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B09693 Antichrist in spirit unmasked: or, Quakerism a great delusion. Being an answer to a pamphlet lately published and dispersed in and about Deptford in Kent, intituled The Christianity of the people commonly called Quakers. Which they say is asserted against the unjust charge of their being no Christians, upon several questions relating to those matters wherein their Christian belief is questioned. By which pamphlet they would perswade the world that the Quakers are Christians. In which answer you have their deceit detected, their pretended faith examined and proved a counterfeit / by Edw. Paye ... Paye, Edw. (Edward) 1692 (1692) Wing P883 43,769 92

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keeping God's righteous Statutes How is there Remission and Justification by the Merits of Christ according to their Profession in their Pamphlet when it must be by the perfect and exact Performance of the Law of God in the Creature Lawson's Book p. 18. affirms That the offering of Christ's Body to be broken and his Blood to be shed avails not so as through Faith therein to set free from Sin What is this but a plain denying Remission of Sins by the Blood of Christ And seeing we have Instances enow or too many why should we spare them Will. Pen speaks out See Apolog. p. 148. Justification by the Righteousness of another or which Christ fulfilled for us in his own Person wholly without us we boldly affirm to be a Doctrine of Devils and an Arm of the Sea of Corruption which doth now deluge the World See also Mr. Pen's Sandy Foundation p. 25 30. It is a great Abomination to say God should condemn and punish his Innocent Son that he having satisfied for our Sins we may be justified by the Imputation of his perfect Righteousness O why should this horrible thing be contended for by Christians O and why should the Quakers be such grand Deluders as so plainly pretend to believe it and say he died for your Sins and rose again for your Justification when ibid. p. 16. Mr. Pen saith That the Consequences of such a Doctrine is both irreligious and irrational And why should they believe Justification by Christ's Righteousness since Tho. Lucock affimed That he was as perfect without Sin as God is and blames others because they say with the Apostle In many things we offend all and this Doctrine of Perfection that is a Sinless living is the known Doctrine of the Quakers But let not Christians say they are without Sin lest they deceive themselves as the Quakers do 1 John 1. 8. And let us believe that the Lord laid upon Christ our Redeemer the Iniquities of us all Isa 53. 6. And as by one Man's Disobedience many were made Sinners so by the Obedience of one shall many be made righteous Rom. 5. 18. 3. They profess to believe Redemption and Salvation by Christ Let us examine what they intend by Redemption First Not Redemption of their Bodies from the Graves of the Earth for this is positively denied by them tho all Christians own it as a great Article of the Christian Faith Secondly Then what is to be redeemed and saved not the Soul for George Fox saith that is part of God without Beginning or End surely then it needs no Redemption and God did not send his Son to redeem himself Take the natural sense of what is exprest Great Mystery p. 29 and p. 90. See further what George Keith saith Christ came to save that which was lost and that which was lost is still in Man's Heart and there it must be sought for it remains still in the House that is Man's Heart this is the thing to be sought for this Christ came to seek and to save and all his Ministers preached People to this the Lost in Man that it may be found a lost God a lost Christ this was the sum and substance of their Doctrine G. Keith Immediat Inspirat p 75 76. May we not think G. K. to be inspired by the Prince of Darkness or that he had lost the very Light of Nature to talk of a lost God and a lost Christ to be sought and saved O were ever God and Christ in a lost Condition But poor Man was and we believe he came to seek and save Sinners who had lost the Image and Favour of God You may see more to this purpose Fox's Great Mystery p. 100. at large Neither do they believe any other Salvation than what they are in the Enjoyment of already see Lawson's Book p. 9 19. see two Passages in Nailor's Book Love to the Lost p. 47 48 30. There is a Seed to which the Promise of Redemption is which Seed is that which only wants Redemption p. 30. he saith Christ is the Election and Elect Seed Fox's Great Mystery p. 224. tells us The Seed to which the Promise is is that which hath been laden as a Cart with Sheaves by Sinners which Seed is the hope Christ The natural Consequence of this Doctrine is that Christ came to redeem Christ a lost God and a lost Christ as before said Might not the Heavens blush and the Earth tremble at such blasphemous Absurdities But I shall not in this short Discourse trace them in their gross Contradictions of Truth and each other about the Light within the Seed Christ and the Word But let this suffice to confute and unmask their pretended Belief aforesaid V. They profess to own and believe the Divine Offices of Christ in his Church that he is both King Priest and Prophet to and over his Church and People I shall proceed to examine the Truth of this Profession which if it were true were very comprehensive of a great part of the Christian Religion But what hath been made appear already shews us that by no means their word must be taken First How do they believe the Kingly Office of Christ are they not mistaken Let us examine some Appellations that they have taken from Christ and given to Geo. Fox senior See a Book entituled Tyranny and Hypocrisy detected p. 18 19. Sol. Eckles celebrates Geo. Fox thus Blessed be the Man that came out of the North blessed be the Womb that bear him and the Breasts that gave him Suck and ibid. p. 19. a Letter written by Josias Coal a Quaker from Barbadoes to G. Fox 21 day 12th Month 1658. Dear George Fox who art the Father of many Nations whose Life hath reached through us thy Children even to the Isles afar off to the begetting of many again to a lively hope for which Generations to come shall call thee Blessed whose Being and Habitation is in the Power of the Highest in which thou rulest and governest in Righteousness and thy Kingdom is established in Peace and the Increase thereof is without end Now what is more apparent than that by these Appellations the Scepter is wrested out of Christ's Hands and given to G. Fox Now this Letter was not judged by the infallible Spirit of the inspired Elders to be a transported Flash of a misguided Zeal For G. Fox and his Peers ordered it to be recorded amongst things worthy to be register'd tho the Contents of it would make a modest Heathen blush and tremble Take the Contents particularly 1. He doth expresly ascribe to him a Kingdom Thy Kingdom c. and thou rulest and governest Now he that rules and governs in his own Kingdom must of necessity be an actual King 2. He describes to us the Subjects of this Kingdom who next to himself are Josiah Coal and the Elders or Peers whom he calls us thy Children and remotely those to whom the Life of G. Fox hath reached through the Elders
to the begetting them again to a lively hope and they are many therefore he calls him the Father of many Nations 3. He tells us what kind of Power and Authority it is in which this King rules and governs and that is in the Power of the Highest a Spiritual and Divine Power not like that of the Kingdoms of Men. 4. We have here the Stability of this Kingdom ' Thy Kingdom is established in Peace 5. The Extent of this Kingdom The Encrease thereof is without End it is a boundless Kingdom 6. The Excellency of this King is such and his Happiness so great that Not only the present Age but Generations to come shall call him Blessed So that here you see G. F. fully invested and throned in Christ's Kingly Office and why should the Quakers be angry as they have been for calling G. Fox the King of the Quakers since he is as really so on their account as Christ is the King of Christians I suppose all Christians conclude Isa 9. 6 7. where several of these Terms are included to be spoken of Christ as the Prince of Peace Of the increase of his Government and Peace there shall be no End c. Luk. 1. 32 33. and he shall reign over the House of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdom there shall be no End Luke 11. 27. Blessed be the Womb that bare thee G. Fox and the Breasts that gave thee suck And Isa 9. 6. Everlasting Father or Father of the Ages to come Heb. 2. 13. Behold I and the Children which God hast given me Mich. 5. 4. And he shall stand and feed or rule in the strength of the Lord c. He shall be great to the ends of the Earth Now one would have thought that such Expressions as these out of which Coal and Eckels had theirs might have intended Christ But you see these divinely-inspired Men by virtue of their immediate Revelations apply them to George Fox with blasphemous Confidence enough But it may be they will say That the Scriptures mentioned point at Christ as the Figure or Type and G. Fox as the Substance for they say in Saul's Errand to Damascus p. 6 7. That Christ in the Flesh was a Figure And where 〈◊〉 Paul saith 2 Cor. 5. 10. We must stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and that the Father hath committed all Judgment to the Son But read p. 6 7. Saul's Errand to Damascus and George Fox takes the Name to himself saying He is the Eternal Judg of Quick and Dead But it may be it is the Christ in George Fox that hath this Regal or Kingly Power But why then was it not so expressed P. 44 45. Tyranny and Hypocrisy detected saith Rebekah Trevers a great Prophetess amongst them If she had a Motion from the Lord as she believed yet if George Fox did not own it to be so she would deny it So that George Fox is not only a King of the Quakers but also of the Light or Christ in them for those believed Motions must give way to the Motions of George Fox Spirit of the Hat pag. 27. you have this saying of King George repeated Friends although I have not told it you I do now declare it I have power to bind and loose whom I please c. Ay and well he may since he hath deprived Christ of his Kingly Office Now who can imagine that these Men can believe the Kingly Office of Christ who thus strip him of his Regal Power But it may be the Quakers will say It is not George Fox but the Light or Christ within him that assumes this Kingly Power Well and if the same Light and Christ be in another must the Christ in George Fox rule or reign over the same Christ in another for it seems the Light or Christ's Motions in Rebekah Trevers must be denied and rejected if the Light or Christ in G. Fox opposeth it so that then Christ reigns as King over Christ But who G. Fox left to sway this Scepter I know not except it was G. Fox junior who in his Book pag. 53 54 55. you may observe him speaking thus I will make you know that I the Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World that all through me should believe am the true Eternal God which created all things that by me the Light all things are upheld and that there is not another besides me can save and I will purge out all your Iniquities and forgive all your Trespasses and I will change your Natures and I will make you new Creatures if you will hearken to me and obey me the Light in you What I have here written is the words of the Father who is one with Christ the Son gave me to write in which words the true Christ is renewed and a Testimony given of him and no other But this is more than enough of this Blasphemy against the Son of God So that it appears to every seeing Eye that the Quakers do not own the Kingly Office of Christ that died at Jerusalem no more no nor so much neither as the Kingly Office of George Fox for the Laws of Christ are made null by him and the Ordinances of King Jesus contemned and rejected by him as being more powerful and infallible as may further appear anon 2. I shall examine how they own Christ's Priestly Office which upon diligent search will appear nothing so as professed by them but a meer flourish to delude the Ignorant and Easy And that the Quakers deny the Priestly Mediatory or Advocatory Office of Christ will appear for these Reasons 1. They deny the Person or Humanity of Christ as hath been before shewed then they cannot own Christ's Priestly Office for 1 Tim. 2. 5. There is one Mediator betwixt God and Man the Man Christ Jesus Now if Christ hath no Body but his Church as when occasion calls for it I shall shew But let what hath been beforesaid suffice at present then I argue thus Arg. If Christ had a Body that was broken for the Church then he had a Body besides the Church but he had a Body broken for the Church Ergo. The Major is out of doubt or else he gave his Church to be broken for his Church which is absurd The Minor is proved from Mat. 26. 26. Luk. 22. 19. where Christ saith of his Body that it was broken for them Now if the Quakers say Christ was never seen with any carnal Eye and that he hath no Body but his Church it will appear they deny the Mediator the Man Christ Jesus 2. They deny the Place where Christ our High-Priest is enter'd which is the Heavens the Holy of Holies according to Heb. 4. 14. Seeing then that we have a great High-Priest that is passed into the Heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our Profession But see what the Quakers say Smith's Primmer p. 8 9. They that are false Ministers preach Christ without and