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A00446 A briefe chronicle, where in are described shortlye the originall, and the successiue estate of the Romaine weale publique the alteratyon and chaunge of sondrye offices in the same: the order and successyon of the kinges, consuls and emperoures therof, together wyth sondry gestes & actes of many famous princes and valiaunt captaines, from the first foundatyon of the city of Rome, vnto the. M.C. and. xix. yeare there of consequently: ryght plesant and profitable to be red, marked and folowed of all men. Collected and gathered first by Eutropius, and Englished by Nicolas Havvard, studiente of Thauies In. Anno. 1564.; Breviarium ab urbe condita. English Eutropius, 4th cent.; Haward, Nicholas. 1564 (1564) STC 10579; ESTC S101794 96,813 274

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tooke part with Cesar he slewe hymselfe Antoniꝰ and Cleopatra slewe themselues Cleopatra also his wife procured to be striken of an Adder by meane of whose poyson she died Then was Egypt also annexed to the Romaine Empire by Octauian Augustus Egipt adioyned to the Romain empyre and Cneus Cornelius Gallus was appoynted lieuetenaunte there who was the firste of the Romaines whiche decided or determyned matters Cneus Gallus lieuetenaunte ouer Egypt in Egypte Thus when warres were pacified throughe the whole world Octanian Augustus retourned to Rome in the twelfthe yeare after that hee was firste created Consul and from that tyme he gouerned the Romaine Empire him selfe alone by the space of foure and forty yeres For duryng the other twelue yeres before he administred it ioyntlye together wyth Antonius and Lepidus So from the The tyme of Augustꝰ hys raigne first commencement of his Empire vnto the end there of wer .lvi. yeres He deceased in the foure skore and syxe yeare of hys age by syckenesse Augustꝰ hys age at Atella a towne of Campania and lyeth buryed at Rome in Campo-Martio Augustus Cesar died in the ii yere of the 198. Dlim●● ▪ whyche was in the. 767. yere after the city was built and in the yeare of our Lord god the .xv. Augustus canonysed Augustus hys worthye demenor A man who in mooste thynges and that righte worthely was deemed as a God For lightlye there was none eyther more fortunate in battayles then hee was or in tyme yf peace whiche ruled more discret●lye Ourynge those .xliiii. yeares in whyche he raygned alone hee lyued verye ciuillye behauynge hym selfe very liberally towardes all 〈◊〉 and to his frendes excedinge trustye and assured whome he aduaunced to so greate honoures that almoste he made them equall wyth his owne estate The Romayne Empyre at no syme before his raign did more florishe For besides the suppressing of the ciuill warres in whiche hee alwayes was inuincyble he annexed also to the Romain Empyre Egipt Biskay and Dalmatia which is parcel of Sclauonia whiche countrey was by the Romaynes before hys raygne ofttymes ouer run but by him it was fully conquered Hungary The Romain Empyre gretlye enlarged by Octauian Augustus Guyō Illiria Rhetia the Vādales and the Thalassians whyche inhabited among th Alpes together wyth all those cityes whyche were situate alonge the sea costes of Pontus Amonge whiche these were the chiefest Bosphorus and Ponticapeos He vanquished the Danes in battaile and slewe greate armyes of the Germains and draue them ouer the floude Albis whiche is in Barbarie farre beyonde the riuer of Rheyne He foughte this battaile by Drusus who was his wiues sōne by he● first husbande like as he did that other battaile against the Hungarians by Tiberius an other of hys wyues sonnes After this battel he brought forth of Germany cccc M prisoners and placed them in Fraunce a longe Fraūce repl● shed with inhabitantes by Octanian vpon the bankes of the riuer of Rhein He recouered Armenia from that Parthians and the Persians gaue hym hostages whiche they neuer did to anye Pledges taken of the Persians before him They restored more ouer such ensignes to the Romains as they had got from them at what tyme they vanquished Crassus The Scithians and Indians who before had not hearde speakinge of the Romaines The Corinthians Indians sent legates to Augustus Galacia made a prou●●●● sent both Legates and presentes to Augustus In his raygne Galacia was also made a prouynce whiche was a kingdome before and Marcus Lollius gouerned it in the stead of the Pretor Besides this he was so well beloued of the Barbarians that suche kinges as had ioyned frendshippe with the Romaines to the end they might augment the honor of Augustus builte diuers cityes which they called after his name Cesaree As king Iuba did in Mauritania Towns built and named after the name of Cesar and in Palestina which is now a famous and faire citye Moreouer many kinges lefte their owne kyngdomes and came to Rome to the end they might attende and do theyr seruice to Cesar and in suche lyke apparell as the Romains vsed to wear that is to say in gownes they folowed his chariot or horse as he rode After his death he was called a God He lefte a mooste fortunate common 3. Claudius Tiberius sonne to Liuia Augustus hys wyfe by her welth to Tiberius his successor who was his wiues sonne by her former husband and became after that to be sonne in lawe to Augustus by adoption and the espousing his daughter fyrst husband began his Empyre in the. 3976. yere after the creatiō of the worlde in the 768. yeare after the buylding of Rome and in the yere of our Lord God .xvi. Tiberius gouerned the Empyre by greate cowardise greuous crueltye vnmeasurable auarice and filthye luste Hee waged battayle no where hym selfe but warred alwayes by hys Prouostes and substitutes Dyuers kinges whome he hadde procured throughe greate flattery to come to hym he woulde neuer permitte to departe againe Amonge which Archelaus kynge of Cappadocia was one whose kyngdome he did also reduce into the forme of a Prouince and the chiefest citye therof he commaunded shoulde bee called by his name whyche at this daye is called Cesarea where as before it was called Mazaca In the .xxiii. yere of his raigne hee deceased in Campania with the great Tiberlꝰ hys raigne reioysing of all the Romaines when he had liued .lxxx. and .iii. yeres Tiberius deceased After him succeaded Caius Cesar 4. Caligula the 4. Emp●ror sonne to Germanicus began his Empire 3999. yere after the beg●nnyng of the world in the. 701. yere af●er Rome was b●il●e in the yeare of our Lord. 39. who was surnamed Caligula neuew to Drusus and Tiberius Augustus his wiues sonnes a verye naughty and cruel man whose facts were so hainous that if they had ben conferred with the doinges of Tiberius they mighte make those of Tiherius to seeme tollerable He warred againste the Germaines and inuaded Sweuia But he atcheued ther no manly act He had carnall copulation The dishono●●bl● raign of Caligula wyth hys owne systers and hys owne daughter whome he begatte vpon the one of his sisters he had in likewise carnall company wyth all When he had thus vsed greate auarice fleshly lust and horrible cruelty towardes all men he was slaine in his palaice in the .xxxix. yeare of hys Caligula ●layne Caligula hys 〈◊〉 age when he had raigned iii. yeares x. monethes and .viii. daies After him succeded Claudius vncle by the fathers side to Caligula and sonne to Drusus vnto whyche Claudius there was a mooste honorable 5. Claudius ●he v. Emper●r of Rome son to Drusus whyche was brother to ●●berius began his Empire in the. 4003. yere after the creatiō of the worlde in the 795. yeare after the b●ylding of Rome and in the yere of out Lord 41. he rai●●● 13. yeres
was supposed was the sonne of a birgin Vestale be gotten by Mars borne at one birthe with his brother Remus This Romulus when he had oflong time accustomed amonge the shepherdes to pray and spoyle abrode At last being of the age of .xviii. yeres he layed the syte of a small citye in the hyl Pallatinus the eleuenth day of May in the xxxiii yere after that the plaies called Dlimpici were firste begon And after the destruction of the city of Troy according to the sust computation of al wryters the. CCC lxxxx fourth yeare When he hadde builte this Citye whiche after to hys owne name he called Rome he wroughte Rome named these feates wellnigh as they follow Fyrst he gathered together into his city a great nōber of such as wer Rome inhabited borderers ther about to furnishe this citi Amōg whō he chose anC. of such as wer moste anctent of yeres after whose aduise he minded to order hys affaires whome he for that thei wer so aged called Senators Then for that bothe he and his people were as yet Senatoures in Rome The cause whye playes wer fyrst inuented in Rome destitute of wiues vppon a tyme he did inuent certaine plais and shewes within the Citye requestinge suche as were inhabitauntes neare aboute Rome to come and see those playes At which time the Romains by force berefte them their daughters maidens Wher vppon warre was proclaimed againste the Romaynes for that rape in which battail Romulus War against the Romains subdued the Ceninenses the Antennates the Crustumyes the Fidenates the Veientines and the Sabines which people enuironed the city of Rome Within a while after ther arose sodenly a great tempest in whiche Romulus vanished in a tēpest forthe of Caprea medow wher he toke the vew of hys souldy oures Romulus being abrode vanished away so that he was not after seene Where vppon when hee coulde not be founde his people supposing that he was raught vp to the skies canonised him in the .xxxvii. yeare of hys raign Romulus canonysed After the the senators bare rule by the space of .v. dais during which time of their raign was accomplished Interregn● the time betwene the deth of one kynge and the treate on of another Numa Pompilius the .ii. kynge a Sabine borne one whole yere Thē was Numa Pōpilius created kinge who during the hole time of his raign waged no batel yet was he no lesse profitable to the city of Rome thē Romulus was For whye he establishedde Lawes and framed to good order the conditions No warrs in Rome which chaunced vnt two tymes more in Rome one after the first Carthaginiā battail ones in Augustus Cesares time The yere deuided into xii monethes Numa hys raigne of the people of Rome which for that they had ben so long accustomed to battailes wer now iudged as robbers and rude people This Numa deuided the yere into .xii. monethes being before but a confused noumber of daies and a thinge not able to be accompted And innumerable rites and ceremonies and temples founded he besides at Rome And deceased by sickenes in the. 43. yere of his raign After him Tullus Hostilius beinge Tullus Hostilius the third king Martiall pollicy renued made kinge did againe put in vre the feates of armes and renued battails which during the raign of Numa had bene laid aside He conquered the Albanes whiche were distant .xii. miles from the city of Rome He also subdued the Veientines and Fidenates of Alba longa destroyed in thys kynges raygne Rome enlarged which th one were .vi. miles thother were .xviii. miles distant from Rome He enlarged the city annexing therto the hil Celius being strycken wyth lightning both he and his house was Tullus hys raigne burned when he hadde raigned .xxxii. yeres After him Ancus Martius gouerned the citye of Rome Who was Ancus Martius the .iiii. kinge he was before the Incarnatyon of Christe 642. yeres he made the brydge ouer the riuer of Tyber whych ran by Rome built a gail or prisō in Rome for the runishyng of offenders sonne to Numa Pōpilius his daughter He waged battail against the Latines He enlarged tbe city by taking into it the hils Auentinus and Ianiculus He built a city fast vpon the sea shore at Dstia whiche was .vi. miles distaunt from the citye of Rome And being visited with sicknesse he deceased in the .xxiiii. yeare of his raigne Then Priscus Tarquinius obtained the Empire he doubled the noumber Priscus Tarquinius the v. kynge of the Senatoures He built the place of playee in Rome called Circus and The number of the Senators doubled instituted also diuers games there which as yet to this day do remaine He subdued the Sabines And berefting Circus built them of a great portion of theyr lande annexed it to the territorye of the Romaines He was the first that entred the Citye of Rome with anye Priscus Tarniquinius triuinphed fyrst at Rome triumph He builded the walles of the city and sinkes also to auoid the filthe and ordure of the City He began the Capitoll and when he had raygned xxxviii yeres he was slayne by the The capytoll 〈…〉 slayn sonnes of king Ancus whome he succeaded in the kingdome After hym Seruius Tullius was kinge whose mother was a noble woman borne Seruiꝰ Tullius the .vi. kyng but yet was she a captiue and a hādmaide He subdued the Sabines and annexed to the citye these three hils Quirinalis Viminalis and Esquilinus He entrenched rounde the Romewalles entrenched wals of the City He was the first that inuented mustring of men which before his time was not known throughe the whole worlde In his raigne Mustryng 〈◊〉 the names of all the inbabitantes in Rome wer takē and ther wer found 〈…〉 in the City of Rome .lxxx. and .iiii. M. citizens able men with those whiche inhabited about the city He was slain in the .xlv. yere of his raign through Seruiꝰ Tullius slayne the wickednes of his son in law Tarquinius who was son to the last kinge before him whō this Seruius Tullius succeded and the naughtines of his own daughter whō he had espoused to the saide Tarquinius Lucius Lucius Tarquinius Superbus the vii kyng Tarquinius Superbus was the .vii. the last king that raigned at Rome He ouercam the Volscians in battel whiche are situate not far distant frō Rome as mē go frō thence towards Campania He subdued the Citye of Gabios Suessa Pometia He made peace with the Thuscians and built Iupiter his temple built Iupiter his temple in the capitol Afterward as he was laying siege to the city of Arde whiche was .x. miles distant frō the city of Rome he was deposed Lucius Tarquinius deposed For whē his son Sextus Tarquinius had forst poluted the noble woman therwithal the moste chastest Adultery the cause of the fyrst alteratyon of
the state of the weale publique in Rome Lucretia wife to Collatinus she had of this iniury complained to her husband other her frendes in the presens of them all she slue her self Where vpon they kindled the hartes of the people againste Tarquinius deposed him from his kingdome and The seuerity of the Romaines in punyshing adulterye sone after the whole army whiche at that time laid siege to the city of Arde together with the king forsoke him Where vpon when the king retourned and would haue entred the city Lucius Tarquinius hys raygne the gates wer shut against him Thus when he hadde raigned .xxv. yeres he fled with his wife and children In this wise raigned .vii. kinges ouer the city of Rome by the space of CCxliii The time that kynges gouerned Rome yeres at which time Rome extended not to aboue .xv. miles where it was largest From this time began there to be created in the place of one kyng ii consuls for this consideration that Two consuls created in Rome Consuls ordained in rome the 3450. yere after the creatiō of the world The raign of the consuls although the one of them were disposed to naughtinesse yet the other hauing the like authority might bridle the affection of his companyon And it was decreed that they shoulde not rule aboue one yere least the continuaunce of theyr bearinge rule shoulde make thē waxe hauty wheras otherwise The order of the cōsuls cōeinued after it was fyrst instituted vntil Iulius Cesares raigne which wxas by the space of 464. yeres they wold demene them selues more curteously knowinge that after theyr ycare expired and determined they shoulde become priuate persons againe In the first yere after the expulsing of the kings forth of the city Lucius Iunius Brutus who hadde most of others procured the banishing Lucius Iunius Brutus and Tarquinius Collatinus fyrst consuls of Tarquinius and with him Tarquinius Collatinus who was husbād to Lucretia wer chosen cōsuls How be it Collatinus was forth wyth depriued of his Consulship For why it was agreed that none should remain in the Citye that bare the name of Tarquinius wherevpon Collatinus Tarquinius Collatinus depryned of hys consulship taking with him all hys substaunce departed forth of the City and in hys roume Valerius Publicola was created consull Neuerthelesse kinge Valerius Publicola cōsull The fyrst battaile that any Romain euer waged agaīst Rome Tarquinius who a lyttle before was banisheda ssembling togethera great army to aid him to recouer his kingdome waged batail with the Citizēs of Rome In the very first front of the batail Brutus the consul and Aruus Tarquinius his sonne slue one another Brutus and Aruus slayn How be it the Romains obtayned the victory in that battaile the Romain matrones bewailed the deth of Brutus by the space of one whole Brutꝰ death bewayled yere as the defender of their chastities After the death of Brutus Valerius Publicola chose Spurius Lucretius Tricipitinus who was father Spurius Lucretius Tricipitinus consul Lucretius dyed Horatius Puluillus consull Fiue consuls in the i. yere to Lucretia to be consul who died by sicknes Horatius Puluillus was created consull in his roume Thus wer .v. consuls created in the first yere Of whome Tarquinius Collatinus loste the citye for his name Brutus was slain in battail Spurius Lucretius sickned and died Then in the second yere after Tarquinsus agayne War agayne attempted by Tarquinius agaynst the Romaynes made warre vppon the Romaines to the ende he mighte recouer hys kingdome whome Porsenna kynge ●f Thuscia then aided and wel nigh he hadde taken Rome Howe be it at this time was he also ouercome In the iii. yere after the kings wer banished forth of the City when Tarquinius apperceiued that he should neither be receiued again of the Romaines nor yet that Porsenna wold succour him anye longer he departed to Thusculus a city not far distāt from Rome ther by the space of .xiiii. yeres Tarquinius lyued as a priuate man at Thusculus he liued with his wife as a private man In the. 4. yeare after that the kings wer banished the city the Sabines The Sabins warred on the romaines again warred vpō the Romains at which time they wer also ouercōe the Romaines triumphed ouer thē In the .v. yere Lucius Valerius who was felow in office with Brutus thother 4. consuls deceased in suche extreme pouerty that mony was fain to A collectyon of monye for the burial of Valerius the consull bee gathered amonge the people to bear the expenses of his funeras Whose death the Romain matrones did by the space of a yere bewaile as they did the deathe of Brutus before In the .ix. yere after the banishyng of the kinges when Tarquinius hys sonne in law had assembled together Preparatyon for warre agaynste the Romaines by tarquinius his son in lawe The offyce of dictatura fyrst instituted Titus Largius dictator a great army to the end he might reuenge the reproche whiche his father in law sustained at the Romains handes There was a newe office created in Rome called Dictatura in authority excelling farre the office of the consuls That same yere was there also ordained in Rome an other Offycer called Magister Equitum who was deputed to be attendant vpon the dictator To this office of Dictator was Spurius Cassius fyrst magister Equitum first deputed at Rome Titus Largius And Spurius Cassius supplyed first the offyce of magister Equitum In the .xvi. yeare did the commons of Rome make a commotion pretēding A commotiō at Rome by the commōs the cause to be for that the senatours and Consuls woulde haue oppressed them At which time they created ii whome they called Tribuni Plebis Tribuni Plebis created whiche were after abrogated by Sylla and restored agayn by Pōpeius and assigned them to be peculier decisers and determiners of their causes only by whose meanes they might be in safety and defended against the cōsuls In the yere folowing the Volstians renued battaile againste the Romaines The Volstianes renued war agaynste the Romains they were subdued and loste moreouer theyr first city called Corioli In the .xiii. yere after that the kynges were banished Quintus Martius Rome inuaded by Quintius Martius a Romayne a famous capitain of the Romaynes who wan Coriolis a citye of the Volscians vppon displeasure conceyued went to the Volscians and toke part with them who also aided him agaīst the Romaines By meane wherof he putte the Romaines oft times to the worste He camped wythin .v. miles of the city of Rome And regardinge nothing the Legates which the Romaines sent to hym to entreate for peace he determyned to haue inuaded hys owne country had not hys own mother Veturia and his wife Volumnia come forth of the citye to intreate him throughe whose request myxte with teares he was ouercome and so withdrewe his armye
Warre proclaimed agaīst the Tarentines agaynste the Tarentines whiche inhabited the farthest partes of Italye for that they had iniuryed the Legates of the Romaines The Tarentines desired Pyrrhus kynge of Epirus to assyste theym agaynste the Romaines who forth wyth came to Italye Thys Pyrrhus was descended of the line of Achilles Thys was the fyrste battaile that the Romaynes The fyrst battayle that the romaynes waged wyth forrayn enemye waged with anye foraine ennemye To this battaile was Publius Valerius Leuinus sente who when he had apprehended the espyes of Pirrhus he willed that they shoulde be led through the camp and that al the armye shoulde be shewed to them and so be dismiste to the ende they might recount to Pirrhus howe the The stoutnes of the romaynes Romaines did demeane them selues in all poyntes Soone after the armies ioyned battayle and Pyrrhus was at the poynte to haue fled had not hys Elephantes bene throughe Pyrrhus ouercame the romaynes by meanes of his Elephantes whose meanes he gotte the victory of whome the Romaynes for that they hadde not earste sene suche bestes were dismayed and stoode in feare Howe be it the nyghte fynished their skyrmishe for that time Leuinus the Consull fledde that nyghte Leunius the Consul fled and Pirrhus tooke prisonners about ● thousande and eyghte hundreth Romaines whome he entreated ve●ye honourablye and suche as were ●aine in the battayle hee buryed whome when he sawe they were all wounded in the fore partes and after they were dead keping stil theyr Pyrrhus hys princely behauyour grim lokes whiche while they liued they yet hadde as one agaste at the syght lifting vppe his handes to the skyes he sayde were it my chaunce Worthy commendation of the Romains quod he to haue suche souldioures as these were I could easely wythin shorte whyle conquere all the whole world After this Pyrrhus associated vnto him the Samnites the Lucanes and the Brutians and marched so forward toward Rome despoiling all as he went with fier and sworde He prayed through all Campania came to Preneste whiche was distāt but .xviii. miles from Rome then retired hee backe againe to Campania for dreede of the Consuls who came wyth a great army againste hym The Romaynes then sente their legates to Pirrhus to entreate aboute the ransomynge of their prisoners whome he receiued honourably and sent to Rome suche prisoners as he had wythout receiuinge anye raunsome for them And amonge the residewe of the Romaine Legates Pyrrhus was so muche affectyoned towardes one Fabricius that wher as he vnderstode the sayd Fabricius to be but a very pore man he profered to geue him the fourths parte of his kingdome if that he woulde forsake Howe dear the Romains estemed theyr country Rome and come to hym But Fabricius refused that hys offer Where vppon Pyrrhus not a lyttle meruailinge at the Romaines sente the chiefest of all his bande one called Cyneas on embassade to Rome Pyrrhus prayed peace to intreat for peace vpon indifferent conditions so that Pyrrhus myghte styl detayne that part of Italye whiche he had subdued by battail which profer of peace misliked the Romaines and woorde was sente backe to Pyrrhus from the Senate that vnlesse he would depart forth of Italy he could in no wyse haue peace with the Romaynes Then the Romains The stout answer of the romaynes commaunded that all those whyche Pyrrhus had taken prisoners shuld be reputed as infamed persones for that they would be taken prisoners The seuerity of the Romaynes when they might haue defended thē selues by force of armes And more ouer that they should not agayne be restored to theyr former estate vntyl suche tyme as they broughte wyth them the like spoiles of theyr ennemies With this answer retourned Worthy praise of enemyes mouthes the Legate of Pirrhus of whome when Pyrrhus demaūded what maner of place Rome was he answeared that he had there sene a countrey of kinges affirming that in manner euery one there was suche a one as Pirrhus alone was counted to be at Epirus and through all Grece Thē there were sent forth agaynste Pyrrhus Publius Sulpitius and Decius who wer then Consuls In a skirmish Pub. Sul. and Decius Consuls sent against Pyrrhus which he made againste them Pyrrhus was wounded his Elephantes slaine and of his armye hee lost twentye thousande There were slaine of the Romaines onlye v. M. Thus was Pyrrhus discomfitedde Pyrrhus put to fiyght The yere after Fabricius was sent forthe againste Pyrrhus This was he whome before amonge the other Fabricius sēt agaynst Pyrrhus Legates of the Romaynes Pyrrhus could by no meanes allure to forsake Rome and come to him vppon promise to depart with the fourth parte of his kingdome vnto him When he and king Pyrrhus had pitched theyr tentes neare the one to the other Pyrrhus his Phisition cam by night to Fabricius offring that he woulde destroy Pirrhus with poyson if Fabricius would geue him any thynge for his laboure whome Fabritius The Romaines hated treson apprehended and caused to be bound and caried to Pyrrhus and to be de-declared vnto hym what thyngs hys Phisition hadde conspired againste hym Where at the kynge all agaste sayde Vndoubtedly this is that Fabricius quod he who wyth more difficulty can be made to forsake honesty then the Sunne can be stopte to run hys course And so the kynge departed into Sicilie Fabritius after Pyrthus went into Sicilie Fabritius triumphed that he had subdued the Samnites and the Lucanes trpumphed Afterward Marcus Curius Dentatus and Cornelius Lentulus being then Consuls were sent forthe agaynste Pirrhus Curius foughte the battayle wyth hym He slewe hys army hee draue hym to Tarentum and Pyrrhus discomfyted sackt hys tentes He slewe that daye of hys ennemyes three and twentye thousande Curius Dentatus tryumphed in hys Consulship he brought Elephantes fyrst brought to Rome foure Elephants to Rome whiche were the fyrste that euer were there Not longe after Pirrhus departed from Tarentum and at Argos Pyrthꝰ slain a citye of Grece he was slayne When Caius Fabritius Luscinus and Caius Claudius Cinna were consulles whyche was in the yeare after the foundatyon of the citye of Rome four hundreth thre skore and one ambassadonres were sent forthe Legats forth of Alexandria sēt to Rome of Alexandria by Ptolomeus too Rome to ioyne frendshyp and amyty wyth the Romaynes which thing they obtayned Whilest that Quintus Gulo and Caius Fabius Pictor were consuls the Picentines stirred vp war agaynste the Romaynes Pub. Sem. Ap. Clau. Consuls but they were ouercome by Publius Sempronius and Appius Claudius which wer next cōsuls triumphed ouer them About this tyme the Romains The cityes Ariminum Benenentū built by the Romaynes Mar. Attili Regu Lu-Iuni Libo Consuls built the cities Ariminum in Fraunce and Beneuentum in Samnio when Marcus Atti. Regu Lu. Iu. Libe wer consuls war was procilamed against
time he eskaped and fled to Bizantiū which is now called Constantinople his captaynes Mithridates discomlyted were discomfited in battail vpon the sea Thus in one winter and a sommer space Lucullus slew on the kinges side wel nyghe an C. M. meu In the. Dc .lxxviii. yeare after y● buildinge of the citye of Rome Marcus Licinius Lucullus who was cosyn germayne to that Lucullus whyche warred agaynste Mithridates was deputed to haue the gouernment of Macedonie At thys time sodainly in Italye a freshe battayle was begon For why .lxxiiii. of those which were accustomed to play at wepons called Battayle a fresh in Italy Gladiatores brake forthe of the scholes at Capua and made to them selues Spartachus Chrisus Denomannus And as they roued throughe Italy they commenced battayle there no lesse daungerous then was that other whyche before Anniball waged there For when they had discomfited diuers Romain captaines and the two Cōsuls also they assembled an army well nigh of lx M men wel appoynted How be it they wer ouercome in Apulia by Marcus Licinius Crassus the Proconsull And so after sondrye calamities sustained in Italye this battayle was fiuyshed in the thirde yeare after that it was first begon In the yere after that the city was built .vi. C .lxxxi. there were but only two great battayles waged within the Romain Empire that is Two battels only waged against the Romains through the world to say the battail against Mithridates and the battaile against the Macedians both which battails the two Lucullies which is to wit Lucius Lucullus Marcus Lucullꝰ fought For Lucius Lucullus after he had finished the battail at Cizicꝰ in which he ouercame Mithridates and after the other battaile vppon the Sea in whiche he vanquished the captaines of Mithridates he pursued Mithridates hymselfe And when he hadde recouered Paphlagonia and Bithinia he inuaded Mithridates owne kingdome He wan there Sinopes and Anisus two of the mooste noble cityes of Pontus In the second battaile whych was waged at the citye Cabira Mithridates hadde prouided .xxx. M. menne Thyrty M. vanquyshed by .v. M. Romaynes whome he did chuse and picke forthe throughe all hys kingdome whyche when they were vanquished by v. M. of the Romaynes Mithridates fled Mithridates fled and hys tentes were sackt The lesse Armenia likewise whiche he hadde Armenia recouered gotten was recouered agayne from hym But Mithridates after he was thus fled was receiued by Tigranes kynge of Armenia who raygned at those dayes in great renowne This Tigranes oft times had subdued the Persians He wanne Mesopotamia Mithridates succoured by kyng Tigranes Siria and a piece of Phenicia Sone after Lucullꝰ required him to deliuer his ennemy whom he had put to slyght Whiche request when he withstode and denyed the deliuerye of Mithridates Lucullus forthewith inuaded kynge Tigranes hys realme and wanne there Tigra nocerta the chiefest citye of Armenia and hauinge but .xviii. M. souldiours to ayde him he gaue king Tigranes a passinge great ouerthrow which Tigranes came againste hym wyth vi M. men on barbed horsses and an huddreth thousande Archers besides other menne of armes He slewe the A great ouerthrow of kīg Tigranes greater parte of the Armenians and remouynge from thence to Nisibis looke that Citye also and the kinges brother in it But they whome Lucullus had left behinde in Pontus with parte of hys armye to the ende that they shoulde keepe vnder to the behoufe of the Romaynes suche people as he hadde all ready subdued there demeanyng them selues very rechlesly and with great cruelty gaue oportunity to Mithridates Battayle renued by Mithridates to inuade Poneus againe and so battayle was renued there a freshe Ther was one sent to succede Lucullusrwho after that he had won Nisibis made preparatyon for hys viage againste the Persians The other Lucullus who had the gouernmente of Macedonie was the fyrste Romain that waged battail against the Bessians whome he ouercame in a greate battaile vpon the hyll Emus Lucullus the fyrst Romain that waged battel against the Bessians Vscudama won He wā also Vscudama a town which the Bessians did inhabite the selfe same daye that he gaue the assault to it He toke in like maner the city Cabiles and marched stil forthe til he came to the riuer Danubius After that he inuaded diuers cityes Cabiles take Both the Lucullies triumphed whiche were siiuate vppon the Sea coast of Pontus There he destroyed Appollonia and wan Calatis Partenopolis Tomos Histrus and all Buzia And when those battails wer Battayle in Creete finished he retourned to Rome wher either of them triumphed But yet the Lucullus who had waged battail against Mithridates triumphed wyth greater glorye for that he retourned conqueror of such ample kingdoms After the battayle was finyshed in Macedonie the battayle agaynst Mithridates as yet endured which battail Mithridates renued assembling together all the power and force of men he coulde make after that Lucullus was nowe departed backe About this time began there also battayle in Creete Cecilius Metellus was sente thyther who after that he had fought great battailes ther with in the space of .iii. yeares he wan the whol prouince and for this fact was called Creticus He triumphed ouer Crete won by Metellus and he called Creticus that Ilande At this time also Libia was by the bequest of Appio kynge there of annexed to the Empire of the Libia anexed to the Romain empyre by Appio Romaines In which prouince these were the noblest Cities Beronice Ptoloneais and Cyrene Whyle these thynges were in hand Pirates began to anoy the passengers throughe those parties by sea So that the Romaines who hadde subdued well nyghe all the whole worlde wanted now nothing sauing that they hadde not now safe course and recourse by the seas where vppon that vyage against Battayle against the pirates committed to Cneus Pompeius those pirates was commytted to Cneue Pompeius who wythin a few monethes space finished it with great celerity and no lesse derteritye of fortune Not long after the same Pompeius was also designed to go agaynste Mithridates and Tigranes whyche viage when he had taken in hand he ouercame Mithridates in battayl by Mithridates ouercome in battayle by nyghte night in Armenia the lesse sackte his tentes He slewe there .xl. M. of the kinges army and lost of his own hoste but .xx. menne and two of his captaines After this euyll successe Mithridates fled being accompanied Mithridates fled but wyth his wyfe ii other to wait vpon them and eftsones in a tumult whyche fell amonge his souldioures through the procurement of his sōne Pharnaces he was forsed to deathe whiche he executed on him selfe by Mithridates poysoned himself drinckinge of poyson This ende had Mithridates he died at ●osphorus a manne verye polliticke and wittye wyth all He raaigued .lx. yeres he lyued three score and twelue yeres He Mithridates hysage and tyme
of hys raygne warred agaynste the Romaynes by the space of forty yeres Then Pompeius adressed hys battaile agaynste Tigranes who yelded hym selfe Tigranes pursued And so sone as he was entred within Pompeius hys tentes whyche were pitched .xvi. myles dystante from Artaxata he fell prostrate at Pompeius hys fete and deliuered vp his crown into the handes of Pompeius but Tigranes submytted hymselfe Pompeius reposed it again vpon his head and entreated hym verye worthely Neuertheles he depriued him of a portion of his kingdome and assessed hym to pay a great summe of The worthinesse of Pompeius mony besides There was taken frō him Siria Phenices and Sophenes and he was assessed to paye .vi. M. talents of siluer for that he warred agaynst the Romains without cause Not lōg after Pompeius also made warre vpon the Albanes and ouercame War against the Albanes Orodes king of th Albanes ouercome Orodes kinge of the Albanes in three sondry battails But at last beinge requested by letters and presents he bothe pardoned hym and graunted hym peace He ouercame Arthaces kyng of Iberia vāquished in lyke manner Arthaces kynge of Iberia in fight and at last receyued him vnder allegeaunce He gaue Armenia the lesse to Deiotarus kynge Armenia geuen to Deiotarus of Galacia for that he had aided hym in battaile againste Mithridates He restored Paphlagonia to Attalꝰ and Attalus and Pilemenes restored to theyr kyngdomes Pilemenes He deputed Aristarchus kyng ouer Colchos Sone after he ouercame the Iturians and Arabiās And when he cam into Siria he enfraunchised Seleucia a citye situate Seleucia enfranchysed A peece of neare to Antioche for that they dyd not ayd ne succour king Tigranes He redeliuered to the Antiochians their pledges whyche they gaue to hym He gaue the Daphuenses a per cell of lande for the enlargemente of theyr groues or copyes for that hee was delighted with the pleasaunte site of that place and the greate plentye of waters whych abounded ground geuen to the Daphuenses there From thence he passed forthe takynge his waye towardes Iudea And in the thyrde moneth after hys arriuinge there he wan Ierusalem the chiefe citye of that countrey He slew there .xii. M. Iewes the residue he receyued vnder allegeaunce These things being thus finished he wente into Asia and so ended he the war which had long continued whē M. Cullius C i. and Caiꝰ Antonius Consuls This Cicero was lireally descended frō the kinges of the Volsci●● whyche were leng before the city of Rome a mā of singuler wy● clemency and of a passing z●l●te his coūtry he was called of the Father of his coūtry for that he hadso studie ●sly preserued it He flouryshed about xi yeres before the Incarnatyon of Christ Marcus Tullius the Orator Caiꝰ Antonius wer Consuls in the .vi. C. lxxxix yere after the city was builte Lucius Sergius Catiline a mā descended of a noble stock but yet of an euill disposityon conspired wyth dyuers other noble menne of like rashnesse and naughtinesse as he was Catiline was expulsed forthe of the city by Cicero His confederates wer apprehended and thratled in prison Afterwarde Catiline himselfe was ouercome in battaile and slayne by Antonius the other Consul In the six hundreth and ninetenth yeare after the buildinge of Rome When Decius Iunius Sillanus and Lucius Murena were Cansuls Metellus triumphed ouer Crete and Pompeius tryumphed for the battaile D. Iunius Sillanꝰ and L. Murena Consuls which he had ouer the Pirates on the sea and for that other battaile whyche he waged wyth Mithridates The pompe and pride of no tryumphe was euer lyke to that of Metellꝰ and Pompeius trfumphed Pompeius There were led before hys charyot the sonne of Mithridates and the sonne of kynge Tigranes and Aristobulus kynge of the Iewes Ther was caryed moreouer before hym greate store of wine and an infinite deale of golde and siluer besides At thys time the Romaines waged no greate battayles through all the whole worlde In the sixe hund eth nineteth and thirde yeare after the buildynge of Ca. Iulius Cesar and L. Bibulus tryumphed the Citye Caius Iulius ▪ Cesar who afterwarde became Emperour was created Consull and Lucius Bibulus with hym Fraunce was committed to hys gouermēt and the coast of Illiria now called Sclauonia together wyth .x. legions of souldioures Fyrst he subdued the Heluetians whych are also called the Sequanes or Burgoniās Then he passed forth stil conquering and subduing as he went with greuous battayles vntyll he came to the Englyshe Ocean sea And with in the space of .ix. yeres he broughte wel nyghe all Fraunce in subiertyon so muche as is situate betweene the Alpes the riuer of Roan the floud of Rheyn and the Occean sea whiche in circuit extendeth to ccccc miles Sone after he warred vppon the Britaynes whyche before his aryuing Brytain whiche is nowe called England inuaded by Iulius Ccsar The Britaines tributaryes to the Romaynes there had neuer anye cognisaunce nor at anye tyme harde speakynge of the Romaines When he had subdued them he made them tributary to the Romaynes and tooke hostages of them But he did exacte of Fraunce vnder name of Tribute cccc Sestercios Then he assaild the Germaines which inhabited on the farther side of the riuer of Roan and vanquished them in most sharp battayles But amonge all these so many successes and chaunces of fortune he fought thrise vnluckelye Ones agaynste the Auernians in Fraunce Thre vnlucky vattailes of Iulius Cesar at whyche battaile he was presente hymself and twise in Germany whē he was absent For his two Legates Titurius and Aruneulus wer slaine ther by a train About the same time ▪ in the cccccc xcvii yere after the city was builte Marcus Licinius Crassꝰ fellowe in offyce with Cneus Pompeius the great in the seconde yeare after that he was made Consul was sent on a viage againste the Parthians and ioyning battaile with them in an euill houre at Carras he was M. Licinius Caslus slam ouercome by Surena captayne to kynge Drodes and at laste he was slayne and hys Sonne also a valyaunte and a worthye yonge man towardes The residue of hys armye was preserued by Caius Cassius Aciuii dissention sprong in Rome after which ensued a most sharpe ciuill war betwene Pompeius and Iulius Cesare where vppon grew thalteration of the weale publyque of Rome and an vtter decay in manner of the same the occasyon of the battayl was butlight For Cesar after he was returned forthe of Fraūce requested to bee made Cōsul for so it stode hym in hand for that certē had conspired soone after to haueprocured his bannyshment through whose inueglyng Pompei us chaunged hys former mynd and reuoked hys former promesse made to Cesar and added besides cer●en threatnynges to Cesar wardes vpō which the grudge grew Thys battail began in the. 3914. yere after the creatyō of the world and in the 706. yere after the