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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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of this Psalme perfourme all thy petitions i. doe that that thou hast prayed for and this is a good place to prooue that by offerings ver 3. Must bee vnderstood praiers also ver 6. Know I a sodaine chaunge of numbers speaking in the person of one thereby to note the vnitie and consent of the people to this praier as though they had beene alone and vttered it al with one mouth His annointed that is his King whom he hath established Sée Psal 2.2 Psal 18.50 heare him sée ver 1. of this Psalme from his sanctuarie Immanuel readeth from the heauens of his holines meaning from heauen where his holines dwelleth which I well like of of his right hand i. power and strength this is spoken of God according to man because man commonly hath most strength in his right hand and it is called mightie helpe because it is such as none is able towithstand ver 7. Is a comparison betwéene the faithfull and the vnbeléeuers these trust in outward meanes of all sortes for that is vnderstoode by chariots and horses and so robbe God of his glory the other cleaue to only Gods vertue power and grace for so is the word name taken as ver 1. 5. of this Psalme and giue him the whole glory ver 8. Brought downe fallen vz. notwithstanding all the trust that they had in the outward meanes q.d. they that sayd they would do al things by mans meanes and strength therefore are lifted vp in pride and lustines are notwithstanding all these imaginations of their owne brought downe and fallen i. lie flat by the fall they haue receiued by setting themselues against God but we are risen and stand vpright q.d. notwithstanding the great miseries and afflictions wherin we were we are become strong and mightie rising vp from vnder the burthen of them ver 9. Saue Lord vz. vs and our king pursuing vs continually with thy fauor in such short kind of spéeches there is great grace in the Hebrewe tongue Let the king heare vs. This is diuersly read and according to the seueral readings hath seuerall sentences Immanuel readeth the king himselfe wil heare vs applying it to Christ and the assurednes that the faithfull men haue that he will heare their praiers othersome take it to be a quick passing from the second person to the third q.d. O king whose office kings in the earth haue in part communicated to them hearken vnto vs so often as we shal seeke thine ayde me thinketh that the Geneua text and note is as plaine as any of these Do. Ver. 1. And so forth teacheth people to pray for their magistrates it teacheth also that the day of affliction is a notable time to pray in also that no ayde is to be had but from God alone ver 3. Teacheth that kinges shoulde be giuen to religious exercises ver 5. The prosperity of the king is the florishing of the people and on the other side the welfare of the people is the Kinges glory Ver. 6. Teacheth those that pray to haue both before and after their prayer an assurance of obteyning ver 7. Sheweth that Gods children must not at any time trust in any thing saue in God alone whatsoeuer the wicked doe whose strength and purposes GOD ouerthroweth vers 8. Declareth Gods iudgements against the vngodly and his fauour to his children vers 9. Teacheth vs to vse earnest prayer in affliction for that doth hee meane by these termes in the day that we do cal vz. vpō thée Psalme 21 THis Psalme hath two principall partes Di. In the first the Prophet sheweth what great benefites and blessings the Lord had bestowed vpon him before he came to the kingdome and in that time also after that he was established therein from ver 1. to the ende of the 7. In the second part he prophecieth of gods great and wonderfull power against his enemies and of their vtter ouerthrow and confusion from ver 8 to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Psalm 4. Ver. 1. Se. In thy strength vz. which thou shalt bestow vpon him to stand against to ouercome al his enemies yea how greatly q.d. it can not be expressed in thy saluation i. in that deliuerance that thou shalt bestow vpon him his people giuing them victory ouer their enemies in this verse Dauid speaketh of himself in the third person ver 2. His hearts desire i. whatsoeuer his heart could wish sée Psal 20.4 Hast not denyed him i. hast yéelded and graunted vnto him for by not denying the Hebrewes vnderstand euen as it were performing the request of his lippes i. whatsoeuer he praied rightly vnto thée for vsing in that praier his lippes and other instruments natural whereby the voice is framed ver 3. With liberall blessings i. with abundance and fulnes of all good thinges some particulars wherof he reckneth in the verses folowing diddest set a crowne of pure gold vpon his head i. diddest appoint him to be king most good and glorious vsing setting of the crowne vpon his head which is but a signe as anointing was of his entrance into the kingdome for the ful possession inioying therof ver 4. He asked life vz. in this short life a long life i. more long then he desired for euer and euer i. yea not only life in this life but eternal life also ver 5. His glory i. the glory that thou hast giuen him laid vpon him is great i. is very much inlarged in thy saluation i. through or by the deliuerances and victories that thou hast bestowed vpon him laid vpon him euen of thine owne good wil and in despite of his foes that would haue hindered him therefrom ver 6. Thou hast set him i. appointed him as blessings vz. vnto thy people he vseth the plurall number by which he noteth the wonderfull abundaunce of gods graces bestowed vpon the people by him for euer i. for a long season as we haue had it sundry times before With the ioy of thy countenance i. through the grace and fauour that as it were with a pleasant countenance thou hast shewed him ver 7. The king trusteth the prophet sheweth here the meanes whereby the king shal be established vz. by hope and trust in God he shall not slide vz. from the prosperous successe of his affaires and state ver 8. Thy hand here Dauid speaketh to God meaning by hand power also by right hand in this verse he meaneth the same thing shal find out i. ouertake and lay hold vpon though thine enemies would think to hide thēselues from it ver 9. Like a firie ouen he meaneth that God wil through his wrath make them to burne stil as a firie ouen doth and so in the end consume and ouerthrow them as an ouen cōtinually heat must néeds be spoiled by which maner of speach he noteth two things first that there shal be no intermission of plagues and punishments secondly that these punishments shal not tend to
call but hee answered them not i. he regarded not their dissembling praiers ver 42. Then i. after that the Lord had reiected them and their praiers sée ver 7. of this Psalm did beate them as smal as the dust before the wind i. I did wonderfully ouerthrow them in respect of their number which I thinke the word smal importeth and these of them that remaineth were as light as the dust which we knowe to be very smal and light I did tread them flat i. I did quite and cleane subdue them as the clay in the stréetes i. and made no more account of them then men do of durt vnder their féete ver 43. From the contentions of the people hée meaneth either Saul or the rest of the Israelites that tooke part with him against Dauid or else that God appeased the seditions and rebellions of his people that lifted vp them selues against him vnder Absolon and other rebels and this I rather incline to thou hast made me the head i. the ruler and gouernour for so head is many times vsed in Scripture of the heathen as the Ammonites Moabites c. which dwelt round about him he meaneth that by Gods aide he had brought vnder those people that before had discomfited Israel and made them now tributaries to him whom I haue not knowen i. whom I haue not allowed of or else with whom I haue had no familiaritie or acquaintance because the law forbad it with some people as with the Amalichits Exod. 17.14 and others in sundry places of the lawe ver 44. As soone as they heare vz. of me and the fame of my name and the latter part mend thus strangers shal lyingly yéeld themselues to me i. they shall in hypocrisie pretend a subiection and not of a sound and willing mind ver 45. Shal shrinke away vz. from their companions and friendes and feare i. shal be striken with feare in their priuie chambers i. in the places of their greatest ease and assurance ver 46. Let the Lord liue not as though God coulde at any time die or be the better for the Prophets wish vnto him but hee meaneth by this prayer and wish that hee would haue God alwaies to shew his power that thereby there might bée a plaine difference put in the eies of men betwéene him and the dead Idols of the Gentiles and blessed i. praised my strength sée ver 2. of this Psalme of my saluation i. deliuerance from distresses in this life and the giuer of eternal life sèe Psalm 3.8 bee exalted i. lifted vp on high and praysed vz. amongst men ver 47. To auenge mee vz. on his and mine enemies and this Dauid speaketh as a magistrate ver 48. Hast set mée vp vz. in a high and sure place safe and sound that rose against mée Sée verse 39. of this Psalme cruell man hee meaneth some one who was as it were standard bearer to the rest but yet so that vnder him hee meaneth all those that tooke part with him ver 49. Among the nations i. openly and before them and as it were in the middest of them so must it bee vnderstood if it bee referred to Dauid It may appeare also by Rom. 15.9 that it is a Prophecy of Christes kingdome and of the calling of the Gentiles and so hath this sense I that is Christ but yet in the person of my faithfull people but chiefely ministers whom I haue ordeined for the calling of the Gentiles will praise thee among the Gentiles so that if you referre it to Dauid it is a promise if to Christ and the calling of them Gentiles it is a prophecy among the nations or gentiles so the Iewes vsed to call all the people of the world besides themselues ver 50. Giueth he i. God vnto his king he speaketh of himselfe in the third person calling himselfe Gods king because he was by the Lord annointed to and through his power established in the kingdome to his annointed he putteth the signe of his mauguration into the office of the king for the king for Kinges Priestes and Prophetes were annointed by the lawe whereby also the Prophet sheweth that hee thrust not in himselfe into that high and great office for euer If you referre this to Dauid and his posterity euer is here taken for a long tyme but if you referre it to Christ and those that appertaine to him it is put for all eternity Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that it is no sclender loue that wee owe to the Lorde ver 2. Teacheth vs to hang vpon him alone ver 3. Praier is the meane to set vs frée from the force of our enemies ver 4.5 Declare the manifold and grieuous extremities that gods children many times are brought to ver 6. Teacheth vs in our dstresses to call vpon God onely and sheweth also howe graciously the Lord accepteth the supplications of his seruant In that discription of Gods wrath which is comprehended from ver 7. to the end of the 15. there is comprehended matter of comfort to the godly that they are vnder his protection that hath all creatures at his commaundement for their good and matter of terror to the wicked because they set them selues against him that doeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him in heauen and in earth ver 16.17 Shew gods goodnes towards his seruants in deliuering them from manifold dangers ver 18. Setteth out the malice of the wicked who spie their times vz. the day of aduersitie wherein they may doe most mischiefe ver 19. Gods fauour the only cause of all goodnes to vs ward ver 21.22 Teacheth that we ought alwaies to haue the law of God before our eies and care and conscience to performe the same ver 25.26 Expresse Gods goodnes towards his children his iudgements towardes his enemies ver 27. God is nigh vnto his own though their miseries be neuer so many it sheweth also Gods iudgements against the wicked and namely the proud persons it teacheth also to cary lowlines and curtesie euen in our countenances ver 28. Teacheth vs to haue an assured perswasion of gods goodnes towardes vs. ver 29. Declareth that our sufficiencie to do any thing is of God ver 30.31 is a notable commendation of gods excellent maiesty and of the truth and certainty of his holy word ver Teach that God is all in all for vs either to inable vs to the performance of his good things or to preuent put from vs euil and hurtful things the same matter is declared ver 37.38.39 40. Ver. 41. The Lord heareth not the wicked mens prayers ver 43. Teacheth that God exalteth whom it pleaseth him and inlargeth the boundes of kingdomes ver 46. Teacheth thankesgiuing for mercies receiued ver 48. God alone is he that deliuereth his out of al distresses ver 49. Wée shoulde neuer cease praysing of God yea and that before many for his infinite benefites ver 50. God is gracious to the godly and their godly posterity to many generations Psalme 19. THis Psalme
thus and in thy glory ride prosperously because of the word of trueth c. in thy glory i. being thus established and set vp ride prosperously i. feare not to attempt good and holy things because of the word of truth i. because the matter of trueth yea all trueth it selfe requireth this of thee and hee vnderstandeth by these thrée termes three seuerall things that ought to bee in kinges by trueth he meaneth faithfull dealing by meekenes milde and curteous behauiour and by righteousnes vpright execution of those thinges that concerne either the maintenance of good or the punishmēt of vice if we take it as it is read in the Geneua text hee séemeth then to resemble these vertues to chariotes of triumph vpon which kings were wont to bee carried specially after some great victories gotten and he speaketh of these vertues because that iust vpright gouernement and not outragious and violent giueth credit and authoritie to princes So thy right hand i. thy power and might because that in that hand it most consisteth shall teach thée i. shall inable thée to performe as those that teach others make them able Terrible thinges i. such thinges as shal strike a terrour and feare of thee into the heartes of thine enemies and a louing reuerence into the hearte of thy friendes and subiects Ver. 5. Thine arrowes are sharpe i. the instruments and meanes that thou hast to vse against thy enemies are persing yea so persing that the heart i. the closest part yea the strongest euen that wherein life consisteth shal be pearced thereby of the kinges enemies marke the chaunge of the person meaning thereby thy enemies which art the king shall fall vnder thee i. shall come into thy power and subiection as men are wont to fall when they are stricken wish an arrowe so that a man may do with them what he listeth hee meaneth nothing else but that Salomon should haue instruments and darts to strike his enemies a farre of and to constraine them to yeelde to his obedience Ver. 6. Thy throne i. thy kingdome for he vseth the throne where the Prince did vse to sit that gouerned the kingdome for the kingdome rule dominion and authority that the king had O God Salomon is here called God as kinges and magistrates are in other places of scripture for euer and euer i. indureth a long season the scepter of thy kingdome i. the rule and authority which was signified by the scepter is a scepter of righteousnes i. is iust equall and vpright all this must after this sort be applied to Salomon but for as much as the Apostle Heb. 18. doeth apply it to Christ wee must more largely interpret it vz. that the holy Ghost meaneth to signifie and to set out vnto vs not only the continuance and durablenes of Christes kingdome but also the continual vprightnes and equity that shal be therein Ver. 7. Apply this also to Salomon Christ to the one in figure to the other in trueth thou louest i. allowest likest of and performest righteousnesse i. vpright dealing and equity and hatest i. canst not at any hand away with wickednes i. any manner of sinne whatsoeuer he sheweth wherein vprightnes consisteth vz. in the maintenance of equity and in the sharpe punishment of iniquity hath annoynted thee the Prophet speaketh after the manner of those dayes wherein kinges were annoynted which was a visible signe of their entrance into the kingdome with the oyle of gladnes i. with such oyle as made not onely Salomon glad but the people ouer whom he should raigne aboue thy fellowes i. al thy brethren set aside though they were elder then thou howe this and other places of this Psalme haue their verification in Christ shal be shewed afterwarde in the doctrines Ver. 8. Hee commendeth Salomon for the glory of his garments noting that they were as it were performed with Myrrhe Aloes and Cassia which were things not only of good fauor but of great price because they were set from far countries iuory palaces i. excellent which the holy Ghost meaneth both by speaking in the plurall number and also by calling them or affirming them to be of iuory which was excellent and precious as may appeare Amos 6.4 Where they i. thy people and those that doe thee seruices haue made thee glad vz. by the dutifull deedes cheareful countenances and louing words that they haue declared towards thee Ver. 9. Kings daughters i. those that issued from kings were among thine honourable wiues i. were come vnto thee among the rest all which thou diddest honourably vse and apparel sumptuously of gold of Ophir i. most fine and pure gold sée Iob. 28. ver 16. Ver. 10. Hée admonished Pharao his daughter who was Salomons chiefe wife by mariage newly ingraffed into the body of the church willingly to hearken to Gods worde and quite and cleane to forget all carnall thinges whatsoeuer Marke the wordes of this admonition first hearing then considering of that which is heard and lastly imbracing of that which is hearde ment by inclining of the eare and shee is called daughter not in respect of her husbande but in respect shee was become nowe a scholleresse as a man woulde say in Gods Church as some were called children before Psal 34.10 And by people and Fathers house he meaneth her owne country and all the pleasures therein as friendes kinred and whatsoeuer else she might be delighted in Ver. 11. So shall the king c. i. if thou doest this vz. imbrace the religion that hee shall teach thee thou shalt bee most acceptable vnto him and hee shall loue thée most tenderly for he is thy Lord i. thy head and gouernour as 1. Corinth 11.3 Reuerence thou him q.d. therefore it beseemeth thee to yéelde him all the obedience due to him Ver. 12. Daughter of Tyrus i. the citie Tyrus putting the place for the people inhabiting the same sée Psal 9.14 With the rich of the people q.d. euen the richest and not the meanest only shal doe homage before thy face with presentes i. shall in token of homage and as though they were subiects bring openly presents vnto thée Ver. 13. Kings daughter shee is so called not as though shee were not his wife but because hee did as it were beget her vnto God is all glorious within vz. in the kings pallace where shee remaineth familiarly with the king her clothing is of broidered gold i. is most precious and costly Ver. 14. She shal be brought vnto the King the Prophet alludeth to the manner in these daies vz. that Quéenes might not come when they woulde to the king but when they were sent for Hest 4.11 Hest 5.2 In rayment of néedle worke which is very deare and precious by this variety of apparell the Prrphet mindeth to set out the sumptuousnes of the king his wife by that which followeth after the Prophet meaneth that she shall come with a great number of handmaydes wayting vppon her which séemeth also
Iewes as Gentile clappe your handes vz. for ioy as Nahum 3. ver 19. Hee putteth the outwarde signe of ioy for inward and outward ioyfulnes sing loude vnto God c. in this part of the verse the Prophet requireth of the people on the Lordes behalfe willingnes chearfulnes and gladnes for in all seruices performed to him hee specially regardeth these thinges as 2 Corinth 8.12 Ver. 2. Is high vz. not onely because hee dwelleth in the high heauens but also because hee hath highest yea all authoritie and terrible i. fearefull or méete to bee feared not onely of his children for their good but of the wicked for their punishments a great king vz. as whose power no creature is able to resist ouer all the earth i. such a king as to whose authoritie all the quarters corners of the earth are subiect Ver. 3. He i. God hath subdued vz. by his word spirit the people i. of all the people of the world some vnder vs i. vnder the exercises of his religion seruice which wee professe putting the persons professing a thing for the thing professed vnder our féete by this maner of speach is ment that the gentiles shold be schollers the Iews scholemasters as it were to them for to sit vnder the feet or at the feete is vsed in scripture for being a scholler or learning as Act. 22.3 And not that the Iews had euer such a large Lordship ouer the Gentiles Ver. 4. May be the words as it were both of the Iewes and Gentiles conuerted to Christes kingdome shewing what graces he hath bestowed vpon them hee q.d. he that knoweth what is better for vs then wee our selues hath chosen i. not onely layd out but also appointed and that of his owne good will and mercy towards vs our inheritance i. not onely all thinges méete for this life as landes countries possessions c. but euen all other things that concerne the hope of a better life euen the glory of Iaakob i. euen all these excellent thinges that he gaue and promised to Iaakob wherin he might glory and reioyce The faithful meane that they had as great both abundance and assurance of Gods grace and goodnes as Iaakob euer had Ver. 5. God i. the arke of God which was a true token of Gods presence and so is the word Lord also vsed as Psal 132.5 Is gone vp hee speaketh this no doubt in respect of bringing the Arke into the mount Sion of which sée 2. Sam. 6. Throughout the chapter with triumph vz. against the enemies which also was ioyfull to Gods people euen the Lord with the sound of the trumpet this is euen the same that was sayd in the first part of this verse sauing that here hee addeth the instrument which many times striketh terrour into the enemies and addeth courage to the faithful and by this manner of speach hée meaneth to note out the great glory of the Lord and of the triumph and victories that our Sauiour gotte as Colos 2.15 Ephes 4.8 Ver. 6. The foure times repeating of these woordes sing prayses hath great force q.d. let all your care and study tend to this to prayse the Lorde and his sonne Christ Ver. 7. For God this is a reason why they shoulde extoll the Lorde King of all the earth i. hath power ouer all and exerciseth an Vniuersall kingdome the particulars and the maiesty whereof hée setteth out in the next verse Ver. 8. Holy throne hée meaneth either the Tabernacle or else the heauen for both of these in scripture are called Gods holy throne because he that had the fulnes of holines in himselfe gaue manifestation of himselfe from both these places sée Mat. 5.34 Matth. 23.22 Whatsoeuer it is or howsoeuer it is to be taken the Prophets purpose no doubt is to describe God as a iudge ready to yéelde iustice both to good and bad according to their seuerall causes Ver. 9. The Princes of the people q.d. not onely meane men from among the Gentiles but euen the mighty are gathered vz. by the mightie woorking of Gods spirit and the exercises of the word the Prophet meaneth by this manner of speach that the Gentiles should make profession of true godlines as well as Iewes and he speaketh of it as though it were already performed for the certainty of it people of the God of Abraham i. the Iewes for from Abraham they came according to the flesh And he calleth him the God of Abraham thereby to distinguish him from al the false Gods of the Idolatrous gentiles the shields of the world i. the defence and the protections of the whole earth he vseth shields which are good meanes of defence for defence it selfe belong to God is his right q.d. seeing that the worlde is preserued and maintained by God great cause is there why men shoulde reuerence his so great and high maiesty and therefore he addeth hee is greatly to bee exalted i. feared and praysed Ver. 1. It becommeth all sects of people to praise God Do. and that willingly and chearefully Ver. 2. Sheweth that wée ought to praise him for his maiesty and power Ver. 3. Declareth that it is God alone that draweth mens heartes to the imbracing of his trueth Ver. 4. Gods loue is the first and onely cause of all the graces we haue Ver. 5. Setteth out his maiesty and might Verse 6. Teacheth how earnest we should be in praising our God Ver. 7. Sheweth that both our praises and all the seruices that we shall yéeld to the Lorde must procéede from an vnderstanding heart Ver. 8. In that God is described as a iudge it conteineth matter of comfort to his children of terror to the wicked Ver. 9. God calleth of all states some to the imbracing of his truth also God alone is the defender of the whole world and of all the people 's therein and that therefore he is worthylie to be magnified Psalme 48. Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into three partes In the first is conteined a commendation of Gods power and goodnes manifested especially to the citie of Ierusalem from Ver. 1. to the end of the third In the seconde is declared that all the conspiracies practises and forces of the wicked against that Citie shal be ouerthrowne because God will defend it from ver 4. to the end of the 8. In the third the faithfull set out the assured perswasion that they had of Gods goodnes towardes them praying for the continuance therof both vppon themselues and the whole Church from verse 9. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title would bée thus a song or Psalme meaning such a Psal or song as both by voyce and instruments was sung the rest is expounded Psal 42. Ver. 1. Great is the Lorde vz. in respect of his power and glory and greatly to be praysed q.d. and therefore no smal prayse doth belong to him in the citie of our God i. in Jerusalem which is called Gods Citie because God had
is not one prophet more vz. amōgst vs to instruct vs to teach vs according to the law and in an ordinary ministry for so I would take the word prophet in this place nor any vz. extraordinarily stirred vp that knoweth vz. to tell vs howe long vz. this calamitie and misery of ours shall indure Ver. 10. reproch thée this is ment not only because the wicked vttered reproches against God himselfe but also because he succoured not his people against their rage whose dishonour did after a sort redounde also to him blaspheme thy name i. speak euil of thy maiesty power as though thou either couldest not or wouldest not helpe vs for euer i. a long time or continually or as it were without ceasing Ver. 11 Why withdrawest thou thine hande i. why withholdest thou thy power from deliuering vs and plaguing thy enemies euen thy right hand i. thy power ful of might strength to both effects he speaketh this of God according to men whose right hands are commonly more strong then the left draw it out of thy bosome i. declare by effectes that thou hast care ouer vs and power to destroy them it is a metaphor taken from slothful sluggish persōs as appeareth Prouerb 19.24 also 26.16 and consume them vz. by thy iustice iudgment Ver. 12. Euen I would rather read but or yet q.d. notwithstāding these gret distresses dangers I rest my self vpon him that neuer wil faile me God is my king i. one that careth for me receiueth me into his protection so that I shal not néede to feare deliuerance and marke the sodaine change of the number the faithful speaking in the person of one because al the rest were of that assured perswasion of old i. al time heretofore therfore hee wil not destitute vs now working saluation i. deliuerance out of danger and that for his people in the middest of the earth i. openly and in the sight of all the people of the world putting the earth conteining the people for the people conteined Ver. 13. Thou diddest deuide the sea i. the red Sea when the people came out of Egipt Exod. 14.21 thou brakest the heades i. diddest ouerthrow the power yea diddest take away the life of the Dragons or Whales hee meaneth by this speach Pharaohs men whome for their courage and cruelty hee compareth to great Dragons or Whales in the waters vz. of the redde Sea Ver. 14. Thou brakest the head i. ouerthrewest the power as before verse 13. of Liuiathan in pieces what this beast was Sée Iob. 40.20 also 41. throughout Sée for the better vnderstanding of this place Isaiah 27. verse 1. c. also Ezech. 29.3 from whence you shal haue great light and gauest him to bee meate Immanuel readeth this part of the text farre better thus thou gauest meate to the people passing through the wildernesse vnderstanding it of manna and quailes of which sée Exod. 16. and Numbers 11. and this agréeth better with that that goeth before ver 12. when they sayd god had beene their king of old not onely in punishing their enemies but in shewing grace and fauor to thē also with that which foloweth where other particular benefits are rehearsed Ver. 15. Thou breakest vp i. thou causedst to breake vp and that out of the ground a harde mountaine the fountaine and riuer i. abundance of water euen as plentiful as any fountaine or riuer could be sée Exod. 17. ver 1.2 c. also Numbers 20● 2 c. thou driest vp mighty riuers as the redde Sea spoken of before and the flood Iordan as Ioshua 3.14 c. into which riuer also many other riuers runne or flowe and therefore hee speaketh heere in the plurall number Verse 16. The daye is thyne both because he created it and gouerneth it according to his good pleasure and the night is thine i. at thy disposition and appointment as before in this verse thou hast prepared the light vz. of the night as the moone and starres sée Gene 1.14 c. and here by the word preparing he vnderstandeth both creating appointing and gouerning and the sunne vz. for the day as the other for the night and he expressedly nameth this because it is the principall instrument whereby light is communicated to men Verse 17. Thou hast set al the borders of the earth this may bée vnderstoode either of the listes of seuerall Countries or kingdomes because GOD hath appointed to men such portion of grounde as he knoweth to be sufficient for them or else of all the borders of the whole worlde as though God had appointed how much should be earth howe much water or Sea and this I rather incline vnto by reason of that which is written Gene. 1. verse 9.10 thou hast made Summer and Winter i. not onely created then but appointed them for these distinct times and seasons Sée Gene. 1.14 Ver. 18. Remember this q.d. though thou shouldest forget thy olde mercies and our great miseries yet at the least thinke vpon the blasphemies of thine enemies hath approched the Lord the thirde person put for the second q.d. reproched thée O Lorde which was done in that Gods children were cast downe into sclaunder and contempt and the foolish people i. the wicked and vngodly as Psalm 14.1 blasphemed thy name sée ver 10. of this Psal Ver. 19. Giue not the soule i. deliuer not ouer the life for otherwise the wicked can not touch the body vnlesse the Lord appoint and permit the same as for the soule in déed they can no maner of way come nigh it Matth. 10.28.29 c. of thy turtle doue i. of thy Church which is compared to a turtle or doue because it is smal weak simple méeke as a turtle or doue is sée Cantic cap. 2.14 cap. 5.3 cap. 6.8 so also Mat. 10.16 vnto the beast vz. which séeketh to deuour it take it away by beasts he vnderstandeth men of beastly conditions altogether giuē to rauening and spoile and by one he meaneth many and forget not i. séeme not to forget for God in déed neuer forgetteth his the congregation of thy poore i. the company and multitude of them that though they bée afflicted from thée yet suffer notwithstanding for thy cause for euer i. for a long season as we haue had the worde sundry times before Ver. 20. Consider thy couenant vz. which thou hast made with our fathers and vs q.d. the enemies suppose that thou thinkest not vpon it because thou giuest vs ouer to their lust and our owne faith is wonderfully shaken because we are so afflicted on euery side for the darke places of the earth are full of the habitations of the cruell Immanuel readeth this place farre better thus for the darke places of the earth are ful vz. of the outrage cruelty of the wicked q.d. there is no place so darke and secret but the rage and tyrannie of these wicked men will fetch men out of it they are very
it be that they maye dwell with mée i. continue and abide with me not onely as my counsellors and houshold seruaunts but as friends and familiars being alwayes in my fauour for I take it that the Prophet meaneth two thinges here the one is that hee will haue a great care generallye ouer all the people of the lande the other is that out of that good people hée will chuse the best to bée continually about him hée that walketh in a perfecte waye i. hée that is vprighte in his dealinges and of good conscience and holy conuersation and hée calleth this waye perfecte not because men walke perfectly in it but because it is perfecte of it selfe and leadeth to perfection in the other life hée q.d. he and no other for so muche I take it the doubling of the worde meaneth shal serue mée vz. both in the publike offices of my kingdome in the particular offices of my priuate affairs houshold Ver. 7. There shall no deceitfull person dwell within my house this must be vnderstood so far forth as Dauid could know or vnderstand q.d. If I might know it there should none such remain in my seruice not but that good men many times haue wicked Seruauntes yea and that those Seruauntes which make the fayrest shewe of goodnesse are many times déepe dissemblers he that telleth lies i. giueth himself ouer either to tel them or to heare them sée Reuel 22.15 shal not remain vz. long in my sight he meaneth by this spéeche that such a one should not abide long in his house or seruice Verse 8. Betimes i. not onely in good season and quickly but also continually will I destroye sée before verse 5 of this Psal all the wicked of the land i. all the vngodlye that inhabite it Dauid meaneth that hee will not bee negligent or slouthfull to execute good quick and continuall iustice against all malefacters of whose transgressions he shall haue knowledge that I maye cutte off i. remooue and take away vz. by execution of iust iudgement all the woorkers of iniquity i. them that giue ouer themselues to commit sinne from the Citie of the Lord i. from Ierusalem but yet so that therin hée comprehendeth the whole kingdome because if the chiefe place be reformed it is very likely the other will followe Ver 1. Teacheth magistrates to haue a great care to foster the good Do. sharply to punish the badde Ver. 2. Teacheth magistrates thrée thinges first to haue an eye to the faithfull execution of publike iustice and iudgement Secondly to indeuour with care and conscience good dealing priuately and thirdly to continue and that vnto the last gaspe in all good dealing both publike and priuate that so they may haue peace in their owne conscience and the Lorde finde them well occupied Ver. 3. Teacheth all men but specially magistrates so to lothe euil that they can neuer behold it but with great griefe also to cary with them this holy purpose that howsoeuer other men fall away from God yet that in his strength they will sticke fast vnto him Ver. 4. Teacheth al but specially magistrates more and more to indeuour the crucifiyng of the old man with the workes thereof and neuer to allowe of any thing that is euill Ver. 5. Teacheth magistrates to punish malefacters according to the notoriousnes of their offence it also sheweth howe grieuous both before God and man backbitings and pride are Ver. 6. Teacheth magistrates to haue a speciall regard for the defence and preferment of the good also it teacheth all both high and lowe to make choise of the best men they can get to bee their officers and seruantes Ver. 7. Teacheth magistrates and masters that whē the sinnes of their inferiours or seruaunts are once layed open they shoulde not beare with them in the same Verse 8. Teacheth magistrates in tyme to cut off sinne and iniquitie lest the infection thereof growe so great that when they woulde they shall not bee able to doe it Psalme 102 THis Psalme being an earnest prayer of an afflicted soule Di. may bee diuided into thrée partes In the first hee prayeth vnto the Lorde for deliueraunce out of his great distresses the particularities whereof he doeth plainely declare from ver 1. to the end of the 11. In the second he sheweth by what arguments as it were he was prouoked to pray vnto the Lord vz. because he was assured of his goodnes power c. and this recheth from ver 12. to the end of the 23. In the third part he returneth to his prayer againe assuring himselfe of gods goodnes towardes him because those whom God loueth he loueth for euer from ver 24. to the end of the Psalme The title a prayer vz. to bee vsed of the afflicted i. Se. of him that féeleth himselfe either inwardly or outwardly wounded with Gods iudgments wrath when hée shal be in distresse vz. any manner of way either inwarde or outward and power foorth his meditation before the Lorde i shall in prayer vnto the Lorde expresse that with his mouth which hee hath meditated on in his heart note that the holy ghost myndeth not to tye vs in our afflictions onely to this forme And though wee can not certainely determine who shoulde write this Psalme or about what time it was penned yet it is very likely that either Daniel or some other holy Prophet did write it about the tyme that the people of the Iewes were caried captiues into Babylon Verse 1. O Lorde heare my prayer i. graciously graunt the request which I make vnto thee now and let my crye i. mine earnest supplication come vnto thée i. appeare in thy sight as well accepted and allowed of q.d. let it haue frée and bolde accesse vnto thy maiesty Sée Psalm 88.1.2 Verse 2. Hyde not thy face i. withdraw not thy fauour and goodnes from me vz. as though thou wert offended with me he speaketh this of God after the maner of men who when they are not disposed to shew fauour wil turne their faces from others or kéep them out of the way signifiyng vnto them by withholding the signe of fauour that they cannot haue fauor it selfe shewed thē in the time of my trouble i. at what time I am any maner of way troubled either inwardly or outwardly incline thine eares vnto me q.d. shewe thy selfe ready to heare and graunt my petition sée Psalm 86.1 and note that eares are attributed to God not that hee hath them but that we might the better conceiue somewhat of his maiesty when I cal vz. vppon thée by prayer make haste to heare mée i. graciously and quickly grant mee my request the Prophet vttereth not this as appointing God a time but in respect of his owne great misery and want as may appeare by that which followeth Verse 3. For my dayes i. the dayes and tyme of my life are consumed i. vanish and weare away like smoke i. quickly q.d. euen as sodainely as smoke vanisheth away in
which god the father hath committed to Dauid in figure but to Christ in truth frō ver 1 to the end of the 5. In the seconde are described what things both Dauid Christ shal do according to the seuerall offices cōmitted to thē this is comprehēded in the 2. last verses of this Psalm The Title is Se. a Psalm of Dauid i. a Psalme which Dauid in the spirite of Prophecie made as appeareth Mat. 22.43 Verse 1. The Lorde i. God the father sayd vz. in the truth of his word vnto my Lord i. vnto Christ the Messiah who is called Dauids Lord by right both of creation and redemption as who is God eternall with the father and the holy Ghost and yet became man at the fulnesse of tyme Galat. 4.4 If we referre it to Dauid then it must haue this sence either that Dauid speaketh of himself calling himselfe a Lord because God had aduaunced him to the kingdome of Israel or els penneth it as though some other should speake it of him We cannot offend in referring it to Christ because Christ doth account it as a prophecy of his kingdom Mat. 22 43 c. and the Apostle also Heb. 1.13 sit thou at my right hand i. receaue chéef rule and authority from me and exercise iurisdiction and power ouer al. And this is spoken according to mens vse specially Kings who are accustomed to set them on their right hand whom they wil highly aduance sée 1 King 2.19 also Psalme 45.9 and this is the right sence of that article hee sitteth at the right hand of God vntil I make thine enemies thy footestoole i. til I make thē that oppose thēselues against thée obediēt wholy subiect vnto thée He speaketh this speciallye of the reprobate who wil they or nil they must bée broughte down 2. Cor. 10.5 these words are largely expounded 1. Corinthians 15.25 c. The word vntil doth not here note a péece of time but a perpetuity for Christ shal be as he hath alwayes ben God coequal coeternal with his father sée the word vntil so vsed 2. Sam. 6.23 and in the new testament Mat. 5.26 Mat. 28.10 Ver. 2. The Lord i. God the father as before ver 1. shal send vz. forth abroad into al the world the rod of thy power i. thy powerfull and mighty rod or the rod and scepter whereby thou declarest thy power and might notwithstanding al the resistance of thine enemies sée for the better vnderstanding of this word rod Psalm 2 9 and by this rod no doubt he meaneth speciallye the preaching of the word which is the mighty power of God to saluation to al that beléeue Rom. 1.16 is able to cast down strong holds euery hie thing 2. Cor. 10.5 out of Sion i. out of the Church of the Iewes yet so that it shall bee spread abroad euen amongst the Gentiles also sée Isai 2 3. Micah 4 2. bee thou ruler vz. by thy word and spirit in thine own children and by thy mighty iudgements amongest the wicked in the middest of thine enemyes i. euen where their greatest force is He meaneth that the kingdome of Christ shall be alwayes assaulted by the enemies but yet al that notwithstanding he shal rule and remayne a Conqueror Verse 3. Thy people i. the people that thou shalte beget vnto thy selfe and shall be subdued vnto thée shall come willinglye i. shall fréely and of their own accord present themselues before thée to yéeld al obedience vnto thée at the time of assembling i. at that time when by the exercises of thy word and working of thy spirit thou shalt assemble and gather people vnto thy self thine armie i. great troupes of thy children vz. shall come before thée and appeare in thy presence in holy beauty i. either in suche comlinesse as shall carrye holinesse with it or else thus in holye beautye i. in thy Temple which is called holy beautye because that holinesse and glory of God did most plainly appeare in the same and therefore it is called a glorious sanctuarye also Psalme 29 2 the youth of thy wombe i. the people that thou shalte beget and bring forth shal be as the morning dew i. not onely pleasaunt and delightfull to thée as the dew is to the grounde but also plentifull and aboundaunt as there is most store of dew in the morning and as the Philosophers saye great abundaunce falleth after the appearing of the daye star Immanuel readeth this verse otherwise and maketh another sence of it but methinketh this is plaine and euident ynough Ver. 4. The Lord hath sworne vz. by himself as Heb. 6.13 wil not repēt vz. himself of the thing that he hath promised sworn to perform he meaneth by al this to assure vs that god will not change his purpose thou vz. O my sonne art a Priest for euer i. an eternall Priest to put a difference betwéene him and the Priestes in the lawe after the order of Melchizedech what his priesthood was appeareth Genesis 14. verse 18. reade also for this matter Hebrewes chapter 5 and also chapt 7. The Prophet meaneth that that was truly fulfilled in Christ which was figured in Melchizedech to wit that the eternall priesthoode and the crown and royall seat was ioyned together in one person which otherwise coulde not bee as appeareth 2. Chronicles 26 21. but by some speciall commaundement from God Ver. 5. The Lord that is at thy right hand i. Christ of whom is spoken before ver 1 of this Psal shal wound vz. by his mighty power vnderstanding by wounding the debasing throwing of thē down some after one sort and some after an other Kings i. the greatest mightiest enemies that can be in the day of his wrath i. in that time wherin he shal be prouoked to wrath and manifest the same He describeth in this place the power of Christ against his most great aduersaries enemies vpon whom he wil in good time pour forth the testimony of his wrath Ver. 6. He i. Christ the Lord Messiah shal be iudge i. ruler and Gouernor sée Psal 96.13 among the Heathen vz. and not only amongste the Iewes he prophecieth of the inlargement of Christs kingdom euen vnto the gētils he shall fill all vz. places with dead bodies i. with the bodies of his enemies and aduersaries being deade and smite vz. with his power might the head i. the chéefe ruler and gouernour by one vnderstanding many vnlesse wée would vnderstand it of the whole body of Antichrist whom the Lorde shall destroy with the spirit of his mouth 2. Thessal 2.8 ouer great countries i. ouer large and manye landes In this verse the Prophet setteth out Christ as a valiant conqueror ouer his enemies Ver. 7. He shall drinke of the brooke in the way this may haue a double sence eyther thus he i. the Messiah shal drinke of the brooke vz. which shall be made by the blood of them which shal be slayne q.d. there shal
me i. tooke hold of me so that sore that I was almost past hope of escaping when I found trouble and sorrow i. when I perceiued my self to be much plūged in abundaunce of griefe for so much I take these two words trouble and sorrow ioyned together to import Ver. 4. Then I called vpon the name of the Lord i. I prayed vnto him himself and besought his goodnes to manifest his power in helping mee saying I beséeche thée vz. from the bottome of my heart O Lord i. thou that art both able and willing to help deliuer vz. from danger and distresse my soule i. my life which is in great hazarde by meanes of the dangers that hang ouer it and are ment against it Ver. 5. The Lord is merciful vz. towards al but specially towards thē that cal vpon him in truth and righteous vz. in performing his promises made to his people and maintaining them in their iust causes and our God i. the God which we serue is ful of compassion and therefore he wil neuer forsake his that are in misery the Prophet sheweth in this verse what was the comfort of his soule in the middest of his afflictions Ver. 6. The Lord vz. alone preserueth vz. by his mighty power and that out of all the mischieuous imaginations that the wicked can deuise the simple i. such as are destitute of mans counsel and therfore the more subiect to iniury amongst men the more easily circumuented and yet do all that notwithstanding commit themselues and their causes with a simple and quiet mind into the hands of God I was in misery q.d. I can speake this by myne own experience for when I was in wonderful and great distresse so that there was almost no hope of deliuery as ver 3. of this Psal and he saued mee i. deliuered me out of the same according to his prayer made ver 4. Ver. 7. Returne vnto thy rest O my soule i. bee no more troubled and disquieted but stay thy selfe vpon God sée Psal 42.5.12 This same returning to rest is that same stay that the faithful haue in God and his woorde in the middest of their griefes so that they vtterly fal not for the Lord hath bin beneficiall vnto thee vz. many and sundry waies al this verse together is q.d. Take courage vnto thée be quiet go vnto god in whom alone thou shalt find marueilous tranquility for he hath hertofore wil hereafter shew himself fauorable vnto thée ver 8. Because this is a proof by his own experience of that which he spake before that God had béen beneficial vnto him thou vz. alone mark the sodain change of the person from the thirde to the seconde hast deliuered vz. fréely safe and sound and through thy mighty power my soule i. me my selfe from death vz. whereunto I was almost brought or else you may vnderstande by death most extreme daunger mine eyes from teares i. thou hast taken away from me al sadnes and heauines he putteth the outward signe both for the signe and the thing it selfe and my féete from falling vz. into these deadly dangers and trappes which were layd for me and whereinto certainely I had fallen if I had not bene kept and deliuered by thée Ver. 9. I vz. being grounded and stayed vpon God shall walke vz. through his goodnes and defence meaning by walking liuing and being conuersant q.d. I shall liue before God i. safely and soundly for men thinke those things to be sure which they haue their eyes continually fixed vpon in the land of the liuing i. in this world or earth or amongst men dwelling vpon the same and so wee haue had it sundry times vsed before So that in this verse the prophet vpon the benefits which he had before receiued concludeth that he shal be alwaies vnder the care and gouernment of God Verse 10. I beléeued vz. the Lord and his word therfore I spake vz. vnto God by prayer and to my selfe in mine afflictions the wordes before expressed in this Psal for I was sore troubled i. much afflicted with assaultes both inward and outward In this verse the Prophet sheweth how weake and féeble his flesh was in the time of aduersity which almost reiected the promises of God had not Gods spirit vpholden him in faith q.d. then was faith forcible and triumphed in my mind when I called vppon God as is expressed before in this Psal ver 4. and spake vnto mine owne soule words of comfort ver 7. thē I beléeued in déed I spake nothing but that which I was fully perswaded of and my tongue and the affection of my hart agréed well together Ver. 11. I said i. I both thought it and spake it and held it as a resolute conclusion in my feare i. when I was in great feare and ready for feare to flie from the rage of Saul for the word doth not only signifie feare but hast making as appeareth Psal 31.22 q.d. with feare and flying I was caried forcibly into these perturbations of the flesh al men are lyers i. there is no certaintie and assurednes in their wordes q.d. Samuel who for his excellency might be preferred before all men promised me that I should obteine and possesse the kingdome but now I perceiue he spake not in the spirit of prophecie but of his owne brayne and lyingly Thus in the rage and heate of the flesh doth Dauid touch not God in déede openly but his prophet Samuel as though he had not sufficiently known Gods will and had gone beyond the boundes of his calling q.d. wée must no more beléeue men for there is nothing in them but vanity and lying Ver. 12. What vz. thing in al the world shal I render vnto the Lorde i. yéelde giue vnto him for al his benefits towards me i. for that innumerable number of benefites which he hath bestowed vpon me giuen me fréely This interrogation or question sheweth that hee thought himselfe so much bound vnto God for his graces as that he was not able to yéeld any thing that might counteruaile the least part therof Ver. 13. I wil take the cup of saluation or else in the plural number saluations as it is in the Hebrew text that is of very many helpes and deliuerances In this verse and the verse following the prophet promiseth publike profession of Gods name of the benefits bestowed vpō him which he will performe before the Church The meaning is that hee woulde offer to God sacrifices of praise and thanksgiuing and then that he would as the maner was in those sacrifices make a holy feast and banket also vnto the people in remembrance of that manifold deliuerance which hee had receiued from the Lord for in this place he doth no doubt allude to the custome of the law which was to make a banquet of some part of the sacrifice in token of reioysing whē they yéelded solemne thanks to God And because that those sacrifices were offred often times
thée meaning that he would prouide that one of his children posterity should cōtinually succéed him in the kingdom Ver. 12. If thy sons i. thy posterity these are gods words to Dauid establishing the couenāt with him his séed kéepe vz. vnfaignedly and with all their hart my couenaunt i. the couenante which I haue made with them and is passed betwéene them me and my testimonies i. my law word and that euery particular péece of it for so muche do I think doth the plural number in this place signifie that I shall teach them vz. by the ministery of my seruaunts the Priests and Prophets their sonnes also i. their posterity euen to many generations shall sit vpon thy Throne i. shall succéede thée and them in the Kingdome putting throne a part of the kingdome for the whole and it is called Dauids throne or kingdome because he was the first man of al his race that God aduanced to that high honor for euer i. for a lōg season referred to Dauid his natural séede but for all eternitie referred to Christ sée these words expounded 1 King 2 4 also 1 King 8 25 also 2. Chron. 6 16. Verse 13. For the Lord vz. himselfe hath chosen vz. of his great mercy Sion i. his Church or Ierusalem vz. to be the place where his arke should abide he himselfe be serued and loued vz. of his own good pleasure and not for any excellency or worthines that was in it to dwell in it i. to remayne and to abide there as in the next verse Ver. 14. This vz. place is my rest i. is the place wherein I will haue mine arke to staye for euer i. for a long tyme if we referre it to the Materiall Ierusalem but continuallye euen to all eternitye if wée referre it to the Churche here will I dwell i. in this place I will giue of my presence power and continuall aboade for I haue a delight therein i. I haue delighted and loued to dwell there as in the nexte verse before going sée Psalme 78 68. Verse 15. I vz. who am able to do it wil surely i. without all fayle blesse vz. plentifully and abundantly hir vitailes i. all thinges that I shal giue her necessarye for the maintaynaunce of this present life q.d. I will not only giue them abundaunce of vitailes but I will make their meate and drinke profitable vnto them and will satisfye vz. with abundaunce and plentye her poore i. the poore which shal be in Sion or in the Churche with breade i. with thinges necessarye for the nourishmente of this life He ioyneth here spirituall graces to the temporall blessinges declaring that hée will so prouide euen for the poorest of them that they shall not onelye not want their ordinarye vittayles at anye tyme but haue them in greate plentye Verse 16. And vz. I my selfe who am the only Lorde will clothe sée before verse 9. of this Psalme hir Priestes i. those that attende vppon holy exercises and seruices in hir with saluation i. with deliueraunce from daungers and distresses he meaneth that hee will defende and kéepe vnder his sauegarde the ministers of his Church and his saynts i. the people of Sion or of the Church sée before verse 9 shall shout for ioy vz. of that goodnesse and grace whiche GOD shall shewe to the whole Churche and euerye particular member of it and this phrase shouting for ioye or as it is in the hebrew in singing shall sing doth not only note the great ioy which they shall haue But the certaintie and assurednesse of it also Ver. 17. There i. in Sion Ierusalem or in the Churche will I make i. cause thorowe my power goodnes the horn of Dauid i. the power might kingdome c of Dauid my seruant to hud i. to prosper and increase it is a metaphor taken from beasts who haue snags in their heads as deare haue which are vnto thē in stéed of bowes as it were by which he noteth their flourishing and prospering for I haue ordeined vz. in mine eternal counsel a light vz. euen in that place meaning by light the regall dignity glory and the godly person that should execute the same as 2 Sam. 21.17 1 King 11 36. for mine annointed i. for Dauid my seruaunt whom I haue appointed to be King some expound it thus q.d. I wil bring to passe that the kingly dignity shal not so be quenched but that it shall always shew forth some light the other sence is better in my minde Ver. 18. His enemies i. Dauids enemies and the enemies of his godly posteritie will I clothe with shame i. compas them about with confusion of face so that they shall not dare to lift vp their heads meaning further that he would euen confound and destroy them but on him i. him himselfe his posterity shall his crown florish i. his kingdom shal continue florishing and not wither away but be preserued alwayes in his force and beauty and this was fully accomplished in Christ Verse 1 teacheth vs to beséech the Lord to declare by effect that he thinketh vpō vs. Do. Ver. 2 teacheth vs to bind our selues by all lawful means we can to the obedience seruice of our God Ver. 3 teacheth vs that we shoulde little estéeme all the pleasures of this life in respect of God and his glory Ver. 4 teacheth vs that we should make but little account of profitable necessary thinges in respecte therof Ver. 5 teacheth vs to ioyn our selues to the exercises assemblies of gods congregation Ver. 6 doth cōmend vnto vs the care of Gods Church religion seruice Ver. 7 teacheth vs not only to heare of Gods Church but when wee haue heard of it to labour the finding of it Ver. 8 teacheth vs to pray the Lord to be continually present with vs to beséech him to giue vs al the signes testimonies of his fauour Ver. 9 teacheth all but specially Kings to pray for the ministers and officers of Gods Church for the whole congregation Ver. 10 teacheth vs to offer vp all our prayers in the name meditation of Christ Iesus only Ver. 11 sheweth how that God for the strengthening of our fayth in the truth of his word doth euen bind himselfe vnto vs by an oth Ver. 12 teacheth vs that albeit the couenant that God hath made with vs be of it selfe and as it procéedeth from God frée yet it is deliuered vnder certaine conditions whiche he would haue to be obserued that we in some measure performing the same might be more and more confirmed in the truth of it Ver. 13 sheweth vs that gods frée loue is the chéefe cause of al his graces towards the Church Ver. 14 teach vs that Gods grace towards his Church is vnchangeable and abideth for euer Ver. 15 setteth forth Gods great liberality towards the Church and his singular fauour who will not destitute no not the meanest or poorest Ver. 16 teacheth vs euen in