 th of Iuly in which time they might be further inform'd of the Queen of England's Mind they judg'd That she was not averse from their Undertaking especially upon This ground That she had put it into the Articles of Capitulation That the Rebels should give up all the exil'd English If that were done they might easily understand that the Spirits of all the Papists about England were alienated from the Queen of Scots If it were denied then the Conference or Treaty would break off and the Suspicions which made the Commonalty averse would daily increase For they saw that other things would not easily be agreed upon when a greater Danger was imminent over the English than the Scots upon the Deliverance of their Queen and if other things were accorded yet the Queen of England would never let her go without giving Hostages neither was she able to give any such who could make a sufficient Warranty These Considerations gave them some Encouragement so that they proceeded to create Matthew Stuart Earl of Lennox the King's Grandfather to be Vice-Gerent for the time Whilst this new Vice-Roy by the advice of his Council was busied in rectifying things which had been disorder'd in the late Tumults Letters came opportunely from the Queen of England Iuly the 10 th wherein she spake much of her Affection to the King and Kingdom of Scotland and freely offer'd them her Assistance withal she deprecated the naming of a Regent which was a Title invidious of it self and of no good Example to them only if they ask'd her Advice she thought none was to be preferr'd to that high Office before the King's Grandfather none being of greater Faithfulness to the King yet a Pupil and who now for the same Reasons was made Deputy-Governour of the Kingdom These Letters incourag'd them by the joint Suffrages of all the Estates of a Vice-Roy to make him Regent Assoon as ever he was created Regent and had taken an Oath according to Custom to observe the Laws and Customs of his Country First of all he commanded that All which were able to bear Arms should appear at Linlithgo August the 2 d to hinder the Convention which the Seditious had there Indicted in the Name of the Queen then he himself summon'd a Parliament in the Name of the King to be held the 10 th day of October he also sent to the Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh who as yet pretended great Friendship to the King's Party tho his Words and Actions did very much disagree to send him some Brass-Guns Carriages and other Apparatus for the managing of them This he did rather to try them than in hopes to obtain his desires He promis'd very fair at first but when the Day was coming on that the Parliament was to Meet when he was desir'd to perform his Promise he peremptorily refus'd alleging That his Service should be always ready to make up an Agreement between but not to shed the Blood of his Country-Men Nevertheless the Regent came at the Day appointed to Linlithgo with 5000 arm'd Men in his Company but hearing that the Enemy did not stir only that Huntly had placed 160 Souldiers at Brechin and had sent out an Order commanding the Brechinians to get in Provision for some Thousands of Men by the 2 d of August The Garison there plac'd by him did rob not only the Inhabitants but all Travellers also when they were wearied with their Journy Whereupon the Regent by the advice of his Council resolv'd to march thither and to seize on the Place which would be of great advantage to him before Huntly's coming and if occasion were offer'd there to fight him before his Partners came up with their Force and so to overthrow that Party of Musqueteers which was All he had and by that means he might catch some of the Leaders of the Faction as the Earl of Crawford Iames Ogilby and Iames Balfure who he heard were there Whereupon he commanded Patrick Lindsy and William Ruven chief Officers and Iames Haliburton Governour of Dundee to take what Souldiers they could raise at Dundee and St. Iohnstons and to make haste thither to prevent the News of their coming They made all the speed that ever they were able the next Night horsing their Foot for greater Expedition yet as they drew near the Place they march'd slowly that they might get some Refreshment before they charg'd the Enemy so that the Alarum was taken at Brechin that the Enemy was a coming whereupon Ogilby and Balfure who chanc'd to be there got the Souldiers presently together and incouraging them as well as they could for the time They told them that They and Huntly would return again in 3 Days and so they got an Horseback and made haste away over the Mountains The Souldiers that were left catch'd up what was next at hand and about 20 of them got to the Tower of a Church that was near The rest fled into the House of the Earl of Marr which was seated on a Hill near thereto it was like a Castle and commanded the Town Iames Douglas Earl of Morton with 800 Horse went a further March about and came not in till the Day after The Regent sent home the Lennoxians and the Renfroans to guard their own Country if Argyle should attempt any thing against it But he himself in 3 Days overtook those whom he had sent before to Brechin At the noise of his coming the neighbour Nobility came in so that now he muster'd 7000 Men effective Whereupon they who were in the Church Tower
by the Legal Way of the Country for that would occasion some though not much Delay But these Interposals were over-ruled it being alleged That there was no need of any new Process in the Arch-Bishops case for it had been already judg'd in the Parliament Wherefore he being plainly convicted as guilty of the King's Murder and of the last Regents also was hang'd at Sterlin There was then new Evidence brought in against him for the greatest Part thereof had been discovered but lately The Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews who lodg'd in the next House when the Proposition of killing the King was made to him willingly undertook it both by Reason of old Feuds between their Families and also an Hope thereby to bring the Kingdom nearer to his Family whereupon he chuses out six or eight of the most flagitious of his Vassals and commended the Matter to them giving them the Keyes of the King's Lodgings they then enter very silently into his Chamber and strangle him when he was asleep and when they had so done they carried out his Body through a little Gate of which I spake before into an Orchard adjoining to the Walls and then a Sign was given to blow up the House The Discovery of this Wickedness was made by Iohn Hamilton who was a chief Actor therein upon this Occasion He was much troubled in his Mind Day and Night his Conscience tormenting him for the Guilt of the Fact and not only so but as if the Contagion reach'd to his Body too That also was miserably pained and consumed by degrees endeavouring all ways to ease himself at last he remembred That there was a School-Master at Pasley no bad Man who was yet a Papist to him he confesses the whole Plot and the Names of those who joined with him in perpetrating the Murder The Priest comforted him what he could and put him in mind of the Mercy of God yet because the Disease had taken deeper root than to be expiable by such slight Remedies within a few days he was overwhelmed with Grief and died The Priest was not so silent in the thing but that some inkling of it came to the King's Friends They many Months after the Murder was committed when Matthew Earl of Lennox was Regent and when Dunbarton was taken and the Bishop brought to Sterlin caused the Priest to be sent for thither He then justified what he had spoken before about the King's Murder whereupon being ask'd by Hamilton How he came to know it Whether 't were revealed to him in Auricular Confession He told him Yes then said Hamilton You are not ignorant of the Punishment due to those who reveal the Secrets of Confessions and made no other Answer to the Crime After fifteen Months or more the same Priest was taken saying Mass the third time and as the Law appointed was led out to suffer then also he publickly declared all that he had before affirm'd in the thing in plainer and fuller words which were so openly divulged that now Hamilton's Vassals fell out amongst themselves and one of them charged another with the King's Death In the mean while the Rebels had procured some small matter of Mony from France by means of the Brother of him who commanded Edinburgh-Castle And moreover Morton was returned from his English Embassy and in a Convention of the Nobles held at Sterlin declar'd the Effect thereof in these Words When we came to London February 20. we were put over to a Council chosen out for that purpose who after much Dispute betwixt us at last insisted upon two Points First That we would produce the clearest and best Arguments we had to evidence the Justness of those Actions which had pass'd in Scotland both formerly and now that so the Queen might be satisfied in the Equity of them and thereby know how to answer those who demanded a Reason for them If we could not do That yet the Queen would omit nothing which might conduce to our Safety In Answer to which we gave in a Memorial to Them to this effect The Crimes wherewith at first our King's Mother alleged that she was falsly charged with have been so clearly prov'd by the Earl of Murray and his Associates in that Embassy That both the Queen her self and those who were delegated by her to hear the Cause could not be ignorant of the Author of the King's Murder which was the Source of all our other Miseries To repeat them again before the Queen who we doubt not is therein sufficiently satisfied already we think it not necessary and besides we our selves are unwillingly drawn into the Task of repeating the Memory of so great a Wickedness But they who cannot deny that this Fact was cruelly and flagitiously perpetrated yet do calumniate the Resignation of the Kingdom and the Translation of the Government from the Mother to the Son to be a new and grievous thing extorted from her by mere Force First as for the Matter of Fact in punishing our Princes the old Custom of our Ancestors will not suffer it to be called new neither can the Moderateness of the Punishment make it invidious 'T is not needful for us to reckon up the many Kings whom our Forefathers have chastis'd by Imprisonment Banishment yea Death it self much less need we confirm our Practice by foreign Examples of which there are abundance in old Histories The Nation of the Scots being at first free by the common Suffrage of the People set up Kings over them conditionally That if need were they might take away the Government by the same Suffrages that gave it The Footsteps of this Law remain to this very Day for in the circumjacent Islands and in many Places of the Continent too which have retained the ancient Speech and Customs of our Fore-fathers to this Day the same Course is yet observed in creating their Magistrates Moreover those Ceremonies which are used in the Inauguration of our Kings themselves have an express Representation of this Law by which it easily appears That Kingly Government is nothing else but a mutual Stipulation betwixt King and People and the same is most clearly evidenced by the inoffensive Tenor of the Old Law which hath been observed ever since there was a King in Scotland even unto this present time no Man having ever attempted to abrogate abate or diminish this Law in the least 'T is too long to enumerate How many Kings our Ancestors have put by their Kingdoms have banish'd have imprison'd have put to Death neither is there the least mention made of the Severity of this Law or the abrogating thereof and that on good Grounds For 't is not of the Nature of such Sanctions which are subject to the Mutations of Time but in the very Original of Mankind 't was ingraven in Mens Hearts approv'd by the mutual Consent of almost all Nations and together with Nature it self was to remain inviolate and sempiternal so that these Laws are not
to go to the Second thing at first proposed by us which was To find out some Way whereby this Dispute might be ended upon some moderate or handsom Conditions Whereunto we replied That we were not sent from home with an unbounded Commission but One circumscribed within certain Limits so that we had no Freedom to enter into any Debate at all of what might in the least diminish the Authority of our King and if such a Liberty had been offered us yet we should have been unwilling to accept it or to make use of it if accepted Matters standing thus the Queen being at Greenwich and we at London we sent some of our Number to her to know Whether she had any thing more to say to us if not that we might have Liberty to depart home there to consult what we could the Good of our Country and our own private Concerns And if there were any thing we might gratify her Majesty in We were willing to shew our Obsequiousness and Respect therein yea we should take more Opportunity to shew it at home than we could have now in anothers Dominions This Demand procur'd us a Summons to appear at Court the 5 th of March When we were come into her Presence she mightily blam'd our stifness in maintaining our conceiv'd Opinion and that we did so pertinaciously shun a Dispute or rather a Consultation about a Matter so much concerning our Security She also added a large Declaration of her Mind and Will anent the King and Those who maintain'd his Cause We urg'd that the Justness of our Cause had been clearly enough declar'd before She answer'd that she was not satisfi'd in her Mind with the Examples and Arguments produc'd by us neither said she am I wholly ignorant of such Disputes as having spent some of my former time in the Study of the Law But says she if you be fully determin'd to make no other Proposal for your King's Safety and your Own yet I would have you at least enter upon another Conference with the Chief of my Council who treated with you about these things before We answer'd That we were not at all so stiffly wedded to our own Opinions as not to be willing to hear any good Expedient that might be offer'd by her or her Counsellors always with this Proviso That no Alteration be made in the present State of the Kingdom nor any Diminution at all of the King's Authority For upon those Two Heads we neither could or would admit the least Consultation or Debate The Day after we went down again to the Queen's Palace as we agreed and entred into a Conference with her Counsellors where many Proposals were made by them to decide the Controversy between Mother and Son concerning the Title to the Government We because the Reasons were many and concerning Matters of such great Moment on both sides desir'd That we might have them given to us in writing and Time allowed us to consider of Things of such great Consequence They were very ready to do it having first consulted the Queen When we had ran Them all over in order the Matters propos'd seem'd so difficult to us and also so derogatory to the Power of the King and withal so exceeding the Bounds of our Embassy and Commission that we neither would could nor durst touch upon them The Day after Robert Petcarn was sent to Court with this Answer That such Matters did belong to the Decision of all the Estates and were not to be disputed by so small a Number of Persons as we were He also carried our Answer to Them who the Day before viz. the 4 th of March had desir'd to have all in writing Further he earnestly desir'd the Queen that seeing they had executed all the points within the Bounds of their Commission They might have leave to return home Ten Days after we had liberty to attend the Queen The Delegates of the Council who from our first coming were appointed to treat with us were very urgent That we would yet treat with them about finding out some Remedies to compose Things They us'd many Arguments to that purpose telling us That if War from abroad should be added to our Troubles at home our Labours Dangers and Difficulties would be doubled especially being not able to extricate our selves by our own Forces But we persisted in our Resolution and would hearken to no Model of Accommodation which lessened the King's Authority and so that Day ended The next Day which was the 20 th of March we were sent for again to Court and being commanded to come to the Queen she spake to us to this purpose That she and her Council had weigh'd our Answers by which she understood That none but a Supream Council or Parliament of Scotland consisting of all the Estates could give a certain Answer to her Demands and thereupon she had found out a Way how to leave the matter intire as she found it and with an honest Pretence too She was inform'd that there was shortly to be a Convention of all the Estates in Scotland thither we should go and God speed us well and therein we should endeavour that an equal Number of both Factions should be chosen to examine the Grounds of the Difference betwixt them and that she also would send her Embassadors thither which should join Endeavours with Those to promote a Peace In the mean time she desir'd That the Pacification might be renew'd till the Matter was brought to some Issue She said also That she would confer with the Queen of Scots Embassadors and persuade them if she could to the same But when 't was mov'd to Them they excus'd themselves saying That they could determine nothing on that head without consulting the Queen but that they would write to her to know her Pleasure in the Case Yet we prest hard to have our Convoy to return as was promised us but were desir'd to have a little Patience till an Answer was return'd from the Scots Queen to the Bishop of Ross and the rest of her Embassadors and then we should have our Dismission We urg'd our Return still but without effect though we told her we had nothing to do with the Bishop of Ross neither was our Embassy to him we had ended what we came for and did much wonder why the Bishop of Ross should retard our Journy especially since so many Tumults were rais'd in our Absence to the great Inconvenience of the King's Party But though our Importunity was almost Shameless yet we could not prevail for the Matter was deferr'd from Day to Day till the last of March and then the Queen return'd to London The Things which were acted in Parliament for 3 Days after did so take up the Queen that she had no leisure to debate foreign Matters But the 4 th of April she sent for us and excus'd the Delay She told us That our King's Mother had by her Letters grievously chid her Embassadors for their
Presumptuous Confidence in descending to debate her Cause after that Fashion and therefore say's the Queen seeing they are so averse from the Way of Concord which I propose I will detain you no longer but if she hereafter repent of her present Sentiment of which I have some hope and take the Course chalkt out by me I do not doubt but you for your part will perform your Duty Thus we were lovingly and kindly Dismist and the 8 th Day of April began our Journy towards our own Country This Account was given at Sterlin by the Embassadors before the Convention of the Estates Whereupon the Care and Diligence of the Embassadors were unanimously approv'd Other Matters they referr'd to the first of May a Parliament being summon'd against that time In the mean time both Parties bestir themselves one to promote the other to hinder the Assembling thereof The wisest Senators were of opinion That the Queen of England would never let the Scot's Queen depart as foreseeing how dangerous her Deliverance would be to all Britain In the interim Mention was made by some of demanding the Scot's King as an Hostage for his Mother rather in hopes to hinder a Concord than to establish it for she was well assur'd that the Scots would never yield to it but there were some potent Men in her Council who did secretly favour the Duke of Norfolk's Faction These were desirous that the Queen of Scots should be deliver'd and thereby the adverse Faction might in tract of time be broken and diminish'd that so they might obtain that Point from her by Necessity which they saw they could not otherwise do neither did they doubt but the Matter would come to that Pass if the R●bels were assisted with Mony and other Furniture for War from France and the Royalists had their Eye only on the Queen of England who had at the beginning largely promis'd them upon understanding the flagitious Act of the Queen that she would take a special care of the King and Kingdom of Scotland Neither could the French King well compass his Designs He was willing the Scot's Queen should be deliver'd but not that the King should be put into English Hands and hearing how strong the Norfolk Faction was which was all for Innovations he did not despair but that the Scot's Queen might in time escape out of Prison privately or be deliver'd by his Means Thus stood the State of Britain at that time Morton having given a laudable Account of his Embassy to the Convention at Sterlin return'd to his own House about 4 Miles from Edinburgh he had a Company of 100 Foot and a few Horse to guard his House and to defen● himself if the Townsmen should attempt to make any Excursion till more Forces might come in In the mean time the Queen's Faction were Masters of the Town and set Guards in all convenient Places and levell'd all their Designs to exclude the Regent and to hinder the Parliament which was Indicted to be held at Edinburgh Whereupon Morton was commanded by the Regent with 20 Horse and about 70 Foot for the rest had Passes to go abroad for Forage to march to Leith who was to make a publick Proclamation there for they had garison'd Edinburgh already That no Man should assist the Rebels by Land or Sea either with Provision Arms or any other warlike Furniture they that did so were to undergo the same Punishment with them They knowing themselves to be inferior to the Town-Souldiers sent their Foot another Way about which was cover'd by an Hill from the Sight of the City commonly call'd Arthur's Seat and the Horse past near the Walls and Gates of the City not a Man of the Enemy stiring out When they had done what they were commanded to do at Leith they had not the same Fortune at their Return for the Foot refus'd to march back the same Way that they came but return'd against the will of the Horse near the Gates of the City and so pass'd with them under the Walls with an intent to try what Metal themselves were made of and their Enemies too when lo on a sudden a Sally was made out against them from Two of the Gates At first they fought Manfully so that the Oppidans were driven back in disorder into the Town with no great loss 't is true yet it easily appear'd that they were Inferior in Valour though Superior in Number The Regent having nothing in readiness to assault the Town and having no time neither by reason of the sudden Sitting of the Parliament to bring any great Guns thither thought it better to desist from Force and to hold the Parliament without the Gate of Edinburgh For that City being stretch'd out mostly in Length they who first compassed it with a Wall left a great Part of it in the Suburbs yet so that the Inhabitants of that Part had the full priviledg of Citizens as well as those within the Walls There the Convention was held for the Lawyers gave their Opinions That 't was no great Matter in what Part soever of the City it met In this Parliament These were declar'd Traitors viz. The chief of Them who held out the Castle especially those who out of Consciousness of their guilt of the King 's and Regent's Murders had avoided Tryal The Rebels being thus condemn'd by an Act of Parliament The Judgment of which Court is of very great Authority lest the Commonalty which ordinarily is at the beck of the Nobility should be alienated from them They also of the Number which they had there made up a Convention such as it was Few appear'd there who had any lawful right to Vote and of them some came not into the Assembly at all some presented themselves but as Spectators only abstaining from all Judiciary Actings so that they having neither a just Number of Voices nor were they assembled either in due Time or according to ancient Custom yet that they might make shew of a lawful sufficient Number Two Bishops and some Others which were absent a thing never heard of before sent in their Votes in writing at hap-hazard as being doubtful of the Event of that Assembly At this time the Castle continually plaid with great Guns upon the Place where the Nobles were Assembled and though the Bullets often fell amongst crouds of People yet they neither hurt nor kill'd so much as one Man There were but few condemn'd in either Convention and both Parties appointed another Convention to be held in August one at Sterlin the other at Edinburgh When the Assembly was dismist neither Party issued out one upon other so that there was a kind of Truce between them Thereupon the greatest part of the Souldiers that were with Morton being press'd Men slipt away to their own homes They who kept the Town knew That Morton had but a small Party for his Guard and being willing also to cry quits for their former
Hamilton was killed Huntly's Kinsman a Commander of Foot hid himself in a poor Woman's Pantry but was discovered and brought to Leith The Common People when they saw him made such a Shout that it plainly appeared they would not be satisfied but by his Death for in the former Civil Wars he had been a cruel and avaritious Plunderer He was infamous in his Military Imployment in France and when the Kings of Denmark and Sweden were at odds he promised to serve them Both and accordingly had Mony to raise Souldiers from either but couzen'd them Both. And he being thus taken at length as I said to the great Joy of all was led forth to his Execution After a few Days Rest the Townsmen recruited their Forces and then shewed themselves again in Arms after that there were light Skirmishes past betwixt the Parties almost every Day with various Events The King's Party were more valorous but the Rebels had Places more convenient for Ambushes and besides they had an high Castle from whence they might see all the Motions of their Enemies neither would they ordinarily venture an Onset any further than their Ordnance out of the Castle could command The Regent kept himself at Leith watching all their Sallies and stopping all Provisions by Sea for he could not do it by Land by reason of the Largeness of the City and Inconvenience of the adjacent Places in the surrounding whereof many Opportunities of Service were lost Whilst these things were acting about the City a French Ship was taken that brought Gun-Powder Iron Bullets small Brass-Guns and some Mony to the Rebels The Mony went to pay the Souldiers but the Bullets Powder and Part of the Guns being sent with little or no Guard to Sterlin against the Tide the Rebels having Intelligence thereof procured some Vessels from other Havens and surprized them but not being able to carry their Booty to the Castle they sunk it in the River About the same time another Ship was also taken in which there was little else but Letters and large Promises of Assistance speedily to be sent from France For during the Two whole last past Years wherein at times there was War in Scotland The Queen of England on behalf of the Royalists the King of France and the English Papists on behalf of the Rebels did send in some small Dribblets of Mony but loaded them with more Promises as rather studying that their side might not be conquer'd rather than conquer respectively Both of them were willing Matters should be brought to that Pinch of Necessity The Queen of England's Design was That the Scots being worn out by their Divisions might be willing to send their King into England and so seem to depend wholly on her The French did it That the Rebels might surrender Dunbarton and Edinburgh to him and by those Two commanding Garisons from both Seas he would keep the Scots always in fear of his Arms. But despairing of the Queen's Delivery and Dunbarton Castle being lost he mov'd but slowly in the Cause of the Rebels his Aim only was That the Kingdom being exhausted with domestick Sedition he might not undertake a new and unnecessary War for the sake of one Castle only it was enough he thought at present if it did not fall into the Enemies Hands The Scots were fully resolved not to give up their King to the English upon the account of old Controversies and also because the English Papists were so strong who plac'd all their Hopes in his Death For if he were taken out of the way the Queen of England would not only seem weaker seeing it was the Life of one King only that delayed their Hopes but also the Queen of Scots was the undoubted Heir of the whole Kingdom who by he● Marriage might gratify whom she pleased with the Realm and so bear a great Figure in the Change of the State of Religion through all Europe And in the English Court there were some no mean Men who preferred the Hope of Novelty before ancient Courtesies yet if as long as the King of Scots was alive they should cut off Elizabeth many of those of the Queen's Privy-Council feared lest the known Wickedness of the Scots Queen might diminish her Authority and increase her Son's Power and so for fear of Tyranny endear him more to the English Whereupon the English Rebels were willing to destroy the Queen of England and King of Scots Both and not succeeding in doing it openly they resolved upon Poison Matters standing thus in Scotland Both Factions prepared themselves against the approaching Sitting of the Parliament The Rebels had only Three of the Lords voting with them of which Two were the Proctors or Commissioners to the Convention to be held in the Queen's Name The Third Alexander Hume was the only Man who had Right to vote And of the Ecclesiastical Order Two Bishops the One banish'd thither a few Months before by the Regent and the State of the City being chang'd not daring to depart without a Convoy he staid there against his Will The Other was a Bankrupt who having spent his Estate was driven thither by necessity By their Votes above 200 were condemned some of them being Children under Age. Moreover the malapert Souldiers as if they had already got the Victory divided other Mens Patrimonies among themselves and so put many quiet and innocent Persons and by that means more liable to Injuries into the Roll of the Confiscate The Regent went to Sterlin where he had a great Convention of the Nobles Therein about Thirty of the obstinatest of the Queen's Party were condemn'd the rest were put off in hopes of Pardon The Rebels thought this a fit Opportunity for them to attempt something in the absence of the Nobility and thereupon they drew all their Forces out of the City and to make a greater Show the Townsmen with them they set them in Battel-array that so as in former times by light Skirmishes they might draw the King's Forces out of Leith In the mean time while the Enemy were kept in play by them they resolved to send the rest privately to march about and when the Garison was drawn out to enter in at the opposite Gate and so burn the Town Patrick Lindsy was Governour of Leith a wise and valiant Person he drew forth his Forces having sufficiently provided against their Treachery and marched directly towards the Enemy they fought stoutly at first at last he gave the Rebels a round Salvo and so beat them back yet not without Loss to the Gates of the Town a great many Prisoners were brought off but the most part of them were Townsmen Alexander Hume was taken once but reliev'd again by his own side In the Evening as the King's Party were retreating joyous for the Victory Iames Haliburton a good Man and a skilful Souldier who commanded all the Foot being too far from his Body was taken by a Troop of
him 421 Again possessed by him and delivered to the English 427 Retaken by the Scots 429 Dunbritton 17 The Castle surrendred to Robert Bruce 268 Twice surprized 371 Taken by the Queen 164 Retaken by the Regent by Surprize with the Manner how 260 It s Scituation and why so called 262 263 Duncan King of Scots 229 He is slain ibid. Duncan Earl of Marr Regent 284 Slain in Battel 285 Duncan Stuart rising in Arms is suppressed 323 Duncaledon rather than Deucaledon to be read in Ptolemy 56 Dunchonel Isle 25 Dundee 18 Dundeans Enemies to the Gordons 286 Dunedin by the ancient Scots now Edinburgh 171 Dungisby Head 22 See Betubium Duni pacis what 15 119 Dunkelden 18 Duno or Dunum Words so beginning or ending are the Names of Places 65 66 67 Dunoter 19 Dunsinnan Hill and Castle 212 Dunstafnage 20 Duodecemvirate in Scotland 253 Dur the Names of some Places derived therefrom 68 Durstus King of Scots 102 He invites the Nobility to a Supper and there treacherously kils them ibid. He is slain 103 Durstus made King of the Picts 132 Slain in Battel 137 E EAnfrid 159 Easdale Isle 25 Easter-Day a Dispute about it raised by Austin the Monk 157 Eboracum i. e. York whence derived 60 Ecclesiasticks their Power over Kings 237 Their Avarice 238 243 They are reformed by Constantine II. are superstit●ous 195 Eder preserved by his Nurse 104 Educated by Cadvallus 105 Created King of Scots 106 Edgar then in Scotland demanded by William the Norman 216 Returns to England 217 Made King of the S●ots 221 Builds Coldingham Abby ibid. Edifice a strange one 15 Edinburgh or Edinum whence so called 171 Its several Names 175 How seated 276 A Convention held at one End when the Enemy had the Castle at the other ibid. Edinburghers would not admit the English Exiles nor Hamilton to enter their City 252 Edmund King of England his Story 215 He gives Cumberland and Westmoreland to Malcolm King of Scots 181 Edward I. King of England takes away all Scotish Monuments 119 Endeavours to bring Scotland under his Dominion 249 Enters Scotland with a great Army 264 265 Overcomes the Scots and forces them to swear ●ealty to him 259 Appoints Magistrates all over Scotland ibid. Desires Margarite of Norwey Heiress of Scotland a Wife for his Son but she dies before her Marriage 245 Edward II. succeeding his Father in the Kingdom of England 263 Besieges Berwick makes a Truce with the Scots and retreats 270 271 Worsted in Scotland 272 Is cast into Prison by his Wife and his Son and there put to a cruel Death 274 Edward III. King of England makes Peace with the Scots 300 Baliol tak●● into his Protection 288 H●s Cruelty to Seton's Children 289 〈◊〉 Berwick 288 Hath three Kings his Prisoners at once 304 He overthrows the Scots 290 Takes Berwick 290 Enters Scotland once or twice but retreats again 293 296 His Death 308 Edward Duke of York cals himself King of England 396 Edward IV. of England makes Peace with the Scots 416 He dies 428 He laid the Foundation of Tyranny 434 Edward VI. of England an hopeful Prince his Death 114 Edward Bruce called to be King in Ireland 269 Assists his Brother Robert 265 Edward Baliol with a numerous Fleet in the Bay of Forth 284 He overcomes the Scots 285 Enters on the Kingdom 286 Swears Fealty to the King of England 288 His supposititious Son 7 Education at Court what 160 Egfrid King of Northumberland slain by the Picts 161 Edwyn of Northumberland 159 Eels taken in abundance 14 Egg Isle See Rum 28 Eglish or Church Isle 25 Eglisa or Eglish-oy Isle 36 Elbeouf Marquess of it stays with the Queen in Scotland 154 Elgin a Town 20 Eliot's Authority disallowed 4 Elizabeth Queen of England sends Aid to the Reformers of Religion in Scotland 141 144 Her grave Oration to the Embassador of the Queen of Scots 155 156 c. She in part adopts the Cause of the Queen of Scots 222 Her Letters to the Regent to defer the Convention of the Estates ibid. Her other Letters to him which break off the Course of his Victories 223 She is informed by the Regent that the Cause of their Queen's deposing was the Murder of her Husband 227 228 She sends Letters to the Nobles of Scotland to receive their Queen again 239 c. Their Answer to her Letters 241 Howard's Conspiracy against her detected 244 She demands the English Fugitives to be given up to her by the Scots 284 She is made Arbiter between the Parties in Scotland 260 Some of her Council would have King James sent into England 275 Which the Scots refuse to do 280 She favours the King's Cause most yet is politickly slow in her Aid 279 286 Ella an English King 172 Embassadors from France desire the Scots to make War upon England 119 Embassadors from France and England to Scotland 352 England divided by four Rivers 13 The King thereof the Pope's Feudatary 237 Its King makes Peace or Truce with the Scots 249 250 Enecus General of the Danes 200 Slain by the Scots 201 Enemies not to be undervalued 174 291 Their sudden Liberality to be suspected 43 English how said to rule over all Britain 180 Incommoded in their March in Scotland 276 Their Army worsted 270 Quit their Claim to any Part of Scotland 234 Regain a great Part of Scotland 303 Drawn into an Ambush 304 Their Army of 60000 Men 274 Driven out of all Scotland except Berwick 300 English Souldiers less rapacious than the French 313 Worsted in Scotland 391 Overthrown by the Scots at Sea 379 Ask Aid of the Scots against their own King 392 English their Horses frightned in Scotland 42 Make War on Scotland 59 Enter Scotland again 86 Are worsted 89 Again enter 100 And give the Regent a great Overthrow 104 Enter Scotland again 105 And prevail against James Douglas 106 English Fleet attempts the Orcades 123 English called Deliverers of Scotland 152 Send Aid to the Reformers in Scotland 143 Assist the Vindicators of King and Regent's Murderers against the Queen's Faction 253 c. 256 257 Their Queen Elizabeth designed to be destroyed and the King of Scots too 280 Enner what it signifies 106 Ennerlute or Ennerlochy a Mart-Town 20 Ennerness a Mart-Town 106 Eorsa Isle 27 Eoy Isle 29 Ericaean or Heath Isle 26 Erisbach Isle see Abridic Eriscaia or Erisay Isle 30 Erin Isle ibid. Erra Isle 26 Esk River 13 South and North 19 Thence the Country called Eskdale 13 Etfin King of Scots 163 Ethelfrid King of Northumberland 156 Routs the Scots 157 Marches into Galway ibid. Ethodius I. King of Scots makes Laws about Hunting 112 Overcomes the Islanders ibid. Slain by Night in his Bedchamber by his Harper ibid. Ethodius II. rules by his Deputies 119 Is slain ibid. Ethus King of Scots 171 Eu Island 31 Eubonia or Man Isle 24 Evenus I. King of Scots 103 Aids the Picts against the Brittons ibid. The first that required an Oath of
II. Son of Stephen King of England seeks occasion for a War against Scotland 224 Malcolm of Scotland acknowledges himself his Feudatary ibid. Henry IV. of England 326 His Death 333 Succeeded by Henry V. ibid. Henry V. takes James I. King of Scots with him into France 336 Henry VI. undervalues the Nobility and advances Vpstarts 392 A Conspiracy against him by the Nobles of England ibid. He is taken by the Duke of York and brought to London 396 He flies into Scotland 397 Ioins Battel with Edward IV. and is overcome 398 Returns privately to England and is taken ib. Henry VII succeeds Richard III. who was slain in Battel 429 He denounces War against France 16 Desires to make a perpetual League with the Scots 430 Marries his Daughter Margarite to James IV. 14 War denounced against him by James as he was besieging Tournay 20 His Magnanimous and Kingly Answer to the Heraulds ibid. He eases the Commonalty of some old Burdens 71 Henry VIII desires the exiled Douglasses may be restored 60 By the French Embassador he desires a Peace with the Scots ibid. He sends Controversal Books of Divinity to James V. 62 Complains the Scots had violated the Law of Nations wars upon them takes Leith and burns Edinburgh 82 83 His Forces are worsted 89 His General persuades the Scots to Peace 102 Gives the Scots a great Overthrow 104 Henry of France sends some German Foot into Scotland 106 He displaces the Regent by Subtilty 113 Henry Percy invades Scotland 306 His Horse affrightned with rattling Instruments 307 His Duel with James Douglas 317 Henry Percy the younger overthrows the Scots at Homeldon 327 Conspires against his own King 329 Henry Stuart comes out of England into Scotland 171 Made Duke of Rothsay and Earl of Ross by the Queen of Scots 174 At which many of the Nobles are disgusted 175 He marries the Queen ibid. Strangely disrespected at the Baptism of his own Son 186 He withdraws from Court ibid. Is poisoned but overcomes it by the strength of his Youth 186 187 A Design to destroy him 187 188 Is actually murdered 190 Heraulds slain against the Law of Arms 230 Hergustus King of the Picts 127 131 Hepburn John insinuates himself into the new Regent 32 Heris hanged by James Douglas 384 H●rmodra Isle 30 Herodian quoted 76 Heruli who 89 Hethland Isles see Schetland High Isle 25 Hirta Isle 30 Historians their flattering Dispositions 46 Hoia Promontory 21 Hollanders Fleet spoiled by Alexander Earl of Marr 349 Holland Horse sent for over into England 275 Holmes i. e. Plains full of Grass 35 Holy Isle or Lindisfarm 398 Honnega Isle 37 Horestia 18 Parted between two Brothers 170 Horses Isle or Naich 28 Hugh Kennedy his couragious Answer 51 Huilin Isle 30 Hulmena 31 Humber River 13 Humble Isle or Ishol 25 Hume Castle surprized by the Scots 107 Hungus the Pict fights prosperously against Athelstan 165 He prays to God and is encouraged by a Vision ibid. He offers Tithes to St. Andrew ibid. His Death 166 Hunting Laws made by King Dornadilla 89 And by King Ethodius 116 Huntly overthrown by James Earl of Murray taken and pardoned 235 237 Hypoconistical i. e. Diminutive 6 I JAmes I. Son of Robert III. sailing for France is taken by the English 330 Where he is educated and married 331 338 His Return to Scotland upon a Ransom 398 Crowned King ibid. Renews a League with France 340 352 Punishes the Captains of Thieves 341 343 Twins born to him 344 He rectifies Weights and Measures ibid. Reforms the Ecclesiastical Estate and erects publick Schools 345 Invites Tradesmen from beyond the Seas 347 Perfidiousness imputed to him answered 353 354 Is cruelly murdered 356 His Character 356 357 James II. King of Scots 359 Carried out of the Castle of Edinburgh in a Chest by his Mother 361 Taken again by the Chancellour and brought to Edinburgh 365 Enters on the Government 371 Marries Mary Daughter to the Duke of Guelderland 380 He kils William Douglas 386 Marches to assist the English Nobles 391 392 Deceived by a counterfeit Embassador from Rome suborned by the English 393 Takes Roxburgh Town ibid. His casual Death in his Camp 394 His Queen encourages the Souldiers and takes Roxburgh Castle ibid. His Character 395 James III. begins his Reign at seven Years old 396 Six Regents of the Kingdom in his Minority 407 His Mother's Death ibid. In his Time a Truce made with England for five Years 407 Marries Margarite the King of Denmark's Daughter 413 415 His Death foretold 420 He degenerates into Tyranny ibid. Addicts himself to Evil Counsellours 231 The Nobles arm against him 432 Is slain by them in Fight 433 His Character 434 James IV. 1 Chosen General by the Nobles against his Father 432 His first Parliament which justifies taking Arms against his Father 5 His Clemency and sorrowful Resentment for his Father's Death 6 He leads an Army into England 11 Marries Margarite Henry VII of Enggland's Daughter 14 Builds a vast Ship and is prof●se in other Buildings ibid. Resolves to go to Jerusalem but prevented 15 Sends Forman into England to pick a Quarrel 16 Denounces War against England 20 Resolute in his Opinion 22 Fights with the English at Flodden where he is overthrown and slain 24 25 Doubtful Reports concerning his Death 26 Some Aspersions cast upon him indeavoured to be wiped off 27 His Character 27 28 James V. 28 Enters upon the Government 46 He and his Mother in the Power of the Douglasses 47 He frees himself from them 53 He is an Enemy to their Faction 50 Inclinable to a French Alliance 65 Three Maries offered to him 62 Treats with the Emperour about a Match 61 Visits the Orcades 62 And other Isles of Scotland ibid. Receives Controversal Books of Divinity from Henry of England 63 Agrees to an Interview with Henry which is disappointed 64 Sails to France and marries Magdalen Daughter to their King Francis who soon dies 65 He accuses his Nobility as Dastards 70 He marries Mary of the House of Guise 66 67 His presaging Dream 69 He dies with Grief for the Loss of his Army 71 His Character 71 72 James VI. his Birth 183 His Mother endeavours to get him under the Power of Bothwel 205 Enters on the Government 214 215 James Abernethy a skilful Physician 186 James Earl of Arran Son to James returning from France sides with the Reformers 135 Goes to his Sister Mary the Queen 151 Hardly persuaded to allow the admission of the Mass in the Queen's Chappel 159 Made Earl of Marr and afterwards of Murray 161 James Balfure Governour of Edinburgh Castle for the Queen 206 207 He raises Insurrections 226 James Culen taken and executed for his Crimes 279 James the first Earl of Douglas 308 James Douglas joins with Bruce 263 He marches with great Forces into England 275 James sirnamed Crassus the Douglasses being dead succeeds to the Right of the Earldom 370 He dies ibid. James Douglas marries Eufemia Daughter to Robert
II. 306 His Duel with Henry Percy 316 Is slain fighting valiantly 318 His three last dying Requests ibid. James Douglas made Earl when William Douglas his Father was slain 386 He accuses the King and Nobles of Perfidiousness ibid. Proclaimed a publick Enemy 387 Marries Beatrix his Brother's Widow 388 Persuaded to a Reconciliation with the King which he refuses ibid. Being forsaken by his Friends he applies to England for Aid 389 And to Donald the Islander 390 Forsaken by his Wife ibid. James Douglas Earl of Morton and Alexander Hume take the Coronation-Oath for King James VI. in his Minority 214 He provides for the Common-wealth at his private Charge 215 Commands the King's Army against the Queen 220 Goes into England with the Regent 224 Sent Embassador into England 261 His Cheerfulness to encounter the Enemy 278 Taken Prisoner and then takes him Prisoner whose Captive he was before 282 James Haliburton taken Prisoner 281 James Hamilton Earl of Arran Admiral of a Navy under James IV. 16 He plunders Knockfergus in Ireland ibid. At last sails for France 17 Is chosen Regent 75 Opposes Archibald Douglas after his Return from France 39 Highly disgusted by King James V. 65 Compelled to change his Opinion concerning the Controverted Points of Religion 79 80 His shameful Flight Vanity and Inconstancy 84 86 Remiss in the Case of George Wiseheart 111 Corrupted by Avarice 112 Put from his Regency and made Duke of Chastle-herault 113 114 James Hamilton returns from France 229 Endeavours to engage Queen Elizabeth of England to make him Regent ibid. But without Success 232 He submits to the Regent 234 James Hamilton Son of the Archbishop of St. Andrews's Sister treacherously shoots Murray and kils him 245 246 James Hamilton a Bastard Brother to the Earl of Arran chosen Iudg against the Lutherans 68 He is tried condemned and executed 69 James Hepburn Earl of Bothwel committed to Prison 163 164 But escapes 167 Banished 66 A Rival to the Earl of Lennox 80 Called out of France by the Queen 171 172 Endeavours to supplant Murray 163 Divorced from his former Wife 198 Procures a Schedule from the Nobility about his Marriage with the Queen 196 Surprizes and marries the Queen 199 Outlawed 173 Accused of the King's Murder 194 His Mock-Trial 173 193 195 Wounded by an High-way Pad 184 Designs to destroy Murray 192 His Challenge answered 209 He flies 210 And dies distracted in Denmark 215 James Kennedy Archbishop an Adversary to the Douglasses 373 Retires from a corrupt Court 376 Disallows the Faction of the Queen-Mother 399 His Oration that Women ought not to govern 401 c. His Praise Death and Character 409 410 James Kennedy builds a vast Ship 420 James Levingston put to Death by the Douglassian Faction 375 376 Lindsy's Obstinacy in following his Enemies 319 James Macgil sent with others Embassador into England 224 261 James Macintosh unjustly put to Death 160 James the Son of Murdo burns Dumbarton 339 James Earl of Murray appointed Vicegerent 60 Settles the Borders 57 Sent into France 63 James Earl of Murray refuses to associate with the Queen and Bothwel 204 But chuses rather to leave the Land 205 He returns from Travel and is made Regent 213 His resolute Speech 217 He meets the Queen of England's Embassadors at York 224 Waylayed by his Enemies in his Iourny ibid. Goes to London 226 Where he manages the Accusation against the Queen 227 Whence honourably dismiss'd and his Transactions there approved in Scotland 233 He is deserted by his Friends 243 Too c●●eless of himself 245 Killed by one of the Hamiltons 246 His laudable Character 246 247 James Murray offers to encounter Bothwel hand to hand 209 James Sandiland Embassador from Scotland to France 150 James Sandiland sent against the Thieves 59 Carries Propositions from the Reformers to the Queen Regent 125 James Stuart marries Joan the Widow of James I. 364 Is banished 375 James Stuart the Queen's Brother puts the English to a Retreat 108 Hath threatning Letters sent him by the Queen 130 An Actor in reforming Religion 131 Made Earl of Marr and Murray 161 Iceni and Icium 10 Icolumbkil 26 Idleness the Source of Mischief 345 Idlers Isle or of the Otiosi 25 Ierna i. e. Ireland 69 Jews imitated by the Romanists 381 Issurt or Issert Isle 30 Igerne vitiated by Uter yet he afterwards marries her 149 Ignis Fatuus what 264 Ila Isle see Yla Ilan na Covihaslop 26 Images demolished at Perth 128 Immersi Isle 26 Impostors notorious ones 393 6 7 c. 58 Indigenae who 42 50 Indulfus King of Scots 181 Casually slain by the Danes 182 Indulgence over-much to Children punished 337 Informers though sometimes allowed yet dangerous Instruments in a State 148 Inhumanity to Prisoners 297 Innerlochy 20 Innerness 20 Interregnum in Scotland after Alexander the IIId's Death 245 Inundation of the River Tay at Perth 236 And great Ones in Lothian 305 John Annins writes the Original of the Brittons in Verse 42 Johannes Scotus sent for by Charles the Great 165 Johns or Jeans Isle 26 John Baliol his Genealogy 246 247 248 More solicitous for a Kingdom than a Good Name 250 Made King and surrenders himself and Kingdom to the King of England ibid. He confesses his Fault for so doing 251 Disgusts Edward of England 252 Overthrown by Edward made Prisoner and released 251 252 253 John King of England meditates a War against Scotland 235 Makes divers Leagues with the Scots 236 Enters Scotland 237 The Pope's Beneficiary ibid. Poisoned by a Monk 238 John Son of Alexander Brother to James III. Duke of Albany declared Regent when in France 31 He arrives in Scotland 32 Gets the Queen Mother into his Power 34 Goes into France appointing Governours in his Absence 37 Returns to Scotland 39 Raises an Army against England but makes a Truce 40 41 Goes again into France whence he returns with a great Navy 41 42 Marches into England and assaults Werk-Castle 45 Goes the third time into France and his Power is vacated in his Absence 46 John Erskin sent Embassador into France 63 Of the Queen's Faction 105 Made Governour of Edinburgh Castle 115 Sent Embassador into France 121 John Brother to King James III. put to death 421 John Erskin favours the Reformation 126 Afraid of the Queen Regent 128 Beats the Rebels out of Sterlin 282 Chosen Regent 283 Straitens Edinburgh 286 John Armstrong Captain of Thieves executed 57 John Earl of Athol marries Beatrix Douglas 301 He his Wife taken Prisoners by Donald 408 John Earl of Buchan aids the French King's Son 334 Made Lord High Constable of France 335 Slain there by the English 336 John Cumins marches into England and wasts Northumberland 253 His Treachery against Robert Bruce 2●0 Which cost him his Life ibid. John Earl of Carick base Son to Robert II. 307 John Cockburn of Ormiston wounded and taken by Bothwel 140 John Cuningham imployed in surprizing Dumbarton-Castle 263 John Earl Douglas's Brother made Baron of
to revenge the Cardinal's Death 101 Lewis Isle 30 Many Whales taken there 32 Lewis XI espouses Margarite the King of Scots's Daughter 340 He lays the Foundation of Tyranny 434 Lewis de Galais Embassador from France to the Queen's Party 254 Liddisdale so called from the River Lidal 13 140 Liguria 11 Lilborn worsted by the Scots 306 Linga Isle 30 37 Lingaia Isle 39 Lindil Isle 29 Linlithgo 30 Lindsay's and Ogilby's Fight 373 The Lindsays prevail 374 Lismore Isle 25 Loch-Abyr 19 20 Loch-Aw 17 Loch-Brien 31 Loch-Earn ibid. Loch-Fin 17 Loch-Ger ibid. Loch-Long ibid. Loch-Lomund ibid. Loch-Loubrun 21 Loch-Louch 20 Loch-Maban 300 The Castle in it taken by the Scots 309 Loch-Ness 20 Whose Water never freezeth ibid. Loch-Ryan 14 Loch-Spey 140 Loch-Tee 20 Lochindores Castle 296 Locrine Son of Brute 42 Loegria an old Name for England ibid. Lollius Urbicus in Britain 113 London anciently called Augusta 89 Longay Isle 25 Lords of the Articles who 305 Lorn County 17 Lothian so called from Lothus King of the Picts 13 Lothus King of the Picts 13 He joins with the Scots against the Saxons 148 Complains that his Sons were deprived of the Kingdom of Britain ibid. He is commended ibid. Lox or Lossy River 20 Luctacus King of Scots a flagitious Person 111 He is slain ibid. Lud or Lloyd allows that by Prudania is meant Britain 2 He is refuted 71 72 73 77 78 79 80 Luing Isle 25 Lunga Isle 25 27 Luparia or Wolf Isle 25 Lupicianus in Britain 88 89 Luss River 14 Lusitania why Portugal so called as some say 47 Lust a Punishment to it self 186 Lutherans persecuted 63 67 91 Mackbeth's Son slain by Malcolm 215 Luxury accompanies Peace 143 M MAalmori Isle 26 Macalpine Laws 70 Macdonald rises in Arms but is overthrown and kils himself 207 208 Mackbeth King of Scots his Character 208 His Dream 210 211 He flies 214 Macdonald his cruel Fact to a Woman retaliated on himself 343 344 Macduff ill resents Mackbeth 212 He stirs up Malcolm against him ibid. Three Priviledges granted him by Malcolm 215 The first Earl of Fife 214 He complains against Baliol to Edward of England 250 Macklan executed by Douglas 384 Maenavia Isle 24 See Man Magistrates have Power over Mens Bodies but not over their Consciences 127 Magna or Megala Isle 29 Magnus his carousing Goblet ●4 Magnus King of Norwey seizes on the Islands 221 Makes Peace with the Scots 242 Magus Towns so ending 68 69 Maiatae who 26 Mainland see Pomona Main an English Commander against the Scots slain in Fight 3●9 Main Son of Fergus 97 King of Scots 98 Makul a Criminal abstains from Food 236 Maldon not in Scotland 16 Maldwin King of Scots 160 A Plague in his Time over Europe ibid. He is strangled by his Wife 1●● Malgo a Britain ibid. Malcolm Fleming executed by the Douglasses 37● Malcolm I. 18● Sits in Courts of Iudgment himself ibid. He is slain ibid. Malcolm II. Competitor with Constantino for the Crown 197 Confirms the Law for Succession 2●● Overthrown by the Danes 2●1 Afterwards overthrows them in several Battels 202 His Murderers drowned 2●4 Malcolm III. brings in foreign Titles of Honour into Scotland 214 He recovers the Kingdom from Mackbeth ib. Qu●ls Conspiracies made against him 215 217 His Vow to St. Andrew 218 He erects new Bishopricks and makes wholesome su●p●uary Laws ibid. Builds the Cathedrals of Durham and Dunfermling 219 Is slain by the English with his Son Edward ibid. His Queen and other Female Relations very pious 218 Malcolm IV. takes a Fe●datary Oath to Henry of England 227 He accompanies him into France 229 Is despoiled by him of Part of his Patrimony in Engl●nd ibid. Is persuaded by the Scots to marry but gives them a negative Answer 231 Man Isle its several Names 24 Marcel●in●● quoted and corrected 56 Marble Stone on which the Scots Kings were crowned 171 Ma●ble white Mountains of it in Sutherland 21 Marchet● Mulierum what the Scots call so 219 Margarit●● or St. Margarite's Port 35 Margarite Creighton who 428 Margarite Queen of England delivers her Husband Edward by Force of Arms 397 She flies into Scotland and thence into France ibid. Margarite Sister to Edward of England Wife to Charles of Burgundy endeavours to raise Commotions in England 6 Margarite Daughter of Henry VII marries James IV. 14 The first Female Regent in Scotland 29 After her Husband's Death she marries Archibald Doug●as ibid. She flies with her Husband into England 34 But returns 37 Displeased with her Husband ibid. Persuades the Scots to break with the French 42 But opposed therein by the French Faction 43 Marianus Scotus 180 Mariners to offend them dangerous to Passengers 286 Marr and M●arn Counties whence so called 19 170 Martha Countess of Carick falls in Love with Robert Bruce and marries him 247 Martiq●●● the Earl of it comes ●●to Scotland with his 〈◊〉 148 Mary Wife of 〈◊〉 II. her manly Spirit 394 Mary of Guise Widow of the Duke of Longuevil marries James IV. 67 By degrees she dispossesseth the Regent 112 113 Takes upon her the Ensigns of the Government 113 114 Imposes new Taxes 117 Changes ancient Affability into Arrogance 127 Persecutes the Reformed and is perfidious 130 1●1 Mak●s a Truce with the Reformed 134 The Administration of the Government taken from her by Proclamation 139 She dies in the Castle of Edinburgh 146 Her Disposition and Character 147 Mary Queen of Scots born 71 Begins her Reign ibid. Henry of England desires her for his Son's Wife 75 She is sent into France 107 From whence that King● sends Letters desiring her a Wife for his Son 120 Embassadors sent thither for that purpose of which some die there 121 122 She marries the Dolphin 121 When Mary of England died she carried her self as the next Heir and assumed the Royal Arms of that Kingdom 127 When her Husband died she resolves to return into Scotland 151 Her subtil Answer to a cunning Cardinal 153 She lays the Foundation of Tyranny 196 Designs a Guard for her Body ibid. Her unbecoming Familiarity with David Rize 172 She marries Henry Stuart 175 She punishes David's Homicides 183 Her strange Proclamation about Rize's Death ibid. She brings forth James VI. ibid. She is willing by all means to be rid of her Husband 183 184 185 A joculary Process against her Husband's Murderers 193 She marries Bothwel 199 The French Embassador and the Scotish Nobles dislike her Marriage ibid. She frames an Association against the Nobles 204 And they Another against her 205 Earl of Murray leaves Scotland in Discontent ibid. Besieged with Bothwel at Borthwick and escapes in Man's Apparel 206 Surrenders her self Prisoner 209 210 Proved guilty of her Husband's Death by Letters 211 Hamilton designs her Deliverance 216 She escapes 218 Is overthrown by the Nobles and 〈◊〉 for England 221 She endeavours by Balfure to raise Tumults in Scotland 226 Designs to marry Howard of England 233 23● Continued in the Lord Scroop's House 239
Her Faction garison Edinburgh from whence they sally out 〈◊〉 Morton ●●● Massacre designed in France by the Gu●●es 750 Matthew Stuart Earl of Lennox marries Margarite Hamilton ● Sent for out of France into Scotland 78 Returns 171 Circumvented by the Cardinal 's Cunning about his marrying the Queen 80 Vpon which he rises in Arms but is forced to agree with the Regent 82 He justifies himself to the French King 83 Is worsted and flies into England where he is kindly received and marries Margarite Douglas 83 85 86 Created Regent 258 259 Takes Brechin from Huntly 260 Hurt by a Fall 261 Maximianus Commander of a Roman Legion in Britain 136 He overthrows the Scots and Picts 137 M●xim grave in Policy 176 Another 208 Others 239 Maximus in Britain 127 He overcomes the Scots 128 Takes the chief Government upon him 129 Banishes all the Scots out of Britain ibid. Measures and Weights amended and rectified 334 Mechanical Engine of Brass a strange one 192 Mecla Isle 37 Meliss Graham deprived of Strathearn by the King 351 Men fight like wild Beasts one with another 324 Mendi●ant Friars called Manducant 129 Mentei●h 17 140 Menthe●'s Treachery against Robert Bruce 268 He is rewarded 269 Merch 13 Merchants forbid to traffick by Sea for a time 244 Merchants or Ch●nnards Is●e 26 Mercenary Souldiers change with Fortune 236 Fit to establish Tyranny 117 177 Merlin the Prophet or Impostor rather when he lived 147 A wicked Man 149 A Comparison between Gildas and him à dissimili ibid. Mern whence so called 170 Mernoch Isle 25 Merta●k Isle 31 Metellan or Maitland King of Scots 107 Michael Weems helps the Royalists 277 Milesian Fables what 77 Minturnae 78 Modred Son of Lothus General of the Picts Forces 151 Competitor with Constantine 153 Slain ibid. Moesici who 89 Mogald King of Scots 112 Makes an unjust Law 113 He is slain ibid. Molas Isle 24 Mologhascar Isle 25 Mon Isle put falsly for Man 24 Monfort slain by Preston 297 Mongomery comes into Scotland 91 Monk poisons King John of England 238 Another poisons Thomas Randolph 283 Their Impudence in devising Fables 42 Their Luxury 143 Their Monasteries overthrown by Order of the Lords 152 Monster like an Hermaphrodite born in Scotland 4 5 Monk-Fishes never seen but they predict Mischief 175 Mordac King of Scots 162 Mordac Earl of Fife Son of Robert taken Prisoner 327 Returns to Scotland 333 Succeeds his Father in the Government 336 Takes Care to recal King James from England 337 Imprisoned 339 Executed 340 More Isle 25 More in old Gaulish signifies Mare the Sea 10 More marusa 7 10 77 Morini who 10 Morton's large Account of his Negotiation in England to the Regent 267 Mother cruel to her own Children 231 Mourning Garments when first used in Scotland 66 Muick Isle 28 Mull of Galway 14 Mull Isle 26 Mulmore Isle ibid. Mungo or St. Mungo see Kentigern Murderer discovered sometimes by touching the Murdered Body 184 Murdo and his Sons put to Death 348 Murray a fruitful Country 20 Its Inhabitants seditious 230 Murray made Regent 226 His Death 298 Musa Isle 37 Musadil Isle 25 Musicians or wandring Minstrels restrained 282 283 N NAick Isle 28 Nagunner Isle ibid. Names new by ambitious Men given to Places 170 171 Names of Towns new shew the Affinity of a Language 62 Naomph Isles 26 Naosg Isles 26 Narn 140 Nathalocus King of Scots 120 Murders the Nobility and consults So●●hsayers ibid. Nathalocus a Noble Man conspires against Athirco 119 Is himself slain 121 Navern Province so called from the River Navern 21 140 Nectamus King of Scots 126 Ness Town i. e. Innerness and River whose Water is always warm 20 Nightshade its Description and Properties 209 Ninian 145 Nithisdale from the River Nith 13 140 Nobility their Tyranny over the Commons restrained 182 Nobles how anciently tried in Scotland 340 Normans overcome the Saxons and Danes in Britain 71 Norman Lesly his Valour against the English 89 He surprizes St. Andrews and kils Cardinal Beton 98 Northumberland divided into two Kingdoms viz. the Deiri and the Bernici 159 Nostvade Isle 37 Nothatus King of Scots 98 First sets up Arbitrary Government ibid. He is slain 99 Noviogagus many Cities so called 68 Nuns Isle or Monades 27 O OCCA General of the Saxons overthrown by three Kings and wounded 151 152 Occidental or Western Isles 22 Ocel-Mountains 17 Olavus General of the Scandians 200 Old Castle Isle 31 Oracle feigned by a Monk 44 Oransa Isle 28 29 Oration of Archbishop Kennedy that the Administration of the chief Government is not to be committed to Queen-Mothers 401 c. Orcades Isles 33 Their Description ibid. Writers not agreed about their Number 35 Orca Promontory 21 Ordovices who 109 Original of Letters 38 Orkny the Bishop thereof marries the Queen to Bothwel 199 Orma Isle 37 Orvansa or Oversa Isle 26 Osbreth aids Picts against Scots 172 Overthrown at first but afterwards beats the Scots ibid. Osellius a French Man desirous of Glory 120 Differs with the Scots Nobles but afterwards yields to Them ibid. Osrim Isle 26 Oswald King of Northumberland promotes the Christian Religion 159 Otterborn Fight wherein the English are worsted 318 Oversa Isle 26 Ovia Isle ibid. Otiosi Isle 25 Oxon for Oxonford 8 P PABA Isle noted for Robbery or Piracy 28 29 Pabaia Isle 30 Palladius sent by Pope Celestine into Scotland first sets up Bishops there 145 Pandulphus the Pope's Legat 238 Papa Isles great and small 36 37 Parish Priests and Friars Mendicants the Cause of the Decay of Ecclesiastical Discipline 243 Parricide God suffers not to be unrevenged 184 185 Parsimony the Mother of Health 33 Parsonages Church-Preferments sold 419 Bestowing of them causes Strife 57 Pasly Book or the Black Book of Pasly what 134 Patrick Graham chosen Bishop of St. Andrews by his Canons in the room of Jame● Kennedy 411 Made Primate of Scotland by the Pope but obstructed by the Courtiers ibid. He labours to maintain Church-Priviledges 417 Is excommunicated and forced to resign his Bishoprick 418 419 And dies in Prison ibid. Patrick Grey one of those who slew King James III. 433 Patrick Grey committed to Custody 92 Patrick an holy Man sent into Scotland 145 Patrick Blackater flies from the Douglasses 47 He is treacherously slain by John Hume 48 Patrick Hamilton put to death for Religion by the Conspiracy of the Priests 53 Patrick Lindsy sides with the Reformers 132 Goes with the Regent into England 222 Ruven's Magnanimity 181 182 He kils David Rize ibid. He acquaints Murray with the Conspiracy against him 173 Paul Mefane or Meffen Preacher of the Gospel troubled for Religion 123 Harboured by the Inhabitants of Dundee 124 Paulus Orosius quoted 86 Corrected 87 Paul Termes sent with Aid from France to Scotland 110 Peace-downs see Duni Pacis Peace sometimes more dangerous than War 140 112 347 Peace confirmed with an intended Affinity betwixt Scots and English 422 But soon broken ibid. Mediated for by
the Scotish Nobility 426 Made between French and English 111 Between the Reformers and the Court 149 Peachti 53 Pentland Firth 35 53 Pentland Hills 13 53 People of the Commonalty their Heat soon over 207 Percy Henry taken Prisoner and ransomed 320 Percy the Elder conspires against the King of England 329 Overthrown and flies to Scotland 332 Betrayed by his Friend ibid. His Posterity restored to their Dignity 334 Perth 18 A great part of it destroyed by Water 236 Its Walls demolished 287 Taken by Edward of England 295 Retaken by the Scots 298 Pestilence in Scotland 227 303 305 381 Peter Cerealis in Britain 86 109 Peter Maufet a Robber executed 32 Peter Hiale the King of Spain's Embassador in England 11 His Errand to solicite a Match between Katharine of Spain and Henry's Son ibid. He mediates a Peace between Scots and English 12 Petronius Turpilianus in Britain 85 Peter Warbeck a notable Impostor 6 Set up by the Dutchess of Burgundy to vex Henry 7 Sails out of England into Scotland ibid. Marries Katherine the Earl of Huntly's Daughter 9 Engages James IV. against Henry 9 Dismiss'd out of Scotland 12 Taken and hanged in England 13 Pheodor-oy 37 Phylarchae who 101 Physicians why so much esteemed in Scotland 101 102 Picts whether derived from the Saxons 33 Whence so called 53 Foretold by the Oracle that the Scots should extirpate them 95 132 Repent joining with the Romans against the Scots 131 132 Their Origin from Germany 55 95 Overcome the Scots 167 Overcome by the Scots 168 169 Their Kingdom abolished in Scotland 169 Solicite Aid from Osbreth and Ella 172 Beaten quite out of Britain 173 Pliny a Place in him corrected 12 Pluscartin Book i. e. a Book or Chronicle of Scotland written by the Religious of Pluscarty an Abby in Murrayland 344 Pollack Fish where found 17 Polygamy a Law made for it by Evenus 107 Pomona the greatest Isle of the Orcades 35 Pope of Rome his Emissaries in Britain 157 The Right of the Kingdom of England conferred upon him by King John 237 His Embassadors excommunicate the Scots 272 David II. King of Scots anointed by his Permission 282 His Legat denied entrance into Scotland 243 Porcaria Isle 26 Port or Na Port Isle 25 Portugal why so called 47 Possessions confounded by often Wars 271 Praenestin Lots what 43 Priests or Clergy Isle 31 Priests corrupted by Luxury reformed by Constantine 174 Richer than the Nobility 243 Gain by the Losses of the Nobility 25 29 Not subject to Kings 245 Impostors 58 Priests so ignorant as to think the New Testament was written by Martin Luther 9 Priests One the Author of a Sedition 309 Another treacherous 374 Betrays Queen Joan 375 Another forges a Will 73 Preys retaken and restored to their Owners 106 Prince of Scotland the King 's Eldest Son so called 194 Princes not Slaves to their Words 130 Priviledg of the Scots not to be summoned to appear out of their own Country 241 Prodigies on divers occasions 184 204 191 Process ridiculous against the King's Murderers 193 Proclamation about the same ibid. Proclamation or Schedule of James II. drawn in contempt about the Streets 386 Prosperity dangerous 179 Prudania 2 Prytania ibid. Prophecies of Witches how fulfilled 357 Ptolemy hath Deucaledon for Duncaledon 56 Punishments too exquisite enrage Spectators 358 Punishment of old to Prisoners not returning on their Parole 319 Pygmee Isle 30 Q QUadrantary Faith what 126 Quindecemvirate in Scotland 59 Queens their Marriage to be ordered by the Estates of the Realm and why 269 Anciently Kings Wives not allowed to be so called 402 403 Queen Mother of James III. sues for the Regency with her Reasons 400 The Scots not willing to be governed by her ibid. Queen Dowager sails into France 112 Where she labours to out the Regent of his Government 113 Hath the Regency conferred upon her 115 The First Female Regent in Scotland ibid. Levies new Taxes 117 But because of an Insurrection desists from collecting them 118 Refuses the Propositions sent her by the Reformed 127 Prepares Forces against them 129 Makes a Temporary Agreement with them 130 Which she endeavours to elude ibid. Makes another Truce with them 134 Repartees betwixt Her and the Reformed 136 137 138 Her Death and Character 146 147 Queen of Scots not ●o use the English Arms during Queen Elizabeth's Life 159 Queen of Scots one of their Deaths 430 Queen's Party divide from the King 's 255 They send Embassadors to France and England for Aid 254 Queen Elizabeth rejects them 254 Question debated Whether a Chief Magigistrate may be compelled by force to do his Duty 159 c. R RAarsa Isle 28 Rachlinda Isle 25 Ralph Evers his vain Boast 87 Ralph Rokesby betrays Percy his Friend 332 Ralph Sadler Embassador from England about the Marriage of Mary with King Henry's Son 75 He hears the Scots Differences and endeavours to compose them 224 Ramsay Isle 25 Ranalds-oy 35 Ranalsa a Southern Isle 36 Randolf Thomas invades England 270 Made Regent 282 Executes a Murderer though he had the Pope's Pardon 282 His Law against Thievery ibid. He punishes the Cheat of a Country-man 283 Poisoned by a Monk ibid. Ratra River hath no Salmons in it 19 20 Rebels after Murray the Regent was dead had several Meetings 247 They send Embassadors to the Queen of England to desire a Truce but in vain 253 254 They solicite the French and Spaniards for Aid 260 Assault Leith 281 Surprize Sterlin but beaten out again 281 282 Attempt Jedburgh but repulsed and routed 285 286 Recognition what 15 Red or Ridhead Promontory 19 Redshanks who 106 Reformation the best Method thereof for Princes to begin at home 188 Reformed Religion the Nobles swear to maintain it in behalf of James VI. whilst a Child 214 Reformed Congregation in Scotland the first so called 124 Reformers abrogate the Queen Regent's Power 139 They meet with Difficulties in their Work 140 Are assisted by the English 141 142 Their last Letter to the Regent 144 Regent slain at Sterlin 282 Religion Language Names of Places c. shew the Sameness of a People 56 Religion the Nobles arm for it in Scotland 129 The Vindicators of it make a Truce with the Regent 134 Abrogate her Power 139 Desire Aid from England 140 Which they receive 142 Reign the Desire of it occasions much Mischief in the World 231 232 Renfrew 14 See Baronia Repartees between Scotish and English Armies 277 Rerigonian Bay 14 Reringa Isle 27 Reutha King of Scots 101 Revenge the importune Desire of it dangerous 124 131 132 Reuther King of Scots 99 Called Reuda by Bede 100 Rhingrave sent with Aid by the French King into Scotland 106 Rian Lake or Loch 14 Richard of England very angry with the Scots for bringing in foreign Aid 311 He invades Scotland with a great Army ibid. His Expedition to the Holy War 234 Richard II. of England enforced to resign the Kingdom to Henry IV. 325 One in Scotland pretends himself
Picts being deserted by the English receive a great overthrow by the Scots * The Picts again routed by the Scots their King Drusken slain and their Kingdom abolished * Kennethus compared with both the Fergus's and reckoned the Third Founder of the Scotish Kingdom g The wholsome Laws made by Kenneth called Mac-Alpin-Laws because he was the Son of Alpin h The Country l●ing between the Tay and Dee i Aeneia all one with Angus k The Mearns lie alongst the East-Sea between D●e and North-Esk l It stands on the North-side of Forth in P●rthshire m A Town lying on the beginning or head of a point of Land that runs into the West-side of Loc● 〈◊〉 Otherwise called the Sheri●fdom of B●●wick Edinburgh hath several Names p The Story of the Marble Stone on which the Scotch Kings were anciently Crowned q An Abby on the North-side of 〈◊〉 a Mi●e above Perth r The Ancient Scots Bishops not Diocesa●s a Donaldus's Licentiousness b It gives opportunity to the Picts to solicite Aid from Osbreth in England c Osbreth overthrown by the Scots but his Men rallying overcome the Scots when secure after their Victory d Peace granted upon hard Terms to the Scots e The Picts driven out of Albium and never recalled * Sterling Money * Donald cast into prison where he dies * Ecclesiasticks Reformed by Constantine f Drunkenness Punished with Death g Evenus put to Death for conspiring against Constantine h The Danes Invade Scotland are worsted at first yet afterwards overthrow Constantine who was slain by them * On the East-point of Fife a Sea-Monks a prodigious sort of Fish swimming in Sholes always portending some Evil. b Ethus for his Viciousness forced to abjure the Government c Gregory overcomes the Picts and Danes * In Annandale d And the Brittons also causing them to restore Cumberland and Westmorland e Peace made between A●●red of Eng●and and the Scots f The I●ish break in upon Galway in Scotland g Which causes Gregory to follow them into 〈◊〉 h Where he takes Dundalk Tredagh and Dublin and then makes Peace with the Irish and returns i The Danes Fight a bloody Battel with the English and afterward turn Christians * A Town in Murry-land not far from E●gin k Constantine taketh part with the Danes against the English * The Ancient Liberty of the Sub●ect invaded l The Scots and Danes are overcome by the Policy of Athelstan of England m Who recovers from them Westmerland Cumberland and Northumberland which yet soon after re●o●t to th●●● old Mast●●s * Constantine resigns the Kingdom * Culde●s perhaps contracted from Cultores Dei or Kelds Who n Malcolm sometimes f●●s in Courts of Justice himself o He is slain p The Danes Land in Scotland q Indulfus Slain in a Fight with the Danes r Murmurings against King Duffus 〈…〉 King Duffus Ho● and by Whom * A Tour in Murry-land 〈…〉 * King Duffus treacherously Murdered by Donald and his Wife * In Murry-land * A Traditional Opinion still obtaining Especially if the Murtherer touch the Murdered Body * Prodigies upon the Murder of Duffus awaken the Estates to revenge it * The Murderers of Duffus apprehended and executed Culen le●s loose the rein● to Voluptnousness and indeavours to justifie it in h●mself and the young Nobility His Intemperance enfeebles his Body * Lust a punishment to itself Culenus Summoned to appear at Scene * Or Meffen lying on the River A●mond Two Miles above its Confluence with T●● Three Miles above Perth He is slain by a Thane for Vitiating his Daughter * Th●●e was a 〈◊〉 of Dignity amongst the Old Scots and Picts before them equal with a Baron now Mr. Selde● judges it to come from a Saxon roo● His Office was like that of a Sheriff amongst us to gather up the King 's Revenu Or as an Under-Steward to pay it in to the Lord High Steward who was called Ab●hane * Th●●e was a 〈◊〉 of Dignity amongst the Old Scots and Picts before them equal with a Baron now Mr. Selde● judges it to come from a Saxon roo● His Office was like that of a Sheriff amongst us to gather up the King 's Revenu Or as an Under-Steward to pay it in to the Lord High Steward who was called Ab●hane Illustrating 〈◊〉 upon Philosophical 〈◊〉 * The right Method for Publick Reformations is for Princes to begin at home as K. Kenneth the 3d did * On the Banks of Clyd 5 Miles above Hamilton Kenneth politickly circumvents his Nobility at Scone and causes them to Reform their Clandships * Red-Head A Danish Fleet appears upon the Coast Crathilinthus●●●ses ●●●ses a disturbance in Scotland * But is suppressed and put to Death Kenneth embrues his Hands in the Blood of the hopeful Prince and his Kinsman 〈◊〉 Kenneth III. endeavours to alter the old Law concerning Succession of the Crown and to make it Hereditary And carries the Point Kenneth troubled in Conscience for his Murder of Malco●m An Apparition and Vo●●e to Kenneth Mock-Plaisters applied to Kenneth's wounded Conscience by S●perstitious Ecclesiasticks * Situate at the Foot of Clermont in Mern * A strange Mechanical Statue or Engine * Kenneth slain by Fenella * Constantine inveighs against the Law made by Kenneth about the Hereditary Succession to the Crown with his Reasons to back his Opinion * Malcolm Competitor with Constantine for the Crown * Or Almond-water dividing Mid-Lothian from West-Lothian or Linlithgoshire Constantine slain * An Agreement made between Malcolm and Grimus con●erning the Crown * Grime having broken the Agreement with Malcolm is overthrown by him in Battel * The Law concerning Hereditary Succession to the Crown Confirmed Sueno or Swain coming into Scotland obtains Aid there against Eng●and * S●edes Danes Laps and Norts were anciently so called * The Danes enter Scotland and overthrow King Malcolm in Battel * A Burgh or Burough * A Village on the West of the River F●ddick near Balvany * The Danes overthrown by the Scots and their Genera● Ene●●s sl●●n * Called Redhead Ridhead or Reedhead * B●mbreid in the midway between Dundee and Aberbrothock * The Danes under their General Camus receive another overthrow from the Scots * On the River South-Esk in Angus * Canutus sent by Swain into Scotland * A Third desperate Battel between the Danes under Canutus their General and the Scots * Which produceth Conditions of Peace between Them * The Originals of Wardships * New Titles of Honour * About four Miles South of Forfar * King Malcolm Murdered * The Chief Town of Angus * K. Malcolm's Murderers drowned in their Flight Prodigies Descants by way of Reflection upon the Law of Kenneth about Hereditary Succession to the Crown * Abthane or great Thane is the Chief above all other Thanes which receives the King's Revenue as Lord High Treasurer from the other Thanes Donald●ust ●ust Government both to R●ch and Poor * One Mac-duald Rebels
against Donald * Or R●dshanks Mackbeth his Character M●cduald is overthrown by Mackbeth and B●n●ho Swain and his three Sons Swain King of Norway●ands ●ands in Scotland * A Town standing on the Forth in Pert●shi●e * The Sc●t● by an ineb●●ating D●ink made of Night-shade stupifie the Danes * The Herb Night-shade its Description and Properties Danes overthrown * Dru●i●a●-Sands 〈…〉 North-side of the 〈…〉 * A Burgh-Ro●a● on the North 〈…〉 Another Fleet of the Danes overthrown by Bancho * Or Inch-Colm * The Danes swore neve● to invade Scotland any more * Mackbeth's Dream encouraging him to aspire to the Kingdom * He thereupon sl●ys King Donald or Duncan as some call him and is declared King Donald's Children fly for their Lives Mackbeth severe against Thieves He makes Wholesom Laws But afterward degenerates causes Bancho to be treacherously slain * Lying Southwest 3 miles from Cowper in Angus Mackduff ill resents Mackbeth He flies into England And stirs up Duncan's Son against him * Malcolm by the assistance of Edward K. of England recovers the Kingdom from Mackbeth * See Note a p. 77. * Malcolm First brought in Foreign Titles of Honour into Scotland * Mackduff the first Earl in Scotland * Three Grand Privileges of the Mackduff● * Called Stra● or S●rath-Bo●y Forty Miles North of Aberdeen * Mackbeth's Son slain by Malcolm * Or Icolumb●●l an Isle 2 Miles from the South end of Mul. * Malcolm assaulted by private Conspiracies which he overcomes * The Story of Edmond K. of England and Canutus * William the Norman demands Edgar then in Scotland * Whom Malcolm refuses to Surrender * Whereupon a War 〈…〉 Roger Richard Odo and Robert Generals for William of England wor●●ed in Scotland Newcastle repaired A Peace concluded between the Scots and English * Or Re-Cros● on the North-side it had the Port●aicture of the Scots King and of the English King on the South * Home-bred Seditions against Ma●colm que●l'd The Original of the Family of the Stuarts afterwards Kings of Scotland * Lying on the South-side of the River Dan● in Marr * Malcolm's Vow to St. Andrew Alexander Carron preferred and Sirnamed Scrimger The Seditious quell'd The Piety of Malcolm's Queen c. * Or Mortlich * Malcolm erects new Bishopricks * Malcolm erects new Bishopricks * Sumptuary Laws made by Malcolm * Mar●heta Mulierum What * Malcolm builds the Cathedrals of Durham and Dumferling * King William Rufus Wars against Malcolm * Malcolm and his Son Edward slain by the English * On the River Lian on the British Sea We●t of Calice * Prodigies viz. The Inundation of the German-Sea and Men-killing Thunder-bolts * Donald promises the Islands to Magnus King of Norway * Donald flies * Duncan slain by the procurement of Donald * Edgar's Pious Reign He builds the Monastery of Coldingham * Lying within two Miles of Aymouth in Mers● near the Scotish Sea Alexanders Valour * He doth Justice to a Poor Woman * Lying on the East-side of the Carss or Plain of Gowry within two Miles of Dundee * Lying in the Braes or Risings of the Carss of Gowry five Miles above Dundee * Inch-Colm or St. Columb's Isle in the Firth of Forth in Fife near Aberdeen David's just Reign * He creates new Bishopricks He is censured for his Profuseness towards Monasteries * In Teviotdale Henry of England never Laughed after the Drowning of his Children * K. Henry setles the Succession on his Daughter Maud the Empress by causing the Nobility to Swear Fealty to her in his Life time * Stephen notwithstanding his Oath seizes on the Crown of England * His Pretensions for so doing The Bishops of England not True to Maud according to their Oaths David of Scotland maintains the Cause of Maud his Kinswoman He lays Perjury to Stephens's Charge North Allerton lying near the River Swale in the North-Riding of Yorkshire He Fights the English and Overthrows them An Agreement between David and Stephen not observed Which hath its Source near Black-Laws in Teesdale The Scots overthrown by Stephen Another Agreement between the Scots and Stephen King of England Henry Heir of England sent to David his Uncle to be made Knight by him * King David loses his hopeful Son and Heir * But ●ears his Affliction Piously and Patiently * May 24. Lying on the North-west of Aberdeneshire K. David's extraordinary Character for Piety and Virtue A great Pestilen●e 〈◊〉 Scotland Somerled rises in Arms but is overthrown Henry of England designs against Malcolm And makes him take a Feodatary Oath to him He carries Malcolm into France And at his return despoils him of his Ancient Patrimony in England * The Scots make War upon England Peace concluded between the English and Scots wherein Malcolm quits Northumberland A Rebellion in Galway quell'd The Murray-Men under Gildominick rise in Arms. But are suppressed * S●merled stirs agai●● but is overthrown and slain The Estates persuade Malcolm to Marry His Negative Answer to their Request * December 9th * William solicits Henry of England for the restitution of Northumberland He accompanies Henry into France * Part of N●rthumberland restored to the Scots * William enters England with an Army But is overthrown taken Prisoner by the English and sent to Henry then in France * August 1●th February 1st * K. William Ransomed and takes an Oath to K. Henry * Not That Constance in Germany but That in Normandy now called Contances * Ianuary 〈…〉 Gilchrist King Williams General The Scots Bishops freed from the Jurisdiction of English Bishops Gilchrist Kills his Wife for Adultery and flys into England But is Forced to return into his own Country Donald Bane rises in Arms but is quelled Distressed Gilchrist Pardon'd and Restored * To the Holy War for Recovery of Ierus●lem from the Turks * The English quit their Claim to any part of 〈◊〉 * William sends David his Brother to accompany Richard to the Holy Land David returns from S●●ia * So doth Richard Lex Ta●●on●● executed upon one Harald Earl of the Orcades * K. Iohn of England meditates a War against Scotland * But Matters are accommodated upon Terms between both Kingdoms * Berth destroyed and new Built Makul a Criminal abstains from all manner of Food * Several Leagues between Iohn of England and William of Scotland * A Maritime Town in Normandy 〈◊〉 France * Alexander enters England with an Army * Iohn enters Scotland Alexander takes Carlisle * King Iohn agrees with the Pope and becomes his Feudatary Cardinal Galo Ava●iti●●● * King Iohn Poysoned * Others say at 〈◊〉 Abby near Bost●n in Lincolnshire * The Scots Excommunicated * A Stone-Cross erected in S●anmo●e in Cumberl●nd as a Boundary between the Two Kingdoms of England and S●otland * Cardinal 〈◊〉 ill Character * Pandulphus the Popes Legat a Witness of the Peace between the Two Kings * Roman Fraud * C●min
prevented and how * On the North-west of Spain in the Cantabrian Ocean Henry of England wars against France Andrew Forman sent into England by Iames to pick a Quarrel And from thence into France Hamilton sent with a Fleet to France but turns to Knockfergus in Ireland Hamilton at last arrives in France * Little Britain lying in the Chanel on the Northwest of France Robert Car severe against Moss-Troopers He is slain † Standing on a Rock above the Firth of Forth * In Northumberland The Murderers of Robert Carr escape not unpunished The Story of Andrew Breton A sharp Fight between the English Admiral and Breton where Breton was slain K. Iames complains to Henry of Breton's Death Alexander Hume marches with a Party into England But is worsted in his Retreat K. Iames resolves a War against England The pretended Causes of the War K. Henry's Answer to King Iames's Herald A strange Apparition of an old Man forbidding K. Iames to proceed in his War with England * A place near Cowper in Fife Yet he proceeds and enters England below Ouler in Northumberland The English challenge him to give them Battel The French Embassador presses Iames on to a Battel * In Northumberland K. Iames resolved to fight Which Earl Douglas disswaded him from in an Oration Repartees between the King and Douglas concerning a present Fight Earl Douglass in discontent retires * Or Floddonhill lying between the Town of Ouler and the River of Tweed † In Northumberland on the North side of the River Blico three miles above Stannington-Bridg ‖ Or Milfeild Flodden Fight and the Manner of it described Various Reports concerning K. Iames's Death Howard Earl of Surrey General against the Scots at Flodden falls afterwards into Disgrace The Character of K. Iames the Fourth Scots Nobility all anciently had Skill in Chirurgery Iames the 5 th of about 2 years old proclaimed King The Ambition of Alexander Hume * Q. Margaret the first Female Regent in Scotland She loses her Regency by her Marriage Three Competitors for the Archbishoprick of St. Andrews Douglas Hepburn and Forman * Lying within two Miles of Aymouth in the Merss near the Scotish Sea The Nobility divided about choosing a Regent in the room of Q. Margaret * Iohn Duke of Albany then in France chosen Regent † A little Town in Cuningham standing on the Firth of Clyd Iohn Duke of Albany the new Regent arrives in Scotland Peter Muffat a noted Robber punished * Hepburn insinuates himself into the new Regent Douglas Hume and Forman accused by Hepburn as the Three ●eads of the then Factions * Hume * Hume in discontent applies himself to the Queen and Douglas * Hume's Design disappointed Three Governors over the young King the Queen and Douglas being displaced * Hume the Queen and Douglas fly into England But upon Reconciliation with the Regent return home again (a) Alexander Hume raises an Insurrection But submits and is made Prisoner He escapes and creates further Disturbances But is quelled with his Party Both the Hume's come to Court Are imprison'd Tryed and Executed (c) Chiefly by the Instigation of Iohn Hepburn (d) Andrew Car escapes out of Prison The Regent desires leave to pass over into France * He appoints seven Deputies to govern in his absence (f) Q. Margaret returns to Scotland * Or Inse-Garvy a fortify'd Rock lying in the middle of the Forth or Scotish Sea (g) A Town in the Merss a mile west of Duns (h) Wederburn in the Merss (i) Darcy slain by David Hunt (k) Discord between Douglas Earl of Angus and Andrew Car. (l) Archibald Douglas surrenders up his Government (m) The Western Nobles conspire to apprehend the Earl of Angus (n) But he defends himself by force and worsts them (o) The Regent after 5 Years absence returns from France * In Mid-Lothian (p) The Regent raise an Army against England (q) But the Nobility oppose his Design Whereupon he claps up a Truce with the English and r●treats The Regent a second time goes into France A Skirmish between the French and English Flee●● The Earl of Surry with an Army ravages over part of Scotland Iedburgh taken by the English A strange Fright among the Horses of the English Army The English Army retreats The Regent arrives in Scotland from France a second time Q. Margaret with her Brother Henry the 8 th of England persuade the Scots to break with the French with their Arguments to inforce it But the French Faction in Scotland oppose in with their Reasons Cardinal Woolsy a self-ended and ambitious Statesman * The Regent again marches with an Army into England † Besieges Werke-Castle is repulsed and retreats ‖ Werke-Castle described * In the 〈◊〉 near 〈◊〉 Castle * The Regent undertakes his third Voyage into France ‖ In his absence the young King enters upon the Government * And vacates the Regents Power † Margarite's Husband returns from France through England into Scotland ‖ He with his Partisans seize on the young King and manage the Government * Three Moderators of the Kingdom Douglas Stuart and Cambel † But Douglas soon ou●● the other Two At which the Nobility is much discontented and endeavour to take the King by Force out of his Hands * Walter Scot overthrown by the Douglasses in his Endeavours to free the King ‖ Iohn Stua●t Earl of Lennox with the King's Privity renews the Design of redeeming the King from the Douglasses * A Mile above the Bridg near Linlithgo ‖ Lennox fights with the Douglassians and Hamiltonians is worsted and slain Great Severity used by the Douglasses against Lennox's Party * The couragious Answer of Hugh Kennedy in behalf of Gilbert Earl of Cassils The bold Attempt of an Under-Groom to destroy Iames Hamilton in Revenge of his Master's the Earl of Lennox his Death The Groom apprehended and tortured yet dies very resolutely Patrick Hamilton nobly descended put to Death upon the account of Religion * The strange Death of Alexander Cambel the self-condemned Persecutor of Patrick Hamilton * The King frees himself from the Douglasses * Or Falcoland about the middle of Fife The Douglasses forbidden by Proclamation to intermeddle in the Government New Officers at Court ‖ August 26. * In East-Lothian opposite to the Bass-Isle † In Sterlingshire not far from To● wood ‖ The Douglasses arm in desperation * In Lothian † About four Miles South of Dalkeith ‖ November 21. * A Town lying in the Firth or Forth in East-Lothian four Miles South of Dunbar † Tantallon-Castle besieged by the King ‖ In the Author it is Tantallon but I judg it to be a Mistake of the Transcriber for Du●bar * The Siege of Tantallon raised † Within two Miles of Eymouth in the Moss ‖ The Douglasses forced to fly into England * Embassadors from England to piece up an Accommodation between King Iames and the Douglasses † In Twidale ‖ Iames Earl of Murray
and the Earl of Northumberland meet to settle Matters betwixt the Borderers * April 15. † In Teviotdale Iohn Armstrong with many of his Followers hanged ‖ The strange and seemingly miraculous Fast of one Iohn Scot for many weeks together with his Story Thomas Doughty a great Cheat. Fifteen Judges with Salary appointed to decide Controversal Matters in Scotland But quickly disused * The English make War upon Scotland † Upon the River Esk. ‖ The French Ambassador mediates a Peace between the English and Scotish Kings * Iames transacts with the French King and afterwards with the Emperour about a Match † Which the Hamiltons labour to hinder ‖ The chief City of Normandy * Three Maries offered by Charles the Emperor to King Iames out of which to chuse a Consort † King Iames visits the Orcades and other Isles of Scotland ‖ Lutherans severely dealt with * Mary of Bourbon offered by Francis as a Wife to Iames. † Henry of England sends Controversal Books of Divinity to Iames by his Ambassadors ‖ Ambassadors sent by Henry to Iames desiring an Interview which was agreed to Tho afterwards disappointed upon several pretences * Henry takes the disappointment of the Interview in great disdain King Iames sails over into France And marries Magdalene that King's Daughter Who died soo● after Mourning-garments when and upon what occasion first used in Scotland Ambassadors sent over into France to fetch Mary of the House of Guise Earl of Bothwel banished Iohn Forbes condemn'd for Treason 'T was thought unjustly The Lady Ioan Douglas c. accused for conspiring to poison the King For which she suffers Death being burnt alive * Mary of the House of Guise arrives in Scotland and is married to K. Iames. † In the East-corner of Fife ‖ Troubles in Scotland about Religion * George Buchanan the Author of this History imprisoned for the same cause but makes his Escape † Queen Mary brings forth a Son and the next year another * Ambassadors from England to desire an Interview at York Which the Faction of the Ecclesiasticks prevent ‖ Iames Hamilton set up for a Judge against Lutherans But prevented from executing his Commission Imprisoned Tried Condemned and put to Death King Iames presaging Dream * His two Sons depart this Life Henry of England being affronted about the Interview prepares War against Iames And sends an Army against him commanded by Howard his General The Nobility of Scotland refuse to fight against England which moves Iames's Passion against them * Standing upon the Tweed 14 Miles above Berwick K. Iames sends an Army into England Which is defeated The overthrow of his Army breaks his Heart K. Iames the 5 th his Character Cardinal Beton suborns a false Will of King Iames therein nominating himself with three Assessors to he Vice-geren●s of the Kingdom Hamilton opposes the Cardinal Scotish Prisoners and Exile released and dismissed at London and the Reason why * The Cardinal's Cheat discovered and thereupon Iames Hamilton Earl of Arran chosen Regent † Sir Ralph Sadler sent Ambassador to Scotland to treat about a Match for the young Queen with King Henry's Son But is affronted by the Cardinal and his Faction upon colourable pretences The Decree of the Council of Constance forbids Faith to be kept with Hereticks as the Reformed are by them called † Kennedy Earl of Cassills his just Resolution to return like another Regulus into England to redeem his Hostages highly praised and rewarded by Henry of England ‖ Matthew Stuart Earl of Lennox sent for out of France into Scotland to ballance the Hamiltons * Kirk-Liston lying on the North-side of the River Annand that divides Middle and West-Lothian An Agreement made between Hamilton and Lennox The Regent recants his Opinions as to the Reform'd Religion Lennox was promised to marry the Queen but afterwards illuded by her and the Cardinal Upon which he retires and rises up in Arms and from Glascow marches to Leith But was forc'd to capitulate with the Regent at present Henry of England makes War upon Scotland Burns Edinburgh c. and retreats Lennox labours to justify himself to the French King against the Calumnies of the Queen and Cardinal * Or Grampius Glasgow Castle taken from Lennox by the Regent Lennox and Cuningham worsted by Hamilton Lennox flyes into England where he marries Margaret Douglas The English enter Scotland with an Army and garison Coldingham The Regent raises an Army but retreats shamefully The vain boast of Evers and Laiton two English Cavaleers The Regent by the advice of Angus raises a party to oppose the English In Teviotdale * The English being overconfident are worsted principally by th● Valour of Norman Lesley and Walter Scot. * The Family of the Frasers almost like to be quite extinguish'd † The French assists the Scots with some small Force * Hadington a Town in East Lothian twelve Miles South of Edinburgh The Scots march'd into England with an Army But again retreat Lutherans cruelly punish'd The ignorant Priests though● the Book of the New Testament was written by Martin Luther * Or Ruthven ‖ Kinfans is two Miles East of Perth on the North of Tay. The History of Wiseheart's Persecution by Cardinal ●eton and his Ecclesiasticks ‖ The Cardinal desires a criminal Judg against George Wiseheart But David Hamilton of Preston a Village in East Lothian persuades the Regent no● to grant one † The Regent not satisfied to proceed against George Whereupon the Cardinal proceeds against him by his own Authority Wiseheart's pious and Christian Leportment before his Death Wiseheart's Prophecy at his death concerning the Cardinal's Fall The Martyrdom of George Wiseheart The foul Character of Cardinal Beton Norman Lesly with a few Partisans surprises the Castle of S. Andrews and kills Cardinal Beton accord-to Wistheart's Prophecy before-mentioned Those that slew the Cardinal ● thosummoned yet refuse to appear * November 5. The Murderers of the Cardinal not reclaimed by the preaching of Iohn Knox. The English invade Scotland † A small River in Ewsdale The Regent marches against the English ‖ Or Lang-hope lying near the Conduence of the Rivers Esk and Ewes in Ewsdale * St. Ebbs Head on the Mouth of the Forth in Merss St. Andrews Castle taken by the Regent with the Assistance of the French The English enter Scotland and repulse the Regent's Forces † Two Miles East of Musselborough in East-Lothian The English send Letters to the Scots persuasory to Peace Which being rejected by the Regent He gives them Ba●●el But receives a great Overthrow † Brockty standing on a Rock on the A●gus-side of Tay 2 Miles below Dundee The English retreat out of Scotland The English again enter Scotland And overtrow a Party of Scots commanded by Iames Douglas 〈◊〉 of France●ends ●ends Aid to the Scots The Queen of Scotland sails into France Hume and Fascastle garison'd by the English are surprized by the Scots ‖ Standing on the Firth of
Contempt of Me and the Force used to get me into his Power lest otherwise he might be frustrated in his Purpose In the mean time the whole Course of his Life was so order'd that it may be an Example how Men that undertake great Designs can craftily conceal their Purposes till they obtain their Ends. For I thought that his Sedulity and Diligence in his speedy Obedience to all my Commands proceeded from no other Fountain than his Loyal Desire to please me neither did I ever imagine that he had any higher Wish or Design neither did I think those more gracious Countenances which I sometimes shew towards my Nobles to ingage them more readily to obey my Commands would have exalted his Mind to promise to himself the Hope of a more extraordinary Courtesy from me yet he turning even fortuitous things to his own Advantage maintained Designs unknown to me and by his wonted Observance nourish'd his ancient Love as also by currying Favour with the Nobility he was privily ambitious of a new Favour and he was so sedulous therein that though I knew nothing of it yet when the Convention of the Estates was celebrated he obtain'd a Chart from all the Nobility subscrib'd with their Hands to make it more Authentick wherein they declared their Assent to the Marriage betwixt Me and Him and promis'd to expose their Lives and Fortunes to bring it to pass and to be Enemies to all those that should oppose it And more easily to obtain the Assent of the Nobles he persuaded each of them that all these things were manag'd by my Consent This Writing being once obtain'd next by degrees he most humbly sought for my Consent but my Answer not suiting with his Desire he began to propound such things to himself which are wont to occur in such great Undertakings as the outward Demonstrations of my Good Will the Ways by which my Friends or his Enemies might hinder his Design and lest any of those who had subscrib'd should withdraw their Assent and many other things which were cast in or came freely to hinder his Purpose At length he determined with himself to pursue the Favour of his present Fortune and to cast the whole Business with his Life and Hope on the hazard of one Moment so that being resolved to execute his Design to purpose after he had waited 4 days as I was returning from visiting my Dear Son he watch'd a convenient Place and Time and on the way seized me with a strong Party of Men and carried me speedily to Dunbar How I took the Fact especially from him of whom amongst all my Subjects I expected no such thing every one may easily judg There I upbraided him with my Favours towards him and how honourably I had always spoken before of his Manners and Behaviour and how ungratefully he had carried it towards me Other things I spake to free my self out of his Hands his Usage indeed was somewhat course but his Words were fair and smooth as that he would use me with all Honour and Observance and would do his utmost not to offend me in any thing but for carrying me against my Will into one of my own Castles for so bold an Attempt he crav'd my Pardon alleging he was forc'd by the Power of Love so to do forgetting the Reverence and Allegiance which as a Subject he ow'd to me He said further That he was compell'd to go thither for fear of his Life Then he began to rehearse to me the whole Course of his Life and lamented his Misfortune that those whom he had never offended were his bitter Enemies and whose Malice had devised all unjust ways to do him a Mischief what envious Reflections were made upon him for the King's Death and how unable he was to bear up against the hidden Conspiracy of those of his Enemies whom he knew not because they pretended Good-will towards him both in Speech and Behaviour neither was he able to prevent those Treacheries which he did know Their Malice against him was so great that at no Time or Place he could live a quiet Life unless he was assur'd of my unchangeable Favour towards him And to assure that he knew but one way and that was That I would vouchsafe to make him my Husband withal he solemnly swore that he did not seek Preheminence therein or the Top and Height of Dignity but this one Thing That he might be able to serve and obey me as hitherto he had done all the Days of his Life This his Oration he deck'd with that Eloquence as his Cause required But when he saw I could not be wrought upon neither by Prayers nor Promises at length he shewed me the Transactions of the Nobility and all the Estates and what they had promised under their Hands This being produced before me on a sudden and beyond my Expectation I leave it to the King Queen my Uncle and the rest of my Friends Whether it might not administer a just Cause of Amazement to me Whereupon when I saw my self in another Man's Power separate from those who were wont to give me Counsel yea when I saw those Persons on whose Faithfulness and Prudence I had cast my self whose Power must confirm my Authority that otherwise would be little or none at all I say when I saw such Men to have devoted themselves to gratify his Will and Desire and I left alone as his Prey I ponder'd many things in my Mind but could not find a Way how to extricate my self neither did he give me any long time to consider of the matter but did press his Purpose with great eagerness At last when I saw I had no hope to escape and that there was not a Man in the Kingdom that would stir for my Deliverance for I easily perceived by the Roll he shewed me and by the great Silence of the Time that All were drawn to his Party When my Anger was a little abated I applied my Mind to consider his Request Then I began to set before my Eyes his Services in former Times and the great Hopes I had he would constantly persist in the same for the future And again how hardly my Subjects would endure a foreign Prince who was unacquainted with their Laws That they would not suffer me to be a Widow long That a People prone to Tumults could not be kept within the Bounds of their Duty unless my Authority was upheld and exercis'd by a Man who was able to undergo the Toil of governing the Commonwealth and so to bridle the Insolence of the Rebellious that my Strength was weakned with the Weight of those things ever since I came into Scotland and almost broke to nothing insomuch that I could no longer bear the daily Tumults and Rebellions that arose Furthermore by reason of these Seditions I was forc'd to create Four or more Lieutenants in divers Parts of the Kingdom most of which under colour of the Authority granted by me caus'd my Subjects
to take Arms against me For these Reasons when I saw That if I would support my Imperial State I must incline my Heart to Marriage and that my Subjects would not bear a foreign King And that amongst my Subjects there was none for Splendor of Family for Prudence and Valour and other Endowments of Body and Mind could exceed or so much as bear a comparison with him whom I have now married I prevail'd with my self to comply with the universal Decree of my Estates of which I spake before After my Constancy was batter'd by these Reasons partly by Force partly by Flattery he obtain'd a Promise from me to marry him which having done I could not obtain from him who fear'd lest my Mind should change to put off the Celebration of it that so I might have had time to communicate the Matter to the King and Queen of France and to my other Friends beyond Sea but as he audaciously began so that he might arrive at the top of his Desires he never gave over to solicite me by Arguments and earnest Entreaties until at last he compell'd Me not without Force to put an end to the Matter begun and that at such a Time and Way as seem'd to him most convenient to his Purpose And upon this head I cannot dissemble but must needs say that I was treated by him otherwise than I would or than I had deserv'd of him for he was more solicitous to satisfy them by whose Consent tho extorted from them at the beginning he judges himself to have accomplish'd his Desires he having deceiv'd Them as well as my self than to gratify Me by considering what was fit and creditable for me to do who had been always brought up in the Rites and Institutions of our Religion from which he nor no Man living shall ever divert Me. In this Point I confess tho I acknowledg my Error yet I much desire that the King the Queen his Mother my Uncle nor other Friends of mine would not expostulate with him or rub up old Sores For now Matters being so compleated that they cannot be undone I take all things in the best part and as he is indeed my Husband I resolve now to look upon him as one that hereafter I will Love and Reverence and they who profess themselves my Friends must needs carry the same Respects to him since now we are join'd in the indissoluble Bond of Matrimony Tho in some things he hath carried himself something negligently and almost rashly yet I impute it to his immoderate Love towards Me and do therefore intreat the King Queen my Uncle and other Friends to respect him as much as if all had been manag'd by their Advice even to this very Day and on the other side We promise in his behalf that he will gratify them in all things which they shall desire This was the Remedy provided against the bad Reports of the World abroad but against Domestick Tumults they provided after they had fixed those by Gifts at present and Promises for the future who were either Perpetrators or Partizans in the King's Murder To make a Combination of the greater part of the Nobility if that were done they might undervalue the rest or if they remain'd obstinate cut them off Whereupon they assembled many of the Nobility and propounded to them the Heads of the Capitulations they were to swear The sum was That they should maintain the Queen and Bothwel and all their Actings and on the other side They were to Favour and Countenance the Concerns of Those of the Confederates there present A great many were persuaded before and so subscribed the rest perceiving it was bad to conspire and as dangerous to refuse they subscribed too Murray was sent for that his Authority which was great for his Virtue might give some Countenance to the thing As he was on his Journy he was advis'd by his Friends to consult his own Safety and not to lie in Seton House where the Queen and the chief Conspirators were but rather to lodge in some Friends House in a Village hard by He answer'd That was not in his Power but come what would he would never assent to any flagitious Act the rest he left to God To the Courtiers who were appointed by the Queen to debate with him about subscribing the League He answer'd That he could not justly nor honestly make this League with the Queen whom in all things else t was his Duty to obey That he was reconcil'd to Bothwel by the Queens Mediation Whatever he had then promis'd he would observe to a tittle neither was it Equitable or Good for the Commonwealth that he should make another League or Combination with him or any other Man The Queen accosted him more kindly than ordinary for some Days and promis'd to tell him her Mind in all things yet she could not speak out for Shame and therefore try'd his Mind by her Friends They also perceiving his Constancy in that which was Right openly confest what 't was they desir'd And seeing they did no good by their underhand Ways at length Bothwel set upon him and after much Discourse told him That he did that Fact not willingly nor for himself alone His Countenance frown'd at that Word whereupon Bothwel having sometimes by serious Discourse sometimes by terms near to railing driven the nail as far as it would go at last endeavour'd to cast in Seeds of Discord and to urge him to a Quarrel He on the contrary answer'd moderately gave no just occasion for a Combate yet kept himself upright and did not depart in the least from his Resolution When Murray was versant in these straits for some Days he ask'd leave of the Queen that seeing there was no great need of him at Court he might have Liberty to retire to St. Andrews or into Murray for he was willing to go out of the Way That he might not be suspected to be the Author of the Tumults which he foresaw would arise When he could not obtain that nor yet remain at Court without great and apparent Danger He at last got leave to travel but upon Condition not to stay in England but to pass either through Flanders into Germany or whither else he pleas'd To go to Flanders was all one as to cast himself into Evident Danger and therefore with much adoe he obtain'd leave to pass thrô England into France and from thence whither he pleas'd himself The Queen being thus freed of a Free-hearted and popular Person endeavours to remove the other Obstacles to her Tyranny and Those were such as would not willingly subscribe to her Wickedness or were not like easily to acquiesce in her Designs But she had a special hatred against those who perceiving her to be no better affected towards her Son than towards her former Husband made an Association at Sterlin for no wicked Design but only to Defend the young Prince which his Mother desir'd to have
to be Richard 332 Richard Duke of Gloucester marches with an Army against Scotland 426 Takes Berwick 427 Made Protector of England 428 Casts his Brother's two Sons into Prison and sets up himself King 428 Slain by Henry VII 429 Is very Tyrannical in his Government 434 Richard Duke of York brings King Edward Prisoner to London 396 Slain by the Queen ibid. Richard Colvil put to Death by Douglas 380 Richard Fox Bishop of Durham a very prudent Man mediates for Peace between the two Nations 12 13 An Instrument of James his Marriage with Margarite of England 14 Richard Grafton an English Writer blamed 252 Rins of Galway 14 Rinard Isle 26 Ridhead see Red Promontory Roadilla Monastery 31 Robbers punished 183 189 48 57 Robert Bruce his Genealogy 246 His magnanimous Answer to the King of England 250 Begins his Reign 261 Is overthrown and flies in disguise to save his Life ibid. His Wife imprisoned and his two Brothers put to Death by the English 261 262 He baffles Cumins ibid. Carried sick into his Army 264 Causes Edward of England to retreat ibid. Invades England takes Perth Edinburgh c. 265 Overthrows the English at Bannock near Sterlin 267 Robert the Son of Robert Bruce conspires with John Cumins against England 259 260 Is crowned King 261 Overcomes Edward II. in Battel 267 The Nobles conspire against him 271 Robert II. King of Scots 306 Marries Elizabeth More 307 The Dispute betwixt his Legitimate and his Natural Children occasions great Troubles 350 He invades England 311 His Death and Character 322 Robert III. before called John succeeds his Father 323 His Generals cause the Islanders to destroy one another 324 He makes the first Dukes in Scotland 325 He imprecates God's Iudgments on his Brother and the other Murderers of his Son David 330 He dies with Abstinence and Grief for the Captivity of his Son James in England 331 His Brother Robert made Regent after his Death 331 Robert Boyd kils James Stuart 374 Made Guardian to the King 409 Created Regent 412 Flies into England and dies there 414 Robert Boyd deserts the Reformed and revolts to the Queen 218 Robert Britain hath great Command at Court 56 Robert Cockerane of a Tradesman made a Courtier 420 Taken by Douglas and committed to Prison 424 425 Robert Cuningham of the Family of the Lennoxes opposes Bothwel 195 Robert Douglas desires that the Death of 〈◊〉 Brother Murray might be revenged 249 Robert Earl of Fife 315 Starves to Death David the King's Son 328 Robert Graham a great Enemy to King James 355 Conspires against him 357 Seizes him with his own Hands for which he is executed 358 Robert Maxwel 71 Coming to reconcile Differences is imprisoned by Hamilton 82 Robert the Son of Robert Maxwel taken Prisoner by the English 91 Robert Earl of the Orcades made one of the King's Guardians 407 Robert Petcarn sent Embassador into England 242 Queen Elizabeth's Answer to his Embassy 257 Robert Read sent Embassador into France 63 Poisoned there 122 Robert Semple kils Creighton 111 Bruce's Grand-son by his Daughter rises in Arms for Bruce 293 Made Regent 294 Taken by Baliol and swears Fealty to the King of England 286 Sought for to be slain 292 Roch Isle 26 Roffa for Raufchestria i. e. Rochester 8 Romachus King of Scots 125 Roman Generals in Britain 84 c. Roman Fraud 239 Roman Legates Pick-pockets 243 418 The Jews Apes 381 Romans their memorable Fact in Britain before their Departure 138 Rona Isle 32 Ronanus his Spade ibid. Rolland a Carpenter discovers a Treachery against Robert Bruce 268 Rolland's Valour he overcomes Gilcolumb 246 247 Rose white Badg of the York Faction 7 Ross and its Etymology 21 139 170 Rothsay Castle 25 Rotti Isle 37 Rous-oy 36 Round Isle 26 Roxburgh Town taken 393 Its Castle taken 394 Royalists overthrown in the North 283 Ruby a French Lawyer in Scotland his Character 147 Rudana Isle 27 Rum Isle 28 It abounds with Eggs of Sea-Fowl ibid. Ruven had the Mayoralty of Perth taken from him by the Cardinal 92 S SAcred or Cleirach Isle 31 Sacred Sanctuary 25 Saga Isles the Great and the Small 30 Saliar Verses not easy to be understood 44 Salii who 44 Salisbury Earl commands the English in Scotland 297 Taken Prisoner 300 Salmon Fishing Aberdene famous for it 19 Sanachies who 39 Sancterr Isle 37 Sanda Isle 25 Scandians who 200 Satrael King of Scots 117 Slain ibid. Saturnals old Feasts retained 239 Saxe or Rock Isle 26 Saxons kill the English Nobles by Treachery 70 Overcome by the Normans 71 Worsted by Picts Scots and Brittons 149 Cruel in Wars 146 Not faithful in Peace 148 Their Fight with three Kings 148 149 Scalpe Isle 28 30 Scarba Isle 25 Schan Castle 31 Schanny Isle 25 27 Schetland Isles 36 The Nature of their Inhabitants 37 The greatest of them called Pomona ibid. Sclata or Sleach Isle 25 Scoff sharp given to Bothwel by a Tradesman 194 Schools publick erected by James 345 Scorpions i. e. Cross-bows 311 Scotland how divided 13 Where narrowest 20 Had anciently learned Monks 169 Scots their fabulous Original 46 47 Scots and Picts unite against the Romans 134 Scots and Brittons overthrown by the Saxons 157 Scots Monks unjustly banished out of England 160 Scots and Brittons unite against Picts and Saxons 146 Scots Monks preach the Gospel in Germany 165 Scots have hard Terms of Peace imposed upon them by the English 173 Scots Bishops freed from the Iurisdiction of the English 234 411 Scots have an ancient Priviledg not to be cited to Rome 241 Scots excommunicated by their Ecclesiasticks 243 Excommunicated again but absolved 272 273 Scots join with the French against England 253 Scots receive a great Overthrow from Edward of England at Falkirk 256 Obtain a Truce from him ibid. Rise in Arms again and overthrow the English at Rosline 258 Scots make a League with the French 273 When their first Alliance with France began 165 Scots of Jerna and Scots of Albion 52 Scots overthrown by Maximus the Roman General and banished out of their Country 124 March into England but retreat again 91 Scots Nobles some rise against James IV. but are quelled 3 Scots Nobles anciently had Skill in Chirurgery 28 Scots complain of the French Breach of Faith by their Embassadors 60 Scots Prisoners released at London 74 Scotish Parliament demolishes all Monasteries 152 Scotish Crown ordered to be sent to the Dolphin of France 126 Scotish Kings anciently travelled over their Kingdoms themselves to administer Iustice 123 Scoto-Brigantes in Claudian to be read for Scuta-Brigantes 76 Scroop an English General in Scotland 256 Sea-Calves 29 Sea-Monks an ill boding Fish 175 Security dangerous in War 172 173 Seditions perillous 141 309 Secla or Seil Isle 25 Seneciones who 39 Seuna Isle 30 Severn River 13 Severus his Wall 8 148 His Expedition against the Brittons 117 118 Seuna or Suin Isle 25 30 Servanus 145 Shevi Isle 30 Sheep fair yet wild in Hirta Isle 30 Their Fat good