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A07350 The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoole masters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Bachelour of Diuinitie.; English catechisme Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1622 (1622) STC 17733; ESTC S100659 485,672 636

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fore-knowledge of God and against his disposing will it is not possible that wicked men and wicked Angels should do any thing But in this there is little comfort as to the gally-slaues of the Turkes being compelled to their taske the comfort onely is when from the heart willingly and chearefully Gods will is done namely his reuealed will and Law To doe Gods will Heb. 11.6 Esay 1. Now for this it is necessary that a man be first of this kingdome Without faith it is impossible to please God All duties done by the vnsanctified Iewes liuing in sinne are reiected as abominable Their new Moones their Sabbaths their incense their sacrifices without these a man cannot so much as thinke any thing pleasing vnto God 2. Cor. 3.5 euen as they that yeeld alleageance to the Pope or to the Turke or any enemy of our King cannot please him their lawfull Soueraigne how officious soeuer they bee So they in whom the power of darkenesse is not yet shaken off but are still through infidelity and the loue of sinne vnder the Prince of the ayre and not subiects of the kingoome of heauen cannot please God what duties soeuer they seeme to the world to performe with zeale and deuotion This then serueth first to shew vs the fountaine of all our goodnes the grace of God the mercy of our heauenly King who maketh vs able to serue him and crowneth our seruice with glory t●at for no seruice which wee doe we presume to challenge ought at his hands as the merit of our worke but reiect this as Popish arrogancy and acknowledge when wee haue done al that we can we are vnprofitable seruants which is Christian simplicitie 2. Not to rest in any outward act or duty which we doe but labour for true faith for hearts rightly seasoned as hearts of the subiects of his kingdome otherwise it is lost labour whatsoeuer we doe in vaine are ye iust mercifull or deuout vnlesse the seruice of Satan be in heart renounced vnlesse there be faith purging inwardly 2. The Kingdome of God For the sense of the words Thy kingdome the obiect of this desire is first to bee considered and then the act let it come Gods kingdome is the rule that hee doth exercise ouer his creatures and is generall ouer all and speciall ouer the elect Generally his kingdome doth comprehend the whole world with all things therein which he ruleth and gouerneth by his prouidence making one to be for the preseruation or punishment of the other thus vpholding things in order euer since the first creation Psal 48.2 Psal 93.1 In this sense God is called by the Psalmist the great King and God is King be the Heathen neuer so impatient and againe the Lord reigneth c. and vnto his First-borne Christ the Heathen are giuen for inheritance Psal 2. and the vttermost ends of the earth for a possession Specially Gods Kingdome is ouer the Church howsoeuer dispersed into many places yet making but one Kingdome and this Kingdome is partly in Heauen partly vpon earth till the last great day when in Heauen onely it shall flourish That part of his Kingdome which is vpon earth is the whole multitude of all such people as outwardly embrace the Christian religion though many be prophane or hypocrites and this part is called the Kingdome of Heauen Matth. 13. both in the Parable of the Sower of the Draw-net and of the Field wherein the enuious man sowed tares c. Wicked men being for a time mixt amongst the godly but at the last day to bee seuered and singled out and left the godly onely being taken and this is Gods speciall outward Kingdome which in speciall manner he defend●th from Infidels holding vp the Scepter of his Word and giuing them lawes whereby to be gouerned Now besides this there is an inward spirituall Kingdome of God which is ouer all those in whose hearts these lawes are written to doe them and the holy Spirit ruleth and beareth sway and happy is that man which is thus of his Kingdome for when Christ did highly extoll Iohn the Baptist saying that a greater then he was not borne of women hee affirmeth yet that the least in the Kingdome of Heauen is greater then hee the least of those that are inwardly called greater then hee by his most excellent office euen as they which doe the will of God in Heauen are more then mother brethren and sisters of Christ then Mary as shee was dignified to be his mother according to the flesh That part of the Kingdome which is really in Heauen consisteth of Angels and Saints and is imperfect till the last day when in a more speciall manner the Kingdome shall bee deliuerd vp to God the Father that he may bee all in all 1. Cor. 15.24 And thus much for the meaning of the obiect The act Let it come This is first of the generall Kingdome whereby the world is most prouidently ruled let it stand let wickednesse be punished and godlinesse rewarded 1. The Kingdome of grace commeth by foure degrees Secondly of the speciall Kingdome the comming whereof is in foure degrees 1. Let it be erected where it is not send thy word send Labourers to worke in thy haruest let thy Word sound to all parts of the earth to the Iew to the Turke to Infidels in all places plant a Church there this specially is the praying for al men vnto which Saint Paul exhorteth that the Gospell may shine amongst them that it may shine to their hearts who are yet in darknesse 2. Let it be confirmed and continued where it is let it not be abolished by persecution corrupted by heresie vanish by hypocrisie or degenerate and grow into the contrarie by prophanenesse 3. Let it be restored where it is decaied or corrupted in doctrine or manners restore such as are falne by weaknesse purge the errours of such as are seduced 4. Let it be perfected made compleat by hastening the marriage day wherein the new Ierusalem may bee in all points as a Bride trimmed for her husband which shall onely bee at the last day when death and the Deuill and euerie enemie shall be destroyed and God alone shall absolutely raigne ouer his people guiding them in and out euerlastingly and communicating his heauenly most glorious Kingdome vnto them 3. For the scope The supplication is 2. The scope of the words 1. For Gods generall Kingdome not that it shall faile whilst the world endureth bur because it is Gods will that we should pray for such things as make for his glory wee are directed to aske here the exercising of Gods soueraigntie and dominion ouer the world whereby his power wisedome and goodnesse may appeare to the sonnes of men of the great creatures the irrationall the Heauens Earth and Seas being still contained in their proper places properties and operations of the rationall the obstinate and rebellious being by his iust iudgement punished and the
rather no paines taken hereabout for he spake but the Word and all was made he did but say of euery thing let it be and it was so Thirdly in regard of the instruments and tooles vsed which were likewise none Fourthly in regard of the time all things were finished in six dayes not that the Lord needed this time for he could haue made all in an instant but partly that we might enter into a more distinct and particular consideration of all his glorious works to set forth his praise partly that his prouident care ouer man might appeare for that hee prepared all things fit for him before his creation to stirre vp the greater care of his glory in man partly to make knowne his soueraigne power ouer all creatures when as hee caused light to bee without Sun Moone or Starres trees plants to growe without the influence of these heauenly bodies shewing hereby that howsoeuer he doth vse meanes ordinarily yet hee is not tyed hereunto but can and will if it please him worke all things without meanes that wee might learne to relye vpon his helpe when we are destitute of all meanes of comfort and lastly to giue example of labouring in our callings the sixe dayes and sanctifying a rest vpon the seuenth Thirdly that he is a Father by adoption is testifyed where it is saide Of his owne will begat he vs with the word of truth and in that of Iohn Jam 1.18 Those that are borne of God sinne not neither can they 1. Ioh. 3.9 for his seede is in them Now to whom he is thus a Father is declared in the words following Herein are the children of God knowne and the children of the Diuell viz. in that the one sort commits not sin the other doth iniquitie that is willingly and wilfully Fourthly that he is able to doe all things himselfe witnesseth to Abraham saying I am God alsufficient and where he saith Gen. 17.1 Reuel 1.8 Luk 3 7. I am the beginning and the end which is which was and which is to come euen the Almighty Yea he cannot onely doe such things as he doth but whatsoeuer else He can out of stones raise vp children to Abraham he is able to make many worlds Fiftly that hee is the Lord and gouernour of the world and the preseruer of all things created yea that the smallest matters are vnder his prouidence hath beene already shewed before in the description of God And moreouer Psal 104. the Prophet Dauid is much in setting forth the same how he prouides for things both heauenly and earthly both for man and beast and the Lord himselfe in the booke of Iob. Job 39.40 Proofe Wherefore that of the Poet is false and absurd Non vacat exiguis rebus adesse loui Sixtly and lastly that I may come to the proofe of that which was first said and first that all these things are to be knowne particularly and all the articles of our faith Ioh. 17.3 This is life eternall to knowe thee to be the very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ and againe Esay 53.11 By his knowledge shall my righteous seruant iustifie many from whence with many like places it is directly to bee inferred that I must study for a particular knowledge of God and of Iesus Christ and not rest satisfied with an implicit faith beleeuing as the Church beleeueth without knowing what as their teaching is in the Church of Rome at this day though Thomas Aquinns and others not long since haue taught it to bee necessary to knowe all the articles of the Christian faith and onely in other more mysticall points to hold as the Church holdeth without prying into them Ob. The Apostles had a true faith without this distinct knowledge for they knewe not how the redemption of man was to be wrought they were ignorant of Christs spirituall and heauenly kingdome euen after the resurrection in like manner Rahab who was saued by faith knewe onely that the God of Israel was most mighty and aboue all other Gods Sol. I answere and so questionles many more haue beene saued without the distinct knowledge of these things when either for want of meanes or through weaknesse of conceit they haue beene vncapable hereof But note that euer where true faith is there is striuing after the increase of knowledge as in the Disciples who were euer attending to their masters Sermons and questioning with him Master what meaneth this parable and good master teach vs to pray c. Secondly that these things are particularly to be beleeued by euery of the faithfull and without wauering by reason of their weakenesse though as hath beene said the infirmity of our faith attaines not vnto this at all times is the rather to be confirmed Ses 6. Can. because of the many canons made heere against in the councell of Trent Examine therefore the faith of any recorded in the word of God and you shall find it to be such Abraham by faith was fully perswaded Rom. 4.12 Gal. 2.20 Act. 8.37 Paul by faith beleeued that the Sonne of God loued him and gaue himselfe for him Philip required of the Eunuch before his baptizing that hee should beleeue with all his heart c. Againe faith is the testimony of Gods Spirit Rom. 8.16 according to that The same Spirit beareth witnesse with our spirits that wee are the children of God Heb. 11.1 and who dare say then that this is vncertaine Lastly faith is the euidence of things to come and the very existence of things not seene now it is a poore euidence that giueth none assurance but leaueth still in suspence and doubtfull Thirdly that I am more specially bound to beleeue that God is my Father will appeare if wee consider either his command willing vs to call him Father When yee pray Luk 11.2 say our Father c. or the large promises made to those that relye vpon him as vpon their Father If God prouides thus saith Christ for foules and grasse how much more will he for you O yee of litle faith Math. 10. meaning if by a stronger faith they should rely vpon him as vpon their father or lastly the examples of holy men of Abraham Dauid Daniel c. see the Catalogue Heb. 11. 1. Duty Obedience Thirdly for the duties to be performed by vs to shew our faith in God the Father they are foure First we must obey his will Hereby we are sure that we knowe him that is 1. Ioh. 1.2.3 beleeue in his name if wee keepe his commaundements and Christ publiquely disclames all such from being his brethren and sisters but onely such as doe the will of our Father Math. 12. which is in heauen and the Lord himselfe by his Prophet Malachy demaunds saying If J be a Father where is my feare if I be a Master Mal. 2.3.6 where is mine honour As if he should haue said yee are
foolish was Achan and Ananias and Saphyra to their smart as their Histories doe declare and Salomon in taking many wiues and contracting affinity with most Princes for the encrease of his power and establishing his peace For Ios 7 Acts 5 Gehazi is thus made a loathsome Leper Saul is turned out of his Kingdome Achan and Ananias lose their liues and Salomon almost ten Tribes of his posterity Let these examples therefore be warnings vnto vs that we trust not to our owne inuentions but goe out after the Spirit speaking in the Word with Abraham Heb. 11.8 though we our selues know not whither Euen as silly Orphans which know not how to buy and se●l and to deale in this wily world themselues doe willingly submit themselues to some faithfull friend that vndertakes this care for them Quest 33. Which is the second part of your articles of faith concerning the Church of God Answ The second part is The holy Catholique Church the Communion of Saints the Forgiuenesse of sinnes the Resurrection of the body and the life euerlasting Quest 34. What learne you here to beleeue concerning Gods Church Answ Foure things Quest 35. Which is the first Answ First I learne to beleeue that God hath a Church consisting of a certaine number of true beleeuers of whom some be in Heauen and some vpon earth and that I my selfe am a member of the same To beleeue in the holy Catholique Church Explan We are to prefix in our vnderstanding I beleeue and so to confesse I beleeue the holy Catholique Church c. and not I beleeue in as we say of God the Father Son and Holy Ghost For the meaning of the words then it is fully set downe in the answer viz although I cannot see with the bodily eye into the inuisible Church of God consisting onely of true beleeuers yet I doe by faith firmely hold that as there is an outward and visible Church militant here vpon earth that is a company of people outwardly called by the sincere preaching of the Word and further marked out by the right administration of the Sacraments amongst them so there is such a Church as is seene onely by the eye of the Lord inwardly called by the efficacy of the Spirit part of which is already triumphant in Heauen and part here still in this world the one sort being the Saints and faithfull departed the other faithfull men and women yet liuing And because I can no otherwise haue no comfort in al this I beleeue to my further comfort that I am a member of this inuisible Church and of the same body with the godly in heauen 2. For the grounds of this they are first to bee brought which testifie that God hath a Church 2. That this Church is a visible company called together by the preaching of the Word which is the Church before men 3. That they yet onely are the true Church before God which are Beleeuers 4. That no Church is to be beleeued in that is to be made the foundation of our faith but onely to be beleeued that is to be acknowledged and to be cleaued vnto when it is found to be Gods Church and to be obeyed in all things wherein it obeyeth Iesus Christ the head of all First that God hath a Church is plaine 1. Proofe That God hath a Church from the often mentioning of the Church of God in the Scriptures Great persecution is said to haue bin raised vp against the Church in the Acts and God is said to haue giuen some Apostles c. Acts 8 1 Ephes 4.12 Reuel 2.3 for the building vp of his Church And in the Reuelation there be seuen Epistles directed to seuen seuerall Churches one to the Church at Ephesus another to the Church at Laodicea c. This is so generally acknowledged that it shall not need to bee further insisted in But that this Church is a visible company called together by the preaching of the Word c. The true mark of the Church these being the principall markes and signes by which it is knowne amongst men is somewhat contradicted yea exploded by the Romanists and other signes of vniuersality antiquity succession of Bishops c. substituted and therefore aliquantulum operosiùs as this Commentary will beare to deale herein And first of all the word Ecclesia a Church comming of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greeke that is to call out giueth great light herein the Church being according to the signification of this Word a people called forth out of the rest of the world as the Apostle not naming the Church at Rome yet in effect calleth it saying To you which are at Rome Rom. 1.7 called to bee Saints now if it bee a people called out of the world the best note whereby to knowe it must needes be the voyce calling which if it be the Talmud of the Iewes it is a Synagogue of Christs enemies if the Alchoron of Mahomet it is an assembly of Saracens if the Word of God corrupted by false interpretations in matter of faith it is a Sect of Heretiques But if it be the pure Word of God purely and sincerely preached it is the Church of God For this hath euer beene a certaine note of Gods Church and such as cannot deceiue Thus hath it beene noted to be in the family of Enoch that walked with God viz. by obedience to his voice Proofes of the old Testament and of Noah for hee did thus also walke with the Lord and of Abraham who went out at Gods Word from his Fathers house and amongst his posterity the Iewes who at the Word of the Lord followed Moses and Aaron thorow the red Sea thorow the wildernesse and the numberlesse turnings by which they were directed from the Land of Aegypt vnto Canaan And still vnder the new Testament this was the infallible marke of Gods Church first amongst the Apostles who were called out from others by the Word of God to follow the Lord Christ then amongst other faithfull people as they were added to the Church they were called by the Word witnesse that great worke of conuersion Acts 2.41 wrought by the Ministry of Peter at one Sermon there were three thousand who when they heard it were seuered from the rest of the World and added vnto the Church Verse 47. and it is immediatly further noted that the Lord dayly added vnto the Church such as should bee saued viz. calling them by the Sermons of his Apostles and Ministers To proceed from History to the Doctrine of holy Scripture Doth not the Prophet Esay teach the same thing Esay 8.20 when he saith To the Law and to the Testimony if they speake not according to this Word it is because they haue no truth in them viz. When Seducers shall goe about to draw them to the seruice of Idols Verse 19. and to follow South-sayers and such as haue the
his sons consecrated c. Vpon this day Christ appeared at sundry times after his resurrection the holy Ghost descended vpon the Disciples and Iohn was enlightned Arg. 6 1. Cor 2 14. A sixth argument may be drawne from the approbation and consent of all the best men who are spirituall and most able to discerne the things of God and the opposition of godlesse and most euill men who are led like brute beasts who are naturall and perceiue not the things of God For the best men haue euer since Christs resurrection obserued and kept this day with all due reuerence only the prophane and licentious haue cast away all conscience hereof Whence we may reason thus That which is embraced and held by all godly learned men but oppugned by the vngodly as not standing with their corruption is certainely the truth but such is this doctrine of the first day of the week to be the Sabbath Therfore most certainly true For the first part of this argument wherein the strength consisteth and first that that is the truth which is held by the godly with one consent our Sauiour telleth them To you it is giuen to know the secrets of the Kingdome of Heauen And if any man shall doe his will he shall know the doctrine Matth 13.11 Iohn 7 17. 1. Cor. 3.19 whether it be of God or no. And on the other side The wisdome of this world is foolishnesse before God and they which are after the flesh do sauour the things of the flesh with many like places from whence it followeth that the constant consent of all godly men is no small argument of the truth and contrariwise of the wicked And thus yee see vpon most firme grounds that there is not onely a Sabbath to be obserued vnder the new Testament but the Sabbath the first day of the weeke which the Lord hath appointed Which meeteth with sundry phantasticall opinions Errors touching the Sabbath Rom. 7. First of the Anabaptists in Germany and the Familists in England which hold that all dayes are now alike and none more a Sabbath then another neither doth it any whit helpe them that they alleage Wee are free from the Law euen as a woman when her husband is dead from the law of her husband for by the Law here is meant the ceremoniall Law the heauy yoke of which Christ tooke from our shoulders and if in any other place freedome from the law bee spoken of it is either meant of the Ceremoniall and Iudiciall or of the rigor of the Morall Law exacting perfect obedience in euery point or else threatning condemnation If they shall say Col 2.16 Let no man condemne you in respect of a Sabbath c. and that the Apostle saith reprehensiuely Ye obserue dayes and times and moneths and yeeres neither doth this make for them seeing that the first place speaketh of feasts abrogated Gal 4.10 and done away only the other of times vsed to be obserued by the Gentiles Secondly it appeareth to bee an error which is held by the Iewes by Ebion and Corinthus and the Sabbatary Christians viz. that the old Sabbath is still to bee kept as before Christ his comming for the abrogation of which these places are most plaine Col. 2.16 1. Cor. 16.1 Acts 20. c. Thirdly they also erre that yeeld a Sabbath now but hold it vncertaine whether it be the seuenth eighth or tenth Fourthly they which ho d this day but with all that it may bee changed vpon the consent of Churches sufficient cause concurring which I take it is suppositus impossibilium a surmise of things impossible Lastly they which hold the same day but meerely vpon the ground of tradition as the Papists to make their other fond and corrupt traditions in the more request 3 To rest vpon the Lords day 3. Thirdly I say that this day is not remisly to be kept by vs vnder the new Testament although it may rightly be said that the strict resting inioyned the Iewes doth cease viz. as figuring our Christ his resting in heauen after the worke of our redemption finished according to that Scripture He that hath entred into his rest Heb 4.10 hath rested from his owne workes as God did from his Yet considering that there is a rest also for Christians Heb. 4.9 as is contained in the same place There remaineth therefore a rest vnto the people of God it were great temeritie to deny a day of resting now from seruile worke holding that the Lords day is rightly kept by comming together to publike duties though the times of vacation be spent in following worldly affaires For as Gods resting vpon the Sabbath did prefigure Christs resting vpon his day so there is a rest to come vnto all Christs members in heauen which is figured out by our resting vpon the Lords day to the apprehending of which sweet and most ioyfull rest we are more sensibly quickened by tasting the sweet of resting here after six daies painfull labour vpon the Lords day Acts 15 ●1 Moreouer it is necessary that wee cease from worldly affaires that wee may be more profitably imployed about heauenly which without doubt was one end of resting vpon the Sabbath of old for they attended then vpon Gods publike seruice euery Sabbath day seeing it is said that Moses is read in the Synagogues euery Sabbath day They must therefore rest that they might labour rest temporally and labour spiritually men being vnfit to doe both these labours to the best aduantage the same day especially the spirituall if there bee an incombrance of the corporall wee beeing fitted vnto the one by nature but to the other not onely not fitted but most vnapt vnto it by nature so that wee had neede to bee bowed and bent by meditation and prayer before the publike meetings and to bee confirmed and made tenacious of the things which wee haue been taught by recounting them after these meetings And to doe thus wee haue plaine direction giuen vs in the holy Scriptures Eccles 4.17 Take heed vnto thy feete saith the Wise man when thou entrest into the house of the Lord and be more neare to heare then to giue a sacrifice of fooles this is for preparation before and after the publishing of the law Take heed saith Moses that yee doe Deut. 5.32 Deut. 6 6. as the Lord your God hath commanded And againe These words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart this is for recounting of the word againe after And that royall Prophet professeth according to this direction I haue hid thy word in mine heart Psal 119 ●● that J might not sinne against thee Notable is the admonition of Chrysostome to this purpose yee ought not In Mat. cap. 1. Hom. 5. when yee goe from the congregation to bee intangled presently with businesses contrary to this studie but to goe home and there to call together your wife and children to
and deuise in his minde how to attaine them he is a sinner in the highest degree against this Commandement Marke 7.12 Verse 23. If his thoughts wherein he is delighted be adulterous hee is guilty of adultery if murtherous of murther and is defiled heereby according to that saying of Christ From within euen out of the heart of man proceed euill thoughts adulteries fornications murthers thefts couetousnesse wickednesse c. All these euill things come from within and defile a man All which serueth to help vs to a sight of our own spirituall deformitie whosoeuer is best amongst vs so that if the Lord should enter into iudgement with vs the holiest man were neuer able to abide it seeing he hath about him the flesh the root of bitternesse often euill motions though he striueth against them and some taking vp the heart with delight by their pleasing insinuation And thus the Law doth the office rightly to conclude all vnder sinne that we might all depend onely vpon Gods mercy for pardon and saluation Quest 105. What is heere commanded Answ To keepe our very hearts and mindes free from all euill motions and thoughts contrary to any of the Lawes and Commandements of God Explan The duty commanded here is our through sanctification not only in deeds but euen in heart and thought also as the Apostle prayeth for the Thessalonians The very God of peace sanctifie you throughout 1 Thes 5.23 and I pray God that your spirit and soule and body may be kept blamelesse vnto the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ The parts of this are mortification putting off the old man which is corrupt through deceiuable lusts and viuification Ephes 4.24 which is the putting on of the new man which after God is created in righteousnesse Iohn 3.5 and true holinesse It is otherwise called Regeneration or a New birth without which a man shall neuer see the Kingdome of Heauen Now of this new birth there be foure degrees or parts 1. The birth of a pure and holy minde hating sinne and louing the Law Rom 7.16 Verse 22. Verse 15. this was in Dauid Lord how doe I loue thy Law and all false wayes I vtterly abhorre and in Paul I consent to the Law that is good and I delight in the Law of God concerning the inner man and I hate the thing that I doe 2. Stirring and mouing in holy duties as a liuing man doth the actions of the liuing which a dead carcasse cannot doe Psal 34.12 This stirring of the regenerate is ceasing to doe euill and learning to doe well doing the duties of pietye towards God and of loue towards man 3. An earnest desire of food whereby this new life may be maintained 1 Pet. 2.2 As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that yee may grow thereby 2 Pet. 3 18. A growing vp towards mans estate in knowledge and holinesse according to S. Peter Finally brethren grow in grace and in the knowledge of Iesus Christ Now the Law sheweth all this to be done but helpeth not to the doing and so leaueth a man destitute of all comfort that all conceit of righteousnesse in man might bee taken away his frailty and weaknesse might be acknowledged hee might despaire of his owne power and ability that he might be set a worke to seeke out of the Law meanes of fulfilling the Law and to become righteous before God And hitherto of the ten Commandements Of keeping the Law MY good child know this that thou art not able to doe these things of thy selfe nor to walke in the commandements of God and to serue him without his especiall grace c. Very fitly in this publike Catechisme after the setting downe of the particulars required by the Law we are put in mind of our owne weakenesse and disabilitie to performe those duties in any measure and therefore wee are sent to seeke from aboue a supernaturall assistance which may fight with our corruptions and helpe our infirmities not that we are thereby aduanced in this life to a total and perfect correspondence to the Legall rigor of these duties but that we may know that it is a greater strength then our owne naturall abilities which worketh in vs a sound and sincere though imperfect obedience in this life which is the Euangelicall performance of Gods Law atchieued partly by vs in our weake endeauours through grace and the rest by supply for vs by our Sauiours perfect satisfaction vnto the vtmost of the Law as more distinctly appeareth in the Questions following Quest. 106. Is any man able to keepe all these Commandements Answ No man vpon earth hath or can euer be able to keep them perfectly Adam onely excepted in the state of innocency and Christ who was both God and man Explan For clearing hereof we will deduce these Theses Thes 1. Man at the first able to keep the Law or positions Man by his first creation was able to keepe the whole Law without sinning for hee was made after Gods image which as is expressed by the Apostle is righteousnes and true holines Eccles 7.31 and God saith Salomon made man righteous his hart was full of diuine vnderstanding his will was altogether right his affections holy his power absolute to persist and continue such alwaies Thes 2. Man vnable to keepe the law Man as his nature now is cannot keepe the Law of God neither the whole nor any parcell thereof but is altogether corrupt his vnderstanding darkened his will crooked his affections impure and his best strength weakenesse towards the running the race of Gods Commandements Iob 14 4. And when the best meanes are offered of being brought into the right way he is apt to turne them into his owne corruption to the increasing thereof euen as the spider turneth all into poyson This corruption of nature is wel set forth by Iob Who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse so that mans nature now is filthines it selfe and so farre gone is it herein as Paul sheweth that speaking hereof in his owne person hee saith Rom. 7.18 In me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing The vnderstanding is so darke as that euen like as a blind man borne blind 1. Cor. 2.14 doth not see any light neither can hee the naturall man perceiueth not the things of God neither can he The will is so crooked as that in all things it is contrary to Gods will according to that saying Nitimur in vetitum semper cupimusque negata We are prone to that which is forbidden vs we long most for that which is denied vs. See an example in the corrupt Iewes Ezech. 3.11 vnto whom the Lord sending Ezechiel saith but they will not heare neither will they cease The affections are so impure as nothing is so good but he is apt to hate and impeach it nothing so vile but hee loueth it and is wedded vnto it
powers but of God and the powers that are are of God Euen as the riuers come from the sea and runne into the sea so all mens greatnesse and that they are men commeth from God and ends in God If God commandeth any thing he is to be heard for his commands sake if man commandeth any thing he is to be heard for Gods sake which if it were so sinne should not so much haue the vpper hand but this is turned amongst the men of this age into the contrary man is heard and obserued for himselfe God for man a plaine euidence whereof is the obedience of the most vnto great persons and gouernours and neglect of Gods poore Ministers armed only with the Word the Sword of the Spirit 2. That the first and maine thing by the Lord intended in creating all is his owne glory and whatsoeuer is good for man is subordinate vnto this and onely so farre forth to bee sought after as it maketh for Gods glory The heauens are made to shew his glory the earth and seas are for his glory al men are made for his glory yea the vessels of wrath for of him for him and vnto him are all things to him be glory for euer Rom. 11 36. Amen This made Moses to neglect his owne soule rather then God should be dishonoured and Paul to lay open himselfe to the curse that God might haue glory by the conuersion of the Iewes And this will make euery one that is an obedient subiect to the King of heauen with ioy to beare any crosse so that God may haue glory to account all losse which is gotten with his dishonour For if the maine estate of any man bee safe he is the lesse troubled at small losses but much lesse if hundreths of pounds bee daily added hereunto and his losses be but some few pence no more ought wee to be much troubled at our owne losses or crosses seeing the maine Gods glory is hereby greatly increased 3. That the glory of the Lords name is so deare as that hee did not only make it his marke in the creation but in euery particular dutie done by man hee setteth it still as his marke as here in prayer in giuing the law he beginneth with his owne maiesty in the Gospell at the very natiuity of that blessed one the Angels are heard lauding and glorifying God And in like manner ought wee to bee affected to Gods glory in euery duty seeking this first and chiefely and not to be seene of men as the Pharisees For if a man doth fast pray heare the word giue almes deale iustly in some other respect chiefely he breakes this rule of Christ he pleaseth not whatsoeuer or how oft soeuer his deuotion bee hee can haue no thankes at Gods hands Quest 122. Which bee the three petitions concerning Gods glory Answ The first is Hallowed be thy name the second Thy Kingdome come the Third Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Quest 123. In the first of these petitions what do you desire Answ That the holy name of God may bee glorified in the vse of his titles word and workes Explan In handling these petitions more particularly I will obserue first the order secondly the sense thirdly the scope of euery petition For the first Hallowed be thy name this is placed before thy Kingdome come to teach vs that no man can bee a true subiect of Gods kingdome vnlesse that in his heart hee maketh principall account of Gods glory For then onely maist thou hope to be accepted as a good subiect vnder Gods kingdome when thou first desirest Hallowed bee not mine but thy name The name of God When thou settest vp not thy selfe thy pleasure profit or glory to be chiefly sought after in professing the Christian religion but the honouring of Gods name so that such as seeke for aduantage by their profession 1. Tim. 6.6 thinking that gaine is godliness as was the manner of some whom the Apostle challengeth that vnder the colour of religion deceiue and inueagle others to their owne commoditie are not of Gods Kingdome but are puffed vp knowing nothing doting in stead of going the right way Verse 5. or hauing any true wisdome 2. For the sense of the words By the name of the Lord here we are to vnderstand that whatsoeuer it is whereby the Lord is made knowne vnto vs according to his most glorious attributes wisdome power mercy c. 1. God is knowne by his name And this is first by his titles God Lord Iehouah Lord of hosts the Almighty c. for by these God hath made himselfe knowne vnto vs and th●se do serue most properly to set forth God for which cause though for their office sake being Gods Vicegerents some haue been called Gods and Lords yet neuer any man presumed thus to bee called as by his proper name that we can reade of amongst all Gods people ●n the booke of God but Iesus Christ who was truly Emmanuel God with vs. Let no man therefore aspire after such names but leaue them off rather as too high for mortall man 2. By his word Iohn 1. 2. Cor. 3.18 Secondly God is made knowne by his word and therefore Christ hath the title of the word of God being the fountaine from whence the word of wisedome sloweth and hee that knoweth the word written knoweth God his face being visibly and gloriously reflected to our open faces there as by a glasse Thirdly by his works the heauens the earth the seas 3. By his work● infinite number of creatures herein contained which doe also set forth God vnto vs For the inuisible things of him that is Rom. 1.20 his eternal power and God-head are seene by the creation of the world considered in his workes And as these lasting workes of God do set him forth vnto vs so doe his transient workes acts of iudgement mercy prouidence and goodnesse Let thy name be hallowed or sanctified 1. This doth first signifie To Sanctifie what the purifying of a thing which before was corrupt and vnholy thus mystically it was shewed to Peter that God had sanctified the Gentiles when hee being inuited to eate of the creatures appearing in the sheet and refusing them as vncleane was the second time commanded The things which God hath sanctified Acts 10.15 pollute thou not 2. The separating of any thing common to an holy vse thus Aaron and his sonnes are said to be sanctified and their vestments and vessels of the Temple and all things dedicate and thus are the houses of God now a dayes to bee counted holy and glebes and tithes of the Church 3. The acknowledging of a thing to be holy and declaring it by giuing all due obseruance and respect hereunto so that the holines thereof may be made more famous and notable amongst all men and thus principally doe wee pray hollowed bee thy name as it is holy and glorious make vs to
we sacrifice the calues of lipps by humble and hearty thanksgiuing We cannot sufficiently prize nor worthily praise thy goodnesse being herein vnmeasurable that when wee are sinfull and rebellious against thee and prouoke thee night and day yet passing by all our sinnes as if thou sawest them not thou still wagest vs with new fauours and bindest vs with cords of loue when thou might straine vpon vs snares fire and brimstone storme and tempest the deserued portion of such wicked ones as we are O stirre vp our dull hearts by this vndeserued loue that we may inwardly relent for offending so good a God and bee more affected with hearty loue towards so louing a father and wee humbly intreate thee for thy Christs sake to pardon our former grosse ingratitude and all other our sinnes Wash vs O Lord with his bloud and wee shall bee cleane purge vs and wee shall bee whiter then Snow Remoue our sinnes from vs as farre as the East is from the West cast them behind thy backe into the bottome of the sea that they may neuer rise vp in iudgement against vs to shame vs here or to condemne vs hereafter Worke in vs true humiliation for all our sinnes let vs cast downe our selues vnder thy mighty hand that thou maist lift vs vp A contrite heart is a sacrifice vnto thee which thou wilt not despise giue vs this that wee may offer it vnto thee open our eyes to see the precious body of our deare Sauiour wounded and bleeding his heart heauy and sorrowing and his soule in bitter agony departing for our sinnes that wee may waile and weepe euery family apart seeing him whom wee haue pierced And let vs abhorre all sinne for the time to come as a new crucifying of the Lord of life yea our most priuat and deare sinnes that we haue loued as our liues Let not the deceitfulnesse of our hearts so farre misleade vs as that wee should willingly bee intangled with any one sinne seeing that he which keepeth the Law and yet is faulty in one point is guiltie of all And because we haue many enemies that labour to keepe vs the bondslaues of sinne put away security and carelesnesse from vs let vs alwayes watch and prepare to fight against them Arme vs with the whole armor of thy Spirit the shield of Faith the Brest-plate of Righteousnes the Girdle of Verity with thy Word the Sword of the Spirit that howsoeuer we be assaulted we may not be ouercome but resisting the Deuill put him to flight and obtaine the Crowne that eternall glory which is set before vs. Blesse and sanctifie vs this day that we may serue thee better then heretofore we haue done Inable vs to the works of our Callings both with bodily strength and inward grace and direct vs so as that we may vndertake nothing but in thy feare Let the cōtinuall remembrance of thy presence be as a bit and a bridle to curbe vs in from following our inordinate affections that we being in all things ordered by thee may enioy thy blessing to the prospering of our indeauours to the glory of thy name and to our perpetuall incouragement in this holy seruice of praising and praying vnto thee Let all our bodily labours be seasoned with spirituall meditations though our works be earthly let our hearts be heauenly set vpon things aboue where Christ Iesus sitteth at the right hand of God If through thy blessing riches increase let vs not set our hearts thereon if for our punishment they decrease let vs not be discouraged hereby The more we haue make vs the more thankfull and watchfull that we be not deceiued the lesse we haue make vs the poorer in spirit that we may inherite the kingdom of heauen Grant these things vnto vs O mercifull Father and vnto thy whole Church and to euery part and member therof as all our and their cases are particularly known vnto thy heauenly wisdome farre beyond that which we are able to describe and that for the alone merits and worthinesse of Iesus Christ our most blessed Mediatour and Aduocate in whose maine we further praise thee and pray as himselfe hath taught vs. Our Father which art c. A Prayer to bee vsed euery Euening in a priuate familie O Lord in whom wee liue mooue and haue our being wee desire to offer vp our euening sacrifice of praise vnto thee for this day But how should wee come vnto thee to bee heard and accepted being of vncircumcised lippes So great wee confesse are our sinnes and such is our vnworthinesse by reason of them as that if we should excuse our selues our consciences would accuse our owne hearts condemne vs. Our nature is vile and rebellious hindring vs from the good which we ought to do and inclining vs to the euill which we ought to leaue vndone Our vnderstandings are darkened our wils are crooked our thoughts vncleane and our affections peruerse louing darknesse more then the light because our deeds are euill In our whole man we haue serued sinne our eares and eyes haue been as windowes to let in sin our mouthes haue bin fountaines of the salt water of sin our hands haue been hookes to pull vnto vs sin our feet haue been as wheeles running down along in the wayes of sinne and our breasts haue been as chests fast locking vp sinne Neither haue we sought to be deliuered out of this bondage but daily haue we thrust our selues further into it for so much as we haue not shunned but rather sought occasions and prouocations vnto sinne And through a daily custom of sinning it is so come to passe as that we are insensible and without feeling of the heauy weight burthen of sinne it presseth not our hearts it doth not inwardly grieue vs we cannot sacrifice broken hearts and contrite spirits vnto thee therefore miserable creatures that we are who shall deliuer vs from the body of this death Wee haue none in heauen O Lord but thee neither haue wee any in earth but thee alone and thou art our Father from euerlasting Good Father do thou therefore deliuer vs through thy al-sufficient grace sanctifie vs and through thy infinite mercy in Iesus Christ saue vs from all our sinnes Turne vs vnto thee so shal we be turned turne the light of thy countenance towards vs so shall we be filled with ioy and gladnesse more then when corne and wine and oyle are increased Inlighten our vnderstandings to see more cleerly into thy will rectifie our wils that they may be in all things conformable to thy most holy will sanctifie our affections that wee may loue that which thou commandest hate that which thou forbiddest strengthen our memories that we may reteine all good things settle our iudgements that we may not be wauering but firme in the truth and dispose vs so altogether both in soule body as that in all our parts powers and faculties wee may serue thee in new obedience as those