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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18320 The execution of iustice in England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace, against certeine stirrers of sedition, and adherents to the traytors and enemies of the realme, without any persecution of them for questions of religion, as is falsely reported and published by the fautors and fosterers of their treasons xvii. Decemb. 1583. Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598. 1583 (1583) STC 4902; ESTC S104905 27,520 41

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therefore as there is no doubt but the like violent tyrannous proceedings by any Pope in maintenance of traitors and rebels would be withstoode by euery Soueraigne Prince in Christendome in defence of their persons and Crownes and maintenance of their subiectes in peace so is there at this present a like iust cause that the Emperours Maiestie with the Princes of the holy Empire and all other Soueraigne Kings and Princes in Christendome shoulde iudge the same to be lawfull for her Maiestie being a Queene and holding the very place of a King and a Prince soueraigne ouer diuers kingdomes and nations she being also most lawfully inuested in her Crowne and as for good gouerning of her people with such applause and generall allowance loued and obeyed of them sauing a few ragged Traitours or rebels or persons discontented whereof no other Realme is free as continually for these xxv yeeres past hath bene notably seene and so publiquely marked euen by strangers repairing into this Realme as it were no cause of disgrace to any Monarchie and King in Christendome to haue her Maiesties felicitie compared with any of theirs whatsoeuer and it may be there are many Kings and Princes coulde be well contented with the fruition of some proportion of her felicitie And though the Popes be nowe suffered by the Emperour in the landes of his owne peculiar patrimonie and by the two great Monarches the French King and the King of Spaine in their dominions and territories although by other Kings not so allowed to continue his authoritie in sundrie cases and his glorious title to be the vniuersall Bishop of the worlde which title Gregorie the great aboue nine hundreth yeeres past called a prophane title full of sacrilege and a preamble of Antichrist yet in all their dominions and kingdomes as also in the Realme of Englande most notably by many auncient Lawes it is well knowen howe many wayes the tyrannous power of this his excessiue authoritie hath bene and still is restrained checked and limitted by lawes and pragmatiques both ancient and newe a very large fielde for the Lawyers of those countreyes to walke in and discourse And howsoeuer the Popes Cannonistes being as his Bombarders doe make his excommunications and curses appeare fearefull to the multitude and simple people yet all great Emperours and Kings aforetime in their owne cases of their rightes and royall preeminences though the same concerned but a Citie or a poore Towne and sometime but the not allowance of some vnworthie person to a Bishopricke or to an Abbey neuer refrayned to despise all Popes curses or forces but attempted alwayes eyther by their swordes to compell them to desist from their furious actions or without any feare of them selues in body soule or conscience stoutly to withstande their curses and that sometime by force sometyme by Ordinances and Lawes the auncient hystories whereof are too many to be repeated and of none more frequent and effectual then of the kings of Fraunce But leauing those that are auncient we may remember howe in this our owne present or late age it hath bene manifestly seene howe the army of the late noble Emperour Charles the fift father to King Philippe that nowe reigneth was not afrayde of his curses when in the yeere of our Lorde 1527. Rome it selfe was besieged and sacked and the Pope then called Clement and his Cardinals to the nomber of about 33. in his mount Adrian or Castell S. Angelo taken prisoners and deteined seuen moneths or more and after ransomed by Don Vgo di Moncada a Spaniarde and the Marques of Grasto at aboue foure hundred M. duckates besides the ransomes of his Cardinals which was very great hauing not long before time bene also notwithstanding his curses besieged in the same Castell by the familie of the Colonies and their fautors his next neighbours being then Imperialistes and forced to yeelde to all their demaūds Neither did King Henry the seconde of Fraunce father to Henry nowe King of Fraunce about the yeere 1550. feare or regard y e Pope or his court of Rome whē he made seueral straight edictes against many partes of the Popes claymes in preiudice of the crowne clergie of Fraunce retracting the authoritie of the court of Rome greatly to the hinderance of the Popes former profites Neither was the army of king Philip nowe of Spaine whereof the Duke of Alua was generall stricken with any feare of cursing whē it was brought afore Rome against y e pope in the yeere of our Lord 1555. where great destruction was made by the said army and al the delicate buyldings gardens and orchardes next to Rome walles ouerthrowē wherewith his holinesse was more terrified then he was able to remoue with any his curses Neither was Queene Mary the Queenes Maiesties late sister a person not a litle deuoted to the Romane religion so afraid of the popes cursings but that both she and her whole counsel and that with the assent of all the Iudges of the realme according to the auncient lawes in fauour of Cardinall Poole her kinsman did forbid the entrie of his bulles and of a Cardinall hatte at Callis that was sent from the pope for one Frier peyto whome the pope had assigned to bee a Cardinall in disgrace of Cardinall Poole neither did Cardinall Poole himselfe at the same time obey the popes commandements nor shewed himselfe afraid being assisted by the Queene when the pope did threaten him with paine of excommunication but did still oppose himselfe against the popes commandement for the saide pretended Cardinall Peyto who notwithstanding all the threatninges of the pope was forced to goe vp and downe in the streetes of Londō like a begging Frier a stout resistāce in a Queene for a poore Cardinals hatte wherin she folowed the example of her Grandfather King Henrie the vii for a matter of Allum So as howsoeuer the christian kinges for some respectes in pollicie can indure the pope to commaunde where no harme nor disaduantage groweth to thēselues yet sure it is and the popes are not ignorant but where they shall in any sort attempt to take from christian princes any part of their dominions or shall giue ayde to their enemies or to any other their rebels in those cases their Bulles their curses their excommunications their sentences most solemne Anathematicals no nor their crosse keyes or double edged sword wil serue their turnes to compasse their intentions And now where the pope hath manifestly by his bulles and excommunications attempted asmuch as he could to depriue her Maiestie of her kingdomes to withdraw from her the obedience of her subiectes to procure rebellions in her realmes yea to make both rebellions and open warres with his owne captaines souldiers banners ensignes and all other things belonging to warre shal this pope or any other pope after him thinke y t a soueraigne Queene possessed of the two realmes of England Ireland stablished so many yeeres in