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A29737 A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans goverment [sic] unto the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King Charles containing all passages of state or church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle / faithfully collected out of authours ancient and moderne, & digested into a new method ; by Sr. R. Baker, Knight. Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645. 1643 (1643) Wing B501; ESTC R4846 871,115 630

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advancement in honour alter men to the better to the worse often and commonly then when it is joyned with an Authority that sets them above controlement Neither yet was their feare more out of what they had seene then out of what they saw for where he should have endevoured to accomplish the charge his Father had given him in his death-bed he seemed to intend nothing lesse nothing more then wholly to breake it for he presently called home Pierce Gaveston from banishment and the two and thirty thousand pounds which his Father had specially appointed for the Holy Warre either all or the most of it he be●towed upon Gaveston and for carrying his Fathers bones with him about Scotland it had beene well if he had suffered them quietly to be laid at rest in England for after the Corps had beene kept above ground sixteene weekes in the Abbey of Waltham and that the Bishop of Chester Walter Langton the then Lord Treasurer and Executor of his Fathers Will was busie in preparing for his Funerals he sent the Constable of the Tower to arrest him and imprison him at Wallingford seising upon all his Goods and giving them to Gaveston and all for old grudges And that which seemed a high straine of incongruity before he had seene performed his Fathers Funerals which was not till the 27. of October following he entred into Treatie of his owne Nuptials forgoing over to Boleigne on the two and twentieth of Ianuary he marryed Isabell the Daughter of Philip the Faire King of France which Marriage was honoured with the presence of foure Kings the King of France himselfe the King of Nav●rre his Sonne the King of the Romans and the King of Sicilie and three Queenes besides the Bride Mary Queene of France Margaret the Dowager Queene of England and the Queene of Navarre and yet did Gavest●n exceed them all in bravery This was observed by the Lords of England and thereupon when his Queene and he came afterward to be Crowned they went unto him signifying what a hainous transgression of his Fathers will it was to call home G●veston and seeing the charge was no lesse given to them then to him if he did not performe it they would and therefore unlesse he would remove Gaveston from the Court and kingdome they would hinder his Coronation from proceeding which strooke such a dampe to Prince Edwards spirits to thinke what a disgrace it would be to him if so many of his great Friends being present Charles of Valois the King of Frances Brother the Dukes of Britaine and Brabant the Count of Luxenburg who was afterward Emperor the Duke of Savoy the two Dutchesses of Brabant Artois with many other Princes and great Ladies if now his Coronation should be called in question that he solemnly swore he would do what they desired in the next Parliament so they would be quiet now and thereupon on the 24. day of February in the yeare 1307. his Queene and he were both Crowned at Westminster by the hands of Henry Bishop of Winchester by Commission from Robert Arch-bishop of Canterbury being then in Exile and out of the kingdome At which solemnity there was so great a presse of People that Sir Iohn Blackwell knight was crowded to death And now in the very Act of his Coronation there was given another provocation to the Lords against Gaveston for the King had appointed him to carry the Crowne of Saint Edward before him the greatest honour could be done to a Subject which added to the other honours the King had done him for he had made him Earle of Cornewall Lord of Man and Lord Chamberlaine so incensed the Lords that they entred into consultation how to suppresse this violence of the Kings affection which shortly after they put in execution Portion in money King Edward had none with his Wife but the King of France gave him the Dutchy of Guyenne which he had seised upon before as confiscate to him and thereupon King Edward did him Homage for that Dutchy and for the County of Ponthieu Of his difference with his Lords about Gaveston VVE shall have here no Quinquennium Neronis no such five yeares as Nero afforded in the beginning of his Raigne but this King at his first entrance will shew what he is and what he will continue to be as long as he lives for though he tooke some great and grave men to be of his Councell yet as appeared afterward he did it rather to the end they should be pliant to him then that he had any meaning to apply himselfe to them For let them say what they would Gaveston must be the Oracle all the Kings actions were but Gavestons impressions And now Gaveston presently after the Coronation to let the world be a witnesse of his worthinesse and that the King had not bestowed his Favours upon him without cause caused to be published a Turneament at Wallingford whither came all the great Lords of the kingdome as Thomas Earle of Lancaster Humfrey Earle of Hereford Aymer Earle of Pembroke and Iohn Earle of Warren with many others all Valiant men at Armes yet none had the honour of the day like to Gaveston And thus farre he did well if he could have stayed here if having gotten true glory he had not falne into vaine-glory For the Lords envyed him not so much for his advancement in Honours as they hated him for his insolency in Manners for in a scornefull pride he would be casting scoffes upon them all calling Thomas Earle of Lancaster the Stage Player the Earle of Lincolne Burstenbelly ●imer de Valence Earle of Pembroke Ioseph the Iew and Guy Earle of Warwicke the blacke Dogge of Arderne which scoffes together with his other insolencies drew such a party upon him that in the next Parliament the whole assembly obtaines of the King to draw Articles of their grievances of which the chiefe were that the great Charter of Magna Charta should be observed● that all strangers should be banished the Court and kingdome that the businesse of the State should be treated of by the Counsell of the Clergy and the Nobles and that the King should not begin any warre nor goe out of the kingdome without consent of Parliament Which Articles though seeming harsh to the King yet for avoyding of further inconvenience he yeelds unto them and specially to the bani●hment of his Minion Gaveston as hoping that would excuse him for all the rest and Robert of Winchelsey Arch-bishop of Canterbury lately called home from Exile pronounceth Excommunication against all such as should oppose the Articles Hereupon Gaveston is sent away into Ireland where he lived awhile not as a banisht man but as Lieutenant rather of the Country and indeed not unworthily for in the time of his being there he is said to have made a Journey into the Mountaines of Dublin and to have broken and subdued the Rebels there built New Castle in the Kerns Country repaired the Castle of Kevyn and
withall made the Bishop sweare that if the said Iohn and Gaunt should at any time either directly or indirectly attempt the Crown or that rightfully through want of issue it should devolve unto him that then he should discover this matter and make it known unto the King and Councell Afterward the Queen being dead and the Bishop finding Iohn of Gaunt as he thought too much aspiring he secretly told him this relation and this adjuration of his supposed mother advising him not to seeke higher than a private state for else he was bound by oath to make it known to all the World Thus far the Bishop did well but when he saw the Son of Iohn of Gaunt not only aspiring but possessed of the Crown why did he not then discover it and joyn at least with the Bishop of Ca●lile in opposing it Certainly we may know that either the whole relation was but a Fable or that Wickham was a Temporizer or that Iohn of Gaunt was a most patient man to suffer the affront of such an indignity with l●sse than the death of him that did it But howsoever it was it is certain the Duke bore a mortall grudge to the Bishop who had no way to withstand such an enemy but by making Alice Pierce his friend by whose means after two years he was restored to all his livings and afterward K. Edward being dead and Alice Pierce banished by the means of a greater friend than Alice Pierce his full ourse he obteined in the second year of k. Richard a generall pardon under the Great Seale of England and from that time forward enjoyed a quiet life and dyed in the fourth yeare of this King Henry the fourth being then of the age of above 80 years and lieth buried in the Church of St. Swithen● in VVinchester in a monument of his own making in his life time leaving for his heire Thomas Perrot the son of his sister Agnes married to VVilliam Perrot Another great example of the volubility of Fortune in Professors of learning was Roger VValden who dyed in the ninth yeare of this King he was at first a poor Scholler in Oxford and the first step of his rising was to be a Chaplain in the Colledge there of St. Maries from thence by degrees he got to be Dean of Yorke and after this a high step to be Treasurer of England and yet a higher after that up●n the banishment of Thomas Arundell to be Archbishop of Canterbury But bein● now at the top he came down again for in this kings time Thomas Arundell bei●g restored to the Archbishopricke VValden was not only put out of ●hat place 〈◊〉 was called to accompt for the Treasure●ship and though he shewed hi● quietus est yet all his Temporalties were seized and his person imprisoned till by the mediation of the now Archbishop Arundell he was made Treasurer of Calice and after promoted to be B●shop of London The next place after these is justly due to Geoffry Ch●ucer and Iohn Gower two famous Poets in this time and the Fathers of English Poets in all the times after Cha●cer dyed in the fourth yeare of this king and lyeth buried at VVestminster Gower in this kings ninth yeare and was buried in St. Mary Overys Church in Southwarke And now come others to be remembred who lived and died in this kings time Hugh Legate born in Hartfordshire a Monke of St. Albons who wrote Scholies upon Boetius de Consolatione Nicholas Gorham born also in Hartfordshire a Dominick Frier and the French kings Confessor though an Englishman VValte● Disse so called of a Town in Norfolke where he was borne Confessor to the Duke of Lancaster Lawrence Holbeck a Monke of Ramsey who wrote an Hebrew Dictionary Iohn Cotton Archbishop of Armagh Rich●rd Scroope brother to William Scroope Lord Treasurer of England made Archbishop of Yorke and writing an invective against King Henry lost his head William Thorpe an earnest follower of Iohn Wickliffe for which he was committed to Saltwood Castle where he dyed Stephen Patrington born in York●shire and Robert Mascall a Carmelite Frier of Ludlow both of them Confessors to king Henry the fifth Boston a Monke of the Abbey of Burie in Suffolke who wrote a Catalogue of all the Writers of the Church and other Treatises Iohn Purvey who was convented for teaching Doctrine con●rary to the Church of Rome and compelled to recant Thomas Rudburne Bishop of S. Davids who wrote a Chronicle Nicolas Riston who considering the strife between the then Anti-popes wrote a booke De tollendo schismate Robert Wansham a Monke in Dar●etshire who wrote a booke in verse Of the Originall and signification of Words Robert Wimbledon an excellent Preacher as app●ar●th by the Sermon he made upo● this Text Redde rationem Villicatio●is tuae THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE FIFTH HENRY of Monmouth so called from the place in Wales where he was born eldest Son of King Henry the fourth succeeded his Father in the kingdom of England to whom the Lords of the Realm swore Homage and Allegiance before he was yet Crowned an honor never done before to any of his Predecessors and afterwards on the ninth of Aprill in the yeare 1412 he was Crowned at Westminster by Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury with all Ri●es and Solemnities in such case accustomed And as the Scripture speaks of Saul that assoone as Samuel had annointed him King he had a new heart given him and he became another man than he was before So was it with this king Henry for presently after his Coronation he called before him all his old Companions who had been fr●tres in malo with him strictly charging them not to pre●ume to come within ten miles of his Court untill such time as they had given good proofe of their amendment in manners and least any of them should pretend want of maintenance to be any cause of their taking ill courses he gave to every one of them a competent meanes whereby to subsist And knowing as he did the fashion of the Scots and Welch that in times of change they would commonly take adva●tage to make Inroades upon the Borders he therefore ca●sed Forts and Bulwarks in fit places to be erected and placed Garrisons in them for preventing or repelling any such incu●sions Immediately after this he called a Parliament where a Subsidie was granted without asking and in this Parl●ament the Commons began to harp upon their old string of taking away the Temporalties of the Clergie and the Bishops fearing how it might take in the kings ears thought it best to divert him by striking upon another string which they knew would be more pleasing to him which was to shew him the great right he had to the Crown of France And hereupon Chicheley Archbishop of C●nterbury in a long narration deduced the kings Right from Is●bel Daughter to Philip the fourth married to king Edward the second from whom it discended by direct line to his Majesty and no
unfitly be here related First for the celebration of divine Service it was ordained that all Ceremonies tending to the encrease of reverence devotion should bee used as need required Secondly that upon the Sabbath day all publike Faires Markets Synods Huntings and all secular actions should be forborne unlesse some urgent necessity should require it Thirdly that every Christian should thrice in the yeare receive the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper Fourthly that if a Minister of the Altar killed a man or committed any notorious crime he should bee deprived both of his Order and Dignity Fifthly th●t a married woman convict of adultery should have her nose and eares cut off Sixthly That a widow marrying within a twelvemonth after her husbands decease should lose her Joynture These and many other good lawes were made whereby the kingdome remained during all his time in a most peaceable state and government In the third yeare of his Raign he heard how the Vandales taking advantage of his absence had entred Denmarke and annoyed his subjects whereupon with a great Army of English hee passed over the Seas and gave them battaile but with ill successe the first day when preparing for the next dayes battaile the Earle Goodwyn who was Generall of the English secretly in the dead of the night set upon the Vandals Campe with a great slaughter of their souldiers made their two Princes Ulfus and Anlave to flie the field In the morning it was told Canutus that the English were fled for that their station was left and not a man of them to be found which did not a little trouble his patience but he going in person to see the truth found the great overthrow the English had given for which service ever after hee held the English and especially the Earle Goodwyn in great estimation After this returning home hee made a prosperous Expedition against Malcolme King of Scots and at last in the fifteenth yeare of his Raigne wearied with the honourable troubles of the world and out of devotion he tooke a Journey to Rome to visit the Sepulchre of St. Peter and Paul from whence he writ to the Bishops and Nobility of England that they should carefully administer Justice and never seeke to advance his profit by any undue wayes or with the detriment of any man At his returne frō Rome he built in Essex the Church of Ashdone where he got the victory against King Edmund in Norfolke the Abbey of St. Benets which Saint he greatly reverenced and in Suffolke the Monastery of St. Edmund which Saint he deadly feared To the Church of Winchester hee gave many rich Jewels whereof one was a Crosse valued to be worth as much as the whole Revenue of England amounted to in one yeare To Coventry he gave the arme of the great St. Austin which he bought at Pavia in his returne from Rome for which he payd an hundred Talents of silver and one of gold One strange Act is recorded which he did for convincing his fawning flatterers who used to tell him that his power were more then humane For being one time at Southampton he commanded that his chaire of State should be set on the shoare when the Sea began to flow and then sitting downe there in the presence of his many attendants he spake thus to that Element I charge thee that thou presume not to enter my Land nor wet these Robes of thy Lord that are about me But the Sea giving no heede to his command but keeping on his usuall course of Tyde first wet his skirts and after his thighes whereupon suddenly rising he thus spake in the hearing of them all Let all the worlds Inhabitants know that vaine and weake is the power of their Kings and that none is worthy of the name of King but he that keepes both heaven and earth and sea in obedience After which time he would never ●uffer the Crowne to be set upon his head but presently Crowned therewith the Picture of Christ on the Crosse at Winchester from which example arose perhaps the custome to hang up the Armour of Worthy men in Churches as Offerings consecrated to him who is the Lord of battaile When he had Raigned nineteene yeares he deceased at Shafte●bery in the County of Dorset the twelfth of November in the yeare 1035. and was buried in the Church of the old Monastery at Winchester which being after new built his bones with many other English Saxon Kings were taken up and are preserved in gilt Coff●rs fixed upon the wals of the Quire in that Cathedrall Church He had by his two wives three sonnes Sweyne and Harold by his first wife Alfgive and Hardicnute by his second wife Queene Emma and two daughters of whom the eldest called Guinhilda was married to the Romane Emperour Henry the third who being accused of adultery and none found to defend her cause at last an English Page adventured to maintaine her Innocency against a mighty Gyantlike-Combatant who in fight at one blow cutting the sinewes of his adversaries legge with another he felled him to the ground and then with his sword taking his head from his shoulders redeemed both the Empresses life and honour But the Empresse after this hard usage forsooke her husbands bed and tooke upon her the Veyle of a Nun in the Towne of Burges in Flanders where she devoutly spent the r●st of her life Of the second Danish King in England KIng Canutus dying left his Kingdome of Norway to his eldest Son Sweyn● and his Kingdome of England to his youngest Sonne Hardikn●te whom he had by his wife Emma but he being at the time of his Fathers death in Denmarke Harold his elder Brother by a former wife taking advantage of his absence layes claime to the Crowne For determining of which Right the Lords assembled at Oxford where Queene Emma pleaded for her sonne Hardiknute urging the Covenant of Can●tus at their marriage and his last Will at his death as also Earle Goodwyn of Kent did the like being left Guardian of her Children and keeper of his last Will. But Harolds presence together with the favour of the Londoners Danes and Northumbrians so wrought with the Lords that the absent Hardiknute was neglected and Harold was Proclaimed and Crowned King at Oxford by ●lnothus Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1036. Harold having now attained the Crowne was not so jealous of his Brother Hardiknute as of his mother in Law Queene Emma and her Sonnes by King Ethelre● who were beyond Sea and therefore how to secure himselfe against these was his first care For effecting whereof he framed a Letter as written by Queene Emma to her two Sonnes Edward and Alfred instigating them to attempt the Crown usurped by Harold against their Right to which letter comming first to the hands of Alfred he suspecting no fraud returned Answer that he would shortly come over and follow her Counsaile And thereupon with a small Fleet and some few souldiers lent
Cambrensis tels a strange story that Harold was not slaine in the Battaile but onely wounded and lost his left eye and then escaped by flight to Chester where he afterwards led a holy Anchorets life How Duke William proceeded after his victory at Hastings AS his Valour wonne him the Victory so his Victory wonne him a Crowne that now of an old Duke he was suddenly become a young King and indeed nothing so much renues life and makes the yeares in a manner young againe as addition of Honour specially when it is the fruite of merit First therefore having given publicke thankes to God for his happy successe he led his Army towards London not the direct way perhaps doubting some new Encounter but coasting about through part of Kent through Sussex Surrey Hampshire and Barkeshire where at Wallingford he passed over the Thames and then through Oxford●shire Buckinghamshire and Hartfordshire untill he came to Barkehamstead where there came unto him Aldred Arch-bishop of Yorke Woolstan Bishop of Worcester Willfere Bishop of Hereford and many other Prelates accompanyed with Edgar Atheling with Earle Edwyn and Mar●har Brothers and men of the greatest sway in the Kingdome and many others of the Nobility It is true upon the defeate at Hastings Earle Edwyn and Marchar had a purpose to set up Edgar Atheling as next Heire of the Royall blood and Grand-childe to Edmund ●ronside and so beloved of the people that he was called their Darling but considering his young yeares and other inabilities but specially finding the mindes of the Bishops who at that time bore all the sway to be otherwise inclined they desisted from that course and thus the Duke without any opposition comming to London was received by Bishops and Lords and all with great joy though small gladnesse and if he had not their hearts yet he had their knees for in most humble manner they submitted themselves to him acknowledging him for their Soveraigne Lord and upon Christmas-day after he was Crowned at Westminster by Aldred Arch-bishop of Yorke the Arch-bishop of Canterbury Stigand not being admitted to doe that office for some defect in his Investiture and perhaps for some aspersion in his manners How he rewarded his followers THough he hath had the name of Conquerour yet he used not the Kingdome as gotten by Conquest for he tooke no mans living from him nor dispossessed any of their goods but such onely whose demerit made unworthy to hold them as appeares by his Act to one Warren a Norman to whom he had given the Castle of Sherborne in Norfolke for when Sherborne who was owner of it acquainted the King that the Castle was his and that he had never borne Armes against him he presently commanded Warren to deliver it quietly up unto him● Onely vacancies of Offices and filling up the places of those who were slaine or fled were the present meanes he made use of for preferring his Followers One speciall preferment we cannot omit that where one Herlowyn a Nobleman in Normandy had marryed his Mother Arlette and had by her a Sonne named Hugh Lupus he gave to the said Hugh the Earledome of Chester to hold of him as freely by his sword as himselfe held England by his Crowne by vertue of which Grant the said Hugh ordained under him foure Barons Nigell he made Baron of Halton Malbanke Baron of Nantwich Eustace Baron of Mawpase and Vernon Baron of Shipbrooke Such an Honour as no Subject before or since ever enjoyed the like What meanes he used for securing himselfe in the Kingdome BEsides the Oath of Fealty which he tooke of all his Lords both Spirituall and Temporall at his Coronation in Lent following going into Normandy he tooke along with him the greatest part of the great men of the Kingdome of whom Edwyn and Marchar the two Earles of Northumberland and Mercia Stigand Arch-bishop of Canterbury Edgar Atheling Waltheoff sonne to Syward formerly Earle of Northumberland and Agelnothus Abbot of Glastenbury were the chiefe leaving the care of the Kingdome in his absence to Odo Bishop of Bayeux his Brother by the Mother and to William Fits Osburne whom he had made Earle of Hereford And to abate the greatnesse of the Prelates which at that time was growne in a manner unlimited he ordained that from thenceforth they should not command with any Temporall Authority whatsoever And because the common people are no lesse to be feared for their number then the Nobility for their greatnesse he first tooke from them all their Armour to the end that leaving them without stings they might afterward be but Droanes And because there is seldome any danger from singular numbers but all the danger riseth from plurality therefore to prevent conspiracies and combinations which are commonly contrived in the night he commanded that in all Townes and Villages a Bell should be rung at eight a clocke in the Evening and that in every house they should then put out their Fire and Lights which was called Couure Feu and goe to Bed And for more security he erected Castles in the most doubtfull places of the Kingdome One at Yorke another at Lincolne a third at Nottingham at that time called Snottingham and a fourth at Hastings where he first Landed By these meanes the Kingdome was quiet all the time of his being away in Normandy saving onely that Edrick the Forester in the County of Hereford calling in to his ayde the Kings of Wales made some small disturbance And indeed all the States of the Kingdome might in his very person finde something to make them apt to tolerate his Government For first the People might thinke themselves in a sort advanced being now made members of a greater Body when the Dukedome of Normandy should come to be annexed to the Kingdome of England and by experience of his good Governement being a Duke they might well hope he would not governe worse being made a King And the Nobility might be well content as having a King of their former Kings choosing and though a Stranger yet no Alien as having in him many veines of the same blood and therefore likely also to have some ve●nes of the same goodnesse of their good King Edward But specially the Clergy could not chuse but be content as having a King who came commended to them by a commending as strong as a commanding the Popes Benediction What Troubles or Insurrections were during his Raigne BUt the Body of a State being more obnoxious to crudities and ill humours then the state of a Naturall body It is impossible to continue long without distempers notwithstanding any preservatives that can be applyed And therefore in the second yeare of his Raigne brake forth the discontentment of Edgar Etheling justly the first as having most cause being the next of the late Royall blood and therefore most apt to be sensible of servitude who taking along with him his mother Agatha and his two Sisters Margaret and Christine stole secretly away to Sea with
Church was founded before the Conquest by Ingelricus and Emardus his Brother Cousins to King Edward the Confessour These were this Kings workes of Piety in England but in Normandy he Founded also an Abbey at Caen where his Wife Maude built likewise a Monastery of Nunnes He gave also to the Church of Saint Stephens in Caen two Manors in Dorsetshire one Mannor in Devonshire another in Essex much Land in Barkeshire some in Norfolke a Mansion house in Woodstreete London with many Advowsons of Churches and even he gave his Crowne and Regall Ornaments to the said Church being of his owne Foundation for the redemption whereof his Sonne Henry gave the Manour of Brydeton in Dorsetshire In this Kings time Robert sonne to Hyldebert La●ie Founded the Priory of Pon●fraite Henry Earle Ferrers Founded a Priory within his Castle at Tutbury Alwyn Chylde a Citizen of London Founded the Monastery of Saint Saviours at Bermondsey in Southwarke and gave to the Monkes there divers Rents in London Also in this Kings time Mauric● Bishop of London after the firing of the former Church of Saint Paul in London began the Foundation of the new Church a worke so admirable that many thought it would never have beene finished Towards the building of the East end whereof the King gave the choyce stones of his Castle at the West end of the City upon the banke of the River Thames which Castle having beene at that time fired in place thereof Edward Kilwarby Arch-bishop of Canterbury did afterwards Found a Monastery of Blacke-fryers The King also gave the Manor of Storford to the same Maurice and to his Successours in that See after whose decease Richard his next Successour bestowed all the Rents of his Bishopricke to advance the building of this Church maintaining himselfe by his private Patrimony and yet all he could doe made no great shew but the finishing of the worke was left to many other succeeding Bishops In the fifteenth yeare of this Kings Raigne William Bishop of Durham Founded University Colledge in Oxford Also one Gylbert a Norman Lord Founded the Abbey of Merton in Surrey seven miles from London and Thomas Arch-bishop of Yorke first builded the Minster of Yorke In this Kings sixteenth yeare his Brother Duke Robert being sent against the Scots builded a Fort where at this day standeth New Castle upon Tyne but the Towne and Walls w●re builded afterward by King Iohn Also in this Kings time Ledes Castle in Kent was builded by Creveken and the Castle of Oxford by Robert d' Oylie two Noble men that came into England with him Osmond Bishop of Salisbury built the new Church there Also Waring Earle of Shrewesbury built two Abbeyes one in the Suburbs of Shrewesbury and another at Wenlocke Casualties happening in his time IN the twentyeth yeare of his Raigne so great a fire happened in London that from the West-gate to the East-gate it consumed Houses and Churches all the way and amongst the rest the Church of Saint Paul the most grievous fire that ever happened in that City Also this yeare by reason of distemperature of weather there insued a Famine and afterwards a miserable mortality of Men and Cattell Also this yeare in the Province of Wales upon the Sea shoare was found the body of Gawen sisters sonne to Arthur the great King of the Britaines reported to be foureteene foot in length Also in this Kings time a great Lord ●itting at a Feast was set upon by Mice and though he were removed from Land to Sea and from Sea againe to Land yet the Mice still followed him and at last devoured him Of his Wife and Children HE had to Wi●e and her onely Mathilde or Maude Daughter to Baldwyn Earle of Flanders She was Crowned Queene of England the second yeare of his Raigne the seventeenth yeare of his Raigne she dyed a Woman onely memorable for this that nothing memorable is Recorded of her but that she built a Nunnery at Caen in Normandy where she lies Buryed By her he had foure sonnes and fiv● daughters His Sonnes were Robert Richard William and Henry of whom Robert the eldest called Court-cayse of his short thighes or Court-hose of his short Breeches or Courtois of his courteous behaviour for so many are the Comments upon his name succeeded his Father in the Dutchy of Normandy Richard his second Sonne was kild by mis-fortune hunting in the New-Forest William his third Sonne called Rufus succeeded his Father in the Kingdome of England Henry his youngest Sonne called Beauclerke for his Learning had by his Fathers Will five thousand pounds in money and the inheritance also of his Mother His Daughters were Cicelie C●nstance Adela Margaret and Elenor of whom Cicelie was Abbesse of Caen in Normandy Constance was marryed to Alan Earle of Britaine Adela to Stephen Earle of Blois Margaret affianced to Harold King of England but never marryed and dyed young Elenor betroathed to Alphonsus King of Gallitia but desiring to dye a Virgin she had her wish spending her time so much in Prayer that with continuall kneeling her knees were brawned Of his Personage and Conditions HE was but meane of stature yet bigge of body and therewithall so strong that few were able to draw his Bow growing in yeares he was bald before his beard alwayes shaven after the manner of the Normans and where in his younger time he was much given to that infirmity of Youth which grows out of strength of Youth Incontinency after he was once marryed whether out of satiety or out of Grace he was never knowne to offend in that kind Of so perfit health that he was never sicke till that sicknesse whereof he dyed Of a sterne countenance yet of an affable nature In warre as expert as valiant In Peace as provident as prudent and in all his Enterprises as Fortunate as Bold and Hardy Much given to Hunting and Feasting wherein he was no lesse pleasant then magnificent He made no great proficience in Learning as having had his education in the licentiousnesse of the French Court yet he favoured learned men and drew out of Italy Lanfranke Anselme Durand Traherne and divers others famous at that time for Learning and Piety Very devout he was and alwayes held the Clergy in exceeding great Reverence And this is one speciall honour attributed unto him that from him we beginne the Computation of our Kings of England His Places of Residence HIs Christmas he commonly kept at Glocester his Easter at Wi●chester and his Whi●sontide at Westminster and once in the yeare at one of these places would be new Crowned as though by often putting on his Crowne he thought to make it sit the easier upon his head And for the houses which the Kings of England had in those dayes in London I finde that at Westminster was a Palace the ancient habitation of the Kings of England from the time of Edward the Confessour which in the Raigne of King Henry the Eight was by casuall fire burnt downe
Geoffrey and William and dying he left his Dukedome of Anjou to his eldest son Henry but to hold no longer then till he should come to be King of England and then to deliver it up to his second sonne Geoffrey and he made his Lords to sweare not to suffer his body to be buried untill his sonne Henry had taken his Oath to doe it which Oath Henry afterward in reverence to his Fathers body did take but as he tooke it unwillingly so he willingly brake it and sent presently to Adrian the then Pope for a Dispensation of his Oath which granted he enters Anjou with an Army and takes from his brother Geoffrey being little able to make resistance not onely the Dukedome of Anjou but some other Cities also which his Father had absolutely given him for his maintenance yet out of brotherly kindnesse was content to allow him a Pension of a thousand pounds a yeare which brotherly kindnesse was so unkindly taken by his brother Geoffrey that it brake his heart and within a short time after died And thus these troubles begun by Henry himselfe were soone ended but now a trouble is comming on begun by Lewis King of France and this is like to stick longer by him For King Lewis not having yet digested King Henries marriage with his divorced wife Eleanor seekes all opportunities to expresse his spleene by doing him displeasure and a fit opportunity was now offered for there fell out a difference betweene Raymond Earle of Saint Giles and Henry King of England about the Earledome of Tholouse which Raymond possest and Henry claimed in this difference King Lewis takes part with Raymond as pretending it to be the juster side Hereupon are great forces provided on both sides and it was like to have come to a dangerous battell but that by mediation of friends a Peace was made and to make the Peace the firmer a marriage was concluded betweene Henry King Henries eldest sonne scarce yet seven yeares of age and Margaret daughter of King Lewis not past three who was delivered to King Henry to bring up till fit yeares for consummation This was then thought a strong linke to hold them in friendship but it proved afterward a cause to make the greater breach and indeed when a sonne is once matched into a Family the Father must never looke from thence afterward to have a good wish seeing the daughter thus matched can have no advancement but by the advancement of her husband and he none at least none so w●ll as by the ruine of his Father yet this brake not out till some yeares after It was now about the eighteenth yeere of King Henries Raigne and his sonne Henry growne to be seventeene yeares of age● when it came into the Kings minde to have his sonne Henry crowned King and Raigne with himselfe in his owne time partly out of indulgence to his sonne but chiefely as having found by his owne experience that Oaths for succession are commonly eluded but Oaths for present Allegeance as being Verba de Praesenti can have no evasion and pleasing himselfe with this conceit he acquaints his Lords with his purpose and causeth his sonne Henry to be crowned King by the hands of Roger Arch-bishop of Yorke and all the Lords to sweare Allegeance to him at the Feast of which solemnity King Henry to honour his sonne would needs carry up the first dish to his Table whereupon the Arch-bishop Roger standing by and saying merrily to the new King What an honour is this to you to have such a waiter at your Table Why saith he what great matter is it for him that was but the sonne of a Duke to doe service to me that am the sonne of a King and Queene Which the old King hearing beganne to repent him now it was too late of that he had done For indeed the honour which by Gods commandement children are to doe to their Parents is by such making them their equals in a manner abolished at least it gives them stomachs to take more upon them then is fit But King Henry passed it over and meant to set the best side outward And now King Lewis tooke displeasure that his daughter was not crowned as well as her husband and therefore to satisfie him in that point King Henry sendeth his sonne Henry and his wife Margaret into England● and causeth them both to be crowned by Walter Arch-bishop of Roan and shortly after the young King Henry and his wife goe backe to King Lewis her Father and by him with great joy and variety of sports were entertained In the time of their being there King Lewis partly out of his old spleene to King Henry and partly to make his sonne in law more absolure fals oftentimes into conference with him and finding his hot spirit to be fit tinder for such fire tels him it was a shame he should suffer himselfe to be made a stale have the title of a King and not the authority and that as long as he stood in such termes that which seemed an honour was indeed a disgrace With which words of King Lewis the young King Henry was set afloate and from that time forward stucke not openly to oppose his Father whereof his Father having intelligence sent messengers to King Lewis desiring him from the King their Master to be a meanes to bring his sonne to more moderation But King Lewis hearing the Embassadours name their Master King with an angry countenance said unto them What mean you by this to call him King who hath passed his Kingdome over to his son and with this answer sent them away To this evill another worse was added that Queene Eleanor his wife enraged with jealousie of her husbands Concubines both incenseth her sonne Henry and perswadeth also two other of her sonnes Richard and Geoffrey to joyne against their Father telling them it would be better for them that their brother should prevaile who could not chuse but allow them better maintenance then their Father did With these perswasions they passe over into Normandy and joyne with their brother Henry who emboldned by their assistance growes now more insolent then he was before that when messengers were sent to him from his Father requiring him to lay downe his Armes and to come lovingly to him he proudly made answer that his Father must not looke he would lay downe his Armes unlesse himselfe first would lay downe his authority and resigne the Kingdome And now Lewis King of France calling together the great Lords of his Kingdome and with them William King of Scots Hugh Earle of Chester Roger Mowbray Hugh Pigot and other of his sonnes party they all take their Oaths to assist the young King Henry with all their power and thereupon all in one day the French invade Normandy Aquitaine and Britaine the King of Scots Northumberland and King Lewis the City of Vernoill which he brought to that distresse that it was agreed by the Inhabitants if it were
the twentieth of September the Towne of Beverley with the Church of Saint Iohn there was burnt And in this Kings time the bones of King Arthur and his Wife Guynevour were found in the Vale of Avalon under an hollow Oake fifteene foote under ground the haire of the said Guynevour being then whole and of fresh colour but as soone as it was touched it fell to powder as Fabian relateth Of his Wife and Children HE married Eleanor Daughter and heire of William Duke of Guien late Wife of Lewis the seventh King of France but then divorced but for what cause divorced is diversly related some say King Lewis carryed her with him into the Holy Land where she carryed her selfe not very holily but led a licentious life and which is the worst kind of licentiousnesse in carnall familiarity with a Turke which King Lewis though knowing yet dissembled till comming home he then waived that cause as which he could not bring without disgrace to himselfe and made use of their nearenesse in blood as being Cousins in the fourth degree which was allowed by the Pope as a cause sufficient to divorce them though he had at that time two Daughters by her Being thus divorced Duke Henry marries her with whom it was never knowne but she led a modest and sober life a sufficient proofe that the former Report was but a slander By this Queene Eleanor he had five Sonnes William Henry Richard Geoffry and Iohn and three Daughters Maude marryed to Henry Duke of Saxony Eleanor marryed to Alphonso the Eighth of that name King of Castile and Iane or Ioane marryed to William King of Sicilie Of his Sonnes William dyed young Henry borne the second yeare of his Raigne was Crowned King with his Father in the eighteenth yeare and dyed the nine and twentyeth yeare and was buryed at Roan marryed to Margaret Daughter of Lewis King of France but left no issue Richard borne at Oxford in the fourth yeare of his Fathers Raigne and succeeded him in the kingdome Geoffrey borne the fifth yeare of his Fathers Raigne marryed Constance Daughter and Heire of Conan Earle of Little Britaine in the foureteenth yeare and in the two and thirtieth yeare dyed leaving by his Wife Constance two Daughters and a Posthumus Sonne named Arthur Iohn his youngest called Iohn without Land because he had no Land assigned him in his Fathers time borne the twelfth yeare of his Fathers Raigne and succeeded his Brother Richard in the kingdome And this may be reckoned a peculiar honour to this King that of his five Sonnes three of them lived to be Kings and of his three Daughters two of them to be Queenes Concubines he had many but two more famous then the rest and one of these two more famous then the other and this was Rosamond Daughter of Walter Lord Clifford whom he kept at Woodstocke in lodgings so cunningly contrived that no stranger could find the way in yet Queene Eleanor did being guided by a thread so much is the eye of jealousie quicker in finding out then the eye of care is in hiding What the Queen did to Rosamond when she came in to her is uncertaine but this is certaine that Rosamond lived but a short time after and lyes buryed at the Nunnery of Godst●w neare to Oxford By this Rosamond King Henry had two Sonnes William called Long-Sword who was Earle of Salisbury in right of his Wife Ela Daughter and Heire of William Earle of that Country and had by her much issue whose posterity continued a long time And a second Sonne named Geoffrey who was first Bishop of Lincolne and afterward Arch-bishop of Yorke and after five yeares banishment in his Brother King Iohns time dyed in the yeare 1213. The other famous Concubine of this King Henry was the Wife of Ralph Blewet a knight by whom he had a Sonne named Morgan who was Provost of Beverley and being to be elected Bishop of Durham went to Rome for a dispensation because being a Bastard he was else uncapable But the Pope refu●ing to grant it unlesse he would passe as the Sonne of Blewet he absolutely answered he would for no cause in the world deny his Father and chose rather to lose the Dignity of the Place then of his Blood as being the Sonne though but the base Sonne of a King Of his personage and conditions HE was somewhat red of face and broad breasted short of body and therewithall fat which made him use much Exercise and little Meate He was commonly called Henry Shortmantell because he was the first that brought the use of short Cloakes out of Anjou into England Concerning endowments of mind he was of a Spirit in the highest degree Generous which made him often say that all the World sufficed not to a Couragious heart He had the Reputation of a wise Prince all the Christian World over which made him often say that all the World sufficed not to a Couragious heart He had the Reputation of a wise Prince all the Christian World over which made Alphonsus King of Castile and Garsyas King of Navarre referre a difference that was betweene them to his Arbitrament who so judicious●y determined the Cause that he gave contentment to both Parties a harder matter then to cut Cloath even by a thread His Custome was to be alwayes in Action for which cause if he had no Reall Warres he would have Faigned and would transport Forces either into Normandy or Britaine and goe with them himselfe whereby he was alwayes prepared of an Army and made it a Schooling to his Souldiers and to himselfe an Exercise To his Children he was both indulgent and hard for out of indulgence he caused his Son Henry to be Crowned King in his owne time and out of hardnesse he caused his younger Sonnes to Rebell against him He was rather Superstitious then not Religious which he shewed more by his carriage toward Becket being dead then while he lived His Incontinency was not so much that he used other Women besides his Wife but that he used the affianced Wife of his owne Son And it was commonly thought he had a meaning to be divorced from his Wife Queene Eleanor and to take the said Adela to be his Wife Yet generally to speake of him he was an excellent Prince and if in some particulars he were defective it must be considered he was a Man Of his death and buriall HE was not well at ease before but when the King of France sent him a List of those that had conspired against him and that he found the first man in the Lyst to be his Son Iohn he then fell suddenly into a fit of Fainting which so encreased upon him that within foure dayes after he ended his life So strong a Corrosive is Griefe of mind when it meetes with a Body weakned before with sicknesse He dyed in Normandy in the yeare 1189. when he had lived threescore and one yeares Raigned neare five and thirty and was buryed
the Londoners King Iohn with an Army went into the North parts and comming to Wallpoole where he was to passe over the Washes he sent one to search where the water was passable and there himselfe with some few passeth over but the multitude with all his Carriages and Treasure passing without Order they cared not where were all Drowned With the griefe of which dysaster and perhaps distempered in his body before he fell into a Feaver and was let blood but keeping an ill dyet as indeed he never kept good eating greene Peaches and drinking sweete Ale he fell into a loosenesse and grew presently so weake that there was much adoe to get him to Newarke● where soone after he dyed Though indeed it be diversly related Caxton saith he was poysoned at Swi●●sheads Abbey by a Monke of that Covent the manner and cause this The King being there and hearing it spoken how cheape Corne was should say he would ere long make it dearer and make a penny loa●e be sold for a shilling At this speech the Monke tooke such indignation that he went and put the poyson of a Toade into a cup of Wine and brought it to the King telling him there was such a cup of Wine as he had never drunke in all his life and therewithall tooke the assay of it himselfe which made the King to drinke the more boldly of it but finding himselfe presently very ill upon it he asked for the Monke and when it was told him that he was falne downe dead then saith the King God have mercy upon me I doubted as much Others say the poyson was given in a dish of Peares But the Physitian that dis-bowelled his body found no signe of poyson in it and therefore not likely to be true but howsoever the manner of his death be uncertaine yet this is certaine that at this time and place he dyed on the 19. day of October in the yeare 1216. when he had Raigned seventeene yeares and sixe moneths Lived one and fifty He was buryed his bowels at Croxton Abbey his body at Worcester under the High Altar wrapped in a Monkes Cowle which the superstition of that time accounted Sacred and a defensative against all evill Spirits Of the prises of things in his time NEitheir is this unfit to be recorded in Chronicles to the end comparison may be made betweene the time past and the present as in the time of King Henry the second a Quarter of Whea●e was sold for twelve pence a Quarter of Beanes or Oates for a groat Neitheir is the price of Silver it selfe much lesse altered for an ounce of Silver was then valued but at twenty pence which is now valued at least at five shillings Whereof Philosophers must tell the reason for seeing scarcity makes things deare why should not plenty make them cheape Of Men of speciall Note in his time IN Military matters there were many famous men in his time as Robert Fits-Roger and Richard Mount-Fitchet with many others but chiefely two whose Acts make them specially memorable the one was Hubert Burgh whom K. Iohn had left Governour of Dover Castle of whom it is related that when Prince Lewis of France came to take the Towne and found it difficult to be taken by force he sent to Hubert whose brother Thomas he had taken prisoner a little before that unless● he would surrender the Castle he should presently see his brother Thomas be put to death with exquisite torments before his eyes but this threatning moved not Hubert at all who more regarded his owne loyalty then his brothers life then Prince Lewis sent againe offering him a great summe of money but neither did this move but he kept his loyalty as inexpugnable as his Castle The other was Robert Fits-Water of whom it is related that King Iohn being with an Army in France one of his knights in a great bravery would needs make a challenge to any of the French Campe that durst encounter him in a Combat when presently comes forth this Robert Fits-Water and in the encounter threw horse and man downe to the ground whereof when King Iohn heard By Gods tooth saith he he were a King indeed that had such a Champion whereupon some that stood by saying to him He is Sir a servant of your owne it is Robert Fits-Water whom you have banished Whereupon his sentence of banishment was presently reversed and the King received him as he well deserved into speciall favour In matter of Literature also there lived many famous men in the Kings Raigne as Geoffrey Vinesaufe Simon Fraxinus alias Ash Adam Dorensis Iohn de Oxford Colman sirnamed The wise● Richard Canonicus William Peregrine Alane Tewksbery Gervasius Dorobernensis Iohn Hanwill Nigell Worker Gilbert Holland Benet de Peterborough● William Parvus a Monke of Newburgh Roger Hoveden Hubert Walter Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Alexander Theologus Gervasius Tilberiensis Gyraldus Cambrensis Iohannes Devonius Walter Mapis Radulphus de Diceto Gilbert Legley Mauricius Morganius Iohn de Fordeham William Leycester Ioceline Brakeland Roger of Crowland Hugh White alias Candidus who wrote an History intituled Historia Petroburgensis Iohn de Saint Omer Adam Barking Iohn Gray an Historigrapher and Bishop of Norwich Walter of Coventry Radulphus Niger and lastly Simon Thurvay who for his pride in Learning but more for his blasphemies against Moses and Christ became at last so utterly ignorant that hardly he could read a letter of the booke THE LIFE and RAIGNE OF KING HENRY THE THIRD Of his comming to the Crowne and of Acts done in his Minority KING Iohn being dead his eldest soone Henry was next to succeed who being but nine yeares old though he were capable of having his Right yet he was scarce c●pable of understanding his Right especially there being another at that tim● to whom a great part of the Kingdome had sworne Allegeance But those Lords who had beene constant to the Father notwithstanding his faults were more tender of the son who was altogether innocent and whose gracious aspect gave no small hope of a better disposition Amongst all which Lords there was none of eminent in worthinesse none so neare him in Alliance as William Marshall Earle of Pembroke who had married his Aunt and he drawing the rest of the Lords together with a solemne Oration in behalfe of the young Prince so confirmed them and so ordered the matter that on the twenty eight day of October in the yeare 1216. he was Crowned at Glocester by Peter Bishop of Winchester and Ioceline Bishop of Bathe in the presence of Guallo the Popes Legat and many Lords and Bishops and the said William Earle of Pembroke by a generall consent assigned Protector of the Realme during the Kings Minority In which place the first thing he did was to give notice of the new Kings Coronation to all the Countries round about and proclaime pardon to all offenders that within a time limited should come and submit themselves to him In the meane time
aggravate his breach of promise and to acquaint him with all the disorders of the kingdome with whose remonstrance the King is so moved that after he had tried the Londoners and found them also to partake with the Lords he cals a Parliament a● London whither the Lords come armed for their own safety where after long debating the King taking his Oath to referre the matter to certaine grave men of the kingdome Article● are drawne sealed and publikely set up to the view of all with the seales of the Legat and divers great men but before it came to be effected the Earle of Cornwall by the working of Simon Montford hath his edge rebated and is brought to be unwilling to meddle in the matter any more which the other Lords seeing they also grow cold and so for that time it rested and no more was done in it And now is the Kings turne to play his part in using his authority which he failes not to doe to the uttermost for upon a small-occasion he causeth the gates of Gilbert now Earle of Pembroke the third sonne of VVilliam the great Marshall to be shut against him at VVinchester whereupon the Earle retires into the North. Also Simon Norman Master of the Kings Seale and his greatest Favorite is thrown out with disgrace and his brother Geoffrey a knight Templar is put out of the Counsell both of them for not yeelding to passe a Grant from the King made unto Thomas Earle of Flanders the Queenes Unkle of foure pence upon every sack of Wooll And now that load enough is laid upon those of the Laity comes a new load to be laid upon the Clergy for the Pope nothing dainty to make use of the power he had in the King sends over three hundred Romans requi●ing to have the first Benefices that should be vacant bestowed upon them which seemed so unreasonable a request and to the Clergy of England so dammageable that it made Edmund Arch-bishop of Canterbury to give over all and betake himselfe to a voluntary Exile in the Abbey of Pontiniac in France yet to shew his respect to the Pope gave him e●ght hundred Markes before his departure And to lay more weight upon the Clergy great summes are also required of them for maintenance of the Popes warre against the Emperour which though the Clergy opposed and shewed many good reasons of their opposition both to the King and the Legat yet by promises or threatnings they were won or forced to yeeld unto it And now comes the Earle of March and once againe solicits the King to make another journey into France which being yeelded to by the King and assented to in Parliament an aide presently was demanded towards it but this demand was not onely opposed but all the Kings Taxations and aides before granted were now repeated and thereupon an absolute deniall to grant any more Upon this the King comes to the Parliament himselfe in person earnestly and indeed humbly craving their aide for this once but all prevailed not they had made a vow to the contrary and the King is driven to get what he could of particular men of whom partly by gift and partly by ●oane he gets so much that he carries over with him thirty Barrels of Sterling money This expedition had no better successe then the former for after a whole yeares stay the King was driven to make a dishonourable Truce with the King of France and returne home At his returne he puts the Iewes to another redemption and the Londoners to another exaction and to helpe on his charge his wives mother the Countesse of Provence comes now to visit him who bringing her daughter Zanchia with her a marriage is solemnised betweene her and Richard Earle of Cornwall whose wife was lately dead and he returned from the Holy warres The old Countesse at her returne is presented with many rich gifts having besides received an Annuall Pension of foure thousand Markes out of England for five yeares past in consideration of a pact made that King Henry after her decease should have the Earledome of Provence but shortly after her returne she disappoints him of that and bestowes it upon her youngest daugh●er Beatrix married to Charles the French Kings brother who was after King of Naples and Sicilie● so as this Countesse lived to see all her foure daughters Queenes Richard Earle of Cornwall comming after to be elected King of the Romans Upon th●se profusions a consultation is had for new supplies and no way thought so fit as by Parliament hereupon a Parliament is againe assembled at Westminster whith●r the King comes againe himselfe in person urging his necessities yet nothing wou●d be granted without the assurance of reformation and due execution of the Lawes And here they desire to have it ordained that foure of the most grave and discreet Peeres should be chosen as conservatours of the kingdome and sworne of the Kings Councell both to see Justice administred and the treasure issued and these or two of them at least should ever attend about the King Also that the Lord Chiefe Justiciar and the Lord Chancellour should be chosen by the generall voyces of the States assembled or else be one of the number of those foure Besides they propound that there might be two Justices of the Benches two Barons of the Exchequer and o●e Justice for the Iewes and those likewise to be chosen by Parliament But while these things were in debating comes one Martin a new Legat from the Pope with a larger Commission then ever any before to exact upon the State but at the same time Letters comming from the Emperour Fredericke to intreat that the Pope might have no more supplies out of England the Popes Mandate is rejected and his Agent Martin disgracefully sent home This businesse took up so much time that nothing else was done in this Parliament but onely an aide granted to the King for the marriage of his daughter to Alexander King of Scots twenty shillings of every knights Fee and that with much adoe and repetition of his former aides The Winter following he assembles another Parliament wherein he moves for an ayde upon a designe he had upon Wales and to pay his debts which were urged to be so great that he could not app●are out of his Chamber for the infinite clamour of such to whom he owed for his Wine Waxe and other necessaries of house but they all to his face refused to grant him any thing whereupon other violent courses are taken an ancient quarrell is found out against the City of London for which they are commanded to pay fifteene thousand Markes and Passeleve the Clerk is imployed with others in a most peremptory commission to inquire of all such Lands as had beene inforested and either to fine the occupyers thereof at their pleasure or else to take it from them and sell the same to others wherein such rigour was used that multitudes of people were undone But now to shew
differences in the Country But now the King of Spaine pretends a title to Aquitaine and to take him off King Henry sends to treate of a marriage betweene Prince Edward and his Sister Eleanor which being accepted by the King of Spaine the Marriage is solemnized at Burgos where the King of Spaine knights the Prince and quits his claime to Aquitaine for him and his Successours for ever and King Henry invests the Prince and his Wife in it and gives unto him besides Ireland Wales Bristow Stamford and Grantham and from hence it came that ever after this the Kings eldest Sonne was immediately upon his Birth Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester After this King Henry prepares to returne home and well he might having spent in this and his former Journeyes into those parts the summe of seven and twenty hundred thousand pounds More then all the Lands if they had beene sold were worth which when the King was told he desired there might be no words made of it for his credite And now being to returne he is desirous with the King of Frances leave to passe thorow France and comming to Paris with a thousand Horse where he stayed eight dayes is there most Royally Feasted by the King of France and he as royally Feasts the King of France againe But it is the Londoners and the Iewes that are like to pay for all For comming home about Christmas when the Londoners presented him with a hundred pounds in money and afterwards with two hundred pounds in Plate it was so sleighted and so ill taken that a hole was presently found in their coate for an escape of a Prisoner which cost them three thousand Markes Yet was not this enough but he takes good Fleeces from the Iews and then lets them out to Farme to his Brother Richard for a great summe of money and he to make what more of them he could Yet after all this he complaines of his Debts which he saith are at least three hundred thousand Markes which must needes be the heavyer to him because he had diminished his own● meanes by the allowance of fifteene thousand Markes per annum to his Sonne the Prince The onely hope is in the Parliament but a Parliament being called they fall presently upon their old Grievances complaining upon the King for breach of Charters and renuing their Claime to have the Chiefe Justiciar the Chancellour and Treasurer to be chosen by themselves so nothing was done for the King at this time and the Parliament being prorogued till Michaelmas after as little then by reason many of the Peeres came not as not being summoned according to the tenour of Magna Charta And now while the King was using meanes to winde himselfe out of Debt there happened occasions to put him further in For now Thomas Earle of Savoy the Queenes Brother being at warre with the City of Thuryn must be supplyed with money towards it by the King of England Now the Elect Bishop of Toledo the King of Spaines Brother comes into England and must be sumptuously Feasted and have great gifts presented him Now Eleanor the Princes Wife arrives with a multitude of Spaniards and must all be entertained at the Kings charge and have no small presents given them at their departure Now comes Rustandus from the Pope with power to Collect the Tenth of the Clergy for the Popes use and the Kings and to absolve him from his Oath of the Holy warre so he would come to destroy Manfred Sonne to the Emperour Fredericke now in possession of the kingdome of Sicilie and Apulia And this man likewise hath great gifts bestowed upon him besides a rich Prebend in Yorke But the Pope by too much seeking his profit loseth credit and all for the Clergy sleights him and will give him nothing and when he would have borrowed of the Earle of Cornwall five hundred Markes the Earle answered he liked not to lend his money to one upon whom he could not Distraine But King Henries greatest charge was his purchasing a kingdome for his Sonne Edmund for now comes the Bishop of B●nonia from the Pope with a Ring of Investiture to Prince Edmund in the kingdome of Sicilie which he pretends to be at his disposing and King Henry takes it in so good earnest that after this he cals his Sonne Edmund by no other name then King of Sicilie But all this was done by the Pope but to angle away King Henries money as indeed upon this hope he had drawne the King into the engagement of a hundred and fifty thousand Markes for to draw the King on it was given out that the Pope had dele●ted all Manfreds Forces and was thereby in possession of the kingdome when the truth was that Manfred had defeated the Popes Forces and was thereby himselfe established in the kingdome The yeare 1275. the King keepes his Christmas at Winchester where new Grievances arise The Merchants of Gascogny having their Wines taken from them by the Kings Officers without satisfaction complaine to their Lord the Prince he to his Father and his Father having beene informed before-hand by his Officers that their clamour was unjust as relying upon the Princes favour he falls into a great rage with the Prince and breakes out into these words See! now my Blood and my owne Bowels impugne me but afterwards pacified he gives order the injuries should be redressed And now the Princes Followers themselves come to be a Grievance who relying upon their Master commit many outrages and spoyle and wrong men at their pleasure and the Prince himselfe is not altogether free of whom it is said that meeting a young man travailing by the way he caused one of his eares to be cut off and one of his eyes to be put out and many such prankes plaid by him and his Followers in Wales made the Welsh breake out into open Rebellion which the Prince would faine have suppressed but there was no money to be had towards the doing it And now the King fals to shifts he comes into the Chequer himselfe and there layes penalties upon Sheriffes that returne not their moneys in due time then he fals upon measures of Wine and Ale upon Bushels and Weights and something he gets but London is his best Cheq●er and every yeare commonly he hath one quarrell or other to the Londoners and they are sure to pay And now fals out an accident seeming of great honour but certainely of no profit to the kingdome Richard Earle of Cornwall the Kings Brother is Elected King of the Romans for although Alphonsus King of Spaine the great Mathematician were his Competitour yet Earle Richards money wrought more then his Learning and the Arch-bishop of C●llen comes over to fetch him and Crowned he is at Aquisgrane This Earle of Cornwall is reported able to dispend a hundred Markes a day ●or ten yeares besides his Revenues in England But now as a man that payes deare for an Office lookes that his
Office should pay him againe So Earle Richard having given infinitely to compasse this Advancement looked to helpe himselfe againe by the Place and this and the desire he had to revenge himselfe upon those tha● had opposed his Election● made him take such violent courses that he came soone to be dispossessed forsaken and forced to returne into England a poorer King then he went out an Earle Acts done in the c●ntention betweene the King and his Barons NOw King Henry very proud to have his younger sonne a King as well as his brother cals a Parliament wherein he brings forth his sonne Edmund clad in Sicilian habit and ●els the Parli●ment that for advancing this sonne of his to the kingdome of Sicilie he had bound himselfe under covenant of losing his kingdome in the summe of an hundred and forty thousand Markes and hoped they would not thinke much to aide him with money for so great an advancement but the Parliament stood firme to their usuall condition of Margna Charta so as that might be confirmed they were content to give two and fifty thousand Marks but this gave the King no satisfaction The yeare after another Parliament is holden at London wherein upon the Kings pressing them againe for meanes to pay his debts to the Pope the Lords tell him plainely they will not yeeld to give him any thing for any such purpose and give their reasons and withall repeate their owne grievances his breach of promise the insolencie of his brothers and specially William de Valence who had given the lie to the Earle of Leycester and no right done him in it and many such things which the King hearing and not able to deny humbles himselfe and tels them how he had often by ill counsell beene seduced but promiseth by his Oath which he tooke on the Tombe of Saint Edward to reforme all those errours But the Lords not well knowing how to deale in this businesse as being divided betweene a desire to satisfie the King and a desire to be satisfied themselves and knowing withall the variablenesse of the Kings nature they get the Parliament to be adjourned to Saint Barnabies day and then to assemble at Oxford In which meane time the Earles Glocester Leycester Hereford the Earle Marshall Bigod Spenser and other great men confederate and provide by Armes to effect their desire and here is the foundation laid of those bloudy wars that ensued betweene King Henry and his Barons And now the King being put to his shifts for money gets the Abbot of Westminster to put his Seale and that of his Covent to a Deed Obligatory as a surety for two hundred Markes making account that by his example others would be drawne to doe the like but his trusty servant Simon Passeleve being imployed to other Monasteries and telling them amongst other reasons to perswade them that the King was Lord of all they had they onely answered they acknowledged indeed the King to be Lord of all they had but yet so as to defend not to destroy the same and this was all he could get of them The Prince also in no lesse want then his Father is driven to morgage his Towne of Stamford Brahan and many other things to William de Valence a Poictouin wherby appeared the disorder of the time when the Prince was in want and strangers had such plenty And now is the Parliament assembled at Oxford whither the Lords come attended with large traines and here they beginne with the expostulation of the former Liberties requiring that the Chiefe Justiciar the Chancellour and Treasurer may be ordained by publike choyce and that the twenty foure Conserva●ours of the kingdome may be confirmed twelve by the election of the Lords and twelve by the King with whatsoever else made for their imagined security The King seeing their strength and in what manner they required these things sweares solemnly againe to the confirmation of them and causeth the Prince to take the same Oath But the Lords left not here the Kings brethren the Poictouins and other strangers must presently be removed and this also though with some little opposition was at last concluded and thereupon the Kings brethren and their followers are despoyled of all their fortunes and ●xiled by proscription under the Kings owne hand directed to the Earles of Hereford and Surrey But now sicknesse and mortality happening to many great ones it is imputed to poysons supposed to have beene prepared by those strangers proscribed the Earle of Glocester in a sicknesse suddenly lost his haire his teeth his nailes and his brother hardly escaped death which made many to suspect their nearest servants and their Cookes Walter Scoynie the Earle Steward is strictly examined committed to prison and afterward without confession is upon presumptions onely executed at Winchester Elias a converted Iew is said to have confessed that in his house the poyson was confected but it was when he was a Iew and not a Christian. Every man that had received any wrong by those strangers now put up their complaints and are heard Guydo de ●●chfort a Poictouin to whom the King had given the Castle of Rochester is banished and all his goods confiscate William Bussey Steward to William de Valence is committed to the Tower of London and most reproachfully used Richard Gray whom the Lords had made Captaine of Dover Castle is set to intercept whatsoever the Poictouins convaied that way out of England and much treasure of theirs and of the elect of Winchester is by him taken besides great summes committed to the new Temple are found out and seised for the King And now the new Chiefe Justiciar Hugh Bigod brother to the Earle Marshall chosen this last Parliament by publike voyce procures that foure knights in every Shire should inquire of the oppressions of the poore done by great men and certifie the same that redresse might be made Also order was taken against corrupting of justice when yet notwithstanding this pretended care of the publike it is noted by the Writers and Records of that time how the Lords were themselves but as ●otidem tyranni enforcing the services of the Kings tenants that dwelt neare them But to make their cause the more popular it was rumored that the King stood upon it that his necessity must be supplied out of the estates of his people whether they would or no which the King hearing sends forth Proclamation declaring how certaine malitious persons had falsely and seditiously reported that he meant unlawfully to charge his subjects and subvert the Lawes and Liberties of the kingdome and by these false suggestions averted the hearts of his people from him and therefore desires them not to give credit to such per●urbers for that he was ready to defend all Rights and Customes due unto them and that they might rest of this secured he caused his Letters to be made Patents But now Montford Glocester and Spenser inforce the King to call a Parliament at London where
sway this businesse by his presence takes a journey Northward where being come as farre as Lincolnshire he lost his beloved wife Queene Eleanor and thereupon going backe to see her Funerall performed at Westminster that done he returnes presently to his Scottish businesse And now sixe yeares were passed since the death of King Alexander and yet nothing concluded in this controversie whereupon King Edward deals privately with Bruce who had the weaker Title but the more friends and promiseth him if he would sweare fealty and homage to the Crowne of England he would Invest him in that of Scotland But Bruce answers he was not so d●sirous to rule as thereby to infringe the liberties of his Countrey Whereupon with the like offer he sets upon Baylioll who having better right but lesse love of the people and more greedy of a kingdome then honour accepts the condition and thereupon is Crowned King at Scone hath fealty done him by all the chiefe Nobility except Bruce comes to New-Castle upon Tyne where King Edward then lay and there with many of his Nobles sweares fealty and doth homage to him as his Soveraigne Lord. Which act done to secure him overthrew him for being little beloved before hereby he became lesse such as stood for Bruce and others of the Nobility tender of the preservation of their Countries liberty took stomach against him and not onely for this but shortly after for his injustice in the case of the Earle of Fife one of the sixe Governours in the time on the Interregnum who had beene slaine by the Family of Alberneth the brother of which Earle prosecuting Law before King Baylioll in his high Court of Parliament and having no right done him King Baylioll giving judgement of the side of the Alberneths he appeales to the Court of the King of England whereupon King Baylioll is summoned appeares sits with King Edward in his Parliament till his cause was to be heard and then is cited by an Officer to arise and to stand in the place appointed for pleading then he craves to answer by a Procuratour but is denied and thereupon descends to the ordinary place and defends his cause himselfe which indignity as he tooke it so incenseth him that he returnes home with a breastfull charged with indignation meditates revenge renues the ancient league with France confirmes it with marriage of his sonne Edward to a daughter of Charles brother to King Philip glad in regard of late offences taken against the King of England to embrace the same which done Baylioll defies King Edward renounceth his Allegeance as unlawfully done being not in his power without consent of the State to doe any such Act. Hereupon brake out that mortall dissension betweene the two Nations which consumed more Christian bloud and continued longer then ever quarrell we reade of did between any two people in the world For he that beganne it could not end it but it lasted almost three hundred yeares and was never throughly abolished till the late blessed union wrought by him in whom Wisdome and Vertue Right and Power concurred all to make it firme And now the fatall Chaire in which the Kings of Scotland used to be Inaugurated seemes to recover its secret operation according to antient Prophesie that whither soever that Chaire should be removed the kingdome should be removed with it and this Chaire King Edward caused to be brought out of Scotland to Westminster and to be placed there amongst the Monuments where it still continues But now King Baylioll being summoned to appeare at New-Castle and refusing to come King Edward enters Scotland with an Army consisting of foure thousand horse and thirty thousand foot besides five hundred horse and one thousand foote of the Bishop of Durham Berwicke is first wonne with the slaughter of fifteene thousand Scots our Writers say more and after that the Castles of Dunbarre Roxborough Edinbough Sterli●g and Saint Iohns Towne and now King Balioll sues for Peace submits himselfe takes againe his Oath of Fealty to King Edward as his Soveraigne Lord which done a Parliament for Scotland is held at Berwicke where the Nobility likewise did Homage to him confirming the same by their Charter under their hands and seales onely William Dowglasse refuseth content rather to endure the misery of a Prison then yeeld to the subjection of the King of England But King Baylioll notwithstanding his submission is sent prisoner into England after his foure yeares Raigne in Scotland and King Edward returnes home leaving Iohn Warren Earle of Sussex and Surrey Warden of all Scotland Hugh Cressingham Treasurer and Ormesloy Chiefe Justice with Commission to take in his name the Homages and Fealties of all such as held Lands of that Crowne But this continued not long for King Edward being absent in France the Scots fell upon the Officers he had left slew Sir Hugh Cressingham with sixe thousand English recovered many Castles and regained the towne of Berwick and all by the animation and conduct of one William Walleys a poore private Gentleman though Nobly descended who seeing his Countrey without a Head and thereby without a Heart all the great men either in captivity or subjection● assembles certaine of as poore and desperate estate as himselfe and leads them to attempt upon whatsoever advantages they could finde to annoy the English and having therein good successe it so encreased both his courage and company that he afterward came to be the generall Guardian of the whole kingdome and was in possibility to have absolutely redeemed his Countrey from the subjection of the English if the speedy comming of King Edward had not prevented him For now King Edward to bring his worke neare together removes his Exchequer and Courts of Justice to Yorke where they continued above sixe yeares and thither he cals a Parliament requiring all his subjects that held of him by knights service to be ready at Roxborough by a peremptory day where there assemble three thousand men at Armes on barded horses and foure thousand other armed men on horse without bards with an Army of foote answerable consisting most of Welsh and Irish besides five hundred men at Armes out of Gascoyne and with this power he makes his second expedition into Scotland the Earles of Hereford and Norfolke with the Earle of Lincolne led his Vauntgard at the famous battell of Fonkirke where the shouts of the Scots were so great that King Edwards horse frighted withall cast him off and brake two of his ribs which notwithstanding he gets up againe goes on and gets the victory wherein are reported to be slaine two hundred knights and forty thousand foot of the Scots but William Walleys with some few escaped to make more work And here againe that kingdome might seeme as if quite overthrowne Most of the estates of the Earles and Barons of Scotland with their titles that had stood out were bestowed on the English and a Parliament is called at Saint Andrewes where all the great
of Acton Burnell In the foureteenth yeare of his Raigne were made the Statutes called Additamenta Glocestriae He ordained such men to be Sheriffes in every County as were of the same County where they were to be Sheriffes He ordained that Iewes should weare a Cognisance upon their upper Garment whereby to be knowne and restrained their excessive taking of Usury In his time was also Enacted the Statute of Mortmaine In his twelfth yeare in the Quindenes of Saint Michael the Justices Itinerants beganne to goe their generall Circuits In his time new pleces of money were coyned and halfe pence of Silver came to be in use which were before of base metall In his time three men for rescuing a prisoner arrested by an Officer had their right hands cut off by the wrists In his time all Iewes were banished out of the Realme This King by Proclamation prohibited the burning of Sea-coale in London and the Suburbs for avoiding the noysome smoake In his eleventh yeare the Bakers of London were first drawne upon Hurdles by Henry Waleys Major and Corne was then first sold by weight In this Kings time the title of Baron which had before beene promiscuous to men of estate was first confined to such onely as by the King were called to have voice in Parliament Affaires of the Church in his time IN his time at a Synod holden at Reading by the Arch-bishop of C●nterbury it was ordained according to the Constitutions of the Generall Councell that no Ecclesiasticall person should have more then one Benefice to which belonged the Cure of soules and that every person promoted to any Ecclesiasticall Living should take the Order of Priesthood within one yeare after In his time lived and died Pope Boniface the 8. of whom his Predecessour had Prophesied Ascendes ut Vulpes Regnabis ut Leo Morieris ut Canis Workes of Piety done by him or by others in his time THis King Founded the Abbey of the Vale Royall in Cheshire of the Cisteaux Order In his time Iohn Baylioll King of Scots builded Baylioll Colledge in Oxford also in his time Walter Marton Lord Chancellour of England and after Bishop of Rochester Founded Marton Colledge in Oxford who was drowned passing over the water at Rochester being at that time no Bridge there as now there is In his time was finished the new worke of the Church of Westminster which had b●ene threescore and sixe yeares in building In his time was laid the Foundation of the Black-Friers besides Ludgate and of Baynards Castle also in his time his second wife Queene Margaret beganne to build the Quire of the Gray-Friers in London In his time was begunne to be made the great Conduit in London standing against the Church called Acres in Cheape In his time Henry Walleys Major of London caused the Tonne upon Cornhill to be a Prison for night-walkers and also builded a house called the Stocks for a Market of fish and flesh in the midst of the City In this Kings time Edmund Earle of Leycester the Kings brother Founded the Minories a Nunnery without Aldgate This King builded the Castle of Flint in Wales and the Castle of Beaumaris in the I le of Anglesey and the Castle of Carnarvan by Snowdon Also in this Kings time Iohn Peckham Arch-bishop of Canterbury Founded a Colledge of Canons at Wingham in Kent Casualties happening in his time IN the second yeare of this Kings Raigne there happened the greatest rot of Sheepe in England that ever was knowne which continued five and twenty years and came as was thought by one infected Sheepe of incredible greatnesse brought out of Spaine by a French Merchant into Northumberland In the fifteenth yeare of this Kings Raigne Wheate was sold for tenne Groats a Quarter where the next yeare after there was so great a Dearth that it was sold for eighteene pence the Bushell In the seventeenth yeare of his Raigne there fell so much raine that Wheate was raised from three pence the Bushell to sixteene pence and so encreased yearely till at last it was sold for twenty shillings the Quarter And this yeare the City of Carlile and the Abbey with all the houses belonging to the Friers Minors was consumed with fire In his one and twentieth yeare a great part of the Towne of Cambridge with the Church of our Lady was also burnt In the seven and twentieth yeare of his Raigne his Palace at Westminster and the Monastery adjoyning were consumed with fire The Monastery of Glocester also was burnt to the ground In this yeare also an Act of Common Counsell by consent of the King was made concerning victuals a fat Cocke to be sold for three halfe pence two Pullets for three halfe pence a fat Capon for two pence halfe penny a Goose foure pence a Mallard three halfe pence a Partridge three halfe pence a Pheasant foure pence a Hearon sixe pence a Plover one penny a Swanne three shillings ● Crane twelve pence two-Woodcocks three halfe pence a fat Lambe from Christmas to Shrovetide sixteene pence and all the yeare after for foure pence Of his Wives and Children HE had two Wives his first was Eleanor daughter to Ferdinand the third King of Spaine and was married to him at B●res in Spaine who having lived with him sixe and thirty years in a journey with him towards Scotland at Herdeby in Lincolneshire she died in whose memory and as Monuments of her vertue and his affection King Edward caused Crosses with her Statue to be erected in all chiefe places where her Corps in carrying to Westminster rested as at Stamford Dunstable Saint Albons Waltham Cheapside and lastly at the place called Charing Crosse she was buried in Westminster at the feete of King Henry the third under a faire Marble Tombe adorned with her Portraiture of Copper guilt By this wife King Edward had foure sonnes and nine daughters his eldest sonne Iohn his second Henry his third Alphonsus died all young in their Fathers time his fourth sonne Edward called of Carnarva● because borne there succeeded him in the kingdome Of his daughters the eldest named Eleanor was first married by Proxie to Alphonsus King of Arragon but he dying before the marriage solemni●ed she was afterward married at Bristow to Henry Earle of Barry in France by whom she had issue sons and daughters Ioane the second daughter of King Edward and Queene Eleanor borne at Acon in the Holy Land was married to Gylbert Clare called the Red Earle of Glocester and Hereford by whom she had issue sonnes and daughters She survived her husband and was re-married to the Lord Ralph Monthermere Father to Margaret the mother of Thomas Montacute Earle of Salisbury from whom the now Vicount Montacu●e is descended Margaret the third daughter of King Edward and Queene Eleanor was married to Iohn Duke of Brabant Berenger and Alice their fourth and fifth daughters dying young and unmarried Mary their sixth daughter at tenne yeares of her age was made a Nunne in the Monastery
came to him from thence he went to Ludlow and the next day to Shrewsbery and thither came to him Sir Leigh●nd ●nd Sir Iohn Leigh and many other being sent from Chester to offer their service thither also came to him the Lord Scales and the Lord ●ardolphe forth of Ireland From Shrewsbery he went to Chester and from thence sent for his sonne and heire and likewise for the Duke of Glocesters sonne and heire whom K. Richard had left in custody in Ireland with all speed to come into England but the Duke of Glocesters son through misfortune perished at Sea or as some write dyed of the plague the sorrow whereof caused shortly after his mothers death After this the Duke sent the Earle of Northumberland to the king who upon safe-conduct comming to him declared that if it might please his Grace to undertake that there should be a Parliament assembled in which Justice might be had and herewith pardon the Duke of Lancaster of all things wherein he had offended the Duke would be ready to come to him on his knees and as an humble subject obey him in all dutifull services Yet upon this conference with the Earle some say the king required onely that himselfe and eight more whom he would name might have honorable allowance with the assurance of a private quiet life and that then he would resigne his Crown and that upon the Earles Oath that this should be performed the king agreed to go● with the Earle to meet the Duke but after foure miles riding co●ming to the place where they had laid an Ambush the King was enclosed and constrained to goe with ●he Earle to Rutland where they dined and from thence to Flint to bed The 〈◊〉 had very few of his friends about him but onely the Earle of Salisbury the ●ishop of Carlile the Lord Scroope Sir Nicolas Ferehye and Iames D'Arthois a Gas●●●gne who still wore a white Heart the Cognisance of his Master K. Richard and neither for Promises nor Threats would be drawne to leave it off The King being in the Castle of Flint and Duke Henry with his Army approaching neere the Towne the Archbishop of Canterbury with the Duke of Aumerle a●d the Earle of Worcester went before to the King whom the King spying from the walls where he stood went downe to meet and finding they did their due reverence to him on their knees he tooke them up and taking the Archbishop aside n●ked with him a good while and as it was reported the Archbishop willed him to be of good comfort for he should be assured not to have any hurt as touching his person After this the Duke of Lancaster came to the Castle himselfe all-armed and being within the first gate he there stayed till the King accompanied with the Bish●p of Carlile and Earle of Salisbury and Sir Stephen Scroope who bore the sword before him came forth and sate down in a place prepared for him As soone as the● Duke saw him he came towards him bowing his knee and comming forward did so the second time and the third till the king tooke him by the hand and lift him up saying Deere Cousin you are welcome The Duke humbly thanking him s●●d● My Soveraigne Lord and king the cause of my comming at this present is your Honour saved to have restitution of my Person my Lands and Heritage Whereto the king answered Deere Cousin I am ready to accomplish your will so that you may enjoy all that is yours without exception After this comming forth of the Castle the king called for wine and after they had drunke they mou●●ed on horse-back and rode to Chester the next day to Nantwych then to Newc●stle from thence to Stafford and then to Lichfield and there rested Sunday after that they rode forward and lodged first at Coventry then at Dayntree then at N●r●h●mpton next day at Dunstable then at S. Albans and so came to London In all which journy they suffered not the king to change his apparell but made him ri●e still in one suit of raiment and that but a simple one though he in his time was ●x●●eding sumptuous in apparell having one Coate which was valued at Thirty Thousand markes And in this ●ort he was brought the next way to Westminster and from thence the next day had to the Tower and committed to safe Custodie After this a Parliament was called by the Duke of Lancaster but in the name of ● Richard in which many heinous points of Misgovernment were laid to his charge and were ingrossed up in three and thirty Articles the chiefe whereof were these That he had wastefully spent the Treasure of the Realme That without Law or Iustice he had caused the Duke of Glocester and the Earle of Arundell to be put to death That he had borrowed great summes of money and given his Letters Patents to repay thesame and yet not one Penny ever paid That he had said The Laws of the Realme were in his head and in his breast by reason of which fantasticall opinion he destroyed Noble-men and impoverished the Commons That he changed Knights and Burgesses of the Parliament at his pleasure That most tyrannously he said that the lives and goods of all his subiects were in his hands and at his disposition That whereas divers Lords were by the Court of Parliament appointed to treat of matters concerning the state of the Kingdome they being busied about the same Commission ●e w●●t about to appeach them of high Treason That by force and threats he enforced the Iudges of the Realme at Shrewsbery to condiscend to his way for the destruction of divers of the Lords That he caused his fathers own brother the Duke of Glocester without Law to be attached and sent to Callis and there without reason secretly murthered That notwithstanding the Earle of Arundell at his Arraignment pleaded his Charter of Pardon yet he could not be heard but was shamefully and suddenly put to death That he ●ssembl●d certaine La●cashire and C●●shire men to m●ke warre upon his Lord● and suffered them to rob and spoyle without prohibition That though he had made Proclamation that the Lords were not attached for any cri●● of Treason yet afte●ward in the Parliament he laid Treason to their charge That notwit●standing his Pardon granted to th●m he enforced divers of the Lords partak●rs to be againe intolerably Fined to their utter undoing That without the ●ssent of the Peeres he caried the Iewels and Plate of this Kingdom● into Ireland Upon these and some other Articles he was by Parliament adjudged to be deposed from all Kingly Honour and Princely Government And thereupon the King being advised by his owne servants rather voluntarily to resigne the Crowne then by compulsion to be forced to it on the Monday before the nine and ●●entieth day of September in the yeere 1399. he made a sol●mne Resignation bef●re diver● Lords and others sent to him for that purpose and an Ins●●ume●t of hi● R●signation
of himselfe oftentimes of others He had made the White Rose to flourish as long as Henry the Fourth made the Red if he had not made it change colour with too much blood He had been fortunate in his children if he had not been unfortunate in a brother but he was well enough served that would thinke a Wolfe could ever be a good Shepheard He had an excellent art in improving his favours for he could doe as much with a small courtesie as other men with a great benefit And that which was more he could make advantage of disadvantages for he got the love of the Londoners by owing them money and the good will of the Citizens by lying with their wives Of his Death and Buriall WHether it began from his minde being extreamely troubled with the injurious dealing of ●he King of France or from his body by intemperance of dyet to which he was much given he fell into a sicknesse some say a Catarche some a Feaver but into a sicknesse whereof he dyed In the time of which sicknesse at the very point of his death Sir Thomas Moore makes him to make a speech to his Lords which I might thinke to be the speech of a sick man if it were not so sound and of a weake man if it were not so long but it seemes Sir Thomas Moore delivers rather what was fit for him to say than what he sayd the Contents being onely to exhort his Lords whom he knew to be at variance to be in love and concord amongst themselves for that the welfare of his children whom he must now leave to their care could not otherwise be preserved but by their agreement And having spoken to this purpose as much as his weaknes would suffer him he found himselfe sleepy and turning on one side he fell into his long sleep the ninth of April in the yeere 1483. when he had lived one and forty yeeres Reigned two and twenty and one mo●eth and was buried at Windsor in the new Chappell whose foundation himselfe had laid Of men of Note in his time MEN of valour in his time were many but himselfe the chiefest the rest may be observed in reading his story For men of letters we may have leave at this time to speake of some strangers having been men of extraordinary fame as Iohānes de Monte Regi● Purbachiu● and Bl●●chinu● all great Astronomers Ludovicus Pontanus Paulus Castrensis and A●thonius Rossellanus all great Lawyers Servisanus Sava●arola and Barzizius all great Phisitians Bessarion and Cusanus both great Cardinalls Argyr●pole Philelphus Datus Leonardus Aretinus and Poggius all great men in humane lit●rature And of our own Countrimen Iohn Harding an E●quire borne in the North parts who wrote a Chronicle in English verse and among o●her speciall points therein touched hath gathered all the Submissions and Homages made by the Scottish kings even from the dayes of King Athelstan whereby it may evide●●●y appeare how the Scottish kingdome even in manner from the first Establish●ng thereof here in Britaine hath been appertaining unto the kings of England and holden of them as their chiefe and superiour Lords Iulian Bemes a Gentlewoman of excellent gifts who wrote certaine Treatises of Hawking and Hunting also a book of the L●wes of Armes and knowledge pertaining to Hera●lds Iohn For●●scue a Judge and Chancellour of England who wrote divers Treatises concerning the Law and Politick Government Rochus a Charterhouse-Monk born in London who wrote divers Epigrams Walter H●nt a Carmelite Fryer who for his excellent learning was sent from the whole body of the Realme to the Generall Counsell h●ld●● fir●● at Ferr●ra and after at Florence by Pope E●genius the fourth where ●e am●ngs● others dis●uted with the Greekes i● defence of the Order and Ceremo●●es o● the Latine Church William Caxton who wrote a Chronicle called Fructu● Temporum and an Appendix unto Trevisa besides divers other bookes and translations Iohn Milverton a Carmelit● Frier of Bristow and provinciall of his Order who because he defended such of his Order as preached against endowments of the Church with Temporall possessions was committed to prison in the Castle of Saint Angel● in Rome where he continued three yeers David Morgan a Welshman who wrote of the Antiquities of Wales and a description of the Country Iohn Tiptoft a nobleman born who wrote divers Treatises but lost of his head in the yeer 1471. Robert Huggon born in Norfolk who wrote certaine vaine Prophesies Thomas Norto● born in Bristow an Alchymist● Scoga●● a learned Gentleman and a Student for a time in Oxford who for his plesant wit and merry conceits was called to Court But most worthy of all to be remembred Thomas Littleton a reverend Judge of the Common Ple●s who brought a great part of the Law into a Method whic● lay before confusedly dispersed and his book called Littletons Tenures THE REIGNE OF KING EDWARD THE FIFTH KING Edward the Fourth being dead his eldest Sonne Edw●●● scarce yet eleven yee●● old succeeded in the kingdome but not in the Crown for he was Proclaimed king but never Crowned and indeed it may not so properly be called the Reigne of E●●●●d●he ●he fifth as the Tyranny of Richard the Third for from the time of king Edward● death though not in Name yet in effect● he not onely ruled as king but raged as a Tyrant Prince Edwa●● when his Father dyed was at Ludlow in Wales where he had lived some time before the better by his presence to keep the Welsh in awe He had about him of his Mothers kindred many but Sir Anthony Woodvile the Earle Rivers his Uncle was appointed his chiefe Counsellour and directour The Duke of Glocester was at this time in the North but had word presently sent him from the Lord Hastings Lord Chamberlaine of his brother king Edwards death who acquainted him withall that by his Will he had committed the young king his Queen and other children to his care and government and thereupon putting him in minde 〈◊〉 necessary it was for him speed●ly to rep●ir● to London But the Duke of Gloce●●er needed no spurre to set him forward who was already in a full cariere for he had long before projected in his minde how he might come to attaine the Crown and now hee thought the way was made him For as it is said the very night in which king Edward dyed one Misselbrooke long ere morning came in great haste to the house of one Potter dwelling in Red-crosse-streete without Cripplegate where he shewed unto Potter that king Edward was departed to whom Potter answered By my troth man then will my Master the Duke of Glocester be king what cause he had so to thinke is hard to say but surely it is not likely he spake it of nought And now the young king was comming up to London with a strong guard partly to make a first expression of his greatnesse and partly to oppose any disorders that might be offered But the Duke
to come on land was to have disswaded the King from any Enterview with the French King but when he saw him ●o forward in that jour●ey he then onely endeavoured to perswad● him that he should put no trust in the French Kings words and with great gui●ts and promises prevailed with the Cardinall to joyne with him in this perswasion The last of May the Emperour tooke his leave and the same day the King made saile from Dover and landed at Callice together with the Queen and many Lords and Ladies The fourth of Iune the King and Queen removed from Callice to his Princely lodging beside the Towne of Guysnes the most Royall Building that was e●er seene likewise Francis the French King had his lodging prepared close to the Towne of Ard in a strange but most magnificent fashion Both Kings had given authority and power to the Cardinall to affirme and confirme ●o bind or unbind whatsoever should be in difference betweene them no lesse an honour to the Cardinall then a confidence in the Kings On Thursday the seaven●h of Iune the Kings met in the vale of Andren so magnificently attired both themselves and all their followers that from thence it was called ●he campe of cloath of Gold Heere they spent that day in loving complements and at night departed the one to Guysnes the other to Ard. On Satureday the ninth of Iune were set up in a place within the English pale two Trees of honour with stately roomes and stages for the Queens and thither the two Kings came most Royally accompan●ed wherein most magnificent manner they performed Acts of valour both on foo●e and horseback and after them all the great Lords both of France and England did the like this solemnity of Justs and Maskes was continued to the foure and twentieth day of Iune at which time the Kings and Queenes tooke leave of each other the French King and Q●eene removed to Ard the King and Queene of England to Callice where he remained till the tenth of Iuly and then ridings ●oward Graveling was by the way met by the Emperour and by him conducted thithet and there in most royall manner ente●tained whereof when the French King heard he began from that day forward to have King Henry in a kinde of jelousie as though to love him and the Emperour both were inconsistent and could not stand together On Wednesday the eleventh of Iuly the Emperor and his Aunt the Lady Margaret Dutchesse of Savoy came with the King of England to the town of Callice and there continued with Feasting Dancing and Masking till the fourteenth of Iuly In which time all the Articles of the league tripartito betweene the Emperour and the Kings of England and France were reviewed to which the King of France had so fully condiscended that he had sent Monsieur de Roche to the Emperor with Let●ers of credence that in the word of a Prince he would inviolably observe and keepe them all all which notwithstanding he dispenced with his conscience afterward in breaking them all On Saturday Iuly 14. the Emperor tooke his leave and went to Graveling the King with his Queene returned into England It was now the twelfth yeer of King Henries reigne when being returned from Callice he kept his Christmas at Greenwich with great magnificence on twelfth day he and the Earl of Devonshire maintained a solemn Justs against al commers The Cardinal had long born a grudg against the Duke of Buckingham for speaking certain words in his disgrace and now hath made his way for reveng for the Earl of Surrey Lord Admirall who had maried the Dukes daughter the Cardinall had caused to be sent Deputy into Ireland and the Earle of Northumberland the Dukes speciall friend he had caused upon certain suggested crimes to be Imprisoned so as the Duke having his friends sequestred from him he lay now open to accusations and accusations shall not long be wanting for the Duke having some time before put from him in displeasure one Charles Knevet that had been his Surveyar and inward with him him the Cardinall gets to him to see what he could get out of him against the Duke And whether it was out of desire of revenge or out of hope of reward or that the matter was so indeed this Knevet confessed to the Cardinall that the Duke had once fully determined to make away the King being brought into a hope to be King himselfe by a vaine Prophesie which one Nicholas Hopkins a Monke of an house of the Chartnar Order besides Bristow called Henton somtimes his Confessor had opened to him and as for the Cardinall that he had often heard the Duke sweare he would punish him soundly for his manifold misdoings And now had the Cardinall matter enough for Accusation which he so aggravated to the King that the King bid him do with him according to Law Hereupon the Duke is apprehended and brought to the Tower by Sir Henry Marney Captain of the Guard the fifteenth of April and shortly after in Guild-hal before Sir Iohn Brugge then Lord Major was indited of divers points of High-treason the substance whereof was that in the second yeer of the Kings reign and at divers times before and after he had imagined and compassed the Kings death at London and at Thornbery in Glocestershi●e and that in the sixth yeer of the Kings reign he went in person to the Priory of Henton and there had conference with the foresaid Nicholas Hopkins who told him he should be King and that he had often said to the Lord Aburgayne who had maried his daughter that if King Henry died without issue he would look to have the Crown himself Vpon these points hee was arraigned in Westminster-hall before the Duke of Norfolk sitting then as high Steward of Engla●d the Duke of Suffolk the Marquesse Dorset the Earls of VVorcester Devonshire Essex Shrewsbury Kent Oxford and Darby the Lords of Saint Iohns de la ware Fitz-water Willoughby Brook Cobha● Herbert Morley The Duke pleaded for himself til he swet again but al booted ●ot for by these Peeres he was found guilty and condemned and so on Friday the seventeenth of May was led by Iohn Keyme and Iohn Skevington Sheriffes of London to the scaffold on Tower-hill and there beheaded The Augustine Friers took his body and head and buried them This Edward Bohun Duke of Buckingham was the last high Constable of England the greatest place next the high Steward in the kingdome whose Power extended to restrain some actions of the King He was also Earl of Hereford Stafford and Northampton he maried Elianor the daughter of Henry Earle of Northumberland and had issue Henry Lord Stafford Father to Henry Lord Stafford la●e living and three daughters Elizabeth maried to Thomas H●ward Earl of Surrey Katherine maried to Ralph Nevil Earl of Wes●merland and Mary maried to George Nevill Lord of Abu●ga●enie In this meane while a new Warre was begun between the Emperour and
taken by right of War and not to be dismissed till she had made satisfaction for assuming the Title of England and for the death of Darly her husband who was born one of the Queens Subjects In this diversity of opinions Queen Elisabeth out of her own judgement sent word by Middemore to the Regent of Scotland that he should come himself in person or else depute some fit persons to answer the complaints of the Queen of Scots against him and his confederates and render sufficient reasons wherefore they had deprived her otherwise● she would forthwith dismisse her and with all the forces she could settle her in her Kingdom To this Summons Murray obeys and comes to York the place appointed for this Treaty accompanied with seven more of his intimate friends who stood Delegates for the Infant King namely Iames Earl of Morton Ad●m Bishop of the Ork●neys Robert of Dunferm Patrick Lord of Lyndsey Iames Mac-gylly and Henry ●adinary and with these Lydington the Secretary and Ge●rge Buchanan And the very same day came thither Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk Thomas Ratcliff Earl of Sussex and Sir Ralph Saedler a Privie-Councellour appointed Commissioners for Queen Elisabeth For the Queen of Scots who took it hainously that Queen Elisabeth would not hear the caus● h●r self but refer h●r to Subjects being an absolute Prince and not ty●d to their proc●edings there appeared Iohn Lesley Bishop of Ross William Lord Levyng●●on Robert Lord Boyde Ga●●● of Kilwynnin Iohn G●urd●n and Iames Cock●urn Being met Lydingto● turning himself to the Scots in a wondrous liberty of Speech gave them this advice Maturely to consider what prejudice they should draw upon themselves by accusing th● Queen of Scots and calling her Reputation in question publikely before the English professed enemies of the Scottish Nation Likewise wha● account they shall be able to give hereof to the King when he shall grow to ●iper y●●rs and shall see what an injury this was to the Kingdom his Mother and his own per●on Wherefor● said he it seemeth requisite to forbear this businesse al●ogether unlesse the Queen of England will enter into a ●u●uall league of Offence and Defence against all those which under this pretenc● shall go about ●o molest us Upon this Speech of his the D●l●gates of the Que●n of Scots made Protestation That although it pleased the Qu●●n of Scots to have the cause between her and her disloyall Subjects d●●●ted befo●● the English yet she being a free Prince and obnoxious to no earthly Prince whatsoever did not thereby yeeld her self subject to th● Jurisdiction and command of any person On the contrary the English pro●est●d That they did in no wise admi● that Protestation in pr●judice to the right which the Kings of England have anciently challenged as superiou● Lords of the Kingdom of Sco●land The day after the Queen of Sco●s Delegates s●t forth at large the injurious dealing of Morton Murray Marre Gle●car● 〈◊〉 and others against the Queen and how they had compelled h●r for fear of death to resign her Crown which therefore they said was of no ●or●● Murray and his confederates make answ●r That they had done nothing but by consent of the Peers in Parliament and tha● in pros●cu●ing o● Bothwell the author of the Kings murther whom the Queen protected and as for her resignation ●hat it was voluntarily and freely done All this the Queen of Scots Delega●es answered and confuted affirming in particular That where there are 100 Earls Bishops and Barons more or lesse that have voices in the Parliament of Scotland there were not in that tum●ltous assembly they speak of above four Earls one Bishop an Abbot or two and six Barons wherefore their earnest request was that the Q●een of England would be ●●nsible of these indignities offered her and take some course for a speedy rednesse After this some new Commissioners from Queen Elizabeth were added to the former to some of whom the Queen of Scots took exception unlesse the French and Spanish Embassadors might be taken in and her self admitted into the presence of the Queen and them publickly to defend her own innocency and that Murray might be detained and ●ited whom she affirmed she was able to prove to have been the chief Plotter of the murther of her husband Darley This was held to be a just demand by the Duke of Norfolk the Earls of Arundell Sussex Leicester and the Lord Clinton But Queen Elizabeth waxing somewhat angry openly said that the Queen of Scots should never want an Advocate as long as Norfolk lived It was seen here which is said that the heart of the King is inscrutable for how Queen Elizabeth stood affected in this case of the Queen of Scots no man could well discern● she detested the insolency of her Subjects in deposing her and yet gave no assistance to restore her After long agitation of this businesse and nothing concluded Murray a little before his return into Scotland slyly propounded the mariage of the Queen of Scots to the Duke of Norfolk which he with a modest answer rejected as a thing full of danger But withall Murray the more to alienate Queen Elizabeths mind from the Queen of Scots gave ou● that she had passed away to the Duke of Andyn her Right to the Crown of England and that the transaction was confirm'd at Rome he shewd Letters also which the Queen of Scots had written to some friends whom she trusted wherein she accused the Queen for not dealing with her according to promise and boasted of succours she expected from some others This last clause something troubled Queen Elizabeth neither could she conjecture from whence any such succour should come seeing both France with the Civill Wars and the King of Spain in the Low-countries had eno●gh to do at home But at last it brake out that one Robert Ridolph a Florentine under the habit of a Merchant in London was suborned by Pope ●ius the fifth to make a secret commotion of the Papists in England against the Queen which he performed indeed with a great deal of secrecy and much cunning whereupon the Queen of Scots was removed from Bolton a Castle of the Lord Scroops where all the neighbouring people were Papists● to Tutbury more toward the heart of the Country under the custody of George Earl of Shrewsbury About this time the Guises in France and the Duke D'Alva in the Low-countries began to endeavour the utter extirpation of the Protestant Religion In France the Ministers of the Gospell are commanded within a limitted time to depart the Kingdom when Queen Elizabeth forgetting the ●icklenesse of the Protestants at New-haven once again takes upon her their protection supplyes them with two hundred thousand Crowns in money besides Munition in abundance and with all humanity receives the French that fled into England the rather for that they made solemn protestation they took not up Arms against their Prince but only stood upon their own defence In the Low-countries
Arthur whose Raigne is so uncertaine that some say he raigned onely two some three yeares some againe thirty and some three and thirty After Conanus succeeded Vortiporus who after many victories against the Saxons and foure yeares Raigne died After whom succeeded Malgo Conanus and Raigned six yeares After him Careticus who setting upon the Saxons and beaten ●led into the Towne of Chichester whereupon the Saxons catching certaine Sparrowes and fastning fire to their feete let them fly into the Towne where lighting upon ●traw and other matter apt to take fire the whole City in short space was burnt and thereupon Careticus flying secured himselfe amongst the Mountaines of Wales where he dyed after he had unprosperously Raigned three yeares and from that time forth the Britaines lost their whole Kingdome in the East part of the Island and were confined in the West by the rivers Severne and Dee After Careticus succeeded Cadwan who Raigned two and twenty yeares After him his sonne Cadwallo who Raigned eight and forty yeares and then died whose body was buried in St. Martins Church neere Ludgate and his Image of brasse placed upon the same gate for a terrour to the Saxons In his time the doctrine of Mahomet began to spread it selfe all the Easterne world over After Cadwallo succeeded his sonne Cadwalladar in whose time so great a Famine and afterward Mortality hapned continuing eleven yeares that the Land became in a manner desolate in so much that the King and many of his Lords were driven to forsake their native Country and Cadwalladar himselfe went to his cousin Alan King of little Britaine in France At which time the Saxons taking advantage of his absence came over in swarmes and dispossessed the forlorne Britaines of all they had and divided the Land amongst themselves Whereupon Cadwalladar obtaining assistance of his cousin Alan was comming over to restraine their insolencies when making prayers to God for good successe an Angell appeared to him or at least to his seeming hee heard a voyce that forbad him the enterprise declaring that it was not Gods will the Britaines should rule this Land any longer and therefore bade him hie him to Rome and receive of Pope Sergius the habit of Religion wherein he should die and rest in peace Which accordingly he did and in him ended the blood of the British Kings in the yeare 689. So as Britaine now was no longer Brit●ine but a Colony of the Saxons And now is time to speake of the Heptarchy of the Saxons so much spoken of by all Writers● and to shew by what degrees the Britai●es lost and the Saxons got the whole possession of this Island for this Heptarchie or division of this Island into seven Kingdomes came not in all at once nor yet in an equall partition but some good distance of time one after another and as the Invadour had strength to expell the Natives The first Kingdome being of Kent THe first Kingdome of the Saxons began by Hengist in the yeare 455. containing all Kent and continued 372. yeares during the raignes of seventeene Kings of whom as many as performed any memorable Act shall be remembred and for the rest it will be no losse to passe them over in silence Of these seventeene Kings Ethelbert being the fifth was the first Saxon Christian King of this Island converted by Austin the Monke whom Pope Gregory sent hither to that purpose with forty others in the yeare 595. to whom King Ethelbert gave his chiefe City of Canterbury and his owne Royall Palace there made since the Cathedrall of that See withdrawing himselfe to Re●ulver in the Isle of Thanet where he erected a Palace for himselfe and his successors He gave him also an old Temple standing without the East wall of the City which he honoured with the name of St. Paneras and then added a Monastery to it and Dedicated it to St. Peter and Paul appointing it to be the place for the Kentish Kings Sepulchers But in regard of Austin the procurer both Pan●ras Peter and Paul were soone forgotten and it was and is to this day called St. Austines which Abbey St. Austin enriched with divers Reliques which he brought with him from Rome amongst which was a part of Christs seamelesse Coate and of Aarons Rodde This King after his owne conversion converted also Sebert King of the East Angles and assisted him in the building of the Cathedrall Church o● St. Paul London as also the Church of St. Peter on the West of London then called Thorny and himselfe at Rochester built the Cathedrall Church there which he Dedicated to the Apostle St. Andrew and dying when he had Raigned six and fifty yeares was buried at Canterbury And thus by this first Saxon Kingdome was all Kent lopped off from the Britaines Dominion and this was their first impairing and this happened in the Raigne of Ambrosius before spoken of The sixth King of Kent was Ethelbald who at first an Apostata was afterwards converted and built a Chappell within the Monastery of St. Peter and Paul at Canterbury The seventh King was Ercombert a vertuous and religious Prince who first commanded the observing of Lent and in his daies the Archbishop Honorius divided Kent into Parishes The eighth King was Egbert who obtained the kingdome by murthering his Nephews whose sister the Lady Dompnena founded the Abbey of Minster in Kent The eleventh King was Withred who founded the Priory of St. Merton at Dover The last was Baldred who overcome by Egbert King of the West Saxons left Kent a Province to that Kingdome in the yeare 827. The second Kingdome being of the South Saxons THe second Kingdome of the Heptarchie was of the South Saxons and began by Ella in the yeare 488. containing Sussex and Surrey and continued 113 yeares during the raigne of five Kings onely of whom Cissa being the second founded the City of Chichester and raigned as some say threescore and sixteene yeares And then Berthan being the last King was overcome by Ine King of the West Saxons and his Country became a Province to that Kingdome in the yeare 601. and thus as Kent before so now Sussex and Surrey were lopped off from the Britaines Dominion and this was a second impairing which also happened in the Raigne of the British King Ambrosius The third Kingdome being of the West Saxons THe third Kingdome of the Heptarchie was of the West Saxons and began by Cerdic in the yeare 519. containing Cornwall Devonshire Dorse●shire Somersetshire Wiltshire Hampshire and Barkeshire and continued 561. yeares during the Raignes of nineteene Kings of whom this Cerdic was the first in whose time Porth a Saxon landed in the West at a place from him called afterward Portesmouth and ayded Cerdic in his conquest And this happened in the Raigne of King Arthur and as Kent Sussex and Surrey before so now these seven other shires were lopped off from the Britaines Dominion and this was a third impairing The sixth King of the West
After the death of Athelstan his brother Edmund the fifth sonne of his Father succeeded and was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames but no sooner was the Crowne set upon his head but the Danes were upon his backe and in Northumberland made Insurrections whom yet he not onely repressed in that part but tooke from them the Townes of Lincolne Leycester Darby Stafford and Nottingham compelling them withall to receive Baptisme and to become his Subjects so as the Country was wholly his as farre as Humber Cumberland also which had beene an entire Kingdome of it selfe and was now ayded by Leolyn King of South-wales he utterly wasted and gave it to Malcolme King of Scots to hold of him by Fealty After his returning home he ●et himselfe to ordaine Lawes for the good of his People which Master Lambert hath since transla●ed into Latine But after all his noble Acts both in Warre and Peace he came at last to a lamentable end for at his Manour of Pucklekerks in the County of Glocester interposing himselfe to part a fray betweene two of his servants he was thrust through the body and so wounded that he dyed and was buryed at Glastenbury after he had Raigned five yeares and seven moneths leaving behinde him two young Sonnes Edwyn and Edgar King Edmund dying his brother Edred in the minority of his Nephewes was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames by Otho Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the yeare 946. Not as Protector It seemes that kinde of Authority was not yet come in use but as King himselfe though with purpose to resigne when the right Heire should come of age which at this time needed not for while the right Heire was scarce yet fourteene yeares old he resigned to him the Kingdome by resigning his life to Nature after he had twice repressed the rebelling Northumbrians and twice forgiven their rebelling which yet was not a simple Rebellion for they had sent for Anlafe the Dane out of Ireland and made him their King which place for foure yeares he held and then weary of his government they thrust him out and take one Hericus to be their King whom not long after they put downe also and then partly allured by the lenity of King Edred and partly forced by his Armes they submit themselves to him and aske forgivenesse to whom he as a mercifull Prince giants an Act of Oblivion and received them againe into protection This Prince was so devout and humble that he submitted his body to be chastised at the will of Dunstan Abbot of Glastenbury and committed all his Treasure and Jewels to his custody The stately Abbey of Mich at Abington neare Oxford built by King Inas but destroyed by the Danes he newly re-edified endowing it with revenues and Lands the Charters whereof he confirmed with seales of Gold He ordained Saint Germans in Cornwall to be a Bishops See which there continued till by Canutus it was annexed to the Episcopall See of Kyrton in Devonshire Both which Sees were afterward by King Edward the Confessor translated to the City of Exceter He left behinde him two Sonnes Elfred and Bertfred and was buryed in the old Minster without the City of Winchester whose bones with other Kings are to this day preserved in a gilt Coffer fixed upon the wall in the South side of the Quire After Edred not any of his sonnes but his Nephew Edwyn the eldest sonne of King Edmund succeeded and was annoynted and Crowned at Kingston upon Thames by Otho Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the yeare 955. This Prince though scarce fourteene yeares old and in age but a childe yet was able to commit sinne as a man For upon the very day of his Coronation and in sight of his Lords as they sate in Counsell he shamefully abused a Lady of great Estate and his neare kinswoman and to mend the matter shortly after slew her Husband the more freely to injoy his incestuous pleasure And whether for this infamous fact or for thrusting the Monkes out of the Monasteries of Mamesbury and Glastenbury and placing marryed Priests in their roomes as also for banishing Dunstan the holy Abbot of Glastenbury out of the Realme a great part of his Subjects hearts was so turned against him that the Mercians and Northumbrians revolted and swore Fealty to his younger brother Edgar with griefe whereof after foure yeares Raigne he ended his life and was buryed in the Church of the New Abbey of Hyde at Winchester After Edwyn succeeded his younger brother Edgar at the age of sixteene yeares but his Coronation when and where and by whom so uncertaine that some say he was Crowned at Kingston upon Thames by Otho Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the first yeare of his Raigne others say not till the twelfth and William of Mamesbery not till the thirtyeth Another Chronicle saith in his eleventh yeare and that in the City of Bathe by the hands of Dunstan Arch-bishop of Canterbury This King by reason of the tranquillity of his Raigne was surnamed the Peaceable for as he was something inclined to the Danes so the Danes never offered to stirre in all his time and as for the Saxons they acknowledged him their sole Soveraigne without division of Provinces or Titles His Acts were some Vertuous some Politick some Just some Pious and yet all these not without some mixture of vice To represse dunkennesse which the Danes had brought in he ma●e a Law Ordaining a size by certaine pinnes in the pot with penalty to any that should presume to drinke deeper then the marke It was a Politicke device which he used for the destruction of Wolves that in his dayes did great annoyance to the Land For the tribute imposed on the Princes of Wales by King Athelstan he wholly remitted appointing in lieu thereof a certaine number of Wolves yearely to be paid whereof the Prince of North-wales for his part was to pay three hundred which continued for three yeares space and in the fourth yeare there was not a Wolfe to be found and so the tribute ceased He had in his Navy Royall three thousand and sixe hundred ships which he divided into three parts appointing every one of them to a severall Quarter to scowre the Seas and to secure the Coasts from Pirats and left his Officers might be carelesse or corrupted he would himselfe in person saile about all the Coasts of his Kingdome every Summer It was a notable Act of Justice that in his Circuits and Progresses through the Country he would take speciall account of the demeanour of his Lords and specially for his Judges whom he severely punished if he fonnd them Delinquents Warres he had none in all his Raigne onely towards his end the Welshmen moved some rebellion against whom he went with a mighty Army and chastised the Authours but when his Souldiers had gotten great spoyles and made prey upon the innocent Countrey people he commanded them to restore it all backe againe which if it made some few English angry it
his brother Prince Ethelred were then residing he out of his love to both would needs himselfe alone goe visit them where the cruell woman out of ambition to bring her owne Sonne to the Crowne caused one to runne him into the backe with a knife as he was drinking a cup of Wine on horse backe at his departing who feeling himselfe hurt set spurres to his horse thinking thereby to get to his company but the wound being mortall and he fainting thorow losse of much blood fell from his Horse but one foote being intangled in the stirrup he was thereby rufully dragged up and downe through Woods and Lands And lastly left dead at Corfes gate for which untimely death he was ever after called by ●he name of Edward the Martyr He Raigned onely three yeares and ●ix moneths and was Buryed first at Winchester without all Funerall pompe but after three yeares by Duke Alferus removed and with great solemnity interred in the Minster of Shaftsbury Queene Elfrid to expiate this her bloody fact built the two Monasteries of Almesbery and Worwell in the Counties of Wil●shire and Southampton in which latter with great repentance she lived till her death After the death of Edward the Martyr dying at the age of sixteene yeares his halfe brother Ethelred at the age of twelve yeares in the yeare 979. was Crowned King at Kingston upon Thames by Dunstan Arch-bishop of Canterbury though much against his will which King by reason of his backwardnesse in Action was commonly called the Unready Before whose time for two and twenty yeares past● the Danes had lived as quiet Inmates with the English but whether weary of so long doing nothing or finding now opportunity of doing something in the second yeare of this King they begin to stirre and inviting from home more forces who in seven Ships arrived upon the Coast of Kent they spoyled all the Country specially the Isle of Thanet and continued this course of forraging the Kingdome sometimes in one part and sometimes in another for eleven yeares together till at last in the yeare 991. the King by advice of his Lords of whom Siricius the now Arch-bishop of Canterbury was chiefe was contented to pay them ten thousand pounds upon condition they should quietly depart the Realme This served the turne for the present but was so farre from satisfying them that it did but give them the greater appetite for the yeare following they came againe and that with a greater Fleet then before against whom the King prepared a competent Navy and committed it to Elfricke Earle of Mercia but he proving treacherous as indeed all other for the most part did whom the King imployed against the Danes as with whom they were allyanced in blood the Dan●s so prevailed● that for the next Composition they had sixteene thousand pounds given them and a yeare after twenty thousand and so every yeare more and more till it came at last to forty thousand by which meanes the Land was emptyed of all Coyne and the English were brought so low that they were faine to Till and Eare the Ground whilest the Danes sate idle and ate the fruite of their labours abusing the Wives and Daughters of their Hosts where they lay and yet i● every place for every feare were called Lord-Danes which afterward became a word of derision when one would signifie a lazy Lubber In this distressed state the King at last bethought himselfe of a course He sent forth a secret Commission into every City within his Dominions that at an appointed time they should massacre all the Danes that were amongst them The day was the thirteenth of November being the Festivall of Saint Bricius in the yeare 1002. His command was accordingly performed and with such rigour that in Oxford the Danes for refuge tooke into the Church of Saint Frideswyde as into a Sanctuary when the English neither regarding Place nor Person set the Church on site wherein many of the Danes were burnt and the Library thereof utterly defaced And who would not now thinke but that England by this Fact had cleane shaken off the Danish yoke for ever yet it proved cleane otherwise For the newes of this massacre adding a new edge of revenge to the old edge of ambition made the Danes sharper set against the English then ever they had beene before so as the yeare following their King Sweyne with a mighty Navy entred the Country razed and levelled with the ground the City of Exceter all along from the East Gate to the West against whom the King levyed an Army and made Generall over it the Earle Edricke his great Favourite whom he had created Duke of Mercia and given him his Daughter Edgyth in marriage yet all this great favour could not keepe him from being treacherous for being sent Embassadour to the Danes to mediate for Peace he revealed to them the weaknesse of the Land and treacherously disswaded them from consenting to any Truce Upon this King Ethelred gave order that every three hundred and ten Hydes of Land should build a Ship and every eight Hydes finde a compleat Armour furnished yet all this great preparation came to nothing but onely to make a shew After this the King seeing no end of their invasions nor promise kept upon any composition for three Danish Princes with a great Fleet were now newly arrived He intended to adventure once for all and to commit his cause to God by the fortune of a Battaile To which end he secretly gathered a mightily Power and comming unlooked for when the Enemy was unprepared he had certainely given an end to the Quarrell if the wicked Edricke had not disswaded him from fighting and put him into a causelesse feare by forged tales After this the Danes forraged many Countryes burnt Oxford The●ford and Cambridge and lastly entred Wiltshire which was the seventh shire in number they had laid waste like a Wildernesse The yeare after they make a new Expedition and besiege Canterbury which by treason of a Church-man they wonne tooke Alphegus the Arch-bishop and flew nine hundred Monkes and men of Religion besides many Citizens without all mercy for they Tythed the people slaying all by nines and reserving onely the tenth to live so that of all the Monkes in the Towne there were but foure saved and of the Lay people foure thousand eight hundred by which account Master Lambert collecteth that there dyed in this Massacre three and forty thousand and two hundred persons The Arch-bishop Alphegus for that he refused to charge his Tenants with three thousand pounds to pay for his ransome they most cruelly stoned to death at Green●wich Turkillus the leader of these murtherers tooke into his possession all Norfolke and Suffolke over whom he tyrannized in most savage manner the rest compounding with the English for eight thousand pounds quietly for a while sojourned among them The yeare following came King Sweyne againe and with a great Navy arrived in the mouth of Humber and
him by Baldwyn Earle of Flaunders he tooke the Sea for England where comming to shoare Earle Goodwyn met him and bound himselfe by Oath to be his guide to his Mother Queene Emma but being wrought firme for Harold he led him and his company a contrary way and lodged them at Guilford making knowne to King Harold what he had done who presently committed them all to slaughter sparing onely every tenth man for service or sale Prince Alfred himselfe he sent Prisoner to the Isle of Ely where having his eyes inhumanely put out in griefe and torment he ended his life Some adde a more horrible kind of cruelty as that his belly was opened and one end of his bowels drawne out and fastned to a stake his body pricked with Needles or Poignards and forced about till all his Entrailes were extracted This done he then set upon Queene Emma confiscated her Goods and banished her the Realme And now further to secure himselfe he kept the Seas with sixteene Danish Ships to the maintenance whereof he charged the English with great payments by which if he procured the safety of his Person he certainly procured the hatred of his Subjects This King for his swiftnesse in running was called Harefoot but though by his swiftnesse he out-runne his Brother for the Kingdome yet could he not runne so fast but that death quickely overtooke him For having Raigned onely foure yeares and some moneths he dyed at Oxford● and was buryed at Westminster having never had Wife or Children Of the third and last Danish King in England KIng Harold being dead the Lords to make amends for their former neglect send now for Hardiknute and offer him their Allegeance who accepteth their offer and thereupon taking Sea arrived upon the Coast of Kent the sixth day after he had set saile out of Denmarke and with great pompe conveyed to London was there Crowned King by Elnothus Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1040. His first Act was to be revenged of his deceased brother Harold whose body he caused to be digged up and throwne into the Thames where it remained till a Fisherman found it and buryed it in the Church yard of Saint Clement without Temple Barre commonly called Saint Clement Danes because it was the burying place of the Danes as some write But towards his Mother and halfe Brother Prince Edw●rd he shewed true naturall affection inviting them both to returne into England where he received them with all the honour that from a Sonne or Brother could be expected But now as the King Harold for his swiftnesse in running was surnamed Harefoo●e So this King for his intemperance in dyet might have been surnamed Swines-mouth or Bocc●di Porco for his Tables were spread every day foure times and furnished with all kindes of curious dishes as delighting in nothing but Gormandizing and Swilling and as for managing the State he committed it wholly to his Mother Q●eene Emma and to the politicke Earle of Kent Godwyn who finding this weaknesse in the King began to thinke himselfe of aspiring● and to make the better way for it he sought by all meanes to alien the Subjects hearts from the Prince amongst other courses he caused him to lay heavy Taxes upon them onely for Ship-money to pay his Danes amounting to two and thirty thousand pounds which was so offensive to the people that the Citizens of Worcester slew two of his Officers Thursta● and Fe●dax that came to Collect it But this King had soone the reward of his Intemperance For in a Solemne Assembly and Banquet at Lambeth Revelling and Carowsing he suddenly fell downe without speech or breath after he had Raigned only two yeares and was buryed at Winchester His death was so welcome to his Subjects that the day of his death is to this day commonly celebrated with open pastimes in the street and is called Hocks-tide signifying scorning or contempt which fell upon the Danes by his death For with him ended the Raigne of the Danes in England after they had miserably afflicted the kingdome for the space of two hundred and forty yeares though in Regall Government but onely six and twenty Of English Kings againe and first of Edward the Confessour KIng Hardiknute dying without issue as having never beene marryed and the Danish line cleane extinguished Edward for his Piety called the Confessour halfe Brother to the deceased Hardiknute and sonne to King Ethelred by his Wife Queene Emma was by a generall consent admitted King of England and was Crowned at Winchester by Edsyne Arch-bishop of Canterbury on Easter day in the yeare 1042. being then of the age of forty yeares He was borne at Islip neare to Oxford and after his Fathers death for safety sent into France to the Duke of Normandy his Mothers Brother from whence he now came to take upon him the Crowne of England His Acts for gaining the Peoples love were first the remitting the yearely tribute of forty thousand pounds gathered by the name of Danegilt which had beene imposed by his Father and for forty yeares together paid out of all mens Lands but onely the Clergy and then from the divers Lawes of the Mercians West Saxons Danes and Northumbrians he selected the best and made of them one Body certaine and written in Latine being in a sort the Fountaine of those which at this day we tearme the Common Lawes though the formes of pleading and processe therein were afterward brought in by the Conquerour The Raigne of this King was very peaceable Onely in his sixth yeare the Danish Pirates entred the Port of Sandwich which with all the Sea-coast of Essex they spoyled and then in Flanders made merchandise of their prey As likewise the Irish with thirty ships entred Severne and with the assistance of Griffyth King of Southwales burnt or ●lew all in their way till at last Reese the brother of Griffyth was slaine at B●lenden and his head presented to King Edward at Glocester His Domesticall troubles were onely by Earle G●dwyn and his sonnes who yet after many contestations and affronts were reconciled and Godwyn received againe into as great favour as before But though King Edward forgave his Treasons yet the Divine Providence did not for soone after as he sate at Table with the King on Easter Munday he was suddenly strucken with death and on the Thursday following dyed and was buryed at Winchester Some make his death more exemplar as that justifying himselfe for Prince Alfreds death he should pray to God that if he were any way guilty of it he might never swallow downe one morsell of bread and thereupon by the just Judgement of God was choaked by the first morsell he offered to eate In this Kings time such abundance of snow fell in Ianuary continuing till the middle of March following that almost all Cattell and Fowle perished and therewithall an excessive dearth followed Two Acts are related of this King that seeme nothing correspondent to the generall opinion had of his Vertue
the Second called Rufus second Son to William the Conquerour appointed Successor by his Fathers Will was upon the fifth of October in the yeare 1087. by Lanfranke Archbishop of Canterbury Crowned at Westminster King of England Wherein his Father seemes to have followed the Example of Iacob who gave to his younger sonne Ioseph the Land which he had taken with his Sword and his Bow for with his sword and his Bow had King William gotten the Land of England and therefore might justly bestow it on which of his Sonnes he pleased And besides there was cause enough why he should shew this Sonne of his some extraordinary favour seeing in the Rebellion of his brother Robert yet he stood firmely for his Father and in his quarrell incurred no small hazard of his life as wherein he received divers wounds and perhaps also his Father thought the rough disposition of this sonne fitter to bridle the insurrections of the English then the softly disposition of his sonne Robert But though he have thus quietly gotten the Crowne he must not looke to hold it so and indeed at his very beginning is assaulted with two troubles in one for both his Brother Robert prepares to recover it from him and the Lords of the Kingdome combine with Robert to assist him in it The first mover of this trouble was Odo Bishop of Bayeux his Unckle who finding himselfe not to beare the sway he expected and specially for an old grudge he bore to Lanfranke Arch-bishop of Canterbury as by whose means in the former Kings time he had bin imprisoned the Arch-bishop telling him that though he might not imprison a Bishop yet he might imprison an Earle of Kent as this Odo was made not long before he drawes many other Bishops and Temporall Lords to joyne with him● in behalfe of Duke Robert against the King but though the storme were violent for a while yet it soon passed over that indeed of his Lords with more difficulty but that of his brother Robert with more cost For it was at last agreed that Rufus should pay him three thousand markes a yeare during his life and leave him the Kingdome after his owne decease But there was difficulty in repressing his Rebell Lords by reason of their spreading themselves abroad in many quarters For Odo fortifyed himselfe in Kent Roger Montgomery Earle of Shrewsbury in Norfolke Suffolke and Cambridgeshire Hugh de Grandmenill in Leycestershire and Northamptonshire Robert Mowbray Earle of Northumberland possest himselfe of Bristow William Bishop of Durham of the North parts of the Realme and divers other of the Clergy and Nobility fortify themselves in Herefordshire Shropshire Worcestershire and all the Countries adjoyning to Wales thinking by this meanes to distract the King that he should not know where to beginne nor whither to turne him But this course as it made it hard to represse them suddenly so it made it easie to represse them at leisure for being thus divided they were but as single stickes that are easily broken where if they had united themselves as into a Faggot they might have made a strength of farre greater resistance But the King having Lanfranke Arch-bishop of Canterbury and Woolstan Bishop of Worcester firme of his side partly by their Authority and love amongst the people but chiefely by his owne promises to restore their ancient Lawes and to allow them liberty of hunting in his Forests he so firmely wonne the hearts of all unto him that some of the Rebell Lords he reconciled with faire words as Robert Montgomery a principall sinew of the Faction some againe he mastered by strong hand and Odo the chiefe Engineere of all the worke he besieged in the Castle of Rochester tooke him Prisoner and forced him to abjure the Realme And thus this great Rebellion was suppressed In which it is observable that though so many hot bloods were up yet there was but little blood spilt A happy rebellion for the English for the Rebell Lords and Bishops being all Normans the King had none to trust to but the English whom for their faithfulnesse to him in this service he ever after respected more then he had done befo●e After this storme was over in the South there ariseth another in the North For now Malcolme King of Scots thinking it a fit time to doe some feates when King William was troubled at home invades Northumberland and having burnt and spoyled the Country returnes home laden with booties Which King William hearing he takes his brother Robert along with him and with a mighty Army enters Scotland brings Malcolme to acknowledge his ancient homage and upon Faith given returnes to London After this Duke Robert finding his brother King William not to keep his promise in paying his Pension complaines to the King of France and with his ayde assaults and takes some Townes which he before had delivered in pawne for money to his brother King William who hearing of it hastens into Normandy with an Army and by the mediation of money takes off the King of France and makes his brother being left destitute of assistance to aske him pardon a wise and mercifull course in King William for to buy his peace with the King of France did cost him but money where to have purchased it by Warre must besides money have cost the lives of many After this Malcolme King of Scots came in kindnesse to visit King William at Glocester but the King not vouchsafing so much as to see him put him into so great an indignation that returning home he makes ready an Army invades Northumberland making great spoyle and getting great spoyles but by Robert Mowbray the Kings Lieutenant there was taken in ambush and together with his eldest sonne Edward defeated and slaine This King Malcolme was a most valiant Prince as may appeare by an Act of his of an extraordinary straine for hearing of a conspiracy plotted to murther him whereof one was Authour whose name is not recorded he dissembled the knowing it till being abroad one day a hunting he tooke the fellow apart from the company and being alone said unto him Here now is a fit time and place to doe that manfully which you have intended to doe treacherously draw your weapon and if you kill me none being present you can incurre no danger with which speech of the King the fellow was so daunted that presently he fell downe at his feet confessed his fault humbly asked forgivenesse and being granted him was ever after serviceable and faithfull to him The death of King Malcolme and his Sonne was so grievous and so grievously taken of Margaret his Queene the sister of Edgar Atheling that she made it her Prayer and had it granted not to over-live them and so within three dayes after dyed a woman as full of vertues all her life as at this time of sorrowes whom yet I should not breake order to mention but for one pious Act of hers in causing a most barbarous custome of Scotland to
Of his Magnanimity VVOrd was brought him as he sate at dinner that his City of Mans in Normandy was besieged and in great danger to be taken if not presently relieved whereupon the King asked which way Mans lay and then caused Masons presently to take downe the Wall to make him passage the next way and so rode instantly towards the Sea His Lords about him advising him to stay till his people were ready No saith he but such as love me I know will follow me And being come on Shipboard and the weather growing very tempestuous he was advised by the Master of his Ship to stay for some calmer season No saith he Feare nothing I never yet heard of any King that was drowned And thereby comming to Mans●nexpected ●nexpected he presently dispersed the Besiegers and tooke Helias Count de la Flesche who had been Authour of the tumult Prisoner who vaunting to the King and saying Now indeed you have taken me by a wile but if I were at liberty againe you should finde me to doe other manner of feats at which the King laughing Well then saith he go your wayes and doe your worst and let us see what feats you will do Being reconciled to his Brother Robert he assisted him to recover the Fort of Mount Saint Michael which their Brother Henry did forcibly hold in Normandy during which siege straggling one time alone upon the shoare he was set upon by three horsmen who assaulted him so fiercely that they drove him from his saddle and his saddle from his horse but he taking up his saddle and withall drawing out his sword defended himselfe till rescue came and being afterward blamed for being so obstinate to save his saddle he answered It would have angred me at the very heart that the knaves should have bragged they had wonne the saddle from me Of his justnesse in keeping his word THis vertue specially was commended in him and he would often say that even God himselfe was obliged by his word But if we observe the course of his life we shall finde that howsoever he might keepe his word in small matters yet certainly not in great● For he kept not his word with his Brother Robert to whom he promised to leave the Kingdome of England after his decease but performed it not Nor he kept not his word with his subjects for in the rebellion of the Norman Lords he promised the English if they would now stick to him they should have their ancient Lawes restored and be allowed liberty to hunt in his Forests which promise he either kept not at all or at least soone brake Nor he kept not his word with God himselfe for being sick at Glocester and in some hazard of his life he made a solemne vow that if he recovered he would leade a new life and give over all his disorderly courses but being recovered he grew more disorderly then he was before that if denomination be made from the greatest actions it cannot be truly said that he was just of his word but such is the priviledge of Princes over their subjects that if they make a promise it must be beleeved and if they breake it it must not be questioned Of his Incontinencie MUch is spoken of his lascivious life in generall but nothing in particular for neither is mentioned any violence he ever offered to any nor is any woman named to have beene his Concubine and Princes Concubines are seldome concealed It is true he was never married and of a strong constitution of body and so probable he might be inclining to that vice but probabilities are not alwayes concluding and therfore whether it be a true accusation or but a slander it may well be doubted only one base son of his is spoken of called Bertrannus whom he advanced in honour and matched in a Noble Family But why should we more look for particulars of his Incontinency then of his Prodigality for he was taxed no lesse for being Prodigall then for being Incontinent and yet of his Prodigality there is not so much as one instance recorded unlesse we take this for an instance that when his Chamberlaine brought him a paire of hose which because they were new he asked what they cost And being told they cost three shillings in a great chafe he threw them away asking him If he thought a paire of hose of three shillings to be fit for a King to weare Get thee gone saith he and let me have a paire of a Marke His Chamberlaine went and bringng him another paire scarce so good as the former and telling him they cost a Marke I marry saith the King these are something like and was better satisfied with hearing what they cost then with seeing what they were worth and yet was this no imputation to his wisdome for to say the truth it is no defect of wisdome in a King to be ignorant what his cloaths are worth Of his wavering in Religion HE appointed a disputation to be held betweene Christians and Jewes and before the day came the Jewes brought the King a Present to the end they might have an indifferent hearing The King took the Present encouraging them to quit themselves like men and swore by Saint Lukes face his usuall oath that if they prevailed in Disputation he would himselfe turne Jew and be of their Religion A young Jew on a time was converted to the Christian Faith whose Father being much troubled at it presented the King sixty Markes intreating him to make his sonne to returne to his Judaisme whereupon the King sent for his sonne commanding him without more adoe to returne to the Religion of his Nation But the young man answered he wondred his Majesty would use such words for being a Christian he should rather perswade him to Christianity with which answer the King was so confounded that he commanded the yo●g man to get h●m out of his sight But his Father finding the King could doe no good upon his sonne required his money againe Nay saith the King I have taken paines enough for it and yet that you may see how kindly I will deale you shall have one halfe and the other halfe you cannot in conscience deny me There were fifty Gentlemen accused for hunting and killing the Kings Deere which they denied and were therefore condemned to the triall of fire which by Gods mercifull judgement they passed through untouched the King hearing it and deceived of the confiscation he expected is said in a great chafe to say How happens this Is God a just Judge in suffering it Now a murraine take him that beleeves it It seemes also he doubted of many points of Religion then in credit For he would often prote●t that he beleeved not that Saints could profit any man in Gods sight and therefore neither would he nor any other that were wise as he affirmed make Intercession either to Peter or to any other for helpe Affaires of the Church in his time THe
beene bred in Cambridge not perhaps that his learning was so great but that it was great either in respect of that age which had but little or in respect of his Brothers who had none at all and the People having beene oppressed before by the ill Government of two Kings that were illiterate could not chuse but be glad to come under the Government of a King ●hat was Learned And though his Brother Robert as being the Elder had right unto it yet he as out of sight was out of minde and perhaps neglected as being himselfe negligent withall it was given out that he was chosen King of Hierusalem and therefore no looking for him to come home and to give force to all these reasons Henry Newborough Earle of Warwicke was a principall ●urtherer His course for establishing himselfe in the Kingdome IT is a hard matter to keepe that safely which is unjustly gotten and therefore he tooke all possible care to overcome that hardnesse which he effected by these meanes First he called Anselme Arch-bishop of Canterbury home from Exile placed William Gyfford a learned man in the Bishopricke of Winchester and Monasteries that had beene long vacant he furnished with good Abbots And because it is no lesse pleasing to the People to have bad instruments punished then the good to be advanced he cast Ralph Bishop of Durham a principall cause of their late oppressions into prison then mitigated the rigour of the new Lawes and promised restitution of the old And that there might be no abuse in measures he ordained a measure made by the length of his owne Arme which is called a Yard He restored to his Subjects the use of Lights and Fire in the night which before had beene forbidden after eight a clocke at night He acquited the People from the Taxe of Danegelt and from all other unjust payments which had beene imposed upon them by the two former Kings He gave free liberty to the Nobility and Gentry of the Realme to inclose Parkes for Deere and Warrens for Coneyes and such like game And because he knew Scotland might be an ill Neighbour to him if not tyed by some Bond and none so sure as the Bond of Alliance he therefore takes Matild sister of the present King Edgar to be his Wife His Troubles during his Raigne RAlph Bishop of Durham the late King Williams great Instrument for Exactions that had by this King beene committed to the Tower made an escape and passing over to Duke Robert in Normandy incenseth him not to suffer himselfe to be baffled by a younger Brother as for his Brother William there was some reason because his Father had given him the Kingdome by his Will but what could Henry pretend who had his Portion given him in money Besides it was an agreement with his Brother William with consent of all the Lords of the Re●lme that the Surviver of them should succeed With such like instigations and withall assuring him there were many in England would take his part he easily perswaded the Duke to that from which he could hardly have disswaded him who thereupon with a convenient Army puts to Sea and lands at Portsmouth while Henry waited for his comming about Hastings and being landed there much people resorted to him that it was like to have beene a bloody businesse but by mediation of Friends working upon the flexible nature of Duke Robert it was brought at last to this agreement that King Henry should pay to Duke Robert three thousand markes yearely and Duke Robert should succeed him in the kingdome if he survived And thus this cloud that threatned so great a storme brought with it ●ather Sunshine and faire weather for now to his possession of the Kingdome there was added a right and he might now justifie his being a King without any scandall or usurpation After this another little cloud arose but was soone dispersed For Robert de Belesme Earle of Shrewsbury a rash young man of disposition but more through discontentment though discontented for nothing but that having a great Estate he was not a King as well as some others fortifyed the Towne of Shrewsbury and the Castle of Bridgenorth and got many Welshmen to assist him but the King comming with a mighty Army so terrifyed the Welsh that they abandoned the Earle and left him a prey to the King in his person and more in his Estate for the King seised his Estate into his hands but for his Person he onely banisht it the Realme For as yet the shedding of blood and putting to death though for great Treasonable practises was not much in use Policy of State was not yet growne to that heighth of severity The like attempt and upon the like occasion was made by William Earle of Mortaigne in Normandy and of Cornwall in England Unckle to the King onely for denying him the Earledome of Kent which because he could not obtaine he entred into Treasonable practises by which he lost the Earledomes he had before But these troubles were but as the labour of a Woman that is safely delivered painefull for a time but ending in joy and indeed for the most part this King had the fortune to be a gainer by his losses After this Duke Robert came in kindnesse into England to visit● his Brother Henry where he was so well pleased with his entertainment that in requitall thereof and to doe a favour to the Queene that was his God-daughter he released to King Henry the three thousand markes which he was yearely to pay him But returning into Normandy and considering better what he had done he so repented him that he spared not to give out that his Brother had directly cousened him Which comming to King Henryes eare so incensed him that he presently sent over a mighty Army which forraged the Country and wonne many Townes and Cities and soone after went over himselfe where he so prevailed that he left Duke Robert but onely Roan in all Normandy to put his head in and this done returnes into England And now Duke Robert beginnes to be sensible of his owne weaknesse and therefore comes over into England to try the u●●ermost of his Brothers good nature himselfe had sent him a Tunne of Wine to refresh him withall when in a siege he was ready to perish for want of water and it cannot be but that gratefulnesse and naturall affection meeting together must needes worke something in the minde of a Brother Thus resolved he presents himselfe to the King referring both his Dukedome and himselfe and all differences and debates to his will and pleasure But whether incensed with the scandalous words Duke Robert had given out of him or whether aspiring to joyne Normandy to England as his Father had done before King Henry scarce vouchsafed to heare him speake at least vouchsafed not to make him any answer but in a sullen manner turned away and so left him which scornefull usage put the Duke into such indignation that
it is that after this Agreement betweene King Stephen and Duke Henry they continued in mutuall love and concord as long after as they lived But what became of Maude the Empresse at this time For that she was alive and lived many yeares after this agreement betweene King Stephen and her Sonne Henry all Writers agree and to say that she consented to the Agreement without any provision made for her selfe is to make her too much a Woman a very weake vessell and to say there might be provision made though it be not Recorded is to make all Writers defective in a great excesse And besides being so stirring a woman as she was that upon a suddaine she should be so quiet as not to deserve to have one word spoken of her in all the long time she lived after being no lesse then twelve or thirteene yeares is as strange as the rest And if she placed her contentment so wholly in her Sonne that in regard of him she regarded not her selfe at all It deserves at least the Encomium of such a motherly love as is very unusuall and not alwayes safe Whatsoever it was I must be faine to leave it as a Gordian knot which no Writer helpes me to unty Of his Taxations and wayes for raising of money OF Taxations in his time there is no mention made for Taxations indeed are properly drawne from a body of State when it is entire where the State all this Kings time was altogether in Fractions But what he wanted in Taxations he supplyed with Confiscations which by reason of the many revoltings of men of all sorts could not chuse but fill his Coffers every Rebellion being in nature of a Purchase to him for whatsoever became of the Persons their Lands and Goods were sure to be his And if it happened at any time that Confiscations came in but slowly he had then devises to hasten their pace for upon light suggestions not so much oftentimes as just suspitions he would call men into question and seise upon their good as in the case particularly of Ralph Bishop of Salisbury and it may not be unpleasing to heare from what beginning this Bishop grew to such a height of greatnesse which was thus In the time of King William Rufus he was a poore Priest serving a Cure in a village neare to Ca●n in Normandy when the Kings younger Brother Henry chanced to passe that way and to make some stay in the said Village who being desirous to heare a Masse this Roger being Curate was the man to say it which he dispatched with such celerity that the Souldiers who commonly love not long Masses commended him for it telling their Lord that there could not a fitter Priest be found for men of warre then he Whereupon Henry appointed him to follow him and when he came to be King preferred him to many great places and at last to be Chancellour of England and Bishop of Salisbury You have heard his rising now heare his fall When King Stephen came to the Crowne he held this man in as great account as his Predecessour King Henry had done and perhaps in greater For being a great begger of Suites the King would say of him If this man will never give over asking neither shall I ever give over giving Yet this great Prelate fell first through Pride into Envy and then through Envy into Ruine For King Stephen having given liberty to build Castles this man did so f●rre exceed all others in magnificence for he builded the Castles of Salisbury the Vyes Sherburne Mamesbury and Newarke to which there were no Structures comparable in the kingdome that the Lords out of envy put it into the Kings head that these Castles of his were built thus magnificently for entertainment of Ma●de the Empresse which so possessed the King or he would be thought to be so possessed that taking this for a just cause he seised them all into his hands and forty thousand Markes besides which he had in money and not co●tented with this he tooke the like course also with Alexander Bishop of Lincolne onely because he was his Nephew and of his neare kindred Another way he had for gaining of money For in the first yeare of his Raigne having given liberty to hunt in his Forests be afterward at Oxford caused many to be impleaded for using that liberty a tricke which perhaps he learned from hunting First to give men leave to doe a thing and then to Fine them for having done it But this is the priviledge of Princes that their leave must be interpreted by him that gives it and not by him that takes it Lawes and Ordinances in his time HE gave licence to the City of Norwich to have Coroners and Bayliffes before which time they had onely a Sergeant for the King to keepe Courts and after this in the 37. yeare of King Henry the third they had license to inclose the Towne with Ditches Affaires of the Church in his time VPon the Kings seising into his hands the Bishop of Salisburies Castles and Goods complaint was made and a Synod called by the Bishop of Winchester the Popes Legate to right the Bishop where the King was cited to appeare who sending to know the cause Answer was made that it was to answer for his imprisoning of Bishops and depriving them of their Goods which being a Christian King he ought not to doe The King replies by his Lawyer Alveric de Ver that he had not arrested the Bishop of Salisbury as a Bishop but as his Servant that was to make him accompt of his imployment To this the Bishop answereth that he was never Servant or Accomptant to the King and many Allegations and Probations were urged to and fro but in conclusion the Synod brake up and nothing was done The Bishops durst not Excommunicate the King without the Popes privity so in the end they fell from Authority to Submission and in the Kings Chamber fell downe at his Feet beseeching him he would pity the Church and not suffer dissention to be betweene the Kingdome and the Priest-hood And this was no small magnanimity in the King that he was able to pull downe the high stomachs of the Prelates in that time In the eighth yeare of his Raigne a Synod was held in London by Henry Bishop of Winchester where it was decreed that whosoever should lay violent hands upon any Clergy man should not be absolved but by the Pope himselfe and from this time forward Clergy men were exempt from the secular power In the tenth yeare of his Raigne by the soliciting of Saint Bernard many tooke upon them the Crosse for a supply to the Holy Land amongst whom some English Lords also Workes of piety done by him or by others in his time HE Founded the Abbeys of Cogshall in Essex of Furneys in Lancashire of Hurguilers and Feversham in Kent at Heigham in Kent a House of blacke Nunnes also an house for Nunnes at Carew His Queene
throwing downe his Colours at Ptolemais was the death of Conrade Duke of Tyre whom they pretended King Richard had murthered wherein though King Richard made his innocency appeare by the testimony of Limbeldus who confessed himselfe to have beene the author of the Marquesses death yet the pretence served to detaine him in prison and in prison indeed they kept him till his Ransome was agreed upon and paid which being a hundred thousand pounds fourescore thousand was paid in hand whereof two parts to the Emperour a third part to Duke Leopold and for the rest hostages given to the number of fifty of whom the Bishop of Roan was one though the hostages afterward were delivered without paying the rest for Henry the Emperour dying shortly after his Successour had the conscience not to take it as knowing it had beene unjustly exacted and indeed the accidents that befell both the Emperour and the Duke Leop●ld were evident demonstrations of the injustice they had done for the Emperour shortly after died and the Duke Leopold in a Tilting for solemnity of his Birth-day fell off his horse and so broke his leg that to save his life he was faine to have his leg cut off And now after fifteen months imprisonment King Richard is released and returnes into England foure yeares elder then he went out and thus ended his journey to the Holy Land Yet one memorable accident happening to him in the Holy Land may not be omitted that going one day a Hawking about Ioppa finding himselfe weary he laid him downe upon the ground to sleepe when suddenly certaine Turkes came upon him to take him but he awakened with their noyse ri●eth up gets a horsebacke and drawing out his sword assaults the Turkes who faigning to flie drew the King into an Ambush where many Turkes lay who had certain●ly taken him if they had knowne his person but one of the Kings servan● called William de Patrellis crying out in the Saracene tongue that he was the King they presently lay hold upon him and let the King escape Troubles in his Dominions in his absence KING Richard at his going out of England had so well setled the Government of the Kingdome that might well have kept it in good order during all the time of his absence but disorders are weeds which no foresight can hinder from growing having so many hands to water them where occasions of distast are no sooner offered then taken and o●tentimes taken before they be offered as was here to be seene For King Richard had left in chiefe place of authority William Longshampe Bishop of Ely a man who so carried himselfe that although the things he did were justifiable yet the pride with which he did them was unsuffer●ble seldome riding abroad without five hundred some say a thousand in his traine not for safety but for state and though there were other left in authority besides himselfe yet his power was so predominant that he made of them but Ciphers and ruled all as he list himselfe This insolency of governing was soone distasted by many and specially by Iohn the Kings brother who counting the greatnesse of his Birth an equall match at least with any substitute greatnes affronted the Bishop in the managing of affaires in such sort that while some adhered to the one and some to the other the Kingdome in the meane time was in danger to be rent asunder till at last the Bishop finding himselfe too weake or at least fearing that he was so but rather indeed deposed from his authority by the Kings Letters and the Arch-bishop of Roan put in his place thought it best for him to flie the Real●e wherupon for his greater safety disguising himselfe in womans apparell and carrying a Webbe of Cloath under his arme hee sought in this manner to take Shipping and passe the Sea But being discovered and knowne the women in revenge of the abuse done to their cloathes in making them his instruments of fraude fell upon him and so beat him that it might have beaten humility into him for ever after This disgrace made him glad to get him into Normandy his native Countrey where to little purpose he wooed King Richard and Queene Eleanor for reparation But this was but a sport in comparison of the mischiefes done in Normandy by Philip King of France for first he invades Normandy where he takes many Towns and amongst others Gysorts and drawes the Kings brother Iohn to combine with him promising to assist him in winning the Kingdome of England and to have his sister Adela whom King Richard had repudiated to be his wife with which promise Duke Iohn had beene ensnared if his Mother Queene Eleanor had not disswaded him But in England Duke Iohn tooke upon him as King perswading the people that his brother King Richard was not living and indeed it was easie to remove the knowing him to be a prisoner to the affirming him to be dead but such was the faithfulnesse of the Arch-bishop of Roan and other the Princes of the Realme to King Richard that they opposed Duke Iohn and frustrated all his practises and the Bishop of Ely had told him plainely that though King Richard were dead yet the succession in the kingdome belonged not to him but to Arthur Duke of Britaine sonne of Geoffrey his elder brother And in these termes King Richard found his State when he returned from the Holy Land His Acts and Troubles after his returning from the Holy Land AT his comming home from the Holy Land the first thing he did was to give his Lords and people thankes for their faithfulnesse to him in his absence and then for their readinesse in supplying him for his Ransome But as for his brother Iohn in whom ungratefulnesse seemed to strive with ambition which should be the greater in him he depriveth him of all those great possessions he had given him some adoe he had to make sound certaine peeces which he had corrupted as the Castles of Marleborough Lancaster and a Fortresse at Saint Michaels Mount in Cornwall but chiefely the Castles of Nottingham and Tichill which stood so firmly for Duke Iohn that they were not reduced to obedience without some bloud and much expense But h●s greatest trouble was with Philip King of France in whom was so ingraffed a spleene against King Richard that he seemed to be never well but when he was working him some ill Now therefore King Richard to make it appeare he had not left the Holy War for nothing having first obtained in Parliament a Subsidy towards his charges caused himselfe to be new Crowned at Winchester lest the people through his long absence might have forgotten they had a King he departs with a hundred Ships into Normandy but it was withall upon this occasion sitting one day at dinner in his lit●le Hal as it was called news was brought him that King Philip had besieged Vernoull with which he was somoved that he swore a great oath he would
not turne his face till he were revenged whereupon he caused the wall right before him to be presently beaten downe that so he might passe forward without turning his face and thus in haste he goes to Vernoull whither he was no sooner come but the King of France made as great haste to be gone not without some losse and more disgrace Here his brother Iohn submits himselfe to him and with great shew of penitence intreats his pardon which he readily granted saying onely I wish you may as well remember your fault as I shall forget it The King of France having left Vernoull enters Turonia and neare to Vindocinum pitcheth his Tents thither King Richard followes him and with his comming so affrighted him that leaving bagge and baggage Munition Tents and Treasure to a marvellous valew he gets him gone and glad hee was so rid of King Richard After this a Truce was agreed upon for a yeare which each of them longed till it were expired as having no pleasure but in troubling one another In this time there was a trouble at home though not to the King yet to the kingdome for Robin Hood accompanied with one little Iohn and a hundred stout fellowes more molested all passengers upon the High-way of whom it is said that he was of Noble bloud at least made Noble no lesse then an Earle for some deserving services but having wasted his estate in riotous courses very penury forced him to take this course in which yet it may be said he was honestly dishonest for he seldome hurt any man never any woman spared the poore and onely made prey of the rich till the King setting forth a Proclamation to have him apprehended it hapned he fell sicke at a certaine Nunnery in Yorkshire called Birckleys and desiring there to be let bloud was betraid and made bleed to death Such another trouble though not to the King yet to the kingdome fell out by reason of the Jewes and first at the Towne of Linne in Norfolke upon this occasion A Jew being turned Christian was persecuted by those of his Nation and assaulted in the streete who thereupon flying to a Church hard by was thither also followed and the Church assaulted which the people of the Towne seeing in succour of the new Christian they fell upon the Jewes of whom they slew a great number and after pillaged their houses By this example the like assaults were made upon the Jews at Stamford and after that at Lincolne and lastly at Yorke where infinite numbers of Jewes were massacred and some of them blocked up in the Castle cut the throats of their wives and children and cast them over the wals upon the Christians heads and then burnt both the Castle and themselves neither could this sedition be staied till the King sent his Chancellour the Bishop of Ely with force of Armes to punish the offenders His last trouble was a punishment of covetousnesse for one Guydomer having found a great treasure in the Kings Dominions and ●or feare of King Richard flying to a Towne of the King of France for his safegard was pursued by the King but the Towne denying him entrance and he thereupon going about the wals to finde the fittest place for assaulting it one Bertram de Gurdon or as others call him Peter Basile shot at him with a Crosse-bow and hit him on the arme of which wound he died within fo●re dayes after and so ended all his troubles Of his Taxations and wayes for raising of money OF Taxations properly so called there were never fewer in any Kings Raigne but of wayes to draw money from the subject never more It is true the first money raised for his journey was all out of his owne estate by selling or pawning of Lands but when at his comming backe he resumed the Lands into his hands aga●ne without paying backe the money he had received this if it may not have the name yet certainely it had the venome of a bitter Taxation Likewise the feigning to have lost his Seale then enjoyning them to have their Grants confirmed by a new though it went not in the number yet it had the weight of a heavy Taxation where it lighted Afterward the money raised for his Ransome was not so properly a Taxation as a Contribution or if a Taxation for him yet not by him which was done in his absence by the subjects themselves and indeed no Taxations are commonly so pinching as those which are imposed upon the subject by the subject and such was this for to raise money for his Ransome ther● was imposed upon every Knights Fee 20. s. of all Lay-mens Revenues the fourth part and the fourth part of all the Revenues of the Clergy with a tenth of their goods Also the Chalices and Treasure of all Churches were taken to make up the sum Afterward this onely was a plaine Taxation and granted in Parliament that of every Plough-land through England he should have two shillings and of the Monkes Ci●teaux all their Wooll of that yeare And one more greater then this and was this yeare imposed towards his warres in Normandy that every Hide of Land as much as to say every hundred Acres of Land should pay five shillings which computed without deductions will rise to a summe that will seeme incredible Lawes and Ordinances in his time HIs Ordinances were chiefely for the Meridian of London for where before his time the City was governed by Portgraves this King granted them to be governed by two Sheriffes and a Major as now it is and to give the first of these Magistrates the honour to be remembred the names of the Sheriffes were Henry Cornhill and Richard Reyner and the name of the first Lord Major was Henry Fits-Allwyn who continued Major during his life which was foure and twenty yeares And now beganne the City first to receive the forme and state of a Common-wealth and to be divided into Fellowships and Corporations as at this day they are and this Franchise was granted in the yeare 1189. the first year of King Richard the first Affaires of the Church in his time THe Church within his owne Dominions was quiet all his time no contestation with the Pope no alterations amongst the Bishops no difference betweene the Clergy and the Laity or the Clergy amongst themselves they all seemed to lie asleepe till they were afterwards awakened in the time of the succeeding King But abroad in his time there was an addition of three Orders of Devotion the Order of the Augustine Friers called Friers Mendicants begunne by William of Paris then the Order of Friers Minors begunne by Saint Francis and lastly the Orders of Friers Preachers begunne by Saint Dominick though not confirmed till the first yeare of Pope Honorius Workes of Piety in his time VVOrkes of Piety are for the most part workes of plenty penury may inwardly have good wishes but outwardly it can expresse but little and indeed all parts of the
counted themselves dishonoured in the dishonourable Conditions he had made and Baldwyn Earle of Flanders also when he saw the poore spi●its of King Iohn to descend to such base Conditions left his Party and entring League with the King of France disposed himselfe for the Holy Warre But King Iohn having now gotten a Vacation and a time of ease which agreed much better with his nature then Warre sets his minde wholly upon pleasures and for maintaining his pleasures upon seeking after profit which he pursues by all manner of injustice under the name of Prerogative and with such violence that when his Brother Geoffrey Arch-bishop of Yorke in the dutifulnesse of a Counsellour advised him not to take such unlawfull courses he most unworthily tooke from him all he had and it was a yeares worke for all the Arch-bishops friends to pacify his anger In the necke of this injustice he commits another he procures a divorce from his Wife Avis the Daughter of Robert Earle of Glocester onely for being of kinne to him in the third degree and by advice of the King of France marries Isabell Daughter and Heire of the Earle of Angoulesme Affianced before to Hugh le Brun Earle of March and shortly after brings her with him into England where he and she together are both Crowned at Canterbury And here the Earles and Barons of the Realme being all summoned to attend the King into France at Whitsontide following they all by a generall consent send him word that unlesse he would restore them their Rights and Liberties they would doe him no service out of the kingdome But what it was that made the Lords more violent in pressing their Demands at this time then before no Writers of these times doe sufficiently deliver Onely some of them speake scatteringly of certaine oppressions besides the generall Grievance for Exactions lately offered to some of the Lords one to the Earle of Chester whom he would have banished onely for advising him to leave his cruelty and incontinency Another a pursuite in Love to a Daughter of Robert Fits-Water called Maude the Faire who not consenting to the Kings lust a messenger was sent to give her poyson in a potched Egge whereof she dyed And a third offered to William de Brawse and his Lady for a rash word spoken for when the King sent to have de Brawses Sonne delivered him for a pledge the Lady answered We shall doe well indeed to commit our Sonne to his keeping who kept so well his owne Nephew Prince Arthur This rash word cost de Brawse his Country and his Lady and their Son their lives both of them being famished to death in Prison For though these directly were but particular Grievances yet reflectingly they were generall what one suffered all might but whether any of these or all of these together were Ingredients to make a Compound of violence in the Lords at this time or whatsoever was the true cause this was plainely the effect that unlesse the King would restore their liberties they would not follow him out of the kingdome But notwithstanding this refusall of his Lords he passeth over with his Queene into Normandy and from thence to Paris where the King of France receives them with all complements of Love and amity But now Hugh Earle of March resenting the injury done him by King Iohn in taking away his affianced Wife joynes with Prince Arthur and the King of France also for all his faire shew of amity lately made joynes with them as having sometime before marryed his youngest Daughter to Prince Arthur and these with their Forces joyned invade first the Turones and then the Anjovins of which Province Queene Eleanor the Kings Mother was left Regent who thereupon betakes her selfe to Mirabell the strongest Towne of those parts and sends to her Sonne King Iohn acquainting him with the danger she was in aud requiring his speedy succour When in the meane time Prince Arthur takes the City and in it his Grand-mother Queene Elea●or whom he used with greater reverence and respect then she expected But King Iohn at the hearing hereof was so moved calling the French King ungratefull and perfidious for succouring Prince Arthur contrary to his League that study●ng presently the Art of Revenge he fell upon a stratagem of all other the most prudent against an Enemy For a Surprise in Warre is like to an Apoplexy in the Body which strikes without giving warning for defence And this Stratagemme at this time King Iohn put in practise for travelling night day with indefatigable labor he came upon his enemies before they were aware and setting upon them unprovided it was rather an execution then a battell and they who remained unslaine were taken prisoners amongst whom Prince Arthur him●elfe who committed presently to the custody of Robert de Veypont in Roan lived not long after whether it were that attempting to make escape he fell down from the wals of his Prison and was drowned in the River Seyne as some say or whether it were that through anguish of minde he fell sicke and dyed as others say or whether indeed he w●re made away by King Iohn as the common fame went Certaine it is that he survived his imprisonment but a very few dayes But though he were gone yet his sister Eleanor a preceding Competitor to King Iohn was still remaining Her therefore at this time also King Iohn seiseth upon and commits her in safe custody to Bristow Castle where after she had lived long she dyed Of his Troubles after the death of his Nephew Arthur KIng Iohn being now freed from his Competitor one would thinke he should have ended all his troubles but like a Hydraes head they rather multiplyed upon him For they who had beene so ready to assist Prince Arthur in his life were now as ready to revenge his death And first Constance his Mother comes to King Philip with open exclamations against King Iohn accusing him with the murther of her Sonne and with all the instance of Teares and Intreaties solicites him to revenge it Hereupon King Philip summons King Iohn to appeare at a day and because he appeared not according to the tenure of his Homage it was decreed against him that he had forfeited all the property of his Estate in France and thereupon King Philip with mighty Forces invades his Territories takes many Townes of principall consequence while King Iohn lived idle at R●an no more regarding it then if it had not at all concerned him and when some of his Lords seemed to marvell what he meant to suffer the French to rob him of such goodly Cities You say true indeed saith he for it is but Robbery and within a few dayes you shall see I will make him to restore them backe with usu●y In this slighting humour he returnes into England where he lookes not after the levying of Souldiers or the raising of an Army as this case required but continues his old course for raising of money
accusing sometimes one of his Lords sometimes another as 〈◊〉 it w●re their fault that he had lost these Townes in France● and upon 〈…〉 made many of them pay great summes of money which brought 〈…〉 into hatred at home but into contempt abroad for the King of 〈◊〉 ●n●●●standing his unworthy courses proceeds more violently in his Invasi●ns 〈…〉 getting Falai● Damfr●nt and all the good Townes of Normandy but onely Roan and at last though R●an was a Towne strongly fortifyed with Walls and more strongly with the faithfull hearts of the Inhabi●ants yet finding no hope of succour from King Iohn it was forced for want of Victuals to submit it selfe to the King of France whose example all the other Cities followed and so all Normandy returned to the subjection of the French after three hundred and sixteene yeares that Roll● the Dane had first possest it It was now the yeare 1205. and the fourth of King Iohns Raigne about which time the two props of his Estate or rather indeed the two Bridles of his intemperancy dyed his Mother Queene Eleanor whose vertues had oftentimes qualifyed the vices of her Sonne and Hubert Arch-bishop of Canterbury who repented him at his death of nothing more then that he had beene an Instrument of bringing him to the Crowne And now King Iohn being a Substantive of himselfe hath a devise in his head to make his subjects as willing to give him money as he was to have it for knowing the great discontentment they all had for his losses in France he gives it out that he would presently rais● an Army for recovery of those losses if he might have money to goe about it whereupon never was money given with more alacrity and as soone as he had it he instantly went to Portesmouth and there took Shipping before it was possible for his Lords and others to be in readinesse to accompany him and sayling forward some certaine Leagues into the Sea upon a sudden he returnes backe againe and then laies the fault upon his Lords that had not followed him and for this backwardnesse of theirs imposed afterwards great Fines upon them by which meanes he got money no lesse by pretence of his not going then he had done before by pretence of his going About this time died Geoffrey Fits-Peter Justitiar of England who while he lived kept the King in some awe in so much as hearing he was dead he swore by the feete of God that now at length he was King of England and with great rejoycing said to some Lords about him Now when this man comes into Hell let him salute the Arch-Bishop Hubert whom certainely he shall finde there But Philip King of France intending to leave the English nothing on that side the Sea invadeth Chinon and takes it and in it the valiant Captaine Roger Lacie which had given a period to King Philips victories had not Guido the husband of Constantia Prince Arthurs Mother revolted to King Iohn who with his assistance once againe leavies an Army besiegeth Mount Auban a Castle thought impregnable and within fifteene dayes takes it which Charles the Great could not get with his seven yeares siege where so great a number of French Lords were taken prisoners that King Iohn sent a Catalogue of their names into England for a memoriall of so great a victory After this he taketh the strong Towne of Angiers and utterly defaceth it for which afterward he was sorry as being the Towne where he was borne But now when the two Kings were ready to meete and to give battell intercession was made by friends of both sides and thereupon a Peace concluded for two yeares and King Iohn returned into England King Iohn being returned performes no lesse worthy acts at home then he had done in France for first he invades the Borders of Scotland and brings Alexander King of Scots to doe him homage and then understanding many of the Irish to be revolted he passeth over to Dublin and reduceth them to his obedience and then placing Iohn Bishop of Norwich Governour there he returnes into England where passing through Wales he subdueth certaine Rebels there and takes eight and twenty children of the best Families for pledges of their future loyalty but not long after hearing they grew mutinous and rebelled againe he was so incensed that he would not goe to dinner till he had seene those twenty eight children to be all hanged before his face so inconsiderate a thing is the desire of revenge that it makes no difference betweene innocency and guiltinesse though indeed a thing oftentimes must be done for example which considered in it selfe would be forborne And it was the yeare 1214. and the fourteenth of K. Iohns Raign when he going to Angiers strongly repaires it and the Province of Poictou revolted to him which Lewis King Philips sonne understanding comes upon them with a mighty Army and using much severity upon the Authors of the revolt takes prisoners Reynold Earle of Boleigne and William Earle of Salisbury with many others of King Iohns Captaines and defeateth his whole Army whereof when King Iohn was certified he grew in a manner desperate and as a man dejected makes a new Truce upon any conditions with the King of France and returnes into England where he findes a worse businesse ready to entertaine him for the Lords of the Realme having often required their ancient Rights and Liberties and finding nothing but delusions endure no longer to be abused but meeting at Saint Edmundsbery they there conferre how they may finde a remedy to redresse this evill and at la●t concluded to goe to the King themselves in person and make their Demands whereof a Charter was produced that had beene formerly granted in King Henry the firsts time whereupon comming to the King after Christmas lying then in the New Temple and acquainting him with their Demands he gives them this faire Answer that within a few dayes he would give them satisfaction and causeth the Bishops of Canterbury and Ely with William Marshall Earle of Glocester to passe their words for him that it should be performed But the King meaning nothing lesse then to doe as he said fals presently a leavying of Souldiers which the Lords understanding they also doe the like and going to the Bishop of Canterbury deliver him a Copy of their Demands and require the Kings Answer But the Bishop shewing it to the King and humbly intreating him to give the Lords a satisfactory Answer he swore a great Oath they might as well demand the Kingdome and that he would die before he would yeeld to any such demands Whereupon the Lords knowing now what they were to trust to fall to besiege Northampton and after that Redford which is yeelded to them and withall they are sent to by the Londoners to signifie their readinesse to joyne with them At this time the King was at Windsor providing an Army but hearing the Londoners were joyned with the Lords he thought it no
Prince Lewis of France who at his first hearing of King Iohns death thought himselfe then sure of injoying the Kingdome quietly and that he should need to feare no more opposition now that he heares of the new Kings Crowning and that so solemnly and with so unanimous a consent he begins to thinke himselfe in worse case then before and to grow jealous of the English Lords that had adhered to him what they would doe in this new world And indeed a conflict was already growne in their minds which of the two Obligations should be the greater either that of their Oath to Prince Lewis or that of their Allegeance to King Henry They could not but think it extreme ungratfulnes to forsake Prince Lewis whom they had themselves invited to come and they could not but thinke it extreme undutifulnesse to stand out in opposition against K. Henry their naturall Soveraigne and that which added no small weight to this scale was a discovery lately made by the Viscount Melun a French Lord at the time of his death who confessed as a matter of conscience that Prince Lewis had 〈◊〉 if once he got th● kingdome utterly to extirpate all the English Nobility and to admit 〈◊〉 but F●●nch to any place of dignity But whether any of these reasons or any other 〈◊〉 their motives certaine it is that many of them of who● were princip●●● the Earles of Ar●nd●ll Warren Salisbury and William the eldest sonne of the Protectour shrunke from Prince Lewis and went to King Henry as thinking no Obligation so great as Allegeance and many againe continued constant to Prince Lewis as thinking no Obligation so great as an Oath And now Prince Lewis● to cast the Dice of Fortune before his enemies though they had gotte● them a Head should gather to a head and draw more for●●s together staying ●imself● a Londo● 〈…〉 his Lieu●enant● with an Army of twenty thousand to take in as many Townes as they could and many they tooke with small opposition but comming to Lincolne where though they had the Towne it selfe yet the Castle stood o●●● and ●ad beene defended by a Noble Lady a whole yeare before they found such resistance that their proceeding was there arrested for thither came presently Wi●●ia● the Pro●ect●ur with h●s sonn● William the Bishops of Winchester ●alis●ury and ●●ester t●e ●arles of ●alisbury Ferrers and Albemarle William de Albinet William de Cantilupe Falcasius Thomas Basset Robert Vipon● Bren● de Lis●e Ge●●frey Lacie and many other Barons with all the power of the young King who with wonderfull violence assault the City at which time it was propounded by the French to sally forth and give them battell but conceiving their Army to be greater then indeed it was for the English had set double Ensignes to every Company which made a shew of twice as many as they were they forbare that course and kept them selves within the Towne by which meanes being cooped up and straitned i● place so as they cou●● 〈◊〉 make use of their Forces as otherwise they might the● were in conclusion 〈…〉 and all the principall men of the English that had adhered to Prince 〈◊〉 ● were taken prisoners as namely Sa●● Earle o● Winchester Henry de ●ohun 〈◊〉 of Hereford Gilbert de Gant lately made Earle of Lincolne by Prince Lewis 〈◊〉 Fi●●●water Richard Mount-fi●●het William Mawbr●y William Beauchamp Willi●● Maude● Oliver Harcourt Roger de Cressy William de Colvil● William de Ro● Robert de Rope●●●y ●alph Chendui● Barons besides foure hundred knights or men at Armes Onely the Earle of Perch their Generall being compassed about and willed to render himselfe swore he would never become prisoner to any English and thereupon was runne thorow the sight of his Helmet into the braines and instantly died This was a maine blow to Pr●nce L●●is and th● last of his battels in England and because the City was very rich in Merchandise the English in derision called it Lewis Faire But Prince Lewis was not yet discouraged for he had sent to King Philip his Father to send him new supplies out of France and new supplies were indeed sent but Hubert de Bu●gh Governour of D●ver being as vigilant as he was valiant watched their comming and in a Sea-fight defeated them all of whom but few escaped and now this blow at Sea was so much greater then that at Land that where that made him onely doubt this made him despaire at leas● made him malleable and fit to be wrought upon by composition whereupon it was at last concluded that Prince Lewis should have fifteene thousand Markes for the charges he had beene at and abjure his claime to any interest in the kingdome and withall to worke his Father for restitution of such Provinces in France as appertained to this Crowne and that when himselfe should be King he should resigne them in a peaceable manner On the other part King Henry takes his Oath and for him the Legat Guallo and the Protectour to restore unto the Barons of the Realme and other his subjects all their Rights and Priviledges for which the discord beganne betweene the late King and his people After this Prince Lewis is honourably attended to Dover and departs out of England about Michaelmas above two yeares after his first arrivall And now the kingdome is come to unity within it selfe one King and one people and for a yeare or two there was little to be done onely some few there were whom the corruption of the times had engendred and who being borne in a storme could not live in a calme of whom the principall were the Earle of Lisle● and Hugh de Bayli●l● who bustling about got possession of some Castles with what intention all men knew but with what hope of effecting their intention no man could imagine for being but a handfull of men to the body of the Realme they were easily suppressed and either brought to acknowledge their faults or else punished for not acknowledging them It was now the fourth yeare of King Henries Raigne at which time William Earle of Pembroke Protectour of the Realme died and was buried in the new Temple at London in whose place came the Bishop of Winchester and now was the King the second time Crowned and had granted him by Parliament● for E●c●age two Markes of silver of every knights Fee for the affaires of the kingdome and recovery of his Transmarine Dominions which is now designed and Mall●on de Savery the Poicto●in with William Long-sword Earle of Salisbury sent over to try the affections of that people whom they finde for the most part inclinable to the obedience of this Crowne but the King of France being required peaceably to deliver them made answer that having gotten them by the sword by the sword he would hold them But now the King being come to some yeares of understanding was in a Parliament holden at London put in minde by the Archbishop of Canterbury of the Oath he had taken for confirmation
a number of poore kindred who to his great cost lay hanging upon him yet was the marriage solemnised with as great charge as if he had beene to have Mountaines with her and this was another grievance And now is the score of these grievances called upon to be paid for the Lords could no longer endure so many indignities to see themselves fleighted and onely strangers advanced as Brent● who held the Earledomes of Nottingham Oxford Bedford and B●ckingham and others the like and to see their persons exposed to danger and their estates to ruine for which no remedy could be but onely the Kings confirming their Charter of Liberties wherein it is strange to observe upon what different grounds the King and the Lords went It seemes the King thought that to confirme that Charter were to make himselfe to be lesse then a King and the Lords thought that as long as it was denied they were no better then slaves● and as the King could endure no diminution so the Lords could endure no slavery but the King might keep his owne with sitting still the Lords could not recover their owne but by motion and seeing their strength must be in their number by commotion hereupon they confederate together and of this confedencie Richard now Earle Marshall upon the death of his brother William is chiefe who repaire to the King and boldly shew him his errour and requires satisfaction Hereupon the King sends presently over for whole Legions of Poict●uins and withall summons a Parliament at Oxford whither the Lords refuse to come after this a Parliament is called at Westminster whither likewise they refuse to come unlesse the King would remove the Bishop of Winch●ster and the Poictouins from the Court and more then this they send him word that unlesse he did this they would expell both himselfe and his evill Counsellours out of the Land create a new King Upon this threatning Pledges are required of the Nobility for securing of their Allegeance and Writs a re●ent out to all who hold by knights service to repaire to the King at Glocester by a certaine day which the Earle Marshall and his associates refusing the King without the ●udgement of hi● Court and their P●●rs causeth them to be Proclaimed Out-lawes seiseth upon all their Lands which he gives to his Poictouins and directs out Writs to attach their bodies wheresoever in the kingdome But now of these confederate Lords the Bishop of Winchester wonne the Earles of Chester and Lincolne with a thousand Markes and the King had so pleased his brother the Earle of Cornwall that he likewise left them whereupon they withdrew them into Wales and confederate with L●●ilin Prince of Wales● whither also came Hubert de Burgh escaped out of prison and joynes with them taking intermutuall Oaths that no one without other should make their accord Hereupon the King goeth himselfe in person into Wales where not prevailing he returnes to Glocester imployes new forces of strangers but all without successe At last a Frier is imployed to perswade the Earle Marshall to submit himselfe to the King but all in vaine till at length a traine is laid to draw him over into Ireland to defend his state there being seised upon by the King where by treachery circumvented he lost his life Yet the King disavowes the sending of any such Commission into Ireland protesting he never knew thereof and laies the fault upon his Officers an easie way for Princes never to be found in any fault After two yeares affliction a Parliament is assembled at VVestminster wherein the Bishops admonish the King by his Fathers example to be at unity with his people and to remove from him strangers and to governe the kingdome by Natives of the Realme and by the Lawes otherwise they would proceed by Ecclesiasticall censure both against his Counsellours and himselfe The King seeing no way to subsist but by temporising consents to call home those Lords out of VVales restores them to their places and possessions removes all strangers from about him and cals his new officers to account Hereupon the Bishop of VVinchester Peter de Rivalis and Stephen Seagrave take sanctuary but afterward by mediation they obtained with great Fines their Liberty dearly paying for their two years greatnes After this a Parliament is againe called which the King would have to be kept in the Tower whither the Lords refusing to come another place of more freedome is appointed in which Parliament order is taken for removing all Sheriffes from their places upon complaint of corruption and here the King displaceth his Steward and offers to take from the Bishop of Chichester then Chancellour the great Seale which he refuseth to deliver as having received it by the common councell of the kingdome and now Pe●●r de Rivali● a●d St●phen Seagrave are received againe into grace by which may appeare the vici●●itude of fortune in Princes favours After this in the one and tw●ntieth year● of ●is Raigne another Parliament is held at London where the King requires the thirteenth part of all the moveables as well of the Clergy as Laity which being directly opposed the King promiseth by oath never more to injure the Nobility so they would but relieve him at that present After foure dayes consultation ●he King p●omising to use onely the counsell of his naturall Subjects and protesting against the Revocation lately propounded● and freely granting the inviolable obse●vation of their Liberties under paine of Excommunication a Subsidy is granted him bu● so that foure knights be appointed in every Shi●e to receive and deliver the same 〈◊〉 to some Abbey or Castle where it may be saf●ly kep● that if the King ●aile in p●rformance of his Grants it may be restored to the Coun●rey from whence it was collected And now the King to make a shew of true reconciliation for his part suddenly causeth the Earles VVarren and 〈◊〉 with Iohn Pits Geoffrey to be sw●rn his Counsellours yet was neither of the points either for removing of strangers or for disposing the money observed afterward by the King● for the money he made bold to take at his pleasure and for strangers they were so farre from removing that they were drawne nearer to him for now VVilliam Valentine Unkle to the Queen is growne the most inward man with him and nothing done but by his counsell also the Earle of Province the young Queenes Father a poore Prince hath a good share of the money that was collected and Simon de Montford a French man borne is entertained by the King and preferred s●cretly in marriage to Eleanor the Kings sister Widow of VVilliam Earle of Pembroke the great Marshall and is made Earle of Leycester by right of his Mother Avice daughter of Blanchman Earle of Leycester which courses so incense the Nobility that it put them out into a new commotion and Richard the Kings brother becomes one of the party whom the other Lords make their spokesman to the King to
they get the authority of the twenty foure to be estated wholly upon themselves and they alone to dispose of the custody of the Castles and other businesses of the kingdom and here they bind the King to lose to them their Legall obedience whensoever he infringed his Charter At this time intelligence was given to the Lords that Richard King of the Rom●ns had a purpose to come into England and the Lords suspecting he would come with power to aide the King his brother take order for guarding the Ports with intent to hinder his landing but finding his traine to be but small accompanied onely with his Queene two German Earles and eight knights upon his promise to take their propounded Oath they admit him to land but would nether permit the King who came thither to mee●e him nor himselfe to enter into Dover Castle At Canterbury they bring him into the Chapter house where the Earle of Glocester standing forth in the midst cals out the Earle not by the name of King but Richard Earle of Cornwall who in reverent manner comming forth taketh his Oath in these words Heare all men that I Richard Earle of Cornwall doe here sweare upon the holy Evangelists that I shall be faithfull and diligent to reforme with you the Kingdome of England and ●e an effectuall Coadjutor to expell all Rebels and disturbers of the same and this Oath will inviolably observe under paine of losing all the Land I have in England so helpe me God But though this Earle came home but weake and poore yet upon his returne the King takes heart and seeks all meanes to vindicate his power and first sends messengers secretly to Rome to be Absolved from his enforced Oath and to have the more assurance from the King of France he makes an absolute resignation of all his Right to the Dutchy of Normandy and the Earledomes of Anjou Poictou Tourene and Maine in regard whereof the King of France gives him three hundred thousand pounds some say Crownes o● Anjouin money and gran●s him to enjoy all Guyen beyond the River Garo●ne all the Countrey of Xan●oigne to the River of Charente the Countrey of Limousin and Quercy for him and his successo●rs doing their homage to the Crowne of France as Duke of Aquit●i●e And now was the King of France made Arbiter of the difference betweene King Henry and his Barons who gives sentence against the Barons concerning the Provisions at Oxford but of their side concerning King Iohns Charter by which nice distin●tion though he did but leave the matter as he found it for those Provisions as the Lords pretended were grounded upon that Charter yet did his sentence draw many away from the party of the Barons amongst whom was Henry sonne to the Earle of Cornwall Roger Clifford Roger de Leisbourne Haimo Lestrange and many others But the Earle of Leycester notwithstanding this revolt recovers the Town and Castle of Glocester constraines the Citizens to pay a thousand pounds for their redemption goes with an Army to Worcester possesseth him of the Castle thence to Shrewsbery and so comes about to the I le of Ely subdues the same and growes exceeding powerfull The King doubting his approach to London fals to treat of a Peace and a Peace is concluded upon these conditions that all the Castles of the King should be delivered to the keeping of the Barons the Provisions of Oxford should inviolably be kept all strangers by a certaine time should avoid the kingdome except onely such as were licensed to stay The Prince had fortified Windsor Castle but Leycester comming to besiege it he treats with him for Peace which is refused and the Castle is rendred to him The King at this time to win time convokes another Parliament at London wherin he won many Lords to take his part as namely the Prince Richard his brother Henry his son William Valence with the rest of his brothers lately returned and with them the King marcheth to Oxford whither divers Lords of Scotland repaire to him as Iohn Commin Iohn Baylioll Lords of Galloway Robert Bruce and others also many Barons of the North Glifford Percey Basset and others From Oxford he goes to Northampton where he tooke prisoners Simon Montford the younger with foureteene other principall men thence to Nottingham making spoyles of such possessions as pertained to the Barons in those parts And now the Kings side growes strong which the Earles of Leycester and Glocester seeing they write to the King protesting their loyalty and how they opposed onely such as were enemies to him and the kingdome and had belied them The King returnes answer that themselves were the perturbers of him and his State and sought his and the kingdomes destruction and therefore defies them The Prince likewise and the Earle of Cornwall send letters of defiance to them Yet the Barons continue to mediate a Peace and send the Bishops of London and Worcester with offer of thirty thousand Markes to the King for the dammages done in these warres so as the Statutes of Oxford may be observed but this offer is not accepted The Earle seeing no remedy but it must be put to a day takes his time to be earlier ready then was expected and supplies his want of strength with policie placing on the one side of a hill neare Lewis where the battell was fought certaine Ensignes without men in such sort as they might seeme a farre off to be Squadrons of succours to second those he brought to the encounter whom he caused all to weare white Crosses both for their owne notice and the signification of his cause which he would have to be thought for justice Here the fortune of the day was his the King the Prince the Earle of Cornwall and his sonne Henry the Earles of Arundell and Hereford with all the Scottish Lords are taken prisoners the Eale Warren William de Valence Guy de Lusignan the Kings brothers with Hugh Bigod Earle Marshall save themselves by flight five thousand some say twenty thousand others are slaine in the battell A yeare and a halfe is Simon Montford in possession of his prisoners carrying the King about with him to countenance his actions till he had gotten all the strongest Castles in the kingdome And now comes Erinnys and sets debabte betweene the two great Earles of Leycester and Glocester about their Dividend Leycester is taxed to doe more for his owne particular then the common good his sonnes also presuming upon his greatnesse grew insolent whereupon Glocester discontented forsakes that side and betakes him to the Prince who lately escaping out of the Castle of Hereford had gotten a power about him to try the fortune of another battell The revolt of this Earle being great in it selfe was greater by its example for now many others revolted likewise and the Earle of Leycester seeing the improvement of the Princes forces who was now with his Army about Worcester though he ●aw his owne disadvantage yet imbattels in
the King himselfe was present he was adjudged to have his Lands confiscate and to be deprived of his title of Earle yet after all this was restored to his estate againe and suffered to live in quiet He was more desirous of money then of honour for else he would never have sold his Right to the two great Dukedomes of Normandy and Anjou to the King of France for a Summe of money Yet he was more desirous of honour then of quietnesse for else he would never have contended so long with his Barons about their Charter of Liberty which was upon the matter but a point of Honour His most eminent vertue and that which made him the more eminent as being rare in Princes was his Continency for there is nothing read either of any ba●e children he had or of any Concubine he kept Of his Death and Buriall THough he had lived a troublesome life yet he dyed a quiet death for he had ●etled Peace in his kingdome and in his Conscience For being at Saint Edmundsbury and finding himselfe not well at ease he made the more hast to London where calling before him his Lords and specially Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester he exhorted them to be true and faithfull to his Sonne Prince Edward who was at that time farre from home and therefore had the more need of their care which consisted chiefly in their agreement one with another And then his sicknesse encreasing he yeelded up his Soule to God on the sixteenth day of November in the yeare 1272. when he had lived threescore and five yeares Raigned five and fifty and was buryed at Westminster which he had newly Builded Of Men of note in his time OF Martial men famous in his time there were many but three specially who obscured the rest The first was William Marshall Earle of Pembroke memorable for the great care he had of King Henry in his minority and more memorable for the little care that Destiny had of his Posterity for leaving five Sonnes behind him they all lived to be Earles successively yet all dyed without issue So as the great name and numerous Family of the Marshals came wholly to be extinct in that Generation The second was Richard de Clare Earle of Glocester who in a Battaile against Baldwyn de Gisnes a valiant Fleming imployed by King Henry himselfe alone encountred twelve of his Enemies and having his Horse slaine under him he pitcht one of them by the legge out of the saddle and leapt into it himselfe and continued the fight without giving ground till his Army came to rescue him An Act that may seeme fitter to be placed amongst the Fictions of knights Errant then in a true Narration The third was Simon Montford a man of so audacious a spirit that he gave King Henry the lye to his face and that in presence of all his Lords and of whom it seemes the King stood in no small feare for passing one time upon the Thames and suddenly taken with a terrible storme of Thunder and Lightning he commanded to be set ashore at the next Staires which happened to be at Durham House where Montford then lay who comming downe to meet the King and perceiving him somewhat frighted with the Thunder said unto him Your Maj●sty need not feare the Thunder the danger is now past No Montford said the King I feare not the Thunder so much as I doe thee Of men famous for Sanctity of life there were likewise many in his time but three more eminent then the rest Edmund Arch-bishop of Canterbury Richard Bishop of Chichester and Thomas Arch-deacon of Hereford All three either Canonized or at least thought worthy to be Canonized for Saints To these may be added Robert Grosshead Bishop of Lincolne who Translated the Testaments of the twelve Patriarchs out of Greeke into Latine which through envy of the Jewes never came to the knowledge of Saint Hierome wherein are many Prophesies of our Saviour Christ. Of men famous for learning there were likewise many in his time of whom some left workes behinde them for testimonies of their knowledge in divers kindes as Alexander Hales a Fryer Minor who wrote many Treatises in Divinity Ralp● Coggeshall who wrote the Appendix to the Chronicle of Ralph Niger Randulph Earle of Chester the third and last of that name who compiled a Booke of the Lawes of England Henry Bracton who wrote the Booke commonly called by his name De Consuetudinibus Anglicanis and besides these Hugh Kirkestead Richard of Ely Peter Henham Iohn Gyles and Nicholas Fernham excellent Physitians Richard surnamed Theologus and Robert Bacon two notable Divines Stephen Langthon Richard Fisaker Simon Stokes Iohn of Kent William Shirwood Michael Blaunpaine Iohn Godard Vincent of Coventry Albericke Veer Richard Wich Iohn Basing Roger Waltham William Seningham and others THE LIFE and RAIGNE OF KING EDWARD THE FIRST Surnamed of WINCHESTER Of his comming to the Crowne AS soone as King Henry was dead and buryed the great Lords of the Land caused his eldest Sonne Prince Edward to be proclaimed King and assembling at the New Temple in London they there tooke order for the quiet Governing of the kingdome till he should come home For at this time he was absent in the Holy Land and had beene there above a yeare when his Father dyed But we cannot bring him home without telling what he did and what he suffered in all that time and in his returne for at his first comming thither he rescued the great City of Acon from being ●urrendred to the Souldan after which out of envy to his Valour one Anzazim a desperate Saracen who had often beene employed to him from their Generall being one time upon pretence of some secret message admitted alone into his Chamber with a poysoned knife gave him three wounds in the Body two in the Arme and one neare the arme-pit which were thought to be mortall and had perhaps beene mortall if out of unspeakeable love the Lady Eleanor his Wife had not suckt out the poyson of his wounds with her mouth and thereby effected a cure which otherwise had beene incurable and it is no wonder that love should doe wonders which is it selfe a wonder And now being disappointed of Aides that were promised to be sent him and leaving Garrisons in fit places for defence of the Country he with his Wife Eleanor takes his journey homewards and first passing by Sicilie was there most kindly received by Charles King of that Island where he first heard of his Fathers death which he tooke more heavily farre then he had taken the death of his young Sonne Henry whereof he had heard a little before at which when King Charles marvailed he answered that other Sonnes might be had but ●nother Father could never be had From hence he passeth through Italy where much honour is done him both by the Pope and other Princes and then descends into Burgoigne where by the Earle of Chalboun a stout man
brought to King Edward and for the love of her Prince Leolyn was content to submit himselfe to any conditions which besides subjection of his State was to pay fifty thousand pounds Sterling and a thousand pounds per annum during his life and upon these conditions the marriage with his beloved Lady was granted him and was solemnized here in England whereat the King and Queene were themselves present Three yeares Leolyn continued loyall and within bounds of obedience in which time David one of his Brothers staying here in England and found by the King to be of a stirring Spirit was much honoured by him Knighted and matched to a rich Widow Daughter of the Earle of Darby and had given him by the King besides the Castle of Denbigh with a thousand pounds per annum though as it was afterwards found he lived here but in the nature of a spy For when Prince Leolyns Lady was afterward dead and that he contrary to his Conditions formerly made brake out into rebellion then goes his Brother David to him notwithstanding all these Favours of the King and they together enter the English Borders Surprise the Castles of Flynt and Rutland with the person of the Lord Clifford sent Justiciar into those parts and in a great Battaile overthrew the Earles of Northumberland and Surrey with the slaughter of Sir William Lyndsey Sir Richard Tanny and many others King Edward advertised of this Revolt and overthrow being then at the Vyzes in Wiltshire prepares an Army to represse it but before his setting forth goes privately to his Mother Queene Eleanor lying at the Nunnery of Aimesbury with whom whilest he conferred there was one brought into the Chamber who faigned himselfe being blinde to have received his sight at the Tombe of King Henry the third A●soone as the King saw the man he remembred he had seene him before and knew him to be a most notorious lying Villaine and wished his Mother in no case to beleeve him but his mother who much rejoyced to heare of this Miracle for the glory of her husband finding her sonne unwilling that his Father should be a Saint grew suddenly into such a rage against him that she commanded him to avoid her Chamber which the King obeyes and going forth meetes with a Clergy man to whom he tels the story of this Impostour and merrily said He knew the justice of his Father to be such that he would rather pull out the eyes being whole of such a wicked wretch then restore them to their sight In this meane time the Arch-bishop of Canterbury had gone of himselfe to Prince Leolin and had laboured to bring him and his brother David to a re-submission but could effect nothing for besides other reasons that swayed Prince Leolin the conceit of a Prophesie of Merlin that he should shortly be Crowned with the Diadem of Brute so overweighed him that he had no care for peace and shortly after no head for after the Earle of Pembroke had taken Bere Castle which was the seat of Prince Leolin he was himself slain in battell and his head cut off by a common Souldier was sent to King Edw. who caused the same to be Crowned with Ivie and to be set upon the Tower of London And this was the end of Leolin the last of the Welsh Princes betraied as some write by the men of Buelth Not long after his brother David also is taken in Wales and judged in England to an ignominious death First drawn at a horse taile about the City of Shrewsbury then beheaded the trunke of his body divided his heart and bowels burnt his head sent to accompany his brothers on the Tower of London his foure quarters to foure Cities Bristow North●●pton York and Winchester A manifold execution and the first shewed in that kind to this kingdome in the person of the son of a Prince or any other Noble man that we reade of in our History It is perhaps something which some here observe that at the sealing of this conquest King Edward lost his eldest son Alphonsus of the age of twelve years a Prince of great hope and had onely left to succeed him his sonne Edward lately borne at Carnarvan and the first of the English intituled Prince of Wales but no Prince worthy of either Wales or England And thus came Wales to be united to the Crowne of England in the eleventh yeare of this King Edwards Raigne who thereupon established the government thereof according to the Lawes of England as may be seene by the Statute of Rutland in the twelfth yeare of his Raigne The worke of Wales being setled King Edward passeth over into France upon notice of the death of Philip the Hardy to renew and confirme such conditions as his state in those parts required with the new King Philip the fourth intituled the Faire to whom he doth homage for Aquitaine having before quitted his claime to Normandy for ever After three yeares and a halfe being away in France he returns into England and now in the next place comes the businesse with Scotland and will hold him wo●ke at times as long as he lives and his sonne after him Alexander the third King of Scots as he was running his horse fell horse and man to the ground and brake his necke and died immediately● by reason whereof he leaving no issue but onely a daughter of his daughter Margaret who died also soone after there fell out presently great contention about succession Ten Competitors pretend title namely Erick King of Norway Florence Earle of Holland Robert Bruce Earle of Anandale Iohn de Baylioll Lord of Galloway Iohn de Hastings Lord of Abergeveny Iohn Cummin Lord of Badenaw Patrick de Dunbarre Earle of March Iohn de Vescie Nicholas de Sul●s William de Rosse all or most of them de●cending from David Earle of Huntington younger brother to William King of Scots and great Unkle to the late King Alexander This title King Edward takes upon him to decide pretending a Right of Superiority from his Ancestours over that kingdome and proving it by authority of old Chronicles as Marianus Scotus William of Malmsbury Roger de Hoveden Henry of Huntington Ralph de Luceto and others which though the Scottish Lords who swaied the Interregnum opposed yet are they constrained for avoyding of further inconveniences to make him Arbiter thereof and the tenne Competitours bound to stand to his award Two are especially found betweene whom the ●ight lay Iohn de Baylioll Lord of Galloway and Robert Br●ce the one descending from an elder daughter the other from a sonne of a younger daughter of Alan who had married the eldest daughter of this David brother to King William The controversie held long twelve of either kingdome learned in the Lawes are elected to debate the same at Berwick all the best Civilians in the Universities of France are solicited to give their opinions all which brought forth rather doubts then resolutions whereupon King Edward the better to
men of that kingdome except onely Walleys once againe sweare Fealty to the King of England It seemes swearing of Fealty was with the Scots but a Ceremony without substance as good as nothing for this is now the third time they swore Fealty to King Edward yet all did not serve to make them loyall for not long after comes the newes of a new King made and Crowned in Scotland Robert Bruce Earle of Carrick sonne to that Bruce who was competitour with Baylioll escaping out of England becomes Head to the confused Body of that kingdome and perceiving Iohn Cummyn who had a title himselfe to goe about to bewray his intentions to King Edward he finding him at Dunfrayes sets upon him and murthers him in the Church Whereof as soone as King Edward heard he sends Aymer de Valence Earle of Pembroke and the Lords Clifford and Percie with a strong power to revenge the death of Cummyn and to relieve his Wardens of Scotland who upon Bruces revolt were all retired to Berwicke whilst himselfe prepares an Army to follow wherein to be the more nobly attended he caused Proclamation to be made that whosoever ought by their Paternall succession or otherwise had meanes of their owne for service should repaire to Westminster at the Feast of Pentecost to receive the Order of knighthood and a Military Ornament out of the Kings Wardrobe Hereupon three hundred young Gentlemen all the sonnes of Earles Barons and knights assemble at the day appointed and receive Purples silkes Sindons Scarffes wrought with Gold or Silver according to every mans Estate For which traine because the Kings House was too little by reason a part of it had beene lately burnt roome is made and the Apple-trees cut downe at the new Temple for their Tents where they attire themselves and keepe their Vigile The Prince whom the King then likewise knighted and gave him the Dutchy of Aquitaine kept his Vigile with his Traine at Westminster and the next day girds these three hundred knights with the Military Belt in such manner as he himselfe had received it Which done the King before them all makes a Vow that alive or dead he would revenge the death of Cummyn upon Bruce and the perjured Scots Adjuring his Sonne and all the Nobles about him upon their Fealty that if he dyed in this Journey they should carry his Corps with them about Scotland and not suffer it to be interred till they had vanquished the Usurper and absolutely brought the Country to Subjection The Prince and all the Nobles promise upon their Faith to imploy their uttermost power to performe his Vow and herewithall he sets forth with a potent Army presently after Whitsontide and makes his last Expedition into Scotland in the foure and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne The Earle of Pembroke with that power sent before and aid of the Scottish party had before the King arrived in Scotland defeated in a battaile neare Saint Iohns Towne the whole Army of the new King and narrowly missed the taking of his Person but he escaping in disguise and sheltring himselfe in obscure places was reserved for greater Battailes his Brothers Nigell Bruce and shortly after Thomas and Alexander a Priest were taken and Executed after the manner of Traytors at Berwicke And now King Edward had done for Fighting all was now for Executions and indeed his desire of Revenge made him inexorable and vow to spare none of what degree soever The Earle of Atholl though of Royall blood and allyed unto him was sent to London where all his preferment was to have a higher paire of Gallowes then the rest The Wife of Robert Bruce taken by the Lord Rosse is sent Prisoner to London and his Daughter to a Monastery in Lindsey The Countesse of Boughan who had beene ayding at Bruces Coronation is put into a woodden Cage and hung out upon the walls of Berwicke for people to gaze on But though Bruces party was thus dejected and himselfe at this time appeared not but shifted privily from place to place in a distressed manner attended onely with two Noble Gentlemen who neeer forsooke him in his misfortunes the Earle of Lenox and Gilbert Hay yet gives he not over but gathers new Forces with which he suddenly assailes the Earle of Pembroke at unawares gives him a great defeate and within three dayes after chaseth the Earle of Glocester into the Castle of Aire where he besieged him till by the Kings Forces he was driven againe to his former retire Whereupon King Edward who had spent his Winter at Carlile in Iuly following with a fresh Army enters Scotland himselfe but falling into a Dysentery or Bloody-flix at Borough upon the Sands he ended his life and thus ended King Edwards troubles with Scotland but not Englands troubles which are more to come then yet are past But though this businesse of Scotland never left King Edward till his dying day yet it had been upon him but as an Ague sometimes putting him into violent heats and sometimes leaving him in a quiet temper with such a vicissitude that when he had quietnesse with Scotland he had troubles with France whereof the time is now to speake It is well knowne that Philip King of France Father of the present King and Edward King of England were neare Cousins the Sonnes of two Sisters and it hath beene shewed before at King Edwards returning from the Holy Land and passing through France what extraordinary kindnesse and mutuall courtesie passed betweene them that one would have thought neither they no● theirs should ever have falne out and perhaps never should if they had beene private men and not Princes For private men may easily continue Friends as having none to consider but themselves but Princes hardly as having besides themselves their Subjects to consider And though they be the Subjects oftentimes that make the Quarrell yet they are the Princes that must maintaine it And besides betweene Princes there can never be but jealousies and where jealousies are every trifle makes a quarrell And this was the case of these two Kings certaine of the King of Englands Subjects had upon the Coast of Normandy done spoyle to some Subjects of the King of France and this difference of the Subjects made a difference betweene the Kings while each of them standing in defence of his owne fall out themselves and for a beginning the King of France summons King Edward as owing homage to that Crowne to appeare and answer it in his Court. And King Edward though voluntarily before he had done it in a way of Courtesie yet being now impetiously commanded he refuseth it upon which refusall all his Territories in France are condemned to be forfaited and an Army is presently sent to seise upon the same led by Charles de Valois and Arnold de Neele Constable of France Burdeaux with divers other Peec●s of importance are taken from him And now King Edward well knowing what danger it was to have so powerfull an
Adversary endevours first to strengthen himselfe with Friends abroad seekes to match his Sonne Edward with a Daughter of Guy Earle of Flanders Marries one of his Daughters to the D●ke of Barr● who pretended Title to Champaigne another to Iohn Duke of Bra●ant sends fifteene thousand pounds Sterling to Adolph de Nassaw the Emperour for recovery of certaine Lands which he claimed in France and with all these and many other con●ining Princes he sets upon the King of France and then sends over his Brother Edmund Earle of Lancaster the Earles of Lincolne and Richmond with eight and twenty Banners seven hundred men at Armes and a Navy of three hundred and sixty Saile In the meane time the King of France having had intelligence of the intended alliance betweene King Edward and Guy Earle of Flanders sends for the said Earle as if knowing nothing thereof to come with his Wi●e and Daughter to make merry with him at Paris where instead of Feasting him he makes him Prisoner and takes from him his Daughter in regard he sought being his Vassall to match her with his capitall Enemy The Earle excuseth it the best he could and by much mediation is released himselfe but not his Daughter whereupon the Earle presuming upon aide from King Edward takes Armes and defies the King of France who thereupon comes with an Army of sixty thousand against him which caused King Edward with all speed possible to relieve this distressed Earle and so leaving the Government of the kingdome in his absence to the Bishop of London the Earle of Warwicke and the Lords Reynold Grey and Clifford with five hundred Saile and eighteene thousand men at Armes he passeth over into France but finding the Country distracted into many popular Factions and the King of France daily getting upon them having already won Lisle Doway Courtray Burges and Dam and the Emperour Adolph failing to send him aide as he had promised he fell into great perplexity and having stayed the whole Winter at Gaunt where by reason of many outrages committed by his Souldiers he was so affronted by the Gauntois that his owne person was not without some danger He thereupon in the Spring of the yeare concludes a Truce with the King of France for two yeares takes his sister Margaret to Wife and affianceth the Daughter of the same King to his Sonne Prince Edward and so returnes into England And these were all the troubles King Edward had with France But now must something be spoken of troubles with his Lords at home whereof this was the beginning In a Parliament at Salisbury the five and twentieth yeare of his Raigne the King requires certaine of his Lords to goe to the Warres in Gascoyne which needed a present supply by reason of the death of his Brother Edmund but the Lords make all their excuses every man for himselfe Whereupon the King in great rage threatned they should either goe or he would give their Lands to others that should Upon this Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford High Constable and Roger Bigod Earle of Norfolke Marshall of England make their Declaration that if the King went in Per●on they would attend him otherwise not Which answer offended the King more and being urged againe the Earle Marshall protested he would willingly goe thither with the King and march before him in the Vauntguard as by right of inheritance he ought to doe But the King told him plainely he should goe with any other though he we●● not himselfe in Person● I am not so bound saith the Earle neither will I take t●●t journey without you The King swore by God Sir Earle you shall either goe or h●●●● And I sweare by the same Oath said the Earle I will neither goe no● hang● and so without leave departs Shortly after the two Earles assemble many Noble men and other their Friends to the number of thirty Bannere●s so as they were fifteen hundred men at Armes well appointed and stood upon their Gu●●d● The King like a prudent Prince who knew his times prosecu●es them not as then b●● lets the matter passe in regard that his businesse called him presently into Flanders when being ready to take ship the Arch-bishops Bishops Earles Barons and the Commons send him a Roll of the Grievances of his Subjects concerning his Taxes Subsidies and other Impositions with his seeking to force their services by unlawfull courses to which the King sends answer that he could not a●t●r any thing without the advice of his Councell who were not now about him and therefore required them seeing they would not attend him in his Journey which they absolutely refused to doe though he went in Person unlesse he had gone into France or Scotland that they would yet doe nothing in his absence prejudi●iall to the peace of the kingdome and that at his returne he would set all things in good order to their contentment But having taken his Journey and being held there with long delayes to his exceeding great expenses he was forced to send over for more supply of Treasure and thereupon gave order for a Parliament to be held at Yorke by the Prince and because of his Minority for he was then but sixteene yeares of age by such as had the manage of the kingdome in his absence and to the end he would not be disappointed of aide he condescends to all such Articles as were demanded concerning the great Charter Promising from thenceforth never to charge his Subjects otherwise then by their consents in Parliament and to pardon all such as had denyed to attend him in this Journey After this in the 27. yeare of his Raigne a Parliament is called at Westminster wherein the promised Confirmation of the two Charters and the allowance of what disafforestation had heretofore beene made was earnestly urged and in the end with much adoe Granted and that with omission of the Clause Salva Iure Coronae nostr● which the King laboured to have inserted but the people by no meanes would agree and the perambulation of the Forests of England was then committed to three Bishops three Earles and three Barons But some yeares after in the two and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne King Edward begunne to shew his resentment of the stubborne behaviour of his Nobles towards him in times past and so terrifies Roger Bigod Earle Marshall that to recover his favor the Earle made him his Heire● in Possession though he had a Brother of his owne living reserving onely to himselfe a thousand pounds per annum during his life Of others likewise he go● great summes for the same offence The Earle of Hereford escaped his fine by death But the Arch-bishop of Canterbury whom he accused to have disturbed his Peace in his absence he sends over to Pope Clement the fifth who succeeded Bonifac● that he might be crusht with a double power This Pope was Native of Burdeaux and ●o the more regardfull of the Kings desire and the King● the more confident of
passed up to Munster and Thoumond performing every where much service with great valour and worthinesse that if he had stayed there but a while longer he might perhaps by his desorts in Ireland have redeemed his defects in England but the King impatient of his absence and asking advice what meanes might be used to recall him It was told him that if he could but match him with the Earle of Glocesters sister a man of such greatnesse and so greatly beloved of the people for his sake certainely no man would grudge at his comming home Hereupon the King sends for Gaveston and makes up the match betweene them and marryed they were at Barkamstead but this did no good For Gaveston still working upon the King in such manner that he scarce left him meanes to sustaine himselfe and as little to maintaine the Queene nothing being done but as Gaveston would have it put the Lords into a new discontentment who thereupon went againe to the King and told him plainly that unlesse he would put Gaveston out of the Court and kingdome they would rise up in Armes against him as a perjured King This put the King into a great strait Loath he was to leave Gaveston and fearefull he was to provoke the Lords in the end his feare prevailing over his love he was content he should be Banished and in such sort Banished that if ever he returned or were found in the kingdome he should be held and proceeded against as an Enemy of the State So once againe is Gaveston sent packing out of the kingdome and goes into France but found no safe Harbouring there For the King of France hearing of it gave strait charge if he were found in his Dominions to apprehend him Then he passeth into Flanders but is there no sa●er then in France After waving about and finding no place to rest in safety he returnes secretly into England relying upon the Kings Love and the Duke of Glocesters Favour The King receives him as an Angell sent from Heaven and to be out of the Lords Eye goes a Journey to Yorke taking Gaveston along with him and there thinkes to be in quiet but the Lords hearing of it follow him thither chusing for their Generall Thomas Earle of Lancaster a man possest of five Earledomes Lancaster Leycester Ferrers Lincolne and Salisbury besides the Liberty of Pickering and the Honour of Cokermore and other Lands in Wales and there was not a man of the whole Nobility that was not of the Party but onely Gilbert Earle of Glocester the Kings Sisters Sonne These Lords sent to the King either to deliver Gaveston into their hands or at least to send him peremptorily out of the kingdome But the King led by ill Counsell and little regarding the Lords Message takes Gaveston with him to New-Castle upon Tine thence to Tynmouth where the Queene then lay who though great with Childe and entreating the King with teares to stay with her yet such was his desire to see Gaveston put into some place of security that hearing of the Lords approaching he tooke a Ship and passed with Gaveston to Scarborough and leaving him there in a strong Castle not easie to be wonne he went himselfe into Warwickshire perhaps that the Lords might see he had not Gaveston with him But the Lords hearing where Gaveston was assaulted the Castle with such violence that Gaveston seeing no meanes to escape was content to render himselfe requesting onely that he might but once be allowed to see the Kings face and the King hearing he was taken desired as much to which the Earle of Pembroke consented and taking Gaveston into his custody promised upon Forteiture of all he had to have him forth-comming but desiring to be with his Wife that night who lay not farre off at Dedington h● delivers him to his Servants to carry to Wallingford From whom as they passed by Warwicke the Earle of that place hearing of it tooke him forcibly from his keepers and brought him to his owne Castle Where after long deliberation whether it were wisedome to suffer Gaveston to speake with the King or no It was at last concluded to take of● his head which at a place thereby called Blacklow was presently put in execution His Corps was carryed to Oxford and kept there two yeares till the King caused it to be brought to Longley and there builded a Monastery of purpose where his Soule should be prayed for This Gaveston was the Sonne of a Gentleman of France who had done good service for King Edward the first in France and for his sake this Sonne of his was taken and brought up with the Prince a man of excellent parts of body and of no lesse Endowments of minde Valiant and Witty to which if we might adde Vertuous he had beene compleate Though the Lords whether they had heard so or whether they said it to weane the King from him told the King that his Father was a Traitor to the King of France and for the same was executed and that his Mother was burnt for a Witch and that this Gaveston was banished out of France for consenting to his Mothers Witch-craft and that he had now bewitched the King himselfe But why should the Lords be so violent against Gaveston might not the King place his Affection where he pleased Might he not make his owne choyce of what companion he liked No doubt he might and fit he should but yet in this case the Lords had great cause to doe as they did both in regard of the King of themselves and of the Common-wealth It is true if the Valour of Gaveston could as well have made the King Valiant as his riot made him riotous there might some good have come of their extraordinary conjunction but seeing Vertues are but personall Vices onely are communicative it now made the King not onely more Vicious then otherwise he would have beene but Vicious where otherwise he would not have beene and therefore great cause in regard of the King to remove Gaveston from his company and no lesse in regard of the Lords themselves For Gavestons advancing was their debasing his greatnesse with the King made them but Cyphers but in regard of the Common-wealth most cause of all For while the King was altogether ruled by Gaveston and Gaveston himselfe was altogether irregular the Common-wealth could have but little hope of Justice but was sure to suffer as long as Gaveston was suffered And this may be sufficient to justifie the Lords that it be not interpreted to be Rebellion which was indeed but Providence Of his Troubles with Scotland ANd now we have seene two of the charges of his Fathers Will broken by the King and punished in him the two and thirty thousand pounds appointed for the Holy Warre bestowed upon Gaveston and the King for it punished himselfe with want Gaveston called home from banishment and the King for it punished with the losse of his Subjects love It remaines to see how
troubles abroad so grievous for though the Lords having made an end of Gaveston and cut off his head thought they had made an end of their need to beare Armes and had cut off the head of all their discontents yet as if Gaveston had beene a Phoenix as it were out of his ashes another Phoenix riseth presently up and puts the Lords to as much trouble as ever Gaveston did For now the younger Spenser upon a sudden growes as great a Favorite of the Kings as ever Gaveston was and indeed in all points just such another equall to him in goodlinesse of personage in favour of the King and in abusing the Lords for though they were the Lords themselves that brought him at first in to be the Kings Chamberlaine the rather as was thought because he was one whom the King did not love yet being once in the place he so wonne upon the King by diligent service and by complying with the Kings humour that he brought the King at last to comply with his humour and nothing must be done but as Spenser would have it It seemes it was the Kings nature that he could not be without a bosome friend one or other to be an Alter idem and to seeke to remove such a one from him was to seek to remove him from him selfe● as impossible a thing as to alter nature yet the Lords being more sensible of their owne grievance to be insulted on by a Favourite then of the Kings grievance to be affronted by his subjects are more intentive to worke their owne ends then the Kings and therefore to remove Spenser and his Father from the King which they knew was a worke not to be done but by strong hand they continue their Armes and conf●der●ting together they send to the King peremptorily requiring the confirmation and execution of the Articles formerly granted threatning withall that unlesse he presently performe the same they would constraine him to it by force of Armes and thereupon assemble strong forces about Dunstable where the King ●hen lay The great Prelates of the kingdome with the Earle of Glocester labour to appease them and with two Cardinals sent lately by the Pope to reforme these disorders they repaire to Saint Alb●ns and desire conference with the Lords who receive them very peaceably but the Letters which the Pope had written to them they refuse to receive saying they were men of the Sword and cared not for reading of Letters that there were many w●rthy and learned men in the kingdome whose counsell they would use and not strangers who knew not the cause of their commotion so the Cardinals with this answer returned to London But the Prelates of England●o ●o labour the businesse that the Lords were content to yeeld up to the King such horses treasure and jewels as they had taken of Pierce Gaveston at New-Castle so as the King would grant their Petitions and thereupon Iohn Sandall Treasurer of the kingdome and Ingelard Warle keeper of the Wardrobe are sent to Saint Albons to receive those things at their hands Shortly after a Parliament is called at London wherein the King complaines of the great contempt was had of him by the Barons their rising in Armes their taking and murthering Pierce Gaveston and such other affronts Whereunto with one accord they answer that they had not offended therein but rather merited his love and favour having taken Armes not for any contempt of his royall person but to destroy the publike enemy of the kingdome which otherwise would never have beene done Which stout resolution of theirs the Queene with the Prelates and the Earle of Glocester seeing they seeke by all meanes to qualifie their heate and at length so prevailed with them that they humble themselves to the King and crave pardon for that they had done which they obtained and the King receives them into grace as his loyall subjects grants them their Articles● and particular pardons by his Charter for their Indemnity concerning the death of Gaveston and for the greater shew of true reconcilement Guy de Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke is made of the Kings Counsell though shortly after he ended his life not without suspition of poyson as being a man much envied by such as possest the King The King kept his Christmas at Clipston and his Easter at Clarendon and they seemed to be all good friends but this reconcilement of the King with his Barons was but as the covering of fire with ashes every little wind that blew made it breake out into flames afresh the time being so unsetled as it was it was impossible but such winds would continually be blowing It was such a wind blew when the great Earle of Lancaster had his wife a Lady who had lived with him alwayes in good fame taken out of his house at Canford in Dorsetshire● by one Richard Saint Martin● a deformed lame Dwarfe who challenged her to be his wife and that he had lien with her before the Earle married her● and this wind was made to blow the stronger by the Ladies owne confession for upon examination she voluntarily averred it was all true and thereupon the o●gly fellow in her right claimed the two Earledomes of Lincolne and S●lisbury which he durst not have done● if he had not beene back'd with great Abettours and it was not without aspersion upon the King himselfe It was another such wind blew when at the Feast of Pentecost at dinner in the open Hall at Westminster a woman fantastically disguised entred on horsebacke and riding about the Table delivered the King a Letter wherein was signified the great neglect he shewed of such as had done him and his Father noble services taxing him for advancing men of unworthy parts and such other complaints which Letter read and the woman departed put the King into a great rage they who guarded the doore being sharply reprehended for suffering her to enter in such manner answered It was the fashion of the Kings house in times of Festivals to keepe out none that came as this woman did to make sport Search being made for the woman she is found and examined who set her on she confessed a knight gave her money to doe it the knight is found and upon examination boldly answered he did it for the Kings honour and to no other end and thereupon escaped without further trouble It was such another wind blew when a knight was taken passing by Pomfret with Letters sealed with the Kings Seale directed to the King of Scots about murthering the Earle of Lancaster which messenger is executed his head set upon the top of the Castle and the Letters reserved to witnesse the intended plot Which whether it were fained or true the report thereof reflected upon the King and made many to take the Earles part It was such another wind blew when a fanatick fellow one Iohn P●●dras a Tanners sonne of Exeter gave forth that himselfe was th tr●e Edward eldest sonne of the late
King Edward the first and by a false Nurse was changed in his Cradle and that the now King Edward was a Carters son and laid in his place but this wind was soone blowne over when at his death being drawne and hanged he confessed he had a Familiar Spirit in his house in the likenesse of a Cat that assured him he should be King of England and that he had served the said Spirit three yeares before to bring his purpose about But most of all it was such a wind blew when a Baron named William Brewis having wasted his estate offers to sell unto divers men a part of his inheritance called Powis Humphrey 〈◊〉 Earle of Hereford obtaines leave of the King to buy it bargains for it The two Roger M●rtimers Unkle and Nephew great men likewise in those parts not understanding it seemes any thing of the former bargaine contract also for the same Land with the said Sir William Brewis Hugh Spenser the younger hearing of this sale and the land adjoyning to part of his obtaines a more speciall leave of the King being now his Chamberlaine and buyes it out of their hands The Earle of Her●ford complaines hereof to the Earle of Lancaster who thereupon at Sherbourne enters into a new confederation with divers Barons there assembled taking their Oaths intermutually to live and die together in maintaining the right of the kingdome and to procure the banishment of the two Spens●r● father and sonne whom they now held to be the great seducers of the King and oppressours of the State disposing of all things in Court at their pleasure and suffering nothing to be obtained but by their meanes and under this pretence they take Armes and comming armed to Saint Albons they send to the King being then at London the Bishops of London Salisbury Hereford and Chichester who were there assembled to consul● for peace requiring him as he tendred the qu●et of the Realme to rid his Court of those Traitours the Spensers condemned in many Articles of high treason by the communalty of th● Land and withall to grant his Letters Patents of pardon and indemnity both to them and all such as tooke part with them The King returnes answer that Hugh Spenser the father was now beyond the Seas imployed in his businesse and his sonne was guarding the Cinque-ports according to his office and that it was against Law of Custome they should be banished without being heard and withall swore he would never violate the Oath made at his Coronation by granting Letters of pardon to such notorious offenders who contemned his person disturbed the kingdome and violated the royall Majesty Which answer so exasperated the Lords that presently they approached to London and lodged in the Suburbs till they had leave of the King to enter into the City where they peremptorily urge their demands to which at length by mediation of the Queene and the chiefe Prelates the King is wrought to condescend ●nd by his Edict published in Westminster Hall by the Earle of Hereford the Spensers are banished the kingdome Hugh the father hearing it keepes beyond the Seas but the sonne secretly hides himselfe in England expecting the turne of a better season And indeed shortly after the Arch-bishop of Canterbury in a Councell holden at London pronounceth the banishment of the Spensers to have beene erronious and thereupon the Edict is revoked and the Spensers are called home and se● in as great authority as they were before But the Lords having thus obtained their desire with the Kings Letters of indemnity returne home but yet not with such security as to give over the provision for their owne defence Not long after there fell ou● an unexpected accident that suddenly wrought the Lords confusion The Queene making her progresse towards Canterbury intended to lodge in the Castle of Leedes belonging to the Lord Badlesmer who had beene long the Kings Steward but now tooke part with the Lords and sending her Marshall to make ready for her and her traine they who kept the Castle told him plainely that neither the Queene nor any else should enter there without Letters from their Lord. The Queene her selfe goes to the Castle and receives the like answer whereupon she is driven to take such lodging otherwhere as could be provided Of which indignity she complaines to the King who tooke it so to heart that presently with a power of armed men out of London he laies siege to the Castle takes it hangs the keeper Thomas C●●epepper sends the wife and children of the Lord Badlesmer to the Tower and seiseth upon all his goods and treasure And having this power about him and warmed with successe and the instigation of the Queene suddenly directs his course to Chi●hester where he keepes his Christmas and there provides for an Army against the Barons whereof many seeing the Kings power encreasing lef● their Associats and yeeld themselves to his mercie amongst whom were the two Roger Mor●i●●rs men of great might and meanes the Lord Hugh Audely the Lord M●●rice Barkely and others who notwithstanding contrary to their expectation were sent to divers Prisons The Earles of Lancaster and Hereford seeing this sudden change withdrew themselves and their companies from about Glocester towards the North-parts whom the King followes with his Army wherin were the Earles of Ath●ll Angus and at Burton upon Trent where they had made a head discomfited their forces and put them to flight In the meane time the Earle of Lancaster had sent into Lancashire a knight of his named Robert Holland one whom he had brought up of naught to raise more forces amongst his Tenants but he hearing of this flight of his Lords goes with his forces to take the Kings part which so dismaies the Earle that he beganne now to thinke of suing to the King for grace but being in the way at a Towne called Borough-bridge was there set upon by Sir Simon Warde Sheriffe of Yorke and Sir Andrew Harkeley Constable of Carlile who utterly defeat his forces In which fight was slaine the Earle of Hereford who fighting valiantly upon a Bridge was by a Varlet skulking under the Bridge thrust with a Speare into the fundament Sir Roger Benefield Sir William Sulland and others there was taken the Earle of Lancaster Sir Roger Clifford Sir Iohn M●wbray Sir Roger Tuckets Sir William Fits-Williams with divers other and were led to Yorke This field was fought the fifteenth day of March in the yeare 1320. It was not long ●fter that Sir Hugh Daniell Sir Bartholomew de Baddelsmer were taken Three dayes after the Earle of Lancaster is brought to Pomfret where the King sitting himselfe in judgement with Edmund Earle of Kent his brother the Earle of Pem●●●ke the Earle Warren Hugh Spencer lately created Earle of Winchester and others sentence of death is given against him to be drawne hanged and beheaded as a Traitor The two first punishments are pardoned in regard he was of Royall bloud onely
Neth in 〈◊〉 kept himselfe close In the meane time the Queene was come to Oxford where Ad●m Bishop of Hereford Preaching tooke for his Text Caput meum dol●● and thereupon inferred that the kingdome being now deadly sicke of its head it was fit to remove that head and put a sounder in the place At this time also th● L●●d●ners to shew their love to the Queene seised upon Walter Staplet●n the good Bishop of Exceter and Lord Treasurer of England left Governo●r the●● by the King and with great despight beheaded him as also divers others onely because they favoured the King In the meane time the Queene went from Oxford to Glocester and from thence to Bristow where Hugh Sp●ncer the Father was a man of fou●escore and ten yeares old who is there taken and without examination or Judgement in most cruell manner Executed having his heart pulled out of his body being yet alive and his body left hanging upon the Gallowes After this the Queene stayed at H●reford the space of a moneth● and then dividing her Army she sends one part of it under the Conduct of Henry Earle of Lancaster and Ryce a Powell a Clerke ●o find out the King and this Ryce being a Welsh●an and knowing th● Country well brought the Earle to the Monastery of N●th● where the King was whom they there take together with Spenser the Sonne Rober● Bald●cke and Simon of Reading The King is by the Bishop of Hereford committed to the custody of the Earle of Leycester where all that Winter he was used no worse then was fit for a captive King But Edmund Earle of Arundell Iohn Daniel and Th●m●● Micheldens at the instance of Mortimer are all three beheaded Presently after is Hugh Spenser the younger who was now Earle of Glocester drawne hanged and quar●e●ed his head sent up to be set upon London Bridge and his foure quarters bestowed in severall Cities The like is done with Simon of Reading but Robert Baldocke is committed to New-Gate against whom when no just cause of death could be found there was used so much cruelty in his imprisonment that he shortly after dyed Presently after Christmas a Parliament is called wherein it is agreed to depose the King and set up his Sonne which he hearing refused it unlesse his Father would freely resigne whereupon are appointed three Bishops two Earles two Abbots foure Barons and of every City a Burgesse to goe to the King in custody then at Kenelworth The Bishops were Iohn of S●ratford Bishop of Winchester Adam Torleton Bishop of Hereford and Henry Bishop of Lincolne But the Bishops of Winchester and Lincolne getting to the King before the rest came perswade the King to resigne his Crowne to his eldest Sonne cra●tily promising him he should have as good maintenance afterward as ever he had when he was King And contrarily threatning him that if he did it not the people would exclude both him and his Sonne too and m●ke a King of another Race By these promises and threatnings the meeke King is drawne to yeeld to the Bishops mo●●on but when afterward the Bishop of Hereford and the other Commissioners came and were sate in a place appointed to take his Resignation the King comming forth amongst them in mourning Robes upon a sudden fell downe in a swound● in whom the Earle of Leycester and the Bishop of Winchester had much ado● to recover life but then the Bishop of Hereford rising up delivered the cause of their comming as the other Bishops before had done To which ●he King answered that as he much grieved his People should be so hardned against him as utterly to reject him so it was some comfort unto him that they would yet receive his Son to be their Soveraigne After this Thomas Blunt knight Steward of the Kings house brake the Staffe of his Office and William Tr●ssell Speaker of the Parli●ment in name of the whole kingdome pronounced a Forme of Renouncing all Allegeance to Edward of Carnarvan Here Caxton writes that from the time of this Kings Deposing which was in December to the time of his Sonnes Crowning which was not till Candlemas following all Pleas of the Kings Bench were stayed and all Prisoners arrested by Sheriffes commanded to be set at liberty which seemes to have little probability seeing his Sonne Edward presently upon his Deposing was received for King But howsoever so great a Dowre was then assigned to Queene Isabel that scarce a third part of the Revenues of the Crowne is le●t for the new King and his Wife And to the late King is allowed a hundred Markes ● moneth for his maintenance with which he lived with his Cousin the Earle of Leycester in good plenty and contentment for a time onely this grieved h●m most of all he said that the Queene his Wife would never be gotten to come to see him For he swore most devoutly that from the time he first saw her face he could never like of any other Woman By which it may appeare that neither Gaveston no● the Spensers had so debauched him as to make him false to his bed or to be disloyall to his Queene But the Queene being hardned against him and conceiving he had too great Liberty under the Earle of Leycester by advise of her pestilent Counsellour Adam Torleton Bishop of Hereford appoints Thomas Go●rney and Io●● Matrevers knights to take him from the Earle into their owne Custody and to carry him whither they thought good who thereupon take him from Kenelw●rth and carry him first to Corfe Castle and from thence to Bristow where they shut him in the Castle till upon knowledge of a Plot laid to get him out and send him beyond Sea they tooke him in the night and carryed him to B●rkeley Castle where by the way they abused him most inhumanely as Sir Thomas de la More a knight of Glocestershire in his Life relateth For to the end he should not be knowne they shaved his Head and Beard and that in most beastly manner for they took him from his Horse and set him upon a Hillocke and then taking puddle water out of a Ditch thereby they went to wash him his Barber telling him that cold water must serve for this time whereat the miserable King looking sternely upon him said That whether they would or no he would have warme water to wash him and therewithall to make good his word he presently shed forth a showre of teares Never was King turned ou● of a kingdome in such a manner Many kingdomes have beene lost by the chance of Warre but this kingdome was lost before any Dice were cast no blow strucke no Battell fought done forcibly and yet without force violently and yet with consent both parties agreed yet neither pleased for the King was not pleased to leave his kingdome and the Queene was not pleased to leave him his life it was not safe to leave him a part by which he might afterward recover the whole and therefore this
advantage of Wind and Sun that he utterly defeated their whole Navy took and sunke all their Ships slew thirty thousand men and landed with as great glory as such a victory the greatest that ever before was gotten by the E●glish at Sea could yeeld though King Edward himselfe was there wounded with an Arrow in the thigh Most of the French rather then to endure the Arrowes of the English or be taken desperately leapt into the Sea whereupon the French Kings Jester set on to give him notice of this overthrow which being so ill newes no●● else would willingly impart unto him said and oftentimes repeated it in the Kings hearing Cowardly English men Dastardly English men faint-hearted Englis● men● the King at length asked him why● for that said he they durst not leap out of their Ships into the Sea as our brave French men did By which speech the King apprehend a notion of this overthrow which the French attribute to Nichol●●●●chet one of their chiefe Commanders who had armed his Ships with men of base condition content with small pay and refused Gentlemen and sufficient Souldiers in regard they required greater wages And indeed it often happens that the avarice of Commanders is the occasion of great defeats By this victory King Edward gained a free entrance into Flanders and presently went and besieged Tournay with an Army of five and fifty thousand but was so valiantly encountred by the Duke of Burgundy and the Earle of Armigniack that they routed his Army and slew foure thousand upon the place which so enraged King Edward that two dayes after he sent a Challenge to King Philip to meete him in ● single combate or with an hundred against as many before the wals of Tourn●● King Philip answers that his Challenge being made to Philip de Valois withou● mention of King he tooke it not to be to him who was truly King of France● but he wished him to remember the Homage he had done him at Amiens and the wrong he did to the Christian world● by his troublesome courses to hinder him from his voyage intended to the Holy Land Besides this answer in writing he sends to him by word of mouth that by his Challenge he hazarded nothing of his owne but exposed onely the Dominion of another which was against all reason but if he would set his kingdome of England though much meaner agai●●● his of France he would then accept the Challenge and meete him in the field 〈◊〉 single combate But this King Edward would not hearken to for as he was valiant to make the Challenge so he was circumspect to looke to the conditions But here upon he continues his siege of T●●rnay to the reliefe whereof King Philip sends all the forces he could possibly make by himselfe o● his friends and after the siege had continued three moneths partly by mediation of Robert King of Sicilie but chiefely by the Lady Iane of Valois sister to King Philip and mother of King Edwards wife who had vowed her selfe a Nunne but to doe this good office travelled from one to another a Truce was concluded for a yeare and both their Armies are dissolved After this K. Edward returning into England was advertised how the Scots after many other places gained had besieged the Castle of Striveling for reliefe whereof the King makes all the haste he can and yet before he could come it was by force of battery compelled to render it selfe upon conditions Then King Edward being at Berwicke passeth to New-Castle upon Tyne where he staies a moneth waiting for his provision that was to come by Sea but that being driven into other parts by tempest he makes a Truce with the Scots for three or foure moneths and then returnes home In the time of this Truce the Scots send to King David to come and governe the kingdome in his owne person who thereupon taking his leave of the King of France with whom he had remained seven yeares he with his wife Ioane King Edwards sister returnes into Scotland where after he had beene most honourably received by the Prince of Or●nay and the other Lords and Barons of the Kingdome as soone as the Truce was ended with a strong Army enters Northumberland passing on to New-Castle upon Tyne where he plants his Campe. Of this Castle Iohn Nevile was left governour by King Edward who sending out certaine companies tooke the Earle Murray prisoner and with the slaughter of divers of his men and rich booties returned backe to his Castle which so incensed King David that he assaulted the Castle as a man enraged but finding it too strong for his taking he then passed into the Province of Durham where he used all kinds of cruelty first upon the Countrey and then upon the City killing men women and children Clergy and others burning and destroying houses and Churches and utterly defacing it From thence he passeth on to the Castle of Salisbury which Castle belonged to William Mountacute Earle of Salisbury in right of his wife but himselfe being then prisoner in France onely his Countesse and one William Mountacute a Cousin of his was in the Castle This William perceiving the Scottish horse to be so over-charged with pillage that they were scarce able to goe issues out of the Castle with forty horse sets upon them kils two hundred and takes sixe score whom he brings with their rich pillage into the Castle King David soone after with his whole Army arrived but hearing of King Edwards comming who certified of these things made all the haste he could he retires himselfe from thence and King Edward finding him gone before he came yet would needs goe in and visit the Countesse of whom as soone as he saw her he was so enamoured that he laid more battery to her chastity then King David had done to her Castle but finding it inexpugnable after a day and a night he left it and followed after the Scots with whom for three dayes together he had many skirmishes till at last a Truce was concluded for two yeares and amongst other conditions William Earle of Salisbury prisoner with the King of France was set at liberty in exchange for the Earle Murray prisoner with the King of England About this time another difference fell out betweene the Kings of France and England Iohn Earle of Montford laid claime to the Dutchy of Britaine but in the quarrell was taken prisoner by the King of France his Lady sends to King Edward for succour which King Edward grants upon condition that a marriage be made betweene his daughter Mary and the Earle of Montfords sonne which being agreed on he sends over to her aide first Walter de Manny a valiant knight and afterward Robert d' Arthois but whilest his Army was preparing King Edward was informed by Edward Baylioll the pretended King of Scotland and Governour of Berwicke that the Scots had not kept the conditions of the Truce whereupon King Edward drawes a great Army
to Berwicke with a purpose to doe great matters but nothing was done for a new Truce was againe concluded for two yeares By this time Robert d' Arthois had made ready his Army and taking with him the Countesse of Montford the Earles of Pembroke Salisbury and Suffolke and many other Barons after great tempests and encounters at Sea lands safely at last neare to Vannes which was held by the French and laying ●●ege to the City with the assistance of Walter de Manny who came unto him after many assaults at last he tooke it to the great joy of the Countesse of Montford though she held it not long for certaine resolute French knights assaulted it soone after and recovered it from the English In which action many Lords were slaine or wounded and particularly Robert de Ar●hois himselfe who passing over into England for the better curing of his wounds soone after died and was buried in Pauls Church in L●ndon And now King Edward himselfe with a strong Army passeth over into Britaine and plants his Campe before the City of Vannes where was like to have beene a cruell battell but in the instant there came from Pope Cl●ment the sixth two Cardinals the Bishops of Preneste and Thusculum who upon certaine conditions concluded a Peace amongst other conditions this was one that the City of Vannes should be delivered to ●ing Philip and thereupon Iohn Earle of Montford should be set at liberty but yet with this charge not to goe into Britaine which promise notwithstanding he kept not but went presently and besieged a Tow●e in Britaine though he were forced to retire and died shortly after But the Truce cracked ●hus as it were by Montford was afterward absolutely broken by King Edward though he charged the breach of it upon K. Philip and King Philip upon him But howsoever broken it was and Henry of Lancaster Earle of Derby with divers other Earles and Barons is sent into France who won many Townes in Gascoyne● and in the Counties of Perigort and Tholo●se and then went to winter at Burdeaux And afterward in May following pursuing his victories he wonne many mor● Townes and amongst others the great Towne of Reoll After this againe he tooke Montpesat Maurore Villefranche and many other Townes and at last the great City of Ango●lesme and then came to winter againe at Burdeaux Of his Acts together with the Prince KING Philip informed of so many great losses assembles a mighty Army no lesse then a hundred thousand men with which he recovers Miremont and Villefranche and then proceeded to besiege Angoulesme whom the Earle of Derby having not forces sufficient to encounter King Edward leaving for Wardens of England in his absence the Lords Percie and Nevill goeth himselfe in person with an Army as Froyssard saith of fourescore thousand men at Armes and ten thousand Archers besides those out of Wales and Ireland taking with him his sonne the Prince of Wales and Duke of Guyenne being then but of the age of fifteene yeares It may be thought preposterous in King Edward to put his sonne to be a Souldier before he was come to be a man but it seemes he had a longing to try his sonnes valour in the bud and perhaps was loath to omit any thing that might give any countenance to this battell in which the two kingdomes were laid as it were at stake but howsoever taking him along with him and almost all the Lords of his kingdome he takes Shipping and lands at Normandy where at the first setting his foote on ground he tooke such a fall that the bloud gushed out at his nose which the Barons tooke for an ill signe but the King tooke it for a good saying it was a signe that the Land desired to have him and in deede he presently tooke the Townes of Harsteur Moulbourg Carenton and Saint Lo and afterward the City of Ca●n it selfe and from thence passed to the County of Eureux saccaged and pillaged it as also the City of Gisors Vernon Meulan and Boulebourse to the City of Poyssy King Philip all this while staied about Paris as looking for King Edward to give him battell there and for that purpose had planted his Campe neare to Saint Germans but King Edward deceived him for going from Poyssy he passed into Picardie and Ponthie● where he tooke and burned many Townes and Castles and then passed the River of 〈◊〉 though not without danger for King Philip had sent thither Gundemar de Fay with a thousand horse and sixe thousand foote to stop his passage King Edward notwithstanding resolves to passe or perish and plungeth forem●●● into the River crying out They who love me will follow me at which voyce 〈◊〉 man strove who should be foremost and so the shoare was presently gained by the English Gun●emar astonished with this bold adventure astonisheth his peo●●● with his fearfull countenance so that the English encountring the French all in 〈◊〉 put them to flight King Philip enraged with this dishonour resolves to 〈◊〉 it and presently provokes King Edward to a battell King Edward had 〈◊〉 ●●camped in a Village called Cressy his Army consisted of thirty thousand 〈◊〉 ●hich he divided into three battalions the first was led by the young Prince 〈…〉 with whom were joyned the Earle of Warwicke Geoffrey of Harecourt 〈◊〉 Holla●d Ric●ard Stafford Iohn Chandoes Robert Nevile and many other 〈◊〉 and Gentlemen to the number of eight hundred men at Armes two thou 〈…〉 and a thousand Welsh In the second were the Earles of Northam●●●●●nd ●nd of 〈◊〉 the Lords Rosse Basset and others to the number of eight hun 〈…〉 Armes and twelve hundred Archers In the third the King was him●●●●● h●ving about him seven hundred men at Armes and three thousand Archers 〈◊〉 battels thus ordered mounted on a white Hobby he rode from ranke to ranke 〈◊〉 ●●em encouraging every man that day to have regard to his right and ho 〈…〉 The French Kings Army was farre greater consisting of above sixty thou 〈…〉 well armed whereof the chiefe were Charles Duke of Alanson 〈…〉 Iohn of Luxembourg King of Bohemia Charles de Blois the Kings 〈…〉 Duke of Lorraine the Earles of Flanders Nevers Sancerre of Ba 〈…〉 and Gentlemen about three thousand The Vauntguard he commits to his ●rother the Count de Alanson the Reere to the Earle of Savoy the maine battell ●e lead● himselfe his heate out of confidence of victory was so great that 〈…〉 permitted time for a little counsell what was fit to be done The old King 〈…〉 advised that the Army should take some repast and that the Infantry c●●●isting of Ge●oueses which were above fifteene thousand Crossebowes and 〈◊〉 men● should make the first Front and the Cavallery to follow which was agreed on But the Count of Alanson contrary to this order tooke it ill that the 〈◊〉 were in the first ranke and in fury caused them to change place which 〈…〉 discontentment that it irritated them more against the
Leader then the 〈◊〉 besides there fell at the instant such a showre of raine as dissolved their 〈◊〉 and made their Bowes of little use and at the breaking up of the showre the 〈…〉 full in the face of the French dazling their sight and on the backe of the 〈◊〉 as if all made for them K. Edward who had gotten to a Windmill beholding 〈◊〉 a Sentinell the countenance of the Enemy and discovering the disturbance 〈◊〉 by the change of place instantly sends to charge that part without giving 〈…〉 to re-accommodate themselves whereupon the discontented Gen●●ese 〈◊〉 which the Co●nt de Alanson perceiving he comes on with the horse and 〈…〉 ●age cries out On on Let us make way upon the bellies of these Genoueses 〈…〉 but hinder us and instantly pricks on with a full careere through the midst 〈…〉 followed by the Earles of Lorraine and Savoy and never staies till he came 〈◊〉 the English battell where the Prince was the fight grew hot and doubtfull 〈…〉 as the Commanders about the Prince send to King Edward to come up with his power to aide him The King askes the messengers whether his son were 〈…〉 hurt who answering no but that he was like to be over-laid Well then 〈◊〉 ●he King returne and tell them who sent you that so long as my sonne is a 〈…〉 they send no more to me what ever happen for I will that the honour of this 〈…〉 his And so being left to try for themselves they wrought it out with the 〈◊〉 ● the rather by reason the French King having his horse slaine under him and 〈◊〉 danger to be trodden to death had he not been recovered by the Lord Beau 〈…〉 ●●●s to the great discouragement of his people withdrawne out of the field 〈◊〉 no●●ce being once taken by the English the day was soone after theirs and 〈…〉 victory they ever had yet against the French and so bloudy as there is 〈…〉 made of any one prisoner taken in the battell but all ●laine out-right ●nely ●ome few troopes that held together saved themselves by retiring to places neare adjoyning The French King himselfe with ● small company got to Bray in the night and approaching the walls and the Gu●rd asking him who goes there he answered the Fortune of Fr●●c● By ●i● voyce ●e was knowne and thereupon received into the Towne with the teares and lamenta●ions of his people The number of the slaine are certified to be thirty thousand the chiefe whereof were Charles de Al●ns●n Iohn Duke of 〈◊〉 ●alph Earle of Lorraine L●wis Earle of Fl●●●ers I●ques Da●lphin de 〈◊〉 So●●e to I●b●rt who after gave Daulphin to the Crowne of France the Earl●● of S●●c●rre H●r●court and many other Earles Barons and Gentlemen to the number of fiftee●● hundred This memorable Victory happened upon the S●turday after Bart●●l●●●● day in the yeare 1346. The next day earely in the morning being Sunday he s●n● out 300. Lances and 2000. Archers● to discover what was becom● of t●● 〈◊〉 who found great Troopes comming from Abbe●●l● Saint 〈…〉 a●d B●●uvoyes ignorant of what had happened 〈◊〉 by the Arch-Bishop of R●●● and the Priour of France whom they likewise defeated and slew s●ven thousand But this was not all th● Victories that fell to King Edward that yeare there was another of no lesse importance gotten in Engl●●d by the Queene and hi● peopl● at home against the Scots who being set on by the French to divert the wa●●● there● entred upon this kingdome wit●●hreesco●e thousand men as our Writers report assuring himselfe of successe in regard as he supposed ● the ma●●e stre●gth thereof was now gone into France but ●e found it otherwise● For the Lords of the North as Gylbert de Umfrevile the Earl● of Ang●●● Henry Perc● Ralph Nevile William D●y●co●●t with the Arch-bishop of Yorke the Bishop of Dur●am and others of the Clergy gathered so great Forces and so well ordered them by the animation of the Queene who was there in person as fighting a great Battaile at Nevils Crosse in the Bishopricke of Durha● they utterly defea●ed this great Army tooke David their King Prisoner with the Earles of Fif● Menteth Murry Sutherland the Lord Dowglas the Arch-bishop of Saint Andrewes and others and put to the sword fifteene thousand Sc●ts This Victory also fell upon a Saturday sixe weekes after that of Cressy He that tooke King David Prisoner wa● one Iohn C●pl●nd an Esquire of Northumberland whom King Edward rewarded with five hundred pounds land a yeare and made him a Banner●t And as if all concurred to make this yeare Triumphant the Aides sent to the Countesse of Montford in Britaine led by Thomas Dagworth a Valiant knight overthrew and tooke Prisoner Charles de Blois Pretender to that Dutchy and with him Mounsi●ur la Vall the Lords Rochford Bea●●anoyre Loi●c●ue with many other Barons Knights and Esquires Where were slaine the Lord De la Vall Father to him that was taken Viscount Rohan Mounsieur de Chastea● Bryan de ●alestroit de Quintin de Dyrev●ll besides many other knights and Esquires to the number of seven hundred And now King Edward without medling with the great Cities of Amiens and Abbevile marcheth on directly and sits downe before Callice a Town of more importance for England and the Gate to all the rest Wherein Iohn d● Vienne Marshall of France and the Lord de Andregh●n a great man in his time commanded All that Winter King Edward lay without any molestation by the French King who was busied at home in his owne State about raising of money wherewith supplyed at last he raiseth an Army and approacheth Callice but findes no way open to come to relieve it The King of England was both Master of the Haven and possest all other wayes that were passable and the Flemings his friends had besieged Aire to oppose whom Iohn Duke of Normandy is sent for out of Guyenne who departing leaves Henry of Lancaster Earle of Derby Master of the Field and ●e having an Army consisting of twelve hundred men at Armes two thousand Archers and three thousand other Foot takes in most of the Townes of Xaintoigne and Poict●● and in the end besieged and sacked P●ityer● and then returnes to B●rdea●x with more ●illage then his people could well beare Thus the 〈◊〉 prosper every ●●here and the French suffer During this siege of Calli●e ●n 〈◊〉 some t●in●● King Edw●●● first used Gunnes the Fleming● send to King 〈◊〉 to make a marriage betweene his Daughter Isabell and their Lord the 〈…〉 to which the King consented but the Duke of Br●●●nt gets 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 ●o make the match for a Daughter of his● The Flemings presse 〈◊〉 Lord with t●e match of England but he absolutely refuse●h it saying● h● 〈◊〉 never marry a Daughter of him that had killed his Father though he would 〈…〉 ●●lf● his kingdome This answer so incensed the Flemi●gs that they 〈…〉 Lord in Prison till with long durance he at last consented and
time by reason the King of France would not be drawne to any Encounter and had so disfurnished the Country of all provisions that the King of England was forced to returne King Edward solicited by the King of Navarre to aide him against the King of France sends over the Du●e of Lancaster with foure thousand men at Armes who winnes many Townes● and the Prince enters G●yenne passeth over Langn●d●c to Tholouse Narbonne Burges without any Encounter sackes spoyles and destroyes where he goes and loaden with booties returnes to Burdeaux The French King thus assaulted on all ●ides gathers all the power he possibly could and first makes against his E●emies in N●●●●●dy recovers many of his lost Townes and was likely to have there prevaile● but that he was drawne of force to oppose 〈◊〉 fresh Invader the Prince of Wales who was come up into Tourayne against 〈◊〉 he brings his whole Army consisting of above threescore thousand where●●●● the Prince whose Forces were not likely to be able to encounter him being 〈◊〉 for one was advised to retire againe to Burdeaux But the French King to preve●● this course followes and within two leagues of Poyctiers hath him at a 〈◊〉 advantage at which instant two Cardinals came from the Pope to mediate ● Pe●ce But the French King supposing he had his enemy now in his mercy would accept of no other conditions but that the Prince should deliver him foure Hostage● ●nd ●s vanquished render himselfe and his Army to his discretion The Prince wa● content to restore unto him what he had gained upon him but without pr●ju●●●● of his honour wherein he said he stood accomptable to his Father and to his C●u●tr●y But the French King would abate nothing of his demands as making hims●lf● sure of victory and thereupon was instantly ready to set upon the Princ● 〈◊〉 seeing himselfe reduced to this straight takes what advantage he could of th● 〈◊〉 and providently got the benefit of Vines Shrubs and Bushes on that part 〈…〉 like to be assailed to impester and intangle the French horse which he saw 〈◊〉 ●ome furiously upon him The successe answered his expectation for the 〈◊〉 of his enemies upon their first assault were so wrapt and encombred 〈◊〉 ●he Vines that his Archers galled and annoyed them at their pleasure For 〈◊〉 Fre●●h King to give the honour of the day to his Cavallery imployed them onely without his Infantery so as they being disordered and put to rout his whol● Army came utterly to be defeated In this battell were taken prisoners King Iohn himselfe with his yo●ngest sonne Philip by Dennis de Morbecque a knight of Ar●h●is Iaques de Bourbon Conte de Ponthieu the Arch-bishop of Sens Iohn de Arth●is Conte de En Charles de Arthois his brother Count de Longueville Iohn de 〈◊〉 Count de Tankarvile the Counts of Vendosme Va●demont Estampes Salbourg 〈◊〉 and La Roche also Iohn de Ceintre accounted as Froissard saith the 〈◊〉 ●night of France with many other Lords besides two thousand Knights and Gen●lemen in so much as the Conquerours holding it not safe to retaine so many le●●●ny of them goe The French who can give best account of their owne losses ●●por● there died in the battell a thousand seven hundred Gentlemen amongst which were fifty two Bannerets the most eminent Peter de Bourbon the Duke of Ath●●s Constable of France Iehan de Clermont Marshall Geoffrey de Charmy High Chamberlain● the Bishop of Chalons the Lords of Landas of Pons and of Cham●●y There escaped from this battell three of the French Kings sons for he brought them all thither Charles Prince Daulphin Louys after Duke of Anjou and Iohn Duke of B●●ry● all great actours in the time following The special great men of the English i● th●● fight were the Earles of Warwicke Suffolke Salisbury Oxford Stafford the Lord●● Cobham Spenser Barkeley Basset of Gascoynes Le Capital de Beuff the Lords Pumyer Chaumont and others The Lord Iames Andeley wonne honour both by his valour and his bounty for having vowed to be foremost in this fight he pe●formed his word and sealed it with many wounds for which the Prince having rewarded him with the gift of five hundred Markes Fee-simple in England he p●esently gave it to foure of his Esquires whereupon the Prince demanding whether he accepted not his gift he answered that these men had deserved the same as well ●s himselfe and had more neede of it with which reply the Prince was so well pleased that he gave him five hundred Markes more in the same kinde A rare example where desert in the Subject and reward in the Prince strive which should be the greater And now though King Iohn had the misfortune to fall into the hands of his enemy yet he had the happinesse to fall into the hands of a Noble enemy for Prince Edw. used him with such respect and observance that he could not find much d●●ference betweene his captivity and liberty After the battell which was fought the ●in●●●enth day of September in the yeare 1357. Prince Edward leads King Iohn and the captive Lords to Burde●ux where he retaines them till the spring following but 〈◊〉 present newes of his victory to his Father who thereupon causeth a generall Thanksgiving all England over eight dayes together and in May following King Iohn rather comming over with the Prince then brought over by him is lodged at the Savo● a Palace belonging to Henry Duke of Lancaster and the fairest at that time about London And King Edward as though he thought it honour enough to have one King his prisoner at once at the suite of his sister Queene I●ane he sets her Husband David King of Scots at liberty after he had beene prisoner in England eleven yeares but not without paying a Ransome which was a hun-thousand Markes to be paid in ten yeares After this by mediation of Cardinals sent by the Pope a Truce for two yeares is concluded betweene the two kingdomes of France and England and in the time of this Truce Articles of Peace betweene the two Kings are propounded● King Edward requires the Dutchies of Norm●●●● and G●yenn● the Counties of Poicto● T●uraine Mayne and Anjo●● with all their ●ppur●e●ances as large as King Richard the first held them and many other Provinces besides and to hold them all without Homage or any other service to which Articles King Iohn weary of imprisonment assents and seales but the 〈◊〉 ●nd Councell of France utterly reject it whereupon King Edward in great disple●sure resolves to make an end of this worke with the sword and to take possession of the kingdome of France and leaving his younger sonne Thomas Gove●●our of his kingdome at home with a Fleet of ●leven hundred saile and taking all the great Lords of the Realme with him he passeth over to Callice dividing his Army into three battels whereof one he commits to the Prince of Wales another to the Duke of Lancaster and the ●hird he leads
battell saying They were but clouds and would soone passe away yet so watched him that what with light skirmishes and what with skarcity of victuals his forces were so diminished that of thirty thousand which went out of Callice there scarce retunred six thousand home which made King Edward say of this King Charles that he did him more mischiefe sitting still then his Predecessours had done with all their stirring And now by this time all Poictou is lost and all Aquitaine also but onely Burdeaux and Bayon when the Arch-bishop of Roan and others are sent from Pope Gregory the eleventh to mediate a Peace betweene the two Kings but each of them standing upon high termes of conditions nothing could be effected but Truce upon Truce for two or three yeares together In which time Edward Prince of Wales died and with him we may say the Fortune of England being a Prince so full of vertues that he left no place for any vice and if he had lived in the Heroicke times might well have beene numb●ed amongst the nine Worthies His body was buried at Canterbury where his Monument standeth King Edward in his seven and fortieth yeare calleth a Parliament at W●stminster which lasted but eight dayes and to which were Summoned by Writ of Clergy men onely foure Bishops and five Abbots Of King Edwards Acts after the death of the Prince IN the time of the Princes sicknesse King Edw●rd cals a Parliament at Westminster in which when demands were made for supply of the King demands were presently made for redresse of grievances for the subjects It was required that the Duke of Lancaster the Lord Latymer then Lord Chamberlaine Dame Alice Pierce the Kings Concubine and one Sir Richard Sturry might be removed from Court And this was so vehemently urged by their Speaker Sir Peter la Moore that the King rather then not to be supplied gave way unto it and thereupon all these persons are presently put from Court but the Prince soone after dying they are all recalled to Court againe and restored to their former places About this time ex●mplary justice was done upon Sir Iohn Minsterworth knight who was drawne hanged and quartered at Tiburne for Treason by him committed in defrauding Souldiers of their wages Thi● was now the f●ftieth yeare of King Edw●●ds Raigne and he for another Iubilee gra●●s another generall pardon to his subjects● onely William Wic●ham Bishop of Winchester is excepted being lately by procurement of the Duke of Lancaster fallen into the Kings displeasure● and forbidd●● to come to the Parliament This Parliament was called the good Parliament●●●ough it wrought ill effects for Sir Peter de la Mare at the suite of Alice Pierce is committed to perpetuall imprisonment at Not●ingham though within two years after by importunate suite of friends he regained his liberty This Alice Pierce presuming upon the Kings favour grew so insolent that she entermedled with Courts of Justice and other Offices where ●he herselfe would fit to countenance her Causes And now the Duke of Lancast●● is come to have the Regencie and to manage all the affaires of the kingdome but King Edward to prevent the mischiefes when by disordering the succession might grow in the kingdome providently settled the same in Parliament upon Richard of Burdeaux ●reating him first Earle of Chester and Cornwall and then Prince of Wales and caused all the Lords of the Realme to tal●e an Oath to accept him for their King as his lawfull Heire when himselfe should be dead In this meane time a Treaty was had about a marriage betweene this Prince Richard and M●ry a daughter of Charles King of France and an offer was made to King Edward to leave him foureteene hundred Townes and three thousand fortresses in Aq●itaine upon condition he would render Callice and all that he held in Picardy but before any thing could be concluded King Edward died Of his Taxations IN the eighth yeare of his Raigne in a Parliament holden at London there was granted him a fifteenth of the Temporalty a twentieth of the Cities and Boroughs and a tenth of the Clergy In his tenth yeare in a Parliament at Northampton is granted a tenth penny of Cities and Boroughs a fifteenth of others and a tenth of the Clergy Also all such treasure as was committed to Churches through England for the Holy Warre is taken out for the Kings use towards his warres with France The next yeare after all the goods of three orders of Monks Lom●ards Cluniakes and Cistercians are likewise seised into the Kings hands and the like Subsidy as before granted at Nottingham In his twelfth yeare and as some write in absence of the King in a Parliament at Northampton is granted by the Laity one halfe of their Wooll but of the Clergy the whole The next yeare after a fifteenth was likewise paid in Wooll by the Commonalty In his foureteenth yeare in a Parliament at London is granted him for Custom● of every sacke of Wooll forty shillings for every three hundred Wooll Fells forty shil● for every Last of Leather forty shillings and of other Merchandises according to the rate the same to endure from that Easter to the Whitsontide twelve moneth after Besides there was granted of Citizens and Burgesses a ninth part of goods of forraine Merchants and others a fifteenth of Husbandmen the ninth Sheafe the ninth Fleece the ninth Lamb for two years also another tenth of the Clergy and for his present supply he had Loanes of divers persons and the City of London lent tw●nty thousand Markes For the grant of which mighty Subsidy the King besides his Pardon to divers kinds of offendours remits all Amerciaments for transgressions in his Forests Reliefs and Scurage to the first time of his going into Flanders besides all aides for the marriage of his sonnes and daughters during his Raigne pardoning and remitting all ancient debts and ●rr●rages both of his Fermors and others till the tenth yeare of his Raigne and likewise confirmes the great Charter of Magna Chartae In his eighteenth yeare in a Parliament at London a tenth was granted by the Clergy and a fifteenth by the Laity● Besides a Commission is sent into every Shire to inquire of mens abilities and all of five pounds to tenne of Lay Fee were appointed to finde an Archer on horsebacke of twenty five a Demilaunce and so ratably above There had formerly been made a certaine coyne of Gold called the Floren of base alloy for the Kings benefit towards his warres in France but this was now called in● and Nobles of finer metall coyned to the great contentment of the people In his nine and twentieth yeare he hath by Parliament granted unto him fifty shillings upon every sack of Wooll for six years next ensuing by which Imposition it was thought the King might dispend a thous●●d Markes Sterling a day the vent of Wooll was so great in that time But that which exceeded all his Taxations was the Ransome he had in
his foure and thirtieth yeare of the King of France three millions of crownes of Gold In his twelveth yeare he had taken from the Priors Aliens their houses lands and tenements for the maintenance of his French warres which he kept twenty yeares in his 〈◊〉 and then restored them againe In his six and thirtieth year was greater twenty sixe shillings eight pence for transportation of every sacke of Wooll for three yeare● In the five and fortieth yeare of his Raigne in a Parliament at Westminster the ●lergy granted him fifty thousand pounds to be paid the same yeare and the Lai●y as much which was lev●ed by setting a certaine rate of five pounds fifteene shillings upon every Parish which were found in the 37● Shires to be eight thousand and sixe hundred and so came in the whole to fifty thousand one hundred eighty one pounds and eight pence but the 181. li. was abated to the Shires of Suffolk● and Devonshire in regard of their poverty In his eight and fortieth yeare in a Parliament is granted him a tenth of the Clergy a fifteenth of the Laity In his fifti●h year a Subsidy of a new nature was demanded by the young Prince Richard whom being bu● eleven years of age the Duke of Lancaster had brought into the Parliament of purpose to make the demand to have two tenths to be paid in one yeare or twelve pence in the pound of all Merchandises sold for one yeare and one pound of silver for every knights Fee and of every Fire-house one penny but instead of this Subsidy after much altercation there was granted another of as new a nature as this that every person man and woman within the kingdome above the age of foureteene yeares should pay foure pence those who lived of Almes onely excepted the Clergy to pay twelve pence of every Parson Beneficed and of all other religious persons foure pence a mighty aide and such as was never granted to any King of England before Of his Lawes and Ordinances HE instituted the Order of the Garter upon what cause is not certaine the common opinion is that a Garter of his owne queene or as some say of the Lady Ioane Countesse of Salisbury slipping off in a Dance King Edward stooped and tooke it up whereat some of his Lords that were present smiling as at an amorous action he seriously said it should not be long ere Soveraigne honour should be done to that Garter whereupon he afterward added the French Morto Honi soit qui maly pense therein checking his Lords sinister suspition Some conjecture that he instituted the Order of the Garter for that in a battell wherein he was victorious he had given the word Garter for the word or signe and some againe are of opinion that the institution of this Order is more ancient and begunne by King Richard the first but that this King Edward adorned it and brought it into splendour The number of the knights of this Order is twenty sixe whereof the King himselfe is alwayes one and president and their Feast yearely celebrated at Windsor on Saint Georges day the Tutelar Saint of that Order The lawes of the Order are many whereof there is a booke of purpose In the five and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne he was earnestly Petitioned by a Parliament then holen that the great Charter of Liberties and the Charter of Forests might be duly observed and that the great Officers of the kingdome should as in former times be elected by Parliament to which Petition though the King at first stood stiffe upon his owne Election and Prerogative yet at last in regard to have his present turne served as himselfe after confessed he yeelded that such Officers should receive an Oath in Parliament to doe justice to all men in their Offices and thereupon a Statute was made and confirmed with the Kings Seale both for that and many other Grants of his to his Subjects● which notwithstanding were for the most part shortly after revoked This King also causeth all Pleas 〈◊〉 were before in Fren●h to be made in English that the Subject might understand the course of the Law Also in his time an Act was passed for Purveyours that nothing should be taken up but for ready money upon strict punishment In the next Parli●ment holden the seven and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne certaine S●mp●uary Lawes were ordained both for apparell and diet appointing every degree of men the stuffe and habits they should weare prohibiting the wea●ing of gold and silver silkes and rich furres to all bu● eminent persons The lab●●rer and husbandman 〈◊〉 ●ppointed but one 〈◊〉 day● and what meates he should 〈◊〉 Also in his time at the instance of the Lo●●oners● an Act was made that no common Whore should wea●e any Hood except striped with divers colours nor Furres but Garments reversed the wrong side outward This King also was the first that created Dukes● of whom Henry of B●llingbr●oke 〈◊〉 of Lancaster created Duke of Lancaster in the seven and twentieth yeare of his Raigne● was the first But afterward he erected Cornwall also into a Dutchy and conferred it upon the Prince after which time the Kings eldest sonne used alwayes to be Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester This King altered monies and abated them in weight yet made them to passe according to the former value Before his time there were no other peeces but Nobles and halfe Nobles with the small peeces of Silver called Sterlings but ●●w Groats of foure pence and halfe Groats of two pence equivalent to the Sterling money are coyned which inhaunsed the prises of things that rise or f●ll according to the plenty or scarcity of coyne which made Servants and Labourers to r●ise their wages accordingly Whereupon a Statute was made in the Parliament now held at Westminster to reduce the same to the former rate Also an Act was made in this Kings time that all Weares Mils and other stoppages of Rivers hindering the passage of Boats Lighters and other Vessels should be removed which though it were most commodious to the kingdome yet it tooke little effect by reason of bribing and corrupting Lords and great men who regarded more their owne private then the publike benefit In a Parliament holden the tenth yeare of his Raigne it was enacted that no Wooll growing within the Realme should be transported but that it should be made in Cloath in Peter-pence are forbidden by the King to be paid any more to Rome The c●stome of washing poore mens feete on Maundy-Thursday thought to have beene first brought in by this King Affaires of the Church in his time KING Edward upon some displeasure had imprisoned divers Clergy men whereupon Iohn Stratford Arch-bishop of Canterbury writes him a Letter charging him with violation of the Rights of the Church and with the breach of Magna Charta and after much good counsell given him threatens that if he amend not these disorders he must and
another It was thought fit to commit it to many and thereupon Iohn Duke of Lancaster Edm●●d Earle of Cambridge the Kings Unkles with some other Lords and Bishops were joyned in Commission to manage the State and Guishard de Angoulesme appointed to be his Schoole-master And now the Kings Minority made forreigne Princes conceive that this would be a time of advantage for any that had quarrell to England which the French and Scots tooke presently hold of For the French came now and burnt the Town of Rye and soone after entring the Isle of Wight burnt divers Townes there and though they were repelled from the Castle by the valiant Sir Hugh Tyrrell Captaine thereof yet they constrained the men of the Isle to give them a thousand Markes to spare the residue of their houses and goods and departing thence they set on land where they saw advantage burning sundry Towns neere to the shoare as Portsmouth Dertmo●th and Plimmouth and then sayling towards Dover they burnt Hastings assaulted Winchelsey but being valiantly defended by the Abbot of Battell were forced to retire After this they landed not far from the Abby of Lewis at a place called Rottington where the Prior of Lewis with Sir Thomas Cheyny and Sir Iohn F●llesly encountring them were overthrowne and taken Prisoners And no lesse then the French were the Scots also now busie for comming one morning by stealth they wonne the Castle of Barwick but shortly after upon knowledge thereof had they were driven out againe by the Earles of Northumberland and Nottingham and all the Scot● they found in it except Alexander Ramsey their Captaine put to the sword About Michaelmas a Parliament was held at Westminster wherein Alice Pierc● the late Kings Concubine was banished the Realms and all her goods confiscate and two Tenths of the Clergie and two Fifteenths of the Temporalty were granted but so as that two Citizens of London William Walworth and Iohn Philpot should receive and keepe it to see it bestowed for defence of the Realme In this time Sir Hugh Calverley Deputy of Callis burnt six and twenty French ships in the Haven of Bulloigne and at the same time a great Navy is set out under the guiding of the Earle of Bucki●gham the Duke of Britaine the Lord L●timer Sir Robert Knolls and others with a purpose to intercept the Spanish Fleet but through Tempest were twice driven back when in the mean time one Mercer a Scottish Pyrate came to Sc●rborough tooke there divers ships and committed many outrages and no order being taken to repell him a Citizen of L●●do● n●med Iohn Philpot at his own charges set forth a Fleet and in his own person encountring them tooke the said Mercer and all his ships and returning home in stead of being rewarded for his service he was called in question for presuming to raise a Navy without advice of the Kings Councell but he gave ●uch reasons for that he had done that not onely he came off then wi●h credit but lives in reputation for it to this day Indeed Reasons of State though they may secretly be censured yet they must not openly be controlled for this were to bring Authority into contempt and in stead of Errors to bring in Confusion but yet when wrongs be offered that are publick every particular person seemes to have an interest in taking revenge and though it may be no manners not to stay the States leisure yet it can be no offence to doe their worke for them Many actions passed at this time with the French and Scots some prosperous and some adverse The Scots burne Roxborough this was adverse but the Earle of Northumberland entring Scotland with ten thousand men spoyleth the Lands of the Earle of March the chief Incendiary this was prosperous but when the Northern men would needs make a Road into Scotland and were encountred by the Scots and put to flight this was adverse Anon after Midsomer the Duke of Lancaster with the Earles of Buckingham Warwick Stafford and others of the Nobility with a strong Power to●ke the Sea and landing in Britaine besieged the Towne of S● Malo but finding strong opposition is forced to raise his Siege and returne home this was adverse And now againe the Scots by night entred secretly into the Castle of Berwick and slew Sir Robert Baynton that was Constable there this also was adverse But when the Earle of Northumberland being advertised ther●of came with a Power assau●ted the Castle and after two daye● defence recovered it againe this was prosperous William Montacute E●rle of Salisbury the Kings Lieutenant in Callis forrageth the Country round about and furnisheth Callis with Booties of French cattell Sir Hugh Calverley and Sir Thomas Percy made Admiralls● put to Sea● and take divers ships laden with merchandise and one sh●p of warre Sir Iohn H●●leston Captaine of Chierbourg in France issuing forth assaults a Fortresse of the French which was the storehouse of their Provision and with much valour takes it these were prosperous But when Sir Iohn Clerke lying in Ga●rison in a Castle in Britaine where la● many Eng●●sh ships in the Haven ●ad ●he●e ships let upon by the French where though he shewed incredible valo●r in the action yet the ships were taken and himselfe slaine this was adverse Also in the third yeere of this Kings Reigne Sir Iohn Arundell Sir Hugh Calverley Sir Thomas Percie Sir William Elmham Sir Thomas Banister and many other Knights went to Sea with a purpose to passe over into Britaine but were so beaten back w●th Tempest that divers of their ships were ●ast away and Sir Iohn Arundell Sir Thomas Banister Sir Nicolas Trumping●on Sir Thomas Dale and above a thousand others were all drowned onely Sir Thomas Percie Sir Hugh Calverley Sir William Elmham and certaine others escaped It may not be imper●inent to note here the sumptuousnesse of those times for this Sir Iohn Arundell was then said in his Furniture to have two and fifty new sutes of apparell of cloath of Gold and Tissue all lost at Sea This yeere also there being found inconvenience in having many Governors of the King and Kingdome it was by Parliament decreed Th●t the Lord Thomas Beauchampe Earle of Warwick● should himself alone hold the place of Protector About this time Sir Iohn Annesley Knight accused Thomas Katrington Esquire for betraying the Fortresse of St. Saviour to the French which Katrington denying● at the suit of Annesly a solemne combat is permitted to be between them at which combat the King and all the great Lords were present the Esquire Katrington was a man of a mighty statu●e the Knight Annesley a little man● yet through the justnesse of his cause after a long fight the Knight prevailed and Katrington the day after the combat dyed In the beginning of the fourth yeere of this King Thomas of Woodstock Earle of Buckingham the Kings Unkle with divers Earles and Lords and an Army of seven or eight thousand was sent into France
Chancellour owed him and if he were so tender of him that he could not finde i● his heart to doe it himselfe they would doe that work for him and thereupo● charged him with such crimes that all his goods were confiscate and himselfe adjudged to dye if the king so pleased though some write his sentence was onely to pay a Fine of twenty thousand markes and a thousand pounds yeerly beside Upo● this provocation the opposite side seek present revenge It is devised that the Duke of Glocester as principall and other Lords that crossed the kings courses should be invited to a Supper in London and there be murthered In the execu●●on of which plot the former Lord Major Sir Nicolas Brember had a speciall hand● but the present Major Rich●rd Exton moved to it by the king would by no mean●● consent and thereupon the plot proceeded not But for all these harsh straines and many such other that passed this Parliament a Subsidie was at length granted to the king of halfe a Tenth and halfe a Fifteenth but with condition that 〈◊〉 should not be issued but by order from the Lords and the Earle of Arund●ll was appointed to receive it But before this time both Houses had directly agreed that unlesse the Chancellour were removed they would meddle no further in the P●●liament The king advertised hereof sent to the Commons that they should se●● unto Eltham where he then lay forty of their House to declare their mindes 〈◊〉 him but upon conference of both Houses it was agreed that the Duke of Glo●●st●r and Thomas Arundell Bishop of Ely should in the name of the Parliament goe unto him who comming to the king declared That by an old Statute the king once a yeere might lawfully summon his Court of Parliament for reformation of all corruptions and enormities within the Realme and further declared That by an old Ordinance also it was Enacted That if the king should absent himself 40 dayes not being sick the Houses might lawfully break up and returne home At this the king is said to say Well we perceive our people goe about to rise against us and therefore we thinke we cannot doe better then to aske ayd of our Cosin the king of France and rather submit us to him then to our own Subjects To which the Lord● answered They wondred at this opinion of his Majesty seeing the French king was the antient Enemy of the kingdome and he might remember what mischiefes were brought upon the Realme in king Iohns time by such a course By these and the like perswasions the king was induced to come to the Parliament and soon after Iohn Fortham Bishop of Durham is discharged of his Office of Lord Treasurer and in his place was appoint●d Ioh● Gilber● Bishop of Hereford a Frier of the order of Preachers also Michael de la P●●le Earle of Suffolke is discharged of his Office of Chancellour and Thomas Aru●dell Bishop of Ely by consent of Parliament placed in his roome Also by Order of Parliament thirteen Lords were chosen to have oversight under the king of the w●ole government of the Realme of which thirteen there were three of the New-Officers named as the Bishop of Ely Lord Chancellour the Bishop of Hereford Lord Treasurer and Nicolas Abbot of W●ltham Lord keeper of the Privy Seale The other ten were William Archbishop of C●●terbury Alexander Archbishop of York Edmund of L●ngley Duke of York Thoma● Duke of Glocester William Bishop of Winchester Thomas Bishop of Exeter Rich●rd Earle of Arundell Richard Lord Scr●●pe and Iohn Lord Devereux But this participation of the Government being found inconvenient held not long Also in this Parliament it was granted that Robert de Veere lately created Duke of Ireland should have receive to his own use 30000. markes which the French-men were to give for the heires of ●he Lord Charles de Bl●ys but it was granted upon ●his condition● That before the next Easter he should passe over into Ireland to recover such lands as the King had there given him so desirous the Lords and Commons were to have him removed from the Kings presence But though the King gave way to this torrent of the Parliament for the present yet as soone as the Parliament was dissolved he dissolved also all that had been done either against the Lord Chancellour or against the Duke of Ireland or against Alexander Nevil Archbishop of York and received them into more favour then ever he had done before In his Tenth yeere about the Beginning of March Richard Earle of Arundell appointed Admirall and Thomas Mowbray Earle of Nottingham the Earle of Devonshire and the Bishop of Norwich went to Sea with a warlike power of men and ●rmes to watch for the Fleet of Flanders that was ready to come from Rochell with wines and meeting with them they set upon them and tooke of them to the number of a hundred Vessels all fraught with wines so as wine grew so plentifull that it was sold for thirteen shillings foure pence the Tonne and the best and choysest for twenty shillings Besides this they landed in Flanders where they relieved and fortified Brest and demolished two Forts which the Enemy had built against it But this happy service of the Earle of Arundell the Duke of Ireland the Earle of Suffolke Sir Simon Burley and Sir Richard Sturrey who continued still about the King seemed rather to envy then to commend insomuch that when the Earle of Nottingham that had ever been the Kings play fellow and of equall age to him came to the Court he was neither received by the Duke of Ireland with any good welcome nor by the King with any good countenance and therefore indeed not by the King with any good Countenance because not by the Duke of Ireland with any good Welcome About this time the Duke of Ireland sought to be divorced from his lawfull wife daughter to the Lady Isabel one of king Edward the third's daughters and took to wife one Lancerona a Vintners daughter of Bohemia one of the Queenes maids at which indignity the Duke of Glocester that was unkle to the Lady thus forsaken tooke great displeasure which the Duke of Ireland understanding studied how by some meanes he might dispatch the Duke of Glocester out of the way Easter was now past the time appointed for the D. of Irelands going over into Ireland when the King with a shew to bring him to the waters side went with him into Wales and in his company Michael de la Poole Earl of Suffolke Robert Tresilian L. Chie● Justice and divers others who there consulted how they might di●patch the Duke of Glocester the Earles of Arundel Warwick D●rby Nottingham with divers others of that Faction but when the King had remained in those parts a good while he returned and brought back the Duke of Ireland with him and so his voyage into Irel●●d was cleane forgotten About the same time Robert Tresilian Chiefe Justice came to
Coventry where he Indicted two thousand persons The King and the Queene came to Groby and thither came by his Commandement the Justices of the Re●●me Robert Belknap Lord Chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas Iohn Holt R●ger Fulthorpe and William Borough knights to whom it was propounded to an●wer to these Questions following First Whether the New Statute and Commission made in the last Parliament were against the kings Prerogative or no To which they all answered It was Secondly How they ought to be punished that procured the said Statute and Commission to be made They answered with one assent that they deserved death except the king would pardon them Thirdly How they ought to be punished who moved the King to consent to the making of the said Statute and Commission They answered They ought to lose their lives unlesse the King would pardon them Fourthly How they ought to be punished that com●elled the king to the making of that Statute They answered They ought to suffer as Traitours Fiftly Whether the king might cause the Parliament to proceed upon Articles by him limited before they proceeded to any other They answered That in this the king ●hould over-rule and if any presumed to doe contrary he was to be punished as a Traitour Sixthly Whether the king might not at his pleasure dis●olve the Parliament and command the Lords and Commons to depart They all answered He might Seventhly Whether the Lords and Commons might without the kings will impeach Officers and Justices upon their offences in Parliament or no It was answered They might not and he that attempted contrary was to suffer as a Traitour Eightly How he is to be punished who moved in the Parliament that the Statute wherein Edward the Second was indicted in Parliament might be sent for by i●spection of which Statute that present Statute was de●ised It was answered That as well he that moved it as he that brought the 〈◊〉 into the House were to be punished as Traitours Ninthly Whether the Judgement given in Parliament against Michael de la Po●le were erronious and revocable They answered It was erronious and revocable● and that if the Judgement were now to be given the Justices would not give the same In witnesse of the Premises the Justices aforesaid to these Presents have set their Seales in the presence of Alexander Archbishop of Yorke Rob●●t Arcbishop of Dublin Iohn Bishop of Durham Thomas Bishop of Chester Iohn Bishop of ●●ng●r Robert Duke of Ireland Michael Earle of Suffolk Iohn Ripon Clerk and Iohn Blake At this time the Londoners incurred much obloquie For having before beene pardoned by the king of some crime●●aid to their charge they were now ready to comply with the king in his desires and thereupon being impannelled they indicted some Lords of many crimes informed against them But not onely the Justices aforesaid but all other Justices and Sheriffes of the Realme were called at this time to Nottingham the chiefe cause was to understand what power of men they could assure the king of to serve him against the Lords and further that where he mean● shortly to call a Parliament they should so use the matter that no knight or Burgesse should be chosen but such as the King and his Councell should name To which the Sheriffes made answer that it lay not in their power to assemble any forces against the Lords who were so well beloved And as for choosing knights and Burgesses the Commons would undoubtedly look to enjoy their antient liberties and could not be hin●ered But yet the king and the Duke of Ireland sent into all parts of the Realme to raise men in this quarrell against the Lords Whereof the Duke of Glocester being advertised he came secretly to Conference with the Earles of Arundell Warwick and Darby who upon consultation determined to talke with the king with their Forces about them and the king on the other part tooke advice how he might apprehend them apart and thereupon sent the Earle of Northumberland and others to the Castle of Rygate to take the Earle of Arundell who lay there at that time but howsoever it fortuned they fa●●ed of their purpose After this he sent others to apprehend him but he being warned by a messenger from the Duke of Glocester conveyed himselfe away by night and by morning was come to Haringey-Parke where he found the Duke of Glocester and the Earle of Warwick with a great power of men about them The king hearing of this Assembly at Hari●gey-Parke called his Councell to heare their opinions what was fit to be done Some were of opinion that the king should assemble his friends and joyning them with the Londoners give them battell the chiefest of this minde was the Archbishop of York Others thought best the king should seeke to appease the Lords with faire promises till a fitter opportunity to suppresse them But the king not yet resolved what course to take caused onely order to be taken that no Citizen of Lond●n should sell to the Duke of Glocester the Earle of Arundell or to any other of the Lords any armour or furniture of warre under a great paine But for all this the Lords proceeded in their course and sent the Arcbishop of Canterbury the Lord Iohn Lovell the Lord Cobham and the Lord Iohn Devereux requiring to have delivered to them such as were about the king that were Traitours and Seducers both of him and the Realme and further to declare that their Assembling was for the honour and wealth both of him and the kingdome The Duke of Ireland the Earle of Suffolk and two or three other about the king per●wad●d him to offer Call●● to the king of France to have his assistance against the Lords Withall the king seat to the Major of London requiring to know how many able men the City could make To which the Major answered that he thought it could make Fifty thousand men at an houres warning Well then said the king goe and prove what will be done But when the Major went about it he was answered They would never fight against the kings friends and defenders of the Realme At the same time the Earle of Northumberland said to the king Sir there is no doubt but these Lords have alwaies been and still are your true and faithfull subjects though now distemper'd by certaine persons about you that seeke to oppresse them therefore my advice is that you send to them to come before your presence in some publick place and I verily believe they will shew such reasons of their doings that you will hold them excused The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Ely Lord Chancellour and other of the Bishops there present approved all of the Earles advice whereupon the king sent the Archb●shop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Ely to the Lords requiring them to come to him to Westminster on Sunday then next following which upon oath given by the Archbishop and the Chancellour that no fraud nor
evill practice should be used against them they were content to doe But when the Lords were ready to come at the day appointed they heard of an Ambush laid to intrap them at the Mewes and thereupon stayed so as they came not at the time appointed Whereupon the king asking why they came not according to their promise It was answered because hee kept not his promise there being an Ambush of a Thousand armed men laid to surp●ize them at the Mewes The king hearing this was astonied and swore he knew of no such thing and commanded presently the place should be searched but it was true an ambush was laid but not at the Mewes but in a place a●out Westminster where Sir Thomas Tryvet and Sir Nicholas Brember had assembled them This one action might have made the king sensible of his favorites abusing his authority but that where affection makes the construction all things are taken in a good sense or was it perhaps they had a VVarrant dormant to prosecute the kings ends without the kings knowledge Yet the Lords after this receiving a safe conduct from the king came to Westminster of whose comming when the king heard hee apparelled himselfe in his royall-Robes and with his Scepter in his hand came into the great Hall before whom the Lords upon their knees presented themselves the king bidding them welcome and taking each of them by the hand Then the lord Chancellor making a speech wherein he blamed them for raysing of Armes and requiring to know the cause they answered They had done it for the good of the King and kingdome and to take away the Tra●tors about the King Upon this the king himself spake asking him whether they thought to compel him by strong hand have not I saith he sufficiēt men to beat you down truly in this behalf I make no more account of you then of the basest skullion in my kytchin yet after these great words he lift up the Duke of Glocester who all this while was kneeling and commanded the rest also to rise and then led them courteously to his chamber where they sate and dranke together And finally it was concluded they should all meete againe as well these Lords as those they accused at the next Parliament which the king promised to call speedily and each party to receive there according to Justice and in the meane time all parties to be in the kings protection But when the Favorite Lords heard this they told the king plainly they neither durst nor would put themselves to the hazard of such a meeting and therfore the Duke of Ireland and the rest of that faction left the Court to bee out of the way But the king not enduring their abs●nce app●l●ted Thomas Mollineux Constable of ●he castle of Chester to rayse an Army and to safe-conduct the duke of Ireland to him But ●●ey being come as far as Radcoat-bridge were encoun●red by the Earle of Darby and the Duke of Ireland not d●ring to joyne battell with him fled and being to passe a River cast away his gantlets and sword to bee the more nimble and giving his horse the spur leapt into the river and so escaped that when these things were afterwards found it was verily thought hee had been drowned till news came he was got into Holland where being no very welcome guest hee went from thence into the Bishoprick of Vtricht and after two or three yeeres scambling about in manner of a fugitive at Lovaine in Brabant he ended his life A man of many good parts and worthy enough of his Princes favor if with that favor he had not grown proud and in that pride injurious and insulting over others no lesse deserving then himselfe Hee was valiant enough against any man but the Earle of D●rby and of him indeede both the Genius of the Duke of Ireland and of King Richard himselfe seemed to stand in feare for neither of them durst meet him in the field though encouraged to it by those about them About this time the Duke of Suffolke doubting some plots laid to surprize him fled over to C●llis in disguise shaving his beard and counterfeiting himselfe a Poulterer to sell certain foule which hee had gotten but being come to Callis was by the Lord William Beauchampe Deputy of the Town sent back into England whom the King notwithstanding permited to goe at large to make it be thought hee was more afraid then hurt more suspicious then he needed By this time the Lords h●d gotten matter enough against the King at least to justifie their Armes and thereupon with an Army of forty thousand men they came to London where after some debate they were received and then the Duke of Gloucester the Earles of Darby and Nottingham went to the King in the Tower to whom after humble salutations they shewed the Letter which he had written to the Duke of Ireland to levy an Army for their destruction likewise the Letters which the French King had written to him conteining a safe conduct for him to come into France there to doe Acts to his own dishonor and the kingdoms This done upon the Kings promise that he would come the next day to Westminster to treate further of these matters the Lords departed only the Earles of Nottingham and Darby at the Kings instance stayed all night but before the King went to bed his minde was cleane altered for keeping his promise to meete the Lords the next day at Westminster which the Lords understanding they sent peremptorily to him that if he came not according to his promise they would choose another king that should hearken to the faithfull Counsell of his Lords This touched the king so to the quick that the next morning he went and met the Lords who there declared to him how much it concerned the good of the kingdome that those Traitours so often spoken of should be removed from the Court To which the king though much against his will yet at last condiscended And thereupon presently Alexander Nevil Archbishop of York and Thomas Rushoke Bishop of Chichester and Confessour to the king were expelled the Court who not willing to come to after-reckonings fled no man knew whither They expelled also Iohn Fourdham Bishop of Durham Lord Treasurer the Lord Zouch of Haringworth the Lord Burvell the Lord Beaumont Albery de Veere Baldwin de Bereford Richard Adderbury Iohn Worth Thomas Clifford and Iohn Lovel knights but constreined to put in Sureties to appeare at the next Parliament Also certaine Ladies were expelled the Court as the Lady Poynings the Lady Mouling and others bound to appeare at the next Parliament There were also arrested and committed to severall Prisons Sir Symon Burley William Elmham Iohn Beauchamp Steward of the kings house Sir Iohn Salisbery Sir Thomas Trivet Sir Iames Berneys Sir Nicolas Dagworth and Sir Nicolas Brember knights Also Richard Clifford Iohn Lincolne Richard Mitford the kings Chaplains Nicolas Sclake Deane of the kings Chappell and Iohn
February the foureteenth crowned at Westminster Shee surviving king Henry was re-married to Owen Teu●●● an Esquire of Wales who pretended to be discended from Cadwallade● the antien● king of Wales though some write him to be the sonne of a Brewer whose meannesse of estate was recompensed by the delicacy of his personage so absolute in all the lineaments of his body that the only contemplation of it might well make her forget all other circumstances by him she had three sonnes Edmond I●sper and Owen and a daughter that lived but a while Her sonne Owen tooke the habit of Religion at Westminster the other two were by king Henry the sixt their halfe brother advanced in honor Edmond was created Earle of Richmond and marrying the sole heyre of Iohn Beaufort Duke of Somerset was Father by her unto Henry the s●aventh king of England the only heyre of the house of Lancaster Iasper her second sonne was first created Earle of Pembroke and after Duke of Bedford but dyed without lawfull issue This Queen● either for devotion or her owne safety ●oke into the Monastery of Bermo●dsey in Southwarke who dying the second o● January 1436. she was buried in our Ladies Chappell within St. Peters Church at VVestminster whose corps taken up in the Reigne of king Henry the s●aventh her Grand-childe when he laid the foundation of that admirable structure and her Coffin placed by king Henry her husbands Tombe hath ever since so remained and never since re-buried where it standeth the cover being loose to bee seene and handled of any that will By her king Henry had only one son named Henry who succeeded him in the Kingdom Of his Personage and Conditions HE was tall of stature leane of body and his bones small but strongly made somewhat long necked black haired and very beautifull of face swift in runing so as hee with two of his Lords without bow or other engine would take a wilde Buck or Doe in a large Parke Hee delighted in songs and musicall Instruments insomuch that in his Chappell amongst his private prayers he used certaine Psalmes of D●vid translated into English meeter by Iohn Lydgate Monke of Bury And indeed it may be truly said of him as was said of Aenae●s Quo justior alter Nec pi●tate fuit nec bello major ar●i● for he seldom fought ba●●ell where he got not the victory and never got victory whereof he gave not the glory to God with publique Thanksgiving He was a better man a King then a Subject for till then he was not in his right Orbe and therfore no mervaile if he were somthing exorbitant He was of a mercifull disposition but not to the prejudice of wisedom as thinking wise cruelty to be better then foolish pitty He was no lesse politick then valian● for he never fought battell nor wonne Town wherein hee prevailed not asmuch by stratagem as by force He was so temperate in his dyet and so free from vain-glory that we may truly say he had something in him of Caesar which Alexander the Gre●● had not that he would not bee drunke and som●hing of Alexander the Great which Caesar had not that he would not be flattered He was indeede a great affector of Glory but not of glory the bl●st of mens mouthes but of the Glory that fills the sailes of Time He dyed of full yeeres though not full of yeeres if he had lived longer he might have gone over the same againe but could not have gone further If his love were great to Military men it was not small to Clergy men insomuch as by many he was called the Prince of Priests Of his Death and Buriall SOme say he was poysoned which Polydore Virgill saith was much suspected The Scots write that he died of the disease called St. Fi●cre which is a Palsie and a Crampe E●guerant saith that he died of St. Anthonies fire But Peter Basset Esquire who at the time of his death was his Chamberlaine affirmeth that hee died of a Pleurisie which at that time was a sicknesse strange and but little known Being dead his body was embalmed and closed in lead and laid in a Chariot-Royall richly apparelled in cloath of Gold was conveyed from Boys de Vin●●n●es to Paris and so to Roa● to A●bevyle to C●llys to D●ver and from thence through London to Westminster where it was interred next beneath King Edward the Confessor upon whose Tombe Queene Katherine caused a Royall picture to be layed covered all over with silver plate gilt but the head thereof altogether of massie silver all which at that Abbies suppression were sacrilegiously broken off and transferred to p●ophaner uses Hee dyed the last day of August in the yeere one thousand foure hundred twenty two when he had reigned nine yeeres and five Moneths lived eight and thirty yeeres Of men of Note in his time MEN of valour in his time were so frequent that we may know it to be a true saying Regis ad exemplu● and men of learning likewise in such numbers that we may know the Prince to have been their Patron First Alayn de Lyn a Carmelite Frier in that Towne who wrote many Treatises Then Thomas Otterborne a Franciscan frier who wrote an History of England Then Iohn Seguerd who kept a Schoole in Norwich and wrote sundry Treatises reproving as well the Monkes and Priests as Poets for writing of filthy verses Robert Ros● a Carmelite frier in Norwich who writing many Treatises yet said nothing against the Wickle●ists Richard C●yster borne ●o Nofolke a man of great holinesse of life favoring though secretly the doctrine of VVickliff● William Wallis a Black frier in Li● who made a booke of Moralizations upon Ovids Metamorphosis● William Taylor a Priest and a Master of Art in Oxford a stedfast follower of Wickliffes doctrine and burnt for the same at Smithfield in London the last yeere of this ●ings reigne Bartholomew Florarius called so of a Treatise which he wrote called Florarium who writ also another Treatise of Abstinence wherein he reproveth the corrupt manners of the Clergie and the p●ofession of the Friers Men●icants Als● Titus Livi●● de Fo●● L●vis●is an It●lian born● but seeing he ●as r●siant here and w●ote the life of this King it is not unfit to make mention of him in this place also many others THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE SIXTH THere had beene a Race of Princes of which for three generations together it might be rightly sayd Pulcherrima proles Magnanimi Heroes nati melioribus Annis For King Edward the Third had many Sons not inferior in valour to the many Sons of King Pri●●●s not excepting his valiant Son Hector having so equall a match for him as Edward the blacke Prince who wanted but an Homer to have been an Achilles Then Iohn of G●un● likewise had divers Sons men as valorous as any that Age afforded Then Henry the Fourth had foure Sons o● so heroicall disposition all that you might know them all to be
King of France making a slight answer the Regent marcheth apace towards him and as fast the King of France marcheth away The Regent followed him but could not overtake him till he came neere Se●lys there both the Armies encamped and embattelled yet only some light skirmishes p●●●ed between them and a night or two after the French king fled with his Army to Br●y which the Duke thinking to be but a plot to draw him further off from Paris of whose fidelity he had no great assurance followed him no further but returned thither At which time the Regents brother the Cardinall having prepared forces to assist Pope Martin in Bohemia the Regent borrowed them of him for a present expedition and with them marched into Champaigne where he found the French king encamped upon the Mount Pihall whose number being twice as many as the Regents yet by no provocations could he be drawn to battell but secretly fled to Crispis whereupon the Regent also returned to Paris Whil●st these things are done in France In England upon St. Leonards day the 6. of November 1429 King Henry not yet eight yeers old was with great solemnity Crowned at Westminster at whose Coronation were made six and thirty Knights of the Bathe and after the solemnity a feast and if any man desire to know so much Cookery hee may read in Fabian all the dishes of meate that were served at that feast About this time in France a strange Impostor ariseth a maid called la Pucelle taking upon her to be sent from God for the good of France and to expell the English and some good indeed she did for by her subtle working the King was received into Champaigne and many Townes were rendred to him whil'st the Lord L●nguevile tooke by surprize the Castle of Aumarle and slew all the English that were in it But all these were but petty acquests to the king of France there is a knot of friendship between the Dukes of Bedford and Burgoigne which must be broken or he will never be able to compasse his designes He therefore labours by all meanes possible to disunite them wherein he so little prevailed that the Duke of Burg●ig●e acquaints the Regent with all the practises who thereupon with many thanks exhorteth him to continue fi●me of which he should never have cause to repent him And because Normandy was a principall part of the English strength in France he goeth thither and by many reasons perswades them as their Ancestors had alwayes been to be faithfull to the Crown of England In this time of the Regents absence from Paris the King of France drew all his forces thither using all meanes possible by Escalado Battery and burning the gates to enter the City but was so withstood by the vigilancy of the Citizens that he was glad to sound Retreat leaving his slaine and maimed souldiers behind him all but the Pucelle who being hurt in the legge and almost stifled with myre in the ditch was by a servant of the Duke of Alanson drawne up and conveyed after the King to Berry who by the way received the submission of the Inhabitants of L●ig●ye Some other services were performed on both sides by the Duke of Suffolk and Sir Thomas Kyriell for the English by the Bastard of Orleance and Sir Stephe● le Hye for the French but of no great importance till at last the Pucelle who a little before had caused an English Captaines head to be cut off because he would not humble himselfe to her upon his knee was by Sir Iohn of Lu●zemburgh taken and presented to the Duke of Burgoigne who sent her to the Regent and he to the Bishop of the Diocesse who judicially proceeding against her as a Sorceresse and deceiver of the King and his subjects she was after many delayes of promise to discover secret practises and lastly of her feigning to bee with childe publickly burnt at Roan And now the Regent finding how much the Crowning of the French king had furthered his designes he made account the like effect would follow the Crowning of King Henry in France whereupon he is sent for to come over and comming to Paris was by his Uncle the Bishop of Winchester and Cardinall of Eusebius not yet above nine yeares old with all usuall ceremonies Crowned King of France receiving the oaths of Homage and Fealty of all the French Nobility that were present and of all the Inhabitants of Paris and of the places adjacent Upon this Pope Eugenius laboured a Reconcilement between the two Kings but could effect nothing but onely a Truce for six yeeres which agreed upon King Henry re●urn● into England and landeth at Dover the eleventh of February But the six-yeares● Truce was scarce openly Proclaimed when the French had cunningly possessed themselves of divers Castles and places of strength justifying their actions affirming● That what was politickly obtained without blowes was no infringement of the Truce and afterwards they perfidiously conveyed two hundred men into the Castle of Roan with intent to have surprized it but being discovered they were all taken and either ransomed or put to execution Upon this the Regent whose wife the Sister of the Duke of Burgoig●e being lately dead and he maried againe to Iaquelin● the Earle of S. Pauls daughter with whom he went over into England returned againe to Paris to whom the Lord Talbot having now paid his ransome commeth bringing with him seven hundred tryed souldiers and with them the Regent takes the field where the French Army lay but the French slun● away in the dark as not daring to abide the hazard of a battell About this time the Duke of Bourbon taken at the battell of Agincourt after eighteen yeares imprisonment paying eighteen thousand pounds for his Ransome the same day he was enlarged dyed at London And now a very great effect was produced out of a very small cause There had been sparks of unkindnesse between the two great Dukes of Bedford and Burgoig●● which brake out into a flame upon this occasion A time and place was appointed where they should meet to compound some differences that were between them The place agreed upon was St. Omers a Town in Burgoigne When the time came they stood upon this nice point Which of them should first come to the place as thinking that he which did so should thereby acknowledge himselfe to be the meaner person The Duke of Bedford thought he had no reason to doe it seeing he was Regent of France and therefore superiour to any subject in the Kingdome And the Duke of Burgoigne thought he had no reason to doe it seeing it was to be done in his own Dominions where he was himselfe the Soveraigne Lord. Upon this nice point they parted without meeting and the unkindnesse grew afterward to so great hatred that the Duke of Burgoigne chose rather to be friends with him th●t had murthered his father than ever to have any more commerce with the Duke of Bedford Thus
and heire Sir Humfry Bo●rchier sonne and heire to the Lord Berners and divers other knights and gentlemen On the Earls part were slaine the Earle himselfe the Marqu●ss● Montacute and three and twenty knights of whom Sir William Tyrrell was one The Duke of Somerset and the Earle of Oxford fled into VVales to Iasper Earle of Pembro●ke The Duke of Exceter being strucken down and so wounded that he was left for dead amongst other the dead bodies because he was not k●own but comming to himselfe he got up and escaped to VVestminster and there took Sanctuary The dead bodies of the Earle and Marquesse were brought to London in a Coffin and by the space of three dayes lay open-faced in the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul and then buried with their Ancestours in the Priory of Bissam This Earle of VVarwick was Richard Nevill sonne and heire of Richard Nevill Earle of Salisbury who married the daughter of Richard Beauchamp the sixth Earle of Warwick and in her right was Earle of Warwick in his own of Sali●bury he was also Lord Monthermer great Chamberlaine and high Admirall of England Lord Warden of the North Marches towards Scotland and high Steward of the Dutchy of La●caster he had issue two Daughters Isabell married to George Duke of Clarence and Ann● ●●rst married to Prince Edward king Henry the sixths Sonne and after to Richard Duke of Glocester Wee may here observe a Constellation of disastrous influences concurring all to the overthrow of this great Warwicke whereof if any one had been missing the wheele of his fortune had perhaps not turned For if the City of Yorke had not too credulously believed king Edwards Oath not to d●sturbe king Henry or if the Marquesse Mo●tacute had stopped as he might his passage at Pomfret or if the Duke of Clarence had not at the very point of the battell at St. Albans deserted his party and joyned with king Edwards● or if Qu●en Margaret had not by tempest been kept from comming into E●gla●d in time or if the Londoners had not been retrograde and deceived his expectation he had never perhaps been overthrown as he was But Fata viam invenient destiny will finde waies that were never thought of will make way where it findes none and that which is ordained in heaven shall be effected by means of which Earth can take no notice Queen Margaret when it was too late accompanied with Iohn Longstrother Prior of Saint Iohns and the Lord Wenlock with divers Knights and Esquires tooke shipping at Harflew the foure and twentieth of March but by tempest was kept back till the thirteenth of April and then with her sonne Prince Edward shee landed at Weymouth and from thence went to an Abby hard by called Ceern and then to Bewly in Hampshire whither there came unto her Edmund Duke of Somerset and Thomas Courtney Earle of Devonshire with divers others amongst whom it is resolved once more to try their fortune in the field but then the Queen would have had her sonne Prince Edward to be sent into France there to remaine in safety till the next battell were tryed but they being of a contrary minde and specially the Duke of Somerset shee at length consented though afterward she repented it From Bewly she with her sonne and the Earle of Somerset passeth on to Bristow intending with what power they could raise in Glocestershire to march into Wales to joyn with I●sper Earle of Pembrooke who was there making preparation of more forces King E●ward hearing of these things resolves to crosse this Conjunction and followes Queen Margaret with a great Power so close that neere Tewkesbury in Glocestershire he overtakes her forces who resolutely turn and make head against him where Somerset on the Queens part leading the Vaunt-guard performed the part of a valiant Commander but finding his souldiers thro●gh wearines begin to faint and that the Lord Wenlock who had the conduct of the battaile on the Queens part moved no the rode unto him and upbrayding him with cowardise or treachery never staid but with his Pollaxe beat out his brains and now before he could bring in his men to the rescue their Vaward was routed and Iohn Earle of Devonshire with above three thousand of the Queens part were slaine The Queen her selfe Iohn Beaufort the Duke of Somersets brother the Prior of Saint Iohns Sir Gervis Clifton and divers others were taken prisoners all which except the Queen were the next day beheaded At which time Sir Richard Crofts presented to king Edward king Henries Son Edward whom he had taken prisoner to whom king Edward at first shewed no uncourteous countenance but demanding of him how he durst so presumptuously enter into his Realm with Arms and he answering though truly yet unseasonably To recover my Fathers Kingdome and Heritage King Edward with his hand thrust him from him or as some say strooke him with his Gantlet and then presently George Duke of Clarence Richard Duke of Glocester Thomas Grey Marquesse Dorset and William Lord Hastings standing by fell upon him in the plac● and murdred him His body was homely interred with other ordinary Corpses in the Church of the Monastery of the Black-fryers in Tewkesbury After the Victory thus obtained king Edward repaired to the Abbey Church of Tewkesbury to give God thankes for his good successe and finding there a great number of his enemies that were fled thither to save themselves he gave them all free Pardon onely Edmuud Duke of Somerset 〈◊〉 Longstrother Pryor of Saint Iohns Sir Thomas Tressham Sir Gervi● Clifton and divers other Knights and Esquires who were apprehended there and brought before the Duke of Glocester sitting that day as Constable of England and the Duke of Norfolk as Marshall were all arraigned condemned and judged to Dye and accordingly upon the Tuesday being the seventh of May they were all and twelve other knights more on a Scaffold set up in the middle of the Town beheaded but not dismembred● and permitted to be buried The same day Queen Margaret was found in a poore house of Religion not farre from thence into which she was fled for safeguard of her life but she was after brought to London and there kept a Prisoner till her Father ransomed her with great summes of money This was the last pitcht battell that was fought in England in king Edward the fourths dayes which happened on the fourth of May being Saturday in the Eleventh yeere of his reigne and in the yeere of our Lord 1471. King Edward being assured that as long as any partakers of king Henry lived and were at liberty he should never be free from plots against his life sent Roger Vaugha● a Gentleman much reckoned of in his own Country to entrape Iasper Earle of Pembrooke who had escaped from the last encounter but he having notice of the plot before prevented it by striking off Vaughans head After these great Clouds were thus dispersed there arose a little Cloud which gave the
danger and oftentimes to be in danger when we are most safe He onely is in the true Haven that can say as Christ teacheth us Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven But this Lord being thus put to death the Lord Protectour to colour the matter immediately after dinner in all haste sent for many substantiall Citizens at whose comming himselfe with the Duke of Buckingham stood harnessed in old rusty Brigandines to make a shew they were forced by the sudden danger to take such as they could first come by and withall a Herald of Armes is sent with a Proclamation in the Kings name signifying that the Lord Hastings with some others had conspired the same day to have slaine the Lord Protector and the Duke of Buckingham as they sate in Counsell and after to have taken upon them to rule the King a●d Kingdome at their own pleasures Now was this Proclamation made within two houres after the Lord Hastings was beheaded and was so curiously indited and so so faire written in Parchment and withall so long that every childe might perceive it was prepared before which made one that was Schoolemaster of Pauls standing by when the Proclamation was read to say Here is a gay goodly Cast foule cast away for haste To whom a Merchant answered It was written by Prophesie And now by and by as it were in revenge of her offence the Protectour sent the Sheriffs of Lo●do● into the house of Shores wife and spoyled her of all her goods above the value of three thousand markes and then conveying her through London to the Tower there left her Prisoner where he laid to her charge that she went about to bewitch him and was of counsell with the Lord Hastings to destroy him In conclusion she was laid into Ludgate and by the Bishop of London put to open Penance for incontinency going before the Crosse in Procession upon a Sunday with a Taper in her hand in which although she were out of all array save her ki●tle only yet went she so faire and lovely and withall so womanly and demurely that m●ny who hated her course of life yet pittied her course usage and were not a little grieved to see her misery And indeed this may be said in her behalfe that being in extraordinary favour with King Edward yet she never used it to the hurt of any but to the reliefe of many and was ever a Mediatour an Oppressour never Now it was so contrived by the Protectour that the very day in which ●he Lord Hastings was beheaded at London and about the very same houre there were beheaded at Pomfret the Lord Rivers and the other Lords and Knights that were taken from the King at Northampton and Stonistratford which was done in the presence and by the order of Sir Richard Ratcliffe knight whose service the Protectour specially used in that businesse who bringing them to the Scaffold and not suffering them to declare their innocency lest their words might have inclined men to hate the Protectour caused them hastily without Judgement or Order of Processe to be beheaded When these were thus rid out of the way then thought the Protectour that now was the time to put himselfe in possession of the Crown but all the study was by what means this matter being so hein●us in it selfe might be broken to the people in such wise as that it might be well taken for which purpose It was thought fit to call to this Counsell Ed●●●d Sh●● knight the then Major of London who upon promise of advancement should frame the peoples inclination to it And because Spirituall men are best hearkened to for matters of Conscience some of them were used also amongst whom choice was made of Iohn Shaw Clerk brother to the Major Fryer Penker Provinciall of the Order of the Augustine Fryers both great P●●achers both of more learning then vertue of more fame then learning These two were appointed to preach the one at Pauls Crosse the other at the Spittle in praise of the Protectour Penker in his Sermon so lost his voice that he was saine to leave off and come downe in the midst Shaw by his Sermon lost his reputation and soon after his life for he never after durst come abroad for very shame of the world But now was all the labour and study to finde out some convenient pretext for which the people should be content to have the Prince deposed and the Protectour be received for King to which purpose many things were devised the cheife was to alleadge bastardy either in King Edward himselfe or in his children or in both● To ●ay bastardy to King Edward sounded openly to the reproach of the Protectours own Mother who was Mother to them both he would therefore that point should more favourably be handled but the other point concerning the bastardy of his children he would have enforced to the uttermost The ground whereof was that King Edward had been formerly contracted to the Lady Elizabeth Lucie by whom he had a childe though the said Lady having been examined about it confessed plainly they were never assured Yet upon this pretext Doctor Shaw taking for his Text Bastard Plants shall take no deep roote in his Sermon declared that King Edward was never lawfully married to the Queen but was before God husband to the Lady Elizabeth Lucie and so his children bastards And besides that neither King Edward himselfe nor the Duke of Clarence were reckoned very sure for the children of the noble Duke Richard as those that by their favours more resembled other known men but the Lord Protectour saith he is the fathers own figure● his own countenance the very print of his visage the plaine expresse likenes of that noble Duke Now It was before devised that just at the speaking of these words the Protectour should have come to the end that th●se words meeting with his presence might be taken among the hearers as though the Holy Ghost had put them in the Preachers mo●th and so should move the poeple even then to cry King Richard King Richard that it might be after said he was specially chosen by God and in a manner by Miracle but this devise failed for whither by the Protectours slacknes in comming or the Doctors haste in Preaching he had passed those words and was gone to cleane another matter before the Protectour came so as afterward seeing him come he was ●aine to leave the matter he had in hand and out of all order and frame begin to repeate those words againe This is the very noble Prince the Fathers own figure his own countenance the very print of his visage the plaine expresse likenes of that noble Duke While these words were in speaking the Pro●e●tour accompanied with the Duke of Buckingham passed through the people into the place where the Doctors sit and there sate to heare the Sermon but the people were ●o farre from crying King Richard that they cryed shame on
between the Lady Margaret the 〈◊〉 eldest daughter and him where the Earle by Proxie in the name of king Iames 〈◊〉 Mas●er affied and contracted the said Ladie which Contract was published at 〈◊〉 Crosse● the day of the Conversion of Saint Paul for joy whereof Te Deum 〈…〉 and great fires were made through the City of London and if such joy we●e made when the match was made what joy should be made now at the issue of the match when by the Union of those persons is made an Union of these kingdomes and England and Scotland are but one great Britaine The Ladies portion was ten thousand pounds her joynture two thousand pounds a yeer after king Iames his death and in present one thousand When this match was first propounded at the Connsell Table some Lords opposed it objecting that by this means the Crown of England might happen to come to the Scottish Nation To which King He●ry answered what if it should It would not be an accession of England to Sco●la●d but of Scotland to England and this answer of the kings passed for an Oracle ●nd so the match proceeded and in August following was Consummate at Edi●b●rgh conducted thither in great State by the Earle of Northumberland Prince Arthur after his marriage was sent againe into Wales to keep that Count●y in good order to whom were appointed for Counsellours Sir Richard Poole hi●●insman and chiefe Chamberlaine Sir Henry Vernon Sir Richard Crof●s Sir David 〈◊〉 Sir William Vdall Sir Thomas Englefield Sir Peter Newton Iohn Walleston 〈◊〉 Marton and Doctor William Smith President of his Counsell but within five moneths after his marriage at his Castle of Ludlow he deceased and with great sole●●ity was buried in the Cathedrall Church at Worcester His Brother Henry Du●e of Yorke was stayed from the title of Prince of Wales the space of halfe a yeer till to women it might appeare whether the Lady Katherine the Relict of Prince Ar●●●● were with childe or no. The towardlines in learning of this Prince Arthur is ve●y memorable who dying before the age of sixteen yeers was said to have read over al● or most of the Latine Authours besides many other And now Prince Arthur being dead and the Lady Katherine of Spaine left a young widdow King Henry loath to part with her dowry but chiefely being desirous 〈◊〉 continue the Alliance with Spaine prevailed with his other Sonne Prince Henry though with some reluctation such as could be in those years for he was scarce ●welv● years of age to be contracted with the Princesse Katherine his bro●h●rs widdow for which marriage a dispensation by advice of the most learned men at that 〈◊〉 in Christendome was by Pope Iulius the second granted and on the five and twentieth day of Iune in the Bishop of Salisbury●s house in Fleet-street th● marriage was solemnized A little before this time 〈…〉 Earle of S●ffolke Son to Iohn Duke of Suffolke and Lady Eliz●b●t● Sister ●o king Edward the ●ourth had in his fury kill'd a mean person● and was thereupon I●dighted of Murther for which although he had the kings Pardon yet because he was brought to th● Kings-bench-b●rr● and there arraigned he took it for so great 〈…〉 his honour that in great rage he fled into Flanders to his Aun● the Lad● M●●garet where having stayed a while when his p●ssion was over he return●d againe ●ut after the marriage between Prince Arthur and the Lady 〈◊〉 w●●ther it were that in that solemnity he had run himselfe in debt or 〈◊〉 he were ●rawn to doe so by the Lady Margare● he passed over the second time with his b●other Richard into Fl●nder● This put the king into some doubt of his intention● whereupon he hath recourse to his usuall course in such cases and Sir 〈…〉 Captaine of Hamme● Castle to feigne himselfe one of that Conspiracy the●●by to learn the depth of their intentions And to take away all susp●●ion of his imployment ●he first Sunday of November he caused the said Earle and Sir Robert C●rson with five others to be accursed openly at Pauls Crosse as Enemies to him and his Realme In conclusion Sir Robert Curson acquainted the king with divers of that faction amongst whom Willia● Lord Court●ey and Willia● de la Poole brother to the foresaid Earle of Suffolke who were taken but upon suspition yet held long in prison but Sir Iames Tyrrell the same that had murthered the two young Princes in the Tower and Sir Io●● Windham who were proved to be Traytor● were accordingly attainted and on the sixth day of May at the Tower-hill beheaded Whereof when the Earle heard despairing now of any good successe he wandred about all Germany and Fr●●c● where finding no succour he submitted himselfe at last to Philip Duke of Austria by whom afterward he was delivered to king Henry by this occasion Ferdi●a●d king of Aragon by his Wife Isabella Queen of C●stile had onely two Daughters the eldest whereof named Ioa●e was married to this Philip Duke of Austria the younger named Katherine to Arthur Prince of England and now Queen Isabella being lately dead by whose death the kingdome of Castile descended in Right of his Wife to this Duke Philip they were sayling out of Germany into Sp●ine to take possession of the kingdome but by tempest and contrary windes were driven upon the coast of England and landed at VVeymouth in Dorsetshire where desiring to refresh themselves a little on shore they were invited by Sir Thomas Tre●cha●d a principall knight of that Country to his house who presently sent word to the king of their arrivall King Henry glad to have his Court honoured by so great a Prince and perhaps upon hope of a courtesie from him which afterward he obtained ●ent presently the Earle of Arundell to waite upon him till himselfe might follow and the Earle went to him in great magnificence with a gallant troope of three hundred Horse and for more State came to him by Torch-light Upon whose Me●●●ge though king Philip had many re●sons of haste on his journey yet not to give king He●ry distaste and withall to give his Queen the comfort of seeing the Lady Katherine her Sister he went upon speed to the king at VVindsor while his Queen followed by easie journeys After great magnificence of entertainment king Hen●y taking a fit opportunity and drawing the king of Castile into a roome where they two onely were private and laying his hand civilly upon his arme said unto him Sir you have been saved upon my Coast I hope you will not suffer me to wrack upon yours The king of Castile asking him what he meant by that speech I mean it saith the king by that haire-brain'd fellow the Earle of Suffolke who being my subject is protected in your Country and begins to play the foole when all others are weary of it The king of Cas●ile answered I had thought Sir your felicity had been above those thoughts but if it trouble you I will
for the suppressing of so many Monasteries the King instituted certaine new Bishoprickes as at VVestminster Oxford Peterborough Bristow Chester and Gloster and assigned certaine Canons and Prebends to each of them The third of November Henry Courtney Marquesse of Exceter and Earle of Devonshire Henry Poole Lord Montacute Sir Nicholas Carew of Bedington Knight of the Garter and Master of the Kings Horse and Sir Edward Nevill brother to the Lord of Aburgeiney were sent to the Tower being accused by Sir Geoffry Poole the Lord Montacutes brother of high treason the● were indi●ed for devising to promote and advance one Reinold Poole to the Crowne and put downe King Henry This Poole was a neere kinsman of the Kings being the sonne of the Lady Margaret Countesse of Salisbury daughter and heire to George Duke of Clarence he had been brought up by the King in learning and made Deane of Excetur but being sent after to learne experience by travaile he grew so great a friend of the Popes that he became an enemy to King Henry and for his enmity to the King was by Pope Iulius the third made Cardinall for this mans cause the Lords aforesaid being condemned were all executed the Lord Marquis the Lord Montacute and Sir Edward Ne●ill beheaded on the Tower-hill the ninth of Ianuary Sir Nicholas Carew the third of March two Priests condemned with them were hanged at Tyburn Sir Ieoffry Poole though condemned also yet had his pardon About thi● time one Nicholson alias Lambert being accused for denying the Reall presence in the Sacrament appealed to the King and the King was co●tent to heare him whereupon a Thron● was set up in the Hall of the Kings Pallace at Westminster for the King to si● and when t●e Bishops had urged their arguments and could not prevaile then the King tooke him in hand hoping perhaps to have the honour of con●erting an Hereticke when the Bishops could not doe it and withall promised him pardon if he would recant but all would not doe Nicholso● remained obstin●te the King mist his honor the delinquent mist his pardon and shortly after was drawne to Smithfield and there burnt About this time King Henry being informed that the Pope by instigation of Cardinall Poole had earnestly moved divers great Princes to invade England He as a provident Prince endea●oured a●●arn●stly to provide ●or defence a●d to that end rode himselfe to the S●a-coast● 〈◊〉 them fortifi●● and in needfull places Bulwarkes to be erected Hee c●used hi● Na●●e●● be rigged and to be in readinesse at any short warning he c●●sed Musters ●● be raken in all shee●es and lists of all able men in e●ery Count● in L●●●don specially where Sir William Forman the ●hen M●jor ●●●●ified the number of fifteene thousand not that they were 〈…〉 but that so many were ready prepared and these on the eight of May the King himselfe saw Mustered in Iames Parke where the Citize●s ●●●ove in such sort to exceed each other in bravary of armes and forwardnesse of service a● if the City had bin a Campe and they not men of the gown● but all profest Souldiers which they performed to their great cost but greater comend●●ion It was now the one and thirtieth yeere of King Henri●s reigne and the nine and fortieth of his age when having continued a widdower two yeere he began to thinke of marrying againe and bee needed not be a sui●our for a wife for he was sued unto take one The Emperour sollicited him to marry the Dutchesse of Milan but to marry her he must first obtaine a Licence from the Pope and King Henry was resolved rather to have no wife then to have any more to doe with the Pope Then the Duke of Cleve made suit unto him to marry the Lady Anne hi● Sister and hee was a Protestant Prince and so though differing in points of Doctrine yet in the maine Point of excluding ●he Pope both of one min●e Many about the King were forward for thi● Ma●ch but the Lord Cro●well specially and indeed it concerned him more then any other that the King should take a Protestant wife seeing 〈◊〉 actions h●d beene such as none but ● Protestant Queene would ever like and if the Queene should not like them the King though done by his leave would ●ot like them long Hereupon such meanes was used that Emb●ssa●ours came from the Duke of Cleve to conclude the March and the● the elev●nth of December the Lady her selfe in gr●at state was brought first to Callice and then over to Dover and being come to Rochester the King secretly came to see her afterward she was conducted to London me● by the way in severall places by all the great Lords and Ladies of the Kingdome The third of Ianuary she was received into London by Sir William Hollice then Lord Major with Oration● Pageants an● all complements of Sta●e the greatest that ever had beene seene On Twelfth day the Marriage was ●olemnized the Archbishop of Canterbury did the office the Earle of Oversteine a German Lord ga●e her In Aprill following the Lord Cromwell as though he had won the Kings heart for ever by making this march was made Earle of Essex for in March before Henry Rourchie● Earle of Essex● and the ancientest Earle of England had broken his necke by seeking to breake a yong Horse leaving onely one Daughter and the dying without issue the Earldome came to the Family of Devereux which yet enjoyed not the honour till afterward in Queene Elizabeths time and then made but not restored The ninth of March the King created Sir William Paulet Treasurour of his House Lord Saint Iohn Sir Iohn Russell Controlour Lord Russell and shortly after Sir William Par was created Lord Par. The eight and twentieth of April began a Parliament at Westminster in the which Margaret Countesse of Salisbury Gertrude wife to the Marquesse of Exceter Reynold Poole Cardinall bro●her to the Lord Montacute Sir Adrian Foskew Thomas Dingley Knight of Saint Iohns and divers others were attain●ed of high treason of whom Foskew and Dingley the tenth of Iuly were beheaded the Countesse of Salisbury two yeeres after and in this Parliament the Act of the six Articles was established and Sir Nicholas Hare was restored to his place of Speaker in the Parliament It was now five moneths after the Kings marriage with the Lady Anne of Cleve and though the King at the first sight of the Lady did not like her person yet whether as respecting the honour of Ladies he would not disgrace her at the first meeting or whether he ment to try how time might worke him to a better liking or indeed that he would not give distaste to the German Princes at that time for sole ends he had a working he dissembled the matter and all things went on in a shew of contentment on all hands But for all these shewes the crafty Bishop of London Stephen Gardiner finding how the world went with the Kings affection towards his
execution upon a statute of the S●aple and for so much as the said Cook during all the Parliament served the Spe●ker in t●at office he was taken out of execution by priviledge of Parliament the Prerogative of which Court as our learned Counsaile informeth us is so great that all Acts and processes comming ou● of any other Court must for the time ce●se and give place to it and touching the party himselfe though for his presumption he was worthy to have lost his debt yet I commend your Equity that have restored him to hi● debt against him that was the principall when the King had said this Sir Edward Mountacute Lord chiefe Justice rose up and confirmed by many reasons all that the King had said as likwise did all the other Lord● none speaking any thing to the contrary It was now the foure and thirtieth yeere of King Henries Reigne when in May he took a loane of money of all such as were valued at fifty pounds and upward● in the Subsidy book the Lord Privy-seale the Bishop of VVinchester Sir Iohn Baker and Sir Thomas Wriothsley were commissioners that the loane in London who so handled the matter that of some chief Citizens they obtained a thousand ma●kes in prest to the Kings use for which Privie Seales were delivered to repay it againe within two yeeres At this time were many complaints made by the ●●gli●h against the Scots partly for receiving and maintaining diverse English Reb●ls 〈◊〉 into Scotland and partly for invading ●he Engli●h Borders but still w●en the King of Englan● was preparing to oppose them the Scottish King would send Embassadours to tre●t of reconcilement till at last ●fter m●n● delusory prankes of the Scots the King of England no longer ●nduri●g such abuses sent the Duke of Norfolke his Leivtena●● Generall accompanied with the Earls of Shrewsbury Darby Cumberland Surrey Hart●o●d A●●us Rutland the Lords of the North parts Sir Anthony Browne Master of the Kings horse and Sir Iohn Gage Controller of the King● House with others to the number of twenty thousand men who on the one and twentieth of Oc●ober entred Scotland where staying but eig●t daye● onely he burnt above eighteen Towne● Abbeys and Castles and then without ●aving bat●aile offered for want of victuals returned to Barwick ●● soon as ●e was returned comes abro●d the King of Scots raiseth a power of fifteen thous●nd men and using great threatnings what he would doe invaded the west Borders but the edge of his threatning was soon taken off for the bastard Da●●es with Iack of Musgrave setting upon them with onely an hundred Light●horse and Sir Thomas Wharton with three hundred put them to flight upon a concei● th●● the Duke of Norfolke with all his Army had beene come i●to those part● where were taken prisoner● of the Scots the Earl of Cassill and Glenc●●ne the Lord Maxwell Admir●ll of Scotland the Lord Flemming the Lord So●erwell the Lord Oli●ha●t the Lord Gray Sir Oliver Sinclee●e the Kings Minion Iohn Rosse Lord of Gragy Robert Erskin sonne to the Lord Erskin Car Lord of Gredon the Lord Maxwells two Brothers Iohn Lesloy bastard sonne to the Earl of Rothus George Hame Lord of Hemetton with divers other men of account to the number of above two hundred and more then eight hundred of meaner calling so as some one English m●n and some women also had three or foure prisoner● in their hands at which over●hrow the King of Scots took such grief that he fell into a burning Ague and thereof died leaving behind him one onely daughter and heere King Henry began to apprehend a greater matter then the victory for he and his Couns●ile conceived that ●hi● daughter would be a fit match for his sonne Prince Edward thereby to make ● perpetuall union of the two Kingdomes and to ●his purpose they confer●ed with the Lord whom they had taken prisoners who exceeding glad of the proposition and promising to further it by all the possible meane they could were ●hereupon s●t at liberty and suffered ●o return home Comming into Scotland 〈◊〉 acquainting the Earl of Arraine wi●h the motion who was chosen Gover●our of the young Queen and of the Realme t●e matter with great liking was entertained and in Parliament of the three est●tes in Scotland the marriage was confirme● and ● peace between the two Re●lms for ten yeer● wa● proclaimed and Embass●dours sent into England for sealing the conditions But Beton Archbishop of S●int Andrews being Cardinall and at the Popes devotion and therefore an utter enemy to King Henry so crossed the businesse that it came to nothing but ended in a war between the two Kingdomes so as in March the yeere following the Lord Seymour Earle of Hartford with an Army by Land and Sir Iohn Dudley Lord Lisle with a Flee●e by Sea me● at New-castle and there joyned together for invading of Scotland with the Earl of Hartford were the Earl of Shrewsbury the Lords Cobham Clinton Conyers Stinton the Lord William Howard with Knights and others to the number of ten thousand with Sir Iohn Dudley the Admirall were two hu●dred s●ile of ships on the fourth of May the whole Army was landed two miles from the Towne of Lieth at a place called Granther Crag and there the Lord Lievtennant puting his men in order ma●ched toward the Towne of Lieth the Lord Admirall led the foreward the Lievtennant the Battell and the Earl of Shrewsbury the Rearward Before they came to the Towne of Lieth the Cardinal with six hundred ●orse besides foot lay in the way to impeach their passage but they were so assailed by the Harqu●butars that they were glad to flye and the first man that fled was the Cardinal himself and then the Earls of Huntley Murrey Bothwel hereupon the English made forward to Lieth and entred it without any great resistance the sixth of May they marched towards Edenbrough and as they approached the Towne the provost with some of the Burgers came and offered the keyes of the Towen to the Lord Lievtennant upon condition they might depart with bag and baggage and the Towne to be preserved from fire but the Lord Livetennant told them their falshood had been such as deserved ●o fa●our and therefore unlesse they would deliver the Towne absolutely without any condition he would pro●eed in his enterprise and burne the Towne Here wee may see what it is to make men desperate for to this the Provest answered they were better then to stand upon defence and so indeed they did and made the English glad to retire for the Castle shot so fiercely upon them that having burnt onely a part of the Towne they returned to Lieth but whilst they lay there they so wasted the Country that within seaven mile● every way of Edenbrough there was not a Towne nor Village nor house t●at was left unburnt at Lieth the eleveth day of May the Lord Generall made Knights the Lord Clinton the Lord Conyers Sir William Wroughton Sir Thomas
restrained from these Games fell some to drinking some to stealing of Conies and Deere aud such other misdemeanours also in this yeere was an inhauncing of Coyne for preventing the carrying it over to places where it went at higher rate so that the Angell which went before but for seven shillings should now goe for seven and six pence and every ounce of Gold should be five a●d forty shillings which was before but forty and other Coynes accordingly In his twentieth yeer Sir Iames Spencer being Major of London the watch used on Mid-somer night was laid downe In his three and thirtieth yeer in a Parliament then holden an Act was made that whosoevet should poyson any person should be boyled to death by which Statute one Richard Roose who had poysoned diver●e persons in the Bishop of Rochester place was boyled to death in Smithfield to the terrible example of all other In his two and twentieth yeer three Acts were made one fo● probate of Testaments another for Mortuaries the third against plurality of benefices Non-Residence buying and taking of Farmes by spirituall persons In his thirtieth yeer it was ordained by Cromwel the Kings Vicar General that in al Churches a Register should be kept of every Weddng Christning and buriall within the same Parish for ever In his one and thirtieth yeer the King first instituted and appointed fifty Gentlemen called Pensioners to waight upon his person assighning to each of them fifty pounds a yeer for the maintainance of th●mselvs and two horses in his six and thirtieth yeer Proclamation was made for the inhancing of Gold to eight and fort● shillings and silver to foure shillings the ounce also he caused to be coyned base money mingling it with brasse which was since that time called downe the fifth yeere of Edward the sixth and called in the second yeer of Queen Elizibeth In his seven and thirtieth yeer the brothell houses called the Stewes on the Bank-side in Southwarke were p●t downe by the Kings Commandement and was done by proclamation and sound of Trumpet In his three and twentieth yeer it was enacted that Butchers should sell their meat by weight Beef for a half-peny the pound and Mutton for three farthings also at this time forraigne Butchers were permitted their flesh in Leadenhall-market which before was not allowed in his time also the Government of the President in the North was first instituted and the first President there was Tunstall Bishop of Durham Affaires of the Church in his time IN the yeer 1517. the eighth yeer of this Kings Reigne Martin Luther of VVittemberg in Germany a Frier of the Order of the Hermisses taking occasion from the abuse● of Indulgences began to Preach against the Authority of the Pope and to bring in a Reformation of Religion for repressing of whom the Counsaile of Trent was called by Pope Paul the third in the yeere 1542. which continued above forty yeers but was never received in the Kingdome of France● which Counsaile by decreeing many things to be poins of faith which were not so accounted before hath made no small distraction amongst P●pists themselves against this Luther King Henry wrote a booke with great bitternesse and with as great bitternesse was answered at the same time with Luther there arose also in the same Country other Reformers of Religion as Zuingliu● Occloampadious Melancthon who differing from Luther in some few points made the difference which is at this day of Lutherans and Protestants so called at first Auspurg for making a protestation in defence of their Doctrine which soon after spread all Christendome over King Henry in the sixth and twentieth yeer of his Reigne had excluded the Popes Authority ou● of his Realme but thinking the worke not sufficiently done as long as Abbeys and Prio●ies kept their station which were as it were his Forteresses and Pillars there w●s not long after me●nes found to have them suppressed for aspersio●s being l●id upon them and perhaps no more then truth of Adulteries and Murther● they by Act of Parli●ment in his eight and twentieth yeer at lest neere foure hundred of them suppressed and all their lands and goods conferred upon the King In his one and thi●tieth yeer all the rest and lastly in his five and thirtinth yeer all Colledge● Chantries and Hospitals so as the hives being now all removed there have never since any Bees or Drones been seen in the Country in this Kings time the Citty of Rome was taken and sacked by the Imperiall Army forcing the Pope to fly to his Castle Saint Angelo and there kept a prisoner till he agreed to such conditions as his Adversaries propounded In the two and twentieth yeere of this Kings reigne a Proclamation was set forth that no person should purchase any thing from the Court of Rome and this was the first blow given to the Pope in England In his three and twentieth yeer the Clergy submitting themselves to the King for being found guilty of a Praemunire were the first that called him supream head of the Church In his foure and twentieth yeere a Parliament was holden wherein one Act was made that Bishops should pay no more Annats or money for their Buls to the Pope and another that no person should appeale for any cause out of this Realm to the Court of Rome but from the Commissary to the Bishop and from the Bishop to the Archbishop and from the Archbishop to the King and all causes of the King to be tried in the upper Ho●se of the Convocation In his six and twentieth yeer in Iuly Iohn Frith was burnt in Smithfield a●d with him at the same stake one Andrew Howet a Tailor both for denying the Reall presence in the Sacrament and in a Parliament holden t●is yeer an Act was made which Authorized the Kings Highnesse to be supreame head of the Church of England and the Authority of the Pope to be abolished and then also was given to the King the first fruits and tenths of all Spirituall livings and this yeer were many put to dea●h Papists for denying the Kings Supremecy Protestants for denying the Reall presence in the Sacrament and it is incredible what numbers for thes● two causes were put to death in the last ten yeers of this Kings Reign of whom if we should make perticular mention i● would reach a great way in the Book of Martyrs in his eight and twentieth yeer the Lord Cromwell was made Vi●a● General under the King over the Spiritualty and sate divers times in the Convocation House amongst the Bishops as head over them and in September thi● yeere he set forth injunctions commandi●g all Parsons and Curates to ●each their Parishoners the Pa●er Noster the A●e and Creed with the ten Commandements and Articles of the Christian F●ith in the English tongue I● his one and thirtieth yeer was set forth by the Bishops the Book of the six Articles condemning all for Hereticks and to be burnt that should hold 1. That the body
mildnesse the neerenesse of the Husbands gave occasion to the Ladies often meeting where the Dutchesse would inwardly murmur why shee being the wife of the elder brother and the better man should give place to her who was the wife of the younger brother and the meaner man this envy of hers toward the Queen bred a malice in her towards the Admirall as thinking the mischiefe she did to the husband to be a part of revenge upon the wife and though the Queene shortly after died in Child-bed yet the mallice of the Dutchesse towards the Admirall lived still so hard a thing it is for malice once setled in a womans heart to be removed out of this malice she put divers surmises into her husband the Protectours head against his brother the Admirall as though he went about to procure his death to the end he might aspire to the place he held but certainly as misliking his government being a Protestant who was himselfe a Papist in this case causes of jealousie against the Admirall was obvious enough for it was knowne that in King Henries time he had aimed at the mariage of the Lady Elizabeth King Henries second daughter and now his wife the Queen Dowager being dead and not without suspition of poyson he fell upon that mariage a fresh which could not be thought to tend but to some very high aspiring end the Protectour a plain man and one that had not the cleerest insight into practises whether too importunately provoked by his wife or whither out of an honest mind not willing to patronize faults though in a brother gave way to accusatio●s brought against him so as in a Parliament then holden he was accused for attempting to get into his custody the person of the King and government of the Realm for endeavouring to marry the Lady Elizabeth the Kings sister for perswading the King in his tender yeers to take upon him the rule and ordering of himselfe upon which points though perhaps proved yet not sufficiently against him who was never called to his answere he was by Act of Parliament condemned and within few dayes after condemnation a warrant was sent under the hand of his brother the Protectour to cut off his head wherein as after it proved he did as much as if he had laid his own head downe upon the block for whilst these brothers lived and held together they were as a strong fortresse one to the other the Admirals courage supporting the Protectours authority and the Protectours authority maintaining the Admirals stoutnesse but the Admiral once gone the Protectours authority as wanting support began to totter and fell at last to utter ruine besides there was at this time amongst the Nobility a kind of faction Protestants who favoured the Protectour for his owne sake and other of Papall inclination who favoured him for his brothers sake but his brother being gone both sides forsooke him even his owne side as thinking they could expect little assistance from him who gave no more assistance to his own brothe● and perhaps more then all this the Earl of Warwick at this time was the most powerfull man both in Courage and Counsaile amongst all the Nobility and none so neere to match him as the Admirall while he lived but he being gone there was none left that either was able and durst or durst and was able to stand against him however it was not long after the Admirals death the Protectour was invaded with sundry accusations wherein ●h● Earl of Warwick made not alwaies the greatest show but yet had alwayes the greatest hand one thing the Protectour had done which though a private act yet gave a publick distaste To make him a Mansion house in the Strand the same which is now called Somerset-house he pulled downe a Church and two Bishops houses by the Strand Bridge in digging the foundation wherof the bones of many who had been there buried were cast out and carried into the fields and because the stones of those houses and the Church suffised not for his work the steeple a●d most part of the Church of Saint Iohns of Ierusalem neer Smithfield was mined and overthrowne with powder and the stones applied to this sparious building and more then this the Cloyster of Pauls on the North side of the Church in a place called Pardon Church-yard and the dance of Death very curiously wrought about the Cloyster a Chapel that stood in the midst of the Churchyard also the Charnal house that stood upon the South side of Pauls now a Carpenters yard with the Chappell timber and Monuments therin were beaten downe the bones of the dead caried into Finsbury-fields and the stones converted to this building This Act of the Protectours did something alienate the Peoples minds from him which the Earle of Warwick perceiving thought it now a fit time to be falling upon him and therupon drew eighteene of the Privy Counsaile to joyne with him who withdrawing themselves from the Court held secret consultations together and walked in the Citty with many Servants weaponed and in new Liveries whereof when the Lord Protectour heard he sent secretary Peter to them to know the causes of their Assembly requiring them to resort unto him peaceably that they might comune together as friends but in the meane time hee Armed five hundred men and removed the King by night from Hampton-court to Windsor on the other side the Lords at London having first taken possession of the Tower sent for the Majo● and Aldermen of the Citty to the Earle of Warwicks lodging at Ely-house in Holburn to whom the Lord Rich then Lord Chancelour made a long Oration wherin he shewed the ill government of the Lord Protector and the many mischifes that by it were come upon the Kingdome and therup●n requiring them to joyn with the Lords there assembled to remove him and presently that day a Proclamation was made in divers parts of the Citty to that purpose to which the Lords and Counsailors that subscribed their names were these the Lord Rich Chancelour the Lord Saint-Iohn Lord great Master the Marquesse of Northampton the Earle of Warwick Lord great Chamberlaine the Earle of Arundell Lord Chamberlaine the Earle of Shrewsbury the Earle of Southampton Sir Thomas Cheyney Treasurer of the Houshold Sir Iohn Gag● Constaple of the Tower Sir William Peter secretary Sir Edward North Knight Sir Edward Montague chiefe Justice of the Common-pleas Sir Iohn Baker Chancelour of the Exchequer Sir Ralph Sadler Sir Edward Wootton Sir Richard Southwell Knights and Doctor Wootton Deane of Canterbury In the afternoone of the same day the Lord Major assembled a Common Counsaile in the Guild-hall where two letters arrived almost in one instant from the King and the Lord Protectour for a thousand men to be Armed for defence of the Kings Person another from the Lords at London for two thousand men to aide them in defence of the Kings person also both pretending alike and therefore hard how to
taken downe and Tables placed in their roomes In his fifth yeer the Book of Common Prayer was established Casualties happening in his time IN his second yeere Saint Annes Church within Aldesgate was burnt In his ●ifth yeere a sweating sicknesse infested first Shrewesbury and then the north parts and after grew most extreame in London so as the first weeke there dyed eight hundred persons and was so violent that it tooke men away in foure and twenty houres sometimes in twelve and somtimes in lesse amongst other of account that dyed of this sicknesse were the two Sonnes of Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke who dyed within an houre after one another in such order that both of them dyed Dukes This disease was proper to the English Nation for it followed the English wheresoever they were in foraigne parts but seized upon none of any other Countrey In this yeere one Master Arden of Kent by procurement of his wife was murthered in his owne house being dead his body was carried out and laid upon the ground in a close hard by where this is memorable that for two yeers after the ground where his body lay bore no grasse but represented still as it were a picture of his body onely in the space between his legges and armes there grew grasse but where any part of his body touched none at all Yet this miraculous accident was not so much for the murther as for the curses of a widow-woman out of whose hands the said Master Arden had uncharitably bought the said close to her undoing And thus the divine justice even in this world oftentimes works miracles upon offenders for a mercifull warning to men if they would be so wise to take it In his sixth yeer the third of August at Middleton-stony eleven miles from Oxford a woman brought forth a childe which had two perfect bodies from the navill upward the legges for both the bodies grew out at the midst where the bodies joyned and had but one issue for the excrements of them both they lived eighteen dayes and were women children This yeere also were taken at Quinborow three Dolphins and at Black-Wall six more the least of which was bigger then any horse Works of Piety by him or other in his time THis King gave three houses to the reliefe of the poor first for the fatherlesse and beggers children he gave the late Gray-Fryers in London which i● now called Christs Hospitall then for lame and diseased persons he gave the Hospitall of Saint Thomas in Southwarke and Saint Barthalomews in West Smithfield Thirdly for riotous and idle persons he gave his house of Brid●well and for their maintenance he took six hundred pounds a yeer land from the house of the Savoy which had been long abused and bestowed it upon these houses to which he added four thousand marks a yeer more By his example Sir William Chester Alderman of London and Iohn Calthroppe Draper at their owne costs made the Brickwalls and way on the backside that leadeth to the Hospitall of Saint Barthalomews and also covered and vawted the Towne Ditch which before was very noysome In the second yeer of this King Sir Iohn Gresham then Major of London founded a free Schoole at Host in Norfolke also at his decease he gave to every Ward in London ten pounds to be distributed amongst the poor and to maids marriages two hundred pounds In his third yeer Sir Rowland Hill the ●hen Lord Major of London caused to be made a Cawsway commonly called Overlane pavement in the high way from Stone to Nantwich in length four miles for the ease of horse and man He caused also a Cawsway to be made from Dunchurch to Bransen in Warwickshiere more then two miles in length and gave twenty pounds towards the making of Roitton Bridge three miles from Coventry He made likewise the high way to Kilborne neere to London Also four Bridges two of them of stone containing eighteen arches in them both the one over the River of Severne called Acham Bridge the other Terne Bridge and two other of Timber at Stoke where he built also a good part of the Church A free Schoole likewise he builded at ●rayton in Shropshiere with Master and Usher and gave sufficient stipends to them both Also he purchased a free fair to the said Towne with a free Market weekly and every fourteen dayes a free Market for cartell Besides all thi● he gave to the Hospitall of Christ-Church in London in his life time five hundred pounds and at his death a hundred In this Kings fourth yeer Sir Andrew Iud Major of London founded a notable free Schoole at Tunbridge in Kent he builded also an Almshouse for six poor people nigh to the Parish Church of Saint Helens in Bishopsgate-streete and gave threescore pounds land a yeer to the Skinners of London for which be bound to pay twenty pounds to the Schoolemaster and eight pounds to the Usher of his free Schoole at Tunbridge yeerly for ever and four shillings weekely to the six poor Almspeople and something more yeerly In his sixth yeer Sir George Barnes Major of London gave a Windmill in Finsbury-field to the Haberdashers of London the profits thereof to be destributed to the poor of that Company also to Saint Bartholamews the little certaine Tenements to the like use Of his personage and conditions COncerning his personage it is said he was in body beautifull of a sweete aspect and specially in his eyes which seemed to have a starry livelinesse and lustre in them Concerning his conditions in matter of fact there is not much to be said but in matter of disposition and inclination very much even to admiration For though his tree was not yet come to the maturity of bearing fruit yet it was come to the forwardnesse to bear plenty of buds and blossomes For proofe of his mercifull disposition this one example may be sufficient when one Ioan Butcher was to be burned for blasphemy and heresie all the Counsell could not get him to signe the Warrant till the Archbishop Cranmer with much importunity perswaded him and then he did it but not without weeping For his pregnancy of wit and knowledge in all kindes of learning we shall need but to hear what Cardan who coming into England had often conference with him reporteth of him that he was extraordinarily skilfull in Languages and in the Politicks well seen in Philosophy and in Divinity and generally indeed a very miracle of Art and Nature He would answer Embassadours somerimes upon the suddaine either in French or Latine he knew the state of forraigne Princes perfectly and his own more He could call all Gentlemen of account through his Kingdome by their names and all this when he had scarce yet attained to the age of fifteene yeers and died before sixteene that from hence we may gather it is a signe of no long life when the faculties of the minde are ripe so early Of his death and buriall IN
in the time of King Edward had refused to signe a writing for disinheriting the Lady Mary and the Lady Elizabeth a fact worthy at least of a kinde remembrance from the Lady Mary now Queene yet now for that at a quarter Sessions in Kent he gave charge upon the statutes of King Henry the eight and King Edward the sixth in derogation of the Primacy of the Church of Rome he was first committed to the Kings Bench then to the Counter and lastly to the Fleet where he grew so troubled in minde that he attempted with a Pen-knife to kill himselfe and being afterward recovered of that hurt and brought to the Queenes presence who gave him very comfortable words yet could never come to be quiet in his minde but in the end drowned himselfe in a River not halfe a mile from his house the River being so shallow that he was faine to lye groveling before he could dispatch him●elfe of life And now another sprinkling of mercy came from the Queene for the Marquesse of Northampton and Sir Henry Gates lately before condemned to dye were now pardoned and set at liberty The Lady Iane also was allowed the liberty of the Tower not without hope of life and liberty altogether if her father the Duke of Suffolke had not the second time been cause of her destruction About this time also a Synod was assembled for consulting about matters of Religion and the point specially of the reall presence in the Sacrament The Prolocutour was Doctor VVeston and of the Protestant side were Iohn Almer and Richard Cheyney both Bishops afterward in Queene Elizabeths time also Iohn Philpo● afterward burnt Iames Haddon and others After long disputation where reasons were not so much weighed as voyces numbred the Papall side as having most voyces carried it and thereupon was that Religion againe restored and the Masse commanded in all Churches to be celebrated after the ancient manner It was now the yeer 1553. when Queene Mary was come to the age of seven and thirty yeers and therefore high time now to thinke of marriage at least if she meant to have issue of her body but a hard ma●ter it was to finde a husband in all points ●itting for her yet three at this time in common fame at least were taken into consideration one was the Lord Courtney M●rquesse of Exceter a goodly Gentleman and of Royall blood but there was exception against him because inclining as was thought to Lutheranisme another was Cardinal ●oole of a dignity not much inferiour to Kings and by his Mother descended from Kings but there was exception against him also because foure and fifty yeers old as old a Batchelour as Queen Mary was a maid and so the lesse hope of issue betweene them but the third if he might be had was without exception and this was Phillip Prince of Spaine the Emperour Charles his eldest sonne with whom being a Spaniard she was the fitter matched as being by the Mother a Spaniard her selfe And now very oppertunely came in the beginning of Ian. Embassadors into England about it amongst others the Cou●● of Egmond Admirall of the L●w Countryes and Iohn of Memorancy Lord of Curryers whose message was so kindely entertained that the marriage in short time was absolutely concluded though it seemed something strange to many that she should now be wife to the sonne who thirty yeers before should have been wife to the father But so it is Queenes are never old so long as they are within yeers of bearing children And indeede the match was concluded with conditions of farre more advantage to Quee●e Mary then they were to King Phillip as on the fourteenth of Ianuary Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancelour of England openly in the Presence Chamber at Westminster declared to all the Lords and Gentlemen there present for it was agreed that after the mar●iage King Phillip should have the Title of all the Queenes Dominions and be assumed into fellowship of the government but yet with reservation to the Queene of all Priviledges and Customes of the Kingdome and free disposition of all Offices and Honours as likewise the Queene should be assumed into the fellowship of all the Kings Dominions and surviving him should have a Joynture of two hundred thousand Pounds a yeer Then for the issue betweene them if she had a Sonne that he should inherit the Low Countryes and Burgundy and King Phillips sonne Charles which he had by a former wife should inherit all his Dominions in Italie and Spaine but if his sonne Charles should fail without issue then the sonne he should have by Queene Mary should inherit his Kingdomes of Italie and Spaine also And the like good provision was also made for daughters But notwithstanding these great ●dvantage● of the ma●ch yet such was the precipitant rashnesse of some that thinking themselves wiser then the Queene and the Councel they sought by all meanes to oppose the match giving out that it ●ended to bring England under the yoke of Spaine and to make the Countrey a slave to strangers This was the generall murmuring of people but the first that shewed himselfe in Armes was Sir Thomas Wyat of Kent who having communicated the matter with the Duke of Suffolke the Lady Ianes father with Peter Caroe a Knight of Devonshire and divers others intended onely to make secret provision but not to stirre till Prince Phillip should be come that so their cause of taking armes might have the better colour On the fifteenth of Ianuary Robert Dudley sonne to the Duke of Northumberland was arraigned at the Guildhall of high Treason who confessed the indictment and had judgement given by the Earle of Sussex to be drawen hanged bowelled and quartered But now in counsels communicated to many it is a hard matter to have counsell kept and Sir Peter Caroe finding that their plot was discovered fled privily into France where lurking for a time he was afterward taken at Bruxells and brought captive into England as likewise at the same time and place Sir Iohn Cheeke King Edwards Schoolmaster was taken who being drawne by terrours to embrace the Papall Religion with very griefe afterward of his errour pined away and dyed Sir Peter Caroe lived many yeers af●er and dyed in Ireland though it be falsely recorded they were both burnt for Religion in Iune of this yeer Wyatt hearing of Sir Peter Caroes flight and that all their purpose was discovered was driven before his time to enter into armes giving out for the cause that it was not to attempt any thing against the Queene but onely to remove ill Councellours and chiefly to repell Prince Phillip least by this mariage the Kingdome should come in subjection to the Spaniard With Wyatt were joyned Sir Henry Isley Sir George Harper Anthony and William Knevet and divers other Gentlemen of the County against him were the Lord Abuegaveny Sir Thomas Cheyney Lord Warden of the Ports Sir Sobert Southwell Sheriffe of Kent Sir
mercy and gave them their Pardon of which number were Master Rudston of Kent Sir Iames a Crofts the Lord Iohn Gray brother to the Duke of Suf●olke and some others About this time a little before and after were advancements in honour the Lord William Howard Lord Admirall of England was created Baron Ho●ard of E●●ingham Sir Iohn VVilliams was created Baron of Tames Sir Edward North was created Ba●on of Chartleigh Sir Iohn Bridges was created Baron Chandowes of Sudeley Gerrard Fitz Garret was created Earl of Kildare and B●ron of Ophelley and not long after Sir Anthony Browne Master of the Horse was created Viscount Mountag●● It is scarce worth remembring that in the end of this fir●● yeer of ●he Queens reign● one Elizabeth Cro●t a wench of eighteen yeeres old was by pr●ctice put into a Wall and thereupon called the Spirit in the Wall who with a whistle made for the purpose whistled out many seditious words against the Queene the Prince of Spaine the Masse Confession and such other Points for which she did Penance standing upon a skaffold at Pauls Cro●●e all the Sermon time where she made open confession of her fault There had beene good store of Laymens blood shed already and now the times is comming to have Clergie mens shed and for a preparative to it on the tenth of Aprill Cranm●r Archbishop of Canterbury Nicholas Ridley la●e Bishop of London and Hugh Latimer late Bishop of Worcester are conveyed from the Tower to Oxford there to dispure with Oxford and Cambridge men in points of Religion but specially of the Eucharist the Oxford men were Cole Cha●scy Pye Harpsefield Smith and Doctor Weston Prolocurour the Cambridge men Young Seaton Watson Atkinson Fecknham and Sedgewicke the Disputation ended which we may well thinke as the matter was carried went against the prisoners on the twentieth of Aprill they were brought again on the Stage and then demanded whether they would persist in their opinion or else recant and affirming they would persist they were all three adjudged Hereticks and condemned to the fire but their execution we must not looke for till a yeere or two hence but in the meane time we have Iohn Rogers the first Martyr of these time burnt at London the fourth of February after whom the ninth of February Iohn Hooper late Bishop of VVorcester burnt at Glocester after him Robert Ferrar Bishop of Man burnt at Carmarden after him Iohn Bradford with many others and then the two famous men Ridley and Latimer no lesse famous for their constant deaths then their religious lives both burnt at Oxford the sixteenth of October This rising of VVyat had beene a Remora to the Queenes marriage and now to avoid all such obstacles hereafter the Queen in Aprill called a Parliament wherein were p●opounded two things one for confirmation of the Marriage the other for restoration of the Popes Primacie This latter was not assented to but with great difficulty for the six yeers reigne of King Edward had spred a plantation of the Protest●nt Religion in the hearts of many but the Proposition for the marriage was assented to readily but yet with the adding of some conditions which had no● beene thought of in the former Articles First that King Phillip should admit of no Stranger in any Office but onely Natives● secondly that he should innovate nothing in the Lawes and Customes of the Kingdome Thirdly that he should not carry the Queen out of the Realme without her consent nor any of her children without consent of the Councell Fourthly that surviving the Quee● he should challenge no right in the Kingdome but suff●r it to descend to the next heire Fiftly that he should carry none of the Jewels of the Realme out of the Kingdome nor suffer any Ships or Ordnance to be removed out of the Realme and lastly that neither directly nor indirectly he should cause the Realme of England to be intangled with the warre betweene Spaine and France All things being thus agreed on the Earle of Bedford Lord Privie Seale the Lord Fitzwaters and divers other Lord● and Gentlemen are sent into Spaine to fetch over Prince Phillippe who arrived at Southampton the twentieth of Iuly in the yeere 1554. and the three and twentieth came to VVinchester where the Queene met him and the five and twentieth the marriage betweene them there was openly solemnized the desparity of yeeres as in Princes not much regarded though he were then but seven and twenty yeeres of age shee eight and thirty at which time the Emperours Embassadour being present openly declared that in consideration of that mariage the Emperour had given to Prince Phillippe his sonne the Kingdomes of Naples and Hierusalem and thereupon the solemnity of marriage being ended Garter King of Heraulds openly in the Church in the presence of the King the Queene and the Lords both of England and Spaine solemnly proclaimed the title and stile of these two Princes as followeth Phillip and Mary by the grace of God King and Queen of England France Naples Hierusalem and Ireland Defenders of the Faith Princes of Spaine and Scicily Archdukes of Austria Dukes of Millany Burgandy and Brabant Counts of Habspurge Flanders and Tyroll After this the King and Queene by easie journeys came to Winsor Castle where the King was instal'd Knight of the Garter and the Earle of Sussex with him The eleventh of August they removed to Richmond the seven and twentieth to Suffolk-place in Southwark and the next day to London where the stately shews that were made may well enough be conceived without relaring from hence after foure dayes they removed againe to Richmond where all the Lords had leave to depart into their Countries and indeede so many departed that there remained not an English Lord at the Court but the Bishop of Winchester from Richmond they removed to Hampton-court where the Hall door within the Court was continually kept shut so as no man might enter unlesse his errand were first known which might perhaps be the fashion of Spain but to Englishmen seemed very strange About this time Cardinall Poole sent for by the King and Queene came over into England and had come sooner but that the Emperour fearing he might prove a corrivall with his sonne Phillip had used meanes to stop his passage but now that his Sonnes marriage was past he was content to let him passe who though he came from Rome with the great authority of a Legat ● Latere yet he would not but come privately into London because his Attaindour was yet upon Record an Act therefore was presently passed to take it off and to restore him in blood for passing of which Act the King and Queene in person came to the Parliament house whither a few dayes after the Cardinall came himselfe which was then kept in the great Chamber of Whitehall because the Queen by reason of sicknesse was not well able to goe abroad and here the King and Queene sitting under the cloath of Estate
be with childe by Edward Seymoure Earl of Hertford who being at that time in France was presently sent for and being examined before the Archbishp of Canterbury and affirming they were lawfully married but not being able within a limited time to produce witnesses of their marriage they were both committed to the Tower where she was brought to Bed and after by the Connivence or Corruption of their Keepers being suffered sometimes to come together Shee was with childe by him again which made the Queen more angry then before so as Sir Edward Warner Lieutenent of the Tower was put out of his place and the Earle was fined in the star-chamber five thousand pounds and kept in prison nine yeers after Though in pleading of his Case One Iohn H●les argued They were lawfull man and wife by virtue of their owne bare Consent without any Ecclesicsticall Ceremonie The Lady a few yeers after falling through grief into a mortall Sicknesse humbly desired the Queens Pardon for having married without her knowledge and commending her children to her clemency dyed in the Tower At this time the King being under Age dissentions amongst the Peeres grew hot in Erance of which there were two Factions Both pretending the cause of Religion of the One the Duke Guise a Paipst was Head of the other the Prince of Conde a Protestant but while Delirant Reges Plectunter Achiui while these Princes are at variance the people suffer for it and chiefly as being under the weaker protection the Protestant Party where upon Queene Elizabeth having well learned the Lesson Tum tua res agitur partis cum proximus ardet● and fearing least the flaim of their dissention might kindle a fire within her owne Kingdome sent over Sir Henry Sidney Lord Presiden of Wales into France to endeavour by all possible means their reconcilement which when hee could not effect and perhaps it was never meant he should effect it but onely to see what invitations would be made to the Queen for her assistance she thereupon at the moan of the afflicted Protestants sent over an Army of six thousand Souldiers under the Conduct of the Earl of Warwick in assistance of the Prince of Conde and other Protestant Lords who delivered to him the Town of Newhaven to hold in the King of France his name untill such time as Calice were restored But the Prince of Conde marching to joyn with the English Forces was by the Duke of Guise interrupted and taken prisoner● which had been a great disappointment to the English but that the Duke of Colin joyned with him besieged Caen in Normandy and took it toge●her with Bayeux Faleise and Saint Lo. The French Hostages that were pledges for the payment of five hundred thousand Cowns if Calice were not restored were remaining still in England who perceiving there was like to be War with France prepared secretly to get away but being ready to take Shipping were discovered and brought back again In the mean while the Prince of Conde drawn on with a hope to marry the Queen of Scots and to have the chief Government in France during the Kings Minority concluded a Peace with the King and with the Guises so as now all French as well Protestants as Papists required to have Newhaven delivered up But the Earl of Warwick perceiving the ●icklenesse of the French Protestants First to make su●e to draw him into France and now upon so slight occasion to require him to be gone he shutteth all ●rench both Protestants and Papists o●t of the Town and layes hold of their Ships the French on the other side make ready to set upon the Town saying They fought not now for Religion but for their Countrey wherefore it was meet that both Protestants and Papists should joyn their Forces seeing they had already concluded a Peace betwixt themselves And hereupon the Duke of Memorancy sent a Trumpetter to the Earl of Warwick commanding him yeeld the Town who making answer by Sir Hugh Pawlet That he would never yeeld it without the Queens leave he thereupon besieged the Town and with great violence of Battery sought to get it by force Which Queen Elizabeth hearing she sent a Commission to the Earl of Warwick to yeeld it up if upon honourable Conditions which soon after was accordingly done after the English had held it eleven months and then the Earl without any dishonour for yeelding up a Town which the Pestilence made him no lesse unwilling then unable to hold he returned into England but that which was more dolefull then the losse of Newhaven he brought the Pestilence with him into England The recovery of this Town not onely made the French to triumph but hereupon the Chancellor of France pronounced openly That by this Warre the English had lost all their Right to Calice and were not to require it any more seeing it was one of the Conditions That neither of the Nations should make Warre upon the other which was the Point stood upon by the King of France and his mother when Queen Elizabeth sent Sir Thomas Smith to demand Calice to be restored At this time there were such crosse designes amongst the Princes of Christendome that a very good Polititian could hardly understand their Ayms The Duke of Guise being slain in the Civill Warre the Queen of Scots Dowry was not paid her in France and the Scots were put off from being the Kings Guard This exceedingly displeased the Queen of Scots but then to please her again● and for fear lest hereupon she should apply her self to the friendship of the English her Unkle the Cardinall of Lorrain solicites her afresh to marry Charls Duke of Austria offering her for her Dowry the County of Tyroll The Queen of Scots to make use of her Unkles fear and perhaps to bring Queen Elizabeth into an opinion of depending upon her acquaints her with this motion and therein requires her advice Queen Elizabeth not willing she should marry with any forraign Prince perswades her to take a husband out of England and particularly commended to her the Lord Robert Dudley whose wife a little before had with a fall broke her neck promising withall that if she would marry him she should then by Authority of Parliament be declared her successour in case she dyed without issue But when her Unkles and the Queen-Mother were informed of this motion they so much disdained the Marriage with Dudley that so she would refuse that Match and perseverein the friendship of the French they offered to pay her the Dowry money that was behinde and to restore the Scots to all their former liberties in France And as for the King of Spain he had indeed a Ligier Embassadour here in England but rather by way of complement and to watch advantages then for any sincere love which he began now to withdraw from the English as suspecting them to intend a Trade to the West Indies And now the French Protestants may see what they brought upon
King had a while grew sensible he meant to be revenged of Murray who had counselled him to do it which Murray understanding prevented it with causing the like to be done to him as will presently be seen For the Queen having been delivered of a Son and the day appointed for the Christning being come where the God-fathers were Charles King of France and Philibert Duke of Savoy Queen Elizabeth being requested to be God-mother sent thither the Earl of Bedford as her Deputy and a Font of Massie Gold for a Present in value 1043 l. but gave him expresse Command That he should not honour Darly with the Title of King But before a month or two after the Christning were passed The King in a stormy and tempestuous night was strangled in his Bed and then cast forth into the Garden and the house immediately blown up with Gun-powder The rumour of this murther being spread abroad the common Fame laid it upon Murray and Morton and their Confederates Murray and Morton upon the Queen But we must not here give ear to that which BUCHANAN writes who to curry favour with the Earl MURRAY layes most impudent scandalls upon the Queene whereof before his death he repented himself extremely The King thus murthered and the QUEENE left alone to her self she is counselled to marry with some that might be able to assist her against all her opposites IAMES Hepburn Earl of Bothwell being then greatly in her favour and of great eminencie for his valour And though he were the man that had acted the murther yet is he by Murray and his confederates commended to the Queen to which motion as being destitute of friends and not knowing whom to trust she at last consents but upon these conditions That above all things respect might be had to her yong Sonne and that Bothwell might be legally quitted both from the bond of his former marriage and also of the Kings murther Hereupon a course is plotted by which Bothwell is called to the Barre and Morton being his Advocate by the Sentence of Judges he is cleerly acquitted Upon this he is created Duke of Orken●y and by consent of many of the Nobility is marryed to the Queen which bred a suspition in many that the Queen was conscious of the murther which was the thing that by the marriage they intended And the suspition once raised they seek by all means to increase that they may have the better colour against her and so the very same man who had absolved Bothwell and consented to the marriage now takes Arms against her as a Delinquent in both force him to flee and then seize upon the Queen whom cl●d in a very homely garment they thrust into prison in Loch-levyn under the custody of Murray's mother who had been the Harlot of King Iames the fifth but boasting her self to have been his lawfull wife and her son his lawfull Issue Queen Elisabeth having at length notice hereof sent Sir Nicholas Throgmorton into Scotland to expostulate with the Confederates touching this insolent usage of the Queen and to consult by what means shee might be restored to her liberty But Throgmorton coming into Scotland found the Confederates in more insolent terms then had been reported being divided in opinion what to do with the Queen some would have her banished perpetually into England or France some would have her questioned before the Judges committed to perpetuall custody and her son proclaimed King others more inhumane would have her at once deprived of Princely Authority of life and all and this Knox and some other Ministers thundred out of the Pulpits Throgmorton on the other side alleaged many passages out of the holy Scriptures touching Obedience to the higher Powers maintaining That the Queen was subject to no Tribunall but that in Heaven That no Judge upon Earth might call her in question That there was no Office nor Jurisdiction in Scotland which was not derived from her Authority and revokeable at her pleasure They again opposed the peculiar Right of the Kingdom of Scotland and that in extraordinary cases they were to proceed besides order taking up Buchanans Arguments who in those dayes by instigation of Murray wrote that damned Dialogue De Iure Regni apud Scotos wherein against the verity of the Scottish History he indeavours to prove That the People have power both to create and to depose their King After all their debating all that Throgmorton could get of them was a Writing without any Subscription wherein they protested They had shut up the Queen for no other intent but to keep her apart from Bothwell whom she loved so desperately that to injoy him she regarded not all their ruines willing him to rest satisfied with this Answer till such time as the rest of the Peers met together And notwithstanding all he could say they shut up the Queen daily in more straight custody though with tears she besought them to deal more mildly with her and to let her but once have a sight of her son which would not be granted her At last when fair perswasions would not serve to make her freely give over the Kingdom they threatned to question her openly for incontinent living for the Kings murder and for Tyranny so as through feare of death they compelled Her unheard to set her hand to three Instruments In the first whereof she gave over the Kingdom to her young son at that time scarce thirteen Months old In the second she constituted Murray Vice-Roy during the minority of her son In the third in case he refused the charge these Governours were nominated Iames Duke of Chasteau Herald Giles Spike Earl of Argile Matthew Earl of Lenox Iohn Earl of Atholl Iames Earl of Mo●ton Alexander Earl of Glencarn and Iohn Earl of Mar. And presently she signified to Queen Elizabeth by Throgmorton that she had made these grants by compulsion through the counsell of Throgmorton telling her that a grant extorted from one in prison which is a just fear is actually void and of no effect Five dayes after the Queen had made this Resignation Iames the sixth the Queens Son was Anointed and Crown'd King Iohn Knox preaching at the same time but a Protestation was then put in by the Hamiltons that all this ought to be no prejudice to the Duke of Chasteau Herald in his Right of succession against the Family of Lenox but Queen Elisabeth had forbidden Throgmorton to be at the Action that she might not seem by the presence of her Embassador to approve their proceeding in displacing of the Queen Fifteen dayes after this transaction Murray himself returned ou● of France into Scotland and within three dayes went to the Queen with some other of the confederates who charged her with many crimes and wished her if she tendered her Life and Honor to observe these prescriptions Not to disturb the peace of the Kingdom nor desire to be at Liberty not to stir up the Queen of England or the King of
likewise the Duke D'Alva breathing nothing but slaughter and blood made the Dutch come flocking into England as into a Sanctuary where with all courtesie they were received And here it will be fit to shew how the War in the Low-countries began first which was thus At which time the King of Spain brought in the Spanish Inquisition● a small number of the meaner sort of people in tumultuous manner● cast the Images out of Churches and brake ●hem in pieces and although that tumult was soon quieted yet the King of Spain taking advantage at the rashnesse of a few to charge the whole Nation with Rebellion sent amongst them Ferdinando Alvarez Duke D' Alva a bloody and fierce man who contrary to the Ordinances and customes of the Country took away all authority from the ordinary Courts of Justice Erected new consistories condemned and put to death the Peers without tryall by their lawfull Judges Placed Garrisons of Spaniards throughout all their Cities and Villages and by force exacted the twentieth part of the fruits of the Earth and the tenth of moveables upon every Alienation At that time a mighty masse of money borrowed from the Genowayes and other Italian Merchants was sent out of Spain into the Low-countries there to be imployed to interest which being brought by shipping was pursued by the French and forced to fly for succour into the Havens of England whom the Queen commanded to be succour'd as conceiving the money to be the King of Spains as it was given out But at the same time Cardinall Odette coming out of France into England and giving notice to the Queen that the money was not the King of Spains but belonged to certain merchants of Geneva from whence the Duke D' Alva had taken it against their will with a purpose to imploy it to the ruine of the Protestants and information also being given her by one that had a property in the money that it was so● she determined to put in security and to borrow the money of the merchants her self which is an usuall thing with Princes when goods are taken in their Ports and the King of Spain himself had lately done the like The Duke D' Alva being informed of this dealing of thee Queens by Gerard de Spese the King of Spains Embassador in England seizeth presently upon all the goods of the English in the Low-co●ntries and kept the men prisoners The Queen did the like with the Dutch merchants in England Letters of Mart were granted on both sides and this grew to such a quarrell between the Nations that being nourished with other differences afterward it brought forth in Eighty Eight that Spanish Invasion which is and will be memorable in all future Ages Upon occasion of this Money detained certain Peers of England amongst whom were the Duke of Norfolk the Marquesse of Winchester the Earls of Arundell Northumberland Pembroke Leicester and others Accused Sir William Cecill for sending away money into France making this their colour but done indeed out of envying his great favour with the Queen and suspecting him to incline to the house of Suffolk in the matter of succession Hereupon they consult sec●etly how to get him be imprison'd and Throgmorton who envyed him as much as they suggesting that if he were once clapp'd up they might soon find out a way to crush him But the Queen by what means it is uncertain coming to have notice hereof gave a check to their purpose and protected Cecill against their combined practises The Earl Murray being returned into Scotland makes the Lords believe that he desires a meeting at Edinbourgh to consult about restoring the Queen to her Liberty but as Hamilton Duke of Chasteau Herald appointed Vicegerent of the Kingdome by the Queen and the Lord Heris were coming thither he circumvented them and before any of the rest came cast them into prison and forthwith in an open War oppresseth all her Favourers It may be thought the Earl Murray could have been content the Queen should have been set at liberty but that he knew her liberty could not be without his servitude and Queen Elisabeth perhaps would willingly have had her resto●e● to her Kingdom but that she doubted her restoring would indanger her own security And thus while they regarded their own ends in the first place and hers but in the second she had the fortune to be pitied but not the happinesse to be relieved and all she could do her self was but to tye the knot of her bonds the faster if she could have sate still they would perhaps have loosened of themselves but now the more she stirred the more she was intangled And now the Destiny of the Duke of Norfolk began to work It was in every ones mouth that the Duke should marry the Queen of Scots and it is true there had been motions made but the matter not so forward as the Voice of the People which commonly presageth what will follow It had been motioned to the Duke at York by the Bishop of Ros●e and afterward in pretence at least by Murray himself at Hampton-Court but the Duke before he would resolve in the matter deliberated with the Earls of Aru●dell Northumberland Westmerland Sussex Pembroke Southampton and Leicester himself who all judged it fit he should acquaint the Queen with it first and then leave the matter to her liking Within a few dayes Sir Nicholas Throgmorton meeting the Duke in the Pallace at Westminster advised him to move the Earl of Leicester himself to embrace the match seeing he had formerly sued for it but if he refused it then at least to take him along with him for that himself alone would hereby be able to procure the Queens consent A day or two after the Earl of Leicester propounded the matter to the Duke and then communicateth it to the Earls of Arundell and Pembroke who thereupon together with Throgmorton wrote Letters to the Queen of Scots commending the Duke of Norfolk to her for a Husband the Duke himself likewise writeth to her tendering his singular Love and respect unto her Upon this Articles are drawn written with Leicesters own hand and sent to the Queen of Scots to which if she consented they then promised to procure that Queen Elisabeth should give her assent and that forthwith she should be reinvested in her Kingdom and the Succession of England should be confirmed upon her Wee may easily believe the Queen of Scots was not hardly drawn to give consent to her own desire but in the mean time the Duke had imparted to the Lord Lumley the whole proceeding and had much ado to get the Earl of Leicesters consent that he might advise of it with some other of his Friends yet a little after he opened the matter to Cecill also The rumour of this Marriage was soon come to the Queens ears which the Duke understanding hee dealt earnestly with the Earl of Leicester to have the matter propounded to the Queen out of hand
the Commissioners made unto her certain Propositions of Agreement First That the Treaty of Edinborough should be confirmed then That she should renounce her Right and Title to England during Queen Elizabeths life or any children of her body lawfully begotten then That she should send her sonne for a Hostage into England with other six Hostages such as the Queen should nominate then That the Castles of Humes and Fast-castle should be held by the English for three yeers with some other To which Propositions the Queen of Scots for the present gave a provident answer but referred the fuller Answer to the Biship of Rosse her Ambassadour in ENGLAND and some other Delegates who afterwards allowing some of the Propositions and not allowing others the Treaty came to nothing but the matter rested in the state it was before A● this time Philip King of Spain had contracted Marriage with Anne of Austria Daughter to the Emperour Maximilian his own Neece by his Sister who was now setting Sayl from Zealand towards Spain when Queen Elizabeth to testifie her love and respect to the House of Austria sent Sir Charls Howard with the Navy Royall to conduct her thorow the Bri●ish Sea And now was the twelfth yeer of Queen Elizabeths Raign finished which certain Wizards had made Papists believe should be her last but contrary as if it were but her first a new Custome began of celebrating the seventeenth day of November the Anniversary day of her Raign with ringing of Bells Tiltings and Bon-fires which Custome as it now began so it was never given over as long as she lived and is not yet forborn so long after her death At this time in Ireland Connagher ô Brien Earl of Towmond no● brooking the severe Government of Edward Fitton President of Connaght entred into Consultation with some few to raise a new Rebellion which being at the point ready to break forth was strangely discovered for the day before they meant to ●ake up Arms Fitton knowing not at all of the matter sent ●h● Earl word in friendly manner That the next day he and a few friends with him would be his Guests The Earl convinced by his own conscience imagined that his Intendments were revealed that Fitton would come as an enemy rather then a Guest Out of which feare● he presently set Sayle into FRANCE where repenting himselfe seriously of his fault he confessed the whole businesse to Norris the Queenes Embassadour in France and by his intercession was afterward pardoned and restored In Ianuary the thirteenth yeer of her Raigne Queen Elizabeth in royall pompe entring the City of London went to see the Burse which Sir Thomas Gresham had lately built for the use of the Marchants and with sound of trumpets and the voice of a Herald solemnly named it the Royall Exchange A few dayes after for his many great services she made Sir William Cecill Baron Burgley There were now about the Scottish affaires in the name of the King of of Scots the Earle Morton Peruare Abbot of Dumformelin and Iames Mac-Gray whom when Queen Elizabeth required to shew more clearely for what causes they had deposed the Queen they exhibited a long and tedious Commentary wherein with a certain insolent liberty they endeavoured to prove by the ancient Right of the Kingdom of Scotland that the people of Scotland were above the King and urged Calvins Authority also That Popular Magistrates are constituted for the moderation of the Licentiousnes of Princes and that it is lawfull for them both to imprison Kings and upon just causes to depose them This writing the Queen could not reade without indignation but to the Delegates she gave this Answer She saw no just cause yet why they should handle the Queen in such manner and therefore willed them to think upon some course out of hand how to allay the dissentions in Scotland Hereupon in Sir Nich. Bacons house Keeper of the Great Seal a Proposition was made to the Bishop of Rosse the Bishop of Galloway and Baron Levingston delegates for the Queen of Scots that for the security of the Kingdom and the Qu. of England it were requisite that before the Queen of Scots should be let at libertie The Duke of Castle-Herald the Earle of Huntley and Argyle the Lord Humes Heris and another of the Barons should be delivered for Hostages and the castle of Dumbriton and H●●e● yeelded up into the hands of the English for three yeers But they made Answer that to yeeld up great personages and such fortifications as were demanded were nothing else but to leave the miserable Queen utterly destitute of faithfull friends and naked of all places fit for guard and defence yet they offered to give two Earls and two Barons for Hostages till two yeers were expired which not being accepted they straightway gathered and spoke it openly That now they plainly perceived the English meant to keepe the Queen of Scots perpetually prisoner and likewise to break off the Trea●y seeing they rigorously demanded such securitie as Scotland was not able to make good And now Queen Elizabeth seeing that nothing could be done for her owne the King and Queen of Scots safety unlesse Both Factions in Scotland consented she held it fit that the Lords of Scotland should themselves appoint some chosen persons to compound the matter While matters in England proceeded in this sort the Queenes partie in Scotland was hardly used Fryth● the strongest castle in Scotland was taken and I. Hamilton Archbishop of Saint Andrewes the Duke of Castle-Heralds brother as an accessary to the murder of D●●lye was hanged without being arraigned according to Law In England the Queen of Scots had all her servants taken from her except Tenne only and a Priest to say masse with which indignities the Queen of Scots provoked causeth a large Commentary of her Counsels with certain love-letters to the Duke of Norfolk to be carried to the Pope and the King of Spain by Ridolphu● which being brought first to the Duke Higford one that waited on the Duke in his bed chamber had copyed out but being commanded to burne them he hid them under a Matt in the Duke Bed-chamber and that it should seeme purposely Ridolphus to daw on the Duke to be Head of the discontented Partie in England aggravated to him the wrongs he had suffered● how against all law he had been kept a long time in prison and now to his great disgrace was not Summoned to the Parliament he exhibited to him a Catalogue of such of the Nobilitie who had vowed to Assist him he shewed how the Pope so the Catholick Religion might be promoted would himself undergo all the charge of the Warre and had already layd down an hundred thousand Crownes whereof himself had distributed twelve thousand amongst the English that were fled he promised that the King of Spain would send four thousand horse and six thousand foot to his Assistance to these reasons the Bishop of Rosse added That it was an
easie matter for him to surprize the Queen whom when he had in his hands he might then set the Queen of Scots at liberty and might easily obtain of Queen Elizabeth a toleration of Religion The former Reasons tooke somewhat with the Duke but this point of surprizing the Queen he abhorred as an impious fact and therefore rejected as pernitious and Dangerous In France a little before this was the mariage solemnized between Charles the ninth King of France and Elizabeth of Austria daughter to the Emperor Maximilian in gratulation whereof Queen Elizabeth sent into France Thomas Lord Buckhurst who with great magnificence was received and perhaps the more in regard of a motion now intended to be made for the Lord Buckhurst having in his retinue one Guydo Cavalcantius a noble man of Florence the Queen Mother of France as being a Florentine her self had often conference with him when she would many times say what a happines it would be to both the Kingdoms if a Match were made between the Queen of England and her sonne Henry Duke of Angiou and at last desired him to commend the motion to the Queen of England both from her and from her son the King of France as a thing they both exceedingly desired The Lord Buckhurst returned having for a present from the King of France a chayn weighing a thousand French crowns and Cavalcantius at his return made the motion to the Queen who seemed not unwilling to hearken to it for by this Match there should be added to the Kingdome of England the wealthy Dukedoms of Angiou Bourbon Auverne and in possibility the Kingdome of France it self Hereupon a Treaty was held in which the French propounded three Articles one concerning the Coronation of the Duke another concerning the Joynt Administration of the Kingdom a third concerning a Toleration of his Religion to which it was answered that the two first Articles might in some sort be composed but the third scarce possibly for though a contrary Religion might be tolerated between Subjects of the same Kingdome yet between a wife and her husband it seemed very Incongruous and inconvenient yet the matter at last came to this conclusion That if the Duke would afford his presence with the Queen at divine Service and not refuse to hear and learn the doctrine of the Church of England he should not be compelled to use the English Rites but at his pleasure use the Romane not being expresly against the word of God But upon these Punctili●s they could not accord and so the Treaty after it had continued almost a yeer brake utterly off It was indeed generally thought that the Ma●ch was never really intended of either side but that they both pretended it for onely their owne ends for the Earle of Leicester who knew more of the Queenes minde then any man wrote at this time to Sir Francis Walsingham the Queens Embassador in France That he found the Queens inclination so cold in the matter that though the Point of Religion were ●ully accorded yet she would finde one point or other to breake it off At this time the continuance of the Duke of Norfolkes affection towards the Queen of Scots came to be discovered by a packet of Letters sent by Ridolphus to the Bishop of Ros●e and by Bayliffs confession who brought the letters being set upon the Rack so as the Bishop of Rosse was confined to the Isle of Ely Thomas Stanlie Sir Thomas Gerard and R●l●ton were cast into the Tower and H●nry Howard who had an aspiring minde to be Arch-bishop was committed to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury's keeping At the same time the Queen of Scots sent money to her confederates in Scotland which being by Higford delivered to one Browne to carry and told it was Silver when he found by the weight that it was Gold he began to suspect something and thereupon went and delivered both the money and Letters to the Lords of the Councell Upon this Higford being examined confessed the whole matter and withall gave notice of that Commentary also of the Queen of Scots which is mentioned before Two dayes after the Duke himself being examined and knowing nothing what his servau●s had confessed de●yed every particular and thereupon was brought again to the Tower by Ralph Sadler Thomas Smith Henry Nevill and Doctor Wilson And after him Bannester who was the Dukes Counsell at Law The Earls of Arun●el and Southampton the Lord Lumley the Lord Cobham Henry Percy Lowder Powell Goodyer and others are committed to prison who upon hope of pardon confessed all they knew concerning the matter When these things and especially the Commentary which the Duke thought had been burnt were shewed him he then cryed out I am betrayed by my own servants not having learned to be distrustfull which is the very sinew of Wisedom And then with all submission he besought the Lords to mediate for him to the Queen towards whom he protested he never had the least thought of doing any hurt And now seeing it appeared that the Bishop of Rosse had been the whole-contriver of the businesse it was deliberated what to do with him because he was an Ambassadour Hereupon divers Civilians are called as David Lewis Valentine Dale William Drury William Aub●y and Henry Iones of whom these questions were asked First Whether an Ambassadour who raiseth Rebellion against that Prince ●o whom he is an Ambassadour may enjoy the Priviledges of an Ambassadour and is not lya●le to pun●shment They answered That such an Ambassadour hath forfeited the Priviledges of an Ambassadour and is liable to punishment Secondly Whether the Minister or Procter of a Prince who is deposed by publike Authority and in whose room another is Ina●gurated may enjoy the Priviledges of an Ambassadour They answered That if such Prince be lawfully deposed his Proct●r cannot challenge the Priviledges of an Ambassadour forasmuch as none but absolute Princes and such as have-Right of Majesty can appoint Ambassadours Thirdly Whether a Prince who is come into another Princ●s Countrey and held in Custody may have his Proctor and if he shall be held an Ambassadour They answered If such a Prince have not lost his Soveraignty he may have his Proctor but whether that Proctor shall be reputed as an Ambassadour or no this dependeth upon the Authority of his Delegation Fourthly Whether if a Prince give warning to such a Proctor and to hi●● Prince who is under custody that this Proctor shall not from hencef●rth be accounted for an Ambassadour Whether that Proctor may by Law challenge the Priviledge of an Ambassadour They answered A Prince may forbid an Ambassadour to enter into hi● Kingdome and may command him to depart the Kingdome if he ●ontain n●t himself within his due limits yet in the mean while he is to enjoy the Priviledges of an Ambassadour Upon these Answers the Bishop of Rosse is warned by the Lords of the Councell that he shall no longer be esteemed an Ambassadour but be punished as
S●a●ue Hereupon Stub●●s and Page were brought to the Scaff●ld made of purpose in the Market place at Westminster and their right hands with a Butchers knife and a malle● cut off by the wrest the Printer was p●●doned● At that time Stubbs when his right hand was cut off uncovered his head with the left and cried out God save the Queen to the great amazement of all the beholders At this time the Queene upon importunate suite of her Counsell gave way ●hat Edmund Campian Ralph Sherwin and Alexa●der Bryant Priests should be called to the ●arre who being accused by vertue of a Law made in the five and twentieth yeare of King Edward the Third to have plotted the ruine of the Queene and Kingdome to be adhering to the Pope the Queens enemy and coming into England to raise Forces against the State were then condemned of High-treason and accordingly executed Campian after he was convicted being demanded First whether Queen Elizabeth w●re a lawfull Queen would make no answer afterward Whether he ●ould stand for the Queen or for the Pope if he should send an Army against the Queen he plainly professed That he would be of the Popes side ●nd witnessed so much under his hand After this some other Papists upon the like occasion were also put to death which the Queen rather necessa●ily than willingly assented to as being unwilling to force the conscience of any These and the like exorbitancies of Papists were cause that new ●●d strict Laws were enacted against them the Parliament following which began the next Ianuary The French Duke after three moneths abode in England took his journey in February into the Low-Countries whom the Queen her self brought on his way as far as Canterbury● and then commanded the Earl of Leicester the Lord Charles Howard Hunsdon Willoughby Windsor Sheffield Sir Philip Sidney Sir Francis Russell Sir George Bourchier and some other prime knights to accompany him to Antwerpe where he is made Duke of Brabant Limb●●rg and Lorraine for the Dutch had long before removed the King of Spains Government and quitted the people from their oath of Allegiance that it might be in their power to choose any other Prince He●e the Duke of Anjou gave free leave to exercise the Roman Religion to as many as would swear Fealty to him and abjure the King of Spains authority but ●fter all having spent a great masse of money with which he was supplied from England and observi●g that only vain and empty titles were conferred upon him while the States held all the Dominion in their own hands he rashly enterprized an assault upon Antwerpe and some other Towns and shortly departed without any great matter performed At this time Queen Elizabeth as well to get her some friends as she had procured her selfe many enemies received into the Order of t●e Garter Fredericke the Second King of Denmarke to whom she employed Sir Peregrine Bertye whom she had lately made Lord Willoughby of Eresby to Invest him But now to prevent the Duke of Guyses designe in Scotland which was to make use of the Duke of Lenox favour with the King to withdraw his affection from the English William Reuthen whom the King had lately made Earle of Gowry endeavoured with others by all means to remove Lenox and the Earl of Arran from the King and so while Lenox was gone from Ferth where the King at that time was to Edinburgh and Arran was also absent on a journey The Earls Gowry Marre Lindsey and other taking the opportunity invited the King to the Castle of Reuthen and there detained him not permitting him to walk abroad All his trusty servants they removed from about him Arran they cast in prison enforced the King to call home the Earl of Angus and to send away Lenox into France who being a man of a soft and gentle disposition for the Kings safety readily consented and not content with all this they compelled the King by his Letters to Queen Elizabeth to approve and allow of this his thraldome The Queen of Scots in the mean while bewailing her own hard fortune and the distresse of the King her Son layeth open the same in a large letter written to the Queen in French With which letter Queen Elizabeth being somewhat affected sent unto her Robert Beale Clerk of the Councell to expostulate with her concerning the querulous writing and joyntly with the Earle of Shrewsbury to treat of the setting her at liberty And indeed serious consultation was held at the Councell Table about it and the most were of opinion● that upon certain conditions she should have her liberty but the Scottish of the English faction opposing it nothing was effected Soone after this the King sent Colonell William Steward and Iohn Colvill to Queen Eliz●beth profering all manner of respect and observance and requesting her advice for quieting the tumults in Scotland and also for his contracting of marriage At which time news was brough● that the Duke of L●nox was dead in France who departing this life ●t Paris even at the very point of death as oftentimes before made open profession of the Pro●●stant Religion thereby confuting those who had maliciously traduced him for a Papist After whose death when the surprizers of the King were lift up in their own conceits as thinking they had him safe enough He on a sudden though scarce eighteen yeers of age with some few others conveyed himselfe to the Castle of St. Andrews to whom the Nobility presently repaired bringing Armed Bands with them as fearing some danger might befall him Afterwards in fair words he advised some of his surprizers to go from the Court for avoyding of tumults and promised them pardon if they wo●ld crave it But Gowry only asked pardon and submitted himselfe using this distinction That he had not offended in matter bu● in forme onely and then the King sent for the Earle of Arran to the Court and respected him as his intimate friend imploying him to compose the differen●es amongst the Nobility and to purge the kingdome and his own Court from civill dissensions Whiles he is sedulous in these cares comes Sir Francis Walsingham from Queen Elizabeth to advise him not to be led away by evill Councellours to the destruction of both kingdoms He findeth the King accompanied with the flowr of the nobility and beholdeth another maner of Majesty than he looked for in Scotland Pla●ing Audience given him he put the King in minde of what the Queen out of Isocrates in private Letters had formerly admonished him That a Prince must be such a lover of Truth that more credit may be given to his bare word than to anothers oath and in many words advised him to beware now in his youth of evill Councellours and alwayes to be like himselfe The King answered That he was an absolute Prince and would not that others should appoint him Councellors whom he liked not but that he had long since devoted the first-fruits of his amitie
to the Queen of England his deer Sister and doth now willingly make profer of the same Walsingham now dealt with him farther not to lay to the Queens charge what broyls had lately fallen out in Scotland sheweth how beneficiall to him and to both kingdoms Amity had been hitherto and would be in time to come also so it were not neglected and that the same might the better be confirmed if the variance between the Nobility were layd asleep by a Law of oblivion Enacted in Parliament The Peers which now were removed from the Court called back again Religion looked into and a firm League concluded between both kingdoms The King made answer that he gladly embraced Amity with England and that he would constantly defend the Religion already established Afterward he lovingly dismissed Walsingham though he held him no good friend to him and his Mother and carefully looking to matters with undestanding even above his yeers proposed and profered reconciliation to those that had surprized him if within a limited time they asked Pardon which they were so far from doing that the entred into new consultations to surprize him again whereupon they are commanded within a set time to leave the kingdom of which number Marre Glames Paslet and some other betook themselves into Ireland Boyde Zester Weeme Lochlevin into the Low-Countries Dumfermilin into France the Earle of Angus is confined to his Earldome Gowry onely to his owne ruine stayeth behinde after the limited time hatching new devises About this time happened a difference and thereupon a Warre between the Emperors of Muscovia and the King of Sweden when Iohn King of Sweden doubting himself to be no fit Match for the Emperour sent a Roy●●l Ambassage to Queen Elizabeth requesting her to intercede for him to ●●e Emperour which she did without delay and by her Ambassadour drew the Muscovian to a Peace upon reasonable Conditions B●t the Muscovian●●ortly ●●ortly after dying and Theodorus his Successor granting free Traffique to ●●rchants of all Nations that would come thither the Queen importuned him to admit of none but English Merchants requiring him to confirm the Priviledges which his Father had granted them Whereto by way of Answer he demanded Free Trading for all the English saying It was not fit that a small Company should exercise a Monopoly and all other be ●estrayned But as for Customes he promised to take lesse by one half of that Company then of any other because they first opened the way thither The next Summer Albertus Alasco a Palatine of Poland of a comely personage and great learning came into England to see the Queen who was nobly entertained both by her and the Nobility as also by the Scholl●rs of Oxford with learned Orations and other Recreations but having ●●rryed here four Months and run i●to much debt he secretly withdrew himself and departed This man I saw my self afterward in Crakow very bare though it was reported of him That he had in a Dowry with a wife fif●y Castles of great value but what Myne can bear the charges of prodigality This yeer proved fatall to divers great men for there died this yeer ●●●st Thomas Ratcliffe the third E●rl of Sussex of this Family a man of grea● spirit and great faithfulnesse to his Countrey There died also Henry Wriothsley Earl of Southampton one exceedingly devoted to the Romish Religion and a great favourer of the Queen of Scots which cost him Queen Elizabeths displeasure and imprisonment besides There died also Sir Humphrey Gilbert who was cast away at Sea in his return from the North p●rt of America whither he lately sayled with five Ships having sold his Patrimony in hope to plant a Colony t●ere There died also Edmund Grindall Arch-●ishop of Canterbury being blinde through age a gra●e and pious P●elate who stood highly in the Queens favour for a long time till he lost 〈◊〉 last by favouring as was said the Puritans Conventicles but the ●●ue cause indeed was for disallowing the Marriage of Iuli● an Italian Physitian with another mans wife against the Earl of Leicester's pleasure Grind●ll dying Iohn Whiteguyft succeeded in the See of Canterbury being transla●ed thither from the See of Worcester At this time certain popish Books written against the Queen and Princes Excommunicate withdrew divers from their Allegiance and particularly so intoxicated one Somervile an English Gentleman that he went privately ●o the Court and breathing out nothing but blood and death against all Protestants set upon one or two by the way with his drawn Sword Being apprehended he stuck not to say That he would murder the Queen with his own hands Hereupon he and upon his intimation Arden●is ●is father in Law a man of an ancient House in Warwick-shire Ardens wife their daughter Somerviles wife and Hall a Priest were brought to the Bar and all condemned Somervile as principall the rest as accessaries Th●ee dayes after Somervile was found strangled in the prison Arden was ●●●cuted and quartered the women and the Priest were spared Many pi●ied the old Gentleman Arden as misled by the Priest and as it was gen●rally believed brought to his end through the envy of Leicester whom he used to call Whore-master Upstart and many such opprobrious ●●mes In the Netherlands the English Garrison at Alost in Flanders being neglected the Governour Pigot and the other Captains for want of pay upon Composition yeelded up the Town to the Spaniard and then fearing disgrace at home joyned themselves to the Prince of Parma at whose hands finding themselves slighted by degrees they stole all away and came all to unlucky ends In Ireland the famous Rebell Gyrald-Fitz Gyrald the eleventh Earl of Desmond of this Family having a long time in lurking places escaped the English was now by a common Souldier found out in a poor Cottage and slain His head was sent into England and set upon London-Bridge This end had this great Lord descended from Ma●rice the son of Gyrald of W●ndsore an English-man famous amongst those who first set upon Ireland in the yeer 1170. He possessed whole Countries together with the County Palatine of Kerry and had of his own Name and Race at least five hundred Gentlemen at his command All whom and his own life also he lost within the space of three yeers very few of his House being left alive And this disaster he fell into by proving Trayterous to his Prince at the instigation of certain Popish Priests Of whom the chief was one Nicholas Sanders an English-man who at the same time died miserably of Famine being starved to death when as being forsaken and running mad upon his ill successe he roamed up and down the Mountains and Groves finding nothing to sustain him In his Scrip were found certain Orations and Letters written to hearten the Rebells and promising large rewards from the Pope and King of Spain Upon the Rebells ill successe Iames Fitz Eustace Viscount Baltinglas fled into Spain where he pined away with grief He
plainly by the Chancellour and Treasurer That if she refused to answer to such crimes as should be objected they would then proceed against her though she were absent Being brought at last with much ado to consent the Commissioners came together in the Presence Chamber a Chaire of Estate was set for the Queen of England in the upper end of the Chamber under a Canopy beneath over against it was placed a Chair for the Queen of Scots on both sides of the Cloth of Estate stools were set upon which on the one side sate the Lord Chancellor the Lord Treasurer the Earls of Oxford Kent Derby Worcester Rutland Cumberland Warwicke Pembrooke Lincolne and Viscount Mountacute● On the other side sate the Lords Aburgavany Zouch Morley St. Iohn of Bletsho Compton and Cheyney Next to these sate the Knights that were Privie Councellors Sir Iames Crofts Sir Christopher Hatton Sir Francis Walsingham Sir Ralph Sadler Sir Walter Mild●● and Sir Amis Pawlet Foreward before the Earls sate the two Chiefe Justices and the Lord chiefe Baron on the other side the two Barons and the other Justices Dale and Foord Doctors of the Civill Law at a Table in the midst Popham the Queens Atturney Generall Egerton her Solicitor ●●●die her Serjeant at Law the Clerk of the Crown and two Notaries When the Queen of Scots was come and had placed her selfe silence being made Bromely Lord Chancellor turning towards her sayd That the Queen had appointed these Commissioners to hear what she could Answer to crimes layd to her charge assuring her that nothing would be cause of more joy to the Queen then to hear that she had proved her selfe innocent Upon this she rising up sayd That although being an absolute Prince she could not be compelled to appear before the De●egates yet to manifest her innocency she was now content to appear Then Gawdie opened every speciality of the Law lately made against which she had taken excception shewing By Babingtons confession by Letters passed between them by the confessions of Ballard and Savage by the confessions of her Secretaries Nave and Curle that she was privy to their Treasons and consented to the Invasion of England and destruction of the Queen To which she answered That Letters might be counterfeited her Secretaries might be corrupted and rest in hope of life might be drawn to confesse that which was not true In this she stood peremptorily That she never consented to any Attempt against the Queens Person though for her own delivery she confessed she did After many other charges by the Commissioners and replies by the Queen of Scots At last she requested that she might be heard in a full Parliament or before the Queen her selfe and her Councell But this request prevailed not for on the 25. day of October following at the Star-Chamber in Westminster the Commissioners met again and there pronounced sentence against her Ratifying by their Seals and subscriptions that after the 1. day of Iune in the seven and twentieth year of our Soveraign Lady Queen Elizabeth divers matters were compassed and imagined in this Kingdom by Anthony Babington and others with the privity of Mary Queen of Scots pretending Title to the Crown of England tending to the hurt death and destruction of the Royall Person of our sayd Soveraigne Lady the Queen After a few dayes a Parliament was holden at Westminster the which was begun by Authority from the Queen derived to the Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord Treasurer and the Earl of Derby and the same not without some Presidents At this Parliament the Proscriptions of the Lord Paget Charls Paget Francis Inglefield Francis Throgmorton Anthony Babington Thomas Salisbury Edward Iones Chyd●ock Tichburne Charles Tilney and the other complices was confirmed and their goods and possessions adjudged confiscate Also the Peers of the Kingdom with an unanimous consent exhibit a Petition to the Queen by the Lord Chancellor that for the preservation of the true Religion and safety of the Queen of themselves and their Posterity the Sentence passed against Mary Queen of Scots might according to Law be presently Promulged They put the Queen in minde of the fearfull examples of Gods Judgements extant in Scripture upon King Saul for sparing of Agag and upon Ahab for not putting Benhadad to death But the Queen answereth them to this effect First acknowledging Gods miraculous preservation of her and then their constant affections towards her for whose sakes onely she desires to live Otherwise when she calls to minde things past beholds the present and expects what may happen in time to come that she accounts them most happy who go soonest hence That the Law lately made by which the Queen of Scots is condemned was not made as some maliciously have imagined to ensnare her but cont●ariwise to forewarn and deterre her from attempting any thing against it which though it had not been made yet were there other ancient Laws enough to condemne her Nothing could have been more grievous to me than that a Prince and one so neer Allied unto me should deserve the Sentence pronounced against her and seeing the matter is of rare example and of a very weighty consequence I hope you will not expect that I should at this present determine any thing Yet that there may be no danger in delay● I will in due time signifie my minde unto you and in the meane time would have you to expect from me whatsoever good Subjects may looke for from a Gracious Prince Twelve dayes after having deeply weighed the matter in her minde she sent the Lord Chancellor to the Peers and Puckering to the Lower House entreating them to advise more diligently concerning so weighty a matter and to bethinke themselves of some wholesome remedy by which the life of the Queen of Scots might be spared and their security also provided for They when they had a long time in most serious manner deliberated hereof Return at last this Verdict That the Queenes life could not be in safety while the Queen of Scots lived unlesse she either repented and acknowledged her crimes or were kept in straight custody or bound by her oath and obligations or gave Hostages or lastly departed the Kingdome And seeing none of these were likely to be remedies It remained that only her death would be a remedy Repentance in her they could little hope for who would not so much as acknowledge her self faulty Close Imprisonment Obligations Oath and Hostages they accounted as nothing which all vanished if the Queens life were once taken away and if she departed the Kingdom they feared she would straightway go about to Invade it again These things the Lord Chancellor and Puckering the Speaker of the Lower-House declared to the Queen at large and urged her in their names to have the Sentence put in execution Hereupon the Queen after a short pawse spake at last to this effect I protest my chief desire hath been that for your security and my own safety some other
the like whereof had not been known in former Ages should not be drawn into Example In her fortieth yeer in a Parliament at Westminster were granted her by the Clergy three entire Subsidies and by the Laity as many with six fifteenths and Tenths In her two and fortieth yeer to furnish her self with money towards the Irish War she delegated certain Commissioners to confirm the Crown Lands to the possessors that held any of controverted Titles and to take money for the Confirmation thereby to take away the troubles by concealers who at this time were very busie Of her LAVVS and ORDINANCES IN a Parliament holden in her first yeer an Act was made That every person should go to Divine Service upon Sundayes and Holy-dayes or else pay twelve pence to the poor Also it was enacted That Bishops should not let the Lands of the Church longer then for one and twenty yeers or three Lives except to the Queen or her Successors In her third yeer Proclamation was made That the Teston coyned for twelve pence and in the Raign of King Edward embased to six pence should not be currant but for four pence the Groat but for two pence and the piece of two pence but for a penny And not long after all the said base Moneyes were called in and fine Sterling money was allowed for them after the Rate For Ireland also she coyned Sterling money where nine pence in England went for twelve pence there The Queen was the first that brought certain Counties to deliver Provision at a certain rate that so they might be freed from the Purveyors Also the first that granted allowance to Judges for their Circuit In her sixth yeer in a Parliament then holden it was made Treason to refuse taking the Oath of Supremacy yet with this limitation That by it the blood should not be dishonoured nor goods confiscate nor the Oath to be required of any Baron of the Kingdom Also this yeer by a Common Councell in London It was enacted That all such Citizens as from thenceforth should be constrained to sell their houshold-stuff Leases of houses or such like should first cause the same to be cried thorow the City by a man with a Bell and then to be sold by the common Outcryer appointed for that purpose and he to receive one farthing upon the shilling for his pains In her three and twentieth yeer she represseth by Proclamation excesse in apparell Gold Chayns and Clokes which men wore down to their heels The length of Swords was limitted to three Foot and Daggers to twelve Inches besides the Hilts. Buildings likewise in the Suburbs were restrained In-mates forbidden and expresse charge set forth That no dwelling house should be new built within three miles of any of the City Gates under pain of imprisonment and losse of the materialls In her time was set on foot by Sir Thomas Smith the Law made for the serving of Colledges with provision to the great benefit of those Scholasticall Societies In her two and fortieth yeer she setteth forth Proclamations against the Transportation of Gold or Silver wrought or unwrought according to the former Acts of Parliament in that case provided This yeer also she founded the Company of the East India Merchants and allowed them ample Priviledges In her three and fourtieth yeer all Monopolies are called in by Proclamation In her four and twentieth yeer severe Laws are made against Papists some inflicting death some fine and imprisonment In her eight and twentieth yeer a Proclamation was set forth prohibiting to sow Wo●d within eight miles of any of the Queens Houses and four miles off any Cities or Towns Corporate AFFAIRS of the CHURCH in her time ON Sunday the first of Ianuary next after the Queens coming to the Crown by vertue of her Proclamation the English Letany was read accordingly as was used in her Graces Chappell in all Churches thorow the City of London and likewise the Epistle and Gospel of the day begun to be read at Masse-time in the English To●gue Also in a Parliament holden in her first yeer the first Fruits and Tenths were restored to the Crown and the Supreme Government over the State Ecclesiasticall and the book of Common-Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments in the English Tongue was restored and by degrees the Protestant Religion was established The Bishops that refused the Oath of Supremacy were all removed and Protestant Bishops placed in their room It was enacted also That all persons should go to Divine Service upon Sundayes and Holy-dayes and a Fine of twelve pence imposed upon every one that should be absent and the same to be given to the poor In her fourth yeer the Queen was solicited by Pope Pius to send her Orators to the Councell of Trent which she refused as not acknowledging it a lawfull Councell In a Parliament holden in her eighth yeer it was enacted and by a generall consent declared That the Election of the Arch-bishops and Bishops in England together with their Consecration Confirmation and Investiture which some persons slanderously called in question was lawfull and Canonicall and that they were rightly and according to the Acts and Statutes of the Kingdom chosen and consecrated In her eleventh yeer there arose in England two contrary factions in Religion on the one side Thomas Harding Nicholas Sanders and other Divines that had fled out of England began to exercise the Episcopall Jurisdiction upon the Queens Subjects which they had derived from the Sea of Rome On the other side Colman Burton Hallingham Benson and other making profession of the pure Religion would allow of nothing but what was directly taken out of the Scriptures openly condemning the received Discipline of the Church of England together with the Church Liturgy and the very Calling of Bishops as savouri●g too much of the Romish Religion protesting in the Pulpi●s That it was an impious thing to hold any thing common with the Church of Rome and used all diligence to have the Church of England reformed in every point according to the Rule of the Church of Geneva These although the Queen commanded to be committed to prison yet it is incredible how upon a sudden their followers encreased known by the envious name of Puritans This sect so mightily encreased that in her sixteenth yeer the Queen and Kingdom was extremely troubled with some of the Clergy who breathing out nothing but Evangelicall parity cryed down the Ecclesiasticall Form of Government as a thing polluted with Romane dr●ggs and setting forth Books likewise Intituled The Admonition to the Parliament and the Defence of the Admonition they refused to resort to the Divine Service publikely in use and framed to themselves other Rites Whereupon the Queen to suppresse them whom by no means she liked commanded every where the severity of the Law touching the Uniformity of Common-Prayer to be put in execution and those books upon pain of Imprisonment to be delivered into the hands of the Bishops or some
of the Queens Councell And this yeer were taken at Masse in their severall houses the Lord Morley's Lady and her children the Lady Guildford and the Lady Browne who being thereof indited and convicted suffered the penalty of the Law in that case provided Untill the twentieth yeer of Queen Elizabeths Raign the Papists in England were mercifully connived at while they solemnized their own Rites within their private houses though that also were against the Laws but when as that Thunder-bolt of excommunicating the Queen came abroad then was the Law enacted against those who brought into the Kindome any Agn●s Dei or hallowed Beads or reconciled any of the Queens subjects to the See of Rome yet for six whole yeers together after this Law was made it was not executed upon any Papist till Cuthbert Mayne a Priest and an obstinate maintainer of the Popes Authority against the Queen was executed at Launston in Cornwall and the Gentlemans goods that harboured him confiscate and himself adjudged to perpetuall Imprisonment In her three and twentieth yeer divers Priests and Jesuites came into England amongst whom Robert P●●sons and Edmund Campian English-men and Jesuites being now bound for England to promote the Catholike Cause at which time a Proclamation was set forth That whosoever had any children beyond the Sea should by a certain day call them home and that no person should receive or harbour any Seminary Priest or Jesuite At this time also there arose up in Holland a certain Sect naming themselves The Family of L●ve who perswaded their followers That those only who were adopted into that Family were elected and no other could be saved but were all reprobates and damned and that it was lawfull for them to deny upon oath whatsoever they pleased before any Magistrate or whomsoever that were not of their Family Many of their books were printed under these titles The Gospel of the Kingdom The Lords Sentences The Prophesie of the spirit of love The publication of Peace upon earth by the Author H. N. but who this Author was they would by no means reveal at last he was found to be Henry Nicholls of Leyden who blasphemously preached That he was partaker of the Divinity of God and God of his humane Nature all which books were by Proclamation commanded to be burnt In a Parliament holden the eight and twentieth yeer of her Raign some out of a desire of a Reformation began to pick quarrells at the Clergy desiring to passe Laws for the restraint of Bishops in their granting of Faculties conferring of holy Orders Eccles●asticall Censure and the Oath Ex officio They complayned likewise of the non-residency of Ministers and the like But the Queen who alwayes hated Innovation which for the most part changeth for the worse would give no ear unto them conceiving besides That these proceedings in Par●iament in Ecclesiasticall Affairs derogated from her Prerogative In her six and twentieth yeer the Queen gave a speciall charge to Whitgift Arch-bishop of Canterbury to settle an Uniformity in the Ecclesiasticall Discipline according to the Laws which through the connivence of Bishops and perversenesse of the Puritans lay now almost gasping Wh●reupon he provided three Articles to which every Minister should subscribe The first That the Queen had Supreme Authority over all persons born within her Dominions of what condition soever they were and that no other Prince or Prelate or Potentate hath or ought to have any Iurisdiction Civill or Ecclesiasticall within her Realms and Dominions The second That the Book of Common-Prayer and of the Ordination of Bishops Priests and Deacons containeth nothing contrary to the Word of God but may lawfully be used and that they will use that and none other The third That the Articles agreed on in the Synod holden at London in the yeer 1562 and published by the Queens Authority they did allow of and believe them to be consonant to the Word of God It is incredible what reproaches the Arch-bishop incurred by setting forth these Articles both from factious Ministers and from some also of the Nobility yet by his patience and constancy he brought at last Peace to the Church making this his Motto Vincit qui patitur Neither did these at home onely disturb the Peace of the Church but others also from abroad as Robert Brown a young Student of Divinity in Cambridge from whom came the Sectaries called Brownists and Richard Harrison a petty School-Master These presuming to judge matters of Religion by their own private spirit by books set forth in Zealand and dispersed at this time over England condemned the Church of England for no Church and ensnared many in the nets of their new Schism Neither could they be restrayned though their books were prohibited by the Queens Authority and soundly confuted by sundry learned men and one or two of the Ring-leaders executed at S. Edmunds Berry In her one and thirtieth yeer these Puritans flames brake forth again Books are written by the names of Martin Mar-Prelate and A Demonstration of the Discipline by Penry a●d ●●dall against the Government of Bishops and nothing would please them but the Discipline of Geneva Many Abettors they had Knightly and Wigstone Knights besides Cartwright the father of them Snape King Pradlow Payn and others who though called in question fined and imprisoned could never be reclaimed In her six and thirtieth yeer the Queen caused the severity of the Laws to be executed upon Henry Barrow and his Sectaries for disturbing the Church and the publike Peace by scattering of their monstrous Opinions condemning the Church of England as no Christian Church and derogating from th● Queens Authority in Causes Ecclesiasticall WORKS of Piety in her time THis Queen converted Westminster Abbey into a Collegiate Church and there ordained a Dean twelve Prebendaries a Master Usher and forty Schollars Vicars Singing-men and twelve Alms-men In her third yeer the Merchant-Taylors founded a notable Grammar-School in the Parish of S. Lawrence Pountney in London Also this yeer William Harper Maior of of London founded a Free-School in the Town of Bedford where he was born In her seventh yeer on the seventh of Iune Sir Thomas Gresham laid the first stone of the Royall Exchange in Cornhill which in November the yeer after at his own charges was finished being the yeer 1567. In her tenth yeer the Citizens of London builded a new Conduit at Walbrook corner neer to Dowgate the water whereof is conveyed out of the Thames Also this yeer Sir Thomas Roe Maior of London caused to be enclosed within a wall of Brick one Acre of ground neer unto B●dlam without Bishops-Gat● to be a place of Buryall for the dead of such Parishes in London as lacked convenient ground within their Parishes He also builded a convenient room in Pauls Church-Yard on the South side of the Crosse to receive a certain number of Hearers at the Sermon time Sir William Peter having himself been born at Exceter in Devon-Shire he
was cast upon the Isle of Thanet in Kent twenty Ells long and thirteen foot broad from the belly to the back bone and eleven ●oot between the eyes One of his eyes being taken out of his head was more then a Cart with ●ix horses could draw the Oyl being boyled out of the head was Parmasittee This yeer also the River Thames ebbed and flowed twice within an hour and in the Month of November the Heaven seemed to be all on fire Also on the four and twentieth of February being a great Frost after a Flood which was not great there came down the River of Severn such a swarm of Flyes and Beetles that they were judged to be above a hundred Quarters the Mills thereabout were dammed up with them for the space of four dayes and then were cleansed by digging them out with Shovells In her thre● and twentieth yeer in the beginning of April about six a clock after noon happened an Earthquake not far from York which in some places strook the very stones out of Buildings and made the Bells in Churches to jangle The night following the earth trembled once or twice in K●nt and again the first day of May. In her six and twentieth yeer being the yeer 1583 the like Prodigie happened in Dorset-shire as in the yeer 1571 had happened in Hereford-shire A field of three Acrees in Blackmore with the Trees and Fences moved from its place and passed over ano●her Field travelling in the High-way that goeth to Herne and there stayed In her eight and twentieth yeer Tobacco was first brought out of the West Indies into England by Ralph Lane In her five and thirtieth yeer there was so great a Drouth that not onely the Fields but the Springs themselves were dried up and many Cattell every where died for want of water The River of Thames likewise did so fail that a horse-man might ride over at London Bridge In her six and thirtieth yeer was a great Plague in London so as there died this yeer in London and the Suburbs seventeen thousand eight hundred and ninety besides the Lord Maior and three Aldermen and Michaelmas Term was holden at S. Albons Of her PERSONA●E and CONDITONS SHe was of stature indifferent tall slender and straight fair of Complexion her hair inclining to pale yellow her fore-head large and fair her eyes lively and sweet but short sighted her nose somewhat rising in the midst the whole compasse of her countenance somewhat long yet of admirable beauty but the beauty of her minde was far more admirable She had been a subject which taught her to rule she had been in misery which taught her to be mercifull and indeed never Prince ruled with more Justice and with her Justice mingled more mercy She had more Valour in her then was fit for a woman but that she was a Ruler over men and more Humility in her then was fit for a Prince but that she meant to be a President to women She delighted in nothing so much as in the love of her Peopl● which she procured by ordaining good Magistrates and forbearing Impositions Her way not to need them was frugality and her way to have them when she needed them was liberality She made Honour in her time the more honourable by not making it common and indeed knowing it to be an influence from her self she kept it as her self a Virgin and would not prostitute it to unworthy persons She declined being a mother of children to the end she might be a mother of her Countrey and indeed no mother ever loved her children more then she did her people and therefore never children loved a mother more then her people did her She cove●ed not so much to be an owner of riches as of rich Subjects for she thought money did as well in their Coffers as in her own and indeed ●he never wanted it when they had it and they alwayes had it when she ●●eded it Never Prince had a wiser Coun●ell then she yet never Prince ●eeded it lesse for she was her self a Counsellor to her Counsell In sum whatsoever may in flattery be said of a wise just mercifull religious and learned Prince may truely be said of her in all which if ever she had an ●●uall yet she never certainly had a superiour In playing her game of ●ortune she loved not an after-game for she liked Preventions better then Remedies She was admirable in expressing her minde both by speech and writing and if collection could be made of her Apophthegms and extemporall Orations it would certainly excell any thing extant in that kinde And for her writing Sir Henry Savile affirms That he had seen some Translations of hers which far exceeded the Originalls Never Prince kept greater State with lesse statelinesse Her Pensioners and Guard were alwayes the tallest and goodliest Gentlemen and Yeomen of the Kingdom her maids of Honour and other women about her the fairest and most beautifull Ladies of the Realm and yet her self a Diana amongst her Nymphes insomuch that a great Lord of France being entertained at Court and the Queen asking him how he liked her Ladies made answer It was hard to judge of Stars in presence of the Sun Of her DEATH and BURYALL IT was now the yeer 1602 when she feeling some Infirmities of Old-age and Sicknesse retired her self at the end of Ianuary to Ri●hmond at which time in a sad Omen she commanded the Ring to be filed off her finger wherewith she was solemnly at the first inaugurated into the Kingdom and since that time had never taken it off it being grown into the flesh in such manner that it could not be drawn off without filing At the beginning of her sicknesse the Almonds of her Jaws began to swell and her appetite by little and little failed her withall she gave her self wholly to sadnesse and heavinesse which some imputed to her care for the losse of the Earl of Essex others because she heard That divers of the Nobility sought the favour of the King of Scots adoring him as the Sun rising and neglecting her but howsoever in March a kinde of benummednesse seized upon her with a deep melancholly so as she would sit silently refrain her meat and not admit of any conference but with the Archbishop of Canterbury with whom she prayed ●ervently till such time as her speech failed her which failed her a day before she died She being in this case it was thought fit the Admirall and Secretary should go to her to know her minde concerning a Successor to whom she gave this answer My Throne hath been the Throne of Kings I would not a mean person should succeed me The Secretary requesting her to speak more plainly I will said she have a King succeed me and what King but the King of Scots my neerest Kinsman After this the Arch-bishop exhorting her to think of God That do I said she nor do my thoughts ever wander from him And when her tongue no
King according to an ancient custome had ayde of His Subjects thorough England for making his eldest sonne Prince Henry Knight which yet was Levied with great moderation and the Prince to shew himselfe worthy of it performed His first Feates of Armes at Barriers with wonderfull skill and courage being not yet full sixteene yeares of Age. It was now the eight yeere of King Iames His Reigne being the yeare 1610 when Prince Henry being come to the age of seventeen yeares It was thought fit He should be Initiated into Royalty and thereupon the thirtieth of May this yeare He was Created Prince of Wales in most solemne manner which was this Garter King at Armes bore the Letters Patents the Earle of Sussex the Robes of Purple Velvet the Earle of Huntington the Traine the Earle of Cumberland the Sword the Earle of Rutland the Ring the Earle of Darby the Rod the Earle of Shrewsbury the Cape and Coronet the Earle of Nottingham and North-Hampton supported the Prince being in His Surcoate only and bare-headed and in this manner being conducted to the King attended on by the Knights of the Bathe five and twenty in number all great men and great mens sons The Earle of Salisbury principall Secretary read the Letters Pattents the Prince kneeling all the while before the King and at the words accustomed the King put on him the Robe the Sword the Cape and the Coronet the Rod and the Ring and then kissed him on the cheeke and so the solemnity ended After this it was thought fit he should keep his Court by himselfe and thereupon Sir Thomas Chaloner a learned Gentleman who had before been his Governour was now made his Lord Chamberlaine Sir Edw. Philips his Chancellor and all other officers assigned him belonging to a Princes Court wherein he shewed himselfe so early ripe for Majesty that he seemed to be a King while he was yet but Prince And all mens eyes began to fix upon him King Iames had long since shut up the Gates of Ianus and was in Peace with all Princes abroad his only care now was how to keep Peace at home and to this end the three first dayes of Iune in his own person he heard the differences between the Ecclesiasticall and the Temporall Iudges argued touching Protections out of the Kings●Bench and Common-Pleas to this end the eight ninth tenth of Iune he heard the manifold complaints of the abuses of the Victualers other Officers of his Navy Royall to this end the 4 of Iune 1610 he once again by Proclamation commanded all Roman Priests Seminaries and Iesuits as being the chiefe Incendiaries of troubles to depart this Kingdome by the 5 of Iuly next and not to returne upon pain of severity of the Law also all Recusants to returne home to their Dwellings and ●ot to ramaine in London ●o● to come within ten miles of the Court without speciall Licence a●●●r which Proclamation the O●th of Allegeance was presently ministred to all sorts of people and their names certified to the Lords of the Counsell that ref●●ed to take it and this Hee the rather did out of consideration of the bloudy fact committed lately by one Revill●ck upon the person of the renowned K. of France Henry the fourth whereas Queen Elizabeth in her 43 years had granted her Letters Pattents to continue for 15 years to the East India Merchants now upon their humble petition the King was pleased to enlarge their Pate●●s giving them a charter to continue for ever enabling them thereby to be a body Corporate and Politick which so encouraged the Merchants that they built a ship of twelve hundred ●un the greatest that was ever made in this Kingdome by Merchants which the King and Prince honored with going to Deptford to see it and then named it The Trades encrease and at this time gave to Sir Thomas Smith Governour of that Company a faire chaine of Gold with a Iewell wherein was his Picture But this great Ship having been in the Read Sea and returning to Banthem was there lost and most of her men cast away But then the King himselfe builded the goodliest Ship of War that was ever built in England being of the burthen of 1400 tun and carrying threescore and foure pieces of great Ordnance which he gave to his son Prince Henry who named it after his own dignity The Prince And now whereas a Parliament had been holden this year and was Prorogued to a certain day the King perhaps not finding it to comply with his designes or for some other cause known to himself on the last day of December under the gr●●t S●ale of England dissolved it Before this time one Sir Robert C●rre a Gentleman of Scotland or of the bord●●● being a hunting with the King chanced with a fall off his horse to breake his leg upon which mischance he was forced for some days to keep his bed in which time the King was sometimes pleased to come and visit him and then it was first perceived that the King had begun to cast an eye of favour upon him and indeed ●ro● that time forward as he was a very fine Gentleman and very wise many great favours were heaped upon him So as on Easter Munday in the yeare 1611 he was Created Viscount Rochester On the two and twentieth of Aprill 1612 was swo●ne a privy Counsellor On the fourth of November 1613 was Created Earle of So●erset and the tenth of Iuly following made Lord Chamberlaine B●● this Sun-shine of Fortune lasted not long yet not by any inconstancy in the King but by the Earles own undeserving which thus fell out The Right Honourable Robert Earle of Essex had before this time married the beautifull Lady Francis Howard daughter of Thomas Earle of Suffolk who upon ca●ses ●udicially heard were afterward Divorced and left free to marry any other Afte● which Divo●ce this great favorite the Earle of Somerset takes her for wife th● King g●acing their marriage with all demonstrations of love and favour and the Lords gracing it with a stately Masque that night and a few dayes after the Bride and Bridegroom accompanied with most of the Nobility of the Kingdome were ●easted at Merchant Taylors Hall by the Lord Major and Aldermen But see how soon this faire we●●her was overcast For it hapned that one Sir Th●mas ●●erb●ry a very ingenious Gentleman and the Earles speciall f●●●●d who had written a witty Tre●tise of a Wife and it seemes not thinking th● Lady in all points answerable to his description had been an earnest disswa●●● of the M●●●● and to ●●rengthen his di●●wasion layd perhaps some unjust 〈◊〉 up●● the Ladyes 〈◊〉 which so incensed them both against him that 〈…〉 could not give them sati●●●ction than to take away his life So 〈…〉 saying Improbe 〈…〉 r quid non mortalia pectora cogis 〈◊〉 this they finde pretences to have the said Sir Thomas committed to the ●●wer and there by their Instruments effect their revenge some
man to be King of Bohemia and accordingly was elected by the States of that Kingdome but he was no sooner invested in the Crowne but the Emperour with great Forces assaulted him in Prague and not only drove him with his wife and children from thence but tooke from him also his owne Patrimony the Palatinate so as though now a King he was fayne to flye to the States of the Low Countries for a place of residence King Iames though he had never given his consent to the Palsegra●es taking upon him that Kingdome as foreseeing in his great judgement what the event will bee yet in this distresse he could no● forbeare to take care of his daughter and thereupon sent Sir Richard Wes●on the same that was after Lord Treasurer in Embassage to the Emperour to sollicite the restoring of the Palatinate to the Palsegrave but he returning without successe the King had then conference with Count Gund●mar the King of Spaines Ligier in England what course might bee taken to procure the restoring it who made him answere there could be no better course than to make a marriage betweene his sonne the Prince of Wales and the Infant of Spaine which he said would easily be effected if the Prince might have leave to make a Iourny into Spaine King Iames though he considered the inveterate grudges betweene Spaine and England and as dangerous it might be● to put the heire of the Kingdom into the Spaniards hands yet grounding himself upon the saying Fide lem si putaveris facies and drawne on by the insinuating speeches of Count Gundomar not perhaps without some Indinction in the Marquis of Buckingham was contented at last the Prince should goe And so Prince Charles sending his ships about and taking along with him only the Marquis of Buckingham who in the time of his being in Spaine was created Duke of Buckingham Endymion Porter and Mr. Francis Cottington two that were well acquainted with the Language and affaires of Spaine he tooke his Iourney by the way of France went to Paris and secretly in disguise to the Court there where he had the sight of that Lady that might well have stayed him from going further but yet on he went In the meane time Gundomar a cunning man and one that besides his Masters had ends of his owne and could play his Game no lesse for his owne profit than his Masters Honour as he had perswaded the King of the facility of the Match with Spayne so he perswaded a certainty of it especially amongst Catholick Ladies by which meanes he brought no small store of Grists to his owne Mill receiving from one Lady three hundred pounds to bee made Groome of the Stoole when the Spanish Princesse should come of another a good round summe to be made Mother of the Maydes and of diverse other the like for other places But the Prince being arrived in Spayne was received indeed with all the demonstrations of love and kindnesse that could be devised so as the charge of his entertainment was said to stand the King of Spayne in nine and forty thousand Duckats but yet his acquaintance with the Lady was much restrained for in all the time of his staying in Spayne which was no lesse than eight moneths being from February to October he saw her but very seldome and that at good distances never spake with her but twice and that before company besides that his speeches were limited how much and what he should say farre from any meanes of tying the knot betweene them which was pretended what the cause should bee was much in obscurity some thought that a difference betweene the Duke of Buckingham and the Count Olivares the King of Spayne's great Favorite was a great hinderance of the proceeding but other and more likely that the Spanyard indeed never really intended the Match at all but had drawne the Prince into Spayne for other Ends but what those ends were was no lesse uncertaine one thought it was done to hold the Prince in a treaty of marriage with a Daughter of Spayne till the Daughters of France should bee bestowed thereby to keepe him from that allyance but others and more likely that the King of Spayne entertayned this Treaty with the King of great Brittayne meaning to spinne it out till he had compassed some designes in the Low-Countries and the Palatinate at least to make King Iames most vigilant for those pa●ts But when much time had beene spent in protracting upon pretence of difficultities in obtaining the Popes dispensation King Iames partly wearied with delay but chiefely angred with delusion sent to the Prince with all speed to returne into England which the Prince presently signified to the King of Spaine and had his leave to depart but upon promise to continue the treaty of the marriage still Though it was said the Prince was gone but a few dayes on his journey when a Post was sent to have stayed him if he had been overtaken But whether it was so or no it was Gods providence that he came safely to his ships and in them safely into England arriving at Portsmouth where he was beheld of the people with no lesse gladnesse than the Sunne after a long Eclipse and now his safe returning did both justifie King Iames his judgement in suffering him to goe and the King of Spaines justice in suffering him to come back and was cause that the people began to have a better opinion of the Spanish faith than they had before But now it presently brake out that this match with Spaine could never take effect for King Iames having received Declarations of the Articles touching the marriage found many very strict and large for exercise of the Catholike Religion but none at all for restitution of the Palatinate which made him so much discontented that he presently brake off all treaty of the marriage and signified as much not onely to the King of Spaine but to divers other Princes of Christendome Vpon which breach two great Points were presently had in consultation One for preparing forces for recovering the Palatinate by way of Armes which could not be done by a way of friendship and for this purpose a Councell of warre was called and a proposition resolved on both of men and money for undertaking the enterprise as also a great contribution by way of benevolence was collected towards which the compiler of this worke gave himselfe fifty pounds as many other farre greater summes though the collection went not thorow the whole Land● by reason there was hope given of a peaceable reconcilement so as many that were not over-hasty in their payments escaped without contributing at all The other point was for providing a fit wife for the Prince in some other place It was said the States of Holland offered a very great portion in marriage to the Prince if hee would match with some Lady of that Countrie but matches are made in heaven and there was a young Lady of France
spare her Father the Duke of Suffolkes life till his second offence gave her just provocation The goodnesse of her nature might be seene in the badnesse of her fortune who tooke nothing so much to heart as unkindnesse of friends the revolt of Callice and the absence of King Phillip being the two chiefe causes that brought her to her end Of her Death and Buriall THE conceit of her being with childe had kept Physitians to looke into the state of her body so as her distemper at first neglected brought her by degrees into a Dropsie to which was added a burning Feavour brought upon her by a double griefe one for the long absence of King Phillip who had now beene away a yeer and a halfe the other and perhaps the greater for the losse of Callice as she forbore not to say to some about her that if they looked into her Heart being dead they should finde Callice there She began to fall sicke in September and dyed at her Mannour of Saint Iames the seventeenth of Novemb●r in the ●eer 1558. when she had reigned five yeers four moneths and eleven dayes Lived three and forty yeers Her Body was interred in a Chappell in the Minster of Saint Peters Church at Westminster without any Monument or other Remembrance Men of note in her time OF Men of Valour in her time there were many as may be seen in the Story of her Re●gne but to name some for example there was William Herbert Earle of Pembrooke the chiefe assistant of King Phillip in the winning of Saint Quintins there was William Lord Gray of VVilton Captain of Guysnes who though he yeelded the Town yet more out of tendernesse to his Souldiers then out of feare of his Enemies which he would never else have yeelded up and to speake of one of a meaner ranke there was Sir Anthony Ager who in defence of the Town of Callice lost his life but not till he made the Enemie turne their backes and flye O● learned men also there were many as Iohn Rogers borne in Lancashire who Translated the Bible into English with Notes Richard Moryson Knight borne in Oxfordshire who wrote divers Treatises Robert Record a Doctor of Physicke who wrote a Booke of Arithmaticke C●●bert Tunstall of a worshipfull Family in Lancashire though base borne who●e Ancestours came into England with the Conquerour as his Barbour and ●herefore hath three Combs his Armes Bishop first of London and after of D●●ham who wrote divers learned Workes Richard Sampson Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield who wrote certaine Trea●●ses Luc●s Shephea●d borne a● Colechester in Essex an English Poet Iane Dudley daughter ●o Henry Gray Duke of Suffolke wrote divers excellent Treatises VVilliam Thomas a VV●lshman who w●ote the History of Italie and other things Iames Brookes and Iohn Standish both of them writers in defence of the Popes Doctrine VVilliam Peryn a black Fryer who wrote in defence of the Masse and also divers Sermons Henry Lord Stafford sonne to Edward Duke of Buckingham who amongst other things which he wrote Translated a Booke out of Latine into English intituled Differentia● which Booke as some thinke was first compiled by Edward Foxe Bishop of Hereford Iohn Hopkins who translated divers of Davids Psalmes into English Meeter which are to be found amongst those appointed to be sung in the Church THE RAIGNE OF Queen Elizabeth QUeen Mary dying on Thursday the seventeenth of November in the Yeer 1558 her sister the Lady Elizabeth of the age of five and twenty yeers the onely surviving childe of King Henry the eighth by undoubted Right succeeded Her in the Crown which happened in a time of Parliament Nicholas Heath Arch-bishop of York and Lord Chancellor sent to the Knights and Burgesses in the Lower House to repair immediately to the Lords of the Upper House to whom he signified That Queen Mary was that morning dead and therefore required their Assents to joyn with the Lords in proclayming Queen Elizabeth which accordingly was done by the sound of Trumpet first at Westminster and after in the City of London The Queen was then at Ha●field● from whence on Wednesday the three and twentieth of November she removed to the Lord North's house in the Charter-house where she stayed till Monday the eight and twentieth of November and then rode in her Chariot thorow London to the Tower where she continued till the fifth of December and then removed by water to Somerset-House in the Strand from whence she went to her Pallace at Westminster and from thence on the twelfth of Ianuary to the Tower and on the fourteenth of Ianuary to Westminster to her Coronation● where it is incredible what Pageants and Shews were made in the City as she passed On Sunday the five and twentieth of Ianuary she was Crowned in the Abbey Church at Westminster by Doctor Oglethorp Bishop of Carlile with all Solemnities and Ceremonies in such case accustomed At this time to honour her Coronation she conferred more Honour then in all her life after William Parre degraded by Queen Mary she made Marquesse of Northampton Edward Seymor whose father had been Attaynted she made Earl of Hertford Thomas Howard second son to Thomas Duke of Norfolk she made Viscount Bindon Sir Henry Carie her Cousin German she made Baron of Hunsdon and Sir Oliver St. Iohn she made Baron of Bletsho And now the Queen though she were her self very wise yet would not trust and it was a great point of wisedome that she would not trust to her own wisedome and therefore she chose Counsellors to assist her In which number she took Nicholas Heath Arch-bishop of York William Pawlet Marquesse of Winchester L. High Treasurer Henry Fitz Alan Earl of Arundell Francis Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury Edward Stanley Earl of Derby Wil. Herbert E. of Pembroke Edw. L. Clinton L. Admirall and William L. Howard of Effingham Sir Thomas Cheyney Sir William Peter Sir Richard Sackvyle and Nicholas Wootton Dean of Canterbury all which had been Counsellors to Queen Mary and were of her Religion But then to make a counter-poyse of Counsellors of her own Religion she joyned with them William Parre Marquesse of Northampton Francis Russell Earl of Bedford Sir Thomas Parry Sir Edward Rogers Sir Ambrose Cave Sir Francis Knolles and Sir William Cecill late Secretary to King Edw. the sixth and a little after Sir Nicholas Bacon whom she made Keeper of the Great Seal And having thus provided for her State at home she seeks correspondence with Princes abroad To the Emperour Ferdinand she sent in Embassage Sir Tho. Chaloner to the King of Spain in the Low-Countreyes the Lord Cobham to the Princes of Germany Sir Henry Killigrew Sir Aemygill W●ad to the Duke of Holst and another Ambassadour to the King of Denmark There were also Ambassadours sent to the Pope to the State of Venice and to the French King with whom at this time there was a Treaty of Peace holden at Cambray between the Kingdoms of France England and
Spain where for England was employed the Earl of Arundell Thursbey Bishop of Ely and Doctor Wootton Dean of Canterbury with whom William Lord Howard of Effingham was joyned by a new Commission As soon as King Philip heard of the death of his wife Queen Mary pa●●ly out of considerations of State and partly out of affection of love he solicited Q. Elizabeth by his Ambassadour the Earl of Feria to joyni● Marriage with himself which was no more for two sisters to have successively one husband then was done before for two brothers to have successively one wife and for this he promised to procure a Dispensation from the Pope To which motion the Queen though she well knew That to allow a Dispensation in this case to be sufficient were to make her own Birth Illegitimate yet to so great a Prince and who in her sisters time had done her many favours she would not return so blunt an Answer but putting the Ambassadou● off for the present in modest tearms She conceived there would be no better way to take him off clean from further sute then by bringing in an Alteration of Religion which yet she would not do all at once and upon the sudden as knowing the great danger of sudden changes but by little and little and by degrees as at first she permitted onely Epistles and Gospels the Ten Commandments the Lords Prayer and the Creed to be read to the People in the English Tongue in all other matters they were to follow the Romane Rite and Custome untill order could be taken for establishing of Religion by Authority of Parliament and a severe Proclamation was set forth prohibiting all Points of Controversie to be medled with by which means she both put the Protestants in hope and put not Papists out of hope Yet privately she committed the correcting of the Book of Common Prayer set forth in the English Tongue under King Edward the sixth to the care and diligence of Doctor Parker Bill May Cox Grindall Whitehead and Pilkington Divines of great Learning with whom she joyned Sir Thomas Smith a learned Knight but the matter carryed so closely that it was not communicated to any but ●o the Marquesse of Northampton the Earl of Bedford and Sir William Cecile The two and twentieth of March the use of the Lords Supper in both kindes was by Parliament allowed The four and twentieth of Iune the Sacrifice of the Masse was abolished and the Liturgy in the English Tongue established though as some say but with the difference of six voyces In Iuly the Oath of Supremacy was propounded to the Bishops and others And in August Images were removed out of Churches and broken or burnt By these degrees the Religion was changed and yet the change to the wonder of the world bred no disturbance which if it had been done at once and on the sudden would hardly at least not without dangerous opposition have been admitted During this time a Parliament had been summoned to begin at Westminster upon the fifteenth of Ianuary and now the Queen for satisfaction of the people appointed a Conference to be held between the Prelates of the Realm and Protestant Divines now newly returned who had fled the Realm in the time of Queen Mary for the Prelates were chosen Iohn White Bishop of Winchester Ralph Bayne Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield Thomas Watson Bishop of Lincolne Doctor Cole Dean of Pauls Doctor Langdell Arch-deacon of Lewis Doctor Harpsefield Arch-deacon f Canterbury and Doctor Chadsey Arch-deacon of Middlesex For the Protestant side were appointed Doctor Scory Doctor Cox Doctor Sands Doctor Whitehead Doctor Grindall Master Horne Master Guest Master Elmer and Master Iuell The place was prepared in Westminster Church where besides the Disputants were present the Lords of the Queens Councell with other of the Nobility as also many of the Lower House of Parliament The Articles propounded against the Prelates and their adherents were these First That it is against the Word of God and the Custome of the ancient Church to use a Tongue unknown to the people in common Prayer and in the Administration of the Sacraments Secondly That every Church hath authority to appoint and change Ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall Rites so they be to edification Thirdly That it cannot be proved by the Word of God that there is in the Masse a Sacrifice Propitiatory for the living and the dead For the manner of their Conference it was agreed it should be performed in writing and that the Bishops should deliver their Reasons in writing first The last of March was the first day of their meeting where contrary to the Order the Bishops brought nothing in writing but said They would deliver their mindes onely by Speech This breaking of Order much displeased the Lords yet they had it granted Then rose up Doctor Cole and made a large Declaration concerning the first Poynt when he had ended the Lords demanded if any of them had more to say who answered No Then the Protestant Party exhibited a written Book which was distinctly read by Master Horne This done some of the Bishops began to affirm they had much more to say in the first Article This again much displeased the Lords yet this also was granted them to do at their next meeting on Munday next but when Munday came so many other differences arose between them that the Conference broke off and nothing was determined But in the Parliament there was better Agreement for there it was enacted That Queen Elizabeth was the lawfull and undoubted Queen of England notwithstanding a Law made by her Father King Henry the eighth that excluded both her and her sister Mary from the Crown seeing though the Law be not repealed yet it is a Principle in Law That the Crown once gained taketh away all defects Also in this Parliament First fruits and Tenths were restored to the Crown and the Title of Supreme Head of the Church of England was confirmed to the Queen with so universall consent that in the Upper House none opposed these Laws but onely the Earl of Shrewsbury and Sir Anthony Brown Viscount Mountague and in the Lower House only some few of Papall inclination murmured saying That the Parliament was packt and that the Duke of Norfolk the Earl of Arundel and Sir William Cecill for their own ends had cunningly begged voyces to make up their Party The Supremacie thus confirmed to the Queen the Oath was soon after tendred to the Bishops and others of whom as many as refused to take it were presently deprived of their livings And that we may see how inclining the Kingdom at this time was to receive the Protestant Religion It is said that in the whole Realm wherein are reckoned above Nine thousand Spirituall Promotions there were no more that refused to take the Oath but onely fourscore Parsons fifty Prebendaries fifteen Masters of Colledges twelve Archdeacons twelve Deans six Abbots and fourteen Bishops indeed all that were at that time