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A43596 The generall history of vvomen containing the lives of the most holy and prophane, the most famous and infamous in all ages, exactly described not only from poeticall fictions, but from the most ancient, modern, and admired historians, to our times / by T.H., Gent. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1657 (1657) Wing H1784; ESTC R10166 531,736 702

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as also by Vitruvius This Qu●en being making her selfe ready in her Palace roiall when the one part of her hair was bound up and the other halfe hung loose upon her shoulders suddenly newes was brought her That the Citizens of Babylon were revolted and all or most of them in mutiny and uprore She presently posted into the City and what with her presence and perswasion atton'd the discord and before she had leasure to put her disordered curls in form reconciled the hearts of that innumerable people to her obedience for which her statue was erected in the City being pourtraied half ready halfe unready in memory of that noble and magnananous adventure Something of the best that was in her though not all you have heard the worst is to come Juba apud Pli. relates that she imitated the fashions of men neglecting the habit of her own Sex and in her latter years grew to that debauch'd effeminacy and sordid lust that she did not only admit but allure and compell into her goat●sh embraces many of her souldiers without respect of their degrees or places so they were well featured able and lusty of performance whom when they had wasted their bodies upon her she caused to be most cruelly murthered She was slain by her own sonne because most incestuously sought his bed but which of all the rest is most prodigious and abominable she is reported to have company with a horse on whom she unnaturally doted But these things whether related for truth or recorded of malice I am altogether ignorant and therefore leave it to censure Herodotus Plutarch and others wr●t that she caused these words to be inscribed upon her Tomb. Quicunque Rex pecun●● indiget ap●●to monumento quod voluerit accipiat that is What 〈…〉 hath need of coin search this monument and 〈…〉 find what 〈◊〉 desires This when King Darius 〈…〉 thinking some magazine of treasure had been therein included he caused the Tomb stone to be removed where he found upon the other side thereof these words engraven Nisi Rex avarus esses pecuniae insatiabil●s mor●uorum mon●menta non violassis i. Hadst thou not been an avaritioas King and insatiable of co●n thou wouldst not have ransacked the grave of the dead Thus as Franciscus Patricius Pontifex saith the excellent Lady in her death ●●unted the 〈◊〉 avarice of the living That the monuments of the de●d are no way to be violated or detaced Sertor●us hath taught us who having subdued the City Tigenna scituate in the Countrie of Maurusia in which a noble sepulchre was which the inhabitants said belonged to Antaeus which was the gyant slain by Hercules when the greatnesse of the grave exceeded all beliefe Sertorius caused it to be ruined and there digged up a body as Plutarch witnes●e●h of seventy cubits in length which beholding and wondering at he caused it to be repaired with greater beauty then before lest by diminishing that he might have ruined a great part of his own honour Some think it was the body of Tagenna the wife of Antaeus whom Hercules prostituted after the death of her husband of her he begot Siphax who after erected that City and in memory of his mother called it by her name Pasiphae THis Lady though I cannot fitly introduce her within the number of the incestuous yet for that horrid act which the Poets have reported of her I shal not impertinently place her next to Semiramis Apollodorus Grammaticus in his book de Deorum origine as Benedictus Aeginus Spoletinus interprets him thus sets down her history Ninus King of Creet espoused Pasiphae daughter of the Sun and Perseis or as Asclepiades cals her Creta the daughter of Aterius she had by him foure sons Cretaeus Deucalion Glaucus and Androgeus and as many daughters Hecate Xenodice Ariadne and Phaedra This Minos peaceably to enjoy his Kingdome had promised to offer such a bull to Neptune but having obtained his desires he sent that Bull before markt out back to the herd and caused another of lesse value to be sacrificed at which Neptune inraged knew not with what greater punishment to afflict him for the breach of his faith then to make his wife most preposterously and against nature to dote on that beast which he had so carefully preserved She therefore confederated with Dedalus a great Artsmaster one that for murder had fled from Athens and with his son Icarus there secured himselfe he devised by his mischievous skill a woodden Cow hollowed within with such artificiall conveyance that the Queen enclosed had satisfaction of her desires to the glutting of her libidinous appetite Of this congression she conceived and brought forth a son called Asterion or as the most will have it Minotaurus shaped with a buls head and a mans body About this monstrous issue Minos consulted with the Oracle which advised him to shut him in a Labyrinth and there see him safely brought up and kept This Labyrinth the first that ever was was built by Dedalus being a house so intricated with windings and turnings this way and that way now forward then backward that it was scarce possible for any that entred therein to find the direct way back thus far Apollodorus But Palephatus in his fabulous Narrations reduceth all these commented circumstances within the compasse of meer impossibility and thus delivers the truth concerning Pasiphae Minos being afflicted with a disease in his secret parts with which he had been long grieved was at length by Crides who belonged to Pandion cured In the interim of this his defect and weaknesse the Queen cast an adulterate eie upon a fair young man called Taurus whom Servius saith was the scribe or secretary to the King she prostituting her selfe to his embraces when the full time was expired she produced her issue which Minos seeing and taking a true supputation of the time comparing the birth with his discontinuance from her bed by reason of his disease apprehended the adultery notwithstanding he was unwilling to kill the bastard because it had a resemblance to the rest of his children though an impression of the fathers face by which the adulterer might easily be known Minos therefore to conceal his own discontents and as much as in him lay to hide his wives shame whom no endearedly affected caused the infant to be carried into a remote mountain and there by the Kings herds men to be fostered But growing towards manhood he likewise grew intractable and disobedient to those whose charge he was committed The King therefore confin'd him into a deep cave digg'd in a rock of purpose not to curb his fierce and cruell disposition but rather encourage it for whosoever at any time he feared or whatsoever he was that had offended him he sent him to this Minotaur on some impertinent or other by whom he was cruelly butchered The cave was called Labyrinthus and therefore described with so many intricate blind Meanders in regard of the difficulty of his return
suffer Harpalus to assume the Diadem till she were likewise crowned and in Rhossus where his statue was erected in brasse she caused hers to be placed for so Clearchus writes in his history of Alexander as likewise Catanaeus Clearchus observes of her that when any fair young Lad appeared before her she used to say Then doe boies appear most beautifull when they most resemble the looks and gestures of women She was affected by Pansia Sicionius a famous Painter Harpalus the Macedonian having robbed Alexander the Great of much treasure flying to Athens sollicited there Pythonica and by many great gifts won her to his embraces she dying he profusely lavished many talents upon her obsequies and as Possidonius in his Histories affirms not only with the artificiall skill of many of the best artists and workmen but with Organs Voices and all kinds of musicall harmony decorated her funerall Dicaearchus writes That whosoever shall travell towards Athens by the sacred way called Elusinis there he shall behold a goodly Temple built in state height and compass exceeding all others which who so shall considerately peruse he shall guesse it either to be the cost of Miltiades Pericles Cimon or of some other Athenian equally with them illustrious and especially of such a one that for merit towards the Common-weal might command a voluntary contribution from the publike treasury Theopompus in an Epistle to Alexander thus carps at the intemperance of Harpalus Consider quoth he and enquire of the men of Babylon with what superfluous charge he had interred his strumpet Pythonica who was but handmaid to Bachis the she-musitian and Bachis the servant of Synope Threissa who from the City of Aegina transported her Bawdries into Athens she being not only of the third rank and degree of servants but of Bawds for with more then two hundred Talents charge he hath dedicated unto her two sumptuous monuments to the admiration of all men when it hath not been known the like honour or cost to have been bestowed by him or any other in memory of any brave souldier or of such as perished in Cilicia for the Empire and liberty of whole Greece shee only having perdurable monuments raised to her as well in Babylon as in Athens Temples and Altars with sacrifices offered her by the name of Venus Pythonica With other such upbraidings he complained on him to Alexander of whom Al●xis in Licisca likewise speaks as also that after her death he took to his bed the before named Glicera Next her followes Irene That Ptolomaeus that placed garrisons in Ephesus and was the son of King Philadelphus had a beautifull mistresse called Irene she when Ptolomaeus was assaulted by the Thracians in the City of Ephesus and to shun their violence fled into a Chappell consecrated to the goddesse Diana would not in that distresse forsake him but entred the place together and when the souldiers broke open the gates upon them to kil the King she removed not her hand from the ring of the door but with her own blood sprinkled the Altar till the souldiers likewise falling upon her she expired in the arms of the slaughtered King As noble was that of Danae Philarchus remembers one Sophron of Ephesus to have had in his delights Danae daughter to Leontius of the Sect of the Epicures a man well seen in the speculations of Philosophy To her trust were all the domestick affairs of the house committed even by the consent of his wife Laodice who at length perceiving his love to encline to Danae she purposed at her next best opportunity to make away with her husband This being found out by Danae and in great secrecy revealed to Sophron he gave at the first no credit to the report yet at her importunacy he promised within two daies to consider of the matter and in that time to deliberate what was best to be done in the prevention of such a mischiefe and in that interim conceals himselfe in the City by which Laodice finding her purpose to be discovered she accused Danae for his murther and instantly without further process by the help of her friends and servants hurried her to the top of a high Promontory from thence to throw her headlong who seeing imminent death before her eies fetching a deep sigh she thus said I marvell not now that the gods have so small honour done to them in regard of their injustice since I am thus punisht for saving the life of my friend and th●s Laodice is thus honoured that would have took away the life of her husband Agathoclaea VVArs having been long continued betwixt Ptolomey of Aegypt and Antiochus of Syria insomuch that Ptolomaeus was by his Embassadors rather by fear then necessity as it were inforced to sollicite a peace notwithstanding Antiochus invading Aegypt took from him many Towns and Cities of consequence which proffer drawing Ptolomey to the field be gave him a brave affront and foile and had he taken the advantage of a present fortune had paid him home with an irrecoverable overthrow but Ptolomey wholly devoted to effeminacy and luxury only contented with what he had recovered of his own and pursuing no further advantages made choice of a dishonourable peace before a just war and so concluded all dissention with an unalterable league And being free from all forrein invasions he began domestick troubles at home For being given over to his own appetite and besotted to his insatiate pleasures he first began with Laodice both his sister and wife causing her to be slain that he might the more freely enjoy the society and fellowship of his most rare and beautifull mistress Agathoclea so that the greatness of his name and the splendor of his majesty both set apart he abandoned himselfe solely to whoredomes by night and to banquets and all profuseness of riot by day And now liberty being grown to law the boldness of the strumpet for no better my Author stiles her cannot be contained within the wals of the Kings house which the overdotage of the King the extraordinary grace and honours conferred for her sake on her brother Agathocles together with her own ambitions growing every day more and more to greater insolence made still more manifest N●x● there was her old mother called Evanthe a cunning H●g●l may term her who by reason of her double issue Agathocles and Agathoclea had a great hand with the King or rather a great power over him Therefore not contented with the King alone they possess the Kingdome also They ride abroad in all state to be seen are proud to be by all saluted and with such great trains to be attended Agathocles as if ●owed to the Kings elbow was not seen without him but with a nod or word swaied and governed the City The gifts of all military honours as the Tribunes Prefects and Captains all these were appointed by the women neither was there any in the Kingdome that had lesse
power then the King himselfe who long sleeping in this dream of majesty having given away all that was essentiall in a King he fell sick and died leaving behind him a child of five years old by his afore murthered wife and sister Laodice But his death was by these favourites long concealed whilst they had by all covetous Rapine snatched what they might out of the Kings treasurie by this to strengthen a faction of the most base and dissolute subjects that by monie thus ill got and debauch'd souldiers thus levied they might set safe footing in the Empire but it fel out far otherwise for the Kings death and their design was no sooner discovered but in the rude Concourse of the multitude the Minion Agathocles was first slain and the two women the mother and the daughter were in revenge of murthered Laodice hanged upon gybets being now made a scorn to every man that was before a terror to all the pupillage of the infant and the s●fe●y of the Realm to his use the Romans most nobly after took to their protection Cleophis ALexander the Great after many conquests entring into India that he might contermine his Empire with the Ocean and the utmost parts of the East and to which glory that the ornaments of his army might suit the trappings of his horses and the armor of his souldiers were all studded with silver and his main army of their Targets of silver as Curtius writes he caused to be called Argyraspides In processe by gentle and pleasurable marches they came to the City Nisa the Citizens making no opposition at all trusting to the reverence due to Liber Pater by whom they say the City was first erected and for that cause Alexander caused it to be spared passing those fruitfull Hils where grapes grow in abundance naturally and without the help of ai● or hand of man he thence passed the Dedalian mountains even to the Provinces and Kingdome of the Queen Cleophis who hearing of his victories and fearing of his potency thought rather to affront him by fair means then by force by policy then power for knowing her self to be a woman of extraordinary state and beauty the by her Embassadors sollicited an enterview which Alexander granting she appeared before him of such a Queen-like majesty and her accomplishments of nature so helpt with the ornaments of art for she was adorned with the richest and best shining stones of India that her glory so captivated the heart of the conqueror that they came to treat of composition she proposing to him That it were no honour for so magnificent a victor so famous through the world for his conquests over men to insult upon the weak spoils of a woman inured to no other arms then the arms of a sweet and loving bedfellow yet if for the ransome of her Empire he would accept of her love and service in that kind she was there in person at his command his subject and servant Her beauty with this submission wrought such impression in the King that it was concluded betwixt them and by both parties agreed That at her honour should be the ranson of her Empire In conclusion they lovingly lay together and so ended these threatned hostilities in an amorous peace her body he left tainted but her Kingdome untouched She was that night with child by him of a son whom after his fathers name she called Alexander he inherited the Kingdome after her but by the Indians from that time forward in regard of her prostitution she was called the Kings whore Callipyge SO much were the Grecians given to all voluptuousnesse and pleasure that amongst others divers Chappels and Temples were dedicated to Venus Callipyga the word importing Quasi pulchras habens nates i. She that hath faire buttocks the originall of that superstition as Aegenaeus relates was this A Countrey Farmer being the father of two beautifull young Virgins these two concluded betwixt themselves which should have the priority in beauty But modesty forbidding them to dispute it with open faces they concluded between themselves to come to a place adjoining to the high-way and there to expose their back-parts naked to all such as passed by and so by the most voices to be censured Amongst many others a noble young young Gentleman of the next City by accident passing that way and somewhat astonished at so unwonted an object enquired the reason thereof and by one of the spectators being presently resolved ●e as suddenly gave the Palm to the elder and intimating by that he saw what the rest might prove grew greatly enamored and returning to his fathers house surprized with melancholly was of his brother demanded the cause he after some few bashful denials stil urged with the others importunacies discovered to him the whole circumstance of the businesse The brother desirous to be further instructed was by the lover conducted to the place and object which made him first grow enamoured whither he was no sooner brought but he grew presently inflamed with the love of the younger and gave his censure on her part These two had an old Senator to their father who much observed his children of him they demanded these virgins in marriage but he proposing to themselves matches more honourable they would no way assent But won at length with their importunacies he sent in their behalfe to the Farmer to demand his daugters in marriage An enterview was granted the parties agreed a marriage concluded and after comsummate with satisfaction on all sides From which time ever after the two young married wives were called Callipyga Of these Cercidas Megapolitanus in his lambicks to this purpose speaks These two lived in Syracusa who by their marriage having attained to wealth sufficient erected a famous Chappell to Venus whom they stiled Dea Callipyga These divers other Cities of Greece after them imitated This History Archelaus likewise in his Lambicks records Alogunes Cosmartidenes Andia YOU shall read in the History taken out of Ex Ctesiae Persicis That Artaxerxes being dead Xerxes his sonne succeeded the legitimate heir by his wife Damaspia who died the same day with her husband therefore to be registred amongst the women most illustrious after their deaths the Eunuch Bagorazus caused both their bodies to be born into Persia and there to be entombed amongst their ancestors It is remembred of this Emperor Artaxerxes that he had by severall concubins seventeen bastards amongst these was Secundianus born of Alogunes he by treason succeeded Xerxes having before slain his brother this Alogunes was born in Babylon By another concubine in the same City called Cosmartidenes he had two sons Ochus and Arsi●es this Ochus by supplanting his brother Secundianus reigning some few months succeeded him in the Empire Xerxes had issue likewise by one Andia a Lady of the same Nation Bagapaeus and Parisatis who was the mother of one Cyrus and another Artaxerxes Xerxes the Persian Emperour yet living gave to his
and his false fire spends Diana and Phoebus were therefore said to be the children of Latona because in that the ancient Poets would signifie the beginning of the world so when the matter whereof it was made was a meer confused Masse and without shape because all things were obscure and hid that darknesse is signified in Latona and whereas they make Iupiter their Father it imperts as much as if they should fetch Iupiter out of this darknesse called the Sun and the Moon More plainly the Spirit of the Lord said Let there be light of which light Ap●●llo and Diana the one by day and the other by night are the greatest by this inferring that the generation of the world began first from Light Ceres THE Goddesse of fruits and grain and daughter to Saturn and Ops a Law-giver to the Sicilians therefore by Virgil called Segifera In Eleusis a City of Artica she had divine worship because she there taught plantation and agriculture and of that place had the name of ●lusina she was honoured in the mount Aetna in Aeona and Catana two Cities of Cicily From whence as Claudian ●●lates she had the name of Aetnaea Aennaea and Catanensis the like doth Selius c. Lactantius reports that into these her Temples erected in these Cities it was not lawfull ●o any man to enter The manner of the rights among the Philagenses were that no sacrifices should be slain only the fruits of planted trees Honycombs and new shorn wool were laid upon the Altar and sprinkled with sweet oile and were set a fire burnt and offered these Customes were privately and publickly observed yearly as Pausanias left recorded The Argives sacrifice to this goddesse by the name of Ceres Clithonia upon certain set daies in the Summer after this manner Their sacrificial pomp is attended by the chiefe Magistrats of the City after which company the women and children next followed the boies all in white robes with chaplers about their browes of Hyacinthes interwoven and in the lag end of the same troop were driven a certain number of faire and goodly Oxen but bound in the strict bands and drag'd towards the Temple being thither come one of these beasts with his cords loosed was driven in the rest of the people standing without the gates and looking on who no sooner see him entred but shut the gates upon him within the Temple are four old women Priests with hatches and knives by whom he is slain and one of them hath by lot the office to cut off the head of the sacrifice This done the doors are againe set open and the rest one by one forc'd in and so in order by the same women slain and offered In a book of the scituation of Sicily composed by Cl. Marius Aretius a Patritian and of Syracula Intituled Charographia Siciliae In the City Aenna saith he as Strabo consenting with him were born Ceres and her daughter Libera whom some call Proscrpina From which place she was rapt and therefore is this City to her sacred Neer to this City is a river of an infinite depth whose mouth lieth towards the North from whence it is said Dis or Pluto with his chariot made ascent and hurrying the virgin thence to have penetrated the earth againe not far from Syracusa This is that most ancient Ceres whom not Sicilia only but all other nations whatsoever celebrated Most certain it is that she was Queen of the Sicilians and gave them lawes taught them the use of ●illage and husbandry and that her daughter Libera was transported thither by O●cus or Dis King of the Molossians In her Temple part of which not many years since was standing were two statues of Marble one sacred to her another to Proserpina another of brasse beautifull and faire but wondrous ancient At the entrance into the Church in an open place without were two other faire portraictures one of her another of Triptolemus large and of exquisite workmanship In Ceres right hand was the image of victory most curiously forged This History with many other is with much nimble and dextrous with fabulated by Ovid to whose Metamorphosis I refer you In Ceres is figured to us an exhortation to all men to be carefull in the manuring and ●illing of the earth since Ceres is taken for the Earth the treasuress of all riches whatsoever and just is that usury and commendable which ariseth from thence for the fertility that growes that way is begot by the temperature of the weather and the industry of mans labours She is therefore said to wander round about the earth and over the spacious Universe because of the obliquity of the sign-bearing circle and the progress of the Sun beneath that by which Summer is in some parts of the world at all seasons of the year and elsewhere when not here Besides from hence this morality may be collected No man unpunished can despise the gods for miseries are the hand-maids of dishonesty therefore of force a wicked and irreligions man is subject and incident to fall into many distresses and casualties therefore Piety towards heaven Wisdome in managing our affairs and Thri●●● 〈◊〉 in the disposing of our private fortunes me all requisite in an honest religious a parsimonious and well disposed man Proserpina THE daughter of Iupiter and Ceres she was honoured in Sicily of which Province she was called Sicula of whom Seneca thus speaks V●disti Siculae regna Proserpinae Hast thou seen the Kingdomes of Sicilian Proserpine She is likewise called by Lucan Ennaea of the City Enna Eloquar 〈◊〉 terrae sub pondere quae te Contineant Ennaea dapes Shall I 〈…〉 discover on what dainties thou seedest Beneath the huge waight of the Massie earth Many f●●les of Proserpina have been introduc'd for our better instruction by the ancient Poets which is onely to express to us the nature of the seeds and plants for Proserpina by whom is signified the Moon shining to us one halfe of the month and lying the other halfe in the arms of her husband Pluto that i● being halfe the year in Heaven and the other in Hell six months beneath 〈…〉 and as many above so is it 〈…〉 whose 〈◊〉 for six months space is by 〈…〉 cold forc'd and 〈◊〉 upword 〈…〉 and branches ag●ine by the extremity of the Winters upper cold it is compulsively driven back downward into the ●oot beneath the earth for so doth nature 〈◊〉 her power and vertue to all creatures and naturall b●dies whatsoever that th●● may observe a mutuality if I may tearm it so in their cooperation After the like manner i● the day sorted out for our labours and affairs the ●ight for our rest and repose So likewise in explicating the power of Luna or the Moon some call her the daughter of H●perion or the Sun because she being Corpus diaphanes that is a body christall●n like reflective glass transfers the light received from her father upon the earth to us for which cause
this is kept the perpetuall fire for the Etymology of Vesta is nothing else but Purus ignis i. pure Fire Some are of opinion that in that Temple are kept the remembrances of many both sacred and secret monuments some strange and unknown even to Priests and Virgins Some speak of two tuns of no great quantity the one continually shut the other open and empty some of the Virgins have reported that the Palladium that fell from Heaven and was received into Troy is there still to be seen The first Virgins appointed by Numa were foure Gegania Berenia Camilla Tarpeia two others were added by Servius Tullius Their vowes of virginity were unalterable for thirty years In the first ten yeares they were to learn the ceremonies and to be as ministers aud handmaids in the rest she was to govern and instruct others and the thirty years expired she had liberty if she pleased to marry If any of these Vestals had wantonly offended she was to be chastised by the Priest but such ●s were found incestuous were punished after this manner Being first bound she was laid upon a Beer like a coarse already deceased and so carried through the mid Forum to the port or gate called Collina for there betwixt two wals is the grave of the unchast Vestals still apparant there is a cave hollowed under the earth the descent is with a ladder by the mouth which is of no great widenesse in this vault is a bed ready prepared a light burning with bread milk and oile these things being all made ready for the purpose the delinquent is set down her hands loosed and her head covered the high Priest whispering certain secret things in her eare the other Priests turning their faces from her which is no sooner done but she is let down into the cavern earth thrown upon her the grave filled and she stifled alive and that day on which this execution is done there is a generall silence and sadnesse through the whole City Oppia SHe was one of the Vestall virgins who being taken in whordome and the fast manifestly proved she was convented convicted and had her doom to be buried alive Upon whom Strozza filius inscribed this Epitaph Vestalis virgo laesi damnata pudoris Contegor hoc vivens Oppia sub tumulo I Oppia once a Vestall that For sinne my judgement have Condemn'd for lust am living shut And covered in this grave Claudia There were two of that name as Livy in his 22 book reports who were addicted to the ceremonies of Vesta Fonteia was the sister of Marc. Fonteius who being a Prefect or Governour amongst the Gauls was accused before the Senate of injustice and misgovernment as transgressing the lawes and edicts of the Romans Marcia was a Vestall virgin and one that attended upon the sacred ceremonies she was condemned of incest and as Oppia was before her buried alive Minutia also a minister of Vesta's sacrifices who for her elegant feature and extraordinary beauty and withall because the costly ornaments with which she used to attire her selfe exceeded the precise custome of her Order she was brought within the suspition of lust and inchastity for which being call'd into question and not able legally to acquit quit her selfe she was brought within the compasse of the law and for her supposed offence had both the sentence and execution due to the like delinquents Justin in his 43. book commemorates this history Ae●eas after many tedious travels landing in Italy was by marrying Lavinia the daughter of King Latinus made partner with him in the Kingdome for which marriage war was commenc'd betwixt them two of the one party and Turnus King of the Rutilians on the other In which combustions Turnus being slain and Latinus yielding to Fate Aeneas both by the right of victory and succession became Lord of both the Kingdome and people erecting a City called Lavinium in remembrance of his wife Lavinia In processe he made warre against Mezentius King of the Etruscians whom having slaine Ascanius the son of Aeneas succeeded in the principality Ascanius leaving Lavinium built the City Alba which for three hundred years space was the Capitall City of that Kingdome After many descents the regall honours were conferred upon Numitor and Amulius These two Princes emulous of each others greatnesse Amulius the younger having opprest his brother Numitor surprised also his sole daughter Rhaea who was immediate heir to her fathers honours and regall dignities all which he covetous to ingrosse to himselfe and fearing withall left from her issue might in time descend some one that might punish his insolencies and revenge her and her fathers injuries devised with himselfe how to prevent both and fearing lest by putting her to death he might incur a generall hate amongst the people in whose love he was not as yet fully setled he apprehended as his safest course to shadow her wrong beneath a veile of honour and so caused her with a strict vow of virginity to be elected into the sacred service of Vesta Being thus confin'd into the grove celebrated to Mars whether begot by Mars himselfe as was then beleeved or otherwise adulterously conceived it is uncertain but she was delivered of two sons This being know to Amulius increased his fears who commanded the infants to be cast forth and Rhaea to be loaden with irons under whose severe sentence expiring she yielded to Fate The two children ready to perish were miraculously nursed by a she wolfe and after found by the shepherd Faustulus were by him brought up and called Remus and Romulus and so much of Rhaea Tranquillus and Cornelius Tacitus both of them remember one Rubria a Vestall virgin who was forceably defloured by Nero. Another whose name was Pompilia because by her inchastity she prophaned the sacred orders of Vesta was buried alive the same death for the like offence suffered Cornelia Floronea the Vestall was convicted of whoredome but she to prevent one death made choice of another For taking to her selfe a brave Roman spirit she with her own hands boldly slew her selfe Posthumia taxed for her too curious habit and gaudiness in attire as much transcending the custome of that more strict Order was suspected of Lust and accited before the Senate and there arraigned she wittily and nobly answered to whatsoever could be objected against her so that being found guiltlesse she was absolved by the sentence of the high Priest or Arch-Flammin Sextilia sped not so well as this Posthumia for she being suspected of inchastity and found culpable suffered according to the law made for the punishment of the like offenders The like suffered Tutia the Vestali for her unlawfull prostitution Plutarch in Gracchis in the Catalogue of these consecrated virgins numbers Licinia And Pliny relates that when Clodius the Emperor was in opposition with his wife Messalina that sink of lust and most incontinent
make themselves the authors of many things and so they are indeed of mischiefs often of good things never The Croesians and the Pirrhians make it most apparant with what deceiving cunning he hath shadowed the ambiguities of his O●acles No question but the devill by the infallible prophesies of Esay and Daniel both which had lively and expresly deliueated the young man Alexander knew that this Alexander by subduing Darius should enjoy all Asia and transfer the Monarchy from the Babylonians to the Graecians The Prince thereof comming to the Delphian Oracle and of the Prophetesse demanding the success that should follow his intended expeditions she of long time made him no answer but he not so satisfied by intreaties menacies and all manner of importunities at length wrested from her these few words Invictus eris Alexander Oh Alexander thou shalt be invincible which words had they failed in the successe of his wars yet had a shadow of truth in that his urgence overcame the silence of the Oracle After trajecting his army against the Persians divers Prodigies appeared at his entrance into Asia the statue of Orpheus was seen to sweet in his conflict with Darius an Eagle was still visibly seen soaring and hovering over his head and as it were menacing the enemy these were no question the mockeries of the devill to avert the opinions of such as gave not much credit to the superstitions of these vaine Auguries and to the firmer establishment of his own kingdome He knew before out of the Prophesies of Esay That Tyrus should be destroied by the Macedonians for so saith the Prophet The burden of Tyrus howle ye ships of Tarshish for it is destroi'd so that there is no house none shall come from the land of Chitrim it is revealed unto them This land Cethim many hold to be Macedonia for after that dialect the Macedonians are called by Homer Others by Cethim interpret the land of the Cyprians Now when after the defeat and utter subversion of Darius Alexander had invested his army before Tyrus the devill by Oracle forewarned one of the prime Citizens That Apollo would instantly forsake the City that the event answering the prediction might the more firmly establish the confidence setled upon these false Idols To this purpose makes that of the Pythian damsel in the Acts of the Apostles thus saith the Text And it came to passe as we went to prayer a certaine maid having a spirit of divination met us which gat her master much vantage with divining she followed Paul and us and cryed saying these men are the servants of the most high God which shew unto you the way of salvation and thus did she many daies Here we see the devill confesseth the truth but not with the intent to move the people to give beliefe to his doctrines For that appears by the sequell For when Paul grieved turned about and said to the spirit I command thee in the name of Jesus that thou come out of h●r and be came out the same hour For instantly followes the innate malice of the devill for when her masters saw the hope of their gaine was gone they caught Paul and Silas and drew them into the market place unto the Magistrates c. The devill prosecuting his hate against them even to false accusations beating with rods and imprisonment This argument I will end with one historicall discourse Johannes Wyerius in his first book De praest Daemon tels us that upon a time mention being made of Hector and Achilles before the Emperour Maximilian in his imperiall pallace one of his chiefe nobility and a prime Counseller of State among the rest began to speak most affectionately in their p●●●se extolling their actions strength and valour in that high measure that the Emperor was most desirous if it were possible to behold them in their true effigies and portraiture A Magician at the same time lived about the Court who boasted so much of his skill that he profest himselfe able to accomplish the desires of the Emperor and that without danger or prejudice to any this comming to the eares of the Emperor he was sent for and commanded to shew some testimony of his art The Magician in hope of reward and promise of silence free from all interruption undertakes it and moreover to secure the spectators from danger when placing the Emperour in his regall throne he cast about the same a wide and spatious circle that done he mumbles certaine unknown words to himselfe which he seemed to read out of a small book of characters which he drew out of his pocket This was no sooner done but Hector beats at the door with such violence that at the terrour of the stroaks the whole pallace seemed to tremble the door being opened Hector enters armed Cap a pe in a helmet plumed his target upon his arme and in his right hand a long mighty speare headed with brasse who thus accoutred with terrible and flaming eies looks round about the room his stature much larger then any that hath lived in our latter daies At another door first knocks then enters Achilles with the like majestick gate compleatly armed with an austere and menacing brow beholding Hector shaking and charging his spear against him as if he instantly purposed to invade him These two after honour done unto Caesar having gone on and returned back three times upon the instant vanisht This act being past next enters on the stage King David his head crowned with a rich diadem and ado●ned with all Kingly magnificence playing upon his harp but his aspect more plausible and his countenance more amiable then the former he likewise three severall times past by the Emperor still sitting in his throne but without any reverence done to his person at all and so likewise vanisht The Magician being asked by the Emperour Why of the rest David had only denied to do him honour he presently answered That all Kingdomes to the Kingdome of David must submit themselves because Christ himselfe came of his stock and linage Thus we see how the devill is never without Scripture in his mouth though blasphemy and execration in his heart Besides these kind of Diviners there are such as are called Sortiligae and these predict by lots and that after sundry maners of which I will instance one only They make a round circle and divide it into four and twenty equall distances according to the number of the Greek alphabet every space having the character of one of these letters upon which they put a graine of wheat or barley then is put forth a Cock kept for the purpose and by those grains that he picks up from the letters they make their conjectures Valens the Emperour much perplexed in his mind about the succession in the Empire retired himselfe to this kind of Augury when the letters and the grains being placed as is aforesaid the vaticinating Cock called Alectiomantious was turned out who
appeared in the eies of all men the fairest of women especially in the Kings much surprised with her extraordinary beauty still perswading her to raze out the memory of Cyrus dead and in his room to admit of Artaxerxes living which slowly and at length though late he obtained respecting her above all other his wives and concubines Soon after his Eunuch Toridates died more then a child and scarce full man the most beautifull youth in Asia and of the King the most beloved who so much lamented his death that all the pricipalities and nations under him seemed to participate of his griefe yet none that durst be so bold as to come into his presence or minister to him any words of comfort Three daies being past in these lamentations and sorrowes Aspasia in a funerall habit and with her eies fixt upon the earth appeared before the King who no sooner espied her demanded the cause of her comming To comfort thee said she O King if thou beest so pleased else to return to the place of sorrow from whence I came At which seeming to rejoice the King intreated her to her chamber whither he would presently repaire to whom she obeied And having put on a robe of the Eunuchs so much bewailed and in that casting her selfe upon her bed she gave the King such content that he commanded her till the daies of mourning were past never to appear to him but in that habit she more prevailing with him then all his Princes wives subjects and servants about him stil living in his most especiall grace and favour And so far Aelianua The Matrons of Lacedemon in all battel 's sought against the common enemy as many of their husbands sons or allies as they found slain they used to search what wounds they had about them if the greater number were in the face or breast with great joy and solemnity they bore them to be intombed in the monuments of their ancestors but it on the contrary those on their backs exceeded the number of the former surprised with shame and sorrow they either left them to the common buriall or gave them such private interment as if they wisht their memories to have perisht with their bodies This history Aelianus in his twelfth book records This discourse for the rarenesse of it I hold not impertinent to insert amongst the women most illustrious Chares Mitylenus in his tenth book of Histories thus writes Zariadres the younger brother of Hystaspes both of them being so naturally beautifull that they were said to be the sons of Adonis and Venus The elder reigned in the lower parts of Media the junior kept his principality in the higher Countrie as farre as the river Tanais not many leagues distant from thence there lived the King Homartes who had one onely daughter called Oda●●s whom as divers authors affirm seemed in a dream to have seen this Zariadres and of his person to be much enamoured The liek in a vision hapning to him insomuch that he was ardently affected to her whom as yet he had never seen This Oda●●● was the fairest Princesse in that time living in Asia and Zariadres no whit to her inferior who sent to the King Homartes to demand her in marriage he would by no 〈◊〉 yeeld to the motion because not having any ●ale issue he was ●oth to transfer the succession of 〈◊〉 Kingdome upon a stranger purposing rather to bestow her 〈…〉 Prince of his Countrie though a subject Not long 〈◊〉 caused to be assembled all the Friends 〈…〉 and Gentry of his land inviting them to his daugh●●●s 〈◊〉 but not yet knowing or having 〈…〉 on whom to confer her His subject 〈◊〉 assembled he invited them all to a solemn and high Priest 〈…〉 having called his daughter in the hearing of all his gueste 〈…〉 bespake 〈◊〉 We are now ● Prince●ly daughter 〈…〉 thy nuptials take therefore this golden 〈…〉 with rich Greekish wine and having throughly and advisedly perused all this Noble 〈◊〉 to 〈…〉 shal● 〈…〉 to drink he is undoubtedly thy husband 〈◊〉 having viewed and reviewed them all and 〈…〉 like that person presented to her in her 〈…〉 some few daies respite which 〈…〉 word to Zariadres bow her affairs stood 〈…〉 her marriage and withall much 〈…〉 in his army neer 〈…〉 conceived himselfe 〈…〉 or auend●nt saving 〈…〉 into the City of 〈◊〉 having 〈…〉 this done 〈…〉 his Chariot and driver and withall 〈…〉 he came to the place where this marriage was to be celebrated and 〈◊〉 in amongst the rest he behold the beautifull 〈…〉 countenance and tempering her draught with all 〈◊〉 unwilling hand to whom approching more 〈◊〉 he thus whispered Behold Odatis thy 〈…〉 for whom didst lately send ready to do thee all service She casting an advised eie upon him and receiving him to be a stranger beautifull and in all semblance so like the person of whom she had dreamt in a great extasie of joy drank to him and gave him the cup and whilst ●●●rest were amazed at the novel he snatcht her up and carried her where his Chariot stood ready and so transported her into Media This their love was so famous amongst the barbarous people that the history was portraied in all their Palaces and Temples nay even in their private houses many of the Nobility in memory of her calling their daughters by the name of Odatis 〈◊〉 the Tyrant banisht D●on out of Sicily taking into his own custodie the exiles wife Aristomache and her daughter but after at the great intercession of one of his servants Polycrates ● man by him much affected he compelled the Lady who still lamented the absence of her Lord 〈…〉 second marriage with this Polycrates who was by 〈…〉 But D●on having gathered fresh forces and expelling Dionysius from Syracusa unto the Locrenses 〈◊〉 his sister meeting him and congratulating his famous victory made intercession for Aristomache who with great shame had kept her selfe from the presence of her first husband not daring to look him in the face howsoever her second nuptials were made by force and compulsion But the necessity of the cause the wondrous submission and modest excuse of Aristomache together with the mediation of Arete so much he prevailed with Dion all confirming her innocence that he received his wife and daughter into his family still continuing their former love and society Hippo a woman of Greece travelling by sea with her husband and being surprised by Pirats finding the chiefe of them to be enamoured of her beauty rather then yield to his lustfull desires she voluntarily threw her selfe into the sea and was drowned leaving behind her a remarkable president of chastity her body was driven upon Ericheon or as some will have it the Erythrean shore in memory of whom a sacred monument was raised which was many years after yearly celebrated with many condign honours Valer. Max. lib. 7. cap. 1. Chiomara of whom Livius Frontinus Florus and others have written was the
presenting himselfe to the block it hapned on that time that he had a rich and precious garment of purple embroidered with gold of which the executioner being greedy and carefull to keep it from blood thereby to make the better sale of it he spent so much time this and that way not for the prisoners case but for his own advantage till the messengers appeared from the King and called aloud to make stay of justice by which means Bepolitanus his garment was as much beneficiall to his life as the Kings mercy and covetousnesse that hath been the destruction of many was the means of his unexpected safety The executioner in his greedinesse making good the old English Adage All covet all loose To leave circumstances and come to the matter The body of Toredorix was cast out and by the Kings edict denied all rites of buriall with a grievous penalty imposed upon any such as should contradict the Kings writ This notwithstanding dismaied not a faire Pergamaean damosell with whom Toredorix had been in familiarity to accomplish the vowed office of a lover and a friend who in the night watched the opportunity to take thence the body and bestow on it a fair interment but being taken by the souldiers in the performance of this last memorable duty and brought before the Tyrant either her beauty so much moved him or her rears so far prevailed with him as that his body was not only left freely to her dispose but to recompence her love and loialty she had a fair and competent dower allotted her out of the lands and goods of the trespasser Stratonica OF Stratonica Galatia may boast as breeding a Lady scarce marchable before her time or since in her condition she being the wife of King Deiotarus and barren and knowing how desirous her husband was to have issue from his own ●o●ns to succeed in the Kingdome sollicited him and that with great importance to select some beautifull Lady whom he best fancied and by her to raise his posterity which the King overcome with so unexpected a curtesie and therefore unwilling to wrong her bed refusing she of her own accord out of many captive virgins chused one who seemed to excell all the rest in feature and modesty and suiting her in all respects like a Princesse presented her to the King as a jewell to be received from her hand This virgins name was El●ctra by whom Deiotatarus had faire and fortunate issue to whom Stratonica was a second mother and saw them educated with as much magnificence and state as if they had been born of her body and she given them suck from her own brests Her example is memorable but since her time by few that I can read of imitated Valeria and Cloelia TArquinius Superbus being expulsed the Kingdome because his sonne Sextus had stuprated the faire Lucretia wife to Collatine to reobtaine his principality he insinuated unto his aid Porsenna King of the Tuscans These with an infinite army besieged Rome insomuch that the Citizens were not only wearied with long war but opprest with famine therefore knowing Porsenna as well in war as peace to be a Prince eminent both for justice and humanity they made choice of him to arbitrate and determine all controversies betwixt Tarquin and them This motion being offered by the Romans Tarquin refused to stand to any such comprimise not allowing Porsenna a lawfull judge in regard of their late league commenced This Porsenna not well relishing treated with the Romans about a peace conditionally that they should restore back certain lands before taken from the Etruscians and of them put him in peaceable possession and till this were performed to send him ten young men and as many virgins of the noblest families for hostage which was accordingly done and he dismist his army These virgins walking by the river side which parted Camp and City for though he had sent away the greatest part of his army he had not yet raised his Tents two of the chiefe the one Cloelia the other Valeria daughter to the Consul Publicola perswaded the rest and by perswading so far prevailed that they were all resolved to passe the River when st●ipping themselves naked and holding as well as they conveniently could their cloaths above their heads they ventured over that unknown passage full of whirlpools and whe●e there was no stedfast footing and what by wading and swimming to all mens wonders got safe to shore and presented themselves to their fathers and friends who though they admired their boldnesse and commended their resolutions yet disallowing the act it selfe as those that in their faith and honour would not be outbid by any they sent them back to King Porsenna and submitted their rashnesse to be punished at his pleasure These Virgins being presented before him he demanded of them Which she was that first animated and encouraged the rest to so rash and dangerous an enterprize When Cloelia beckning to the rest to silence took all the injury contempt or whatsoever they pleased to call it upon her selfe protesting the rest innocent and she of what would be objected the sole author Porsenna observing and withall admiring her undanted courage caused presently a horse furnished with trappings to be brought which he gave to Cloelia in recompence of her magnanimous attempt sending them all in his regall curtesie back to their friends and parents Upon this horse given to Cloelia by Porsenna some have grounded that she first past the river on horseback sounding the way for the rest which others denie only that the King thought to gratifie her manly courage with the meed of a souldier Her statue on horseback is erected in Via sacra this some confer upon Cloelia others on Valeria Olympias ALexander having caused himselfe to be called the son of Jupiter writ to his mother in this manner King Alexander the son of Jupiter Hamon to his mother Olympias sends health to whom with great modesty she thus rescribed Dear son as you love me instead of doing me honour proclaim not my dishonour neither accuse me before Juno besides it is a great as persion you cast upon me to make me a strumpet though to Jupiter himselfe A great moderation in a woman who for no swelling title or vaine oftentation could be won to lose the honour to be called a loyall and chast wise Troades AMongst those frighted Trojans that fled from the fearfull ruines of subverted Troy some by the violence of outragious tempests were driven upon the coasts of Italy where landing at certain Ports neer to the river Tygris they made up into the Countrie the better to acquaint themselves with the conditions of those places In which interim the women began to apprehend that they had better far to take up an abiding place in any land then again to commit themselves to the mercilesse furie of the seas Wherefore with one joint consent they agreed to make that their fixed habitation seeing all hope of
the poor The King upon Holy-Rood day was released and besieged the Empresse in the City of Oxford from Michelmas day to mid winter where being oppressed with famine she took the advantage of the Frost and Snow and attiring her selfe all in white escaped over the Fens and came to the Castle of Wallingford And so much shall suffice to expresse the magnanimity and warlike dispositions of two noble and heroick English Ladies A French Lady comes now in my way of whom I wil give you a short character In the minority of Henry the sixt when France which was once in his entire possession was there governed by our English Regents the famous Duke of Bedsord and others Charls the Dolphin stiled after by the name of Charls the seventh being a Lord without land yet at that time maintaining what hostility he was able whilst the English forraged through France at their will and commanded in all places at their own pleasure the French in utter despaire of shaking oft the English yoke there arose in those desperate times one Joane Are the daughter of James Are and his wife Isabel born in D●mprin This James was by profession a Shepherd and none of the richest Joane whom the French afterwards called Joane de Pucil whilst she was a young maid and kept her fathers sheep would report to divers That our blessed Lady S. Agnes and S. Katharine had appear'd unto her and told her that by her means France should regain her pristine liberty and cast off the yoke of English servitude This comming to the eare of one Peter Bradicourt an eminent Captain then belonging to Charls the Dolphin he used means that she should be sent to have conference with his master who sojourned then in Chynon in his lowest of dejection and despair of hope supply or comfort In her journie thither she came to a Town called Faire-bois where taking up her Inne a place which she had never before seen she desired a souldier to goe to a secret by-corner where was a heap of old iron and from thence to bring her a sword The souldier went according to her direction and searching the place amidst a great quantity of old tongs shovels hand irons and broken horse shooes found a faire bright sword with five Flower-Deluces upon either side engraven This sword with which she after committed many slaughters upon the English she girt to her and so proceeded to Chynon to give the Dolphin meeting Being there arrived Charls concealed himself amongst many others whilst he was brought into a faire long gallery where he had appointed another to take his place and to assume his person she looking upon him gave him neither respect nor reverence but sought out Charls among all the other in that assembly and pickt him from amongst the rest to whom making a low obeisance she told him that to him only was her businesse The Dolphin at this was amazed the rather because she had never before seen him and was somewhat comforted by reason that she shewed chear and alacrity in her countenance they had together long and private conference and shortly after she had an army given him to be disposed and directed by her She then bespake her selfe armor Cap a Pe bearing a white Ensign displaid before her in which was pourtraied the picture of the Saviour of the world with a Flower-de-luce in his hand and so marched to O●leance Her first exploit was fortunately to raise the siege and ●elieve the Town From thence she passed to Reams took the City and caused the Dolphin there to proclaim himselfe King and take upon him the Crown of France She after took Jargueux a strong Town and in it the Earl of 〈◊〉 with many other brave English Gentlemen She ●ought the great battell of Pathay with good successe in which were taken prisoners the Lord Talbot the scourge and terror of the French Nation the Lord Scales the Lord Hungerford with many others both of name and quality she took in Benveele Mehun Trois and divers other Towns of great import and consequence at length in a ca●●●ado or skirmish she was taken prisoner by Sir John of Entenburch a Burgonian Captain and sent to Roan The French Chronicles affirm that the morning before she was surprized she took the Sacrament and comming from Church told to divers that were about her that she was betraid her life sold and should shortly after be delivered up unto a violent death For Sir John gave a great sum of monie to betray her The English comming to invest themselves before Mondidier Joan was advised to issue out by Fla●y and skirmish with them who was no sooner out but he shut the gates upon her being taken she was sent to Peter Bishop of Bevoise who condemned her to the fire for a forceres●e which judgement was accordingly executed upon her in Roan in the Market place Twenty six years after Charls the King for a great sum of monie procured an annihilation of the first sentence from the Pope in which she was proclaimed a Vi●ago inspired with divine instinct in memory of whose vertuous life and unjust death he caused a faire crosse to be erected just in the place where her body was burned I return again to the English F●b●an and Harding speak of Emma sister to the Norman Duke called Richard who for her extraordinary beauty was called The flower of Normandy she was married to E●hel●ed King of England By 〈◊〉 heroick spirit and masculine instigation the King seat to all parts of the Kingdome secret and strict commissions That upon a day and hour assigned all these Danes which had usurped in the Land and used great cruelty should be slaughtered which at her behest and the Kings command was accordingly performed which though it after proved ominous and was the cause of much misery and mischiefe yet it shewed in her a noble and notable resolution O● Queen Margaret the wi●e of Henry the sixt her courage resolution and magnanimity to speak at large would ask a Volume rather then a compendious discourse to which I am strictly tied And therefore whosoever is desirous to be further instructed in the successe of those many battels fought against the house of York in which she was personally present I refer them to our English Chronicles that are not sparing in commending her more then woma●ish spirit to everlasting memory With her therefore I conclude my female Martialists And now me thinks I am come where I would be and that is amongst you faire ones Of faire Women IT is reported of a King that for many yeers had no issue and desirous to have an heire of his own blood and begetting to succeed in the throne upon his earnest supplication to the divine powers he was blessed with a faire son both of beauty and hope And now being possessed of what he so much desired his second care was to see him so educated that he might have as much comfort
part of it may at this day be seen as an antient Monument in the Castle of Dover Saturn made Money of Brasse with inscriptions thereon but Numa was the first that coined Silver and caused his name to be engraven thereon for which it still retains the name in the Roman Tongue and is called Nummus Aspasia was a Milesian Damosel and the beloved o● Pericles she was abundantly skilled in Philosophicall studies she was likewise a fluent Rhetorician Plutarchus in Pericles Socrates imitated her in his Facultas Politica as likewise D●otima whom he blushed not to call his Tutresse and Instructresse Of Lasthenea Mantinea Axiothaea and Phliasia Plato's scholers in Philosophy I have before given a short Character Themiste was the wife of Leonteius Lampsucenus and with her husband was the frequent Auditor of Epicurus of whom Lactantius saith That save her none of the Ancient Philosophers ever instructed any woman in that study save that one Themiste Arete was the wife of Aristippus the Philosopher and attained to that perfection of knowledge that she instructed her son in all the liberall Arts by whose industry he grew to be a famous professor He was called Aristippus and she surnamed Cyrenaica She followed the opinions of that Aristippus who was father to Socrates She after the death of her father erected a School of Philosophy where she commonly read to a full and frequent Auditory Genebria was a woman of Verona she lived in the time of Pius the second Bishop of Rome Her works purchased for her a name immortal She composed many smooth and eloquent Epistles polished both with high conceits and judgement she pronounced with a sharp and loud voice a becomming gesture and a facundious suavity Agallis Corcyrua was illustrious in the Art of Grammar Caelius ascribes unto her the first invention of the play at Ball. Leontium was a Grecian Damosel whom Gallius cals a strumpet she was so well seen in Philosophicall contemplations that she feared not to write a worthy book against the much worthy Theophrastus Plin. in Prolog Nat. Hist Cicero lib. de Natur. Deorum Dama the daughter of Pythagoras imitated the steps of her father as likewise his wife Theano her husband the mother and the daughter both proving excellent scholars Laert. Themistoclea the sister of Pythagoras was so practised a studient that in many of his works as he himselfe confesseth he hath implored her advice and judgement Istrina Queen of Scythia and wife to King Aripithes instructed her son Sythes in the Greek Tongue as witnesseth Herodotus Plutarch in Pericte saith That Thargelia was a woman whom Philosophy solely illustrated as likewise Hyparchia Greca Laert. Cornelia was the wife of Africanus and mother to the noble family of the Gracchi who left behind her certain Epistles most elaborately learned From her as from a fountain 〈◊〉 the innate eloquence of her children therefore Quintil. thus saith of her We are much bound to the Mother or Matron Cornelis for the eloquence of the Gracchi whose 〈…〉 learning in her exquisite Epistles she hath bequeathed to posterity The same Author speaking of the daughters of Laelius and Quint. Hortensius useth these words The daughters of Laelius is said in her phrase to have refined and excelled the eloquence of her father but the daughter of Q. Hortensius to have exceeded her Sex in honor So likewise the facundity of the two Lyciniaes flowed hereditarily from their Father L. Crassus as the two daughters of Mutia inherited the learning of either parent Fulvia the wife of M. Antonius was not instructed in womanish cares and offices but as Volater lib. 16. Antrop reports of her rather to direct Magistracies and govern Empires she was first the wife of Curio Statius Papinius was happy in a wife called Claudia excellent in all manner of learning Amalasuntha Queen of the Ostrogoths the daughter of Theodoricus King of those Ostrogoths in Italy was elaborately practised in the Greek and Latin Tongues she spake distinctly all the barbarous languages that were used in the Eastern Empires Fulgos lib. 8. cap. 7. Zenobia as Volateran speaks from Pollio was Queen of the Palmirians who after the death of Odenatus governed the Kingdome of Syria under the Roman Empire she was nominated amongst the thirty Tyrants and usurped in the time of Gallenus but after being vanquished in battel by the Emperor Aurelianus was led in triumph through Rome but by the clemency of that Prince she was granted a free Pallace scituate by the river of Tyber where she moderately and temperately demeaned her selfe she is reported to be of that chastity that she never enterteined her husband in the familiar society of her bed but for issues sake and procreation of children but not from the time that she found her conception till her delivery she used to be adored after the majestick state and reverence done to the great Sophies of Persia Being called to the hearing of any publick Oration she still appeared with her head armed and her helmet on in a purple mantle buckled upen her with rich jems she was of a clear and shril voice magnanimous and haughty in all her undertakings most expert in the Aegyptian and Greek Tongues and not without merit numbred amongst the most learned and wisest Queens Besides divers other works she composed the Orientall and Alexandrian History Hermolaus and Timolus her two sons in all manner of disciplines she liberally instructed of whose deaths it is not certain whether they died by the course of nature or by the violent hand of the Emperor Olympia Fulvia Morata was the ornament and glory of our later times the daughter of Fulv. Moratus Montuanus who was tutor in the Arts to Anna P●ince of Ferrara she was the wife of Andreas Gunthlerus a famous Physitian in Germany she writ many and elaborate works in either tongue at length in the year of our Lord 1555 in the month of October being of the age of twenty nine years she died of Hedelburgh Saint Helena may amongst these be here aptly registred for thus Stow Harding Fabian and all our modern Chroniclers report of her Constantius a great Roman Consul was sent into Britain to demand the tribute due unto Rome immediately after whose arivall before he could receive an answer of his Embassie Coil who was then King died therefore the Britains the better to establish their peace dealt with the Roman Embassador to take to wife Helena the daughter of the late deceased King a young Lady of an attractive beauty adorned with rare gifts and endowments of the Mind namely Learning and Vertue the motion was no sooner made but accepted so that Constantius having received the Brittish tribute returned with his new Bride to Rome and was after by the Senate constituted chiefe Ruler of this Kingdome After twenty years quiet and peacefull government which was thought her wisedome Constantius died and was buried at York in his time was S● Albon married at Verolam since called St. Albons as John
L●dgate Monk of Buty testifies who in English heroical verse compiled his History Constantius saith he the younger succeded his father Constantius as wel in the Kingdome of England as divers other Provinces a noble and valiant Prince whose mother was a woman religious and of great sanctimony this young Prince was born in Britain and proved so mighty in exploits of war that in time be purchased the name of Magnus and was stiled Constantine the Great a noble protector and defender of the true Christian Faith In the sixt year of his reign he came with a potent Army against Maxentius who with grievous tributes and exactions then vexed and oppressed the Romans and being upon his match he saw in a vision by night the sign of the Cross in the air like fire and an Angel by it thus saying Constantine in hoc signo vinces i. Constantine in this sign thou shalt conquer and overcome with which being greatly comforted he soon after invaded and defeated the army of Maxentius who flying from the battel was wretchedly drowned in the river Tiber. In this interim of his glorious victory Helena the mother of Constantine being on pilgrimage at Jerusalem there found the Crosse on which the Saviour of the world was crucified with the three nails on which his hands and feet were pierced Ranulphus amplifies this story of Helena somewhat larger after this manner That when Constantine had surprized Maxentius his mother was then in Brittain and hearing of the successe of so brave a conquest she sent him a letter with great thanks to heaven to congratulate so fair and wished a Fortune but not yet being truly instructed in the Christian Faith she commended him that he had forsaken idolatry but blamed him that he worshipped and beleeved in a man that had been nalled to the Cross The Emperor wrote again to his mother That she should instantly repair to Rome and bring with her the most learned Jewes and wisest Doctors of what faith or beleefe soever to hold disputation in their presence concerning the truth of Religion Helena brough with her to the number of seven score Jewes and others against whom Saint Silvester was only opposed In this controversie the misbeleevers were all nonplust and put to silence It hapned that a Jewish Cabalist among them spake certain words in the ear of a mad wild Bull that was broke loose run into the presence where they were then assembled those words were no sooner uttered but the beast sunk down without motion and instantly died at which accident the judges that sate to hear the disputation were all astonished as wondring by what power that was done To whom Silvester then spake What this man hath done is only by the power of the devil who can kil but not restore unto life but it is God only that can slay and make the same body revive again so Lyons and other wild beasts of the Forrest can wound and destroy but not make whole what is before by them perished then saith he if he will that I beleeve with him let him raise that beast to life in Gods name which he hath destroied in the devils name But the Jewish Doctor attempted it in vain when the rest turning to Silvester said If thou by any power in Heaven or Earth canst call back again the life of this beast which is now banished from his body we wil beleeve with thee in that Deity by whose power so great a miracle can be done Silvester accepted of their offer and falling devoutly on his knees made his praiers unto the Saviour of the world and presently the beast started up upon his feet by which Constantius was confirmed Helena converted al the Jews and other Pagan Doctors received the Christian Faith and were after baptized and after this and upon the same occasion Helena undertook to seek and find out the Cross Ambrose and others say she was an Inne-keepers daughter at Treverent in France and that the first Constantius travelling that way married her for her beauty but our Histories of Britain affirm her to be the fair chast and wise daughter of King Coil before remembred The perfections of the mind are much above the transitory gifts of Fortune much commendable in women and a dowry far transcending the riches of gold jewels Great Alexander refused the beautiful daughter of Darius who would have brought with her Kingdomes for her Dower and infinite treasures to boot and made choice of Barsine who brought nothing to espouse her with save her feature and that she was a scholer and though a Barbarian excellently perfect in the Greek tongue who though poor yet derived her pedigree from Kings And upon that ground Lycurgus instituted a Law That women should have no Dowers allotted them that men might rather acquire after their Vertues then their Riches and women likewise might the more laboriously imploy themselves in the attaining to the height of the best and noblest Disciplines It is an argument that cannot be too much amplified to encourage Vertue and discourage Vice to perswade both men and women to instruct their minds more carefully then they would adorn their bodies and strive to heap and accumulate the riches of the Soul rather then hunt after pomp Vain glory and the wretched wealth of the world the first being everlastingly permanent the last dayly and hourly subject to corruption and mutability Horace in his first Epistle to Mecaenas saith Vitius Argentum est Auro virtutibus Aurum Silver is more base and cheap then Gold and Gold then Vertue To encourage which in either Sex Plautus in Amphit thus saies Virtus praemium est optimum virtus omnibus Rebus anteit profecto c. Vertue 's the best reward and before all Justly to be preferr'd That which we call Liberty Life our Parents Children Wealth Our Country Reputation Honour Health By this are kept though by the bad despis'd All that is good in Vertue is compris'd Moreover all that are Noble Vertuous Learned Chast and Pious have their places allotted them above when on the contrary their souls are buried lower in the locall place of torment then their souls that are laid to sleep i● the grave At the blessednesse of the good and future glory assigned unto them Lucan most elegantly aimed at lib. 9. de bello Civili where he thus writes Ac non in Pharia manes jacuere favilla Nec cinis exiguus tantum compescuit umbram c. Which I thus English In th' Pharian flames the bright Soul doth not sleep Nor can so small a Dust and Ashes keep So great a Spirit it leaps out of the fire And leaving the halfe burnt menbers doth aspire And aims up to the place where Jove resides And with his power and wisdome all things guides For now no air his subtil passage bars To where the Axle-tree turns round the stars And in that vast and empty place which lies Betwixt us and the Moon the visible