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kingdom_n call_v father_n lord_n 2,649 5 3.5290 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18645 The declaracyon and power of the Chrysten fayth 1545 (1545) STC 5160; ESTC S109151 9,457 30

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¶ The declaracyon and power of the Chrysten fayth ¶ He that beleueth on me hath euerlastynge lyfe Iohn̄ .vj. ¶ Here worketh in the beleuynge man fayth thorowe loue the good workes whiche God hath ordeyned to the entent that we shulde walke therin Ephe. ij ¶ He that loueth his neyghboure as hym selfe kepeth all the cōmaundementes of god Mat. vij Rom. xiij Gala. v. ¶ This is the victory that ouercōmeth the world our Beleue .i. Iohn̄ .v. For Chryst saith be of good chere I haue ouercome the worlde Iohn̄ .xvj. ¶ worlde ¶ All that is in the worlde is the lust of the flesshe the lust of the iyes and the pryde of goodes .i. Iohn̄ .ii. and he that soweth in his flesshe shall of the flesshe repe corrupcyon Gala. vii ¶ Flesshe blode ¶ Flesshe and blode shall not inheryte the kyngedom of god .i. Cor. xv Chap y. For the flesshe lusteth contrary to the spyryte Gala. Ca. ¶ Deuyll ¶ Your aduersary the deuyll as a rorynge lyon w●lketh aboute sekynge whō he may deuoure i. ●…e v. Ca. Chryste hath put downe hym that h●… fordeshyp ouer deathe that is to say the deu●●l Heb. ii Ca. C. FOr as muche as the holy Scrypture / is a mooste precyous Iuwell / and cōmeth thorowe grace vnto them whiche receaue it in fayth thorowe the holy ghost the whiche doth teache and leade vs to that euerlastynge lyfe which word also is very Cihyst hym selfe Now he that entreth not in by this dore into the shepe folde but clymeth vp some other way the same is a thefe and a robber I am sayth Chryst the way the truthe and the lyfe euery one that beleueth on me hath euerlastynge lyfe Thus must● euery true chrysten spryng out of christ folowing his fote steppes in thy lyuinge or els it can not appere that Chryst abideth in the thou in hym as the braūch in the vyne or in the good tree for yf that thou lyke vnto the good tree Chryste bryngeth not forth good fruyte and fo●●we hym in teachynge sufferynge and to make short in all thy lyuynge so canst thou not be of his flocke for all that are in christ doth folowe christ in theyr liuing THe worlde sayeth that they knowe god with theyr good workes the which is none other but the preceptes of men that they teache and obserue for that call they goddes seruys but it is nothyng so they vnderstande not what they speake neyther wherof they affyrme which are but mēnes fables and with them turne they men from the truth but the kyngdome of god stādeth not in wordes but in power Why make ye your booste of me sayth christ say Lorde Lorde and do not that which I cōmaund you not one of you that say vnto me Lorde / lord shall come vnto me but they that do my fathers wyll which is in heauen that is what soeuer ye wolde that men shulde do to you euen so do to them for this is the lawes and the prophetes He that he●●eth my worde and doth not there aft●● is lyke vnto a very foole I am the vyne and ye are the braunches he that abydeth in me and I in hym the same bryngeth forth moch frute wylt thou know mā what maner of fruytes Christ meaneth Verely the fruytes of the spryte the whiche is loue ioye peace long sufferynge gentlenes all goodnes faythfulnes mekenes temperancye ryghtwysenes and trueth Who soeuer is voyde of these and foloweth not them so is he no tree of the holy spyryte nor yet none of his plāttes although he be bysshop docter parson c. ye although he can preache and teache prate neuer so goodly of the scrypture For so longe as he foloweth not these fruytes of the spyryte with his lyuynge dysceaueth hym selfe although he thynketh and sayeth that he beleueth in Christ and is a chrystian neuerthelesse he is not in Chryste but far wyde of frō hym lyke vnto those Iewes which sayde they were the sede of Abra●am but Chryste sayd that they were of thjeyr father the deuyl euen so are all they the chyldren of the deuyll in darkenes and be yet in the olde vnfruytefull tre of Adam so longe as we brynge not forth these true fruytes of the spryte althoughe we fast praye do neuer so moche it can not help vs so longe as we deny hym with our dedes are abhomynable and disobedyent to god and his holy worde THerfore derely beloued it is moste nedefull for vs fyrste with a repentynge herte to be conuerted to God and his worde and to edefy oure selues with the moste holy fayth that is in our lorde Chryst for the remyssyon of synnes And secōdarely to loue our bretherne for our heauenly fathers sake bycause they be created after his ymage and for our lorde mayster Chrystes sake which sayth loue ye one another lyke as I haue loued you And also bycause they be the pryce of his precyous blode And thyrdely 〈◊〉 longe and hope for the lyfe to come 〈◊〉 cause this lyfe can not be leade without syn̄e These thre poyntꝭ I meane fayth loue and hope are the profession and relygyon of a christen man the which god thorowe his spyryte marketh all that be his immediatly and as soone as they be ioyned to Chryst and made membres of his churche therfore sayeth Christ to all faythfull Mat. v. Let your lyght so shyne before men that they maye se your good workes and gloryfy your father whiche is in heuen lyke as you may se in the holy Scripture howe that fayth worketh thorowe loue the workes of mercy which is the offyce of loue to powre out agayn the same goodnesse that she hath receyued of God vpon her neyghboure and to be to her as she fealeth Chryste to her selfe The offyce of loue is onely to haue compassion and to bere with his neyghbour the burdayne of his infyrmytyes for he that loueth his brother abydeth in the lyght there is none offēdynge in hym 〈◊〉 is redy alwayes to help hym yee were it his ennemye And those men be the true chrysten and moste happy Chryste sayth Math. v. Blessyd are the mercyful for they shall obtayne mercye Loo here god hath made a couenaunt with vs to be mercyful vnto vs yf we wyl be mercyfull one to another so that the man whiche sheweth mercy vnto his neyghbour may be bolde to trust in God for mercye in all nedes for loue holdeth all a lyke the ryche the poore the frende and the foo the thankefull and vnthankeful the kynsemen and straūger So nowe yf he that sheweth no mercye trust in God for mercye his fayth is flesshely worldely for God hath promysed mercye onely to the mercyful And therfore the mercyles shall haue iudgement without mercye wherfore yf thyne ennemy hunger fede hym yf he thruste gyue hym drynke c. Roma xij Go to then and desyre god to prynte this profession of the christen fayth on thyne herte and to encrease it daylye more