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A57689 Astrologia restaurata, or, Astrologie restored being an introduction to the general and chief part of the language of the stars : in four books ... / by VVilliam Ramesey, Gent. ... Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Introduction to the iudgement of the stars.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Introduction to elections.; Ramesey, William, 1627-1675 or 6. Astrologia munda. 1653 (1653) Wing R201; ESTC R20735 479,753 423

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Astrologia Restaurata OR Astrologie Restored BEING AN INTRODVCTION TO THE General and Chief part of the Language of the STARS In Four BOOKS THE FIRST Proving the Legality of ASTROLOGIE both by Scripture Reason and the testimony of the Ancients and learned in former Ages wherein is cleared to every Rational and Impartial man the Authors Lux Veritatis in Answer to Doctor Homes to remain unshaken notwithstanding the Doctors unowned Reply THE SECOND By a plain Method teaching the Names and Characters of the Planets and Signs as also the Reasons thereof and of their Dignities Terms Faces Houses Exaltations and Triplicities with the Reasons why the Signs are reckoned from Aries and in number just twelve and ●●●ither more nor less with the number of the Sphears their Order and Motions being a most necessary Introduction to the whole ART and very usefull to all wel willers thereunto for inabling them to give Reasons for any part thereof c. THE THIRD Fully comprehending Instructions and Rules for electing any manner of Work never before made publique in our Mother Tongue the which both for the Administration of Physick Letting of Blood Husbandry and other necessary Works is both usefull and profitable THE FOURTH By a most easie Introduction teacheth by Revolutions of the Years of the World Eclipses great Conjunctions Comets and Blazing-stars how to Judge by the ordinary course and order of Nature of the general Accidents of Countreys Kingdoms Provinces and Cities Alterations of Kingdoms and Empires Laws and Customs Cause of Plenty Dearth Wars Peace Health Sickness Alteration of the Ayr and to be short of all things appertaining to the life of man in a Natural Way wherein is the infinite Wisdom of GOD seen manifestly in the Government of the World by the Influence and constant Harmony of the Celestial Planets and Stars the Innocency Legality and Purity of the Art demonstrated and proved by demonstration of the inevitable events of the Heavens so long as GOD upholdeth the Order and Course of Nature unperverted and the Students thereof consequently proved rather Divines then Conjurers or Practisers of what is unlawfull By VVILLIAM RAMESEY Gent. Student in Astrologie Physick and the most Heavenly and Sublime Sciences Astra regunt homines sed regit astra Deus Published by Authority LONDON Printed for Robert White 1653. SERENISSIMO ILLVSTRISSIMOQVE PRINCIPI AC DOMINO DOMINO HONORATISSIMO IACOBO STVARTO DVCI DE RICHMOND ET LENOX COMITI DE MARCH DOMINO IN AVBVGNY DARNLY TARBOLTON ET METHVEN BARONI DE LEIGHTON BROMSWOLD ET S. ANDREWS c. ET PERISCELIDIS INSIGNIS MILITI DOMINO SUO CLEMENTISSIMO Salutem Felicitatem Perpetuam HANC SUAM ASTROLOGIAM RESTAVRATAM SUBMISSE CONSECRAT Wilhelmus Rameseus TO THE Illustrious and High-born PRINCE IAMES STVART Duke of Richmond and Lenox Earl of March Lord Aubugny Darnly Tarbolton and Methven Baron of Leighton Bromswold and St. Andrews and Knight of the most Noble Order of the GARTER May it please your Highness IF Nobility of Birth Antiquity of House Magnanimity of Spirit Multiplicity of Vertues and the most excellent Endowments that a Mortal Man can attain unto may justly as their due challenge the patronage of these my Labours there will be none found to anticipate your Highness and though my misfortune is such that I never had the Honour in the least to kiss your Highness hand or to appear in your presence but remain as yet a Stranger to your Highness yet by reason the Work is of that sublime Worth and Excellency I mean the Science of Astrology as appeareth by the first Book of this Volumn it being the chief of the Liberal Sciences together with Astronomy Physicks and Natural Philosophy which are all but part of one intire Science and that wherewith none is able to compare have I humbly presumed to cast it at the feet of your illustrious Self whose incomparable worth and indowments are unparalleld so that if your Highnesse's Munificence doth favourably accept of this small Token of my wel-wishes to true Nobility ●●d in a particular manner to your Highness I must necessarily be constrained to acknowledge my self arrived to the highest pitch of Honour that for the present I am capable to expect The subject of this my unworthy Work for so I may call it in reference to your Highnesses unparalleld excellency to whom it is presented is that part of Natural Philosophy vulgarly termed ASTROLOGY which teacheth by the Natural Motions Configurations Aspects and Inclinations of the Coelestial Stars and Planets to Iudge of the Natural Accidents Mutations and Alterations of Laws Customs Kingdoms States and Empires and the general casualties of the whole World in the Natural way of its Government by the Coelestial and Superiour Bodies which next under GOD are the efficient Causes of all corruption generation production and nutrition in this Elementary World the knowledge whereof is to know NATURE the great Hand-maid of the Almighty and the temper and quality of all things and although through the mercenary practises of some by setting of Nativities and answering of Horary Questions thus abusing the Art the validity of this Science hath been brought into question reproach and contempt yet I question not but your Highnesses innate magnanimity is such that it will not condescend to give any censure on what hath not first been summoned to the Bar or Tribunal of your Highnesses piercing Judgement for because a thing is calumniated and questioned is no proof of its illegality neither doth the abuse take away the use thereof for were this admitted even the best of Sciences and chief of Studies Divinity it self could not be exempt from prohibition and condemnation wherefore since the first BOOK of this Volumn tendeth wholly to the Vindication thereof from the aspersions of the Antagonists and the abuses of the seeming Friends thereunto I shall not further inlarge on this point since it is well known unto the Learned that among the Ancients and graver sort of people in all Ages this Science being unpolluted and unsophisticated hath been still had in most high esteem nay it is of that profundity and excellency that it was first taught to our first Father ADAM by GOD himself as testifyeth Iosephus Lib. 1. Cap. 2. of h●● Antiquities of the Iews who taught it to his Posterity for he further recordeth that Seth was so excellent therein that foreseeing the Flood and the destruction of the World thereby ingraved this Art for the benefit of after-Ages in two Pillars the one of stone and the other of brick and that he saw himself that of stone to remain in Syria in his own time and in the 3. chap. of his aforesaid book he further witnesseth and affirmeth that man lived so long before the Flood to learn Arts and Sciences especially naming Astrology and Geometry and in his 8. chap. of that same 1. Book of the Antiquities he doth yet further testifie that Abraham having learned Astrology in Chaldea being the place of
that knoweth that God is the first cause of all causes to whom all other must and do give obedience and art subordinate but knoweth there is no fatality on any inevitable decree in the Heavens but that He the God of all the whole Universe that created them all can and may according to his good pleasure alter their several decrees this there is no Christian or any who is not indeed an absolute Atheist but will acknowledge but this is sufficiently cleared by what hath been already and what is anon to be said Now say some again If it be so there is no verity or validity in Astrologie worthy any mans trust or belief Object and therefore not fitting for any man to spend his pretions time on such trifles which when they are attained are but a bundle of uncertainties Answ To answer this vain Objection I shall not need long to insist in this place since all rational men know Though God can alter and annihilate the effects of the Stars it followeth not that he doth or that therefore the Art is uncertain that though God the omnipotent Creator of those glorious Creatures the stars can at his good pleasure alter divert prevent and annihilate whatsoever is effected by them yet hereupon it followeth not that he doth so for God worketh ordinately and not preposterously for as he hath made the Heavens for the ordinary administration of Nature so he can whensoever it is his good pleasure as in the days of Joshuah Hezekiah and at the death of our Saviour Jesus Christ alter their course but since these were miracles and thus to do were miraculous and that we read but of these three times he thus did work since the Creation it is not therefore to be ordinarily or frequently seen neither ought it then to be objected since as long as God doth continue the order of Nature it must needs follow that the effects of the Stars by which nature is upheld have very much of certainty and truth and so consequently the study thereof and that more then any other study whatsoever and that for the most part they never fail but if at any time the Artists fail it is their ignorance and likewise their 's that conclude thereupon that the Art is faulty Answ to the full Thus far then to clear the latter part of this grand Objection and the dangers supposed to be brought or caused thereby but as touching the Objection it self viz. That the Devil bringeth the predictions of Astrologers to pass c. The vanity of this objection Now it is evident that the Devil knoweth not things to come and therefore is not able to bring these things about according to his pleasure ergo to be confessed he cannot thus delude the Astrologer and cause his heart so to erre as to run himself over head and ears into the belief of a fatality and so consequently not caused thereby to deny the providence of God which is the main thing these punie Adversaries drive at in this their cavil That the Devil knoweth not future events is clear For if the Devil knew things to come he had never tempted and egged on the Jews to crucifie our Saviour when his death was the utter confusion of his Diabolical Kingdom and Government neither had he attempted to tempt our Saviour in the wilderness had he known he should have had such a repulse or would he be so busie about the elect in their temptations did he assuredly know that they would not be subordinate to his will Wherefore then since this Devil they talk of is such a simple fool The Devil a fool in comparison of what some would make him who indeed for knowledge of future events they may well shake hands with it is evident their cavill is alike weak if not most ridiculous For if we will admit that the Devil do know assuredly things to come what difference is there between the Angels that are not fallen and them besides there is no man will be so vain as to imagine the Devil knows any mans thoughts or heart and therefore cannot tell whether his bringing a purpose to pass will a whit advantage his desire by making the Astrologer believe a fatality But this is so clear that I will not dwell longer hereon but now proceed c. Again others have this fling at this most heavenly study of the stars Object and the Students thereof that the Art is illegal and the practice thereof altogether to be shunned because Astrologers therein do busie themselves and pry into the secrets of God c. Answ To which there needs no more answer then this that they are most falsly and scandalously abused I mean Astrologers when thus impeached since the very word of God doth testifie that the secrets of the Almighty are past finding out thus much for the clearing of the Students thereof whose practise and study is altogether legal being only natural for how is it possible that that study should be so illegal and diabolical as they call it that extends it self to nature only and the causes thereof That the study of the stars or Astrologie medleth not with the secrets of God And as touching the Art it self you have it defined here beneath whither at this time I shall refer thee for the study thereof is meerly natural and if to know that be to search into Gods hidden secrets let the weakest capacity judge when that is only to be accounted a secret which immediatly dependeth on the secret will of the Almighty wherefore what is manifest and clear to us in nature then must consequently be no such thing for there is none I am confident that hath any reason or understanding and is compos mentis that will say it is a diving and searching into the secrets of God and so consequently illegal to foretell any mutation of the ayr or other accident by the causes thereof which is manifest by the stars to our sense when the word of God telleth us that our Saviour himself confesseth the Pharisees were able to discern the weather by the face of the Skie and since you have already heard that the Heavens are the secondary causes of all generation and corruption and cause of all mutations on and in Elementarie bodies causing health sickness plenty scarcity wars peace c. If any Astrological Philosopher which of all Philosophers is the chiefest do foretell any or all of these a thousand years to come as plain as if they were to happen to morrow or were present which they may do if God so long continue the ordinary course of Nature shall any one render himself so ridiculous as to imagine this man to pry and dive into the secrets of God when he seeth plainly the events by the causes truly if there be any such they should be by my consent begged for The influences of the heavens take not away Gods government So that then hereby
they remain as yet by them unshaken and that they have no other refuge but barely to face it down with a bold and impudent forehead especially being in the former so shamefully bafled Wherefore now it resteth I snew you the full power and subject of Astrology and how far I maintain or allow of the Art and here desist referring you for further satisfaction to that discourse of mine which is able to justifie these my words since for all that the Replyers thereunto can say the Art remains still unshaken and it unanswered wherefore they had but small reason to title that weak piece Judicial Astrology Judicially condemned when alas there is hardly a judicious sentence to be found between the beginning and end thereof unless borrowed of some other Author neither are they or it able to shew their faces before the judicious and impartial Judges of the matter without suffering condign condemnation themselves CHAP. XX. Containing the power and subject of Astrology and how far the Author vindicateth it YOu are now to receive The power and subject of Astrology which by all what you have heard How the Author sets down the power and subject of Astrology dealeth with such things as are performed by Art and Nature with the will of man indirectly and accidentally and his inclinations temperature and dispositions as also with his affections and body and with natural and secondary causes and general accidents and contingencies But not with rare contingencies or such as have an indifferent respect to the opposites as depending upon unknown and indeterminate causes which may happen one way or other neither with mans will doth Astrology meddle but accidentally so far as the Soul with the faculties thereof follows the temperature of the body neither with the Providence of God or shew a cause of miracles or with the secrets of God for they are saith the Scripture past finding out Ergo Astrologers that are men that contemplate but natural causes are falsly and most scandalously abused when thus impeached neither hath the influence of the stars any fatality as inevitable except some contigency be mixed therewith for this were to deny the Providence of God How far the Author maintaineth or justifieth Astrology Now as touching the parts of Astrology I shall here according to Ptolomy in the beginning of his second Book of his Quadripartite chap. 1. divide into two the first and chief part being general as having relation to Countries Kingdoms Provinces and Cities alterations of Kingdoms Laws Customs death plenty wars peace health sickness and mutations in the Air c. The second particular viz. To mens Nativities as to know the particular constitution temperature and natural inclination of any man or woman but not other accidents as whether a man shall live long the time when he shall die and what manner of death whether he shall be rich and how attain it c. which are as also Horary questions depending thereon not certain The first is judged by the position of the Heavens and the Planets and their Natures and significations at the time of any Revolution of the yeers of the world the appearance of Eclipses Comets Blazing-stars or great Conjunctions The latter at the time of the parties birth and so far and no farther do I any wise allow of the Art for what is called Astrology more then this is not ASTROLOGY but the meer abuse of the Art I meand Charactery-Astrology and other superstitions of the Arabians and Chaldeans also horary questions and elections if not depending or grounded on the Radix of the parties Nativitie or rather on that part which teacheth of the general accidents of the world are neither countenanced or vidicated by me in the least for I have studied and know sufficiently the experience thereof neither do I wholly relie on the setting of any mans Nativity though it hath been approved of by some of the learned The Authors opinion touchiug Nativities fer since the stars have no power on such as are ruled either by Reason or Grace as you have heard where I say Astra agunt not cogunt are sapiens dominabitur astris to what end then is it for a man to busie his head about such uncertainties when except the native be a man meerly natural no Prediction shall fall out true as to accidents and disposition sure is worse then madness then to spend time on this part of the Art Touching Horary questions and Elections Wherefore it must needs follow then that the resolutions of questions and elections thereon depending are more uncertain yet I must confess the Astrologer may undertake in some sense to answer the demands of the Querent by his Art without regard to the Radix or ought else since he may be confidently assured that such inquirers are nowise either rational or religious and so consequently are easily carried on to the temptations and delusions of the devil or according to the natural inclination and influence of the Heavens Yet know that Elections touching the administration of Physicke Phlebotomy using of Husbandry and Navigation I do allow of as also all other elections if they depend on this matter but what is more then this doth in my opinion subject mans will to the power of the stars and all his voluntary actions which to affirm were most ridiculous Needs must he be most impious and ignorant that traduceth Astrology And thus far is the glory of God made cleerly manifest in his creatures and to deny this which is indeed the pure Art of Astrology is to deny the most heavenly and chiefest study next to Divinity under the Sun and also that which of all studies else most conduceth to the praise and glory of the omnipotent and omniscient creator for which they and all things else were first created and then consequently must the treducers thereof be most impious and ignorant Reader I shall here for conclusion say no more then this that thou first seek thy Creator and serve him before thou apply thy minde unto this subsequent or any other study for that so thou shalt be made the more excellent and perfect therein yet particularly as for this heavenly contemplation let me tell thee wert thou an Heathen before thou wert seen therein yet wilt thou cleerly be made thereby when thou art acquainted therewith to see thy Creator and his unspeakable wisdom therein * Ergo far from making men Athiests as some have affirmed except they believe a fatality which in this study is to be wholly denyed and by me ever was wherefore in all thy study give him the whole praise and glory who hath disposed and ordered all things according to his divine will and inevitable decree and that thou mayest be the better inabled thereunto thou shalt never want my prayers nor service Die ♄ 31. Januarii 1651. FINIS AN INTRODVCTION TO THE Iudgement of the Stars WHEREIN The whole ART of ASTROLOGY Is plainly Taught and
magnitudes are Officers and Commanders under these I mean those especially of the first second and third magnitude the other are only subjects as it were to the above-named or equivalent to common people Wherefore then upon the meetings of these Superiors are concluded the rise subversion confirmation alteration prosperity scarcity plenty poverty beginning and subversion of States Kingdoms Empires Common-wealths and what not nay and the whole government of the Elements and this Elementary World and all things and causes external and internal in them as in a Councel or Senate c. The nature and complexion of ☉ The Sun is so vulgarly known that here to insist on his colour complexion or light were but vain he is masculine Diurnal the fountain of life c. Globe of ☉ He exceeds the earth in bigness according to Tycho 140 times Ptolomie saith 166. times and Copernicus 162. Distant from the earth He is by the estimation of Tycho distant from the earth 1150. Semidiameters of the earth Ptolomie saith 1165. semidiameters and Copernicus saith 1142. semidiameters of the earth Mean motion His mean motion is 59. m. 8. sec Diurnal His Diurnal motion is sometimes 57. m. 16. s never exceeding 59. m. 8 sec He finisheth his course through the 12. signs of the Zodiack in 365. days Revolution and six hours or neer upon c. When well placed and strong When he is well dignified the King and Nobles shall exceed and increase in glory and renown Corn Beasts and Birds shall be plentifull the people generally prosperous and successfull and all things in a good condition whereof the Sun hath any signification All this is meant if he be Lord of the year in any annual Revolution but if he be weak judge the contrary Quality of men when well placed Emperours Kings Monarchs Princes Dukes Marquesses and indeed all Noble and High-born people and in general all Gentlemen and those that are in office or command of superiority in City Town or Countrey Coyners Masters of the Mint Goldsmiths Spinners of Gold and Silver and all such neat Trades Silver and Gold-wyer-drawers and the like When ill placed or weak Tyrants Usurpers Constables Head-boroughs and all such as bear any petty or usurped authority Nature He is Author of magnanimity state and majesty heat c. Corporature or shape of body One of no tall stature but about the middle size strong and portly having a stately majestical gate of a saffron-coloured complexion or Sun-burnt flaxonish or light fair hair somewhat crisping or curling a large full hazle eye a broad forehead a very decent hansom body throughout Oriental and Occidental The Sun is not nor cannot be said to be Oriental or Occidental otherwise then as he is in any Figure located near the East angle or verging towards the West for all other Planets are said to be Oriental or Occidental as in relation to the Sun in that they rise before him or set after him The Sun hath never any Latitude Latitude for he ever moves forward in the Eccliptick Savours Sowre and sharp savours Colours Yellow In man In man he ruleth the heart brain and right eye in women the left eye Herbs and spice Saffron Pyony Mary-gold Balm Ginger Dittany Sallendine Vervine which being gathered under its proper constellation driveth away evil Spirits and it is also used in prophesying Pomcitron Ambre Rosemary St. Johns-wort Musk Herb-grace Rosa-Solis Cinamon Eye-bright Cinquefoil lignum Aloes Barley Lavender Sweet Marjoram Pepper Frankinsense Honey Aromaticus c. Trees The Bay-tree the Ash Cedar Ivie the Vine the Orange and Lemmon-tree Birds The Phoenix Swan Cock Hawk Nightingal Lark the Buzzard c. Aetites the stone called the eye of the Sun Stones because it is like the apple of the eye in form the Carbuncle the Chrysolite the stone called Iris the stone Heliotropion the Hyacinth the stone Pyroyphylus the stone Pantauras Pantherus or Pantochras in the Scripture it is called Evanthum the Topaz Rubie Diamond The learned and most famous Cornelius Agrippa Lib. 1. Chap. 23. of his Occulta Philosophia saith that Albertus Magnus and William of Paris gave to these stones these vertues as followeth The vertue of Aetites Aetites or the stone that is found in the Eagles Nest cureth the Falling-sickness and poysons Of the Eye of the Sun The eye of the Sun is singular good for comforting the brain and strengthening the eye-sight Of the Carbuncle The Carbuncle is of great vertue against Aëry and vapourous poyson The Chrysolite is of marvellous operation in preserving the Lungs and helpeth much those that are Asthmatical Of the Chrysolite and if it be bored through and filled with the Mane of an Asse and bound to the left arm it driveth away idle imaginations melancholy fears and foolishness Of the Iris. The Iris it is like the Chrystal in colour it commonly having six Corners it being part held in the shadow and part in the rays or beams of the Sun it gathereth the rays of the Sun into it self and reflecteth them again in the form of a Rainbow Of the Heliotropion The Heliotropion is in colour green like a Jasper speckled with red this causeth the bearer to be constant renowned famous and conduceth to long life it is said to turn the beams of the Sun into the colour of blood viz. when it is joyned to the juice of the herb of the same name and put into water it dazleth the sight so much that the bearer can hardly see it by the help of the aforesaid herb Of the Hyacinth The Hyacinth is good against poyson and pestiferous vapours it keepeth the bearer safe and acceptable it conduceth also to riches and wit it strengthens the heart being held in the mouth and wonderfully cheereth the minde Of the Pyrophilus The Pyrophilus as Aesculapius maketh mention There is a certain poison so very cold which preserves the heart of man being taken out from burning so that if for any time it be put into the fire it is turned into a stone whence it is called Pyrophilus from the fire It is marvellously efficacious against poyson and it makes the bearer renowed and dreadfull to his enemies Of the Pant●●●a The Pantaura is of that sympathetical vertue that it draweth other stones to it as a load-stone doth iron admirable against Poysons I know there are many good wits in this Nation that have not the least faith in these matters concerning the vertues of stones and indeed of the whole scope of these my writings yet they must pardon me if I will not conclude as the vulgar and illiterate in such mysteries do for I have learned this modest lesson which I could wish were also imprinted in their brests Not to condemn what I am ignorant of for of all things in my opinion there can be none so
Cities under it as they shall suffer through extremity of cold and dryness and in some sort barrenness and scarcity and the people shall have palpitations of the heart and grief in their chests and bellies unless it be prevented by Jupiter Also if Cancer ascend and the Moon be afflicted and weak the People under its jurisdiction shall be molested with pains and Rheumes both in their head and brest and there shall be also much hurt and dammage by unusual and excessive rain and moisture if Saturn prevent it not If Leo and the Sun be also weak such places Cities Nation or Kingdoms as are subject thereunto shall suffer dammage through extremity of heat and drought warm pestilential ayr c. the people through intemperancy and diseases incident unto the heart and brain unless Saturn by his coldness restrain and alter the fury thereof If it be Sagittary that ascends and Jupiter impedited then the Regions and places under Sagittary shall be afflicted with infirmities in the head and legs and these shall in the first half of the year be incident to the persons of men and in the other part to beasts of the greater sort as are Horses Oxen Cows Bulls c. If the sign be Pisces which then ascends the places where it Rules shall suffer inundations and grievous infirmities both in the head and feet as the Gout Dropsie and the like if Mercury mediate or prevent it not Lastly if Capricorn ascend and Saturn be impedited the places subject to Capricorn shall be perplexed with extream cold and dry weather and sterility and the people with griefs and aches in the joynts and knees and if Aquaries ascend the places subject thereunto shall suffer by over-moist ayr and high winds and the people shall have many infirmities in their legs and heads if the Sun and Moon contradict it not In the like manner mayst thou judge the good condition of the People of any Country and the happiness of any place if thou findest the Lord of the Ascendent fortunate and free from impediment observe these Rules and ponder the reasons thereof and thou shalt not need any farther example or illustration for any other in the like Case For after the same manner mayst thou also judge of the significations of the second third fourth and fifth houses and so of them all round the whole Heavens by having I say regard unto the Fortitudes or Debilities of the signs on every Cusp and their Lords c. Take notice also that proportionably according to the affliction and strength of every Sign and Planet and the Signs wherein the Planets are afflicted and assisted shall the good or evil threatned fall on the Persons of those signified or their Estates c. and on the Places Regions Cities Towns Countreys and Provinces subject to the Signs wherein the afflicted or assisted Planet Falls And thus much shall suffice for the judging of the true state and condition of the Common People in any Nation or Kingdom in any Revolution yet by other testimonies and Significators viz. the Lord of the year and the Planet or Planets in the Ascendent accidentally at the time of the ingress thou wilt have their condition farther declared and inlarged in this subsequent Discourse CHAP. IV. How to know that Planet which is Lord of the Year in any Annual Revolution of the Years of the World USually the Ancients have found out the Lord of the year by these Rules following which I shall cordially deliver unto thee and that with as much plainness as I can and my Judgment which of them stands with most reason to be followed What events are known by the Lord of the year You must know that by the Lord of the year is known the condition of the whole Nation People and indeed every thing therein a general way to happen during the time of that Revolution wherefore it ought warily to be considered and known that so thou mayst do thy work compleatly The Rules of the Antients for finding the Lord of the year After thou hast exactly calculated the true time to a minute of the Sun his entrance into the first point of Aries and hast erected thy figure as the Heavens were then on the cusp of every house and the punctual places of the Planets therein being reduced to the exact time of the day then see what Planet you finde in an angle for if there be any at that time so located he or she shall be Lord or Lady of the year or such as shall denote the condition thereof during that Revolution but if you shall finde many Planets in Angles or one Angle and wouldst know which of them is to be assigned Lord of the year look which of them is Lord of the hour or day and he shall be chosen Lord of the year having compared one with another and judged by the major testimonies especially if he behold the Lord of the term wherein he is or the Sun if the Revolution be by day or the Moon if by night and judge according to his strength and debility good or bad as you have already been sufficiently taught If you finde none of those Planets in Angles Lord of the hour or day or both then see which of them is most Fortunate or strong and make him Lord of the year see also which of the other Planets are joyned in signification with him and according to their strengths and debilities and nature do thou make a right commixture and judge thereof But if at the time of your Revolution there be no Planet found in any of the Angles see what Planet is in the eleventh or fifth houses and that Planet which is found in either of them shall be Lord of the year if there be more then one see that you canvess the business as you have heard of the Planets in Angles in every particular And yet if thou findest none in the eleventh or fifth see what are in the ninth or third and say the Planet in either of them is Lord of the year and so accordingly judge as you have heard but if there be no Planets neither in these Houses see which of all the Planets the Moon excepted goes first out of the sign wherein it is for he shall be Lord of the year especially if he behold the Lord of the term wherein he is or the Sun if the Revolution be by day or the Moon if it be by night But if it happen that the Sun in a Diurnal Revolution be in any of the Angles or the Moon in a Nocturnal he or she shall be then Lord or Lady as I may say of the Year Haly also saith that when in any Revolution it shall happen that the Lord of the Ascendent be also Lord of the house wherein either of the Luminaries are especially that of the Time he shall without doubt or controversie be Lord of the Year and also significator of the People These are the Rule of some
Moon be also Oriental but if they be all Occidental he is old but if one shall be Oriental and the other Occidental he is neither young nor very old but of a middle age I shall here now conclude this Chapter with this note that all quarrels and blood-sheds that happen in the World are generally occasioned by Mars because when he enters any angle especially the fourth he signifies there shall be many quarrels and wars and great slaughters and effusion of blood and that men shall delight to kill one another CHAP. VII Of Fertility and Sterility How to judge of plenty in any year REason and Experience teacheth us that commonly after war comes a scarcity and after peace plenty and therefore these being their successors as I may say or events I have thought good in this Chapter to speak thereof Wherefore in this matter have regard to the Ascendents of the Conjunction and prevention of the Luminaries to the Revolution and their places and if the place of the Conjunction or prevention apply to the place of Jupiter and Jupiter have dominion in that place or if he assist the Lord of the Ascendent and the Lord of the fourth house at that time free from misfortune and the application of the Ascendent of that law or the change of Triplicities applying to the place of Jupiter or Venus by Conjunction or Aspect there shall be plenty at that year of such things as the earth doth produce especially if the Lord of the second house assist or apply unto the Lord of the Ascendent by a good and friendly Aspect and this shall be the more assuredly confirmed if Part of Fortune have power and dignity there in that place because those signifie plenty upon plenty Of scarcity or dearth But if thou wouldst know when the year is likely to be scarce and unfruitful see if Saturn be ruler or disposer of the place of the Conjunction or Opposition by Essential dignity or Aspect or whether he be Lord of the Ascendent or Almuten thereof or afflict it by any malevolent Aspect or be in any Angle and the Lord of the fourth afflicted of the Infortunes especially of Saturn for if so scarcity is threatned and may assuredly be expected especially if he be in Opposition of Mercury or in any of the Angles of the figures at the time of the Conjunction or prevention or be in Square or Opposition of the Lord of the second Lord of the Ascendent Part of Fortune or its Dispositor scarciry may also be expected when Saturn afflicteth the Moon or the Moon apply unto him by either Conjunction or Aspect having last separated from the Conjunction or Opposition of the Sun In like manner judge penury and want if either of the Malevolents afflict the year thus especially if they be in Square or Opposition of Mercury but you must note that the evil threatned by Saturn is worse then that promised by Mars as the good promised by Jupiter is much better then that signified by Venus and judge the quality of the good or evil promised or threatned by any of these from their proper nature and the nature of the sign wherein they are as if Saturn be in an aiëry or watery sign he denotes floods inundations and many storms tempests and destruction by high windes if in a fiëry sign drought c. Also note that if Mars in that Revolution in which the Lord of that Nation Kingdom Law or Common-wealth is exalted be then in any of his own Houses he shall signifie much rain and if he be in any of the Houses of Saturn little or no rain is to be expected and in other Houses a mean is promised CHAP. VIII Teaching how to know the price of any thing in any Year A Tabarim amongst other of the Antients hath been herein most large what is most expedient to be known I shall here set down and as neer as I can omit that which may be superfluous In this manner of judgement you are to have regard to the ingress of the Sun into Aries from whence you are to require Judgement as also of the Position of the Heavens at every Conjunction and Opposition of the Luminaries every moneth and from the Conjunction preceding every Ingress as well quarterly and half-yearly as yearly for all things happening in this World in a natural way are occasioned by the Stars and may be known by the Position of the Heavens Stars and Planets at the time of the Conjunction and Opposition of the Luminaries if rightly understood so that by the Conjunction the Generation and beginning of things are judged by the Opposition the destruction and decay thereof for the Moon being neerest of all the Planets to the Globe of the Earth and the swiftest doth immediately convey unto it and men thereon the vertue and signification of all the other Planets and therefore we see by reason of this her great power and influence all things as well Vegetatives and Minerals as Animals increase and decrease in vigour strength and growth in some sense according to her motion and that the corruption and generation of all things are appropriate unto her and the Sun and therefore by their Conjunction and Opposition these things may perfectly be known unto us if we be but searchers and contemplators of Nature and its Causes Now if thou wouldst know what shall happen generally touching the price of any thing in any year have regard unto the Position of the Heavens at the Suns Ingress into Aries if there be but one figure to be erected but if two look to their Positions at his Ingress into Aries and Libra if four or for every quarter at his Ingress into Aries Cancer Librae and Capricorn and if you would more particularly make monethly observations thereon have regard unto the Conjunction of the Luminaries every moneth and remember that the Ascendent thereof or the sign ascending at that instant for which you desire to erect the figure of the Heavens its Lord and the Planet or Planets therein located are significators of the condition and state of Man and the Ayr and you may join also in signification with them the Dispositor of the Lord of the Ascendent if the Planets or Planet therein located be peregrine and afflicted judge mischief and detriment in these according to his nature signification and strength and so judge the contrary if he be then strong and essentially dignified If there be any Planet in an Angle who hath dignity and power in the Ascendent especially Exaltation he shall be the Significator of the price of things or any Planet in an Angle Essentially dignified and strong and if the Lord of the Ascendent be remote from this House and the Planet in an Angle Peregrine yet he shall be Significator as long as he is in that Angle But when the Lord of the Ascendent is in any of the Angles or in the eleventh or fifth Houses he shall more manifestly shew his
by Locusts or Caterpillers and such like Worms many shipwracks and submersions of ships change in mens dispositions and manners especially in those Regions and Places subject unto Capricorn In common signs In Gemini and Sagittary an Eclipse threatens destruction to flying Fowls especially such as men eat whereby many men come to sudden death In Virgo and Pisces harm and destruction to Vegetables and Creatures living in the Waters cheifly in Fountains corruption of Rivers In fixed In Taurus Scorpio Leo and Aquaries ruine of houses and ancient buildings divisions and hatred amongst the Clergy and they shall excite Tumults Let us now come to Ptolomyes Method in judging of Eclipses which he begins in Chap. 4. of his 2. Book of his Quadripartite after this manner CHAP. I. Containing Ptolomies method in judging Eclipses and how to know the Regions to which the Effects belong AFter he had in the preceding Chapters declared the conditions and constitutions of severall Nations of the World and the occasion thereof from the nature of the Signs and Planets he comes in the 4 Chapter to a more facil way of appropriating them unto the several signs of the Zodiack the better to predict the most eminent accidents and casualties in all Nations Kingdoms and Regions c. Four things to be considered in judging of Eclipses Wherefore herein there will be four things most worthy our consideration The first The Places or Regions Countreys Kingdoms or Cities where the effects of any Eclipse will be manifest The second The time when the Effects shall begin and how long continue The third The kinds of the events The fourth The quality of the events whither good or evill Touching the first you have no more to do but thus see what place of the Zodiack your Eclipse fals in whither it be of the Sun or Moon and what Cities Countries Kingdoms or Regions are subject to the sign wherein the Eclipse is and such Cities that had the sign wherein the defect is in the Horoscope or first House at the time of its first structure or the place then of the Sun or Moon and the places subject to the signs in Opposition and Square thereunto you may say shall assuredly taste of its effects as also such Regions wherein the Eclipse shall be visible Kingdoms Cities and Places subject to every sign of the Zodiack you have in the second Book CHAP. II. Shewing the time when the Effects of any Eclipse shall begin and how long continue MAny men I know wonder why Astrologers have taught that Eclipses operate not till such a time after their appearance but they have but small reason to move them to this their admiration for the effects of an Eclipse opperate from the first appearance thereof though not so apparently as a child from its very first Conceptions is in Beeing yet cannot properly be termed ought other then some living creature till it be produced to light And therefore I conceive the Antients without any respect at all to the former have still give Rules for judging of the latter or the time when their Effects will be in force or begin to be apparent When an Eclipse first manifests its Effects and when more forcibly Wherefore Ptolomy teacheth us that if an Eclipse fall in the East part of the Horizon or more plainly in the Ascendent or East Angle the Events thereof shall first manifest themselves from the fourth Moneth after but it will more strongly operate in the first third part of its whole duration If in the mid-Heaven the Effects thereof will first begin to appear after the second four Moneths or more plainly about eight Moneths after the defect of the Luminary but more apparent will it be in the second or middlemost third part of the whole time it continues But if it be in the West-part of the Horizon viz. in the Seventh House of Heaven or the West Angle in the third or last fourth Moneth shall the Effects be manifested but more forcibly in the third and last part of the whole time of its continuance But the particular Remissions and Intentions we must judge from the Conjunctions and Preventions which in the mean time shall happen in that place or in any other places of the figure that hath relation thereunto from the places of the motion of the Planets by which future events are fore-known viz. such as are Oriental Occidental Stationary or ascending in the close of the Evening viz. vespertine and are occasion of any future events by their Aspects or any other manner when they are Oriental you must know their effects are augmented and when they are Stationary but Occidental and under the Sun-beams or vespertine and Retrograde deminished and lessened understand this as to the time not Nature How long the Effects of any Eclipse shall continue As touching the time of their continuance viz. how long the Effects of any Eclipse shall last or be in force it is in this manner to be known for as much as an Eclipse is not seen in all Regions and Places in the same houre or instant of time neither for the beginning continuation or end thereof you ought therefore in every Region to take according to proportion the Ecliptical houre the Elevation of the Pole and the Angles of the figure according thereunto And then you are to see how many equal houres viz. Natural Equinoctial houres consisting of 60 Minutes a peece the Eclipse continues in every Region for when you have this you are to know that the Events of a Solar Eclipse shall continue so many years as he is Eclipsed houres reckoning from the first moment of his Obscuration to the very last of a Lunar so many moneths wherefore the beginning of them you shall know from the place where the Eclipse fals and the Angles of the figure at that time CHAP. III. Of the kindes of the Events of any Eclipse IN the third place you know the kindes of the Events of any Eclipse are to be considered which is known from the qualities and signs belonging to the signs in which either of the Luminaries are eclipsed and from the places or signs in which the Planets and most notable fixed Stars are the which with the sign of the Eclipse or the Sign wherein the Eclipse is and the sign of the Angle preceding the Eclipse is to be considered How to know the Lord of Eclipse To know the Planet that shall bear chief rule of these two places it is not more then thus see which of the Planets hath most power and strength in the place of the Eclipse and Angle preceding the Eclipse by House Exaltation Triplicity face or term and give it to him but if one Planet be not both Lord of the sign wherein the Eclipse is and the Angle preceding the Eclipse but there be two Planets bearing rule in these places then are you to prefer that Planet which is Lord of the place of the Eclipse to